path: root/uc_str912/prj_blinky_complex_startup/Makefile
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'uc_str912/prj_blinky_complex_startup/Makefile')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 463 deletions
diff --git a/uc_str912/prj_blinky_complex_startup/Makefile b/uc_str912/prj_blinky_complex_startup/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 325838f..0000000
--- a/uc_str912/prj_blinky_complex_startup/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,463 +0,0 @@
-# Hey Emacs, this is a -*- makefile -*-
-# based on
-# WinARM template makefile
-# by Martin Thomas, Kaiserslautern, Germany
-# <>
-# based on the WinAVR makefile written by Eric B. Weddington, J?g Wunsch, et al.
-# Released to the Public Domain
-# Please read the make user manual!
-# On command line:
-# make all = Make software.
-# make clean = Clean out built project files.
-# To rebuild project do "make clean" then "make all".
-# Requires:
-# - CodeSourcery Toolchain (tested & working with Lite version under Windows & Linux)
-# - startup912.s and startup_generic.s to be renamed to .S with capital "S" to avoid deletion when calling "make clean"
-# - Changes in file: scripts/flash_str9.ld
-# replace: ./obj/startup912.o (.text) /* Startup code */
-# to: ./startup912.o (.text) /* Startup code */
-# or else change it to where this file is relative to current dir.
-# Toolchain prefix (i.e arm-elf -> arm-elf-gcc.exe)
-TCHAIN = arm-none-eabi
-# MCU name and submodel
-MCU = arm966e-s
-# Target file name (without extension).
-TARGET = main
-# List C source files here. (C dependencies are automatically generated.)
-# use file-extension c for "c-only"-files
-#SRC = $(TARGET).c
-# List C source files here which must be compiled in ARM-Mode.
-# use file-extension c for "c-only"-files
-#SRCARM = vectors.c
-SRCARM += ./src/91x_adc.c
-SRCARM += ./src/91x_ahbapb.c
-SRCARM += ./src/91x_can.c
-SRCARM += ./src/91x_dma.c
-SRCARM += ./src/91x_emi.c
-SRCARM += ./src/91x_fmi.c
-SRCARM += ./src/91x_gpio.c
-SRCARM += ./src/91x_i2c.c
-SRCARM += ./src/91x_lib.c
-SRCARM += ./src/91x_mc.c
-SRCARM += ./src/91x_rtc.c
-SRCARM += ./src/91x_scu.c
-SRCARM += ./src/91x_ssp.c
-SRCARM += ./src/91x_tim.c
-SRCARM += ./src/91x_uart.c
-SRCARM += ./src/91x_vic.c
-SRCARM += ./src/91x_wdg.c
-SRCARM += ./src/91x_wiu.c
-#SRCARM += ./src/usb_core.c
-#SRCARM += ./src/usb_init.c
-#SRCARM += ./src/usb_int.c
-#SRCARM += ./src/usb_mem.c
-#SRCARM += ./src/usb_regs.c
-SRCARM += main.c
-SRCARM += interrupt.c
-SRCARM += syscalls.c
-# thumb is possible too for vectors.c - keep ARM, TODO: profile
-# List C++ source files here.
-# use file-extension cpp for C++-files (use extension .cpp)
-# List C++ source files here which must be compiled in ARM-Mode.
-# use file-extension cpp for C++-files (use extension .cpp)
-# List Assembler source files here.
-# Make them always end in a capital .S. Files ending in a lowercase .s
-# will not be considered source files but generated files (assembler
-# output from the compiler), and will be deleted upon "make clean"!
-# Even though the DOS/Win* filesystem matches both .s and .S the same,
-# it will preserve the spelling of the filenames, and gcc itself does
-# care about how the name is spelled on its command-line.
-# List Assembler source files here which must be assembled in ARM-Mode..
-#ASRCARM = startup.S vector.S
-ASRCARM = startup912.S
-# Path to Linker-Scripts
-## Output format. (can be ihex or binary or both)
-## (binary i.e. for openocd and SAM-BA, hex i.e. for lpc21isp and uVision)
-#FORMAT = ihex
-#FORMAT = binary
-FORMAT = both
-# Optimization level, can be [0, 1, 2, 3, s].
-# 0 = turn off optimization. s = optimize for size.
-# (Note: 3 is not always the best optimization level. See avr-libc FAQ.)
-OPT = s
-#OPT = 0
-# Debugging format.
-# List any extra directories to look for include files here.
-# Each directory must be seperated by a space.
-EXTRAINCDIRS = ./include
-# List any extra directories to look for library files here.
-# Each directory must be seperated by a space.
-#EXTRA_LIBDIRS = ../arm7_efsl_0_2_4
-# Compiler flag to set the C Standard level.
-# c89 - "ANSI" C
-# gnu89 - c89 plus GCC extensions
-# c99 - ISO C99 standard (not yet fully implemented)
-# gnu99 - c99 plus GCC extensions
-CSTANDARD = -std=gnu99
-# Place -D or -U options for C here
-# Place -I options here
-# Place -D or -U options for ASM here
-# Compiler flags.
-THUMB = -mthumb
-THUMB_IW = -mthumb-interwork
-# -g*: generate debugging information
-# -O*: optimization level
-# -f...: tuning, see GCC manual and avr-libc documentation
-# -Wall...: warning level
-# -Wa,...: tell GCC to pass this to the assembler.
-# -adhlns...: create assembler listing
-# Flags for C and C++ (arm-elf-gcc/arm-elf-g++)
-CFLAGS += -Wall -Wcast-align -Wimplicit
-#CFLAGS += -Wpointer-arith -Wswitch
-CFLAGS += -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections
-CFLAGS += -Wredundant-decls -Wreturn-type -Wshadow -Wunused
-CFLAGS += -Wa,-adhlns=$(subst $(suffix $<),.lst,$<)
-CFLAGS += $(patsubst %,-I%,$(EXTRAINCDIRS))
-# flags only for C
-CONLYFLAGS += -Wnested-externs
-# flags only for C++ (arm-elf-g++)
-# CPPFLAGS = -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions
-# Assembler flags.
-# -Wa,...: tell GCC to pass this to the assembler.
-# -ahlns: create listing
-# -g$(DEBUG): have the assembler create line number information
-ASFLAGS = $(ADEFS) -Wa,-adhlns=$(<:.S=.lst),-g$(DEBUG)
-#Additional libraries.
-# Extra libraries
-# Each library-name must be seperated by a space.
-# To add libxyz.a, libabc.a and libefsl.a:
-# EXTRA_LIBS = xyz abc efsl
-#EXTRA_LIBS = efsl
-# Linker flags.
-# -Wl,...: tell GCC to pass this to linker.
-# -Map: create map file
-# --cref: add cross reference to map file
-LDFLAGS += -nostartfiles
-#LDFLAGS += -nostdlib
-#LDFLAGS += -nodefaultlibs
-LDFLAGS += -Wl,-Map=$(TARGET).map
-LDFLAGS += -Wl,--cref
-#LDFLAGS += -Wl,--gc-sections
-#LDFLAGS += -Wl,-Ttext=0x000000,-Tdata=0x4000000
-#LDFLAGS += -lm
-#LDFLAGS += -lc
-LDFLAGS += -lgcc
-#LDFLAGS += -lstdc++
-#LDFLAGS += $(patsubst %,-L%,$(EXTRA_LIBDIRS))
-#LDFLAGS += $(patsubst %,-l%,$(EXTRA_LIBS))
-# Set Linker-Script
-# Define programs and commands.
