path: root/etc/inc/
diff options
authorErmal Luci <>2009-06-18 12:40:11 +0000
committerErmal Luci <>2009-06-18 12:40:11 +0000
commit6dc88d5352ea963d85708379405e238e0518e990 (patch)
treee51eb1a505ff148a495c642c9b6ed225476a58ce /etc/inc/
parent4b9980ecfff36202b6ea8dbf7d41e44f78ba52f3 (diff)
* Move functions that output html to
* Remove some recursive dependency on some includes * Remove ^M or \r from files * Remove some entries from to avoid including them twice * Remove some unneccessary includes from some files NOTE: There is some more work to be done for to be removed from backend as a dependency.
Diffstat (limited to 'etc/inc/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 340 deletions
diff --git a/etc/inc/ b/etc/inc/
index 401787d..9c62180 100644
--- a/etc/inc/
+++ b/etc/inc/
@@ -705,21 +705,6 @@ function get_filename_from_url($url) {
- * update_output_window: update bottom textarea dynamically.
- */
-function update_output_window($text) {
- global $pkg_interface;
- $log = ereg_replace("\n", "\\n", $text);
- if($pkg_interface == "console") {
- /* too chatty */
- } else {
- echo "\n<script language=\"JavaScript\">this.document.forms[0].output.value = \"" . $log . "\";</script>";
- }
- /* ensure that contents are written out */
- ob_flush();
* get_dir: return an array of $dir
function get_dir($dir) {
@@ -732,35 +717,6 @@ function get_dir($dir) {
return $dir_array;
- * update_output_window: update top textarea dynamically.
- */
-function update_status($status) {
- global $pkg_interface;
- if($pkg_interface == "console") {
- echo $status . "\n";
- } else {
- echo "\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">this.document.forms[0].status.value=\"" . $status . "\";</script>";
- }
- /* ensure that contents are written out */
- ob_flush();
- * update_progress_bar($percent): updates the javascript driven progress bar.
- */
-function update_progress_bar($percent) {
- global $pkg_interface;
- if($percent > 100) $percent = 1;
- if($pkg_interface <> "console") {
- echo "\n<script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"javascript\">";
- echo "\'" . $percent . "%';";
- echo "\n</script>";
- } else {
- echo " {$percent}%";
- }
/****f* pfsense-utils/WakeOnLan
* WakeOnLan - Wake a machine up using the wake on lan format/protocol
@@ -1071,157 +1027,6 @@ function get_disk_info() {
// $size, $used, $avail, $cap
-/****f* pfsense-utils/display_top_tabs
- * NAME
- * display_top_tabs - display tabs with rounded edges
- * $text - array of tabs
- * null
- ******/
-function display_top_tabs(& $tab_array) {
- global $config;
- global $g;
- /* does the user have access to this tab?
- * master user has access to everything.
- * if the user does not have access, simply
- * unset the tab item.
- */
- $tab_temp = array ();
- foreach ($tab_array as $ta)
- if(isAllowedPage($ta[2]))
- $tab_temp[] = $ta;
- /*
- // FIXME : if the checks are not good enough
- // in isAllowedPage, it needs to be
- // fixed instead of kludging here
- // TODO: humm what shall we do with pkg_edit.php and pkg.php?
- if ((strpos($link, "pkg.php")) !== false || (strpos($link, "pkg_edit.php")) !== false) {
- $pos_equal = strpos($link, "=");
- $pos_xmlsuffix = strpos($link, ".xml");
- // do we match an absolute url including ?xml= foo
- if(!isAllowedPage($link, $allowed))
- $link = substr($link, $pos_equal +1, ($pos_xmlsuffix - $pos_equal +3));
- }
- // next check - what if the basename contains a query string?
- if ((strpos($link, "?")) !== false) {
- $pos_qmark = strpos($link, "?");
- $link = substr($link, 0, $pos_qmark);
- }
- $authorized_text = print_r($allowed, true);
- if(is_array($authorized))
- if (in_array(basename($link), $authorized))
- */
- unset ($tab_array);
- $tab_array = & $tab_temp;
- $tab_active_bg = "#EEEEEE";
- $tab_inactive_bg = "#777777";
- $nifty_tabs_corners = "#FFF";
- $font_color = "white";
- /* if tabcontrols.php exist for a theme, allow it to be overriden */
- $themename = $config['theme'];
- $filename = "/usr/local/www/themes/{$themename}/tabcontrols.php";
- if(file_exists($filename)) {
- $eval_code = file_get_contents($filename);
- eval($eval_code);
- }
- $tabcharcount = 0;
- foreach ($tab_array as $ta)
- $tabcharcount = $tabcharcount + strlen($ta[0]);
- // If the character count of the tab names is > 670
- // then show a select item dropdown menubox.
- if($tabcharcount > 82) {
- echo "Currently viewing: ";
- echo "<select name='TabSelect'>\n";
- foreach ($tab_array as $ta) {
- if($ta[1]=="true")
- $selected = " SELECTED";
- else
- $selected = "";
- echo "<option onClick=\"document.location='{$ta[2]}';\"{$selected}>{$ta['0']}</option>\n";
- }
- echo "</select>\n<p/>";
- } else {
- echo "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>\n";
- echo " <tr>\n";
- $tabscounter = 0;
- foreach ($tab_array as $ta) {
- if ($ta[1] == true) {
- echo " <td bgcolor='{$tab_active_bg}' onClick=\"document.location='{$ta[2]}'\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\"><div id='tabactive'></div></td>\n";
- } else {
- echo " <td bgcolor='{$tab_inactive_bg}' onClick=\"document.location='{$ta[2]}'\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\"><div id='tabdeactive{$tabscounter}'></div></td>\n";
- }
- $tabscounter++;
- }
- echo "</tr>\n<tr>\n";
- foreach ($tab_array as $ta) {
- if ($ta[1] == true) {
- echo " <td height=\"15\" valign=\"middle\" bgcolor='{$tab_active_bg}' onClick=\"document.location='{$ta[2]}'\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\"><B>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;{$ta[0]}";
- echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
- echo "<font size='-12'>&nbsp;</font></B></td>\n";
- } else {
- echo " <td height=\"15\" valign=\"middle\" bgcolor='{$tab_inactive_bg}' onClick=\"document.location='{$ta[2]}'\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\"><B>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='{$ta[2]}'>";
- echo "<font color='{$font_color}'>{$ta[0]}</font></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
- echo "<font size='-12'>&nbsp;</font></B></td>\n";
- }
- }
- echo "</tr>\n<tr>\n";
- foreach ($tab_array as $ta) {
- if ($ta[1] == true) {
- echo " <td bgcolor='{$tab_active_bg}' onClick=\"document.location='{$ta[2]}'\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\"></td>\n";
- } else {
- echo " <td bgcolor='{$tab_inactive_bg}' onClick=\"document.location='{$ta[2]}'\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\"></td>\n";
- }
- $tabscounter++;
- }
- echo " </tr>\n";
- echo "</table>\n";
- echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">";
- echo "NiftyCheck();\n";
- echo "Rounded(\"div#tabactive\",\"top\",\"{$nifty_tabs_corners}\",\"{$tab_active_bg}\",\"smooth\");\n";
- for ($x = 0; $x < $tabscounter; $x++)
- echo "Rounded(\"div#tabdeactive{$x}\",\"top\",\"{$nifty_tabs_corners}\",\"{$tab_inactive_bg}\",\"smooth\");\n";
- echo "</script>";
- }
-/****f* pfsense-utils/display_topbar
- * NAME
- * display_topbar - top a table off with rounded edges
- * $text - (optional) Text to include in bar
- * null
- ******/
-function display_topbar($text = "", $bg_color="#990000", $replace_color="#FFFFFF", $rounding_style="smooth") {
- echo " <table width='100%' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>\n";
- echo " <tr height='1'>\n";
- echo " <td width='100%' valign='top' color='{$bg_color}' bgcolor='{$bg_color}'>";
- echo " <div id='topbar'></div></td>\n";
- echo " </tr>\n";
- echo " <tr height='1'>\n";
- if ($text != "")
- echo " <td height='1' class='listtopic'>{$text}</td>\n";
- else
- echo " <td height='1' class='listtopic'></td>\n";
- echo " </tr>\n";
- echo " </table>";
- echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">";
- echo "NiftyCheck();\n";
- echo "Rounded(\"div#topbar\",\"top\",\"{$replace_color}\",\"{$bg_color}\",\"{$rounding_style}\");\n";
- echo "</script>";
/****f* pfsense-utils/strncpy
* strncpy - copy strings
@@ -1579,18 +1384,6 @@ function is_dhcp_server_enabled()
return $dhcpdenable;
-/****f* pfsense-utils/isAjax
- * NAME
- * isAjax - reports if the request is driven from prototype
- * none
- * true/false
- ******/
-function isAjax() {
- return isset ($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] == 'XMLHttpRequest';
//returns interface information
function get_interface_info($ifdescr) {
global $config, $linkinfo, $netstatrninfo;
@@ -1889,139 +1682,6 @@ function pfsense_default_state_size() {
return $max_states;
-function rule_popup($src,$srcport,$dst,$dstport){
-global $config;
-$aliases_array = array();
-if($config['aliases']['alias'] <> "" and is_array($config['aliases']['alias']))
-$span_begin = "";
- $alias_src_span_begin = "";
- $alias_src_span_end = "";
- $alias_src_port_span_begin = "";
- $alias_src_port_span_end = "";
- $alias_dst_span_begin = "";
- $alias_dst_span_end = "";
- $alias_dst_port_span_begin = "";
- $alias_dst_port_span_end = "";
- $alias_content_text = "";
- foreach($config['aliases']['alias'] as $alias_name)
- {
- $alias_addresses = explode (" ", $alias_name['address']);
- $alias_details = explode ("||", $alias_name['detail']);
- $alias_objects_with_details = "";
- $counter = 0;
- foreach($alias_addresses as $alias_ports_address)
- {
- $alias_objects_with_details .= $alias_addresses[$counter];
- $alias_detail_default = strpos ($alias_details[$counter],"Entry added");
- if ($alias_details[$counter] != "" && $alias_detail_default === False){
- $alias_objects_with_details .=" - " . $alias_details[$counter];
- }
- $alias_objects_with_details .= "<br>";
- $counter++;
- }
- //max character length for caption field
- $maxlength = 60;
- $alias_descr_substr = $alias_name['descr'];
- $alias_content_text = htmlspecialchars($alias_objects_with_details);
- $alias_caption = htmlspecialchars($alias_descr_substr . ":");
- $strlength = strlen ($alias_caption);
- if ($strlength >= $maxlength)
- $alias_caption = substr($alias_caption, 0, $maxlength) . "...";
- $span_begin = "<span style=\"cursor: help;\" onmouseover=\"domTT_activate(this, event, 'content', '<h1>$alias_caption</h1><p>$alias_content_text</p>', 'trail', true, 'delay', 0, 'fade', 'both', 'fadeMax', 93, 'styleClass', 'niceTitle');\" onmouseout=\" = ''; domTT_mouseout(this, event);\"><U>";
- if ($alias_name['name'] == $src)
- {
- $alias_src_span_begin = $span_begin;
- }
- if ($alias_name['name'] == $srcport)
- {
- $alias_src_port_span_begin = $span_begin;
- }
- if ($alias_name['name'] == $dst)
- {
- $alias_dst_span_begin = $span_begin;
- }
- if ($alias_name['name'] == $dstport)
- {
- $alias_dst_port_span_begin = $span_begin;
- }
- }
- $descriptions = array ();
- $descriptions['src'] = $alias_src_span_begin;
- $descriptions['srcport'] = $alias_src_port_span_begin;
- $descriptions['dst'] = $alias_dst_span_begin;
- $descriptions['dstport'] = $alias_dst_port_span_begin;
- return $descriptions;
- }
-function download_file_with_progress_bar($url_file, $destination_file, $readbody = 'read_body') {
- global $ch, $fout, $file_size, $downloaded;
- $file_size = 1;
- $downloaded = 1;
- /* open destination file */
- $fout = fopen($destination_file, "wb");
- /*
- * Originally by Author: Keyvan Minoukadeh
- * Modified by Scott Ullrich to return Content-Length size
- */
- $ch = curl_init();
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url_file);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, 'read_header');
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, $readbody);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, '1');
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, '5');
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 0);
- curl_exec($ch);
- $http_code = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
- if($fout)
- fclose($fout);
- curl_close($ch);
- return ($http_code == 200) ? true : $http_code;
-function read_header($ch, $string) {
- global $file_size, $fout;
- $length = strlen($string);
- $regs = "";
- ereg("(Content-Length:) (.*)", $string, $regs);
- if($regs[2] <> "") {
- $file_size = intval($regs[2]);
- }
- ob_flush();
- return $length;
-function read_body($ch, $string) {
- global $fout, $file_size, $downloaded, $sendto, $static_status, $static_output, $lastseen;
- $length = strlen($string);
- $downloaded += intval($length);
- $downloadProgress = round(100 * (1 - $downloaded / $file_size), 0);
- $downloadProgress = 100 - $downloadProgress;
- if($lastseen <> $downloadProgress and $downloadProgress < 101) {
- if($sendto == "status") {
- $tostatus = $static_status . $downloadProgress . "%";
- update_status($tostatus);
- } else {
- $tooutput = $static_output . $downloadProgress . "%";
- update_output_window($tooutput);
- }
- update_progress_bar($downloadProgress);
- $lastseen = $downloadProgress;
- }
- if($fout)
- fwrite($fout, $string);
- ob_flush();
- return $length;
/* Compare the current hostname DNS to the DNS cache we made
* if it has changed we return the old records
* if no change we return true */
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