path: root/libavcodec/mips/aaccoder_mips.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'libavcodec/mips/aaccoder_mips.c')
1 files changed, 117 insertions, 55 deletions
diff --git a/libavcodec/mips/aaccoder_mips.c b/libavcodec/mips/aaccoder_mips.c
index e8e1e62..04b3dca 100644
--- a/libavcodec/mips/aaccoder_mips.c
+++ b/libavcodec/mips/aaccoder_mips.c
@@ -2336,74 +2336,136 @@ static float quantize_band_cost(struct AACEncContext *s, const float *in,
static void search_for_ms_mips(AACEncContext *s, ChannelElement *cpe)
- int start = 0, i, w, w2, g;
+ int start = 0, i, w, w2, g, sid_sf_boost, prev_mid, prev_side;
+ uint8_t nextband0[128], nextband1[128];
float M[128], S[128];
float *L34 = s->scoefs, *R34 = s->scoefs + 128, *M34 = s->scoefs + 128*2, *S34 = s->scoefs + 128*3;
const float lambda = s->lambda;
+ const float mslambda = FFMIN(1.0f, lambda / 120.f);
SingleChannelElement *sce0 = &cpe->ch[0];
SingleChannelElement *sce1 = &cpe->ch[1];
if (!cpe->common_window)
+ /** Scout out next nonzero bands */
+ ff_init_nextband_map(sce0, nextband0);
+ ff_init_nextband_map(sce1, nextband1);
+ prev_mid = sce0->sf_idx[0];
+ prev_side = sce1->sf_idx[0];
for (w = 0; w < sce0->ics.num_windows; w += sce0->ics.group_len[w]) {
start = 0;
for (g = 0; g < sce0->ics.num_swb; g++) {
- if (!cpe->ch[0].zeroes[w*16+g] && !cpe->ch[1].zeroes[w*16+g]) {
- float dist1 = 0.0f, dist2 = 0.0f;
+ float bmax = bval2bmax(g * 17.0f / sce0->ics.num_swb) / 0.0045f;
+ cpe->ms_mask[w*16+g] = 0;
+ if (!sce0->zeroes[w*16+g] && !sce1->zeroes[w*16+g]) {
+ float Mmax = 0.0f, Smax = 0.0f;
+ /* Must compute mid/side SF and book for the whole window group */
for (w2 = 0; w2 < sce0->ics.group_len[w]; w2++) {
- FFPsyBand *band0 = &s->[s->cur_channel+0].psy_bands[(w+w2)*16+g];
- FFPsyBand *band1 = &s->[s->cur_channel+1].psy_bands[(w+w2)*16+g];
- float minthr = FFMIN(band0->threshold, band1->threshold);
- float maxthr = FFMAX(band0->threshold, band1->threshold);
- for (i = 0; i < sce0->ics.swb_sizes[g]; i+=4) {
- M[i ] = (sce0->coeffs[start+w2*128+i ]
- + sce1->coeffs[start+w2*128+i ]) * 0.5;
- M[i+1] = (sce0->coeffs[start+w2*128+i+1]
- + sce1->coeffs[start+w2*128+i+1]) * 0.5;
- M[i+2] = (sce0->coeffs[start+w2*128+i+2]
- + sce1->coeffs[start+w2*128+i+2]) * 0.5;
- M[i+3] = (sce0->coeffs[start+w2*128+i+3]
- + sce1->coeffs[start+w2*128+i+3]) * 0.5;
- S[i ] = M[i ]
- - sce1->coeffs[start+w2*128+i ];
- S[i+1] = M[i+1]
- - sce1->coeffs[start+w2*128+i+1];
- S[i+2] = M[i+2]
- - sce1->coeffs[start+w2*128+i+2];
- S[i+3] = M[i+3]
- - sce1->coeffs[start+w2*128+i+3];
- }
- abs_pow34_v(L34, sce0->coeffs+start+(w+w2)*128, sce0->ics.swb_sizes[g]);
- abs_pow34_v(R34, sce1->coeffs+start+(w+w2)*128, sce0->ics.swb_sizes[g]);
- abs_pow34_v(M34, M, sce0->ics.swb_sizes[g]);
- abs_pow34_v(S34, S, sce0->ics.swb_sizes[g]);
- dist1 += quantize_band_cost(s, &sce0->coeffs[start + (w+w2)*128],
- L34,
- sce0->ics.swb_sizes[g],
- sce0->sf_idx[(w+w2)*16+g],
- sce0->band_type[(w+w2)*16+g],
- lambda / band0->threshold, INFINITY, NULL, NULL, 0);
- dist1 += quantize_band_cost(s, &sce1->coeffs[start + (w+w2)*128],
- R34,
- sce1->ics.swb_sizes[g],
- sce1->sf_idx[(w+w2)*16+g],
- sce1->band_type[(w+w2)*16+g],
- lambda / band1->threshold, INFINITY, NULL, NULL, 0);
- dist2 += quantize_band_cost(s, M,
- M34,
- sce0->ics.swb_sizes[g],
- sce0->sf_idx[(w+w2)*16+g],
- sce0->band_type[(w+w2)*16+g],
- lambda / maxthr, INFINITY, NULL, NULL, 0);
- dist2 += quantize_band_cost(s, S,
- S34,
- sce1->ics.swb_sizes[g],
- sce1->sf_idx[(w+w2)*16+g],
- sce1->band_type[(w+w2)*16+g],
- lambda / minthr, INFINITY, NULL, NULL, 0);
+ for (i = 0; i < sce0->ics.swb_sizes[g]; i++) {
+ M[i] = (sce0->coeffs[start+(w+w2)*128+i]
+ + sce1->coeffs[start+(w+w2)*128+i]) * 0.5;
+ S[i] = M[i]
+ - sce1->coeffs[start+(w+w2)*128+i];
+ }
+ abs_pow34_v(M34, M, sce0->ics.swb_sizes[g]);
+ abs_pow34_v(S34, S, sce0->ics.swb_sizes[g]);
+ for (i = 0; i < sce0->ics.swb_sizes[g]; i++ ) {
+ Mmax = FFMAX(Mmax, M34[i]);
+ Smax = FFMAX(Smax, S34[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ for (sid_sf_boost = 0; sid_sf_boost < 4; sid_sf_boost++) {
+ float dist1 = 0.0f, dist2 = 0.0f;
+ int B0 = 0, B1 = 0;
+ int minidx;
+ int mididx, sididx;
+ int midcb, sidcb;
+ minidx = FFMIN(sce0->sf_idx[w*16+g], sce1->sf_idx[w*16+g]);
+ mididx = av_clip(minidx, 0, SCALE_MAX_POS - SCALE_DIV_512);
+ sididx = av_clip(minidx - sid_sf_boost * 3, 0, SCALE_MAX_POS - SCALE_DIV_512);
+ if (!cpe->is_mask[w*16+g] && sce0->band_type[w*16+g] != NOISE_BT && sce1->band_type[w*16+g] != NOISE_BT
+ && ( !ff_sfdelta_can_replace(sce0, nextband0, prev_mid, mididx, w*16+g)
+ || !ff_sfdelta_can_replace(sce1, nextband1, prev_side, sididx, w*16+g))) {
+ /* scalefactor range violation, bad stuff, will decrease quality unacceptably */
+ continue;
+ }
+ midcb = find_min_book(Mmax, mididx);
+ sidcb = find_min_book(Smax, sididx);
+ /* No CB can be zero */
+ midcb = FFMAX(1,midcb);
+ sidcb = FFMAX(1,sidcb);
+ for (w2 = 0; w2 < sce0->ics.group_len[w]; w2++) {
+ FFPsyBand *band0 = &s->[s->cur_channel+0].psy_bands[(w+w2)*16+g];
+ FFPsyBand *band1 = &s->[s->cur_channel+1].psy_bands[(w+w2)*16+g];
+ float minthr = FFMIN(band0->threshold, band1->threshold);
+ int b1,b2,b3,b4;
+ for (i = 0; i < sce0->ics.swb_sizes[g]; i++) {
+ M[i] = (sce0->coeffs[start+(w+w2)*128+i]
+ + sce1->coeffs[start+(w+w2)*128+i]) * 0.5;
+ S[i] = M[i]
+ - sce1->coeffs[start+(w+w2)*128+i];
+ }
+ abs_pow34_v(L34, sce0->coeffs+start+(w+w2)*128, sce0->ics.swb_sizes[g]);
+ abs_pow34_v(R34, sce1->coeffs+start+(w+w2)*128, sce0->ics.swb_sizes[g]);
+ abs_pow34_v(M34, M, sce0->ics.swb_sizes[g]);
+ abs_pow34_v(S34, S, sce0->ics.swb_sizes[g]);
+ dist1 += quantize_band_cost(s, &sce0->coeffs[start + (w+w2)*128],
+ L34,
+ sce0->ics.swb_sizes[g],
+ sce0->sf_idx[(w+w2)*16+g],
+ sce0->band_type[(w+w2)*16+g],
+ lambda / band0->threshold, INFINITY, &b1, NULL, 0);
+ dist1 += quantize_band_cost(s, &sce1->coeffs[start + (w+w2)*128],
+ R34,
+ sce1->ics.swb_sizes[g],
+ sce1->sf_idx[(w+w2)*16+g],
+ sce1->band_type[(w+w2)*16+g],
+ lambda / band1->threshold, INFINITY, &b2, NULL, 0);
+ dist2 += quantize_band_cost(s, M,
+ M34,
+ sce0->ics.swb_sizes[g],
+ sce0->sf_idx[(w+w2)*16+g],
+ sce0->band_type[(w+w2)*16+g],
+ lambda / minthr, INFINITY, &b3, NULL, 0);
+ dist2 += quantize_band_cost(s, S,
+ S34,
+ sce1->ics.swb_sizes[g],
+ sce1->sf_idx[(w+w2)*16+g],
+ sce1->band_type[(w+w2)*16+g],
+ mslambda / (minthr * bmax), INFINITY, &b4, NULL, 0);
+ B0 += b1+b2;
+ B1 += b3+b4;
+ dist1 -= B0;
+ dist2 -= B1;
+ }
+ cpe->ms_mask[w*16+g] = dist2 <= dist1 && B1 < B0;
+ if (cpe->ms_mask[w*16+g]) {
+ /* Setting the M/S mask is useful with I/S or PNS, but only the flag */
+ if (!cpe->is_mask[w*16+g] && sce0->band_type[w*16+g] != NOISE_BT && sce1->band_type[w*16+g] != NOISE_BT) {
+ sce0->sf_idx[w*16+g] = mididx;
+ sce1->sf_idx[w*16+g] = sididx;
+ sce0->band_type[w*16+g] = midcb;
+ sce1->band_type[w*16+g] = sidcb;
+ }
+ break;
+ } else if (B1 > B0) {
+ /* More boost won't fix this */
+ break;
+ }
- cpe->ms_mask[w*16+g] = dist2 < dist1;
+ if (!sce0->zeroes[w*16+g] && sce0->band_type[w*16+g] < RESERVED_BT)
+ prev_mid = sce0->sf_idx[w*16+g];
+ if (!sce1->zeroes[w*16+g] && !cpe->is_mask[w*16+g] && sce1->band_type[w*16+g] < RESERVED_BT)
+ prev_side = sce1->sf_idx[w*16+g];
start += sce0->ics.swb_sizes[g];
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