path: root/tools
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authorbl5599 <devnull@localhost>2010-06-11 15:06:25 +0200
committerbl5599 <devnull@localhost>2010-06-11 15:06:25 +0200
commitbf8a191952afae66aa536841ba30aebd0973293a (patch)
treed08c3197c3d3d93f76e7572ec675dda7e37fb4a0 /tools
parent0192d1dee5acbaed5c2b626a070673d4bb4a8172 (diff)
tools libraries
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5 files changed, 1580 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/doc/PCK_FIO.html b/tools/doc/PCK_FIO.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad79fdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/doc/PCK_FIO.html
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
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+ <title>VHDL package for formatted file output</title>
+<!-- $Id: PCK_FIO.html,v 1.11 2002/07/15 15:20:05 jand Exp $ -->
+<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">
+<hr SIZE=1 NOSHADE WIDTH="100%">
+<a NAME="PCK_FIO_name_0"></a>Name</h1>
+<b>PCK_FIO</b> - VHDL package for&nbsp; formatted file output
+<hr SIZE=1 NOSHADE WIDTH="100%">
+<a href="#PCK_FIO_usage_0">Usage</a>
+<br><a href="#PCK_FIO_file_0">The file output function 'fo'</a>
+<br><a href="#PCK_FIO_format_0">Format specifiers</a>
+<br><a href="#PCK_FIO_special_0">Special characters</a>
+<br><a href="#PCK_FIO_things_0">Things to watch out for</a>
+<br><a href="#PCK_FIO_methodology_0">Methodology notes</a>
+<br><a href="#PCK_FIO_parametrization_0">Parametrization</a>
+<br><a href="#PCK_FIO_test_0">Test bench</a>
+<br><a href="#PCK_FIO_limitations_0">Known limitations and problems</a>
+<br><a href="#PCK_FIO_author_0">Author</a>
+<hr SIZE=1 NOSHADE WIDTH="100%">
+<a NAME="PCK_FIO_usage_0"></a>Usage</h1>
+PCK_FIO is a VHDL package that defines&nbsp; <tt>fprint, </tt>a function
+for formatted file output.
+<p>After installing the package you can call <tt>fprint</tt> as follows:
+<pre>&nbsp; fprint(F, L, Format, fo(Expr_1), fo(Expr_2), ... fo(Expr_n));</pre>
+where F is the filehandle and L is the line variable.
+<p>The argument Format is the format string, which consists of ``normal''
+substrings which are copied verbatim, and format specifiers, starting with
+A typical format string looks as follows:
+<pre>&nbsp;&nbsp; "Arg1 = %6r, Arg2 = %10d, Arg3 = %-5r\n"</pre>
+The remaining arguments are the expressions whose results you want to write
+to the file, embedded in <tt>fo</tt> function calls. There can be 0 to
+32 of such arguments. The expressions can be of any type for which an <tt>fo</tt>
+function exists. String expressions can also be called directly.
+<hr SIZE=1 NOSHADE WIDTH="100%">
+<a NAME="PCK_FIO_file_0"></a>The file output function <tt>'fo'</tt></h1>
+The <tt>fo</tt> (<u>f</u>ile <u>o</u>utput) functions do the trick. They
+return a tagged string representation that is meaningful to format specifiers.
+Here are some examples:
+<pre>&nbsp; fo (signed'("1100"))&nbsp;&nbsp; returns "S:1100"&nbsp;
+&nbsp; fo (unsigned'("1100")) returns "U:1100"&nbsp;
+&nbsp; fo (TRUE)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; returns "L:T"
+&nbsp; fo (127)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; returns "I:127"</pre>
+The internal behavior of <tt>fo</tt> is irrelevant to the typical user.
+<pre>The <tt>fo</tt> function is currently overloaded as follows:</pre>
+<pre>&nbsp; function fo (Arg: unsigned)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; return string;
+&nbsp; function fo (Arg: signed)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; return string;
+&nbsp; function fo (Arg: std_logic_vector)&nbsp; return string;
+&nbsp; function fo (Arg: std_ulogic_vector) return string;
+&nbsp; function fo (Arg: bit_vector)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; return string;
+&nbsp; function fo (Arg: integer)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; return string;
+&nbsp; function fo (Arg: std_ulogic)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; return string;
+&nbsp; function fo (Arg: bit)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; return string;
+&nbsp; function fo (Arg: boolean)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; return string;&nbsp;
+&nbsp; function fo (Arg: character)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; return string;
+&nbsp; function fo (Arg: string)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; return string;
+&nbsp; function fo (Arg: time)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; return string;</pre>
+<p><br>To support null-terminated strings, the function <tt>fo</tt>(Arg:
+string) processes <tt>Arg</tt> up to the first <tt>NUL</tt> character,
+if any. If you want the whole string to be outputted you can just enter
+the string as a direct argument in <tt>fprint</tt>.&nbsp; See also the
+examples in the testbench.
+<hr SIZE=1 NOSHADE WIDTH="100%"></pre>
+<a NAME="PCK_FIO_format_0"></a>Format specifiers</h1>
+The general format of a format specifier is:
+<pre>&nbsp;&nbsp; %[-][n]c</pre>
+The optional <b>-</b> sign specifies left justified output; default is
+right justified.
+<p>The optional number <b>n</b> specifies a field-width. If it is not specified,
+does something reasonable.
+<p><b>c</b> is the conversion specifier. Currently the following conversion
+specifiers are supported:
+<a NAME="PCK_FIO_r_0"></a><b>r</b></dt>
+reasonable output format (inspired by Synopsys VSS)</dd>
+<dl COMPACT>Prints the ``most reasonable'' representation e.g. hex for
+unsigned, signed and other bit-like vectors (not preferred for integers)</dl>
+<a NAME="PCK_FIO_b_0"></a><b>b</b></dt>
+bit-oriented output</dd>
+<a NAME="PCK_FIO_d_0"></a><b>d</b></dt>
+decimal output</dd>
+<a NAME="PCK_FIO_s_0"></a><b>s</b></dt>
+string output (e.g. in combination with 'IMAGE for enum types)</dd>
+<a NAME="PCK_FIO_q_0"></a><b>q</b></dt>
+``qualified'' string output (shows internal representation from <tt>fo</tt>)</dd>
+<a NAME="PCK_FIO__0"></a><b>{}</b></dt>
+Iteration operator, used as follows:</dd>
+<br>In this case, <b>n</b> is the iteration count and is mandatory. Iteration
+can be nested.</dl>
+<hr SIZE=1 NOSHADE WIDTH="100%">
+<a NAME="PCK_FIO_special_0"></a>Special characters</h1>
+To print a double quote,&nbsp; use <tt>'""'</tt> in the format string (VHDL
+convention). To print the special characters, <tt>'\'</tt>, and <tt>'%'</tt>,
+escape them with <tt>'\'</tt>. To prevent <tt>'{'</tt> and <tt>'}'</tt>
+from being interpreted as opening and closing brackets in iteration strings,
+escape them with <tt>'\'</tt>.
+<p>A newline is specified in the format string by <tt>'\n'</tt>.
+<hr SIZE=1 NOSHADE WIDTH="100%">
+<a NAME="PCK_FIO_things_0"></a>Things to notice</h1>
+The fprint function expands into VHDL <tt>write</tt> and <tt>writeline</tt>
+commands. As in plain VHDL, nothing will be written to the output file
+until a <tt>writeline</tt> is given. Therefore, don't forget to include
+commands in the format string, or it ``will not work''.
+<p>The preferred format specifier for integers is, naturally, <b>%d</b>.
+This calls the VHDL <tt>write</tt> for integers. If you specify a field
+width that is too small, the field will automatically be expanded. If you
+use <b>%r</b> for integers, the field is not expanded automatically, which
+means that some digits are simply thrown away. This may sometimes be useful
+but it is also dangerous. Look at the test bench output for differences
+between <b>%d</b> and <b>%r</b> output.
+<p>When using the <b>%d</b> format specifier, the VHDL constraints for
+the allowed integer range apply.
+<p>In VHDL, signed/unsigned types have been standardized only relatively
+recently, in the package <tt>IEEE.numeric_std</tt>. The lack of a standard
+has caused (and is causing) portability issues. The most popular non-standard
+package that defines signed/unsigned is <tt>IEEE.std_logic_arith</tt> from
+Synopsys. PCK_FIO works with both packages,&nbsp; but refers to the standard
+package <tt>IEEE.numeric_std</tt> by default. To use <tt>IEEE.std_logic_arith</tt>
+instead, replace the reference to <tt>IEEE.numeric_std</tt> in the source
+code.&nbsp; This needs to be done consistently in a design database (e.g.
+in the PCK_FIO test bench as well).
+<hr SIZE=1 NOSHADE WIDTH="100%">
+<a NAME="PCK_FIO_methodology_0"></a>Methodology notes</h1>
+The obvious application for <tt>fprint</tt> is in test benches, to produce
+output files that trace the simulation behavior.
+<p>Another interesting application for <tt>fprint</tt> is to produce info,
+warning and error messages in your models. As it can take arguments, <tt>fprint</tt>
+is much better suited for this task than VHDL's <tt>assert</tt> or <tt>report</tt>
+statements. Actually <tt>fprint</tt> produces its own (few) warning messages.
+<p>An advanced usage is the generation of test vectors in a specific format.
+Instead of using the <tt>fo </tt>functions, you can write your own set
+of functions that return the symbols of a specific test format in a way
+that is understandable to the <tt>fprint</tt> format specifiers. As an
+example, when a high output value should be represented using the symbol
+'H' it suffices to write a conversion function that returns "B:H" and call
+it in combination with the <b>%b</b> format specifier.
+<hr SIZE=1 NOSHADE WIDTH="100%">
+<a NAME="PCK_FIO_parametrization_0"></a>Parametrization</h1>
+Prefix and postfix strings for bit-oriented and hex-oriented output are
+parameterizable in the packages to accommodate different output styles.
+The settings in the distribution are such that hex output is indicated
+by the prefix '0x', while&nbsp; bit output prefix and postfix are empty
+<p>You can adapt the output style by modifying the following constants
+in the package header:
+<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;<tt> -- prefix string for hex output</tt>
+<br><tt>&nbsp; -- VHDL style:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "X"""</tt>
+<br><tt>&nbsp; -- Verilog style: "h'"</tt>
+<br><tt>&nbsp; -- C style:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "0x"</tt>
+<br><tt>&nbsp; constant FIO_h_PRE:&nbsp; string := "0x";</tt>
+<p><tt>&nbsp; -- postfix string for hex output</tt>
+<br><tt>&nbsp; -- VHDL style:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; """"</tt>
+<br><tt>&nbsp; constant FIO_h_POST: string := "";</tt>
+<p><tt>&nbsp; -- prefix string for bit vector output</tt>
+<br><tt>&nbsp; -- VHDL style:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "B"""</tt>
+<br><tt>&nbsp; -- Verilog style: "b'"</tt>
+<br><tt>&nbsp; constant FIO_bv_PRE:&nbsp; string := "";</tt>
+<p><tt>&nbsp; -- postfix string for bit vector output</tt>
+<br><tt>&nbsp; -- VHDL style:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; """"</tt>
+<br><tt>&nbsp; constant FIO_bv_POST: string := "";</tt>
+<p><tt>&nbsp; -- prefix string for bit output</tt>
+<br><tt>&nbsp; -- VHDL style:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "'"</tt>
+<br><tt>&nbsp; -- Verilog style: "b'"</tt>
+<br><tt>&nbsp; constant FIO_b_PRE:&nbsp; string := "";</tt>
+<p><tt>&nbsp; -- postfix string for bit output</tt>
+<br><tt>&nbsp; -- VHDL style:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "'"</tt>
+<br><tt>&nbsp; constant FIO_b_POST: string := "";</tt>
+<hr SIZE=1 NOSHADE WIDTH="100%">
+<a NAME="PCK_FIO_test_0"></a>Test bench</h1>
+Included in the distribution are the files <tt>TB_PCK_FIO_1987.vhd and
+TB_PCK_FIO_1993</tt> with a test bench,depending on the standard you're
+running, for the PCK_FIO package. The file <tt> </tt>contains
+the expected output. If you run the test bench it should produce the file
+that should be identical to <tt></tt>. The source files
+should be analyzed in a VHDL library <tt>EASICS_PACKAGES</tt>.
+<p>A good way to understand <tt>fprint</tt> is to inspect the test bench
+and what it produces.
+<hr SIZE=1 NOSHADE WIDTH="100%">
+<a NAME="PCK_FIO_limitations_0"></a>Known limitations and problems</h1>
+This VHDL package is an implementation of a flexible concept. It is likely
+to be extended and modified in the future. Backward compatibility is not
+guaranteed. Therefore, it is not recommended to give this package the status
+of a company wide standard package (or even worse, a VHDL standard package).
+Rather, it should be linked with a particular project (and it can be regarded
+as a standard package within that project).
+<p>PCK_FIO is available in either standard VHDL Std1076-1987 or standard
+VHDL Std1076-1993. Nevertheless, some simulators/versions have problems
+with the package. The following is an overview of currently known issues:
+<center><table BORDER COLS=2 WIDTH="80%" NOSAVE >
+<caption>PCK_FIO_1987 and various simulators/versions</caption>
+<td>Synopsys VSS 3.5 and earlier</td>
+<td>Incorrect (all zero) output in compiled mode</td>
+<td>Synopsys VSS 97.01</td>
+<td>Synopsys VSS/Scirocco 2000.02</td>
+<td>Incorrect output in compiled mode, interpreted mode works</td>
+<td>Mentor quickhdl</td>
+<tr NOSAVE>
+<td NOSAVE>Modeltech modelsim</td>
+<td>Cadence Leapfrog</td>
+<td>Should work with 4.4.1
+<br>Mysterious problems have been reported - please run the test bench
+and report problems</td>
+<center><table BORDER COLS=2 WIDTH="80%" NOSAVE >
+<caption>PCK_FIO_1993 and various simulators/versions</caption>
+<tr NOSAVE>
+<th NOSAVE>Simulator</th>
+<th NOSAVE>PCK_FIO_1993</th>
+<td>Synopsys VSS/Scirocco 2000.02</td>
+<td>Compile errors due to improper handling of files by Synopsys</td>
+<td>Synopsys VSS/Scirocco 2000.06</td>
+<td>works fine</td>
+<td>Modeltech modelsim 5.4c and higher</td>
+<p>Although the package name suggests file IO, it only does file output.
