path: root/usr/local/www/javascript/pi.js
diff options
authorRenato Botelho <>2015-08-25 08:08:24 -0300
committerRenato Botelho <>2015-08-25 14:49:54 -0300
commit46bc6e545a17e77202aaf01ec0cd8d5a46567525 (patch)
tree32d18dda436ec739c67c489ceb771e8629cd926f /usr/local/www/javascript/pi.js
parent4d9801c2dbd2b3e54a39578ee62b93af66607227 (diff)
Move main pfSense content to src/
Diffstat (limited to 'usr/local/www/javascript/pi.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 682 deletions
diff --git a/usr/local/www/javascript/pi.js b/usr/local/www/javascript/pi.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a3a3c3..0000000
--- a/usr/local/www/javascript/pi.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,682 +0,0 @@
- /*
- * pi.js
- * 1.0
- * Azer Koçulu <>
- *
- */
- _scope.pi = Object(3.14159265358979323846);
- var pi = _scope.pi;
- pi.version = 1.0;
- pi.env = {
- ie: /MSIE/i.test(navigator.userAgent),
- ie6: /MSIE 6/i.test(navigator.userAgent),
- ie7: /MSIE 7/i.test(navigator.userAgent),
- ie8: /MSIE 8/i.test(navigator.userAgent),
- firefox: /Firefox/i.test(navigator.userAgent),
- opera: /Opera/i.test(navigator.userAgent),
- webkit: /Webkit/i.test(navigator.userAgent)
- };
- pi.util = {
- IsArray:function(_object){
- return _object && _object != window && ( _object instanceof Array || ( typeof _object.length == "number" && typeof _object.item =="function" ) );
- },
- IsHash:function(_object){
- return _object && typeof _object=="object"&&(_object==window||_object instanceof Object)&&!_object.nodeName&&!pi.util.IsArray(_object);
- },
- DOMContentLoaded:[],
- AddEvent: function(_element,_eventName,_fn,_useCapture){
- _element["attachEvent","addEventListener")]("on","")+_eventName,_fn,_useCapture||false);
- return pi.util.AddEvent.curry(this,_element);
- },
- RemoveEvent: function(_element,_eventName,_fn,_useCapture){
- return _element["detachEvent","removeEventListener")]("on","")+_eventName,_fn,_useCapture||false);
- },
- GetWindowSize:function(){
- return {
- };
- },
- Include:function(_url,_callback){
- var script = new pi.element("script").attribute.set("src",_url), callback = _callback||new Function, done = false, head = pi.get.byTag("head")[0];
- script.environment.getElement().onload = script.environment.getElement().onreadystatechange = function(){
- if(!done && (!this.readyState || this.readyState == "loaded" || this.readyState == "complete")){
- done = true;
- head.removeChild(script.environment.getElement());
- }
- };
- script.insert(head);
- },
- Element:{
- addClass:function(_element,_class){
- if( !pi.util.Element.hasClass(_element,_class) )
- pi.util.Element.setClass(_element, pi.util.Element.getClass(_element) + " " + _class );
- },
- getClass:function(_element){
- return _element.getAttribute("className","class"))||"";
- },
- hasClass:function(_element,_class){
- return pi.util.Element.getClass(_element).split(" ").indexOf(_class)>-1;
- },
- removeClass:function(_element,_class){
- if( pi.util.Element.hasClass(_element,_class) )
- pi.util.Element.setClass(
- _element,
- pi.util.Element.getClass(_element,_class).split(" ").removeValue(_class).join(" ")
- );
- },
- setClass:function(_element,_value){
- _element.setAttribute("className","class"), _value );
- },
- toggleClass:function(){
- if(pi.util.Element.hasClass.apply(this,arguments))
- pi.util.Element.removeClass.apply(this,arguments);
- else
- pi.util.Element.addClass.apply(this,arguments);
- },
- getOpacity:function(_styleObject){
- var styleObject = _styleObject;
- if(!
- return styleObject["opacity"];
- var alpha = styleObject["filter"].match(/opacity\=(\d+)/i);
- return alpha?alpha[1]/100:1;
- },
- setOpacity:function(_element,_value){
- if(!
