path: root/zpu/hdl/zy2000/txt_util.vhd
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'zpu/hdl/zy2000/txt_util.vhd')
1 files changed, 587 insertions, 587 deletions
diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zy2000/txt_util.vhd b/zpu/hdl/zy2000/txt_util.vhd
index d3bf01a..40d39b9 100644
--- a/zpu/hdl/zy2000/txt_util.vhd
+++ b/zpu/hdl/zy2000/txt_util.vhd
@@ -1,587 +1,587 @@
-library ieee;
-use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
-use std.textio.all;
-library work;
-package txt_util is
- -- prints a message to the screen
- procedure print(text: string);
- -- prints the message when active
- -- useful for debug switches
- procedure print(active: boolean; text: string);
- -- converts std_logic into a character
- function chr(sl: std_logic) return character;
- -- converts std_logic into a string (1 to 1)
- function str(sl: std_logic) return string;
- -- converts std_logic_vector into a string (binary base)
- function str(slv: std_logic_vector) return string;
- -- converts boolean into a string
- function str(b: boolean) return string;
- -- converts an integer into a single character
- -- (can also be used for hex conversion and other bases)
- function chr(int: integer) return character;
- -- converts integer into string using specified base
- function str(int: integer; base: integer) return string;
- -- converts integer to string, using base 10
- function str(int: integer) return string;
- -- convert std_logic_vector into a string in hex format
- function hstr(slv: std_logic_vector) return string;
- -- functions to manipulate strings
- -----------------------------------
- -- convert a character to upper case
- function to_upper(c: character) return character;
- -- convert a character to lower case
- function to_lower(c: character) return character;
- -- convert a string to upper case
- function to_upper(s: string) return string;
- -- convert a string to lower case
- function to_lower(s: string) return string;
- -- functions to convert strings into other formats
- --------------------------------------------------
- -- converts a character into std_logic
- function to_std_logic(c: character) return std_logic;
- -- converts a string into std_logic_vector
- function to_std_logic_vector(s: string) return std_logic_vector;
- -- file I/O
- -----------
- -- read variable length string from input file
- procedure str_read(file in_file: TEXT;
- res_string: out string);
- -- print string to a file and start new line
- procedure print(file out_file: TEXT;
- new_string: in string);
- -- print character to a file and start new line
- procedure print(file out_file: TEXT;
- char: in character);
-end txt_util;
-package body txt_util is
- -- prints text to the screen
- procedure print(text: string) is
- variable msg_line: line;
- begin
- write(msg_line, text);
- writeline(output, msg_line);
- end print;
- -- prints text to the screen when active
- procedure print(active: boolean; text: string) is
- begin
- if active then
- print(text);
- end if;
- end print;
- -- converts std_logic into a character
- function chr(sl: std_logic) return character is
- variable c: character;
- begin
- case sl is
- when 'U' => c:= 'U';
- when 'X' => c:= 'X';
- when '0' => c:= '0';
- when '1' => c:= '1';
- when 'Z' => c:= 'Z';
- when 'W' => c:= 'W';
- when 'L' => c:= 'L';
- when 'H' => c:= 'H';
- when '-' => c:= '-';
- end case;
- return c;
- end chr;
- -- converts std_logic into a string (1 to 1)
- function str(sl: std_logic) return string is
- variable s: string(1 to 1);
- begin
- s(1) := chr(sl);
- return s;
- end str;
- -- converts std_logic_vector into a string (binary base)
- -- (this also takes care of the fact that the range of
- -- a string is natural while a std_logic_vector may
- -- have an integer range)
- function str(slv: std_logic_vector) return string is
- variable result : string (1 to slv'length);
- variable r : integer;
- begin
- r := 1;
- for i in slv'range loop
- result(r) := chr(slv(i));
- r := r + 1;
- end loop;
- return result;
- end str;
- function str(b: boolean) return string is
- begin
- if b then
- return "true";
- else
- return "false";
- end if;
- end str;
- -- converts an integer into a character
- -- for 0 to 9 the obvious mapping is used, higher
- -- values are mapped to the characters A-Z
- -- (this is usefull for systems with base > 10)
- -- (adapted from Steve Vogwell's posting in comp.lang.vhdl)
- function chr(int: integer) return character is
- variable c: character;
- begin
- case int is
- when 0 => c := '0';
- when 1 => c := '1';
- when 2 => c := '2';
- when 3 => c := '3';
- when 4 => c := '4';
- when 5 => c := '5';
- when 6 => c := '6';
- when 7 => c := '7';
- when 8 => c := '8';
- when 9 => c := '9';
- when 10 => c := 'A';
- when 11 => c := 'B';
- when 12 => c := 'C';
- when 13 => c := 'D';
- when 14 => c := 'E';
- when 15 => c := 'F';
- when 16 => c := 'G';
- when 17 => c := 'H';
- when 18 => c := 'I';
- when 19 => c := 'J';
- when 20 => c := 'K';
- when 21 => c := 'L';
- when 22 => c := 'M';
- when 23 => c := 'N';
- when 24 => c := 'O';
- when 25 => c := 'P';
- when 26 => c := 'Q';
- when 27 => c := 'R';
- when 28 => c := 'S';
- when 29 => c := 'T';
- when 30 => c := 'U';
- when 31 => c := 'V';
- when 32 => c := 'W';
- when 33 => c := 'X';
- when 34 => c := 'Y';
- when 35 => c := 'Z';
- when others => c := '?';
- end case;
- return c;
- end chr;
- -- convert integer to string using specified base
- -- (adapted from Steve Vogwell's posting in comp.lang.vhdl)
- function str(int: integer; base: integer) return string is
- variable temp: string(1 to 10);
- variable num: integer;
- variable abs_int: integer;
- variable len: integer := 1;
- variable power: integer := 1;
- begin
- -- bug fix for negative numbers
- abs_int := abs(int);
- num := abs_int;
- while num >= base loop -- Determine how many
- len := len + 1; -- characters required
- num := num / base; -- to represent the
- end loop ; -- number.
- for i in len downto 1 loop -- Convert the number to
- temp(i) := chr(abs_int/power mod base); -- a string starting
- power := power * base; -- with the right hand
- end loop ; -- side.
- -- return result and add sign if required
- if int < 0 then
- return '-'& temp(1 to len);
- else
- return temp(1 to len);
- end if;
- end str;
- -- convert integer to string, using base 10
- function str(int: integer) return string is
- begin
- return str(int, 10) ;
- end str;
- -- converts a std_logic_vector into a hex string.
- function hstr(slv: std_logic_vector) return string is
- variable hexlen: integer;
- variable longslv : std_logic_vector(67 downto 0) := (others => '0');
- variable hex : string(1 to 16);
- variable fourbit : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
- begin
- hexlen := (slv'left+1)/4;
- if (slv'left+1) mod 4 /= 0 then
- hexlen := hexlen + 1;
- end if;
- longslv(slv'left downto 0) := slv;
- for i in (hexlen -1) downto 0 loop
- fourbit := longslv(((i*4)+3) downto (i*4));
- case fourbit is
- when "0000" => hex(hexlen -I) := '0';
- when "0001" => hex(hexlen -I) := '1';
- when "0010" => hex(hexlen -I) := '2';
- when "0011" => hex(hexlen -I) := '3';
- when "0100" => hex(hexlen -I) := '4';
- when "0101" => hex(hexlen -I) := '5';
- when "0110" => hex(hexlen -I) := '6';
- when "0111" => hex(hexlen -I) := '7';
- when "1000" => hex(hexlen -I) := '8';
- when "1001" => hex(hexlen -I) := '9';
- when "1010" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'A';
- when "1011" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'B';
- when "1100" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'C';
- when "1101" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'D';
- when "1110" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'E';
- when "1111" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'F';
- when "ZZZZ" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'z';
- when "UUUU" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'u';
- when "XXXX" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'x';
- when others => hex(hexlen -I) := '?';
- end case;
- end loop;
- return hex(1 to hexlen);
- end hstr;
- -- functions to manipulate strings
- -----------------------------------
- -- convert a character to upper case
- function to_upper(c: character) return character is
- variable u: character;
- begin
- case c is
- when 'a' => u := 'A';
- when 'b' => u := 'B';
- when 'c' => u := 'C';
- when 'd' => u := 'D';
- when 'e' => u := 'E';
- when 'f' => u := 'F';
- when 'g' => u := 'G';
- when 'h' => u := 'H';
- when 'i' => u := 'I';
- when 'j' => u := 'J';
- when 'k' => u := 'K';
- when 'l' => u := 'L';
- when 'm' => u := 'M';
- when 'n' => u := 'N';
- when 'o' => u := 'O';
- when 'p' => u := 'P';
- when 'q' => u := 'Q';
- when 'r' => u := 'R';
- when 's' => u := 'S';
- when 't' => u := 'T';
- when 'u' => u := 'U';
- when 'v' => u := 'V';
- when 'w' => u := 'W';
- when 'x' => u := 'X';
- when 'y' => u := 'Y';
- when 'z' => u := 'Z';
- when others => u := c;
- end case;
- return u;
- end to_upper;
- -- convert a character to lower case
- function to_lower(c: character) return character is
- variable l: character;
- begin
- case c is
- when 'A' => l := 'a';
- when 'B' => l := 'b';
- when 'C' => l := 'c';
- when 'D' => l := 'd';
- when 'E' => l := 'e';
- when 'F' => l := 'f';
- when 'G' => l := 'g';
- when 'H' => l := 'h';
- when 'I' => l := 'i';
- when 'J' => l := 'j';
- when 'K' => l := 'k';
- when 'L' => l := 'l';
- when 'M' => l := 'm';
- when 'N' => l := 'n';
- when 'O' => l := 'o';
- when 'P' => l := 'p';
- when 'Q' => l := 'q';
- when 'R' => l := 'r';
- when 'S' => l := 's';
- when 'T' => l := 't';
- when 'U' => l := 'u';
- when 'V' => l := 'v';
- when 'W' => l := 'w';
- when 'X' => l := 'x';
- when 'Y' => l := 'y';
- when 'Z' => l := 'z';
- when others => l := c;
- end case;
- return l;
- end to_lower;
- -- convert a string to upper case
- function to_upper(s: string) return string is
- variable uppercase: string (s'range);
- begin
- for i in s'range loop
- uppercase(i):= to_upper(s(i));
- end loop;
- return uppercase;
- end to_upper;
- -- convert a string to lower case
- function to_lower(s: string) return string is
- variable lowercase: string (s'range);
- begin
- for i in s'range loop
- lowercase(i):= to_lower(s(i));
- end loop;
- return lowercase;
- end to_lower;
--- functions to convert strings into other types
--- converts a character into a std_logic
-function to_std_logic(c: character) return std_logic is
- variable sl: std_logic;
- begin
- case c is
- when 'U' =>
- sl := 'U';
- when 'X' =>
- sl := 'X';
- when '0' =>
- sl := '0';
- when '1' =>
- sl := '1';
- when 'Z' =>
- sl := 'Z';
- when 'W' =>
- sl := 'W';
- when 'L' =>
- sl := 'L';
- when 'H' =>
- sl := 'H';
- when '-' =>
- sl := '-';
- when others =>
- sl := 'X';
- end case;
- return sl;
- end to_std_logic;
--- converts a string into std_logic_vector
-function to_std_logic_vector(s: string) return std_logic_vector is
- variable slv: std_logic_vector(s'high-s'low downto 0);
- variable k: integer;
- k := s'high-s'low;
- for i in s'range loop
- slv(k) := to_std_logic(s(i));
- k := k - 1;
- end loop;
- return slv;
-end to_std_logic_vector;
--- file I/O --
--- read variable length string from input file
-procedure str_read(file in_file: TEXT;
- res_string: out string) is
- variable l: line;
- variable c: character;
- variable is_string: boolean;
- begin
- readline(in_file, l);
- -- clear the contents of the result string
- for i in res_string'range loop
- res_string(i) := ' ';
- end loop;
- -- read all characters of the line, up to the length
- -- of the results string
- for i in res_string'range loop
- read(l, c, is_string);
- res_string(i) := c;
- if not is_string then -- found end of line
- exit;
- end if;
- end loop;
-end str_read;
--- print string to a file
-procedure print(file out_file: TEXT;
- new_string: in string) is
- variable l: line;
- begin
- write(l, new_string);
- writeline(out_file, l);
-end print;
--- print character to a file and start new line
-procedure print(file out_file: TEXT;
- char: in character) is
- variable l: line;
- begin
- write(l, char);
- writeline(out_file, l);
-end print;
--- appends contents of a string to a file until line feed occurs
--- (LF is considered to be the end of the string)
-procedure str_write(file out_file: TEXT;
- new_string: in string) is
- begin
- for i in new_string'range loop
- print(out_file, new_string(i));
- if new_string(i) = LF then -- end of string
- exit;
- end if;
- end loop;
-end str_write;
-end txt_util;
+library ieee;
+use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+use std.textio.all;
+library work;
+package txt_util is
+ -- prints a message to the screen
+ procedure print(text: string);
+ -- prints the message when active
+ -- useful for debug switches
+ procedure print(active: boolean; text: string);
+ -- converts std_logic into a character
+ function chr(sl: std_logic) return character;
+ -- converts std_logic into a string (1 to 1)
+ function str(sl: std_logic) return string;
+ -- converts std_logic_vector into a string (binary base)
+ function str(slv: std_logic_vector) return string;
+ -- converts boolean into a string
+ function str(b: boolean) return string;
+ -- converts an integer into a single character
+ -- (can also be used for hex conversion and other bases)
+ function chr(int: integer) return character;
+ -- converts integer into string using specified base
+ function str(int: integer; base: integer) return string;
+ -- converts integer to string, using base 10
+ function str(int: integer) return string;
+ -- convert std_logic_vector into a string in hex format
+ function hstr(slv: std_logic_vector) return string;
+ -- functions to manipulate strings
+ -----------------------------------
+ -- convert a character to upper case
+ function to_upper(c: character) return character;
+ -- convert a character to lower case
+ function to_lower(c: character) return character;
+ -- convert a string to upper case
+ function to_upper(s: string) return string;
+ -- convert a string to lower case
+ function to_lower(s: string) return string;
+ -- functions to convert strings into other formats
+ --------------------------------------------------
+ -- converts a character into std_logic
+ function to_std_logic(c: character) return std_logic;
+ -- converts a string into std_logic_vector
+ function to_std_logic_vector(s: string) return std_logic_vector;
+ -- file I/O
+ -----------
+ -- read variable length string from input file
+ procedure str_read(file in_file: TEXT;
+ res_string: out string);
+ -- print string to a file and start new line
+ procedure print(file out_file: TEXT;
+ new_string: in string);
+ -- print character to a file and start new line
+ procedure print(file out_file: TEXT;
+ char: in character);
+end txt_util;
+package body txt_util is
+ -- prints text to the screen
+ procedure print(text: string) is
+ variable msg_line: line;
+ begin
+ write(msg_line, text);
+ writeline(output, msg_line);
+ end print;
+ -- prints text to the screen when active
+ procedure print(active: boolean; text: string) is
+ begin
+ if active then
+ print(text);
+ end if;
+ end print;
+ -- converts std_logic into a character
+ function chr(sl: std_logic) return character is
+ variable c: character;
+ begin
+ case sl is
+ when 'U' => c:= 'U';
+ when 'X' => c:= 'X';
+ when '0' => c:= '0';
+ when '1' => c:= '1';
+ when 'Z' => c:= 'Z';
+ when 'W' => c:= 'W';
+ when 'L' => c:= 'L';
+ when 'H' => c:= 'H';
+ when '-' => c:= '-';
+ end case;
+ return c;
+ end chr;
+ -- converts std_logic into a string (1 to 1)
+ function str(sl: std_logic) return string is
+ variable s: string(1 to 1);
+ begin
+ s(1) := chr(sl);
+ return s;
+ end str;
+ -- converts std_logic_vector into a string (binary base)
+ -- (this also takes care of the fact that the range of
+ -- a string is natural while a std_logic_vector may
+ -- have an integer range)
+ function str(slv: std_logic_vector) return string is
+ variable result : string (1 to slv'length);
+ variable r : integer;
+ begin
+ r := 1;
+ for i in slv'range loop
+ result(r) := chr(slv(i));
+ r := r + 1;
+ end loop;
+ return result;
+ end str;
+ function str(b: boolean) return string is
+ begin
+ if b then
+ return "true";
+ else
+ return "false";
+ end if;
+ end str;
+ -- converts an integer into a character
+ -- for 0 to 9 the obvious mapping is used, higher
+ -- values are mapped to the characters A-Z
+ -- (this is usefull for systems with base > 10)
+ -- (adapted from Steve Vogwell's posting in comp.lang.vhdl)
+ function chr(int: integer) return character is
+ variable c: character;
+ begin
+ case int is
+ when 0 => c := '0';
+ when 1 => c := '1';
+ when 2 => c := '2';
+ when 3 => c := '3';
+ when 4 => c := '4';
+ when 5 => c := '5';
+ when 6 => c := '6';
+ when 7 => c := '7';
+ when 8 => c := '8';
+ when 9 => c := '9';
+ when 10 => c := 'A';
+ when 11 => c := 'B';
+ when 12 => c := 'C';
+ when 13 => c := 'D';
+ when 14 => c := 'E';
+ when 15 => c := 'F';
+ when 16 => c := 'G';
+ when 17 => c := 'H';
+ when 18 => c := 'I';
+ when 19 => c := 'J';
+ when 20 => c := 'K';
+ when 21 => c := 'L';
+ when 22 => c := 'M';
+ when 23 => c := 'N';
+ when 24 => c := 'O';
+ when 25 => c := 'P';
+ when 26 => c := 'Q';
+ when 27 => c := 'R';
+ when 28 => c := 'S';
+ when 29 => c := 'T';
+ when 30 => c := 'U';
+ when 31 => c := 'V';
+ when 32 => c := 'W';
+ when 33 => c := 'X';
+ when 34 => c := 'Y';
+ when 35 => c := 'Z';
+ when others => c := '?';
+ end case;
+ return c;
+ end chr;
+ -- convert integer to string using specified base
+ -- (adapted from Steve Vogwell's posting in comp.lang.vhdl)
+ function str(int: integer; base: integer) return string is
+ variable temp: string(1 to 10);
+ variable num: integer;
+ variable abs_int: integer;
+ variable len: integer := 1;
+ variable power: integer := 1;
+ begin
+ -- bug fix for negative numbers
+ abs_int := abs(int);
+ num := abs_int;
+ while num >= base loop -- Determine how many
+ len := len + 1; -- characters required
+ num := num / base; -- to represent the
+ end loop ; -- number.
+ for i in len downto 1 loop -- Convert the number to
+ temp(i) := chr(abs_int/power mod base); -- a string starting
+ power := power * base; -- with the right hand
+ end loop ; -- side.
+ -- return result and add sign if required
+ if int < 0 then
+ return '-'& temp(1 to len);
+ else
+ return temp(1 to len);
+ end if;
+ end str;
+ -- convert integer to string, using base 10
+ function str(int: integer) return string is
+ begin
+ return str(int, 10) ;
+ end str;
+ -- converts a std_logic_vector into a hex string.
+ function hstr(slv: std_logic_vector) return string is
+ variable hexlen: integer;
+ variable longslv : std_logic_vector(67 downto 0) := (others => '0');
+ variable hex : string(1 to 16);
+ variable fourbit : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+ begin
+ hexlen := (slv'left+1)/4;
+ if (slv'left+1) mod 4 /= 0 then
+ hexlen := hexlen + 1;
+ end if;
+ longslv(slv'left downto 0) := slv;
+ for i in (hexlen -1) downto 0 loop
+ fourbit := longslv(((i*4)+3) downto (i*4));
+ case fourbit is
+ when "0000" => hex(hexlen -I) := '0';
+ when "0001" => hex(hexlen -I) := '1';
+ when "0010" => hex(hexlen -I) := '2';
+ when "0011" => hex(hexlen -I) := '3';
+ when "0100" => hex(hexlen -I) := '4';
+ when "0101" => hex(hexlen -I) := '5';
+ when "0110" => hex(hexlen -I) := '6';
+ when "0111" => hex(hexlen -I) := '7';
+ when "1000" => hex(hexlen -I) := '8';
+ when "1001" => hex(hexlen -I) := '9';
+ when "1010" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'A';
+ when "1011" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'B';
+ when "1100" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'C';
+ when "1101" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'D';
+ when "1110" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'E';
+ when "1111" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'F';
+ when "ZZZZ" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'z';
+ when "UUUU" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'u';
+ when "XXXX" => hex(hexlen -I) := 'x';
+ when others => hex(hexlen -I) := '?';
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ return hex(1 to hexlen);
+ end hstr;
+ -- functions to manipulate strings
+ -----------------------------------
+ -- convert a character to upper case
+ function to_upper(c: character) return character is
+ variable u: character;
+ begin
+ case c is
+ when 'a' => u := 'A';
+ when 'b' => u := 'B';
+ when 'c' => u := 'C';
+ when 'd' => u := 'D';
+ when 'e' => u := 'E';
+ when 'f' => u := 'F';
+ when 'g' => u := 'G';
+ when 'h' => u := 'H';
+ when 'i' => u := 'I';
+ when 'j' => u := 'J';
+ when 'k' => u := 'K';
+ when 'l' => u := 'L';
+ when 'm' => u := 'M';
+ when 'n' => u := 'N';
+ when 'o' => u := 'O';
+ when 'p' => u := 'P';
+ when 'q' => u := 'Q';
+ when 'r' => u := 'R';
+ when 's' => u := 'S';
+ when 't' => u := 'T';
+ when 'u' => u := 'U';
+ when 'v' => u := 'V';
+ when 'w' => u := 'W';
+ when 'x' => u := 'X';
+ when 'y' => u := 'Y';
+ when 'z' => u := 'Z';
+ when others => u := c;
+ end case;
+ return u;
+ end to_upper;
+ -- convert a character to lower case
+ function to_lower(c: character) return character is
+ variable l: character;
+ begin
+ case c is
+ when 'A' => l := 'a';
+ when 'B' => l := 'b';
+ when 'C' => l := 'c';
+ when 'D' => l := 'd';
+ when 'E' => l := 'e';
+ when 'F' => l := 'f';
+ when 'G' => l := 'g';
+ when 'H' => l := 'h';
+ when 'I' => l := 'i';
+ when 'J' => l := 'j';
+ when 'K' => l := 'k';
+ when 'L' => l := 'l';
+ when 'M' => l := 'm';
+ when 'N' => l := 'n';
+ when 'O' => l := 'o';
+ when 'P' => l := 'p';
+ when 'Q' => l := 'q';
+ when 'R' => l := 'r';
+ when 'S' => l := 's';
+ when 'T' => l := 't';
+ when 'U' => l := 'u';
+ when 'V' => l := 'v';
+ when 'W' => l := 'w';
+ when 'X' => l := 'x';
+ when 'Y' => l := 'y';
+ when 'Z' => l := 'z';
+ when others => l := c;
+ end case;
+ return l;
+ end to_lower;
+ -- convert a string to upper case
+ function to_upper(s: string) return string is
+ variable uppercase: string (s'range);
+ begin
+ for i in s'range loop
+ uppercase(i):= to_upper(s(i));
+ end loop;
+ return uppercase;
+ end to_upper;
+ -- convert a string to lower case
+ function to_lower(s: string) return string is
+ variable lowercase: string (s'range);
+ begin
+ for i in s'range loop
+ lowercase(i):= to_lower(s(i));
+ end loop;
+ return lowercase;
+ end to_lower;
+-- functions to convert strings into other types
+-- converts a character into a std_logic
+function to_std_logic(c: character) return std_logic is
+ variable sl: std_logic;
+ begin
+ case c is
+ when 'U' =>
+ sl := 'U';
+ when 'X' =>
+ sl := 'X';
+ when '0' =>
+ sl := '0';
+ when '1' =>
+ sl := '1';
+ when 'Z' =>
+ sl := 'Z';
+ when 'W' =>
+ sl := 'W';
+ when 'L' =>
+ sl := 'L';
+ when 'H' =>
+ sl := 'H';
+ when '-' =>
+ sl := '-';
+ when others =>
+ sl := 'X';
+ end case;
+ return sl;
+ end to_std_logic;
+-- converts a string into std_logic_vector
+function to_std_logic_vector(s: string) return std_logic_vector is
+ variable slv: std_logic_vector(s'high-s'low downto 0);
+ variable k: integer;
+ k := s'high-s'low;
+ for i in s'range loop
+ slv(k) := to_std_logic(s(i));
+ k := k - 1;
+ end loop;
+ return slv;
+end to_std_logic_vector;
+-- file I/O --
+-- read variable length string from input file
+procedure str_read(file in_file: TEXT;
+ res_string: out string) is
+ variable l: line;
+ variable c: character;
+ variable is_string: boolean;
+ begin
+ readline(in_file, l);
+ -- clear the contents of the result string
+ for i in res_string'range loop
+ res_string(i) := ' ';
+ end loop;
+ -- read all characters of the line, up to the length
+ -- of the results string
+ for i in res_string'range loop
+ read(l, c, is_string);
+ res_string(i) := c;
+ if not is_string then -- found end of line
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+end str_read;
+-- print string to a file
+procedure print(file out_file: TEXT;
+ new_string: in string) is
+ variable l: line;
+ begin
+ write(l, new_string);
+ writeline(out_file, l);
+end print;
+-- print character to a file and start new line
+procedure print(file out_file: TEXT;
+ char: in character) is
+ variable l: line;
+ begin
+ write(l, char);
+ writeline(out_file, l);
+end print;
+-- appends contents of a string to a file until line feed occurs
+-- (LF is considered to be the end of the string)
+procedure str_write(file out_file: TEXT;
+ new_string: in string) is
+ begin
+ for i in new_string'range loop
+ print(out_file, new_string(i));
+ if new_string(i) = LF then -- end of string
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+end str_write;
+end txt_util;
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud