path: root/zpu/hdl/zpu3/src/zpu_pipelined.vhd
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'zpu/hdl/zpu3/src/zpu_pipelined.vhd')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 852 deletions
diff --git a/zpu/hdl/zpu3/src/zpu_pipelined.vhd b/zpu/hdl/zpu3/src/zpu_pipelined.vhd
deleted file mode 100644
index 207939d..0000000
--- a/zpu/hdl/zpu3/src/zpu_pipelined.vhd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,852 +0,0 @@
--- Company: ZPU3
--- Engineer: Øyvind Harboe
-library IEEE;
-use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_arith.ALL;
-library zylin;
-use zylin.zpu_config.all;
-use zylin.zpupkg.all;
-entity zpu_top is
- Port ( clk : in std_logic;
- areset : in std_logic;
- io_busy : in std_logic;
- io_read : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
- io_write : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
- io_addr : out std_logic_vector(maxAddrBit downto minAddrBit);
- io_writeEnable : out std_logic;
- io_readEnable : out std_logic;
- interrupt : in std_logic;
- break : out std_logic);
-end zpu_top;
-architecture behave of zpu_top is
-signal readIO : std_logic;
-signal memAWriteEnable : std_logic;
-signal memAAddr : std_logic_vector(maxAddrBit downto minAddrBit);
-signal memAWrite : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
-signal memARead : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
-signal memBWriteEnable : std_logic;
-signal memBAddr : std_logic_vector(maxAddrBit downto minAddrBit);
-signal memBWrite : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
-signal memBRead : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
-signal busy : std_logic;
-signal begin_inst : std_logic;
-signal trace_opcode : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-signal trace_pc : std_logic_vector(maxAddrBit downto 0);
-signal trace_sp : std_logic_vector(maxAddrBit downto minAddrBit);
-signal trace_topOfStack : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
-signal trace_topOfStackB : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
-type DecodedOpcodeType is
-Decoded_Stall ,
-Decoded_Nop ,
-Decoded_Im ,
-Decoded_ImShift ,
-Decoded_LoadSP ,
-Decoded_StoreSP ,
-Decoded_AddSP ,
-Decoded_Emulate ,
-Decoded_Break ,
-Decoded_PushPC ,
-Decoded_PushSP ,
-Decoded_PopPC ,
-Decoded_Add ,
-Decoded_Or ,
-Decoded_And ,
-Decoded_Load ,
-Decoded_Not ,
-Decoded_Flip ,
-Decoded_Store ,
-Decoded_Storeb ,
-Decoded_PopSP ,
-Decoded_Ashiftleft ,
-Decoded_Ashiftright ,
-Decoded_Lshiftright ,
-Decoded_Eqbranch ,
-Decoded_Neqbranch ,
-Decoded_Eq ,
-Decoded_Neq ,
-Decoded_Loadb ,
-Decoded_Lessthan ,
-Decoded_Lessthanorequal ,
-Decoded_Ulessthan ,
-Decoded_Ulessthanorequal ,
-Decoded_Duplicate ,
-Decoded_Duplicate2 ,
-Decoded_Duplicate3 ,
-signal decode_pc : std_logic_vector(maxAddrBit downto 0);
-signal decode_fetchedPC : std_logic_vector(maxAddrBit downto 0);
-signal decode_fetched : std_logic;
-signal decode_opcode : std_logic_vector(OpCode_Size-1 downto 0);
-signal decode_opcodeWord : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
-signal decode_starved : std_logic;
-signal decode_wordStarved : std_logic;
-signal decode_willBeStarved : std_logic;
-signal decode_idim_flag : std_logic;
-signal execute1_stall : std_logic;
-signal execute1_fetched : std_logic;
-signal execute1_decodedOpcode : DecodedOpcodeType;
-signal execute1_fetchedPC : std_logic_vector(maxAddrBit downto 0);
-signal execute1_sp : std_logic_vector(maxAddrBit downto minAddrBit);
-signal execute1_opcode : std_logic_vector(opCode_Size-1 downto 0);
-signal execute1_spOffset : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
-signal execute1_fetchPC : std_logic_vector(maxAddrBit downto 0);
-signal execute1_push1 : std_logic;
-signal execute1_push2 : std_logic;
-signal execute1_pop1 : std_logic;
-signal execute1_pop2 : std_logic;
-signal execute1_antialias : std_logic;
-signal execute1_savedTopOfStack : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
-signal load_decodedOpcode : DecodedOpcodeType;
-signal load_opcode : std_logic_vector(opCode_Size-1 downto 0);
-signal load_spOffset : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
-signal load_stall : std_logic;
-signal load_willBeStalled : std_logic;
-signal execute2_opcode : std_logic_vector(opCode_Size-1 downto 0);
-signal execute2_topOfStack : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
-signal execute2_addResult : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
-signal execute2_topOfStackB : std_logic_vector(wordSize-1 downto 0);
-signal execute2_pc : std_logic_vector(maxAddrBit downto 0);
-signal execute2_sp : std_logic_vector(maxAddrBit downto minAddrBit);
-signal execute2_loading : std_logic;
-signal execute2_loadByte : std_logic;
-signal execute2_storeByte : std_logic;
-signal execute2_loadingDone : std_logic;
-signal execute2_decodedOpcode : DecodedOpcodeType;
-signal execute2_spOffset : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
-signal execute2_persistTopOfStack : std_logic;
-signal execute2_persistTopOfStackB : std_logic;
-signal execute2_resync : std_logic;
-signal execute2_resync2 : std_logic;
-signal execute2_resync3 : std_logic;
-signal execute2_resync4 : std_logic;
-signal execute2_resync5 : std_logic;
-signal execute2_resync6 : std_logic;
-signal execute2_resync7 : std_logic;
-signal execute2_resync8 : std_logic;
-signal execute2_resync9 : std_logic;
-signal execute2_resync10 : std_logic;
- traceFileGenerate:
- if Generate_Trace generate
- trace_file: trace port map (
- clk => clk,
- begin_inst => begin_inst,
- pc => trace_pc,
- opcode => trace_opcode,
- sp => trace_sp,
- memA => trace_topOfStack,
- memB => trace_topOfStackB,
- busy => busy
- );
- end generate;
- memory: dualport_ram port map (
- clk => clk,
- memAWriteEnable => memAWriteEnable,
- memAAddr => memAAddr,
- memAWrite => memAWrite,
- memARead => memARead,
- memBWriteEnable => memBWriteEnable,
- memBAddr => memBAddr,
- memBWrite => memBWrite,
- memBRead => memBRead
- );
- opcodeControl:
- process(clk, areset)
- variable compareA : signed(wordSize-1 downto 0);
- variable compareB : signed(wordSize-1 downto 0);
- variable execute1_doFetch : boolean;
- begin
- if areset = '1' then
- break <= '0';
- begin_inst <= '0';
- memAAddr <= (others => '0');
- memBAddr <= (others => '0');
- memAWriteEnable <= '0';
- memBWriteEnable <= '0';
- memAWrite <= (others => '0');
- memBWrite <= (others => '0');
- memBAddr <= (others => '0');
- memBWrite <= (others => '0');
- io_writeEnable <= '0';
- io_readEnable <= '0';
- io_addr <= (others => '0');
- io_write <= (others => '0');
- -- stage 1. Don't care since this is driven by stage2
- decode_pc <= (others => '0');
- decode_fetched <= '0';
- decode_starved <= '0';
- decode_opcode <= (others => '0');
- decode_opcodeWord <= (others => '0');
- -- stage 2.
- execute1_antialias <= '0';
- execute1_fetchPC <= (others => '0');
- execute1_fetched <= '0';
- execute1_decodedOpcode <= Decoded_Stall;
- execute1_sp <= (2 => '0', others => '1');
- execute1_push1 <= '0';
- execute1_push2 <= '0';
- execute1_pop1 <= '0';
- execute1_pop2 <= '0';
- execute1_stall <= '1';
- -- stage 3
- load_decodedOpcode <= Decoded_Stall;
- load_stall <= '1';
- load_willBeStalled <= '1';
- -- stage 4
- decode_idim_flag <= '0';
- execute2_pc <= (others => '0');
- execute2_sp <= (2 => '0', others => '1');
- execute2_loading <= '0';
- execute2_loadByte <= '0';
- execute2_storeByte <= '0';
- execute2_loadingDone <= '0';
- execute2_decodedOpcode <= Decoded_Stall;
- execute2_resync <= '1';
- execute2_resync2 <= '0';
- execute2_resync3 <= '0';
- execute2_resync4 <= '0';
- execute2_resync5 <= '0';
- execute2_resync6 <= '0';
- execute2_resync7 <= '0';
- execute2_resync8 <= '0';
- execute2_resync9 <= '0';
- execute2_resync10 <= '0';
- execute2_persistTopOfStack <= '0';
- execute2_persistTopOfStackB <= '0';
- -- stage 5
- memBWriteEnable <= '0';
- elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then
- memAWriteEnable <= '0';
- memBWriteEnable <= '0';
- io_writeEnable <= '0';
- io_readEnable <= '0';
- begin_inst <= '0';
- -- stage0: fetch
- decode_willBeStarved <= '0';
- if (decode_fetched='1') then
- -- resync #4
- decode_opcodeWord <= memARead;
- decode_pc <= decode_fetchedPC;
- elsif (decode_pc(minAddrBit-1 downto 0)=b"11") then
- decode_willBeStarved <= '1';
- else
- -- we can continue decoding.
- decode_pc <= decode_pc + 1;
- end if;
- -- stage 0b: move to byte..
- -- resync #5
- decode_starved <= decode_willBeStarved;
- case decode_pc(minAddrBit-1 downto 0) is
- when "00" => decode_opcode <= decode_opcodeWord(31 downto 24);
- when "01" => decode_opcode <= decode_opcodeWord(23 downto 16);
- when "10" => decode_opcode <= decode_opcodeWord(15 downto 8);
- when others => decode_opcode <= decode_opcodeWord(7 downto 0);
- end case;
- -- stage1: decode 1
- execute1_opcode <= decode_opcode;
- execute1_spOffset(4)<=not decode_opcode(4);
- execute1_spOffset(3 downto 0)<=decode_opcode(3 downto 0);
- execute1_decodedOpcode<=Decoded_Break;
- decode_idim_flag <= '0';
- -- resync #6
- -- resync #1
- if (decode_starved = '1') then
- execute1_decodedOpcode<=Decoded_Stall;
- decode_idim_flag <= decode_idim_flag;
- elsif (decode_opcode(7 downto 7)=OpCode_Im) then
- decode_idim_flag <= '1';
- if (decode_idim_flag = '0') then
- execute1_decodedOpcode<=Decoded_Im;
- else
- execute1_decodedOpcode<=Decoded_ImShift;
- end if;
- elsif (decode_opcode(7 downto 5)=OpCode_StoreSP) then
- if (decode_opcode(4 downto 0)=b"10001") then
- execute1_decodedOpcode<=Decoded_MoveDown;
- elsif (decode_opcode(4 downto 0)=b"10010") then
- execute1_decodedOpcode<=Decoded_MoveDown2;
--- elsif (decode_opcode(4 downto 0)=b"10011") then
--- execute1_decodedOpcode<=Decoded_MoveDown3;
- else
- execute1_decodedOpcode<=Decoded_StoreSP;
- end if;
- elsif (decode_opcode(7 downto 5)=OpCode_LoadSP) then
- if (decode_opcode(4 downto 0)=b"10000") then
- execute1_decodedOpcode<=Decoded_Duplicate;
- elsif (decode_opcode(4 downto 0)=b"10001") then
- execute1_decodedOpcode<=Decoded_Duplicate2;
- elsif (decode_opcode(4 downto 0)=b"10010") then
- execute1_decodedOpcode<=Decoded_Duplicate3;
- else
- execute1_decodedOpcode<=Decoded_LoadSP;
- end if;
- elsif (decode_opcode(7 downto 5)=OpCode_Emulate) then
- execute1_decodedOpcode<=Decoded_Emulate;
- if decode_opcode(5 downto 0)=OpCode_Neqbranch then
- execute1_decodedOpcode <= Decoded_Neqbranch;
- elsif decode_opcode(5 downto 0)=OpCode_Eq then
- execute1_decodedOpcode <= Decoded_Eq;
- elsif decode_opcode(5 downto 0)=OpCode_Lessthan then
- execute1_decodedOpcode <= Decoded_Lessthan;
- elsif decode_opcode(5 downto 0)=OpCode_Ulessthan then
- execute1_decodedOpcode <= Decoded_Ulessthan;
- elsif decode_opcode(5 downto 0)=OpCode_Loadb then
- execute1_decodedOpcode <= Decoded_Loadb;
- elsif decode_opcode(5 downto 0)=OpCode_Storeb then
