path: root/vec_double_sse2.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'vec_double_sse2.h')
1 files changed, 433 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vec_double_sse2.h b/vec_double_sse2.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c6648c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vec_double_sse2.h
@@ -0,0 +1,433 @@
+// -*-C++-*-
+#ifndef VEC_DOUBLE_SSE2_H
+#define VEC_DOUBLE_SSE2_H
+#include "floatprops.h"
+#include "mathfuncs.h"
+#include "vec_base.h"
+#include <cmath>
+// SSE2 intrinsics
+#include <emmintrin.h>
+#ifdef __SSE4_1__ // Intel's SSE 4.1
+# include <smmintrin.h>
+#ifdef __SSE4A__ // AMD's SSE 4a
+# include <ammintrin.h>
+namespace vecmathlib {
+ template<> struct boolvec<double,2>;
+ template<> struct intvec<double,2>;
+ template<> struct realvec<double,2>;
+ template<>
+ struct boolvec<double,2>: floatprops<double>
+ {
+ static int const size = 2;
+ typedef bool scalar_t;
+ typedef __m128d bvector_t;
+ static_assert(size * sizeof(real_t) == sizeof(bvector_t),
+ "vector size is wrong");
+ private:
+ // true values have the sign bit set, false values have it unset
+ static uint_t from_bool(bool a) { return - uint_t(a); }
+ static bool to_bool(uint_t a) { return int_t(a) < int_t(0); }
+ public:
+ typedef boolvec boolvec_t;
+ typedef intvec<real_t, size> intvec_t;
+ typedef realvec<real_t, size> realvec_t;
+ // Short names for type casts
+ typedef real_t R;
+ typedef int_t I;
+ typedef uint_t U;
+ typedef realvec_t RV;
+ typedef intvec_t IV;
+ typedef boolvec_t BV;
+ typedef floatprops<real_t> FP;
+ typedef mathfuncs<realvec_t> MF;
+ bvector_t v;
+ boolvec() {}
+ boolvec(boolvec const& x): v(x.v) {}
+ boolvec& operator=(boolvec const& x) { return v=x.v, *this; }
+ boolvec(bvector_t x): v(x) {}
+ boolvec(bool a):
+ v(_mm_castsi128_pd(_mm_set1_epi64x(from_bool(a)))) {}
+ boolvec(bool const* as):
+ v(_mm_castsi128_pd(_mm_set_epi64x(from_bool(as[1]), from_bool(as[0])))) {}
+ operator bvector_t() const { return v; }
+ bool operator[](int n) const { return to_bool(((uint_t const*)&v)[n]); }
+ boolvec& set_elt(int n, bool a)
+ {
+ return ((int_t*)&v)[n] = from_bool(a), *this;
+ }
+ auto as_int() const -> intvec_t; // defined after intvec
+ auto convert_int() const -> intvec_t; // defined after intvec
+ boolvec operator!() const { return _mm_xor_pd(boolvec(true), v); }
+ boolvec operator&&(boolvec x) const { return _mm_and_pd(v, x.v); }
+ boolvec operator||(boolvec x) const { return _mm_or_pd(v, x.v); }
+ boolvec operator==(boolvec x) const { return !(*this==x); }
+ boolvec operator!=(boolvec x) const { return _mm_xor_pd(v, x.v); }
+ bool all() const
+ {
+ return (*this)[0] && (*this)[1];
+ }
+ bool any() const
+ {
+ return (*this)[0] || (*this)[1];
+ }
+ // ifthen(condition, then-value, else-value)
+ auto ifthen(intvec_t x,
+ intvec_t y) const -> intvec_t; // defined after intvec
+ auto ifthen(realvec_t x,
+ realvec_t y) const -> realvec_t; // defined after realvec
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct intvec<double,2>: floatprops<double>
+ {
+ static int const size = 2;
+ typedef int_t scalar_t;
+ typedef __m128i ivector_t;
+ static_assert(size * sizeof(real_t) == sizeof(ivector_t),
+ "vector size is wrong");
+ typedef boolvec<real_t, size> boolvec_t;
+ typedef intvec intvec_t;
+ typedef realvec<real_t, size> realvec_t;
+ // Short names for type casts
+ typedef real_t R;
+ typedef int_t I;
+ typedef uint_t U;
+ typedef realvec_t RV;
+ typedef intvec_t IV;
+ typedef boolvec_t BV;
+ typedef floatprops<real_t> FP;
+ typedef mathfuncs<realvec_t> MF;
+ ivector_t v;
+ intvec() {}
+ intvec(intvec const& x): v(x.v) {}
+ intvec& operator=(intvec const& x) { return v=x.v, *this; }
+ intvec(ivector_t x): v(x) {}
+ intvec(int_t a): v(_mm_set1_epi64x(a)) {}
+ intvec(int_t const* as): v(_mm_set_epi64x(as[1], as[0])) {}
+ operator ivector_t() const { return v; }
+ int_t operator[](int n) const { return ((int_t const*)&v)[n]; }
+ intvec& set_elt(int n, int_t a) { return ((int_t*)&v)[n]=a, *this; }
+ auto as_bool() const -> boolvec_t { return _mm_castsi128_pd(v); }
+ auto convert_bool() const -> boolvec_t
+ {
+ // Result: convert_bool(0)=false, convert_bool(else)=true
+ // There is no intrinsic to compare with zero. Instead, we check
+ // whether x is positive and x-1 is negative.
+ intvec x = *this;
+ intvec xm1 = x - 1;
+ // We know that boolvec values depend only on the sign bit
+ // return (~xm1 | x).as_bool();
+ return x.as_bool() || !xm1.as_bool();
+ }
+ auto as_float() const -> realvec_t; // defined after realvec
+ auto convert_float() const -> realvec_t; // defined after realvec
+ // Note: not all arithmetic operations are supported!
+ intvec operator+() const { return *this; }
+ intvec operator-() const { return IV(I(0)) - *this; }
+ intvec operator+(intvec x) const { return _mm_add_epi64(v, x.v); }
+ intvec operator-(intvec x) const { return _mm_sub_epi64(v, x.v); }
+ intvec& operator+=(intvec const& x) { return *this=*this+x; }
+ intvec& operator-=(intvec const& x) { return *this=*this-x; }
+ intvec operator~() const { return IV(~U(0)) ^ *this; }
+ intvec operator&(intvec x) const
+ {
+ return _mm_castpd_si128(_mm_and_pd(_mm_castsi128_pd(v),
+ _mm_castsi128_pd(x.v)));
+ }
+ intvec operator|(intvec x) const
+ {
+ return _mm_castpd_si128(_mm_or_pd(_mm_castsi128_pd(v),
+ _mm_castsi128_pd(x.v)));
+ }
+ intvec operator^(intvec x) const
+ {
+ return _mm_castpd_si128(_mm_xor_pd(_mm_castsi128_pd(v),
+ _mm_castsi128_pd(x.v)));
+ }
+ intvec& operator&=(intvec const& x) { return *this=*this&x; }
+ intvec& operator|=(intvec const& x) { return *this=*this|x; }
+ intvec& operator^=(intvec const& x) { return *this=*this^x; }
+ intvec lsr(int_t n) const { return _mm_srli_epi64(v, n); }
+ intvec operator>>(int_t n) const
+ {
+ // There is no _mm_srai_epi64. To emulate it, add 0x80000000
+ // before shifting, and subtract the shifted 0x80000000 after
+ // shifting
+ intvec x = *this;
+ // Convert signed to unsiged
+ x += U(1) << (bits-1);
+ // Shift
+ x = x.lsr(x);
+ // Undo conversion
+ x -= U(1) << (bits-n);
+ return x;
+ }
+ intvec operator<<(int_t n) const { return _mm_slli_epi64(v, n); }
+ intvec& operator>>=(int_t n) { return *this=*this>>n; }
+ intvec& operator<<=(int_t n) { return *this=*this<<n; }
+ intvec lsr(intvec n) const { return _mm_srl_epi64(v, n.v); }
+ intvec operator>>(intvec n) const
+ {
+ // There is no _mm_srai_epi64. To emulate it, add 0x80000000
+ // before shifting, and subtract the shifted 0x80000000 after
+ // shifting
+ intvec x = *this;
+ // Convert signed to unsiged
+ x += U(1) << (bits-1);
+ // Shift
+ x = x.lsr(n);
+ // Undo conversion
+ x -= IV(1) << (IV(bits) - n);
+ return x;
+ }
+ intvec operator<<(intvec n) const { return _mm_sll_epi64(v, n.v); }
+ intvec& operator>>=(intvec n) { return *this=*this>>n; }
+ intvec& operator<<=(intvec n) { return *this=*this<<n; }
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct realvec<double,2>: floatprops<double>
+ {
+ static int const size = 2;
+ typedef real_t scalar_t;
+ typedef __m128d vector_t;
+ static constexpr char const* const name = "<SSE2:2*double>";
+ inline void barrier() { asm("": "+x" (v)); }
+ static_assert(size * sizeof(real_t) == sizeof(vector_t),
+ "vector size is wrong");
+ typedef boolvec<real_t, size> boolvec_t;
+ typedef intvec<real_t, size> intvec_t;
+ typedef realvec realvec_t;
+ // Short names for type casts
+ typedef real_t R;
+ typedef int_t I;
+ typedef uint_t U;
+ typedef realvec_t RV;
+ typedef intvec_t IV;
+ typedef boolvec_t BV;
+ typedef floatprops<real_t> FP;
+ typedef mathfuncs<realvec_t> MF;
+ vector_t v;
+ realvec() {}
+ realvec(realvec const& x): v(x.v) {}
+ realvec& operator=(realvec const& x) { return v=x.v, *this; }
+ realvec(vector_t x): v(x) {}
+ realvec(real_t a): v(_mm_set1_pd(a)) {}
+ realvec(real_t const* as): v(_mm_set_pd(as[1], as[0])) {}
+ operator vector_t() const { return v; }
+ real_t operator[](int n) const { return ((real_t const*)&v)[n]; }
+ realvec& set_elt(int n, real_t a) { return ((real_t*)&v)[n]=a, *this; }
+ intvec_t as_int() const { return _mm_castpd_si128(v); }
+ intvec_t convert_int() const { return MF::vml_convert_int(*this); }
+ realvec operator+() const { return *this; }
+ realvec operator-() const { return RV(0.0) - *this; }
+ realvec operator+(realvec x) const { return _mm_add_pd(v, x.v); }
+ realvec operator-(realvec x) const { return _mm_sub_pd(v, x.v); }
+ realvec operator*(realvec x) const { return _mm_mul_pd(v, x.v); }
+ realvec operator/(realvec x) const { return _mm_div_pd(v, x.v); }
+ realvec& operator+=(realvec const& x) { return *this=*this+x; }
+ realvec& operator-=(realvec const& x) { return *this=*this-x; }
+ realvec& operator*=(realvec const& x) { return *this=*this*x; }
+ realvec& operator/=(realvec const& x) { return *this=*this/x; }
+ real_t prod() const
+ {
+ return (*this)[0] * (*this)[1];
+ }
+ real_t sum() const
+ {
+ return (*this)[0] + (*this)[1];
+ }
+ boolvec_t operator==(realvec const& x) const
+ {
+ return _mm_cmpeq_pd(v, x.v);
+ }
+ boolvec_t operator!=(realvec const& x) const
+ {
+ return _mm_cmpneq_pd(v, x.v);
+ }
+ boolvec_t operator<(realvec const& x) const
+ {
+ return _mm_cmplt_pd(v, x.v);
+ }
+ boolvec_t operator<=(realvec const& x) const
+ {
+ return _mm_cmple_pd(v, x.v);
+ }
+ boolvec_t operator>(realvec const& x) const
+ {
+ return _mm_cmpgt_pd(v, x.v);
+ }
+ boolvec_t operator>=(realvec const& x) const
+ {
+ return _mm_cmpge_pd(v, x.v);
+ }
+ realvec acos() const { return MF::vml_acos(*this); }
+ realvec acosh() const { return MF::vml_acosh(*this); }
+ realvec asin() const { return MF::vml_asin(*this); }
+ realvec asinh() const { return MF::vml_asinh(*this); }
+ realvec atan() const { return MF::vml_atan(*this); }
+ realvec atanh() const { return MF::vml_atanh(*this); }
+ realvec ceil() const { return _mm_ceil_pd(v); }
+ realvec copysign(realvec y) const { return MF::vml_copysign(*this, y); }
+ realvec cos() const { return MF::vml_cos(*this); }
+ realvec cosh() const { return MF::vml_cosh(*this); }
+ realvec exp() const { return MF::vml_exp(*this); }
+ realvec exp10() const { return MF::vml_exp10(*this); }
+ realvec exp2() const { return MF::vml_exp2(*this); }
+ realvec expm1() const { return MF::vml_expm1(*this); }
+ realvec fabs() const { return MF::vml_fabs(*this); }
+ realvec floor() const { return _mm_floor_pd(v); }
+ realvec fmod(realvec y) const { return MF::vml_fmod(*this, y); }
+ intvec_t ilogb() const { return MF::vml_ilogb(*this); }
+ realvec log() const { return MF::vml_log(*this); }
+ realvec log10() const { return MF::vml_log10(*this); }
+ realvec log1p() const { return MF::vml_log1p(*this); }
+ realvec log2() const { return MF::vml_log2(*this); }
+ realvec pow(realvec y) const { return MF::vml_pow(*this, y); }
+ realvec rcp() const { return _mm_div_pd(_mm_set1_pd(1.0), v); }
+ realvec remainder(realvec y) const { return MF::vml_remainder(*this, y); }
+ realvec round() const { return _mm_round_pd(v, _MM_FROUND_NINT); }
+ realvec rsqrt() const { return MF::vml_rsqrt(*this); }
+ realvec scalbn(intvec_t n) const { return MF::vml_scalbn(*this, n); }
+ boolvec_t signbit() const { return v; }
+ realvec sin() const { return MF::vml_sin(*this); }
+ realvec sinh() const { return MF::vml_sinh(*this); }
+ realvec sqrt() const { return _mm_sqrt_pd(v); }
+ realvec tan() const { return MF::vml_tan(*this); }
+ realvec tanh() const { return MF::vml_tanh(*this); }
+ };
+ // boolvec definitions
+ inline
+ auto boolvec<double,2>::as_int() const -> intvec_t
+ {
+ return _mm_castpd_si128(v);
+ }
+ inline
+ auto boolvec<double,2>::convert_int() const -> intvec_t
+ {
+ //return ifthen(v, U(1), U(0));
+ return lsr(as_int(), bits-1);
+ }
+ inline
+ auto boolvec<double,2>::ifthen(intvec_t x, intvec_t y) const -> intvec_t
+ {
+ return ifthen(x.as_float(), y.as_float()).as_int();
+ }
+ inline
+ auto boolvec<double,2>::ifthen(realvec_t x, realvec_t y) const -> realvec_t
+ {
+ return _mm_blendv_pd(y.v, x.v, v);
+ }
+ // intvec definitions
+ inline auto intvec<double,2>::as_float() const -> realvec_t
+ {
+ return _mm_castsi128_pd(v);
+ }
+ inline auto intvec<double,2>::convert_float() const -> realvec_t
+ {
+ return MF::vml_convert_float(*this);
+ }
+} // namespace vecmathlib
+#endif // #ifndef VEC_DOUBLE_SSE2_H
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