path: root/etc/login.conf
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'etc/login.conf')
1 files changed, 316 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/etc/login.conf b/etc/login.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc6b37c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/login.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+# login.conf - login class capabilities database.
+# Remember to rebuild the database after each change to this file:
+# cap_mkdb /etc/login.conf
+# This file controls resource limits, accounting limits and
+# default user environment settings.
+# $FreeBSD: src/etc/login.conf,v 2002/07/02 20:06:18 dillon Exp $
+# Default settings effectively disable resource limits, see the
+# examples below for a starting point to enable them.
+# defaults
+# These settings are used by login(1) by default for classless users
+# Note that entries like "cputime" set both "cputime-cur" and "cputime-max"
+ :passwd_format=md5:\
+ :copyright=/etc/COPYRIGHT:\
+ :welcome=/etc/motd:\
+ :path=/sbin /bin /usr/sbin /usr/bin /usr/games /usr/local/sbin /usr/local/bin /usr/X11R6/bin ~/bin:\
+ :nologin=/var/run/nologin:\
+ :cputime=unlimited:\
+ :datasize=unlimited:\
+ :stacksize=unlimited:\
+ :memorylocked=unlimited:\
+ :memoryuse=unlimited:\
+ :filesize=unlimited:\
+ :coredumpsize=unlimited:\
+ :openfiles=unlimited:\
+ :maxproc=unlimited:\
+ :sbsize=unlimited:\
+ :vmemoryuse=unlimited:\
+ :priority=0:\
+ :ignoretime@:\
+ :umask=022:
+# A collection of common class names - forward them all to 'default'
+# (login would normally do this anyway, but having a class name
+# here suppresses the diagnostic)
+ :tc=default:
+ :tc=default:
+ :tc=default:
+ :tc=default:
+ :tc=default:
+ :tc=default:
+# Root can always login
+# N.B. login_getpwclass(3) will use this entry for the root account,
+# in preference to 'default'.
+ :ignorenologin:\
+ :tc=default:
+# Russian Users Accounts. Setup proper environment variables.
+russian|Russian Users Accounts:\
+ :charset=KOI8-R:\
+ :lang=ru_RU.KOI8-R:\
+ :tc=default:
+## Example entries
+## Example defaults
+## These settings are used by login(1) by default for classless users
+## Note that entries like "cputime" set both "cputime-cur" and "cputime-max"
+# :cputime=infinity:\
+# :datasize-cur=22M:\
+# :stacksize-cur=8M:\
+# :memorylocked-cur=10M:\
+# :memoryuse-cur=30M:\
+# :filesize=infinity:\
+# :coredumpsize=infinity:\
+# :maxproc-cur=64:\
+# :openfiles-cur=64:\
+# :priority=0:\
+# :requirehome@:\
+# :umask=022:\
+# :tc=auth-defaults:
+## standard - standard user defaults
+# :copyright=/etc/COPYRIGHT:\
+# :welcome=/etc/motd:\
+# :setenv=MAIL=/var/mail/$,BLOCKSIZE=K:\
+# :path=~/bin /bin /usr/bin /usr/local/bin:\
+# :manpath=/usr/share/man /usr/local/man:\
+# :nologin=/var/run/nologin:\
+# :cputime=1h30m:\
+# :datasize=8M:\
+# :vmemoryuse=100M:\
+# :stacksize=2M:\
+# :memorylocked=4M:\
+# :memoryuse=8M:\
+# :filesize=8M:\
+# :coredumpsize=8M:\
+# :openfiles=24:\
+# :maxproc=32:\
+# :priority=0:\
+# :requirehome:\
+# :passwordtime=90d:\
+# :umask=002:\
+# :ignoretime@:\
+# :tc=default:
+## users of X (needs more resources!)
+# :manpath=/usr/share/man /usr/X11R6/man /usr/local/man:\
+# :cputime=4h:\
+# :datasize=12M:\
+# :vmemoryuse=infinity:\
+# :stacksize=4M:\
+# :filesize=8M:\
+# :memoryuse=16M:\
+# :openfiles=32:\
+# :maxproc=48:\
+# :tc=standard:
+## Staff users - few restrictions and allow login anytime
+# :ignorenologin:\
+# :ignoretime:\
+# :requirehome@:\
+# :accounted@:\
+# :path=~/bin /bin /sbin /usr/bin /usr/sbin /usr/local/bin /usr/local/sbin:\
+# :umask=022:\
+# :tc=standard:
+## root - fallback for root logins
+# :path=~/bin /bin /sbin /usr/bin /usr/sbin /usr/local/bin /usr/local/sbin:\
+# :cputime=infinity:\
+# :datasize=infinity:\
+# :stacksize=infinity:\
+# :memorylocked=infinity:\
+# :memoryuse=infinity:\
+# :filesize=infinity:\
+# :coredumpsize=infinity:\
+# :openfiles=infinity:\
+# :maxproc=infinity:\
+# :memoryuse-cur=32M:\
+# :maxproc-cur=64:\
+# :openfiles-cur=1024:\
+# :priority=0:\
+# :requirehome@:\
+# :umask=022:\
+# :tc=auth-root-defaults:
+## Settings used by /etc/rc
+# :coredumpsize@:\
+# :coredumpsize-cur=0:\
+# :datasize=infinity:\
+# :datasize-cur@:\
+# :maxproc=512:\
+# :maxproc-cur@:\
+# :memoryuse-cur=64M:\
+# :memorylocked-cur=64M:\
+# :openfiles=1024:\
+# :openfiles-cur@:\
+# :stacksize=16M:\
+# :stacksize-cur@:\
+# :tc=default:
+## Settings used by news subsystem
+# :path=/usr/local/news/bin /bin /sbin /usr/bin /usr/sbin /usr/local/bin /usr/local/sbin:\
+# :cputime=infinity:\
+# :filesize=128M:\
+# :datasize-cur=64M:\
+# :stacksize-cur=32M:\
+# :coredumpsize-cur=0:\
+# :maxmemorysize-cur=128M:\
+# :memorylocked=32M:\
+# :maxproc=128:\
+# :openfiles=256:\
+# :tc=default:
+## The dialer class should be used for a dialup PPP/SLIP accounts
+## Welcome messages/news suppressed
+# :hushlogin:\
+# :requirehome@:\
+# :cputime=unlimited:\
+# :filesize=2M:\
+# :datasize=2M:\
+# :stacksize=4M:\
+# :coredumpsize=0:\
+# :memoryuse=4M:\
+# :memorylocked=1M:\
+# :maxproc=16:\
+# :openfiles=32:\
+# :tc=standard:
+## Site full-time 24/7 PPP/SLIP connections
+## - no time accounting, restricted to access via dialin lines
+# :ignoretime:\
+# :passwordtime@:\
+# :refreshtime@:\
+# :refreshperiod@:\
+# :sessionlimit@:\
+# :autodelete@:\
+# :expireperiod@:\
+# :graceexpire@:\
+# :gracetime@:\
+# :warnexpire@:\
+# :warnpassword@:\
+# :idletime@:\
+# :sessiontime@:\
+# :daytime@:\
+# :weektime@:\
+# :monthtime@:\
+# :warntime@:\
+# :accounted@:\
+# :tc=dialer:\
+# :tc=staff:
+## Example standard accounting entries for subscriber levels
+# :accounted:\
+# :refreshtime=180d:\
+# :refreshperiod@:\
+# :sessionlimit@:\
+# :autodelete=30d:\
+# :expireperiod=180d:\
+# :graceexpire=7d:\
+# :gracetime=10m:\
+# :warnexpire=7d:\
+# :warnpassword=7d:\
+# :idletime=30m:\
+# :sessiontime=4h:\
+# :daytime=6h:\
+# :weektime=40h:\
+# :monthtime=120h:\
+# :warntime=4h:\
+# :tc=standard:
+## Subscriber accounts. These accounts have their login times
+## accounted and have access limits applied.
+#subppp|PPP Subscriber Accounts:\
+# :tc=dialer:\
+# :tc=subscriber:
+#subslip|SLIP Subscriber Accounts:\
+# :tc=dialer:\
+# :tc=subscriber:
+#subshell|Shell Subscriber Accounts:\
+# :tc=subscriber:
+## If you want some of the accounts to use traditional UNIX DES based
+## password hashes.
+# :passwd_format=des:\
+# :tc=default:
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