path: root/tinySIP/abnf/core.abnf
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Diffstat (limited to 'tinySIP/abnf/core.abnf')
1 files changed, 1053 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tinySIP/abnf/core.abnf b/tinySIP/abnf/core.abnf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b54c19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinySIP/abnf/core.abnf
@@ -0,0 +1,1053 @@
+OCTET= %x00-FF ; 8 bits of data
+CHAR= %x01-7F ; any 7-bit US-ASCII character, excluding NUL
+VCHAR= %x21-7E ; visible (printing) characters
+ALPHA= %x41-5A / %x61-7A ; A-Z / a-z
+DIGIT= %x30-39 ; 0-9
+CTL= %x00-1F / %x7F ; any US-ASCII control character: ; (octets 0 - 31) and DEL (127)
+HTAB= %x09 ; horizontal tab
+LF= %x0A ; linefeed
+CR= %x0D ; carriage return
+SP= %x20 ; space
+DQUOTE= %x22 ; " (Double Quote)
+BIT= "0" / "1"
+HEXDIG= DIGIT / "A" / "B" / "C" / "D" / "E" / "F"
+CRLF= CR LF ; Internet standard newline
+WSP= SP / HTAB ; white space
+LWSP= *(WSP / CRLF WSP) ; linear white space (past newline)
+; Most common definitions in Header Fields
+;;;; accept-param
+accept-param = ("q" EQUAL qvalue ) / generic-param
+;;;; addr-spec
+addr-spec = SIP-URI / SIPS-URI / absoluteURI
+;;;; algorithm
+algorithm = "algorithm" EQUAL ( aka-namespace / algorithm-value )
+aka-namespace = aka-version "-" algorithm-value
+aka-version = "AKAv" 1*DIGIT
+algorithm-value = ( "MD5" / "MD5-sess" / token )
+;;;; callid
+callid = word [ "@" word ]
+;;;; delta-seconds
+delta-seconds = 1*DIGIT
+;;;; generic-param
+generic-param = token [ EQUAL gen-value ]
+gen-value = token / host / quoted-string
+;;;; name-addr
+name-addr = [ display-name ] LAQUOT addr-spec RAQUOT
+display-name = *(token LWS) / quoted-string
+;;;; nonce
+nonce = "nonce" EQUAL ( aka-nonce / nonce-value )
+aka-nonce = LDQUOT aka-nonce-value RDQUOT
+aka-nonce-value = <base64 encoding of RAND, AUTN, and server specific data>
+nonce-value = quoted-string
+;;;; not-defined ; This is my own ...
+not-defined = token
+;;;; option-tag
+option-tag = token
+;;;; qvalue
+qvalue = ("0" [ "." 0*3DIGIT ] ) / ( "1" [ "." 0*3("0") ] )
+;;;; pname
+pname = 1*paramchar
+;;;; pvalue
+pvalue = 1*paramchar
+; URIs --> SIP / SIPS / TEL
+SIP-URI = "sip:" [ userinfo ] hostport uri-parameters [ headers ]
+SIPS-URI = "sips:" [ userinfo ] hostport uri-parameters [ headers ]
+; URI -- userinfo
+userinfo = ( user / telephone-subscriber ) [ ":" password ] "@"
+user = 1*( unreserved / escaped / user-unreserved )
+user-unreserved = "&" / "=" / "+" / "$" / "," / ";" / "?" / "/"
+password = *( unreserved / escaped / "&" / "=" / "+" / "$" / "," )
+; URI -- hostport
+hostport = host [ ":" port ]
+host = hostname / IPv4address / IPv6reference
+hostname = *( domainlabel "." ) toplabel [ "." ]
+domainlabel = alphanum / alphanum *( alphanum / "-" ) alphanum
+toplabel = ALPHA / ALPHA *( alphanum / "-" ) alphanum
+IPv4address = 1*3DIGIT "." 1*3DIGIT "." 1*3DIGIT "." 1*3DIGIT
+IPv6reference = "[" IPv6address "]"
+IPv6address = hexpart [ ":" IPv4address ]
+hexpart = hexseq / hexseq "::" [ hexseq ] / "::" [ hexseq ]
+hexseq = hex4 *( ":" hex4 )
+hex4 = 1*4HEXDIG
+port = 1*DIGIT
+; URI -- uri-parameters
+uri-parameters = *( ";" uri-parameter )
+uri-parameter = transport-param / user-param / method-param / ttl-param / maddr-param / lr-param / compression-param / target-param / cause-param / orig / gr-param / other-param
+;;;; transport-param
+transport-param = "transport=" ( "udp" / "tcp" / "sctp" / "tls" / "tls-sctp" / other-transport )
+other-transport = token
+;;;; user-param
+user-param = "user=" ( "phone" / "ip" / "dialstring" / other-user )
+other-user = token
+dialstring = dialstring-digits context
+dialstring-digits = *dialstring-element dialstring-digit *dialstring-element
+dialstring-digit = HEXDIG / "*" / "#"
+dialstring-element = dialstring-digit / "P" / "X" / visual-separator
+;;;; method-param
+method-param = "method=" Method
+;;;; ttl-param
+ttl-param = "ttl=" ttl
+;;;; maddr-param
+maddr-param = "maddr=" host
+;;;; lr-param
+lr-param = "lr"
+;;;; compression-param
+compression-param = "comp=" ( "sigcomp" / other-compression )
+other-compression = token
+;;;; target-param
+target-param = "target" EQUAL pvalue
+;;;; cause-param
+cause-param = "cause" EQUAL Status-Code
+;;;; orig
+orig = "orig"
+;;;; gr-param
+gr-param = "gr" [ "=" pvalue ]
+;;;; other-param
+other-param = pname [ "=" pvalue ]
+paramchar = param-unreserved / unreserved / escaped
+param-unreserved = "[" / "]" / "/" / ":" / "&" / "+" / "$"
+; URI -- headers
+headers = "?" header *( "&" header )
+header = hname [ "=" hvalue ]
+hname = 1*( hnv-unreserved / unreserved / escaped )
+hvalue = *( hnv-unreserved / unreserved / escaped )
+hnv-unreserved = "[" / "]" / "/" / "?" / ":" / "+" / "$"
+; absoluteURI
+absoluteURI = scheme ":" ( hier-part / opaque-part )
+hier-part = ( net-path / abs-path ) [ "?" query ]
+net-path = "//" authority [ abs-path ]
+abs-path = "/" path-segments
+query = *uric
+opaque-part = uric-no-slash *uric
+uric = reserved / unreserved / escaped
+uric-no-slash = unreserved / escaped / ";" / "?" / ":" / "@" / "&" / "=" / "+" / "$" / ","
+path-segments = segment *( "/" segment )
+segment = *pchar *( ";" param )
+param = *pchar
+pchar = unreserved / escaped / ":" / "@" / "&" / "=" / "+" / "$" / ","
+scheme = ALPHA *( ALPHA / DIGIT / "+" / "-" / "." )
+authority = srvr / reg-name
+srvr = [ [ userinfo "@" ] hostport ]
+reg-name = 1*( unreserved / escaped / "$" / "," / ";" / ":" / "@" / "&" / "=" / "+" )
+; telephone-URI
+telephone-uri = "tel:" telephone-subscriber
+telephone-subscriber = global-number / local-number
+global-number = global-number-digits *par
+local-number = local-number-digits *par context *par
+;;;; par
+par = parameter / extension / isdn-subaddress / rn / cic / npdi / enum-dip-indicator / trunk-group / trunk-context
+;;;; context
+context = ";phone-context=" descriptor
+;;;; parameter
+parameter = ";" pname [ "=" pvalue ]
+paramchar = param-unreserved / unreserved / pct-encoded
+pct-encoded = "%" HEXDIG HEXDIG
+param-unreserved = "[" / "]" / "/" / ":" / "&" / "+" / "$"
+;;;; extension
+extension = ";ext=" 1*phonedigit
+;;;; isdn-subaddress
+isdn-subaddress = ";isub=" 1*uric
+;;;; isub-encoding
+isub-encoding = isub-encoding-tag "=" isub-encoding-value
+isub-encoding-tag = "isub-encoding"
+isub-encoding-value = "nsap-ia5" / "nsap-bcd" / "nsap" / token
+;;;; Number Portability Parameters: rn, npdi, cic
+rn = ";rn=" ( global-rn / local-rn )
+cic = ";cic=" ( global-cic / local-cic )
+npdi = ";npdi"
+global-rn = not-defined
+;;;; global-rn = global-hex-digits
+local-rn = 1*hex-phonedigit rn-context
+rn-context = ";rn-context=" rn-descriptor
+rn-descriptor = domainname / global-hex-digits
+global-hex-digits = "+" 1*3(DIGIT) *hex-phonedigit
+hex-phonedigit = HEXDIG / visual-separator
+global-cic = global-hex-digits
+local-cic = 1*hex-phonedigit cic-context
+cic-context = ";cic-context=" rn-descriptor
+;;;; enum-dip-indicator
+enum-dip-indicator = ";enumdi"
+;;;; trunk-group
+trunk-group = ";tgrp=" trunk-group-label
+trunk-context = ";trunk-context=" descriptor
+trunk-group-label = 1*( unreserved / escaped / trunk-group-unreserved )
+trunk-group-unreserved = "/" / "&" / "+" / "$"
+;;;; descriptor
+descriptor = domainname / global-number-digits
+;;;; global- & local-number-digits
+global-number-digits = "+" *phonedigit DIGIT *phonedigit
+local-number-digits = *phonedigit-hex ( HEXDIG / "*" / "#" ) *phonedigit-hex
+phonedigit = DIGIT / [ visual-separator ]
+phonedigit-hex = HEXDIG / "*" / "#" / [ visual-separator ]
+visual-separator = "-" / "." / "(" / ")"
+;;;; domainname
+domainname = *( domainlabel "." ) toplabel [ "." ]
+domainlabel = alphanum / alphanum *( alphanum / "-" ) alphanum
+toplabel = ALPHA / ALPHA *( alphanum / "-" ) alphanum
+; RFC 3261 - SIP ABNF
+;;;; alphanum
+alphanum = ALPHA / DIGIT
+;;;; LHEX
+LHEX = DIGIT / %x61-66 ; lowercase a-f
+;;;; WS
+LWS = [*WSP CRLF] 1*WSP ; linear whitespace
+SWS = [LWS] ; sep whitespace
+;;;; HCOLON
+HCOLON = *( SP / HTAB ) ":" SWS
+;;;; separators
+separators = "(" / ")" / "<" / ">" / "@" / "," / ";" / ":" / "\" / DQUOTE / "/" / "[" / "]" / "?" / "=" / "{" / "}" / SP / HTAB
+;;;; SWS-based delimiters
+STAR = SWS "*" SWS ; asterisk
+SLASH = SWS "/" SWS ; slash
+EQUAL = SWS "=" SWS ; equal
+LPAREN = SWS "(" SWS ; left parenthesis
+RPAREN = SWS ")" SWS ; right parenthesis
+LAQUOT = SWS "<" ; left angle quote
+RAQUOT = ">" SWS ; right angle quote
+COMMA = SWS "," SWS ; comma
+SEMI = SWS ";" SWS ; semicolon
+COLON = SWS ":" SWS ; colon
+LDQUOT = SWS DQUOTE ; open double quotation mark
+RDQUOT = DQUOTE SWS ; close double quotation mark
+;;;; token
+token = 1*( alphanum / "-" / "." / "!" / "%" / "*" / "_" / "+" / "`" / "'" / "~" )
+;;;; quoted-string
+quoted-string = SWS DQUOTE *( qdtext / quoted-pair ) DQUOTE
+qdtext = LWS / %x21 / %x23-5B / %x5D-7E / UTF8-NONASCII
+quoted-pair = "\" ( %x00-09 / %x0B-0C / %x0E-7F )
+;;;; comment
+comment = LPAREN *( ctext / quoted-pair / comment-comment ) RPAREN
+ctext = %x21-27 / %x2A-5B / %x5D-7E / UTF8-NONASCII / LWS
+comment-comment = not-defined
+;;;; word
+word = 1*( alphanum / "-" / "." / "!" / "%" / "*" / "_" / "+" / "`" / "'" / "~" / "(" / ")" / "<" / ">" / ":" / "\" / DQUOTE / "/" / "[" / "]" / "?" / "{" / "}" )
+;;;; text
+TEXT-UTF8char = %x21-7E / UTF8-NONASCII
+UTF8-CONT = %x80-BF
+;;;; escaped
+escaped = "%" HEXDIG HEXDIG
+;;;; mark
+mark = "-" / "_" / "." / "!" / "~" / "*" / "'" / "(" / ")"
+;;;; reserved / unreserved
+reserved = ";" / "/" / "?" / ":" / "@" / "&" / "=" / "+" / "$" / ","
+unreserved = alphanum / mark
+;;;; SIP-message
+SIP-message = Request / Response
+;;;; Request
+Request = Request-Line *( message-header ) CRLF [ message-body ]
+;;;; Response
+Response = Status-Line *( message-header ) CRLF [ message-body ]
+;;;; Request-Line
+Request-Line = Method SP Request-URI SP SIP-Version CRLF
+;;;; Status-Line
+Status-Line = SIP-Version SP Status-Code SP Reason-Phrase CRLF
+;;;; Method
+INVITEm = %x49.4E. ; INVITE in caps [RFC3261]
+ACKm = %x41.43.4B ; ACK in caps [RFC3261]
+OPTIONSm = %x4F. ; OPTIONS in caps [RFC3261]
+BYEm = %x42.59.45 ; BYE in caps [RFC3261]
+CANCELm = %x43.41.4E.43.45.4C ; CANCEL in caps [RFC3261]
+REGISTERm = %x52. ; REGISTER in caps [RFC3261]
+INFOm = %x49.4E.46.4F ; INFO in caps [RFC2976]
+PRACKm = %x50. ; PRACK in caps [RFC3262]
+SUBSCRIBEm = %x53. ; SUBSCRIBE in caps [RFC3265]
+NOTIFYm = %x4E.4F. ; NOTIFY in caps [RFC3265]
+UPDATEm = %x55. ; UPDATE in caps [RFC3311]
+MESSAGEm = %x4D. ; MESSAGE in caps [RFC3428]
+REFERm = %x52. ; REFER in caps [RFC3515]
+PUBLISHm = %x50.55.42.4C.49.53.48 ; PUBLISH in caps [RFC3903]
+extension-method = token
+;;;; Request-URI
+Request-URI = SIP-URI / SIPS-URI / absoluteURI
+;;;; SIP-Version
+SIP-Version = "SIP" "/" 1*DIGIT "." 1*DIGIT
+;;;; message-header
+message-header = ( Accept / Accept-Contact / Accept-Encoding / Accept-Language / Accept-Resource-Priority / Alert-Info / Allow / Allow-Events / Authentication-Info / Authorization / Call-ID / Call-Info / Contact / Content-Disposition / Content-Encoding / Content-Language / Content-Length / Content-Type / CSeq / Date / Error-Info / Event / Expires / From / History-Info / Identity / Identity-Info / In-Reply-To / Join / Max-Forwards / MIME-Version / Min-Expires / Min-SE / Organization / Path / Priority / Privacy / Proxy-Authenticate / Proxy-Authorization / Proxy-Require / RAck / Reason / Record-Route / Refer-Sub / Refer-To / Referred-By / Reject-Contact / Replaces / Reply-To / Request-Disposition / Require / Resource-Priority / Retry-After / Route / RSeq / Security-Client / Security-Server / Security-Verify / Server / Service-Route / Session-Expires / SIP-ETag / SIP-If-Match / Subject / Subscription-State / Supported / Target-Dialog / Timestamp / To / Unsupported / User-Agent / Via / Warning / WWW-Authenticate / P-Access-Network-Info / P-Answer-State / P-Asserted-Identity / P-Associated-URI / P-Called-Party-ID / P-Charging-Function-Addresses / P-Charging-Vector / P-DCS-Billing-Info / P-DCS-LAES / P-DCS-OSPS / P-DCS-Redirect / P-DCS-Trace-Party-ID / P-Early-Media / P-Media-Authorization / P-Preferred-Identity / P-Profile-Key / P-User-Database / P-Visited-Network-ID / extension-header ) CRLF
+extension-header = header-name HCOLON header-value
+header-name = token
+header-value = *( TEXT-UTF8char / UTF8-CONT / LWS )
+;;;; message-body
+message-body = *OCTET
+; SIP Header Fields
+;;;; Accept
+Accept = "Accept" HCOLON [ accept-range *(COMMA accept-range) ]
+accept-range = media-range *(SEMI accept-param)
+media-range = ( "*/*" / ( m-type SLASH "*" ) / ( m-type SLASH m-subtype ) ) *( SEMI m-parameter )
+;;;; Accept-Contact / a
+Accept-Contact = ( "Accept-Contact" / "a" ) HCOLON ac-value *(COMMA ac-value)
+ac-value = "*" *(SEMI ac-params)
+ac-params = feature-param / req-param / explicit-param / generic-param
+req-param = "require"
+explicit-param = "explicit"
+;;;; Accept-Encoding
+Accept-Encoding = "Accept-Encoding" HCOLON [ encoding *(COMMA encoding) ]
+encoding = codings *(SEMI accept-param)
+codings = content-coding / "*"
+;;;; Accept-Language
+Accept-Language = "Accept-Language" HCOLON [ language *(COMMA language) ]
+language = language-range *(SEMI accept-param)
+language-range = ( ( 1*8ALPHA *( "-" 1*8ALPHA ) ) / "*" )
+;;;; Accept-Resource-Priority
+Accept-Resource-Priority = "Accept-Resource-Priority" HCOLON [r-value *(COMMA r-value)]
+;;;; Alert-Info
+Alert-Info = "Alert-Info" HCOLON alert-param *(COMMA alert-param)
+alert-param = LAQUOT absoluteURI RAQUOT *( SEMI generic-param )
+;;;; Allow
+Allow = "Allow" HCOLON [Method *(COMMA Method)]
+;;;; Allow-Events / u
+Allow-Events = ( "Allow-Events" / "u" ) HCOLON event-type *(COMMA event-type)
+;;;; Answer-Mode
+Answer-Mode = "Answer-Mode" HCOLON answer-mode-value *(SEMI answer-mode-param)
+answer-mode-value = "Manual" / "Auto" / token
+answer-mode-param = "require" / generic-param
+;;;; Authentication-Info
+Authentication-Info = "Authentication-Info" HCOLON ainfo *(COMMA ainfo)
+ainfo = nextnonce / message-qop / response-auth / cnonce / nonce-count
+nextnonce = "nextnonce" EQUAL nonce-value
+response-auth = "rspauth" EQUAL response-digest
+response-digest = LDQUOT *LHEX RDQUOT
+;;;; Authorization
+Authorization = "Authorization" HCOLON credentials
+credentials = ("Digest" LWS digest-response) / other-response
+digest-response = dig-resp *(COMMA dig-resp)
+dig-resp = username / realm / nonce / digest-uri / dresponse / algorithm / cnonce / opaque / message-qop / nonce-count / auth-param / auts
+username = "username" EQUAL username-value
+username-value = quoted-string
+digest-uri = "uri" EQUAL LDQUOT digest-uri-value RDQUOT
+digest-uri-value = auth-request-uri ; equal to request-uri as specified by HTTP/1.1
+message-qop = "qop" EQUAL qop-value
+cnonce = "cnonce" EQUAL cnonce-value
+cnonce-value = nonce-value
+nonce-count = "nc" EQUAL nc-value
+nc-value = 8LHEX
+dresponse = "response" EQUAL request-digest
+request-digest = LDQUOT 32LHEX RDQUOT
+auth-request-uri = not-defined
+auth-param = auth-param-name EQUAL ( token / quoted-string )
+auth-param-name = token
+other-response = auth-scheme LWS auth-param *(COMMA auth-param)
+auth-scheme = token
+auts = "auts" EQUAL auts-param
+auts-param = LDQUOT auts-value RDQUOT
+auts-value = <base64 encoding of AUTS>
+;;;; Call-ID / i
+Call-ID = ( "Call-ID" / "i" ) HCOLON callid
+;;;; Call-Info
+Call-Info = "Call-Info" HCOLON info *(COMMA info)
+info = LAQUOT absoluteURI RAQUOT *( SEMI info-param )
+info-param = ( "purpose" EQUAL ( "icon" / "info" / "card" / "list-management" / token ) ) / generic-param
+;;;; Contact / m
+Contact = ( "Contact" / "m" ) HCOLON ( STAR / (contact-param *(COMMA contact-param)))
+contact-param = (name-addr / addr-spec) *( SEMI contact-params)
+contact-params = c-p-q / c-p-expires / feature-param / temp-gruu / pub-gruu / c-p-instance / contact-extension
+c-p-q = "q" EQUAL qvalue
+c-p-expires = "expires" EQUAL delta-seconds
+feature-param = enc-feature-tag [ EQUAL LDQUOT (tag-value-list / string-value) RDQUOT ]
+enc-feature-tag = base-tags / other-tags
+base-tags = "audio" / "automata" / "class" / "duplex" / "data" / "control" / "mobility" / "description" / "events" / "priority" / "methods" / "schemes" / "application" / "video" / "language" / "type" / "isfocus" / "actor" / "text" / "extensions"
+other-tags = "+" ftag-name
+ftag-name = ALPHA *( ALPHA / DIGIT / "!" / "'" / "." / "-" / "%" )
+tag-value-list = tag-value *("," tag-value)
+tag-value = ["!"] (token-nobang / boolean / numeric)
+token-nobang = 1*( alphanum / "-" / "." / "%" / "*" / "_" / "+" / "`" / "'" / "~" )
+boolean = "TRUE" / "FALSE"
+numeric = "#" numeric-relation number
+numeric-relation = ">=" / "<=" / "=" / (number ":")
+number = [ "+" / "-" ] 1*DIGIT ["." 0*DIGIT]
+string-value = "<" *(qdtext-no-abkt / quoted-pair ) ">"
+qdtext-no-abkt = LWS / %x21 / %x23-3B / %x3D / %x3F-5B / %x5D-7E / UTF8-NONASCII
+temp-gruu = "temp-gruu" EQUAL LDQUOT *( qdtext / quoted-pair ) RDQUOT
+pub-gruu = "pub-gruu" EQUAL LDQUOT *( qdtext / quoted-pair ) RDQUOT
+c-p-instance = "+sip.instance" EQUAL LDQUOT "<" instance-val ">" RDQUOT
+instance-val = *uric
+contact-extension = generic-param
+;;;; Content-Disposition
+Content-Disposition = "Content-Disposition" HCOLON disp-type *( SEMI disp-param )
+disp-type = "render" / "session" / "icon" / "alert" / "aib" / "early-session" / disp-extension-token
+disp-param = handling-param / generic-param
+handling-param = "handling" EQUAL ( "optional" / "required" / other-handling )
+other-handling = token
+disp-extension-token = token
+;;;; Content-Encoding / e
+Content-Encoding = ( "Content-Encoding" / "e" ) HCOLON content-coding *(COMMA content-coding)
+content-coding = token
+;;;; Content-Language
+Content-Language = "Content-Language" HCOLON language-tag *(COMMA language-tag)
+language-tag = primary-tag *( "-" subtag )
+primary-tag = 1*8ALPHA
+subtag = 1*8ALPHA
+;;;; Content-Length / l
+Content-Length = ( "Content-Length" / "l" ) HCOLON 1*DIGIT
+;;;; Content-Type / c
+Content-Type = ( "Content-Type" / "c" ) HCOLON media-type
+media-type = m-type SLASH m-subtype *( SEMI m-parameter)
+m-type = discrete-type / composite-type
+discrete-type = "text" / "image" / "audio" / "video" / "application" / extension-token
+composite-type = "message" / "multipart" / extension-token
+extension-token = ietf-token / x-token