-SHELL = sh
-CC = $(TCHAIN)-gcc
-CPP = $(TCHAIN)-g++
-AR = $(TCHAIN)-ar
-OBJCOPY = $(TCHAIN)-objcopy
-OBJDUMP = $(TCHAIN)-objdump
-SIZE = $(TCHAIN)-size
-NM = $(TCHAIN)-nm
-REMOVE = rm -f
-REMOVEDIR = rm -f -r
-COPY = cp
-# Define Messages
-# English
-MSG_ERRORS_NONE = Errors: none
-MSG_BEGIN = "-------- begin (mode: $(RUN_MODE)) --------"
-MSG_END = -------- end --------
-MSG_SIZE_BEFORE = Size before:
-MSG_SIZE_AFTER = Size after:
-MSG_FLASH = Creating load file for Flash:
-MSG_EXTENDED_LISTING = Creating Extended Listing:
-MSG_SYMBOL_TABLE = Creating Symbol Table:
-MSG_LINKING = Linking:
-MSG_COMPILING = Compiling C:
-MSG_COMPILING_ARM = "Compiling C (ARM-only):"
-MSG_COMPILINGCPP = Compiling C++:
-MSG_COMPILINGCPP_ARM = "Compiling C++ (ARM-only):"
-MSG_ASSEMBLING = Assembling:
-MSG_ASSEMBLING_ARM = "Assembling (ARM-only):"
-MSG_CLEANING = Cleaning project:
-MSG_FORMATERROR = Can not handle output-format
-MSG_LPC21_RESETREMINDER = You may have to bring the target in bootloader-mode now.
-# Define all object files.
-COBJ = $(SRC:.c=.o)
-AOBJ = $(ASRC:.S=.o)
-COBJARM = $(SRCARM:.c=.o)
-CPPOBJ = $(CPPSRC:.cpp=.o)
-# Define all listing files.
-LST = $(ASRC:.S=.lst) $(ASRCARM:.S=.lst) $(SRC:.c=.lst) $(SRCARM:.c=.lst)
-LST += $(CPPSRC:.cpp=.lst) $(CPPSRCARM:.cpp=.lst)
-# Compiler flags to generate dependency files.
-### GENDEPFLAGS = -Wp,-M,-MP,-MT,$(*F).o,-MF,.dep/$(@F).d
-GENDEPFLAGS = -MD -MP -MF .dep/$(@F).d
-# Combine all necessary flags and optional flags.
-# Add target processor to flags.
-ALL_ASFLAGS = -mcpu=$(MCU) $(THUMB_IW) -I. -x assembler-with-cpp $(ASFLAGS)
-# Default target.
-all: begin gccversion sizebefore build sizeafter finished end
-ifeq ($(FORMAT),ihex)
-build: elf hex lss sym
-hex: $(TARGET).hex
-ifeq ($(FORMAT),binary)
-build: elf bin lss sym
-bin: $(TARGET).bin
-ifeq ($(FORMAT),both)
-build: elf hex bin lss sym
-hex: $(TARGET).hex
-bin: $(TARGET).bin
-$(error "$(MSG_FORMATERROR) $(FORMAT)")
-elf: $(TARGET).elf
-lss: $(TARGET).lss
-sym: $(TARGET).sym
-# Eye candy
- @echo
- @echo $(MSG_BEGIN)
- @echo $(MSG_ERRORS_NONE)
- @echo $(MSG_END)
- @echo
-# Display size of file.
-HEXSIZE = $(SIZE) --target=$(FORMAT) $(TARGET).hex
- @if [ -f $(TARGET).elf ]; then echo; echo $(MSG_SIZE_BEFORE); $(ELFSIZE); echo; fi
- @if [ -f $(TARGET).elf ]; then echo; echo $(MSG_SIZE_AFTER); $(ELFSIZE); echo; fi
-# Display compiler version information.
-gccversion :
- @$(CC) --version
-# Create final output file (.hex) from ELF output file.
-%.hex: %.elf
- @echo
- @echo $(MSG_FLASH) $@
- $(OBJCOPY) -O ihex $< $@
-# Create final output file (.bin) from ELF output file.
-%.bin: %.elf
- @echo
- @echo $(MSG_FLASH) $@
- $(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $@
-# Create extended listing file from ELF output file.
-# testing: option -C
-%.lss: %.elf
- @echo
- $(OBJDUMP) -h -S -C $< > $@
-# Create a symbol table from ELF output file.
-%.sym: %.elf
- @echo
- @echo $(MSG_SYMBOL_TABLE) $@
- $(NM) -n $< > $@
-# Link: create ELF output file from object files.
- @echo
- @echo $(MSG_LINKING) $@
-# Compile: create object files from C source files. ARM/Thumb
-$(COBJ) : %.o : %.c
- @echo
- @echo $(MSG_COMPILING) $<
- $(CC) -c $(THUMB) $(ALL_CFLAGS) $(CONLYFLAGS) $< -o $@
-# Compile: create object files from C source files. ARM-only
-$(COBJARM) : %.o : %.c
- @echo
- @echo $(MSG_COMPILING_ARM) $<
- $(CC) -c $(ALL_CFLAGS) $(CONLYFLAGS) $< -o $@
-# Compile: create object files from C++ source files. ARM/Thumb
-$(CPPOBJ) : %.o : %.cpp
- @echo
- @echo $(MSG_COMPILINGCPP) $<
- $(CPP) -c $(THUMB) $(ALL_CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $< -o $@
-# Compile: create object files from C++ source files. ARM-only
- $(CPPOBJARM) : %.o : %.cpp
- @echo
- $(CPP) -c $(ALL_CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $< -o $@
-# Compile: create assembler files from C source files. ARM/Thumb
-## does not work - TODO - hints welcome
-##$(COBJ) : %.s : %.c
-## $(CC) $(THUMB) -S $(ALL_CFLAGS) $< -o $@
-# Assemble: create object files from assembler source files. ARM/Thumb
-$(AOBJ) : %.o : %.S
- @echo
- @echo $(MSG_ASSEMBLING) $<
- $(CC) -c $(THUMB) $(ALL_ASFLAGS) $< -o $@
-# Assemble: create object files from assembler source files. ARM-only
-$(AOBJARM) : %.o : %.S
- @echo
- @echo $(MSG_ASSEMBLING_ARM) $<
- $(CC) -c $(ALL_ASFLAGS) $< -o $@
-# Target: clean project.
-clean: begin clean_list finished end
-clean_list :
- @echo
- @echo $(MSG_CLEANING)
- $(REMOVE) $(TARGET).hex
- $(REMOVE) $(TARGET).bin
- $(REMOVE) $(TARGET).obj
- $(REMOVE) $(TARGET).elf
- $(REMOVE) $(TARGET).map
- $(REMOVE) $(TARGET).obj
- $(REMOVE) $(TARGET).a90
- $(REMOVE) $(TARGET).sym
- $(REMOVE) $(TARGET).lnk
- $(REMOVE) $(TARGET).lss
- $(REMOVE) $(LST)
- $(REMOVE) $(SRC:.c=.s)
- $(REMOVE) $(SRC:.c=.d)
- $(REMOVE) $(SRCARM:.c=.s)
- $(REMOVE) $(SRCARM:.c=.d)
- $(REMOVE) $(CPPSRC:.cpp=.s)
- $(REMOVE) $(CPPSRC:.cpp=.d)
- $(REMOVE) $(CPPSRCARM:.cpp=.s)
- $(REMOVE) $(CPPSRCARM:.cpp=.d)
- $(REMOVEDIR) .dep | exit 0
-# Include the dependency files.
--include $(shell mkdir .dep 2>/dev/null) $(wildcard .dep/*)
-# Listing of phony targets.
-.PHONY : all begin finish end sizebefore sizeafter gccversion \
-build elf hex bin lss sym clean clean_list program
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