path: root/vec_mic_double8.h
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authorErik Schnetter <>2015-10-16 13:45:31 -0400
committerErik Schnetter <>2015-10-16 13:45:31 -0400
commit06ddf9a62fd6e991dfcf0bd2abe0941b960cb2bb (patch)
tree793b48ebee5b9c779c8afd34cc20245c93b9ad9d /vec_mic_double8.h
parent71a4a6821276690eed15df8d2c246be499da1e29 (diff)
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Diffstat (limited to 'vec_mic_double8.h')
1 files changed, 562 insertions, 674 deletions
diff --git a/vec_mic_double8.h b/vec_mic_double8.h
index 68dd5aa..ef22088 100644
--- a/vec_mic_double8.h
+++ b/vec_mic_double8.h
@@ -12,697 +12,585 @@
// MIC intrinsics
#include <immintrin.h>
namespace vecmathlib {
- template<> struct boolvec<double,8>;
- template<> struct intvec<double,8>;
- template<> struct realvec<double,8>;
- template<>
- struct boolvec<double,8>: floatprops<double>
- {
- static const int size = 8;
- typedef bool scalar_t;
- typedef __mask8 bvector_t;
- static const int alignment = sizeof(bvector_t);
- // static_assert(size * sizeof(real_t) == sizeof(bvector_t),
- // "vector size is wrong");
- typedef boolvec boolvec_t;
- typedef intvec<real_t, size> intvec_t;
- typedef realvec<real_t, size> realvec_t;
- // Short names for type casts
- typedef real_t R;
- typedef int_t I;
- typedef uint_t U;
- typedef realvec_t RV;
- typedef intvec_t IV;
- typedef boolvec_t BV;
- typedef floatprops<real_t> FP;
- typedef mathfuncs<realvec_t> MF;
- bvector_t v;
- boolvec() {}
- // Can't have a non-trivial copy constructor; if so, objects won't
- // be passed in registers
- // boolvec(const boolvec& x): v(x.v) {}
- // boolvec& operator=(const boolvec& x) { return v=x.v, *this; }
- boolvec(bvector_t x): v(x) {}
- boolvec(bool a): v(- bvector_t(a)) {}
- boolvec(const bool* as):
- v((bvector_t(as[0]) << 0) |
- (bvector_t(as[1]) << 1) |
- (bvector_t(as[2]) << 2) |
- (bvector_t(as[3]) << 3) |
- (bvector_t(as[4]) << 4) |
- (bvector_t(as[5]) << 5) |
- (bvector_t(as[6]) << 6) |
- (bvector_t(as[7]) << 7))
- {}
- operator bvector_t() const { return v; }
- bool operator[](int n) const
- {
- return (v >> n) & 1;
- }
- boolvec& set_elt(int n, bool a)
- {
- v &= ~ (bvector_t(1) << n);
- v |= bvector_t(a) << n;
- return *this;
- }
- intvec_t as_int() const; // defined after intvec
- intvec_t convert_int() const; // defined after intvec
- boolvec operator!() const { return _mm512_knot(v); }
- boolvec operator&&(boolvec x) const { return _mm512_kand(v, x.v); }
- boolvec operator||(boolvec x) const { return _mm512_kor(v, x.v); }
- boolvec operator==(boolvec x) const { return _mm512_kxnor(v, x.v); }
- boolvec operator!=(boolvec x) const { return _mm512_kxor(v, x.v); }
- bool all() const { return _mm512_kortestc(v, v); }
- bool any() const { return ! bool(_mm512_kortestz(v, v)); }
- // ifthen(condition, then-value, else-value)
- boolvec_t ifthen(boolvec_t x, boolvec_t y) const;
- intvec_t ifthen(intvec_t x, intvec_t y) const; // defined after intvec
- realvec_t ifthen(realvec_t x, realvec_t y) const; // defined after realvec
- };
- template<>
- struct intvec<double,8>: floatprops<double>
- {
- static const int size = 8;
- typedef int_t scalar_t;
- typedef __m512i ivector_t;
- static const int alignment = sizeof(ivector_t);
- static_assert(size * sizeof(real_t) == sizeof(ivector_t),
- "vector size is wrong");
- typedef boolvec<real_t, size> boolvec_t;
- typedef intvec intvec_t;
- typedef realvec<real_t, size> realvec_t;
- // Short names for type casts
- typedef real_t R;
- typedef int_t I;
- typedef uint_t U;
- typedef realvec_t RV;
- typedef intvec_t IV;
- typedef boolvec_t BV;
- typedef floatprops<real_t> FP;
- typedef mathfuncs<realvec_t> MF;
- ivector_t v;
- intvec() {}
- // Can't have a non-trivial copy constructor; if so, objects won't
- // be passed in registers
- // intvec(const intvec& x): v(x.v) {}
- // intvec& operator=(const intvec& x) { return v=x.v, *this; }
- intvec(ivector_t x): v(x) {}
- intvec(int_t a): v(_mm512_set1_epi64(a)) {}
- intvec(const int_t* as)
- {
- v = _mm512_undefined_epi32();
- // v = _mm512_loadunpacklo_epi32(v, as);
- // v = _mm512_loadunpackhi_epi32(v, as+8);
- for (int n=0; n<size; ++n) set_elt(n, as[n]);
- }
- static intvec iota()
- {
- intvec r;
- for (int n=0; n<size; ++n) r.set_elt(n, n);
- return r;
- }
- operator ivector_t() const { return v; }
- int_t operator[](int n) const
- {
- return vecmathlib::get_elt<IV,ivector_t,int_t>(v, n);
- }
- intvec_t& set_elt(int n, int_t a)
- {
- return vecmathlib::set_elt<IV,ivector_t,int_t>(v, n, a), *this;
- }
- private:
- static __mmask8 mask16tomask8(__mmask16 m16)
- {
- // combine 01
- m16 = ((m16 >> 1) | m16) & 0b0011001100110011;
- // combine 0123
- m16 = ((m16 >> 2) | m16) & 0b0000111100001111;
- // combine 01234567
- m16 = ((m16 >> 4) | m16) & 0b0000000011111111;
- return m16;
- }
- public:
- boolvec_t as_bool() const { return convert_bool(); }
- boolvec_t convert_bool() const
- {
- // Result: convert_bool(0)=false, convert_bool(else)=true
- __mmask16 r16 = _mm512_test_epi32_mask(v, v);
- return mask16tomask8(r16);
- }
- realvec_t as_float() const; // defined after realvec
- realvec_t convert_float() const; // defined after realvec
- // Note: not all arithmetic operations are supported!
- intvec operator+() const { return *this; }
- intvec operator-() const { return IV(I(0)) - *this; }
- intvec operator+(intvec x) const { return _mm512_add_epi64(v, x.v); }
- intvec operator-(intvec x) const { return _mm512_sub_epi64(v, x.v); }
- intvec& operator+=(const intvec& x) { return *this=*this+x; }
- intvec& operator-=(const intvec& x) { return *this=*this-x; }
- intvec operator~() const { return IV(~U(0)) ^ *this; }
- intvec operator&(intvec x) const { return _mm512_and_epi64(v, x.v); }
- intvec operator|(intvec x) const { return _mm512_or_epi64(v, x.v); }
- intvec operator^(intvec x) const { return _mm512_xor_epi64(v, x.v); }
- intvec& operator&=(const intvec& x) { return *this=*this&x; }
- intvec& operator|=(const intvec& x) { return *this=*this|x; }
- intvec& operator^=(const intvec& x) { return *this=*this^x; }
- intvec_t bitifthen(intvec_t x, intvec_t y) const;
- intvec lsr(int_t n) const
- {
- if (n < 32) {
- __m512i vlo = _mm512_srli_epi32(v, n);
- __m512i vhi = _mm512_slli_epi32(v, 32-n);
- vhi = _mm512_swizzle_epi32(vhi, _MM_SWIZ_REG_CDAB);
- return _mm512_mask_or_epi32(vlo, 0xb0101010101010101, vhi, vlo);
- } else {
- __m512i vlo = _mm512_srli_epi32(v, n-32);
- __m512i vhi = _mm512_setzero_epi32();
- return _mm512_mask_swizzle_epi32(vhi, 0xb0101010101010101, vlo);
- }
- }
- intvec_t rotate(int_t n) const;
- intvec operator>>(int_t n) const
- {
- if (n < 32) {
- __mm512i vlo = _mm512_srai_epi32(v, n);
- __mm512i vlo0 = _mm512_srli_epi32(v, n);
- __mm512i vhi = _mm512_slli_epi32(v, 32-n);
- vhi = _mm512_swizzle_epi32(vhi, _MM_SWIZ_REG_CDAB);
- return _mm512_mask_or_epi32(vlo, 0xb0101010101010101, vhi, vlo0);
- } else {
- __m512i vlo = _mm512_srai_epi32(v, n-32);
- __m512i vhi = _mm512_srai_epi32(v, 31);
- return _mm512_mask_swizzle_epi32(vhi, 0xb0101010101010101, vlo);
- }
- }
- intvec operator<<(int_t n) const
- {
- if (n < 32) {
- __m512i vlo = _mm512_srli_epi32(v, n);
- __m512i vhi = _mm512_slli_epi32(v, 32-n);
- vlo = _mm512_swizzle_epi32(vlo, _MM_SWIZ_REG_CDAB);
- return _mm512_mask_or_epi32(vhi, 0xb1010101010101010, vhi, vlo);
- } else {
- __m512i vlo = _mm512_setzero_epi32();
- __m512i vhi = _mm512_slli_epi32(v, n-32);
- return _mm512_mask_swizzle_epi32(vhi, 0xb1010101010101010, vlo);
- }
- }
- intvec& operator>>=(int_t n) { return *this=*this>>n; }
- intvec& operator<<=(int_t n) { return *this=*this<<n; }
- intvec lsr(intvec n) const
- {
- // TODO: improve this
- intvec r;
- for (int i=0; i<size; ++i) {
- r.set_elt(i, U((*this)[i]) >> U(n[i]));
- }
- return r;
- }
- intvec_t rotate(intvec_t n) const;
- intvec operator>>(intvec n) const
- {
- // TODO: improve this
- intvec r;
- for (int i=0; i<size; ++i) {
- r.set_elt(i, (*this)[i] >> n[i]);
- }
- return r;
- }
- intvec operator<<(intvec n) const
- {
- // TODO: improve this
- intvec r;
- for (int i=0; i<size; ++i) {
- r.set_elt(i, (*this)[i] << n[i]);
- }
- return r;
- }
- intvec& operator>>=(intvec n) { return *this=*this>>n; }
- intvec& operator<<=(intvec n) { return *this=*this<<n; }
- intvec_t clz() const
- {
- // Return 8*sizeof(TYPE) when the input is 0
- intvec_t r;
- for (int i=0; i<size; ++i) {
- // __lzcnt64
- r.set_elt(i, __builtin_clzll((*this)[i]));
- }
- return r;
- }
- intvec_t popcount() const
- {
- intvec_t r;
- for (int i=0; i<size; ++i) {
- // _mm_popcnt_u64
- r.set_elt(i, __builtin_popcountll((*this)[i]));
- }
- return r;
- }
- boolvec_t operator==(const intvec& x) const
- {
- return mask16tomask8(_mm512_cmp_epi32_mask(v, x.v, _MM_CMPINT_EQ));
- }
- boolvec_t operator!=(const intvec& x) const
- {
- return mask16tomask8(_mm512_cmp_epi32_mask(v, x.v, _MM_CMPINT_NE));
- }
- boolvec_t operator<(const intvec& x) const
- {
- return mask16tomask8(_mm512_cmp_epi32_mask(v, x.v, _MM_CMPINT_LT));
- }
- boolvec_t operator<=(const intvec& x) const
- {
- return mask16tomask8(_mm512_cmp_epi32_mask(v, x.v, _MM_CMPINT_LE));
- }
- boolvec_t operator>(const intvec& x) const
- {
- return mask16tomask8(_mm512_cmp_epi32_mask(v, x.v, _MM_CMPINT_GT));
- }
- boolvec_t operator>=(const intvec& x) const
- {
- return mask16tomask8(_mm512_cmp_epi32_mask(v, x.v, _MM_CMPINT_GE));
- }
- intvec_t abs() const;
- boolvec_t isignbit() const;
- intvec_t max(intvec_t x) const;
- intvec_t min(intvec_t x) const;
- };
- template<>
- struct realvec<double,8>: floatprops<double>
- {
- static const int size = 8;
- typedef real_t scalar_t;
- typedef __m512d vector_t;
- static const int alignment = sizeof(vector_t);
- static const char* name() { return "<MIC:8*double>"; }
- void barrier() { __asm__("": "+x"(v)); }
- static_assert(size * sizeof(real_t) == sizeof(vector_t),
- "vector size is wrong");
- typedef boolvec<real_t, size> boolvec_t;
- typedef intvec<real_t, size> intvec_t;
- typedef realvec realvec_t;
- // Short names for type casts
- typedef real_t R;
- typedef int_t I;
- typedef uint_t U;
- typedef realvec_t RV;
- typedef intvec_t IV;
- typedef boolvec_t BV;
- typedef floatprops<real_t> FP;
- typedef mathfuncs<realvec_t> MF;
- vector_t v;
- realvec() {}
- // Can't have a non-trivial copy constructor; if so, objects won't
- // be passed in registers
- // realvec(const realvec& x): v(x.v) {}
- // realvec& operator=(const realvec& x) { return v=x.v, *this; }
- realvec(vector_t x): v(x) {}
- realvec(real_t a): v(_mm512_set1_pd(a)) {}
- realvec(const real_t* as)
- {
- v = _mm512_undefined_pd();
- // v = _mm512_loadunpacklo_pd(v, as);
- // v = _mm512_loadunpackhi_pd(v, as+8);
- for (int n=0; n<size; ++n) set_elt(n, as[n]);
- }
- operator vector_t() const { return v; }
- real_t operator[](int n) const
- {
- return vecmathlib::get_elt<RV,vector_t,real_t>(v, n);
- }
- realvec_t& set_elt(int n, real_t a)
- {
- return vecmathlib::set_elt<RV,vector_t,real_t>(v, n, a), *this;
- }
- typedef vecmathlib::mask_t<realvec_t> mask_t;
- static realvec_t loada(const real_t* p)
- {
- VML_ASSERT(intptr_t(p) % alignment == 0);
- return _mm512_load_pd(p);
- }
- static realvec_t loadu(const real_t* p)
- {
- realvec_t r(_mm512_undefined_pd());
- r.v = _mm512_loadunpacklo_pd(r.v, p);
- r.v = _mm512_loadunpackhi_pd(r.v, p+8);
- return r.v;
- }
- static realvec_t loadu(const real_t* p, std::ptrdiff_t ioff)
- {
- VML_ASSERT(intptr_t(p) % alignment == 0);
- if (ioff % realvec::size == 0) return loada(p+ioff);
- return loadu(p+ioff);
- }
- realvec_t loada(const real_t* p, const mask_t& m) const
- {
- VML_ASSERT(intptr_t(p) % alignment == 0);
- return _mm512_mask_load_pd(v, m.m.v, p);
+template <> struct boolvec<double, 8>;
+template <> struct intvec<double, 8>;
+template <> struct realvec<double, 8>;
+template <> struct boolvec<double, 8> : floatprops<double> {
+ static const int size = 8;
+ typedef bool scalar_t;
+ typedef __mask8 bvector_t;
+ static const int alignment = sizeof(bvector_t);
+ // static_assert(size * sizeof(real_t) == sizeof(bvector_t),
+ // "vector size is wrong");
+ typedef boolvec boolvec_t;
+ typedef intvec<real_t, size> intvec_t;
+ typedef realvec<real_t, size> realvec_t;
+ // Short names for type casts
+ typedef real_t R;
+ typedef int_t I;
+ typedef uint_t U;
+ typedef realvec_t RV;
+ typedef intvec_t IV;
+ typedef boolvec_t BV;
+ typedef floatprops<real_t> FP;
+ typedef mathfuncs<realvec_t> MF;
+ bvector_t v;
+ boolvec() {}
+ // Can't have a non-trivial copy constructor; if so, objects won't
+ // be passed in registers
+ // boolvec(const boolvec& x): v(x.v) {}
+ // boolvec& operator=(const boolvec& x) { return v=x.v, *this; }
+ boolvec(bvector_t x) : v(x) {}
+ boolvec(bool a) : v(-bvector_t(a)) {}
+ boolvec(const bool *as)
+ : v((bvector_t(as[0]) << 0) | (bvector_t(as[1]) << 1) |
+ (bvector_t(as[2]) << 2) | (bvector_t(as[3]) << 3) |
+ (bvector_t(as[4]) << 4) | (bvector_t(as[5]) << 5) |
+ (bvector_t(as[6]) << 6) | (bvector_t(as[7]) << 7)) {}
+ operator bvector_t() const { return v; }
+ bool operator[](int n) const { return (v >> n) & 1; }
+ boolvec &set_elt(int n, bool a) {
+ v &= ~(bvector_t(1) << n);
+ v |= bvector_t(a) << n;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ intvec_t as_int() const; // defined after intvec
+ intvec_t convert_int() const; // defined after intvec
+ boolvec operator!() const { return _mm512_knot(v); }
+ boolvec operator&&(boolvec x) const { return _mm512_kand(v, x.v); }
+ boolvec operator||(boolvec x) const { return _mm512_kor(v, x.v); }
+ boolvec operator==(boolvec x) const { return _mm512_kxnor(v, x.v); }
+ boolvec operator!=(boolvec x) const { return _mm512_kxor(v, x.v); }
+ bool all() const { return _mm512_kortestc(v, v); }
+ bool any() const { return !bool(_mm512_kortestz(v, v)); }
+ // ifthen(condition, then-value, else-value)
+ boolvec_t ifthen(boolvec_t x, boolvec_t y) const;
+ intvec_t ifthen(intvec_t x, intvec_t y) const; // defined after intvec
+ realvec_t ifthen(realvec_t x, realvec_t y) const; // defined after realvec
+template <> struct intvec<double, 8> : floatprops<double> {
+ static const int size = 8;
+ typedef int_t scalar_t;
+ typedef __m512i ivector_t;
+ static const int alignment = sizeof(ivector_t);
+ static_assert(size * sizeof(real_t) == sizeof(ivector_t),
+ "vector size is wrong");
+ typedef boolvec<real_t, size> boolvec_t;
+ typedef intvec intvec_t;
+ typedef realvec<real_t, size> realvec_t;
+ // Short names for type casts
+ typedef real_t R;
+ typedef int_t I;
+ typedef uint_t U;
+ typedef realvec_t RV;
+ typedef intvec_t IV;
+ typedef boolvec_t BV;
+ typedef floatprops<real_t> FP;
+ typedef mathfuncs<realvec_t> MF;
+ ivector_t v;
+ intvec() {}
+ // Can't have a non-trivial copy constructor; if so, objects won't
+ // be passed in registers
+ // intvec(const intvec& x): v(x.v) {}
+ // intvec& operator=(const intvec& x) { return v=x.v, *this; }
+ intvec(ivector_t x) : v(x) {}
+ intvec(int_t a) : v(_mm512_set1_epi64(a)) {}
+ intvec(const int_t *as) {
+ v = _mm512_undefined_epi32();
+ // v = _mm512_loadunpacklo_epi32(v, as);
+ // v = _mm512_loadunpackhi_epi32(v, as+8);
+ for (int n = 0; n < size; ++n)
+ set_elt(n, as[n]);
+ }
+ static intvec iota() {
+ intvec r;
+ for (int n = 0; n < size; ++n)
+ r.set_elt(n, n);
+ return r;
+ }
+ operator ivector_t() const { return v; }
+ int_t operator[](int n) const {
+ return vecmathlib::get_elt<IV, ivector_t, int_t>(v, n);
+ }
+ intvec_t &set_elt(int n, int_t a) {
+ return vecmathlib::set_elt<IV, ivector_t, int_t>(v, n, a), *this;
+ }
+ static __mmask8 mask16tomask8(__mmask16 m16) {
+ // combine 01
+ m16 = ((m16 >> 1) | m16) & 0b0011001100110011;
+ // combine 0123
+ m16 = ((m16 >> 2) | m16) & 0b0000111100001111;
+ // combine 01234567
+ m16 = ((m16 >> 4) | m16) & 0b0000000011111111;
+ return m16;
+ }
+ boolvec_t as_bool() const { return convert_bool(); }
+ boolvec_t convert_bool() const {
+ // Result: convert_bool(0)=false, convert_bool(else)=true
+ __mmask16 r16 = _mm512_test_epi32_mask(v, v);
+ return mask16tomask8(r16);
+ }
+ realvec_t as_float() const; // defined after realvec
+ realvec_t convert_float() const; // defined after realvec
+ // Note: not all arithmetic operations are supported!
+ intvec operator+() const { return *this; }
+ intvec operator-() const { return IV(I(0)) - *this; }
+ intvec operator+(intvec x) const { return _mm512_add_epi64(v, x.v); }
+ intvec operator-(intvec x) const { return _mm512_sub_epi64(v, x.v); }
+ intvec &operator+=(const intvec &x) { return *this = *this + x; }
+ intvec &operator-=(const intvec &x) { return *this = *this - x; }
+ intvec operator~() const { return IV(~U(0)) ^ *this; }
+ intvec operator&(intvec x) const { return _mm512_and_epi64(v, x.v); }
+ intvec operator|(intvec x) const { return _mm512_or_epi64(v, x.v); }
+ intvec operator^(intvec x) const { return _mm512_xor_epi64(v, x.v); }
+ intvec &operator&=(const intvec &x) { return *this = *this & x; }
+ intvec &operator|=(const intvec &x) { return *this = *this | x; }
+ intvec &operator^=(const intvec &x) { return *this = *this ^ x; }
+ intvec_t bitifthen(intvec_t x, intvec_t y) const;
+ intvec lsr(int_t n) const {
+ if (n < 32) {
+ __m512i vlo = _mm512_srli_epi32(v, n);
+ __m512i vhi = _mm512_slli_epi32(v, 32 - n);
+ vhi = _mm512_swizzle_epi32(vhi, _MM_SWIZ_REG_CDAB);
+ return _mm512_mask_or_epi32(vlo, 0xb0101010101010101, vhi, vlo);
+ } else {
+ __m512i vlo = _mm512_srli_epi32(v, n - 32);
+ __m512i vhi = _mm512_setzero_epi32();
+ return _mm512_mask_swizzle_epi32(vhi, 0xb0101010101010101, vlo);
- realvec_t loadu(const real_t* p, const mask_t& m) const
- {
- if (__builtin_expect(m.all_m, true)) {
- return loadu(p);
- } else {
- return m.m.ifthen(loadu(p), *this);
- }
+ }
+ intvec_t rotate(int_t n) const;
+ intvec operator>>(int_t n) const {
+ if (n < 32) {
+ __mm512i vlo = _mm512_srai_epi32(v, n);
+ __mm512i vlo0 = _mm512_srli_epi32(v, n);
+ __mm512i vhi = _mm512_slli_epi32(v, 32 - n);
+ vhi = _mm512_swizzle_epi32(vhi, _MM_SWIZ_REG_CDAB);
+ return _mm512_mask_or_epi32(vlo, 0xb0101010101010101, vhi, vlo0);
+ } else {
+ __m512i vlo = _mm512_srai_epi32(v, n - 32);
+ __m512i vhi = _mm512_srai_epi32(v, 31);
+ return _mm512_mask_swizzle_epi32(vhi, 0xb0101010101010101, vlo);
- realvec_t loadu(const real_t* p, std::ptrdiff_t ioff, const mask_t& m) const
- {
- VML_ASSERT(intptr_t(p) % alignment == 0);
- if (ioff % realvec::size == 0) return loada(p+ioff, m);
- return loadu(p+ioff, m);
+ }
+ intvec operator<<(int_t n) const {
+ if (n < 32) {
+ __m512i vlo = _mm512_srli_epi32(v, n);
+ __m512i vhi = _mm512_slli_epi32(v, 32 - n);
+ vlo = _mm512_swizzle_epi32(vlo, _MM_SWIZ_REG_CDAB);
+ return _mm512_mask_or_epi32(vhi, 0xb1010101010101010, vhi, vlo);
+ } else {
+ __m512i vlo = _mm512_setzero_epi32();
+ __m512i vhi = _mm512_slli_epi32(v, n - 32);
+ return _mm512_mask_swizzle_epi32(vhi, 0xb1010101010101010, vlo);
- void storea(real_t* p) const
- {
- VML_ASSERT(intptr_t(p) % alignment == 0);
- _mm512_store_pd(p, v);
+ }
+ intvec &operator>>=(int_t n) { return *this = *this >> n; }
+ intvec &operator<<=(int_t n) { return *this = *this << n; }
+ intvec lsr(intvec n) const {
+ // TODO: improve this
+ intvec r;
+ for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
+ r.set_elt(i, U((*this)[i]) >> U(n[i]));
- void storeu(real_t* p) const
- {
- _mm512_packstorelo_pd(p, v);
- _mm512_packstorehi_pd(p+8, v);
+ return r;
+ }
+ intvec_t rotate(intvec_t n) const;
+ intvec operator>>(intvec n) const {
+ // TODO: improve this
+ intvec r;
+ for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
+ r.set_elt(i, (*this)[i] >> n[i]);
- void storeu(real_t* p, std::ptrdiff_t ioff) const
- {
- VML_ASSERT(intptr_t(p) % alignment == 0);
- if (ioff % realvec::size == 0) return storea(p+ioff);
- storeu(p+ioff);
+ return r;
+ }
+ intvec operator<<(intvec n) const {
+ // TODO: improve this
+ intvec r;
+ for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
+ r.set_elt(i, (*this)[i] << n[i]);
- void storea(real_t* p, const mask_t& m) const
- {
- VML_ASSERT(intptr_t(p) % alignment == 0);
- _mm512_mask_store_pd(p, m.m.v, v);
+ return r;
+ }
+ intvec &operator>>=(intvec n) { return *this = *this >> n; }
+ intvec &operator<<=(intvec n) { return *this = *this << n; }
+ intvec_t clz() const {
+ // Return 8*sizeof(TYPE) when the input is 0
+ intvec_t r;
+ for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
+ // __lzcnt64
+ r.set_elt(i, __builtin_clzll((*this)[i]));
- void storeu(real_t* p, const mask_t& m) const
- {
- if (__builtin_expect(m.all_m, true)) {
- storeu(p);
- } else {
- for (int n=0; n<size; ++n) {
- if (m.m[n]) p[n] = (*this)[n];
- }
- }
+ return r;
+ }
+ intvec_t popcount() const {
+ intvec_t r;
+ for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
+ // _mm_popcnt_u64
+ r.set_elt(i, __builtin_popcountll((*this)[i]));
- void storeu(real_t* p, std::ptrdiff_t ioff, const mask_t& m) const
- {
- VML_ASSERT(intptr_t(p) % alignment == 0);
- if (ioff % realvec::size == 0) return storea(p+ioff, m);
- storeu(p+ioff, m);
+ return r;
+ }
+ boolvec_t operator==(const intvec &x) const {
+ return mask16tomask8(_mm512_cmp_epi32_mask(v, x.v, _MM_CMPINT_EQ));
+ }
+ boolvec_t operator!=(const intvec &x) const {
+ return mask16tomask8(_mm512_cmp_epi32_mask(v, x.v, _MM_CMPINT_NE));
+ }
+ boolvec_t operator<(const intvec &x) const {
+ return mask16tomask8(_mm512_cmp_epi32_mask(v, x.v, _MM_CMPINT_LT));
+ }
+ boolvec_t operator<=(const intvec &x) const {
+ return mask16tomask8(_mm512_cmp_epi32_mask(v, x.v, _MM_CMPINT_LE));
+ }
+ boolvec_t operator>(const intvec &x) const {
+ return mask16tomask8(_mm512_cmp_epi32_mask(v, x.v, _MM_CMPINT_GT));
+ }
+ boolvec_t operator>=(const intvec &x) const {
+ return mask16tomask8(_mm512_cmp_epi32_mask(v, x.v, _MM_CMPINT_GE));
+ }
+ intvec_t abs() const;
+ boolvec_t isignbit() const;
+ intvec_t max(intvec_t x) const;
+ intvec_t min(intvec_t x) const;
+template <> struct realvec<double, 8> : floatprops<double> {
+ static const int size = 8;
+ typedef real_t scalar_t;
+ typedef __m512d vector_t;
+ static const int alignment = sizeof(vector_t);
+ static const char *name() { return "<MIC:8*double>"; }
+ void barrier() { __asm__("" : "+x"(v)); }
+ static_assert(size * sizeof(real_t) == sizeof(vector_t),
+ "vector size is wrong");
+ typedef boolvec<real_t, size> boolvec_t;
+ typedef intvec<real_t, size> intvec_t;
+ typedef realvec realvec_t;
+ // Short names for type casts
+ typedef real_t R;
+ typedef int_t I;
+ typedef uint_t U;
+ typedef realvec_t RV;
+ typedef intvec_t IV;
+ typedef boolvec_t BV;
+ typedef floatprops<real_t> FP;
+ typedef mathfuncs<realvec_t> MF;
+ vector_t v;
+ realvec() {}
+ // Can't have a non-trivial copy constructor; if so, objects won't
+ // be passed in registers
+ // realvec(const realvec& x): v(x.v) {}
+ // realvec& operator=(const realvec& x) { return v=x.v, *this; }
+ realvec(vector_t x) : v(x) {}
+ realvec(real_t a) : v(_mm512_set1_pd(a)) {}
+ realvec(const real_t *as) {
+ v = _mm512_undefined_pd();
+ // v = _mm512_loadunpacklo_pd(v, as);
+ // v = _mm512_loadunpackhi_pd(v, as+8);
+ for (int n = 0; n < size; ++n)
+ set_elt(n, as[n]);
+ }
+ operator vector_t() const { return v; }
+ real_t operator[](int n) const {
+ return vecmathlib::get_elt<RV, vector_t, real_t>(v, n);
+ }
+ realvec_t &set_elt(int n, real_t a) {
+ return vecmathlib::set_elt<RV, vector_t, real_t>(v, n, a), *this;
+ }
+ typedef vecmathlib::mask_t<realvec_t> mask_t;
+ static realvec_t loada(const real_t *p) {
+ VML_ASSERT(intptr_t(p) % alignment == 0);
+ return _mm512_load_pd(p);
+ }
+ static realvec_t loadu(const real_t *p) {
+ realvec_t r(_mm512_undefined_pd());
+ r.v = _mm512_loadunpacklo_pd(r.v, p);
+ r.v = _mm512_loadunpackhi_pd(r.v, p + 8);
+ return r.v;
+ }
+ static realvec_t loadu(const real_t *p, std::ptrdiff_t ioff) {
+ VML_ASSERT(intptr_t(p) % alignment == 0);
+ if (ioff % realvec::size == 0)
+ return loada(p + ioff);
+ return loadu(p + ioff);
+ }
+ realvec_t loada(const real_t *p, const mask_t &m) const {
+ VML_ASSERT(intptr_t(p) % alignment == 0);
+ return _mm512_mask_load_pd(v, m.m.v, p);
+ }
+ realvec_t loadu(const real_t *p, const mask_t &m) const {
+ if (__builtin_expect(m.all_m, true)) {
+ return loadu(p);
+ } else {
+ return m.m.ifthen(loadu(p), *this);
- intvec_t as_int() const { return _mm512_castpd_si512(v); }
- intvec_t convert_int() const
- {
- intvec_t r(_mm512_undefined_epi32());
- for (int n=0; n<size; ++n) {
- r.set_elt(n, floatprops::convert_int((*this)[n]));
+ }
+ realvec_t loadu(const real_t *p, std::ptrdiff_t ioff, const mask_t &m) const {
+ VML_ASSERT(intptr_t(p) % alignment == 0);
+ if (ioff % realvec::size == 0)
+ return loada(p + ioff, m);
+ return loadu(p + ioff, m);
+ }
+ void storea(real_t *p) const {
+ VML_ASSERT(intptr_t(p) % alignment == 0);
+ _mm512_store_pd(p, v);
+ }
+ void storeu(real_t *p) const {
+ _mm512_packstorelo_pd(p, v);
+ _mm512_packstorehi_pd(p + 8, v);
+ }
+ void storeu(real_t *p, std::ptrdiff_t ioff) const {
+ VML_ASSERT(intptr_t(p) % alignment == 0);
+ if (ioff % realvec::size == 0)
+ return storea(p + ioff);
+ storeu(p + ioff);
+ }
+ void storea(real_t *p, const mask_t &m) const {
+ VML_ASSERT(intptr_t(p) % alignment == 0);
+ _mm512_mask_store_pd(p, m.m.v, v);
+ }
+ void storeu(real_t *p, const mask_t &m) const {
+ if (__builtin_expect(m.all_m, true)) {
+ storeu(p);
+ } else {
+ for (int n = 0; n < size; ++n) {
+ if (m.m[n])
+ p[n] = (*this)[n];
- return r;
- }
- realvec operator+() const { return *this; }
- realvec operator-() const { return RV(0.0) - *this; }
- realvec operator+(realvec x) const { return _mm512_add_pd(v, x.v); }
- realvec operator-(realvec x) const { return _mm512_sub_pd(v, x.v); }
- realvec operator*(realvec x) const { return _mm512_mul_pd(v, x.v); }
- realvec operator/(realvec x) const { return _mm512_div_pd(v, x.v); }
- realvec& operator+=(const realvec& x) { return *this=*this+x; }
- realvec& operator-=(const realvec& x) { return *this=*this-x; }
- realvec& operator*=(const realvec& x) { return *this=*this*x; }
- realvec& operator/=(const realvec& x) { return *this=*this/x; }
- real_t maxval() const { returm _mm512_reduce_gmax_pd(v); }
- real_t minval() const { returm _mm512_reduce_gmin_pd(v); }
- real_t prod() const { returm _mm512_reduce_mul_pd(v); }
- real_t sum() const { returm _mm512_reduce_add_pd(v); }
- boolvec_t operator==(const realvec& x) const
- {
- return _mm512_cmp_pd(v, x.v, _CMP_EQ_OQ);
- }
- boolvec_t operator!=(const realvec& x) const
- {
- return _mm512_cmp_pd(v, x.v, _CMP_NEQ_UQ); // Note: _UQ here
- }
- boolvec_t operator<(const realvec& x) const
- {
- return _mm512_cmp_pd(v, x.v, _CMP_LT_OQ);
- }
- boolvec_t operator<=(const realvec& x) const
- {
- return _mm512_cmp_pd(v, x.v, _CMP_LE_OQ);
- }
- boolvec_t operator>(const realvec& x) const
- {
- return _mm512_cmp_pd(v, x.v, _CMP_GT_OQ);
- boolvec_t operator>=(const realvec& x) const
- {
- return _mm512_cmp_pd(v, x.v, _CMP_GE_OQ);
- }
- realvec acos() const { return MF::vml_acos(*this); }
- realvec acosh() const { return MF::vml_acosh(*this); }
- realvec asin() const { return MF::vml_asin(*this); }
- realvec asinh() const { return MF::vml_asinh(*this); }
- realvec atan() const { return MF::vml_atan(*this); }
- realvec atan2(realvec y) const { return MF::vml_atan2(*this, y); }
- realvec atanh() const { return MF::vml_atanh(*this); }
- realvec cbrt() const { return MF::vml_cbrt(*this); }
- realvec ceil() const { return _mm512_ceil_pd(v); }
- realvec copysign(realvec y) const { return MF::vml_copysign(*this, y); }
- realvec cos() const { return MF::vml_cos(*this); }
- realvec cosh() const { return MF::vml_cosh(*this); }
- realvec exp() const { return MF::vml_exp(*this); }
- realvec exp10() const { return MF::vml_exp10(*this); }
- realvec exp2() const { return MF::vml_exp2(*this); }
- realvec expm1() const { return MF::vml_expm1(*this); }
- realvec fabs() const { return MF::vml_fabs(*this); }
- realvec fdim(realvec y) const { return MF::vml_fdim(*this, y); }
- realvec floor() const { return _mm512_floor_pd(v); }
- realvec fma(realvec y, realvec z) const
- {
- return _mm512_fmadd_pd(v, x.v, y.v);
+ }
+ void storeu(real_t *p, std::ptrdiff_t ioff, const mask_t &m) const {
+ VML_ASSERT(intptr_t(p) % alignment == 0);
+ if (ioff % realvec::size == 0)
+ return storea(p + ioff, m);
+ storeu(p + ioff, m);
+ }
+ intvec_t as_int() const { return _mm512_castpd_si512(v); }
+ intvec_t convert_int() const {
+ intvec_t r(_mm512_undefined_epi32());
+ for (int n = 0; n < size; ++n) {
+ r.set_elt(n, floatprops::convert_int((*this)[n]));
- realvec fmax(realvec y) const { return _mm512_gmax_pd(v, y.v); }
- realvec fmin(realvec y) const { return _mm512_gmin_pd(v, y.v); }
- realvec fmod(realvec y) const { return MF::vml_fmod(*this, y); }
- realvec frexp(intvec_t* r) const { return MF::vml_frexp(*this, r); }
- realvec hypot(realvec y) const { return MF::vml_hypot(*this, y); }
- intvec_t ilogb() const { return MF::vml_ilogb(*this); }
- boolvec_t isfinite() const { return MF::vml_isfinite(*this); }
- boolvec_t isinf() const { return MF::vml_isinf(*this); }
- boolvec_t isnan() const
- {
+ return r;
+ }
+ realvec operator+() const { return *this; }
+ realvec operator-() const { return RV(0.0) - *this; }
+ realvec operator+(realvec x) const { return _mm512_add_pd(v, x.v); }
+ realvec operator-(realvec x) const { return _mm512_sub_pd(v, x.v); }
+ realvec operator*(realvec x) const { return _mm512_mul_pd(v, x.v); }
+ realvec operator/(realvec x) const { return _mm512_div_pd(v, x.v); }
+ realvec &operator+=(const realvec &x) { return *this = *this + x; }
+ realvec &operator-=(const realvec &x) { return *this = *this - x; }
+ realvec &operator*=(const realvec &x) { return *this = *this * x; }
+ realvec &operator/=(const realvec &x) { return *this = *this / x; }
+ real_t maxval() const { returm _mm512_reduce_gmax_pd(v); }
+ real_t minval() const { returm _mm512_reduce_gmin_pd(v); }
+ real_t prod() const { returm _mm512_reduce_mul_pd(v); }
+ real_t sum() const { returm _mm512_reduce_add_pd(v); }
+ boolvec_t operator==(const realvec &x) const {
+ return _mm512_cmp_pd(v, x.v, _CMP_EQ_OQ);
+ }
+ boolvec_t operator!=(const realvec &x) const {
+ return _mm512_cmp_pd(v, x.v, _CMP_NEQ_UQ); // Note: _UQ here
+ }
+ boolvec_t operator<(const realvec &x) const {
+ return _mm512_cmp_pd(v, x.v, _CMP_LT_OQ);
+ }
+ boolvec_t operator<=(const realvec &x) const {
+ return _mm512_cmp_pd(v, x.v, _CMP_LE_OQ);
+ }
+ boolvec_t operator>(const realvec &x) const {
+ return _mm512_cmp_pd(v, x.v, _CMP_GT_OQ);
+ }
+ boolvec_t operator>=(const realvec &x) const {
+ return _mm512_cmp_pd(v, x.v, _CMP_GE_OQ);
+ }
+ realvec acos() const { return MF::vml_acos(*this); }
+ realvec acosh() const { return MF::vml_acosh(*this); }
+ realvec asin() const { return MF::vml_asin(*this); }
+ realvec asinh() const { return MF::vml_asinh(*this); }
+ realvec atan() const { return MF::vml_atan(*this); }
+ realvec atan2(realvec y) const { return MF::vml_atan2(*this, y); }
+ realvec atanh() const { return MF::vml_atanh(*this); }
+ realvec cbrt() const { return MF::vml_cbrt(*this); }
+ realvec ceil() const { return _mm512_ceil_pd(v); }
+ realvec copysign(realvec y) const { return MF::vml_copysign(*this, y); }
+ realvec cos() const { return MF::vml_cos(*this); }
+ realvec cosh() const { return MF::vml_cosh(*this); }
+ realvec exp() const { return MF::vml_exp(*this); }
+ realvec exp10() const { return MF::vml_exp10(*this); }
+ realvec exp2() const { return MF::vml_exp2(*this); }
+ realvec expm1() const { return MF::vml_expm1(*this); }
+ realvec fabs() const { return MF::vml_fabs(*this); }
+ realvec fdim(realvec y) const { return MF::vml_fdim(*this, y); }
+ realvec floor() const { return _mm512_floor_pd(v); }
+ realvec fma(realvec y, realvec z) const {
+ return _mm512_fmadd_pd(v, x.v, y.v);
+ }
+ realvec fmax(realvec y) const { return _mm512_gmax_pd(v, y.v); }
+ realvec fmin(realvec y) const { return _mm512_gmin_pd(v, y.v); }
+ realvec fmod(realvec y) const { return MF::vml_fmod(*this, y); }
+ realvec frexp(intvec_t *r) const { return MF::vml_frexp(*this, r); }
+ realvec hypot(realvec y) const { return MF::vml_hypot(*this, y); }
+ intvec_t ilogb() const { return MF::vml_ilogb(*this); }
+ boolvec_t isfinite() const { return MF::vml_isfinite(*this); }
+ boolvec_t isinf() const { return MF::vml_isinf(*this); }
+ boolvec_t isnan() const {
- return _mm512_cmp_pd(v, v, _CMP_UNORD_Q);
+ return _mm512_cmp_pd(v, v, _CMP_UNORD_Q);
- return BV(false);
+ return BV(false);
- }
- boolvec_t isnormal() const { return MF::vml_isnormal(*this); }
- realvec ldexp(int_t n) const { return MF::vml_ldexp(*this, n); }
- realvec ldexp(intvec_t n) const { return MF::vml_ldexp(*this, n); }
- realvec log() const { return MF::vml_log(*this); }
- realvec log10() const { return MF::vml_log10(*this); }
- realvec log1p() const { return MF::vml_log1p(*this); }
- realvec log2() const { return MF::vml_log2(*this); }
- realvec_t mad(realvec_t y, realvec_t z) const
- {
- return _mm512_fmadd_pd(v, x.v, y.v);
- }
- realvec nextafter(realvec y) const { return MF::vml_nextafter(*this, y); }
- realvec pow(realvec y) const { return MF::vml_pow(*this, y); }
- realvec rcp() const { return _mm512_div_pd(_mm512_set1_pd(1.0), v); }
- realvec remainder(realvec y) const { return MF::vml_remainder(*this, y); }
- realvec rint() const
- {
- return _mm512_round_pd(v, _MM_FROUND_TO_NEAREST_INT);
- }
- realvec round() const { return MF::vml_round(*this); }
- realvec rsqrt() const { return MF::vml_rsqrt(*this); }
- boolvec_t signbit() const { return as_int().signbit(); }
- realvec sin() const { return MF::vml_sin(*this); }
- realvec sinh() const { return MF::vml_sinh(*this); }
- realvec sqrt() const { return _mm512_sqrt_pd(v); }
- realvec tan() const { return MF::vml_tan(*this); }
- realvec tanh() const { return MF::vml_tanh(*this); }
- realvec trunc() const { return _mm512_round_pd(v, _MM_FROUND_TO_ZERO); }
- };
- // boolvec definitions
- inline intvec<double,4> boolvec<double,4>::as_int() const
- {
- return _mm512_castpd_si512(v);
- }
- inline intvec<double,4> boolvec<double,4>::convert_int() const
- {
- return ifthen(v, IV(I(1)), IV(I(0)));
- }
- inline
- boolvec<double,4> boolvec<double,4>::ifthen(boolvec_t x, boolvec_t y) const
- {
- return (v & x.v) | (~v & y.v);
- }
- inline
- intvec<double,4> boolvec<double,4>::ifthen(intvec_t x, intvec_t y) const
- {
- return _mm512_blend_epi64(v, y.v, x.v)
- }
- inline
- realvec<double,4> boolvec<double,4>::ifthen(realvec_t x, realvec_t y) const
- {
- return _mm512_blend_pd(v, y.v, x.v)
- }
- // intvec definitions
- inline realvec<double,4> intvec<double,4>::as_float() const
- {
- return _mm512_castsi512_pd(v);
- }
- inline realvec<double,4> intvec<double,4>::convert_float() const
- {
- intvec_t r(_mm512_undefined_pd());
- for (int n=0; n<size; ++n) {
- r.set_elt(n, floatprops::convert_float((*this)[n]));
- }
- return r;
- inline intvec<double,8> intvec<double,8>::abs() const
- {
- return MF::vml_abs(*this);
- }
- inline intvec<double,8> intvec<double,8>::bitifthen(intvec_t x,
- intvec_t y) const
- {
- return MF::vml_bitifthen(*this, x, y);
- }
- inline boolvec<double,8> intvec<double,8>::isignbit() const
- {
- return MF::vml_isignbit(*this);
- }
- inline intvec<double,8> intvec<double,8>::max(intvec_t x) const
- {
- return MF::vml_max(*this, x);
- }
- inline intvec<double,8> intvec<double,8>::min(intvec_t x) const
- {
- return MF::vml_min(*this, x);
- }
- inline intvec<double,8> intvec<double,8>::rotate(int_t n) const
- {
- return MF::vml_rotate(*this, n);
- }
- inline intvec<double,8> intvec<double,8>::rotate(intvec_t n) const
- {
- return MF::vml_rotate(*this, n);
- }
+ boolvec_t isnormal() const { return MF::vml_isnormal(*this); }
+ realvec ldexp(int_t n) const { return MF::vml_ldexp(*this, n); }
+ realvec ldexp(intvec_t n) const { return MF::vml_ldexp(*this, n); }
+ realvec log() const { return MF::vml_log(*this); }
+ realvec log10() const { return MF::vml_log10(*this); }
+ realvec log1p() const { return MF::vml_log1p(*this); }
+ realvec log2() const { return MF::vml_log2(*this); }
+ realvec_t mad(realvec_t y, realvec_t z) const {
+ return _mm512_fmadd_pd(v, x.v, y.v);
+ }
+ realvec nextafter(realvec y) const { return MF::vml_nextafter(*this, y); }
+ realvec pow(realvec y) const { return MF::vml_pow(*this, y); }
+ realvec rcp() const { return _mm512_div_pd(_mm512_set1_pd(1.0), v); }
+ realvec remainder(realvec y) const { return MF::vml_remainder(*this, y); }
+ realvec rint() const { return _mm512_round_pd(v, _MM_FROUND_TO_NEAREST_INT); }
+ realvec round() const { return MF::vml_round(*this); }
+ realvec rsqrt() const { return MF::vml_rsqrt(*this); }
+ boolvec_t signbit() const { return as_int().signbit(); }
+ realvec sin() const { return MF::vml_sin(*this); }
+ realvec sinh() const { return MF::vml_sinh(*this); }
+ realvec sqrt() const { return _mm512_sqrt_pd(v); }
+ realvec tan() const { return MF::vml_tan(*this); }
+ realvec tanh() const { return MF::vml_tanh(*this); }
+ realvec trunc() const { return _mm512_round_pd(v, _MM_FROUND_TO_ZERO); }
+// boolvec definitions
+inline intvec<double, 4> boolvec<double, 4>::as_int() const {
+ return _mm512_castpd_si512(v);
+inline intvec<double, 4> boolvec<double, 4>::convert_int() const {
+ return ifthen(v, IV(I(1)), IV(I(0)));
+inline boolvec<double, 4> boolvec<double, 4>::ifthen(boolvec_t x,
+ boolvec_t y) const {
+ return (v & x.v) | (~v & y.v);
+inline intvec<double, 4> boolvec<double, 4>::ifthen(intvec_t x,
+ intvec_t y) const {
+ return _mm512_blend_epi64(v, y.v, x.v)
+inline realvec<double, 4> boolvec<double, 4>::ifthen(realvec_t x,
+ realvec_t y) const {
+ return _mm512_blend_pd(v, y.v, x.v)
+// intvec definitions
+inline realvec<double, 4> intvec<double, 4>::as_float() const {
+ return _mm512_castsi512_pd(v);
+inline realvec<double, 4> intvec<double, 4>::convert_float() const {
+ intvec_t r(_mm512_undefined_pd());
+ for (int n = 0; n < size; ++n) {
+ r.set_elt(n, floatprops::convert_float((*this)[n]));
+ }
+ return r;
+inline intvec<double, 8> intvec<double, 8>::abs() const {
+ return MF::vml_abs(*this);
+inline intvec<double, 8> intvec<double, 8>::bitifthen(intvec_t x,
+ intvec_t y) const {
+ return MF::vml_bitifthen(*this, x, y);
+inline boolvec<double, 8> intvec<double, 8>::isignbit() const {
+ return MF::vml_isignbit(*this);
+inline intvec<double, 8> intvec<double, 8>::max(intvec_t x) const {
+ return MF::vml_max(*this, x);
+inline intvec<double, 8> intvec<double, 8>::min(intvec_t x) const {
+ return MF::vml_min(*this, x);
+inline intvec<double, 8> intvec<double, 8>::rotate(int_t n) const {
+ return MF::vml_rotate(*this, n);
+inline intvec<double, 8> intvec<double, 8>::rotate(intvec_t n) const {
+ return MF::vml_rotate(*this, n);
} // namespace vecmathlib
-#endif // #ifndef VEC_MIC_DOUBLE8_H
+#endif // #ifndef VEC_MIC_DOUBLE8_H
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud