path: root/tinyNET/src/tnet_socket.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'tinyNET/src/tnet_socket.c')
1 files changed, 154 insertions, 155 deletions
diff --git a/tinyNET/src/tnet_socket.c b/tinyNET/src/tnet_socket.c
index 2d104d1..5f071de 100755
--- a/tinyNET/src/tnet_socket.c
+++ b/tinyNET/src/tnet_socket.c
@@ -93,133 +93,133 @@ static int tnet_socket_close(tnet_socket_t *sock);
tnet_socket_t* tnet_socket_create_2(const char* host, tnet_port_t port_, tnet_socket_type_t type, tsk_bool_t nonblocking, tsk_bool_t bindsocket)
- tnet_socket_t *sock;
- if ((sock = tsk_object_new(tnet_socket_def_t))) {
- int status;
- tsk_istr_t port;
- struct addrinfo *result = tsk_null;
- struct addrinfo *ptr = tsk_null;
- struct addrinfo hints;
- tnet_host_t local_hostname;
- sock->port = port_;
- tsk_itoa(sock->port, &port);
- sock->type = type;
- memset(local_hostname, 0, sizeof(local_hostname));
- /* Get the local host name */
- if (host != TNET_SOCKET_HOST_ANY && !tsk_strempty(host)){
- memcpy(local_hostname, host, tsk_strlen(host) > sizeof(local_hostname) - 1 ? sizeof(local_hostname) - 1 : tsk_strlen(host));
- }
- else{
- if (TNET_SOCKET_TYPE_IS_IPV6(sock->type)){
- memcpy(local_hostname, "::", 2);
- }
- else {
- memcpy(local_hostname, "", 7);
- }
- }
- /* hints address info structure */
- memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
- hints.ai_family = TNET_SOCKET_TYPE_IS_IPV46(sock->type) ? AF_UNSPEC : (TNET_SOCKET_TYPE_IS_IPV6(sock->type) ? AF_INET6 : AF_INET);
- hints.ai_socktype = TNET_SOCKET_TYPE_IS_STREAM(sock->type) ? SOCK_STREAM : SOCK_DGRAM;
- hints.ai_protocol = TNET_SOCKET_TYPE_IS_STREAM(sock->type) ? IPPROTO_TCP : IPPROTO_UDP;
- hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE
+ tnet_socket_t *sock;
+ if ((sock = tsk_object_new(tnet_socket_def_t))) {
+ int status;
+ tsk_istr_t port;
+ struct addrinfo *result = tsk_null;
+ struct addrinfo *ptr = tsk_null;
+ struct addrinfo hints;
+ tnet_host_t local_hostname;
+ sock->port = port_;
+ tsk_itoa(sock->port, &port);
+ sock->type = type;
+ memset(local_hostname, 0, sizeof(local_hostname));
+ /* Get the local host name */
+ if (host != TNET_SOCKET_HOST_ANY && !tsk_strempty(host)) {
+ memcpy(local_hostname, host, tsk_strlen(host) > sizeof(local_hostname) - 1 ? sizeof(local_hostname) - 1 : tsk_strlen(host));
+ }
+ else {
+ if (TNET_SOCKET_TYPE_IS_IPV6(sock->type)) {
+ memcpy(local_hostname, "::", 2);
+ }
+ else {
+ memcpy(local_hostname, "", 7);
+ }
+ }
+ /* hints address info structure */
+ memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
+ hints.ai_family = TNET_SOCKET_TYPE_IS_IPV46(sock->type) ? AF_UNSPEC : (TNET_SOCKET_TYPE_IS_IPV6(sock->type) ? AF_INET6 : AF_INET);
+ hints.ai_socktype = TNET_SOCKET_TYPE_IS_STREAM(sock->type) ? SOCK_STREAM : SOCK_DGRAM;
+ hints.ai_protocol = TNET_SOCKET_TYPE_IS_STREAM(sock->type) ? IPPROTO_TCP : IPPROTO_UDP;
+ hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE
- ;
- /* Performs getaddrinfo */
- if ((status = tnet_getaddrinfo(local_hostname, port, &hints, &result))) {
- TNET_PRINT_LAST_ERROR("tnet_getaddrinfo(family=%d, hostname=%s and port=%s) failed: [%s]",
- hints.ai_family, local_hostname, port, tnet_gai_strerror(status));
- goto bail;
- }
- /* Find our address. */
- for (ptr = result; ptr; ptr = ptr->ai_next){
- sock->fd = (tnet_fd_t)tnet_soccket(ptr->ai_family, ptr->ai_socktype, ptr->ai_protocol);
- if (ptr->ai_family != AF_INET6 && ptr->ai_family != AF_INET){
- continue;
- }
- /* To avoid "Address already in use" error
- * Check issue 368 ( to understand why it's not used for UDP/DTLS.
- */
- //
- if (TNET_SOCKET_TYPE_IS_STREAM(sock->type)) {
- if ((status = tnet_sockfd_reuseaddr(sock->fd, 1))) {
- // do not break...continue
- }
- }
- if (bindsocket){
- /* Bind the socket */
- if ((status = bind(sock->fd, ptr->ai_addr, (int)ptr->ai_addrlen))){
- TNET_PRINT_LAST_ERROR("bind to [%s:%s]have failed", local_hostname, port);
- tnet_socket_close(sock);
- continue;
- }
- /* Get local IP string. */
- if ((status = tnet_get_ip_n_port(sock->fd, tsk_true/*local*/, &sock->ip, &sock->port))) /* % */
- //if((status = tnet_getnameinfo(ptr->ai_addr, ptr->ai_addrlen, sock->ip, sizeof(sock->ip), 0, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST)))
- {
- TNET_PRINT_LAST_ERROR("Failed to get local IP and port.");
- tnet_socket_close(sock);
- continue;
- }
- }
- /* sets the real socket type (if ipv46) */
- if (ptr->ai_family == AF_INET6) {
- TNET_SOCKET_TYPE_SET_IPV6Only(sock->type);
- }
- else {
- TNET_SOCKET_TYPE_SET_IPV4Only(sock->type);
- }
- break;
- }
- /* Check socket validity. */
- if (!TNET_SOCKET_IS_VALID(sock)) {
- TNET_PRINT_LAST_ERROR("Invalid socket.");
- goto bail;
- }
+ ;
+ /* Performs getaddrinfo */
+ if ((status = tnet_getaddrinfo(local_hostname, port, &hints, &result))) {
+ TNET_PRINT_LAST_ERROR("tnet_getaddrinfo(family=%d, hostname=%s and port=%s) failed: [%s]",
+ hints.ai_family, local_hostname, port, tnet_gai_strerror(status));
+ goto bail;
+ }
+ /* Find our address. */
+ for (ptr = result; ptr; ptr = ptr->ai_next) {
+ sock->fd = (tnet_fd_t)tnet_soccket(ptr->ai_family, ptr->ai_socktype, ptr->ai_protocol);
+ if (ptr->ai_family != AF_INET6 && ptr->ai_family != AF_INET) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* To avoid "Address already in use" error
+ * Check issue 368 ( to understand why it's not used for UDP/DTLS.
+ */
+ //
+ if (TNET_SOCKET_TYPE_IS_STREAM(sock->type)) {
+ if ((status = tnet_sockfd_reuseaddr(sock->fd, 1))) {
+ // do not break...continue
+ }
+ }
+ if (bindsocket) {
+ /* Bind the socket */
+ if ((status = bind(sock->fd, ptr->ai_addr, (int)ptr->ai_addrlen))) {
+ TNET_PRINT_LAST_ERROR("bind to [%s:%s]have failed", local_hostname, port);
+ tnet_socket_close(sock);
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Get local IP string. */
+ if ((status = tnet_get_ip_n_port(sock->fd, tsk_true/*local*/, &sock->ip, &sock->port))) /* % */
+ //if((status = tnet_getnameinfo(ptr->ai_addr, ptr->ai_addrlen, sock->ip, sizeof(sock->ip), 0, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST)))
+ {
+ TNET_PRINT_LAST_ERROR("Failed to get local IP and port.");
+ tnet_socket_close(sock);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ /* sets the real socket type (if ipv46) */
+ if (ptr->ai_family == AF_INET6) {
+ TNET_SOCKET_TYPE_SET_IPV6Only(sock->type);
+ }
+ else {
+ TNET_SOCKET_TYPE_SET_IPV4Only(sock->type);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Check socket validity. */
+ if (!TNET_SOCKET_IS_VALID(sock)) {
+ TNET_PRINT_LAST_ERROR("Invalid socket.");
+ goto bail;
+ }
- /* disable SIGPIPE signal */
- {
- int yes = 1;
- if (setsockopt(sock->fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_NOSIGPIPE, (char*)&yes, sizeof(int))){
- TNET_PRINT_LAST_ERROR("setsockopt(SO_NOSIGPIPE) have failed.");
- }
- }
+ /* disable SIGPIPE signal */
+ {
+ int yes = 1;
+ if (setsockopt(sock->fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_NOSIGPIPE, (char*)&yes, sizeof(int))) {
+ TNET_PRINT_LAST_ERROR("setsockopt(SO_NOSIGPIPE) have failed.");
+ }
+ }
#endif /* TNET_UNDER_IPHONE */
- /* Sets the socket to nonblocking mode */
- if(nonblocking){
- if((status = tnet_sockfd_set_nonblocking(sock->fd))){
- goto bail;
- }
- }
- bail:
- /* Free addrinfo */
- tnet_freeaddrinfo(result);
- /* Close socket if failed. */
- if (status){
- if (TNET_SOCKET_IS_VALID(sock)){
- tnet_socket_close(sock);
- }
- return tsk_null;
- }
+ /* Sets the socket to nonblocking mode */
+ if(nonblocking) {
+ if((status = tnet_sockfd_set_nonblocking(sock->fd))) {
+ goto bail;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Free addrinfo */