- execute1_decodedOpcode <= Decoded_Storeb;
- elsif decode_opcode(5 downto 0)=OpCode_Pushspadd then
- execute1_decodedOpcode <= Decoded_Pushspadd;
- elsif decode_opcode(5 downto 0)=OpCode_Callpcrel then
- execute1_decodedOpcode <= Decoded_Callpcrel;
- elsif decode_opcode(5 downto 0)=OpCode_Sub then
- execute1_decodedOpcode <= Decoded_Sub;
- end if;
- elsif (decode_opcode(7 downto 4)=OpCode_AddSP) then
- if (decode_opcode(3 downto 0) = 0) then
- execute1_decodedOpcode<=Decoded_Ashiftleft;
- elsif (decode_opcode(3 downto 0) = 1) then
--- execute1_decodedOpcode<=Decoded_AddSP;
- elsif (decode_opcode(3 downto 0) = 2) then
--- execute1_decodedOpcode<=Decoded_AddSP;
- else
- execute1_decodedOpcode<=Decoded_AddSP;
- end if;
- else
- case decode_opcode(3 downto 0) is
- when OpCode_Nop =>
- execute1_decodedOpcode<=Decoded_Nop;
- when OpCode_PushSP =>
- execute1_decodedOpcode<=Decoded_PushSP;
- when OpCode_PopPC =>
- execute1_decodedOpcode<=Decoded_PopPC;
- when OpCode_Add =>
- execute1_decodedOpcode<=Decoded_Add;
- when OpCode_Or =>
- execute1_decodedOpcode<=Decoded_Or;
- when OpCode_And =>
- execute1_decodedOpcode<=Decoded_And;
- when OpCode_Load =>
- execute1_decodedOpcode<=Decoded_Load;
- when OpCode_Not =>
- execute1_decodedOpcode<=Decoded_Not;
- when OpCode_Flip =>
- execute1_decodedOpcode<=Decoded_Flip;
- when OpCode_Store =>
- execute1_decodedOpcode<=Decoded_Store;
- when OpCode_PopSP =>
- execute1_decodedOpcode<=Decoded_PopSP;
- when others =>
- execute1_decodedOpcode<=Decoded_Break;
- end case;
- end if;
- -- stage 2: execute 1 - load stage.
- --
- -- the address must be known without using the value on top of the stack...
- -- resync #3
- execute1_fetched <= '0';
- decode_fetched <= execute1_fetched; -- the value in memAAddr will be valid for 1 cycle only
- decode_fetchedPC <= execute1_fetchedPC;
- if (execute1_fetchPC(1 downto 0)/=b"00") then
- execute1_fetchPC <= execute1_fetchPC+1;
- end if;
- execute1_push1 <= '0';
- execute1_push2 <= execute1_push1;
- execute1_pop1 <= '0';
- execute1_pop2 <= execute1_pop1;
- if ((execute1_push1 and execute1_push2)='1') then
- memAWrite <= execute2_topOfStack;
- else
- memAWrite <= execute2_topOfStackB;
- end if;
- -- resync #7
- case execute1_decodedOpcode is
- when Decoded_Neqbranch | Decoded_MoveDown3 | Decoded_Load | Decoded_Loadb | Decoded_Store | Decoded_Storeb | Decoded_Emulate | Decoded_PopSP | Decoded_PopPC| Decoded_Callpcrel =>
- execute1_stall <= '1';
- when others =>
- -- nothing...
- end case;
- execute1_antialias <= load_stall;
- execute1_doFetch := false;
- case execute1_decodedOpcode is
- when Decoded_PushSP | Decoded_Emulate =>
- execute1_sp <= execute1_sp - 1;
- execute1_push1 <= '1';
- execute1_doFetch := true;
- when Decoded_Duplicate3 =>
- memAWriteEnable <= ((execute1_push1 and execute1_push2) or
- (execute1_push1 and not execute1_pop2) or
- (execute1_push2 and not execute1_pop1)) and
- (not execute1_antialias and not execute1_stall);
- memAAddr <= execute1_sp + 2;
- execute1_sp <= execute1_sp - 1;
- execute1_push1 <= '1';
- when Decoded_Im | Decoded_Duplicate | Decoded_Duplicate2 =>
- execute1_sp <= execute1_sp - 1;
- execute1_push1 <= '1';
- execute1_doFetch := true;
- when Decoded_LoadSP =>
- memAAddr <= execute1_sp+execute1_spOffset;
- execute1_sp <= execute1_sp - 1;
- execute1_push1 <= '1';
- when Decoded_AddSP =>
- memAAddr <= execute1_sp+execute1_spOffset;
- when Decoded_MoveDown2 =>
- execute1_sp <= execute1_sp + 1;
- execute1_pop1 <= '1';
- execute1_doFetch := true;
- when Decoded_Ulessthan | Decoded_Lessthan | Decoded_Eq | Decoded_Neqbranch | Decoded_MoveDown3 | Decoded_MoveDown | Decoded_Add | Decoded_Sub | Decoded_Or | Decoded_And | Decoded_PopPC | Decoded_StoreSP =>
- -- be afraid :-)
- memAWriteEnable <= ((execute1_push1 and execute1_push2) or
- (execute1_push1 and not execute1_pop2) or
- (execute1_push2 and not execute1_pop1)) and
- (not execute1_antialias and not execute1_stall);
- memAAddr <= execute1_sp + 2;
- execute1_sp <= execute1_sp + 1;
- execute1_pop1 <= '1';
- when others =>
- execute1_doFetch := true;
- end case;
- if execute1_doFetch then
- -- resync #2
- -- some instruction that does not change the stack pointer
- -- and does not need use a memory operand.
- -- We can fetch the next word to be decoded to avoid stalls
- execute1_fetchPC <= execute1_fetchPC+1;
- memAAddr <= execute1_fetchPC(maxAddrBit downto minAddrBit);
- execute1_fetchedPC <= execute1_fetchPC;
- execute1_fetched <= '1';
- end if;
- -- stage 3: fetching memory takes 1 cycle
- -- here we also verify that we've fetched & decoded the right
- -- opcode.
- -- resync #8
- load_decodedOpcode <= execute1_decodedOpcode;
- load_opcode <= execute1_opcode;
- load_spOffset <= execute1_spOffset;
- load_stall <= execute1_stall;
- -- resync #9
- if (load_stall = '1') then
- execute2_decodedOpcode <= Decoded_Stall;
- else
- execute2_decodedOpcode <= load_decodedOpcode;
- end if;
- execute2_opcode <= load_opcode;
- execute2_spOffset <= load_spOffset;
- -- stage 4: execute 2 - we now have both operands. This is the
- -- main execute stage...
- begin_inst <= '1';
- trace_pc <= execute2_pc;
- trace_opcode <= execute2_opcode;
- trace_sp <= execute2_sp;
- trace_topOfStack <= execute2_topOfStack;
- trace_topOfStackB <= execute2_topOfStackB;
- execute2_pc <= execute2_pc + 1;
- execute2_loading <= '0';
- memBWriteEnable <= '0';
- case execute2_decodedOpcode is
- when Decoded_PopSP =>
- execute2_sp <= execute2_topOfStack(maxAddrBit downto minAddrBit);
- memBWriteEnable <= '1';
- memBAddr <= execute2_sp + 1;
- memBWrite <= execute2_topOfStackB;
- execute2_resync <= '1';
- when Decoded_Callpcrel =>
- execute2_topOfStack <= (others => DontCareValue);
- execute2_topOfStack(maxAddrBit downto 0) <= execute2_pc + 1;
- execute2_pc <= execute2_pc + execute2_topOfStack(maxAddrBit downto 0);
- execute2_persistTopOfStack <= '1';
- when Decoded_PopPC =>
- execute2_pc <= execute2_topOfStack(maxAddrBit downto 0);
- execute2_sp <= execute2_sp + 1;
- memBWriteEnable <= '1';
- memBAddr <= execute2_sp + 1;
- memBWrite <= execute2_topOfStackB;
- execute2_resync <= '1';
- when Decoded_Emulate =>
- execute2_sp <= execute2_sp - 1;
- execute2_topOfStack <= (others => DontCareValue);
- execute2_topOfStack(maxAddrBit downto 0) <= execute2_pc + 1;
- execute2_topOfStackB <= execute2_topOfStack;
- memBWriteEnable <= '1';
- memBAddr <= execute2_sp+1;
- memBWrite <= execute2_topOfStackB;
- -- The emulate address is:
- -- 98 7654 3210
- -- 0000 00aa aaa0 0000
- execute2_pc <= (others => '0');
- execute2_pc(9 downto 5) <= execute2_opcode(4 downto 0);
- execute2_persistTopOfStack <= '1';
- when Decoded_Im =>
- execute2_sp <= execute2_sp - 1;
- for i in wordSize-1 downto 7 loop
- execute2_topOfStack(i) <= execute2_opcode(6);
- end loop;
- execute2_topOfStack(6 downto 0) <= execute2_opcode(6 downto 0);
- execute2_topOfStackB <= execute2_topOfStack;
- memBWriteEnable <= '1';
- memBAddr <= execute2_sp + 1;
- memBWrite <= execute2_topOfStackB;
- when Decoded_ImShift =>
- execute2_topOfStack(wordSize-1 downto 7) <= execute2_topOfStack(wordSize-8 downto 0);
- execute2_topOfStack(6 downto 0) <= execute2_opcode(6 downto 0);
- when Decoded_LoadSP =>
- execute2_sp <= execute2_sp - 1;
- execute2_topOfStack <= memARead;
- execute2_topOfStackB <= execute2_topOfStack;
- memBWriteEnable <= '1';
- memBAddr <= execute2_sp + 1;
- memBWrite <= execute2_topOfStackB;
- when Decoded_Break =>
- report "Break instruction encountered" severity failure;
- break <= '1';
- when Decoded_PushSP =>
- execute2_topOfStack <= (others => DontCareValue);
- execute2_topOfStack(maxAddrBit downto minAddrBit) <= execute2_sp;
- execute2_sp <= execute2_sp - 1;
- execute2_topOfStackB <= execute2_topOfStack;
- memBWriteEnable <= '1';
- memBAddr <= execute2_sp + 1;
- memBWrite <= execute2_topOfStackB;
- when Decoded_Add =>
- execute2_sp <= execute2_sp + 1;
- execute2_topOfStack <= execute2_topOfStackB + execute2_topOfStack;
- execute2_topOfStackB <= memARead;
- when Decoded_Sub =>
- execute2_sp <= execute2_sp + 1;
- execute2_topOfStack <= execute2_topOfStackB - execute2_topOfStack;
- execute2_topOfStackB <= memARead;
- when Decoded_AddSP =>
- execute2_topOfStack <= execute2_topOfStack + memARead;
- when Decoded_Or =>
- execute2_sp <= execute2_sp + 1;
- execute2_topOfStack <= execute2_topOfStackB or execute2_topOfStack;
- execute2_topOfStackB <= memARead;
- when Decoded_And =>
- execute2_sp <= execute2_sp + 1;
- execute2_topOfStack <= execute2_topOfStackB and execute2_topOfStack;
- execute2_topOfStackB <= memARead;
- when Decoded_Load | Decoded_Loadb | Decoded_Storeb =>
- if (execute2_topOfStack(ioBit)='1') then
- io_addr <= execute2_topOfStack(maxAddrBit downto minAddrBit);
- io_readEnable <= '1';
- else
- memAAddr <= execute2_topOfStack(maxAddrBit downto minAddrBit);
- execute1_fetched <= '0';
- end if;
- if (execute2_decodedOpcode = Decoded_Loadb) then
- execute2_loadByte <= '1';
- else
- execute2_loadByte <= '0';
- end if;
- if (execute2_decodedOpcode = Decoded_Storeb) then
- execute2_storeByte <= '1';
- else
- execute2_storebyte <= '0';
- end if;
- execute2_loading <= '1';
- when Decoded_Ashiftleft =>
- execute2_topOfStack(wordSize-1 downto 1) <= execute2_topOfStack(wordSize-2 downto 0);
- execute2_topOfStack(0) <= '0';
- when Decoded_MoveDown =>
- execute2_sp <= execute2_sp + 1;
- execute2_topOfStackB <= memARead;
- when Decoded_MoveDown2 =>
- execute2_sp <= execute2_sp + 1;
- execute2_topOfStack <= execute2_topOfStackB;
- execute2_topOfStackB <= execute2_topOfStack;
- when Decoded_MoveDown3 =>
- execute2_sp <= execute2_sp + 1;
- memBWriteEnable <= '1';
- memBAddr <= execute2_sp+execute2_spOffset;
- memBWrite <= execute2_topOfStack;
- execute2_topOfStack <= execute2_topOfStackB;
- execute2_topOfStackB <= memARead;
- execute2_persistTopOfStack <= '1';
- when Decoded_Duplicate =>
- execute2_topOfStackB <= execute2_topOfStack;
- execute2_sp <= execute2_sp - 1;
- memBWriteEnable <= '1';
- memBAddr <= execute2_sp + 1;
- memBWrite <= execute2_topOfStackB;
- when Decoded_Duplicate2 =>
- execute2_topOfStack <= execute2_topOfStackB;
- execute2_topOfStackB <= execute2_topOfStack;
- execute2_sp <= execute2_sp - 1;
- memBWriteEnable <= '1';
- memBAddr <= execute2_sp + 1;
- memBWrite <= execute2_topOfStackB;
- when Decoded_Duplicate3 =>
- execute2_topOfStack <= memARead;
- execute2_topOfStackB <= execute2_topOfStack;
- execute2_sp <= execute2_sp - 1;
- memBWriteEnable <= '1';
- memBAddr <= execute2_sp + 1;
- memBWrite <= execute2_topOfStackB;
- when Decoded_Pushspadd =>
- execute2_topOfStack <= (others => DontCareValue);
- execute2_topOfStack(maxAddrBit downto minAddrBit) <= execute2_sp + execute2_topOfStack(maxAddrBit-minAddrBit downto 0);
- when Decoded_Not =>
- execute2_topOfStack <= not execute2_topOfStack;
- when Decoded_Flip =>
- for i in 0 to wordSize-1 loop
- execute2_topOfStack(i) <= execute2_topOfStack(wordSize-1-i);
- end loop;
- when Decoded_Store =>
- execute2_sp <= execute2_sp + 2;
- if (execute2_topOfStack(ioBit)='0') then
- memBAddr <= execute2_topOfStack(maxAddrBit downto minAddrBit);
- memBWrite <= execute2_topOfStackB;
- memBWriteEnable <= '1';
- else
- io_addr <= execute2_topOfStack(maxAddrBit downto minAddrBit);
- io_write <= execute2_topOfStackB(7 downto 0);
- io_writeEnable <= '1';
- end if;
- execute2_resync <= '1';
- when Decoded_StoreSP =>
- execute2_sp <= execute2_sp + 1;
- memBWriteEnable <= '1';
- memBAddr <= execute2_sp+execute2_spOffset;
- memBWrite <= execute2_topOfStack;
- execute2_topOfStack <= execute2_topOfStackB;
- execute2_topOfStackB <= memARead;
- when Decoded_Neqbranch =>
- execute2_sp <= execute2_sp + 2;
- if (execute2_topOfStackB/=0) then
- execute2_pc <= execute2_topOfStack(maxAddrBit downto 0) + execute2_pc;
- end if;
- execute2_resync <= '1';
- when Decoded_Eq =>
- execute2_sp <= execute2_sp + 1;
- execute2_topOfStack <= (others => '0');
- if (execute2_topOfStack=execute2_topOfStackB) then
- execute2_topOfStack(0) <= '1';
- end if;
- execute2_topOfStackB <= memARead;
- when Decoded_Ulessthan =>
- execute2_sp <= execute2_sp + 1;
- execute2_topOfStack <= (others => '0');
- if (execute2_topOfStack<execute2_topOfStackB) then
- execute2_topOfStack(0) <= '1';
- end if;
- execute2_topOfStackB <= memARead;
- when Decoded_Lessthan =>
- execute2_sp <= execute2_sp + 1;
- execute2_topOfStack <= (others => '0');
- compareA := signed(execute2_topOfStack);
- compareB := signed(execute2_topOfStackB);
- if (compareA<compareB) then
- execute2_topOfStack(0) <= '1';
- end if;
- execute2_topOfStackB <= memARead;
- when Decoded_Stall =>
- begin_inst <= '0';
- execute2_pc <= execute2_pc;
- when others =>
- -- nop
- end case;
- -- load cycle...
- execute2_loadingDone <= execute2_loading;
- if (execute2_loadingDone ='1') then
- if (execute2_topOfStack(ioBit)='1') then
- if (io_busy = '0') then
- execute2_topOfStack <= (others => '0');
- execute2_topOfStack(7 downto 0) <= io_read;
- execute2_persistTopOfStack <= '1';
- else
- execute2_loadingDone <= '1';
- end if;
- else
- if (execute2_storeByte = '1') then
- execute2_sp <= execute2_sp + 2;
- memBWriteEnable <= '1';
- memBAddr <= execute2_topOfStack(maxAddrBit downto minAddrBit);
- memBWrite <= memARead;
- case execute2_topOfStack(minAddrBit-1 downto 0) is
- when "00" => memBWrite(31 downto 24) <= execute2_topOfStackB(7 downto 0);
- when "01" => memBWrite(23 downto 16) <= execute2_topOfStackB(7 downto 0);
- when "10" => memBWrite(15 downto 8) <= execute2_topOfStackB(7 downto 0);
- when others => memBWrite(7 downto 0) <= execute2_topOfStackB(7 downto 0);
- end case;
--- case execute2_topOfStack(0 downto 0) is
--- when "1" => memBWrite(15 downto 8) <= execute2_topOfStackB(7 downto 0);
--- when others => memBWrite(7 downto 0) <= execute2_topOfStackB(7 downto 0);
--- end case;
- execute2_resync <= '1';
- elsif (execute2_loadByte = '1') then
- execute2_topOfStack <= (others => '0');
- case execute2_topOfStack(minAddrBit-1 downto 0) is
- when "00" => execute2_topOfStack(7 downto 0) <= memARead(31 downto 24);
- when "01" => execute2_topOfStack(7 downto 0) <= memARead(23 downto 16);
- when "10" => execute2_topOfStack(7 downto 0) <= memARead(15 downto 8);
- when others => execute2_topOfStack(7 downto 0) <= memARead(7 downto 0);
- end case;
--- case execute2_topOfStack(0 downto 0) is
--- when "1" => execute2_topOfStack(7 downto 0) <= memARead(15 downto 8);
--- when others => execute2_topOfStack(7 downto 0) <= memARead(7 downto 0);
--- end case;
- execute2_persistTopOfStack <= '1';
- else
- execute2_topOfStack <= memARead;
- execute2_persistTopOfStack <= '1';
- end if;
- end if;
- end if;
- -- write top of stack...
- execute2_persistTopOfStackB <= execute2_persistTopOfStack;
- if (execute2_persistTopOfStack = '1') then
- execute2_persistTopOfStack <= '0';
- memBWriteEnable <= '1';
- memBAddr <= execute2_sp;
- memBWrite <= execute2_topOfStack;
- end if;
- if (execute2_persistTopOfStackB = '1') then
- memBWriteEnable <= '1';
- memBAddr <= execute2_sp+1;
- memBWrite <= execute2_topOfStackB;
- execute2_resync <= '1';
- end if;
- -- here we resync the pipeline.
- -- a number of things have to happen on certain cycles
- execute2_resync2 <= execute2_resync;
- execute2_resync3 <= execute2_resync2;
- execute2_resync4 <= execute2_resync3;
- execute2_resync5 <= execute2_resync4;
- execute2_resync6 <= execute2_resync5;
- execute2_resync7 <= execute2_resync6;
- execute2_resync8 <= execute2_resync7;
- execute2_resync9 <= execute2_resync8;
- execute2_resync10 <= execute2_resync9;
- if (execute2_resync = '1' ) then
- -- resync #1
- execute2_resync <= '0';
- decode_starved <= '1';
- memAAddr <= execute2_sp;
- end if;
- if (execute2_resync2 = '1') then
- -- resync #2
- execute1_fetchPC <= execute2_pc;
- memAAddr <= execute2_sp + 1;
- end if;
- if (execute2_resync3 = '1') then
- -- resync #3
- execute2_topOfStack <= memARead;
- end if;
- if (execute2_resync4 = '1') then
- -- resync #4
- -- during this cycle the address is set to the opcode
- execute2_topOfStackB <= memARead;
- end if;
- if (execute2_resync5 = '1') then
- -- resync #5
- execute1_pop1 <= '0';
- execute1_push1 <= '0';
- end if;
- if (execute2_resync6 = '1') then
- -- resync #6
- decode_idim_flag <= '0';
- execute1_pop1 <= '0';
- execute1_push1 <= '0';
- end if;
- if (execute2_resync7 = '1') then
- -- resync #7
- execute1_sp <= execute2_sp;
- execute1_stall <= '0';
- end if;
- if (execute2_resync8 = '1') then
- -- resync #8
--- load_stall <= '0';
- end if;
- if (execute2_resync9 = '1') then
- -- resync #9
- end if;
- if (execute2_resync10 = '1') then
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
-end behave;
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