path: root/usr/local/www/services_dnsmasq_domainoverride_edit.php
diff options
authorPhil Davis <>2015-05-24 11:49:58 +0545
committerPhil Davis <>2015-05-24 11:49:58 +0545
commit966ed61177768899b7cda1dc995a0bf7df1072f5 (patch)
tree8695842d4c9d23bb53fd4b4c7fa6dedea6521916 /usr/local/www/services_dnsmasq_domainoverride_edit.php
parent88cbd0049b78bd731648be68c13e08161e5e943c (diff)
Code style services dnsmasq
Diffstat (limited to 'usr/local/www/services_dnsmasq_domainoverride_edit.php')
1 files changed, 121 insertions, 104 deletions
diff --git a/usr/local/www/services_dnsmasq_domainoverride_edit.php b/usr/local/www/services_dnsmasq_domainoverride_edit.php
index d2c3181..b992019 100644
--- a/usr/local/www/services_dnsmasq_domainoverride_edit.php
+++ b/usr/local/www/services_dnsmasq_domainoverride_edit.php
@@ -44,82 +44,84 @@ require("");
$referer = (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : '/services_dnsmasq.php');
if (!is_array($config['dnsmasq']['domainoverrides'])) {
- $config['dnsmasq']['domainoverrides'] = array();
+ $config['dnsmasq']['domainoverrides'] = array();
$a_domainOverrides = &$config['dnsmasq']['domainoverrides'];
-if (is_numericint($_GET['id']))
+if (is_numericint($_GET['id'])) {
$id = $_GET['id'];
-if (isset($_POST['id']) && is_numericint($_POST['id']))
+if (isset($_POST['id']) && is_numericint($_POST['id'])) {
$id = $_POST['id'];
if (isset($id) && $a_domainOverrides[$id]) {
- $pconfig['domain'] = $a_domainOverrides[$id]['domain'];
- if (is_ipaddr($a_domainOverrides[$id]['ip']) && ($a_domainOverrides[$id]['ip'] != '#')) {
- $pconfig['ip'] = $a_domainOverrides[$id]['ip'];
- }
- else {
- $dnsmasqpieces = explode('@', $a_domainOverrides[$id]['ip'], 2);
- $pconfig['ip'] = $dnsmasqpieces[0];
- $pconfig['dnssrcip'] = $dnsmasqpieces[1];
- }
- $pconfig['descr'] = $a_domainOverrides[$id]['descr'];
+ $pconfig['domain'] = $a_domainOverrides[$id]['domain'];
+ if (is_ipaddr($a_domainOverrides[$id]['ip']) && ($a_domainOverrides[$id]['ip'] != '#')) {
+ $pconfig['ip'] = $a_domainOverrides[$id]['ip'];
+ } else {
+ $dnsmasqpieces = explode('@', $a_domainOverrides[$id]['ip'], 2);
+ $pconfig['ip'] = $dnsmasqpieces[0];
+ $pconfig['dnssrcip'] = $dnsmasqpieces[1];
+ }
+ $pconfig['descr'] = $a_domainOverrides[$id]['descr'];
if ($_POST) {
- unset($input_errors);
- $pconfig = $_POST;
- /* input validation */
- $reqdfields = explode(" ", "domain ip");
- $reqdfieldsn = array(gettext("Domain"),gettext("IP address"));
- do_input_validation($_POST, $reqdfields, $reqdfieldsn, $input_errors);
- function String_Begins_With($needle, $haystack) {
- return (substr($haystack, 0, strlen($needle))==$needle);
- }
- if (String_Begins_With(_msdcs, $_POST['domain'])) {
- $subdomainstr = substr($_POST['domain'], 7);
- if ($subdomainstr && !is_domain($subdomainstr)) {
- $input_errors[] = gettext("A valid domain must be specified after _msdcs.");
- }
- }
- elseif ($_POST['domain'] && !is_domain($_POST['domain'])) {
- $input_errors[] = gettext("A valid domain must be specified.");
- }
- if ($_POST['ip'] && !is_ipaddr($_POST['ip']) && ($_POST['ip'] != '#') && ($_POST['ip'] != '!')) {
- $input_errors[] = gettext("A valid IP address must be specified, or # for an exclusion or ! to not forward at all.");
- }
- if ($_POST['dnssrcip'] && !in_array($_POST['dnssrcip'], get_configured_ip_addresses())) {
- $input_errors[] = gettext("An interface IP address must be specified for the DNS query source.");
- }
- if (!$input_errors) {
- $doment = array();
- $doment['domain'] = $_POST['domain'];
- if (empty($_POST['dnssrcip']))
- $doment['ip'] = $_POST['ip'];
- else
- $doment['ip'] = $_POST['ip'] . "@" . $_POST['dnssrcip'];
- $doment['descr'] = $_POST['descr'];
- if (isset($id) && $a_domainOverrides[$id])
- $a_domainOverrides[$id] = $doment;
- else
- $a_domainOverrides[] = $doment;
- $retval = services_dnsmasq_configure();
- write_config();
- header("Location: services_dnsmasq.php");
- exit;
- }
+ unset($input_errors);
+ $pconfig = $_POST;
+ /* input validation */
+ $reqdfields = explode(" ", "domain ip");
+ $reqdfieldsn = array(gettext("Domain"), gettext("IP address"));
+ do_input_validation($_POST, $reqdfields, $reqdfieldsn, $input_errors);
+ function String_Begins_With($needle, $haystack) {
+ return (substr($haystack, 0, strlen($needle)) == $needle);
+ }
+ if (String_Begins_With(_msdcs, $_POST['domain'])) {
+ $subdomainstr = substr($_POST['domain'], 7);
+ if ($subdomainstr && !is_domain($subdomainstr)) {
+ $input_errors[] = gettext("A valid domain must be specified after _msdcs.");
+ }
+ } elseif ($_POST['domain'] && !is_domain($_POST['domain'])) {
+ $input_errors[] = gettext("A valid domain must be specified.");
+ }
+ if ($_POST['ip'] && !is_ipaddr($_POST['ip']) && ($_POST['ip'] != '#') && ($_POST['ip'] != '!')) {
+ $input_errors[] = gettext("A valid IP address must be specified, or # for an exclusion or ! to not forward at all.");
+ }
+ if ($_POST['dnssrcip'] && !in_array($_POST['dnssrcip'], get_configured_ip_addresses())) {
+ $input_errors[] = gettext("An interface IP address must be specified for the DNS query source.");
+ }
+ if (!$input_errors) {
+ $doment = array();
+ $doment['domain'] = $_POST['domain'];
+ if (empty($_POST['dnssrcip'])) {
+ $doment['ip'] = $_POST['ip'];
+ } else {
+ $doment['ip'] = $_POST['ip'] . "@" . $_POST['dnssrcip'];
+ }
+ $doment['descr'] = $_POST['descr'];
+ if (isset($id) && $a_domainOverrides[$id]) {
+ $a_domainOverrides[$id] = $doment;
+ } else {
+ $a_domainOverrides[] = $doment;
+ }
+ $retval = services_dnsmasq_configure();
+ write_config();
+ header("Location: services_dnsmasq.php");
+ exit;
+ }
-$pgtitle = array(gettext("Services"),gettext("DNS forwarder"),gettext("Edit Domain Override"));
+$pgtitle = array(gettext("Services"), gettext("DNS forwarder"), gettext("Edit Domain Override"));
$shortcut_section = "forwarder";
@@ -128,47 +130,62 @@ include("");
<body link="#0000CC" vlink="#0000CC" alink="#0000CC">
<?php include(""); ?>
<?php if ($input_errors) print_input_errors($input_errors); ?>
- <form action="services_dnsmasq_domainoverride_edit.php" method="post" name="iform" id="iform">
- <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" summary="domain override">
- <tr>
- <td width="22%" valign="top" class="vncellreq"><?=gettext("Domain");?></td>
- <td width="78%" class="vtable">
- <?=$mandfldhtml;?><input name="domain" type="text" class="formfld unknown" id="domain" size="40" value="<?=htmlspecialchars($pconfig['domain']);?>" />
- <br /> <span class="vexpl"><?=gettext("Domain to override (NOTE: this does not have to be a valid TLD!)"); ?><br />
- <?=gettext("e.g."); ?> <em><?=gettext("test"); ?></em> <?=gettext("or"); ?> <em>mycompany.localdomain</em> <?=gettext("or"); ?> <em></em> </span></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td width="22%" valign="top" class="vncellreq"><?=gettext("IP address");?></td>
- <td width="78%" class="vtable">
- <?=$mandfldhtml;?><input name="ip" type="text" class="formfld unknown" id="ip" size="40" value="<?=htmlspecialchars($pconfig['ip']);?>" />
- <br /> <span class="vexpl"><?=gettext("IP address of the authoritative DNS server for this domain"); ?><br />
- <?=gettext("e.g."); ?> <em></em><br /><?=gettext("Or enter # for an exclusion to pass through this host/subdomain to standard nameservers instead of a previous override."); ?><br /><?=gettext("Or enter ! for lookups for this host/subdomain to NOT be forwarded anywhere."); ?></span></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td width="22%" valign="top" class="vncell"><?=gettext("Source IP");?></td>
- <td width="78%" class="vtable">
- <?=$mandfldhtml;?><input name="dnssrcip" type="text" class="formfld unknown" id="dnssrcip" size="40" value="<?=htmlspecialchars($pconfig['dnssrcip']);?>" />
- <br /> <span class="vexpl"><?=gettext("Source IP address for queries to the DNS server for the override domain."); ?><br />
- <?=gettext("Leave blank unless your DNS server is accessed through a VPN tunnel."); ?></span></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td width="22%" valign="top" class="vncell"><?=gettext("Description");?></td>
- <td width="78%" class="vtable">
- <input name="descr" type="text" class="formfld unknown" id="descr" size="40" value="<?=htmlspecialchars($pconfig['descr']);?>" />
- <br /> <span class="vexpl"><?=gettext("You may enter a description here".
- " for your reference (not parsed).");?></span></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td width="22%" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
- <td width="78%">
- <input name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?=gettext("Save");?>" />
- <input type="button" class="formbtn" value="<?=gettext("Cancel");?>" onclick="window.location.href='<?=$referer;?>'" />
- <?php if (isset($id) && $a_domainOverrides[$id]): ?>
- <input name="id" type="hidden" value="<?=htmlspecialchars($id);?>" />
- <?php endif; ?>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
+<form action="services_dnsmasq_domainoverride_edit.php" method="post" name="iform" id="iform">
+ <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" summary="domain override">
+ <tr>
+ <td width="22%" valign="top" class="vncellreq"><?=gettext("Domain");?></td>
+ <td width="78%" class="vtable">
+ <?=$mandfldhtml;?><input name="domain" type="text" class="formfld unknown" id="domain" size="40" value="<?=htmlspecialchars($pconfig['domain']);?>" />
+ <br />
+ <span class="vexpl">
+ <?=gettext("Domain to override (NOTE: this does not have to be a valid TLD!)"); ?><br />
+ <?=gettext("e.g."); ?> <em><?=gettext("test"); ?></em> <?=gettext("or"); ?> <em>mycompany.localdomain</em> <?=gettext("or"); ?> <em></em>
+ </span>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td width="22%" valign="top" class="vncellreq"><?=gettext("IP address");?></td>
+ <td width="78%" class="vtable">
+ <?=$mandfldhtml;?><input name="ip" type="text" class="formfld unknown" id="ip" size="40" value="<?=htmlspecialchars($pconfig['ip']);?>" />
+ <br />
+ <span class="vexpl">
+ <?=gettext("IP address of the authoritative DNS server for this domain"); ?><br />
+ <?=gettext("e.g."); ?> <em></em><br /><?=gettext("Or enter # for an exclusion to pass through this host/subdomain to standard nameservers instead of a previous override."); ?><br /><?=gettext("Or enter ! for lookups for this host/subdomain to NOT be forwarded anywhere."); ?>
+ </span>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td width="22%" valign="top" class="vncell"><?=gettext("Source IP");?></td>
+ <td width="78%" class="vtable">
+ <?=$mandfldhtml;?><input name="dnssrcip" type="text" class="formfld unknown" id="dnssrcip" size="40" value="<?=htmlspecialchars($pconfig['dnssrcip']);?>" />
+ <br />
+ <span class="vexpl">
+ <?=gettext("Source IP address for queries to the DNS server for the override domain."); ?><br />
+ <?=gettext("Leave blank unless your DNS server is accessed through a VPN tunnel."); ?>
+ </span>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td width="22%" valign="top" class="vncell"><?=gettext("Description");?></td>
+ <td width="78%" class="vtable">
+ <input name="descr" type="text" class="formfld unknown" id="descr" size="40" value="<?=htmlspecialchars($pconfig['descr']);?>" />
+ <br />
+ <span class="vexpl">
+ <?=gettext("You may enter a description here for your reference (not parsed).");?>
+ </span>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td width="22%" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
+ <td width="78%">
+ <input name="Submit" type="submit" class="formbtn" value="<?=gettext("Save");?>" />
+ <input type="button" class="formbtn" value="<?=gettext("Cancel");?>" onclick="window.location.href='<?=$referer;?>'" />
+ <?php if (isset($id) && $a_domainOverrides[$id]): ?>
+ <input name="id" type="hidden" value="<?=htmlspecialchars($id);?>" />
+ <?php endif; ?>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
<?php include(""); ?>
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