+ tnet_freeaddrinfo(result);
- return sock;
+ /* Close socket if failed. */
+ if (status) {
+ if (TNET_SOCKET_IS_VALID(sock)) {
+ tnet_socket_close(sock);
+ }
+ return tsk_null;
+ }
+ }
+ return sock;
/**@ingroup tnet_socket_group
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ tnet_socket_t* tnet_socket_create_2(const char* host, tnet_port_t port_, tnet_so
tnet_socket_t* tnet_socket_create(const char* host, tnet_port_t port, tnet_socket_type_t type)
- return tnet_socket_create_2(host, port, type, tsk_true, tsk_true);
+ return tnet_socket_create_2(host, port, type, tsk_true, tsk_true);
/**@ingroup tnet_socket_group
@@ -240,15 +240,15 @@ tnet_socket_t* tnet_socket_create(const char* host, tnet_port_t port, tnet_socke
int tnet_socket_send_stream(tnet_socket_t* self, const void* data, tsk_size_t size)
- if (!self || self->fd == TNET_INVALID_FD || !data || !size || !TNET_SOCKET_TYPE_IS_STREAM(self->type)) {
- TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter");
- return -1;
- }
- if (self->tlshandle && (TNET_SOCKET_TYPE_IS_TLS(self->type) || TNET_SOCKET_TYPE_IS_WSS(self->type))) {
- return tnet_tls_socket_send(self->tlshandle, data, size) == 0 ? (int)size : -1; // returns zero on success
- }
- return (int)tnet_sockfd_send(self->fd, data, size, 0);
+ if (!self || self->fd == TNET_INVALID_FD || !data || !size || !TNET_SOCKET_TYPE_IS_STREAM(self->type)) {
+ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (self->tlshandle && (TNET_SOCKET_TYPE_IS_TLS(self->type) || TNET_SOCKET_TYPE_IS_WSS(self->type))) {
+ return tnet_tls_socket_send(self->tlshandle, data, size) == 0 ? (int)size : -1; // returns zero on success
+ }
+ return (int)tnet_sockfd_send(self->fd, data, size, 0);
/**@ingroup tnet_socket_group
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ int tnet_socket_handle_brokenpipe(tnet_socket_t* self)
fd_old = self->fd;
// close old fd
ret = tnet_sockfd_close(&self->fd);
// try to create an fd binding to the same address
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ int tnet_socket_handle_brokenpipe(tnet_socket_t* self)
/* disable SIGPIPE signal */
int yes = 1;
- if (setsockopt(fd_new, SOL_SOCKET, SO_NOSIGPIPE, (char*)&yes, sizeof(int))){
+ if (setsockopt(fd_new, SOL_SOCKET, SO_NOSIGPIPE, (char*)&yes, sizeof(int))) {
TNET_PRINT_LAST_ERROR("setsockopt(%d, SO_NOSIGPIPE) have failed", fd_new);
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ int tnet_socket_handle_brokenpipe(tnet_socket_t* self)
static int tnet_socket_close(tnet_socket_t *sock)
- return tnet_sockfd_close(&(sock->fd));
+ return tnet_sockfd_close(&(sock->fd));
@@ -302,37 +302,36 @@ static int tnet_socket_close(tnet_socket_t *sock)
static tsk_object_t* tnet_socket_ctor(tsk_object_t * self, va_list * app)
- tnet_socket_t *sock = self;
- if (sock){
- }
- return self;
+ tnet_socket_t *sock = self;
+ if (sock) {
+ }
+ return self;
static tsk_object_t* tnet_socket_dtor(tsk_object_t * self)
- tnet_socket_t *sock = self;
+ tnet_socket_t *sock = self;
- if (sock){
- /* Close the socket */
- if (TNET_SOCKET_IS_VALID(sock)){
- tnet_socket_close(sock);
- }
- /* Clean up TLS handle */
- TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(sock->tlshandle);
+ if (sock) {
+ /* Close the socket */
+ if (TNET_SOCKET_IS_VALID(sock)) {
+ tnet_socket_close(sock);
+ }
+ /* Clean up TLS handle */
+ TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(sock->tlshandle);
- /* Clean up DTLS handle */
- TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(sock->dtlshandle);
- }
+ /* Clean up DTLS handle */
+ TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(sock->dtlshandle);
+ }
- return self;
+ return self;
-static const tsk_object_def_t tnet_socket_def_s =
- sizeof(tnet_socket_t),
- tnet_socket_ctor,
- tnet_socket_dtor,
- tsk_null,
+static const tsk_object_def_t tnet_socket_def_s = {
+ sizeof(tnet_socket_t),
+ tnet_socket_ctor,
+ tnet_socket_dtor,
+ tsk_null,
const tsk_object_def_t *tnet_socket_def_t = &tnet_socket_def_s;
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