path: root/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow
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Diffstat (limited to 'branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow')
34 files changed, 0 insertions, 8661 deletions
diff --git a/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/amextra.h b/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/amextra.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ddb067f..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
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-// File: AMExtra.h
-// Desc: DirectShow base classes.
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-#ifndef __AMEXTRA__
-#define __AMEXTRA__
-// Simple rendered input pin
-// NOTE if your filter queues stuff before rendering then it may not be
-// appropriate to use this class
-// In that case queue the end of stream condition until the last sample
-// is actually rendered and flush the condition appropriately
-class CRenderedInputPin : public CBaseInputPin
- CRenderedInputPin(TCHAR *pObjectName,
- CBaseFilter *pFilter,
- CCritSec *pLock,
- HRESULT *phr,
- LPCWSTR pName);
-#ifdef UNICODE
- CRenderedInputPin(CHAR *pObjectName,
- CBaseFilter *pFilter,
- CCritSec *pLock,
- HRESULT *phr,
- LPCWSTR pName);
- // Override methods to track end of stream state
- HRESULT Active();
- // Member variables to track state
- BOOL m_bAtEndOfStream; // Set by EndOfStream
- BOOL m_bCompleteNotified; // Set when we notify for EC_COMPLETE
- void DoCompleteHandling();
-#endif // __AMEXTRA__
diff --git a/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/amfilter.h b/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/amfilter.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 47ffc0a..0000000
--- a/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/amfilter.h
+++ /dev/null
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-// File: AMFilter.h
-// Desc: DirectShow base classes - efines class hierarchy for streams
-// architecture.
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-#ifndef __FILTER__
-#define __FILTER__
-/* The following classes are declared in this header: */
-class CBaseMediaFilter; // IMediaFilter support
-class CBaseFilter; // IBaseFilter,IMediaFilter support
-class CBasePin; // Abstract base class for IPin interface
-class CEnumPins; // Enumerate input and output pins
-class CEnumMediaTypes; // Enumerate the pin's preferred formats
-class CBaseOutputPin; // Adds data provider member functions
-class CBaseInputPin; // Implements IMemInputPin interface
-class CMediaSample; // Basic transport unit for IMemInputPin
-class CBaseAllocator; // General list guff for most allocators
-class CMemAllocator; // Implements memory buffer allocation
-// QueryFilterInfo and QueryPinInfo AddRef the interface pointers
-// they return. You can use the macro below to release the interface.
-#define QueryFilterInfoReleaseGraph(fi) if ((fi).pGraph) (fi).pGraph->Release();
-#define QueryPinInfoReleaseFilter(pi) if ((pi).pFilter) (pi).pFilter->Release();
-// Defines CBaseMediaFilter
-// Abstract base class implementing IMediaFilter.
-// Typically you will derive your filter from CBaseFilter rather than
-// this, unless you are implementing an object such as a plug-in
-// distributor that needs to support IMediaFilter but not IBaseFilter.
-// Note that IMediaFilter is derived from IPersist to allow query of
-// class id.
-class AM_NOVTABLE CBaseMediaFilter : public CUnknown,
- public IMediaFilter
- FILTER_STATE m_State; // current state: running, paused
- IReferenceClock *m_pClock; // this filter's reference clock
- // note: all filters in a filter graph use the same clock
- // offset from stream time to reference time
- CRefTime m_tStart;
- CLSID m_clsid; // This filters clsid
- // used for serialization
- CCritSec *m_pLock; // Object we use for locking
- CBaseMediaFilter(
- const TCHAR *pName,
- CCritSec *pLock,
- REFCLSID clsid);
- virtual ~CBaseMediaFilter();
- // override this to say what interfaces we support where
- STDMETHODIMP NonDelegatingQueryInterface(REFIID riid, void ** ppv);
- //
- // --- IPersist method ---
- //
- // --- IMediaFilter methods ---
- STDMETHODIMP SetSyncSource(IReferenceClock *pClock);
- STDMETHODIMP GetSyncSource(IReferenceClock **pClock);
- // default implementation of Stop and Pause just record the
- // state. Override to activate or de-activate your filter.
- // Note that Run when called from Stopped state will call Pause
- // to ensure activation, so if you are a source or transform
- // you will probably not need to override Run.
- // the start parameter is the difference to be added to the
- // sample's stream time to get the reference time for
- // its presentation
- // --- helper methods ---
- // return the current stream time - ie find out what
- // stream time should be appearing now
- virtual HRESULT StreamTime(CRefTime& rtStream);
- // Is the filter currently active? (running or paused)
- BOOL IsActive() {
- CAutoLock cObjectLock(m_pLock);
- return ((m_State == State_Paused) || (m_State == State_Running));
- };
-// Defines CBaseFilter
-// An abstract class providing basic IBaseFilter support for pin
-// enumeration and filter information reading.
-// We cannot derive from CBaseMediaFilter since methods in IMediaFilter
-// are also in IBaseFilter and would be ambiguous. Since much of the code
-// assumes that they derive from a class that has m_State and other state
-// directly available, we duplicate code from CBaseMediaFilter rather than
-// having a member variable.
-// Derive your filter from this, or from a derived object such as
-// CTransformFilter.
-class AM_NOVTABLE CBaseFilter : public CUnknown, // Handles an IUnknown
- public IBaseFilter, // The Filter Interface
- public IAMovieSetup // For un/registration
-friend class CBasePin;
- FILTER_STATE m_State; // current state: running, paused
- IReferenceClock *m_pClock; // this graph's ref clock
- CRefTime m_tStart; // offset from stream time to reference time
- CLSID m_clsid; // This filters clsid
- // used for serialization
- CCritSec *m_pLock; // Object we use for locking
- WCHAR *m_pName; // Full filter name
- IFilterGraph *m_pGraph; // Graph we belong to
- IMediaEventSink *m_pSink; // Called with notify events
- LONG m_PinVersion; // Current pin version
- CBaseFilter(
- const TCHAR *pName, // Object description
- LPUNKNOWN pUnk, // IUnknown of delegating object
- CCritSec *pLock, // Object who maintains lock
- REFCLSID clsid); // The clsid to be used to serialize this filter
- CBaseFilter(
- TCHAR *pName, // Object description
- LPUNKNOWN pUnk, // IUnknown of delegating object
- CCritSec *pLock, // Object who maintains lock
- REFCLSID clsid, // The clsid to be used to serialize this filter
- HRESULT *phr); // General OLE return code
-#ifdef UNICODE
- CBaseFilter(
- const CHAR *pName, // Object description
- LPUNKNOWN pUnk, // IUnknown of delegating object
- CCritSec *pLock, // Object who maintains lock
- REFCLSID clsid); // The clsid to be used to serialize this filter
- CBaseFilter(
- CHAR *pName, // Object description
- LPUNKNOWN pUnk, // IUnknown of delegating object
- CCritSec *pLock, // Object who maintains lock
- REFCLSID clsid, // The clsid to be used to serialize this filter
- HRESULT *phr); // General OLE return code
- ~CBaseFilter();
- // override this to say what interfaces we support where
- STDMETHODIMP NonDelegatingQueryInterface(REFIID riid, void ** ppv);
-#ifdef DEBUG
- STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) NonDelegatingRelease();
- //
- // --- IPersist method ---
- //
- // --- IMediaFilter methods ---
- STDMETHODIMP SetSyncSource(IReferenceClock *pClock);
- STDMETHODIMP GetSyncSource(IReferenceClock **pClock);
- // override Stop and Pause so we can activate the pins.
- // Note that Run will call Pause first if activation needed.
- // Override these if you want to activate your filter rather than
- // your pins.
- // the start parameter is the difference to be added to the
- // sample's stream time to get the reference time for
- // its presentation
- // --- helper methods ---
- // return the current stream time - ie find out what
- // stream time should be appearing now
- virtual HRESULT StreamTime(CRefTime& rtStream);
- // Is the filter currently active?
- BOOL IsActive() {
- CAutoLock cObjectLock(m_pLock);
- return ((m_State == State_Paused) || (m_State == State_Running));
- };
- // Is this filter stopped (without locking)
- BOOL IsStopped() {
- return (m_State == State_Stopped);
- };
- //
- // --- IBaseFilter methods ---
- //
- // pin enumerator
- IEnumPins ** ppEnum);
- // default behaviour of FindPin assumes pin ids are their names
- IPin ** ppPin
- );
- STDMETHODIMP QueryFilterInfo(
- FILTER_INFO * pInfo);
- STDMETHODIMP JoinFilterGraph(
- IFilterGraph * pGraph,
- LPCWSTR pName);
- // return a Vendor information string. Optional - may return E_NOTIMPL.
- // memory returned should be freed using CoTaskMemFree
- // default implementation returns E_NOTIMPL
- STDMETHODIMP QueryVendorInfo(
- LPWSTR* pVendorInfo
- );
- // --- helper methods ---
- // send an event notification to the filter graph if we know about it.
- // returns S_OK if delivered, S_FALSE if the filter graph does not sink
- // events, or an error otherwise.
- HRESULT NotifyEvent(
- long EventCode,
- LONG_PTR EventParam1,
- LONG_PTR EventParam2);
- // return the filter graph we belong to
- IFilterGraph *GetFilterGraph() {
- return m_pGraph;
- }
- // Request reconnect
- // pPin is the pin to reconnect
- // pmt is the type to reconnect with - can be NULL
- // Calls ReconnectEx on the filter graph
- HRESULT ReconnectPin(IPin *pPin, AM_MEDIA_TYPE const *pmt);
- // find out the current pin version (used by enumerators)
- virtual LONG GetPinVersion();
- void IncrementPinVersion();
- // you need to supply these to access the pins from the enumerator
- // and for default Stop and Pause/Run activation.
- virtual int GetPinCount() PURE;
- virtual CBasePin *GetPin(int n) PURE;
- // --- IAMovieSetup methods ---
- STDMETHODIMP Register(); // ask filter to register itself
- STDMETHODIMP Unregister(); // and unregister itself
- // --- setup helper methods ---
- // (override to return filters setup data)
- virtual LPAMOVIESETUP_FILTER GetSetupData(){ return NULL; }
-// Defines CBasePin
-// Abstract class that supports the basics of IPin
-class AM_NOVTABLE CBasePin : public CUnknown, public IPin, public IQualityControl
- WCHAR * m_pName; // This pin's name
- IPin *m_Connected; // Pin we have connected to
- PIN_DIRECTION m_dir; // Direction of this pin
- CCritSec *m_pLock; // Object we use for locking
- bool m_bRunTimeError; // Run time error generated
- bool m_bCanReconnectWhenActive; // OK to reconnect when active
- bool m_bTryMyTypesFirst; // When connecting enumerate
- // this pin's types first
- CBaseFilter *m_pFilter; // Filter we were created by
- IQualityControl *m_pQSink; // Target for Quality messages
- LONG m_TypeVersion; // Holds current type version
- CMediaType m_mt; // Media type of connection
- CRefTime m_tStart; // time from NewSegment call
- CRefTime m_tStop; // time from NewSegment
- double m_dRate; // rate from NewSegment
-#ifdef DEBUG
- LONG m_cRef; // Ref count tracing
- // displays pin connection information
-#ifdef DEBUG
- void DisplayPinInfo(IPin *pReceivePin);
- void DisplayTypeInfo(IPin *pPin, const CMediaType *pmt);
- void DisplayPinInfo(IPin *pReceivePin) {};
- void DisplayTypeInfo(IPin *pPin, const CMediaType *pmt) {};
- // used to agree a media type for a pin connection
- // given a specific media type, attempt a connection (includes
- // checking that the type is acceptable to this pin)
- AttemptConnection(
- IPin* pReceivePin, // connect to this pin
- const CMediaType* pmt // using this type
- );
- // try all the media types in this enumerator - for each that
- // we accept, try to connect using ReceiveConnection.
- HRESULT TryMediaTypes(
- IPin *pReceivePin, // connect to this pin
- const CMediaType *pmt, // proposed type from Connect
- IEnumMediaTypes *pEnum); // try this enumerator
- // establish a connection with a suitable mediatype. Needs to
- // propose a media type if the pmt pointer is null or partially
- // specified - use TryMediaTypes on both our and then the other pin's
- // enumerator until we find one that works.
- HRESULT AgreeMediaType(
- IPin *pReceivePin, // connect to this pin
- const CMediaType *pmt); // proposed type from Connect
- CBasePin(
- TCHAR *pObjectName, // Object description
- CBaseFilter *pFilter, // Owning filter who knows about pins
- CCritSec *pLock, // Object who implements the lock
- HRESULT *phr, // General OLE return code
- LPCWSTR pName, // Pin name for us
-#ifdef UNICODE
- CBasePin(
- CHAR *pObjectName, // Object description
- CBaseFilter *pFilter, // Owning filter who knows about pins
- CCritSec *pLock, // Object who implements the lock
- HRESULT *phr, // General OLE return code
- LPCWSTR pName, // Pin name for us
- virtual ~CBasePin();
- STDMETHODIMP NonDelegatingQueryInterface(REFIID riid, void ** ppv);
- STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) NonDelegatingRelease();
- STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) NonDelegatingAddRef();
- // --- IPin methods ---
- // take lead role in establishing a connection. Media type pointer
- // may be null, or may point to partially-specified mediatype
- // (subtype or format type may be GUID_NULL).
- IPin * pReceivePin,
- const AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmt // optional media type
- );
- // (passive) accept a connection from another pin
- STDMETHODIMP ReceiveConnection(
- IPin * pConnector, // this is the initiating connecting pin
- const AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmt // this is the media type we will exchange
- );
- STDMETHODIMP Disconnect();
- STDMETHODIMP ConnectedTo(IPin **pPin);
- STDMETHODIMP ConnectionMediaType(AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmt);
- PIN_INFO * pInfo
- );
- STDMETHODIMP QueryDirection(
- );
- );
- // does the pin support this media type
- const AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmt
- );
- // return an enumerator for this pins preferred media types
- STDMETHODIMP EnumMediaTypes(
- IEnumMediaTypes **ppEnum
- );
- // return an array of IPin* - the pins that this pin internally connects to
- // All pins put in the array must be AddReffed (but no others)
- // Errors: "Can't say" - FAIL, not enough slots - return S_FALSE
- // Default: return E_NOTIMPL
- // The filter graph will interpret NOT_IMPL as any input pin connects to
- // all visible output pins and vice versa.
- // apPin can be NULL if nPin==0 (not otherwise).
- STDMETHODIMP QueryInternalConnections(
- IPin* *apPin, // array of IPin*
- ULONG *nPin // on input, the number of slots
- // on output the number of pins
- ) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
- // Called when no more data will be sent
- STDMETHODIMP EndOfStream(void);
- // Begin/EndFlush still PURE
- // NewSegment notifies of the start/stop/rate applying to the data
- // about to be received. Default implementation records data and
- // returns S_OK.
- // Override this to pass downstream.
- double dRate);
- //================================================================================
- // IQualityControl methods
- //================================================================================
- STDMETHODIMP Notify(IBaseFilter * pSender, Quality q);
- STDMETHODIMP SetSink(IQualityControl * piqc);
- // --- helper methods ---
- // Returns true if the pin is connected. false otherwise.
- BOOL IsConnected(void) {return (m_Connected != NULL); };
- // Return the pin this is connected to (if any)
- IPin * GetConnected() { return m_Connected; };
- // Check if our filter is currently stopped
- BOOL IsStopped() {
- return (m_pFilter->m_State == State_Stopped);
- };
- // find out the current type version (used by enumerators)
- virtual LONG GetMediaTypeVersion();
- void IncrementTypeVersion();
- // switch the pin to active (paused or running) mode
- // not an error to call this if already active
- virtual HRESULT Active(void);
- // switch the pin to inactive state - may already be inactive
- virtual HRESULT Inactive(void);
- // Notify of Run() from filter
- virtual HRESULT Run(REFERENCE_TIME tStart);
- // check if the pin can support this specific proposed type and format
- virtual HRESULT CheckMediaType(const CMediaType *) PURE;
- // set the connection to use this format (previously agreed)
- virtual HRESULT SetMediaType(const CMediaType *);
- // check that the connection is ok before verifying it
- // can be overridden eg to check what interfaces will be supported.
- virtual HRESULT CheckConnect(IPin *);
- // Set and release resources required for a connection
- virtual HRESULT BreakConnect();
- virtual HRESULT CompleteConnect(IPin *pReceivePin);
- // returns the preferred formats for a pin
- virtual HRESULT GetMediaType(int iPosition,CMediaType *pMediaType);
- // access to NewSegment values
- REFERENCE_TIME CurrentStopTime() {
- return m_tStop;
- }
- REFERENCE_TIME CurrentStartTime() {
- return m_tStart;
- }
- double CurrentRate() {
- return m_dRate;
- }
- // Access name
- LPWSTR Name() { return m_pName; };
- // Can reconnectwhen active?
- void SetReconnectWhenActive(bool bCanReconnect)
- {
- m_bCanReconnectWhenActive = bCanReconnect;
- }
- bool CanReconnectWhenActive()
- {
- return m_bCanReconnectWhenActive;
- }
- STDMETHODIMP DisconnectInternal();
-// Defines CEnumPins
-// Pin enumerator class that works by calling CBaseFilter. This interface
-// is provided by CBaseFilter::EnumPins and calls GetPinCount() and
-// GetPin() to enumerate existing pins. Needs to be a separate object so
-// that it can be cloned (creating an existing object at the same
-// position in the enumeration)
-class CEnumPins : public IEnumPins // The interface we support
- int m_Position; // Current ordinal position
- int m_PinCount; // Number of pins available
- CBaseFilter *m_pFilter; // The filter who owns us
- LONG m_Version; // Pin version information
- LONG m_cRef;
- typedef CGenericList<CBasePin> CPinList;
- CPinList m_PinCache; // These pointers have not been AddRef'ed and
- // so they should not be dereferenced. They are
- // merely kept to ID which pins have been enumerated.
-#ifdef DEBUG
- DWORD m_dwCookie;
- /* If while we are retrieving a pin for example from the filter an error
- occurs we assume that our internal state is stale with respect to the
- filter (someone may have deleted all the pins). We can check before
- starting whether or not the operation is likely to fail by asking the
- filter what it's current version number is. If the filter has not
- overriden the GetPinVersion method then this will always match */
- BOOL AreWeOutOfSync() {
- return (m_pFilter->GetPinVersion() == m_Version ? FALSE : TRUE);
- };
- /* This method performs the same operations as Reset, except is does not clear
- the cache of pins already enumerated. */
- CEnumPins(
- CBaseFilter *pFilter,
- CEnumPins *pEnumPins);
- virtual ~CEnumPins();
- // IUnknown
- STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppv);
- // IEnumPins
- ULONG cPins, // place this many pins...
- IPin ** ppPins, // this array of IPin*
- ULONG * pcFetched // actual count passed returned here
- );
- STDMETHODIMP Clone(IEnumPins **ppEnum);
-// Defines CEnumMediaTypes
-// Enumerates the preferred formats for input and output pins
-class CEnumMediaTypes : public IEnumMediaTypes // The interface we support
- int m_Position; // Current ordinal position
- CBasePin *m_pPin; // The pin who owns us
- LONG m_Version; // Media type version value
- LONG m_cRef;
-#ifdef DEBUG
- DWORD m_dwCookie;
- /* The media types a filter supports can be quite dynamic so we add to
- the general IEnumXXXX interface the ability to be signaled when they
- change via an event handle the connected filter supplies. Until the
- Reset method is called after the state changes all further calls to
- the enumerator (except Reset) will return E_UNEXPECTED error code */
- BOOL AreWeOutOfSync() {
- return (m_pPin->GetMediaTypeVersion() == m_Version ? FALSE : TRUE);
- };
- CEnumMediaTypes(
- CBasePin *pPin,
- CEnumMediaTypes *pEnumMediaTypes);
- virtual ~CEnumMediaTypes();
- // IUnknown
- STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppv);
- // IEnumMediaTypes
- ULONG cMediaTypes, // place this many pins...
- AM_MEDIA_TYPE ** ppMediaTypes, // this array
- ULONG * pcFetched // actual count passed
- );
- STDMETHODIMP Clone(IEnumMediaTypes **ppEnum);
-// Defines CBaseOutputPin
-// class derived from CBasePin that can pass buffers to a connected pin
-// that supports IMemInputPin. Supports IPin.
-// Derive your output pin from this.
-class AM_NOVTABLE CBaseOutputPin : public CBasePin
- IMemAllocator *m_pAllocator;
- IMemInputPin *m_pInputPin; // interface on the downstreaminput pin
- // set up in CheckConnect when we connect.
- CBaseOutputPin(
- TCHAR *pObjectName,
- CBaseFilter *pFilter,
- CCritSec *pLock,
- HRESULT *phr,
- LPCWSTR pName);
-#ifdef UNICODE
- CBaseOutputPin(
- CHAR *pObjectName,
- CBaseFilter *pFilter,
- CCritSec *pLock,
- HRESULT *phr,
- LPCWSTR pName);
- // override CompleteConnect() so we can negotiate an allocator
- virtual HRESULT CompleteConnect(IPin *pReceivePin);
- // negotiate the allocator and its buffer size/count and other properties
- // Calls DecideBufferSize to set properties
- virtual HRESULT DecideAllocator(IMemInputPin * pPin, IMemAllocator ** pAlloc);
- // override this to set the buffer size and count. Return an error
- // if the size/count is not to your liking.
- // The allocator properties passed in are those requested by the
- // input pin - use eg the alignment and prefix members if you have
- // no preference on these.
- virtual HRESULT DecideBufferSize(
- IMemAllocator * pAlloc,
- ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES * ppropInputRequest
- ) PURE;
- // returns an empty sample buffer from the allocator
- virtual HRESULT GetDeliveryBuffer(IMediaSample ** ppSample,
- REFERENCE_TIME * pStartTime,
- DWORD dwFlags);
- // deliver a filled-in sample to the connected input pin
- // note - you need to release it after calling this. The receiving
- // pin will addref the sample if it needs to hold it beyond the
- // call.
- virtual HRESULT Deliver(IMediaSample *);
- // override this to control the connection
- virtual HRESULT InitAllocator(IMemAllocator **ppAlloc);
- HRESULT CheckConnect(IPin *pPin);
- HRESULT BreakConnect();
- // override to call Commit and Decommit
- HRESULT Active(void);
- HRESULT Inactive(void);
- // we have a default handling of EndOfStream which is to return
- // an error, since this should be called on input pins only
- STDMETHODIMP EndOfStream(void);
- // called from elsewhere in our filter to pass EOS downstream to
- // our connected input pin
- virtual HRESULT DeliverEndOfStream(void);
- // same for Begin/EndFlush - we handle Begin/EndFlush since it
- // is an error on an output pin, and we have Deliver methods to
- // call the methods on the connected pin
- STDMETHODIMP BeginFlush(void);
- STDMETHODIMP EndFlush(void);
- virtual HRESULT DeliverBeginFlush(void);
- virtual HRESULT DeliverEndFlush(void);
- // deliver NewSegment to connected pin - you will need to
- // override this if you queue any data in your output pin.
- virtual HRESULT DeliverNewSegment(
- double dRate);
- //================================================================================
- // IQualityControl methods
- //================================================================================
- // All inherited from CBasePin and not overridden here.
- // STDMETHODIMP Notify(IBaseFilter * pSender, Quality q);
- // STDMETHODIMP SetSink(IQualityControl * piqc);
-// Defines CBaseInputPin
-// derive your standard input pin from this.
-// you need to supply GetMediaType and CheckConnect etc (see CBasePin),
-// and you need to supply Receive to do something more useful.
-class AM_NOVTABLE CBaseInputPin : public CBasePin,
- public IMemInputPin
- IMemAllocator *m_pAllocator; // Default memory allocator
- // allocator is read-only, so received samples
- // cannot be modified (probably only relevant to in-place
- // transforms
- BYTE m_bReadOnly;
- // in flushing state (between BeginFlush and EndFlush)
- // if TRUE, all Receives are returned with S_FALSE
- BYTE m_bFlushing;
- // Sample properties - initalized in Receive
- CBaseInputPin(
- TCHAR *pObjectName,
- CBaseFilter *pFilter,
- CCritSec *pLock,
- HRESULT *phr,
- LPCWSTR pName);
-#ifdef UNICODE
- CBaseInputPin(
- CHAR *pObjectName,
- CBaseFilter *pFilter,
- CCritSec *pLock,
- HRESULT *phr,
- LPCWSTR pName);
- virtual ~CBaseInputPin();
- // override this to publicise our interfaces
- STDMETHODIMP NonDelegatingQueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppv);
- // return the allocator interface that this input pin
- // would like the output pin to use
- STDMETHODIMP GetAllocator(IMemAllocator ** ppAllocator);
- // tell the input pin which allocator the output pin is actually
- // going to use.
- STDMETHODIMP NotifyAllocator(
- IMemAllocator * pAllocator,
- BOOL bReadOnly);
- // do something with this media sample
- STDMETHODIMP Receive(IMediaSample *pSample);
- // do something with these media samples
- STDMETHODIMP ReceiveMultiple (
- IMediaSample **pSamples,
- long nSamples,
- long *nSamplesProcessed);
- // See if Receive() blocks
- STDMETHODIMP ReceiveCanBlock();
- // Default handling for BeginFlush - call at the beginning
- // of your implementation (makes sure that all Receive calls
- // fail). After calling this, you need to free any queued data
- // and then call downstream.
- STDMETHODIMP BeginFlush(void);
- // default handling for EndFlush - call at end of your implementation
- // - before calling this, ensure that there is no queued data and no thread
- // pushing any more without a further receive, then call downstream,
- // then call this method to clear the m_bFlushing flag and re-enable
- // receives
- STDMETHODIMP EndFlush(void);
- // this method is optional (can return E_NOTIMPL).
- // default implementation returns E_NOTIMPL. Override if you have
- // specific alignment or prefix needs, but could use an upstream
- // allocator
- // Release the pin's allocator.
- HRESULT BreakConnect();
- // helper method to check the read-only flag
- BOOL IsReadOnly() {
- return m_bReadOnly;
- };
- // helper method to see if we are flushing
- BOOL IsFlushing() {
- return m_bFlushing;
- };
- // Override this for checking whether it's OK to process samples
- // Also call this from EndOfStream.
- virtual HRESULT CheckStreaming();
- // Pass a Quality notification on to the appropriate sink
- HRESULT PassNotify(Quality& q);
- //================================================================================
- // IQualityControl methods (from CBasePin)
- //================================================================================
- STDMETHODIMP Notify(IBaseFilter * pSender, Quality q);
- // no need to override:
- // STDMETHODIMP SetSink(IQualityControl * piqc);
- // switch the pin to inactive state - may already be inactive
- virtual HRESULT Inactive(void);
- // Return sample properties pointer
- AM_SAMPLE2_PROPERTIES * SampleProps() {
- ASSERT(m_SampleProps.cbData != 0);
- return &m_SampleProps;
- }
-// CDynamicOutputPin
-class CDynamicOutputPin : public CBaseOutputPin,
- public IPinFlowControl
-#ifdef UNICODE
- CDynamicOutputPin(
- CHAR *pObjectName,
- CBaseFilter *pFilter,
- CCritSec *pLock,
- HRESULT *phr,
- LPCWSTR pName);
- CDynamicOutputPin(
- TCHAR *pObjectName,
- CBaseFilter *pFilter,
- CCritSec *pLock,
- HRESULT *phr,
- LPCWSTR pName);
- ~CDynamicOutputPin();
- // IUnknown Methods
- STDMETHODIMP NonDelegatingQueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppv);
- // IPin Methods
- STDMETHODIMP Disconnect(void);
- // IPinFlowControl Methods
- STDMETHODIMP Block(DWORD dwBlockFlags, HANDLE hEvent);
- // Set graph config info
- void SetConfigInfo(IGraphConfig *pGraphConfig, HANDLE hStopEvent);
- #ifdef DEBUG
- virtual HRESULT Deliver(IMediaSample *pSample);
- virtual HRESULT DeliverEndOfStream(void);
- virtual HRESULT DeliverNewSegment(REFERENCE_TIME tStart, REFERENCE_TIME tStop, double dRate);
- #endif // DEBUG
- HRESULT DeliverBeginFlush(void);
- HRESULT DeliverEndFlush(void);
- HRESULT Inactive(void);
- HRESULT Active(void);
- virtual HRESULT CompleteConnect(IPin *pReceivePin);
- virtual HRESULT StartUsingOutputPin(void);
- virtual void StopUsingOutputPin(void);
- virtual bool StreamingThreadUsingOutputPin(void);
- HRESULT ChangeOutputFormat
- (
- const AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmt,
- REFERENCE_TIME tSegmentStart,
- REFERENCE_TIME tSegmentStop,
- double dSegmentRate
- );
- HRESULT ChangeMediaType(const CMediaType *pmt);
- HRESULT DynamicReconnect(const CMediaType *pmt);
- HRESULT SynchronousBlockOutputPin(void);
- HRESULT AsynchronousBlockOutputPin(HANDLE hNotifyCallerPinBlockedEvent);
- HRESULT UnblockOutputPin(void);
- void BlockOutputPin(void);
- void ResetBlockState(void);
- static HRESULT WaitEvent(HANDLE hEvent);
- {
- };
- // This lock should be held when the following class members are
- // being used: m_hNotifyCallerPinBlockedEvent, m_BlockState,
- // m_dwBlockCallerThreadID and m_dwNumOutstandingOutputPinUsers.
- CCritSec m_BlockStateLock;
- // This event should be signaled when the output pin is
- // not blocked. This is a manual reset event. For more
- // information on events, see the documentation for
- // CreateEvent() in the Windows SDK.
- HANDLE m_hUnblockOutputPinEvent;
- // This event will be signaled when block operation succeedes or
- // when the user cancels the block operation. The block operation
- // can be canceled by calling IPinFlowControl2::Block( 0, NULL )
- // while the block operation is pending.
- HANDLE m_hNotifyCallerPinBlockedEvent;
- // The state of the current block operation.
- BLOCK_STATE m_BlockState;
- // The ID of the thread which last called IPinFlowControl::Block().
- // For more information on thread IDs, see the documentation for
- // GetCurrentThreadID() in the Windows SDK.
- DWORD m_dwBlockCallerThreadID;
- // The number of times StartUsingOutputPin() has been sucessfully
- // called and a corresponding call to StopUsingOutputPin() has not
- // been made. When this variable is greater than 0, the streaming
- // thread is calling IPin::NewSegment(), IPin::EndOfStream(),
- // IMemInputPin::Receive() or IMemInputPin::ReceiveMultiple(). The
- // streaming thread could also be calling: DynamicReconnect(),
- // ChangeMediaType() or ChangeOutputFormat(). The output pin cannot
- // be blocked while the output pin is being used.
- DWORD m_dwNumOutstandingOutputPinUsers;
- // This event should be set when the IMediaFilter::Stop() is called.
- // This is a manual reset event. It is also set when the output pin
- // delivers a flush to the connected input pin.
- HANDLE m_hStopEvent;
- IGraphConfig* m_pGraphConfig;
- // TRUE if the output pin's allocator's samples are read only.
- // Otherwise FALSE. For more information, see the documentation
- // for IMemInputPin::NotifyAllocator().
- BOOL m_bPinUsesReadOnlyAllocator;
- HRESULT Initialize(void);
- HRESULT ChangeMediaTypeHelper(const CMediaType *pmt);
- #ifdef DEBUG
- void AssertValid(void);
- #endif // DEBUG
-class CAutoUsingOutputPin
- CAutoUsingOutputPin( CDynamicOutputPin* pOutputPin, HRESULT* phr );
- ~CAutoUsingOutputPin();
- CDynamicOutputPin* m_pOutputPin;
-inline CAutoUsingOutputPin::CAutoUsingOutputPin( CDynamicOutputPin* pOutputPin, HRESULT* phr ) :
- m_pOutputPin(NULL)
- // The caller should always pass in valid pointers.
- ASSERT( NULL != pOutputPin );
- ASSERT( NULL != phr );
- // Make sure the user initialized phr.
- ASSERT( S_OK == *phr );
- HRESULT hr = pOutputPin->StartUsingOutputPin();
- if( FAILED( hr ) )
- {
- *phr = hr;
- return;
- }
- m_pOutputPin = pOutputPin;
-inline CAutoUsingOutputPin::~CAutoUsingOutputPin()
- if( NULL != m_pOutputPin )
- {
- m_pOutputPin->StopUsingOutputPin();
- }
-#ifdef DEBUG
-inline HRESULT CDynamicOutputPin::Deliver(IMediaSample *pSample)
- // The caller should call StartUsingOutputPin() before calling this
- // method.
- ASSERT(StreamingThreadUsingOutputPin());
- return CBaseOutputPin::Deliver(pSample);
-inline HRESULT CDynamicOutputPin::DeliverEndOfStream(void)
- // The caller should call StartUsingOutputPin() before calling this
- // method.
- ASSERT( StreamingThreadUsingOutputPin() );
- return CBaseOutputPin::DeliverEndOfStream();
-inline HRESULT CDynamicOutputPin::DeliverNewSegment(REFERENCE_TIME tStart, REFERENCE_TIME tStop, double dRate)
- // The caller should call StartUsingOutputPin() before calling this
- // method.
- ASSERT(StreamingThreadUsingOutputPin());
- return CBaseOutputPin::DeliverNewSegment(tStart, tStop, dRate);
-#endif // DEBUG
-// Memory allocators
-// the shared memory transport between pins requires the input pin
-// to provide a memory allocator that can provide sample objects. A
-// sample object supports the IMediaSample interface.
-// CBaseAllocator handles the management of free and busy samples. It
-// allocates CMediaSample objects. CBaseAllocator is an abstract class:
-// in particular it has no method of initializing the list of free
-// samples. CMemAllocator is derived from CBaseAllocator and initializes
-// the list of samples using memory from the standard IMalloc interface.
-// If you want your buffers to live in some special area of memory,
-// derive your allocator object from CBaseAllocator. If you derive your
-// IMemInputPin interface object from CBaseMemInputPin, you will get
-// CMemAllocator-based allocation etc for free and will just need to
-// supply the Receive handling, and media type / format negotiation.
-// Defines CMediaSample
-// an object of this class supports IMediaSample and represents a buffer
-// for media data with some associated properties. Releasing it returns
-// it to a freelist managed by a CBaseAllocator derived object.
-class CMediaSample : public IMediaSample2 // The interface we support
- friend class CBaseAllocator;
- /* Values for dwFlags - these are used for backward compatiblity
- only now - use AM_SAMPLE_xxx
- */
- enum { Sample_SyncPoint = 0x01, /* Is this a sync point */
- Sample_Preroll = 0x02, /* Is this a preroll sample */
- Sample_Discontinuity = 0x04, /* Set if start of new segment */
- Sample_TypeChanged = 0x08, /* Has the type changed */
- Sample_TimeValid = 0x10, /* Set if time is valid */
- Sample_MediaTimeValid = 0x20, /* Is the media time valid */
- Sample_TimeDiscontinuity = 0x40, /* Time discontinuity */
- Sample_StopValid = 0x100, /* Stop time valid */
- Sample_ValidFlags = 0x1FF
- };
- /* Properties, the media sample class can be a container for a format
- change in which case we take a copy of a type through the SetMediaType
- interface function and then return it when GetMediaType is called. As
- we do no internal processing on it we leave it as a pointer */
- DWORD m_dwFlags; /* Flags for this sample */
- /* Type specific flags are packed
- into the top word
- */
- DWORD m_dwTypeSpecificFlags; /* Media type specific flags */
- LPBYTE m_pBuffer; /* Pointer to the complete buffer */
- LONG m_lActual; /* Length of data in this sample */
- LONG m_cbBuffer; /* Size of the buffer */
- CBaseAllocator *m_pAllocator; /* The allocator who owns us */
- CMediaSample *m_pNext; /* Chaining in free list */
- REFERENCE_TIME m_Start; /* Start sample time */
- REFERENCE_TIME m_End; /* End sample time */
- LONGLONG m_MediaStart; /* Real media start position */
- LONG m_MediaEnd; /* A difference to get the end */
- AM_MEDIA_TYPE *m_pMediaType; /* Media type change data */
- DWORD m_dwStreamId; /* Stream id */
- LONG m_cRef; /* Reference count */
- CMediaSample(
- TCHAR *pName,
- CBaseAllocator *pAllocator,
- HRESULT *phr,
- LPBYTE pBuffer = NULL,
- LONG length = 0);
-#ifdef UNICODE
- CMediaSample(
- CHAR *pName,
- CBaseAllocator *pAllocator,
- HRESULT *phr,
- LPBYTE pBuffer = NULL,
- LONG length = 0);
- virtual ~CMediaSample();
- /* Note the media sample does not delegate to its owner */
- STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppv);
- // set the buffer pointer and length. Used by allocators that
- // want variable sized pointers or pointers into already-read data.
- // This is only available through a CMediaSample* not an IMediaSample*
- // and so cannot be changed by clients.
- HRESULT SetPointer(BYTE * ptr, LONG cBytes);
- // Get me a read/write pointer to this buffer's memory.
- STDMETHODIMP GetPointer(BYTE ** ppBuffer);
- STDMETHODIMP_(LONG) GetSize(void);
- // get the stream time at which this sample should start and finish.
- REFERENCE_TIME * pTimeStart, // put time here
- );
- // Set the stream time at which this sample should start and finish.
- REFERENCE_TIME * pTimeStart, // put time here
- );
- STDMETHODIMP IsSyncPoint(void);
- STDMETHODIMP SetSyncPoint(BOOL bIsSyncPoint);
- STDMETHODIMP IsPreroll(void);
- STDMETHODIMP SetPreroll(BOOL bIsPreroll);
- STDMETHODIMP_(LONG) GetActualDataLength(void);
- STDMETHODIMP SetActualDataLength(LONG lActual);
- // these allow for limited format changes in band
- STDMETHODIMP GetMediaType(AM_MEDIA_TYPE **ppMediaType);
- // returns S_OK if there is a discontinuity in the data (this same is
- // not a continuation of the previous stream of data
- // - there has been a seek).
- STDMETHODIMP IsDiscontinuity(void);
- // set the discontinuity property - TRUE if this sample is not a
- // continuation, but a new sample after a seek.
- STDMETHODIMP SetDiscontinuity(BOOL bDiscontinuity);
- // get the media times for this sample
- LONGLONG * pTimeStart,
- LONGLONG * pTimeEnd
- );
- // Set the media times for this sample
- LONGLONG * pTimeStart,
- LONGLONG * pTimeEnd
- );
- // Set and get properties (IMediaSample2)
- STDMETHODIMP GetProperties(
- DWORD cbProperties,
- BYTE * pbProperties
- );
- STDMETHODIMP SetProperties(
- DWORD cbProperties,
- const BYTE * pbProperties
- );
-// Defines CBaseAllocator
-// Abstract base class that manages a list of media samples
-// This class provides support for getting buffers from the free list,
-// including handling of commit and (asynchronous) decommit.
-// Derive from this class and override the Alloc and Free functions to
-// allocate your CMediaSample (or derived) objects and add them to the
-// free list, preparing them as necessary.
-class AM_NOVTABLE CBaseAllocator : public CUnknown,// A non delegating IUnknown
- public IMemAllocatorCallbackTemp, // The interface we support
- public CCritSec // Provides object locking
- class CSampleList;
- friend class CSampleList;
- /* Trick to get at protected member in CMediaSample */
- static CMediaSample * &NextSample(CMediaSample *pSample)
- {
- return pSample->m_pNext;
- };
- /* Mini list class for the free list */
- class CSampleList
- {
- public:
- CSampleList() : m_List(NULL), m_nOnList(0) {};
-#ifdef DEBUG
- ~CSampleList()
- {
- ASSERT(m_nOnList == 0);
- };
- CMediaSample *Head() const { return m_List; };
- CMediaSample *Next(CMediaSample *pSample) const { return CBaseAllocator::NextSample(pSample); };
- int GetCount() const { return m_nOnList; };
- void Add(CMediaSample *pSample)
- {
- ASSERT(pSample != NULL);
- CBaseAllocator::NextSample(pSample) = m_List;
- m_List = pSample;
- m_nOnList++;
- };
- CMediaSample *RemoveHead()
- {
- CMediaSample *pSample = m_List;
- if (pSample != NULL) {
- m_List = CBaseAllocator::NextSample(m_List);
- m_nOnList--;
- }
- return pSample;
- };
- void Remove(CMediaSample *pSample);
- public:
- CMediaSample *m_List;
- int m_nOnList;
- };
- CSampleList m_lFree; // Free list
- /* Note to overriders of CBaseAllocator.
- We use a lazy signalling mechanism for waiting for samples.
- This means we don't call the OS if no waits occur.
- In order to implement this:
- 1. When a new sample is added to m_lFree call NotifySample() which
- calls ReleaseSemaphore on m_hSem with a count of m_lWaiting and
- sets m_lWaiting to 0.
- This must all be done holding the allocator's critical section.
- 2. When waiting for a sample call SetWaiting() which increments
- m_lWaiting BEFORE leaving the allocator's critical section.
- 3. Actually wait by calling WaitForSingleObject(m_hSem, INFINITE)
- having left the allocator's critical section. The effect of
- this is to remove 1 from the semaphore's count. You MUST call
- this once having incremented m_lWaiting.
- The following are then true when the critical section is not held :
- (let nWaiting = number about to wait or waiting)
- (1) if (m_lFree.GetCount() != 0) then (m_lWaiting == 0)
- (2) m_lWaiting + Semaphore count == nWaiting
- We would deadlock if
- nWaiting != 0 &&
- m_lFree.GetCount() != 0 &&
- Semaphore count == 0
- But from (1) if m_lFree.GetCount() != 0 then m_lWaiting == 0 so
- from (2) Semaphore count == nWaiting (which is non-0) so the
- deadlock can't happen.
- */
- HANDLE m_hSem; // For signalling
- long m_lWaiting; // Waiting for a free element
- long m_lCount; // how many buffers we have agreed to provide
- long m_lAllocated; // how many buffers are currently allocated
- long m_lSize; // agreed size of each buffer
- long m_lAlignment; // agreed alignment
- long m_lPrefix; // agreed prefix (preceeds GetPointer() value)
- BOOL m_bChanged; // Have the buffer requirements changed
- // if true, we are decommitted and can't allocate memory
- BOOL m_bCommitted;
- // if true, the decommit has happened, but we haven't called Free yet
- // as there are still outstanding buffers
- BOOL m_bDecommitInProgress;
- // Notification interface
- IMemAllocatorNotifyCallbackTemp *m_pNotify;
- BOOL m_fEnableReleaseCallback;
- // called to decommit the memory when the last buffer is freed
- // pure virtual - need to override this
- virtual void Free(void) PURE;
- // override to allocate the memory when commit called
- virtual HRESULT Alloc(void);
- CBaseAllocator(
- BOOL bEvent = TRUE, BOOL fEnableReleaseCallback = FALSE);
-#ifdef UNICODE
- CBaseAllocator(
- BOOL bEvent = TRUE, BOOL fEnableReleaseCallback = FALSE);
- virtual ~CBaseAllocator();
- // override this to publicise our interfaces
- STDMETHODIMP NonDelegatingQueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppv);
- STDMETHODIMP SetProperties(
- // return the properties actually being used on this allocator
- STDMETHODIMP GetProperties(
- // override Commit to allocate memory. We handle the GetBuffer
- //state changes
- // override this to handle the memory freeing. We handle any outstanding
- // GetBuffer calls
- STDMETHODIMP Decommit();
- // get container for a sample. Blocking, synchronous call to get the
- // next free buffer (as represented by an IMediaSample interface).
- // on return, the time etc properties will be invalid, but the buffer
- // pointer and size will be correct. The two time parameters are
- // optional and either may be NULL, they may alternatively be set to
- // the start and end times the sample will have attached to it
- // bPrevFramesSkipped is not used (used only by the video renderer's
- // allocator where it affects quality management in direct draw).
- STDMETHODIMP GetBuffer(IMediaSample **ppBuffer,
- REFERENCE_TIME * pStartTime,
- DWORD dwFlags);
- // final release of a CMediaSample will call this
- STDMETHODIMP ReleaseBuffer(IMediaSample *pBuffer);
- // obsolete:: virtual void PutOnFreeList(CMediaSample * pSample);
- STDMETHODIMP SetNotify(IMemAllocatorNotifyCallbackTemp *pNotify);
- STDMETHODIMP GetFreeCount(LONG *plBuffersFree);
- // Notify that a sample is available
- void NotifySample();
- // Notify that we're waiting for a sample
- void SetWaiting() { m_lWaiting++; };
-// Defines CMemAllocator
-// this is an allocator based on CBaseAllocator that allocates sample
-// buffers in main memory (from 'new'). You must call SetProperties
-// before calling Commit.
-// we don't free the memory when going into Decommit state. The simplest
-// way to implement this without complicating CBaseAllocator is to
-// have a Free() function, called to go into decommit state, that does
-// nothing and a ReallyFree function called from our destructor that
-// actually frees the memory.
-// Make me one from quartz.dll
-STDAPI CreateMemoryAllocator(IMemAllocator **ppAllocator);
-class CMemAllocator : public CBaseAllocator
- LPBYTE m_pBuffer; // combined memory for all buffers
- // override to free the memory when decommit completes
- // - we actually do nothing, and save the memory until deletion.
- void Free(void);
- // called from the destructor (and from Alloc if changing size/count) to
- // actually free up the memory
- void ReallyFree(void);
- // overriden to allocate the memory when commit called
- HRESULT Alloc(void);
- /* This goes in the factory template table to create new instances */
- static CUnknown *CreateInstance(LPUNKNOWN, HRESULT *);
- STDMETHODIMP SetProperties(
-#ifdef UNICODE
- CMemAllocator(CHAR *, LPUNKNOWN, HRESULT *);
- ~CMemAllocator();
-// helper used by IAMovieSetup implementation
-AMovieSetupRegisterFilter( const AMOVIESETUP_FILTER * const psetupdata
- , IFilterMapper * pIFM
- , BOOL bRegister );
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#endif /* __FILTER__ */
diff --git a/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/cache.h b/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/cache.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d98f262..0000000
--- a/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/cache.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-// File: Cache.h
-// Desc: DirectShow base classes - efines a non-MFC generic cache class.
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-/* This class implements a simple cache. A cache object is instantiated
- with the number of items it is to hold. An item is a pointer to an
- object derived from CBaseObject (helps reduce memory leaks). The cache
- can then have objects added to it and removed from it. The cache size
- is fixed at construction time and may therefore run out or be flooded.
- If it runs out it returns a NULL pointer, if it fills up it also returns
- a NULL pointer instead of a pointer to the object just inserted */
-/* Making these classes inherit from CBaseObject does nothing for their
- functionality but it allows us to check there are no memory leaks */
-/* WARNING Be very careful when using this class, what it lets you do is
- store and retrieve objects so that you can minimise object creation
- which in turns improves efficiency. However the object you store is
- exactly the same as the object you get back which means that it short
- circuits the constructor initialisation phase. This means any class
- variables the object has (eg pointers) are highly likely to be invalid.
- Therefore ensure you reinitialise the object before using it again */
-#ifndef __CACHE__
-#define __CACHE__
-class CCache : CBaseObject {
- /* Make copy constructor and assignment operator inaccessible */
- CCache(const CCache &refCache);
- CCache &operator=(const CCache &refCache);
- /* These are initialised in the constructor. The first variable points to
- an array of pointers, each of which points to a CBaseObject derived
- object. The m_iCacheSize is the static fixed size for the cache and the
- m_iUsed defines the number of places filled with objects at any time.
- We fill the array of pointers from the start (ie m_ppObjects[0] first)
- and then only add and remove objects from the end position, so in this
- respect the array of object pointers should be treated as a stack */
- CBaseObject **m_ppObjects;
- const INT m_iCacheSize;
- INT m_iUsed;
- CCache(TCHAR *pName,INT iItems);
- virtual ~CCache();
- /* Add an item to the cache */
- CBaseObject *AddToCache(CBaseObject *pObject);
- /* Remove an item from the cache */
- CBaseObject *RemoveFromCache();
- /* Delete all the objects held in the cache */
- void RemoveAll(void);
- /* Return the cache size which is set during construction */
- INT GetCacheSize(void) const {return m_iCacheSize;};
-#endif /* __CACHE__ */
diff --git a/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/combase.h b/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/combase.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 34d5ca6..0000000
--- a/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/combase.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
-// File: ComBase.h
-// Desc: DirectShow base classes - defines a class hierarchy for creating
-// COM objects.
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-a. Derive your COM object from CUnknown
-b. Make a static CreateInstance function that takes an LPUNKNOWN, an HRESULT *
- and a TCHAR *. The LPUNKNOWN defines the object to delegate IUnknown calls
- to. The HRESULT * allows error codes to be passed around constructors and
- the TCHAR * is a descriptive name that can be printed on the debugger.
- It is important that constructors only change the HRESULT * if they have
- to set an ERROR code, if it was successful then leave it alone or you may
- overwrite an error code from an object previously created.
- When you call a constructor the descriptive name should be in static store
- as we do not copy the string. To stop large amounts of memory being used
- in retail builds by all these static strings use the NAME macro,
- CMyFilter = new CImplFilter(NAME("My filter"),pUnknown,phr);
- if (FAILED(hr)) {
- return hr;
- }
- In retail builds NAME(_x_) compiles to NULL, the base CBaseObject class
- knows not to do anything with objects that don't have a name.
-c. Have a constructor for your object that passes the LPUNKNOWN, HRESULT * and
- TCHAR * to the CUnknown constructor. You can set the HRESULT if you have an
- error, or just simply pass it through to the constructor.
- The object creation will fail in the class factory if the HRESULT indicates
- an error (ie FAILED(HRESULT) == TRUE)
-d. Create a FactoryTemplate with your object's class id and CreateInstance
- function.
-Then (for each interface) either
-Multiple inheritance
-1. Also derive it from ISomeInterface
-2. Include DECLARE_IUNKNOWN in your class definition to declare
- implementations of QueryInterface, AddRef and Release that
- call the outer unknown
-3. Override NonDelegatingQueryInterface to expose ISomeInterface by
- code something like
- if (riid == IID_ISomeInterface) {
- return GetInterface((ISomeInterface *) this, ppv);
- } else {
- return CUnknown::NonDelegatingQueryInterface(riid, ppv);
- }
-4. Declare and implement the member functions of ISomeInterface.
-or: Nested interfaces
-1. Declare a class derived from CUnknown
-2. Include DECLARE_IUNKNOWN in your class definition
-3. Override NonDelegatingQueryInterface to expose ISomeInterface by
- code something like
- if (riid == IID_ISomeInterface) {
- return GetInterface((ISomeInterface *) this, ppv);
- } else {
- return CUnknown::NonDelegatingQueryInterface(riid, ppv);
- }
-4. Implement the member functions of ISomeInterface. Use GetOwner() to
- access the COM object class.
-And in your COM object class:
-5. Make the nested class a friend of the COM object class, and declare
- an instance of the nested class as a member of the COM object class.
- NOTE that because you must always pass the outer unknown and an hResult
- to the CUnknown constructor you cannot use a default constructor, in
- other words you will have to make the member variable a pointer to the
- class and make a NEW call in your constructor to actually create it.
-6. override the NonDelegatingQueryInterface with code like this:
- if (riid == IID_ISomeInterface) {
- return m_pImplFilter->
- NonDelegatingQueryInterface(IID_ISomeInterface, ppv);
- } else {
- return CUnknown::NonDelegatingQueryInterface(riid, ppv);
- }
-You can have mixed classes which support some interfaces via multiple
-inheritance and some via nested classes
-#ifndef __COMBASE__
-#define __COMBASE__
-// Filter Setup data structures no defined in axextend.idl
-typedef struct _AMOVIESETUP_FILTER
- const CLSID * clsID;
- const WCHAR * strName;
- DWORD dwMerit;
- UINT nPins;
- const AMOVIESETUP_PIN * lpPin;
-/* The DLLENTRY module initialises the module handle on loading */
-extern HINSTANCE g_hInst;
-/* On DLL load remember which platform we are running on */
-extern DWORD g_amPlatform;
-extern OSVERSIONINFO g_osInfo; // Filled in by GetVersionEx
-/* Version of IUnknown that is renamed to allow a class to support both
- non delegating and delegating IUnknowns in the same COM object */
- STDMETHOD(NonDelegatingQueryInterface) (THIS_ REFIID, LPVOID *) PURE;
- STDMETHOD_(ULONG, NonDelegatingAddRef)(THIS) PURE;
- STDMETHOD_(ULONG, NonDelegatingRelease)(THIS) PURE;
-typedef INonDelegatingUnknown *PNDUNKNOWN;
-/* This is the base object class that supports active object counting. As
- part of the debug facilities we trace every time a C++ object is created
- or destroyed. The name of the object has to be passed up through the class
- derivation list during construction as you cannot call virtual functions
- in the constructor. The downside of all this is that every single object
- constructor has to take an object name parameter that describes it */
-class CBaseObject
- // Disable the copy constructor and assignment by default so you will get
- // compiler errors instead of unexpected behaviour if you pass objects
- // by value or assign objects.
- CBaseObject(const CBaseObject& objectSrc); // no implementation
- void operator=(const CBaseObject& objectSrc); // no implementation
- static LONG m_cObjects; /* Total number of objects active */
-#ifdef DEBUG
- DWORD m_dwCookie; /* Cookie identifying this object */
- /* These increment and decrement the number of active objects */
- CBaseObject(const TCHAR *pName);
-#ifdef UNICODE
- CBaseObject(const char *pName);
- ~CBaseObject();
- /* Call this to find if there are any CUnknown derived objects active */
- static LONG ObjectsActive() {
- return m_cObjects;
- };
-/* An object that supports one or more COM interfaces will be based on
- this class. It supports counting of total objects for DLLCanUnloadNow
- support, and an implementation of the core non delegating IUnknown */
-class AM_NOVTABLE CUnknown : public INonDelegatingUnknown,
- public CBaseObject
- const LPUNKNOWN m_pUnknown; /* Owner of this object */
-protected: /* So we can override NonDelegatingRelease() */
- volatile LONG m_cRef; /* Number of reference counts */
- CUnknown(const TCHAR *pName, LPUNKNOWN pUnk);
- virtual ~CUnknown() {};
- // This is redundant, just use the other constructor
- // as we never touch the HRESULT in this anyway
- CUnknown(TCHAR *pName, LPUNKNOWN pUnk,HRESULT *phr);
-#ifdef UNICODE
- CUnknown(const char *pName, LPUNKNOWN pUnk);
- CUnknown(char *pName, LPUNKNOWN pUnk,HRESULT *phr);
- /* Return the owner of this object */
- LPUNKNOWN GetOwner() const {
- return m_pUnknown;
- };
- /* Called from the class factory to create a new instance, it is
- pure virtual so it must be overriden in your derived class */
- /* static CUnknown *CreateInstance(LPUNKNOWN, HRESULT *) */
- /* Non delegating unknown implementation */
- STDMETHODIMP NonDelegatingQueryInterface(REFIID, void **);
- STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) NonDelegatingAddRef();
- STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) NonDelegatingRelease();
-#if (_MSC_VER <= 1200)
-#pragma warning(disable:4211)
-/* The standard InterlockedXXX functions won't take volatiles */
-static inline LONG WINAPI InterlockedIncrement( volatile LONG * plong )
-{ return InterlockedIncrement( const_cast<LONG*>( plong ) ); }
-static inline LONG WINAPI InterlockedDecrement( volatile LONG * plong )
-{ return InterlockedDecrement( const_cast<LONG*>( plong ) ); }
-#pragma warning(default:4211)
-/* Return an interface pointer to a requesting client
- performing a thread safe AddRef as necessary */
-STDAPI GetInterface(LPUNKNOWN pUnk, void **ppv);
-/* A function that can create a new COM object */
-typedef CUnknown *(CALLBACK *LPFNNewCOMObject)(LPUNKNOWN pUnkOuter, HRESULT *phr);
-/* A function (can be NULL) which is called from the DLL entrypoint
- routine for each factory template:
- bLoading - TRUE on DLL load, FALSE on DLL unload
- rclsid - the m_ClsID of the entry
-typedef void (CALLBACK *LPFNInitRoutine)(BOOL bLoading, const CLSID *rclsid);
-/* Create one of these per object class in an array so that
- the default class factory code can create new instances */
-class CFactoryTemplate {
- const WCHAR * m_Name;
- const CLSID * m_ClsID;
- LPFNNewCOMObject m_lpfnNew;
- LPFNInitRoutine m_lpfnInit;
- const AMOVIESETUP_FILTER * m_pAMovieSetup_Filter;
- BOOL IsClassID(REFCLSID rclsid) const {
- return (IsEqualCLSID(*m_ClsID,rclsid));
- };
- CUnknown *CreateInstance(LPUNKNOWN pUnk, HRESULT *phr) const {
- CheckPointer(phr,NULL);
- return m_lpfnNew(pUnk, phr);
- };
-/* You must override the (pure virtual) NonDelegatingQueryInterface to return
- interface pointers (using GetInterface) to the interfaces your derived
- class supports (the default implementation only supports IUnknown) */
- STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppv) { \
- return GetOwner()->QueryInterface(riid,ppv); \
- }; \
- return GetOwner()->AddRef(); \
- }; \
- STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release() { \
- return GetOwner()->Release(); \
- };
-#endif /* __COMBASE__ */
diff --git a/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/cprop.h b/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/cprop.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e50350..0000000
--- a/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/cprop.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-// File: CProp.h
-// Desc: DirectShow base classes.
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-#ifndef __CPROP__
-#define __CPROP__
-// Base property page class. Filters typically expose custom properties by
-// implementing special control interfaces, examples are IDirectDrawVideo
-// and IQualProp on renderers. This allows property pages to be built that
-// use the given interface. Applications such as the ActiveMovie OCX query
-// filters for the property pages they support and expose them to the user
-// This class provides all the framework for a property page. A property
-// page is a COM object that supports IPropertyPage. We should be created
-// with a resource ID for the dialog which we will load when required. We
-// should also be given in the constructor a resource ID for a title string
-// we will load from the DLLs STRINGTABLE. The property page titles must be
-// stored in resource files so that they can be easily internationalised
-// We have a number of virtual methods (not PURE) that may be overriden in
-// derived classes to query for interfaces and so on. These functions have
-// simple implementations here that just return NOERROR. Derived classes
-// will almost definately have to override the message handler method called
-// OnReceiveMessage. We have a static dialog procedure that calls the method
-// so that derived classes don't have to fiddle around with the this pointer
-class AM_NOVTABLE CBasePropertyPage : public IPropertyPage, public CUnknown
- LPPROPERTYPAGESITE m_pPageSite; // Details for our property site
- HWND m_hwnd; // Window handle for the page
- HWND m_Dlg; // Actual dialog window handle
- BOOL m_bDirty; // Has anything been changed
- int m_TitleId; // Resource identifier for title
- int m_DialogId; // Dialog resource identifier
- static INT_PTR CALLBACK DialogProc(HWND hwnd,
- UINT uMsg,
- WPARAM wParam,
- LPARAM lParam);
- BOOL m_bObjectSet ; // SetObject has been called or not.
- CBasePropertyPage(TCHAR *pName, // Debug only name
- LPUNKNOWN pUnk, // COM Delegator
- int DialogId, // Resource ID
- int TitleId); // To get tital
-#ifdef UNICODE
- CBasePropertyPage(CHAR *pName,
- int DialogId,
- int TitleId);
- virtual ~CBasePropertyPage() { };
- // Override these virtual methods
- virtual HRESULT OnConnect(IUnknown *pUnknown) { return NOERROR; };
- virtual HRESULT OnDisconnect() { return NOERROR; };
- virtual HRESULT OnActivate() { return NOERROR; };
- virtual HRESULT OnDeactivate() { return NOERROR; };
- virtual HRESULT OnApplyChanges() { return NOERROR; };
- virtual INT_PTR OnReceiveMessage(HWND hwnd,UINT uMsg,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam);
- // These implement an IPropertyPage interface
- STDMETHODIMP NonDelegatingQueryInterface(REFIID riid,void **ppv);
- STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) NonDelegatingRelease();
- STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) NonDelegatingAddRef();
- STDMETHODIMP Activate(HWND hwndParent,LPCRECT prect,BOOL fModal);
- STDMETHODIMP Deactivate(void);
- STDMETHODIMP SetObjects(ULONG cObjects, LPUNKNOWN *ppUnk);
- STDMETHODIMP IsPageDirty(void) { return m_bDirty ? S_OK : S_FALSE; }
- STDMETHODIMP Apply(void);
- STDMETHODIMP Help(LPCWSTR lpszHelpDir) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
- STDMETHODIMP TranslateAccelerator(LPMSG lpMsg) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
-#endif // __CPROP__
diff --git a/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/ctlutil.h b/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/ctlutil.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 89b6ff2..0000000
--- a/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/ctlutil.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,920 +0,0 @@
-// File: CtlUtil.h
-// Desc: DirectShow base classes.
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// Base classes implementing IDispatch parsing for the basic control dual
-// interfaces. Derive from these and implement just the custom method and
-// property methods. We also implement CPosPassThru that can be used by
-// renderers and transforms to pass by IMediaPosition and IMediaSeeking
-#ifndef __CTLUTIL__
-#define __CTLUTIL__
-// OLE Automation has different ideas of TRUE and FALSE
-#define OATRUE (-1)
-#define OAFALSE (0)
-// It's possible that we could replace this class with CreateStdDispatch
-class CBaseDispatch
- ITypeInfo * m_pti;
- CBaseDispatch() : m_pti(NULL) {}
- ~CBaseDispatch();
- /* IDispatch methods */
- STDMETHODIMP GetTypeInfoCount(UINT * pctinfo);
- REFIID riid,
- UINT itinfo,
- LCID lcid,
- ITypeInfo ** pptinfo);
- REFIID riid,
- OLECHAR ** rgszNames,
- UINT cNames,
- LCID lcid,
- DISPID * rgdispid);
-class AM_NOVTABLE CMediaControl :
- public IMediaControl,
- public CUnknown
- CBaseDispatch m_basedisp;
- CMediaControl(const TCHAR *, LPUNKNOWN);
- // override this to publicise our interfaces
- STDMETHODIMP NonDelegatingQueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppv);
- /* IDispatch methods */
- STDMETHODIMP GetTypeInfoCount(UINT * pctinfo);
- UINT itinfo,
- LCID lcid,
- ITypeInfo ** pptinfo);
- REFIID riid,
- OLECHAR ** rgszNames,
- UINT cNames,
- LCID lcid,
- DISPID * rgdispid);
- DISPID dispidMember,
- REFIID riid,
- LCID lcid,
- WORD wFlags,
- DISPPARAMS * pdispparams,
- VARIANT * pvarResult,
- EXCEPINFO * pexcepinfo,
- UINT * puArgErr);
-class AM_NOVTABLE CMediaEvent :
- public IMediaEventEx,
- public CUnknown
- CBaseDispatch m_basedisp;
- CMediaEvent(const TCHAR *, LPUNKNOWN);
- // override this to publicise our interfaces
- STDMETHODIMP NonDelegatingQueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppv);
- /* IDispatch methods */
- STDMETHODIMP GetTypeInfoCount(UINT * pctinfo);
- UINT itinfo,
- LCID lcid,
- ITypeInfo ** pptinfo);
- REFIID riid,
- OLECHAR ** rgszNames,
- UINT cNames,
- LCID lcid,
- DISPID * rgdispid);
- DISPID dispidMember,
- REFIID riid,
- LCID lcid,
- WORD wFlags,
- DISPPARAMS * pdispparams,
- VARIANT * pvarResult,
- EXCEPINFO * pexcepinfo,
- UINT * puArgErr);
-class AM_NOVTABLE CMediaPosition :
- public IMediaPosition,
- public CUnknown
- CBaseDispatch m_basedisp;
- CMediaPosition(const TCHAR *, LPUNKNOWN);
- CMediaPosition(const TCHAR *, LPUNKNOWN, HRESULT *phr);
- // override this to publicise our interfaces
- STDMETHODIMP NonDelegatingQueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppv);
- /* IDispatch methods */
- STDMETHODIMP GetTypeInfoCount(UINT * pctinfo);
- UINT itinfo,
- LCID lcid,
- ITypeInfo ** pptinfo);
- REFIID riid,
- OLECHAR ** rgszNames,
- UINT cNames,
- LCID lcid,
- DISPID * rgdispid);
- DISPID dispidMember,
- REFIID riid,
- LCID lcid,
- WORD wFlags,
- DISPPARAMS * pdispparams,
- VARIANT * pvarResult,
- EXCEPINFO * pexcepinfo,
- UINT * puArgErr);
-// OA-compatibility means that we must use double as the RefTime value,
-// and REFERENCE_TIME (essentially a LONGLONG) within filters.
-// this class converts between the two
-class COARefTime : public CRefTime {
- COARefTime() {
- };
- COARefTime(CRefTime t)
- : CRefTime(t)
- {
- };
- : CRefTime(t)
- {
- };
- COARefTime(double d) {
- m_time = (LONGLONG) (d * 10000000);
- };
- operator double() {
- return double(m_time) / 10000000;
- };
- operator REFERENCE_TIME() {
- return m_time;
- };
- COARefTime& operator=(const double& rd) {
- m_time = (LONGLONG) (rd * 10000000);
- return *this;
- }
- COARefTime& operator=(const REFERENCE_TIME& rt) {
- m_time = rt;
- return *this;
- }
- inline BOOL operator==(const COARefTime& rt)
- {
- return m_time == rt.m_time;
- };
- inline BOOL operator!=(const COARefTime& rt)
- {
- return m_time != rt.m_time;
- };
- inline BOOL operator < (const COARefTime& rt)
- {
- return m_time < rt.m_time;
- };
- inline BOOL operator > (const COARefTime& rt)
- {
- return m_time > rt.m_time;
- };
- inline BOOL operator >= (const COARefTime& rt)
- {
- return m_time >= rt.m_time;
- };
- inline BOOL operator <= (const COARefTime& rt)
- {
- return m_time <= rt.m_time;
- };
- inline COARefTime operator+(const COARefTime& rt)
- {
- return COARefTime(m_time + rt.m_time);
- };
- inline COARefTime operator-(const COARefTime& rt)
- {
- return COARefTime(m_time - rt.m_time);
- };
- inline COARefTime operator*(LONG l)
- {
- return COARefTime(m_time * l);
- };
- inline COARefTime operator/(LONG l)
- {
- return COARefTime(m_time / l);
- };
- // Prevent bugs from constructing from LONG (which gets
- // converted to double and then multiplied by 10000000
- COARefTime(LONG);
- //--operator=(LONG);
- (LONG) operator=(LONG);
-// A utility class that handles IMediaPosition and IMediaSeeking on behalf
-// of single-input pin renderers, or transform filters.
-// Renderers will expose this from the filter; transform filters will
-// expose it from the output pin and not the renderer.
-// Create one of these, giving it your IPin* for your input pin, and delegate
-// all IMediaPosition methods to it. It will query the input pin for
-// IMediaPosition and respond appropriately.
-// Call ForceRefresh if the pin connection changes.
-// This class no longer caches the upstream IMediaPosition or IMediaSeeking
-// it acquires it on each method call. This means ForceRefresh is not needed.
-// The method is kept for source compatibility and to minimise the changes
-// if we need to put it back later for performance reasons.
-class CPosPassThru : public IMediaSeeking, public CMediaPosition
- IPin *m_pPin;
- HRESULT GetPeer(IMediaPosition **ppMP);
- HRESULT GetPeerSeeking(IMediaSeeking **ppMS);
- CPosPassThru(const TCHAR *, LPUNKNOWN, HRESULT*, IPin *);
- HRESULT ForceRefresh() {
- return S_OK;
- };
- // override to return an accurate current position
- virtual HRESULT GetMediaTime(LONGLONG *pStartTime,LONGLONG *pEndTime) {
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- STDMETHODIMP NonDelegatingQueryInterface(REFIID riid,void **ppv);
- // IMediaSeeking methods
- STDMETHODIMP GetCapabilities( DWORD * pCapabilities );
- STDMETHODIMP CheckCapabilities( DWORD * pCapabilities );
- STDMETHODIMP SetTimeFormat(const GUID * pFormat);
- STDMETHODIMP GetTimeFormat(GUID *pFormat);
- STDMETHODIMP IsUsingTimeFormat(const GUID * pFormat);
- STDMETHODIMP IsFormatSupported( const GUID * pFormat);
- STDMETHODIMP QueryPreferredFormat( GUID *pFormat);
- STDMETHODIMP ConvertTimeFormat(LONGLONG * pTarget, const GUID * pTargetFormat,
- LONGLONG Source, const GUID * pSourceFormat );
- STDMETHODIMP SetPositions( LONGLONG * pCurrent, DWORD CurrentFlags
- , LONGLONG * pStop, DWORD StopFlags );
- STDMETHODIMP GetPositions( LONGLONG * pCurrent, LONGLONG * pStop );
- STDMETHODIMP GetCurrentPosition( LONGLONG * pCurrent );
- STDMETHODIMP GetStopPosition( LONGLONG * pStop );
- STDMETHODIMP SetRate( double dRate);
- STDMETHODIMP GetRate( double * pdRate);
- STDMETHODIMP GetDuration( LONGLONG *pDuration);
- STDMETHODIMP GetAvailable( LONGLONG *pEarliest, LONGLONG *pLatest );
- STDMETHODIMP GetPreroll( LONGLONG *pllPreroll );
- // IMediaPosition properties
- STDMETHODIMP get_Duration(REFTIME * plength);
- STDMETHODIMP put_CurrentPosition(REFTIME llTime);
- STDMETHODIMP get_StopTime(REFTIME * pllTime);
- STDMETHODIMP put_StopTime(REFTIME llTime);
- STDMETHODIMP get_PrerollTime(REFTIME * pllTime);
- STDMETHODIMP put_PrerollTime(REFTIME llTime);
- STDMETHODIMP get_Rate(double * pdRate);
- STDMETHODIMP put_Rate(double dRate);
- STDMETHODIMP get_CurrentPosition(REFTIME * pllTime);
- STDMETHODIMP CanSeekForward(LONG *pCanSeekForward);
- STDMETHODIMP CanSeekBackward(LONG *pCanSeekBackward);
- HRESULT GetSeekingLongLong( HRESULT (__stdcall IMediaSeeking::*pMethod)( LONGLONG * ),
- LONGLONG * pll );
-// Adds the ability to return a current position
-class CRendererPosPassThru : public CPosPassThru
- CCritSec m_PositionLock; // Locks access to our position
- LONGLONG m_StartMedia; // Start media time last seen
- LONGLONG m_EndMedia; // And likewise the end media
- BOOL m_bReset; // Have media times been set
- // Used to help with passing media times through graph
- CRendererPosPassThru(const TCHAR *, LPUNKNOWN, HRESULT*, IPin *);
- HRESULT RegisterMediaTime(IMediaSample *pMediaSample);
- HRESULT RegisterMediaTime(LONGLONG StartTime,LONGLONG EndTime);
- HRESULT GetMediaTime(LONGLONG *pStartTime,LONGLONG *pEndTime);
- HRESULT ResetMediaTime();
-STDAPI CreatePosPassThru(
- BOOL bRenderer,
- IPin *pPin,
- IUnknown **ppPassThru
-// A class that handles the IDispatch part of IBasicAudio and leaves the
-// properties and methods themselves pure virtual.
-class AM_NOVTABLE CBasicAudio : public IBasicAudio, public CUnknown
- CBaseDispatch m_basedisp;
- CBasicAudio(const TCHAR *, LPUNKNOWN);
- // override this to publicise our interfaces
- STDMETHODIMP NonDelegatingQueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppv);
- /* IDispatch methods */
- STDMETHODIMP GetTypeInfoCount(UINT * pctinfo);
- UINT itinfo,
- LCID lcid,
- ITypeInfo ** pptinfo);
- REFIID riid,
- OLECHAR ** rgszNames,
- UINT cNames,
- LCID lcid,
- DISPID * rgdispid);
- DISPID dispidMember,
- REFIID riid,
- LCID lcid,
- WORD wFlags,
- DISPPARAMS * pdispparams,
- VARIANT * pvarResult,
- EXCEPINFO * pexcepinfo,
- UINT * puArgErr);
-// A class that handles the IDispatch part of IBasicVideo and leaves the
-// properties and methods themselves pure virtual.
-class AM_NOVTABLE CBaseBasicVideo : public IBasicVideo2, public CUnknown
- CBaseDispatch m_basedisp;
- CBaseBasicVideo(const TCHAR *, LPUNKNOWN);
- // override this to publicise our interfaces
- STDMETHODIMP NonDelegatingQueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppv);
- /* IDispatch methods */
- STDMETHODIMP GetTypeInfoCount(UINT * pctinfo);
- UINT itinfo,
- LCID lcid,
- ITypeInfo ** pptinfo);
- REFIID riid,
- OLECHAR ** rgszNames,
- UINT cNames,
- LCID lcid,
- DISPID * rgdispid);
- DISPID dispidMember,
- REFIID riid,
- LCID lcid,
- WORD wFlags,
- DISPPARAMS * pdispparams,
- VARIANT * pvarResult,
- EXCEPINFO * pexcepinfo,
- UINT * puArgErr);
- STDMETHODIMP GetPreferredAspectRatio(
- long *plAspectX,
- long *plAspectY)
- {
- return E_NOTIMPL;
- }
-// A class that handles the IDispatch part of IVideoWindow and leaves the
-// properties and methods themselves pure virtual.
-class AM_NOVTABLE CBaseVideoWindow : public IVideoWindow, public CUnknown
- CBaseDispatch m_basedisp;
- CBaseVideoWindow(const TCHAR *, LPUNKNOWN);
- // override this to publicise our interfaces
- STDMETHODIMP NonDelegatingQueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppv);
- /* IDispatch methods */
- STDMETHODIMP GetTypeInfoCount(UINT * pctinfo);
- UINT itinfo,
- LCID lcid,
- ITypeInfo ** pptinfo);
- REFIID riid,
- OLECHAR ** rgszNames,
- UINT cNames,
- LCID lcid,
- DISPID * rgdispid);
- DISPID dispidMember,
- REFIID riid,
- LCID lcid,
- WORD wFlags,
- DISPPARAMS * pdispparams,
- VARIANT * pvarResult,
- EXCEPINFO * pexcepinfo,
- UINT * puArgErr);
-// abstract class to help source filters with their implementation
-// of IMediaPosition. Derive from this and set the duration (and stop
-// position). Also override NotifyChange to do something when the properties
-// change.
-class AM_NOVTABLE CSourcePosition : public CMediaPosition
- CSourcePosition(const TCHAR *, LPUNKNOWN, HRESULT*, CCritSec *);
- // IMediaPosition methods
- STDMETHODIMP get_Duration(REFTIME * plength);
- STDMETHODIMP put_CurrentPosition(REFTIME llTime);
- STDMETHODIMP get_StopTime(REFTIME * pllTime);
- STDMETHODIMP put_StopTime(REFTIME llTime);
- STDMETHODIMP get_PrerollTime(REFTIME * pllTime);
- STDMETHODIMP put_PrerollTime(REFTIME llTime);
- STDMETHODIMP get_Rate(double * pdRate);
- STDMETHODIMP put_Rate(double dRate);
- STDMETHODIMP CanSeekForward(LONG *pCanSeekForward);
- STDMETHODIMP CanSeekBackward(LONG *pCanSeekBackward);
- // override if you can return the data you are actually working on
- STDMETHODIMP get_CurrentPosition(REFTIME * pllTime) {
- return E_NOTIMPL;
- };
- // we call this to notify changes. Override to handle them
- virtual HRESULT ChangeStart() PURE;
- virtual HRESULT ChangeStop() PURE;
- virtual HRESULT ChangeRate() PURE;
- COARefTime m_Duration;
- COARefTime m_Start;
- COARefTime m_Stop;
- double m_Rate;
- CCritSec * m_pLock;
-class AM_NOVTABLE CSourceSeeking :
- public IMediaSeeking,
- public CUnknown
- STDMETHODIMP NonDelegatingQueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppv);
- // IMediaSeeking methods
- STDMETHODIMP IsFormatSupported(const GUID * pFormat);
- STDMETHODIMP QueryPreferredFormat(GUID *pFormat);
- STDMETHODIMP SetTimeFormat(const GUID * pFormat);
- STDMETHODIMP IsUsingTimeFormat(const GUID * pFormat);
- STDMETHODIMP GetTimeFormat(GUID *pFormat);
- STDMETHODIMP GetDuration(LONGLONG *pDuration);
- STDMETHODIMP GetStopPosition(LONGLONG *pStop);
- STDMETHODIMP GetCurrentPosition(LONGLONG *pCurrent);
- STDMETHODIMP GetCapabilities( DWORD * pCapabilities );
- STDMETHODIMP CheckCapabilities( DWORD * pCapabilities );
- STDMETHODIMP ConvertTimeFormat( LONGLONG * pTarget, const GUID * pTargetFormat,
- LONGLONG Source, const GUID * pSourceFormat );
- STDMETHODIMP SetPositions( LONGLONG * pCurrent, DWORD CurrentFlags
- , LONGLONG * pStop, DWORD StopFlags );
- STDMETHODIMP GetPositions( LONGLONG * pCurrent, LONGLONG * pStop );
- STDMETHODIMP GetAvailable( LONGLONG * pEarliest, LONGLONG * pLatest );
- STDMETHODIMP SetRate( double dRate);
- STDMETHODIMP GetRate( double * pdRate);
- STDMETHODIMP GetPreroll(LONGLONG *pPreroll);
- // ctor
- CSourceSeeking(const TCHAR *, LPUNKNOWN, HRESULT*, CCritSec *);
- // we call this to notify changes. Override to handle them
- virtual HRESULT ChangeStart() PURE;
- virtual HRESULT ChangeStop() PURE;
- virtual HRESULT ChangeRate() PURE;
- CRefTime m_rtDuration; // length of stream
- CRefTime m_rtStart; // source will start here
- CRefTime m_rtStop; // source will stop here
- double m_dRateSeeking;
- // seeking capabilities
- DWORD m_dwSeekingCaps;
- CCritSec * m_pLock;
-// Base classes supporting Deferred commands.
-// Deferred commands are queued by calls to methods on the IQueueCommand
-// interface, exposed by the filtergraph and by some filters. A successful
-// call to one of these methods will return an IDeferredCommand interface
-// representing the queued command.
-// A CDeferredCommand object represents a single deferred command, and exposes
-// the IDeferredCommand interface as well as other methods permitting time
-// checks and actual execution. It contains a reference to the CCommandQueue
-// object on which it is queued.
-// CCommandQueue is a base class providing a queue of CDeferredCommand
-// objects, and methods to add, remove, check status and invoke the queued
-// commands. A CCommandQueue object would be part of an object that
-// implemented IQueueCommand.
-class CCmdQueue;
-// take a copy of the params and store them. Release any allocated
-// memory in destructor
-class CDispParams : public DISPPARAMS
- CDispParams(UINT nArgs, VARIANT* pArgs, HRESULT *phr = NULL);
- ~CDispParams();
-// CDeferredCommand lifetime is controlled by refcounts. Caller of
-// InvokeAt.. gets a refcounted interface pointer, and the CCmdQueue
-// object also holds a refcount on us. Calling Cancel or Invoke takes
-// us off the CCmdQueue and thus reduces the refcount by 1. Once taken
-// off the queue we cannot be put back on the queue.
-class CDeferredCommand
- : public CUnknown,
- public IDeferredCommand
- CDeferredCommand(
- CCmdQueue * pQ,
- LPUNKNOWN pUnk, // aggregation outer unk
- HRESULT * phr,
- LPUNKNOWN pUnkExecutor, // object that will execute this cmd
- REFTIME time,
- GUID* iid,
- long dispidMethod,
- short wFlags,
- long cArgs,
- VARIANT* pDispParams,
- VARIANT* pvarResult,
- short* puArgErr,
- BOOL bStream
- );
- // override this to publicise our interfaces
- STDMETHODIMP NonDelegatingQueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppv);
- // IDeferredCommand methods
- STDMETHODIMP Confidence(
- LONG* pConfidence);
- REFTIME newtime);
- HRESULT* phrResult);
- // other public methods
- HRESULT Invoke();
- // access methods
- // returns TRUE if streamtime, FALSE if presentation time
- BOOL IsStreamTime() {
- return m_bStream;
- };
- CRefTime GetTime() {
- return m_time;
- };
- return *m_iid;
- };
- long GetMethod() {
- return m_dispidMethod;
- };
- short GetFlags() {
- return m_wFlags;
- };
- DISPPARAMS* GetParams() {
- return &m_DispParams;
- };
- VARIANT* GetResult() {
- return m_pvarResult;
- };
- CCmdQueue* m_pQueue;
- // pUnk for the interface that we will execute the command on
- // stored command data
- GUID* m_iid;
- long m_dispidMethod;
- short m_wFlags;
- VARIANT* m_pvarResult;
- BOOL m_bStream;
- CDispParams m_DispParams;
- DISPID m_DispId; // For get and put
- // we use this for ITypeInfo access
- CBaseDispatch m_Dispatch;
- // save retval here
- HRESULT m_hrResult;
-// a list of CDeferredCommand objects. this is a base class providing
-// the basics of access to the list. If you want to use CDeferredCommand
-// objects then your queue needs to be derived from this class.
-class AM_NOVTABLE CCmdQueue
- CCmdQueue();
- virtual ~CCmdQueue();
- // returns a new CDeferredCommand object that will be initialised with
- // the parameters and will be added to the queue during construction.
- // returns S_OK if successfully created otherwise an error and
- // no object has been queued.
- virtual HRESULT New(
- CDeferredCommand **ppCmd,
- REFTIME time,
- GUID* iid,
- long dispidMethod,
- short wFlags,
- long cArgs,
- VARIANT* pDispParams,
- VARIANT* pvarResult,
- short* puArgErr,
- BOOL bStream
- );
- // called by the CDeferredCommand object to add and remove itself
- // from the queue
- virtual HRESULT Insert(CDeferredCommand* pCmd);
- virtual HRESULT Remove(CDeferredCommand* pCmd);
- // Command-Due Checking
- //
- // There are two schemes of synchronisation: coarse and accurate. In
- // coarse mode, you wait till the time arrives and then execute the cmd.
- // In accurate mode, you wait until you are processing the sample that
- // will appear at the time, and then execute the command. It's up to the
- // filter which one it will implement. The filtergraph will always
- // implement coarse mode for commands queued at the filtergraph.
- //
- // If you want coarse sync, you probably want to wait until there is a
- // command due, and then execute it. You can do this by calling
- // GetDueCommand. If you have several things to wait for, get the
- // event handle from GetDueHandle() and when this is signalled then call
- // GetDueCommand. Stream time will only advance between calls to Run and
- // EndRun. Note that to avoid an extra thread there is no guarantee that
- // if the handle is set there will be a command ready. Each time the
- // event is signalled, call GetDueCommand (probably with a 0 timeout);
- // This may return E_ABORT.
- //
- // If you want accurate sync, you must call GetCommandDueFor, passing
- // as a parameter the stream time of the samples you are about to process.
- // This will return:
- // -- a stream-time command due at or before that stream time
- // -- a presentation-time command due at or before the
- // time that stream time will be presented (only between Run
- // and EndRun calls, since outside of this, the mapping from
- // stream time to presentation time is not known.
- // -- any presentation-time command due now.
- // This means that if you want accurate synchronisation on samples that
- // might be processed during Paused mode, you need to use
- // stream-time commands.
- //
- // In all cases, commands remain queued until Invoked or Cancelled. The
- // setting and resetting of the event handle is managed entirely by this
- // queue object.
- // set the clock used for timing
- virtual HRESULT SetSyncSource(IReferenceClock*);
- // switch to run mode. Streamtime to Presentation time mapping known.
- virtual HRESULT Run(REFERENCE_TIME tStreamTimeOffset);
- // switch to Stopped or Paused mode. Time mapping not known.
- virtual HRESULT EndRun();
- // return a pointer to the next due command. Blocks for msTimeout
- // milliseconds until there is a due command.
- // Stream-time commands will only become due between Run and Endrun calls.
- // The command remains queued until invoked or cancelled.
- // Returns E_ABORT if timeout occurs, otherwise S_OK (or other error).
- // Returns an AddRef-ed object
- virtual HRESULT GetDueCommand(CDeferredCommand ** ppCmd, long msTimeout);
- // return the event handle that will be signalled whenever
- // there are deferred commands due for execution (when GetDueCommand
- // will not block).
- HANDLE GetDueHandle() {
- return HANDLE(m_evDue);
- };
- // return a pointer to a command that will be due for a given time.
- // Pass in a stream time here. The stream time offset will be passed
- // in via the Run method.
- // Commands remain queued until invoked or cancelled.
- // This method will not block. It will report VFW_E_NOT_FOUND if there
- // are no commands due yet.
- // Returns an AddRef-ed object
- virtual HRESULT GetCommandDueFor(REFERENCE_TIME tStream, CDeferredCommand**ppCmd);
- // check if a given time is due (TRUE if it is due yet)
- BOOL CheckTime(CRefTime time, BOOL bStream) {
- // if no clock, nothing is due!
- if (!m_pClock) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- // stream time
- if (bStream) {
- // not valid if not running
- if (!m_bRunning) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- // add on known stream time offset to get presentation time
- time += m_StreamTimeOffset;
- }
- CRefTime Now;
- m_pClock->GetTime((REFERENCE_TIME*)&Now);
- return (time <= Now);
- };
- // protect access to lists etc
- CCritSec m_Lock;
- // commands queued in presentation time are stored here
- CGenericList<CDeferredCommand> m_listPresentation;
- // commands queued in stream time are stored here
- CGenericList<CDeferredCommand> m_listStream;
- // set when any commands are due
- CAMEvent m_evDue;
- // creates an advise for the earliest time required, if any
- void SetTimeAdvise(void);
- // advise id from reference clock (0 if no outstanding advise)
- DWORD_PTR m_dwAdvise;
- // advise time is for this presentation time
- CRefTime m_tCurrentAdvise;
- // the reference clock we are using (addrefed)
- IReferenceClock* m_pClock;
- // true when running
- BOOL m_bRunning;
- // contains stream time offset when m_bRunning is true
- CRefTime m_StreamTimeOffset;
-#endif // __CTLUTIL__
diff --git a/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/ddmm.h b/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/ddmm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 678bec3..0000000
--- a/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/ddmm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-// File: DDMM.h
-// Desc: DirectShow base classes - efines routines for using DirectDraw
-// on a multimonitor system.
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" { /* Assume C declarations for C++ */
-#endif /* __cplusplus */
-// DDRAW.H might not include these
-IDirectDraw * DirectDrawCreateFromDevice(LPSTR, PDRAWCREATE, PDRAWENUM);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* __cplusplus */
diff --git a/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/dllsetup.h b/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/dllsetup.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a43d2fd..0000000
--- a/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/dllsetup.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-// File: DllSetup.h
-// Desc: DirectShow base classes.
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// To be self registering, OLE servers must
-// export functions named DllRegisterServer
-// and DllUnregisterServer. To allow use of
-// custom and default implementations the
-// defaults are named AMovieDllRegisterServer
-// and AMovieDllUnregisterServer.
-// To the use the default implementation you
-// must provide stub functions.
-// i.e. STDAPI DllRegisterServer()
-// {
-// return AMovieDllRegisterServer();
-// }
-// STDAPI DllUnregisterServer()
-// {
-// return AMovieDllUnregisterServer();
-// }
-// AMovieDllRegisterServer calls IAMovieSetup.Register(), and
-// AMovieDllUnregisterServer calls IAMovieSetup.Unregister().
-STDAPI AMovieDllRegisterServer2( BOOL );
-STDAPI AMovieDllRegisterServer();
-STDAPI AMovieDllUnregisterServer();
-// helper functions
-STDAPI EliminateSubKey( HKEY, LPTSTR );
-AMovieSetupRegisterFilter2( const AMOVIESETUP_FILTER * const psetupdata
- , IFilterMapper2 * pIFM2
- , BOOL bRegister );
diff --git a/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/dsschedule.h b/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/dsschedule.h
deleted file mode 100644
index cc21b1c..0000000
--- a/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/dsschedule.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-// File: DSSchedule.h (replaces DirectX 8's schedule.h)
-// Desc: DirectShow base classes.
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-#ifndef __CAMSchedule__
-#define __CAMSchedule__
-class CAMSchedule : private CBaseObject
- virtual ~CAMSchedule();
- // ev is the event we should fire if the advise time needs re-evaluating
- CAMSchedule( HANDLE ev );
- DWORD GetAdviseCount();
- REFERENCE_TIME GetNextAdviseTime();
- // We need a method for derived classes to add advise packets, we return the cookie
- DWORD_PTR AddAdvisePacket( const REFERENCE_TIME & time1, const REFERENCE_TIME & time2, HANDLE h, BOOL periodic );
- // And a way to cancel
- HRESULT Unadvise(DWORD_PTR dwAdviseCookie);
- // Tell us the time please, and we'll dispatch the expired events. We return the time of the next event.
- // NB: The time returned will be "useless" if you start adding extra Advises. But that's the problem of
- // whoever is using this helper class (typically a clock).
- REFERENCE_TIME Advise( const REFERENCE_TIME & rtTime );
- // Get the event handle which will be set if advise time requires re-evaluation.
- HANDLE GetEvent() const { return m_ev; }
- // We define the nodes that will be used in our singly linked list
- // of advise packets. The list is ordered by time, with the
- // elements that will expire first at the front.
- class CAdvisePacket
- {
- public:
- CAdvisePacket()
- {}
- CAdvisePacket * m_next;
- DWORD_PTR m_dwAdviseCookie;
- REFERENCE_TIME m_rtEventTime; // Time at which event should be set
- REFERENCE_TIME m_rtPeriod; // Periodic time
- HANDLE m_hNotify; // Handle to event or semephore
- BOOL m_bPeriodic; // TRUE => Periodic event
- CAdvisePacket( CAdvisePacket * next, LONGLONG time ) : m_next(next), m_rtEventTime(time)
- {}
- void InsertAfter( CAdvisePacket * p )
- {
- p->m_next = m_next;
- m_next = p;
- }
- int IsZ() const // That is, is it the node that represents the end of the list
- { return m_next == 0; }
- CAdvisePacket * RemoveNext()
- {
- CAdvisePacket *const next = m_next;
- CAdvisePacket *const new_next = next->m_next;
- m_next = new_next;
- return next;
- }
- void DeleteNext()
- {
- delete RemoveNext();
- }
- CAdvisePacket * Next() const
- {
- CAdvisePacket * result = m_next;
- if (result->IsZ()) result = 0;
- return result;
- }
- DWORD_PTR Cookie() const
- { return m_dwAdviseCookie; }
- };
- // Structure is:
- // head -> elmt1 -> elmt2 -> z -> null
- // So an empty list is: head -> z -> null
- // Having head & z as links makes insertaion,
- // deletion and shunting much easier.
- CAdvisePacket head, z; // z is both a tail and a sentry
- volatile DWORD_PTR m_dwNextCookie; // Strictly increasing
- volatile DWORD m_dwAdviseCount; // Number of elements on list
- CCritSec m_Serialize;
- // AddAdvisePacket: adds the packet, returns the cookie (0 if failed)
- DWORD_PTR AddAdvisePacket( CAdvisePacket * pPacket );
- // Event that we should set if the packed added above will be the next to fire.
- const HANDLE m_ev;
- // A Shunt is where we have changed the first element in the
- // list and want it re-evaluating (i.e. repositioned) in
- // the list.
- void ShuntHead();
- // Rather than delete advise packets, we cache them for future use
- CAdvisePacket * m_pAdviseCache;
- DWORD m_dwCacheCount;
- enum { dwCacheMax = 5 }; // Don't bother caching more than five
- void Delete( CAdvisePacket * pLink );// This "Delete" will cache the Link
-// Attributes and methods for debugging
-#ifdef DEBUG
- void DumpLinkedList();
- void DumpLinkedList() {}
-#endif // __CAMSchedule__
diff --git a/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/fourcc.h b/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/fourcc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index dea8171..0000000
--- a/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/fourcc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-// File: FourCC.h
-// Desc: DirectShow base classes.
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// provides a mapping between old-style multimedia format DWORDs
-// and new-style GUIDs.
-// A range of 4 billion GUIDs has been allocated to ensure that this
-// mapping can be done straightforwardly one-to-one in both directions.
-// January 95
-#ifndef __FOURCC__
-#define __FOURCC__
-// Multimedia format types are marked with DWORDs built from four 8-bit
-// chars and known as FOURCCs. New multimedia AM_MEDIA_TYPE definitions include
-// a subtype GUID. In order to simplify the mapping, GUIDs in the range:
-// XXXXXXXX-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71
-// are reserved for FOURCCs.
-class FOURCCMap : public GUID
- FOURCCMap();
- FOURCCMap(DWORD Fourcc);
- FOURCCMap(const GUID *);
- DWORD GetFOURCC(void);
- void SetFOURCC(DWORD fourcc);
- void SetFOURCC(const GUID *);
- void InitGUID();
-#define GUID_Data2 0
-#define GUID_Data3 0x10
-#define GUID_Data4_1 0xaa000080
-#define GUID_Data4_2 0x719b3800
-inline void
-FOURCCMap::InitGUID() {
- Data2 = GUID_Data2;
- Data3 = GUID_Data3;
- ((DWORD *)Data4)[0] = GUID_Data4_1;
- ((DWORD *)Data4)[1] = GUID_Data4_2;
- InitGUID();
- InitGUID();
- SetFOURCC(fourcc);
-FOURCCMap::FOURCCMap(const GUID * pGuid)
- InitGUID();
- SetFOURCC(pGuid);
-inline void
-FOURCCMap::SetFOURCC(const GUID * pGuid)
- FOURCCMap * p = (FOURCCMap*) pGuid;
- SetFOURCC(p->GetFOURCC());
-inline void
- Data1 = fourcc;
-inline DWORD
- return Data1;
-#endif /* __FOURCC__ */
diff --git a/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/measure.h b/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/measure.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 75365e3..0000000
--- a/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/measure.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-// File: Measure.h
-// Desc: DirectShow base classes.
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
- The idea is to pepper the source code with interesting measurements and
- have the last few thousand of these recorded in a circular buffer that
- can be post-processed to give interesting numbers.
- Time (sec) Type Delta Incident_Name
- 0.055,41 NOTE -. Incident Nine - Another note
- 0.055,42 NOTE 0.000,01 Incident Nine - Another note
- 0.055,44 NOTE 0.000,02 Incident Nine - Another note
- 0.055,45 STOP -. Incident Eight - Also random
- 0.055,47 START -. Incident Seven - Random
- 0.055,49 NOTE 0.000,05 Incident Nine - Another note
- ------- <etc. there is a lot of this> ----------------
- 0.125,60 STOP 0.000,03 Msr_Stop
- 0.125,62 START -. Msr_Start
- 0.125,63 START -. Incident Two - Start/Stop
- 0.125,65 STOP 0.000,03 Msr_Start
- 0.125,66 START -. Msr_Stop
- 0.125,68 STOP 0.000,05 Incident Two - Start/Stop
- 0.125,70 STOP 0.000,04 Msr_Stop
- 0.125,72 START -. Msr_Start
- 0.125,73 START -. Incident Two - Start/Stop
- 0.125,75 STOP 0.000,03 Msr_Start
- 0.125,77 START -. Msr_Stop
- 0.125,78 STOP 0.000,05 Incident Two - Start/Stop
- 0.125,80 STOP 0.000,03 Msr_Stop
- 0.125,81 NOTE -. Incident Three - single Note
- 0.125,83 START -. Incident Four - Start, no stop
- 0.125,85 START -. Incident Five - Single Start/Stop
- 0.125,87 STOP 0.000,02 Incident Five - Single Start/Stop
-Number Average StdDev Smallest Largest Incident_Name
- 10 0.000,58 0.000,10 0.000,55 0.000,85 Incident One - Note
- 50 0.000,05 0.000,00 0.000,05 0.000,05 Incident Two - Start/Stop
- 1 -. -. -. -. Incident Three - single Note
- 0 -. -. -. -. Incident Four - Start, no stop
- 1 0.000,02 -. 0.000,02 0.000,02 Incident Five - Single Start/Stop
- 0 -. -. -. -. Incident Six - zero occurrences
- 100 0.000,25 0.000,12 0.000,02 0.000,62 Incident Seven - Random
- 100 0.000,79 0.000,48 0.000,02 0.001,92 Incident Eight - Also random
- 5895 0.000,01 0.000,01 0.000,01 0.000,56 Incident Nine - Another note
- 10 0.000,03 0.000,00 0.000,03 0.000,04 Msr_Note
- 50 0.000,03 0.000,00 0.000,03 0.000,04 Msr_Start
- 50 0.000,04 0.000,03 0.000,03 0.000,31 Msr_Stop
- The log shows what happened and when. Each line shows the time at which
- something happened (see WHAT YOU CODE below) what it was that happened
- and (if approporate) the time since the corresponding previous event
- (that's the delta column).
- The statistics show how many times each event occurred, what the average
- delta time was, also the standard deviation, largest and smalles delta.
- Before anything else executes: - register your ids
- int id1 = Msr_Register("Incident One - Note");
- int id2 = Msr_Register("Incident Two - Start/Stop");
- int id3 = Msr_Register("Incident Three - single Note");
- etc.
- At interesting moments:
- // To measure a repetitive event - e.g. end of bitblt to screen
- Msr_Note(Id9); // e.g. "video frame hiting the screen NOW!"
- or
- // To measure an elapsed time e.g. time taken to decode an MPEG B-frame
- Msr_Start(Id2); // e.g. "Starting to decode MPEG B-frame"
- . . .
- MsrStop(Id2); // "Finished MPEG decode"
- At the end:
- HANDLE hFile;
- hFile = CreateFile("Perf.log", GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, NULL);
- Msr_Dump(hFile); // This writes the log out to the file
- CloseHandle(hFile);
- or
- Msr_Dump(NULL); // This writes it to DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,0, ... ));
- // but if you are writing it out to the debugger
- // then the times are probably all garbage because
- // the debugger can make things run awfully slow.
- A given id should be used either for start / stop or Note calls. If Notes
- are mixed in with Starts and Stops their statistics will be gibberish.
- If you code the calls in upper case i.e. MSR_START(idMunge); then you get
- macros which will turn into nothing unless PERF is defined.
- You can reset the statistical counts for a given id by calling Reset(Id).
- They are reset by default at the start.
- It logs Reset as a special incident, so you can see it in the log.
- The log is a circular buffer in storage (to try to minimise disk I/O).
- It overwrites the oldest entries once full. The statistics include ALL
- incidents since the last Reset, whether still visible in the log or not.
-#ifndef __MEASURE__
-#define __MEASURE__
-#ifdef PERF
-#define MSR_INIT() Msr_Init()
-#define MSR_TERMINATE() Msr_Terminate()
-#define MSR_REGISTER(a) Msr_Register(a)
-#define MSR_RESET(a) Msr_Reset(a)
-#define MSR_CONTROL(a) Msr_Control(a)
-#define MSR_START(a) Msr_Start(a)
-#define MSR_STOP(a) Msr_Stop(a)
-#define MSR_NOTE(a) Msr_Note(a)
-#define MSR_INTEGER(a,b) Msr_Integer(a,b)
-#define MSR_DUMP(a) Msr_Dump(a)
-#define MSR_DUMPSTATS(a) Msr_DumpStats(a)
-#define MSR_INIT() ((void)0)
-#define MSR_TERMINATE() ((void)0)
-#define MSR_REGISTER(a) 0
-#define MSR_RESET(a) ((void)0)
-#define MSR_CONTROL(a) ((void)0)
-#define MSR_START(a) ((void)0)
-#define MSR_STOP(a) ((void)0)
-#define MSR_NOTE(a) ((void)0)
-#define MSR_INTEGER(a,b) ((void)0)
-#define MSR_DUMP(a) ((void)0)
-#define MSR_DUMPSTATS(a) ((void)0)
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-// This must be called first - (called by the DllEntry)
-void WINAPI Msr_Init(void);
-// Call this last to clean up (or just let it fall off the end - who cares?)
-void WINAPI Msr_Terminate(void);
-// Call this to get an Id for an "incident" that you can pass to Start, Stop or Note
-// everything that's logged is called an "incident".
-int WINAPI Msr_Register(LPTSTR Incident);
-// Reset the statistical counts for an incident
-void WINAPI Msr_Reset(int Id);
-// Reset all the counts for all incidents
-#define MSR_RESET_ALL 0
-#define MSR_PAUSE 1
-#define MSR_RUN 2
-void WINAPI Msr_Control(int iAction);
-// log the start of an operation
-void WINAPI Msr_Start(int Id);
-// log the end of an operation
-void WINAPI Msr_Stop(int Id);
-// log a one-off or repetitive operation
-void WINAPI Msr_Note(int Id);
-// log an integer (on which we can see statistics later)
-void WINAPI Msr_Integer(int Id, int n);
-// print out all the vaialable log (it may have wrapped) and then the statistics.
-// When the log wraps you lose log but the statistics are still complete.
-// hFIle==NULL => use DbgLog
-// otherwise hFile must have come from CreateFile or OpenFile.
-void WINAPI Msr_Dump(HANDLE hFile);
-// just dump the statistics - never mind the log
-void WINAPI Msr_DumpStats(HANDLE hFile);
-// Type definitions in case you want to declare a pointer to the dump functions
-// (makes it a trifle easier to do dynamic linking
-// i.e. LoadModule, GetProcAddress and call that)
-// Typedefs so can declare MSR_DUMPPROC *MsrDumpStats; or whatever
-typedef void WINAPI MSR_DUMPPROC(HANDLE hFile);
-typedef void WINAPI MSR_CONTROLPROC(int iAction);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif // __MEASURE__
diff --git a/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/msgthrd.h b/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/msgthrd.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f07d516..0000000
--- a/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/msgthrd.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-// File: MsgThrd.h
-// Desc: DirectShow base classes - provides support for a worker thread
-// class to which one can asynchronously post messages.
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// Message class - really just a structure.
-class CMsg {
- UINT uMsg;
- DWORD dwFlags;
- LPVOID lpParam;
- CAMEvent *pEvent;
- CMsg(UINT u, DWORD dw, LPVOID lp, CAMEvent *pEvnt)
- : uMsg(u), dwFlags(dw), lpParam(lp), pEvent(pEvnt) {}
- CMsg()
- : uMsg(0), dwFlags(0L), lpParam(NULL), pEvent(NULL) {}
-// This is the actual thread class. It exports all the usual thread control
-// functions. The created thread is different from a normal WIN32 thread in
-// that it is prompted to perform particaular tasks by responding to messages
-// posted to its message queue.
-class AM_NOVTABLE CMsgThread {
- static DWORD WINAPI DefaultThreadProc(LPVOID lpParam);
- DWORD m_ThreadId;
- HANDLE m_hThread;
- // if you want to override GetThreadMsg to block on other things
- // as well as this queue, you need access to this
- CGenericList<CMsg> m_ThreadQueue;
- CCritSec m_Lock;
- HANDLE m_hSem;
- LONG m_lWaiting;
- CMsgThread()
- : m_ThreadId(0),
- m_hThread(NULL),
- m_lWaiting(0),
- m_hSem(NULL),
- // make a list with a cache of 5 items
- m_ThreadQueue(NAME("MsgThread list"), 5)
- {
- }
- ~CMsgThread();
- // override this if you want to block on other things as well
- // as the message loop
- void virtual GetThreadMsg(CMsg *msg);
- // override this if you want to do something on thread startup
- virtual void OnThreadInit() {
- };
- BOOL CreateThread();
- BOOL WaitForThreadExit(LPDWORD lpdwExitCode) {
- if (m_hThread != NULL) {
- WaitForSingleObject(m_hThread, INFINITE);
- return GetExitCodeThread(m_hThread, lpdwExitCode);
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- DWORD ResumeThread() {
- return ::ResumeThread(m_hThread);
- }
- DWORD SuspendThread() {
- return ::SuspendThread(m_hThread);
- }
- int GetThreadPriority() {
- return ::GetThreadPriority(m_hThread);
- }
- BOOL SetThreadPriority(int nPriority) {
- return ::SetThreadPriority(m_hThread, nPriority);
- }
- HANDLE GetThreadHandle() {
- return m_hThread;
- }
- DWORD GetThreadId() {
- return m_ThreadId;
- }
- void PutThreadMsg(UINT uMsg, DWORD dwMsgFlags,
- LPVOID lpMsgParam, CAMEvent *pEvent = NULL) {
- CAutoLock lck(&m_Lock);
- CMsg* pMsg = new CMsg(uMsg, dwMsgFlags, lpMsgParam, pEvent);
- m_ThreadQueue.AddTail(pMsg);
- if (m_lWaiting != 0) {
- ReleaseSemaphore(m_hSem, m_lWaiting, 0);
- m_lWaiting = 0;
- }
- }
- // This is the function prototype of the function that the client
- // supplies. It is always called on the created thread, never on
- // the creator thread.
- //
- virtual LRESULT ThreadMessageProc(
- UINT uMsg, DWORD dwFlags, LPVOID lpParam, CAMEvent *pEvent) = 0;
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-// File: MtType.h
-// Desc: DirectShow base classes - defines a class that holds and manages
-// media type information.
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-#ifndef __MTYPE__
-#define __MTYPE__
-/* Helper class that derived pin objects can use to compare media
- types etc. Has same data members as the struct AM_MEDIA_TYPE defined
- in the streams IDL file, but also has (non-virtual) functions */
-class CMediaType : public _AMMediaType {
- ~CMediaType();
- CMediaType();
- CMediaType(const GUID * majortype);
- CMediaType(const AM_MEDIA_TYPE&, HRESULT* phr = NULL);
- CMediaType(const CMediaType&, HRESULT* phr = NULL);
- CMediaType& operator=(const CMediaType&);
- CMediaType& operator=(const AM_MEDIA_TYPE&);
- BOOL operator == (const CMediaType&) const;
- BOOL operator != (const CMediaType&) const;
- HRESULT Set(const CMediaType& rt);
- HRESULT Set(const AM_MEDIA_TYPE& rt);
- BOOL IsValid() const;
- const GUID *Type() const { return &majortype;} ;
- void SetType(const GUID *);
- const GUID *Subtype() const { return &subtype;} ;
- void SetSubtype(const GUID *);
- BOOL IsFixedSize() const {return bFixedSizeSamples; };
- BOOL IsTemporalCompressed() const {return bTemporalCompression; };
- ULONG GetSampleSize() const;
- void SetSampleSize(ULONG sz);
- void SetVariableSize();
- void SetTemporalCompression(BOOL bCompressed);
- // read/write pointer to format - can't change length without
- // calling SetFormat, AllocFormatBuffer or ReallocFormatBuffer
- BYTE* Format() const {return pbFormat; };
- ULONG FormatLength() const { return cbFormat; };
- void SetFormatType(const GUID *);
- const GUID *FormatType() const {return &formattype; };
- BOOL SetFormat(BYTE *pFormat, ULONG length);
- void ResetFormatBuffer();
- BYTE* AllocFormatBuffer(ULONG length);
- BYTE* ReallocFormatBuffer(ULONG length);
- void InitMediaType();
- BOOL MatchesPartial(const CMediaType* ppartial) const;
- BOOL IsPartiallySpecified(void) const;
-/* General purpose functions to copy and delete a task allocated AM_MEDIA_TYPE
- structure which is useful when using the IEnumMediaFormats interface as
- the implementation allocates the structures which you must later delete */
-void WINAPI DeleteMediaType(AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmt);
-AM_MEDIA_TYPE * WINAPI CreateMediaType(AM_MEDIA_TYPE const *pSrc);
-HRESULT WINAPI CopyMediaType(AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmtTarget, const AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmtSource);
-void WINAPI FreeMediaType(AM_MEDIA_TYPE& mt);
-// Initialize a media type from a WAVEFORMATEX
-STDAPI CreateAudioMediaType(
- const WAVEFORMATEX *pwfx,
- BOOL bSetFormat);
-#endif /* __MTYPE__ */
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--- a/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/outputq.h
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-// File: OutputQ.h
-// Desc: DirectShow base classes - defines the COutputQueue class, which
-// makes a queue of samples and sends them to an output pin. The
-// class will optionally send the samples to the pin directly.
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-typedef CGenericList<IMediaSample> CSampleList;
-class COutputQueue : public CCritSec
- // Constructor
- COutputQueue(IPin *pInputPin, // Pin to send stuff to
- HRESULT *phr, // 'Return code'
- BOOL bAuto = TRUE, // Ask pin if blocks
- BOOL bQueue = TRUE, // Send through queue (ignored if
- // bAuto set)
- LONG lBatchSize = 1, // Batch
- BOOL bBatchExact = FALSE,// Batch exactly to BatchSize
- LONG lListSize = // Likely number in the list
- DWORD dwPriority = // Priority of thread to create
- bool bFlushingOpt = false // flushing optimization
- );
- ~COutputQueue();
- // enter flush state - discard all data
- void BeginFlush(); // Begin flushing samples
- // re-enable receives (pass this downstream)
- void EndFlush(); // Complete flush of samples - downstream
- // pin guaranteed not to block at this stage
- void EOS(); // Call this on End of stream
- void SendAnyway(); // Send batched samples anyway (if bBatchExact set)
- void NewSegment(
- double dRate);
- HRESULT Receive(IMediaSample *pSample);
- // do something with these media samples
- HRESULT ReceiveMultiple (
- IMediaSample **pSamples,
- long nSamples,
- long *nSamplesProcessed);
- void Reset(); // Reset m_hr ready for more data
- // See if its idle or not
- BOOL IsIdle();
- // give the class an event to fire after everything removed from the queue
- void SetPopEvent(HANDLE hEvent);
- static DWORD WINAPI InitialThreadProc(LPVOID pv);
- DWORD ThreadProc();
- BOOL IsQueued()
- {
- return m_List != NULL;
- }
- // The critical section MUST be held when this is called
- void QueueSample(IMediaSample *pSample);
- BOOL IsSpecialSample(IMediaSample *pSample)
- {
- return (DWORD_PTR)pSample > (DWORD_PTR)(LONG_PTR)(-16);
- }
- // Remove and Release() batched and queued samples
- void FreeSamples();
- // Notify the thread there is something to do
- void NotifyThread();
- // Queue 'messages'
- #define SEND_PACKET ((IMediaSample *)(LONG_PTR)(-2)) // Send batch
- #define EOS_PACKET ((IMediaSample *)(LONG_PTR)(-3)) // End of stream
- #define RESET_PACKET ((IMediaSample *)(LONG_PTR)(-4)) // Reset m_hr
- #define NEW_SEGMENT ((IMediaSample *)(LONG_PTR)(-5)) // send NewSegment
- // new segment packet is always followed by one of these
- struct NewSegmentPacket {
- double dRate;
- };
- // Remember input stuff
- IPin * const m_pPin;
- IMemInputPin * m_pInputPin;
- BOOL const m_bBatchExact;
- LONG const m_lBatchSize;
- CSampleList * m_List;
- HANDLE m_hSem;
- CAMEvent m_evFlushComplete;
- HANDLE m_hThread;
- IMediaSample ** m_ppSamples;
- LONG m_nBatched;
- // Wait optimization
- LONG m_lWaiting;
- // Flush synchronization
- BOOL m_bFlushing;
- // flushing optimization. some downstream filters have trouble
- // with the queue's flushing optimization. other rely on it
- BOOL m_bFlushed;
- bool m_bFlushingOpt;
- // Terminate now
- BOOL m_bTerminate;
- // Send anyway flag for batching
- BOOL m_bSendAnyway;
- // Deferred 'return code'
- BOOL volatile m_hr;
- // an event that can be fired after every deliver
- HANDLE m_hEventPop;
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-// File: PStream.h
-// Desc: DirectShow base classes - defines a class for persistent properties
-// of filters.
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-#ifndef __PSTREAM__
-#define __PSTREAM__
-// Base class for persistent properties of filters
-// (i.e. filter properties in saved graphs)
-// The simplest way to use this is:
-// 1. Arrange for your filter to inherit this class
-// 2. Implement in your class WriteToStream and ReadFromStream
-// These will override the "do nothing" functions here.
-// 3. Change your NonDelegatingQueryInterface to handle IPersistStream
-// 4. Implement SizeMax to return the number of bytes of data you save.
-// If you save UNICODE data, don't forget a char is 2 bytes.
-// 5. Whenever your data changes, call SetDirty()
-// At some point you may decide to alter, or extend the format of your data.
-// At that point you will wish that you had a version number in all the old
-// saved graphs, so that you can tell, when you read them, whether they
-// represent the old or new form. To assist you in this, this class
-// writes and reads a version number.
-// When it writes, it calls GetSoftwareVersion() to enquire what version
-// of the software we have at the moment. (In effect this is a version number
-// of the data layout in the file). It writes this as the first thing in the data.
-// If you want to change the version, implement (override) GetSoftwareVersion().
-// It reads this from the file into mPS_dwFileVersion before calling ReadFromStream,
-// so in ReadFromStream you can check mPS_dwFileVersion to see if you are reading
-// an old version file.
-// Normally you should accept files whose version is no newer than the software
-// version that's reading them.
-// CPersistStream
-// Implements IPersistStream.
-// See 'OLE Programmers Reference (Vol 1):Structured Storage Overview' for
-// more implementation information.
-class CPersistStream : public IPersistStream {
- private:
- // Internal state:
- protected:
- DWORD mPS_dwFileVersion; // version number of file (being read)
- BOOL mPS_fDirty;
- public:
- // IPersistStream methods
- {return (mPS_fDirty ? S_OK : S_FALSE);} // note FALSE means clean
- // Allow 24 bytes for version.
- { pcbSize->QuadPart = 12*sizeof(WCHAR)+SizeMax(); return NOERROR; }
- // implementation
- CPersistStream(IUnknown *punk, HRESULT *phr);
- ~CPersistStream();
- HRESULT SetDirty(BOOL fDirty)
- { mPS_fDirty = fDirty; return NOERROR;}
- // override to reveal IPersist & IPersistStream
- // STDMETHODIMP NonDelegatingQueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppv);
- // --- IPersist ---
- // You must override this to provide your own class id
- // overrideable if you want
- // file version number. Override it if you ever change format
- virtual DWORD GetSoftwareVersion(void) { return 0; }
- //=========================================================================
- // OVERRIDE THESE to read and write your data
- // OVERRIDE THESE to read and write your data
- // OVERRIDE THESE to read and write your data
- virtual int SizeMax() {return 0;}
- virtual HRESULT WriteToStream(IStream *pStream);
- virtual HRESULT ReadFromStream(IStream *pStream);
- //=========================================================================
- private:
-// --- Useful helpers ---
-// Writes an int to an IStream as UNICODE.
-STDAPI WriteInt(IStream *pIStream, int n);
-// inverse of WriteInt
-STDAPI_(int) ReadInt(IStream *pIStream, HRESULT &hr);
-#endif // __PSTREAM__
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index 254ffe2..0000000
--- a/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/pullpin.h
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-// File: PullPin.h
-// Desc: DirectShow base classes - defines CPullPin class.
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-#ifndef __PULLPIN_H__
-#define __PULLPIN_H__
-// CPullPin
-// object supporting pulling data from an IAsyncReader interface.
-// Given a start/stop position, calls a pure Receive method with each
-// IMediaSample received.
-// This is essentially for use in a MemInputPin when it finds itself
-// connected to an IAsyncReader pin instead of a pushing pin.
-class CPullPin : public CAMThread
- IAsyncReader* m_pReader;
- REFERENCE_TIME m_tDuration;
- BOOL m_bSync;
- enum ThreadMsg {
- TM_Pause, // stop pulling and wait for next message
- TM_Start, // start pulling
- TM_Exit, // stop and exit
- };
- ThreadMsg m_State;
- // override pure thread proc from CAMThread
- DWORD ThreadProc(void);
- // running pull method (check m_bSync)
- void Process(void);
- // clean up any cancelled i/o after a flush
- void CleanupCancelled(void);
- // suspend thread from pulling, eg during seek
- HRESULT PauseThread();
- // start thread pulling - create thread if necy
- HRESULT StartThread();
- // stop and close thread
- HRESULT StopThread();
- // called from ProcessAsync to queue and collect requests
- HRESULT QueueSample(
- BOOL bDiscontinuity);
- HRESULT CollectAndDeliver(
- HRESULT DeliverSample(
- IMediaSample* pSample,
- IMemAllocator * m_pAlloc;
- CPullPin();
- virtual ~CPullPin();
- // returns S_OK if successfully connected to an IAsyncReader interface
- // from this object
- // Optional allocator should be proposed as a preferred allocator if
- // necessary
- // bSync is TRUE if we are to use sync reads instead of the
- // async methods.
- HRESULT Connect(IUnknown* pUnk, IMemAllocator* pAlloc, BOOL bSync);
- // disconnect any connection made in Connect
- HRESULT Disconnect();
- // agree an allocator using RequestAllocator - optional
- // props param specifies your requirements (non-zero fields).
- // returns an error code if fail to match requirements.
- // optional IMemAllocator interface is offered as a preferred allocator
- // but no error occurs if it can't be met.
- virtual HRESULT DecideAllocator(
- IMemAllocator* pAlloc,
- // set start and stop position. if active, will start immediately at
- // the new position. Default is 0 to duration
- // return the total duration
- HRESULT Duration(REFERENCE_TIME* ptDuration);
- // start pulling data
- HRESULT Active(void);
- // stop pulling data
- HRESULT Inactive(void);
- // helper functions
- LONGLONG AlignDown(LONGLONG ll, LONG lAlign) {
- // aligning downwards is just truncation
- return ll & ~(lAlign-1);
- };
- LONGLONG AlignUp(LONGLONG ll, LONG lAlign) {
- // align up: round up to next boundary
- return (ll + (lAlign -1)) & ~(lAlign -1);
- };
- // GetReader returns the (addrefed) IAsyncReader interface
- // for SyncRead etc
- IAsyncReader* GetReader() {
- m_pReader->AddRef();
- return m_pReader;
- };
- // -- pure --
- // override this to handle data arrival
- // return value other than S_OK will stop data
- virtual HRESULT Receive(IMediaSample*) PURE;
- // override this to handle end-of-stream
- virtual HRESULT EndOfStream(void) PURE;
- // called on runtime errors that will have caused pulling
- // to stop
- // these errors are all returned from the upstream filter, who
- // will have already reported any errors to the filtergraph.
- virtual void OnError(HRESULT hr) PURE;
- // flush this pin and all downstream
- virtual HRESULT BeginFlush() PURE;
- virtual HRESULT EndFlush() PURE;
-#endif //__PULLPIN_H__
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-// File: RefClock.h
-// Desc: DirectShow base classes - defines the IReferenceClock interface.
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-#ifndef __BASEREFCLOCK__
-#define __BASEREFCLOCK__
-#include "dsschedule.h"
-const UINT RESOLUTION = 1; /* High resolution timer */
-const INT ADVISE_CACHE = 4; /* Default cache size */
-inline LONGLONG WINAPI ConvertToMilliseconds(const REFERENCE_TIME& RT)
- /* This converts an arbitrary value representing a reference time
- into a MILLISECONDS value for use in subsequent system calls */
- return (RT / (UNITS / MILLISECONDS));
-/* This class hierarchy will support an IReferenceClock interface so
- that an audio card (or other externally driven clock) can update the
- system wide clock that everyone uses.
- The interface will be pretty thin with probably just one update method
- This interface has not yet been defined.
- */
-/* This abstract base class implements the IReferenceClock
- * interface. Classes that actually provide clock signals (from
- * whatever source) have to be derived from this class.
- *
- * The abstract class provides implementations for:
- * CUnknown support
- * locking support (CCritSec)
- * client advise code (creates a thread)
- *
- * Question: what can we do about quality? Change the timer
- * resolution to lower the system load? Up the priority of the
- * timer thread to force more responsive signals?
- *
- * During class construction we create a worker thread that is destroyed during
- * destuction. This thread executes a series of WaitForSingleObject calls,
- * waking up when a command is given to the thread or the next wake up point
- * is reached. The wakeup points are determined by clients making Advise
- * calls.
- *
- * Each advise call defines a point in time when they wish to be notified. A
- * periodic advise is a series of these such events. We maintain a list of
- * advise links and calculate when the nearest event notification is due for.
- * We then call WaitForSingleObject with a timeout equal to this time. The
- * handle we wait on is used by the class to signal that something has changed
- * and that we must reschedule the next event. This typically happens when
- * someone comes in and asks for an advise link while we are waiting for an
- * event to timeout.
- *
- * While we are modifying the list of advise requests we
- * are protected from interference through a critical section. Clients are NOT
- * advised through callbacks. One shot clients have an event set, while
- * periodic clients have a semaphore released for each event notification. A
- * semaphore allows a client to be kept up to date with the number of events
- * actually triggered and be assured that they can't miss multiple events being
- * set.
- *
- * Keeping track of advises is taken care of by the CAMSchedule class.
- */
-class CBaseReferenceClock
-: public CUnknown, public IReferenceClock, public CCritSec
- virtual ~CBaseReferenceClock(); // Don't let me be created on the stack!
- CBaseReferenceClock(TCHAR *pName, LPUNKNOWN pUnk, HRESULT *phr, CAMSchedule * pSched = 0 );
- STDMETHODIMP NonDelegatingQueryInterface(REFIID riid,void ** ppv);
- /* IReferenceClock methods */
- // Derived classes must implement GetPrivateTime(). All our GetTime
- // does is call GetPrivateTime and then check so that time does not
- // go backwards. A return code of S_FALSE implies that the internal
- // clock has gone backwards and GetTime time has halted until internal
- // time has caught up. (Don't know if this will be much use to folk,
- // but it seems odd not to use the return code for something useful.)
- // When this is called, it sets m_rtLastGotTime to the time it returns.
- /* Provide standard mechanisms for scheduling events */
- /* Ask for an async notification that a time has elapsed */
- REFERENCE_TIME baseTime, // base reference time
- REFERENCE_TIME streamTime, // stream offset time
- HEVENT hEvent, // advise via this event
- DWORD_PTR *pdwAdviseCookie // where your cookie goes
- );
- /* Ask for an asynchronous periodic notification that a time has elapsed */
- STDMETHODIMP AdvisePeriodic(
- REFERENCE_TIME StartTime, // starting at this time
- REFERENCE_TIME PeriodTime, // time between notifications
- HSEMAPHORE hSemaphore, // advise via a semaphore
- DWORD_PTR *pdwAdviseCookie // where your cookie goes
- );
- /* Cancel a request for notification(s) - if the notification was
- * a one shot timer then this function doesn't need to be called
- * as the advise is automatically cancelled, however it does no
- * harm to explicitly cancel a one-shot advise. It is REQUIRED that
- * clients call Unadvise to clear a Periodic advise setting.
- */
- STDMETHODIMP Unadvise(DWORD_PTR dwAdviseCookie);
- /* Methods for the benefit of derived classes or outer objects */
- // GetPrivateTime() is the REAL clock. GetTime is just a cover for
- // it. Derived classes will probably override this method but not
- // GetTime() itself.
- // The important point about GetPrivateTime() is it's allowed to go
- // backwards. Our GetTime() will keep returning the LastGotTime
- // until GetPrivateTime() catches up.
- virtual REFERENCE_TIME GetPrivateTime();
- /* Provide a method for correcting drift */
- STDMETHODIMP SetTimeDelta( const REFERENCE_TIME& TimeDelta );
- CAMSchedule * GetSchedule() const { return m_pSchedule; }
- REFERENCE_TIME m_rtPrivateTime; // Current best estimate of time
- DWORD m_dwPrevSystemTime; // Last vaule we got from timeGetTime
- REFERENCE_TIME m_rtLastGotTime; // Last time returned by GetTime
- REFERENCE_TIME m_rtNextAdvise; // Time of next advise
- UINT m_TimerResolution;
-#ifdef PERF
- int m_idGetSystemTime;
-// Thread stuff
- void TriggerThread() // Wakes thread up. Need to do this if
- { // time to next advise needs reevaluating.
- EXECUTE_ASSERT(SetEvent(m_pSchedule->GetEvent()));
- }
- BOOL m_bAbort; // Flag used for thread shutdown
- HANDLE m_hThread; // Thread handle
- HRESULT AdviseThread(); // Method in which the advise thread runs
- static DWORD __stdcall AdviseThreadFunction(LPVOID); // Function used to get there
- CAMSchedule * const m_pSchedule;
- void Restart (IN REFERENCE_TIME rtMinTime = 0I64) ;
diff --git a/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/reftime.h b/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/reftime.h
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@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-// File: RefTime.h
-// Desc: DirectShow base classes - defines CRefTime, a class that manages
-// reference times.
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// CRefTime
-// Manage reference times.
-// Shares same data layout as REFERENCE_TIME, but adds some (nonvirtual)
-// functions providing simple comparison, conversion and arithmetic.
-// A reference time (at the moment) is a unit of seconds represented in
-// 100ns units as is used in the Win32 FILETIME structure. BUT the time
-// a REFERENCE_TIME represents is NOT the time elapsed since 1/1/1601 it
-// will either be stream time or reference time depending upon context
-// This class provides simple arithmetic operations on reference times
-// keep non-virtual otherwise the data layout will not be the same as
-// -----
-// note that you are safe to cast a CRefTime* to a REFERENCE_TIME*, but
-// you will need to do so explicitly
-// -----
-#ifndef __REFTIME__
-#define __REFTIME__
-const LONGLONG MILLISECONDS = (1000); // 10 ^ 3
-const LONGLONG NANOSECONDS = (1000000000); // 10 ^ 9
-const LONGLONG UNITS = (NANOSECONDS / 100); // 10 ^ 7
-/* Unfortunately an inline function here generates a call to __allmul
- - even for constants!
- Int32x32To64((lMs), (UNITS / MILLISECONDS))
-class CRefTime
- // *MUST* be the only data member so that this class is exactly
- // equivalent to a REFERENCE_TIME.
- // Also, must be *no virtual functions*
- inline CRefTime()
- {
- // default to 0 time
- m_time = 0;
- };
- inline CRefTime(LONG msecs)
- {
- m_time = MILLISECONDS_TO_100NS_UNITS(msecs);
- };
- inline CRefTime(REFERENCE_TIME rt)
- {
- m_time = rt;
- };
- inline operator REFERENCE_TIME() const
- {
- return m_time;
- };
- inline CRefTime& operator=(const CRefTime& rt)
- {
- m_time = rt.m_time;
- return *this;
- };
- inline CRefTime& operator=(const LONGLONG ll)
- {
- m_time = ll;
- return *this;
- };
- inline CRefTime& operator+=(const CRefTime& rt)
- {
- return (*this = *this + rt);
- };
- inline CRefTime& operator-=(const CRefTime& rt)
- {
- return (*this = *this - rt);
- };
- inline LONG Millisecs(void)
- {
- return (LONG)(m_time / (UNITS / MILLISECONDS));
- };
- inline LONGLONG GetUnits(void)
- {
- return m_time;
- };
-const LONGLONG TimeZero = 0;
-#endif /* __REFTIME__ */
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index f30a3fa..0000000
--- a/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/renbase.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,478 +0,0 @@
-// File: RenBase.h
-// Desc: DirectShow base classes - defines a generic ActiveX base renderer
-// class.
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-#ifndef __RENBASE__
-#define __RENBASE__
-// Forward class declarations
-class CBaseRenderer;
-class CBaseVideoRenderer;
-class CRendererInputPin;
-// This is our input pin class that channels calls to the renderer
-class CRendererInputPin : public CBaseInputPin
- CBaseRenderer *m_pRenderer;
- CRendererInputPin(CBaseRenderer *pRenderer,
- HRESULT *phr,
- LPCWSTR Name);
- // Overriden from the base pin classes
- HRESULT BreakConnect();
- HRESULT CompleteConnect(IPin *pReceivePin);
- HRESULT SetMediaType(const CMediaType *pmt);
- HRESULT CheckMediaType(const CMediaType *pmt);
- HRESULT Active();
- HRESULT Inactive();
- // Add rendering behaviour to interface functions
- STDMETHODIMP BeginFlush();
- STDMETHODIMP Receive(IMediaSample *pMediaSample);
- // Helper
- IMemAllocator inline *Allocator() const
- {
- return m_pAllocator;
- }
-// Main renderer class that handles synchronisation and state changes
-class CBaseRenderer : public CBaseFilter
- friend class CRendererInputPin;
- friend void CALLBACK EndOfStreamTimer(UINT uID, // Timer identifier
- UINT uMsg, // Not currently used
- DWORD_PTR dwUser, // User information
- DWORD_PTR dw1, // Windows reserved
- DWORD_PTR dw2); // Is also reserved
- CRendererPosPassThru *m_pPosition; // Media seeking pass by object
- CAMEvent m_RenderEvent; // Used to signal timer events
- CAMEvent m_ThreadSignal; // Signalled to release worker thread
- CAMEvent m_evComplete; // Signalled when state complete
- BOOL m_bAbort; // Stop us from rendering more data
- BOOL m_bStreaming; // Are we currently streaming
- DWORD_PTR m_dwAdvise; // Timer advise cookie
- IMediaSample *m_pMediaSample; // Current image media sample
- BOOL m_bEOS; // Any more samples in the stream
- BOOL m_bEOSDelivered; // Have we delivered an EC_COMPLETE
- CRendererInputPin *m_pInputPin; // Our renderer input pin object
- CCritSec m_InterfaceLock; // Critical section for interfaces
- CCritSec m_RendererLock; // Controls access to internals
- IQualityControl * m_pQSink; // QualityControl sink
- BOOL m_bRepaintStatus; // Can we signal an EC_REPAINT
- // Avoid some deadlocks by tracking filter during stop
- volatile BOOL m_bInReceive; // Inside Receive between PrepareReceive
- // And actually processing the sample
- REFERENCE_TIME m_SignalTime; // Time when we signal EC_COMPLETE
- UINT m_EndOfStreamTimer; // Used to signal end of stream
- CCritSec m_ObjectCreationLock; // This lock protects the creation and
- // of m_pPosition and m_pInputPin. It
- // ensures that two threads cannot create
- // either object simultaneously.
- CBaseRenderer(REFCLSID RenderClass, // CLSID for this renderer
- TCHAR *pName, // Debug ONLY description
- LPUNKNOWN pUnk, // Aggregated owner object
- HRESULT *phr); // General OLE return code
- ~CBaseRenderer();
- // Overriden to say what interfaces we support and where
- virtual HRESULT GetMediaPositionInterface(REFIID riid,void **ppv);
- STDMETHODIMP NonDelegatingQueryInterface(REFIID, void **);
- virtual HRESULT SourceThreadCanWait(BOOL bCanWait);
-#ifdef DEBUG
- // Debug only dump of the renderer state
- void DisplayRendererState();
- virtual HRESULT WaitForRenderTime();
- virtual HRESULT CompleteStateChange(FILTER_STATE OldState);
- // Return internal information about this filter
- BOOL IsEndOfStream() { return m_bEOS; };
- BOOL IsEndOfStreamDelivered() { return m_bEOSDelivered; };
- BOOL IsStreaming() { return m_bStreaming; };
- void SetAbortSignal(BOOL bAbort) { m_bAbort = bAbort; };
- virtual void OnReceiveFirstSample(IMediaSample *pMediaSample) { };
- CAMEvent *GetRenderEvent() { return &m_RenderEvent; };
- // Permit access to the transition state
- void Ready() { m_evComplete.Set(); };
- void NotReady() { m_evComplete.Reset(); };
- BOOL CheckReady() { return m_evComplete.Check(); };
- virtual int GetPinCount();
- virtual CBasePin *GetPin(int n);
- FILTER_STATE GetRealState();
- void SendRepaint();
- void SendNotifyWindow(IPin *pPin,HWND hwnd);
- BOOL OnDisplayChange();
- void SetRepaintStatus(BOOL bRepaint);
- // Override the filter and pin interface functions
- // These are available for a quality management implementation
- virtual void OnRenderStart(IMediaSample *pMediaSample);
- virtual void OnRenderEnd(IMediaSample *pMediaSample);
- virtual HRESULT OnStartStreaming() { return NOERROR; };
- virtual HRESULT OnStopStreaming() { return NOERROR; };
- virtual void OnWaitStart() { };
- virtual void OnWaitEnd() { };
- virtual void PrepareRender() { };
-#ifdef PERF
- REFERENCE_TIME m_trRenderStart; // Just before we started drawing
- // Set in OnRenderStart, Used in OnRenderEnd
- int m_idBaseStamp; // MSR_id for frame time stamp
- int m_idBaseRenderTime; // MSR_id for true wait time
- int m_idBaseAccuracy; // MSR_id for time frame is late (int)
- // Quality management implementation for scheduling rendering
- virtual BOOL ScheduleSample(IMediaSample *pMediaSample);
- virtual HRESULT GetSampleTimes(IMediaSample *pMediaSample,
- virtual HRESULT ShouldDrawSampleNow(IMediaSample *pMediaSample,
- // Lots of end of stream complexities
- void TimerCallback();
- void ResetEndOfStreamTimer();
- HRESULT NotifyEndOfStream();
- virtual HRESULT SendEndOfStream();
- virtual HRESULT ResetEndOfStream();
- virtual HRESULT EndOfStream();
- // Rendering is based around the clock
- void SignalTimerFired();
- virtual HRESULT CancelNotification();
- virtual HRESULT ClearPendingSample();
- // Called when the filter changes state
- virtual HRESULT Active();
- virtual HRESULT Inactive();
- virtual HRESULT StartStreaming();
- virtual HRESULT StopStreaming();
- virtual HRESULT BeginFlush();
- virtual HRESULT EndFlush();
- // Deal with connections and type changes
- virtual HRESULT BreakConnect();
- virtual HRESULT SetMediaType(const CMediaType *pmt);
- virtual HRESULT CompleteConnect(IPin *pReceivePin);
- // These look after the handling of data samples
- virtual HRESULT PrepareReceive(IMediaSample *pMediaSample);
- virtual HRESULT Receive(IMediaSample *pMediaSample);
- virtual BOOL HaveCurrentSample();
- virtual IMediaSample *GetCurrentSample();
- virtual HRESULT Render(IMediaSample *pMediaSample);
- // Derived classes MUST override these
- virtual HRESULT DoRenderSample(IMediaSample *pMediaSample) PURE;
- virtual HRESULT CheckMediaType(const CMediaType *) PURE;
- // Helper
- void WaitForReceiveToComplete();
-// CBaseVideoRenderer is a renderer class (see its ancestor class) and
-// it handles scheduling of media samples so that they are drawn at the
-// correct time by the reference clock. It implements a degradation
-// strategy. Possible degradation modes are:
-// Drop frames here (only useful if the drawing takes significant time)
-// Signal supplier (upstream) to drop some frame(s) - i.e. one-off skip.
-// Signal supplier to change the frame rate - i.e. ongoing skipping.
-// Or any combination of the above.
-// In order to determine what's useful to try we need to know what's going
-// on. This is done by timing various operations (including the supplier).
-// This timing is done by using timeGetTime as it is accurate enough and
-// usually cheaper than calling the reference clock. It also tells the
-// truth if there is an audio break and the reference clock stops.
-// We provide a number of public entry points (named OnXxxStart, OnXxxEnd)
-// which the rest of the renderer calls at significant moments. These do
-// the timing.
-// the number of frames that the sliding averages are averaged over.
-// the rule is (1024*NewObservation + (AVGPERIOD-1) * PreviousAverage)/AVGPERIOD
-#define AVGPERIOD 4
-#define DO_MOVING_AVG(avg,obs) (avg = (1024*obs + (AVGPERIOD-1)*avg)/AVGPERIOD)
-// Spot the bug in this macro - I can't. but it doesn't work!
-class CBaseVideoRenderer : public CBaseRenderer, // Base renderer class
- public IQualProp, // Property page guff
- public IQualityControl // Allow throttling
- // Hungarian:
- // tFoo is the time Foo in mSec (beware m_tStart from filter.h)
- // trBar is the time Bar by the reference clock
- //******************************************************************
- // State variables to control synchronisation
- //******************************************************************
- // Control of sending Quality messages. We need to know whether
- // we are in trouble (e.g. frames being dropped) and where the time
- // is being spent.
- // When we drop a frame we play the next one early.
- // The frame after that is likely to wait before drawing and counting this
- // wait as spare time is unfair, so we count it as a zero wait.
- // We therefore need to know whether we are playing frames early or not.
- int m_nNormal; // The number of consecutive frames
- // drawn at their normal time (not early)
- // -1 means we just dropped a frame.
-#ifdef PERF
- BOOL m_bDrawLateFrames; // Don't drop any frames (debug and I'm
- // not keen on people using it!)
- BOOL m_bSupplierHandlingQuality;// The response to Quality messages says
- // our supplier is handling things.
- // We will allow things to go extra late
- // before dropping frames. We will play
- // very early after he has dropped one.
- // Control of scheduling, frame dropping etc.
- // We need to know where the time is being spent so as to tell whether
- // we should be taking action here, signalling supplier or what.
- // The variables are initialised to a mode of NOT dropping frames.
- // They will tell the truth after a few frames.
- // We typically record a start time for an event, later we get the time
- // again and subtract to get the elapsed time, and we average this over
- // a few frames. The average is used to tell what mode we are in.
- // Although these are reference times (64 bit) they are all DIFFERENCES
- // between times which are small. An int will go up to 214 secs before
- // overflow. Avoiding 64 bit multiplications and divisions seems
- // worth while.
- // Audio-video throttling. If the user has turned up audio quality
- // very high (in principle it could be any other stream, not just audio)
- // then we can receive cries for help via the graph manager. In this case
- // we put in a wait for some time after rendering each frame.
- int m_trThrottle;
- // The time taken to render (i.e. BitBlt) frames controls which component
- // needs to degrade. If the blt is expensive, the renderer degrades.
- // If the blt is cheap it's done anyway and the supplier degrades.
- int m_trRenderAvg; // Time frames are taking to blt
- int m_trRenderLast; // Time for last frame blt
- int m_tRenderStart; // Just before we started drawing (mSec)
- // derived from timeGetTime.
- // When frames are dropped we will play the next frame as early as we can.
- // If it was a false alarm and the machine is fast we slide gently back to
- // normal timing. To do this, we record the offset showing just how early
- // we really are. This will normally be negative meaning early or zero.
- int m_trEarliness;
- // Target provides slow long-term feedback to try to reduce the
- // average sync offset to zero. Whenever a frame is actually rendered
- // early we add a msec or two, whenever late we take off a few.
- // We add or take off 1/32 of the error time.
- // Eventually we should be hovering around zero. For a really bad case
- // where we were (say) 300mSec off, it might take 100 odd frames to
- // settle down. The rate of change of this is intended to be slower
- // than any other mechanism in Quartz, thereby avoiding hunting.
- int m_trTarget;
- // The proportion of time spent waiting for the right moment to blt
- // controls whether we bother to drop a frame or whether we reckon that
- // we're doing well enough that we can stand a one-frame glitch.
- int m_trWaitAvg; // Average of last few wait times
- // (actually we just average how early
- // we were). Negative here means LATE.
- // The average inter-frame time.
- // This is used to calculate the proportion of the time used by the
- // three operations (supplying us, waiting, rendering)
- int m_trFrameAvg; // Average inter-frame time
- int m_trDuration; // duration of last frame.
-#ifdef PERF
- // Performance logging identifiers
- int m_idTimeStamp; // MSR_id for frame time stamp
- int m_idEarliness; // MSR_id for earliness fudge
- int m_idTarget; // MSR_id for Target fudge
- int m_idWaitReal; // MSR_id for true wait time
- int m_idWait; // MSR_id for wait time recorded
- int m_idFrameAccuracy; // MSR_id for time frame is late (int)
- int m_idRenderAvg; // MSR_id for Render time recorded (int)
- int m_idSchLateTime; // MSR_id for lateness at scheduler
- int m_idQualityRate; // MSR_id for Quality rate requested
- int m_idQualityTime; // MSR_id for Quality time requested
- int m_idDecision; // MSR_id for decision code
- int m_idDuration; // MSR_id for duration of a frame
- int m_idThrottle; // MSR_id for audio-video throttling
- //int m_idDebug; // MSR_id for trace style debugging
- //int m_idSendQuality; // MSR_id for timing the notifications per se
-#endif // PERF
- REFERENCE_TIME m_trRememberStampForPerf; // original time stamp of frame
- // with no earliness fudges etc.
-#ifdef PERF
- REFERENCE_TIME m_trRememberFrameForPerf; // time when previous frame rendered
- // debug...
- int m_idFrameAvg;
- int m_idWaitAvg;
- // This has edit fields that show the user what's happening
- // These member variables hold these counts.
- int m_cFramesDropped; // cumulative frames dropped IN THE RENDERER
- int m_cFramesDrawn; // Frames since streaming started seen BY THE
- // RENDERER (some may be dropped upstream)
- // Next two support average sync offset and standard deviation of sync offset.
- LONGLONG m_iTotAcc; // Sum of accuracies in mSec
- LONGLONG m_iSumSqAcc; // Sum of squares of (accuracies in mSec)
- // Next two allow jitter calculation. Jitter is std deviation of frame time.
- REFERENCE_TIME m_trLastDraw; // Time of prev frame (for inter-frame times)
- LONGLONG m_iSumSqFrameTime; // Sum of squares of (inter-frame time in mSec)
- LONGLONG m_iSumFrameTime; // Sum of inter-frame times in mSec
- // To get performance statistics on frame rate, jitter etc, we need
- // to record the lateness and inter-frame time. What we actually need are the
- // data above (sum, sum of squares and number of entries for each) but the data
- // is generated just ahead of time and only later do we discover whether the
- // frame was actually drawn or not. So we have to hang on to the data
- int m_trLate; // hold onto frame lateness
- int m_trFrame; // hold onto inter-frame time
- int m_tStreamingStart; // if streaming then time streaming started
- // else time of last streaming session
- // used for property page statistics
-#ifdef PERF
- LONGLONG m_llTimeOffset; // timeGetTime()*10000+m_llTimeOffset==ref time
- CBaseVideoRenderer(REFCLSID RenderClass, // CLSID for this renderer
- TCHAR *pName, // Debug ONLY description
- LPUNKNOWN pUnk, // Aggregated owner object
- HRESULT *phr); // General OLE return code
- ~CBaseVideoRenderer();
- // IQualityControl methods - Notify allows audio-video throttling
- STDMETHODIMP SetSink( IQualityControl * piqc);
- STDMETHODIMP Notify( IBaseFilter * pSelf, Quality q);
- // These provide a full video quality management implementation
- void OnRenderStart(IMediaSample *pMediaSample);
- void OnRenderEnd(IMediaSample *pMediaSample);
- void OnWaitStart();
- void OnWaitEnd();
- HRESULT OnStartStreaming();
- HRESULT OnStopStreaming();
- void ThrottleWait();
- // Handle the statistics gathering for our quality management
- void PreparePerformanceData(int trLate, int trFrame);
- virtual void RecordFrameLateness(int trLate, int trFrame);
- virtual void OnDirectRender(IMediaSample *pMediaSample);
- virtual HRESULT ResetStreamingTimes();
- BOOL ScheduleSample(IMediaSample *pMediaSample);
- HRESULT ShouldDrawSampleNow(IMediaSample *pMediaSample,
- virtual HRESULT SendQuality(REFERENCE_TIME trLate, REFERENCE_TIME trRealStream);
- STDMETHODIMP JoinFilterGraph(IFilterGraph * pGraph, LPCWSTR pName);
- //
- // Do estimates for standard deviations for per-frame
- // statistics
- //
- // *piResult = (llSumSq - iTot * iTot / m_cFramesDrawn - 1) /
- // (m_cFramesDrawn - 2)
- // or 0 if m_cFramesDrawn <= 3
- //
- HRESULT GetStdDev(
- int nSamples,
- int *piResult,
- );
- // IQualProp property page support
- STDMETHODIMP get_FramesDroppedInRenderer(int *cFramesDropped);
- STDMETHODIMP get_FramesDrawn(int *pcFramesDrawn);
- STDMETHODIMP get_AvgFrameRate(int *piAvgFrameRate);
- STDMETHODIMP get_Jitter(int *piJitter);
- STDMETHODIMP get_AvgSyncOffset(int *piAvg);
- STDMETHODIMP get_DevSyncOffset(int *piDev);
- // Implement an IUnknown interface and expose IQualProp
- STDMETHODIMP NonDelegatingQueryInterface(REFIID riid,VOID **ppv);
-#endif // __RENBASE__
diff --git a/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/schedule.h b/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/schedule.h
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index 2d01911..0000000
--- a/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/schedule.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-// File: Schedule.h
-// Desc: DirectShow base classes.
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-#ifndef __CAMSchedule__
-#define __CAMSchedule__
-class CAMSchedule : private CBaseObject
- virtual ~CAMSchedule();
- // ev is the event we should fire if the advise time needs re-evaluating
- CAMSchedule( HANDLE ev );
- DWORD GetAdviseCount();
- REFERENCE_TIME GetNextAdviseTime();
- // We need a method for derived classes to add advise packets, we return the cookie
- DWORD_PTR AddAdvisePacket( const REFERENCE_TIME & time1, const REFERENCE_TIME & time2, HANDLE h, BOOL periodic );
- // And a way to cancel
- HRESULT Unadvise(DWORD_PTR dwAdviseCookie);
- // Tell us the time please, and we'll dispatch the expired events. We return the time of the next event.
- // NB: The time returned will be "useless" if you start adding extra Advises. But that's the problem of
- // whoever is using this helper class (typically a clock).
- REFERENCE_TIME Advise( const REFERENCE_TIME & rtTime );
- // Get the event handle which will be set if advise time requires re-evaluation.
- HANDLE GetEvent() const { return m_ev; }
- // We define the nodes that will be used in our singly linked list
- // of advise packets. The list is ordered by time, with the
- // elements that will expire first at the front.
- class CAdvisePacket
- {
- public:
- CAdvisePacket()
- {}
- CAdvisePacket * m_next;
- DWORD_PTR m_dwAdviseCookie;
- REFERENCE_TIME m_rtEventTime; // Time at which event should be set
- REFERENCE_TIME m_rtPeriod; // Periodic time
- HANDLE m_hNotify; // Handle to event or semephore
- BOOL m_bPeriodic; // TRUE => Periodic event
- CAdvisePacket( CAdvisePacket * next, LONGLONG time ) : m_next(next), m_rtEventTime(time)
- {}
- void InsertAfter( CAdvisePacket * p )
- {
- p->m_next = m_next;
- m_next = p;
- }
- int IsZ() const // That is, is it the node that represents the end of the list
- { return m_next == 0; }
- CAdvisePacket * RemoveNext()
- {
- CAdvisePacket *const next = m_next;
- CAdvisePacket *const new_next = next->m_next;
- m_next = new_next;
- return next;
- }
- void DeleteNext()
- {
- delete RemoveNext();
- }
- CAdvisePacket * Next() const
- {
- CAdvisePacket * result = m_next;
- if (result->IsZ()) result = 0;
- return result;
- }
- DWORD_PTR Cookie() const
- { return m_dwAdviseCookie; }
- };
- // Structure is:
- // head -> elmt1 -> elmt2 -> z -> null
- // So an empty list is: head -> z -> null
- // Having head & z as links makes insertaion,
- // deletion and shunting much easier.
- CAdvisePacket head, z; // z is both a tail and a sentry
- volatile DWORD_PTR m_dwNextCookie; // Strictly increasing
- volatile DWORD m_dwAdviseCount; // Number of elements on list
- CCritSec m_Serialize;
- // AddAdvisePacket: adds the packet, returns the cookie (0 if failed)
- DWORD_PTR AddAdvisePacket( CAdvisePacket * pPacket );
- // Event that we should set if the packed added above will be the next to fire.
- const HANDLE m_ev;
- // A Shunt is where we have changed the first element in the
- // list and want it re-evaluating (i.e. repositioned) in
- // the list.
- void ShuntHead();
- // Rather than delete advise packets, we cache them for future use
- CAdvisePacket * m_pAdviseCache;
- DWORD m_dwCacheCount;
- enum { dwCacheMax = 5 }; // Don't bother caching more than five
- void Delete( CAdvisePacket * pLink );// This "Delete" will cache the Link
-// Attributes and methods for debugging
-#ifdef DEBUG
- void DumpLinkedList();
- void DumpLinkedList() {}
-#endif // __CAMSchedule__
diff --git a/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/seekpt.h b/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/seekpt.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 93b7061..0000000
--- a/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/seekpt.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-// File: SeekPT.h
-// Desc: DirectShow base classes.
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-#ifndef __seekpt_h__
-#define __seekpt_h__
-class CSeekingPassThru : public ISeekingPassThru, public CUnknown
- static CUnknown *CreateInstance(LPUNKNOWN pUnk, HRESULT *phr);
- CSeekingPassThru(TCHAR *pName, LPUNKNOWN pUnk, HRESULT *phr);
- ~CSeekingPassThru();
- STDMETHODIMP NonDelegatingQueryInterface(REFIID riid, void ** ppv);
- STDMETHODIMP Init(BOOL bSupportRendering, IPin *pPin);
- CPosPassThru *m_pPosPassThru;
diff --git a/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/source.h b/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/source.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6dff3e7..0000000
--- a/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/source.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-// File: Source.h
-// Desc: DirectShow base classes - defines classes to simplify creation of
-// ActiveX source filters that support continuous generation of data.
-// No support is provided for IMediaControl or IMediaPosition.
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// Derive your source filter from CSource.
-// During construction either:
-// Create some CSourceStream objects to manage your pins
-// Provide the user with a means of doing so eg, an IPersistFile interface.
-// CSource provides:
-// IBaseFilter interface management
-// IMediaFilter interface management, via CBaseFilter
-// Pin counting for CBaseFilter
-// Derive a class from CSourceStream to manage your output pin types
-// Implement GetMediaType/1 to return the type you support. If you support multiple
-// types then overide GetMediaType/3, CheckMediaType and GetMediaTypeCount.
-// Implement Fillbuffer() to put data into one buffer.
-// CSourceStream provides:
-// IPin management via CBaseOutputPin
-// Worker thread management
-#ifndef __CSOURCE__
-#define __CSOURCE__
-class CSourceStream; // The class that will handle each pin
-// CSource
-// Override construction to provide a means of creating
-// CSourceStream derived objects - ie a way of creating pins.
-class CSource : public CBaseFilter {
- CSource(TCHAR *pName, LPUNKNOWN lpunk, CLSID clsid, HRESULT *phr);
- CSource(TCHAR *pName, LPUNKNOWN lpunk, CLSID clsid);
-#ifdef UNICODE
- CSource(CHAR *pName, LPUNKNOWN lpunk, CLSID clsid, HRESULT *phr);
- CSource(CHAR *pName, LPUNKNOWN lpunk, CLSID clsid);
- ~CSource();
- int GetPinCount(void);
- CBasePin *GetPin(int n);
- // -- Utilities --
- CCritSec* pStateLock(void) { return &m_cStateLock; } // provide our critical section
- HRESULT AddPin(CSourceStream *);
- HRESULT RemovePin(CSourceStream *);
- IPin ** ppPin
- );
- int FindPinNumber(IPin *iPin);
- int m_iPins; // The number of pins on this filter. Updated by CSourceStream
- // constructors & destructors.
- CSourceStream **m_paStreams; // the pins on this filter.
- CCritSec m_cStateLock; // Lock this to serialize function accesses to the filter state
-// CSourceStream
-// Use this class to manage a stream of data that comes from a
-// pin.
-// Uses a worker thread to put data on the pin.
-class CSourceStream : public CAMThread, public CBaseOutputPin {
- CSourceStream(TCHAR *pObjectName,
- HRESULT *phr,
- CSource *pms,
- LPCWSTR pName);
-#ifdef UNICODE
- CSourceStream(CHAR *pObjectName,
- HRESULT *phr,
- CSource *pms,
- LPCWSTR pName);
- virtual ~CSourceStream(void); // virtual destructor ensures derived class destructors are called too.
- CSource *m_pFilter; // The parent of this stream
- // *
- // * Data Source
- // *
- // * The following three functions: FillBuffer, OnThreadCreate/Destroy, are
- // * called from within the ThreadProc. They are used in the creation of
- // * the media samples this pin will provide
- // *
- // Override this to provide the worker thread a means
- // of processing a buffer
- virtual HRESULT FillBuffer(IMediaSample *pSamp) PURE;
- // Called as the thread is created/destroyed - use to perform
- // jobs such as start/stop streaming mode
- // If OnThreadCreate returns an error the thread will exit.
- virtual HRESULT OnThreadCreate(void) {return NOERROR;};
- virtual HRESULT OnThreadDestroy(void) {return NOERROR;};
- virtual HRESULT OnThreadStartPlay(void) {return NOERROR;};
- // *
- // * Worker Thread
- // *
- HRESULT Active(void); // Starts up the worker thread
- HRESULT Inactive(void); // Exits the worker thread.
- // thread commands
- HRESULT Init(void) { return CallWorker(CMD_INIT); }
- HRESULT Exit(void) { return CallWorker(CMD_EXIT); }
- HRESULT Run(void) { return CallWorker(CMD_RUN); }
- HRESULT Pause(void) { return CallWorker(CMD_PAUSE); }
- HRESULT Stop(void) { return CallWorker(CMD_STOP); }
- Command GetRequest(void) { return (Command) CAMThread::GetRequest(); }
- BOOL CheckRequest(Command *pCom) { return CAMThread::CheckRequest( (DWORD *) pCom); }
- // override these if you want to add thread commands
- virtual DWORD ThreadProc(void); // the thread function
- virtual HRESULT DoBufferProcessingLoop(void); // the loop executed whilst running
- // *
- // * AM_MEDIA_TYPE support
- // *
- // If you support more than one media type then override these 2 functions
- virtual HRESULT CheckMediaType(const CMediaType *pMediaType);
- virtual HRESULT GetMediaType(int iPosition, CMediaType *pMediaType); // List pos. 0-n
- // If you support only one type then override this fn.
- // This will only be called by the default implementations
- // of CheckMediaType and GetMediaType(int, CMediaType*)
- // You must override this fn. or the above 2!
- virtual HRESULT GetMediaType(CMediaType *pMediaType) {return E_UNEXPECTED;}
- );
-#endif // __CSOURCE__
diff --git a/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/streams.h b/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/streams.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 284363a..0000000
--- a/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/streams.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-// File: Streams.h
-// Desc: DirectShow base classes - defines overall streams architecture.
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-#ifndef __STREAMS__
-#define __STREAMS__
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-// disable some level-4 warnings, use #pragma warning(enable:###) to re-enable
-#pragma warning(disable:4100) // warning C4100: unreferenced formal parameter
-#pragma warning(disable:4127) // warning C4127: conditional expression is constant
-#pragma warning(disable:4189) // warning C4189: local variable is initialized but not referenced
-#pragma warning(disable:4201) // warning C4201: nonstandard extension used : nameless struct/union
-#pragma warning(disable:4511) // warning C4511: copy constructor could not be generated
-#pragma warning(disable:4512) // warning C4512: assignment operator could not be generated
-#pragma warning(disable:4514) // warning C4514: unreferenced inline function has been removed
-#pragma warning(disable:4710) // warning C4710: 'function' not inlined
-#if _MSC_VER>=1100
-#define AM_NOVTABLE __declspec(novtable)
-#define AM_NOVTABLE
-#endif // MSC_VER
-// Because of differences between Visual C++ and older Microsoft SDKs,
-// you may have defined _DEBUG without defining DEBUG. This logic
-// ensures that both will be set if Visual C++ sets _DEBUG.
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-#ifndef DEBUG
-#define DEBUG
-#include <windows.h>
-#include <windowsx.h>
-#include <olectl.h>
-#include <ddraw.h>
-// Disable warning message for C4201 - use of nameless struct/union
-// Otherwise, strmif.h will generate warnings for Win32 debug builds
-#pragma warning( disable : 4201 )
-#include <mmsystem.h>
-#ifndef NUMELMS
- #define NUMELMS(aa) (sizeof(aa)/sizeof((aa)[0]))
-// The following definitions come from the Platform SDK and are required if
-// the applicaiton is being compiled with the headers from Visual C++ 6.0.
-#ifndef InterlockedExchangePointer
- #define InterlockedExchangePointer(Target, Value) \
- (PVOID)InterlockedExchange((PLONG)(Target), (LONG)(Value))
-typedef struct {
- union {
- WORD wValidBitsPerSample; /* bits of precision */
- WORD wSamplesPerBlock; /* valid if wBitsPerSample==0 */
- WORD wReserved; /* If neither applies, set to zero. */
- } Samples;
- DWORD dwChannelMask; /* which channels are */
- /* present in stream */
- GUID SubFormat;
-#endif // !defined(WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE)
-#ifndef GetWindowLongPtr
- #define GetWindowLongPtrA GetWindowLongA
- #define GetWindowLongPtrW GetWindowLongW
- #ifdef UNICODE
- #define GetWindowLongPtr GetWindowLongPtrW
- #else
- #define GetWindowLongPtr GetWindowLongPtrA
- #endif // !UNICODE
-#endif // !GetWindowLongPtr
-#ifndef SetWindowLongPtr
- #define SetWindowLongPtrA SetWindowLongA
- #define SetWindowLongPtrW SetWindowLongW
- #ifdef UNICODE
- #define SetWindowLongPtr SetWindowLongPtrW
- #else
- #define SetWindowLongPtr SetWindowLongPtrA
- #endif // !UNICODE
-#endif // !SetWindowLongPtr
- #define GWLP_WNDPROC (-4)
- #define GWLP_HINSTANCE (-6)
- #define GWLP_HWNDPARENT (-8)
- #define GWLP_USERDATA (-21)
-#ifndef GWLP_ID
- #define GWLP_ID (-12)
- #define DWLP_MSGRESULT 0
-#ifndef DWLP_USER
-// End Platform SDK definitions
-#pragma warning(disable:4201) // warning C4201: nonstandard extension used : nameless struct/union
-#include <strmif.h> // Generated IDL header file for streams interfaces
-#include <reftime.h> // Helper class for REFERENCE_TIME management
-#include <wxdebug.h> // Debug support for logging and ASSERTs
-#include <amvideo.h> // ActiveMovie video interfaces and definitions
-//include amaudio.h explicitly if you need it. it requires the DirectX SDK.
-//#include <amaudio.h> // ActiveMovie audio interfaces and definitions
-#include <wxutil.h> // General helper classes for threads etc
-#include <combase.h> // Base COM classes to support IUnknown
-#include <dllsetup.h> // Filter registration support functions
-#include <measure.h> // Performance measurement
-#include <comlite.h> // Light weight com function prototypes
-#include <cache.h> // Simple cache container class
-#include <wxlist.h> // Non MFC generic list class
-#include <msgthrd.h> // CMsgThread
-#include <mtype.h> // Helper class for managing media types
-#include <fourcc.h> // conversions between FOURCCs and GUIDs
-#include <control.h> // generated from control.odl
-#include <ctlutil.h> // control interface utility classes
-#include <evcode.h> // event code definitions
-#include <amfilter.h> // Main streams architecture class hierachy
-#include <transfrm.h> // Generic transform filter
-#include <transip.h> // Generic transform-in-place filter
-#include <uuids.h> // declaration of type GUIDs and well-known clsids
-#include <source.h> // Generic source filter
-#include <outputq.h> // Output pin queueing
-#include <errors.h> // HRESULT status and error definitions
-#include <renbase.h> // Base class for writing ActiveX renderers
-#include <winutil.h> // Helps with filters that manage windows
-#include <winctrl.h> // Implements the IVideoWindow interface
-#include <videoctl.h> // Specifically video related classes
-#include <refclock.h> // Base clock class
-#include <sysclock.h> // System clock
-#include <pstream.h> // IPersistStream helper class
-#include <vtrans.h> // Video Transform Filter base class
-#include <amextra.h>
-#include <cprop.h> // Base property page class
-#include <strmctl.h> // IAMStreamControl support
-#include <edevdefs.h> // External device control interface defines
-#include <audevcod.h> // audio filter device error event codes
-#include <tchar.h>
-#include <atlbase.h>
-#include <strsafe.h>
-#ifndef NUMELMS
- #define NUMELMS(aa) (sizeof(aa)/sizeof((aa)[0]))
- #ifdef DEBUG
- #pragma message("STREAMS.H included TWICE")
- #endif
-#endif // __STREAMS__
diff --git a/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/strmctl.h b/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/strmctl.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a1475f..0000000
--- a/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/strmctl.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-// File: StrmCtl.h
-// Desc: DirectShow base classes.
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-#ifndef __strmctl_h__
-#define __strmctl_h__
-class CBaseStreamControl : public IAMStreamControl
- // Used by the implementation
- enum StreamControlState
- { STREAM_FLOWING = 0x1000,
- };
- enum StreamControlState m_StreamState; // Current stream state
- enum StreamControlState m_StreamStateOnStop; // State after next stop
- // (i.e.Blocking or Discarding)
- REFERENCE_TIME m_tStartTime; // MAX_TIME implies none
- REFERENCE_TIME m_tStopTime; // MAX_TIME implies none
- DWORD m_dwStartCookie; // Cookie for notification to app
- DWORD m_dwStopCookie; // Cookie for notification to app
- volatile BOOL m_bIsFlushing; // No optimization pls!
- volatile BOOL m_bStopSendExtra; // bSendExtra was set
- volatile BOOL m_bStopExtraSent; // the extra one was sent
- CCritSec m_CritSec; // CritSec to guard above attributes
- // Event to fire when we can come
- // out of blocking, or to come out of waiting
- // to discard if we change our minds.
- //
- CAMEvent m_StreamEvent;
- // All of these methods execute immediately. Helpers for others.
- //
- void ExecuteStop();
- void ExecuteStart();
- void CancelStop();
- void CancelStart();
- // Some things we need to be told by our owning filter
- // Your pin must also expose IAMStreamControl when QI'd for it!
- //
- IReferenceClock * m_pRefClock; // Need it to set advises
- // Filter must tell us via
- // SetSyncSource
- IMediaEventSink * m_pSink; // Event sink
- // Filter must tell us after it
- // creates it in JoinFilterGraph()
- FILTER_STATE m_FilterState; // Just need it!
- // Filter must tell us via
- // NotifyFilterState
- REFERENCE_TIME m_tRunStart; // Per the Run call to the filter
- // This guy will return one of the three StreamControlState's. Here's what
- // the caller should do for each one:
- //
- // STREAM_FLOWING: Proceed as usual (render or pass the sample on)
- // STREAM_DISCARDING: Calculate the time 'til *pSampleStop and wait
- // that long for the event handle
- // (GetStreamEventHandle()). If the wait
- // expires, throw the sample away. If the event
- // fires, call me back - I've changed my mind.
- //
- enum StreamControlState CheckSampleTimes( const REFERENCE_TIME * pSampleStart,
- const REFERENCE_TIME * pSampleStop );
- // You don't have to tell us much when we're created, but there are other
- // obligations that must be met. See SetSyncSource & NotifyFilterState
- // below.
- //
- CBaseStreamControl();
- ~CBaseStreamControl();
- // If you want this class to work properly, there are thing you need to
- // (keep) telling it. Filters with pins that use this class
- // should ensure that they pass through to this method any calls they
- // receive on their SetSyncSource.
- // We need a clock to see what time it is. This is for the
- // "discard in a timely fashion" logic. If we discard everything as
- // quick as possible, a whole 60 minute file could get discarded in the
- // first 10 seconds, and if somebody wants to turn streaming on at 30
- // minutes into the file, and they make the call more than a few seconds
- // after the graph is run, it may be too late!
- // So we hold every sample until it's time has gone, then we discard it.
- // The filter should call this when it gets a SetSyncSource
- //
- void SetSyncSource( IReferenceClock * pRefClock )
- {
- CAutoLock lck(&m_CritSec);
- if (m_pRefClock) m_pRefClock->Release();
- m_pRefClock = pRefClock;
- if (m_pRefClock) m_pRefClock->AddRef();
- }
- // Set event sink for notifications
- // The filter should call this in its JoinFilterGraph after it creates the
- // IMediaEventSink
- //
- void SetFilterGraph( IMediaEventSink *pSink ) {
- m_pSink = pSink;
- }
- // Since we schedule in stream time, we need the tStart and must track the
- // state of our owning filter.
- // The app should call this ever state change
- //
- void NotifyFilterState( FILTER_STATE new_state, REFERENCE_TIME tStart = 0 );
- // Filter should call Flushing(TRUE) in BeginFlush,
- // and Flushing(FALSE) in EndFlush.
- //
- void Flushing( BOOL bInProgress );
- // The two main methods of IAMStreamControl
- // Class adds default values suitable for immediate
- // muting and unmuting of the stream.
- BOOL bSendExtra = FALSE,
- DWORD dwCookie = 0 );
- DWORD dwCookie = 0 );
- // Helper function for pin's receive method. Call this with
- // the sample and we'll tell you what to do with it. We'll do a
- // WaitForSingleObject within this call if one is required. This is
- // a "What should I do with this sample?" kind of call. We'll tell the
- // caller to either flow it or discard it.
- // If pSample is NULL we evaluate based on the current state
- // settings
- enum StreamControlState CheckStreamState( IMediaSample * pSample );
- // These don't require locking, but we are relying on the fact that
- // m_StreamState can be retrieved with integrity, and is a snap shot that
- // may have just been, or may be just about to be, changed.
- HANDLE GetStreamEventHandle() const { return m_StreamEvent; }
- enum StreamControlState GetStreamState() const { return m_StreamState; }
- BOOL IsStreaming() const { return m_StreamState == STREAM_FLOWING; }
diff --git a/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/sysclock.h b/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/sysclock.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 53c8e4c..0000000
--- a/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/sysclock.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-// File: SysClock.h
-// Desc: DirectShow base classes - defines a system clock implementation of
-// IReferenceClock.
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-#ifndef __SYSTEMCLOCK__
-#define __SYSTEMCLOCK__
-// Base clock. Uses timeGetTime ONLY
-// Uses most of the code in the base reference clock.
-// Provides GetTime
-class CSystemClock : public CBaseReferenceClock, public IAMClockAdjust, public IPersist
- // We must be able to create an instance of ourselves
- static CUnknown * WINAPI CreateInstance(LPUNKNOWN pUnk, HRESULT *phr);
- CSystemClock(TCHAR *pName, LPUNKNOWN pUnk, HRESULT *phr);
- STDMETHODIMP NonDelegatingQueryInterface(REFIID riid,void ** ppv);
- // Yield up our class id so that we can be persisted
- // Implement required Ipersist method
- // IAMClockAdjust methods
-}; //CSystemClock
-#endif /* __SYSTEMCLOCK__ */
diff --git a/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/transfrm.h b/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/transfrm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 55a07dc..0000000
--- a/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/transfrm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,304 +0,0 @@
-// File: Transfrm.h
-// Desc: DirectShow base classes - defines classes from which simple
-// transform codecs may be derived.
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// It assumes the codec has one input and one output stream, and has no
-// interest in memory management, interface negotiation or anything else.
-// derive your class from this, and supply Transform and the media type/format
-// negotiation functions. Implement that class, compile and link and
-// you're done.
-#ifndef __TRANSFRM__
-#define __TRANSFRM__
-// ======================================================================
-// This is the com object that represents a simple transform filter. It
-// supports IBaseFilter, IMediaFilter and two pins through nested interfaces
-// ======================================================================
-class CTransformFilter;
-// ==================================================
-// Implements the input pin
-// ==================================================
-class CTransformInputPin : public CBaseInputPin
- friend class CTransformFilter;
- CTransformFilter *m_pTransformFilter;
- CTransformInputPin(
- TCHAR *pObjectName,
- CTransformFilter *pTransformFilter,
- HRESULT * phr,
- LPCWSTR pName);
-#ifdef UNICODE
- CTransformInputPin(
- char *pObjectName,
- CTransformFilter *pTransformFilter,
- HRESULT * phr,
- LPCWSTR pName);
- {
- return AMGetWideString(L"In", Id);
- }
- // Grab and release extra interfaces if required
- HRESULT CheckConnect(IPin *pPin);
- HRESULT BreakConnect();
- HRESULT CompleteConnect(IPin *pReceivePin);
- // check that we can support this output type
- HRESULT CheckMediaType(const CMediaType* mtIn);
- // set the connection media type
- HRESULT SetMediaType(const CMediaType* mt);
- // --- IMemInputPin -----
- // here's the next block of data from the stream.
- // AddRef it yourself if you need to hold it beyond the end
- // of this call.
- STDMETHODIMP Receive(IMediaSample * pSample);
- // provide EndOfStream that passes straight downstream
- // (there is no queued data)
- STDMETHODIMP EndOfStream(void);
- // passes it to CTransformFilter::BeginFlush
- STDMETHODIMP BeginFlush(void);
- // passes it to CTransformFilter::EndFlush
- STDMETHODIMP EndFlush(void);
- double dRate);
- // Check if it's OK to process samples
- virtual HRESULT CheckStreaming();
- // Media type
- CMediaType& CurrentMediaType() { return m_mt; };
-// ==================================================
-// Implements the output pin
-// ==================================================
-class CTransformOutputPin : public CBaseOutputPin
- friend class CTransformFilter;
- CTransformFilter *m_pTransformFilter;
- // implement IMediaPosition by passing upstream
- IUnknown * m_pPosition;
- CTransformOutputPin(
- TCHAR *pObjectName,
- CTransformFilter *pTransformFilter,
- HRESULT * phr,
- LPCWSTR pName);
-#ifdef UNICODE
- CTransformOutputPin(
- CHAR *pObjectName,
- CTransformFilter *pTransformFilter,
- HRESULT * phr,
- LPCWSTR pName);
- ~CTransformOutputPin();
- // override to expose IMediaPosition
- STDMETHODIMP NonDelegatingQueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppv);
- // --- CBaseOutputPin ------------
- {
- return AMGetWideString(L"Out", Id);
- }
- // Grab and release extra interfaces if required
- HRESULT CheckConnect(IPin *pPin);
- HRESULT BreakConnect();
- HRESULT CompleteConnect(IPin *pReceivePin);
- // check that we can support this output type
- HRESULT CheckMediaType(const CMediaType* mtOut);
- // set the connection media type
- HRESULT SetMediaType(const CMediaType *pmt);
- // called from CBaseOutputPin during connection to ask for
- // the count and size of buffers we need.
- HRESULT DecideBufferSize(
- IMemAllocator * pAlloc,
- // returns the preferred formats for a pin
- HRESULT GetMediaType(int iPosition,CMediaType *pMediaType);
- // inherited from IQualityControl via CBasePin
- STDMETHODIMP Notify(IBaseFilter * pSender, Quality q);
- // Media type
- CMediaType& CurrentMediaType() { return m_mt; };
-class AM_NOVTABLE CTransformFilter : public CBaseFilter
- // map getpin/getpincount for base enum of pins to owner
- // override this to return more specialised pin objects
- virtual int GetPinCount();
- virtual CBasePin * GetPin(int n);
- // override state changes to allow derived transform filter
- // to control streaming start/stop
- CTransformFilter(TCHAR *, LPUNKNOWN, REFCLSID clsid);
-#ifdef UNICODE
- CTransformFilter(CHAR *, LPUNKNOWN, REFCLSID clsid);
- ~CTransformFilter();
- // =================================================================
- // ----- override these bits ---------------------------------------
- // =================================================================
- // These must be supplied in a derived class
- virtual HRESULT Transform(IMediaSample * pIn, IMediaSample *pOut);
- // check if you can support mtIn
- virtual HRESULT CheckInputType(const CMediaType* mtIn) PURE;
- // check if you can support the transform from this input to this output
- virtual HRESULT CheckTransform(const CMediaType* mtIn, const CMediaType* mtOut) PURE;
- // this goes in the factory template table to create new instances
- // static CCOMObject * CreateInstance(LPUNKNOWN, HRESULT *);
- // call the SetProperties function with appropriate arguments
- virtual HRESULT DecideBufferSize(
- IMemAllocator * pAllocator,
- // override to suggest OUTPUT pin media types
- virtual HRESULT GetMediaType(int iPosition, CMediaType *pMediaType) PURE;
- // =================================================================
- // ----- Optional Override Methods -----------------------
- // =================================================================
- // you can also override these if you want to know about streaming
- virtual HRESULT StartStreaming();
- virtual HRESULT StopStreaming();
- // override if you can do anything constructive with quality notifications
- virtual HRESULT AlterQuality(Quality q);
- // override this to know when the media type is actually set
- virtual HRESULT SetMediaType(PIN_DIRECTION direction,const CMediaType *pmt);
- // chance to grab extra interfaces on connection
- virtual HRESULT CheckConnect(PIN_DIRECTION dir,IPin *pPin);
- virtual HRESULT BreakConnect(PIN_DIRECTION dir);
- virtual HRESULT CompleteConnect(PIN_DIRECTION direction,IPin *pReceivePin);
- // chance to customize the transform process
- virtual HRESULT Receive(IMediaSample *pSample);
- // Standard setup for output sample
- HRESULT InitializeOutputSample(IMediaSample *pSample, IMediaSample **ppOutSample);
- // if you override Receive, you may need to override these three too
- virtual HRESULT EndOfStream(void);
- virtual HRESULT BeginFlush(void);
- virtual HRESULT EndFlush(void);
- virtual HRESULT NewSegment(
- double dRate);
-#ifdef PERF
- // Override to register performance measurement with a less generic string
- // You should do this to avoid confusion with other filters
- virtual void RegisterPerfId()
- {m_idTransform = MSR_REGISTER(TEXT("Transform"));}
-#endif // PERF
-// implementation details
-#ifdef PERF
- int m_idTransform; // performance measuring id
- BOOL m_bEOSDelivered; // have we sent EndOfStream
- BOOL m_bSampleSkipped; // Did we just skip a frame
- BOOL m_bQualityChanged; // Have we degraded?
- // critical section protecting filter state.
- CCritSec m_csFilter;
- // critical section stopping state changes (ie Stop) while we're
- // processing a sample.
- //
- // This critical section is held when processing
- // events that occur on the receive thread - Receive() and EndOfStream().
- //
- // If you want to hold both m_csReceive and m_csFilter then grab
- // m_csFilter FIRST - like CTransformFilter::Stop() does.
- CCritSec m_csReceive;
- // these hold our input and output pins
- friend class CTransformInputPin;
- friend class CTransformOutputPin;
- CTransformInputPin *m_pInput;
- CTransformOutputPin *m_pOutput;
-#endif /* __TRANSFRM__ */
diff --git a/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/transip.h b/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/transip.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c982f37..0000000
--- a/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/transip.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
-// File: TransIP.h
-// Desc: DirectShow base classes - defines classes from which simple
-// Transform-In-Place filters may be derived.
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// The difference between this and Transfrm.h is that Transfrm copies the data.
-// It assumes the filter has one input and one output stream, and has no
-// interest in memory management, interface negotiation or anything else.
-// Derive your class from this, and supply Transform and the media type/format
-// negotiation functions. Implement that class, compile and link and
-// you're done.
-#ifndef __TRANSIP__
-#define __TRANSIP__
-// ======================================================================
-// This is the com object that represents a simple transform filter. It
-// supports IBaseFilter, IMediaFilter and two pins through nested interfaces
-// ======================================================================
-class CTransInPlaceFilter;
-// Several of the pin functions call filter functions to do the work,
-// so you can often use the pin classes unaltered, just overriding the
-// functions in CTransInPlaceFilter. If that's not enough and you want
-// to derive your own pin class, override GetPin in the filter to supply
-// your own pin classes to the filter.
-// ==================================================
-// Implements the input pin
-// ==================================================
-class CTransInPlaceInputPin : public CTransformInputPin
- CTransInPlaceFilter * const m_pTIPFilter; // our filter
- BOOL m_bReadOnly; // incoming stream is read only
- CTransInPlaceInputPin(
- TCHAR *pObjectName,
- CTransInPlaceFilter *pFilter,
- HRESULT *phr,
- LPCWSTR pName);
- // --- IMemInputPin -----
- // Provide an enumerator for media types by getting one from downstream
- STDMETHODIMP EnumMediaTypes( IEnumMediaTypes **ppEnum );
- // Say whether media type is acceptable.
- HRESULT CheckMediaType(const CMediaType* pmt);
- // Return our upstream allocator
- STDMETHODIMP GetAllocator(IMemAllocator ** ppAllocator);
- // get told which allocator the upstream output pin is actually
- // going to use.
- STDMETHODIMP NotifyAllocator(IMemAllocator * pAllocator,
- BOOL bReadOnly);
- // Allow the filter to see what allocator we have
- // N.B. This does NOT AddRef
- IMemAllocator * PeekAllocator() const
- { return m_pAllocator; }
- // Pass this on downstream if it ever gets called.
- STDMETHODIMP GetAllocatorRequirements(ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES *pProps);
- HRESULT CompleteConnect(IPin *pReceivePin);
- inline const BOOL ReadOnly() { return m_bReadOnly ; }
-}; // CTransInPlaceInputPin
-// ==================================================
-// Implements the output pin
-// ==================================================
-class CTransInPlaceOutputPin : public CTransformOutputPin
- // m_pFilter points to our CBaseFilter
- CTransInPlaceFilter * const m_pTIPFilter;
- CTransInPlaceOutputPin(
- TCHAR *pObjectName,
- CTransInPlaceFilter *pFilter,
- HRESULT *phr,
- LPCWSTR pName);
- // --- CBaseOutputPin ------------
- // negotiate the allocator and its buffer size/count
- // Insists on using our own allocator. (Actually the one upstream of us).
- // We don't override this - instead we just agree the default
- // then let the upstream filter decide for itself on reconnect
- // virtual HRESULT DecideAllocator(IMemInputPin * pPin, IMemAllocator ** pAlloc);
- // Provide a media type enumerator. Get it from upstream.
- STDMETHODIMP EnumMediaTypes( IEnumMediaTypes **ppEnum );
- // Say whether media type is acceptable.
- HRESULT CheckMediaType(const CMediaType* pmt);
- // This just saves the allocator being used on the output pin
- // Also called by input pin's GetAllocator()
- void SetAllocator(IMemAllocator * pAllocator);
- IMemInputPin * ConnectedIMemInputPin()
- { return m_pInputPin; }
- // Allow the filter to see what allocator we have
- // N.B. This does NOT AddRef
- IMemAllocator * PeekAllocator() const
- { return m_pAllocator; }
- HRESULT CompleteConnect(IPin *pReceivePin);
-}; // CTransInPlaceOutputPin
-class AM_NOVTABLE CTransInPlaceFilter : public CTransformFilter
- // map getpin/getpincount for base enum of pins to owner
- // override this to return more specialised pin objects
- virtual CBasePin *GetPin(int n);
- // Set bModifiesData == false if your derived filter does
- // not modify the data samples (for instance it's just copying
- // them somewhere else or looking at the timestamps).
- CTransInPlaceFilter(TCHAR *, LPUNKNOWN, REFCLSID clsid, HRESULT *,
- bool bModifiesData = true);
-#ifdef UNICODE
- CTransInPlaceFilter(CHAR *, LPUNKNOWN, REFCLSID clsid, HRESULT *,
- bool bModifiesData = true);
- // The following are defined to avoid undefined pure virtuals.
- // Even if they are never called, they will give linkage warnings/errors
- // We override EnumMediaTypes to bypass the transform class enumerator
- // which would otherwise call this.
- HRESULT GetMediaType(int iPosition, CMediaType *pMediaType)
- {
- DbgBreak("CTransInPlaceFilter::GetMediaType should never be called");
- return E_UNEXPECTED;
- }
- // This is called when we actually have to provide out own allocator.
- HRESULT DecideBufferSize(IMemAllocator*, ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES *);
- // The functions which call this in CTransform are overridden in this
- // class to call CheckInputType with the assumption that the type
- // does not change. In Debug builds some calls will be made and
- // we just ensure that they do not assert.
- HRESULT CheckTransform(const CMediaType *mtIn, const CMediaType *mtOut)
- {
- return S_OK;
- };
- // =================================================================
- // ----- You may want to override this -----------------------------
- // =================================================================
- HRESULT CompleteConnect(PIN_DIRECTION dir,IPin *pReceivePin);
- // chance to customize the transform process
- virtual HRESULT Receive(IMediaSample *pSample);
- // =================================================================
- // ----- You MUST override these -----------------------------------
- // =================================================================
- virtual HRESULT Transform(IMediaSample *pSample) PURE;
- // this goes in the factory template table to create new instances
- // static CCOMObject * CreateInstance(LPUNKNOWN, HRESULT *);
-#ifdef PERF
- // Override to register performance measurement with a less generic string
- // You should do this to avoid confusion with other filters
- virtual void RegisterPerfId()
- {m_idTransInPlace = MSR_REGISTER(TEXT("TransInPlace"));}
-#endif // PERF
-// implementation details
- IMediaSample * CTransInPlaceFilter::Copy(IMediaSample *pSource);
-#ifdef PERF
- int m_idTransInPlace; // performance measuring id
-#endif // PERF
- bool m_bModifiesData; // Does this filter change the data?
- // these hold our input and output pins
- friend class CTransInPlaceInputPin;
- friend class CTransInPlaceOutputPin;
- CTransInPlaceInputPin *InputPin() const
- {
- return (CTransInPlaceInputPin *)m_pInput;
- };
- CTransInPlaceOutputPin *OutputPin() const
- {
- return (CTransInPlaceOutputPin *)m_pOutput;
- };
- // Helper to see if the input and output types match
- BOOL TypesMatch()
- {
- return InputPin()->CurrentMediaType() ==
- OutputPin()->CurrentMediaType();
- }
- // Are the input and output allocators different?
- BOOL UsingDifferentAllocators() const
- {
- return InputPin()->PeekAllocator() != OutputPin()->PeekAllocator();
- }
-}; // CTransInPlaceFilter
-#endif /* __TRANSIP__ */
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deleted file mode 100644
index 3396dac..0000000
--- a/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/videoctl.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-// File: VideoCtl.h
-// Desc: DirectShow base classes.
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-#ifndef __VIDEOCTL__
-#define __VIDEOCTL__
-// These help with property page implementations. The first can be used to
-// load any string from a resource file. The buffer to load into is passed
-// as an input parameter. The same buffer is the return value if the string
-// was found otherwise it returns TEXT(""). The GetDialogSize is passed the
-// resource ID of a dialog box and returns the size of it in screen pixels
-#define STR_MAX_LENGTH 256
-TCHAR * WINAPI StringFromResource(TCHAR *pBuffer, int iResourceID);
-#ifdef UNICODE
-#define WideStringFromResource StringFromResource
-char* WINAPI StringFromResource(char*pBuffer, int iResourceID);
-WCHAR * WINAPI WideStringFromResource(WCHAR *pBuffer, int iResourceID);
-BOOL WINAPI GetDialogSize(int iResourceID, // Dialog box resource identifier
- DLGPROC pDlgProc, // Pointer to dialog procedure
- LPARAM lParam, // Any user data wanted in pDlgProc
- SIZE *pResult); // Returns the size of dialog box
-// Class that aggregates an IDirectDraw interface
-class CAggDirectDraw : public IDirectDraw, public CUnknown
- LPDIRECTDRAW m_pDirectDraw;
- STDMETHODIMP NonDelegatingQueryInterface(REFIID riid,void **ppv);
- // Constructor and destructor
- CAggDirectDraw(TCHAR *pName,LPUNKNOWN pUnk) :
- CUnknown(pName,pUnk),
- m_pDirectDraw(NULL) { };
- virtual CAggDirectDraw::~CAggDirectDraw() { };
- // Set the object we should be aggregating
- void SetDirectDraw(LPDIRECTDRAW pDirectDraw) {
- m_pDirectDraw = pDirectDraw;
- }
- // IDirectDraw methods
- STDMETHODIMP CreateClipper(DWORD dwFlags,LPDIRECTDRAWCLIPPER *lplpDDClipper,IUnknown *pUnkOuter);
- STDMETHODIMP CreatePalette(DWORD dwFlags,LPPALETTEENTRY lpColorTable,LPDIRECTDRAWPALETTE *lplpDDPalette,IUnknown *pUnkOuter);
- STDMETHODIMP EnumDisplayModes(DWORD dwSurfaceDescCount,LPDDSURFACEDESC lplpDDSurfaceDescList,LPVOID lpContext,LPDDENUMMODESCALLBACK lpEnumCallback);
- STDMETHODIMP GetMonitorFrequency(LPDWORD lpdwFrequency);
- STDMETHODIMP GetScanLine(LPDWORD lpdwScanLine);
- STDMETHODIMP GetVerticalBlankStatus(LPBOOL lpblsInVB);
- STDMETHODIMP RestoreDisplayMode();
- STDMETHODIMP SetCooperativeLevel(HWND hWnd,DWORD dwFlags);
- STDMETHODIMP SetDisplayMode(DWORD dwWidth,DWORD dwHeight,DWORD dwBpp);
- STDMETHODIMP WaitForVerticalBlank(DWORD dwFlags,HANDLE hEvent);
-// Class that aggregates an IDirectDrawSurface interface
-class CAggDrawSurface : public IDirectDrawSurface, public CUnknown
- STDMETHODIMP NonDelegatingQueryInterface(REFIID riid,void **ppv);
- // Constructor and destructor
- CAggDrawSurface(TCHAR *pName,LPUNKNOWN pUnk) :
- CUnknown(pName,pUnk),
- m_pDirectDrawSurface(NULL) { };
- virtual ~CAggDrawSurface() { };
- // Set the object we should be aggregating
- void SetDirectDrawSurface(LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE pDirectDrawSurface) {
- m_pDirectDrawSurface = pDirectDrawSurface;
- }
- // IDirectDrawSurface methods
- STDMETHODIMP AddOverlayDirtyRect(LPRECT lpRect);
- STDMETHODIMP DeleteAttachedSurface(DWORD dwFlags,LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE lpDDSAttachedSurface);
- STDMETHODIMP EnumAttachedSurfaces(LPVOID lpContext,LPDDENUMSURFACESCALLBACK lpEnumSurfacesCallback);
- STDMETHODIMP GetBltStatus(DWORD dwFlags);
- STDMETHODIMP GetFlipStatus(DWORD dwFlags);
- STDMETHODIMP GetOverlayPosition(LPLONG lpdwX,LPLONG lpdwY);
- STDMETHODIMP SetOverlayPosition(LONG dwX,LONG dwY);
- STDMETHODIMP Unlock(LPVOID lpSurfaceData);
- STDMETHODIMP UpdateOverlayDisplay(DWORD dwFlags);
-// DirectShow must work on multiple platforms. In particular, it also runs on
-// Windows NT 3.51 which does not have DirectDraw capabilities. The filters
-// cannot therefore link statically to the DirectDraw library. To make their
-// lives that little bit easier we provide this class that manages loading
-// and unloading the library and creating the initial IDirectDraw interface
-class CLoadDirectDraw
- LPDIRECTDRAW m_pDirectDraw; // The DirectDraw driver instance
- HINSTANCE m_hDirectDraw; // Handle to the loaded library
- CLoadDirectDraw();
- ~CLoadDirectDraw();
- HRESULT LoadDirectDraw(LPSTR szDevice);
- void ReleaseDirectDraw();
- HRESULT IsDirectDrawLoaded();
- LPDIRECTDRAW GetDirectDraw();
- BOOL IsDirectDrawVersion1();
-#endif // __VIDEOCTL__
diff --git a/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/vtrans.h b/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/vtrans.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a9c1d6b..0000000
--- a/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/vtrans.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-// File: VTrans.h
-// Desc: DirectShow base classes - defines a video transform class.
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// This class is derived from CTransformFilter, but is specialised to handle
-// the requirements of video quality control by frame dropping.
-// This is a non-in-place transform, (i.e. it copies the data) such as a decoder.
-class CVideoTransformFilter : public CTransformFilter
- public:
- CVideoTransformFilter(TCHAR *, LPUNKNOWN, REFCLSID clsid);
- ~CVideoTransformFilter();
- HRESULT EndFlush();
- // =================================================================
- // ----- override these bits ---------------------------------------
- // =================================================================
- // The following methods are in CTransformFilter which is inherited.
- // They are mentioned here for completeness
- //
- // These MUST be supplied in a derived class
- //
- // NOTE:
- // virtual HRESULT Transform(IMediaSample * pIn, IMediaSample *pOut);
- // virtual HRESULT CheckInputType(const CMediaType* mtIn) PURE;
- // virtual HRESULT CheckTransform
- // (const CMediaType* mtIn, const CMediaType* mtOut) PURE;
- // static CCOMObject * CreateInstance(LPUNKNOWN, HRESULT *);
- // virtual HRESULT DecideBufferSize
- // (IMemAllocator * pAllocator, ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES *pprop) PURE;
- // virtual HRESULT GetMediaType(int iPosition, CMediaType *pMediaType) PURE;
- //
- // These MAY also be overridden
- //
- // virtual HRESULT StopStreaming();
- // virtual HRESULT SetMediaType(PIN_DIRECTION direction,const CMediaType *pmt);
- // virtual HRESULT CheckConnect(PIN_DIRECTION dir,IPin *pPin);
- // virtual HRESULT BreakConnect(PIN_DIRECTION dir);
- // virtual HRESULT CompleteConnect(PIN_DIRECTION direction,IPin *pReceivePin);
- // virtual HRESULT EndOfStream(void);
- // virtual HRESULT BeginFlush(void);
- // virtual HRESULT EndFlush(void);
- // virtual HRESULT NewSegment
- // (REFERENCE_TIME tStart,REFERENCE_TIME tStop,double dRate);
-#ifdef PERF
- // If you override this - ensure that you register all these ids
- // as well as any of your own,
- virtual void RegisterPerfId() {
- m_idSkip = MSR_REGISTER(TEXT("Video Transform Skip frame"));
- m_idFrameType = MSR_REGISTER(TEXT("Video transform frame type"));
- m_idLate = MSR_REGISTER(TEXT("Video Transform Lateness"));
- m_idTimeTillKey = MSR_REGISTER(TEXT("Video Transform Estd. time to next key"));
- CTransformFilter::RegisterPerfId();
- }
- protected:
- // =========== QUALITY MANAGEMENT IMPLEMENTATION ========================
- // Frames are assumed to come in three types:
- // Type 1: an AVI key frame or an MPEG I frame.
- // This frame can be decoded with no history.
- // Dropping this frame means that no further frame can be decoded
- // until the next type 1 frame.
- // Type 1 frames are sync points.
- // Type 2: an AVI non-key frame or an MPEG P frame.
- // This frame cannot be decoded unless the previous type 1 frame was
- // decoded and all type 2 frames since have been decoded.
- // Dropping this frame means that no further frame can be decoded
- // until the next type 1 frame.
- // Type 3: An MPEG B frame.
- // This frame cannot be decoded unless the previous type 1 or 2 frame
- // has been decoded AND the subsequent type 1 or 2 frame has also
- // been decoded. (This requires decoding the frames out of sequence).
- // Dropping this frame affects no other frames. This implementation
- // does not allow for these. All non-sync-point frames are treated
- // as being type 2.
- //
- // The spacing of frames of type 1 in a file is not guaranteed. There MUST
- // be a type 1 frame at (well, near) the start of the file in order to start
- // decoding at all. After that there could be one every half second or so,
- // there could be one at the start of each scene (aka "cut", "shot") or
- // there could be no more at all.
- // If there is only a single type 1 frame then NO FRAMES CAN BE DROPPED
- // without losing all the rest of the movie. There is no way to tell whether
- // this is the case, so we find that we are in the gambling business.
- // To try to improve the odds, we record the greatest interval between type 1s
- // that we have seen and we bet on things being no worse than this in the
- // future.
- // You can tell if it's a type 1 frame by calling IsSyncPoint().
- // there is no architected way to test for a type 3, so you should override
- // the quality management here if you have B-frames.
- int m_nKeyFramePeriod; // the largest observed interval between type 1 frames
- // 1 means every frame is type 1, 2 means every other.
- int m_nFramesSinceKeyFrame; // Used to count frames since the last type 1.
- // becomes the new m_nKeyFramePeriod if greater.
- BOOL m_bSkipping; // we are skipping to the next type 1 frame
-#ifdef PERF
- int m_idFrameType; // MSR id Frame type. 1=Key, 2="non-key"
- int m_idSkip; // MSR id skipping
- int m_idLate; // MSR id lateness
- int m_idTimeTillKey; // MSR id for guessed time till next key frame.
- virtual HRESULT StartStreaming();
- HRESULT AbortPlayback(HRESULT hr); // if something bad happens
- HRESULT Receive(IMediaSample *pSample);
- HRESULT AlterQuality(Quality q);
- BOOL ShouldSkipFrame(IMediaSample * pIn);
- int m_itrLate; // lateness from last Quality message
- // (this overflows at 214 secs late).
- int m_tDecodeStart; // timeGetTime when decode started.
- int m_itrAvgDecode; // Average decode time in reference units.
- BOOL m_bNoSkip; // debug - no skipping.
- // We send an EC_QUALITY_CHANGE notification to the app if we have to degrade.
- // We send one when we start degrading, not one for every frame, this means
- // we track whether we've sent one yet.
- BOOL m_bQualityChanged;
- // When non-zero, don't pass anything to renderer until next keyframe
- // If there are few keys, give up and eventually draw something
- int m_nWaitForKey;
diff --git a/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/winctrl.h b/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/winctrl.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c3e18da..0000000
--- a/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/winctrl.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-// File: WinCtrl.h
-// Desc: DirectShow base classes - defines classes for video control
-// interfaces.
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-#ifndef __WINCTRL__
-#define __WINCTRL__
-#define ABSOL(x) (x < 0 ? -x : x)
-#define NEGAT(x) (x > 0 ? -x : x)
-// Helper
-BOOL WINAPI PossiblyEatMessage(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
-class CBaseControlWindow : public CBaseVideoWindow, public CBaseWindow
- CBaseFilter *m_pFilter; // Pointer to owning media filter
- CBasePin *m_pPin; // Controls media types for connection
- CCritSec *m_pInterfaceLock; // Externally defined critical section
- COLORREF m_BorderColour; // Current window border colour
- BOOL m_bAutoShow; // What happens when the state changes
- HWND m_hwndOwner; // Owner window that we optionally have
- HWND m_hwndDrain; // HWND to post any messages received
- BOOL m_bCursorHidden; // Should we hide the window cursor
- // Internal methods for other objects to get information out
- HRESULT DoSetWindowStyle(long Style,long WindowLong);
- HRESULT DoGetWindowStyle(long *pStyle,long WindowLong);
- BOOL IsAutoShowEnabled() { return m_bAutoShow; };
- COLORREF GetBorderColour() { return m_BorderColour; };
- HWND GetOwnerWindow() { return m_hwndOwner; };
- BOOL IsCursorHidden() { return m_bCursorHidden; };
- inline BOOL PossiblyEatMessage(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
- {
- return ::PossiblyEatMessage(m_hwndDrain, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
- }
- // Derived classes must call this to set the pin the filter is using
- // We don't have the pin passed in to the constructor (as we do with
- // the CBaseFilter object) because filters typically create the
- // pins dynamically when requested in CBaseFilter::GetPin. This can
- // not be called from our constructor because is is a virtual method
- void SetControlWindowPin(CBasePin *pPin) {
- m_pPin = pPin;
- }
- CBaseControlWindow(CBaseFilter *pFilter, // Owning media filter
- CCritSec *pInterfaceLock, // Locking object
- TCHAR *pName, // Object description
- LPUNKNOWN pUnk, // Normal COM ownership
- HRESULT *phr); // OLE return code
- // These are the properties we support
- STDMETHODIMP put_Caption(BSTR strCaption);
- STDMETHODIMP get_Caption(BSTR *pstrCaption);
- STDMETHODIMP put_AutoShow(long AutoShow);
- STDMETHODIMP get_AutoShow(long *AutoShow);
- STDMETHODIMP put_WindowStyle(long WindowStyle);
- STDMETHODIMP get_WindowStyle(long *pWindowStyle);
- STDMETHODIMP put_WindowStyleEx(long WindowStyleEx);
- STDMETHODIMP get_WindowStyleEx(long *pWindowStyleEx);
- STDMETHODIMP put_WindowState(long WindowState);
- STDMETHODIMP get_WindowState(long *pWindowState);
- STDMETHODIMP put_BackgroundPalette(long BackgroundPalette);
- STDMETHODIMP get_BackgroundPalette(long *pBackgroundPalette);
- STDMETHODIMP put_Visible(long Visible);
- STDMETHODIMP get_Visible(long *pVisible);
- STDMETHODIMP put_Left(long Left);
- STDMETHODIMP get_Left(long *pLeft);
- STDMETHODIMP put_Width(long Width);
- STDMETHODIMP get_Width(long *pWidth);
- STDMETHODIMP put_Top(long Top);
- STDMETHODIMP get_Top(long *pTop);
- STDMETHODIMP put_Height(long Height);
- STDMETHODIMP get_Height(long *pHeight);
- STDMETHODIMP get_Owner(OAHWND *Owner);
- STDMETHODIMP put_MessageDrain(OAHWND Drain);
- STDMETHODIMP get_MessageDrain(OAHWND *Drain);
- STDMETHODIMP get_BorderColor(long *Color);
- STDMETHODIMP put_BorderColor(long Color);
- STDMETHODIMP get_FullScreenMode(long *FullScreenMode);
- STDMETHODIMP put_FullScreenMode(long FullScreenMode);
- // And these are the methods
- STDMETHODIMP SetWindowForeground(long Focus);
- STDMETHODIMP NotifyOwnerMessage(OAHWND hwnd,long uMsg,LONG_PTR wParam,LONG_PTR lParam);
- STDMETHODIMP GetMinIdealImageSize(long *pWidth,long *pHeight);
- STDMETHODIMP GetMaxIdealImageSize(long *pWidth,long *pHeight);
- STDMETHODIMP SetWindowPosition(long Left,long Top,long Width,long Height);
- STDMETHODIMP GetWindowPosition(long *pLeft,long *pTop,long *pWidth,long *pHeight);
- STDMETHODIMP GetRestorePosition(long *pLeft,long *pTop,long *pWidth,long *pHeight);
- STDMETHODIMP HideCursor(long HideCursor);
- STDMETHODIMP IsCursorHidden(long *CursorHidden);
-// This class implements the IBasicVideo interface
-class CBaseControlVideo : public CBaseBasicVideo
- CBaseFilter *m_pFilter; // Pointer to owning media filter
- CBasePin *m_pPin; // Controls media types for connection
- CCritSec *m_pInterfaceLock; // Externally defined critical section
- // Derived classes must provide these for the implementation
- virtual HRESULT IsDefaultTargetRect() PURE;
- virtual HRESULT SetDefaultTargetRect() PURE;
- virtual HRESULT SetTargetRect(RECT *pTargetRect) PURE;
- virtual HRESULT GetTargetRect(RECT *pTargetRect) PURE;
- virtual HRESULT IsDefaultSourceRect() PURE;
- virtual HRESULT SetDefaultSourceRect() PURE;
- virtual HRESULT SetSourceRect(RECT *pSourceRect) PURE;
- virtual HRESULT GetSourceRect(RECT *pSourceRect) PURE;
- virtual HRESULT GetStaticImage(long *pBufferSize,long *pDIBImage) PURE;
- // Derived classes must override this to return a VIDEOINFO representing
- // the video format. We cannot call IPin ConnectionMediaType to get this
- // format because various filters dynamically change the type when using
- // DirectDraw such that the format shows the position of the logical
- // bitmap in a frame buffer surface, so the size might be returned as
- // 1024x768 pixels instead of 320x240 which is the real video dimensions
- virtual VIDEOINFOHEADER *GetVideoFormat() PURE;
- // Helper functions for creating memory renderings of a DIB image
- LONG *pBufferSize,
- RECT *pSourceRect);
- HRESULT CopyImage(IMediaSample *pMediaSample,
- LONG *pBufferSize,
- BYTE *pVideoImage,
- RECT *pSourceRect);
- // Override this if you want notifying when the rectangles change
- virtual HRESULT OnUpdateRectangles() { return NOERROR; };
- virtual HRESULT OnVideoSizeChange();
- // Derived classes must call this to set the pin the filter is using
- // We don't have the pin passed in to the constructor (as we do with
- // the CBaseFilter object) because filters typically create the
- // pins dynamically when requested in CBaseFilter::GetPin. This can
- // not be called from our constructor because is is a virtual method
- void SetControlVideoPin(CBasePin *pPin) {
- m_pPin = pPin;
- }
- // Helper methods for checking rectangles
- virtual HRESULT CheckSourceRect(RECT *pSourceRect);
- virtual HRESULT CheckTargetRect(RECT *pTargetRect);
- CBaseControlVideo(CBaseFilter *pFilter, // Owning media filter
- CCritSec *pInterfaceLock, // Serialise interface
- TCHAR *pName, // Object description
- LPUNKNOWN pUnk, // Normal COM ownership
- HRESULT *phr); // OLE return code
- // These are the properties we support
- STDMETHODIMP get_AvgTimePerFrame(REFTIME *pAvgTimePerFrame);
- STDMETHODIMP get_BitRate(long *pBitRate);
- STDMETHODIMP get_BitErrorRate(long *pBitErrorRate);
- STDMETHODIMP get_VideoWidth(long *pVideoWidth);
- STDMETHODIMP get_VideoHeight(long *pVideoHeight);
- STDMETHODIMP put_SourceLeft(long SourceLeft);
- STDMETHODIMP get_SourceLeft(long *pSourceLeft);
- STDMETHODIMP put_SourceWidth(long SourceWidth);
- STDMETHODIMP get_SourceWidth(long *pSourceWidth);
- STDMETHODIMP put_SourceTop(long SourceTop);
- STDMETHODIMP get_SourceTop(long *pSourceTop);
- STDMETHODIMP put_SourceHeight(long SourceHeight);
- STDMETHODIMP get_SourceHeight(long *pSourceHeight);
- STDMETHODIMP put_DestinationLeft(long DestinationLeft);
- STDMETHODIMP get_DestinationLeft(long *pDestinationLeft);
- STDMETHODIMP put_DestinationWidth(long DestinationWidth);
- STDMETHODIMP get_DestinationWidth(long *pDestinationWidth);
- STDMETHODIMP put_DestinationTop(long DestinationTop);
- STDMETHODIMP get_DestinationTop(long *pDestinationTop);
- STDMETHODIMP put_DestinationHeight(long DestinationHeight);
- STDMETHODIMP get_DestinationHeight(long *pDestinationHeight);
- // And these are the methods
- STDMETHODIMP GetVideoSize(long *pWidth,long *pHeight);
- STDMETHODIMP SetSourcePosition(long Left,long Top,long Width,long Height);
- STDMETHODIMP GetSourcePosition(long *pLeft,long *pTop,long *pWidth,long *pHeight);
- STDMETHODIMP GetVideoPaletteEntries(long StartIndex,long Entries,long *pRetrieved,long *pPalette);
- STDMETHODIMP SetDefaultSourcePosition();
- STDMETHODIMP IsUsingDefaultSource();
- STDMETHODIMP SetDestinationPosition(long Left,long Top,long Width,long Height);
- STDMETHODIMP GetDestinationPosition(long *pLeft,long *pTop,long *pWidth,long *pHeight);
- STDMETHODIMP SetDefaultDestinationPosition();
- STDMETHODIMP IsUsingDefaultDestination();
- STDMETHODIMP GetCurrentImage(long *pBufferSize,long *pVideoImage);
-#endif // __WINCTRL__
diff --git a/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/winutil.h b/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/winutil.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ffe3024..0000000
--- a/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/winutil.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,413 +0,0 @@
-// File: WinUtil.h
-// Desc: DirectShow base classes - defines generic handler classes.
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// Make sure that you call PrepareWindow to initialise the window after
-// the object has been constructed. It is a separate method so that
-// derived classes can override useful methods like MessageLoop. Also
-// any derived class must call DoneWithWindow in its destructor. If it
-// doesn't a message may be retrieved and call a derived class member
-// function while a thread is executing the base class destructor code
-#ifndef __WINUTIL__
-#define __WINUTIL__
-const int DEFWIDTH = 320; // Initial window width
-const int DEFHEIGHT = 240; // Initial window height
-const int CAPTION = 256; // Maximum length of caption
-const int TIMELENGTH = 50; // Maximum length of times
-const int PROFILESTR = 128; // Normal profile string
-const WORD PALVERSION = 0x300; // GDI palette version
-const LONG PALETTE_VERSION = (LONG) 1; // Initial palette version
-const COLORREF VIDEO_COLOUR = 0; // Defaults to black background
-const HANDLE hMEMORY = (HANDLE) (-1); // Says to open as memory file
-#define WIDTH(x) ((*(x)).right - (*(x)).left)
-#define HEIGHT(x) ((*(x)).bottom - (*(x)).top)
-class AM_NOVTABLE CBaseWindow
- HINSTANCE m_hInstance; // Global module instance handle
- HWND m_hwnd; // Handle for our window
- HDC m_hdc; // Device context for the window
- LONG m_Width; // Client window width
- LONG m_Height; // Client window height
- BOOL m_bActivated; // Has the window been activated
- LPTSTR m_pClassName; // Static string holding class name
- DWORD m_ClassStyles; // Passed in to our constructor
- DWORD m_WindowStyles; // Likewise the initial window styles
- DWORD m_WindowStylesEx; // And the extended window styles
- UINT m_ShowStageMessage; // Have the window shown with focus
- UINT m_ShowStageTop; // Makes the window WS_EX_TOPMOST
- UINT m_RealizePalette; // Makes us realize our new palette
- HDC m_MemoryDC; // Used for fast BitBlt operations
- HPALETTE m_hPalette; // Handle to any palette we may have
- BYTE m_bNoRealize; // Don't realize palette now
- BYTE m_bBackground; // Should we realise in background
- BYTE m_bRealizing; // already realizing the palette
- CCritSec m_WindowLock; // Serialise window object access
- BOOL m_bDoGetDC; // Should this window get a DC
- bool m_bDoPostToDestroy; // Use PostMessage to destroy
- CCritSec m_PaletteLock; // This lock protects m_hPalette.
- // It should be held anytime the
- // program use the value of m_hPalette.
- // Maps windows message procedure into C++ methods
- friend LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hwnd, // Window handle
- UINT uMsg, // Message ID
- WPARAM wParam, // First parameter
- LPARAM lParam); // Other parameter
- virtual LRESULT OnPaletteChange(HWND hwnd, UINT Message);
- CBaseWindow(BOOL bDoGetDC = TRUE, bool bPostToDestroy = false);
-#ifdef DEBUG
- virtual ~CBaseWindow();
- virtual HRESULT DoneWithWindow();
- virtual HRESULT PrepareWindow();
- virtual HRESULT InactivateWindow();
- virtual HRESULT ActivateWindow();
- virtual BOOL OnSize(LONG Width, LONG Height);
- virtual BOOL OnClose();
- virtual RECT GetDefaultRect();
- virtual HRESULT UninitialiseWindow();
- virtual HRESULT InitialiseWindow(HWND hwnd);
- HRESULT CompleteConnect();
- HRESULT DoCreateWindow();
- HRESULT PerformanceAlignWindow();
- HRESULT DoShowWindow(LONG ShowCmd);
- void PaintWindow(BOOL bErase);
- void DoSetWindowForeground(BOOL bFocus);
- virtual HRESULT SetPalette(HPALETTE hPalette);
- void SetRealize(BOOL bRealize)
- {
- m_bNoRealize = !bRealize;
- }
- // Jump over to the window thread to set the current palette
- HRESULT SetPalette();
- void UnsetPalette(void);
- virtual HRESULT DoRealisePalette(BOOL bForceBackground = FALSE);
- void LockPaletteLock();
- void UnlockPaletteLock();
- virtual BOOL PossiblyEatMessage(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
- { return FALSE; };
- // Access our window information
- bool WindowExists();
- LONG GetWindowWidth();
- LONG GetWindowHeight();
- HWND GetWindowHWND();
- HDC GetMemoryHDC();
- HDC GetWindowHDC();
- #ifdef DEBUG
- HPALETTE GetPalette();
- #endif // DEBUG
- // This is the window procedure the derived object should override
- virtual LRESULT OnReceiveMessage(HWND hwnd, // Window handle
- UINT uMsg, // Message ID
- WPARAM wParam, // First parameter
- LPARAM lParam); // Other parameter
- // Must be overriden to return class and window styles
- virtual LPTSTR GetClassWindowStyles(
- DWORD *pClassStyles, // Class styles
- DWORD *pWindowStyles, // Window styles
- DWORD *pWindowStylesEx) PURE; // Extended styles
-// This helper class is entirely subservient to the owning CBaseWindow object
-// All this object does is to split out the actual drawing operation from the
-// main object (because it was becoming too large). We have a number of entry
-// points to set things like the draw device contexts, to implement the actual
-// drawing and to set the destination rectangle in the client window. We have
-// no critical section locking in this class because we are used exclusively
-// by the owning window object which looks after serialising calls into us
-// If you want to use this class make sure you call NotifyAllocator once the
-// allocate has been agreed, also call NotifyMediaType with a pointer to a
-// NON stack based CMediaType once that has been set (we keep a pointer to
-// the original rather than taking a copy). When the palette changes call
-// IncrementPaletteVersion (easiest thing to do is to also call this method
-// in the SetMediaType method most filters implement). Finally before you
-// start rendering anything call SetDrawContext so that we can get the HDCs
-// for drawing from the CBaseWindow object we are given during construction
-class CDrawImage
- CBaseWindow *m_pBaseWindow; // Owning video window object
- CRefTime m_StartSample; // Start time for the current sample
- CRefTime m_EndSample; // And likewise it's end sample time
- HDC m_hdc; // Main window device context
- HDC m_MemoryDC; // Offscreen draw device context
- RECT m_TargetRect; // Target destination rectangle
- RECT m_SourceRect; // Source image rectangle
- BOOL m_bStretch; // Do we have to stretch the images
- BOOL m_bUsingImageAllocator; // Are the samples shared DIBSECTIONs
- CMediaType *m_pMediaType; // Pointer to the current format
- int m_perfidRenderTime; // Time taken to render an image
- LONG m_PaletteVersion; // Current palette version cookie
- // Draw the video images in the window
- void SlowRender(IMediaSample *pMediaSample);
- void FastRender(IMediaSample *pMediaSample);
- void DisplaySampleTimes(IMediaSample *pSample);
- void UpdateColourTable(HDC hdc,BITMAPINFOHEADER *pbmi);
- void SetStretchMode();
- // Used to control the image drawing
- CDrawImage(CBaseWindow *pBaseWindow);
- BOOL DrawImage(IMediaSample *pMediaSample);
- BOOL DrawVideoImageHere(HDC hdc, IMediaSample *pMediaSample,
- LPRECT lprcSrc, LPRECT lprcDst);
- void SetDrawContext();
- void SetTargetRect(RECT *pTargetRect);
- void SetSourceRect(RECT *pSourceRect);
- void GetTargetRect(RECT *pTargetRect);
- void GetSourceRect(RECT *pSourceRect);
- virtual RECT ScaleSourceRect(const RECT *pSource);
- // Handle updating palettes as they change
- LONG GetPaletteVersion();
- void ResetPaletteVersion();
- void IncrementPaletteVersion();
- // Tell us media types and allocator assignments
- void NotifyAllocator(BOOL bUsingImageAllocator);
- void NotifyMediaType(CMediaType *pMediaType);
- BOOL UsingImageAllocator();
- // Called when we are about to draw an image
- void NotifyStartDraw() {
- MSR_START(m_perfidRenderTime);
- };
- // Called when we complete an image rendering
- void NotifyEndDraw() {
- MSR_STOP(m_perfidRenderTime);
- };
-// This is the structure used to keep information about each GDI DIB. All the
-// samples we create from our allocator will have a DIBSECTION allocated to
-// them. When we receive the sample we know we can BitBlt straight to an HDC
-typedef struct tagDIBDATA {
- LONG PaletteVersion; // Current palette version in use
- DIBSECTION DibSection; // Details of DIB section allocated
- HBITMAP hBitmap; // Handle to bitmap for drawing
- HANDLE hMapping; // Handle to shared memory block
- BYTE *pBase; // Pointer to base memory address
-// This class inherits from CMediaSample and uses all of it's methods but it
-// overrides the constructor to initialise itself with the DIBDATA structure
-// When we come to render an IMediaSample we will know if we are using our own
-// allocator, and if we are, we can cast the IMediaSample to a pointer to one
-// of these are retrieve the DIB section information and hence the HBITMAP
-class CImageSample : public CMediaSample
- DIBDATA m_DibData; // Information about the DIBSECTION
- BOOL m_bInit; // Is the DIB information setup
- // Constructor
- CImageSample(CBaseAllocator *pAllocator,
- TCHAR *pName,
- HRESULT *phr,
- LPBYTE pBuffer,
- LONG length);
- // Maintain the DIB/DirectDraw state
- void SetDIBData(DIBDATA *pDibData);
- DIBDATA *GetDIBData();
-// This is an allocator based on the abstract CBaseAllocator base class that
-// allocates sample buffers in shared memory. The number and size of these
-// are determined when the output pin calls Prepare on us. The shared memory
-// blocks are used in subsequent calls to GDI CreateDIBSection, once that
-// has been done the output pin can fill the buffers with data which will
-// then be handed to GDI through BitBlt calls and thereby remove one copy
-class CImageAllocator : public CBaseAllocator
- CBaseFilter *m_pFilter; // Delegate reference counts to
- CMediaType *m_pMediaType; // Pointer to the current format
- // Used to create and delete samples
- HRESULT Alloc();
- void Free();
- // Manage the shared DIBSECTION and DCI/DirectDraw buffers
- virtual CImageSample *CreateImageSample(LPBYTE pData,LONG Length);
- // Constructor and destructor
- CImageAllocator(CBaseFilter *pFilter,TCHAR *pName,HRESULT *phr);
-#ifdef DEBUG
- ~CImageAllocator();
- STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) NonDelegatingAddRef();
- STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) NonDelegatingRelease();
- void NotifyMediaType(CMediaType *pMediaType);
- // Agree the number of buffers to be used and their size
- STDMETHODIMP SetProperties(
-// This class is a fairly specialised helper class for image renderers that
-// have to create and manage palettes. The CBaseWindow class looks after
-// realising palettes once they have been installed. This class can be used
-// to create the palette handles from a media format (which must contain a
-// VIDEOINFO structure in the format block). We try to make the palette an
-// identity palette to maximise performance and also only change palettes
-// if actually required to (we compare palette colours before updating).
-// All the methods are virtual so that they can be overriden if so required
-class CImagePalette
- CBaseWindow *m_pBaseWindow; // Window to realise palette in
- CBaseFilter *m_pFilter; // Media filter to send events
- CDrawImage *m_pDrawImage; // Object who will be drawing
- HPALETTE m_hPalette; // The palette handle we own
- CImagePalette(CBaseFilter *pBaseFilter,
- CBaseWindow *pBaseWindow,
- CDrawImage *pDrawImage);
-#ifdef DEBUG
- virtual ~CImagePalette();
- static HPALETTE MakePalette(const VIDEOINFOHEADER *pVideoInfo, LPSTR szDevice);
- HRESULT RemovePalette();
- static HRESULT MakeIdentityPalette(PALETTEENTRY *pEntry,INT iColours, LPSTR szDevice);
- HRESULT CopyPalette(const CMediaType *pSrc,CMediaType *pDest);
- BOOL ShouldUpdate(const VIDEOINFOHEADER *pNewInfo,const VIDEOINFOHEADER *pOldInfo);
- HRESULT PreparePalette(const CMediaType *pmtNew,const CMediaType *pmtOld,LPSTR szDevice);
- BOOL DrawVideoImageHere(HDC hdc, IMediaSample *pMediaSample, LPRECT lprcSrc, LPRECT lprcDst)
- {
- return m_pDrawImage->DrawVideoImageHere(hdc, pMediaSample, lprcSrc,lprcDst);
- }
-// Another helper class really for video based renderers. Most such renderers
-// need to know what the display format is to some degree or another. This
-// class initialises itself with the display format. The format can be asked
-// for through GetDisplayFormat and various other accessor functions. If a
-// filter detects a display format change (perhaps it gets a WM_DEVMODECHANGE
-// message then it can call RefreshDisplayType to reset that format). Also
-// many video renderers will want to check formats as they are proposed by
-// source filters. This class provides methods to check formats and only
-// accept those video formats that can be efficiently drawn using GDI calls
-class CImageDisplay : public CCritSec
- // This holds the display format; biSize should not be too big, so we can
- // safely use the VIDEOINFO structure
- VIDEOINFO m_Display;
- static DWORD CountSetBits(const DWORD Field);
- static DWORD CountPrefixBits(const DWORD Field);
- static BOOL CheckBitFields(const VIDEOINFO *pInput);
- // Constructor and destructor
- CImageDisplay();
- // Used to manage BITMAPINFOHEADERs and the display format
- const VIDEOINFO *GetDisplayFormat();
- HRESULT RefreshDisplayType(LPSTR szDeviceName);
- static BOOL CheckHeaderValidity(const VIDEOINFO *pInput);
- static BOOL CheckPaletteHeader(const VIDEOINFO *pInput);
- BOOL IsPalettised();
- WORD GetDisplayDepth();
- // Provide simple video format type checking
- HRESULT CheckMediaType(const CMediaType *pmtIn);
- HRESULT CheckVideoType(const VIDEOINFO *pInput);
- HRESULT UpdateFormat(VIDEOINFO *pVideoInfo);
- const DWORD *GetBitMasks(const VIDEOINFO *pVideoInfo);
- BOOL GetColourMask(DWORD *pMaskRed,
- DWORD *pMaskGreen,
- DWORD *pMaskBlue);
-// Convert a FORMAT_VideoInfo to FORMAT_VideoInfo2
-STDAPI ConvertVideoInfoToVideoInfo2(AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmt);
-#endif // __WINUTIL__
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-// File: WXDebug.h
-// Desc: DirectShow base classes - provides debugging facilities.
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-#ifndef __WXDEBUG__
-#define __WXDEBUG__
-// This library provides fairly straight forward debugging functionality, this
-// is split into two main sections. The first is assertion handling, there are
-// three types of assertions provided here. The most commonly used one is the
-// ASSERT(condition) macro which will pop up a message box including the file
-// and line number if the condition evaluates to FALSE. Then there is the
-// EXECUTE_ASSERT macro which is the same as ASSERT except the condition will
-// still be executed in NON debug builds. The final type of assertion is the
-// KASSERT macro which is more suitable for pure (perhaps kernel) filters as
-// the condition is printed onto the debugger rather than in a message box.
-// The other part of the debug module facilties is general purpose logging.
-// This is accessed by calling DbgLog(). The function takes a type and level
-// field which define the type of informational string you are presenting and
-// it's relative importance. The type field can be a combination (one or more)
-// is a DWORD value where zero defines highest important. Use of zero as the
-// debug logging level is to be encouraged ONLY for major errors or events as
-// they will ALWAYS be displayed on the debugger. Other debug output has it's
-// level matched against the current debug output level stored in the registry
-// for this module and if less than the current setting it will be displayed.
-// Each module or executable has it's own debug output level for each of the
-// five types. These are read in when the DbgInitialise function is called
-// for DLLs linking to STRMBASE.LIB this is done automatically when the DLL
-// is loaded, executables must call it explicitely with the module instance
-// handle given to them through the WINMAIN entry point. An executable must
-// also call DbgTerminate when they have finished to clean up the resources
-// the debug library uses, once again this is done automatically for DLLs
-// These are the five different categories of logging information
-enum { LOG_TIMING = 0x01, // Timing and performance measurements
- LOG_TRACE = 0x02, // General step point call tracing
- LOG_MEMORY = 0x04, // Memory and object allocation/destruction
- LOG_LOCKING = 0x08, // Locking/unlocking of critical sections
- LOG_ERROR = 0x10, // Debug error notification
- LOG_CUSTOM1 = 0x20,
- LOG_CUSTOM2 = 0x40,
- LOG_CUSTOM3 = 0x80,
- LOG_CUSTOM4 = 0x100,
- LOG_CUSTOM5 = 0x200,
-#define LOG_FORCIBLY_SET 0x80000000
-enum { CDISP_HEX = 0x01,
- CDISP_DEC = 0x02};
-// For each object created derived from CBaseObject (in debug builds) we
-// create a descriptor that holds it's name (statically allocated memory)
-// and a cookie we assign it. We keep a list of all the active objects
-// we have registered so that we can dump a list of remaining objects
-typedef struct tag_ObjectDesc {
- const CHAR *m_szName;
- const WCHAR *m_wszName;
- DWORD m_dwCookie;
- tag_ObjectDesc *m_pNext;
-} ObjectDesc;
-#define DLLIMPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-#define DLLEXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#ifdef DEBUG
- #define NAME(x) TEXT(x)
- // These are used internally by the debug library (PRIVATE)
- void WINAPI DbgInitKeyLevels(HKEY hKey, bool fTakeMax);
- void WINAPI DbgInitGlobalSettings(bool fTakeMax);
- void WINAPI DbgInitModuleSettings(bool fTakeMax);
- void WINAPI DbgInitModuleName();
- DWORD WINAPI DbgRegisterObjectCreation(
- const CHAR *szObjectName, const WCHAR *wszObjectName);
- BOOL WINAPI DbgRegisterObjectDestruction(DWORD dwCookie);
- // These are the PUBLIC entry points
- BOOL WINAPI DbgCheckModuleLevel(DWORD Type,DWORD Level);
- void WINAPI DbgSetModuleLevel(DWORD Type,DWORD Level);
- void WINAPI DbgSetAutoRefreshLevels(bool fAuto);
- // Initialise the library with the module handle
- void WINAPI DbgInitialise(HINSTANCE hInst);
- void WINAPI DbgTerminate();
- void WINAPI DbgDumpObjectRegister();
- // Display error and logging to the user
- void WINAPI DbgAssert(const TCHAR *pCondition,const TCHAR *pFileName,INT iLine);
- void WINAPI DbgBreakPoint(const TCHAR *pCondition,const TCHAR *pFileName,INT iLine);
- void WINAPI DbgBreakPoint(const TCHAR *pFileName,INT iLine,const TCHAR* szFormatString,...);
- void WINAPI DbgKernelAssert(const TCHAR *pCondition,const TCHAR *pFileName,INT iLine);
- void WINAPI DbgLogInfo(DWORD Type,DWORD Level,const TCHAR *pFormat,...);
-#ifdef UNICODE
- void WINAPI DbgLogInfo(DWORD Type,DWORD Level,const CHAR *pFormat,...);
- void WINAPI DbgAssert(const CHAR *pCondition,const CHAR *pFileName,INT iLine);
- void WINAPI DbgBreakPoint(const CHAR *pCondition,const CHAR *pFileName,INT iLine);
- void WINAPI DbgKernelAssert(const CHAR *pCondition,const CHAR *pFileName,INT iLine);
- void WINAPI DbgOutString(LPCTSTR psz);
- // Debug infinite wait stuff
- DWORD WINAPI DbgWaitForSingleObject(HANDLE h);
- DWORD WINAPI DbgWaitForMultipleObjects(DWORD nCount,
- CONST HANDLE *lpHandles,
- BOOL bWaitAll);
- void WINAPI DbgSetWaitTimeout(DWORD dwTimeout);
-#ifdef __strmif_h__
- // Display a media type: Terse at level 2, verbose at level 5
- void WINAPI DisplayType(LPTSTR label, const AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmtIn);
- // Dump lots of information about a filter graph
- void WINAPI DumpGraph(IFilterGraph *pGraph, DWORD dwLevel);
- #define KASSERT(_x_) if (!(_x_)) \
- DbgKernelAssert(TEXT(#_x_),TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__)
- // Break on the debugger without putting up a message box
- // message goes to debugger instead
- #define KDbgBreak(_x_) \
- DbgKernelAssert(TEXT(#_x_),TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__)
- // We chose a common name for our ASSERT macro, MFC also uses this name
- // So long as the implementation evaluates the condition and handles it
- // then we will be ok. Rather than override the behaviour expected we
- // will leave whatever first defines ASSERT as the handler (i.e. MFC)
- #ifndef ASSERT
- #define ASSERT(_x_) if (!(_x_)) \
- DbgAssert(TEXT(#_x_),TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__)
- #endif
- #define DbgAssertAligned( _ptr_, _alignment_ ) ASSERT( ((DWORD_PTR) (_ptr_)) % (_alignment_) == 0)
- // Put up a message box informing the user of a halt
- // condition in the program
- #define DbgBreak(_x_) \
- DbgBreakPoint(TEXT(#_x_),TEXT(__FILE__),__LINE__)
- #define EXECUTE_ASSERT(_x_) ASSERT(_x_)
- #define DbgLog(_x_) DbgLogInfo _x_
- // MFC style trace macros
- #define NOTE(_x_) DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,5,TEXT(_x_)))
- #define NOTE1(_x_,a) DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,5,TEXT(_x_),a))
- #define NOTE2(_x_,a,b) DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,5,TEXT(_x_),a,b))
- #define NOTE3(_x_,a,b,c) DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,5,TEXT(_x_),a,b,c))
- #define NOTE4(_x_,a,b,c,d) DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,5,TEXT(_x_),a,b,c,d))
- #define NOTE5(_x_,a,b,c,d,e) DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,5,TEXT(_x_),a,b,c,d,e))
- // Retail builds make public debug functions inert - WARNING the source
- // files do not define or build any of the entry points in debug builds
- // (public entry points compile to nothing) so if you go trying to call
- // any of the private entry points in your source they won't compile
- #define NAME(_x_) ((TCHAR *) NULL)
- #define DbgInitialise(hInst)
- #define DbgTerminate()
- #define DbgLog(_x_) 0
- #define DbgOutString(psz)
- #define DbgAssertAligned( _ptr_, _alignment_ ) 0
- #define DbgRegisterObjectCreation(pObjectName)
- #define DbgRegisterObjectDestruction(dwCookie)
- #define DbgDumpObjectRegister()
- #define DbgCheckModuleLevel(Type,Level)
- #define DbgSetModuleLevel(Type,Level)
- #define DbgSetAutoRefreshLevels(fAuto)
- #define DbgWaitForSingleObject(h) WaitForSingleObject(h, INFINITE)
- #define DbgWaitForMultipleObjects(nCount, lpHandles, bWaitAll) \
- WaitForMultipleObjects(nCount, lpHandles, bWaitAll, INFINITE)
- #define DbgSetWaitTimeout(dwTimeout)
- #define KDbgBreak(_x_)
- #define DbgBreak(_x_)
- #define KASSERT(_x_) ((void)0)
- #ifndef ASSERT
- #define ASSERT(_x_) ((void)0)
- #endif
- #define EXECUTE_ASSERT(_x_) ((void)(_x_))
- // MFC style trace macros
- #define NOTE(_x_) ((void)0)
- #define NOTE1(_x_,a) ((void)0)
- #define NOTE2(_x_,a,b) ((void)0)
- #define NOTE3(_x_,a,b,c) ((void)0)
- #define NOTE4(_x_,a,b,c,d) ((void)0)
- #define NOTE5(_x_,a,b,c,d,e) ((void)0)
- #define DisplayType(label, pmtIn) ((void)0)
- #define DumpGraph(pGraph, label) ((void)0)
-// Checks a pointer which should be non NULL - can be used as follows.
-#define CheckPointer(p,ret) {if((p)==NULL) return (ret);}
-// HRESULT Foo(VOID *pBar)
-// {
-// CheckPointer(pBar,E_INVALIDARG)
-// }
-// Or if the function returns a boolean
-// BOOL Foo(VOID *pBar)
-// {
-// CheckPointer(pBar,FALSE)
-// }
-// These validate pointers when symbol VFWROBUST is defined
-// This will normally be defined in debug not retail builds
-#ifdef DEBUG
- #define VFWROBUST
- #define ValidateReadPtr(p,cb) \
- {if(IsBadReadPtr((PVOID)p,cb) == TRUE) \
- DbgBreak("Invalid read pointer");}
- #define ValidateWritePtr(p,cb) \
- {if(IsBadWritePtr((PVOID)p,cb) == TRUE) \
- DbgBreak("Invalid write pointer");}
- #define ValidateReadWritePtr(p,cb) \
- {ValidateReadPtr(p,cb) ValidateWritePtr(p,cb)}
- #define ValidateStringPtr(p) \
- {if(IsBadStringPtr((LPCTSTR)p,INFINITE) == TRUE) \
- DbgBreak("Invalid string pointer");}
- #define ValidateStringPtrA(p) \
- {if(IsBadStringPtrA((LPCSTR)p,INFINITE) == TRUE) \
- DbgBreak("Invalid ANSI string pointer");}
- #define ValidateStringPtrW(p) \
- {if(IsBadStringPtrW((LPCWSTR)p,INFINITE) == TRUE) \
- DbgBreak("Invalid UNICODE string pointer");}
- #define ValidateReadPtr(p,cb) 0
- #define ValidateWritePtr(p,cb) 0
- #define ValidateReadWritePtr(p,cb) 0
- #define ValidateStringPtr(p) 0
- #define ValidateStringPtrA(p) 0
- #define ValidateStringPtrW(p) 0
-#ifdef _OBJBASE_H_
- // Outputting GUID names. If you want to include the name
- // associated with a GUID (eg CLSID_...) then
- //
- // GuidNames[yourGUID]
- //
- // Returns the name defined in uuids.h as a string
- typedef struct {
- CHAR *szName;
- GUID guid;
- class CGuidNameList {
- public:
- CHAR *operator [] (const GUID& guid);
- };
- extern CGuidNameList GuidNames;
-#ifndef REMIND
- // REMIND macro - generates warning as reminder to complete coding
- // (eg) usage:
- //
- // #pragma message (REMIND("Add automation support"))
- #define QUOTE(x) #x
- #define QQUOTE(y) QUOTE(y)
- #define REMIND(str) __FILE__ "(" QQUOTE(__LINE__) ") : " str
-// Method to display objects in a useful format
-// eg If you want to display a LONGLONG ll in a debug string do (eg)
-// DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, n, TEXT("Value is %s"), (LPCTSTR)CDisp(ll, CDISP_HEX)));
-class CDispBasic
- CDispBasic() { m_pString = m_String; };
- ~CDispBasic();
- PTCHAR m_pString; // normally points to m_String... unless too much data
- TCHAR m_String[50];
-class CDisp : public CDispBasic
- CDisp(LONGLONG ll, int Format = CDISP_HEX); // Display a LONGLONG in CDISP_HEX or CDISP_DEC form
- CDisp(REFCLSID clsid); // Display a GUID
- CDisp(double d); // Display a floating point number
-#ifdef __strmif_h__
-#ifdef __STREAMS__
- CDisp(CRefTime t); // Display a Reference Time
- CDisp(IPin *pPin); // Display a pin as {filter clsid}(pin name)
- CDisp(IUnknown *pUnk); // Display a filter or pin
-#endif // __strmif_h__
- ~CDisp();
- // Implement cast to (LPCTSTR) as parameter to logger
- operator LPCTSTR()
- {
- return (LPCTSTR)m_pString;
- };
-#if defined(DEBUG)
-class CAutoTrace
- const TCHAR* _szBlkName;
- const int _level;
- static const TCHAR _szEntering[];
- static const TCHAR _szLeaving[];
- CAutoTrace(const TCHAR* szBlkName, const int level = 15)
- : _szBlkName(szBlkName), _level(level)
- {DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, _level, _szEntering, _szBlkName));}
- ~CAutoTrace()
- {DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, _level, _szLeaving, _szBlkName));}
-#if defined (__FUNCTION__)
-#define AMTRACEFN() CAutoTrace __trace(TEXT(__FUNCTION__))
-#define AMTRACE(_x_) CAutoTrace __trace(TEXT(__FUNCTION__))
-#define AMTRACE(_x_) CAutoTrace __trace _x_
-#define AMTRACEFN()
-#define AMTRACE(_x_)
-#define AMTRACEFN()
-#endif // __WXDEBUG__
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--- a/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/wxlist.h
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@@ -1,545 +0,0 @@
-// File: WXList.h
-// Desc: DirectShow base classes - defines a non-MFC generic template list
-// class.
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-/* A generic list of pointers to objects.
- No storage management or copying is done on the objects pointed to.
- Objectives: avoid using MFC libraries in ndm kernel mode and
- provide a really useful list type.
- The class is thread safe in that separate threads may add and
- delete items in the list concurrently although the application
- must ensure that constructor and destructor access is suitably
- synchronised. An application can cause deadlock with operations
- which use two lists by simultaneously calling
- list1->Operation(list2) and list2->Operation(list1). So don't!
- The names must not conflict with MFC classes as an application
- may use both.
- */
-#ifndef __WXLIST__
-#define __WXLIST__
- /* A POSITION represents (in some fashion that's opaque) a cursor
- on the list that can be set to identify any element. NULL is
- a valid value and several operations regard NULL as the position
- "one step off the end of the list". (In an n element list there
- are n+1 places to insert and NULL is that "n+1-th" value).
- The POSITION of an element in the list is only invalidated if
- that element is deleted. Move operations may mean that what
- was a valid POSITION in one list is now a valid POSITION in
- a different list.
- Some operations which at first sight are illegal are allowed as
- harmless no-ops. For instance RemoveHead is legal on an empty
- list and it returns NULL. This allows an atomic way to test if
- there is an element there, and if so, get it. The two operations
- AddTail and RemoveHead thus implement a MONITOR (See Hoare's paper).
- Single element operations return POSITIONs, non-NULL means it worked.
- whole list operations return a BOOL. TRUE means it all worked.
- This definition is the same as the POSITION type for MFCs, so we must
- avoid defining it twice.
- */
-#ifndef __AFX_H__
-struct __POSITION { int unused; };
-const int DEFAULTCACHE = 10; /* Default node object cache size */
-/* A class representing one node in a list.
- Each node knows a pointer to it's adjacent nodes and also a pointer
- to the object that it looks after.
- All of these pointers can be retrieved or set through member functions.
-class CBaseList
-#ifdef DEBUG
- : public CBaseObject
- /* Making these classes inherit from CBaseObject does nothing
- functionally but it allows us to check there are no memory
- leaks in debug builds.
- */
-#ifdef DEBUG
- class CNode : public CBaseObject {
- class CNode {
- CNode *m_pPrev; /* Previous node in the list */
- CNode *m_pNext; /* Next node in the list */
- void *m_pObject; /* Pointer to the object */
- public:
- /* Constructor - initialise the object's pointers */
- CNode()
-#ifdef DEBUG
- : CBaseObject(NAME("List node"))
- {
- };
- /* Return the previous node before this one */
- CNode *Prev() const { return m_pPrev; };
- /* Return the next node after this one */
- CNode *Next() const { return m_pNext; };
- /* Set the previous node before this one */
- void SetPrev(CNode *p) { m_pPrev = p; };
- /* Set the next node after this one */
- void SetNext(CNode *p) { m_pNext = p; };
- /* Get the pointer to the object for this node */
- void *GetData() const { return m_pObject; };
- /* Set the pointer to the object for this node */
- void SetData(void *p) { m_pObject = p; };
- };
- class CNodeCache
- {
- public:
- CNodeCache(INT iCacheSize) : m_iCacheSize(iCacheSize),
- m_pHead(NULL),
- m_iUsed(0)
- {};
- ~CNodeCache() {
- CNode *pNode = m_pHead;
- while (pNode) {
- CNode *pCurrent = pNode;
- pNode = pNode->Next();
- delete pCurrent;
- }
- };
- void AddToCache(CNode *pNode)
- {
- if (m_iUsed < m_iCacheSize) {
- pNode->SetNext(m_pHead);
- m_pHead = pNode;
- m_iUsed++;
- } else {
- delete pNode;
- }
- };
- CNode *RemoveFromCache()
- {
- CNode *pNode = m_pHead;
- if (pNode != NULL) {
- m_pHead = pNode->Next();
- m_iUsed--;
- ASSERT(m_iUsed >= 0);
- } else {
- ASSERT(m_iUsed == 0);
- }
- return pNode;
- };
- private:
- INT m_iCacheSize;
- INT m_iUsed;
- CNode *m_pHead;
- };
- CNode* m_pFirst; /* Pointer to first node in the list */
- CNode* m_pLast; /* Pointer to the last node in the list */
- LONG m_Count; /* Number of nodes currently in the list */
- CNodeCache m_Cache; /* Cache of unused node pointers */
- /* These override the default copy constructor and assignment
- operator for all list classes. They are in the private class
- declaration section so that anybody trying to pass a list
- object by value will generate a compile time error of
- "cannot access the private member function". If these were
- not here then the compiler will create default constructors
- and assignment operators which when executed first take a
- copy of all member variables and then during destruction
- delete them all. This must not be done for any heap
- allocated data.
- */
- CBaseList(const CBaseList &refList);
- CBaseList &operator=(const CBaseList &refList);
- CBaseList(TCHAR *pName,
- INT iItems);
- CBaseList(TCHAR *pName);
-#ifdef UNICODE
- CBaseList(CHAR *pName,
- INT iItems);
- CBaseList(CHAR *pName);
- ~CBaseList();
- /* Remove all the nodes from *this i.e. make the list empty */
- void RemoveAll();
- /* Return a cursor which identifies the first element of *this */
- POSITION GetHeadPositionI() const;
- /* Return a cursor which identifies the last element of *this */
- POSITION GetTailPositionI() const;
- /* Return the number of objects in *this */
- int GetCountI() const;
- /* Return the pointer to the object at rp,
- Update rp to the next node in *this
- but make it NULL if it was at the end of *this.
- This is a wart retained for backwards compatibility.
- GetPrev is not implemented.
- Use Next, Prev and Get separately.
- */
- void *GetNextI(POSITION& rp) const;
- /* Return a pointer to the object at p
- Asking for the object at NULL will return NULL harmlessly.
- */
- void *GetI(POSITION p) const;
- /* return the next / prev position in *this
- return NULL when going past the end/start.
- Next(NULL) is same as GetHeadPosition()
- Prev(NULL) is same as GetTailPosition()
- An n element list therefore behaves like a n+1 element
- cycle with NULL at the start/end.
- !!WARNING!! - This handling of NULL is DIFFERENT from GetNext.
- Some reasons are:
- 1. For a list of n items there are n+1 positions to insert
- These are conveniently encoded as the n POSITIONs and NULL.
- 2. If you are keeping a list sorted (fairly common) and you
- search forward for an element to insert before and don't
- find it you finish up with NULL as the element before which
- to insert. You then want that NULL to be a valid POSITION
- so that you can insert before it and you want that insertion
- point to mean the (n+1)-th one that doesn't have a POSITION.
- (symmetrically if you are working backwards through the list).
- 3. It simplifies the algebra which the methods generate.
- e.g. AddBefore(p,x) is identical to AddAfter(Prev(p),x)
- in ALL cases. All the other arguments probably are reflections
- of the algebraic point.
- */
- POSITION Next(POSITION pos) const
- {
- if (pos == NULL) {
- return (POSITION) m_pFirst;
- }
- CNode *pn = (CNode *) pos;
- return (POSITION) pn->Next();
- } //Next
- // See Next
- POSITION Prev(POSITION pos) const
- {
- if (pos == NULL) {
- return (POSITION) m_pLast;
- }
- CNode *pn = (CNode *) pos;
- return (POSITION) pn->Prev();
- } //Prev
- /* Return the first position in *this which holds the given
- pointer. Return NULL if the pointer was not not found.
- */
- POSITION FindI( void * pObj) const;
- /* Remove the first node in *this (deletes the pointer to its
- object from the list, does not free the object itself).
- Return the pointer to its object.
- If *this was already empty it will harmlessly return NULL.
- */
- void *RemoveHeadI();
- /* Remove the last node in *this (deletes the pointer to its
- object from the list, does not free the object itself).
- Return the pointer to its object.
- If *this was already empty it will harmlessly return NULL.
- */
- void *RemoveTailI();
- /* Remove the node identified by p from the list (deletes the pointer
- to its object from the list, does not free the object itself).
- Asking to Remove the object at NULL will harmlessly return NULL.
- Return the pointer to the object removed.
- */
- void *RemoveI(POSITION p);
- /* Add single object *pObj to become a new last element of the list.
- Return the new tail position, NULL if it fails.
- If you are adding a COM objects, you might want AddRef it first.
- Other existing POSITIONs in *this are still valid
- */
- POSITION AddTailI(void * pObj);
- /* Add all the elements in *pList to the tail of *this.
- This duplicates all the nodes in *pList (i.e. duplicates
- all its pointers to objects). It does not duplicate the objects.
- If you are adding a list of pointers to a COM object into the list
- it's a good idea to AddRef them all it when you AddTail it.
- Return TRUE if it all worked, FALSE if it didn't.
- If it fails some elements may have been added.
- Existing POSITIONs in *this are still valid
- If you actually want to MOVE the elements, use MoveToTail instead.
- */
- BOOL AddTail(CBaseList *pList);
- /* Mirror images of AddHead: */
- /* Add single object to become a new first element of the list.
- Return the new head position, NULL if it fails.
- Existing POSITIONs in *this are still valid
- */
- POSITION AddHeadI(void * pObj);
- /* Add all the elements in *pList to the head of *this.
- Same warnings apply as for AddTail.
- Return TRUE if it all worked, FALSE if it didn't.
- If it fails some of the objects may have been added.
- If you actually want to MOVE the elements, use MoveToHead instead.
- */
- BOOL AddHead(CBaseList *pList);
- /* Add the object *pObj to *this after position p in *this.
- AddAfter(NULL,x) adds x to the start - equivalent to AddHead
- Return the position of the object added, NULL if it failed.
- Existing POSITIONs in *this are undisturbed, including p.
- */
- POSITION AddAfterI(POSITION p, void * pObj);
- /* Add the list *pList to *this after position p in *this
- AddAfter(NULL,x) adds x to the start - equivalent to AddHead
- Return TRUE if it all worked, FALSE if it didn't.
- If it fails, some of the objects may be added
- Existing POSITIONs in *this are undisturbed, including p.
- */
- BOOL AddAfter(POSITION p, CBaseList *pList);
- /* Mirror images:
- Add the object *pObj to this-List after position p in *this.
- AddBefore(NULL,x) adds x to the end - equivalent to AddTail
- Return the position of the new object, NULL if it fails
- Existing POSITIONs in *this are undisturbed, including p.
- */
- protected:
- POSITION AddBeforeI(POSITION p, void * pObj);
- public:
- /* Add the list *pList to *this before position p in *this
- AddAfter(NULL,x) adds x to the start - equivalent to AddHead
- Return TRUE if it all worked, FALSE if it didn't.
- If it fails, some of the objects may be added
- Existing POSITIONs in *this are undisturbed, including p.
- */
- BOOL AddBefore(POSITION p, CBaseList *pList);
- /* Note that AddAfter(p,x) is equivalent to AddBefore(Next(p),x)
- even in cases where p is NULL or Next(p) is NULL.
- Similarly for mirror images etc.
- This may make it easier to argue about programs.
- */
- /* The following operations do not copy any elements.
- They move existing blocks of elements around by switching pointers.
- They are fairly efficient for long lists as for short lists.
- (Alas, the Count slows things down).
- They split the list into two parts.
- One part remains as the original list, the other part
- is appended to the second list. There are eight possible
- variations:
- Split the list {after/before} a given element
- keep the {head/tail} portion in the original list
- append the rest to the {head/tail} of the new list.
- Since After is strictly equivalent to Before Next
- we are not in serious need of the Before/After variants.
- That leaves only four.
- If you are processing a list left to right and dumping
- the bits that you have processed into another list as
- you go, the Tail/Tail variant gives the most natural result.
- If you are processing in reverse order, Head/Head is best.
- By using NULL positions and empty lists judiciously either
- of the other two can be built up in two operations.
- The definition of NULL (see Next/Prev etc) means that
- degenerate cases include
- "move all elements to new list"
- "Split a list into two lists"
- "Concatenate two lists"
- (and quite a few no-ops)
- !!WARNING!! The type checking won't buy you much if you get list
- positions muddled up - e.g. use a POSITION that's in a different
- list and see what a mess you get!
- */
- /* Split *this after position p in *this
- Retain as *this the tail portion of the original *this
- Add the head portion to the tail end of *pList
- Return TRUE if it all worked, FALSE if it didn't.
- e.g.
- foo->MoveToTail(foo->GetHeadPosition(), bar);
- moves one element from the head of foo to the tail of bar
- foo->MoveToTail(NULL, bar);
- is a no-op, returns NULL
- foo->MoveToTail(foo->GetTailPosition, bar);
- concatenates foo onto the end of bar and empties foo.
- A better, except excessively long name might be
- MoveElementsFromHeadThroughPositionToOtherTail
- */
- BOOL MoveToTail(POSITION pos, CBaseList *pList);
- /* Mirror image:
- Split *this before position p in *this.
- Retain in *this the head portion of the original *this
- Add the tail portion to the start (i.e. head) of *pList
- e.g.
- foo->MoveToHead(foo->GetTailPosition(), bar);
- moves one element from the tail of foo to the head of bar
- foo->MoveToHead(NULL, bar);
- is a no-op, returns NULL
- foo->MoveToHead(foo->GetHeadPosition, bar);
- concatenates foo onto the start of bar and empties foo.
- */
- BOOL MoveToHead(POSITION pos, CBaseList *pList);
- /* Reverse the order of the [pointers to] objects in *this
- */
- void Reverse();
- /* set cursor to the position of each element of list in turn */
- #define TRAVERSELIST(list, cursor) \
- for ( cursor = (list).GetHeadPosition() \
- ; cursor!=NULL \
- ; cursor = (list).Next(cursor) \
- )
- /* set cursor to the position of each element of list in turn
- in reverse order
- */
- #define REVERSETRAVERSELIST(list, cursor) \
- for ( cursor = (list).GetTailPosition() \
- ; cursor!=NULL \
- ; cursor = (list).Prev(cursor) \
- )
-}; // end of class declaration
-template<class OBJECT> class CGenericList : public CBaseList
- CGenericList(TCHAR *pName,
- INT iItems,
- BOOL bLock = TRUE,
- BOOL bAlert = FALSE) :
- CBaseList(pName, iItems) {
- };
- CGenericList(TCHAR *pName) :
- CBaseList(pName) {
- };
- POSITION GetHeadPosition() const { return (POSITION)m_pFirst; }
- POSITION GetTailPosition() const { return (POSITION)m_pLast; }
- int GetCount() const { return m_Count; }
- OBJECT *GetNext(POSITION& rp) const { return (OBJECT *) GetNextI(rp); }
- OBJECT *Get(POSITION p) const { return (OBJECT *) GetI(p); }
- OBJECT *GetHead() const { return Get(GetHeadPosition()); }
- OBJECT *RemoveHead() { return (OBJECT *) RemoveHeadI(); }
- OBJECT *RemoveTail() { return (OBJECT *) RemoveTailI(); }
- OBJECT *Remove(POSITION p) { return (OBJECT *) RemoveI(p); }
- POSITION AddBefore(POSITION p, OBJECT * pObj) { return AddBeforeI(p, pObj); }
- POSITION AddAfter(POSITION p, OBJECT * pObj) { return AddAfterI(p, pObj); }
- POSITION AddHead(OBJECT * pObj) { return AddHeadI(pObj); }
- POSITION AddTail(OBJECT * pObj) { return AddTailI(pObj); }
- BOOL AddTail(CGenericList<OBJECT> *pList)
- { return CBaseList::AddTail((CBaseList *) pList); }
- BOOL AddHead(CGenericList<OBJECT> *pList)
- { return CBaseList::AddHead((CBaseList *) pList); }
- BOOL AddAfter(POSITION p, CGenericList<OBJECT> *pList)
- { return CBaseList::AddAfter(p, (CBaseList *) pList); };
- BOOL AddBefore(POSITION p, CGenericList<OBJECT> *pList)
- { return CBaseList::AddBefore(p, (CBaseList *) pList); };
- POSITION Find( OBJECT * pObj) const { return FindI(pObj); }
-}; // end of class declaration
-/* These define the standard list types */
-typedef CGenericList<CBaseObject> CBaseObjectList;
-typedef CGenericList<IUnknown> CBaseInterfaceList;
-#endif /* __WXLIST__ */
diff --git a/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/wxutil.h b/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/wxutil.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9cf4ef5..0000000
--- a/branches/1.0/thirdparties/win32/include/directshow/wxutil.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,540 +0,0 @@
-// File: WXUtil.h
-// Desc: DirectShow base classes - defines helper classes and functions for
-// building multimedia filters.
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-#ifndef __WXUTIL__
-#define __WXUTIL__
-// eliminate spurious "statement has no effect" warnings.
-#pragma warning(disable: 4705)
-// wrapper for whatever critical section we have
-class CCritSec {
- // make copy constructor and assignment operator inaccessible
- CCritSec(const CCritSec &refCritSec);
- CCritSec &operator=(const CCritSec &refCritSec);
-#ifdef DEBUG
- DWORD m_currentOwner;
- DWORD m_lockCount;
- BOOL m_fTrace; // Trace this one
- CCritSec();
- ~CCritSec();
- void Lock();
- void Unlock();
- CCritSec() {
- InitializeCriticalSection(&m_CritSec);
- };
- ~CCritSec() {
- DeleteCriticalSection(&m_CritSec);
- };
- void Lock() {
- EnterCriticalSection(&m_CritSec);
- };
- void Unlock() {
- LeaveCriticalSection(&m_CritSec);
- };
-// To make deadlocks easier to track it is useful to insert in the
-// code an assertion that says whether we own a critical section or
-// not. We make the routines that do the checking globals to avoid
-// having different numbers of member functions in the debug and
-// retail class implementations of CCritSec. In addition we provide
-// a routine that allows usage of specific critical sections to be
-// traced. This is NOT on by default - there are far too many.
-#ifdef DEBUG
- BOOL WINAPI CritCheckIn(CCritSec * pcCrit);
- BOOL WINAPI CritCheckIn(const CCritSec * pcCrit);
- BOOL WINAPI CritCheckOut(CCritSec * pcCrit);
- BOOL WINAPI CritCheckOut(const CCritSec * pcCrit);
- void WINAPI DbgLockTrace(CCritSec * pcCrit, BOOL fTrace);
- #define CritCheckIn(x) TRUE
- #define CritCheckOut(x) TRUE
- #define DbgLockTrace(pc, fT)
-// locks a critical section, and unlocks it automatically
-// when the lock goes out of scope
-class CAutoLock {
- // make copy constructor and assignment operator inaccessible
- CAutoLock(const CAutoLock &refAutoLock);
- CAutoLock &operator=(const CAutoLock &refAutoLock);
- CCritSec * m_pLock;
- CAutoLock(CCritSec * plock)
- {
- m_pLock = plock;
- m_pLock->Lock();
- };
- ~CAutoLock() {
- m_pLock->Unlock();
- };
-// wrapper for event objects
-class CAMEvent
- // make copy constructor and assignment operator inaccessible
- CAMEvent(const CAMEvent &refEvent);
- CAMEvent &operator=(const CAMEvent &refEvent);
- HANDLE m_hEvent;
- CAMEvent(BOOL fManualReset = FALSE);
- ~CAMEvent();
- // Cast to HANDLE - we don't support this as an lvalue
- operator HANDLE () const { return m_hEvent; };
- void Set() {EXECUTE_ASSERT(SetEvent(m_hEvent));};
- BOOL Wait(DWORD dwTimeout = INFINITE) {
- return (WaitForSingleObject(m_hEvent, dwTimeout) == WAIT_OBJECT_0);
- };
- void Reset() { ResetEvent(m_hEvent); };
- BOOL Check() { return Wait(0); };
-// wrapper for event objects that do message processing
-// This adds ONE method to the CAMEvent object to allow sent
-// messages to be processed while waiting
-class CAMMsgEvent : public CAMEvent
- // Allow SEND messages to be processed while waiting
- BOOL WaitMsg(DWORD dwTimeout = INFINITE);
-// old name supported for the time being
-#define CTimeoutEvent CAMEvent
-// support for a worker thread
-// simple thread class supports creation of worker thread, synchronization
-// and communication. Can be derived to simplify parameter passing
-class AM_NOVTABLE CAMThread {
- // make copy constructor and assignment operator inaccessible
- CAMThread(const CAMThread &refThread);
- CAMThread &operator=(const CAMThread &refThread);
- CAMEvent m_EventSend;
- CAMEvent m_EventComplete;
- DWORD m_dwParam;
- DWORD m_dwReturnVal;
- HANDLE m_hThread;
- // thread will run this function on startup
- // must be supplied by derived class
- virtual DWORD ThreadProc() = 0;
- CAMThread();
- virtual ~CAMThread();
- CCritSec m_AccessLock; // locks access by client threads
- CCritSec m_WorkerLock; // locks access to shared objects
- // thread initially runs this. param is actually 'this'. function
- // just gets this and calls ThreadProc
- static DWORD WINAPI InitialThreadProc(LPVOID pv);
- // start thread running - error if already running
- BOOL Create();
- // signal the thread, and block for a response
- //
- DWORD CallWorker(DWORD);
- // accessor thread calls this when done with thread (having told thread
- // to exit)
- void Close() {
- #pragma warning( push )
- // C4312: 'type cast' : conversion from 'LONG' to 'PVOID' of greater size
- //
- // This code works correctly on 32-bit and 64-bit systems.
- #pragma warning( disable : 4312 )
- HANDLE hThread = (HANDLE)InterlockedExchangePointer(&m_hThread, 0);
- #pragma warning( pop )
- if (hThread) {
- WaitForSingleObject(hThread, INFINITE);
- CloseHandle(hThread);
- }
- };
- // ThreadExists
- // Return TRUE if the thread exists. FALSE otherwise
- BOOL ThreadExists(void) const
- {
- if (m_hThread == 0) {
- return FALSE;
- } else {
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- // wait for the next request
- DWORD GetRequest();
- // is there a request?
- BOOL CheckRequest(DWORD * pParam);
- // reply to the request
- void Reply(DWORD);
- // If you want to do WaitForMultipleObjects you'll need to include
- // this handle in your wait list or you won't be responsive
- HANDLE GetRequestHandle() const { return m_EventSend; };
- // Find out what the request was
- DWORD GetRequestParam() const { return m_dwParam; };
- // call CoInitializeEx (COINIT_DISABLE_OLE1DDE) if
- // available. S_FALSE means it's not available.
- static HRESULT CoInitializeHelper();
-// CQueue
-// Implements a simple Queue ADT. The queue contains a finite number of
-// objects, access to which is controlled by a semaphore. The semaphore
-// is created with an initial count (N). Each time an object is added
-// a call to WaitForSingleObject is made on the semaphore's handle. When
-// this function returns a slot has been reserved in the queue for the new
-// object. If no slots are available the function blocks until one becomes
-// available. Each time an object is removed from the queue ReleaseSemaphore
-// is called on the semaphore's handle, thus freeing a slot in the queue.
-// If no objects are present in the queue the function blocks until an
-// object has been added.
-template <class T> class CQueue {
- HANDLE hSemPut; // Semaphore controlling queue "putting"
- HANDLE hSemGet; // Semaphore controlling queue "getting"
- CRITICAL_SECTION CritSect; // Thread seriallization
- int nMax; // Max objects allowed in queue
- int iNextPut; // Array index of next "PutMsg"
- int iNextGet; // Array index of next "GetMsg"
- T *QueueObjects; // Array of objects (ptr's to void)
- void Initialize(int n) {
- iNextPut = iNextGet = 0;
- nMax = n;
- InitializeCriticalSection(&CritSect);
- hSemPut = CreateSemaphore(NULL, n, n, NULL);
- hSemGet = CreateSemaphore(NULL, 0, n, NULL);
- QueueObjects = new T[n];
- }
- CQueue(int n) {
- Initialize(n);
- }
- CQueue() {
- }
- ~CQueue() {
- delete [] QueueObjects;
- DeleteCriticalSection(&CritSect);
- CloseHandle(hSemPut);
- CloseHandle(hSemGet);
- }
- T GetQueueObject() {
- int iSlot;
- T Object;
- LONG lPrevious;
- // Wait for someone to put something on our queue, returns straight
- // away is there is already an object on the queue.
- //
- WaitForSingleObject(hSemGet, INFINITE);
- EnterCriticalSection(&CritSect);
- iSlot = iNextGet++ % nMax;
- Object = QueueObjects[iSlot];
- LeaveCriticalSection(&CritSect);
- // Release anyone waiting to put an object onto our queue as there
- // is now space available in the queue.
- //
- ReleaseSemaphore(hSemPut, 1L, &lPrevious);
- return Object;
- }
- void PutQueueObject(T Object) {
- int iSlot;
- LONG lPrevious;
- // Wait for someone to get something from our queue, returns straight
- // away is there is already an empty slot on the queue.
- //
- WaitForSingleObject(hSemPut, INFINITE);
- EnterCriticalSection(&CritSect);
- iSlot = iNextPut++ % nMax;
- QueueObjects[iSlot] = Object;
- LeaveCriticalSection(&CritSect);
- // Release anyone waiting to remove an object from our queue as there
- // is now an object available to be removed.
- //
- ReleaseSemaphore(hSemGet, 1L, &lPrevious);
- }
-// miscellaneous string conversion functions
-// NOTE: as we need to use the same binaries on Win95 as on NT this code should
-// be compiled WITHOUT unicode being defined. Otherwise we will not pick up
-// these internal routines and the binary will not run on Win95.
-// int WINAPIV wsprintfWInternal(LPWSTR, LPCWSTR, ...);
-// LPWSTR lpString1,
-// LPCWSTR lpString2
-// );
- LPWSTR lpString1,
- LPCWSTR lpString2,
- int iMaxLength
- );
- LPCWSTR lpString1,
- LPCWSTR lpString2
- );
- LPCWSTR lpString1,
- LPCWSTR lpString2
- );
- LPCWSTR lpString
- );
-#ifndef UNICODE
-#define wsprintfW wsprintfWInternal
-#define lstrcpyW lstrcpyWInternal
-#define lstrcpynW lstrcpynWInternal
-#define lstrcmpW lstrcmpWInternal
-#define lstrcmpiW lstrcmpiWInternal
-#define lstrlenW lstrlenWInternal
-extern "C"
-void * __stdcall memmoveInternal(void *, const void *, size_t);
-inline void * __cdecl memchrInternal(const void *buf, int chr, size_t cnt)
-#ifdef _X86_
- void *pRet = NULL;
- _asm {
- cld // make sure we get the direction right
- mov ecx, cnt // num of bytes to scan
- mov edi, buf // pointer byte stream
- mov eax, chr // byte to scan for
- repne scasb // look for the byte in the byte stream
- jnz exit_memchr // Z flag set if byte found
- dec edi // scasb always increments edi even when it
- // finds the required byte
- mov pRet, edi
- }
- return pRet;
- while ( cnt && (*(unsigned char *)buf != (unsigned char)chr) ) {
- buf = (unsigned char *)buf + 1;
- cnt--;
- }
- return(cnt ? (void *)buf : NULL);
-void WINAPI IntToWstr(int i, LPWSTR wstr, size_t len);
-#define WstrToInt(sz) _wtoi(sz)
-#define atoiW(sz) _wtoi(sz)
-#define atoiA(sz) atoi(sz)
-// These are available to help managing bitmap VIDEOINFOHEADER media structures
-extern const DWORD bits555[3];
-extern const DWORD bits565[3];
-extern const DWORD bits888[3];
-// These help convert between VIDEOINFOHEADER and BITMAPINFO structures
-STDAPI_(const GUID) GetTrueColorType(const BITMAPINFOHEADER *pbmiHeader);
-STDAPI_(const GUID) GetBitmapSubtype(const BITMAPINFOHEADER *pbmiHeader);
-STDAPI_(WORD) GetBitCount(const GUID *pSubtype);
-// strmbase.lib implements this for compatibility with people who
-// managed to link to this directly. we don't want to advertise it.
-// STDAPI_(/* T */ CHAR *) GetSubtypeName(const GUID *pSubtype);
-STDAPI_(CHAR *) GetSubtypeNameA(const GUID *pSubtype);
-STDAPI_(WCHAR *) GetSubtypeNameW(const GUID *pSubtype);
-#ifdef UNICODE
-#define GetSubtypeName GetSubtypeNameW
-#define GetSubtypeName GetSubtypeNameA
-STDAPI_(LONG) GetBitmapFormatSize(const BITMAPINFOHEADER *pHeader);
-STDAPI_(DWORD) GetBitmapSize(const BITMAPINFOHEADER *pHeader);
-STDAPI_(BOOL) ContainsPalette(const VIDEOINFOHEADER *pVideoInfo);
-STDAPI_(const RGBQUAD *) GetBitmapPalette(const VIDEOINFOHEADER *pVideoInfo);
-// Compares two interfaces and returns TRUE if they are on the same object
-BOOL WINAPI IsEqualObject(IUnknown *pFirst, IUnknown *pSecond);
-// This is for comparing pins
-#define EqualPins(pPin1, pPin2) IsEqualObject(pPin1, pPin2)
-// Arithmetic helper functions
-// Compute (a * b + rnd) / c
-// Avoids us dyna-linking to SysAllocString to copy BSTR strings
-STDAPI WriteBSTR(BSTR * pstrDest, LPCWSTR szSrc);
-// Return a wide string - allocating memory for it
-// Returns:
-// S_OK - no error
-// E_POINTER - ppszReturn == NULL
-// E_OUTOFMEMORY - can't allocate memory for returned string
-STDAPI AMGetWideString(LPCWSTR pszString, LPWSTR *ppszReturn);
-// Special wait for objects owning windows
-DWORD WINAPI WaitDispatchingMessages(
- HANDLE hObject,
- DWORD dwWait,
- HWND hwnd = NULL,
- UINT uMsg = 0,
- HANDLE hEvent = NULL);
-// HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 converts ERROR_SUCCESS to a success code, but in
-// our use of HRESULT_FROM_WIN32, it typically means a function failed
-// to call SetLastError(), and we still want a failure code.
-#define AmHresultFromWin32(x) (MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_ERROR, FACILITY_WIN32, x))
-// call GetLastError and return an HRESULT value that will fail the
-// SUCCEEDED() macro.
-HRESULT AmGetLastErrorToHResult(void);
-// duplicate of ATL's CComPtr to avoid linker conflicts.
-IUnknown* QzAtlComPtrAssign(IUnknown** pp, IUnknown* lp);
-template <class T>
-class QzCComPtr
- typedef T _PtrClass;
- QzCComPtr() {p=NULL;}
- QzCComPtr(T* lp)
- {
- if ((p = lp) != NULL)
- p->AddRef();
- }
- QzCComPtr(const QzCComPtr<T>& lp)
- {
- if ((p = lp.p) != NULL)
- p->AddRef();
- }
- ~QzCComPtr() {if (p) p->Release();}
- void Release() {if (p) p->Release(); p=NULL;}
- operator T*() {return (T*)p;}
- T& operator*() {ASSERT(p!=NULL); return *p; }
- //The assert on operator& usually indicates a bug. If this is really
- //what is needed, however, take the address of the p member explicitly.
- T** operator&() { ASSERT(p==NULL); return &p; }
- T* operator->() { ASSERT(p!=NULL); return p; }
- T* operator=(T* lp){return (T*)QzAtlComPtrAssign((IUnknown**)&p, lp);}
- T* operator=(const QzCComPtr<T>& lp)
- {
- return (T*)QzAtlComPtrAssign((IUnknown**)&p, lp.p);
- }
-#if _MSC_VER>1020
- bool operator!(){return (p == NULL);}
- BOOL operator!(){return (p == NULL) ? TRUE : FALSE;}
- T* p;
-MMRESULT CompatibleTimeSetEvent( UINT uDelay, UINT uResolution, LPTIMECALLBACK lpTimeProc, DWORD_PTR dwUser, UINT fuEvent );
-bool TimeKillSynchronousFlagAvailable( void );
-#endif /* __WXUTIL__ */
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