+ietf-token = token
+x-token = "x-" token
+m-subtype = extension-token / iana-token
+iana-token = token
+m-parameter = m-attribute EQUAL m-value
+m-attribute = token
+m-value = token / quoted-string
+;;;; CSeq
+CSeq = "CSeq" HCOLON 1*DIGIT LWS Method
+;;;; Date
+Date = "Date" HCOLON SIP-date
+SIP-date = rfc1123-date
+rfc1123-date = wkday "," SP date1 SP time SP "GMT"
+date1 = 2DIGIT SP month SP 4DIGIT
+time = 2DIGIT ":" 2DIGIT ":" 2DIGIT
+wkday = "Mon" / "Tue" / "Wed" / "Thu" / "Fri" / "Sat" / "Sun"
+month = "Jan" / "Feb" / "Mar" / "Apr" / "May" / "Jun" / "Jul" / "Aug" / "Sep" / "Oct" / "Nov" / "Dec"
+;;;; Error-Info
+Error-Info = "Error-Info" HCOLON error-uri *(COMMA error-uri)
+error-uri = LAQUOT absoluteURI RAQUOT *( SEMI generic-param )
+;;;; Event / o
+Event = ( "Event" / "o" ) HCOLON event-type *( SEMI event-param )
+event-type = event-package *( "." event-template )
+event-package = token-nodot
+event-template = token-nodot
+token-nodot = 1*( alphanum / "-" / "!" / "%" / "*" / "_" / "+" / "`" / "'" / "~" )
+event-param = generic-param / ( "id" EQUAL token ) / call-ident / from-tag / to-tag / with-sessd
+call-ident = "call-id" EQUAL ( token / DQUOTE callid DQUOTE )
+with-sessd = "include-session-description"
+;;;; Expires
+Expires = "Expires" HCOLON delta-seconds
+;;;; From / f
+From = ( "From" / "f" ) HCOLON from-spec
+from-spec = ( name-addr / addr-spec ) *( SEMI from-param )
+from-param = tag-param / generic-param
+tag-param = "tag" EQUAL token
+;;;; History-Info
+History-Info = "History-Info" HCOLON hi-entry *(COMMA hi-entry)
+hi-entry = hi-targeted-to-uri *( SEMI hi-param )
+hi-targeted-to-uri = name-addr
+hi-param = hi-index / hi-extension
+hi-index = "index" EQUAL 1*DIGIT *("." 1*DIGIT)
+hi-extension = generic-param
+;;;; Identity / y
+Identity = "Identity" HCOLON signed-identity-digest
+signed-identity-digest = LDQUOT 32LHEX RDQUOT
+;;;; Identity-Info / n
+Identity-Info = "Identity-Info" HCOLON ident-info *( SEMI ident-info-params )
+ident-info = LAQUOT absoluteURI RAQUOT
+ident-info-params = ident-info-alg / ident-info-extension
+ident-info-alg = "alg" EQUAL token
+ident-info-extension = generic-param
+;;;; In-Reply-To
+In-Reply-To = "In-Reply-To" HCOLON callid *(COMMA callid)
+;;;; Join
+Join = "Join" HCOLON callid *(SEMI join-param)
+join-param = join-to-tag / join-from-tag / generic-param
+join-to-tag = "to-tag" EQUAL token
+join-from-tag = "from-tag" EQUAL token
+;;;; Max-Breadth
+Max-Breadth = "Max-Breadth" HCOLON 1*DIGIT
+;;;; Max-Forwards
+Max-Forwards = "Max-Forwards" HCOLON 1*DIGIT
+;;;; MIME-Version
+MIME-Version = "MIME-Version" HCOLON 1*DIGIT "." 1*DIGIT
+;;;; Min-Expires
+Min-Expires = "Min-Expires" HCOLON delta-seconds
+;;;; Min-SE
+Min-SE = "Min-SE" HCOLON delta-seconds *(SEMI generic-param)
+;;;; Organization
+Organization = "Organization" HCOLON [TEXT-UTF8-TRIM]
+;;;; P-Access-Network-Info
+P-Access-Network-Info = "P-Access-Network-Info" HCOLON access-net-spec
+access-net-spec = access-type *( SEMI access-info )
+access-type = "IEEE-802.11a" / "IEEE-802.11b" / "3GPP-GERAN" / "3GPP-UTRAN-FDD" / "3GPP-UTRAN-TDD" / "3GPP-CDMA2000" / token
+access-info = cgi-3gpp / utran-cell-id-3gpp / extension-access-info
+extension-access-info = gen-value
+cgi-3gpp = "cgi-3gpp" EQUAL (token / quoted-string)
+utran-cell-id-3gpp = "utran-cell-id-3gpp" EQUAL (token / quoted-string)
+;;;; P-Answer-State
+P-Answer-State = "P-Answer-State" HCOLON answer-type *(SEMI generic-param)
+answer-type = "Confirmed" / "Unconfirmed" / token
+;;; P-Asserted-Identity
+P-Asserted-Identity = PAssertedID
+PAssertedID = "P-Asserted-Identity" HCOLON PAssertedID-value *(COMMA PAssertedID-value)
+PAssertedID-value = name-addr / addr-spec
+;;;; P-Associated-URI
+P-Associated-URI = "P-Associated-URI" HCOLON p-aso-uri-spec *(COMMA p-aso-uri-spec)
+p-aso-uri-spec = name-addr *( SEMI ai-param )
+ai-param = generic-param
+;;;; P-Called-Party-ID
+P-Called-Party-ID = "P-Called-Party-ID" HCOLON called-pty-id-spec
+called-pty-id-spec = name-addr *( SEMI cpid-param )
+cpid-param = generic-param
+;;;; P-Charging-Function-Addresses
+P-Charging-Function-Addresses = P-Charging-Addr
+P-Charging-Addr = "P-Charging-Function-Addresses" HCOLON charge-addr-params *( SEMI charge-addr-params )
+charge-addr-params = ccf / ecf / generic-param
+ccf = "ccf" EQUAL gen-value
+ecf = "ecf" EQUAL gen-value
+;;;; P-Charging-Vector
+P-Charging-Vector = "P-Charging-Vector" HCOLON icid-value *( SEMI charge-params )
+charge-params = icid-gen-addr / orig-ioi / term-ioi / generic-param
+icid-value = "icid-value" EQUAL gen-value
+icid-gen-addr = "icid-generated-at" EQUAL host
+orig-ioi = "orig-ioi" EQUAL gen-value
+term-ioi = "term-ioi" EQUAL gen-value
+;;;; P-DCS-Billing-Info
+P-DCS-Billing-Info = "P-DCS-Billing-Info" HCOLON Billing-Correlation-ID "/" FEID *( SEMI Billing-Info-param )
+Billing-Correlation-ID = 1*48(HEXDIG)
+FEID = 1*16(HEXDIG) "@" host
+Billing-Info-param = RKS-Group-ID-param / Charge-param / Calling-param / Called-param / Routing-param / Loc-Routing-param / JIP-param / generic-param
+RKS-Group-ID-param = "rksgroup" EQUAL RKS-Group-ID
+RKS-Group-ID = token
+Charge-param = "charge" EQUAL Acct-Charge-URI
+Acct-Charge-URI = LDQUOT addr-spec RDQUOT
+Calling-param = "calling" EQUAL Acct-Calling-URI
+Acct-Calling-URI = LDQUOT addr-spec RDQUOT
+Called-param = "called" EQUAL Acct-Called-URI
+Acct-Called-URI = LDQUOT addr-spec RDQUOT
+Routing-param = "routing" EQUAL Acct-Routing-URI
+Acct-Routing-URI = LDQUOT addr-spec RDQUOT
+Loc-Routing-param = "locroute" EQUAL Acct-Loc-Routing-URI
+Acct-Loc-Routing-URI = LDQUOT addr-spec RDQUOT
+JIP-param = "jip" EQUAL jip
+jip = LDQUOT 1*phonedigit-hex jip-context RDQUOT
+jip-context = ";jip-context=" jip-descriptor
+jip-descriptor = global-hex-digits
+global-hex-digits = "+" 1*3(phonedigit) *phonedigit-hex
+phonedigit = DIGIT / [ visual-separator ]
+phonedigit-hex = HEXDIG / "*" / "#" / [ visual-separator ]
+visual-separator = "-" / "." / "(" / ")"
+;;;; P-DCS-LAES
+P-DCS-LAES = "P-DCS-LAES" HCOLON Laes-sig *( SEMI Laes-param )
+Laes-sig = hostport
+Laes-param = Laes-content / Laes-cccid / Laes-bcid / generic-param
+Laes-content = "content" EQUAL hostport
+Laes-cccid = "cccid" EQUAL 1*8(HEXDIG)
+Laes-bcid = "cccid" EQUAL 1*48(HEXDIG)
+;;;; P-DCS-OSPS
+OSPS-Tag = "BLV" / "EI" / "RING" / token
+;;;; P-DCS-Redirect
+P-DCS-Redirect = "P-DCS-Redirect" HCOLON Called-ID *(SEMI redir-params)
+Called-ID = LDQUOT addr-spec RDQUOT
+redir-params = redir-uri-param / redir-count-param / generic-param
+redir-uri-param = "redirector-uri" EQUAL Redirector
+Redirector = LDQUOT addr-spec RDQUOT
+redir-count-param = "count" EQUAL Redir-count
+Redir-count = 1*DIGIT
+;;;; P-DCS-Trace-Party-ID
+P-DCS-Trace-Party-ID = "P-DCS-Trace-Party-ID" HCOLON name-addr *1(SEMI timestamp-param) *(SEMI trace-param)
+timestamp-param = "timestamp=" 1*DIGIT ["." 1*DIGIT]
+trace-param = generic-param
+;;;; P-Early-Media
+P-Early-Media = "P-Early-Media" HCOLON [ em-param *(COMMA em-param) ]
+em-param = "sendrecv" / "sendonly" / "recvonly" / "inactive" / "gated" / "supported" / token
+;;;; P-Media-Authorization
+P-Media-Authorization = "P-Media-Authorization" HCOLON P-Media-Authorization-Token *(COMMA P-Media-Authorization-Token)
+P-Media-Authorization-Token = 1*HEXDIG
+;;;; P-Preferred-Identity
+P-Preferred-Identity = PPreferredID
+PPreferredID = "P-Preferred-Identity" HCOLON PPreferredID-value *(COMMA PPreferredID-value)
+PPreferredID-value = name-addr / addr-spec
+;;;; P-Profile-Key
+P-Profile-Key = "P-Profile-Key" HCOLON (name-addr / addr-spec) *(SEMI generic-param)
+;;;; P-Refused-URI-List
+P-Refused-URI-List = "P-Refused-URI-List" HCOLON uri-list-entry *(COMMA uri-list-entry)
+uri-list-entry = ( name-addr / addr-spec ) *(SEMI refused-param)
+refused-param = members-param / generic-param
+members-param = "members" EQUAL LDQUOT *( qdtext / quoted-pair ) RDQUOT
+;;;; P-Served-User
+P-Served-User = "P-Served-User" HCOLON PServedUser-value *(served-user-param)
+served-user-param = sessioncase-param / registration-state-param / generic-param
+PServedUser-value = name-addr / addr-spec
+sessioncase-param = "sescase" EQUAL "orig" / "term"
+registration-state-param = "regstate" EQUAL "unreg" / "reg"
+;;;; P-User-Database
+P-User-Database = "P-User-Database" HCOLON database *(SEMI generic-param)
+database = LAQUOT DiameterURI RAQUOT
+DiameterURI = not-defined
+;;;; P-Visited-Network-ID
+P-Visited-Network-ID = "P-Visited-Network-ID" HCOLON vnetwork-spec *(COMMA vnetwork-spec)
+vnetwork-spec = (token / quoted-string) *( SEMI vnetwork-param )
+vnetwork-param = generic-param
+;;;; Path
+Path = "Path" HCOLON path-value *(COMMA path-value)
+path-value = name-addr *( SEMI rr-param )
+;;;; Permission-Missing
+Permission-Missing = "Permission-Missing" HCOLON per-miss-spec *(COMMA per-miss-spec)
+per-miss-spec = ( name-addr / addr-spec ) *( SEMI generic-param )
+;;;; Priority
+Priority = "Priority" HCOLON priority-value
+priority-value = "emergency" / "urgent" / "normal" / "non-urgent" / other-priority
+other-priority = token
+;;;; Privacy
+Privacy = Privacy-hdr
+Privacy-hdr = "Privacy" HCOLON priv-value *(";" priv-value)
+priv-value = "header" / "session" / "user" / "none" / "critical" / "id" / "history" / token
+;;;; Priv-Answer-Mode
+Priv-Answer-Mode = "Priv-Answer-Mode" HCOLON answer-mode-value *(SEMI answer-mode-param)
+;;;; Proxy-Authenticate
+Proxy-Authenticate = "Proxy-Authenticate" HCOLON challenge
+challenge = ("Digest" LWS digest-cln *(COMMA digest-cln)) / other-challenge
+other-challenge = auth-scheme / auth-param *(COMMA auth-param)
+digest-cln = realm / domain / nonce / opaque / stale / algorithm / qop-options / auth-param
+realm = "realm" EQUAL realm-value
+realm-value = quoted-string
+domain = "domain" EQUAL LDQUOT URI *( 1*SP URI ) RDQUOT
+URI = absoluteURI / abs-path
+opaque = "opaque" EQUAL quoted-string
+stale = "stale" EQUAL ( "true" / "false" )
+qop-options = "qop" EQUAL LDQUOT qop-value *("," qop-value) RDQUOT
+qop-value = "auth" / "auth-int" / token
+;;;; Proxy-Authorization
+Proxy-Authorization = "Proxy-Authorization" HCOLON credentials
+;;;; Proxy-Require
+Proxy-Require = "Proxy-Require" HCOLON option-tag *(COMMA option-tag)
+;;;; RAck
+RAck = "RAck" HCOLON response-num LWS CSeq-num LWS Method
+response-num = 1*DIGIT
+CSeq-num = 1*DIGIT
+;;;; Reason
+Reason = "Reason" HCOLON reason-value *(COMMA reason-value)
+reason-value = protocol *(SEMI reason-params)
+protocol = "SIP" / "Q.850" / "Preemption" / token
+reason-params = protocol-cause / reason-text / reason-extension
+protocol-cause = "cause" EQUAL "cause
+cause = 1*DIGIT
+reason-text = "text" EQUAL quoted-string
+reason-extension = generic-param
+protocol-cause = not-defined
+;;;; Record-Route
+Record-Route = "Record-Route" HCOLON rec-route *(COMMA rec-route)
+rec-route = name-addr *( SEMI rr-param )
+rr-param = generic-param
+;;;; Refer-Sub
+Refer-Sub = "Refer-Sub" HCOLON refer-sub-value *(SEMI exten)
+refer-sub-value = "true" / "false"
+exten = generic-param
+;;;; Refer-To / r
+Refer-To = ( "Refer-To" / "r" ) HCOLON ( name-addr / addr-spec ) *(SEMI refer-param)
+refer-param = generic-param / feature-param
+;;;; Referred-By / b
+Referred-By = ( "Referred-By" / "b" ) HCOLON referrer-uri *( SEMI (referredby-id-param / generic-param) )
+referrer-uri = ( name-addr / addr-spec )
+referredby-id-param = "cid" EQUAL sip-clean-msg-id
+sip-clean-msg-id = LDQUOT dot-atom "@" (dot-atom / host) RDQUOT
+dot-atom = atom *( "." atom )
+atom = 1*( alphanum / "-" / "!" / "%" / "*" / "_" / "+" / "'" / "`" / "~" )
+;;;; Reject-Contact / j
+Reject-Contact = ( "Reject-Contact" / "j" ) HCOLON rc-value *(COMMA rc-value)
+rc-value = "*" *(SEMI rc-params)
+rc-params = feature-param / generic-param
+;;;; Replaces
+Replaces = "Replaces" HCOLON callid *(SEMI replaces-param)
+replaces-param = to-tag / from-tag / early-flag / generic-param
+to-tag = "to-tag" EQUAL token
+from-tag = "from-tag" EQUAL token
+early-flag = "early-only"
+;;;; Reply-To
+Reply-To = "Reply-To" HCOLON rplyto-spec
+rplyto-spec = ( name-addr / addr-spec ) *( SEMI rplyto-param )
+rplyto-param = generic-param
+;;;; Request-Disposition / d
+Request-Disposition = ( "Request-Disposition" / "d" ) HCOLON directive *(COMMA directive)
+directive = proxy-directive / cancel-directive / fork-directive / recurse-directive / parallel-directive / queue-directive
+proxy-directive = "proxy" / "redirect"
+cancel-directive = "cancel" / "no-cancel"
+fork-directive = "fork" / "no-fork"
+recurse-directive = "recurse" / "no-recurse"
+parallel-directive = "parallel" / "sequential"
+queue-directive = "queue" / "no-queue"
+;;;; Require
+Require = "Require" HCOLON option-tag *(COMMA option-tag)
+;;;; Resource-Priority
+Resource-Priority = "Resource-Priority" HCOLON r-value *(COMMA r-value)
+r-value = namespace "." r-priority
+namespace = token-nodot
+r-priority = token-nodot
+token-nodot = 1*( alphanum / "-" / "!" / "%" / "*" / "_" / "+" / "`" / "'" / "~" )
+;;;; Retry-After RFC 3261 Up
+Retry-After = "Retry-After" HCOLON delta-seconds [ comment ] *( SEMI retry-param )
+retry-param = ("duration" EQUAL delta-seconds) / generic-param
+;;;; Route
+Route = "Route" HCOLON route-param *(COMMA route-param)
+route-param = name-addr *( SEMI rr-param )
+;;;; RSeq
+RSeq = "RSeq" HCOLON response-num
+;;;; Security-Client
+Security-Client = "Security-Client" HCOLON sec-mechanism *(COMMA sec-mechanism)
+sec-mechanism = mechanism-name *( SEMI mech-parameters )
+mechanism-name = ( "digest" / "tls" / "ipsec-ike" / "ipsec-man" / token )
+mech-parameters = ( preference / digest-algorithm / digest-qop / digest-verify / mech-extension )
+preference = "q" EQUAL qvalue
+digest-algorithm = "d-alg" EQUAL token
+digest-qop = "d-qop" EQUAL token
+digest-verify = "d-ver" EQUAL LDQUOT 32LHEX RDQUOT
+mech-extension = generic-param
+;;;; Security-Server
+Security-Server = "Security-Server" HCOLON sec-mechanism *(COMMA sec-mechanism)
+;;;; Security-Verify
+Security-Verify = "Security-Verify" HCOLON sec-mechanism *(COMMA sec-mechanism)
+;;;; Server
+Server = "Server" HCOLON server-val *(LWS server-val)
+server-val = product / comment
+product = token [SLASH product-version]
+product-version = token
+;;;; Service-Route
+Service-Route = "Service-Route" HCOLON sr-value *(COMMA sr-value)
+sr-value = name-addr *( SEMI rr-param )
+;;;; Session-Expires / x
+Session-Expires = ( "Session-Expires" / "x" ) HCOLON delta-seconds *( SEMI (se-params )
+se-params = refresher-param / generic-param
+refresher-param = "refresher" EQUAL ("uas" / "uac")
+;;;; SIP-ETag
+SIP-ETag = "SIP-ETag" HCOLON entity-tag
+entity-tag = token
+;;;; SIP-If-Match
+SIP-If-Match = "SIP-If-Match" HCOLON entity-tag
+;;;; Subject / s
+Subject = ( "Subject" / "s" ) HCOLON [TEXT-UTF8-TRIM]
+;;;; Subscription-State
+Subscription-State = ( "Subscription-State" / "o" ) HCOLON substate-value *( SEMI subexp-params )
+substate-value = "active" / "pending" / "terminated" / extension-substate
+extension-substate = token
+subexp-params = ("reason" EQUAL event-reason-value) / ("expires" EQUAL delta-seconds) / ("retry-after" EQUAL delta-seconds) / generic-param
+event-reason-value = "deactivated" / "probation" / "rejected" / "timeout" / "giveup" / "noresource" / event-reason-extension
+event-reason-extension = token
+;;;; Supported / k
+Supported = ( "Supported" / "k" ) HCOLON [option-tag *(COMMA option-tag)]
+;;;; Target-Dialog
+Target-Dialog = "Target-Dialog" HCOLON callid *(SEMI td-param)
+td-param = remote-param / local-param / generic-param
+remote-param = "remote-tag" EQUAL token
+local-param = "local-tag" EQUAL token
+;;;; Timestamp
+Timestamp = "Timestamp" HCOLON 1*(DIGIT) [ "." *(DIGIT) ] [ LWS delay ]
+delay = *(DIGIT) [ "." *(DIGIT) ]
+;;;; To / t
+To = ( "To" / "t" ) HCOLON ( name-addr / addr-spec ) *( SEMI to-param )
+to-param = tag-param / generic-param
+;;;; Trigger-Consent
+Trigger-Consent = "Trigger-Consent" HCOLON trigger-cons-spec *(COMMA trigger-cons-spec)
+trigger-cons-spec = ( SIP-URI / SIPS-URI ) *( SEMI trigger-param )
+trigger-param = target-uri / generic-param
+target-uri = "target-uri" EQUAL LDQUOT *( qdtext / quoted-pair ) RDQUOT
+;;;; Unsupported
+Unsupported = "Unsupported" HCOLON option-tag *(COMMA option-tag)
+;;;; User-Agent
+User-Agent = "User-Agent" HCOLON server-val *(LWS server-val)
+;;;; Via / v
+Via = ( "Via" / "v" ) HCOLON via-parm *(COMMA via-parm)
+via-parm = sent-protocol LWS sent-by *( SEMI via-params )
+via-params = via-ttl / via-maddr / via-received / via-branch / via-compression / response-port / via-extension
+via-ttl = "ttl" EQUAL ttl
+via-maddr = "maddr" EQUAL host
+via-received = "received" EQUAL (IPv4address / IPv6address)
+via-branch = "branch" EQUAL token
+via-compression = "comp" EQUAL ("sigcomp" / other-compression)
+other-compression = token
+response-port = "rport" [EQUAL 1*DIGIT]
+via-extension = generic-param
+sent-protocol = protocol-name SLASH protocol-version SLASH transport
+protocol-name = "SIP" / token
+protocol-version = token
+transport = "UDP" / "TCP" / "TLS" / "SCTP" / "TLS-SCTP" / other-transport
+sent-by = host [ COLON port ]
+ttl = 1*3DIGIT
+;;;; Warning
+Warning = "Warning" HCOLON warning-value *(COMMA warning-value)
+warning-value = warn-code SP warn-agent SP warn-text
+warn-code = 3DIGIT
+warn-agent = hostport / pseudonym
+warn-text = quoted-string
+pseudonym = token
+;;;; WWW-Authenticate
+WWW-Authenticate = "WWW-Authenticate" HCOLON challenge
+; Response Codes
+Status-Code = Informational / Success / Redirection / Client-Error / Server-Error / Global-Failure / extension-code
+extension-code = 3DIGIT
+Reason-Phrase = *( reserved / unreserved / escaped / UTF8-NONASCII / UTF8-CONT / SP / HTAB )
+;;;; 1xx
+Informational = "100" / "180" / "181" / "182" / "183"
+;;;; 2xx
+Success = "200" / "202"
+;;;; 3xx
+Redirection = "250" / "301" / "302" / "305" / "380"
+;;;; 4xx
+Client-Error = "400" / "401" / "402" / "403" / "404" / "405" / "406" / "407" / "408" / "410" / "412" / "413" / "414" / "415" / "416" / "417" / "420" / "421" / "422" / "423" / "428" / "429" / "433" / "436" / "440" / "437" / "438" / "470" / "480" / "481" / "482" / "483" / "484"/ "485"/ "486"/ "487" / "488"/ "489"/ "491"/ "493" / "494"
+;;;; 5xx
+Server-Error = "500" / "501" / "502" / "503" / "504" / "505" / "513" / "580"
+;;;; 6xx
+Global-Failure= "600" / "603" / "604" / "606"
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud