path: root/zpu/hdl/zealot/devices
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'zpu/hdl/zealot/devices')
8 files changed, 1562 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/br_gen.vhdl b/zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/br_gen.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d14440e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/br_gen.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+---- ----
+---- RS-232 baudrate generator ----
+---- ----
+---- ----
+---- ----
+---- Description: ----
+---- This counter is a parametrizable clock divider. The count value is ----
+---- the generic parameter COUNT. It has a chip enable ce_i input. ----
+---- (will count only if CE is high). ----
+---- When it overflows, will emit a pulse on o_o. ----
+---- ----
+---- To Do: ----
+---- - ----
+---- ----
+---- Author: ----
+---- - Philippe Carton, philippe.carton2 ----
+---- - Juan Pablo Daniel Borgna, jpdborgna ----
+---- - Salvador E. Tropea, salvador ----
+---- ----
+---- ----
+---- Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Philippe Carton ----
+---- Copyright (c) 2005 Juan Pablo Daniel Borgna ----
+---- Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Salvador E. Tropea ----
+---- Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial ----
+---- ----
+---- Distributed under the GPL license ----
+---- ----
+---- ----
+---- Design unit: BRGen(Behaviour) (Entity and architecture) ----
+---- File name: br_gen.vhdl ----
+---- Note: None ----
+---- Limitations: None known ----
+---- Errors: None known ----
+---- Library: zpu ----
+---- Dependencies: IEEE.std_logic_1164 ----
+---- Target FPGA: Spartan ----
+---- Language: VHDL ----
+---- Wishbone: No ----
+---- Synthesis tools: Xilinx Release 9.2.03i - xst J.39 ----
+---- Simulation tools: GHDL [Sokcho edition] (0.2x) ----
+---- Text editor: SETEdit 0.5.x ----
+---- ----
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+entity BRGen is
+ generic(
+ COUNT : integer range 0 to 65535);-- Count revolution
+ port (
+ clk_i : in std_logic; -- Clock
+ reset_i : in std_logic; -- Reset input
+ ce_i : in std_logic; -- Chip Enable
+ o_o : out std_logic); -- Output
+end entity BRGen;
+architecture Behaviour of BRGen is
+ CountGen:
+ if COUNT/=1 generate
+ Counter:
+ process (clk_i)
+ variable cnt : integer range 0 to COUNT-1;
+ begin
+ if rising_edge(clk_i) then
+ o_o <= '0';
+ if reset_i='1' then
+ cnt:=COUNT-1;
+ elsif ce_i='1' then
+ if cnt=0 then
+ o_o <= '1';
+ cnt:=COUNT-1;
+ else
+ cnt:=cnt-1;
+ end if; -- cnt/=0
+ end if; -- ce_i='1'
+ end if; -- rising_edge(clk_i)
+ end process Counter;
+ end generate CountGen;
+ CountWire:
+ if COUNT=1 generate
+ o_o <= '0' when reset_i='1' else ce_i;
+ end generate CountWire;
+end architecture Behaviour; -- Entity: BRGen
diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/gpio.vhdl b/zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/gpio.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc66bde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/gpio.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+-- this module desribes a simple GPIO interface
+-- data on port_in is synhronized to clk_i and can be read at
+-- address 0
+-- any write to address 0 is mapped to port_out
+-- at address 1 is a direction register (port_dir)
+-- initialized with '1's, what mean direction = in
+-- this register is useful for bidirectional pins, e.g. headers
+-- some examples:
+-- to connect 4 buttons:
+-- port_in( 3 downto 0) <= gpio_button;
+-- to connect 8 LEDs:
+-- gpio_led <= port_out(7 downto 0);
+-- to connect 2 bidirectional header pins:
+-- port_in(8) <= gpio_pin(0);
+-- gpio_pin(0) <= port_out(8) when port_dir(8) = '0' else 'Z';
+-- port_in(9) <= gpio_pin(1);
+-- gpio_pin(1) <= port_out(9) when port_dir(9) = '0' else 'Z';
+library ieee;
+use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+entity gpio is
+ port(
+ clk_i : in std_logic;
+ reset_i : in std_logic;
+ --
+ we_i : in std_logic;
+ data_i : in unsigned(31 downto 0);
+ addr_i : in unsigned( 0 downto 0);
+ data_o : out unsigned(31 downto 0);
+ --
+ port_in : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+ port_out : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+ port_dir : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0)
+ );
+end entity gpio;
+architecture rtl of gpio is
+ signal port_in_reg : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+ signal port_in_sync : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+ --
+ signal direction : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := (others => '1');
+ process
+ begin
+ wait until rising_edge( clk_i);
+ -- synchronize all inputs with two registers
+ -- to avoid metastability
+ port_in_reg <= port_in;
+ port_in_sync <= port_in_reg;
+ -- write access to gpio
+ if we_i = '1' then
+ -- data
+ if addr_i = "0" then
+ port_out <= std_logic_vector( data_i);
+ end if;
+ -- direction
+ if addr_i = "1" then
+ direction <= std_logic_vector( data_i);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- read access to gpio
+ -- data
+ if addr_i = "0" then
+ data_o <= unsigned( port_in_sync);
+ end if;
+ -- direction
+ if addr_i = "1" then
+ data_o <= unsigned( direction);
+ end if;
+ -- outputs
+ port_dir <= direction;
+ -- sync reset
+ if reset_i = '1' then
+ direction <= (others => '1');
+ port_in_reg <= (others => '0');
+ port_in_sync <= (others => '0');
+ end if;
+ end process;
+end architecture rtl;
diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/phi_io.vhdl b/zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/phi_io.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e40d1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/phi_io.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+---- ----
+---- ZPU Phi I/O ----
+---- ----
+---- ----
+---- ----
+---- Description: ----
+---- ZPU is a 32 bits small stack cpu. This is the minimum I/O devices ----
+---- assumed by the libc. They are a timer and an UART.@p ----
+---- Important! this is currently a simulation only model, no UART ----
+---- provided and it unconditionally generates a log. ----
+---- Important! not all peripherals implemented! ----
+---- Important! The enable signals assumes this is mapped @ 0x80A00xx. ----
+---- ----
+---- To Do: ----
+---- - ----
+---- ----
+---- Author: ----
+---- - Øyvind Harboe, oyvind.harboe ----
+---- - Salvador E. Tropea, salvador ----
+---- ----
+---- ----
+---- Copyright (c) 2008 Øyvind Harboe <oyvind.harboe> ----
+---- Copyright (c) 2008 Salvador E. Tropea <salvador> ----
+---- Copyright (c) 2008 Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial ----
+---- ----
+---- Distributed under the BSD license ----
+---- ----
+---- ----
+---- Design unit: ZPUPhiIO(Behave) (Entity and architecture) ----
+---- File name: phi_io.vhdl ----
+---- Note: None ----
+---- Limitations: Only for simulation. ----
+---- Errors: None known ----
+---- Library: zpu ----
+---- Dependencies: IEEE.std_logic_1164 ----
+---- IEEE.numeric_std ----
+---- std.textio ----
+---- zpu.zpupkg ----
+---- zpu.txt_util ----
+---- Target FPGA: Spartan 3 (XC3S1500-4-FG456) ----
+---- Language: VHDL ----
+---- Wishbone: No ----
+---- Synthesis tools: N/A ----
+---- Simulation tools: GHDL [Sokcho edition] (0.2x) ----
+---- Text editor: SETEdit 0.5.x ----
+---- ----
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
+use std.textio.all;
+library zpu;
+use zpu.zpupkg.timer;
+use zpu.zpupkg.gpio;
+use zpu.UART.all;
+use zpu.txt_util.all;
+entity ZPUPhiIO is
+ generic(
+ BRDIVISOR : positive:=1; -- Baud rate divisor i.e. br_clk/9600/4
+ ENA_LOG : boolean:=true; -- Enable log
+ LOG_FILE : string:="log.txt"); -- Name for the log file
+ port(
+ clk_i : in std_logic; -- System Clock
+ reset_i : in std_logic; -- Synchronous Reset
+ busy_o : out std_logic; -- I/O is busy
+ we_i : in std_logic; -- Write Enable
+ re_i : in std_logic; -- Read Enable
+ data_i : in unsigned(31 downto 0);
+ data_o : out unsigned(31 downto 0);
+ addr_i : in unsigned(2 downto 0); -- Address bits 4-2
+ --
+ rs232_rx_i : in std_logic; -- UART Rx input
+ rs232_tx_o : out std_logic; -- UART Tx output
+ br_clk_i : in std_logic; -- UART base clock (enable)
+ --
+ gpio_in : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+ gpio_out : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+ gpio_dir : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) -- 1 = in, 0 = out
+ );
+end entity ZPUPhiIO;
+architecture Behave of ZPUPhiIO is
+ constant LOW_BITS : unsigned(1 downto 0):=(others=>'0');
+ constant TX_FULL : std_logic:='0';
+ constant RX_EMPTY : std_logic:='1';
+ -- "000" 0x00 is CPU enable ... useful?
+ constant IO_DATA : unsigned(2 downto 0):="001"; -- 0x04
+ constant IO_DIR : unsigned(2 downto 0):="010"; -- 0x08
+ constant UART_TX : unsigned(2 downto 0):="011"; -- 0x0C
+ constant UART_RX : unsigned(2 downto 0):="100"; -- 0x10
+ constant CNT_1 : unsigned(2 downto 0):="101"; -- 0x14
+ constant CNT_2 : unsigned(2 downto 0):="110"; -- 0x18
+ -- "111" 0x1C Unused
+ -- Unimplemented: Interrupt control and timer (not counter ...?)
+ signal timer_read : unsigned(31 downto 0);
+ signal timer_we : std_logic;
+ signal is_timer : std_logic;
+ -- UART
+ -- Rx
+ signal rx_br : std_logic; -- Rx timing
+ signal uart_read : std_logic; -- ZPU read the value
+ signal rx_avail : std_logic; -- Rx data available
+ signal rx_data : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- Rx data
+ -- Tx
+ signal tx_br : std_logic; -- Tx timing
+ signal uart_write : std_logic; -- ZPU is writing
+ signal tx_busy : std_logic; -- Tx can't get a new value
+ -- GPIO
+ signal gpio_we : std_logic;
+ signal is_gpio : std_logic;
+ signal gpio_read : unsigned(31 downto 0);
+ file l_file : text open write_mode is LOG_FILE;
+ -----------
+ -- Timer --
+ -----------
+ timerinst: Timer
+ port map(
+ clk_i => clk_i, reset_i => reset_i, we_i => timer_we,
+ data_i => data_i, addr_i => addr_i(1 downto 1),
+ data_o => timer_read);
+ busy_o <= we_i or re_i;
+ is_timer <= '1' when to_01(addr_i)=CNT_1 or to_01(addr_i)=CNT_2 else '0'; -- 0x80A0014/8
+ timer_we <= we_i and is_timer;
+ ----------
+ -- UART --
+ ----------
+ -- Rx section
+ rx_core : RxUnit
+ port map(
+ clk_i => clk_i, reset_i => reset_i, enable_i => rx_br,
+ read_i => uart_read, rxd_i => rs232_rx_i, rxav_o => rx_avail,
+ datao_o => rx_data);
+ uart_read <= '1' when re_i='1' and addr_i=UART_RX else '0';
+ -- Tx section
+ tx_core : TxUnit
+ port map(
+ clk_i => clk_i, reset_i => reset_i, enable_i => tx_br,
+ load_i => uart_write, txd_o => rs232_tx_o, busy_o => tx_busy,
+ datai_i => std_logic_vector(data_i(7 downto 0)));
+ uart_write <= '1' when we_i='1' and addr_i=UART_TX else '0';
+ -- Rx timing
+ rx_timer : BRGen
+ generic map(COUNT => BRDIVISOR)
+ port map(
+ clk_i => clk_i, reset_i => reset_i, ce_i => br_clk_i, o_o => rx_br);
+ -- Tx timing
+ tx_timer : BRGen -- 4 Divider for Tx
+ generic map(COUNT => 4)
+ port map(
+ clk_i => clk_i, reset_i => reset_i, ce_i => rx_br, o_o => tx_br);
+ ----------
+ -- GPIO --
+ ----------
+ gpio_i0: gpio
+ port map(
+ clk_i => clk_i, -- : in std_logic;
+ reset_i => reset_i, -- : in std_logic;
+ --
+ we_i => gpio_we, -- : in std_logic;
+ data_i => data_i, -- : in unsigned(31 downto 0);
+ addr_i => addr_i(1 downto 1), -- : in unsigned( 0 downto 0);
+ data_o => gpio_read, -- : out unsigned(31 downto 0);
+ --
+ port_in => gpio_in, -- : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+ port_out => gpio_out, -- : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+ port_dir => gpio_dir -- : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+ );
+ is_gpio <= '1' when to_01(addr_i) = IO_DATA or to_01(addr_i) = IO_DIR else '0'; -- 0x80A0004/8
+ gpio_we <= we_i and is_gpio;
+ do_io:
+ process(clk_i)
+ --synopsys translate off
+ variable line_out : line := new string'("");
+ variable char : character;
+ --synopsys translate on
+ begin
+ if rising_edge(clk_i) then
+ if reset_i/='1' then
+ --synopsys translate off
+ if we_i='1' then
+ if addr_i=UART_TX and ENA_LOG then -- 0x80a000c
+ -- Write to UART
+ print("- Write to UART Tx: 0x" &hstr(data_i)&" ("&
+ character'val(to_integer(data_i) mod 256)&")");
+ char := character'val(to_integer(data_i));
+ if char = lf then
+ std.textio.writeline(l_file, line_out);
+ else
+ std.textio.write(line_out, char);
+ end if;
+ elsif is_gpio = '1' and ENA_LOG then
+ print("- Write GPIO: 0x" & hstr(data_i));
+ elsif is_timer='1' and ENA_LOG then
+ print("- Write to TIMER: 0x" & hstr(data_i));
+ else
+ --print(l_file,character'val(to_integer(data_i)));
+ report "Illegal IO data_i=0x"&hstr(data_i)&" @0x"&
+ hstr(x"80a00"&"000"&addr_i&"00") severity warning;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ --synopsys translate on
+ data_o <= (others => '0');
+ if re_i='1' then
+ if is_gpio = '1' then
+ if ENA_LOG then
+ print("- Read GPIO: 0x" & hstr(gpio_read));
+ end if;
+ data_o <= gpio_read;
+ elsif addr_i=UART_TX then
+ if ENA_LOG then
+ print("- Read UART Tx");
+ end if;
+ data_o(8) <= not(tx_busy); -- output fifo not full
+ elsif addr_i=UART_RX then
+ if ENA_LOG then
+ print("- Read UART Rx");
+ end if;
+ data_o(8) <= rx_avail; -- receiver not empty
+ data_o(7 downto 0) <= unsigned(rx_data);
+ elsif is_timer='1' then
+ if ENA_LOG then
+ print("- Read TIMER: 0x" & hstr(timer_read));
+ end if;
+ data_o <= timer_read;
+ else
+ report "Illegal IO data_o @0x"&
+ hstr(x"80a00"&"000"&addr_i&"00") severity warning;
+ end if;
+ end if; -- re_i='1'
+ end if; -- reset_i/='1'
+ end if; -- rising_edge(clk_i)
+ end process do_io;
+end Behave;
diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/rx_unit.vhdl b/zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/rx_unit.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9b3251
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/rx_unit.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+---- ----
+---- RS-232 simple Rx module ----
+---- ----
+---- ----
+---- ----
+---- Description: ----
+---- Implements a simple 8N1 rx module for RS-232. ----
+---- ----
+---- To Do: ----
+---- - ----
+---- ----
+---- Author: ----
+---- - Philippe Carton, philippe.carton2 ----
+---- - Juan Pablo Daniel Borgna, jpdborgna ----
+---- - Salvador E. Tropea, salvador ----
+---- ----
+---- ----
+---- Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Philippe Carton ----
+---- Copyright (c) 2005 Juan Pablo Daniel Borgna ----
+---- Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Salvador E. Tropea ----
+---- Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial ----
+---- ----
+---- Distributed under the GPL license ----
+---- ----
+---- ----
+---- Design unit: RxUnit(Behaviour) (Entity and architecture) ----
+---- File name: rx_unit.vhdl ----
+---- Note: None ----
+---- Limitations: None known ----
+---- Errors: None known ----
+---- Library: zpu ----
+---- Dependencies: IEEE.std_logic_1164 ----
+---- Target FPGA: Spartan ----
+---- Language: VHDL ----
+---- Wishbone: No ----
+---- Synthesis tools: Xilinx Release 9.2.03i - xst J.39 ----
+---- Simulation tools: GHDL [Sokcho edition] (0.2x) ----
+---- Text editor: SETEdit 0.5.x ----
+---- ----
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+entity RxUnit is
+ port(
+ clk_i : in std_logic; -- System clock signal
+ reset_i : in std_logic; -- Reset input (sync)
+ enable_i : in std_logic; -- Enable input (rate*4)
+ read_i : in std_logic; -- Received Byte Read
+ rxd_i : in std_logic; -- RS-232 data input
+ rxav_o : out std_logic; -- Byte available
+ datao_o : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)); -- Byte received
+end entity RxUnit;
+architecture Behaviour of RxUnit is
+ signal r_r : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- Receive register
+ signal bavail_r : std_logic:='0'; -- Byte received
+ rxav_o <= bavail_r;
+ -- Rx Process
+ RxProc:
+ process (clk_i)
+ variable bitpos : integer range 0 to 10; -- Position of the bit in the frame
+ variable samplecnt : integer range 0 to 3; -- Count from 0 to 3 in each bit
+ begin
+ if rising_edge(clk_i) then
+ if reset_i='1' then
+ bavail_r <= '0';
+ bitpos:=0;
+ else -- reset_i='0'
+ if read_i='1' then
+ bavail_r <= '0';
+ end if;
+ if enable_i='1' then
+ case bitpos is
+ when 0 => -- idle
+ bavail_r <= '0';
+ if rxd_i='0' then -- Start Bit
+ samplecnt:=0;
+ bitpos:=1;
+ end if;
+ when 10 => -- Stop Bit
+ bitpos:=0; -- next is idle
+ bavail_r <= '1'; -- Indicate byte received
+ datao_o <= r_r; -- Store received byte
+ when others =>
+ if samplecnt=1 and bitpos>=2 then -- Sample RxD on 1
+ r_r(bitpos-2) <= rxd_i; -- Deserialisation
+ end if;
+ if samplecnt=3 then -- Increment BitPos on 3
+ bitpos:=bitpos+1;
+ end if;
+ end case;
+ if samplecnt=3 then
+ samplecnt:=0;
+ else
+ samplecnt:=samplecnt+1;
+ end if;
+ end if; -- enable_i='1'
+ end if; -- reset_i='0'
+ end if; -- rising_edge(clk_i)
+ end process RxProc;
+end architecture Behaviour;
diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/timer.vhdl b/zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/timer.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..389868c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/timer.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+---- ----
+---- 64 bits clock counter ----
+---- ----
+---- ----
+---- ----
+---- Description: ----
+---- This is a peripheral used by the PHI I/O layout. It just counts the ----
+---- elapsed number of clocks. ----
+---- ----
+---- To Do: ----
+---- - ----
+---- ----
+---- Author: ----
+---- - Øyvind Harboe, oyvind.harboe ----
+---- - Salvador E. Tropea, salvador ----
+---- ----
+---- ----
+---- Copyright (c) 2008 Øyvind Harboe <oyvind.harboe> ----
+---- Copyright (c) 2008 Salvador E. Tropea <salvador> ----
+---- Copyright (c) 2008 Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial ----
+---- ----
+---- Distributed under the BSD license ----
+---- ----
+---- ----
+---- Design unit: Timer(Behave) (Entity and architecture) ----
+---- File name: timer.vhdl ----
+---- Note: None ----
+---- Limitations: None known ----
+---- Errors: None known ----
+---- Library: zpu ----
+---- Dependencies: IEEE.std_logic_1164 ----
+---- IEEE.numeric_std ----
+---- zpu.zpupkg ----
+---- Target FPGA: Spartan 3 (XC3S1500-4-FG456) ----
+---- Language: VHDL ----
+---- Wishbone: No ----
+---- Synthesis tools: Xilinx Release 9.2.03i - xst J.39 ----
+---- Simulation tools: GHDL [Sokcho edition] (0.2x) ----
+---- Text editor: SETEdit 0.5.x ----
+---- ----
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
+entity Timer is
+ port(
+ clk_i : in std_logic;
+ reset_i : in std_logic;
+ we_i : in std_logic;
+ data_i : in unsigned(31 downto 0);
+ addr_i : in unsigned(0 downto 0);
+ data_o : out unsigned(31 downto 0));
+end entity Timer;
+architecture Behave of Timer is
+ signal sample : std_logic;
+ signal reset : std_logic;
+ signal cnt : unsigned(63 downto 0);
+ signal cnt_smp : unsigned(63 downto 0);
+ reset <= '1' when (we_i='1' and data_i(0)='1') else '0';
+ sample <= '1' when (we_i='1' and data_i(1)='1') else '0';
+ -- Carry generation
+ do_timer:
+ process (clk_i)
+ begin
+ if rising_edge(clk_i) then
+ if reset_i='1' or reset='1' then
+ cnt <= (others => '0');
+ cnt_smp <= (others => '0');
+ else
+ cnt <= cnt+1;
+ if sample='1' then
+ -- report "sampling" severity failure;
+ cnt_smp <= cnt;
+ end if;
+ end if; -- else reset_i='1'
+ end if; -- rising_edge(clk_i)
+ end process do_timer;
+ data_o <= cnt_smp(31 downto 0) when to_01(addr_i)="0" else
+ cnt_smp(63 downto 32);
+end architecture Behave; -- Entity: Timer
diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/trace.vhdl b/zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/trace.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83d3782
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/trace.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+---- ----
+---- ZPU Trace Module ----
+---- ----
+---- ----
+---- ----
+---- Description: ----
+---- ZPU is a 32 bits small stack cpu. This is a module to log an ----
+---- execution trace. ----
+---- ----
+---- To Do: ----
+---- - ----
+---- ----
+---- Author: ----
+---- - Øyvind Harboe, oyvind.harboe ----
+---- - Salvador E. Tropea, salvador ----
+---- ----
+---- ----
+---- Copyright (c) 2008 Øyvind Harboe <oyvind.harboe> ----
+---- Copyright (c) 2008 Salvador E. Tropea <salvador> ----
+---- Copyright (c) 2008 Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial ----
+---- ----
+---- Distributed under the BSD license ----
+---- ----
+---- ----
+---- Design unit: Trace(Behave) (Entity and architecture) ----
+---- File name: trace.vhdl ----
+---- Note: None ----
+---- Limitations: None known ----
+---- Errors: None known ----
+---- Library: zpu ----
+---- Dependencies: IEEE.std_logic_1164 ----
+---- IEEE.numeric_std ----
+---- std.textio ----
+---- zpu.zpupkg ----
+---- zpu.txt_util ----
+---- Target FPGA: N/A ----
+---- Language: VHDL ----
+---- Wishbone: No ----
+---- Synthesis tools: N/A ----
+---- Simulation tools: GHDL [Sokcho edition] (0.2x) ----
+---- Text editor: SETEdit 0.5.x ----
+---- ----
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
+use std.textio.all;
+library zpu;
+use zpu.zpupkg.all;
+use zpu.txt_util.all;
+entity Trace is
+ generic(
+ LOG_FILE : string:="trace.txt"; -- Name of the trace file
+ ADDR_W : integer:=16; -- Address width
+ WORD_SIZE : integer:=32); -- 16/32
+ port(
+ clk_i : in std_logic;
+ dbg_i : in zpu_dbgo_t;
+ stop_i : in std_logic;
+ busy_i : in std_logic
+ );
+end entity Trace;
+architecture Behave of Trace is
+ file l_file : text open write_mode is LOG_FILE;
+ signal counter : unsigned(63 downto 0);
+ -- write data and control information to a file
+ receive_data:
+ process
+ variable l : line;
+ variable stk_min : unsigned(31 downto 0):=(others => '1');
+ variable stk_ini : unsigned(31 downto 0);
+ variable first : boolean:=true;
+ variable sp_off : unsigned(4 downto 0);
+ variable idim : boolean:=false;
+ variable im_val : unsigned(31 downto 0):=(others => '0');
+ begin
+ counter <= to_unsigned(1,64);
+ -- print header for the logfile
+ print(l_file,"#PC Opcode SP A=[SP] B=[SP+1] Clk Counter Assembler");
+ print(l_file,"#---------------------------------------------------------------------------");
+ print(l_file," ");
+ wait until clk_i='1';
+ wait until clk_i='0';
+ while true loop
+ counter <= counter+1;
+ if dbg_i.b_inst='1' then
+ write(l, "0x"&hstr(dbg_i.pc(ADDR_W-1 downto 0))&
+ " 0x"&hstr(dbg_i.opcode)&
+ " 0x"&hstr(dbg_i.sp)&
+ " 0x"&hstr(dbg_i.stk_a)&
+ " 0x"&hstr(dbg_i.stk_b)&
+ " 0x"&hstr(counter)&" ");
+ --------------------------
+ -- Instruction Decoder --
+ --------------------------
+ sp_off(4):=not dbg_i.opcode(4);
+ sp_off(3 downto 0):=dbg_i.opcode(3 downto 0);
+ if dbg_i.opcode(7 downto 7)=OPCODE_IM then
+ if idim then
+ im_val(31 downto 7):=im_val(24 downto 0);
+ im_val(6 downto 0):=dbg_i.opcode(6 downto 0);
+ else
+ im_val:=unsigned(resize(signed(dbg_i.opcode(6 downto 0)),32));
+ end if;
+ idim:=true;
+ write(l,"im 0x"&hstr(dbg_i.opcode(6 downto 0))&" ; 0x"&hstr(im_val));
+ elsif dbg_i.opcode(7 downto 5)=OPCODE_STORESP then
+ if sp_off=0 then
+ write(l,string'("storesp 0 ; pop"));
+ elsif sp_off=1 then
+ write(l,string'("storesp 4 ; 1*4 = popdown"));
+ else
+ write(l,"storesp "&integer'image(to_integer(sp_off)*4)&" ; "&
+ integer'image(to_integer(sp_off))&"*4");
+ end if;
+ elsif dbg_i.opcode(7 downto 5)=OPCODE_LOADSP then
+ if sp_off=0 then
+ write(l,string'("loadsp 0 ; dup"));
+ elsif sp_off=1 then
+ write(l,string'("loadsp 4 ; 1*4 = dupstkb"));
+ else
+ write(l,"loadsp "&integer'image(to_integer(sp_off)*4)&" ; "&
+ integer'image(to_integer(sp_off))&"*4");
+ end if;
+ elsif dbg_i.opcode(7 downto 5)=OPCODE_EMULATE then
+ if dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_EQ then
+ write(l,string'("eq"));
+ elsif dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_LOADB then
+ write(l,string'("loadb"));
+ elsif dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_NEQBRANCH then
+ write(l,string'("neqbranch"));
+ elsif dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_PUSHSPADD then
+ write(l,string'("pushspadd"));
+ elsif dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_LESSTHAN then
+ write(l,string'("lessthan"));
+ elsif dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_ULESSTHAN then
+ write(l,string'("ulessthan"));
+ elsif dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_MULT then
+ write(l,string'("mult"));
+ elsif dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_STOREB then
+ write(l,string'("storeb"));
+ elsif dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_CALLPCREL then
+ write(l,string'("callpcrel"));
+ elsif dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_SUB then
+ write(l,string'("sub"));
+ elsif dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_LESSTHANOREQUAL then
+ write(l,string'("lessthanorequal"));
+ elsif dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_ULESSTHANOREQUAL then
+ write(l,string'("ulessthanorequal"));
+ elsif dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_CALL then
+ write(l,string'("call"));
+ elsif dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_POPPCREL then
+ write(l,string'("poppcrel"));
+ elsif dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_LSHIFTRIGHT then
+ write(l,string'("lshiftright"));
+ elsif dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_LOADH then
+ write(l,string'("loadh"));
+ elsif dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_STOREH then
+ write(l,string'("storeh"));
+ elsif dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_ASHIFTLEFT then
+ write(l,string'("ashiftleft"));
+ elsif dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_ASHIFTRIGHT then
+ write(l,string'("ashiftright"));
+ elsif dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_NEQ then
+ write(l,string'("neq"));
+ elsif dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_NEG then
+ write(l,string'("neg"));
+ elsif dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_XOR then
+ write(l,string'("xor"));
+ elsif dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_DIV then
+ write(l,string'("div"));
+ elsif dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_MOD then
+ write(l,string'("mod"));
+ elsif dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_EQBRANCH then
+ write(l,string'("eqbranch"));
+ elsif dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_CONFIG then
+ write(l,string'("config"));
+ elsif dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)=OPCODE_PUSHPC then
+ write(l,string'("pushpc"));
+ else
+ write(l,integer'image(to_integer(dbg_i.opcode(5 downto 0)))&
+ " ; invalid emulated instruction");
+ end if;
+ elsif dbg_i.opcode(7 downto 4)=OPCODE_ADDSP then
+ if sp_off=0 then
+ write(l,string'("addsp 0 ; shift"));
+ elsif sp_off=1 then
+ write(l,string'("addsp 4 ; 1*4 = addtop"));
+ else
+ write(l,"addsp "&integer'image(to_integer(sp_off)*4)&" ; "&
+ integer'image(to_integer(sp_off))&"*4");
+ end if;
+ else -- OPCODE_SHORT
+ case dbg_i.opcode(3 downto 0) is
+ when OPCODE_BREAK =>
+ write(l,string'("break"));
+ write(l,string'("pushsp"));
+ when OPCODE_POPPC =>
+ write(l,string'("poppc"));
+ when OPCODE_ADD =>
+ write(l,string'("add"));
+ when OPCODE_OR =>
+ write(l,string'("or"));
+ when OPCODE_AND =>
+ write(l,string'("and"));
+ when OPCODE_LOAD =>
+ write(l,string'("load"));
+ when OPCODE_NOT =>
+ write(l,string'("not"));
+ when OPCODE_FLIP =>
+ write(l,string'("flip"));
+ when OPCODE_STORE =>
+ write(l,string'("store"));
+ when OPCODE_POPSP =>
+ write(l,string'("popsp"));
+ when OPCODE_NOP =>
+ write(l,string'("nop"));
+ when others =>
+ write(l,integer'image(to_integer(dbg_i.opcode))&
+ " ; invalid instruction");
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ if dbg_i.opcode(7 downto 7)/=OPCODE_IM then
+ idim:=false;
+ end if;
+ -----------------------------
+ -- End Instruction Decoder --
+ -----------------------------
+ writeline(l_file,l);
+ if dbg_i.sp<stk_min then
+ stk_min:=dbg_i.sp;
+ end if;
+ if first then
+ stk_ini:=dbg_i.sp+8;
+ first:=false;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ wait until clk_i='0' or stop_i='1';
+ if stop_i='1' then
+ print(output,"Minimum SP: 0x"&hstr(stk_min)&" Size: 0x"&hstr(stk_ini-stk_min));
+ wait;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end process receive_data;
+end Behave;
diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/tx_unit.vhdl b/zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/tx_unit.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73293f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/tx_unit.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+---- ----
+---- RS-232 simple Tx module ----
+---- ----
+---- ----
+---- ----
+---- Description: ----
+---- Implements a simple 8N1 tx module for RS-232. ----
+---- ----
+---- To Do: ----
+---- - ----
+---- ----
+---- Author: ----
+---- - Philippe Carton, philippe.carton2 ----
+---- - Juan Pablo Daniel Borgna, jpdborgna ----
+---- - Salvador E. Tropea, salvador ----
+---- ----
+---- ----
+---- Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Philippe Carton ----
+---- Copyright (c) 2005 Juan Pablo Daniel Borgna ----
+---- Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Salvador E. Tropea ----
+---- Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial ----
+---- ----
+---- Distributed under the GPL license ----
+---- ----
+---- ----
+---- Design unit: TxUnit(Behaviour) (Entity and architecture) ----
+---- File name: Txunit.vhdl ----
+---- Note: None ----
+---- Limitations: None known ----
+---- Errors: None known ----
+---- Library: zpu ----
+---- Dependencies: IEEE.std_logic_1164 ----
+---- zpu.UART ----
+---- Target FPGA: Spartan ----
+---- Language: VHDL ----
+---- Wishbone: No ----
+---- Synthesis tools: Xilinx Release 9.2.03i - xst J.39 ----
+---- Simulation tools: GHDL [Sokcho edition] (0.2x) ----
+---- Text editor: SETEdit 0.5.x ----
+---- ----
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+library zpu;
+use zpu.UART.all;
+entity TxUnit is
+ port (
+ clk_i : in std_logic; -- Clock signal
+ reset_i : in std_logic; -- Reset input
+ enable_i : in std_logic; -- Enable input
+ load_i : in std_logic; -- Load input
+ txd_o : out std_logic; -- RS-232 data output
+ busy_o : out std_logic; -- Tx Busy
+ datai_i : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)); -- Byte to transmit
+end entity TxUnit;
+architecture Behaviour of TxUnit is
+ signal tbuff_r : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- transmit buffer
+ signal t_r : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- transmit register
+ signal loaded_r : std_logic:='0'; -- Buffer loaded
+ signal txd_r : std_logic:='1'; -- Tx buffer ready
+ busy_o <= load_i or loaded_r;
+ txd_o <= txd_r;
+ -- Tx process
+ TxProc:
+ process (clk_i)
+ variable bitpos : integer range 0 to 10; -- Bit position in the frame
+ begin
+ if rising_edge(clk_i) then
+ if reset_i='1' then
+ loaded_r <= '0';
+ bitpos:=0;
+ txd_r <= '1';
+ else -- reset_i='0'
+ if load_i='1' then
+ tbuff_r <= datai_i;
+ loaded_r <= '1';
+ end if;
+ if enable_i='1' then
+ case bitpos is
+ when 0 => -- idle or stop bit
+ txd_r <= '1';
+ if loaded_r='1' then -- start transmit. next is start bit
+ t_r <= tbuff_r;
+ loaded_r <= '0';
+ bitpos:=1;
+ end if;
+ when 1 => -- Start bit
+ txd_r <= '0';
+ bitpos:=2;
+ when others =>
+ txd_r <= t_r(bitpos-2); -- Serialisation of t_r
+ bitpos:=bitpos+1;
+ end case;
+ if bitpos=10 then -- bit8. next is stop bit
+ bitpos:=0;
+ end if;
+ end if; -- enable_i='1'
+ end if; -- reset_i='0'
+ end if; -- rising_edge(clk_i)
+ end process TxProc;
+end architecture Behaviour;
diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/txt_util.vhdl b/zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/txt_util.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..862611c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zpu/hdl/zealot/devices/txt_util.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,541 @@
+---- ----
+---- Text Utils ----
+---- ----
+---- ----
+---- ----
+---- Description: ----
+---- Utils to handle text. Used for the testbenches. ----
+---- ----
+---- To Do: ----
+---- - ----
+---- ----
+---- Author: ----
+---- - Øyvind Harboe, oyvind.harboe ----
+---- ----
+---- ----
+---- Copyright (c) 2008 Øyvind Harboe <oyvind.harboe> ----
+---- ----
+---- Distributed under the BSD license ----
+---- ----
+---- ----
+---- Design unit: txt_util (Package) ----
+---- File name: txt_util.vhdl ----
+---- Note: None ----
+---- Limitations: None known ----
+---- Errors: None known ----
+---- Library: zpu ----
+---- Dependencies: IEEE.std_logic_1164 ----
+---- IEEE.numeric_std ----
+---- std.textio ----
+---- Target FPGA: N/A ----
+---- Language: VHDL ----
+---- Wishbone: No ----
+---- Synthesis tools: Xilinx Release 9.2.03i - xst J.39 ----
+---- Simulation tools: GHDL [Sokcho edition] (0.2x) ----
+---- Text editor: SETEdit 0.5.x ----
+---- ----
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
+use std.textio.all;
+library zpu;
+package txt_util is
+ -- prints a message to the screen
+ procedure print(text: string);
+ -- prints the message when active
+ -- useful for debug switches
+ procedure print(active: boolean; text: string);
+ -- converts std_logic into a character
+ function chr(sl: std_logic) return character;
+ -- converts std_logic into a string (1 to 1)
+ function str(sl: std_logic) return string;
+ -- converts std_logic_vector into a string (binary base)
+ function str(slv: std_logic_vector) return string;
+ -- converts boolean into a string
+ function str(b: boolean) return string;
+ -- converts an integer into a single character
+ -- (can also be used for hex conversion and other bases)
+ function chr(int: integer) return character;
+ -- converts integer into string using specified base
+ function str(int: integer; base: integer) return string;
+ -- converts integer to string, using base 10
+ function str(int: integer) return string;
+ -- convert std_logic_vector into a string in hex format
+ function hstr(slv: std_logic_vector) return string;
+ function hstr(slv: unsigned) return string;
+ -- functions to manipulate strings
+ -----------------------------------
+ -- convert a character to upper case
+ function to_upper(c: character) return character;
+ -- convert a character to lower case
+ function to_lower(c: character) return character;
+ -- convert a string to upper case
+ function to_upper(s: string) return string;
+ -- convert a string to lower case
+ function to_lower(s: string) return string;
+ -- functions to convert strings into other formats
+ --------------------------------------------------
+ -- converts a character into std_logic
+ function to_std_logic(c: character) return std_logic;
+ -- converts a string into std_logic_vector
+ function to_std_logic_vector(s: string) return std_logic_vector;
+ -- file I/O
+ -----------
+ -- read variable length string from input file
+ procedure str_read(file in_file: TEXT;
+ res_string: out string);
+ procedure str_write(file out_file: TEXT;
+ new_string: in string);
+ -- print string to a file and start new line
+ procedure print(file out_file: TEXT;
+ new_string: in string);
+ -- print character to a file and start new line
+ procedure print(file out_file: TEXT;
+ char: in character);
+end package txt_util;
+package body txt_util is
+ -- prints text to the screen
+ procedure print(text: string) is
+ variable msg_line: line;
+ begin
+ --synopsys translate off
+ write(msg_line, text);
+ writeline(output, msg_line);
+ --synopsys translate on
+ end procedure print;
+ -- prints text to the screen when active
+ procedure print(active: boolean; text: string) is
+ begin
+ if active then
+ print(text);
+ end if;
+ end procedure print;
+ -- converts std_logic into a character
+ function chr(sl: std_logic) return character is
+ variable c: character;
+ begin
+ case sl is
+ when 'U' => c:= 'U';
+ when 'X' => c:= 'X';
+ when '0' => c:= '0';
+ when '1' => c:= '1';
+ when 'Z' => c:= 'Z';
+ when 'W' => c:= 'W';
+ when 'L' => c:= 'L';
+ when 'H' => c:= 'H';
+ when '-' => c:= '-';
+ end case;
+ return c;
+ end function chr;
+ -- converts std_logic into a string (1 to 1)
+ function str(sl: std_logic) return string is
+ variable s: string(1 to 1);
+ begin
+ s(1):=chr(sl);
+ return s;
+ end function str;
+ -- converts std_logic_vector into a string (binary base)
+ -- (this also takes care of the fact that the range of
+ -- a string is natural while a std_logic_vector may
+ -- have an integer range)
+ function str(slv: std_logic_vector) return string is
+ variable result : string (1 to slv'length);
+ variable r : integer;
+ begin
+ r:=1;
+ for i in slv'range loop
+ result(r) := chr(slv(i));
+ r:=r+1;
+ end loop;
+ return result;
+ end function str;
+ function str(b: boolean) return string is
+ begin
+ if b then
+ return "true";
+ else
+ return "false";
+ end if;
+ end function str;
+ -- converts an integer into a character
+ -- for 0 to 9 the obvious mapping is used, higher
+ -- values are mapped to the characters A-Z
+ -- (this is usefull for systems with base > 10)
+ -- (adapted from Steve Vogwell's posting in comp.lang.vhdl)
+ function chr(int: integer) return character is
+ variable c: character;
+ begin
+ case int is
+ when 0 => c := '0';
+ when 1 => c := '1';
+ when 2 => c := '2';
+ when 3 => c := '3';
+ when 4 => c := '4';
+ when 5 => c := '5';
+ when 6 => c := '6';
+ when 7 => c := '7';
+ when 8 => c := '8';
+ when 9 => c := '9';
+ when 10 => c := 'A';
+ when 11 => c := 'B';
+ when 12 => c := 'C';
+ when 13 => c := 'D';
+ when 14 => c := 'E';
+ when 15 => c := 'F';
+ when 16 => c := 'G';
+ when 17 => c := 'H';
+ when 18 => c := 'I';
+ when 19 => c := 'J';
+ when 20 => c := 'K';
+ when 21 => c := 'L';
+ when 22 => c := 'M';
+ when 23 => c := 'N';
+ when 24 => c := 'O';
+ when 25 => c := 'P';
+ when 26 => c := 'Q';
+ when 27 => c := 'R';
+ when 28 => c := 'S';
+ when 29 => c := 'T';
+ when 30 => c := 'U';
+ when 31 => c := 'V';
+ when 32 => c := 'W';
+ when 33 => c := 'X';
+ when 34 => c := 'Y';
+ when 35 => c := 'Z';
+ when others => c := '?';
+ end case;
+ return c;
+ end function chr;
+ -- convert integer to string using specified base
+ -- (adapted from Steve Vogwell's posting in comp.lang.vhdl)
+ function str(int: integer; base: integer) return string is
+ variable temp : string(1 to 10);
+ variable num : integer;
+ variable abs_int : integer;
+ variable len : integer:=1;
+ variable power : integer:=1;
+ begin
+ -- bug fix for negative numbers
+ abs_int:=abs(int);
+ num :=abs_int;
+ while num>=base loop -- Determine how many
+ len:=len+1; -- characters required
+ num:=num/base; -- to represent the
+ end loop; -- number.
+ for i in len downto 1 loop -- Convert the number to
+ temp(i):=chr(abs_int/power mod base); -- a string starting
+ power:=power*base; -- with the right hand
+ end loop ; -- side.
+ -- return result and add sign if required
+ if int<0 then
+ return '-'& temp(1 to len);
+ else
+ return temp(1 to len);
+ end if;
+ end function str;
+ -- convert integer to string, using base 10
+ function str(int: integer) return string is
+ begin
+ return str(int, 10) ;
+ end function str;
+ -- converts a std_logic_vector into a hex string.
+ function hstr(slv: std_logic_vector) return string is
+ variable hexlen: integer;
+ variable longslv : std_logic_vector(67 downto 0):=(others => '0');
+ variable hex : string(1 to 16);
+ variable fourbit : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+ begin
+ hexlen:=(slv'left+1)/4;
+ if (slv'left+1) mod 4/=0 then
+ hexlen := hexlen + 1;
+ end if;
+ longslv(slv'left downto 0) := slv;
+ for i in (hexlen-1) downto 0 loop
+ fourbit:=longslv(((i*4)+3) downto (i*4));
+ case fourbit is
+ when "0000" => hex(hexlen-I):='0';
+ when "0001" => hex(hexlen-I):='1';
+ when "0010" => hex(hexlen-I):='2';
+ when "0011" => hex(hexlen-I):='3';
+ when "0100" => hex(hexlen-I):='4';
+ when "0101" => hex(hexlen-I):='5';
+ when "0110" => hex(hexlen-I):='6';
+ when "0111" => hex(hexlen-I):='7';
+ when "1000" => hex(hexlen-I):='8';
+ when "1001" => hex(hexlen-I):='9';
+ when "1010" => hex(hexlen-I):='A';
+ when "1011" => hex(hexlen-I):='B';
+ when "1100" => hex(hexlen-I):='C';
+ when "1101" => hex(hexlen-I):='D';
+ when "1110" => hex(hexlen-I):='E';
+ when "1111" => hex(hexlen-I):='F';
+ when "ZZZZ" => hex(hexlen-I):='z';
+ when "UUUU" => hex(hexlen-I):='u';
+ when "XXXX" => hex(hexlen-I):='x';
+ when others => hex(hexlen-I):='?';
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ return hex(1 to hexlen);
+ end function hstr;
+ function hstr(slv: unsigned) return string is
+ begin
+ return hstr(std_logic_vector(slv));
+ end function hstr;
+ -- functions to manipulate strings
+ -----------------------------------
+ -- convert a character to upper case
+ function to_upper(c: character) return character is
+ variable u: character;
+ begin
+ case c is
+ when 'a' => u:='A';
+ when 'b' => u:='B';
+ when 'c' => u:='C';
+ when 'd' => u:='D';
+ when 'e' => u:='E';
+ when 'f' => u:='F';
+ when 'g' => u:='G';
+ when 'h' => u:='H';
+ when 'i' => u:='I';
+ when 'j' => u:='J';
+ when 'k' => u:='K';
+ when 'l' => u:='L';
+ when 'm' => u:='M';
+ when 'n' => u:='N';
+ when 'o' => u:='O';
+ when 'p' => u:='P';
+ when 'q' => u:='Q';
+ when 'r' => u:='R';
+ when 's' => u:='S';
+ when 't' => u:='T';
+ when 'u' => u:='U';
+ when 'v' => u:='V';
+ when 'w' => u:='W';
+ when 'x' => u:='X';
+ when 'y' => u:='Y';
+ when 'z' => u:='Z';
+ when others => u:=c;
+ end case;
+ return u;
+ end function to_upper;
+ -- convert a character to lower case
+ function to_lower(c: character) return character is
+ variable l: character;
+ begin
+ case c is
+ when 'A' => l:='a';
+ when 'B' => l:='b';
+ when 'C' => l:='c';
+ when 'D' => l:='d';
+ when 'E' => l:='e';
+ when 'F' => l:='f';
+ when 'G' => l:='g';
+ when 'H' => l:='h';
+ when 'I' => l:='i';
+ when 'J' => l:='j';
+ when 'K' => l:='k';
+ when 'L' => l:='l';
+ when 'M' => l:='m';
+ when 'N' => l:='n';
+ when 'O' => l:='o';
+ when 'P' => l:='p';
+ when 'Q' => l:='q';
+ when 'R' => l:='r';
+ when 'S' => l:='s';
+ when 'T' => l:='t';
+ when 'U' => l:='u';
+ when 'V' => l:='v';
+ when 'W' => l:='w';
+ when 'X' => l:='x';
+ when 'Y' => l:='y';
+ when 'Z' => l:='z';
+ when others => l:=c;
+ end case;
+ return l;
+ end function to_lower;
+ -- convert a string to upper case
+ function to_upper(s: string) return string is
+ variable uppercase: string (s'range);
+ begin
+ for i in s'range loop
+ uppercase(i):=to_upper(s(i));
+ end loop;
+ return uppercase;
+ end to_upper;
+ -- convert a string to lower case
+ function to_lower(s: string) return string is
+ variable lowercase: string (s'range);
+ begin
+ for i in s'range loop
+ lowercase(i):=to_lower(s(i));
+ end loop;
+ return lowercase;
+ end to_lower;
+ -- functions to convert strings into other types
+ -- converts a character into a std_logic
+ function to_std_logic(c: character) return std_logic is
+ variable sl : std_logic;
+ begin
+ case c is
+ when 'U' =>
+ sl:='U';
+ when 'X' =>
+ sl:='X';
+ when '0' =>
+ sl:='0';
+ when '1' =>
+ sl:='1';
+ when 'Z' =>
+ sl:='Z';
+ when 'W' =>
+ sl:='W';
+ when 'L' =>
+ sl:='L';
+ when 'H' =>
+ sl:='H';
+ when '-' =>
+ sl:='-';
+ when others =>
+ sl:='X';
+ end case;
+ return sl;
+ end function to_std_logic;
+ -- converts a string into std_logic_vector
+ function to_std_logic_vector(s: string) return std_logic_vector is
+ variable slv : std_logic_vector(s'high-s'low downto 0);
+ variable k : integer;
+ begin
+ k:=s'high-s'low;
+ for i in s'range loop
+ slv(k):=to_std_logic(s(i));
+ k :=k-1;
+ end loop;
+ return slv;
+ end function to_std_logic_vector;
+ ----------------
+ -- file I/O --
+ ----------------
+ -- read variable length string from input file
+ procedure str_read(file in_file: TEXT;
+ res_string: out string) is
+ variable l : line;
+ variable c : character;
+ variable is_string : boolean;
+ begin
+ readline(in_file, l);
+ -- clear the contents of the result string
+ for i in res_string'range loop
+ res_string(i):=' ';
+ end loop;
+ -- read all characters of the line, up to the length
+ -- of the results string
+ for i in res_string'range loop
+ read(l,c,is_string);
+ res_string(i):=c;
+ if not is_string then -- found end of line
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end procedure str_read;
+ -- print string to a file
+ procedure print(file out_file: TEXT;
+ new_string: in string) is
+ variable l: line;
+ begin
+ write(l,new_string);
+ writeline(out_file,l);
+ end procedure print;
+ -- print character to a file and start new line
+ procedure print(file out_file: TEXT;
+ char: in character) is
+ variable l: line;
+ begin
+ write(l,char);
+ writeline(out_file,l);
+ end procedure print;
+ -- appends contents of a string to a file until line feed occurs
+ -- (LF is considered to be the end of the string)
+ procedure str_write(file out_file: TEXT;
+ new_string: in string) is
+ begin
+ for i in new_string'range loop
+ print(out_file,new_string(i));
+ if new_string(i)=LF then -- end of string
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end str_write;
+end package body txt_util;
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