diff options
authorBert Lange <>2010-08-13 15:01:22 +0200
committerBert Lange <>2010-08-13 15:01:22 +0200
commit14a33e92c5509b217260dc672881de4fe93ae432 (patch)
parent9df643231624cfbd2abd3aeea9f9679880c5dac8 (diff)
add: to project
2 files changed, 882 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/s3estarter/rtl_tb/phy.vhd b/s3estarter/rtl_tb/phy.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9084451
--- /dev/null
+++ b/s3estarter/rtl_tb/phy.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,666 @@
+-- This file is a part of the GRLIB VHDL IP LIBRARY
+-- Copyright (C) 2003 - 2008, Gaisler Research
+-- Copyright (C) 2008 - 2010, Aeroflex Gaisler
+-- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+-- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+-- (at your option) any later version.
+-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+-- GNU General Public License for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+-- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+-- Entity: phy
+-- File: phy.vhd
+-- Description: Simulation model of an Ethernet PHY
+-- Author: Marko Isomaki
+-- pragma translate_off
+library ieee;
+library grlib;
+use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+use grlib.stdlib.all;
+entity phy is
+ generic(
+ address : integer range 0 to 31 := 0;
+ extended_regs : integer range 0 to 1 := 1;
+ aneg : integer range 0 to 1 := 1;
+ base100_t4 : integer range 0 to 1 := 0;
+ base100_x_fd : integer range 0 to 1 := 1;
+ base100_x_hd : integer range 0 to 1 := 1;
+ fd_10 : integer range 0 to 1 := 1;
+ hd_10 : integer range 0 to 1 := 1;
+ base100_t2_fd : integer range 0 to 1 := 1;
+ base100_t2_hd : integer range 0 to 1 := 1;
+ base1000_x_fd : integer range 0 to 1 := 0;
+ base1000_x_hd : integer range 0 to 1 := 0;
+ base1000_t_fd : integer range 0 to 1 := 1;
+ base1000_t_hd : integer range 0 to 1 := 1;
+ rmii : integer range 0 to 1 := 0
+ );
+ port(
+ simulation_run : in boolean := true;
+ rstn : in std_logic;
+ mdio : inout std_logic;
+ tx_clk : out std_logic;
+ rx_clk : out std_logic;
+ rxd : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ rx_dv : out std_logic;
+ rx_er : out std_logic;
+ rx_col : out std_logic;
+ rx_crs : out std_logic;
+ txd : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ tx_en : in std_logic;
+ tx_er : in std_logic;
+ mdc : in std_logic;
+ gtx_clk : in std_logic
+ );
+architecture behavioral of phy is
+ type mdio_state_type is (idle, start_of_frame, start_of_frame2, op, phyad, regad,
+ ta, rdata, wdata);
+ type ctrl_reg_type is record
+ reset : std_ulogic;
+ loopback : std_ulogic;
+ speedsel : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+ anegen : std_ulogic;
+ powerdown : std_ulogic;
+ isolate : std_ulogic;
+ restartaneg : std_ulogic;
+ duplexmode : std_ulogic;
+ coltest : std_ulogic;
+ end record;
+ type status_reg_type is record
+ base100_t4 : std_ulogic;
+ base100_x_fd : std_ulogic;
+ base100_x_hd : std_ulogic;
+ fd_10 : std_ulogic;
+ hd_10 : std_ulogic;
+ base100_t2_fd : std_ulogic;
+ base100_t2_hd : std_ulogic;
+ extstat : std_ulogic;
+ mfpreamblesup : std_ulogic;
+ anegcmpt : std_ulogic;
+ remfault : std_ulogic;
+ anegability : std_ulogic;
+ linkstat : std_ulogic;
+ jabdetect : std_ulogic;
+ extcap : std_ulogic;
+ end record;
+ type aneg_ab_type is record
+ next_page : std_ulogic;
+ remote_fault : std_ulogic;
+ tech_ability : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ selector : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
+ end record;
+ type aneg_exp_type is record
+ par_detct_flt : std_ulogic;
+ lp_np_able : std_ulogic;
+ np_able : std_ulogic;
+ page_rx : std_ulogic;
+ lp_aneg_able : std_ulogic;
+ end record;
+ type aneg_nextpage_type is record
+ next_page : std_ulogic;
+ message_page : std_ulogic;
+ ack2 : std_ulogic;
+ toggle : std_ulogic;
+ message : std_logic_vector(10 downto 0);
+ end record;
+ type mst_slv_ctrl_type is record
+ tmode : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
+ manualcfgen : std_ulogic;
+ cfgval : std_ulogic;
+ porttype : std_ulogic;
+ base1000_t_fd : std_ulogic;
+ base1000_t_hd : std_ulogic;
+ end record;
+ type mst_slv_status_type is record
+ cfgfault : std_ulogic;
+ cfgres : std_ulogic;
+ locrxstate : std_ulogic;
+ remrxstate : std_ulogic;
+ lpbase1000_t_fd : std_ulogic;
+ lpbase1000_t_hd : std_ulogic;
+ idlerrcnt : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ end record;
+ type extended_status_reg_type is record
+ base1000_x_fd : std_ulogic;
+ base1000_x_hd : std_ulogic;
+ base1000_t_fd : std_ulogic;
+ base1000_t_hd : std_ulogic;
+ end record;
+ type reg_type is record
+ state : mdio_state_type;
+ cnt : integer;
+ op : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+ phyad : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
+ regad : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
+ wr : std_ulogic;
+ regtmp : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+ -- MII management registers
+ ctrl : ctrl_reg_type;
+ status : status_reg_type;
+ anegadv : aneg_ab_type;
+ aneglp : aneg_ab_type;
+ anegexp : aneg_exp_type;
+ anegnptx : aneg_nextpage_type;
+ anegnplp : aneg_nextpage_type;
+ mstslvctrl : mst_slv_ctrl_type;
+ mstslvstat : mst_slv_status_type;
+ extstatus : extended_status_reg_type;
+ rstcnt : integer;
+ anegcnt : integer;
+ end record;
+ signal r, rin : reg_type;
+ signal int_clk : std_ulogic := '0';
+ signal clkslow : std_ulogic := '0';
+ signal rcnt : integer;
+ signal anegact : std_ulogic;
+ --mdio signal pull-up
+ int_clk <= not int_clk after 10 ns when rmii = 1 and simulation_run else
+ not int_clk after 4 ns when r.ctrl.speedsel = "01" and simulation_run else
+ not int_clk after 20 ns when r.ctrl.speedsel = "10" and simulation_run else
+ not int_clk after 200 ns when r.ctrl.speedsel = "00" and simulation_run ;
+ clkslow <= not clkslow after 20 ns when r.ctrl.speedsel = "10" and simulation_run else
+ not clkslow after 200 ns when simulation_run;
+-- rstdelay : process
+-- begin
+-- loop
+-- rstd <= '0';
+-- while r.ctrl.reset /= '1' loop
+-- wait on r.ctrl.reset;
+-- end loop;
+-- rstd <= '1';
+-- while rstn = '0' loop
+-- wait on rstn;
+-- end loop;
+-- wait on rstn for 3 us;
+-- rstd <= '0';
+-- wait on rstn until r.ctrl.reset = '0' for 5 us;
+-- end loop;
+-- end process;
+ anegproc : process is
+ begin
+ loop
+ anegact <= '0';
+ while rstn /= '1' loop
+ wait on rstn;
+ end loop;
+ while rstn = '1' loop
+ if r.ctrl.anegen = '0' then
+ anegact <= '0';
+ wait on rstn, r.ctrl.anegen, r.ctrl.restartaneg;
+ else
+ if r.ctrl.restartaneg = '1' then
+ anegact <= '1';
+ wait on rstn, r.ctrl.restartaneg, r.ctrl.anegen for 2 us;
+ anegact <= '0';
+ wait on rstn, r.ctrl.anegen until r.ctrl.restartaneg = '0';
+ if (rstn and r.ctrl.anegen) = '1' then
+ wait on rstn, r.ctrl.anegen, r.ctrl.restartaneg;
+ end if;
+ else
+ anegact <= '0';
+ wait on rstn, r.ctrl.restartaneg, r.ctrl.anegen;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end loop;
+ end process;
+ mdiocomb : process(r, anegact, mdio) is
+ variable v : reg_type;
+ begin
+ v := r;
+ if anegact = '0' then
+ v.ctrl.restartaneg := '0';
+ end if;
+ case r.state is
+ when idle =>
+ mdio <= 'Z';
+ if to_X01(mdio) = '1' then
+ v.cnt := v.cnt + 1;
+ if v.cnt = 31 then
+ v.state := start_of_frame; v.cnt := 0;
+ end if;
+ else
+ v.cnt := 0;
+ end if;
+ when start_of_frame =>
+ if to_X01(mdio) = '0' then
+ v.state := start_of_frame2;
+ elsif to_X01(mdio) /= '1' then
+ v.state := idle;
+ end if;
+ when start_of_frame2 =>
+ if to_X01(mdio) = '1' then
+ v.state := op;
+ else
+ v.state := idle;
+ end if;
+ when op =>
+ v.cnt := v.cnt + 1;
+ v.op := r.op(0) & to_X01(mdio);
+ if r.cnt = 1 then
+ if (v.op = "01") or (v.op = "10") then
+ v.state := phyad; v.cnt := 0;
+ else
+ v.state := idle; v.cnt := 0;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ when phyad =>
+ v.phyad := r.phyad(3 downto 0) & to_X01(mdio);
+ v.cnt := v.cnt + 1;
+ if r.cnt = 4 then
+ v.state := regad; v.cnt := 0;
+ end if;
+ when regad =>
+ v.regad := r.regad(3 downto 0) & to_X01(mdio);
+ v.cnt := v.cnt + 1;
+ if r.cnt = 4 then
+ v.cnt := 0;
+ if conv_integer(r.phyad) = address then
+ v.state := ta;
+ else
+ v.state := idle;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ when ta =>
+ v.cnt := r.cnt + 1;
+ if r.cnt = 0 then
+ if (r.op = "01") and to_X01(mdio) /= '1' then
+ v.cnt := 0; v.state := idle;
+ end if;
+ else
+ if r.op = "10" then
+ mdio <= '0'; v.cnt := 0; v.state := rdata;
+ case r.regad is
+ when "00000" => --ctrl (basic)
+ v.regtmp := r.ctrl.reset & r.ctrl.loopback &
+ r.ctrl.speedsel(1) & r.ctrl.anegen & r.ctrl.powerdown &
+ r.ctrl.isolate & r.ctrl.restartaneg & r.ctrl.duplexmode &
+ r.ctrl.coltest & r.ctrl.speedsel(0) & "000000";
+ when "00001" => --statuc (basic)
+ v.regtmp := r.status.base100_t4 & r.status.base100_x_fd &
+ r.status.base100_x_hd & r.status.fd_10 & r.status.hd_10 &
+ r.status.base100_t2_fd & r.status.base100_t2_hd &
+ r.status.extstat & '0' & r.status.mfpreamblesup &
+ r.status.anegcmpt & r.status.remfault & r.status.anegability &
+ r.status.linkstat & r.status.jabdetect & r.status.extcap;
+ when "00010" => --PHY ID (extended)
+ if extended_regs = 1 then
+ v.regtmp := X"0007";
+ else
+ v.cnt := 0; v.state := idle;
+ end if;
+ when "00011" => --PHY ID (extended)
+ if extended_regs = 1 then
+ v.regtmp := X"C0A3";
+ else
+ v.cnt := 0; v.state := idle;
+ end if;
+ when "00100" => --Auto-neg adv. (extended)
+ if extended_regs = 1 then
+ v.regtmp := r.anegadv.next_page & '0' & r.anegadv.remote_fault &
+ r.anegadv.tech_ability & r.anegadv.selector;
+ else
+ v.cnt := 0; v.state := idle;
+ end if;
+ when "00101" => --Auto-neg link partner ability (extended)
+ if extended_regs = 1 then
+ v.regtmp := r.aneglp.next_page & '0' & r.aneglp.remote_fault &
+ r.aneglp.tech_ability & r.aneglp.selector;
+ else
+ v.cnt := 0; v.state := idle;
+ end if;
+ when "00110" => --Auto-neg expansion (extended)
+ if extended_regs = 1 then
+ v.regtmp := "00000000000" & r.anegexp.par_detct_flt &
+ r.anegexp.lp_np_able & r.anegexp.np_able & r.anegexp.page_rx &
+ r.anegexp.lp_aneg_able;
+ else
+ v.cnt := 0; v.state := idle;
+ end if;
+ when "00111" => --Auto-neg next page (extended)
+ if extended_regs = 1 then
+ v.regtmp := r.anegnptx.next_page & '0' & r.anegnptx.message_page &
+ r.anegnptx.ack2 & r.anegnptx.toggle & r.anegnptx.message;
+ else
+ v.cnt := 0; v.state := idle;
+ end if;
+ when "01000" => --Auto-neg link partner received next page (extended)
+ if extended_regs = 1 then
+ v.regtmp := r.anegnplp.next_page & '0' & r.anegnplp.message_page &
+ r.anegnplp.ack2 & r.anegnplp.toggle & r.anegnplp.message;
+ else
+ v.cnt := 0; v.state := idle;
+ end if;
+ when "01001" => --Master-slave control (extended)
+ if extended_regs = 1 then
+ v.regtmp := r.mstslvctrl.tmode & r.mstslvctrl.manualcfgen &
+ r.mstslvctrl.cfgval & r.mstslvctrl.porttype &
+ r.mstslvctrl.base1000_t_fd & r.mstslvctrl.base1000_t_hd &
+ "00000000";
+ else
+ v.cnt := 0; v.state := idle;
+ end if;
+ when "01010" => --Master-slave status (extended)
+ if extended_regs = 1 then
+ v.regtmp := r.mstslvstat.cfgfault & r.mstslvstat.cfgres &
+ r.mstslvstat.locrxstate & r.mstslvstat.remrxstate &
+ r.mstslvstat.lpbase1000_t_fd & r.mstslvstat.lpbase1000_t_hd &
+ "00" & r.mstslvstat.idlerrcnt;
+ else
+ v.cnt := 0; v.state := idle;
+ end if;
+ when "01111" =>
+ if (base1000_x_fd = 1) or (base1000_x_hd = 1) or
+ (base1000_t_fd = 1) or (base1000_t_hd = 1) then
+ v.regtmp := r.extstatus.base1000_x_fd &
+ r.extstatus.base1000_x_hd &
+ r.extstatus.base1000_t_fd &
+ r.extstatus.base1000_t_hd & X"000";
+ else
+ v.regtmp := (others => '0');
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ --PHY shall not drive MDIO when unimplemented registers
+ --are accessed
+ v.cnt := 0; v.state := idle;
+ v.regtmp := (others => '0');
+ end case;
+ if r.ctrl.reset = '1' then
+ if r.regad = "00000" then
+ v.regtmp := X"8000";
+ else
+ v.regtmp := X"0000";
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ else
+ if to_X01(mdio) /= '0'then
+ v.cnt := 0; v.state := idle;
+ else
+ v.cnt := 0; v.state := wdata;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ when rdata =>
+ v.cnt := r.cnt + 1;
+ mdio <= r.regtmp(15-r.cnt);
+ if r.cnt = 15 then
+ v.state := idle; v.cnt := 0;
+ end if;
+ when wdata =>
+ v.cnt := r.cnt + 1;
+ v.regtmp := r.regtmp(14 downto 0) & to_X01(mdio);
+ if r.cnt = 15 then
+ v.state := idle; v.cnt := 0;
+ if r.ctrl.reset = '0' then
+ case r.regad is
+ when "00000" =>
+ v.ctrl.reset := v.regtmp(15);
+ v.ctrl.loopback := v.regtmp(14);
+ v.ctrl.speedsel(1) := v.regtmp(13);
+ v.ctrl.anegen := v.regtmp(12);
+ v.ctrl.powerdown := v.regtmp(11);
+ v.ctrl.isolate := v.regtmp(10);
+ v.ctrl.restartaneg := v.regtmp(9);
+ v.ctrl.duplexmode := v.regtmp(8);
+ v.ctrl.coltest := v.regtmp(7);
+ v.ctrl.speedsel(0) := v.regtmp(6);
+ when "00100" =>
+ if extended_regs = 1 then
+ v.anegadv.remote_fault := r.regtmp(13);
+ v.anegadv.tech_ability := r.regtmp(12 downto 5);
+ v.anegadv.selector := r.regtmp(4 downto 0);
+ end if;
+ when "00111" =>
+ if extended_regs = 1 then
+ v.anegnptx.next_page := r.regtmp(15);
+ v.anegnptx.message_page := r.regtmp(13);
+ v.anegnptx.ack2 := r.regtmp(12);
+ v.anegnptx.message := r.regtmp(10 downto 0);
+ end if;
+ when "01001" =>
+ if extended_regs = 1 then
+ v.mstslvctrl.tmode := r.regtmp(15 downto 13);
+ v.mstslvctrl.manualcfgen := r.regtmp(12);
+ v.mstslvctrl.cfgval := r.regtmp(11);
+ v.mstslvctrl.porttype := r.regtmp(10);
+ v.mstslvctrl.base1000_t_fd := r.regtmp(9);
+ v.mstslvctrl.base1000_t_hd := r.regtmp(8);
+ end if;
+ when others => --no writable bits for other regs
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ if r.rstcnt > 19 then
+ v.ctrl.reset := '0'; v.rstcnt := 0;
+ else
+ v.rstcnt := r.rstcnt + 1;
+ end if;
+ if (v.ctrl.reset and not r.ctrl.reset) = '1' then
+ v.rstcnt := 0;
+ end if;
+ if r.ctrl.anegen = '1' then
+ if r.anegcnt < 10 then
+ v.anegcnt := r.anegcnt + 1;
+ else
+ v.status.anegcmpt := '1';
+ if (base1000_x_fd = 1) or (base1000_x_hd = 1) or
+ (r.mstslvctrl.base1000_t_fd = '1') or
+ (r.mstslvctrl.base1000_t_hd = '1') then
+ v.ctrl.speedsel(1 downto 0) := "01";
+ elsif (r.anegadv.tech_ability(4) = '1') or
+ (r.anegadv.tech_ability(3) = '1') or
+ (r.anegadv.tech_ability(2) = '1') or
+ (base100_t2_fd = 1) or (base100_t2_hd = 1) then
+ v.ctrl.speedsel(1 downto 0) := "10";
+ else
+ v.ctrl.speedsel(1 downto 0) := "00";
+ end if;
+ if ((base1000_x_fd = 1) or (r.mstslvctrl.base1000_t_fd = '1')) or
+ (((base100_t2_fd = 1) or (r.anegadv.tech_ability(3) = '1')) and
+ (r.mstslvctrl.base1000_t_hd = '0') and (base1000_x_hd = 0)) or
+ ((r.anegadv.tech_ability(1) = '1') and (base100_t2_hd = 0) and
+ (r.anegadv.tech_ability(4) = '0') and
+ (r.anegadv.tech_ability(2) = '0')) then
+ v.ctrl.duplexmode := '1';
+ else
+ v.ctrl.duplexmode := '0';
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if r.ctrl.restartaneg = '1' then
+ v.anegcnt := 0;
+ v.status.anegcmpt := '0';
+ v.ctrl.restartaneg := '0';
+ end if;
+ rin <= v;
+ end process;
+ reg : process(rstn, mdc, rin,r ) is
+ begin
+ if rising_edge(mdc) then
+ r <= rin;
+ end if;
+-- if rstd = '1' then
+-- r.ctrl.reset <= '1';
+-- else
+-- r.ctrl.reset <= '0';
+-- end if;
+ -- RESET
+ if (r.ctrl.reset or not rstn) = '1' then
+ r.ctrl.loopback <= '1'; r.anegcnt <= 0;
+ if (base1000_x_hd = 1) or (base1000_x_fd = 1) or (base1000_t_hd = 1) or
+ (base1000_t_fd = 1) then
+ r.ctrl.speedsel <= "01";
+ elsif (base100_x_hd = 1) or (base100_t2_hd = 1) or (base100_x_fd = 1) or
+ (base100_t2_fd = 1) or (base100_t4 = 1) then
+ r.ctrl.speedsel <= "10";
+ else
+ r.ctrl.speedsel <= "00";
+ end if;
+ r.ctrl.anegen <= conv_std_logic(aneg = 1);
+ r.ctrl.powerdown <= '0';
+ r.ctrl.isolate <= '0';
+ r.ctrl.restartaneg <= '0';
+ if (base100_x_hd = 0) and (hd_10 = 0) and (base100_t2_hd = 0) and
+ (base1000_x_hd = 0) and (base1000_t_hd = 0) then
+ r.ctrl.duplexmode <= '1';
+ else
+ r.ctrl.duplexmode <= '0';
+ end if;
+ r.ctrl.coltest <= '0';
+ r.status.base100_t4 <= conv_std_logic(base100_t4 = 1);
+ r.status.base100_x_fd <= conv_std_logic(base100_x_fd = 1);
+ r.status.base100_x_hd <= conv_std_logic(base100_x_hd = 1);
+ r.status.fd_10 <= conv_std_logic(fd_10 = 1);
+ r.status.hd_10 <= conv_std_logic(hd_10 = 1);
+ r.status.base100_t2_fd <= conv_std_logic(base100_t2_fd = 1);
+ r.status.base100_t2_hd <= conv_std_logic(base100_t2_hd = 1);
+ r.status.extstat <= conv_std_logic((base1000_x_fd = 1) or
+ (base1000_x_hd = 1) or
+ (base1000_t_fd = 1) or
+ (base1000_t_hd = 1));
+ r.status.mfpreamblesup <= '0';
+ r.status.anegcmpt <= '0';
+ r.status.remfault <= '0';
+ r.status.anegability <= conv_std_logic(aneg = 1);
+ r.status.linkstat <= '0';
+ r.status.jabdetect <= '0';
+ r.status.extcap <= conv_std_logic(extended_regs = 1);
+ r.anegadv.next_page <= '0';
+ r.anegadv.remote_fault <= '0';
+ r.anegadv.tech_ability <= "000" & conv_std_logic(base100_t4 = 1) &
+ conv_std_logic(base100_x_fd = 1) & conv_std_logic(base100_x_hd = 1) &
+ conv_std_logic(fd_10 = 1) & conv_std_logic(hd_10 = 1);
+ r.anegadv.selector <= "00001";
+ r.aneglp.next_page <= '0';
+ r.aneglp.remote_fault <= '0';
+ r.aneglp.tech_ability <= "000" & conv_std_logic(base100_t4 = 1) &
+ conv_std_logic(base100_x_fd = 1) & conv_std_logic(base100_x_hd = 1) &
+ conv_std_logic(fd_10 = 1) & conv_std_logic(hd_10 = 1);
+ r.aneglp.selector <= "00001";
+ r.anegexp.par_detct_flt <= '0';
+ r.anegexp.lp_np_able <= '0';
+ r.anegexp.np_able <= '0';
+ r.anegexp.page_rx <= '0';
+ r.anegexp.lp_aneg_able <= '0';
+ r.anegnptx.next_page <= '0';
+ r.anegnptx.message_page <= '1';
+ r.anegnptx.ack2 <= '0';
+ r.anegnptx.toggle <= '0';
+ r.anegnptx.message <= "00000000001";
+ r.anegnplp.next_page <= '0';
+ r.anegnplp.message_page <= '1';
+ r.anegnplp.ack2 <= '0';
+ r.anegnplp.toggle <= '0';
+ r.anegnplp.message <= "00000000001";
+ r.mstslvctrl.tmode <= (others => '0');
+ r.mstslvctrl.manualcfgen <= '0';
+ r.mstslvctrl.cfgval <= '0';
+ r.mstslvctrl.porttype <= '0';
+ r.mstslvctrl.base1000_t_fd <= conv_std_logic(base1000_t_fd = 1);
+ r.mstslvctrl.base1000_t_hd <= conv_std_logic(base1000_t_fd = 1);
+ r.mstslvstat.cfgfault <= '0';
+ r.mstslvstat.cfgres <= '1';
+ r.mstslvstat.locrxstate <= '1';
+ r.mstslvstat.remrxstate <= '1';
+ r.mstslvstat.lpbase1000_t_fd <= conv_std_logic(base1000_t_fd = 1);
+ r.mstslvstat.lpbase1000_t_hd <= conv_std_logic(base1000_t_fd = 1);
+ r.mstslvstat.idlerrcnt <= (others => '0');
+ r.extstatus.base1000_x_fd <= conv_std_logic(base1000_x_fd = 1);
+ r.extstatus.base1000_x_hd <= conv_std_logic(base1000_x_hd = 1);
+ r.extstatus.base1000_t_fd <= conv_std_logic(base1000_t_fd = 1);
+ r.extstatus.base1000_t_hd <= conv_std_logic(base1000_t_hd = 1);
+ end if;
+ if rstn = '0' then
+ r.cnt <= 0; r.state <= idle; r.rstcnt <= 0;
+ r.ctrl.reset <= '1';
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ loopback_sel : process(r.ctrl.loopback, int_clk, gtx_clk, r.ctrl.speedsel, txd, tx_en, tx_er, clkslow) is
+ begin
+ if r.ctrl.loopback = '1' then
+ if rmii = 0 then
+ rx_col <= '0'; rx_crs <= tx_en; rx_dv <= tx_en; rx_er <= tx_er;
+ rxd <= txd;
+ if r.ctrl.speedsel /= "01" then
+ rx_clk <= int_clk; tx_clk <= int_clk;
+ else
+ rx_clk <= gtx_clk; tx_clk <= clkslow;
+ end if;
+ else
+ rx_dv <= '1'; rx_er <= '1'; --unused should not affect anything
+ rx_col <= '0'; rx_crs <= tx_en;
+ if tx_en = '0' then
+ rxd(1 downto 0) <= "00";
+ else
+ rxd(1 downto 0) <= txd(1 downto 0);
+ end if;
+ rx_clk <= '0'; tx_clk <= '0';
+ end if;
+ else
+ rx_col <= '0'; rx_crs <= '0'; rx_dv <= '0'; rx_er <= '0';
+ rxd <= (others => '0');
+ if rmii = 0 then
+ if r.ctrl.speedsel /= "01" then
+ rx_clk <= int_clk; tx_clk <= int_clk after 3 ns;
+ else
+ rx_clk <= gtx_clk; tx_clk <= clkslow;
+ end if;
+ else
+ rx_clk <= int_clk; tx_clk <= int_clk after 3 ns;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+-- pragma translate_on
diff --git a/techmap/rtl/syncram.vhd b/techmap/rtl/syncram.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4baacc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/techmap/rtl/syncram.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+-- This file is a part of the GRLIB VHDL IP LIBRARY
+-- Copyright (C) 2003 - 2008, Gaisler Research
+-- Copyright (C) 2008 - 2010, Aeroflex Gaisler
+-- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+-- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+-- (at your option) any later version.
+-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+-- GNU General Public License for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+-- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+-- Entity: syncram
+-- File: syncram.vhd
+-- Author: Jiri Gaisler - Gaisler Research
+-- Description: syncronous 1-port ram with tech selection
+library ieee;
+use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+use work.gencomp.all;
+use work.allmem.all;
+entity syncram is
+ generic (tech : integer := 0; abits : integer := 6; dbits : integer := 8;
+ testen : integer := 0);
+ port (
+ clk : in std_ulogic;
+ address : in std_logic_vector((abits -1) downto 0);
+ datain : in std_logic_vector((dbits -1) downto 0);
+ dataout : out std_logic_vector((dbits -1) downto 0);
+ enable : in std_ulogic;
+ write : in std_ulogic;
+ testin : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0000");
+architecture rtl of syncram is
+ constant nctrl : integer := abits + 4;
+ signal rena, wena : std_logic;
+ signal dataoutx, databp, testdata : std_logic_vector((dbits -1) downto 0);
+ constant SCANTESTBP : boolean := (testen = 1) and (tech /= 0);
+ -- RAM bypass for scan
+ scanbp : if SCANTESTBP generate
+ comb : process (address, datain, enable, write, testin)
+ variable tmp : std_logic_vector((dbits -1) downto 0);
+ variable ctrlsigs : std_logic_vector((nctrl -1) downto 0);
+ begin
+ ctrlsigs := testin(1 downto 0) & write & enable & address;
+ tmp := datain;
+ for i in 0 to nctrl-1 loop
+ tmp(i mod dbits) := tmp(i mod dbits) xor ctrlsigs(i);
+ end loop;
+ testdata <= tmp;
+ end process;
+ reg : process (clk)
+ begin
+ if rising_edge(clk) then
+ databp <= testdata;
+ end if;
+ end process;
+ dmuxout : for i in 0 to dbits-1 generate
+ x0: grmux2 generic map (tech)
+ port map (dataoutx(i), databp(i), testin(3), dataout(i));
+ end generate;
+ end generate;
+ noscanbp : if not SCANTESTBP generate dataout <= dataoutx; end generate;
+ inf : if tech = inferred generate
+ x0 : generic_syncram generic map (abits, dbits)
+ port map (clk, address, datain, dataoutx, write);
+ end generate;
+ xcv : if (tech = virtex) generate
+ x0 : virtex_syncram generic map (abits, dbits)
+ port map (clk, address, datain, dataoutx, enable, write);
+ end generate;
+ xc2v : if (is_unisim(tech) = 1) and (tech /= virtex) generate
+ x0 : unisim_syncram generic map (abits, dbits)
+ port map (clk, address, datain, dataoutx, enable, write);
+ end generate;
+ vir : if tech = memvirage generate
+ x0 : virage_syncram generic map (abits, dbits)
+ port map (clk, address, datain, dataoutx, enable, write);
+ end generate;
+ atrh : if tech = atc18rha generate
+ x0 : atc18rha_syncram generic map (abits, dbits)
+ port map (clk, address, datain, dataoutx, enable, write, testin);
+ end generate;
+ axc : if (tech = axcel) or (tech = axdsp) generate
+ x0 : axcel_syncram generic map (abits, dbits)
+ port map (clk, address, datain, dataoutx, enable, write);
+ end generate;
+ proa : if tech = proasic generate
+ x0 : proasic_syncram generic map (abits, dbits)
+ port map (clk, address, datain, dataoutx, enable, write);
+ end generate;
+ umc18 : if tech = umc generate
+ x0 : umc_syncram generic map (abits, dbits)
+ port map (clk, address, datain, dataoutx, enable, write);
+ end generate;
+ rhu : if tech = rhumc generate
+ x0 : rhumc_syncram generic map (abits, dbits)
+ port map (clk, address, datain, dataoutx, enable, write);
+ end generate;
+ proa3 : if tech = apa3 generate
+ x0 : proasic3_syncram generic map (abits, dbits)
+ port map (clk, address, datain, dataoutx, enable, write);
+ end generate;
+ fus : if tech = actfus generate
+ x0 : fusion_syncram generic map (abits, dbits)
+ port map (clk, address, datain, dataoutx, enable, write);
+ end generate;
+ ihp : if tech = ihp25 generate
+ x0 : ihp25_syncram generic map(abits, dbits)
+ port map(clk, address, datain, dataoutx, enable, write);
+ end generate;
+ ihprh : if tech = ihp25rh generate
+ x0 : ihp25rh_syncram generic map(abits, dbits)
+ port map(clk, address, datain, dataoutx, enable, write);
+ end generate;
+ alt : if (tech = altera) or (tech = stratix1) or (tech = stratix2) or
+ (tech = stratix3) or (tech = cyclone3) generate
+ x0 : altera_syncram generic map(abits, dbits)
+ port map(clk, address, datain, dataoutx, enable, write);
+ end generate;
+ rht : if tech = rhlib18t generate
+ x0 : rh_lib18t_syncram generic map(abits, dbits)
+ port map(clk, address, datain, dataoutx, enable, write, testin(1 downto 0));
+ end generate;
+ lat : if tech = lattice generate
+ x0 : ec_syncram generic map(abits, dbits)
+ port map(clk, address, datain, dataoutx, enable, write);
+ end generate;
+ ut025 : if tech = ut25 generate
+ x0 : ut025crh_syncram generic map (abits, dbits)
+ port map (clk, address, datain, dataoutx, enable, write);
+ end generate;
+ pere : if tech = peregrine generate
+ x0 : peregrine_syncram generic map (abits, dbits)
+ port map (clk, address, datain, dataoutx, enable, write);
+ end generate;
+ arti : if tech = memartisan generate
+ x0 : artisan_syncram generic map (abits, dbits)
+ port map (clk, address, datain, dataoutx, enable, write);
+ end generate;
+ cust1 : if tech = custom1 generate
+ x0 : custom1_syncram generic map (abits, dbits)
+ port map (clk, address, datain, dataoutx, enable, write);
+ end generate;
+ ecl : if tech = eclipse generate
+ rena <= enable and not write;
+ wena <= enable and write;
+ x0 : eclipse_syncram_2p generic map(abits, dbits)
+ port map(clk, rena, address, dataoutx, clk, address,
+ datain, wena);
+ end generate;
+ virage90 : if tech = memvirage90 generate
+ x0 : virage90_syncram generic map(abits, dbits)
+ port map (clk, address, datain, dataoutx, enable, write);
+ end generate;
+ nex : if tech = easic90 generate
+ x0 : nextreme_syncram generic map (abits, dbits)
+ port map (clk, address, datain, dataoutx, enable, write);
+ end generate;
+ smic : if tech = smic013 generate
+ x0 : smic13_syncram generic map (abits, dbits)
+ port map (clk, address, datain, dataoutx, enable, write);
+ end generate;
+-- pragma translate_off
+ noram : if has_sram(tech) = 0 generate
+ x : process
+ begin
+ assert false report "synram: technology " & tech_table(tech) &
+ " not supported"
+ severity failure;
+ wait;
+ end process;
+ end generate;
+-- pragma translate_on
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