- return pi.util.Element.addStyle(_element,{ "opacity":_value });
- _value*=100;
- pi.util.Element.addStyle(_element,{ "filter":"alpha(opacity="+_value+")" });
- return this._parent_;
- },
- getPosition:function(_element){
- var parent = _element,offsetLeft = 0, offsetTop = 0, view = pi.util.Element.getView(_element);
- while(parent&&parent!=document.body&&parent!=document.firstChild){
- offsetLeft +=parseInt(parent.offsetLeft);
- offsetTop += parseInt(parent.offsetTop);
- parent = parent.offsetParent;
- };
- return {
- "bottom":view["bottom"],
- "left":view["left"],
- "marginTop":view["marginTop"],
- "marginLeft":view["marginLeft"],
- "offsetLeft":offsetLeft,
- "offsetTop":offsetTop,
- "position":view["position"],
- "right":view["right"],
- "top":view["top"],
- "z-index":view["zIndex"]
- };
- },
- getSize:function(_element){
- var view = pi.util.Element.getView(_element);
- return {
- "height":view["height"],
- "offsetHeight":_element.offsetHeight,
- "offsetWidth":_element.offsetWidth,
- "width":view["width"]
- };
- },
- addStyle:function(_element,_style){
- for(var key in _style){
- key = key=="float"?"styleFloat","cssFloat"):key;
- if (key == "opacity" && {
- pi.util.Element.setOpacity(_element,_style[key]);
- continue;
- }
-[key] = _style[key];
- }
- },
- getStyle:function(_element,_property){
- _property = _property=="float"?"styleFloat","cssFloat"):_property;
- if(_property=="opacity"&&
- return pi.util.Element.getOpacity(;
- return typeof _property=="string"?[_property];
- },
- getView:function(_element,_property){
- var view = document.defaultView?document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(_element,null):_element.currentStyle;
- _property = _property=="float"?"styleFloat","cssFloat"):_property;
- if(_property=="opacity"&&
- return pi.util.Element.getOpacity(_element,view);
- return typeof _property=="string"?view[_property]:view;
- }
- },
- CloneObject:function(_object,_fn){
- var tmp = {};
- for(var key in _object)
- {
- if( pi.util.IsArray( _object[key] ) ){
- tmp[key] = Array.prototype.clone.apply( _object[key] );
- } else
- if( pi.util.IsHash( _object[key] ) ){
- tmp[ key ] = pi.util.CloneObject(_object[key]);
- if(_fn),key,_object);
- } else
- tmp[key] = _object[key];
- }
- return tmp;
- },
- MergeObjects:function(_object,_source){
- for(var key in _source){
- var value = _source[key];
- if (pi.util.IsArray(_source[key])) {
- if(pi.util.IsArray( _object[key] )){
- Array.prototype.push.apply( _source[key], _object[key] );
- }
- else
- value = _source[key].clone();
- }
- else
- if (pi.util.IsHash(_source[key])) {
- if (pi.util.IsHash(_object[key])) {
- value = pi.util.MergeObjects(_object[key], _source[key]);
- } else {
- value = pi.util.CloneObject( _source[key] );
- }
- }
- _object[key] = value;
- };
- return _object;
- }
- };
- pi.get = function(){
- return document.getElementById(arguments[0]);
- };
- pi.get.byTag = function(){
- return document.getElementsByTagName(arguments[0]);
- };
- pi.get.byClass = function(){ return document.getElementsByClassName.apply(document,arguments); };
- pi.base = function(){
- this.body = {};
- this.constructor = null;
- = function(_skipClonning){
- var base = this, skipClonning = _skipClonning||false, _private = {},
- fn = function(){
- var _p = pi.util.CloneObject(_private);
- if(!skipClonning){
- for(var key in this){
- if(pi.util.IsArray( this[ key ] ) ){
- this[key] = Array.prototype.clone.apply( this[key] );
- } else
- if( pi.util.IsHash(this[key]) ){
- this[key] = pi.util.CloneObject(
- this[ key ],
- function(_key,_object){
- this[ _key ]._parent_ = this;
- }
- );
- this[key]._parent_ = this;
- }
- }
- };
- base.createAccessors( _p, this );
- if(base.constructor)
- return base.constructor.apply(this,arguments);
- return this;
- };
- this.movePrivateMembers(this.body,_private);
- if(this.constructor){
- fn["$Constructor"] = this.constructor;
- }
- fn.prototype = this.body;
- return fn;
- };
- this.createAccessors = function(_p, _branch){
- var getter = function(_property){ return this[_property]; },
- setter = function(_property,_value){ this[_property] = _value; return _branch._parent_||_branch; };
- for (var name in _p) {
- var isPrivate = name.substring(0, 1) == "_", title = name.substring(1, 2).toUpperCase() + name.substring(2);
- if (isPrivate) {
- _branch["get" + title] = getter.curry(_p,name);
- _branch["set" + title] = setter.curry(_p,name);
- }
- else
- if (pi.util.IsHash(_p[name])){
- if(!_branch[name])
- _branch[name] = {};
- this.createAccessors(_p[name], _branch[name]);
- }
- };
- };
- this.movePrivateMembers = function(_object, _branch){
- for (var name in _object) {
- var isPrivate = name.substring(0, 1) == "_";
- if (isPrivate) {
- _branch[name] = _object[name];
- delete _object[name];
- }
- else
- if (pi.util.IsHash(_object[name])){
- _branch[name] = {};
- this.movePrivateMembers(_object[name], _branch[name]);
- }
- };
- };
- };
- Function.prototype.extend = function(_prototype,_skipClonning){
- var object = new pi.base, superClass = this;
- if(_prototype["$Constructor"]){
- object.constructor = _prototype["$Constructor"];
- delete _prototype["$Constructor"];
- };
- object.body = superClass==pi.base?_prototype:pi.util.MergeObjects(_prototype,superClass.prototype,2);
- object.constructor=object.constructor||function(){
- if(superClass!=pi.base)
- superClass.apply(this,arguments);
- };
- return;
- };
- Function.prototype.curry = function(_scope){
- var fn = this, scope = _scope||window, args =,1);
- return function(){
- return fn.apply(scope,args.concat(,0) ));
- };
- };
- pi.element = pi.base.extend({
- "$Constructor":function(_tag){
- this.environment.setElement(document.createElement(_tag||"DIV"));
- this.environment.getElement().pi = this;
- return this;
- },
- "clean":function(){
- var childs = this.child.get();
- while(childs.length){
- childs[0].parentNode.removeChild(childs[0]);
- }
- },
- "clone":function(_deep){
- return this.environment.getElement().cloneNode(_deep);
- },
- "insert":function(_element){
- _element = _element.environment?_element.environment.getElement():_element;
- _element.appendChild(this.environment.getElement());
- return this;
- },
- "insertAfter":function(_referenceElement){
- _referenceElement = _referenceElement.environment?_referenceElement.environment.getElement():_referenceElement;
- _referenceElement.nextSibling?this.insertBefore(_referenceElement.nextSibling):this.insert(_referenceElement.parentNode);
- return this;
- },
- "insertBefore":function(_referenceElement){
- _referenceElement = _referenceElement.environment?_referenceElement.environment.getElement():_referenceElement;
- _referenceElement.parentNode.insertBefore(this.environment.getElement(),_referenceElement);
- return this;
- },
- "query":function(_expression,_resultType,namespaceResolver,_result){
- return pi.xpath(_expression,_resultType||"ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE",this.environment.getElement(),_namespaceResolver,_result);
- },
- "remove":function(){
- this.environment.getParent().removeChild(
- this.environment.getElement()
- );
- },
- "update":function(_value){
- ["textarea","input"].indexOf(this.environment.getName())>-1?
- (this.environment.getElement().value = _value):
- (this.environment.getElement().innerHTML = _value);
- return this;
- },
- "attribute":{
- "getAll":function(_name){
- return this._parent_.environment.getElement().attributes;
- },
- "clear":function(_name){
- this.set(_name,"");
- return this._parent_;
- },
- "get":function(_name){
- return this._parent_.environment.getElement().getAttribute(_name);
- },
- "has":function(_name){
- return!=null):this._parent_.environment.getElement().hasAttribute(_name);
- },
- "remove":function(_name){
- this._parent_.environment.getElement().removeAttribute(_name);
- return this._parent_;
- },
- "set":function(_name,_value){
- this._parent_.environment.getElement().setAttribute(_name,_value);
- return this._parent_;
- },
- "addClass":function(_classes){
- for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
- pi.util.Element.addClass(this._parent_.environment.getElement(),arguments[i]);
- };
- return this._parent_;
- },
- "clearClass":function(){
- this.setClass("");
- this._parent_;
- },
- "getClass":function(){
- return pi.util.Element.getClass( this._parent_.environment.getElement() );
- },
- "hasClass":function(_class){
- return pi.util.Element.hasClass( this._parent_.environment.getElement(), _class );
- },
- "setClass":function(_value){
- return pi.util.Element.setClass( this._parent_.environment.getElement(), _value );
- },
- "removeClass":function(_class){
- pi.util.Element.removeClass( this._parent_.environment.getElement(), _class );