+<hr SIZE=1 NOSHADE WIDTH="100%">
+<a NAME="PCK_FIO_author_0"></a>Author</h1>
+<a href="">Jan Decaluwe</a>
+<hr SIZE=1 NOSHADE WIDTH="100%">
diff --git a/tools/rtl_tb/fio_pck_body.vhd b/tools/rtl_tb/fio_pck_body.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cac3e65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/rtl_tb/fio_pck_body.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,814 @@
+---- $Id: PCK_FIO_1993_BODY.vhd,v 1.9 2001/10/04 16:48:12 jand Exp $
+---- PCK_FIO: a VHDL package for C-style formatted file output
+---- Copyright (C) 1995, 2001 Easics NV
+---- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+---- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+---- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+---- version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+---- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+---- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+---- Lesser General Public License for more details.
+---- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+---- License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+---- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+---- For suggestions, bug reports, enhancement requests, and info about
+---- our design services, you can contact us at the following address:
+---- Easics NV, Interleuvenlaan 86, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium
+---- tel.: +32 16 395 600 fax : +32 16 395 619
+---- e-mail: (Jan Decaluwe)
+ package body fio_pkg is
+ --------------------------
+ -- FIO Warnings support --
+ --------------------------
+ procedure FIO_Warning_Fsbla (file F: text;
+ L: inout line;
+ Format: in string;
+ Pointer: in positive) is
+ begin
+ fprint (F, L, "\n** Warning: FIO_PrintLastValue: " &
+ "Format specifier beyond last argument\n");
+ fprint (F, L, "** in format string: ""%s""\n", Format);
+ fprint (F, L, "** ");
+ for i in 1 to Pointer-1 loop
+ fprint (F, L, "-");
+ end loop;
+ fprint (F, L, "^\n");
+ end FIO_Warning_Fsbla;
+ procedure FIO_Warning_Ufs (file F: text;
+ L: inout line;
+ Format: in string;
+ Pointer: in positive;
+ Char: in character) is
+ begin
+ fprint (F, L, "\n** Warning: FIO_PrintArg: " &
+ "Unexpected format specifier '%r'\n",
+ fo(Char));
+ fprint (F, L, "** in format string: ""%s""\n", Format) ;
+ fprint (F, L, "** ");
+ for i in 1 to Pointer-1 loop
+ fprint (F, L, "-");
+ end loop;
+ fprint (F, L, "^\n** Assuming 'q' to proceed: ");
+ end FIO_Warning_Ufs;
+ ----------------------------------
+ -- bit conversion support --
+ ----------------------------------
+ type T_bit_map is array(bit) of character;
+ constant C_BIT_MAP: T_bit_map
+ := ('0', '1');
+ ----------------------------------
+ -- std_logic conversion support --
+ ----------------------------------
+ type T_std_logic_map is array(std_ulogic) of character;
+ constant C_STD_LOGIC_MAP: T_std_logic_map
+ := ('U', 'X', '0', '1', 'Z', 'W', 'L', 'H', '-');
+ ------------------------------
+ -- Digit conversion support --
+ ------------------------------
+ -- types & constants
+ subtype S_digit_chars is character range '0' to '9';
+ subtype S_digits is integer range 0 to 9 ;
+ type T_digit_chars_map is array(S_digit_chars) of S_digits;
+ constant C_DIGIT_CHARS_MAP: T_digit_chars_map
+ := (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9);
+ type T_digits_map is array(S_digits) of S_digit_chars;
+ constant C_DIGITS_MAP: T_digits_map
+ := ('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9');
+ --------------------------------
+ -- Decimal conversion support --
+ --------------------------------
+ -- unsigned to decimal
+ function U_To_d (Arg: string) return integer is
+ constant Argument: string(Arg'length downto 1) := Arg;
+ variable Result: integer := 0;
+ begin
+ for i in Argument'range loop
+ case Argument(i) is when '1' => Result := 2**(i-1) + Result;
+ when '0' => null;
+ when others => return(-1);
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ return (Result);
+ end U_To_d;
+ -- signed to decimal
+ function S_To_d (Arg: string) return integer is
+ constant Argument: string(Arg'length downto 1) := Arg;
+ variable Result: integer := 0;
+ begin
+ case Argument(Argument'left) is
+ when '1' => Result := - 2**(Argument'left-1);
+ when '0' => Result := 0;
+ when others => return (integer'low);
+ end case;
+ for i in Argument'left-1 downto 1 loop
+ case Argument(i) is when '1' => Result := 2**(i-1) + Result;
+ when '0' => null;
+ when others => return(integer'low);
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ return (Result);
+ end S_To_d;
+ -- string to decimal
+ function I_To_d (Arg: string(1 to FIO_d_WIDTH+1)) return integer is
+ constant Sign: character := Arg(1);
+ constant Value: string(Arg'length-1 downto 1) := Arg(2 to Arg'length);
+ variable Char: character;
+ variable Result: integer := 0;
+ begin
+ Result := 0;
+ for i in Value'range loop
+ Result := Result * 10;
+ Char := Value(i);
+ if (Char /= ' ') then
+ Result := Result + C_DIGIT_CHARS_MAP(Char);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ case Sign is when '-' => return(-Result);
+ when others => return(Result);
+ end case;
+ end I_To_d;
+ -- boolean (0,1) to decimal
+ function B_To_d (Arg: string(1 to 1)) return integer is
+ begin
+ case Arg is when "1" => return(1);
+ when "0" => return(0);
+ when others => return(-1);
+ end case;
+ end B_To_d;
+ -- boolean (T,F) to decimal
+ function L_To_d (Arg: string(1 to 1)) return integer is
+ begin
+ case Arg is when "T" => return(1);
+ when others => return(0);
+ end case;
+ end L_To_d;
+ ----------------------------
+ -- Hex conversion support --
+ ----------------------------
+ -- Constants & types
+ constant C_HEX_CHARS: string(1 to 17) := "0123456789ABCDEF?";
+ -- Function to return Hex index of a nibble
+ function U_To_h_Index(Arg: string(4 downto 1)) return integer is
+ variable Index: integer := 0;
+ begin
+ for i in Arg'range loop
+ case Arg(i) is when '1' => Index := 2**(i-1) + Index;
+ when '0' => null;
+ when others => return (17);
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ return (Index+1);
+ end U_To_h_Index;
+ -- Hex conversion
+ function U_To_h (Arg: string) return string is
+ variable Result: string((Arg'length-1)/4 +1 downto 1);
+ variable ExtArg: string(Result'length*4 downto 1) := (others => '0');
+ begin
+ ExtArg(Arg'length downto 1) := Arg;
+ for i in Result'range loop
+ Result(i) := C_HEX_CHARS(U_To_h_Index( ExtArg(i*4 downto i*4 -3) ));
+ end loop;
+ return (FIO_h_PRE & Result & FIO_h_POST);
+ end U_To_h;
+ ----------------------------
+ -- Bit conversion support --
+ ----------------------------
+ function L_To_b (Arg: string(1 to 1)) return string is
+ variable Result: string(1 to 1);
+ begin
+ case Arg is when "T" => Result := "1";
+ when others => Result := "0";
+ end case;
+ return(FIO_b_PRE & Result & FIO_b_POST);
+ end L_To_b;
+ function I_To_b (Arg: string(1 to FIO_d_WIDTH+1);
+ Justified: side;
+ Width: integer) return string is
+ variable IntValue: integer := I_To_d(Arg);
+ variable BitValue: string(1 to FIO_b_WIDTH) := (others => ' ');
+ variable Sign: character := ' ';
+ constant Blanks: string(1 to FIO_b_WIDTH) := (others => ' ');
+ variable BitWidth: integer range 0 to FIO_b_WIDTH;
+ variable MsPos: integer range 1 to BitValue'length;
+ variable BitValueExtended: string(1 to 2*FIO_b_WIDTH);
+ begin
+ if (IntValue < 0) then
+ Sign := '-';
+ IntValue := -IntValue;
+ end if;
+ for i in BitValue'reverse_range loop
+ BitValue(i) := C_DIGITS_MAP(IntValue mod 2);
+ IntValue := IntValue / 2;
+ exit when (IntValue = 0);
+ end loop;
+ BitValueExtended := BitValue & Blanks;
+ if (Width = 0) or (Width > FIO_b_WIDTH+1) then
+ BitWidth := FIO_b_WIDTH;
+ else
+ BitWidth := Width-1;
+ end if;
+ if (Justified = RIGHT) then
+ return (FIO_bv_PRE &
+ Sign & BitValue(BitValue'length-BitWidth+1 to BitValue'length) &
+ FIO_bv_POST);
+ else
+ for i in BitValue'range loop
+ if BitValue(i) /= ' ' then
+ MSPos := i;
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return (FIO_bv_PRE &
+ Sign & BitValueExtended(MSPos to MSPos+BitWidth-1) &
+ FIO_bv_POST);
+ end if;
+ end I_To_b;
+ -----------------------------------
+ -- Reasonable conversion support --
+ -----------------------------------
+ function I_To_r (Arg: string(1 to FIO_d_WIDTH+1);
+ Justified: side;
+ Width: integer) return string is
+ constant Value: string(1 to FIO_d_WIDTH) := Arg(2 to FIO_d_WIDTH+1);
+ constant Sign: character := Arg(1);
+ constant Blanks: string(1 to FIO_d_WIDTH) := (others => ' ');
+ variable IntWidth: integer range 0 to FIO_d_WIDTH;
+ variable MsPos: integer range 1 to Value'length;
+ variable ValueExtended: string(1 to 2*FIO_d_WIDTH) := Value & Blanks;
+ begin
+ if (Width = 0) or (Width > FIO_d_WIDTH+1) then
+ IntWidth := FIO_d_WIDTH;
+ else
+ IntWidth := Width-1;
+ end if;
+ if (Justified = RIGHT) then
+ return (Sign & Value(Value'length-IntWidth+1 to Value'length));
+ else
+ for i in Value'range loop
+ if Value(i) /= ' ' then
+ MSPos := i;
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return (Sign & ValueExtended(MSPos to MSPos+IntWidth-1));
+ end if;
+ end I_To_r;
+ -------------------------------------------
+ -- Reasonable output conversion function --
+ -------------------------------------------
+ function ReasonableOutput (Arg: string;
+ Justified: side;
+ Width: integer) return string is
+ constant Argument: string(1 to Arg'length) := Arg;
+ constant TypeSpec: string (1 to 2) := Argument(1 to 2);
+ constant Value: string(1 to Arg'length-2) := Argument(3 to Arg'length);
+ begin
+ case TypeSpec is
+ when "U:" | "S:" | "V:" =>
+ return U_To_h(Value);
+ when "I:" =>
+ return I_To_r(Value, Justified, Width);
+ when "B:" | "L:" | "C:" =>
+ return Value;
+ when others =>
+ return Argument;
+ end case;
+ end ReasonableOutput;
+ ------------------------------------
+ -- Bit output conversion function --
+ ------------------------------------
+ function BitOutput (Arg: string;
+ Justified: side;
+ Width: integer) return string is
+ constant Argument: string(1 to Arg'length) := Arg;
+ constant TypeSpec: string (1 to 2) := Argument(1 to 2);
+ constant Value: string(1 to Arg'length-2) := Argument(3 to Arg'length);
+ begin
+ case TypeSpec is
+ when "U:" | "S:" | "V:" =>
+ return (FIO_bv_PRE & Value & FIO_bv_POST);
+ when "B:" =>
+ -- Value(1 to 1) instead of Value for LeapFrog
+ return (FIO_b_PRE & Value(1 to 1) & FIO_b_POST);
+ when "I:" =>
+ return I_To_b(Value, Justified, Width);
+ when "L:" =>
+ -- Value(1 to 1) instead of Value for LeapFrog
+ return L_To_b(Value(1 to 1));
+ when others =>
+ return Argument;
+ end case;
+ end BitOutput;
+ -------------------------------------------
+ -- Decimal output conversion function --
+ -------------------------------------------
+ function DecimalOutput (Arg: string) return integer is
+ constant Argument: string(1 to Arg'length) := Arg;
+ constant TypeSpec: string (1 to 2) := Argument(1 to 2);
+ constant Value: string(1 to Arg'length-2) := Argument(3 to Arg'length);
+ begin
+ case TypeSpec is
+ when "U:"| "V:" =>
+ return U_To_d(Value);
+ when "S:" =>
+ return S_To_d(Value);
+ when "I:" =>
+ return I_To_d(Value);
+ when "B:" =>
+ return B_To_d(Value);
+ when "L:" =>
+ return L_To_d(Value);
+ when others =>
+ return integer'low;
+ end case;
+ end DecimalOutput;
+ ----------------------------
+ -- Atomic print functions --
+ ----------------------------
+ -- test for end of format string
+ function FIO_EOS (Format: in string;
+ Pointer: in integer)
+ return boolean is
+ begin
+ return (Pointer > Format'length);
+ end FIO_EOS;
+ -- Atomic value print function
+ procedure FIO_PrintValue (file F: text;
+ L: inout line;
+ Format: in string;
+ Pointer: inout integer;
+ Last: in boolean := FALSE) is
+ variable Char: character;
+ begin
+ while (not FIO_EOS(Format, Pointer)) loop
+ Char := Format(Pointer);
+ case Char is
+ when '\' =>
+ Pointer := Pointer + 1;
+ exit when (FIO_EOS(Format, Pointer));
+ Char := Format(Pointer);
+ case Char is when 'n' => writeline(F, L);
+ when others => write(L, Char);
+ end case;
+ when '%' =>
+ if Last then
+ FIO_Warning_Fsbla(F, L, Format, Pointer);
+ end if;
+ Pointer := Pointer + 1;
+ exit;
+ when others =>
+ write(L, char);
+ end case;
+ Pointer := Pointer + 1;
+ end loop;
+ end FIO_PrintValue;
+ ---- Atomic argument print function
+ procedure FIO_PrintArg (file F: text;
+ L: inout line;
+ Format: in string;
+ Pointer: inout integer;
+ Arg: in string) is
+ variable Char: character;
+ variable Justified: side;
+ variable Width: integer;
+ begin
+ FIO_PrintValue(F, L, Format, Pointer);
+ Justified := RIGHT;
+ Width := 0;
+ while (not FIO_EOS(Format, Pointer)) loop
+ Char := Format(Pointer);
+ case Char is
+ when '-' =>
+ Justified := LEFT;
+ Pointer := Pointer + 1;
+ when '0' to '9' =>
+ Width := Width*10 + C_DIGIT_CHARS_MAP(Char);
+ Pointer := Pointer + 1;
+ when 'r' =>
+ write(L, ReasonableOutput(Arg, Justified, Width), Justified, Width);
+ Pointer := Pointer + 1;
+ exit;
+ when 'b' =>
+ write(L, BitOutput(Arg, Justified, Width), Justified, Width);
+ Pointer := Pointer + 1;
+ exit;
+ when 'd' =>
+ write(L, DecimalOutput(Arg), Justified, Width);
+ Pointer := Pointer + 1;
+ exit;
+ when 'q' | 's' =>
+ write(L, Arg, Justified, Width);
+ Pointer := Pointer + 1;
+ exit;
+ when others =>
+ FIO_Warning_Ufs(F, L, Format, Pointer, Char);
+ write(L, Arg, Justified, Width);
+ Pointer := Pointer + 1;
+ exit;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end FIO_PrintArg;
+ -----------------------------------------------------
+ -- The format string iteration expansion procedure --
+ -----------------------------------------------------
+ procedure FIO_FormatExpand (FMT: inout line;
+ Format: in string;
+ StartPointer: in positive) is
+ variable Pointer: positive := StartPointer;
+ variable TokenStart: positive;
+ variable IterStringStart: positive;
+ variable IterStringEnd: positive;
+ variable IterCount: natural;
+ variable OpenBrackets: natural;
+ variable L: line;
+ begin
+ FORMAT_SEARCH: while not FIO_EOS(Format, Pointer) loop
+ case Format(Pointer) is
+ -- look for format specifier
+ when '%' =>
+ -- initialize iteration token search
+ TokenStart := Pointer;
+ IterCount := 0;
+ Pointer := Pointer + 1;
+ -- start iteration token search
+ TOKEN_READ: while not FIO_EOS(Format, Pointer) loop
+ case Format(Pointer) is
+ -- read iteration counter
+ when '0' to '9' =>
+ IterCount := IterCount*10 + C_DIGIT_CHARS_MAP(Format(Pointer));
+ Pointer := Pointer + 1;
+ -- expect open bracket
+ when '{' =>
+ -- initialize iteration string read
+ OpenBrackets := 1;
+ IterStringStart := Pointer + 1;
+ Pointer := Pointer + 1;
+ -- quit prematurely when iteration count is 0
+ next FORMAT_SEARCH when (IterCount = 0);
+ -- start iteration string read
+ ITER_STRING_READ: while not FIO_EOS(Format, Pointer) loop
+ case Format(Pointer) is
+ -- keep track of open brackets
+ when '{' =>
+ OpenBrackets := OpenBrackets + 1;
+ Pointer := Pointer + 1;
+ -- when closing bracket is found, process iteration string
+ when '}' =>
+ OpenBrackets := OpenBrackets - 1;
+ if (OpenBrackets = 0) then
+ IterStringEnd := Pointer-1;
+ if (TokenStart /= 1) then
+ write(L, Format(1 to TokenStart-1));
+ end if;
+ for i in 1 to IterCount loop
+ write(L, Format(IterStringStart to IterStringEnd));
+ end loop;
+ if (IterStringEnd /= Format'length) then
+ write(L, Format(IterStringEnd+2 to Format'length));
+ end if;
+ -- call expansion procedure recursively on expanded format
+ FIO_FormatExpand(FMT, L.all, TokenStart);
+ deallocate(L);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Pointer := Pointer + 1;
+ -- skip escaped characters
+ when '\' =>
+ Pointer := Pointer + 2;
+ -- read iteration string
+ when others =>
+ Pointer := Pointer + 1;
+ end case;
+ end loop ITER_STRING_READ;
+ -- stop iteration token search when no opening bracket found
+ when others =>
+ Pointer := Pointer + 1;
+ end case;
+ end loop TOKEN_READ;
+ -- skip escaped characters
+ when '\' =>
+ Pointer := Pointer + 2;
+ -- read other characters
+ when others =>
+ Pointer := Pointer + 1;
+ end case;
+ end loop FORMAT_SEARCH;
+ write(FMT, Format);
+ deallocate(L);
+ end FIO_FormatExpand;
+ --------------------------
+ -- The fprint procedure --
+ --------------------------
+ procedure fprint
+ (file F: text;
+ L: inout line;
+ Format: in string;
+ A1 , A2 , A3 , A4 , A5 , A6 , A7 , A8 : in string := FIO_NIL;
+ A9 , A10, A11, A12, A13, A14, A15, A16: in string := FIO_NIL;
+ A17, A18, A19, A20, A21, A22, A23, A24: in string := FIO_NIL;
+ A25, A26, A27, A28, A29, A30, A31, A32: in string := FIO_NIL
+ ) is
+ variable Pointer: integer;
+ variable FMT: line;
+ begin
+ Pointer := 1;
+ FIO_FormatExpand (FMT, Format, Format'low);
+ if (A1 /= FIO_NIL) then FIO_PrintArg(F, L, FMT.all, Pointer, A1 );
+ if (A2 /= FIO_NIL) then FIO_PrintArg(F, L, FMT.all, Pointer, A2 );
+ if (A3 /= FIO_NIL) then FIO_PrintArg(F, L, FMT.all, Pointer, A3 );
+ if (A4 /= FIO_NIL) then FIO_PrintArg(F, L, FMT.all, Pointer, A4 );
+ if (A5 /= FIO_NIL) then FIO_PrintArg(F, L, FMT.all, Pointer, A5 );
+ if (A6 /= FIO_NIL) then FIO_PrintArg(F, L, FMT.all, Pointer, A6 );
+ if (A7 /= FIO_NIL) then FIO_PrintArg(F, L, FMT.all, Pointer, A7 );
+ if (A8 /= FIO_NIL) then FIO_PrintArg(F, L, FMT.all, Pointer, A8 );
+ if (A9 /= FIO_NIL) then FIO_PrintArg(F, L, FMT.all, Pointer, A9 );
+ if (A10 /= FIO_NIL) then FIO_PrintArg(F, L, FMT.all, Pointer, A10);
+ if (A11 /= FIO_NIL) then FIO_PrintArg(F, L, FMT.all, Pointer, A11);
+ if (A12 /= FIO_NIL) then FIO_PrintArg(F, L, FMT.all, Pointer, A12);
+ if (A13 /= FIO_NIL) then FIO_PrintArg(F, L, FMT.all, Pointer, A13);
+ if (A14 /= FIO_NIL) then FIO_PrintArg(F, L, FMT.all, Pointer, A14);
+ if (A15 /= FIO_NIL) then FIO_PrintArg(F, L, FMT.all, Pointer, A15);
+ if (A16 /= FIO_NIL) then FIO_PrintArg(F, L, FMT.all, Pointer, A16);
+ if (A17 /= FIO_NIL) then FIO_PrintArg(F, L, FMT.all, Pointer, A17);
+ if (A18 /= FIO_NIL) then FIO_PrintArg(F, L, FMT.all, Pointer, A18);
+ if (A19 /= FIO_NIL) then FIO_PrintArg(F, L, FMT.all, Pointer, A19);
+ if (A20 /= FIO_NIL) then FIO_PrintArg(F, L, FMT.all, Pointer, A20);
+ if (A21 /= FIO_NIL) then FIO_PrintArg(F, L, FMT.all, Pointer, A21);
+ if (A22 /= FIO_NIL) then FIO_PrintArg(F, L, FMT.all, Pointer, A22);
+ if (A23 /= FIO_NIL) then FIO_PrintArg(F, L, FMT.all, Pointer, A23);
+ if (A24 /= FIO_NIL) then FIO_PrintArg(F, L, FMT.all, Pointer, A24);
+ if (A25 /= FIO_NIL) then FIO_PrintArg(F, L, FMT.all, Pointer, A25);
+ if (A26 /= FIO_NIL) then FIO_PrintArg(F, L, FMT.all, Pointer, A26);
+ if (A27 /= FIO_NIL) then FIO_PrintArg(F, L, FMT.all, Pointer, A27);
+ if (A28 /= FIO_NIL) then FIO_PrintArg(F, L, FMT.all, Pointer, A28);
+ if (A29 /= FIO_NIL) then FIO_PrintArg(F, L, FMT.all, Pointer, A29);
+ if (A30 /= FIO_NIL) then FIO_PrintArg(F, L, FMT.all, Pointer, A30);
+ if (A31 /= FIO_NIL) then FIO_PrintArg(F, L, FMT.all, Pointer, A31);
+ if (A32 /= FIO_NIL) then FIO_PrintArg(F, L, FMT.all, Pointer, A32);
+ end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if;
+ end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if;
+ end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if;
+ end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if;
+ FIO_PrintValue(F, L, FMT.all, Pointer, Last => TRUE);
+ deallocate(FMT);
+ end fprint;
+ -------------------------------------------
+ -- Formatted output conversion functions --
+ -------------------------------------------
+ function fo (Arg: unsigned) return string is
+ constant Argument: unsigned(1 to Arg'length) := Arg;
+ variable Result: string(1 to Arg'length);
+ begin
+ for i in Argument'range loop
+ Result(i) := C_STD_LOGIC_MAP(Argument(i));
+ end loop;
+ return ("U:" & Result);
+ end fo;
+ function fo (Arg: signed) return string is
+ constant Argument: signed(1 to Arg'length) := Arg;
+ variable Result: string(1 to Arg'length);
+ begin
+ for i in Argument'range loop
+ Result(i) := C_STD_LOGIC_MAP(Argument(i));
+ end loop;
+ return ("S:" & Result);
+ end fo;
+ function fo (Arg: std_logic_vector) return string is
+ constant Argument: std_logic_vector(1 to Arg'length) := Arg;
+ variable Result: string(1 to Arg'length);
+ begin
+ for i in Argument'range loop
+ Result(i) := C_STD_LOGIC_MAP(Argument(i));
+ end loop;
+ return ("V:" & Result);
+ end fo;
+ function fo (Arg: std_ulogic_vector) return string is
+ constant Argument: std_ulogic_vector(1 to Arg'length) := Arg;
+ variable Result: string(1 to Arg'length);
+ begin
+ for i in Argument'range loop
+ Result(i) := C_STD_LOGIC_MAP(Argument(i));
+ end loop;
+ return ("V:" & Result);
+ end fo;
+ function fo (Arg: bit_vector) return string is
+ constant Argument: bit_vector(1 to Arg'length) := Arg;
+ variable Result: string(1 to Arg'length);
+ begin
+ for i in Argument'range loop
+ Result(i) := C_BIT_MAP(Argument(i));
+ end loop;
+ return ("V:" & Result);
+ end fo;
+ function fo (Arg: integer) return string is
+ variable Argument: integer := Arg;
+ variable Result: string(1 to FIO_d_WIDTH) := (others => ' ');
+ variable Sign: character := ' ';
+ begin
+ if (Argument < 0) and (Argument /= integer'low) then
+ Sign := '-';
+ Argument := -Argument;
+ end if;
+ for i in Result'reverse_range loop
+ Result(i) := C_DIGITS_MAP(Argument mod 10);
+ Argument := Argument / 10;
+ exit when (Argument = 0);
+ end loop;
+ return ("I:" & Sign & Result);
+ end fo;
+ function fo (Arg: std_ulogic) return string is
+ begin
+ return ("B:" & C_STD_LOGIC_MAP(Arg));
+ end fo;
+ function fo (Arg: bit) return string is
+ begin
+ return ("B:" & C_BIT_MAP(Arg));
+ end fo;
+ function fo (Arg: boolean) return string is
+ begin
+ if (ARG = TRUE) then
+ return ("L:T");
+ else
+ return ("L:F");
+ end if;
+ end fo;
+ function fo (Arg: character) return string is
+ begin
+ return ("C:" & Arg);
+ end fo;
+ -- auxilary function fgets(Arg :string)
+ -- returns index of first NUL in Arg or if no NUL is present just Arg'length
+ -- goes through Arg from 1 to Arg'length
+ function fgets (Arg: string) return integer is
+ variable index: integer := Arg'length;
+ begin
+ for i in 1 to Arg'length loop
+ if Arg(i) = NUL then
+ index := i - 1;
+ exit;
+ else
+ null;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return index;
+ end fgets;
+ -- returns the Arg string until the first NUL was encountered
+ -- if fo is used on a string with NUL in it it will stop reading the rest
+ -- of the string, even if a larger field width has been supplied. fo will
+ -- then just pad the remaining characters with blanco's
+ function fo (Arg: string) return string is
+ begin
+ return Arg(1 to fgets(Arg));
+ end fo;
+ function fo (Arg: time) return string is
+ begin
+ return fo (integer (Arg / 1 ns));
+ end fo;
+end fio_pkg;
diff --git a/tools/rtl_tb/fio_pkg.vhd b/tools/rtl_tb/fio_pkg.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9716da7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/rtl_tb/fio_pkg.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+---- $Id: PCK_FIO_1993.vhd,v 1.7 2001/10/04 16:48:12 jand Exp $
+---- PCK_FIO: a VHDL package for C-style formatted file output
+---- Copyright (C) 1995, 2001 Easics NV
+---- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+---- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+---- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+---- version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+---- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+---- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+---- Lesser General Public License for more details.
+---- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+---- License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+---- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+---- For suggestions, bug reports, enhancement requests, and info about
+---- our design services, you can contact us at the following address:
+---- Easics NV, Interleuvenlaan 86, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium
+---- tel.: +32 16 395 600 fax : +32 16 395 619
+---- e-mail: (Jan Decaluwe)
+use STD.TEXTIO.all;
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+-- signed/unsigned definition: use either std_logic_arith or numeric_std
+-- use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all; -- the Synopsys one
+use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
+package fio_pkg is
+ -- prefix string for hex output
+ -- VHDL style: "X"""
+ -- Verilog style: "h'"
+ -- C style: "0x"
+ constant FIO_h_PRE: string := "0x";
+ -- postfix string for hex output
+ -- VHDL style: """"
+ constant FIO_h_POST: string := "";
+ -- prefix string for bit vector output
+ -- VHDL style: "B"""
+ -- Verilog style: "b'"
+ constant FIO_bv_PRE: string := "";
+ -- postfix string for bit vector output
+ -- VHDL style: """"
+ constant FIO_bv_POST: string := "";
+ -- prefix string for bit output
+ -- VHDL style: "'"
+ -- Verilog style: "b'"
+ constant FIO_b_PRE: string := "";
+ -- postfix string for bit output
+ -- VHDL style: "'"
+ constant FIO_b_POST: string := "";
+ -- digit width for the string representation of integers
+ constant FIO_d_WIDTH: integer := 10;
+ -- bit width for the string representation of integers
+ constant FIO_b_WIDTH: integer := 32;
+ -- definition of the NIL string (default value for fprint arguments)
+ -- fprint stops consuming arguments at the first NIL argument
+ constant FIO_NIL: string := "\";
+ procedure fprint
+ (file F: text;
+ L: inout line;
+ Format: in string;
+ A1 , A2 , A3 , A4 , A5 , A6 , A7 , A8 : in string := FIO_NIL;
+ A9 , A10, A11, A12, A13, A14, A15, A16: in string := FIO_NIL;
+ A17, A18, A19, A20, A21, A22, A23, A24: in string := FIO_NIL;
+ A25, A26, A27, A28, A29, A30, A31, A32: in string := FIO_NIL
+ );
+ function fo (Arg: unsigned) return string;
+ function fo (Arg: signed) return string;
+ function fo (Arg: std_logic_vector) return string;
+ function fo (Arg: std_ulogic_vector) return string;
+ function fo (Arg: bit_vector) return string;
+ function fo (Arg: integer) return string;
+ function fo (Arg: std_ulogic) return string;
+ function fo (Arg: bit) return string;
+ function fo (Arg: boolean) return string;
+ function fo (Arg: character) return string;
+ function fo (Arg: string) return string;
+ function fo (Arg: time) return string;
+ procedure FIO_FormatExpand (FMT: inout line;
+ Format: in string;
+ StartPointer: in positive);
+end fio_pkg;
diff --git a/tools/rtl_tb/image_pkg.vhd b/tools/rtl_tb/image_pkg.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59a0af3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/rtl_tb/image_pkg.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+-- $Author: Default $
+-- $Date: 2003/01/14 17:48:44 $
+-- $Header: /home/Default/memorycore/VHDL/RCS/pkg_image.vhd,v 1.1 2003/01/14 17:48:44 Default Exp Default $
+-- $Locker
+-- $Revision: 1.1 $
+-- $State: Exp $
+-- Copyright (c) 1997 Ben Cohen. All rights reserved.
+-- This model can be used in conjunction with the Kluwer Academic books
+-- "VHDL Coding Styles and Methodologies", ISBN: 0-7923-9598-0
+-- "VHDL Amswers to Frequently Asked Questions", Kluwer Academic
+-- by Ben Cohen. email:
+-- This source file for the Image Package
+-- may be used and distributed without restriction provided
+-- that this copyright statement is not removed from the file
+-- and that any derivative work contains this copyright notice.
+-- Original Author: Ben Cohen
+-- Description:
+-- Convert VHDL types to string for printing. This is especially useful when
+-- compiling with VHDL-87
+package image_pkg is
+ function Image(In_Image : Time) return String;
+ function Image(In_Image : Bit) return String;
+ function Image(In_Image : Bit_Vector) return String;
+ function Image(In_Image : Integer) return String;
+ function Image(In_Image : Real) return String;
+ function Image(In_Image : Std_uLogic) return String;
+ function Image(In_Image : Std_uLogic_Vector) return String;
+ function Image(In_Image : Std_Logic_Vector) return String;
+ function Image(In_Image : Signed) return String;
+ function Image(In_Image : UnSigned) return String;
+ function HexImage(InStrg : String) return String;
+ function HexImage(In_Image : Bit_Vector) return String;
+ function HexImage(In_Image : Std_uLogic_Vector) return String;
+ function HexImage(In_Image : Std_Logic_Vector) return String;
+ function HexImage(In_Image : Signed) return String;
+ function HexImage(In_Image : UnSigned) return String;
+ function DecImage(In_Image : Bit_Vector) return String;
+ function DecImage(In_Image : Std_uLogic_Vector) return String;
+ function DecImage(In_Image : Std_Logic_Vector) return String;
+ function DecImage(In_Image : Signed) return String;
+ function DecImage(In_Image : UnSigned) return String;
+end image_pkg;
+package body image_pkg is
+ function Image(In_Image : Time) return String is
+ variable L : Line; -- access type
+ variable W : String(1 to 14) := (others => ' ');
+ -- Long enough to hold a time string
+ begin
+ -- the WRITE procedure creates an object with "NEW".
+ -- L is passed as an output of the procedure.
+ Std.TextIO.WRITE(L, in_image);
+ -- Copy L.all onto W
+ W(L.all'range) := L.all;
+ Deallocate(L);
+ return W;
+ end Image;
+ function Image(In_Image : Bit) return String is
+ variable L : Line; -- access type
+ variable W : String(1 to 3) := (others => ' ');
+ begin
+ Std.TextIO.WRITE(L, in_image);
+ W(L.all'range) := L.all;
+ Deallocate(L);
+ return W;
+ end Image;
+ function Image(In_Image : Bit_Vector) return String is
+ variable L : Line; -- access type
+ variable W : String(1 to In_Image'length) := (others => ' ');
+ begin
+ Std.TextIO.WRITE(L, in_image);
+ W(L.all'range) := L.all;
+ Deallocate(L);
+ return W;
+ end Image;
+ function Image(In_Image : Integer) return String is
+ variable L : Line; -- access type
+ variable W : String(1 to 32) := (others => ' ');
+ -- Long enough to hold a time string
+ begin
+ Std.TextIO.WRITE(L, in_image);
+ W(L.all'range) := L.all;
+ Deallocate(L);
+ return W;
+ end Image;
+ function Image(In_Image : Real) return String is
+ variable L : Line; -- access type
+ variable W : String(1 to 32) := (others => ' ');
+ -- Long enough to hold a time string
+ begin
+ Std.TextIO.WRITE(L, in_image);
+ W(L.all'range) := L.all;
+ Deallocate(L);
+ return W;
+ end Image;
+ function Image(In_Image : Std_uLogic) return String is
+ variable L : Line; -- access type
+ variable W : String(1 to 3) := (others => ' ');
+ begin
+ IEEE.Std_Logic_Textio.WRITE(L, in_image);
+ W(L.all'range) := L.all;
+ Deallocate(L);
+ return W;
+ end Image;
+ function Image(In_Image : Std_uLogic_Vector) return String is
+ variable L : Line; -- access type
+ variable W : String(1 to In_Image'length) := (others => ' ');
+ begin
+ IEEE.Std_Logic_Textio.WRITE(L, in_image);
+ W(L.all'range) := L.all;
+ Deallocate(L);
+ return W;
+ end Image;
+ function Image(In_Image : Std_Logic_Vector) return String is
+ variable L : Line; -- access type
+ variable W : String(1 to In_Image'length) := (others => ' ');
+ begin
+ IEEE.Std_Logic_TextIO.WRITE(L, In_Image);
+ W(L.all'range) := L.all;
+ Deallocate(L);
+ return W;
+ end Image;
+ function Image(In_Image : Signed) return String is
+ begin
+ return Image(Std_Logic_Vector(In_Image));
+ end Image;
+ function Image(In_Image : UnSigned) return String is
+ begin
+ return Image(Std_Logic_Vector(In_Image));
+ end Image;
+ function HexImage(InStrg : String) return String is
+ subtype Int03_Typ is Integer range 0 to 3;
+ variable Result : string(1 to ((InStrg'length - 1)/4)+1) :=
+ (others => '0');
+ variable StrTo4 : string(1 to Result'length * 4) :=
+ (others => '0');
+ variable MTspace : Int03_Typ; -- Empty space to fill in
+ variable Str4 : String(1 to 4);
+ variable Group_v : Natural := 0;
+ begin
+ MTspace := Result'length * 4 - InStrg'length;
+ StrTo4(MTspace + 1 to StrTo4'length) := InStrg; -- padded with '0'
+ Cnvrt_Lbl : for I in Result'range loop
+ Group_v := Group_v + 4; -- identifies end of bit # in a group of 4
+ Str4 := StrTo4(Group_v - 3 to Group_v); -- get next 4 characters
+ case Str4 is
+ when "0000" => Result(I) := '0';
+ when "0001" => Result(I) := '1';
+ when "0010" => Result(I) := '2';
+ when "0011" => Result(I) := '3';
+ when "0100" => Result(I) := '4';
+ when "0101" => Result(I) := '5';
+ when "0110" => Result(I) := '6';
+ when "0111" => Result(I) := '7';
+ when "1000" => Result(I) := '8';
+ when "1001" => Result(I) := '9';
+ when "1010" => Result(I) := 'A';
+ when "1011" => Result(I) := 'B';
+ when "1100" => Result(I) := 'C';
+ when "1101" => Result(I) := 'D';
+ when "1110" => Result(I) := 'E';
+ when "1111" => Result(I) := 'F';
+ when others => Result(I) := 'X';
+ end case; -- Str4
+ end loop Cnvrt_Lbl;
+ return Result;
+ end HexImage;
+ function HexImage(In_Image : Bit_Vector) return String is
+ begin
+ return HexImage(Image(In_Image));
+ end HexImage;
+ function HexImage(In_Image : Std_uLogic_Vector) return String is
+ begin
+ return HexImage(Image(In_Image));
+ end HexImage;
+ function HexImage(In_Image : Std_Logic_Vector) return String is
+ begin
+ return HexImage(Image(In_Image));
+ end HexImage;
+ function HexImage(In_Image : Signed) return String is
+ begin
+ return HexImage(Image(In_Image));
+ end HexImage;
+ function HexImage(In_Image : UnSigned) return String is
+ begin
+ return HexImage(Image(In_Image));
+ end HexImage;
+ function DecImage(In_Image : Bit_Vector) return String is
+ variable In_Image_v : Bit_Vector(In_Image'length downto 1) := In_Image;
+ begin
+ if In_Image'length > 31 then
+ assert False
+ report "Number too large for Integer, clipping to 31 bits"
+ severity Warning;
+ return Image(To_Integer
+ (Unsigned(To_StdLogicVector
+ (In_Image_v(31 downto 1)))));
+ else
+ return Image(To_Integer(Unsigned(To_StdLogicVector(In_Image))));
+ end if;
+ end DecImage;
+ function DecImage(In_Image : Std_uLogic_Vector) return String is
+ variable In_Image_v : Std_uLogic_Vector(In_Image'length downto 1)
+ := In_Image;
+ begin
+ if In_Image'length > 31 then
+ assert False
+ report "Number too large for Integer, clipping to 31 bits"
+ severity Warning;
+ return Image(To_Integer(Unsigned(In_Image_v(31 downto 1))));
+ else
+ return Image(To_Integer(Unsigned(In_Image)));
+ end if;
+ end DecImage;
+ function DecImage(In_Image : Std_Logic_Vector) return String is
+ variable In_Image_v : Std_Logic_Vector(In_Image'length downto 1)
+ := In_Image;
+ begin
+ if In_Image'length > 31 then
+ assert False
+ report "Number too large for Integer, clipping to 31 bits"
+ severity Warning;
+ return Image(To_Integer(Unsigned(In_Image_v(31 downto 1))));
+ else
+ return Image(To_Integer(Unsigned(In_Image)));
+ end if;
+ end DecImage;
+ function DecImage(In_Image : Signed) return String is
+ variable In_Image_v : Signed(In_Image'length downto 1) := In_Image;
+ begin
+ if In_Image'length > 31 then
+ assert False
+ report "Number too large for Integer, clipping to 31 bits"
+ severity Warning;
+ return Image(To_Integer(In_Image_v(31 downto 1)));
+ else
+ return Image(To_Integer(In_Image));
+ end if;
+ end DecImage;
+ function DecImage(In_Image : UnSigned) return String is
+ variable In_Image_v : UnSigned(In_Image'length downto 1) := In_Image;
+ begin
+ if In_Image'length > 31 then
+ assert False
+ report "Number too large for Integer, clipping to 31 bits"
+ severity Warning;
+ return Image(To_Integer(In_Image_v(31 downto 1)));
+ else
+ return Image(To_Integer(In_Image));
+ end if;
+ end DecImage;
+end image_pkg;
+-- $Log: pkg_image.vhd,v $
+-- Revision 1.1 2003/01/14 17:48:44 Default
+-- Initial revision
+-- Revision 1.1 2002/12/24 18:07:50 Default
+-- Initial revision
diff --git a/tools/sim/Makefile b/tools/sim/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd26c7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/sim/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+library = tools
+top = image_pkg
+#rtl_files = ../rtl/*.vhd
+rtl_tb_files = ../rtl_tb/fio_pkg.vhd ../rtl_tb/*.vhd
+vhdlfiles = $(rtl_tb_files) $(rtl_files)
+all: lib compile
+ vlib $(library)
+ vcom -work $(library) $(vhdlfiles)
+ vsim -gui $(library).$(top) -do
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud