path: root/zpu
diff options
authorBert Lange <>2012-03-22 15:24:01 +0100
committerBert Lange <>2012-03-22 15:24:01 +0100
commit03dab796a966c8a22fd7af628d73dfa1728936cf (patch)
tree410eaa59ad8c6ff660e836e48af88fdfb51bf885 /zpu
parent531ea9cc6bca445f6417d142baba8eabe6b769fc (diff)
fix: keep instruction in case of mem_busy
change: rename instruction enums
Diffstat (limited to 'zpu')
1 files changed, 181 insertions, 127 deletions
diff --git a/zpu/rtl/zpu_core_medium.vhd b/zpu/rtl/zpu_core_medium.vhd
index 2d2e203..99ce6e7 100644
--- a/zpu/rtl/zpu_core_medium.vhd
+++ b/zpu/rtl/zpu_core_medium.vhd
@@ -85,45 +85,44 @@ architecture rtl of zpu_core_medium is
type InsnType is
- State_Nop,
- State_AddTop,
- State_Dup,
- State_DupStackB,
- State_Pop,
- State_Popdown,
- State_Add,
- State_Or,
- State_And,
- State_Store,
- State_AddSP,
- State_Shift,
- State_Im,
- State_LoadSP,
- State_StoreSP,
- State_Emulate,
- State_Load,
- State_PushPC,
- State_PushSP,
- State_PopPC,
- State_PopPCRel,
- State_Not,
- State_Flip,
- State_PopSP,
- State_Neqbranch,
- State_Eq,
- State_Loadb,
- State_Mult,
- State_Lessthan,
- State_Lessthanorequal,
- State_Ulessthanorequal,
- State_Ulessthan,
- State_Pushspadd,
- State_Call,
- State_Callpcrel,
- State_Sub,
- State_Break,
- State_Storeb,
- State_InsnFetch
+ Ins_Nop,
+ Ins_AddTop,
+ Ins_Dup,
+ Ins_DupStackB,
+ Ins_Pop,
+ Ins_PopDown,
+ Ins_Add,
+ Ins_Or,
+ Ins_And,
+ Ins_Store,
+ Ins_AddSP,
+ Ins_Shift,
+ Ins_Im,
+ Ins_LoadSP,
+ Ins_StoreSP,
+ Ins_Emulate,
+ Ins_Load,
+ Ins_PushSP,
+ Ins_PopPC,
+ Ins_PopPCRel,
+ Ins_Not,
+ Ins_Flip,
+ Ins_PopSP,
+ Ins_Neqbranch,
+ Ins_Eq,
+ Ins_Loadb,
+ Ins_Mult,
+ Ins_Lessthan,
+ Ins_Lessthanorequal,
+ Ins_ULessthanorequal,
+ Ins_Ulessthan,
+ Ins_Pushspadd,
+ Ins_Call,
+ Ins_Callpcrel,
+ Ins_Sub,
+ Ins_Break,
+ Ins_Storeb,
+ Ins_InsnFetch
type StateType is
@@ -139,7 +138,6 @@ architecture rtl of zpu_core_medium is
@@ -240,7 +238,7 @@ begin
variable spOffset : unsigned(4 downto 0);
variable tSpOffset : unsigned(4 downto 0);
variable nextPC : unsigned(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 0);
- variable tNextState : InsnType;
+ variable tNextIns : InsnType;
variable tDecodedOpcode : InsnArray;
variable tMultResult : unsigned(wordSize*2-1 downto 0);
@@ -378,99 +376,99 @@ begin
opcode(i) <= tOpcode;
if (tOpcode(7 downto 7) = OpCode_Im) then
- tNextState := State_Im;
+ tNextIns := Ins_Im;
elsif (tOpcode(7 downto 5) = OpCode_StoreSP) then
if tSpOffset = 0 then
- tNextState := State_Pop;
+ tNextIns := Ins_Pop;
elsif tSpOffset = 1 then
- tNextState := State_PopDown;
+ tNextIns := Ins_PopDown;
- tNextState := State_StoreSP;
+ tNextIns := Ins_StoreSP;
end if;
elsif (tOpcode(7 downto 5) = OpCode_LoadSP) then
if tSpOffset = 0 then
- tNextState := State_Dup;
+ tNextIns := Ins_Dup;
elsif tSpOffset = 1 then
- tNextState := State_DupStackB;
+ tNextIns := Ins_DupStackB;
- tNextState := State_LoadSP;
+ tNextIns := Ins_LoadSP;
end if;
elsif (tOpcode(7 downto 5) = OpCode_Emulate) then
- tNextState := State_Emulate;
+ tNextIns := Ins_Emulate;
if tOpcode(5 downto 0) = OpCode_Neqbranch then
- tNextState := State_Neqbranch;
+ tNextIns := Ins_Neqbranch;
