path: root/usr
diff options
authorErmal <>2011-07-22 17:34:14 +0000
committerErmal <>2011-07-22 17:34:30 +0000
commit53a37558075cff1ebd4acacac16f536239bba072 (patch)
treeb7f0be072e3aab8314b9f06ef9c0e810eec239e9 /usr
parent8fd84f8778dde3f1c62934c1c2ae687bc5c0f51f (diff)
Clear \r from these files to be readble
Diffstat (limited to 'usr')
2 files changed, 549 insertions, 549 deletions
diff --git a/usr/local/www/csrf/csrf-magic.js b/usr/local/www/csrf/csrf-magic.js
index 820f6e8..6992402 100644
--- a/usr/local/www/csrf/csrf-magic.js
+++ b/usr/local/www/csrf/csrf-magic.js
@@ -1,177 +1,177 @@
- * @file
- *
- * Rewrites XMLHttpRequest to automatically send CSRF token with it. In theory
- * plays nice with other JavaScript libraries, needs testing though.
- */
-// Here are the basic overloaded method definitions
-// The wrapper must be set BEFORE onreadystatechange is written to, since
-// a bug in ActiveXObject prevents us from properly testing for it.
-CsrfMagic = function(real) {
- // try to make it ourselves, if you didn't pass it
- if (!real) try { real = new XMLHttpRequest; } catch (e) {;}
- if (!real) try { real = new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP'); } catch (e) {;}
- if (!real) try { real = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); } catch (e) {;}
- if (!real) try { real = new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP.4.0'); } catch (e) {;}
- this.csrf = real;
- // properties
- var csrfMagic = this;
- real.onreadystatechange = function() {
- csrfMagic._updateProps();
- return csrfMagic.onreadystatechange ? csrfMagic.onreadystatechange() : null;
- };
- csrfMagic._updateProps();
-CsrfMagic.prototype = {
- open: function(method, url, async, username, password) {
- if (method == 'POST') this.csrf_isPost = true;
- // deal with Opera bug, thanks jQuery
- if (username) return this.csrf_open(method, url, async, username, password);
- else return this.csrf_open(method, url, async);
- },
- csrf_open: function(method, url, async, username, password) {
- if (username) return, url, async, username, password);
- else return, url, async);
- },
- send: function(data) {
- if (!this.csrf_isPost) return this.csrf_send(data);
- prepend = csrfMagicName + '=' + csrfMagicToken + '&';
- if (this.csrf_purportedLength === undefined) {
- this.csrf_setRequestHeader("Content-length", this.csrf_purportedLength + prepend.length);
- delete this.csrf_purportedLength;
- }
- delete this.csrf_isPost;
- return this.csrf_send(prepend + data);
- },
- csrf_send: function(data) {
- return this.csrf.send(data);
- },
- setRequestHeader: function(header, value) {
- // We have to auto-set this at the end, since we don't know how long the
- // nonce is when added to the data.
- if (this.csrf_isPost && header == "Content-length") {
- this.csrf_purportedLength = value;
- return;
- }
- return this.csrf_setRequestHeader(header, value);
- },
- csrf_setRequestHeader: function(header, value) {
- return this.csrf.setRequestHeader(header, value);
- },
- abort: function() {
- return this.csrf.abort();
- },
- getAllResponseHeaders: function() {
- return this.csrf.getAllResponseHeaders();
- },
- getResponseHeader: function(header) {
- return this.csrf.getResponseHeader(header);
- } // ,
-// proprietary
-CsrfMagic.prototype._updateProps = function() {
- this.readyState = this.csrf.readyState;
- if (this.readyState == 4) {
- this.responseText = this.csrf.responseText;
- this.responseXML = this.csrf.responseXML;
- this.status = this.csrf.status;
- this.statusText = this.csrf.statusText;
- }
-CsrfMagic.process = function(base) {
- var prepend = csrfMagicName + '=' + csrfMagicToken;
- if (base) return prepend + '&' + base;
- return prepend;
-// callback function for when everything on the page has loaded
-CsrfMagic.end = function() {
- // This rewrites forms AGAIN, so in case buffering didn't work this
- // certainly will.
- forms = document.getElementsByTagName('form');
- for (var i = 0; i < forms.length; i++) {
- form = forms[i];
- if (form.method.toUpperCase() !== 'POST') continue;
- if (form.elements[csrfMagicName]) continue;
- var input = document.createElement('input');
- input.setAttribute('name', csrfMagicName);
- input.setAttribute('value', csrfMagicToken);
- input.setAttribute('type', 'hidden');
- form.appendChild(input);
- }
-// Sets things up for Mozilla/Opera/nice browsers
-if (window.XMLHttpRequest && window.XMLHttpRequest.prototype) {
- var x = XMLHttpRequest.prototype;
- var c = CsrfMagic.prototype;
- // Save the original functions
- x.csrf_open =;
- x.csrf_send = x.send;
- x.csrf_setRequestHeader = x.setRequestHeader;
- // Notice that CsrfMagic is itself an instantiatable object, but only
- // open, send and setRequestHeader are necessary as decorators.
- =;
- x.send = c.send;
- x.setRequestHeader = c.setRequestHeader;
-} else {
- // The only way we can do this is by modifying a library you have been
- // using. We support YUI,, prototype, MooTools,
- // jQuery, Ext and Dojo.
- if (window.jQuery) {
- // jQuery didn't implement a new XMLHttpRequest function, so we have
- // to do this the hard way.
- jQuery.csrf_ajax = jQuery.ajax;
- jQuery.ajax = function( s ) {
- if (s.type && s.type.toUpperCase() == 'POST') {
- s = jQuery.extend(true, s, jQuery.extend(true, {}, jQuery.ajaxSettings, s));
- if ( && s.processData && typeof != "string" ) {
- = jQuery.param(;
- }
- = CsrfMagic.process(;
- }
- return jQuery.csrf_ajax( s );
- }
- } else if (window.Prototype) {
- // This works for too
- Ajax.csrf_getTransport = Ajax.getTransport;
- Ajax.getTransport = function() {
- return new CsrfMagic(Ajax.csrf_getTransport());
- }
- } else if (window.MooTools) {
- Browser.csrf_Request = Browser.Request;
- Browser.Request = function () {
- return new CsrfMagic(Browser.csrf_Request());
- }
- } else if (window.YAHOO) {
- YAHOO.util.Connect.csrf_createXhrObject = YAHOO.util.Connect.createXhrObject;
- YAHOO.util.Connect.createXhrObject = function (transaction) {
- obj = YAHOO.util.Connect.csrf_createXhrObject(transaction);
- obj.conn = new CsrfMagic(obj.conn);
- return obj;
- }
- } else if (window.Ext) {
- // Ext can use other js libraries as loaders, so it has to come last
- // Ext's implementation is pretty identical to Yahoo's, but we duplicate
- // it for comprehensiveness's sake.
- Ext.lib.Ajax.csrf_createXhrObject = Ext.lib.Ajax.createXhrObject;
- Ext.lib.Ajax.createXhrObject = function (transaction) {
- obj = Ext.lib.Ajax.csrf_createXhrObject(transaction);
- obj.conn = new CsrfMagic(obj.conn);
- return obj;
- }
- } else if (window.dojo) {
- dojo.csrf__xhrObj = dojo._xhrObj;
- dojo._xhrObj = function () {
- return new CsrfMagic(dojo.csrf__xhrObj());
- }
- }
+ * @file
+ *
+ * Rewrites XMLHttpRequest to automatically send CSRF token with it. In theory
+ * plays nice with other JavaScript libraries, needs testing though.
+ */
+// Here are the basic overloaded method definitions
+// The wrapper must be set BEFORE onreadystatechange is written to, since
+// a bug in ActiveXObject prevents us from properly testing for it.
+CsrfMagic = function(real) {
+ // try to make it ourselves, if you didn't pass it
+ if (!real) try { real = new XMLHttpRequest; } catch (e) {;}
+ if (!real) try { real = new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP'); } catch (e) {;}
+ if (!real) try { real = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); } catch (e) {;}
+ if (!real) try { real = new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP.4.0'); } catch (e) {;}
+ this.csrf = real;
+ // properties
+ var csrfMagic = this;
+ real.onreadystatechange = function() {
+ csrfMagic._updateProps();
+ return csrfMagic.onreadystatechange ? csrfMagic.onreadystatechange() : null;
+ };
+ csrfMagic._updateProps();
+CsrfMagic.prototype = {
+ open: function(method, url, async, username, password) {
+ if (method == 'POST') this.csrf_isPost = true;
+ // deal with Opera bug, thanks jQuery
+ if (username) return this.csrf_open(method, url, async, username, password);
+ else return this.csrf_open(method, url, async);
+ },
+ csrf_open: function(method, url, async, username, password) {
+ if (username) return, url, async, username, password);
+ else return, url, async);
+ },
+ send: function(data) {
+ if (!this.csrf_isPost) return this.csrf_send(data);
+ prepend = csrfMagicName + '=' + csrfMagicToken + '&';
+ if (this.csrf_purportedLength === undefined) {
+ this.csrf_setRequestHeader("Content-length", this.csrf_purportedLength + prepend.length);
+ delete this.csrf_purportedLength;
+ }
+ delete this.csrf_isPost;
+ return this.csrf_send(prepend + data);
+ },
+ csrf_send: function(data) {
+ return this.csrf.send(data);
+ },
+ setRequestHeader: function(header, value) {
+ // We have to auto-set this at the end, since we don't know how long the
+ // nonce is when added to the data.
+ if (this.csrf_isPost && header == "Content-length") {
+ this.csrf_purportedLength = value;
+ return;
+ }
+ return this.csrf_setRequestHeader(header, value);
+ },
+ csrf_setRequestHeader: function(header, value) {
+ return this.csrf.setRequestHeader(header, value);
+ },
+ abort: function() {
+ return this.csrf.abort();
+ },
+ getAllResponseHeaders: function() {
+ return this.csrf.getAllResponseHeaders();
+ },
+ getResponseHeader: function(header) {
+ return this.csrf.getResponseHeader(header);
+ } // ,
+// proprietary
+CsrfMagic.prototype._updateProps = function() {
+ this.readyState = this.csrf.readyState;
+ if (this.readyState == 4) {
+ this.responseText = this.csrf.responseText;
+ this.responseXML = this.csrf.responseXML;
+ this.status = this.csrf.status;
+ this.statusText = this.csrf.statusText;
+ }
+CsrfMagic.process = function(base) {
+ var prepend = csrfMagicName + '=' + csrfMagicToken;
+ if (base) return prepend + '&' + base;
+ return prepend;
+// callback function for when everything on the page has loaded
+CsrfMagic.end = function() {
+ // This rewrites forms AGAIN, so in case buffering didn't work this
+ // certainly will.
+ forms = document.getElementsByTagName('form');
+ for (var i = 0; i < forms.length; i++) {
+ form = forms[i];
+ if (form.method.toUpperCase() !== 'POST') continue;
+ if (form.elements[csrfMagicName]) continue;
+ var input = document.createElement('input');
+ input.setAttribute('name', csrfMagicName);
+ input.setAttribute('value', csrfMagicToken);
+ input.setAttribute('type', 'hidden');
+ form.appendChild(input);
+ }
+// Sets things up for Mozilla/Opera/nice browsers
+if (window.XMLHttpRequest && window.XMLHttpRequest.prototype) {
+ var x = XMLHttpRequest.prototype;
+ var c = CsrfMagic.prototype;
+ // Save the original functions
+ x.csrf_open =;
+ x.csrf_send = x.send;
+ x.csrf_setRequestHeader = x.setRequestHeader;
+ // Notice that CsrfMagic is itself an instantiatable object, but only
+ // open, send and setRequestHeader are necessary as decorators.
+ =;
+ x.send = c.send;
+ x.setRequestHeader = c.setRequestHeader;
+} else {
+ // The only way we can do this is by modifying a library you have been
+ // using. We support YUI,, prototype, MooTools,
+ // jQuery, Ext and Dojo.
+ if (window.jQuery) {
+ // jQuery didn't implement a new XMLHttpRequest function, so we have
+ // to do this the hard way.
+ jQuery.csrf_ajax = jQuery.ajax;
+ jQuery.ajax = function( s ) {
+ if (s.type && s.type.toUpperCase() == 'POST') {
+ s = jQuery.extend(true, s, jQuery.extend(true, {}, jQuery.ajaxSettings, s));
+ if ( && s.processData && typeof != "string" ) {
+ = jQuery.param(;
+ }
+ = CsrfMagic.process(;
+ }
+ return jQuery.csrf_ajax( s );
+ }
+ } else if (window.Prototype) {
+ // This works for too
+ Ajax.csrf_getTransport = Ajax.getTransport;
+ Ajax.getTransport = function() {
+ return new CsrfMagic(Ajax.csrf_getTransport());
+ }
+ } else if (window.MooTools) {
+ Browser.csrf_Request = Browser.Request;
+ Browser.Request = function () {
+ return new CsrfMagic(Browser.csrf_Request());
+ }
+ } else if (window.YAHOO) {
+ YAHOO.util.Connect.csrf_createXhrObject = YAHOO.util.Connect.createXhrObject;
+ YAHOO.util.Connect.createXhrObject = function (transaction) {
+ obj = YAHOO.util.Connect.csrf_createXhrObject(transaction);
+ obj.conn = new CsrfMagic(obj.conn);
+ return obj;
+ }
+ } else if (window.Ext) {
+ // Ext can use other js libraries as loaders, so it has to come last
+ // Ext's implementation is pretty identical to Yahoo's, but we duplicate
+ // it for comprehensiveness's sake.
+ Ext.lib.Ajax.csrf_createXhrObject = Ext.lib.Ajax.createXhrObject;
+ Ext.lib.Ajax.createXhrObject = function (transaction) {
+ obj = Ext.lib.Ajax.csrf_createXhrObject(transaction);
+ obj.conn = new CsrfMagic(obj.conn);
+ return obj;
+ }
+ } else if (window.dojo) {
+ dojo.csrf__xhrObj = dojo._xhrObj;
+ dojo._xhrObj = function () {
+ return new CsrfMagic(dojo.csrf__xhrObj());
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/usr/local/www/csrf/csrf-magic.php b/usr/local/www/csrf/csrf-magic.php
index ccb1617..befad0a 100644
--- a/usr/local/www/csrf/csrf-magic.php
+++ b/usr/local/www/csrf/csrf-magic.php
@@ -1,372 +1,372 @@
- * @file
- *
- * csrf-magic is a PHP library that makes adding CSRF-protection to your
- * web applications a snap. No need to modify every form or create a database
- * of valid nonces; just include this file at the top of every
- * web-accessible page (or even better, your common include file included
- * in every page), and forget about it! (There are, of course, configuration
- * options for advanced users).
- *
- * This library is PHP4 and PHP5 compatible.
- */
- * By default, when you include this file csrf-magic will automatically check
- * and exit if the CSRF token is invalid. This will defer executing
- * csrf_check() until you're ready. You can also pass false as a parameter to
- * that function, in which case the function will not exit but instead return
- * a boolean false if the CSRF check failed. This allows for tighter integration
- * with your system.
- */
-$GLOBALS['csrf']['defer'] = false;
- * This is the amount of seconds you wish to allow before any token becomes
- * invalid; the default is two hours, which should be more than enough for
- * most websites.
- */
-$GLOBALS['csrf']['expires'] = 7200;
- * Callback function to execute when there's the CSRF check fails and
- * $fatal == true (see csrf_check). This will usually output an error message
- * about the failure.
- */
-$GLOBALS['csrf']['callback'] = 'csrf_callback';
- * Whether or not to include our JavaScript library which also rewrites
- * AJAX requests on this domain. Set this to the web path. This setting only works
- * with supported JavaScript libraries in Internet Explorer; see README.txt for
- * a list of supported libraries.
- */
-$GLOBALS['csrf']['rewrite-js'] = false;
- * A secret key used when hashing items. Please generate a random string and
- * place it here. If you change this value, all previously generated tokens
- * will become invalid.
- */
-$GLOBALS['csrf']['secret'] = '';
- * Set this to false to disable csrf-magic's output handler, and therefore,
- * its rewriting capabilities. If you're serving non HTML content, you should
- * definitely set this false.
- */
-$GLOBALS['csrf']['rewrite'] = true;
- * Whether or not to use IP addresses when binding a user to a token. This is
- * less reliable and less secure than sessions, but is useful when you need
- * to give facilities to anonymous users and do not wish to maintain a database
- * of valid keys.
- */
-$GLOBALS['csrf']['allow-ip'] = true;
- * If this information is available, use the cookie by this name to determine
- * whether or not to allow the request. This is a shortcut implementation
- * very similar to 'key', but we randomly set the cookie ourselves.
- */
-$GLOBALS['csrf']['cookie'] = '__csrf_cookie';
- * If this information is available, set this to a unique identifier (it
- * can be an integer or a unique username) for the current "user" of this
- * application. The token will then be globally valid for all of that user's
- * operations, but no one else. This requires that 'secret' be set.
- */
-$GLOBALS['csrf']['user'] = false;
- * This is an arbitrary secret value associated with the user's session. This
- * will most probably be the contents of a cookie, as an attacker cannot easily
- * determine this information. Warning: If the attacker knows this value, they
- * can easily spoof a token. This is a generic implementation; sessions should
- * work in most cases.
- *
- * Why would you want to use this? Lets suppose you have a squid cache for your
- * website, and the presence of a session cookie bypasses it. Let's also say
- * you allow anonymous users to interact with the website; submitting forms
- * and AJAX. Previously, you didn't have any CSRF protection for anonymous users
- * and so they never got sessions; you don't want to start using sessions either,
- * otherwise you'll bypass the Squid cache. Setup a different cookie for CSRF
- * tokens, and have Squid ignore that cookie for get requests, for anonymous
- * users. (If you haven't guessed, this scheme was(?) used for MediaWiki).
- */
-$GLOBALS['csrf']['key'] = false;
- * The name of the magic CSRF token that will be placed in all forms, i.e.
- * the contents of <input type="hidden" name="$name" value="CSRF-TOKEN" />
- */
-$GLOBALS['csrf']['input-name'] = '__csrf_magic';
- * Set this to false if your site must work inside of frame/iframe elements,
- * but do so at your own risk: this configuration protects you against CSS
- * overlay attacks that defeat tokens.
- */
-$GLOBALS['csrf']['frame-breaker'] = true;
- * Whether or not CSRF Magic should be allowed to start a new session in order
- * to determine the key.
- */
-$GLOBALS['csrf']['auto-session'] = true;
- * Whether or not csrf-magic should produce XHTML style tags.
- */
-$GLOBALS['csrf']['xhtml'] = true;
-// Don't edit this!
-$GLOBALS['csrf']['version'] = '1.0.1';
- * Rewrites <form> on the fly to add CSRF tokens to them. This can also
- * inject our JavaScript library.
- */
-function csrf_ob_handler($buffer, $flags) {
- // Even though the user told us to rewrite, we should do a quick heuristic
- // to check if the page is *actually* HTML. We don't begin rewriting until
- // we hit the first <html tag.
- static $is_html = false;
- if (!$is_html) {
- // not HTML until proven otherwise
- if (stripos($buffer, '<html') !== false) {
- $is_html = true;
- } else {
- return $buffer;
- }
- }
- $tokens = csrf_get_tokens();
- $name = $GLOBALS['csrf']['input-name'];
- $endslash = $GLOBALS['csrf']['xhtml'] ? ' /' : '';
- $input = "<input type='hidden' name='$name' value=\"$tokens\"$endslash>";
- $buffer = preg_replace('#(<form[^>]*method\s*=\s*["\']post["\'][^>]*>)#i', '$1' . $input, $buffer);
- if ($GLOBALS['csrf']['frame-breaker']) {
- $buffer = str_ireplace('</head>', '<script type="text/javascript">if (top != self) {top.location.href = self.location.href;}</script></head>', $buffer);
- }
- if ($js = $GLOBALS['csrf']['rewrite-js']) {
- $buffer = str_ireplace(
- '</head>',
- '<script type="text/javascript">'.
- 'var csrfMagicToken = "'.$tokens.'";'.
- 'var csrfMagicName = "'.$name.'";</script>'.
- '<script src="'.$js.'" type="text/javascript"></script></head>',
- $buffer
- );
- $script = '<script type="text/javascript">CsrfMagic.end();</script>';
- $buffer = str_ireplace('</body>', $script . '</body>', $buffer, $count);
- if (!$count) {
- $buffer .= $script;
- }
- }
- return $buffer;
- * Checks if this is a post request, and if it is, checks if the nonce is valid.
- * @param bool $fatal Whether or not to fatally error out if there is a problem.
- * @return True if check passes or is not necessary, false if failure.
- */
-function csrf_check($fatal = true) {
- if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] !== 'POST') return true;
- csrf_start();
- $name = $GLOBALS['csrf']['input-name'];
- $ok = false;
- $tokens = '';
- do {
- if (!isset($_POST[$name])) break;
- // we don't regenerate a token and check it because some token creation
- // schemes are volatile.
- $tokens = $_POST[$name];
- if (!csrf_check_tokens($tokens)) break;
- $ok = true;
- } while (false);
- if ($fatal && !$ok) {
- $callback = $GLOBALS['csrf']['callback'];
- if (trim($tokens, 'A..Za..z0..9:;,') !== '') $tokens = 'hidden';
- $callback($tokens);
- exit;
- }
- return $ok;
- * Retrieves a valid token(s) for a particular context. Tokens are separated
- * by semicolons.
- */
-function csrf_get_tokens() {
- $has_cookies = !empty($_COOKIE);
- // $ip implements a composite key, which is sent if the user hasn't sent
- // any cookies. It may or may not be used, depending on whether or not
- // the cookies "stick"
- if (!$has_cookies && $secret) {
- // :TODO: Harden this against proxy-spoofing attacks
- $ip = ';ip:' . csrf_hash($_SERVER['IP_ADDRESS']);
- } else {
- $ip = '';
- }
- csrf_start();
- // These are "strong" algorithms that don't require per se a secret
- if (session_id()) return 'sid:' . csrf_hash(session_id()) . $ip;
- if ($GLOBALS['csrf']['cookie']) {
- $val = csrf_generate_secret();
- setcookie($GLOBALS['csrf']['cookie'], $val);
- return 'cookie:' . csrf_hash($val) . $ip;
- }
- if ($GLOBALS['csrf']['key']) return 'key:' . csrf_hash($GLOBALS['csrf']['key']) . $ip;
- // These further algorithms require a server-side secret
- if ($secret === '') return 'invalid';
- if ($GLOBALS['csrf']['user'] !== false) {
- return 'user:' . csrf_hash($GLOBALS['csrf']['user']);
- }
- if ($GLOBALS['csrf']['allow-ip']) {
- return ltrim($ip, ';');
- }
- return 'invalid';
- * @param $tokens is safe for HTML consumption
- */
-function csrf_callback($tokens) {
- header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 403 Forbidden');
- echo "<html><head><title>CSRF check failed</title></head><body>CSRF check failed. Either your session has expired, this page has been inactive too long, or you need to enable cookies.<br />Debug: ".$tokens."</body></html>
- * Checks if a composite token is valid. Outward facing code should use this
- * instead of csrf_check_token()
- */
-function csrf_check_tokens($tokens) {
- if (is_string($tokens)) $tokens = explode(';', $tokens);
- foreach ($tokens as $token) {
- if (csrf_check_token($token)) return true;
- }
- return false;
- * Checks if a token is valid.
- */
-function csrf_check_token($token) {
- if (strpos($token, ':') === false) return false;
- list($type, $value) = explode(':', $token, 2);
- if (strpos($value, ',') === false) return false;
- list($x, $time) = explode(',', $token, 2);
- if ($GLOBALS['csrf']['expires']) {
- if (time() > $time + $GLOBALS['csrf']['expires']) return false;
- }
- switch ($type) {
- case 'sid':
- return $value === csrf_hash(session_id(), $time);
- case 'cookie':
- $n = $GLOBALS['csrf']['cookie'];
- if (!$n) return false;
- if (!isset($_COOKIE[$n])) return false;
- return $value === csrf_hash($_COOKIE[$n], $time);
- case 'key':
- if (!$GLOBALS['csrf']['key']) return false;
- return $value === csrf_hash($GLOBALS['csrf']['key'], $time);
- // We could disable these 'weaker' checks if 'key' was set, but
- // that doesn't make me feel good then about the cookie-based
- // implementation.
- case 'user':
- if ($GLOBALS['csrf']['secret'] === '') return false;
- if ($GLOBALS['csrf']['user'] === false) return false;
- return $value === csrf_hash($GLOBALS['csrf']['user'], $time);
- case 'ip':
- if (csrf_get_secret() === '') return false;
- // do not allow IP-based checks if the username is set, or if
- // the browser sent cookies
- if ($GLOBALS['csrf']['user'] !== false) return false;
- if (!empty($_COOKIE)) return false;
- if (!$GLOBALS['csrf']['allow-ip']) return false;
- return $value === csrf_hash($_SERVER['IP_ADDRESS'], $time);
- }
- return false;
- * Sets a configuration value.
- */
-function csrf_conf($key, $val) {
- if (!isset($GLOBALS['csrf'][$key])) {
- trigger_error('No such configuration ' . $key, E_USER_WARNING);
- return;
- }
- $GLOBALS['csrf'][$key] = $val;
- * Starts a session if we're allowed to.
- */
-function csrf_start() {
- if ($GLOBALS['csrf']['auto-session'] && !session_id()) {
- session_start();
- }
- * Retrieves the secret, and generates one if necessary.
- */
-function csrf_get_secret() {
- if ($GLOBALS['csrf']['secret']) return $GLOBALS['csrf']['secret'];
- $dir = dirname(__FILE__);
- $file = $dir . '/csrf-secret.php';
- $secret = '';
- if (file_exists($file)) {
- include $file;
- return $secret;
- }
- if (is_writable($dir)) {
- $secret = csrf_generate_secret();
- $fh = fopen($file, 'w');
- fwrite($fh, '<?php $secret = "'.$secret.'";' . PHP_EOL);
- fclose($fh);
- return $secret;
- }
- return '';
- * Generates a random string as the hash of time, microtime, and mt_rand.
- */
-function csrf_generate_secret($len = 32) {
- $secret = '';
- for ($i = 0; $i < 32; $i++) {
- $secret .= chr(mt_rand(0, 255));
- }
- $secret .= time() . microtime();
- return sha1($secret);
- * Generates a hash/expiry double. If time isn't set it will be calculated
- * from the current time.
- */
-function csrf_hash($value, $time = null) {
- if (!$time) $time = time();
- return sha1($secret . $value . $time) . ',' . $time;
-// Load user configuration
-if (function_exists('csrf_startup')) csrf_startup();
-// Initialize our handler
-if ($GLOBALS['csrf']['rewrite']) ob_start('csrf_ob_handler');
-// Perform check
-if (!$GLOBALS['csrf']['defer']) csrf_check();
+ * @file
+ *
+ * csrf-magic is a PHP library that makes adding CSRF-protection to your
+ * web applications a snap. No need to modify every form or create a database
+ * of valid nonces; just include this file at the top of every
+ * web-accessible page (or even better, your common include file included
+ * in every page), and forget about it! (There are, of course, configuration
+ * options for advanced users).
+ *
+ * This library is PHP4 and PHP5 compatible.
+ */
+ * By default, when you include this file csrf-magic will automatically check
+ * and exit if the CSRF token is invalid. This will defer executing
+ * csrf_check() until you're ready. You can also pass false as a parameter to
+ * that function, in which case the function will not exit but instead return
+ * a boolean false if the CSRF check failed. This allows for tighter integration
+ * with your system.
+ */
+$GLOBALS['csrf']['defer'] = false;
+ * This is the amount of seconds you wish to allow before any token becomes
+ * invalid; the default is two hours, which should be more than enough for
+ * most websites.
+ */
+$GLOBALS['csrf']['expires'] = 7200;
+ * Callback function to execute when there's the CSRF check fails and
+ * $fatal == true (see csrf_check). This will usually output an error message
+ * about the failure.
+ */
+$GLOBALS['csrf']['callback'] = 'csrf_callback';
+ * Whether or not to include our JavaScript library which also rewrites
+ * AJAX requests on this domain. Set this to the web path. This setting only works
+ * with supported JavaScript libraries in Internet Explorer; see README.txt for
+ * a list of supported libraries.
+ */
+$GLOBALS['csrf']['rewrite-js'] = false;
+ * A secret key used when hashing items. Please generate a random string and
+ * place it here. If you change this value, all previously generated tokens
+ * will become invalid.
+ */
+$GLOBALS['csrf']['secret'] = '';
+ * Set this to false to disable csrf-magic's output handler, and therefore,
+ * its rewriting capabilities. If you're serving non HTML content, you should
+ * definitely set this false.
+ */
+$GLOBALS['csrf']['rewrite'] = true;
+ * Whether or not to use IP addresses when binding a user to a token. This is
+ * less reliable and less secure than sessions, but is useful when you need
+ * to give facilities to anonymous users and do not wish to maintain a database
+ * of valid keys.
+ */
+$GLOBALS['csrf']['allow-ip'] = true;
+ * If this information is available, use the cookie by this name to determine
+ * whether or not to allow the request. This is a shortcut implementation
+ * very similar to 'key', but we randomly set the cookie ourselves.
+ */
+$GLOBALS['csrf']['cookie'] = '__csrf_cookie';
+ * If this information is available, set this to a unique identifier (it
+ * can be an integer or a unique username) for the current "user" of this
+ * application. The token will then be globally valid for all of that user's
+ * operations, but no one else. This requires that 'secret' be set.
+ */
+$GLOBALS['csrf']['user'] = false;
+ * This is an arbitrary secret value associated with the user's session. This
+ * will most probably be the contents of a cookie, as an attacker cannot easily
+ * determine this information. Warning: If the attacker knows this value, they
+ * can easily spoof a token. This is a generic implementation; sessions should
+ * work in most cases.
+ *
+ * Why would you want to use this? Lets suppose you have a squid cache for your
+ * website, and the presence of a session cookie bypasses it. Let's also say
+ * you allow anonymous users to interact with the website; submitting forms
+ * and AJAX. Previously, you didn't have any CSRF protection for anonymous users
+ * and so they never got sessions; you don't want to start using sessions either,
+ * otherwise you'll bypass the Squid cache. Setup a different cookie for CSRF
+ * tokens, and have Squid ignore that cookie for get requests, for anonymous
+ * users. (If you haven't guessed, this scheme was(?) used for MediaWiki).
+ */
+$GLOBALS['csrf']['key'] = false;
+ * The name of the magic CSRF token that will be placed in all forms, i.e.
+ * the contents of <input type="hidden" name="$name" value="CSRF-TOKEN" />
+ */
+$GLOBALS['csrf']['input-name'] = '__csrf_magic';
+ * Set this to false if your site must work inside of frame/iframe elements,
+ * but do so at your own risk: this configuration protects you against CSS
+ * overlay attacks that defeat tokens.
+ */
+$GLOBALS['csrf']['frame-breaker'] = true;
+ * Whether or not CSRF Magic should be allowed to start a new session in order
+ * to determine the key.
+ */
+$GLOBALS['csrf']['auto-session'] = true;
+ * Whether or not csrf-magic should produce XHTML style tags.
+ */
+$GLOBALS['csrf']['xhtml'] = true;
+// Don't edit this!
+$GLOBALS['csrf']['version'] = '1.0.1';
+ * Rewrites <form> on the fly to add CSRF tokens to them. This can also
+ * inject our JavaScript library.
+ */
+function csrf_ob_handler($buffer, $flags) {
+ // Even though the user told us to rewrite, we should do a quick heuristic
+ // to check if the page is *actually* HTML. We don't begin rewriting until
+ // we hit the first <html tag.
+ static $is_html = false;
+ if (!$is_html) {
+ // not HTML until proven otherwise
+ if (stripos($buffer, '<html') !== false) {
+ $is_html = true;
+ } else {
+ return $buffer;
+ }
+ }
+ $tokens = csrf_get_tokens();
+ $name = $GLOBALS['csrf']['input-name'];
+ $endslash = $GLOBALS['csrf']['xhtml'] ? ' /' : '';
+ $input = "<input type='hidden' name='$name' value=\"$tokens\"$endslash>";
+ $buffer = preg_replace('#(<form[^>]*method\s*=\s*["\']post["\'][^>]*>)#i', '$1' . $input, $buffer);
+ if ($GLOBALS['csrf']['frame-breaker']) {
+ $buffer = str_ireplace('</head>', '<script type="text/javascript">if (top != self) {top.location.href = self.location.href;}</script></head>', $buffer);
+ }
+ if ($js = $GLOBALS['csrf']['rewrite-js']) {
+ $buffer = str_ireplace(
+ '</head>',
+ '<script type="text/javascript">'.
+ 'var csrfMagicToken = "'.$tokens.'";'.
+ 'var csrfMagicName = "'.$name.'";</script>'.
+ '<script src="'.$js.'" type="text/javascript"></script></head>',
+ $buffer
+ );
+ $script = '<script type="text/javascript">CsrfMagic.end();</script>';
+ $buffer = str_ireplace('</body>', $script . '</body>', $buffer, $count);
+ if (!$count) {
+ $buffer .= $script;
+ }
+ }
+ return $buffer;
+ * Checks if this is a post request, and if it is, checks if the nonce is valid.
+ * @param bool $fatal Whether or not to fatally error out if there is a problem.
+ * @return True if check passes or is not necessary, false if failure.
+ */
+function csrf_check($fatal = true) {
+ if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] !== 'POST') return true;
+ csrf_start();
+ $name = $GLOBALS['csrf']['input-name'];
+ $ok = false;
+ $tokens = '';
+ do {
+ if (!isset($_POST[$name])) break;
+ // we don't regenerate a token and check it because some token creation
+ // schemes are volatile.
+ $tokens = $_POST[$name];
+ if (!csrf_check_tokens($tokens)) break;
+ $ok = true;
+ } while (false);
+ if ($fatal && !$ok) {
+ $callback = $GLOBALS['csrf']['callback'];
+ if (trim($tokens, 'A..Za..z0..9:;,') !== '') $tokens = 'hidden';
+ $callback($tokens);
+ exit;
+ }
+ return $ok;
+ * Retrieves a valid token(s) for a particular context. Tokens are separated
+ * by semicolons.
+ */
+function csrf_get_tokens() {
+ $has_cookies = !empty($_COOKIE);
+ // $ip implements a composite key, which is sent if the user hasn't sent
+ // any cookies. It may or may not be used, depending on whether or not
+ // the cookies "stick"
+ if (!$has_cookies && $secret) {
+ // :TODO: Harden this against proxy-spoofing attacks
+ $ip = ';ip:' . csrf_hash($_SERVER['IP_ADDRESS']);
+ } else {
+ $ip = '';
+ }
+ csrf_start();
+ // These are "strong" algorithms that don't require per se a secret
+ if (session_id()) return 'sid:' . csrf_hash(session_id()) . $ip;
+ if ($GLOBALS['csrf']['cookie']) {
+ $val = csrf_generate_secret();
+ setcookie($GLOBALS['csrf']['cookie'], $val);
+ return 'cookie:' . csrf_hash($val) . $ip;
+ }
+ if ($GLOBALS['csrf']['key']) return 'key:' . csrf_hash($GLOBALS['csrf']['key']) . $ip;
+ // These further algorithms require a server-side secret
+ if ($secret === '') return 'invalid';
+ if ($GLOBALS['csrf']['user'] !== false) {
+ return 'user:' . csrf_hash($GLOBALS['csrf']['user']);
+ }
+ if ($GLOBALS['csrf']['allow-ip']) {
+ return ltrim($ip, ';');
+ }
+ return 'invalid';
+ * @param $tokens is safe for HTML consumption
+ */
+function csrf_callback($tokens) {
+ header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 403 Forbidden');
+ echo "<html><head><title>CSRF check failed</title></head><body>CSRF check failed. Either your session has expired, this page has been inactive too long, or you need to enable cookies.<br />Debug: ".$tokens."</body></html>
+ * Checks if a composite token is valid. Outward facing code should use this
+ * instead of csrf_check_token()
+ */
+function csrf_check_tokens($tokens) {
+ if (is_string($tokens)) $tokens = explode(';', $tokens);
+ foreach ($tokens as $token) {
+ if (csrf_check_token($token)) return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ * Checks if a token is valid.
+ */
+function csrf_check_token($token) {
+ if (strpos($token, ':') === false) return false;
+ list($type, $value) = explode(':', $token, 2);
+ if (strpos($value, ',') === false) return false;
+ list($x, $time) = explode(',', $token, 2);
+ if ($GLOBALS['csrf']['expires']) {
+ if (time() > $time + $GLOBALS['csrf']['expires']) return false;
+ }
+ switch ($type) {
+ case 'sid':
+ return $value === csrf_hash(session_id(), $time);
+ case 'cookie':
+ $n = $GLOBALS['csrf']['cookie'];
+ if (!$n) return false;
+ if (!isset($_COOKIE[$n])) return false;
+ return $value === csrf_hash($_COOKIE[$n], $time);
+ case 'key':
+ if (!$GLOBALS['csrf']['key']) return false;
+ return $value === csrf_hash($GLOBALS['csrf']['key'], $time);
+ // We could disable these 'weaker' checks if 'key' was set, but
+ // that doesn't make me feel good then about the cookie-based
+ // implementation.
+ case 'user':
+ if ($GLOBALS['csrf']['secret'] === '') return false;
+ if ($GLOBALS['csrf']['user'] === false) return false;
+ return $value === csrf_hash($GLOBALS['csrf']['user'], $time);
+ case 'ip':
+ if (csrf_get_secret() === '') return false;
+ // do not allow IP-based checks if the username is set, or if
+ // the browser sent cookies
+ if ($GLOBALS['csrf']['user'] !== false) return false;
+ if (!empty($_COOKIE)) return false;
+ if (!$GLOBALS['csrf']['allow-ip']) return false;
+ return $value === csrf_hash($_SERVER['IP_ADDRESS'], $time);
+ }
+ return false;
+ * Sets a configuration value.
+ */
+function csrf_conf($key, $val) {
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS['csrf'][$key])) {
+ trigger_error('No such configuration ' . $key, E_USER_WARNING);
+ return;
+ }
+ $GLOBALS['csrf'][$key] = $val;
+ * Starts a session if we're allowed to.
+ */
+function csrf_start() {
+ if ($GLOBALS['csrf']['auto-session'] && !session_id()) {
+ session_start();
+ }
+ * Retrieves the secret, and generates one if necessary.
+ */
+function csrf_get_secret() {
+ if ($GLOBALS['csrf']['secret']) return $GLOBALS['csrf']['secret'];
+ $dir = dirname(__FILE__);
+ $file = $dir . '/csrf-secret.php';
+ $secret = '';
+ if (file_exists($file)) {
+ include $file;
+ return $secret;
+ }
+ if (is_writable($dir)) {
+ $secret = csrf_generate_secret();
+ $fh = fopen($file, 'w');
+ fwrite($fh, '<?php $secret = "'.$secret.'";' . PHP_EOL);
+ fclose($fh);
+ return $secret;
+ }
+ return '';
+ * Generates a random string as the hash of time, microtime, and mt_rand.
+ */
+function csrf_generate_secret($len = 32) {
+ $secret = '';
+ for ($i = 0; $i < 32; $i++) {
+ $secret .= chr(mt_rand(0, 255));
+ }
+ $secret .= time() . microtime();
+ return sha1($secret);
+ * Generates a hash/expiry double. If time isn't set it will be calculated
+ * from the current time.
+ */
+function csrf_hash($value, $time = null) {
+ if (!$time) $time = time();
+ return sha1($secret . $value . $time) . ',' . $time;
+// Load user configuration
+if (function_exists('csrf_startup')) csrf_startup();
+// Initialize our handler
+if ($GLOBALS['csrf']['rewrite']) ob_start('csrf_ob_handler');
+// Perform check
+if (!$GLOBALS['csrf']['defer']) csrf_check();
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