path: root/llvm/llvm-soft-perfmon.cpp
diff options
authorTimothy Pearson <>2019-11-29 19:00:14 -0600
committerTimothy Pearson <>2019-11-29 19:02:28 -0600
commit4b3250c5073149c59c5c11e06c2c0d93b6a9f5ff (patch)
treedce73321255f834f7b2d4c16fa49760edb534f27 /llvm/llvm-soft-perfmon.cpp
parenta58047f7fbb055677e45c9a7d65ba40fbfad4b92 (diff)
Initial overlay of HQEMU 2.5.2 changes onto underlying 2.5.1 QEMU GIT tree2.5.1_overlay
Diffstat (limited to 'llvm/llvm-soft-perfmon.cpp')
1 files changed, 357 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/llvm/llvm-soft-perfmon.cpp b/llvm/llvm-soft-perfmon.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5f9a56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/llvm/llvm-soft-perfmon.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+ * (C) 2010 by Computer System Laboratory, IIS, Academia Sinica, Taiwan.
+ * See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory.
+ */
+#include <iostream>
+#include <sstream>
+#include "tracer.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+#include "llvm.h"
+#include "llvm-target.h"
+#include "llvm-soft-perfmon.h"
+extern LLVMEnv *LLEnv;
+extern unsigned ProfileThreshold;
+extern unsigned PredictThreshold;
+ * Software Performance Monitor (SPM)
+ */
+void SoftwarePerfmon::ParseProfileMode(std::string &ProfileLevel)
+ static std::string profile_str[SPM_NUM] = {
+ "none", "basic", "trace", "cache", "pass", "hpm", "exit", "hotspot", "all"
+ };
+ static uint64_t profile_enum[SPM_NUM] = {
+ };
+ if (ProfileLevel.empty())
+ return;
+ std::istringstream ss(ProfileLevel);
+ std::string token;
+ while(getline(ss, token, ',')) {
+ for (int i = 0; i != SPM_NUM; ++i) {
+ if (token == profile_str[i]) {
+ Mode |= profile_enum[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void SoftwarePerfmon::printProfile()
+ if (!isEnabled())
+ return;
+ if (LLVMEnv::TransMode == TRANS_MODE_NONE ||
+ return;
+ if (LLVMEnv::TransMode == TRANS_MODE_BLOCK)
+ printBlockProfile();
+ else
+ printTraceProfile();
+void SoftwarePerfmon::printBlockProfile()
+ LLVMEnv::TransCodeList &TransCode = LLEnv->getTransCode();
+ uint32_t GuestSize = 0, GuestICount = 0, HostSize = 0;
+ uint64_t TransTime = 0, MaxTime = 0;
+ for (auto TC : TransCode) {
+ TraceInfo *Trace = TC->Trace;
+ TranslationBlock *TB = TC->EntryTB;
+ GuestSize += TB->size;
+ GuestICount += TB->icount;
+ HostSize += TC->Size;
+ TransTime += Trace->TransTime;
+ if (Trace->TransTime > MaxTime)
+ MaxTime = Trace->TransTime;
+ }
+ auto &OS = DM.debug();
+ OS << "\nBlock statistic:\n"
+ << "Num of Blocks : " << TransCode.size() << "\n"
+ << "G/H Code Size : " << GuestSize << "/" << HostSize << "bytes\n"
+ << "Guest ICount : " << GuestICount << "\n"
+ << "Translation Time : " << format("%.6f", (double)TransTime * 1e-6)
+ << " seconds (max=" << MaxTime /1000 << " ms)\n";
+static void printBasic(LLVMEnv::TransCodeList &TransCode)
+ uint32_t GuestSize = 0, GuestICount = 0, HostSize = 0;
+ uint32_t NumBlock = 0, NumLoop = 0, NumExit = 0, NumIndirectBr = 0;
+ uint32_t MaxBlock = 0, MaxLoop = 0, MaxExit = 0, MaxIndirectBr = 0;
+ uint64_t TransTime = 0, MaxTime = 0;
+ unsigned NumTraces = TransCode.size();
+ std::map<unsigned, unsigned> LenDist;
+ for (auto TC : TransCode) {
+ TraceInfo *Trace = TC->Trace;
+ TBVec &TBs = Trace->TBs;
+ for (unsigned i = 0, e = TBs.size(); i != e; ++i) {
+ GuestSize += TBs[i]->size;
+ GuestICount += TBs[i]->icount;
+ }
+ HostSize += TC->Size;
+ NumBlock += TBs.size();
+ NumLoop += Trace->NumLoop;
+ NumExit += Trace->NumExit;
+ NumIndirectBr += Trace->NumIndirectBr;
+ TransTime += Trace->TransTime;
+ if (TBs.size() > MaxBlock)
+ MaxBlock = TBs.size();
+ if (Trace->NumLoop > MaxLoop)
+ MaxLoop = Trace->NumLoop;
+ if (Trace->NumExit > MaxExit)
+ MaxExit = Trace->NumExit;
+ if (Trace->NumIndirectBr > MaxIndirectBr)
+ MaxIndirectBr = Trace->NumIndirectBr;
+ if (Trace->TransTime > MaxTime)
+ MaxTime = Trace->TransTime;
+ LenDist[TBs.size()]++;
+ }
+ auto &OS = DM.debug();
+ OS << "Trace statistic:\n"
+ << "Num of Traces : " << NumTraces << "\n"
+ << "Profile Thres. : " << ProfileThreshold << "\n"
+ << "Predict Thres. : " << PredictThreshold << "\n"
+ << "G/H Code Size : " << GuestSize << "/" << HostSize << " bytes\n"
+ << "Translation Time : " << format("%.6f", (double)TransTime * 1e-6)
+ << " seconds (max=" << MaxTime /1000 << " ms)\n"
+ << "Average # Blocks : " << format("%.1f", (double)NumBlock / NumTraces)
+ << " (max=" << MaxBlock << ")\n"
+ << "Average # Loops : " << format("%.1f", (double)NumLoop / NumTraces)
+ << " (max=" << MaxLoop << ")\n"
+ << "Average # Exits : " << format("%.1f", (double)NumExit / NumTraces)
+ << " (max=" << MaxExit << ")\n"
+ << "Average # IBs : " << format("%.1f", (double)NumIndirectBr / NumTraces)
+ << " (max=" << MaxIndirectBr << ")\n"
+ << "Flush Count : " << LLEnv->getNumFlush() << "\n";
+ OS << "Trace length distribution: (1-" << MaxBlock << ")\n ";
+ for (unsigned i = 1; i <= MaxBlock; i++)
+ OS << LenDist[i] << " ";
+ OS << "\n";
+static void printTraceExec(LLVMEnv::TransCodeList &TransCode)
+ unsigned NumThread = 0;
+ for (auto next_cpu = first_cpu; next_cpu != nullptr;
+ next_cpu = CPU_NEXT(next_cpu))
+ NumThread++;
+ /* Detailed trace information and runtime counters. */
+ auto &OS = DM.debug();
+ OS << "----------------------------\n"
+ << "Trace execution information:\n";
+ unsigned NumTraces = TransCode.size();
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i != NumThread; ++i) {
+ unsigned TraceUsed = 0;
+ OS << ">\n"
+ << "Thread " << i << ":\n"
+ << " dynamic exec count\n"
+ << " id pc #loop:#exit loop ibtc exit\n";
+ for (unsigned j = 0; j != NumTraces; ++j) {
+ TraceInfo *Trace = TransCode[j]->Trace;
+ uint64_t *Counter = Trace->ExecCount[i];
+ if (Counter[0] + Counter[1] + Counter[2] == 0)
+ continue;
+ TraceUsed++;
+ OS << format("%4d", j) << ") "
+ << format("0x%08" PRIx, Trace->getEntryPC()) << " "
+ << format("%2d", Trace->NumLoop) << " "
+ << format("%2d", Trace->NumExit) << " "
+ << format("%8" PRId64, Counter[0]) << " "
+ << format("%8" PRId64, Counter[1]) << " "
+ << format("%8" PRId64, Counter[2]) << "\n";
+ }
+ OS << "Trace used: " << TraceUsed << "/" << NumTraces <<"\n";
+ }
+static void printHPM()
+ auto &OS = DM.debug();
+ OS << "Num of Insns : " << SP->NumInsns << "\n"
+ << "Num of Loads : " << SP->NumLoads << "\n"
+ << "Num of Stores : " << SP->NumStores << "\n"
+ << "Num of Branches : " << SP->NumBranches << "\n"
+ << "Sample Time : " << format("%.6f seconds", (double)SP->SampleTime * 1e-6)
+ << "\n";
+static void printHotspot(unsigned &CoverSet,
+ std::vector<std::vector<uint64_t> *> &SampleListVec)
+ auto &OS = DM.debug();
+ auto &TransCode = LLEnv->getTransCode();
+ auto &SortedCode = LLEnv->getSortedCode();
+ uint64_t BlockCacheStart = (uintptr_t)tcg_ctx_global.code_gen_buffer;
+ uint64_t BlockCacheEnd = BlockCacheStart + tcg_ctx_global.code_gen_buffer_size;
+ uint64_t TraceCacheStart = (uintptr_t)LLVMEnv::TraceCache;
+ uint64_t TraceCacheEnd = TraceCacheStart + LLVMEnv::TraceCacheSize;
+ uint64_t TotalSamples = 0;
+ uint64_t NumBlockCache = 0, NumTraceCache = 0, NumOther = 0;
+ for (auto *L : SampleListVec) {
+ for (uint64_t IP : *L) {
+ if (IP >= BlockCacheStart && IP < BlockCacheEnd)
+ NumBlockCache++;
+ else if (IP >= TraceCacheStart && IP < TraceCacheEnd)
+ NumTraceCache++;
+ else
+ NumOther++;
+ auto IT = SortedCode.upper_bound(IP);
+ if (IT == SortedCode.begin())
+ continue;
+ auto TC = (--IT)->second;
+ if (IP < (uint64_t)TC->Code + TC->Size)
+ TC->SampleCount++;;
+ }
+ delete L;
+ }
+ TotalSamples = NumBlockCache + NumTraceCache + NumOther;
+ if (TotalSamples == 0 || TransCode.empty()) {
+ OS << CoverSet << "% CoverSet : 0\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Print the time breakdown of block cache, trace cache and other. */
+ char buf[128] = {'\0'};
+ double RatioBlockCache = (double)NumBlockCache * 100 / TotalSamples;
+ double RatioTraceCache = (double)NumTraceCache * 100 / TotalSamples;
+ sprintf(buf, "block (%.1f%%) trace (%.1f%%) other (%.1f%%)", RatioBlockCache,
+ RatioTraceCache, 100.0f - RatioBlockCache - RatioTraceCache);
+ OS << "Breakdown : " << buf << "\n";
+ /* Print the amount of traces in the cover set. */
+ std::map<TranslatedCode *, unsigned> IndexMap;
+ for (unsigned i = 0, e = TransCode.size(); i != e; ++i)
+ IndexMap[TransCode[i]] = i;
+ LLVMEnv::TransCodeList Covered(TransCode.begin(), TransCode.end());
+ std::sort(Covered.begin(), Covered.end(),
+ [](const TranslatedCode *a, const TranslatedCode *b) {
+ return a->SampleCount > b->SampleCount;
+ });
+ uint64_t CoverSamples = TotalSamples * CoverSet / 100;
+ uint64_t AccuSamples = 0;
+ unsigned NumTracesInCoverSet = 0;
+ for (TranslatedCode *TC : Covered) {
+ if (AccuSamples >= CoverSamples || TC->SampleCount == 0)
+ break;
+ NumTracesInCoverSet++;
+ AccuSamples += TC->SampleCount;
+ }
+ OS << CoverSet << "% CoverSet : " << NumTracesInCoverSet << "\n";
+ if (NumTracesInCoverSet == 0)
+ return;
+ /* Print the percentage of time of the traces in the cover set. */
+ if (DM.getDebugMode() & DEBUG_IR_OPT) {
+ OS << "Traces of CoverSet:\n";
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < NumTracesInCoverSet; ++i) {
+ TranslatedCode *TC = Covered[i];
+ sprintf(buf, "%4d (%.1f%%): ", IndexMap[TC],
+ (double)TC->SampleCount * 100 / TotalSamples);
+ OS << buf;
+ int j = 0;
+ for (auto *TB: TC->Trace->TBs) {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << std::hex << TB->pc;
+ OS << (j++ == 0 ? "" : ",") << ss.str();
+ }
+ OS << "\n";
+ }
+ } else {
+ unsigned top = 10;
+ OS << "Percentage of CoverSet (top 10): ";
+ if (NumTracesInCoverSet < top)
+ top = NumTracesInCoverSet;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < top; ++i) {
+ TranslatedCode *TC = Covered[i];
+ sprintf(buf, "%.1f%%", (double)TC->SampleCount * 100 / TotalSamples);
+ OS << (i == 0 ? "" : " ") << buf;
+ }
+ OS << "\n";
+ }
+void SoftwarePerfmon::printTraceProfile()
+ auto &OS = DM.debug();
+ unsigned NumTraces = LLEnv->getTransCode().size();
+ OS << "\n";
+ if (NumTraces == 0) {
+ OS << "Trace statistic:\n"
+ << "Num of Traces : " << NumTraces << "\n\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Static information */
+ if (Mode & SPM_BASIC)
+ printBasic(LLEnv->getTransCode());
+ if (Mode & SPM_EXIT)
+ OS << "Num of TraceExit : " << NumTraceExits << "\n";
+ if (Mode & SPM_HPM)
+ printHPM();
+ if (Mode & SPM_HOTSPOT)
+ printHotspot(CoverSet, SP->SampleListVec);
+ /* Code cache infomation - start address and size */
+ if (Mode & SPM_CACHE) {
+ size_t BlockSize = (uintptr_t)tcg_ctx_global.code_gen_ptr -
+ (uintptr_t)tcg_ctx_global.code_gen_buffer;
+ size_t TraceSize = LLEnv->getMemoryManager()->getCodeSize();
+ OS << "-------------------------\n"
+ << "Block/Trace Cache information:\n";
+ OS << "Block: start=" << tcg_ctx_global.code_gen_buffer
+ << " size=" << tcg_ctx_global.code_gen_buffer_size
+ << " code=" << format("%8d", BlockSize) << " (ratio="
+ << format("%.2f", (double)BlockSize * 100 / tcg_ctx_global.code_gen_buffer_size)
+ << "%)\n";
+ OS << "Trace: start=" << LLVMEnv::TraceCache
+ << " size=" << LLVMEnv::TraceCacheSize
+ << " code=" << format("%8d", TraceSize) << " (ratio="
+ << format("%.2f", (double)TraceSize * 100 / LLVMEnv::TraceCacheSize)
+ << "%)\n\n";
+ }
+ if (Mode & SPM_TRACE)
+ printTraceExec(LLEnv->getTransCode());
+ if ((Mode & SPM_PASS) && !ExitFunc.empty()) {
+ OS << "\n-------------------------\n"
+ << "Pass information:\n";
+ for (unsigned i = 0, e = ExitFunc.size(); i != e; ++i)
+ (*ExitFunc[i])();
+ }
+ * vim: ts=8 sts=4 sw=4 expandtab
+ */
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