elsif tOpcode(5 downto 0) = OpCode_Eq then
- tNextState := State_Eq;
+ tNextIns := Ins_Eq;
elsif tOpcode(5 downto 0) = OpCode_Lessthan then
- tNextState := State_Lessthan;
+ tNextIns := Ins_Lessthan;
elsif tOpcode(5 downto 0) = OpCode_Lessthanorequal then
- --tNextState :=State_Lessthanorequal;
+ --tNextIns :=Ins_Lessthanorequal;
elsif tOpcode(5 downto 0) = OpCode_Ulessthan then
- tNextState := State_Ulessthan;
+ tNextIns := Ins_Ulessthan;
elsif tOpcode(5 downto 0) = OpCode_Ulessthanorequal then
- --tNextState :=State_Ulessthanorequal;
+ --tNextIns :=Ins_ULessthanorequal;
elsif tOpcode(5 downto 0) = OpCode_Loadb then
- tNextState := State_Loadb;
+ tNextIns := Ins_Loadb;
elsif tOpcode(5 downto 0) = OpCode_Mult then
- tNextState := State_Mult;
+ tNextIns := Ins_Mult;
elsif tOpcode(5 downto 0) = OpCode_Storeb then
- tNextState := State_Storeb;
+ tNextIns := Ins_Storeb;
elsif tOpcode(5 downto 0) = OpCode_Pushspadd then
- tNextState := State_Pushspadd;
+ tNextIns := Ins_Pushspadd;
elsif tOpcode(5 downto 0) = OpCode_Callpcrel then
- tNextState := State_Callpcrel;
+ tNextIns := Ins_Callpcrel;
elsif tOpcode(5 downto 0) = OpCode_Call then
- --tNextState :=State_Call;
+ --tNextIns :=Ins_Call;
elsif tOpcode(5 downto 0) = OpCode_Sub then
- tNextState := State_Sub;
+ tNextIns := Ins_Sub;
elsif tOpcode(5 downto 0) = OpCode_PopPCRel then
- --tNextState :=State_PopPCRel;
+ --tNextIns :=Ins_PopPCRel;
end if;
elsif (tOpcode(7 downto 4) = OpCode_AddSP) then
if tSpOffset = 0 then
- tNextState := State_Shift;
+ tNextIns := Ins_Shift;
elsif tSpOffset = 1 then
- tNextState := State_AddTop;
+ tNextIns := Ins_AddTop;
- tNextState := State_AddSP;
+ tNextIns := Ins_AddSP;
end if;
case tOpcode(3 downto 0) is
when OpCode_Nop =>
- tNextState := State_Nop;
+ tNextIns := Ins_Nop;
when OpCode_PushSP =>
- tNextState := State_PushSP;
+ tNextIns := Ins_PushSP;
when OpCode_PopPC =>
- tNextState := State_PopPC;
+ tNextIns := Ins_PopPC;
when OpCode_Add =>
- tNextState := State_Add;
+ tNextIns := Ins_Add;
when OpCode_Or =>
- tNextState := State_Or;
+ tNextIns := Ins_Or;
when OpCode_And =>
- tNextState := State_And;
+ tNextIns := Ins_And;
when OpCode_Load =>
- tNextState := State_Load;
+ tNextIns := Ins_Load;
when OpCode_Not =>
- tNextState := State_Not;
+ tNextIns := Ins_Not;
when OpCode_Flip =>
- tNextState := State_Flip;
+ tNextIns := Ins_Flip;
when OpCode_Store =>
- tNextState := State_Store;
+ tNextIns := Ins_Store;
when OpCode_PopSP =>
- tNextState := State_PopSP;
+ tNextIns := Ins_PopSP;
when others =>
- tNextState := State_Break;
+ tNextIns := Ins_Break;
end case; -- tOpcode(3 downto 0)
end if; -- tOpcode
- tDecodedOpcode(i) := tNextState;
+ tDecodedOpcode(i) := tNextIns;
end loop; -- 0 to wordBytes-1
insn <= tDecodedOpcode(to_integer(pc(byteBits-1 downto 0)));
-- once we wrap, we need to fetch
- tDecodedOpcode(0) := State_InsnFetch;
+ tDecodedOpcode(0) := Ins_InsnFetch;
decodedOpcode <= tDecodedOpcode;
state <= State_Execute;
@@ -485,14 +483,15 @@ begin
-- 4. do it's operation
when State_Execute =>
- insn <= decodedOpcode(to_integer(nextPC(byteBits-1 downto 0)));
+ insn <= decodedOpcode(to_integer(nextPC(byteBits-1 downto 0)));
case insn is
- when State_InsnFetch =>
+ when Ins_InsnFetch =>
state <= State_Fetch;
- when State_Im =>
+ when Ins_Im =>
if in_mem_busy = '0' then
begin_inst <= '1';
idim_flag <= '1';
@@ -512,35 +511,41 @@ begin
end loop;
stackA(6 downto 0) <= unsigned(opcode(to_integer(pc(byteBits-1 downto 0)))(6 downto 0));
end if; -- idim_flag
+ else
+ insn <= insn; -- keep old instruction
end if; -- in_mem_busy
- when State_StoreSP =>
+ when Ins_StoreSP =>
if in_mem_busy = '0' then
- begin_inst <= '1';
- idim_flag <= '0';
- state <= State_StoreSP2;
+ begin_inst <= '1';
+ idim_flag <= '0';
+ state <= State_StoreSP2;
mem_writeEnable <= '1';
mem_addr <= std_ulogic_vector(sp+spOffset);
mem_write <= std_ulogic_vector(stackA);
stackA <= stackB;
sp <= incSp;
+ else
+ insn <= insn; -- keep old instruction
end if;
- when State_LoadSP =>
+ when Ins_LoadSP =>
if in_mem_busy = '0' then
- begin_inst <= '1';
- idim_flag <= '0';
- state <= State_LoadSP2;
+ begin_inst <= '1';
+ idim_flag <= '0';
+ state <= State_LoadSP2;
sp <= decSp;
mem_writeEnable <= '1';
mem_addr <= std_ulogic_vector(incSp);
mem_write <= std_ulogic_vector(stackB);
+ else
+ insn <= insn; -- keep old instruction
end if;
- when State_Emulate =>
+ when Ins_Emulate =>
if in_mem_busy = '0' then
begin_inst <= '1';
idim_flag <= '0';
@@ -559,9 +564,11 @@ begin
pc <= (others => '0');
pc(9 downto 5) <= unsigned(opcode(to_integer(pc(byteBits-1 downto 0)))(4 downto 0));
state <= State_Fetch;
+ else
+ insn <= insn; -- keep old instruction
end if; -- in_mem_busy
- when State_Callpcrel =>
+ when Ins_Callpcrel =>
if in_mem_busy = '0' then
begin_inst <= '1';
idim_flag <= '0';
@@ -570,9 +577,11 @@ begin
pc <= pc + stackA(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 0);
state <= State_Fetch;
+ else
+ insn <= insn; -- keep old instruction
end if;
- when State_Call =>
+ when Ins_Call =>
if in_mem_busy = '0' then
begin_inst <= '1';
idim_flag <= '0';
@@ -581,9 +590,11 @@ begin
pc <= stackA(maxAddrBitIncIO downto 0);
state <= State_Fetch;
+ else
+ insn <= insn; -- keep old instruction
end if;
- when State_AddSP =>
+ when Ins_AddSP =>
if in_mem_busy = '0' then
begin_inst <= '1';
idim_flag <= '0';
@@ -591,9 +602,11 @@ begin
mem_readEnable <= '1';
mem_addr <= std_ulogic_vector(sp+spOffset);
+ else
+ insn <= insn; -- keep old instruction
end if;
- when State_PushSP =>
+ when Ins_PushSP =>
if in_mem_busy = '0' then
begin_inst <= '1';
idim_flag <= '0';
@@ -606,9 +619,11 @@ begin
mem_writeEnable <= '1';
mem_addr <= std_ulogic_vector(incSp);
mem_write <= std_ulogic_vector(stackB);
+ else
+ insn <= insn; -- keep old instruction
end if;
- when State_PopPC =>
+ when Ins_PopPC =>
if in_mem_busy = '0' then
begin_inst <= '1';
idim_flag <= '0';
@@ -619,9 +634,11 @@ begin
mem_addr <= std_ulogic_vector(incSp);
mem_write <= std_ulogic_vector(stackB);
state <= State_Resync;
+ else
+ insn <= insn; -- keep old instruction
end if;
- when State_PopPCRel =>
+ when Ins_PopPCRel =>
if in_mem_busy = '0' then
begin_inst <= '1';
idim_flag <= '0';
@@ -632,9 +649,11 @@ begin
mem_addr <= std_ulogic_vector(incSp);
mem_write <= std_ulogic_vector(stackB);
state <= State_Resync;
+ else
+ insn <= insn; -- keep old instruction
end if;
- when State_Add =>
+ when Ins_Add =>
if in_mem_busy = '0' then
begin_inst <= '1';
idim_flag <= '0';
@@ -644,17 +663,21 @@ begin
mem_addr <= std_ulogic_vector(incIncSp);
sp <= incSp;
state <= State_Popped;
+ else
+ insn <= insn; -- keep old instruction
end if;
- when State_Sub =>
+ when Ins_Sub =>
if in_mem_busy = '0' then
begin_inst <= '1';
idim_flag <= '0';
binaryOpResult <= stackB - stackA;
state <= State_BinaryOpResult;
+ else
+ insn <= insn; -- keep old instruction
end if;
- when State_Pop =>
+ when Ins_Pop =>
if in_mem_busy = '0' then
begin_inst <= '1';
idim_flag <= '0';
@@ -663,9 +686,11 @@ begin
sp <= incSp;
stackA <= stackB;
state <= State_Popped;
+ else
+ insn <= insn; -- keep old instruction
end if;
- when State_PopDown =>
+ when Ins_PopDown =>
if in_mem_busy = '0' then
-- PopDown leaves top of stack unchanged
begin_inst <= '1';
@@ -674,9 +699,11 @@ begin
mem_readEnable <= '1';
sp <= incSp;
state <= State_Popped;
+ else
+ insn <= insn; -- keep old instruction
end if;
- when State_Or =>
+ when Ins_Or =>
if in_mem_busy = '0' then
begin_inst <= '1';
idim_flag <= '0';
@@ -685,9 +712,11 @@ begin
mem_addr <= std_ulogic_vector(incIncSp);
sp <= incSp;
state <= State_Popped;
+ else
+ insn <= insn; -- keep old instruction
end if;
- when State_And =>
+ when Ins_And =>
if in_mem_busy = '0' then
begin_inst <= '1';
idim_flag <= '0';
@@ -697,9 +726,11 @@ begin
mem_addr <= std_ulogic_vector(incIncSp);
sp <= incSp;
state <= State_Popped;
+ else
+ insn <= insn; -- keep old instruction
end if;
- when State_Eq =>
+ when Ins_Eq =>
if in_mem_busy = '0' then
begin_inst <= '1';
idim_flag <= '0';
@@ -709,9 +740,11 @@ begin
binaryOpResult(0) <= '1';
end if;
state <= State_BinaryOpResult;
+ else
+ insn <= insn; -- keep old instruction
end if;
- when State_Ulessthan =>
+ when Ins_Ulessthan =>
if in_mem_busy = '0' then
begin_inst <= '1';
idim_flag <= '0';
@@ -721,9 +754,11 @@ begin
binaryOpResult(0) <= '1';
end if;
state <= State_BinaryOpResult;
+ else
+ insn <= insn; -- keep old instruction
end if;
- when State_Ulessthanorequal =>
+ when Ins_ULessthanorequal =>
if in_mem_busy = '0' then
begin_inst <= '1';
idim_flag <= '0';
@@ -733,9 +768,11 @@ begin
binaryOpResult(0) <= '1';
end if;
state <= State_BinaryOpResult;
+ else
+ insn <= insn; -- keep old instruction
end if;
- when State_Lessthan =>
+ when Ins_Lessthan =>
if in_mem_busy = '0' then
begin_inst <= '1';
idim_flag <= '0';
@@ -747,7 +784,7 @@ begin
state <= State_BinaryOpResult;
end if;
- when State_Lessthanorequal =>
+ when Ins_Lessthanorequal =>
if in_mem_busy = '0' then
begin_inst <= '1';
idim_flag <= '0';
@@ -757,9 +794,11 @@ begin
binaryOpResult(0) <= '1';
end if;
state <= State_BinaryOpResult;
+ else
+ insn <= insn; -- keep old instruction
end if;
- when State_Load =>
+ when Ins_Load =>
if in_mem_busy = '0' then
begin_inst <= '1';
idim_flag <= '0';
@@ -767,9 +806,11 @@ begin
mem_addr <= std_ulogic_vector(stackA(maxAddrBitIncIO downto minAddrBit));
mem_readEnable <= '1';
+ else
+ insn <= insn; -- keep old instruction
end if;
- when State_Dup =>
+ when Ins_Dup =>
if in_mem_busy = '0' then
begin_inst <= '1';
idim_flag <= '0';
@@ -780,9 +821,11 @@ begin
mem_write <= std_ulogic_vector(stackB);
mem_addr <= std_ulogic_vector(incSp);
mem_writeEnable <= '1';
+ else
+ insn <= insn; -- keep old instruction
end if;
- when State_DupStackB =>
+ when Ins_DupStackB =>
if in_mem_busy = '0' then
begin_inst <= '1';
idim_flag <= '0';
@@ -794,9 +837,11 @@ begin
mem_write <= std_ulogic_vector(stackB);
mem_addr <= std_ulogic_vector(incSp);
mem_writeEnable <= '1';
+ else
+ insn <= insn; -- keep old instruction
end if;
- when State_Store =>
+ when Ins_Store =>
if in_mem_busy = '0' then
begin_inst <= '1';
idim_flag <= '0';
@@ -806,9 +851,11 @@ begin
mem_writeEnable <= '1';
sp <= incIncSp;
state <= State_Resync;
+ else
+ insn <= insn; -- keep old instruction
end if;
- when State_PopSP =>
+ when Ins_PopSP =>
if in_mem_busy = '0' then
begin_inst <= '1';
idim_flag <= '0';
@@ -819,21 +866,23 @@ begin
mem_writeEnable <= '1';
sp <= stackA(maxAddrBitIncIO downto minAddrBit);
state <= State_Resync;
+ else
+ insn <= insn; -- keep old instruction
end if;
- when State_Nop =>
+ when Ins_Nop =>
begin_inst <= '1';
idim_flag <= '0';
pc <= pc + 1;
- when State_Not =>
+ when Ins_Not =>
begin_inst <= '1';
idim_flag <= '0';
pc <= pc + 1;
stackA <= not stackA;
- when State_Flip =>
+ when Ins_Flip =>
begin_inst <= '1';
idim_flag <= '0';
pc <= pc + 1;
@@ -842,14 +891,14 @@ begin
stackA(i) <= stackA(wordSize-1-i);
end loop;
- when State_AddTop =>
+ when Ins_AddTop =>
begin_inst <= '1';
idim_flag <= '0';
pc <= pc + 1;
stackA <= stackA + stackB;
- when State_Shift =>
+ when Ins_Shift =>
begin_inst <= '1';
idim_flag <= '0';
pc <= pc + 1;
@@ -857,7 +906,7 @@ begin
stackA(wordSize-1 downto 1) <= stackA(wordSize-2 downto 0);
stackA(0) <= '0';
- when State_Pushspadd =>
+ when Ins_Pushspadd =>
begin_inst <= '1';
idim_flag <= '0';
pc <= pc + 1;
@@ -865,7 +914,7 @@ begin
stackA <= (others => '0');
stackA(maxAddrBitIncIO downto minAddrBit) <= stackA(maxAddrBitIncIO-minAddrBit downto 0)+sp;
- when State_Neqbranch =>
+ when Ins_Neqbranch =>
-- branches are almost always taken as they form loops
begin_inst <= '1';
idim_flag <= '0';
@@ -878,7 +927,7 @@ begin
-- need to fetch stack again.
state <= State_Resync;
- when State_Mult =>
+ when Ins_Mult =>
begin_inst <= '1';
idim_flag <= '0';
@@ -886,11 +935,11 @@ begin
multB <= stackB;
state <= State_Mult2;
- when State_Break =>
+ when Ins_Break =>
report "Break instruction encountered" severity note;
break <= '1';
- when State_Loadb =>
+ when Ins_Loadb =>
if in_mem_busy = '0' then
begin_inst <= '1';
idim_flag <= '0';
@@ -898,9 +947,11 @@ begin
mem_addr <= std_ulogic_vector(stackA(maxAddrBitIncIO downto minAddrBit));
mem_readEnable <= '1';
+ else
+ insn <= insn; -- keep old instruction
end if;
- when State_Storeb =>
+ when Ins_Storeb =>
if in_mem_busy = '0' then
begin_inst <= '1';
idim_flag <= '0';
@@ -908,6 +959,8 @@ begin
mem_addr <= std_ulogic_vector(stackA(maxAddrBitIncIO downto minAddrBit));
mem_readEnable <= '1';
+ else
+ insn <= insn; -- keep old instruction
end if;
when others =>
@@ -917,7 +970,8 @@ begin
end case; -- insn/State_Execute
when State_StoreSP2 =>
if in_mem_busy = '0' then
mem_addr <= std_ulogic_vector(incSp);
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud