path: root/mig_test/synthesis/Makefile
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mig_test/synthesis/Makefile')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 474 deletions
diff --git a/mig_test/synthesis/Makefile b/mig_test/synthesis/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 66be99b..0000000
--- a/mig_test/synthesis/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,474 +0,0 @@
-# $HeadURL: $
-# $Date$
-# $Author$
-# $Revision$
-MODULE = top
-DEVICE = xc6slx100
-PACKAGE = fgg484
-UCF_FILE = top.ucf
-CORES = ../cores/
-SOFTWARE = ../software
-BMM_FILE = zpu.bmm
-BMM_BD_FILE = zpu_bd.bmm
-BUILDDIR = isebuild
-DATE = $(shell date +"%Y-%m-%d__%H_%M")
-LOGFILE = synthesis_log_$(DATE).txt
-define XST_FILE
-set -tmpdir "projnav.tmp"
-set -xsthdpdir "xst"
--ifn ../$(MODULE).prj
--ifmt mixed
--ofn $(MODULE)
--ofmt NGC
--top $(MODULE)
--opt_mode Speed
--opt_level 1
--power NO
--iuc NO
--keep_hierarchy No
--netlist_hierarchy As_Optimized
--rtlview Yes
--glob_opt AllClockNets
--read_cores YES
--write_timing_constraints NO
--cross_clock_analysis NO
--hierarchy_separator /
--bus_delimiter <>
--case Maintain
--slice_utilization_ratio 100
--bram_utilization_ratio 100
--dsp_utilization_ratio 100
--lc Auto
--reduce_control_sets Auto
--fsm_extract YES -fsm_encoding Auto
--safe_implementation No
--fsm_style LUT
--ram_extract Yes
--ram_style Auto
--rom_extract Yes
--shreg_extract YES
--rom_style Auto
--auto_bram_packing NO
--resource_sharing YES
--async_to_sync NO
--shreg_min_size 2
--use_dsp48 Auto
--iobuf YES
--max_fanout 100000
--bufg 16
--register_duplication YES
--register_balancing No
--optimize_primitives NO
--use_clock_enable Auto
--use_sync_set Auto
--use_sync_reset Auto
--iob Auto
--equivalent_register_removal YES
--slice_utilization_ratio_maxmargin 5
--infer_ramb8 No
-# 16k
-define BMM16
-ADDRESS_SPACE zpu_i0_memory
- RAMB16 [0x00000000:0x00003fff]
- box_i0/dualport_ram_ahb_wrapper_i0/dualport_ram_i0/Mram_ram8 [31:28];
- box_i0/dualport_ram_ahb_wrapper_i0/dualport_ram_i0/Mram_ram7 [27:24];
- box_i0/dualport_ram_ahb_wrapper_i0/dualport_ram_i0/Mram_ram6 [23:20];
- box_i0/dualport_ram_ahb_wrapper_i0/dualport_ram_i0/Mram_ram5 [19:16];
- box_i0/dualport_ram_ahb_wrapper_i0/dualport_ram_i0/Mram_ram4 [15:12];
- box_i0/dualport_ram_ahb_wrapper_i0/dualport_ram_i0/Mram_ram3 [11: 8];
- box_i0/dualport_ram_ahb_wrapper_i0/dualport_ram_i0/Mram_ram2 [ 7: 4];
- box_i0/dualport_ram_ahb_wrapper_i0/dualport_ram_i0/Mram_ram1 [ 3: 0];
-# 32k
-define BMM
-ADDRESS_SPACE zpu_core_medium_i0_memory
- RAMB16 [0x00000000:0x00007fff]
- box_i0/dualport_ram_ahb_wrapper_i0/dualport_ram_i0/Mram_ram16 [31:30];
- box_i0/dualport_ram_ahb_wrapper_i0/dualport_ram_i0/Mram_ram15 [29:28];
- box_i0/dualport_ram_ahb_wrapper_i0/dualport_ram_i0/Mram_ram14 [27:26];
- box_i0/dualport_ram_ahb_wrapper_i0/dualport_ram_i0/Mram_ram13 [25:24];
- box_i0/dualport_ram_ahb_wrapper_i0/dualport_ram_i0/Mram_ram12 [23:22];
- box_i0/dualport_ram_ahb_wrapper_i0/dualport_ram_i0/Mram_ram11 [21:20];
- box_i0/dualport_ram_ahb_wrapper_i0/dualport_ram_i0/Mram_ram10 [19:18];
- box_i0/dualport_ram_ahb_wrapper_i0/dualport_ram_i0/Mram_ram9 [17:16];
- box_i0/dualport_ram_ahb_wrapper_i0/dualport_ram_i0/Mram_ram8 [15:14];
- box_i0/dualport_ram_ahb_wrapper_i0/dualport_ram_i0/Mram_ram7 [13:12];
- box_i0/dualport_ram_ahb_wrapper_i0/dualport_ram_i0/Mram_ram6 [11:10];
- box_i0/dualport_ram_ahb_wrapper_i0/dualport_ram_i0/Mram_ram5 [ 9: 8];
- box_i0/dualport_ram_ahb_wrapper_i0/dualport_ram_i0/Mram_ram4 [ 7: 6];
- box_i0/dualport_ram_ahb_wrapper_i0/dualport_ram_i0/Mram_ram3 [ 5: 4];
- box_i0/dualport_ram_ahb_wrapper_i0/dualport_ram_i0/Mram_ram2 [ 3: 2];
- box_i0/dualport_ram_ahb_wrapper_i0/dualport_ram_i0/Mram_ram1 [ 1: 0];
-define UT_FILE
--g INIT_9K:Yes
--g DebugBitstream:No
--g Binary:no
--g CRC:Enable
--g Reset_on_err:Yes
--g ConfigRate:26
--g ProgPin:PullUp
--g TckPin:PullUp
--g TdiPin:PullUp
--g TdoPin:PullUp
--g TmsPin:PullUp
--g UnusedPin:PullDown
--g ExtMasterCclk_en:No
--g SPI_buswidth:4
--g multipin_wakeup:No
--g StartUpClk:CClk
--g DONE_cycle:4
--g GTS_cycle:5
--g GWE_cycle:6
--g LCK_cycle:NoWait
--g Security:None
--g DonePipe:No
--g DriveDone:No
--g en_sw_gsr:No
--g drive_awake:No
--g sw_clk:Startupclk
--g sw_gwe_cycle:5
--g sw_gts_cycle:4
-setMode -bscan
-setCable -port auto
-assignFile -p 1 -file "$(MODULE)_update.bit"
-Program -p 1
-setMode -bs
-setCable -port auto
-Identify -inferir
-attachflash -position 1 -spi "W25Q64BV"
-assignfiletoattachedflash -position 1 -file "$(MODULE)_update.mcs"
-Program -p 1 -dataWidth 4 -spionly -e -v -loadfpga
-export XST_FILE := $(XST_FILE)
-export BMM := $(BMM)
-export UT_FILE := $(UT_FILE)
- @echo "check - look for timing and other synthesis issues"
- @echo "xst - generate ngc file (netlist, replaces edif and netlist constrains)"
- @echo "translate - generate ngd file (native generic database [reduced to primitives])"
- @echo "map - generate ncd file (native ciruit description)"
- @echo "par - place&route ncd file (design implementation)"
- @echo "trace - generate timing report"
- @echo "bitgen - generate bit file (ncd -> bit)"
- @echo "update - update bitstream with elf file"
- @echo "program - program fpga with bit file"
- @echo "genmcs - genrate mcs file"
- @echo "genbin - genrate bin(ary) file"
- @echo "progspi - program spi flash with mcs file"
- @echo "clean"
- @echo "..."
- @echo "softflow - just update fpga with software (software update program)"
- @echo "testflow - time software bitgen trace update program check"
- @echo "finalflow - time software bitgen trace update progspi check"
- make software update program
- time $(MAKE) software bitgen trace update program check 2>&1 | tee $(XST_LOGFILE)
- time $(MAKE) software bitgen trace update progspi check 2>&1 | tee $(XST_LOGFILE)
- @echo -e "Timing score: "
- @grep --with-filename "Timing Score" $(BUILDDIR)/*.par
- @echo -e "\nUnwanted Latches (737): "
- @grep --with-filename "WARNING:Xst:737" $(BUILDDIR)/*.syr || echo -n
- @echo -e "\nUnassigned signals (653): "
- @grep --with-filename "WARNING:Xst:653" $(BUILDDIR)/*.syr || echo -n
- @echo -e "\nInternal tristates (2042): "
- @grep --with-filename "WARNING:Xst:2042" $(BUILDDIR)/*.syr || echo -n
- @echo -e "\nCombinatoric loops (2170): "
- @grep --with-filename "WARNING:Xst:2170" $(BUILDDIR)/*.syr || echo -n
- @echo -e "\nGated clocks (372): "
- @grep --with-filename "WARNING:PhysDesignRules:372" $(BUILDDIR)/*.bgn || echo -n
-software: sw_timestamp
- ###
- #############################################################################
- ### (re)compile software
- ###
- test ! -d $(SOFTWARE) || make all --directory $(SOFTWARE)
- ###
- #############################################################################
- #### update sw timestamp
- ###
- test ! -d $(SOFTWARE) || make --always-make timestamp --directory $(SOFTWARE)
-update: $(BUILDDIR)/$(MODULE).bit
- ###
- #############################################################################
- ### update the bitfile
- ###
- test ! -d $(SOFTWARE) || data2mem -bm $(BMM_BD_FILE) -bd $(SOFTWARE)/*.elf -bt $(BUILDDIR)/$(MODULE).bit -o b $(MODULE)_update.bit
- test -d $(SOFTWARE) || cp $(BUILDDIR)/$(MODULE).bit $(MODULE)_update.bit
- ###
- #############################################################################
- ### configure FPGA
- ###
- echo "$$PROGRAM_FPGA_FILE" > program_fpga.cmd
