path: root/src/llvm/include/JITMemoryManager.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/llvm/include/JITMemoryManager.h')
1 files changed, 318 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/llvm/include/JITMemoryManager.h b/src/llvm/include/JITMemoryManager.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..301d227
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/llvm/include/JITMemoryManager.h
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+//===-- JITMemoryManager.cpp - Memory Allocator for JIT'd code ------------===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This file defines the DefaultJITMemoryManager class.
+#include <sys/mman.h>
+#include "llvm/Support/DynamicLibrary.h"
+#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/JITMemoryManager.h"
+#include "llvm-debug.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+using namespace llvm;
+#define MIN_CODE_CACHE_SIZE (1 * 1024 * 1024)
+#define DEFAULT_GLOBAL_SIZE (64 * 1024)
+#define DEFAULT_THRESHOLD (32 * 1024)
+// AtExitHandlers - List of functions to call when the program exits,
+// registered with the atexit() library function.
+static std::vector<void (*)()> AtExitHandlers;
+/// runAtExitHandlers - Run any functions registered by the program's
+/// calls to atexit(3), which we intercept and store in
+/// AtExitHandlers.
+static void runAtExitHandlers() {
+ while (!AtExitHandlers.empty()) {
+ void (*Fn)() = AtExitHandlers.back();
+ AtExitHandlers.pop_back();
+ Fn();
+ }
+// Function stubs that are invoked instead of certain library calls
+// Force the following functions to be linked in to anything that uses the
+// JIT. This is a hack designed to work around the all-too-clever Glibc
+// strategy of making these functions work differently when inlined vs. when
+// not inlined, and hiding their real definitions in a separate archive file
+// that the dynamic linker can't see. For more info, search for
+// 'libc_nonshared.a' on Google, or read
+#if defined(__linux__) && defined(__GLIBC__)
+/* stat functions are redirecting to __xstat with a version number. On x86-64
+ * linking with libc_nonshared.a and -Wl,--export-dynamic doesn't make 'stat'
+ * available as an exported symbol, so we have to add it explicitly.
+ */
+namespace {
+class StatSymbols {
+ StatSymbols() {
+ sys::DynamicLibrary::AddSymbol("stat", (void*)(intptr_t)stat);
+ sys::DynamicLibrary::AddSymbol("fstat", (void*)(intptr_t)fstat);
+ sys::DynamicLibrary::AddSymbol("lstat", (void*)(intptr_t)lstat);
+ sys::DynamicLibrary::AddSymbol("stat64", (void*)(intptr_t)stat64);
+ sys::DynamicLibrary::AddSymbol("\x1stat64", (void*)(intptr_t)stat64);
+ sys::DynamicLibrary::AddSymbol("\x1open64", (void*)(intptr_t)open64);
+ sys::DynamicLibrary::AddSymbol("\x1lseek64", (void*)(intptr_t)lseek64);
+ sys::DynamicLibrary::AddSymbol("fstat64", (void*)(intptr_t)fstat64);
+ sys::DynamicLibrary::AddSymbol("lstat64", (void*)(intptr_t)lstat64);
+ sys::DynamicLibrary::AddSymbol("atexit", (void*)(intptr_t)atexit);
+ sys::DynamicLibrary::AddSymbol("mknod", (void*)(intptr_t)mknod);
+ }
+static StatSymbols initStatSymbols;
+#endif // __linux__
+// jit_exit - Used to intercept the "exit" library call.
+static void jit_exit(int Status) {
+ runAtExitHandlers(); // Run atexit handlers...
+ exit(Status);
+// jit_atexit - Used to intercept the "atexit" library call.
+static int jit_atexit(void (*Fn)()) {
+ AtExitHandlers.push_back(Fn); // Take note of atexit handler...
+ return 0; // Always successful
+static int jit_noop() {
+ return 0;
+/// DefaultJITMemoryManager - Manage trace cache memory for the JIT code generation.
