path: root/src/usr/local/www
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authorstilez <>2017-05-24 07:39:28 +0100
committerGitHub <>2017-05-24 07:39:28 +0100
commitfd1bd705c5d460ddf5835b099aaa5cd102f64722 (patch)
tree4d2d2c1c497f0ee4feaba5cf0ec5bee91373ef8c /src/usr/local/www
parent7b084fd314af91a87eec56b57e59e5cd98df3558 (diff)
If user-entered PHP errors out, display the error line in context to help the user
If the user enters PHP in the command-line page, and it errors out, it's usually a typo or something minor. But the user is left with an error that references a /tmp file which doesn't exist at the point they read the message, a line number that's incorrect, and their input which doesn't display line numbers anyhow. This patch fixes this, so that a user who wants to enter php command-line in the GUI and gets an error, can quickly identify the exact line causing the error. If an error occurs (detected by either non-zero return value or output matching an error message referencing the temp script file), then an short DIV is shown above the usual PHP output for "error location". It gives the correct error line number, and shows the code with line numbers and syntax highlighting (using php's native "-s" option), pre-scrolled to the error line.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/usr/local/www')
1 files changed, 58 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/src/usr/local/www/diag_command.php b/src/usr/local/www/diag_command.php
index bac4848..b6e0c54 100755
--- a/src/usr/local/www/diag_command.php
+++ b/src/usr/local/www/diag_command.php
@@ -255,39 +255,85 @@ if ($_POST['submit'] == "EXEC" && !isBlank($_POST['txtCommand'])):?>
// Experimental version. Writes the user's php code to a file and executes it via a new instance of PHP
// This is intended to prevent bad code from breaking the GUI
if ($_POST['submit'] == "EXECPHP" && !isBlank($_POST['txtPHPCommand'])) {
- puts("<div class=\"panel panel-success responsive\"><div class=\"panel-heading\"><h2 class=\"panel-title\">PHP Response</h2></div>");
- $tmpname = tempnam("/tmp", "");
- $phpfile = fopen($tmpname, "w");
- fwrite($phpfile, "<?php\n");
- fwrite($phpfile, "require_once(\"/etc/inc/\");\n");
- fwrite($phpfile, "require_once(\"/etc/inc/\");\n\n");
- fwrite($phpfile, $_POST['txtPHPCommand'] . "\n");
- fwrite($phpfile, "?>\n");
- fclose($phpfile);
+ $tmpfile = tempnam("/tmp", "");
+ $phpcode = <<<END_FILE
- $output = array();
- exec("/usr/local/bin/php -d log_errors=off " . $tmpname, $output);
- unlink($tmpname);
+ $lineno_correction = 6; // line numbering correction, this should be the number of lines added above, BEFORE the user's code
+ file_put_contents($tmpfile, sprintf($phpcode, $_POST['txtPHPCommand']));
+ $output = $matches = array();
+ $retval = 0;
+ exec("/usr/local/bin/php -d log_errors=off {$tmpfile}", $output, $ret_val);
+ puts('<div class="panel panel-success responsive"><div class="panel-heading"><h2 class="panel-title">PHP Response</h2></div>');
+ // Help user to find bad code line, if it gave an error
+ $errmsg_found = preg_match("`error.*:.* (?:in|File:) {$tmpfile}(?: on line|, Line:) (\d+)(?:$|, Message:)`i", implode("\n", $output), $matches);
+ if ($retval || $errmsg_found) {
+ /* Trap failed code - test both retval and output message
+ * Typical messages as at 2.3.x:
+ * "Parse error: syntax error, ERR_DETAILS in FILE on line NN"
+ * "PHP ERROR: Type: NN, File: FILE, Line: NN, Message: ERR_DETAILS"
+ */
+ $errline = $matches[1] - $lineno_correction;
+ $syntax_output = array();
+ $html = "";
+ exec("/usr/local/bin/php -s -d log_errors=off {$tmpfile}", $syntax_output);
+ // Lines 0, 2 and 3 are CSS wrapper for the syntax highlighted code which is at line 1 <br> separated.
+ $syntax_output = explode("<br />", $syntax_output[1]);
+ $chars = strlen(count($syntax_output)) + 1;
+ for ($lineno = 1; $lineno < count($syntax_output) - $lineno_correction; $lineno++) {
+ if ($lineno == $errline) {
+ $lineno_prefix = "&gt;&gt;&gt;" . str_repeat('&nbsp;', $chars - strlen($lineno));
+ } else {
+ $lineno_prefix = str_repeat('&nbsp;', ($chars + 3) - strlen($lineno));
+ }
+ $html .= "<span style='color:black;backgroundcolor:lightgrey'><tt>" . $lineno_prefix . $lineno . ":</tt></span>&nbsp;&nbsp;{$syntax_output[$lineno + $lineno_correction - 1]}<br/>\n";
+ }
+ echo sprintf(gettext('Line %s appears to have generated an error, and has been highlighted. The full response is below.<br/>' .
+ 'Note that the line number in the full PHP response will be %s lines too large.'), $errline, $lineno_correction);
+ echo "<div style='margin:20px'><b>" . gettext("Error locator:") . "</b>\n";
+ echo "<div id='errdiv' style='height:7em; width:60%; overflow:auto; white-space: nowrap; border:darkgrey solid 1px; margin-top: 20px'>\n";
+ echo $html . "\n</div></div>\n";
+ }
$output = implode("\n", $output);
print("<pre>" . htmlspecialchars($output) . "</pre>");
// echo eval($_POST['txtPHPCommand']);
+ unlink($tmpfile);
<script type="text/javascript">
events.push(function() {
+ // scroll error locator if needed (does nothing if no error)
+ $('#errdiv').scrollTop(<?=max($errline - ($lineno_correction - 3.5), 0);?> * parseFloat($('#errdiv').css('line-height')));
// Scroll to the bottom of the page to more easily see the results of a PHP exec command
$("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: $(document).height() }, 1000);
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