- impact -batch program_fpga.cmd
-genbin: $(MODULE)_update.bin
-$(MODULE)_update.bin: $(MODULE)_update.bit
- ###
- #############################################################################
- ### generate flash file, bin format for manual flashing
- ###
- promgen -b -p bin -w -o $(MODULE)_update.bin -u 0 $(MODULE)_update.bit
-genmcs: $(MODULE)_update.mcs
-$(MODULE)_update.mcs: $(MODULE)_update.bit
- ###
- #############################################################################
- ### generate flash file
- ###
- promgen -spi -p mcs -w -o $(MODULE)_update.mcs -s 8192 -u 0 $(MODULE)_update.bit
-progspi: genmcs
- ###
- #############################################################################
- ### program flash
- ###
- echo "$$PROGRAM_SPI_FILE" > program_spi.cmd
- impact -batch program_spi.cmd
- rm -f $(MODULE).prj
- rm -f *.log
- rm -f _impact.cmd
- rm -f *.cfi
- rm -f *.prm
- rm -rf $(BUILDDIR)
- rm -rf _ngo
- rm -rf _xmsgs
- rm -f $(BMM_FILE)
- rm -f $(BMM_BD_FILE)
- rm -f $(MODULE).xst
- rm -f $(MODULE).ut
- rm -f program_fpga.cmd
- rm -f program_spi.cmd
-dir: $(MODULE).prj
- ###
- #############################################################################
- ### generate build directory
- ###
- mkdir -p $(BUILDDIR)
- mkdir -p $(BUILDDIR)/projnav.tmp
-$(MODULE).prj: ../vhdl_files.txt
- ###
- #############################################################################
- ### generate project file
- ###
- grep --invert rtl_tb ../vhdl_files.txt | grep --invert "\#" | grep --invert "^$$" | awk '{printf "vhdl %s ../%s\n",$$1,$$2}' > $(MODULE).prj
-xst: $(MODULE).ngc
-translate: $(MODULE).ngd
-map: $(MODULE)_map.ncd
-par: $(MODULE).ncd
- ###
- #############################################################################
- #### update hw timestamp
- ###
- test ! -f ../rtl/Makefile || make --directory ../rtl
-$(MODULE).ngc: dir hw_timestamp
- ###
- #############################################################################
- ### synthesis
- ###
- echo "$$XST_FILE" > $(MODULE).xst
- cd $(BUILDDIR) ; xst -ifn ../$(MODULE).xst -ofn $(MODULE).syr
-$(MODULE).ngd: $(MODULE).ngc $(UCF_FILE)
- ###
- #############################################################################
- ### translate
- ###
- echo "$$BMM" > $(BMM_FILE)
- cd $(BUILDDIR) ; ngdbuild -dd _ngo -nt timestamp -uc ../$(UCF_FILE) -bm ../$(BMM_FILE) -p $(DEVICE_DPS) -sd ../$(CORES) $(MODULE).ngc $(MODULE).ngd
-$(MODULE)_map.ncd: $(MODULE).ngd
- ###
- #############################################################################
- ### map
- ###
- @# explanation of map parameters:
- @# -p part number
- @# -mt multi-threading
- @# -w overwrite existing files
- @# -logic_opt logic optimization
- @# -ol overall effor level (std|high)
- @# -t placer cost table
- @# -xt extra placer cost table (0..5)
- @# -register_duplication duplicate registers
- @# -global_opt Global Optimization (off|speed|area|power)
- @# -ir ignore RLOCs
- @# -pr pack registers in IO (off|i|o|b)
- @# -lc lut combining (auto|area|off)
- @# -power Virtex 6 Power Optimization (on|off|high|xe)
- @# -detail Generate Detailed MAP Report
- @# -o Output File Name
- @# -bp enables block RAM mapping
- cd $(BUILDDIR) ; export XIL_MAP_NODRC; export XIL_PAR_DESIGN_CHECK_VERBOSE=1; export XIL_PAR_ALLOW_LVDS_LOC_OVERRIDE=1; map -p $(DEVICE_DPS) -mt 1 -w -logic_opt off -ol high -t 22 -xt 5 -register_duplication on -global_opt off -ir off -pr b -lc off -power off -detail -o $(MODULE)_map.ncd $(MODULE).ngd $(MODULE).pcf
-$(MODULE).ncd: $(MODULE)_map.ncd
- ###
- #############################################################################
- ### place & route
- ###
- @# -ol = Overall effort level. high is maximum effort.
- @# Default: high except Virtex-4 and Spartan-3 architectures
- @# std (standard) for older architectures
- @# -pl = Placer effort level. high is maximum effort. Overrides
- @# any placer effort level implied by "-ol" option.
- @# Default: high for Virtex-4 and Spartan-3 architectures
- @# Not supported for newer architectures.
- @# -rl = Router effort level. high is maximum effort. Overrides
- @# any router effort level implied by "-ol" option.
- @# Default: high for Virtex-4 and Spartan-3 architectures
- @# Not supported for newer architectures
- @# -xe = Extra effort level. c (Continue on Impossible) is maximum effort.
- @# Default: none
- @# -mt = Multi-threading enabled. 4 is the maximum number of threads.
- @# Default: off except Virtex-4 and Spartan-3 architectures
- @# Supported only for newer architectures.
- @# -t = Placer cost table entry. Start at this entry.
- @# Default: 1 for Virtex-4 and Spartan-3 architectures
- @# Not supported for newer architectures
- @# -p = Don't run the placer. (Keep current placement)
- @# -k = Re-entrant route. Keep the current placement. Continue the routing
- @# using the existing routing as a starting point.
- @# -r = Don't run the router.
- @# -w = Overwrite. Allows overwrite of an existing file (including input
- @# file). If specified output is a directory, allows files in
- @# directory to be overwritten.
- @# -f = Read par command line arguments and switches from file.
- @# -filter = Message Filter file name (for example "filter.filter"). If
- @# specified, the contents of this file will be used to filter messages
- @# from this application. The filter file can be created using Xreport.
- @# -smartguide = Enables SmartGuide using guidefile.ncd as the guide file.
- @# -x = Ignore user timing constraints in physical constraints file and
- @# generate timing constraints automatically for all internal clocks to
- @# increase performance. Note: the level of performance achieved will
- @# be dictated by the effort level (-ol std|high) chosen.
- @# -nopad = Turns off generation of the pad report.
- @# Default: Pad Report Generated
- @# -power = Power Aware Par. Optimizes the capacitance of non-timing-driven
- @# design signals.
- @# Default: off
- @# -activityfile <activityfile.vcd|saif> = Switching activity data file to
- @# guide power optimization. This option is only valid if the
- @# "-power on" option has been used.
- @# -intstyle = Indicate contextual information when invoking Xilinx applications
- @# within a flow or project environment.
- @# The mode "xflow" indicates that the program is being run as part of a
- @# batch flow. The mode "silent" indicates that no output will be
- @# displayed to the screen. The mode "ise" indicates that the program is being
- @# run as part of an integrated design environment.
- @# Default: Program is run as a standalone application.
- @# -ise = Use supplied ISE project repository file.
- @# -ntd = Ignore Timing constraints in physical constraints file and do NOT
- @# generate timing constraints automatically.
- @# <infile> = Name of input NCD file.
- @# <outfile> = Name of output NCD file or output directory.
- @# Use format "<outfile>.ncd" or "<outfile>.dir".
- @# <pcffile> = Name of physical constraints file.
- cd $(BUILDDIR) ; par -w -ol high $(MODULE)_map.ncd $(MODULE).ncd $(MODULE).pcf
- cd $(BUILDDIR) ; trce -v 5 -u 100 -fastpaths -xml $(MODULE).twx -o $(MODULE).twr $(MODULE).ncd $(MODULE).pcf
-bitgen: $(MODULE).ncd
- ###
- #############################################################################
- ### generate bitfile
- ###
- echo "$$UT_FILE" > $(MODULE).ut
- cd $(BUILDDIR) ; bitgen -f ../$(MODULE).ut $(MODULE).ncd
-firmware: $(MODULE)_update.mcs $(MODULE)_update.bin
- mkdir -p firmware_$(DATE)
- cp Makefile firmware_$(DATE)
- cp $(MODULE)_update.bit firmware_$(DATE)
- cp $(MODULE)_update.bin firmware_$(DATE)
- cp $(MODULE)_update.mcs firmware_$(DATE)
- zip -r firmware_$(DATE) firmware_$(DATE)/*
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