+class DefaultJITMemoryManager : public JITMemoryManager {
+ uint8_t *TraceCache;
+ size_t TraceCacheSize;
+ uint8_t *GlobalBase; /* section for global data used by QEMU helpers */
+ uint8_t *CodeBase; /* section for emitting trace code */
+ uint8_t *CodeGenPtr;
+ size_t GlobalRemain;
+ size_t CodeRemain;
+ size_t Threshold;
+ hqemu::Mutex lock;
+ DefaultJITMemoryManager(uint8_t *Cache, size_t Size)
+ : TraceCache(Cache), TraceCacheSize(Size), Threshold(DEFAULT_THRESHOLD)
+ {
+ GlobalBase = TraceCache;
+ CodeBase = GlobalBase + DEFAULT_GLOBAL_SIZE;
+ CodeBase = (uint8_t *)(((uintptr_t)CodeBase + CODE_GEN_ALIGN - 1) & ~(CODE_GEN_ALIGN - 1));
+ CodeRemain = (uintptr_t)TraceCache + TraceCacheSize - (uintptr_t)CodeBase;
+ CodeGenPtr = CodeBase;
+ }
+ ~DefaultJITMemoryManager() {}
+ //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+ //
+ /// getPointerToNamedFunction - This method returns the address of the specified
+ /// function by using the dynamic loader interface. As such it is only useful
+ /// for resolving library symbols, not code generated symbols.
+ ///
+ void *getPointerToNamedFunction(const std::string &Name,
+ bool AbortOnFailure = true) override {
+ // Check to see if this is one of the functions we want to intercept. Note,
+ // we cast to intptr_t here to silence a -pedantic warning that complains
+ // about casting a function pointer to a normal pointer.
+ if (Name == "exit") return (void*)(intptr_t)&jit_exit;
+ if (Name == "atexit") return (void*)(intptr_t)&jit_atexit;
+ // We should not invoke parent's ctors/dtors from generated main()!
+ // On Mingw and Cygwin, the symbol __main is resolved to
+ // callee's(eg. tools/lli) one, to invoke wrong duplicated ctors
+ // (and register wrong callee's dtors with atexit(3)).
+ // We expect ExecutionEngine::runStaticConstructorsDestructors()
+ // is called before ExecutionEngine::runFunctionAsMain() is called.
+ if (Name == "__main") return (void*)(intptr_t)&jit_noop;
+ const char *NameStr = Name.c_str();
+ // If this is an asm specifier, skip the sentinal.
+ if (NameStr[0] == 1) ++NameStr;
+ // If it's an external function, look it up in the process image...
+ void *Ptr = sys::DynamicLibrary::SearchForAddressOfSymbol(NameStr);
+ if (Ptr) return Ptr;
+ // If it wasn't found and if it starts with an underscore ('_') character,
+ // try again without the underscore.
+ if (NameStr[0] == '_') {
+ Ptr = sys::DynamicLibrary::SearchForAddressOfSymbol(NameStr+1);
+ if (Ptr) return Ptr;
+ }
+ // Darwin/PPC adds $LDBLStub suffixes to various symbols like printf. These
+ // are references to hidden visibility symbols that dlsym cannot resolve.
+ // If we have one of these, strip off $LDBLStub and try again.
+#if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__ppc__)
+ if (Name.size() > 9 && Name[Name.size()-9] == '$' &&
+ memcmp(&Name[Name.size()-8], "LDBLStub", 8) == 0) {
+ // First try turning $LDBLStub into $LDBL128. If that fails, strip it off.
+ // This mirrors logic in libSystemStubs.a.
+ std::string Prefix = std::string(Name.begin(), Name.end()-9);
+ if (void *Ptr = getPointerToNamedFunction(Prefix+"$LDBL128", false))
+ return Ptr;
+ if (void *Ptr = getPointerToNamedFunction(Prefix, false))
+ return Ptr;
+ }
+ if (AbortOnFailure) {
+ report_fatal_error("Program used external function '"+Name+
+ "' which could not be resolved!");
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ void AllocateGOT() override { hqemu_error("fixme.\n"); }
+ // Testing methods.
+ bool CheckInvariants(std::string &ErrorStr) override { hqemu_error("fixme.\n"); return false; }
+ size_t GetDefaultCodeSlabSize() override { hqemu_error("fixme.\n"); return 0; }
+ size_t GetDefaultDataSlabSize() override { hqemu_error("fixme.\n"); return 0; }
+ size_t GetDefaultStubSlabSize() override { hqemu_error("fixme.\n"); return 0; }
+ unsigned GetNumCodeSlabs() override { hqemu_error("fixme.\n"); return 0; }
+ unsigned GetNumDataSlabs() override { hqemu_error("fixme.\n"); return 0; }
+ unsigned GetNumStubSlabs() override { hqemu_error("fixme.\n"); return 0; }
+ /// startFunctionBody - When a function starts, allocate a block of free
+ /// executable memory, returning a pointer to it and its actual size.
+ uint8_t *startFunctionBody(const Function *F,
+ uintptr_t &ActualSize) override {
+ lock.acquire();
+ if (unlikely(CodeRemain < Threshold))
+ hqemu_error("internal error (fixme).\n");
+ ActualSize = CodeRemain;
+ return CodeGenPtr;
+ }
+ /// endFunctionBody - The function F is now allocated, and takes the memory
+ /// in the range [FunctionStart,FunctionEnd).
+ void endFunctionBody(const Function *F, uint8_t *FunctionStart,
+ uint8_t *FunctionEnd) override {
+ assert(FunctionEnd > FunctionStart);
+ size_t GenSize = FunctionEnd - FunctionStart;
+ if (unlikely(GenSize > CodeRemain))
+ hqemu_error("exceeds available cache size.\n");
+ CodeGenPtr = (uint8_t *)(((uintptr_t)CodeGenPtr + GenSize + CODE_GEN_ALIGN - 1)
+ & ~(CODE_GEN_ALIGN - 1));
+ CodeRemain = (uintptr_t)TraceCache + TraceCacheSize - (uintptr_t)CodeGenPtr;
+ lock.release();
+ }
+ /// allocateSpace - Allocate a memory block of the given size. This method
+ /// cannot be called between calls to startFunctionBody and endFunctionBody.
+ uint8_t *allocateSpace(intptr_t Size, unsigned Alignment) override {
+ hqemu_error("fixme.\n");
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ /// allocateStub - Allocate memory for a function stub.
+ uint8_t *allocateStub(const GlobalValue* F, unsigned StubSize,
+ unsigned Alignment) override {
+ return allocateGlobal(StubSize, Alignment);
+ }
+ /// allocateGlobal - Allocate memory for a global.
+ uint8_t *allocateGlobal(uintptr_t Size, unsigned Alignment) override {
+ hqemu::MutexGuard locked(lock);
+ if (!Alignment)
+ Alignment = 16;
+ if (Alignment & (Alignment - 1))
+ hqemu_error("alignment must be a power of two.\n");
+ unsigned MisAligned = ((intptr_t)GlobalBase & (Alignment - 1));
+ if (MisAligned)
+ MisAligned = Alignment - MisAligned;
+ if (GlobalRemain < Size + MisAligned)
+ hqemu_error("exceeds available global size.\n");
+ uint8_t *GlobalPtr = GlobalBase + MisAligned;
+ GlobalBase = GlobalPtr + Size;
+ GlobalRemain -= (Size + MisAligned);
+ return GlobalPtr;
+ }
+ /// allocateCodeSection - Allocate memory for a code section.
+ uint8_t *allocateCodeSection(uintptr_t Size, unsigned Alignment,
+ unsigned SectionID,
+ StringRef SectionName) override {
+ hqemu_error("fixme.\n"); return nullptr;
+ }
+ /// allocateDataSection - Allocate memory for a data section.
+ uint8_t *allocateDataSection(uintptr_t Size, unsigned Alignment,
+ unsigned SectionID, StringRef SectionName,
+ bool IsReadOnly) override {
+ hqemu_error("fixme.\n"); return nullptr;
+ }
+ bool finalizeMemory(std::string *ErrMsg) override { return false; }
+ uint8_t *getGOTBase() const override { return nullptr; }
+ void deallocateBlock(void *Block) {}
+ /// deallocateFunctionBody - Deallocate all memory for the specified
+ /// function body.
+ void deallocateFunctionBody(void *Body) override {}
+ /// setMemoryWritable - When code generation is in progress,
+ /// the code pages may need permissions changed.
+ void setMemoryWritable() override {}
+ /// setMemoryExecutable - When code generation is done and we're ready to
+ /// start execution, the code pages may need permissions changed.
+ void setMemoryExecutable() override {}
+ /// setPoisonMemory - Controls whether we write garbage over freed memory.
+ ///
+ void setPoisonMemory(bool poison) override {}
+ size_t getCodeSize() { return CodeGenPtr - CodeBase; }
+ bool isSizeAvailable() {
+ hqemu::MutexGuard locked(lock);
+ return CodeRemain >= Threshold ? 1 : 0;
+ }
+ void Flush() {
+ CodeGenPtr = CodeBase;
+ CodeRemain = (uintptr_t)TraceCache + TraceCacheSize - (uintptr_t)CodeBase;
+ }
+ static DefaultJITMemoryManager *Create(uint8_t *Cache, size_t Size) {
+ hqemu_error("Trace cache size is too small.\n");
+ return new DefaultJITMemoryManager(Cache, Size);
+ }
+ * vim: ts=8 sts=4 sw=4 expandtab
+ */
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