path: root/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples
diff options
authorScott Ullrich <>2010-05-22 20:43:01 -0400
committerScott Ullrich <>2010-05-22 20:43:01 -0400
commitff161129ab87735eccc2ffba61db977ff4d4cd8c (patch)
treec7b2ba2de39bc4e398b0a93c1b666a485b9f5daa /PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples
parent4e9203174a2172e2321839b1a59bcbde0ebf8f24 (diff)
Adding pc-sysinstall so that I can start experimenting with a php based installer. This is necssary because PCBSD must live in the root of the disk and there is no way to include it in a unionfs. By default it will not be copied to a new hard disk installation.
Diffstat (limited to 'PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples')
22 files changed, 1990 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/.svn/entries b/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/.svn/entries
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+++ b/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/.svn/lock
diff --git a/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/.svn/text-base/README.svn-base b/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/.svn/text-base/README.svn-base
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index 0000000..6647238
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/.svn/text-base/README.svn-base
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+pc-sysinstall README
+This file documents many of the variables used in pc-sysinstall
+config scripts
+# hostname=
+Using hostname= will set the specified hostname on the
+installed system
+When hostname= is not present, pc-sysinstall will auto-generate
+a hostname such as freebsd-XXXX or pcbsd-XXXX
+# installMode=(fresh or upgrade)
+Set the type of install we are doing, fresh or upgrade.
+Fresh installs will format and mount the target disks before
+extracting the install images to the system. Using this mode
+it is also possible to do a system restore, by specifying a
+full system backup as the install source.
+Upgrades will mount the target disk, and extract the system
+archive to the disk, overwriting files on the disk.
+The conf/exclude-from-upgrade file can be used to specify
+additional files to exclude from overwriting during the
+install process.
+# installInteractive=(yes or no)
+Set if the installer is running in interactive mode, and
+is able to prompt for input from the user, defaults to no
+# netDev=(AUTO-DHCP or <nic>)
+netDev specifies what type of networking to enable for the installer
+Can be set to AUTO-DHCP or to a network interface, such as et0
+When set to AUTO-DHCP, pc-sysinstall will probe for all network devices
+and attempt to set DHCP mode on each, until a working network connection
+is established
+If netDev= is set to a network interface such as et0, the following options
+will need to be set in order to enable the interface
+# netIP=(IP address such as
+ Set netIP to an address that you wish to have the interface specified in
+ netDev set to
+ Only used when netDev is not set to AUTO-DHCP
+# netMask=(Netmask such as
+Set netMask to the address you with to have the interface specified in
+netDev set to
+Only used when netDev is not set to AUTO-DHCP
+# netNameServer=(DNS Server such as
+Set netNameServer to the DNS address you want to use during the install
+Only used when netDev is not set to AUTO-DHCP
+# netDefaultRouter=(
+Set netDefaultRouter to the gateway you wish to have the installer use
+Only used when netDev is not set to AUTO-DHCP
+# netSaveDev=(AUTO-DHCP or network interface)
+netSaveDev specifies what networking to enable on the installed system
+When set to AUTO-DHCP, pc-sysinstall will probe all network interfaces, and
+set them all to DHCP in the systems /etc/rc.conf file. Wireless devices will also
+have the corresponding wlan[0-9] device created.
+When set to a network interface, pc-sysinstall will set the target device with
+the settings specified by the variables below.
+# netSaveIP=
+# netSaveMask=
+# netSaveNameServer=
+# netSaveDefaultRouter=
+The following section specifies the target disk(s) to be used in the
+install or upgrade.
+# disk0=(disk device, such as ad0)
+The diskX= variable should be set to the target device for this drive, such
+as ad0, da0
+The first should begin with disk0=, and additional drives to disk1=, disk2
+if additional disks are to be setup.
+# partition=(all, free, s1, s1, s3, s4)
+After setting disk[0-9], the partition= variable is used to specify which target
+partition we will be working with for this device.
+Setting this to "all" will setup the disk with a single FreeBSD slice as "s1"
+Setting this to "free" will allow pc-sysinstall to search for the first available
+primary slice with free space, and create the slice.
+Setting this to "s1, s2, s3 or s4" will use the specified slice
+# mirror=(disk device such as ad1)
+Setting the mirror= variable will setup the target device as a gmirror
+of the diskX= device. The mirror device must be the same size or larger
+than the drive being mirrored.
+# mirrorbal=(load, prefer, round-robin, split)
+Allows the setting of the mirror balance method to be used, if not
+specified this defaults to "round-robin"
+# bootManager=(none, bsd)
+Setting this option will instruct pc-sysinstall to install the BSD boot Manager,
+or leave it empty
+# commitDiskPart
+This command must be placed at the end of the diskX= section, before starting
+the listing of any additional diskX= directives.
+The following settings specify the partitioning / mount points to setup
+on the target partition
+# disk0-part=UFS+S 500 /
+# disk0-part=SWAP 2000 none
+# disk0-part=UFS.eli 500 /usr
+# encpass=mypass
+# disk0-part=UFS+J 500 /tmp
+# disk0-part=ZFS 0 /data,/storage (mirror: ad1)
+# commitDiskLabel
+The above values instructs pc-sysinstall which partitions / mounts
+to create on the target drive / slice, specified by "disk0".
+(disk0 will resolve to the drive / slice specified in the previous section)
+The notation is as follows:
+<File System Type> <Size> <Mountpoint>
+Available FileSystems:
+ UFS - Standard UFS2 FileSystem
+UFS+S - UFS2 + Softupdates enabled
+UFS+J - UFS2 + Journaling through gjournal
+ ZFS - Z File System, pools / mounts created automatically
+ SWAP - BSD Swap space partition, mountpoint should be set to "none"
+Adding the ".eli" extension to any of the above file systems
+will enable disk encryption via geli
+(UFS.eli, UFS+S.eli, UFS+J.eli, ZFS.eli, SWAP.eli)
+If you with to use a passphrase with this encrypted partition, on the next line
+the flag "encpass=" should be entered:
+All sizes are expressed in MegaBytes
+Specifying a size 0 instructs pc-sysinstall to use the rest of the
+available slice size, and should only be used for the last partition / mount
+When using "ZFS" specifically, it is possible to specify additional disks / partitions
+to include in the zpool. By using the syntax: (mirror: ad1,ad2) or (raidz: ad1,ad2), it is possible
+to include the disk "ad1" into the zpool for this partition, using the raidz / mirror methods.
+If you with to just include the disk into the pool in "basic" mode, then use (ad1,ad2) with no flags
+The following settings specify the type, locations and sources
+for this installation
+# installMedium=(dvd, usb, ftp, rsync)
+Set installMedium= to the source type we will be using for this install.
+Available Types:
+ dvd - Search for and mount the DVD which contains the install archive
+ usb - Search for and mount the USB drive which contains the install archive
+ ftp - The install archive will be fetched from a FTP / HTTP server before install
+rsync - Pull the system data from a ssh + rsync server, specified with variables below
+# installType=(PCBSD, FreeBSD)
+Set the type of system we are installing, PCBSD or FreeBSD
+# installFile=fbsd-release.tbz
+The installer archive, if not using the defaults specified in conf/pc-sysinstall.conf
+# packageType=(tar, uzip, split)
+The archive type we are extracting from when using dvd, usb or ftp
+# ftpPath=
+Location of the installer archive when using a installMedium=ftp
+# rsyncPath=life-preserver/back-2009-11-12T14_53_14
+The location of the rsync data on the remote server when using installMedium=rsync
+# rsyncUser=rsyncuser
+The username to use for the ssh server running rsync
+# rsyncHost=
+The rsync / ssh server we wish to connect to
+# rsyncPort=22
+The port to use when connecting to a ssh + rsync server
+# installComponents=amarok,firefox,ports
+The specified components to install, view available with "./pc-sysinstall list-components"
+Options specific to performing an upgrade
+# upgradeKeepDesktopProfile=(yes/no)
+This option allows you to specify if you wish to keep your existing users desktop
+profile data. The default is NO, and your existing profile will be moved to
+.kde4.preUpgrade automatically.
+Options for setting up usernames and passwords on the installed system
+# rootPass=root
+Set the root password of the installed system to the specified string
+The below variables are used to setup a user on the installed system
+Be sure to call commitUser after after adding these values, and before
+starting another user block
+# userName=kris
+# userComment=Kris Moore
+# userPass=mypass
+# userShell=/bin/csh
+# userHome=/home/kris
+# userGroups=wheel,operator
+# commitUser
+The following variables can be set to run commands post-installation,
+allowing the user to further tweak / modify the system
+# runCommand=
+Run the specified command within chroot of the installed system
+# runScript=
+runScript will copy the specified script into FSMNT, and run it in chroot of the system
+Usefull when you have a 3rd party script on the DVD / USB, and you want to copy it into
+the installed system and run
+# runExtCommand=
+runExtCommand is used when you wish to run a command outside the chroot
+The variable $FSMNT is set to the mount-point of your installed system
+Options for time-zones and NTP on the installed system
+# timeZone=
+timeZone can be set to the zone file in /usr/share/zoneinfo/ that is to be used
+example: America/New_York
+# enableNTP= (yes / no)
+set enableNTP to yes or no to enable or disable the NTP service on the system
+Options specific to installing PC-BSD, such as localization, and KDE settings
+# localizeLang=en
+localizeLang will set the system console and Desktop to the target language
+# localizeKeyLayout=en
+localizeKeyLayout updates the system's xorg config to set the keyboard layout
+# localizeKeyModel=pc104
+localizeKeyModel updates the system's xorg config to set the keyboard model
+# localizeKeyVariant=intl
+localizeKeyVariant is used to update the xorg config to set the keyboard variant
+# autoLoginUser=kris
+Setting autoLoginUser will enable the specified user to log into the desktop
+automatically without entering a password
diff --git a/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/.svn/text-base/pc-autoinstall.conf.svn-base b/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/.svn/text-base/pc-autoinstall.conf.svn-base
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index 0000000..b6d1de1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/.svn/text-base/pc-autoinstall.conf.svn-base
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# pc-autoinstall.conf example
+# Usage: Modify these variables, and copy the file to
+# /boot/pc-autoinstall.conf on your PC-BSD installation medium
+# The conf will then be read at bootup, and your automated
+# install will take place
+# Where the pc-sysinstall main config is located
+# Can be either a file on the booted CD / DVD / USB media,
+# or a remote file on http / ftp
+# The value %%NIC_MAC%% is special, and will be substituted with
+# the macaddress of the enabled NIC from DHCP or manually set
+# with 'nic_config:'
+# Examples:
+# pc_config:
+# pc_config:
+# pc_config:
+# pc_config: /boot/cust-install.cfg
+# Set this to yes if we should confirm before doing an install
+# This should normally be set to yes, otherwise booting the wrong
+# disk will result in a system wipe
+# confirm_install: no
+confirm_install: yes
+# Set the command to run post-install, usually best to run shutdown
+# but this can be replaced with any other command / script you wish
+# to execute post-install
+# shutdown_cmd: shutdown -p now
+# Options for the network setup, should the cfg need to be fetched
+# from a remote location, only necessary when using ftp or http
+# Special option, will attempt dhcp on all found NICs
+# until the file can be fetched, or we run out of interfaces
+# nic_config: dhcp-all
+# Line to be passed to the "ifconfig" command to bring up an interface
+# nic_config: em0
+# DNS server to use
+# nic_dns:
+# Default router / gateway
+# nic_gateway:
diff --git a/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/.svn/text-base/pcinstall.cfg.fbsd-netinstall.svn-base b/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/.svn/text-base/pcinstall.cfg.fbsd-netinstall.svn-base
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index 0000000..687a741
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/.svn/text-base/pcinstall.cfg.fbsd-netinstall.svn-base
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# Sample configuration file for an installation using pc-sysinstall
+# Set the disk parameters
+# Setup the disk label
+# All sizes are expressed in MB
+# Avail FS Types, UFS, UFS+S, UFS+J, ZFS, SWAP
+disk0-part=UFS 1000 /
+disk0-part=SWAP 2000 none
+disk0-part=UFS 0 /usr
+# Size 0 means use the rest of the slice size
+# Do it now!
+# Set if we are installing via optical, USB, or FTP
+# List our components to install
+# Setup user "kris" to log into the desktop automatically
+# Set the root pass
+# Setup our users
+userComment=Kris Moore
+# Options for localizing an install
diff --git a/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/.svn/text-base/pcinstall.cfg.geli.svn-base b/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/.svn/text-base/pcinstall.cfg.geli.svn-base
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index 0000000..04ee91b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/.svn/text-base/pcinstall.cfg.geli.svn-base
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# Auto-Generated pc-sysinstall configuration
+# Timezone
+# Keyboard Layout Options
+# Disk Setup for ad0
+# Partition Setup for ad0(ALL)
+# All sizes are expressed in MB
+# Avail FS Types, UFS, UFS+S, UFS+J, ZFS, SWAP
+# UFS.eli, UFS+S.eli, UFS+J.eli, ZFS.eli, SWAP.eli
+disk0-part=UFS 500 /boot
+disk0-part=UFS.eli 500 /
+disk0-part=UFS.eli 500 /usr
+# Optional Components
+# Root Password
+# Users
+userComment=Kris Moore
diff --git a/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/.svn/text-base/pcinstall.cfg.gmirror.svn-base b/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/.svn/text-base/pcinstall.cfg.gmirror.svn-base
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c796d94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/.svn/text-base/pcinstall.cfg.gmirror.svn-base
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# Sample configuration file for an installation using pc-sysinstall
+# Set the disk parameters
+# Setup the disk label
+# All sizes are expressed in MB
+# Avail FS Types, UFS, UFS+S, UFS+J, ZFS, SWAP
+disk0-part=UFS+S 500 /
+disk0-part=SWAP 2000 none
+disk0-part=UFS+S 0 /usr
+# Size 0 means use the rest of the slice size
+# Do it now!
+# Set if we are installing via optical, USB, or FTP
+# Run any commands post-install
+runCommand=echo 'root' | pw usermod root -h 0
+#runExtCommand=echo 'hey there'; touch $FSMNT/touched
+# Options for localizing an install
diff --git a/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/.svn/text-base/pcinstall.cfg.netinstall.svn-base b/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/.svn/text-base/pcinstall.cfg.netinstall.svn-base
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c7841b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/.svn/text-base/pcinstall.cfg.netinstall.svn-base
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# Sample configuration file for an installation using pc-sysinstall
+# Set the disk parameters
+# Setup the disk label
+# All sizes are expressed in MB
+# Avail FS Types, UFS, UFS+S, UFS+J, ZFS, SWAP
+disk0-part=UFS 1000 /
+disk0-part=SWAP 2000 none
+disk0-part=UFS 0 /usr
+# Size 0 means use the rest of the slice size
+# Do it now!
+# Set if we are installing via optical, USB, or FTP
+# Set the root pass
+# Setup our users
+userComment=Kris Moore
+# Options for localizing an install
diff --git a/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/.svn/text-base/pcinstall.cfg.restore.svn-base b/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/.svn/text-base/pcinstall.cfg.restore.svn-base
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aad239a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/.svn/text-base/pcinstall.cfg.restore.svn-base
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# Sample configuration file for an installation using pc-sysinstall
+# Set the disk parameters
+# Setup the disk label
+# All sizes are expressed in MB
+# Avail FS Types, UFS, UFS+S, UFS+J, ZFS, SWAP
+# UFS.eli, UFS+S.eli, UFS+J.eli, ZFS.eli, SWAP.eli
+disk0-part=UFS+S 500 /
+disk0-part=SWAP.eli 2000 none
+disk0-part=UFS+S 0 /usr
+# Size 0 means use the rest of the slice size
+# Do it now!
+# Set if we are installing via optical, USB, or FTP
+# Run any commands post-install
+#runCommand=echo 'root' | pw usermod root -h 0
+#runExtCommand=echo 'hey there'; touch $FSMNT/touched
+# Set the root pass
+# Setup our users
+userComment=Kris Moore
+# Options for localizing an install
diff --git a/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/.svn/text-base/pcinstall.cfg.rsync.svn-base b/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/.svn/text-base/pcinstall.cfg.rsync.svn-base
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a22dc24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/.svn/text-base/pcinstall.cfg.rsync.svn-base
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# Sample configuration file for an installation using pc-sysinstall
+# Set the disk parameters
+# Setup the disk label
+# All sizes are expressed in MB
+# Avail FS Types, UFS, UFS+S, UFS+J, ZFS, SWAP
+disk0-part=UFS 2000 /
+disk0-part=SWAP 2000 none
+disk0-part=UFS 0 /usr
+# Size 0 means use the rest of the slice size
+# Do it now!
+# Set if we are installing via optical, USB, or FTP
diff --git a/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/.svn/text-base/pcinstall.cfg.upgrade.svn-base b/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/.svn/text-base/pcinstall.cfg.upgrade.svn-base
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7992d4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/.svn/text-base/pcinstall.cfg.upgrade.svn-base
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# Sample configuration file for an installation using pc-sysinstall
+# Set the disk parameters
+# Set if we are installing via optical, USB, or FTP
+# Options for localizing an install
diff --git a/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/.svn/text-base/pcinstall.cfg.zfs.svn-base b/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/.svn/text-base/pcinstall.cfg.zfs.svn-base
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14610c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/.svn/text-base/pcinstall.cfg.zfs.svn-base
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# Auto-Generated pc-sysinstall configuration
+# Timezone
+# Keyboard Layout Options
+# Disk Setup for ad0
+# Partition Setup for ad0(ALL)
+# All sizes are expressed in MB
+# Avail FS Types, UFS, UFS+S, UFS+J, ZFS, SWAP
+# UFS.eli, UFS+S.eli, UFS+J.eli, ZFS.eli, SWAP.eli
+disk0-part=ZFS 0 /,/usr,/var,/data (mirror: ad1)
+# Disk Setup for ad3
+# Partition Setup for ad3(ALL)
+# All sizes are expressed in MB
+# Avail FS Types, UFS, UFS+S, UFS+J, ZFS, SWAP
+# UFS.eli, UFS+S.eli, UFS+J.eli, ZFS.eli, SWAP.eli
+disk1-part=SWAP 0 none
+# Optional Components
+# Root Password
+# Users
+userComment=Kris Moore
diff --git a/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/README b/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6647238
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/README
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+pc-sysinstall README
+This file documents many of the variables used in pc-sysinstall
+config scripts
+# hostname=
+Using hostname= will set the specified hostname on the
+installed system
+When hostname= is not present, pc-sysinstall will auto-generate
+a hostname such as freebsd-XXXX or pcbsd-XXXX
+# installMode=(fresh or upgrade)
+Set the type of install we are doing, fresh or upgrade.
+Fresh installs will format and mount the target disks before
+extracting the install images to the system. Using this mode
+it is also possible to do a system restore, by specifying a
+full system backup as the install source.
+Upgrades will mount the target disk, and extract the system
+archive to the disk, overwriting files on the disk.
+The conf/exclude-from-upgrade file can be used to specify
+additional files to exclude from overwriting during the
+install process.
+# installInteractive=(yes or no)
+Set if the installer is running in interactive mode, and
+is able to prompt for input from the user, defaults to no
+# netDev=(AUTO-DHCP or <nic>)
+netDev specifies what type of networking to enable for the installer
+Can be set to AUTO-DHCP or to a network interface, such as et0
+When set to AUTO-DHCP, pc-sysinstall will probe for all network devices
+and attempt to set DHCP mode on each, until a working network connection
+is established
+If netDev= is set to a network interface such as et0, the following options
+will need to be set in order to enable the interface
+# netIP=(IP address such as
+ Set netIP to an address that you wish to have the interface specified in
+ netDev set to
+ Only used when netDev is not set to AUTO-DHCP
+# netMask=(Netmask such as
+Set netMask to the address you with to have the interface specified in
+netDev set to
+Only used when netDev is not set to AUTO-DHCP
+# netNameServer=(DNS Server such as
+Set netNameServer to the DNS address you want to use during the install
+Only used when netDev is not set to AUTO-DHCP
+# netDefaultRouter=(
+Set netDefaultRouter to the gateway you wish to have the installer use
+Only used when netDev is not set to AUTO-DHCP
+# netSaveDev=(AUTO-DHCP or network interface)
+netSaveDev specifies what networking to enable on the installed system
+When set to AUTO-DHCP, pc-sysinstall will probe all network interfaces, and
+set them all to DHCP in the systems /etc/rc.conf file. Wireless devices will also
+have the corresponding wlan[0-9] device created.
+When set to a network interface, pc-sysinstall will set the target device with
+the settings specified by the variables below.
+# netSaveIP=
+# netSaveMask=
+# netSaveNameServer=
+# netSaveDefaultRouter=
+The following section specifies the target disk(s) to be used in the
+install or upgrade.
+# disk0=(disk device, such as ad0)
+The diskX= variable should be set to the target device for this drive, such
+as ad0, da0
+The first should begin with disk0=, and additional drives to disk1=, disk2
+if additional disks are to be setup.
+# partition=(all, free, s1, s1, s3, s4)
+After setting disk[0-9], the partition= variable is used to specify which target
+partition we will be working with for this device.
+Setting this to "all" will setup the disk with a single FreeBSD slice as "s1"
+Setting this to "free" will allow pc-sysinstall to search for the first available
+primary slice with free space, and create the slice.
+Setting this to "s1, s2, s3 or s4" will use the specified slice
+# mirror=(disk device such as ad1)
+Setting the mirror= variable will setup the target device as a gmirror
+of the diskX= device. The mirror device must be the same size or larger
+than the drive being mirrored.
+# mirrorbal=(load, prefer, round-robin, split)
+Allows the setting of the mirror balance method to be used, if not
+specified this defaults to "round-robin"
+# bootManager=(none, bsd)
+Setting this option will instruct pc-sysinstall to install the BSD boot Manager,
+or leave it empty
+# commitDiskPart
+This command must be placed at the end of the diskX= section, before starting
+the listing of any additional diskX= directives.
+The following settings specify the partitioning / mount points to setup
+on the target partition
+# disk0-part=UFS+S 500 /
+# disk0-part=SWAP 2000 none
+# disk0-part=UFS.eli 500 /usr
+# encpass=mypass
+# disk0-part=UFS+J 500 /tmp
+# disk0-part=ZFS 0 /data,/storage (mirror: ad1)
+# commitDiskLabel
+The above values instructs pc-sysinstall which partitions / mounts
+to create on the target drive / slice, specified by "disk0".
+(disk0 will resolve to the drive / slice specified in the previous section)
+The notation is as follows:
+<File System Type> <Size> <Mountpoint>
+Available FileSystems:
+ UFS - Standard UFS2 FileSystem
+UFS+S - UFS2 + Softupdates enabled
+UFS+J - UFS2 + Journaling through gjournal
+ ZFS - Z File System, pools / mounts created automatically
+ SWAP - BSD Swap space partition, mountpoint should be set to "none"
+Adding the ".eli" extension to any of the above file systems
+will enable disk encryption via geli
+(UFS.eli, UFS+S.eli, UFS+J.eli, ZFS.eli, SWAP.eli)
+If you with to use a passphrase with this encrypted partition, on the next line
+the flag "encpass=" should be entered:
+All sizes are expressed in MegaBytes
+Specifying a size 0 instructs pc-sysinstall to use the rest of the
+available slice size, and should only be used for the last partition / mount
+When using "ZFS" specifically, it is possible to specify additional disks / partitions
+to include in the zpool. By using the syntax: (mirror: ad1,ad2) or (raidz: ad1,ad2), it is possible
+to include the disk "ad1" into the zpool for this partition, using the raidz / mirror methods.
+If you with to just include the disk into the pool in "basic" mode, then use (ad1,ad2) with no flags
+The following settings specify the type, locations and sources
+for this installation
+# installMedium=(dvd, usb, ftp, rsync)
+Set installMedium= to the source type we will be using for this install.
+Available Types:
+ dvd - Search for and mount the DVD which contains the install archive
+ usb - Search for and mount the USB drive which contains the install archive
+ ftp - The install archive will be fetched from a FTP / HTTP server before install
+rsync - Pull the system data from a ssh + rsync server, specified with variables below
+# installType=(PCBSD, FreeBSD)
+Set the type of system we are installing, PCBSD or FreeBSD
+# installFile=fbsd-release.tbz
+The installer archive, if not using the defaults specified in conf/pc-sysinstall.conf
+# packageType=(tar, uzip, split)
+The archive type we are extracting from when using dvd, usb or ftp
+# ftpPath=
+Location of the installer archive when using a installMedium=ftp
+# rsyncPath=life-preserver/back-2009-11-12T14_53_14
+The location of the rsync data on the remote server when using installMedium=rsync
+# rsyncUser=rsyncuser
+The username to use for the ssh server running rsync
+# rsyncHost=
+The rsync / ssh server we wish to connect to
+# rsyncPort=22
+The port to use when connecting to a ssh + rsync server
+# installComponents=amarok,firefox,ports
+The specified components to install, view available with "./pc-sysinstall list-components"
+Options specific to performing an upgrade
+# upgradeKeepDesktopProfile=(yes/no)
+This option allows you to specify if you wish to keep your existing users desktop
+profile data. The default is NO, and your existing profile will be moved to
+.kde4.preUpgrade automatically.
+Options for setting up usernames and passwords on the installed system
+# rootPass=root
+Set the root password of the installed system to the specified string
+The below variables are used to setup a user on the installed system
+Be sure to call commitUser after after adding these values, and before
+starting another user block
+# userName=kris
+# userComment=Kris Moore
+# userPass=mypass
+# userShell=/bin/csh
+# userHome=/home/kris
+# userGroups=wheel,operator
+# commitUser
+The following variables can be set to run commands post-installation,
+allowing the user to further tweak / modify the system
+# runCommand=
+Run the specified command within chroot of the installed system
+# runScript=
+runScript will copy the specified script into FSMNT, and run it in chroot of the system
+Usefull when you have a 3rd party script on the DVD / USB, and you want to copy it into
+the installed system and run
+# runExtCommand=
+runExtCommand is used when you wish to run a command outside the chroot
+The variable $FSMNT is set to the mount-point of your installed system
+Options for time-zones and NTP on the installed system
+# timeZone=
+timeZone can be set to the zone file in /usr/share/zoneinfo/ that is to be used
+example: America/New_York
+# enableNTP= (yes / no)
+set enableNTP to yes or no to enable or disable the NTP service on the system
+Options specific to installing PC-BSD, such as localization, and KDE settings
+# localizeLang=en
+localizeLang will set the system console and Desktop to the target language
+# localizeKeyLayout=en
+localizeKeyLayout updates the system's xorg config to set the keyboard layout
+# localizeKeyModel=pc104
+localizeKeyModel updates the system's xorg config to set the keyboard model
+# localizeKeyVariant=intl
+localizeKeyVariant is used to update the xorg config to set the keyboard variant
+# autoLoginUser=kris
+Setting autoLoginUser will enable the specified user to log into the desktop
+automatically without entering a password
diff --git a/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/pc-autoinstall.conf b/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/pc-autoinstall.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6d1de1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/pc-autoinstall.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# pc-autoinstall.conf example
+# Usage: Modify these variables, and copy the file to
+# /boot/pc-autoinstall.conf on your PC-BSD installation medium
+# The conf will then be read at bootup, and your automated
+# install will take place
+# Where the pc-sysinstall main config is located
+# Can be either a file on the booted CD / DVD / USB media,
+# or a remote file on http / ftp
+# The value %%NIC_MAC%% is special, and will be substituted with
+# the macaddress of the enabled NIC from DHCP or manually set
+# with 'nic_config:'
+# Examples:
+# pc_config:
+# pc_config:
+# pc_config:
+# pc_config: /boot/cust-install.cfg
+# Set this to yes if we should confirm before doing an install
+# This should normally be set to yes, otherwise booting the wrong
+# disk will result in a system wipe
+# confirm_install: no
+confirm_install: yes
+# Set the command to run post-install, usually best to run shutdown
+# but this can be replaced with any other command / script you wish
+# to execute post-install
+# shutdown_cmd: shutdown -p now
+# Options for the network setup, should the cfg need to be fetched
+# from a remote location, only necessary when using ftp or http
+# Special option, will attempt dhcp on all found NICs
+# until the file can be fetched, or we run out of interfaces
+# nic_config: dhcp-all
+# Line to be passed to the "ifconfig" command to bring up an interface
+# nic_config: em0
+# DNS server to use
+# nic_dns:
+# Default router / gateway
+# nic_gateway:
diff --git a/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/pcinstall.cfg.fbsd-netinstall b/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/pcinstall.cfg.fbsd-netinstall
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..687a741
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/pcinstall.cfg.fbsd-netinstall
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# Sample configuration file for an installation using pc-sysinstall
+# Set the disk parameters
+# Setup the disk label
+# All sizes are expressed in MB
+# Avail FS Types, UFS, UFS+S, UFS+J, ZFS, SWAP
+disk0-part=UFS 1000 /
+disk0-part=SWAP 2000 none
+disk0-part=UFS 0 /usr
+# Size 0 means use the rest of the slice size
+# Do it now!
+# Set if we are installing via optical, USB, or FTP
+# List our components to install
+# Setup user "kris" to log into the desktop automatically
+# Set the root pass
+# Setup our users
+userComment=Kris Moore
+# Options for localizing an install
diff --git a/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/pcinstall.cfg.geli b/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/pcinstall.cfg.geli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04ee91b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/pcinstall.cfg.geli
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# Auto-Generated pc-sysinstall configuration
+# Timezone
+# Keyboard Layout Options
+# Disk Setup for ad0
+# Partition Setup for ad0(ALL)
+# All sizes are expressed in MB
+# Avail FS Types, UFS, UFS+S, UFS+J, ZFS, SWAP
+# UFS.eli, UFS+S.eli, UFS+J.eli, ZFS.eli, SWAP.eli
+disk0-part=UFS 500 /boot
+disk0-part=UFS.eli 500 /
+disk0-part=UFS.eli 500 /usr
+# Optional Components
+# Root Password
+# Users
+userComment=Kris Moore
diff --git a/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/pcinstall.cfg.gmirror b/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/pcinstall.cfg.gmirror
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c796d94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/pcinstall.cfg.gmirror
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# Sample configuration file for an installation using pc-sysinstall
+# Set the disk parameters
+# Setup the disk label
+# All sizes are expressed in MB
+# Avail FS Types, UFS, UFS+S, UFS+J, ZFS, SWAP
+disk0-part=UFS+S 500 /
+disk0-part=SWAP 2000 none
+disk0-part=UFS+S 0 /usr
+# Size 0 means use the rest of the slice size
+# Do it now!
+# Set if we are installing via optical, USB, or FTP
+# Run any commands post-install
+runCommand=echo 'root' | pw usermod root -h 0
+#runExtCommand=echo 'hey there'; touch $FSMNT/touched
+# Options for localizing an install
diff --git a/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/pcinstall.cfg.netinstall b/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/pcinstall.cfg.netinstall
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c7841b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/pcinstall.cfg.netinstall
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# Sample configuration file for an installation using pc-sysinstall
+# Set the disk parameters
+# Setup the disk label
+# All sizes are expressed in MB
+# Avail FS Types, UFS, UFS+S, UFS+J, ZFS, SWAP
+disk0-part=UFS 1000 /
+disk0-part=SWAP 2000 none
+disk0-part=UFS 0 /usr
+# Size 0 means use the rest of the slice size
+# Do it now!
+# Set if we are installing via optical, USB, or FTP
+# Set the root pass
+# Setup our users
+userComment=Kris Moore
+# Options for localizing an install
diff --git a/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/pcinstall.cfg.restore b/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/pcinstall.cfg.restore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aad239a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/pcinstall.cfg.restore
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# Sample configuration file for an installation using pc-sysinstall
+# Set the disk parameters
+# Setup the disk label
+# All sizes are expressed in MB
+# Avail FS Types, UFS, UFS+S, UFS+J, ZFS, SWAP
+# UFS.eli, UFS+S.eli, UFS+J.eli, ZFS.eli, SWAP.eli
+disk0-part=UFS+S 500 /
+disk0-part=SWAP.eli 2000 none
+disk0-part=UFS+S 0 /usr
+# Size 0 means use the rest of the slice size
+# Do it now!
+# Set if we are installing via optical, USB, or FTP
+# Run any commands post-install
+#runCommand=echo 'root' | pw usermod root -h 0
+#runExtCommand=echo 'hey there'; touch $FSMNT/touched
+# Set the root pass
+# Setup our users
+userComment=Kris Moore
+# Options for localizing an install
diff --git a/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/pcinstall.cfg.rsync b/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/pcinstall.cfg.rsync
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a22dc24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/pcinstall.cfg.rsync
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# Sample configuration file for an installation using pc-sysinstall
+# Set the disk parameters
+# Setup the disk label
+# All sizes are expressed in MB
+# Avail FS Types, UFS, UFS+S, UFS+J, ZFS, SWAP
+disk0-part=UFS 2000 /
+disk0-part=SWAP 2000 none
+disk0-part=UFS 0 /usr
+# Size 0 means use the rest of the slice size
+# Do it now!
+# Set if we are installing via optical, USB, or FTP
diff --git a/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/pcinstall.cfg.upgrade b/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/pcinstall.cfg.upgrade
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7992d4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/pcinstall.cfg.upgrade
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# Sample configuration file for an installation using pc-sysinstall
+# Set the disk parameters
+# Set if we are installing via optical, USB, or FTP
+# Options for localizing an install
diff --git a/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/pcinstall.cfg.zfs b/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/pcinstall.cfg.zfs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14610c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PCBSD/pc-sysinstall/examples/pcinstall.cfg.zfs
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# Auto-Generated pc-sysinstall configuration
+# Timezone
+# Keyboard Layout Options
+# Disk Setup for ad0
+# Partition Setup for ad0(ALL)
+# All sizes are expressed in MB
+# Avail FS Types, UFS, UFS+S, UFS+J, ZFS, SWAP
+# UFS.eli, UFS+S.eli, UFS+J.eli, ZFS.eli, SWAP.eli
+disk0-part=ZFS 0 /,/usr,/var,/data (mirror: ad1)
+# Disk Setup for ad3
+# Partition Setup for ad3(ALL)
+# All sizes are expressed in MB
+# Avail FS Types, UFS, UFS+S, UFS+J, ZFS, SWAP
+# UFS.eli, UFS+S.eli, UFS+J.eli, ZFS.eli, SWAP.eli
+disk1-part=SWAP 0 none
+# Optional Components
+# Root Password
+# Users
+userComment=Kris Moore
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