- return this._parent_;
- },
- "toggleClass":function(_class){
- pi.util.Element.toggleClass( this._parent_.environment.getElement(), _class );
- }
- },
- "child":{
- "get":function(){
- return this._parent_.environment.getElement().childNodes;
- },
- "add":function(_elements){
- for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
- var el = arguments[i];
- this._parent_.environment.getElement().appendChild(
- el.environment ? el.environment.getElement() : el
- );
- }
- return this._parent_;
- },
- "addAfter":function(_element,_referenceElement){
- this.addBefore(
- _element.environment?_element.environment.getElement():_element,
- (_referenceElement.environment?_referenceElement.environment.getElement():_referenceElement).nextSibling
- );
- return this._parent_;
- },
- "addBefore":function(_element,_referenceElement){
- this._parent_.environment.getElement().insertBefore(
- _element.environment?_element.environment.getElement():_element,
- _referenceElement.environment?_referenceElement.environment.getElement():_referenceElement
- );
- return this._parent_;
- },
- "query":function(_tag,_attributeName,_attributeValue){
- return this._parent_.query(
- "{0}{1}".format( (_tag?"{0}".format(_tag):"/*"), _attributeName||_attributeValue?"[contains(concat(' ', @{0}, ' '),' {1} ')]".format(_attributeName||"",_attributeValue||""):"" )
- );
- },
- "remove":function(_element){
- this._parent_.environment.getElement().removeChild(_element.environment?_element.environment.getElement():_element);
- }
- },
- "environment":{
- "_element":null,
- "getParent":function(){
- return this.getElement().parentNode;
- },
- "getPosition":function(){
- return pi.util.Element.getPosition(this.getElement());
- },
- "getSize":function(){
- return pi.util.Element.getSize( this.getElement() );
- },
- "addStyle":function(_styleObject){
- pi.util.Element.addStyle(this.getElement(),_styleObject);
- return this._parent_;
- },
- "getStyle":function(_property){
- return pi.util.Element.getStyle(_property);
- },
- "getName":function(){
- return this.getElement().nodeName;
- },
- "getType":function(){
- return this.getElement().nodeType;
- },
- "getView":function(_property){
- return pi.util.Element.getView(this.getElement(),_property);
- }
- },
- "event":{
- "addListener":function(_event,_fn,_useCapture){
- pi.util.AddEvent(this._parent_.environment.getElement(),_event,_fn,_useCapture);
- return this._parent_;
- },
- "removeListener":function(_event,_fn,_useCapture){
- pi.util.RemoveEvent(this._parent_.environment.getElement(),_event,_fn,_useCapture);
- return this._parent_;
- }
- }
- });
- pi.xhr = new pi.base;
- pi.xhr.constructor = function(){
- var api;
- if(!window.XMLHttpRequest){
- var names = ["Msxml2.XMLHTTP.6.0","Msxml2.XMLHTTP.3.0","Msxml2.XMLHTTP","Microsoft.XMLHTTP"];
- for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
- try {
- this.environment.setApi(new ActiveXObject(names[i]));
- break;
- } catch (e) { continue; }
- }
- }
- else
- this.environment.setApi(new XMLHttpRequest());
- this.environment.getApi().onreadystatechange=this.event.readystatechange.curry(this);
- return this;
- };
- pi.xhr.body = {
- "abort":function(){
- this.environment.getApi().abort();
- },
- "send":function(){
- var url = this.environment.getUrl(), data = this.environment.getData(),dataUrl = "";
- for (var key in data)
- dataUrl += "{0}={1}&".format(key, data[key]);
- if (this.environment.getType()=="GET")
- url += ("\\?")==-1?"?":"&")+"{0}".format(dataUrl);
- this.environment.getApi().open(this.environment.getType(),url,this.environment.getAsync());
- for(var key in this.environment.getHeader())
- this.environment.getApi().setRequestHeader(key,this.environment.getHeader()[key]);
- this.environment.getApi().send(this.environment.getType()=="GET"?"":dataUrl);
- }
- };
- pi.xhr.body.environment = {
- "_async":true, "_api":null, "_cache":true, "_callback":[], "_channel":null, "_data":{}, "_header":{}, "_mimeType":null, "_multipart":false, "_type":"GET", "_timeout":0, "_url":"",
- "addCallback": function(_options,_fn){
- this.getCallback().push({ "fn":_fn, "options":_options });
- },
- "addHeader": function(_key,_value){
- this.getHeader()[_key] = _value;
- },
- "addData": function(_key,_value){
- this.getData()[_key] = _value;
- },
- "changeCache":function(_value){
- if(_value==false){
- this.addData("forceCache",Math.round(Math.random()*10000));
- }
- this.setCache(_value);
- },
- "changeType": function(_value){
- if(_value=="POST"){
- this.addHeader("Content-Type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
- }
- this.setType(_value);
- }
- };
- pi.xhr.body.event = {
- "readystatechange":function(){
- var readyState = this.environment.getApi().readyState;
- var callback=this.environment.getCallback();
- for (var i = 0; i < callback.length; i++) {
- if(callback[i].options.readyState.indexOf(readyState)>-1)
- callback[i].fn.apply(this);
- }
- }
- };
- pi.xhr =;
- /*
- * xml.xhr.get
- */
- pi.xhr.get = function(_url,_returnPiObject){
- var request = new pi.xhr();
- request.environment.setAsync(false);
- request.environment.setUrl(_url);
- request.send();
- return _returnPiObject?request:request.environment.getApi();
- };
- /*
- * pi.xpath
- */
- pi.xpath = function(_expression,_resultType,_contextNode,_namespaceResolver,_result){
- var contextNode = _contextNode||document,
- expression = _expression||"",
- namespaceResolver = _namespaceResolver||null,
- result=_result||null,
- resultType=_resultType||"ANY_TYPE";
- return document.evaluate(expression, contextNode, namespaceResolver, XPathResult[resultType], result);
- };
- Array.prototype.clone = function(){
- var tmp = [];
- Array.prototype.push.apply(tmp,this);
- tmp.forEach(function(item,index,object){
- if(item instanceof Array)
- object[index] = object[index].clone();
- });
- return tmp;
- };
- Array.prototype.count = function(_value){
- var count = 0;
- this.forEach(function(){
- count+=Number(arguments[0]==_value);
- });
- return count;
- };
- Array.prototype.forEach = Array.prototype.forEach||function(_function){
- for(var i=0; i<this.length; i++)
- _function.apply(this,[this[i],i,this]);
- };
- Array.prototype.getLastItem = function(){
- return this[this.length-1];
- };
- Array.prototype.indexOf = Array.prototype.indexOf||function(_value){
- var index = -1;
- for(var i=0; i<this.length; i++)
- if(this[i]==_value){
- index = i;
- break;
- }
- return index;
- };
- Array.prototype.remove = function(_index){
- var array = this.slice(0,_index);
- Array.prototype.push.apply(array,this.slice(_index+1));
- return array;
- };
- Array.prototype.removeValue = function(_value){
- return this.remove(this.indexOf(_value));
- };
- Boolean.prototype.toggle = function(){
- return this==true?arguments[0]:arguments[1];
- };
- Number.prototype.base = function(_system){
- var remain = this%_system;
- if(this==remain)return String.fromCharCode(this+(this>9?87:48));
- return ((this-remain)/_system).base(_system)+String.fromCharCode(remain+(remain>9?87:48));
- };
- Number.prototype.decimal = function(_system){
- var result = 0, digit = String(this).split("");
- for(var i=0; i<digit.length; i++)
- {
- digit[i]=parseInt((digit[i].charCodeAt(0)>58)?digit[i].charCodeAt(0)-87:digit[i]);
- result += digit[i]*(Math.pow(_system,digit.length-1-i));
- }
- return result;
- };
- Number.prototype.range = function(_pattern){
- for(
- var value = String(this), isFloat = /\./i.test(value),
- i = isFloat.toggle(parseInt(value.split(".")[0]),0),
- end = parseInt(value.split(".")[isFloat.toggle(1,0)]),
- array = []; i<end; i++
- ){
- array.push(
- Boolean(_pattern)==false?i:(typeof _pattern=="function"?_pattern(i):_pattern[i])
- );
- }
- return array;
- };
- String.prototype.escape = function(){
- return escape(this);
- };
- String.prototype.format = function(){
- var values = arguments;
- return this.replace(/\{(\d)\}/g,function(){
- return values[arguments[1]];
- });
- };
- String.prototype.leftpad = function(_len,_ch){
- var str=this;
- var ch = Boolean(_ch)==false?" ":_ch;
- while(str.length<_len)
- str=ch+str;
- return str;
- };
- String.prototype.toggle = function(_value,_other){
- return this==_value?_value:_other;
- };
- String.prototype.unicode = function(){
- var str="", obj = this.split("");
- for(var i=obj.length-1; i>=0; i--)
- str="\\u{0}{1}".format(String(obj[i].charCodeAt(0).base(16)).leftpad(4,"0"),str);
- return str;
- };
- pi.util.AddEvent(
- function(){
- for(var i=0; i<pi.util.DOMContentLoaded.length; i++){
- pi.util.DOMContentLoaded[ i ]();
- }
- }
- );
-})(window); \ No newline at end of file
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud