path: root/bindings/csharp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bindings/csharp')
94 files changed, 19555 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/ActionConfig.cs b/bindings/csharp/ActionConfig.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73c27d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/ActionConfig.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class ActionConfig : IDisposable {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ protected bool swigCMemOwn;
+ internal ActionConfig(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = cMemoryOwn;
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(ActionConfig obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~ActionConfig() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public virtual void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_ActionConfig(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ }
+ }
+ public ActionConfig() : this(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.new_ActionConfig(), true) {
+ }
+ public bool addHeader(string name, string value) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ActionConfig_addHeader(swigCPtr, name, value);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool addPayload(IntPtr payload, uint len) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ActionConfig_addPayload(swigCPtr, payload, len);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setActiveMedia(twrap_media_type_t type) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ActionConfig_setActiveMedia(swigCPtr, (int)type);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public ActionConfig setResponseLine(short code, string phrase) {
+ IntPtr cPtr = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ActionConfig_setResponseLine(swigCPtr, code, phrase);
+ ActionConfig ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new ActionConfig(cPtr, false);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public ActionConfig setMediaString(twrap_media_type_t type, string key, string value) {
+ IntPtr cPtr = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ActionConfig_setMediaString(swigCPtr, (int)type, key, value);
+ ActionConfig ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new ActionConfig(cPtr, false);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public ActionConfig setMediaInt(twrap_media_type_t type, string key, int value) {
+ IntPtr cPtr = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ActionConfig_setMediaInt(swigCPtr, (int)type, key, value);
+ ActionConfig ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new ActionConfig(cPtr, false);
+ return ret;
+ }
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/AudioResampler.cs b/bindings/csharp/AudioResampler.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8cfb777
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/AudioResampler.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class AudioResampler : IDisposable {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ protected bool swigCMemOwn;
+ internal AudioResampler(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = cMemoryOwn;
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(AudioResampler obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~AudioResampler() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public virtual void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_AudioResampler(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ }
+ }
+ public AudioResampler(uint nInFreq, uint nOutFreq, uint nFrameDuration, uint nChannels, uint nQuality) : this(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.new_AudioResampler(nInFreq, nOutFreq, nFrameDuration, nChannels, nQuality), true) {
+ }
+ public bool isValid() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.AudioResampler_isValid(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public uint getOutputRequiredSizeInShort() {
+ uint ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.AudioResampler_getOutputRequiredSizeInShort(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public uint getInputRequiredSizeInShort() {
+ uint ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.AudioResampler_getInputRequiredSizeInShort(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public uint process(IntPtr pInData, uint nInSizeInBytes, IntPtr pOutData, uint nOutSizeInBytes) {
+ uint ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.AudioResampler_process(swigCPtr, pInData, nInSizeInBytes, pOutData, nOutSizeInBytes);
+ return ret;
+ }
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/CallSession.cs b/bindings/csharp/CallSession.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea73adc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/CallSession.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class CallSession : InviteSession {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ internal CallSession(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) : base(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.CallSession_SWIGUpcast(cPtr), cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(CallSession obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~CallSession() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public override void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_CallSession(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ base.Dispose();
+ }
+ }
+ public CallSession(SipStack pStack) : this(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.new_CallSession(SipStack.getCPtr(pStack)), true) {
+ }
+ public bool callAudio(string remoteUriString, ActionConfig config) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.CallSession_callAudio__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, remoteUriString, ActionConfig.getCPtr(config));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool callAudio(string remoteUriString) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.CallSession_callAudio__SWIG_1(swigCPtr, remoteUriString);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool callAudio(SipUri remoteUri, ActionConfig config) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.CallSession_callAudio__SWIG_2(swigCPtr, SipUri.getCPtr(remoteUri), ActionConfig.getCPtr(config));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool callAudio(SipUri remoteUri) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.CallSession_callAudio__SWIG_3(swigCPtr, SipUri.getCPtr(remoteUri));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool callAudioVideo(string remoteUriString, ActionConfig config) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.CallSession_callAudioVideo__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, remoteUriString, ActionConfig.getCPtr(config));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool callAudioVideo(string remoteUriString) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.CallSession_callAudioVideo__SWIG_1(swigCPtr, remoteUriString);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool callAudioVideo(SipUri remoteUri, ActionConfig config) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.CallSession_callAudioVideo__SWIG_2(swigCPtr, SipUri.getCPtr(remoteUri), ActionConfig.getCPtr(config));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool callAudioVideo(SipUri remoteUri) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.CallSession_callAudioVideo__SWIG_3(swigCPtr, SipUri.getCPtr(remoteUri));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool callVideo(string remoteUriString, ActionConfig config) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.CallSession_callVideo__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, remoteUriString, ActionConfig.getCPtr(config));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool callVideo(string remoteUriString) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.CallSession_callVideo__SWIG_1(swigCPtr, remoteUriString);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool callVideo(SipUri remoteUri, ActionConfig config) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.CallSession_callVideo__SWIG_2(swigCPtr, SipUri.getCPtr(remoteUri), ActionConfig.getCPtr(config));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool callVideo(SipUri remoteUri) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.CallSession_callVideo__SWIG_3(swigCPtr, SipUri.getCPtr(remoteUri));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool call(string remoteUriString, twrap_media_type_t media, ActionConfig config) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.CallSession_call__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, remoteUriString, (int)media, ActionConfig.getCPtr(config));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool call(string remoteUriString, twrap_media_type_t media) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.CallSession_call__SWIG_1(swigCPtr, remoteUriString, (int)media);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool call(SipUri remoteUri, twrap_media_type_t media, ActionConfig config) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.CallSession_call__SWIG_2(swigCPtr, SipUri.getCPtr(remoteUri), (int)media, ActionConfig.getCPtr(config));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool call(SipUri remoteUri, twrap_media_type_t media) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.CallSession_call__SWIG_3(swigCPtr, SipUri.getCPtr(remoteUri), (int)media);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setSessionTimer(uint timeout, string refresher) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.CallSession_setSessionTimer(swigCPtr, timeout, refresher);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool set100rel(bool enabled) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.CallSession_set100rel(swigCPtr, enabled);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setRtcp(bool enabled) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.CallSession_setRtcp(swigCPtr, enabled);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setRtcpMux(bool enabled) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.CallSession_setRtcpMux(swigCPtr, enabled);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setSRtpMode(tmedia_srtp_mode_t mode) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.CallSession_setSRtpMode(swigCPtr, (int)mode);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setAvpfMode(tmedia_mode_t mode) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.CallSession_setAvpfMode(swigCPtr, (int)mode);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setICE(bool enabled) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.CallSession_setICE(swigCPtr, enabled);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setICEStun(bool enabled) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.CallSession_setICEStun(swigCPtr, enabled);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setICETurn(bool enabled) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.CallSession_setICETurn(swigCPtr, enabled);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setSTUNServer(string hostname, ushort port) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.CallSession_setSTUNServer(swigCPtr, hostname, port);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setSTUNCred(string username, string password) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.CallSession_setSTUNCred(swigCPtr, username, password);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setVideoFps(int fps) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.CallSession_setVideoFps(swigCPtr, fps);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setVideoBandwidthUploadMax(int max) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.CallSession_setVideoBandwidthUploadMax(swigCPtr, max);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setVideoBandwidthDownloadMax(int max) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.CallSession_setVideoBandwidthDownloadMax(swigCPtr, max);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setVideoPrefSize(tmedia_pref_video_size_t pref_video_size) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.CallSession_setVideoPrefSize(swigCPtr, (int)pref_video_size);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setQoS(tmedia_qos_stype_t type, tmedia_qos_strength_t strength) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.CallSession_setQoS(swigCPtr, (int)type, (int)strength);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool hold(ActionConfig config) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.CallSession_hold__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, ActionConfig.getCPtr(config));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool hold() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.CallSession_hold__SWIG_1(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool resume(ActionConfig config) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.CallSession_resume__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, ActionConfig.getCPtr(config));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool resume() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.CallSession_resume__SWIG_1(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool transfer(string referToUriString, ActionConfig config) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.CallSession_transfer__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, referToUriString, ActionConfig.getCPtr(config));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool transfer(string referToUriString) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.CallSession_transfer__SWIG_1(swigCPtr, referToUriString);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool acceptTransfer(ActionConfig config) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.CallSession_acceptTransfer__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, ActionConfig.getCPtr(config));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool acceptTransfer() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.CallSession_acceptTransfer__SWIG_1(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool rejectTransfer(ActionConfig config) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.CallSession_rejectTransfer__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, ActionConfig.getCPtr(config));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool rejectTransfer() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.CallSession_rejectTransfer__SWIG_1(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool sendDTMF(int number) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.CallSession_sendDTMF(swigCPtr, number);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public uint getSessionTransferId() {
+ uint ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.CallSession_getSessionTransferId(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool sendT140Data(tmedia_t140_data_type_t data_type, IntPtr data_ptr, uint data_size) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.CallSession_sendT140Data__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, (int)data_type, data_ptr, data_size);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool sendT140Data(tmedia_t140_data_type_t data_type, IntPtr data_ptr) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.CallSession_sendT140Data__SWIG_1(swigCPtr, (int)data_type, data_ptr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool sendT140Data(tmedia_t140_data_type_t data_type) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.CallSession_sendT140Data__SWIG_2(swigCPtr, (int)data_type);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setT140Callback(T140Callback pT140Callback) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.CallSession_setT140Callback(swigCPtr, T140Callback.getCPtr(pT140Callback));
+ return ret;
+ }
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/Codec.cs b/bindings/csharp/Codec.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0fe931
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/Codec.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class Codec : IDisposable {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ protected bool swigCMemOwn;
+ internal Codec(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = cMemoryOwn;
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(Codec obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~Codec() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public virtual void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_Codec(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ }
+ }
+ public twrap_media_type_t getMediaType() {
+ twrap_media_type_t ret = (twrap_media_type_t)tinyWRAPPINVOKE.Codec_getMediaType(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public string getName() {
+ string ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.Codec_getName(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public string getDescription() {
+ string ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.Codec_getDescription(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public string getNegFormat() {
+ string ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.Codec_getNegFormat(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public int getAudioSamplingRate() {
+ int ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.Codec_getAudioSamplingRate(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public int getAudioChannels() {
+ int ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.Codec_getAudioChannels(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public int getAudioPTime() {
+ int ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.Codec_getAudioPTime(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/DDebugCallback.cs b/bindings/csharp/DDebugCallback.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13a29cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/DDebugCallback.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class DDebugCallback : IDisposable {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ protected bool swigCMemOwn;
+ internal DDebugCallback(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = cMemoryOwn;
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(DDebugCallback obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~DDebugCallback() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public virtual void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_DDebugCallback(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ }
+ }
+ public DDebugCallback() : this(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.new_DDebugCallback(), true) {
+ SwigDirectorConnect();
+ }
+ public virtual int OnDebugInfo(string message) {
+ int ret = (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("OnDebugInfo", swigMethodTypes0) ? tinyWRAPPINVOKE.DDebugCallback_OnDebugInfoSwigExplicitDDebugCallback(swigCPtr, message) : tinyWRAPPINVOKE.DDebugCallback_OnDebugInfo(swigCPtr, message));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public virtual int OnDebugWarn(string message) {
+ int ret = (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("OnDebugWarn", swigMethodTypes1) ? tinyWRAPPINVOKE.DDebugCallback_OnDebugWarnSwigExplicitDDebugCallback(swigCPtr, message) : tinyWRAPPINVOKE.DDebugCallback_OnDebugWarn(swigCPtr, message));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public virtual int OnDebugError(string message) {
+ int ret = (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("OnDebugError", swigMethodTypes2) ? tinyWRAPPINVOKE.DDebugCallback_OnDebugErrorSwigExplicitDDebugCallback(swigCPtr, message) : tinyWRAPPINVOKE.DDebugCallback_OnDebugError(swigCPtr, message));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public virtual int OnDebugFatal(string message) {
+ int ret = (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("OnDebugFatal", swigMethodTypes3) ? tinyWRAPPINVOKE.DDebugCallback_OnDebugFatalSwigExplicitDDebugCallback(swigCPtr, message) : tinyWRAPPINVOKE.DDebugCallback_OnDebugFatal(swigCPtr, message));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ private void SwigDirectorConnect() {
+ if (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("OnDebugInfo", swigMethodTypes0))
+ swigDelegate0 = new SwigDelegateDDebugCallback_0(SwigDirectorOnDebugInfo);
+ if (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("OnDebugWarn", swigMethodTypes1))
+ swigDelegate1 = new SwigDelegateDDebugCallback_1(SwigDirectorOnDebugWarn);
+ if (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("OnDebugError", swigMethodTypes2))
+ swigDelegate2 = new SwigDelegateDDebugCallback_2(SwigDirectorOnDebugError);
+ if (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("OnDebugFatal", swigMethodTypes3))
+ swigDelegate3 = new SwigDelegateDDebugCallback_3(SwigDirectorOnDebugFatal);
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.DDebugCallback_director_connect(swigCPtr, swigDelegate0, swigDelegate1, swigDelegate2, swigDelegate3);
+ }
+ private bool SwigDerivedClassHasMethod(string methodName, Type[] methodTypes) {
+ System.Reflection.MethodInfo methodInfo = this.GetType().GetMethod(methodName, System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance, null, methodTypes, null);
+ bool hasDerivedMethod = methodInfo.DeclaringType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(DDebugCallback));
+ return hasDerivedMethod;
+ }
+ private int SwigDirectorOnDebugInfo(string message) {
+ return OnDebugInfo(message);
+ }
+ private int SwigDirectorOnDebugWarn(string message) {
+ return OnDebugWarn(message);
+ }
+ private int SwigDirectorOnDebugError(string message) {
+ return OnDebugError(message);
+ }
+ private int SwigDirectorOnDebugFatal(string message) {
+ return OnDebugFatal(message);
+ }
+ public delegate int SwigDelegateDDebugCallback_0(string message);
+ public delegate int SwigDelegateDDebugCallback_1(string message);
+ public delegate int SwigDelegateDDebugCallback_2(string message);
+ public delegate int SwigDelegateDDebugCallback_3(string message);
+ private SwigDelegateDDebugCallback_0 swigDelegate0;
+ private SwigDelegateDDebugCallback_1 swigDelegate1;
+ private SwigDelegateDDebugCallback_2 swigDelegate2;
+ private SwigDelegateDDebugCallback_3 swigDelegate3;
+ private static Type[] swigMethodTypes0 = new Type[] { typeof(string) };
+ private static Type[] swigMethodTypes1 = new Type[] { typeof(string) };
+ private static Type[] swigMethodTypes2 = new Type[] { typeof(string) };
+ private static Type[] swigMethodTypes3 = new Type[] { typeof(string) };
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/DialogEvent.cs b/bindings/csharp/DialogEvent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5122c13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/DialogEvent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class DialogEvent : SipEvent {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ internal DialogEvent(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) : base(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.DialogEvent_SWIGUpcast(cPtr), cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(DialogEvent obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~DialogEvent() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public override void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_DialogEvent(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ base.Dispose();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/InfoEvent.cs b/bindings/csharp/InfoEvent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f24110
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/InfoEvent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class InfoEvent : SipEvent {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ internal InfoEvent(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) : base(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.InfoEvent_SWIGUpcast(cPtr), cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(InfoEvent obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~InfoEvent() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public override void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_InfoEvent(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ base.Dispose();
+ }
+ }
+ public tsip_info_event_type_t getType() {
+ tsip_info_event_type_t ret = (tsip_info_event_type_t)tinyWRAPPINVOKE.InfoEvent_getType(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public InfoSession getSession() {
+ IntPtr cPtr = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.InfoEvent_getSession(swigCPtr);
+ InfoSession ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new InfoSession(cPtr, false);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public InfoSession takeSessionOwnership() {
+ IntPtr cPtr = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.InfoEvent_takeSessionOwnership(swigCPtr);
+ InfoSession ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new InfoSession(cPtr, false);
+ return ret;
+ }
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/InfoSession.cs b/bindings/csharp/InfoSession.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f823ffc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/InfoSession.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class InfoSession : SipSession {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ internal InfoSession(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) : base(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.InfoSession_SWIGUpcast(cPtr), cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(InfoSession obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~InfoSession() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public override void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_InfoSession(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ base.Dispose();
+ }
+ }
+public bool send(byte[] buffer, ActionConfig config) {
+ IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(buffer.Length);
+ Marshal.Copy(buffer, 0, ptr, buffer.Length);
+ bool ret = this.send(ptr, (uint)buffer.Length, config);
+ Marshal.FreeHGlobal(ptr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public InfoSession(SipStack pStack) : this(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.new_InfoSession(SipStack.getCPtr(pStack)), true) {
+ }
+ public bool send(IntPtr payload, uint len, ActionConfig config) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.InfoSession_send__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, payload, len, ActionConfig.getCPtr(config));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool send(IntPtr payload, uint len) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.InfoSession_send__SWIG_1(swigCPtr, payload, len);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool accept(ActionConfig config) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.InfoSession_accept__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, ActionConfig.getCPtr(config));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool accept() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.InfoSession_accept__SWIG_1(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool reject(ActionConfig config) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.InfoSession_reject__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, ActionConfig.getCPtr(config));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool reject() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.InfoSession_reject__SWIG_1(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/InviteEvent.cs b/bindings/csharp/InviteEvent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d70b46c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/InviteEvent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class InviteEvent : SipEvent {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ internal InviteEvent(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) : base(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.InviteEvent_SWIGUpcast(cPtr), cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(InviteEvent obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~InviteEvent() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public override void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_InviteEvent(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ base.Dispose();
+ }
+ }
+ public tsip_invite_event_type_t getType() {
+ tsip_invite_event_type_t ret = (tsip_invite_event_type_t)tinyWRAPPINVOKE.InviteEvent_getType(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public twrap_media_type_t getMediaType() {
+ twrap_media_type_t ret = (twrap_media_type_t)tinyWRAPPINVOKE.InviteEvent_getMediaType(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public InviteSession getSession() {
+ IntPtr cPtr = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.InviteEvent_getSession(swigCPtr);
+ InviteSession ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new InviteSession(cPtr, false);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public CallSession takeCallSessionOwnership() {
+ IntPtr cPtr = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.InviteEvent_takeCallSessionOwnership(swigCPtr);
+ CallSession ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new CallSession(cPtr, true);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public MsrpSession takeMsrpSessionOwnership() {
+ IntPtr cPtr = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.InviteEvent_takeMsrpSessionOwnership(swigCPtr);
+ MsrpSession ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new MsrpSession(cPtr, true);
+ return ret;
+ }
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/InviteSession.cs b/bindings/csharp/InviteSession.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35af69e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/InviteSession.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class InviteSession : SipSession {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ internal InviteSession(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) : base(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.InviteSession_SWIGUpcast(cPtr), cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(InviteSession obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~InviteSession() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public override void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_InviteSession(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ base.Dispose();
+ }
+ }
+ public InviteSession(SipStack Stack) : this(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.new_InviteSession(SipStack.getCPtr(Stack)), true) {
+ }
+ public bool accept(ActionConfig config) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.InviteSession_accept__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, ActionConfig.getCPtr(config));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool accept() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.InviteSession_accept__SWIG_1(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool hangup(ActionConfig config) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.InviteSession_hangup__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, ActionConfig.getCPtr(config));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool hangup() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.InviteSession_hangup__SWIG_1(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool reject(ActionConfig config) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.InviteSession_reject__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, ActionConfig.getCPtr(config));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool reject() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.InviteSession_reject__SWIG_1(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool sendInfo(IntPtr payload, uint len, ActionConfig config) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.InviteSession_sendInfo__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, payload, len, ActionConfig.getCPtr(config));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool sendInfo(IntPtr payload, uint len) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.InviteSession_sendInfo__SWIG_1(swigCPtr, payload, len);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public MediaSessionMgr getMediaMgr() {
+ IntPtr cPtr = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.InviteSession_getMediaMgr(swigCPtr);
+ MediaSessionMgr ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new MediaSessionMgr(cPtr, false);
+ return ret;
+ }
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/MediaContent.cs b/bindings/csharp/MediaContent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fcbddd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/MediaContent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class MediaContent : IDisposable {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ protected bool swigCMemOwn;
+ internal MediaContent(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = cMemoryOwn;
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(MediaContent obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~MediaContent() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public virtual void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_MediaContent(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ }
+ }
+ public byte[] getPayload() {
+ uint clen = this.getPayloadLength();
+ if(clen>0){
+ IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)clen);
+ this.getPayload(ptr, clen);
+ byte[] bytes = new byte[clen];
+ Marshal.Copy(ptr, bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
+ Marshal.FreeHGlobal(ptr);
+ return bytes;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public string getType() {
+ string ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaContent_getType(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public virtual uint getDataLength() {
+ uint ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaContent_getDataLength(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public virtual uint getData(IntPtr pOutput, uint nMaxsize) {
+ uint ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaContent_getData(swigCPtr, pOutput, nMaxsize);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static MediaContent parse(IntPtr pData, uint nSize, string pType) {
+ IntPtr cPtr = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaContent_parse__SWIG_0(pData, nSize, pType);
+ MediaContent ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new MediaContent(cPtr, true);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static MediaContentCPIM parse(IntPtr pData, uint nSize) {
+ IntPtr cPtr = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaContent_parse__SWIG_1(pData, nSize);
+ MediaContentCPIM ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new MediaContentCPIM(cPtr, true);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public virtual uint getPayloadLength() {
+ uint ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaContent_getPayloadLength(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public virtual uint getPayload(IntPtr pOutput, uint nMaxsize) {
+ uint ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaContent_getPayload(swigCPtr, pOutput, nMaxsize);
+ return ret;
+ }
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/MediaContentCPIM.cs b/bindings/csharp/MediaContentCPIM.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e13bfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/MediaContentCPIM.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class MediaContentCPIM : MediaContent {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ internal MediaContentCPIM(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) : base(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaContentCPIM_SWIGUpcast(cPtr), cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(MediaContentCPIM obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~MediaContentCPIM() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public override void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_MediaContentCPIM(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ base.Dispose();
+ }
+ }
+ public override uint getPayloadLength() {
+ uint ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaContentCPIM_getPayloadLength(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public override uint getPayload(IntPtr pOutput, uint nMaxsize) {
+ uint ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaContentCPIM_getPayload(swigCPtr, pOutput, nMaxsize);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public string getHeaderValue(string pName) {
+ string ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaContentCPIM_getHeaderValue(swigCPtr, pName);
+ return ret;
+ }
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/MediaSessionMgr.cs b/bindings/csharp/MediaSessionMgr.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ee9d86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/MediaSessionMgr.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class MediaSessionMgr : IDisposable {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ protected bool swigCMemOwn;
+ internal MediaSessionMgr(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = cMemoryOwn;
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(MediaSessionMgr obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~MediaSessionMgr() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public virtual void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_MediaSessionMgr(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ }
+ }
+ public bool sessionSetInt32(twrap_media_type_t media, string key, int value) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_sessionSetInt32(swigCPtr, (int)media, key, value);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public int sessionGetInt32(twrap_media_type_t media, string key) {
+ int ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_sessionGetInt32(swigCPtr, (int)media, key);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool consumerSetInt32(twrap_media_type_t media, string key, int value) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_consumerSetInt32(swigCPtr, (int)media, key, value);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool consumerSetInt64(twrap_media_type_t media, string key, long value) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_consumerSetInt64(swigCPtr, (int)media, key, value);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool producerSetInt32(twrap_media_type_t media, string key, int value) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_producerSetInt32(swigCPtr, (int)media, key, value);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool producerSetInt64(twrap_media_type_t media, string key, long value) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_producerSetInt64(swigCPtr, (int)media, key, value);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public Codec producerGetCodec(twrap_media_type_t media) {
+ IntPtr cPtr = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_producerGetCodec(swigCPtr, (int)media);
+ Codec ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new Codec(cPtr, true);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public ProxyPlugin findProxyPluginConsumer(twrap_media_type_t media) {
+ IntPtr cPtr = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_findProxyPluginConsumer(swigCPtr, (int)media);
+ ProxyPlugin ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new ProxyPlugin(cPtr, false);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public ProxyPlugin findProxyPluginProducer(twrap_media_type_t media) {
+ IntPtr cPtr = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_findProxyPluginProducer(swigCPtr, (int)media);
+ ProxyPlugin ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new ProxyPlugin(cPtr, false);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static uint registerAudioPluginFromFile(string path) {
+ uint ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_registerAudioPluginFromFile(path);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public ulong getSessionId(twrap_media_type_t media) {
+ ulong ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_getSessionId(swigCPtr, (int)media);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsSetProfile(tmedia_profile_t profile) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetProfile((int)profile);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static tmedia_profile_t defaultsGetProfile() {
+ tmedia_profile_t ret = (tmedia_profile_t)tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetProfile();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsSetBandwidthLevel(tmedia_bandwidth_level_t bl) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetBandwidthLevel((int)bl);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static tmedia_bandwidth_level_t defaultsGetBandwidthLevel() {
+ tmedia_bandwidth_level_t ret = (tmedia_bandwidth_level_t)tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetBandwidthLevel();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsSetCongestionCtrlEnabled(bool enabled) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetCongestionCtrlEnabled(enabled);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsSetVideoMotionRank(int video_motion_rank) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetVideoMotionRank(video_motion_rank);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsSetVideoFps(int video_fps) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetVideoFps(video_fps);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsSetBandwidthVideoUploadMax(int bw_video_up_max_kbps) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetBandwidthVideoUploadMax(bw_video_up_max_kbps);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsSetBandwidthVideoDownloadMax(int bw_video_down_max_kbps) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetBandwidthVideoDownloadMax(bw_video_down_max_kbps);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsSetPrefVideoSize(tmedia_pref_video_size_t pref_video_size) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetPrefVideoSize((int)pref_video_size);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsSetJbMargin(uint jb_margin_ms) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetJbMargin(jb_margin_ms);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsSetJbMaxLateRate(uint jb_late_rate_percent) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetJbMaxLateRate(jb_late_rate_percent);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsSetEchoTail(uint echo_tail) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetEchoTail(echo_tail);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static uint defaultsGetEchoTail() {
+ uint ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetEchoTail();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsSetEchoSkew(uint echo_skew) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetEchoSkew(echo_skew);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsSetEchoSuppEnabled(bool echo_supp_enabled) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetEchoSuppEnabled(echo_supp_enabled);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsGetEchoSuppEnabled() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetEchoSuppEnabled();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsSetAgcEnabled(bool agc_enabled) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetAgcEnabled(agc_enabled);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsGetAgcEnabled() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetAgcEnabled();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsSetAgcLevel(float agc_level) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetAgcLevel(agc_level);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static float defaultsGetAgcLevel() {
+ float ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetAgcLevel();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsSetVadEnabled(bool vad_enabled) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetVadEnabled(vad_enabled);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsGetGetVadEnabled() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetGetVadEnabled();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsSetNoiseSuppEnabled(bool noise_supp_enabled) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetNoiseSuppEnabled(noise_supp_enabled);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsGetNoiseSuppEnabled() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetNoiseSuppEnabled();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsSetNoiseSuppLevel(int noise_supp_level) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetNoiseSuppLevel(noise_supp_level);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static int defaultsGetNoiseSuppLevel() {
+ int ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetNoiseSuppLevel();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsSet100relEnabled(bool _100rel_enabled) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSet100relEnabled(_100rel_enabled);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsGet100relEnabled() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGet100relEnabled();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsSetScreenSize(int sx, int sy) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetScreenSize(sx, sy);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsSetAudioGain(int producer_gain, int consumer_gain) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetAudioGain(producer_gain, consumer_gain);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsSetAudioPtime(int ptime) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetAudioPtime(ptime);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsSetAudioChannels(int channel_playback, int channel_record) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetAudioChannels(channel_playback, channel_record);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsSetRtpPortRange(ushort range_start, ushort range_stop) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetRtpPortRange(range_start, range_stop);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsSetRtpSymetricEnabled(bool enabled) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetRtpSymetricEnabled(enabled);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsSetMediaType(twrap_media_type_t media_type) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetMediaType((int)media_type);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsSetVolume(int volume) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetVolume(volume);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static int defaultsGetVolume() {
+ int ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetVolume();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsSetInviteSessionTimers(int timeout, string refresher) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetInviteSessionTimers(timeout, refresher);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsSetSRtpMode(tmedia_srtp_mode_t mode) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetSRtpMode((int)mode);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static tmedia_srtp_mode_t defaultsGetSRtpMode() {
+ tmedia_srtp_mode_t ret = (tmedia_srtp_mode_t)tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetSRtpMode();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsSetSRtpType(tmedia_srtp_type_t srtp_type) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetSRtpType((int)srtp_type);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static tmedia_srtp_type_t defaultsGetSRtpType() {
+ tmedia_srtp_type_t ret = (tmedia_srtp_type_t)tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetSRtpType();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsSetRtcpEnabled(bool enabled) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetRtcpEnabled(enabled);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsGetRtcpEnabled() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetRtcpEnabled();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsSetRtcpMuxEnabled(bool enabled) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetRtcpMuxEnabled(enabled);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsGetRtcpMuxEnabled() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetRtcpMuxEnabled();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsSetStunEnabled(bool stun_enabled) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetStunEnabled(stun_enabled);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsSetIceStunEnabled(bool icestun_enabled) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetIceStunEnabled(icestun_enabled);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsSetIceTurnEnabled(bool iceturn_enabled) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetIceTurnEnabled(iceturn_enabled);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsSetStunServer(string server_ip, ushort server_port) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetStunServer(server_ip, server_port);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsSetStunCred(string username, string password) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetStunCred(username, password);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsSetIceEnabled(bool ice_enabled) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetIceEnabled(ice_enabled);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsSetByPassEncoding(bool enabled) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetByPassEncoding(enabled);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsGetByPassEncoding() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetByPassEncoding();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsSetByPassDecoding(bool enabled) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetByPassDecoding(enabled);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsGetByPassDecoding() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetByPassDecoding();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsSetVideoJbEnabled(bool enabled) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetVideoJbEnabled(enabled);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsGetVideoJbEnabled() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetVideoJbEnabled();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsSetVideoZeroArtifactsEnabled(bool enabled) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetVideoZeroArtifactsEnabled(enabled);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsGetVideoZeroArtifactsEnabled() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetVideoZeroArtifactsEnabled();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsSetRtpBuffSize(uint buffSize) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetRtpBuffSize(buffSize);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static uint defaultsGetRtpBuffSize() {
+ uint ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetRtpBuffSize();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsSetAvpfTail(uint tail_min, uint tail_max) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetAvpfTail(tail_min, tail_max);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsSetAvpfMode(tmedia_mode_t mode) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetAvpfMode((int)mode);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsSetOpusMaxCaptureRate(uint opus_maxcapturerate) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetOpusMaxCaptureRate(opus_maxcapturerate);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsSetOpusMaxPlaybackRate(uint opus_maxplaybackrate) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetOpusMaxPlaybackRate(opus_maxplaybackrate);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool defaultsSetMaxFds(int max_fds) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetMaxFds(max_fds);
+ return ret;
+ }
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/MessagingEvent.cs b/bindings/csharp/MessagingEvent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7c734a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/MessagingEvent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class MessagingEvent : SipEvent {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ internal MessagingEvent(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) : base(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MessagingEvent_SWIGUpcast(cPtr), cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(MessagingEvent obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~MessagingEvent() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public override void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_MessagingEvent(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ base.Dispose();
+ }
+ }
+ public tsip_message_event_type_t getType() {
+ tsip_message_event_type_t ret = (tsip_message_event_type_t)tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MessagingEvent_getType(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public MessagingSession getSession() {
+ IntPtr cPtr = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MessagingEvent_getSession(swigCPtr);
+ MessagingSession ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new MessagingSession(cPtr, false);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public MessagingSession takeSessionOwnership() {
+ IntPtr cPtr = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MessagingEvent_takeSessionOwnership(swigCPtr);
+ MessagingSession ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new MessagingSession(cPtr, true);
+ return ret;
+ }
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/MessagingSession.cs b/bindings/csharp/MessagingSession.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..252c59f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/MessagingSession.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class MessagingSession : SipSession {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ internal MessagingSession(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) : base(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MessagingSession_SWIGUpcast(cPtr), cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(MessagingSession obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~MessagingSession() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public override void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_MessagingSession(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ base.Dispose();
+ }
+ }
+ public bool send(byte[] buffer) {
+ IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(buffer.Length);
+ Marshal.Copy(buffer, 0, ptr, buffer.Length);
+ bool ret = this.send(ptr, (uint)buffer.Length);
+ Marshal.FreeHGlobal(ptr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public MessagingSession(SipStack pStack) : this(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.new_MessagingSession(SipStack.getCPtr(pStack)), true) {
+ }
+ public bool send(IntPtr payload, uint len, ActionConfig config) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MessagingSession_send__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, payload, len, ActionConfig.getCPtr(config));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool send(IntPtr payload, uint len) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MessagingSession_send__SWIG_1(swigCPtr, payload, len);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool accept(ActionConfig config) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MessagingSession_accept__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, ActionConfig.getCPtr(config));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool accept() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MessagingSession_accept__SWIG_1(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool reject(ActionConfig config) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MessagingSession_reject__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, ActionConfig.getCPtr(config));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool reject() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MessagingSession_reject__SWIG_1(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/MsrpCallback.cs b/bindings/csharp/MsrpCallback.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5fa468
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/MsrpCallback.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class MsrpCallback : IDisposable {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ protected bool swigCMemOwn;
+ internal MsrpCallback(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = cMemoryOwn;
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(MsrpCallback obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~MsrpCallback() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public virtual void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_MsrpCallback(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ }
+ }
+ public MsrpCallback() : this(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.new_MsrpCallback(), true) {
+ SwigDirectorConnect();
+ }
+ public virtual int OnEvent(MsrpEvent e) {
+ int ret = (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("OnEvent", swigMethodTypes0) ? tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MsrpCallback_OnEventSwigExplicitMsrpCallback(swigCPtr, MsrpEvent.getCPtr(e)) : tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MsrpCallback_OnEvent(swigCPtr, MsrpEvent.getCPtr(e)));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ private void SwigDirectorConnect() {
+ if (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("OnEvent", swigMethodTypes0))
+ swigDelegate0 = new SwigDelegateMsrpCallback_0(SwigDirectorOnEvent);
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MsrpCallback_director_connect(swigCPtr, swigDelegate0);
+ }
+ private bool SwigDerivedClassHasMethod(string methodName, Type[] methodTypes) {
+ System.Reflection.MethodInfo methodInfo = this.GetType().GetMethod(methodName, System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance, null, methodTypes, null);
+ bool hasDerivedMethod = methodInfo.DeclaringType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(MsrpCallback));
+ return hasDerivedMethod;
+ }
+ private int SwigDirectorOnEvent(IntPtr e) {
+ return OnEvent((e == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new MsrpEvent(e, false));
+ }
+ public delegate int SwigDelegateMsrpCallback_0(IntPtr e);
+ private SwigDelegateMsrpCallback_0 swigDelegate0;
+ private static Type[] swigMethodTypes0 = new Type[] { typeof(MsrpEvent) };
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/MsrpEvent.cs b/bindings/csharp/MsrpEvent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3da8cca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/MsrpEvent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class MsrpEvent : IDisposable {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ protected bool swigCMemOwn;
+ internal MsrpEvent(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = cMemoryOwn;
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(MsrpEvent obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~MsrpEvent() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public virtual void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_MsrpEvent(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ }
+ }
+ public tmsrp_event_type_t getType() {
+ tmsrp_event_type_t ret = (tmsrp_event_type_t)tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MsrpEvent_getType(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public MsrpSession getSipSession() {
+ IntPtr cPtr = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MsrpEvent_getSipSession(swigCPtr);
+ MsrpSession ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new MsrpSession(cPtr, false);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public MsrpMessage getMessage() {
+ IntPtr cPtr = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MsrpEvent_getMessage(swigCPtr);
+ MsrpMessage ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new MsrpMessage(cPtr, false);
+ return ret;
+ }
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/MsrpMessage.cs b/bindings/csharp/MsrpMessage.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f582fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/MsrpMessage.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class MsrpMessage : IDisposable {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ protected bool swigCMemOwn;
+ internal MsrpMessage(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = cMemoryOwn;
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(MsrpMessage obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~MsrpMessage() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public virtual void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_MsrpMessage(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ }
+ }
+ public MsrpMessage() : this(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.new_MsrpMessage(), true) {
+ }
+ public bool isRequest() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MsrpMessage_isRequest(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public short getCode() {
+ short ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MsrpMessage_getCode(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public string getPhrase() {
+ string ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MsrpMessage_getPhrase(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public tmsrp_request_type_t getRequestType() {
+ tmsrp_request_type_t ret = (tmsrp_request_type_t)tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MsrpMessage_getRequestType(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public void getByteRange(out long arg0, out long arg1, out long arg2) {
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MsrpMessage_getByteRange(swigCPtr, out arg0, out arg1, out arg2);
+ }
+ public bool isLastChunck() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MsrpMessage_isLastChunck(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool isFirstChunck() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MsrpMessage_isFirstChunck(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool isSuccessReport() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MsrpMessage_isSuccessReport(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public string getMsrpHeaderValue(string name) {
+ string ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MsrpMessage_getMsrpHeaderValue(swigCPtr, name);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public string getMsrpHeaderParamValue(string name, string param) {
+ string ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MsrpMessage_getMsrpHeaderParamValue(swigCPtr, name, param);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public uint getMsrpContentLength() {
+ uint ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MsrpMessage_getMsrpContentLength(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public uint getMsrpContent(IntPtr output, uint maxsize) {
+ uint ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MsrpMessage_getMsrpContent(swigCPtr, output, maxsize);
+ return ret;
+ }
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/MsrpSession.cs b/bindings/csharp/MsrpSession.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb4cbea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/MsrpSession.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class MsrpSession : InviteSession {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ internal MsrpSession(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) : base(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MsrpSession_SWIGUpcast(cPtr), cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(MsrpSession obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~MsrpSession() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public override void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_MsrpSession(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ base.Dispose();
+ }
+ }
+ public MsrpSession(SipStack pStack, MsrpCallback pCallback) : this(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.new_MsrpSession(SipStack.getCPtr(pStack), MsrpCallback.getCPtr(pCallback)), true) {
+ }
+ public bool setCallback(MsrpCallback pCallback) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MsrpSession_setCallback(swigCPtr, MsrpCallback.getCPtr(pCallback));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool callMsrp(string remoteUriString, ActionConfig config) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MsrpSession_callMsrp__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, remoteUriString, ActionConfig.getCPtr(config));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool callMsrp(string remoteUriString) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MsrpSession_callMsrp__SWIG_1(swigCPtr, remoteUriString);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool callMsrp(SipUri remoteUri, ActionConfig config) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MsrpSession_callMsrp__SWIG_2(swigCPtr, SipUri.getCPtr(remoteUri), ActionConfig.getCPtr(config));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool callMsrp(SipUri remoteUri) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MsrpSession_callMsrp__SWIG_3(swigCPtr, SipUri.getCPtr(remoteUri));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool sendMessage(IntPtr payload, uint len, ActionConfig config) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MsrpSession_sendMessage__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, payload, len, ActionConfig.getCPtr(config));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool sendMessage(IntPtr payload, uint len) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MsrpSession_sendMessage__SWIG_1(swigCPtr, payload, len);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool sendFile(ActionConfig config) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MsrpSession_sendFile__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, ActionConfig.getCPtr(config));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool sendFile() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.MsrpSession_sendFile__SWIG_1(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/OptionsEvent.cs b/bindings/csharp/OptionsEvent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d09f3c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/OptionsEvent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class OptionsEvent : SipEvent {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ internal OptionsEvent(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) : base(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.OptionsEvent_SWIGUpcast(cPtr), cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(OptionsEvent obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~OptionsEvent() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public override void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_OptionsEvent(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ base.Dispose();
+ }
+ }
+ public tsip_options_event_type_t getType() {
+ tsip_options_event_type_t ret = (tsip_options_event_type_t)tinyWRAPPINVOKE.OptionsEvent_getType(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public OptionsSession getSession() {
+ IntPtr cPtr = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.OptionsEvent_getSession(swigCPtr);
+ OptionsSession ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new OptionsSession(cPtr, false);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public OptionsSession takeSessionOwnership() {
+ IntPtr cPtr = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.OptionsEvent_takeSessionOwnership(swigCPtr);
+ OptionsSession ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new OptionsSession(cPtr, false);
+ return ret;
+ }
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/OptionsSession.cs b/bindings/csharp/OptionsSession.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0386080
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/OptionsSession.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class OptionsSession : SipSession {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ internal OptionsSession(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) : base(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.OptionsSession_SWIGUpcast(cPtr), cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(OptionsSession obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~OptionsSession() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public override void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_OptionsSession(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ base.Dispose();
+ }
+ }
+ public OptionsSession(SipStack pStack) : this(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.new_OptionsSession(SipStack.getCPtr(pStack)), true) {
+ }
+ public bool send(ActionConfig config) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.OptionsSession_send__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, ActionConfig.getCPtr(config));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool send() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.OptionsSession_send__SWIG_1(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool accept(ActionConfig config) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.OptionsSession_accept__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, ActionConfig.getCPtr(config));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool accept() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.OptionsSession_accept__SWIG_1(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool reject(ActionConfig config) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.OptionsSession_reject__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, ActionConfig.getCPtr(config));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool reject() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.OptionsSession_reject__SWIG_1(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/ProxyAudioConsumer.cs b/bindings/csharp/ProxyAudioConsumer.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39974f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/ProxyAudioConsumer.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class ProxyAudioConsumer : ProxyPlugin {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ internal ProxyAudioConsumer(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) : base(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyAudioConsumer_SWIGUpcast(cPtr), cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(ProxyAudioConsumer obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~ProxyAudioConsumer() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public override void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_ProxyAudioConsumer(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ base.Dispose();
+ }
+ }
+ public bool setActualSndCardPlaybackParams(int nPtime, int nRate, int nChannels) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyAudioConsumer_setActualSndCardPlaybackParams(swigCPtr, nPtime, nRate, nChannels);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool queryForResampler(ushort nInFreq, ushort nOutFreq, ushort nFrameDuration, ushort nChannels, ushort nResamplerQuality) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyAudioConsumer_queryForResampler(swigCPtr, nInFreq, nOutFreq, nFrameDuration, nChannels, nResamplerQuality);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setPullBuffer(IntPtr pPullBufferPtr, uint nPullBufferSize) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyAudioConsumer_setPullBuffer(swigCPtr, pPullBufferPtr, nPullBufferSize);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public uint pull(IntPtr pOutput, uint nSize) {
+ uint ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyAudioConsumer_pull__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, pOutput, nSize);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public uint pull(IntPtr pOutput) {
+ uint ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyAudioConsumer_pull__SWIG_1(swigCPtr, pOutput);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public uint pull() {
+ uint ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyAudioConsumer_pull__SWIG_2(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setGain(uint nGain) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyAudioConsumer_setGain(swigCPtr, nGain);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public uint getGain() {
+ uint ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyAudioConsumer_getGain(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool reset() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyAudioConsumer_reset(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public void setCallback(ProxyAudioConsumerCallback pCallback) {
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyAudioConsumer_setCallback(swigCPtr, ProxyAudioConsumerCallback.getCPtr(pCallback));
+ }
+ public virtual ulong getMediaSessionId() {
+ ulong ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyAudioConsumer_getMediaSessionId(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool registerPlugin() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyAudioConsumer_registerPlugin();
+ return ret;
+ }
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/ProxyAudioConsumerCallback.cs b/bindings/csharp/ProxyAudioConsumerCallback.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85a6770
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/ProxyAudioConsumerCallback.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class ProxyAudioConsumerCallback : IDisposable {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ protected bool swigCMemOwn;
+ internal ProxyAudioConsumerCallback(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = cMemoryOwn;
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(ProxyAudioConsumerCallback obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~ProxyAudioConsumerCallback() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public virtual void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_ProxyAudioConsumerCallback(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ }
+ }
+ public ProxyAudioConsumerCallback() : this(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.new_ProxyAudioConsumerCallback(), true) {
+ SwigDirectorConnect();
+ }
+ public virtual int prepare(int ptime, int rate, int channels) {
+ int ret = (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("prepare", swigMethodTypes0) ? tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyAudioConsumerCallback_prepareSwigExplicitProxyAudioConsumerCallback(swigCPtr, ptime, rate, channels) : tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyAudioConsumerCallback_prepare(swigCPtr, ptime, rate, channels));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public virtual int start() {
+ int ret = (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("start", swigMethodTypes1) ? tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyAudioConsumerCallback_startSwigExplicitProxyAudioConsumerCallback(swigCPtr) : tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyAudioConsumerCallback_start(swigCPtr));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public virtual int pause() {
+ int ret = (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("pause", swigMethodTypes2) ? tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyAudioConsumerCallback_pauseSwigExplicitProxyAudioConsumerCallback(swigCPtr) : tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyAudioConsumerCallback_pause(swigCPtr));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public virtual int stop() {
+ int ret = (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("stop", swigMethodTypes3) ? tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyAudioConsumerCallback_stopSwigExplicitProxyAudioConsumerCallback(swigCPtr) : tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyAudioConsumerCallback_stop(swigCPtr));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ private void SwigDirectorConnect() {
+ if (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("prepare", swigMethodTypes0))
+ swigDelegate0 = new SwigDelegateProxyAudioConsumerCallback_0(SwigDirectorprepare);
+ if (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("start", swigMethodTypes1))
+ swigDelegate1 = new SwigDelegateProxyAudioConsumerCallback_1(SwigDirectorstart);
+ if (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("pause", swigMethodTypes2))
+ swigDelegate2 = new SwigDelegateProxyAudioConsumerCallback_2(SwigDirectorpause);
+ if (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("stop", swigMethodTypes3))
+ swigDelegate3 = new SwigDelegateProxyAudioConsumerCallback_3(SwigDirectorstop);
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyAudioConsumerCallback_director_connect(swigCPtr, swigDelegate0, swigDelegate1, swigDelegate2, swigDelegate3);
+ }
+ private bool SwigDerivedClassHasMethod(string methodName, Type[] methodTypes) {
+ System.Reflection.MethodInfo methodInfo = this.GetType().GetMethod(methodName, System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance, null, methodTypes, null);
+ bool hasDerivedMethod = methodInfo.DeclaringType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(ProxyAudioConsumerCallback));
+ return hasDerivedMethod;
+ }
+ private int SwigDirectorprepare(int ptime, int rate, int channels) {
+ return prepare(ptime, rate, channels);
+ }
+ private int SwigDirectorstart() {
+ return start();
+ }
+ private int SwigDirectorpause() {
+ return pause();
+ }
+ private int SwigDirectorstop() {
+ return stop();
+ }
+ public delegate int SwigDelegateProxyAudioConsumerCallback_0(int ptime, int rate, int channels);
+ public delegate int SwigDelegateProxyAudioConsumerCallback_1();
+ public delegate int SwigDelegateProxyAudioConsumerCallback_2();
+ public delegate int SwigDelegateProxyAudioConsumerCallback_3();
+ private SwigDelegateProxyAudioConsumerCallback_0 swigDelegate0;
+ private SwigDelegateProxyAudioConsumerCallback_1 swigDelegate1;
+ private SwigDelegateProxyAudioConsumerCallback_2 swigDelegate2;
+ private SwigDelegateProxyAudioConsumerCallback_3 swigDelegate3;
+ private static Type[] swigMethodTypes0 = new Type[] { typeof(int), typeof(int), typeof(int) };
+ private static Type[] swigMethodTypes1 = new Type[] { };
+ private static Type[] swigMethodTypes2 = new Type[] { };
+ private static Type[] swigMethodTypes3 = new Type[] { };
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/ProxyAudioProducer.cs b/bindings/csharp/ProxyAudioProducer.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..342852a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/ProxyAudioProducer.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class ProxyAudioProducer : ProxyPlugin {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ internal ProxyAudioProducer(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) : base(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyAudioProducer_SWIGUpcast(cPtr), cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(ProxyAudioProducer obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~ProxyAudioProducer() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public override void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_ProxyAudioProducer(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ base.Dispose();
+ }
+ }
+ public bool setActualSndCardRecordParams(int nPtime, int nRate, int nChannels) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyAudioProducer_setActualSndCardRecordParams(swigCPtr, nPtime, nRate, nChannels);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setPushBuffer(IntPtr pPushBufferPtr, uint nPushBufferSize, bool bUsePushCallback) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyAudioProducer_setPushBuffer__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, pPushBufferPtr, nPushBufferSize, bUsePushCallback);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setPushBuffer(IntPtr pPushBufferPtr, uint nPushBufferSize) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyAudioProducer_setPushBuffer__SWIG_1(swigCPtr, pPushBufferPtr, nPushBufferSize);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public int push(IntPtr pBuffer, uint nSize) {
+ int ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyAudioProducer_push__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, pBuffer, nSize);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public int push(IntPtr pBuffer) {
+ int ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyAudioProducer_push__SWIG_1(swigCPtr, pBuffer);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public int push() {
+ int ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyAudioProducer_push__SWIG_2(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setGain(uint nGain) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyAudioProducer_setGain(swigCPtr, nGain);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public uint getGain() {
+ uint ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyAudioProducer_getGain(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public void setCallback(ProxyAudioProducerCallback pCallback) {
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyAudioProducer_setCallback(swigCPtr, ProxyAudioProducerCallback.getCPtr(pCallback));
+ }
+ public virtual ulong getMediaSessionId() {
+ ulong ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyAudioProducer_getMediaSessionId(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool registerPlugin() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyAudioProducer_registerPlugin();
+ return ret;
+ }
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/ProxyAudioProducerCallback.cs b/bindings/csharp/ProxyAudioProducerCallback.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7703d62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/ProxyAudioProducerCallback.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class ProxyAudioProducerCallback : IDisposable {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ protected bool swigCMemOwn;
+ internal ProxyAudioProducerCallback(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = cMemoryOwn;
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(ProxyAudioProducerCallback obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~ProxyAudioProducerCallback() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public virtual void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_ProxyAudioProducerCallback(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ }
+ }
+ public ProxyAudioProducerCallback() : this(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.new_ProxyAudioProducerCallback(), true) {
+ SwigDirectorConnect();
+ }
+ public virtual int prepare(int ptime, int rate, int channels) {
+ int ret = (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("prepare", swigMethodTypes0) ? tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyAudioProducerCallback_prepareSwigExplicitProxyAudioProducerCallback(swigCPtr, ptime, rate, channels) : tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyAudioProducerCallback_prepare(swigCPtr, ptime, rate, channels));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public virtual int start() {
+ int ret = (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("start", swigMethodTypes1) ? tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyAudioProducerCallback_startSwigExplicitProxyAudioProducerCallback(swigCPtr) : tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyAudioProducerCallback_start(swigCPtr));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public virtual int pause() {
+ int ret = (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("pause", swigMethodTypes2) ? tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyAudioProducerCallback_pauseSwigExplicitProxyAudioProducerCallback(swigCPtr) : tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyAudioProducerCallback_pause(swigCPtr));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public virtual int stop() {
+ int ret = (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("stop", swigMethodTypes3) ? tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyAudioProducerCallback_stopSwigExplicitProxyAudioProducerCallback(swigCPtr) : tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyAudioProducerCallback_stop(swigCPtr));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public virtual int fillPushBuffer() {
+ int ret = (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("fillPushBuffer", swigMethodTypes4) ? tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyAudioProducerCallback_fillPushBufferSwigExplicitProxyAudioProducerCallback(swigCPtr) : tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyAudioProducerCallback_fillPushBuffer(swigCPtr));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ private void SwigDirectorConnect() {
+ if (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("prepare", swigMethodTypes0))
+ swigDelegate0 = new SwigDelegateProxyAudioProducerCallback_0(SwigDirectorprepare);
+ if (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("start", swigMethodTypes1))
+ swigDelegate1 = new SwigDelegateProxyAudioProducerCallback_1(SwigDirectorstart);
+ if (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("pause", swigMethodTypes2))
+ swigDelegate2 = new SwigDelegateProxyAudioProducerCallback_2(SwigDirectorpause);
+ if (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("stop", swigMethodTypes3))
+ swigDelegate3 = new SwigDelegateProxyAudioProducerCallback_3(SwigDirectorstop);
+ if (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("fillPushBuffer", swigMethodTypes4))
+ swigDelegate4 = new SwigDelegateProxyAudioProducerCallback_4(SwigDirectorfillPushBuffer);
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyAudioProducerCallback_director_connect(swigCPtr, swigDelegate0, swigDelegate1, swigDelegate2, swigDelegate3, swigDelegate4);
+ }
+ private bool SwigDerivedClassHasMethod(string methodName, Type[] methodTypes) {
+ System.Reflection.MethodInfo methodInfo = this.GetType().GetMethod(methodName, System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance, null, methodTypes, null);
+ bool hasDerivedMethod = methodInfo.DeclaringType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(ProxyAudioProducerCallback));
+ return hasDerivedMethod;
+ }
+ private int SwigDirectorprepare(int ptime, int rate, int channels) {
+ return prepare(ptime, rate, channels);
+ }
+ private int SwigDirectorstart() {
+ return start();
+ }
+ private int SwigDirectorpause() {
+ return pause();
+ }
+ private int SwigDirectorstop() {
+ return stop();
+ }
+ private int SwigDirectorfillPushBuffer() {
+ return fillPushBuffer();
+ }
+ public delegate int SwigDelegateProxyAudioProducerCallback_0(int ptime, int rate, int channels);
+ public delegate int SwigDelegateProxyAudioProducerCallback_1();
+ public delegate int SwigDelegateProxyAudioProducerCallback_2();
+ public delegate int SwigDelegateProxyAudioProducerCallback_3();
+ public delegate int SwigDelegateProxyAudioProducerCallback_4();
+ private SwigDelegateProxyAudioProducerCallback_0 swigDelegate0;
+ private SwigDelegateProxyAudioProducerCallback_1 swigDelegate1;
+ private SwigDelegateProxyAudioProducerCallback_2 swigDelegate2;
+ private SwigDelegateProxyAudioProducerCallback_3 swigDelegate3;
+ private SwigDelegateProxyAudioProducerCallback_4 swigDelegate4;
+ private static Type[] swigMethodTypes0 = new Type[] { typeof(int), typeof(int), typeof(int) };
+ private static Type[] swigMethodTypes1 = new Type[] { };
+ private static Type[] swigMethodTypes2 = new Type[] { };
+ private static Type[] swigMethodTypes3 = new Type[] { };
+ private static Type[] swigMethodTypes4 = new Type[] { };
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/ProxyPlugin.cs b/bindings/csharp/ProxyPlugin.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aaf6cb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/ProxyPlugin.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class ProxyPlugin : IDisposable {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ protected bool swigCMemOwn;
+ internal ProxyPlugin(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = cMemoryOwn;
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(ProxyPlugin obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~ProxyPlugin() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public virtual void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_ProxyPlugin(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ }
+ }
+ public twrap_proxy_plugin_type_t getType() {
+ twrap_proxy_plugin_type_t ret = (twrap_proxy_plugin_type_t)tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyPlugin_getType(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public ulong getId() {
+ ulong ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyPlugin_getId(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/ProxyPluginMgr.cs b/bindings/csharp/ProxyPluginMgr.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14fd44e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/ProxyPluginMgr.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class ProxyPluginMgr : IDisposable {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ protected bool swigCMemOwn;
+ internal ProxyPluginMgr(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = cMemoryOwn;
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(ProxyPluginMgr obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~ProxyPluginMgr() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public virtual void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_ProxyPluginMgr(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ }
+ }
+ public static ProxyPluginMgr createInstance(ProxyPluginMgrCallback pCallback) {
+ IntPtr cPtr = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyPluginMgr_createInstance(ProxyPluginMgrCallback.getCPtr(pCallback));
+ ProxyPluginMgr ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new ProxyPluginMgr(cPtr, true);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static ProxyPluginMgr getInstance() {
+ IntPtr cPtr = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyPluginMgr_getInstance();
+ ProxyPluginMgr ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new ProxyPluginMgr(cPtr, false);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public ProxyPlugin findPlugin(ulong id) {
+ IntPtr cPtr = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyPluginMgr_findPlugin(swigCPtr, id);
+ ProxyPlugin ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new ProxyPlugin(cPtr, false);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public ProxyAudioConsumer findAudioConsumer(ulong id) {
+ IntPtr cPtr = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyPluginMgr_findAudioConsumer(swigCPtr, id);
+ ProxyAudioConsumer ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new ProxyAudioConsumer(cPtr, false);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public ProxyVideoConsumer findVideoConsumer(ulong id) {
+ IntPtr cPtr = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyPluginMgr_findVideoConsumer(swigCPtr, id);
+ ProxyVideoConsumer ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new ProxyVideoConsumer(cPtr, false);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public ProxyAudioProducer findAudioProducer(ulong id) {
+ IntPtr cPtr = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyPluginMgr_findAudioProducer(swigCPtr, id);
+ ProxyAudioProducer ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new ProxyAudioProducer(cPtr, false);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public ProxyVideoProducer findVideoProducer(ulong id) {
+ IntPtr cPtr = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyPluginMgr_findVideoProducer(swigCPtr, id);
+ ProxyVideoProducer ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new ProxyVideoProducer(cPtr, false);
+ return ret;
+ }
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/ProxyPluginMgrCallback.cs b/bindings/csharp/ProxyPluginMgrCallback.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..900aad6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/ProxyPluginMgrCallback.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class ProxyPluginMgrCallback : IDisposable {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ protected bool swigCMemOwn;
+ internal ProxyPluginMgrCallback(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = cMemoryOwn;
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(ProxyPluginMgrCallback obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~ProxyPluginMgrCallback() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public virtual void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_ProxyPluginMgrCallback(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ }
+ }
+ public ProxyPluginMgrCallback() : this(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.new_ProxyPluginMgrCallback(), true) {
+ SwigDirectorConnect();
+ }
+ public virtual int OnPluginCreated(ulong id, twrap_proxy_plugin_type_t type) {
+ int ret = (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("OnPluginCreated", swigMethodTypes0) ? tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyPluginMgrCallback_OnPluginCreatedSwigExplicitProxyPluginMgrCallback(swigCPtr, id, (int)type) : tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyPluginMgrCallback_OnPluginCreated(swigCPtr, id, (int)type));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public virtual int OnPluginDestroyed(ulong id, twrap_proxy_plugin_type_t type) {
+ int ret = (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("OnPluginDestroyed", swigMethodTypes1) ? tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyPluginMgrCallback_OnPluginDestroyedSwigExplicitProxyPluginMgrCallback(swigCPtr, id, (int)type) : tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyPluginMgrCallback_OnPluginDestroyed(swigCPtr, id, (int)type));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ private void SwigDirectorConnect() {
+ if (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("OnPluginCreated", swigMethodTypes0))
+ swigDelegate0 = new SwigDelegateProxyPluginMgrCallback_0(SwigDirectorOnPluginCreated);
+ if (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("OnPluginDestroyed", swigMethodTypes1))
+ swigDelegate1 = new SwigDelegateProxyPluginMgrCallback_1(SwigDirectorOnPluginDestroyed);
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyPluginMgrCallback_director_connect(swigCPtr, swigDelegate0, swigDelegate1);
+ }
+ private bool SwigDerivedClassHasMethod(string methodName, Type[] methodTypes) {
+ System.Reflection.MethodInfo methodInfo = this.GetType().GetMethod(methodName, System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance, null, methodTypes, null);
+ bool hasDerivedMethod = methodInfo.DeclaringType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(ProxyPluginMgrCallback));
+ return hasDerivedMethod;
+ }
+ private int SwigDirectorOnPluginCreated(ulong id, int type) {
+ return OnPluginCreated(id, (twrap_proxy_plugin_type_t)type);
+ }
+ private int SwigDirectorOnPluginDestroyed(ulong id, int type) {
+ return OnPluginDestroyed(id, (twrap_proxy_plugin_type_t)type);
+ }
+ public delegate int SwigDelegateProxyPluginMgrCallback_0(ulong id, int type);
+ public delegate int SwigDelegateProxyPluginMgrCallback_1(ulong id, int type);
+ private SwigDelegateProxyPluginMgrCallback_0 swigDelegate0;
+ private SwigDelegateProxyPluginMgrCallback_1 swigDelegate1;
+ private static Type[] swigMethodTypes0 = new Type[] { typeof(ulong), typeof(twrap_proxy_plugin_type_t) };
+ private static Type[] swigMethodTypes1 = new Type[] { typeof(ulong), typeof(twrap_proxy_plugin_type_t) };
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/ProxyVideoConsumer.cs b/bindings/csharp/ProxyVideoConsumer.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a60653b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/ProxyVideoConsumer.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class ProxyVideoConsumer : ProxyPlugin {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ internal ProxyVideoConsumer(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) : base(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyVideoConsumer_SWIGUpcast(cPtr), cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(ProxyVideoConsumer obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~ProxyVideoConsumer() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public override void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_ProxyVideoConsumer(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ base.Dispose();
+ }
+ }
+ public bool setDisplaySize(uint nWidth, uint nHeight) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyVideoConsumer_setDisplaySize(swigCPtr, nWidth, nHeight);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public uint getDisplayWidth() {
+ uint ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyVideoConsumer_getDisplayWidth(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public uint getDisplayHeight() {
+ uint ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyVideoConsumer_getDisplayHeight(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public uint getDecodedWidth() {
+ uint ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyVideoConsumer_getDecodedWidth(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public uint getDecodedHeight() {
+ uint ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyVideoConsumer_getDecodedHeight(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public void setCallback(ProxyVideoConsumerCallback pCallback) {
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyVideoConsumer_setCallback(swigCPtr, ProxyVideoConsumerCallback.getCPtr(pCallback));
+ }
+ public bool setAutoResizeDisplay(bool bAutoResizeDisplay) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyVideoConsumer_setAutoResizeDisplay(swigCPtr, bAutoResizeDisplay);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool getAutoResizeDisplay() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyVideoConsumer_getAutoResizeDisplay(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setConsumeBuffer(IntPtr pConsumeBufferPtr, uint nConsumeBufferSize) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyVideoConsumer_setConsumeBuffer(swigCPtr, pConsumeBufferPtr, nConsumeBufferSize);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public uint pull(IntPtr pOutput, uint nSize) {
+ uint ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyVideoConsumer_pull(swigCPtr, pOutput, nSize);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool reset() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyVideoConsumer_reset(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public virtual ulong getMediaSessionId() {
+ ulong ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyVideoConsumer_getMediaSessionId(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool registerPlugin() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyVideoConsumer_registerPlugin();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static void setDefaultChroma(tmedia_chroma_t eChroma) {
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyVideoConsumer_setDefaultChroma((int)eChroma);
+ }
+ public static void setDefaultAutoResizeDisplay(bool bAutoResizeDisplay) {
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyVideoConsumer_setDefaultAutoResizeDisplay(bAutoResizeDisplay);
+ }
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/ProxyVideoConsumerCallback.cs b/bindings/csharp/ProxyVideoConsumerCallback.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e740b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/ProxyVideoConsumerCallback.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class ProxyVideoConsumerCallback : IDisposable {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ protected bool swigCMemOwn;
+ internal ProxyVideoConsumerCallback(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = cMemoryOwn;
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(ProxyVideoConsumerCallback obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~ProxyVideoConsumerCallback() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public virtual void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ }
+ }
+ public ProxyVideoConsumerCallback() : this(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.new_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback(), true) {
+ SwigDirectorConnect();
+ }
+ public virtual int prepare(int nWidth, int nHeight, int nFps) {
+ int ret = (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("prepare", swigMethodTypes0) ? tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyVideoConsumerCallback_prepareSwigExplicitProxyVideoConsumerCallback(swigCPtr, nWidth, nHeight, nFps) : tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyVideoConsumerCallback_prepare(swigCPtr, nWidth, nHeight, nFps));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public virtual int consume(ProxyVideoFrame frame) {
+ int ret = (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("consume", swigMethodTypes1) ? tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyVideoConsumerCallback_consumeSwigExplicitProxyVideoConsumerCallback(swigCPtr, ProxyVideoFrame.getCPtr(frame)) : tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyVideoConsumerCallback_consume(swigCPtr, ProxyVideoFrame.getCPtr(frame)));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public virtual int bufferCopied(uint nCopiedSize, uint nAvailableSize) {
+ int ret = (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("bufferCopied", swigMethodTypes2) ? tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyVideoConsumerCallback_bufferCopiedSwigExplicitProxyVideoConsumerCallback(swigCPtr, nCopiedSize, nAvailableSize) : tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyVideoConsumerCallback_bufferCopied(swigCPtr, nCopiedSize, nAvailableSize));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public virtual int start() {
+ int ret = (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("start", swigMethodTypes3) ? tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyVideoConsumerCallback_startSwigExplicitProxyVideoConsumerCallback(swigCPtr) : tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyVideoConsumerCallback_start(swigCPtr));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public virtual int pause() {
+ int ret = (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("pause", swigMethodTypes4) ? tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyVideoConsumerCallback_pauseSwigExplicitProxyVideoConsumerCallback(swigCPtr) : tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyVideoConsumerCallback_pause(swigCPtr));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public virtual int stop() {
+ int ret = (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("stop", swigMethodTypes5) ? tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyVideoConsumerCallback_stopSwigExplicitProxyVideoConsumerCallback(swigCPtr) : tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyVideoConsumerCallback_stop(swigCPtr));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ private void SwigDirectorConnect() {
+ if (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("prepare", swigMethodTypes0))
+ swigDelegate0 = new SwigDelegateProxyVideoConsumerCallback_0(SwigDirectorprepare);
+ if (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("consume", swigMethodTypes1))
+ swigDelegate1 = new SwigDelegateProxyVideoConsumerCallback_1(SwigDirectorconsume);
+ if (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("bufferCopied", swigMethodTypes2))
+ swigDelegate2 = new SwigDelegateProxyVideoConsumerCallback_2(SwigDirectorbufferCopied);
+ if (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("start", swigMethodTypes3))
+ swigDelegate3 = new SwigDelegateProxyVideoConsumerCallback_3(SwigDirectorstart);
+ if (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("pause", swigMethodTypes4))
+ swigDelegate4 = new SwigDelegateProxyVideoConsumerCallback_4(SwigDirectorpause);
+ if (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("stop", swigMethodTypes5))
+ swigDelegate5 = new SwigDelegateProxyVideoConsumerCallback_5(SwigDirectorstop);
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyVideoConsumerCallback_director_connect(swigCPtr, swigDelegate0, swigDelegate1, swigDelegate2, swigDelegate3, swigDelegate4, swigDelegate5);
+ }
+ private bool SwigDerivedClassHasMethod(string methodName, Type[] methodTypes) {
+ System.Reflection.MethodInfo methodInfo = this.GetType().GetMethod(methodName, System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance, null, methodTypes, null);
+ bool hasDerivedMethod = methodInfo.DeclaringType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(ProxyVideoConsumerCallback));
+ return hasDerivedMethod;
+ }
+ private int SwigDirectorprepare(int nWidth, int nHeight, int nFps) {
+ return prepare(nWidth, nHeight, nFps);
+ }
+ private int SwigDirectorconsume(IntPtr frame) {
+ return consume((frame == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new ProxyVideoFrame(frame, false));
+ }
+ private int SwigDirectorbufferCopied(uint nCopiedSize, uint nAvailableSize) {
+ return bufferCopied(nCopiedSize, nAvailableSize);
+ }
+ private int SwigDirectorstart() {
+ return start();
+ }
+ private int SwigDirectorpause() {
+ return pause();
+ }
+ private int SwigDirectorstop() {
+ return stop();
+ }
+ public delegate int SwigDelegateProxyVideoConsumerCallback_0(int nWidth, int nHeight, int nFps);
+ public delegate int SwigDelegateProxyVideoConsumerCallback_1(IntPtr frame);
+ public delegate int SwigDelegateProxyVideoConsumerCallback_2(uint nCopiedSize, uint nAvailableSize);
+ public delegate int SwigDelegateProxyVideoConsumerCallback_3();
+ public delegate int SwigDelegateProxyVideoConsumerCallback_4();
+ public delegate int SwigDelegateProxyVideoConsumerCallback_5();
+ private SwigDelegateProxyVideoConsumerCallback_0 swigDelegate0;
+ private SwigDelegateProxyVideoConsumerCallback_1 swigDelegate1;
+ private SwigDelegateProxyVideoConsumerCallback_2 swigDelegate2;
+ private SwigDelegateProxyVideoConsumerCallback_3 swigDelegate3;
+ private SwigDelegateProxyVideoConsumerCallback_4 swigDelegate4;
+ private SwigDelegateProxyVideoConsumerCallback_5 swigDelegate5;
+ private static Type[] swigMethodTypes0 = new Type[] { typeof(int), typeof(int), typeof(int) };
+ private static Type[] swigMethodTypes1 = new Type[] { typeof(ProxyVideoFrame) };
+ private static Type[] swigMethodTypes2 = new Type[] { typeof(uint), typeof(uint) };
+ private static Type[] swigMethodTypes3 = new Type[] { };
+ private static Type[] swigMethodTypes4 = new Type[] { };
+ private static Type[] swigMethodTypes5 = new Type[] { };
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/ProxyVideoFrame.cs b/bindings/csharp/ProxyVideoFrame.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc133e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/ProxyVideoFrame.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class ProxyVideoFrame : IDisposable {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ protected bool swigCMemOwn;
+ internal ProxyVideoFrame(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = cMemoryOwn;
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(ProxyVideoFrame obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~ProxyVideoFrame() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public virtual void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_ProxyVideoFrame(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ }
+ }
+ public uint getSize() {
+ uint ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyVideoFrame_getSize(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public uint getContent(IntPtr pOutput, uint nMaxsize) {
+ uint ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyVideoFrame_getContent(swigCPtr, pOutput, nMaxsize);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public uint getFrameWidth() {
+ uint ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyVideoFrame_getFrameWidth(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public uint getFrameHeight() {
+ uint ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyVideoFrame_getFrameHeight(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/ProxyVideoProducer.cs b/bindings/csharp/ProxyVideoProducer.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0a2bf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/ProxyVideoProducer.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class ProxyVideoProducer : ProxyPlugin {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ internal ProxyVideoProducer(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) : base(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyVideoProducer_SWIGUpcast(cPtr), cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(ProxyVideoProducer obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~ProxyVideoProducer() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public override void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_ProxyVideoProducer(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ base.Dispose();
+ }
+ }
+ public int getRotation() {
+ int ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyVideoProducer_getRotation(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setRotation(int nRot) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyVideoProducer_setRotation(swigCPtr, nRot);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool getMirror() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyVideoProducer_getMirror(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setMirror(bool bMirror) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyVideoProducer_setMirror(swigCPtr, bMirror);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setActualCameraOutputSize(uint nWidth, uint nHeight) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyVideoProducer_setActualCameraOutputSize(swigCPtr, nWidth, nHeight);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public int push(IntPtr pBuffer, uint nSize) {
+ int ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyVideoProducer_push(swigCPtr, pBuffer, nSize);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public void setCallback(ProxyVideoProducerCallback pCallback) {
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyVideoProducer_setCallback(swigCPtr, ProxyVideoProducerCallback.getCPtr(pCallback));
+ }
+ public virtual ulong getMediaSessionId() {
+ ulong ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyVideoProducer_getMediaSessionId(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool registerPlugin() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyVideoProducer_registerPlugin();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static void setDefaultChroma(tmedia_chroma_t eChroma) {
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyVideoProducer_setDefaultChroma((int)eChroma);
+ }
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/ProxyVideoProducerCallback.cs b/bindings/csharp/ProxyVideoProducerCallback.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d1cfe2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/ProxyVideoProducerCallback.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class ProxyVideoProducerCallback : IDisposable {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ protected bool swigCMemOwn;
+ internal ProxyVideoProducerCallback(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = cMemoryOwn;
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(ProxyVideoProducerCallback obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~ProxyVideoProducerCallback() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public virtual void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_ProxyVideoProducerCallback(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ }
+ }
+ public ProxyVideoProducerCallback() : this(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.new_ProxyVideoProducerCallback(), true) {
+ SwigDirectorConnect();
+ }
+ public virtual int prepare(int width, int height, int fps) {
+ int ret = (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("prepare", swigMethodTypes0) ? tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyVideoProducerCallback_prepareSwigExplicitProxyVideoProducerCallback(swigCPtr, width, height, fps) : tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyVideoProducerCallback_prepare(swigCPtr, width, height, fps));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public virtual int start() {
+ int ret = (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("start", swigMethodTypes1) ? tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyVideoProducerCallback_startSwigExplicitProxyVideoProducerCallback(swigCPtr) : tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyVideoProducerCallback_start(swigCPtr));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public virtual int pause() {
+ int ret = (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("pause", swigMethodTypes2) ? tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyVideoProducerCallback_pauseSwigExplicitProxyVideoProducerCallback(swigCPtr) : tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyVideoProducerCallback_pause(swigCPtr));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public virtual int stop() {
+ int ret = (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("stop", swigMethodTypes3) ? tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyVideoProducerCallback_stopSwigExplicitProxyVideoProducerCallback(swigCPtr) : tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyVideoProducerCallback_stop(swigCPtr));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ private void SwigDirectorConnect() {
+ if (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("prepare", swigMethodTypes0))
+ swigDelegate0 = new SwigDelegateProxyVideoProducerCallback_0(SwigDirectorprepare);
+ if (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("start", swigMethodTypes1))
+ swigDelegate1 = new SwigDelegateProxyVideoProducerCallback_1(SwigDirectorstart);
+ if (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("pause", swigMethodTypes2))
+ swigDelegate2 = new SwigDelegateProxyVideoProducerCallback_2(SwigDirectorpause);
+ if (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("stop", swigMethodTypes3))
+ swigDelegate3 = new SwigDelegateProxyVideoProducerCallback_3(SwigDirectorstop);
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.ProxyVideoProducerCallback_director_connect(swigCPtr, swigDelegate0, swigDelegate1, swigDelegate2, swigDelegate3);
+ }
+ private bool SwigDerivedClassHasMethod(string methodName, Type[] methodTypes) {
+ System.Reflection.MethodInfo methodInfo = this.GetType().GetMethod(methodName, System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance, null, methodTypes, null);
+ bool hasDerivedMethod = methodInfo.DeclaringType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(ProxyVideoProducerCallback));
+ return hasDerivedMethod;
+ }
+ private int SwigDirectorprepare(int width, int height, int fps) {
+ return prepare(width, height, fps);
+ }
+ private int SwigDirectorstart() {
+ return start();
+ }
+ private int SwigDirectorpause() {
+ return pause();
+ }
+ private int SwigDirectorstop() {
+ return stop();
+ }
+ public delegate int SwigDelegateProxyVideoProducerCallback_0(int width, int height, int fps);
+ public delegate int SwigDelegateProxyVideoProducerCallback_1();
+ public delegate int SwigDelegateProxyVideoProducerCallback_2();
+ public delegate int SwigDelegateProxyVideoProducerCallback_3();
+ private SwigDelegateProxyVideoProducerCallback_0 swigDelegate0;
+ private SwigDelegateProxyVideoProducerCallback_1 swigDelegate1;
+ private SwigDelegateProxyVideoProducerCallback_2 swigDelegate2;
+ private SwigDelegateProxyVideoProducerCallback_3 swigDelegate3;
+ private static Type[] swigMethodTypes0 = new Type[] { typeof(int), typeof(int), typeof(int) };
+ private static Type[] swigMethodTypes1 = new Type[] { };
+ private static Type[] swigMethodTypes2 = new Type[] { };
+ private static Type[] swigMethodTypes3 = new Type[] { };
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/PublicationEvent.cs b/bindings/csharp/PublicationEvent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df20ffe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/PublicationEvent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class PublicationEvent : SipEvent {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ internal PublicationEvent(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) : base(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.PublicationEvent_SWIGUpcast(cPtr), cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(PublicationEvent obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~PublicationEvent() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public override void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_PublicationEvent(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ base.Dispose();
+ }
+ }
+ public tsip_publish_event_type_t getType() {
+ tsip_publish_event_type_t ret = (tsip_publish_event_type_t)tinyWRAPPINVOKE.PublicationEvent_getType(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public PublicationSession getSession() {
+ IntPtr cPtr = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.PublicationEvent_getSession(swigCPtr);
+ PublicationSession ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new PublicationSession(cPtr, false);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public PublicationSession takeSessionOwnership() {
+ IntPtr cPtr = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.PublicationEvent_takeSessionOwnership(swigCPtr);
+ PublicationSession ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new PublicationSession(cPtr, false);
+ return ret;
+ }
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/PublicationSession.cs b/bindings/csharp/PublicationSession.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b27ce41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/PublicationSession.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class PublicationSession : SipSession {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ internal PublicationSession(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) : base(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.PublicationSession_SWIGUpcast(cPtr), cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(PublicationSession obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~PublicationSession() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public override void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_PublicationSession(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ base.Dispose();
+ }
+ }
+ public PublicationSession(SipStack pStack) : this(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.new_PublicationSession(SipStack.getCPtr(pStack)), true) {
+ }
+ public bool publish(IntPtr payload, uint len, ActionConfig config) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.PublicationSession_publish__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, payload, len, ActionConfig.getCPtr(config));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool publish(IntPtr payload, uint len) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.PublicationSession_publish__SWIG_1(swigCPtr, payload, len);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool unPublish(ActionConfig config) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.PublicationSession_unPublish__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, ActionConfig.getCPtr(config));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool unPublish() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.PublicationSession_unPublish__SWIG_1(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/RPMessage.cs b/bindings/csharp/RPMessage.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44f9274
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/RPMessage.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class RPMessage : IDisposable {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ protected bool swigCMemOwn;
+ internal RPMessage(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = cMemoryOwn;
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(RPMessage obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~RPMessage() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public virtual void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_RPMessage(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ }
+ }
+ public byte[] getPayload() {
+ uint clen = this.getPayloadLength();
+ if(clen>0){
+ IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)clen);
+ this.getPayload(ptr, clen);
+ byte[] bytes = new byte[clen];
+ Marshal.Copy(ptr, bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
+ Marshal.FreeHGlobal(ptr);
+ return bytes;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public RPMessage() : this(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.new_RPMessage(), true) {
+ }
+ public twrap_rpmessage_type_t getType() {
+ twrap_rpmessage_type_t ret = (twrap_rpmessage_type_t)tinyWRAPPINVOKE.RPMessage_getType(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public uint getPayloadLength() {
+ uint ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.RPMessage_getPayloadLength(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public uint getPayload(IntPtr output, uint maxsize) {
+ uint ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.RPMessage_getPayload(swigCPtr, output, maxsize);
+ return ret;
+ }
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/RegistrationEvent.cs b/bindings/csharp/RegistrationEvent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6268b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/RegistrationEvent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class RegistrationEvent : SipEvent {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ internal RegistrationEvent(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) : base(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.RegistrationEvent_SWIGUpcast(cPtr), cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(RegistrationEvent obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~RegistrationEvent() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public override void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_RegistrationEvent(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ base.Dispose();
+ }
+ }
+ public tsip_register_event_type_t getType() {
+ tsip_register_event_type_t ret = (tsip_register_event_type_t)tinyWRAPPINVOKE.RegistrationEvent_getType(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public RegistrationSession getSession() {
+ IntPtr cPtr = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.RegistrationEvent_getSession(swigCPtr);
+ RegistrationSession ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new RegistrationSession(cPtr, false);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public RegistrationSession takeSessionOwnership() {
+ IntPtr cPtr = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.RegistrationEvent_takeSessionOwnership(swigCPtr);
+ RegistrationSession ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new RegistrationSession(cPtr, true);
+ return ret;
+ }
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/RegistrationSession.cs b/bindings/csharp/RegistrationSession.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1191f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/RegistrationSession.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class RegistrationSession : SipSession {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ internal RegistrationSession(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) : base(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.RegistrationSession_SWIGUpcast(cPtr), cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(RegistrationSession obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~RegistrationSession() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public override void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_RegistrationSession(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ base.Dispose();
+ }
+ }
+ public RegistrationSession(SipStack pStack) : this(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.new_RegistrationSession(SipStack.getCPtr(pStack)), true) {
+ }
+ public bool register_(ActionConfig config) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.RegistrationSession_register___SWIG_0(swigCPtr, ActionConfig.getCPtr(config));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool register_() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.RegistrationSession_register___SWIG_1(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool unRegister(ActionConfig config) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.RegistrationSession_unRegister__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, ActionConfig.getCPtr(config));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool unRegister() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.RegistrationSession_unRegister__SWIG_1(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool accept(ActionConfig config) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.RegistrationSession_accept__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, ActionConfig.getCPtr(config));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool accept() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.RegistrationSession_accept__SWIG_1(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool reject(ActionConfig config) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.RegistrationSession_reject__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, ActionConfig.getCPtr(config));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool reject() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.RegistrationSession_reject__SWIG_1(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/SMSData.cs b/bindings/csharp/SMSData.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3050802
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/SMSData.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SMSData : IDisposable {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ protected bool swigCMemOwn;
+ internal SMSData(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = cMemoryOwn;
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SMSData obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~SMSData() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public virtual void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_SMSData(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ }
+ }
+ public byte[] getPayload() {
+ uint clen = this.getPayloadLength();
+ if(clen>0){
+ IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)clen);
+ this.getPayload(ptr, clen);
+ byte[] bytes = new byte[clen];
+ Marshal.Copy(ptr, bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
+ Marshal.FreeHGlobal(ptr);
+ return bytes;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public SMSData() : this(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.new_SMSData(), true) {
+ }
+ public twrap_sms_type_t getType() {
+ twrap_sms_type_t ret = (twrap_sms_type_t)tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SMSData_getType(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public int getMR() {
+ int ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SMSData_getMR(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public uint getPayloadLength() {
+ uint ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SMSData_getPayloadLength(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public uint getPayload(IntPtr output, uint maxsize) {
+ uint ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SMSData_getPayload(swigCPtr, output, maxsize);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public string getOA() {
+ string ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SMSData_getOA(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public string getDA() {
+ string ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SMSData_getDA(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/SMSEncoder.cs b/bindings/csharp/SMSEncoder.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19df1fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/SMSEncoder.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SMSEncoder : IDisposable {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ protected bool swigCMemOwn;
+ internal SMSEncoder(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = cMemoryOwn;
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SMSEncoder obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~SMSEncoder() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public virtual void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_SMSEncoder(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ }
+ }
+ public static RPMessage encodeSubmit(int mr, string smsc, string destination, string ascii) {
+ IntPtr cPtr = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SMSEncoder_encodeSubmit(mr, smsc, destination, ascii);
+ RPMessage ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new RPMessage(cPtr, true);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static RPMessage encodeDeliver(int mr, string smsc, string originator, string ascii) {
+ IntPtr cPtr = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SMSEncoder_encodeDeliver(mr, smsc, originator, ascii);
+ RPMessage ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new RPMessage(cPtr, true);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static RPMessage encodeACK(int mr, string smsc, string destination, bool forSUBMIT) {
+ IntPtr cPtr = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SMSEncoder_encodeACK(mr, smsc, destination, forSUBMIT);
+ RPMessage ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new RPMessage(cPtr, true);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static RPMessage encodeError(int mr, string smsc, string destination, bool forSUBMIT) {
+ IntPtr cPtr = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SMSEncoder_encodeError(mr, smsc, destination, forSUBMIT);
+ RPMessage ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new RPMessage(cPtr, true);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static SMSData decode(IntPtr data, uint size, bool MobOrig) {
+ IntPtr cPtr = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SMSEncoder_decode(data, size, MobOrig);
+ SMSData ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new SMSData(cPtr, true);
+ return ret;
+ }
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/SafeObject.cs b/bindings/csharp/SafeObject.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ead0333
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/SafeObject.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SafeObject : IDisposable {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ protected bool swigCMemOwn;
+ internal SafeObject(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = cMemoryOwn;
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SafeObject obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~SafeObject() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public virtual void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_SafeObject(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ }
+ }
+ public SafeObject() : this(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.new_SafeObject(), true) {
+ }
+ public int Lock() {
+ int ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SafeObject_Lock(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public int UnLock() {
+ int ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SafeObject_UnLock(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/SdpMessage.cs b/bindings/csharp/SdpMessage.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f59a00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/SdpMessage.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SdpMessage : IDisposable {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ protected bool swigCMemOwn;
+ internal SdpMessage(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = cMemoryOwn;
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SdpMessage obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~SdpMessage() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public virtual void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_SdpMessage(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ }
+ }
+ public SdpMessage() : this(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.new_SdpMessage(), true) {
+ }
+ public string getSdpHeaderValue(string media, char name, uint index) {
+ string ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SdpMessage_getSdpHeaderValue__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, media, name, index);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public string getSdpHeaderValue(string media, char name) {
+ string ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SdpMessage_getSdpHeaderValue__SWIG_1(swigCPtr, media, name);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public string getSdpHeaderAValue(string media, string attributeName) {
+ string ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SdpMessage_getSdpHeaderAValue(swigCPtr, media, attributeName);
+ return ret;
+ }
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/SipCallback.cs b/bindings/csharp/SipCallback.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0505f7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/SipCallback.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SipCallback : IDisposable {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ protected bool swigCMemOwn;
+ internal SipCallback(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = cMemoryOwn;
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SipCallback obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~SipCallback() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public virtual void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_SipCallback(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ }
+ }
+ public SipCallback() : this(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.new_SipCallback(), true) {
+ SwigDirectorConnect();
+ }
+ public virtual int OnDialogEvent(DialogEvent e) {
+ int ret = (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("OnDialogEvent", swigMethodTypes0) ? tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipCallback_OnDialogEventSwigExplicitSipCallback(swigCPtr, DialogEvent.getCPtr(e)) : tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipCallback_OnDialogEvent(swigCPtr, DialogEvent.getCPtr(e)));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public virtual int OnStackEvent(StackEvent e) {
+ int ret = (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("OnStackEvent", swigMethodTypes1) ? tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipCallback_OnStackEventSwigExplicitSipCallback(swigCPtr, StackEvent.getCPtr(e)) : tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipCallback_OnStackEvent(swigCPtr, StackEvent.getCPtr(e)));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public virtual int OnInviteEvent(InviteEvent e) {
+ int ret = (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("OnInviteEvent", swigMethodTypes2) ? tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipCallback_OnInviteEventSwigExplicitSipCallback(swigCPtr, InviteEvent.getCPtr(e)) : tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipCallback_OnInviteEvent(swigCPtr, InviteEvent.getCPtr(e)));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public virtual int OnMessagingEvent(MessagingEvent e) {
+ int ret = (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("OnMessagingEvent", swigMethodTypes3) ? tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipCallback_OnMessagingEventSwigExplicitSipCallback(swigCPtr, MessagingEvent.getCPtr(e)) : tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipCallback_OnMessagingEvent(swigCPtr, MessagingEvent.getCPtr(e)));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public virtual int OnInfoEvent(InfoEvent e) {
+ int ret = (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("OnInfoEvent", swigMethodTypes4) ? tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipCallback_OnInfoEventSwigExplicitSipCallback(swigCPtr, InfoEvent.getCPtr(e)) : tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipCallback_OnInfoEvent(swigCPtr, InfoEvent.getCPtr(e)));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public virtual int OnOptionsEvent(OptionsEvent e) {
+ int ret = (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("OnOptionsEvent", swigMethodTypes5) ? tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipCallback_OnOptionsEventSwigExplicitSipCallback(swigCPtr, OptionsEvent.getCPtr(e)) : tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipCallback_OnOptionsEvent(swigCPtr, OptionsEvent.getCPtr(e)));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public virtual int OnPublicationEvent(PublicationEvent e) {
+ int ret = (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("OnPublicationEvent", swigMethodTypes6) ? tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipCallback_OnPublicationEventSwigExplicitSipCallback(swigCPtr, PublicationEvent.getCPtr(e)) : tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipCallback_OnPublicationEvent(swigCPtr, PublicationEvent.getCPtr(e)));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public virtual int OnRegistrationEvent(RegistrationEvent e) {
+ int ret = (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("OnRegistrationEvent", swigMethodTypes7) ? tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipCallback_OnRegistrationEventSwigExplicitSipCallback(swigCPtr, RegistrationEvent.getCPtr(e)) : tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipCallback_OnRegistrationEvent(swigCPtr, RegistrationEvent.getCPtr(e)));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public virtual int OnSubscriptionEvent(SubscriptionEvent e) {
+ int ret = (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("OnSubscriptionEvent", swigMethodTypes8) ? tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipCallback_OnSubscriptionEventSwigExplicitSipCallback(swigCPtr, SubscriptionEvent.getCPtr(e)) : tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipCallback_OnSubscriptionEvent(swigCPtr, SubscriptionEvent.getCPtr(e)));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ private void SwigDirectorConnect() {
+ if (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("OnDialogEvent", swigMethodTypes0))
+ swigDelegate0 = new SwigDelegateSipCallback_0(SwigDirectorOnDialogEvent);
+ if (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("OnStackEvent", swigMethodTypes1))
+ swigDelegate1 = new SwigDelegateSipCallback_1(SwigDirectorOnStackEvent);
+ if (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("OnInviteEvent", swigMethodTypes2))
+ swigDelegate2 = new SwigDelegateSipCallback_2(SwigDirectorOnInviteEvent);
+ if (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("OnMessagingEvent", swigMethodTypes3))
+ swigDelegate3 = new SwigDelegateSipCallback_3(SwigDirectorOnMessagingEvent);
+ if (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("OnInfoEvent", swigMethodTypes4))
+ swigDelegate4 = new SwigDelegateSipCallback_4(SwigDirectorOnInfoEvent);
+ if (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("OnOptionsEvent", swigMethodTypes5))
+ swigDelegate5 = new SwigDelegateSipCallback_5(SwigDirectorOnOptionsEvent);
+ if (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("OnPublicationEvent", swigMethodTypes6))
+ swigDelegate6 = new SwigDelegateSipCallback_6(SwigDirectorOnPublicationEvent);
+ if (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("OnRegistrationEvent", swigMethodTypes7))
+ swigDelegate7 = new SwigDelegateSipCallback_7(SwigDirectorOnRegistrationEvent);
+ if (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("OnSubscriptionEvent", swigMethodTypes8))
+ swigDelegate8 = new SwigDelegateSipCallback_8(SwigDirectorOnSubscriptionEvent);
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipCallback_director_connect(swigCPtr, swigDelegate0, swigDelegate1, swigDelegate2, swigDelegate3, swigDelegate4, swigDelegate5, swigDelegate6, swigDelegate7, swigDelegate8);
+ }
+ private bool SwigDerivedClassHasMethod(string methodName, Type[] methodTypes) {
+ System.Reflection.MethodInfo methodInfo = this.GetType().GetMethod(methodName, System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance, null, methodTypes, null);
+ bool hasDerivedMethod = methodInfo.DeclaringType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(SipCallback));
+ return hasDerivedMethod;
+ }
+ private int SwigDirectorOnDialogEvent(IntPtr e) {
+ return OnDialogEvent((e == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new DialogEvent(e, false));
+ }
+ private int SwigDirectorOnStackEvent(IntPtr e) {
+ return OnStackEvent((e == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new StackEvent(e, false));
+ }
+ private int SwigDirectorOnInviteEvent(IntPtr e) {
+ return OnInviteEvent((e == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new InviteEvent(e, false));
+ }
+ private int SwigDirectorOnMessagingEvent(IntPtr e) {
+ return OnMessagingEvent((e == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new MessagingEvent(e, false));
+ }
+ private int SwigDirectorOnInfoEvent(IntPtr e) {
+ return OnInfoEvent((e == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new InfoEvent(e, false));
+ }
+ private int SwigDirectorOnOptionsEvent(IntPtr e) {
+ return OnOptionsEvent((e == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new OptionsEvent(e, false));
+ }
+ private int SwigDirectorOnPublicationEvent(IntPtr e) {
+ return OnPublicationEvent((e == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new PublicationEvent(e, false));
+ }
+ private int SwigDirectorOnRegistrationEvent(IntPtr e) {
+ return OnRegistrationEvent((e == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new RegistrationEvent(e, false));
+ }
+ private int SwigDirectorOnSubscriptionEvent(IntPtr e) {
+ return OnSubscriptionEvent((e == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new SubscriptionEvent(e, false));
+ }
+ public delegate int SwigDelegateSipCallback_0(IntPtr e);
+ public delegate int SwigDelegateSipCallback_1(IntPtr e);
+ public delegate int SwigDelegateSipCallback_2(IntPtr e);
+ public delegate int SwigDelegateSipCallback_3(IntPtr e);
+ public delegate int SwigDelegateSipCallback_4(IntPtr e);
+ public delegate int SwigDelegateSipCallback_5(IntPtr e);
+ public delegate int SwigDelegateSipCallback_6(IntPtr e);
+ public delegate int SwigDelegateSipCallback_7(IntPtr e);
+ public delegate int SwigDelegateSipCallback_8(IntPtr e);
+ private SwigDelegateSipCallback_0 swigDelegate0;
+ private SwigDelegateSipCallback_1 swigDelegate1;
+ private SwigDelegateSipCallback_2 swigDelegate2;
+ private SwigDelegateSipCallback_3 swigDelegate3;
+ private SwigDelegateSipCallback_4 swigDelegate4;
+ private SwigDelegateSipCallback_5 swigDelegate5;
+ private SwigDelegateSipCallback_6 swigDelegate6;
+ private SwigDelegateSipCallback_7 swigDelegate7;
+ private SwigDelegateSipCallback_8 swigDelegate8;
+ private static Type[] swigMethodTypes0 = new Type[] { typeof(DialogEvent) };
+ private static Type[] swigMethodTypes1 = new Type[] { typeof(StackEvent) };
+ private static Type[] swigMethodTypes2 = new Type[] { typeof(InviteEvent) };
+ private static Type[] swigMethodTypes3 = new Type[] { typeof(MessagingEvent) };
+ private static Type[] swigMethodTypes4 = new Type[] { typeof(InfoEvent) };
+ private static Type[] swigMethodTypes5 = new Type[] { typeof(OptionsEvent) };
+ private static Type[] swigMethodTypes6 = new Type[] { typeof(PublicationEvent) };
+ private static Type[] swigMethodTypes7 = new Type[] { typeof(RegistrationEvent) };
+ private static Type[] swigMethodTypes8 = new Type[] { typeof(SubscriptionEvent) };
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/SipEvent.cs b/bindings/csharp/SipEvent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..553b98f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/SipEvent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SipEvent : IDisposable {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ protected bool swigCMemOwn;
+ internal SipEvent(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = cMemoryOwn;
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SipEvent obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~SipEvent() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public virtual void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_SipEvent(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ }
+ }
+ public short getCode() {
+ short ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipEvent_getCode(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public string getPhrase() {
+ string ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipEvent_getPhrase(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public SipSession getBaseSession() {
+ IntPtr cPtr = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipEvent_getBaseSession(swigCPtr);
+ SipSession ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new SipSession(cPtr, false);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public SipMessage getSipMessage() {
+ IntPtr cPtr = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipEvent_getSipMessage(swigCPtr);
+ SipMessage ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new SipMessage(cPtr, false);
+ return ret;
+ }
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/SipMessage.cs b/bindings/csharp/SipMessage.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..657c1b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/SipMessage.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SipMessage : IDisposable {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ protected bool swigCMemOwn;
+ internal SipMessage(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = cMemoryOwn;
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SipMessage obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~SipMessage() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public virtual void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_SipMessage(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ }
+ }
+ public byte[] getSipContent() {
+ uint clen = this.getSipContentLength();
+ if(clen>0){
+ IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)clen);
+ this.getSipContent(ptr, clen);
+ byte[] bytes = new byte[clen];
+ Marshal.Copy(ptr, bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
+ Marshal.FreeHGlobal(ptr);
+ return bytes;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public SipMessage() : this(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.new_SipMessage(), true) {
+ }
+ public bool isResponse() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipMessage_isResponse(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public tsip_request_type_t getRequestType() {
+ tsip_request_type_t ret = (tsip_request_type_t)tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipMessage_getRequestType(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public short getResponseCode() {
+ short ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipMessage_getResponseCode(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public string getResponsePhrase() {
+ string ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipMessage_getResponsePhrase(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public string getSipHeaderValue(string name, uint index) {
+ string ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipMessage_getSipHeaderValue__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, name, index);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public string getSipHeaderValue(string name) {
+ string ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipMessage_getSipHeaderValue__SWIG_1(swigCPtr, name);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public string getSipHeaderParamValue(string name, string param, uint index) {
+ string ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipMessage_getSipHeaderParamValue__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, name, param, index);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public string getSipHeaderParamValue(string name, string param) {
+ string ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipMessage_getSipHeaderParamValue__SWIG_1(swigCPtr, name, param);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public uint getSipContentLength() {
+ uint ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipMessage_getSipContentLength(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public uint getSipContent(IntPtr output, uint maxsize) {
+ uint ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipMessage_getSipContent(swigCPtr, output, maxsize);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public SdpMessage getSdpMessage() {
+ IntPtr cPtr = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipMessage_getSdpMessage(swigCPtr);
+ SdpMessage ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new SdpMessage(cPtr, false);
+ return ret;
+ }
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/SipSession.cs b/bindings/csharp/SipSession.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbc418e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/SipSession.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SipSession : IDisposable {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ protected bool swigCMemOwn;
+ internal SipSession(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = cMemoryOwn;
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SipSession obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~SipSession() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public virtual void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_SipSession(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ }
+ }
+ public SipSession(SipStack stack) : this(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.new_SipSession(SipStack.getCPtr(stack)), true) {
+ }
+ public bool haveOwnership() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipSession_haveOwnership(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool addHeader(string name, string value) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipSession_addHeader(swigCPtr, name, value);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool removeHeader(string name) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipSession_removeHeader(swigCPtr, name);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool addCaps(string name, string value) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipSession_addCaps__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, name, value);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool addCaps(string name) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipSession_addCaps__SWIG_1(swigCPtr, name);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool removeCaps(string name) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipSession_removeCaps(swigCPtr, name);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setExpires(uint expires) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipSession_setExpires(swigCPtr, expires);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setFromUri(string fromUriString) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipSession_setFromUri__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, fromUriString);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setFromUri(SipUri fromUri) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipSession_setFromUri__SWIG_1(swigCPtr, SipUri.getCPtr(fromUri));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setToUri(string toUriString) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipSession_setToUri__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, toUriString);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setToUri(SipUri toUri) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipSession_setToUri__SWIG_1(swigCPtr, SipUri.getCPtr(toUri));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setSilentHangup(bool silent) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipSession_setSilentHangup(swigCPtr, silent);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool addSigCompCompartment(string compId) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipSession_addSigCompCompartment(swigCPtr, compId);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool removeSigCompCompartment() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipSession_removeSigCompCompartment(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public uint getId() {
+ uint ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipSession_getId(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/SipStack.cs b/bindings/csharp/SipStack.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1459325
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/SipStack.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SipStack : SafeObject {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ internal SipStack(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) : base(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipStack_SWIGUpcast(cPtr), cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SipStack obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~SipStack() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public override void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_SipStack(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ base.Dispose();
+ }
+ }
+ public SipStack(SipCallback pCallback, string realm_uri, string impi_uri, string impu_uri) : this(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.new_SipStack(SipCallback.getCPtr(pCallback), realm_uri, impi_uri, impu_uri), true) {
+ }
+ public bool start() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipStack_start(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setDebugCallback(DDebugCallback pCallback) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipStack_setDebugCallback(swigCPtr, DDebugCallback.getCPtr(pCallback));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setDisplayName(string display_name) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipStack_setDisplayName(swigCPtr, display_name);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setRealm(string realm_uri) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipStack_setRealm(swigCPtr, realm_uri);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setIMPI(string impi) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipStack_setIMPI(swigCPtr, impi);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setIMPU(string impu_uri) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipStack_setIMPU(swigCPtr, impu_uri);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setPassword(string password) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipStack_setPassword(swigCPtr, password);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setAMF(string amf) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipStack_setAMF(swigCPtr, amf);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setOperatorId(string opid) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipStack_setOperatorId(swigCPtr, opid);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setProxyCSCF(string fqdn, ushort port, string transport, string ipversion) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipStack_setProxyCSCF(swigCPtr, fqdn, port, transport, ipversion);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setLocalIP(string ip, string transport) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipStack_setLocalIP__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, ip, transport);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setLocalIP(string ip) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipStack_setLocalIP__SWIG_1(swigCPtr, ip);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setLocalPort(ushort port, string transport) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipStack_setLocalPort__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, port, transport);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setLocalPort(ushort port) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipStack_setLocalPort__SWIG_1(swigCPtr, port);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setEarlyIMS(bool enabled) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipStack_setEarlyIMS(swigCPtr, enabled);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool addHeader(string name, string value) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipStack_addHeader(swigCPtr, name, value);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool removeHeader(string name) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipStack_removeHeader(swigCPtr, name);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool addDnsServer(string ip) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipStack_addDnsServer(swigCPtr, ip);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setDnsDiscovery(bool enabled) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipStack_setDnsDiscovery(swigCPtr, enabled);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setAoR(string ip, int port) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipStack_setAoR(swigCPtr, ip, port);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setSigCompParams(uint dms, uint sms, uint cpb, bool enablePresDict) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipStack_setSigCompParams(swigCPtr, dms, sms, cpb, enablePresDict);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool addSigCompCompartment(string compId) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipStack_addSigCompCompartment(swigCPtr, compId);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool removeSigCompCompartment(string compId) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipStack_removeSigCompCompartment(swigCPtr, compId);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setSTUNEnabledForICE(bool enabled) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipStack_setSTUNEnabledForICE(swigCPtr, enabled);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setSTUNServer(string hostname, ushort port) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipStack_setSTUNServer(swigCPtr, hostname, port);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setSTUNCred(string login, string password) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipStack_setSTUNCred(swigCPtr, login, password);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setSTUNEnabled(bool enabled) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipStack_setSTUNEnabled(swigCPtr, enabled);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setTLSSecAgree(bool enabled) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipStack_setTLSSecAgree(swigCPtr, enabled);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setSSLCertificates(string privKey, string pubKey, string caKey, bool verify) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipStack_setSSLCertificates__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, privKey, pubKey, caKey, verify);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setSSLCertificates(string privKey, string pubKey, string caKey) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipStack_setSSLCertificates__SWIG_1(swigCPtr, privKey, pubKey, caKey);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setSSLCretificates(string privKey, string pubKey, string caKey, bool verify) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipStack_setSSLCretificates__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, privKey, pubKey, caKey, verify);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setSSLCretificates(string privKey, string pubKey, string caKey) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipStack_setSSLCretificates__SWIG_1(swigCPtr, privKey, pubKey, caKey);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setIPSecSecAgree(bool enabled) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipStack_setIPSecSecAgree(swigCPtr, enabled);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setIPSecParameters(string algo, string ealgo, string mode, string proto) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipStack_setIPSecParameters(swigCPtr, algo, ealgo, mode, proto);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public string dnsENUM(string service, string e164num, string domain) {
+ string ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipStack_dnsENUM(swigCPtr, service, e164num, domain);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public string dnsNaptrSrv(string domain, string service, out ushort OUTPUT) {
+ string ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipStack_dnsNaptrSrv(swigCPtr, domain, service, out OUTPUT);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public string dnsSrv(string service, out ushort OUTPUT) {
+ string ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipStack_dnsSrv(swigCPtr, service, out OUTPUT);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setMaxFDs(uint max_fds) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipStack_setMaxFDs(swigCPtr, max_fds);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public string getLocalIPnPort(string protocol, out ushort OUTPUT) {
+ string ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipStack_getLocalIPnPort(swigCPtr, protocol, out OUTPUT);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public string getPreferredIdentity() {
+ string ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipStack_getPreferredIdentity(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool isValid() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipStack_isValid(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool stop() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipStack_stop(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool initialize() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipStack_initialize();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool deInitialize() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipStack_deInitialize();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static void setCodecs(tdav_codec_id_t codecs) {
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipStack_setCodecs((int)codecs);
+ }
+ public static void setCodecs_2(long codecs) {
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipStack_setCodecs_2(codecs);
+ }
+ public static bool setCodecPriority(tdav_codec_id_t codec_id, int priority) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipStack_setCodecPriority((int)codec_id, priority);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool setCodecPriority_2(int codec, int priority) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipStack_setCodecPriority_2(codec, priority);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool isCodecSupported(tdav_codec_id_t codec_id) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipStack_isCodecSupported((int)codec_id);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static bool isIPSecSupported() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipStack_isIPSecSupported();
+ return ret;
+ }
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/SipUri.cs b/bindings/csharp/SipUri.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9679a66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/SipUri.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SipUri : IDisposable {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ protected bool swigCMemOwn;
+ internal SipUri(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = cMemoryOwn;
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SipUri obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~SipUri() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public virtual void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_SipUri(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ }
+ }
+ public SipUri(string uriString, string displayName) : this(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.new_SipUri__SWIG_0(uriString, displayName), true) {
+ }
+ public SipUri(string uriString) : this(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.new_SipUri__SWIG_1(uriString), true) {
+ }
+ public static bool isValid(string arg0) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipUri_isValid__SWIG_0(arg0);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool isValid() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipUri_isValid__SWIG_1(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public string getScheme() {
+ string ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipUri_getScheme(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public string getHost() {
+ string ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipUri_getHost(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public ushort getPort() {
+ ushort ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipUri_getPort(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public string getUserName() {
+ string ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipUri_getUserName(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public string getPassword() {
+ string ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipUri_getPassword(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public string getDisplayName() {
+ string ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipUri_getDisplayName(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public string getParamValue(string pname) {
+ string ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipUri_getParamValue(swigCPtr, pname);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public void setDisplayName(string displayName) {
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SipUri_setDisplayName(swigCPtr, displayName);
+ }
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/StackEvent.cs b/bindings/csharp/StackEvent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ca9068
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/StackEvent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class StackEvent : SipEvent {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ internal StackEvent(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) : base(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.StackEvent_SWIGUpcast(cPtr), cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(StackEvent obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~StackEvent() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public override void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_StackEvent(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ base.Dispose();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/SubscriptionEvent.cs b/bindings/csharp/SubscriptionEvent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbc3c41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/SubscriptionEvent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SubscriptionEvent : SipEvent {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ internal SubscriptionEvent(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) : base(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SubscriptionEvent_SWIGUpcast(cPtr), cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SubscriptionEvent obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~SubscriptionEvent() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public override void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_SubscriptionEvent(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ base.Dispose();
+ }
+ }
+ public tsip_subscribe_event_type_t getType() {
+ tsip_subscribe_event_type_t ret = (tsip_subscribe_event_type_t)tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SubscriptionEvent_getType(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public SubscriptionSession getSession() {
+ IntPtr cPtr = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SubscriptionEvent_getSession(swigCPtr);
+ SubscriptionSession ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new SubscriptionSession(cPtr, false);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public SubscriptionSession takeSessionOwnership() {
+ IntPtr cPtr = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SubscriptionEvent_takeSessionOwnership(swigCPtr);
+ SubscriptionSession ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new SubscriptionSession(cPtr, false);
+ return ret;
+ }
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/SubscriptionSession.cs b/bindings/csharp/SubscriptionSession.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9b2e90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/SubscriptionSession.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class SubscriptionSession : SipSession {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ internal SubscriptionSession(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) : base(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SubscriptionSession_SWIGUpcast(cPtr), cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(SubscriptionSession obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~SubscriptionSession() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public override void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_SubscriptionSession(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ base.Dispose();
+ }
+ }
+ public SubscriptionSession(SipStack pStack) : this(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.new_SubscriptionSession(SipStack.getCPtr(pStack)), true) {
+ }
+ public bool subscribe() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SubscriptionSession_subscribe(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool unSubscribe() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.SubscriptionSession_unSubscribe(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/T140Callback.cs b/bindings/csharp/T140Callback.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a32e392
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/T140Callback.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class T140Callback : IDisposable {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ protected bool swigCMemOwn;
+ internal T140Callback(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = cMemoryOwn;
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(T140Callback obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~T140Callback() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public virtual void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_T140Callback(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ }
+ }
+ public T140Callback() : this(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.new_T140Callback(), true) {
+ SwigDirectorConnect();
+ }
+ public virtual int ondata(T140CallbackData pData) {
+ int ret = (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("ondata", swigMethodTypes0) ? tinyWRAPPINVOKE.T140Callback_ondataSwigExplicitT140Callback(swigCPtr, T140CallbackData.getCPtr(pData)) : tinyWRAPPINVOKE.T140Callback_ondata(swigCPtr, T140CallbackData.getCPtr(pData)));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ private void SwigDirectorConnect() {
+ if (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("ondata", swigMethodTypes0))
+ swigDelegate0 = new SwigDelegateT140Callback_0(SwigDirectorondata);
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.T140Callback_director_connect(swigCPtr, swigDelegate0);
+ }
+ private bool SwigDerivedClassHasMethod(string methodName, Type[] methodTypes) {
+ System.Reflection.MethodInfo methodInfo = this.GetType().GetMethod(methodName, System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance, null, methodTypes, null);
+ bool hasDerivedMethod = methodInfo.DeclaringType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(T140Callback));
+ return hasDerivedMethod;
+ }
+ private int SwigDirectorondata(IntPtr pData) {
+ return ondata((pData == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new T140CallbackData(pData, false));
+ }
+ public delegate int SwigDelegateT140Callback_0(IntPtr pData);
+ private SwigDelegateT140Callback_0 swigDelegate0;
+ private static Type[] swigMethodTypes0 = new Type[] { typeof(T140CallbackData) };
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/T140CallbackData.cs b/bindings/csharp/T140CallbackData.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5e5385
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/T140CallbackData.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class T140CallbackData : IDisposable {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ protected bool swigCMemOwn;
+ internal T140CallbackData(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = cMemoryOwn;
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(T140CallbackData obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~T140CallbackData() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public virtual void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_T140CallbackData(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ }
+ }
+ public tmedia_t140_data_type_t getType() {
+ tmedia_t140_data_type_t ret = (tmedia_t140_data_type_t)tinyWRAPPINVOKE.T140CallbackData_getType(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public uint getSize() {
+ uint ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.T140CallbackData_getSize(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public uint getData(IntPtr pOutput, uint nMaxsize) {
+ uint ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.T140CallbackData_getData(swigCPtr, pOutput, nMaxsize);
+ return ret;
+ }
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/XcapCallback.cs b/bindings/csharp/XcapCallback.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1e340a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/XcapCallback.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class XcapCallback : IDisposable {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ protected bool swigCMemOwn;
+ internal XcapCallback(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = cMemoryOwn;
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(XcapCallback obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~XcapCallback() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public virtual void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_XcapCallback(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ }
+ }
+ public XcapCallback() : this(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.new_XcapCallback(), true) {
+ SwigDirectorConnect();
+ }
+ public virtual int onEvent(XcapEvent e) {
+ int ret = (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("onEvent", swigMethodTypes0) ? tinyWRAPPINVOKE.XcapCallback_onEventSwigExplicitXcapCallback(swigCPtr, XcapEvent.getCPtr(e)) : tinyWRAPPINVOKE.XcapCallback_onEvent(swigCPtr, XcapEvent.getCPtr(e)));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ private void SwigDirectorConnect() {
+ if (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("onEvent", swigMethodTypes0))
+ swigDelegate0 = new SwigDelegateXcapCallback_0(SwigDirectoronEvent);
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.XcapCallback_director_connect(swigCPtr, swigDelegate0);
+ }
+ private bool SwigDerivedClassHasMethod(string methodName, Type[] methodTypes) {
+ System.Reflection.MethodInfo methodInfo = this.GetType().GetMethod(methodName, System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance, null, methodTypes, null);
+ bool hasDerivedMethod = methodInfo.DeclaringType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(XcapCallback));
+ return hasDerivedMethod;
+ }
+ private int SwigDirectoronEvent(IntPtr e) {
+ return onEvent((e == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new XcapEvent(e, false));
+ }
+ public delegate int SwigDelegateXcapCallback_0(IntPtr e);
+ private SwigDelegateXcapCallback_0 swigDelegate0;
+ private static Type[] swigMethodTypes0 = new Type[] { typeof(XcapEvent) };
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/XcapEvent.cs b/bindings/csharp/XcapEvent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ec23c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/XcapEvent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class XcapEvent : IDisposable {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ protected bool swigCMemOwn;
+ internal XcapEvent(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = cMemoryOwn;
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(XcapEvent obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~XcapEvent() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public virtual void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_XcapEvent(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ }
+ }
+ public thttp_event_type_t getType() {
+ thttp_event_type_t ret = (thttp_event_type_t)tinyWRAPPINVOKE.XcapEvent_getType(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public XcapMessage getXcapMessage() {
+ IntPtr cPtr = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.XcapEvent_getXcapMessage(swigCPtr);
+ XcapMessage ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new XcapMessage(cPtr, false);
+ return ret;
+ }
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/XcapMessage.cs b/bindings/csharp/XcapMessage.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f13295
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/XcapMessage.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class XcapMessage : IDisposable {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ protected bool swigCMemOwn;
+ internal XcapMessage(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = cMemoryOwn;
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(XcapMessage obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~XcapMessage() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public virtual void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_XcapMessage(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ }
+ }
+ public XcapMessage() : this(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.new_XcapMessage(), true) {
+ }
+ public short getCode() {
+ short ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.XcapMessage_getCode(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public string getPhrase() {
+ string ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.XcapMessage_getPhrase(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public string getXcapHeaderValue(string name, uint index) {
+ string ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.XcapMessage_getXcapHeaderValue__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, name, index);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public string getXcapHeaderValue(string name) {
+ string ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.XcapMessage_getXcapHeaderValue__SWIG_1(swigCPtr, name);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public string getXcapHeaderParamValue(string name, string param, uint index) {
+ string ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.XcapMessage_getXcapHeaderParamValue__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, name, param, index);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public string getXcapHeaderParamValue(string name, string param) {
+ string ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.XcapMessage_getXcapHeaderParamValue__SWIG_1(swigCPtr, name, param);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public uint getXcapContentLength() {
+ uint ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.XcapMessage_getXcapContentLength(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public uint getXcapContent(IntPtr output, uint maxsize) {
+ uint ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.XcapMessage_getXcapContent(swigCPtr, output, maxsize);
+ return ret;
+ }
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/XcapSelector.cs b/bindings/csharp/XcapSelector.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5eb77a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/XcapSelector.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class XcapSelector : IDisposable {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ protected bool swigCMemOwn;
+ internal XcapSelector(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = cMemoryOwn;
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(XcapSelector obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~XcapSelector() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public virtual void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_XcapSelector(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ }
+ }
+ public XcapSelector(XcapStack stack) : this(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.new_XcapSelector(XcapStack.getCPtr(stack)), true) {
+ }
+ public XcapSelector setAUID(string auid) {
+ IntPtr cPtr = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.XcapSelector_setAUID(swigCPtr, auid);
+ XcapSelector ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new XcapSelector(cPtr, false);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public XcapSelector setName(string qname) {
+ IntPtr cPtr = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.XcapSelector_setName(swigCPtr, qname);
+ XcapSelector ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new XcapSelector(cPtr, false);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public XcapSelector setAttribute(string qname, string att_qname, string att_value) {
+ IntPtr cPtr = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.XcapSelector_setAttribute(swigCPtr, qname, att_qname, att_value);
+ XcapSelector ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new XcapSelector(cPtr, false);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public XcapSelector setPos(string qname, uint pos) {
+ IntPtr cPtr = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.XcapSelector_setPos(swigCPtr, qname, pos);
+ XcapSelector ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new XcapSelector(cPtr, false);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public XcapSelector setPosAttribute(string qname, uint pos, string att_qname, string att_value) {
+ IntPtr cPtr = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.XcapSelector_setPosAttribute(swigCPtr, qname, pos, att_qname, att_value);
+ XcapSelector ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new XcapSelector(cPtr, false);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public XcapSelector setNamespace(string prefix, string value) {
+ IntPtr cPtr = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.XcapSelector_setNamespace(swigCPtr, prefix, value);
+ XcapSelector ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new XcapSelector(cPtr, false);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public string getString() {
+ string ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.XcapSelector_getString(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public void reset() {
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.XcapSelector_reset(swigCPtr);
+ }
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/XcapStack.cs b/bindings/csharp/XcapStack.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43459d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/XcapStack.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class XcapStack : IDisposable {
+ private HandleRef swigCPtr;
+ protected bool swigCMemOwn;
+ internal XcapStack(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = cMemoryOwn;
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
+ }
+ internal static HandleRef getCPtr(XcapStack obj) {
+ return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
+ }
+ ~XcapStack() {
+ Dispose();
+ }
+ public virtual void Dispose() {
+ lock(this) {
+ if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
+ if (swigCMemOwn) {
+ swigCMemOwn = false;
+ tinyWRAPPINVOKE.delete_XcapStack(swigCPtr);
+ }
+ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
+ }
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+ }
+ }
+ public bool putElement(string url, byte[] payload) {
+ IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(payload.Length);
+ Marshal.Copy(payload, 0, ptr, payload.Length);
+ bool ret = this.putElement(url, ptr, (uint)payload.Length);
+ Marshal.FreeHGlobal(ptr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool putAttribute(string url, byte[] payload) {
+ IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(payload.Length);
+ Marshal.Copy(payload, 0, ptr, payload.Length);
+ bool ret = this.putAttribute(url, ptr, (uint)payload.Length);
+ Marshal.FreeHGlobal(ptr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool putDocument(string url, byte[] payload, string contentType) {
+ IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(payload.Length);
+ Marshal.Copy(payload, 0, ptr, payload.Length);
+ bool ret = this.putDocument(url, ptr, (uint)payload.Length, contentType);
+ Marshal.FreeHGlobal(ptr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public XcapStack(XcapCallback callback, string xui, string password, string xcap_root) : this(tinyWRAPPINVOKE.new_XcapStack(XcapCallback.getCPtr(callback), xui, password, xcap_root), true) {
+ }
+ public bool registerAUID(string id, string mime_type, string ns, string document_name, bool is_global) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.XcapStack_registerAUID(swigCPtr, id, mime_type, ns, document_name, is_global);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool start() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.XcapStack_start(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setCredentials(string xui, string password) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.XcapStack_setCredentials(swigCPtr, xui, password);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setXcapRoot(string xcap_root) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.XcapStack_setXcapRoot(swigCPtr, xcap_root);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setLocalIP(string ip) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.XcapStack_setLocalIP(swigCPtr, ip);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setLocalPort(uint port) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.XcapStack_setLocalPort(swigCPtr, port);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool addHeader(string name, string value) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.XcapStack_addHeader(swigCPtr, name, value);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool removeHeader(string name) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.XcapStack_removeHeader(swigCPtr, name);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool setTimeout(uint timeout) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.XcapStack_setTimeout(swigCPtr, timeout);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool getDocument(string url) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.XcapStack_getDocument(swigCPtr, url);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool getElement(string url) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.XcapStack_getElement(swigCPtr, url);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool getAttribute(string url) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.XcapStack_getAttribute(swigCPtr, url);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool deleteDocument(string url) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.XcapStack_deleteDocument(swigCPtr, url);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool deleteElement(string url) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.XcapStack_deleteElement(swigCPtr, url);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool deleteAttribute(string url) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.XcapStack_deleteAttribute(swigCPtr, url);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool putDocument(string url, IntPtr payload, uint len, string contentType) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.XcapStack_putDocument(swigCPtr, url, payload, len, contentType);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool putElement(string url, IntPtr payload, uint len) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.XcapStack_putElement(swigCPtr, url, payload, len);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool putAttribute(string url, IntPtr payload, uint len) {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.XcapStack_putAttribute(swigCPtr, url, payload, len);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool stop() {
+ bool ret = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.XcapStack_stop(swigCPtr);
+ return ret;
+ }
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/csharp.i b/bindings/csharp/csharp.i
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33534cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/csharp.i
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+/* File : csharp.i
+%define %cs_marshal_array(TYPE, CSTYPE)
+%typemap(ctype) TYPE[] "void*"
+inattributes="[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)]") TYPE[] "CSTYPE[]"
+%typemap(cstype) TYPE[] "CSTYPE[]"
+%typemap(in) TYPE[] %{ $1 = (TYPE*)$input; %}
+%typemap(csin) TYPE[] "$csinput"
+// Mapping void* as IntPtr
+%typemap(ctype) void * "void *"
+%typemap(imtype) void * "IntPtr"
+%typemap(cstype) void * "IntPtr"
+%typemap(csin) void * "$csinput"
+%typemap(in) void * %{ $1 = $input; %}
+%typemap(out) void * %{ $result = $1; %}
+%typemap(csout) void * { return $imcall; }
+%typemap(csdirectorin) void * "$iminput"
+//======== SipMessage ========//
+%typemap(cscode) SipMessage %{
+ public byte[] getSipContent() {
+ uint clen = this.getSipContentLength();
+ if(clen>0){
+ IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)clen);
+ this.getSipContent(ptr, clen);
+ byte[] bytes = new byte[clen];
+ Marshal.Copy(ptr, bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
+ Marshal.FreeHGlobal(ptr);
+ return bytes;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+//======== MessagingSession ========//
+%typemap(cscode) MessagingSession %{
+ public bool send(byte[] buffer) {
+ IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(buffer.Length);
+ Marshal.Copy(buffer, 0, ptr, buffer.Length);
+ bool ret = this.send(ptr, (uint)buffer.Length);
+ Marshal.FreeHGlobal(ptr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+//======== InfoSession ========//
+%typemap(cscode) InfoSession %{
+public bool send(byte[] buffer, ActionConfig config) {
+ IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(buffer.Length);
+ Marshal.Copy(buffer, 0, ptr, buffer.Length);
+ bool ret = this.send(ptr, (uint)buffer.Length, config);
+ Marshal.FreeHGlobal(ptr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+//======= MediaContent ========//
+%typemap(cscode) MediaContent %{
+ public byte[] getPayload() {
+ uint clen = this.getPayloadLength();
+ if(clen>0){
+ IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)clen);
+ this.getPayload(ptr, clen);
+ byte[] bytes = new byte[clen];
+ Marshal.Copy(ptr, bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
+ Marshal.FreeHGlobal(ptr);
+ return bytes;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+//======= SMSData ========//
+%typemap(cscode) SMSData %{
+ public byte[] getPayload() {
+ uint clen = this.getPayloadLength();
+ if(clen>0){
+ IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)clen);
+ this.getPayload(ptr, clen);
+ byte[] bytes = new byte[clen];
+ Marshal.Copy(ptr, bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
+ Marshal.FreeHGlobal(ptr);
+ return bytes;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+//======= RPMessage ========//
+%typemap(cscode) RPMessage %{
+ public byte[] getPayload() {
+ uint clen = this.getPayloadLength();
+ if(clen>0){
+ IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)clen);
+ this.getPayload(ptr, clen);
+ byte[] bytes = new byte[clen];
+ Marshal.Copy(ptr, bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
+ Marshal.FreeHGlobal(ptr);
+ return bytes;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+//======== XcapStack ========//
+%typemap(cscode) XcapStack %{
+ public bool putElement(string url, byte[] payload) {
+ IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(payload.Length);
+ Marshal.Copy(payload, 0, ptr, payload.Length);
+ bool ret = this.putElement(url, ptr, (uint)payload.Length);
+ Marshal.FreeHGlobal(ptr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool putAttribute(string url, byte[] payload) {
+ IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(payload.Length);
+ Marshal.Copy(payload, 0, ptr, payload.Length);
+ bool ret = this.putAttribute(url, ptr, (uint)payload.Length);
+ Marshal.FreeHGlobal(ptr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public bool putDocument(string url, byte[] payload, string contentType) {
+ IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(payload.Length);
+ Marshal.Copy(payload, 0, ptr, payload.Length);
+ bool ret = this.putDocument(url, ptr, (uint)payload.Length, contentType);
+ Marshal.FreeHGlobal(ptr);
+ return ret;
+ }
+//======== Deprecated ========//
+// @deprecated: to be replaced by "tmedia_codec_id_t" in Doubango 3.0
+%typemap(csattributes) tdav_codec_id_e "[System.Obsolete(\"Deprecated and replaced by 'tmedia_codec_id_t'. Will be removed in Doubango 3.0.\", false)]"
+%include ../_common/tinyWRAP.i
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/tdav_codec_id_t.cs b/bindings/csharp/tdav_codec_id_t.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98f5f69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/tdav_codec_id_t.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+[System.Obsolete("Deprecated and replaced by 'tmedia_codec_id_t'. Will be removed in Doubango 3.0.", false)]
+public enum tdav_codec_id_t {
+ tdav_codec_id_none = 0x00000000,
+ tdav_codec_id_amr_nb_oa = 0x00000001 << 0,
+ tdav_codec_id_amr_nb_be = 0x00000001 << 1,
+ tdav_codec_id_amr_wb_oa = 0x00000001 << 2,
+ tdav_codec_id_amr_wb_be = 0x00000001 << 3,
+ tdav_codec_id_gsm = 0x00000001 << 4,
+ tdav_codec_id_pcma = 0x00000001 << 5,
+ tdav_codec_id_pcmu = 0x00000001 << 6,
+ tdav_codec_id_ilbc = 0x00000001 << 7,
+ tdav_codec_id_speex_nb = 0x00000001 << 8,
+ tdav_codec_id_speex_wb = 0x00000001 << 9,
+ tdav_codec_id_speex_uwb = 0x00000001 << 10,
+ tdav_codec_id_bv16 = 0x00000001 << 11,
+ tdav_codec_id_bv32 = 0x00000001 << 12,
+ tdav_codec_id_opus = 0x00000001 << 13,
+ tdav_codec_id_g729ab = 0x00000001 << 14,
+ tdav_codec_id_g722 = 0x00000001 << 15,
+ tdav_codec_id_h261 = 0x00010000 << 0,
+ tdav_codec_id_h263 = 0x00010000 << 1,
+ tdav_codec_id_h263p = 0x00010000 << 2,
+ tdav_codec_id_h263pp = 0x00010000 << 3,
+ tdav_codec_id_h264_bp = 0x00010000 << 4,
+ tdav_codec_id_h264_mp = 0x00010000 << 5,
+ tdav_codec_id_h264_hp = 0x00010000 << 6,
+ tdav_codec_id_h264_bp10 = tdav_codec_id_h264_bp,
+ tdav_codec_id_h264_bp20 = tdav_codec_id_h264_bp,
+ tdav_codec_id_h264_bp30 = tdav_codec_id_h264_bp,
+ tdav_codec_id_h264_svc = 0x00010000 << 7,
+ tdav_codec_id_theora = 0x00010000 << 8,
+ tdav_codec_id_mp4ves_es = 0x00010000 << 9,
+ tdav_codec_id_vp8 = 0x00010000 << 10,
+ tdav_codec_id_t140 = 0x00010000 << 14,
+ tdav_codec_id_red = 0x00010000 << 15
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/thttp_event_type_t.cs b/bindings/csharp/thttp_event_type_t.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82fc9f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/thttp_event_type_t.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+public enum thttp_event_type_t {
+ thttp_event_dialog_started,
+ thttp_event_message,
+ thttp_event_auth_failed,
+ thttp_event_closed,
+ thttp_event_transport_error,
+ thttp_event_dialog_terminated
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/tinyWRAP.cs b/bindings/csharp/tinyWRAP.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91b84fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/tinyWRAP.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+public class tinyWRAP {
+ public static readonly int tsip_event_code_dialog_transport_error = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.tsip_event_code_dialog_transport_error_get();
+ public static readonly int tsip_event_code_dialog_global_error = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.tsip_event_code_dialog_global_error_get();
+ public static readonly int tsip_event_code_dialog_message_error = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.tsip_event_code_dialog_message_error_get();
+ public static readonly int tsip_event_code_dialog_request_incoming = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.tsip_event_code_dialog_request_incoming_get();
+ public static readonly int tsip_event_code_dialog_request_outgoing = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.tsip_event_code_dialog_request_outgoing_get();
+ public static readonly int tsip_event_code_dialog_request_cancelled = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.tsip_event_code_dialog_request_cancelled_get();
+ public static readonly int tsip_event_code_dialog_request_sent = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.tsip_event_code_dialog_request_sent_get();
+ public static readonly int tsip_event_code_dialog_connecting = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.tsip_event_code_dialog_connecting_get();
+ public static readonly int tsip_event_code_dialog_connected = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.tsip_event_code_dialog_connected_get();
+ public static readonly int tsip_event_code_dialog_terminating = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.tsip_event_code_dialog_terminating_get();
+ public static readonly int tsip_event_code_dialog_terminated = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.tsip_event_code_dialog_terminated_get();
+ public static readonly int tsip_event_code_stack_starting = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.tsip_event_code_stack_starting_get();
+ public static readonly int tsip_event_code_stack_started = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.tsip_event_code_stack_started_get();
+ public static readonly int tsip_event_code_stack_stopping = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.tsip_event_code_stack_stopping_get();
+ public static readonly int tsip_event_code_stack_stopped = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.tsip_event_code_stack_stopped_get();
+ public static readonly int tsip_event_code_stack_failed_to_start = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.tsip_event_code_stack_failed_to_start_get();
+ public static readonly int tsip_event_code_stack_failed_to_stop = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.tsip_event_code_stack_failed_to_stop_get();
+ public static readonly int tsip_event_code_stack_disconnected = tinyWRAPPINVOKE.tsip_event_code_stack_disconnected_get();
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/tinyWRAP.sln b/bindings/csharp/tinyWRAP.sln
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e70d6a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/tinyWRAP.sln
@@ -0,0 +1,530 @@
+Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 10.00
+# Visual Studio 2008
+Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "tinyWRAP", "tinyWRAP.vcproj", "{6B60DF14-D5D7-4654-B8F9-1CBC8892CFC8}"
+Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "test", "test\test.csproj", "{CE53BD89-639D-4F7D-BC47-FB82A294AFDC}"
+Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "tinyNET", "..\..\tinyNET\tinyNET.vcproj", "{7522A458-92F4-4259-B906-E84C2A65D9F1}"
+Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "tinyHTTP", "..\..\tinyHTTP\tinyHTTP.vcproj", "{B3E45009-C7C3-4090-837C-2D30C9058443}"
+Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "tinySIP", "..\..\tinySIP\tinySIP.vcproj", "{4CE20732-9978-4A88-B586-CFEFCB63E82D}"
+Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "tinySDP", "..\..\tinySDP\tinySDP.vcproj", "{E45DB518-6562-4033-80E8-60030F0B169F}"
+Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "tinyMEDIA", "..\..\tinyMEDIA\tinyMEDIA.vcproj", "{52814B0D-7DCA-45B8-9A16-8B147040D619}"
+Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "tinyIPSec", "..\..\tinyIPSec\tinyIPSec.vcproj", "{002FF064-588F-402E-A096-C8D033F49F40}"
+Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "tinySAK", "..\..\tinySAK\tinySAK.vcproj", "{6BC9B796-10C6-4CF7-A6E4-E2DACCDA84DA}"
+Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "tinySIGCOMP", "..\..\tinySIGCOMP\tinySIGCOMP.vcproj", "{76261DC8-25B3-43F4-9FB5-112C4AC0880E}"
+Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "tinyDAV", "..\..\tinyDAV\tinyDAV.vcproj", "{8E2F0B2E-2596-4010-BF4A-2F688975B5C1}"
+Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "tinyRTP", "..\..\tinyRTP\tinyRTP.vcproj", "{99B7D02F-8C70-4B45-AF3C-92313C3CEE15}"
+Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "tinyDSHOW", "..\..\tinyDSHOW\tinyDSHOW.vcproj", "{0CCC02F1-4233-424F-AD5E-A021456E6E8D}"
+Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "test_xcap", "test_xcap\test_xcap.csproj", "{FCC7ACB3-6809-4FA6-A5AC-961B7B874B57}"
+Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "tinyXCAP", "..\..\tinyXCAP\tinyXCAP.vcproj", "{570CF33D-E65F-448F-8AC2-F9AE2F23152F}"
+Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "tinySMS", "..\..\tinySMS\tinySMS.vcproj", "{9A3A5AF3-2333-4477-B880-7F901F9D8972}"
+Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "tinyMSRP", "..\..\tinyMSRP\tinyMSRP.vcproj", "{AA46AF16-9678-4054-8E48-98DC21ECEC82}"
+ GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
+ Debug|Any CPU = Debug|Any CPU
+ Debug|Mixed Platforms = Debug|Mixed Platforms
+ Debug|Win32 = Debug|Win32
+ Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I) = Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ Release|Any CPU = Release|Any CPU
+ Release|Mixed Platforms = Release|Mixed Platforms
+ Release|Win32 = Release|Win32
+ Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I) = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ Static_Debug|Any CPU = Static_Debug|Any CPU
+ Static_Debug|Mixed Platforms = Static_Debug|Mixed Platforms
+ Static_Debug|Win32 = Static_Debug|Win32
+ Static_Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I) = Static_Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ Static_Release|Any CPU = Static_Release|Any CPU
+ Static_Release|Mixed Platforms = Static_Release|Mixed Platforms
+ Static_Release|Win32 = Static_Release|Win32
+ Static_Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I) = Static_Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ EndGlobalSection
+ GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
+ {6B60DF14-D5D7-4654-B8F9-1CBC8892CFC8}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {6B60DF14-D5D7-4654-B8F9-1CBC8892CFC8}.Debug|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {6B60DF14-D5D7-4654-B8F9-1CBC8892CFC8}.Debug|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {6B60DF14-D5D7-4654-B8F9-1CBC8892CFC8}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {6B60DF14-D5D7-4654-B8F9-1CBC8892CFC8}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {6B60DF14-D5D7-4654-B8F9-1CBC8892CFC8}.Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {6B60DF14-D5D7-4654-B8F9-1CBC8892CFC8}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {6B60DF14-D5D7-4654-B8F9-1CBC8892CFC8}.Release|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {6B60DF14-D5D7-4654-B8F9-1CBC8892CFC8}.Release|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {6B60DF14-D5D7-4654-B8F9-1CBC8892CFC8}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {6B60DF14-D5D7-4654-B8F9-1CBC8892CFC8}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {6B60DF14-D5D7-4654-B8F9-1CBC8892CFC8}.Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {6B60DF14-D5D7-4654-B8F9-1CBC8892CFC8}.Static_Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {6B60DF14-D5D7-4654-B8F9-1CBC8892CFC8}.Static_Debug|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {6B60DF14-D5D7-4654-B8F9-1CBC8892CFC8}.Static_Debug|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {6B60DF14-D5D7-4654-B8F9-1CBC8892CFC8}.Static_Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {6B60DF14-D5D7-4654-B8F9-1CBC8892CFC8}.Static_Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {6B60DF14-D5D7-4654-B8F9-1CBC8892CFC8}.Static_Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {6B60DF14-D5D7-4654-B8F9-1CBC8892CFC8}.Static_Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {6B60DF14-D5D7-4654-B8F9-1CBC8892CFC8}.Static_Release|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {6B60DF14-D5D7-4654-B8F9-1CBC8892CFC8}.Static_Release|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {6B60DF14-D5D7-4654-B8F9-1CBC8892CFC8}.Static_Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {6B60DF14-D5D7-4654-B8F9-1CBC8892CFC8}.Static_Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {6B60DF14-D5D7-4654-B8F9-1CBC8892CFC8}.Static_Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {CE53BD89-639D-4F7D-BC47-FB82A294AFDC}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
+ {CE53BD89-639D-4F7D-BC47-FB82A294AFDC}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
+ {CE53BD89-639D-4F7D-BC47-FB82A294AFDC}.Debug|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
+ {CE53BD89-639D-4F7D-BC47-FB82A294AFDC}.Debug|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
+ {CE53BD89-639D-4F7D-BC47-FB82A294AFDC}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
+ {CE53BD89-639D-4F7D-BC47-FB82A294AFDC}.Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
+ {CE53BD89-639D-4F7D-BC47-FB82A294AFDC}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
+ {CE53BD89-639D-4F7D-BC47-FB82A294AFDC}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
+ {CE53BD89-639D-4F7D-BC47-FB82A294AFDC}.Release|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
+ {CE53BD89-639D-4F7D-BC47-FB82A294AFDC}.Release|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
+ {CE53BD89-639D-4F7D-BC47-FB82A294AFDC}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
+ {CE53BD89-639D-4F7D-BC47-FB82A294AFDC}.Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
+ {CE53BD89-639D-4F7D-BC47-FB82A294AFDC}.Static_Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
+ {CE53BD89-639D-4F7D-BC47-FB82A294AFDC}.Static_Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
+ {CE53BD89-639D-4F7D-BC47-FB82A294AFDC}.Static_Debug|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
+ {CE53BD89-639D-4F7D-BC47-FB82A294AFDC}.Static_Debug|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
+ {CE53BD89-639D-4F7D-BC47-FB82A294AFDC}.Static_Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
+ {CE53BD89-639D-4F7D-BC47-FB82A294AFDC}.Static_Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
+ {CE53BD89-639D-4F7D-BC47-FB82A294AFDC}.Static_Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
+ {CE53BD89-639D-4F7D-BC47-FB82A294AFDC}.Static_Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
+ {CE53BD89-639D-4F7D-BC47-FB82A294AFDC}.Static_Release|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
+ {CE53BD89-639D-4F7D-BC47-FB82A294AFDC}.Static_Release|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
+ {CE53BD89-639D-4F7D-BC47-FB82A294AFDC}.Static_Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
+ {CE53BD89-639D-4F7D-BC47-FB82A294AFDC}.Static_Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
+ {7522A458-92F4-4259-B906-E84C2A65D9F1}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {7522A458-92F4-4259-B906-E84C2A65D9F1}.Debug|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {7522A458-92F4-4259-B906-E84C2A65D9F1}.Debug|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {7522A458-92F4-4259-B906-E84C2A65D9F1}.Debug|Mixed Platforms.Deploy.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {7522A458-92F4-4259-B906-E84C2A65D9F1}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {7522A458-92F4-4259-B906-E84C2A65D9F1}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {7522A458-92F4-4259-B906-E84C2A65D9F1}.Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {7522A458-92F4-4259-B906-E84C2A65D9F1}.Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).Build.0 = Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {7522A458-92F4-4259-B906-E84C2A65D9F1}.Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).Deploy.0 = Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {7522A458-92F4-4259-B906-E84C2A65D9F1}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {7522A458-92F4-4259-B906-E84C2A65D9F1}.Release|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {7522A458-92F4-4259-B906-E84C2A65D9F1}.Release|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {7522A458-92F4-4259-B906-E84C2A65D9F1}.Release|Mixed Platforms.Deploy.0 = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {7522A458-92F4-4259-B906-E84C2A65D9F1}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {7522A458-92F4-4259-B906-E84C2A65D9F1}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {7522A458-92F4-4259-B906-E84C2A65D9F1}.Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {7522A458-92F4-4259-B906-E84C2A65D9F1}.Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).Build.0 = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {7522A458-92F4-4259-B906-E84C2A65D9F1}.Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).Deploy.0 = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {7522A458-92F4-4259-B906-E84C2A65D9F1}.Static_Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {7522A458-92F4-4259-B906-E84C2A65D9F1}.Static_Debug|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {7522A458-92F4-4259-B906-E84C2A65D9F1}.Static_Debug|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {7522A458-92F4-4259-B906-E84C2A65D9F1}.Static_Debug|Mixed Platforms.Deploy.0 = Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {7522A458-92F4-4259-B906-E84C2A65D9F1}.Static_Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {7522A458-92F4-4259-B906-E84C2A65D9F1}.Static_Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {7522A458-92F4-4259-B906-E84C2A65D9F1}.Static_Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {7522A458-92F4-4259-B906-E84C2A65D9F1}.Static_Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).Build.0 = Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {7522A458-92F4-4259-B906-E84C2A65D9F1}.Static_Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).Deploy.0 = Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {7522A458-92F4-4259-B906-E84C2A65D9F1}.Static_Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {7522A458-92F4-4259-B906-E84C2A65D9F1}.Static_Release|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {7522A458-92F4-4259-B906-E84C2A65D9F1}.Static_Release|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {7522A458-92F4-4259-B906-E84C2A65D9F1}.Static_Release|Mixed Platforms.Deploy.0 = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {7522A458-92F4-4259-B906-E84C2A65D9F1}.Static_Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {7522A458-92F4-4259-B906-E84C2A65D9F1}.Static_Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {7522A458-92F4-4259-B906-E84C2A65D9F1}.Static_Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {7522A458-92F4-4259-B906-E84C2A65D9F1}.Static_Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).Build.0 = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {7522A458-92F4-4259-B906-E84C2A65D9F1}.Static_Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).Deploy.0 = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {B3E45009-C7C3-4090-837C-2D30C9058443}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {B3E45009-C7C3-4090-837C-2D30C9058443}.Debug|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {B3E45009-C7C3-4090-837C-2D30C9058443}.Debug|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {B3E45009-C7C3-4090-837C-2D30C9058443}.Debug|Mixed Platforms.Deploy.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {B3E45009-C7C3-4090-837C-2D30C9058443}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {B3E45009-C7C3-4090-837C-2D30C9058443}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {B3E45009-C7C3-4090-837C-2D30C9058443}.Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {B3E45009-C7C3-4090-837C-2D30C9058443}.Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).Build.0 = Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {B3E45009-C7C3-4090-837C-2D30C9058443}.Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).Deploy.0 = Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {B3E45009-C7C3-4090-837C-2D30C9058443}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {B3E45009-C7C3-4090-837C-2D30C9058443}.Release|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {B3E45009-C7C3-4090-837C-2D30C9058443}.Release|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {B3E45009-C7C3-4090-837C-2D30C9058443}.Release|Mixed Platforms.Deploy.0 = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {B3E45009-C7C3-4090-837C-2D30C9058443}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {B3E45009-C7C3-4090-837C-2D30C9058443}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {B3E45009-C7C3-4090-837C-2D30C9058443}.Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {B3E45009-C7C3-4090-837C-2D30C9058443}.Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).Build.0 = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {B3E45009-C7C3-4090-837C-2D30C9058443}.Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).Deploy.0 = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {B3E45009-C7C3-4090-837C-2D30C9058443}.Static_Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {B3E45009-C7C3-4090-837C-2D30C9058443}.Static_Debug|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {B3E45009-C7C3-4090-837C-2D30C9058443}.Static_Debug|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {B3E45009-C7C3-4090-837C-2D30C9058443}.Static_Debug|Mixed Platforms.Deploy.0 = Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {B3E45009-C7C3-4090-837C-2D30C9058443}.Static_Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {B3E45009-C7C3-4090-837C-2D30C9058443}.Static_Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {B3E45009-C7C3-4090-837C-2D30C9058443}.Static_Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {B3E45009-C7C3-4090-837C-2D30C9058443}.Static_Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).Build.0 = Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {B3E45009-C7C3-4090-837C-2D30C9058443}.Static_Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).Deploy.0 = Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {B3E45009-C7C3-4090-837C-2D30C9058443}.Static_Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {B3E45009-C7C3-4090-837C-2D30C9058443}.Static_Release|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {B3E45009-C7C3-4090-837C-2D30C9058443}.Static_Release|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {B3E45009-C7C3-4090-837C-2D30C9058443}.Static_Release|Mixed Platforms.Deploy.0 = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {B3E45009-C7C3-4090-837C-2D30C9058443}.Static_Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {B3E45009-C7C3-4090-837C-2D30C9058443}.Static_Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {B3E45009-C7C3-4090-837C-2D30C9058443}.Static_Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {B3E45009-C7C3-4090-837C-2D30C9058443}.Static_Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).Build.0 = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {B3E45009-C7C3-4090-837C-2D30C9058443}.Static_Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).Deploy.0 = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {4CE20732-9978-4A88-B586-CFEFCB63E82D}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {4CE20732-9978-4A88-B586-CFEFCB63E82D}.Debug|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {4CE20732-9978-4A88-B586-CFEFCB63E82D}.Debug|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {4CE20732-9978-4A88-B586-CFEFCB63E82D}.Debug|Mixed Platforms.Deploy.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {4CE20732-9978-4A88-B586-CFEFCB63E82D}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {4CE20732-9978-4A88-B586-CFEFCB63E82D}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {4CE20732-9978-4A88-B586-CFEFCB63E82D}.Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {4CE20732-9978-4A88-B586-CFEFCB63E82D}.Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).Build.0 = Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {4CE20732-9978-4A88-B586-CFEFCB63E82D}.Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).Deploy.0 = Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {4CE20732-9978-4A88-B586-CFEFCB63E82D}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {4CE20732-9978-4A88-B586-CFEFCB63E82D}.Release|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {4CE20732-9978-4A88-B586-CFEFCB63E82D}.Release|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {4CE20732-9978-4A88-B586-CFEFCB63E82D}.Release|Mixed Platforms.Deploy.0 = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {4CE20732-9978-4A88-B586-CFEFCB63E82D}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {4CE20732-9978-4A88-B586-CFEFCB63E82D}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {4CE20732-9978-4A88-B586-CFEFCB63E82D}.Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {4CE20732-9978-4A88-B586-CFEFCB63E82D}.Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).Build.0 = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {4CE20732-9978-4A88-B586-CFEFCB63E82D}.Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).Deploy.0 = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {4CE20732-9978-4A88-B586-CFEFCB63E82D}.Static_Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {4CE20732-9978-4A88-B586-CFEFCB63E82D}.Static_Debug|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {4CE20732-9978-4A88-B586-CFEFCB63E82D}.Static_Debug|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {4CE20732-9978-4A88-B586-CFEFCB63E82D}.Static_Debug|Mixed Platforms.Deploy.0 = Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {4CE20732-9978-4A88-B586-CFEFCB63E82D}.Static_Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {4CE20732-9978-4A88-B586-CFEFCB63E82D}.Static_Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {4CE20732-9978-4A88-B586-CFEFCB63E82D}.Static_Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {4CE20732-9978-4A88-B586-CFEFCB63E82D}.Static_Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).Build.0 = Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {4CE20732-9978-4A88-B586-CFEFCB63E82D}.Static_Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).Deploy.0 = Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {4CE20732-9978-4A88-B586-CFEFCB63E82D}.Static_Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {4CE20732-9978-4A88-B586-CFEFCB63E82D}.Static_Release|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {4CE20732-9978-4A88-B586-CFEFCB63E82D}.Static_Release|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {4CE20732-9978-4A88-B586-CFEFCB63E82D}.Static_Release|Mixed Platforms.Deploy.0 = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {4CE20732-9978-4A88-B586-CFEFCB63E82D}.Static_Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {4CE20732-9978-4A88-B586-CFEFCB63E82D}.Static_Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {4CE20732-9978-4A88-B586-CFEFCB63E82D}.Static_Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {4CE20732-9978-4A88-B586-CFEFCB63E82D}.Static_Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).Build.0 = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {4CE20732-9978-4A88-B586-CFEFCB63E82D}.Static_Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).Deploy.0 = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {E45DB518-6562-4033-80E8-60030F0B169F}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {E45DB518-6562-4033-80E8-60030F0B169F}.Debug|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {E45DB518-6562-4033-80E8-60030F0B169F}.Debug|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {E45DB518-6562-4033-80E8-60030F0B169F}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {E45DB518-6562-4033-80E8-60030F0B169F}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {E45DB518-6562-4033-80E8-60030F0B169F}.Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {E45DB518-6562-4033-80E8-60030F0B169F}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {E45DB518-6562-4033-80E8-60030F0B169F}.Release|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {E45DB518-6562-4033-80E8-60030F0B169F}.Release|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {E45DB518-6562-4033-80E8-60030F0B169F}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {E45DB518-6562-4033-80E8-60030F0B169F}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {E45DB518-6562-4033-80E8-60030F0B169F}.Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {E45DB518-6562-4033-80E8-60030F0B169F}.Static_Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {E45DB518-6562-4033-80E8-60030F0B169F}.Static_Debug|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {E45DB518-6562-4033-80E8-60030F0B169F}.Static_Debug|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {E45DB518-6562-4033-80E8-60030F0B169F}.Static_Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {E45DB518-6562-4033-80E8-60030F0B169F}.Static_Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {E45DB518-6562-4033-80E8-60030F0B169F}.Static_Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {E45DB518-6562-4033-80E8-60030F0B169F}.Static_Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {E45DB518-6562-4033-80E8-60030F0B169F}.Static_Release|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {E45DB518-6562-4033-80E8-60030F0B169F}.Static_Release|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {E45DB518-6562-4033-80E8-60030F0B169F}.Static_Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {E45DB518-6562-4033-80E8-60030F0B169F}.Static_Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {E45DB518-6562-4033-80E8-60030F0B169F}.Static_Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {52814B0D-7DCA-45B8-9A16-8B147040D619}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {52814B0D-7DCA-45B8-9A16-8B147040D619}.Debug|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {52814B0D-7DCA-45B8-9A16-8B147040D619}.Debug|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {52814B0D-7DCA-45B8-9A16-8B147040D619}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {52814B0D-7DCA-45B8-9A16-8B147040D619}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {52814B0D-7DCA-45B8-9A16-8B147040D619}.Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {52814B0D-7DCA-45B8-9A16-8B147040D619}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {52814B0D-7DCA-45B8-9A16-8B147040D619}.Release|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {52814B0D-7DCA-45B8-9A16-8B147040D619}.Release|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {52814B0D-7DCA-45B8-9A16-8B147040D619}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {52814B0D-7DCA-45B8-9A16-8B147040D619}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {52814B0D-7DCA-45B8-9A16-8B147040D619}.Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {52814B0D-7DCA-45B8-9A16-8B147040D619}.Static_Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {52814B0D-7DCA-45B8-9A16-8B147040D619}.Static_Debug|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {52814B0D-7DCA-45B8-9A16-8B147040D619}.Static_Debug|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {52814B0D-7DCA-45B8-9A16-8B147040D619}.Static_Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {52814B0D-7DCA-45B8-9A16-8B147040D619}.Static_Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {52814B0D-7DCA-45B8-9A16-8B147040D619}.Static_Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {52814B0D-7DCA-45B8-9A16-8B147040D619}.Static_Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {52814B0D-7DCA-45B8-9A16-8B147040D619}.Static_Release|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {52814B0D-7DCA-45B8-9A16-8B147040D619}.Static_Release|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {52814B0D-7DCA-45B8-9A16-8B147040D619}.Static_Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {52814B0D-7DCA-45B8-9A16-8B147040D619}.Static_Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {52814B0D-7DCA-45B8-9A16-8B147040D619}.Static_Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {002FF064-588F-402E-A096-C8D033F49F40}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {002FF064-588F-402E-A096-C8D033F49F40}.Debug|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {002FF064-588F-402E-A096-C8D033F49F40}.Debug|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {002FF064-588F-402E-A096-C8D033F49F40}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {002FF064-588F-402E-A096-C8D033F49F40}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {002FF064-588F-402E-A096-C8D033F49F40}.Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {002FF064-588F-402E-A096-C8D033F49F40}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {002FF064-588F-402E-A096-C8D033F49F40}.Release|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {002FF064-588F-402E-A096-C8D033F49F40}.Release|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {002FF064-588F-402E-A096-C8D033F49F40}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {002FF064-588F-402E-A096-C8D033F49F40}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {002FF064-588F-402E-A096-C8D033F49F40}.Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {002FF064-588F-402E-A096-C8D033F49F40}.Static_Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {002FF064-588F-402E-A096-C8D033F49F40}.Static_Debug|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {002FF064-588F-402E-A096-C8D033F49F40}.Static_Debug|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {002FF064-588F-402E-A096-C8D033F49F40}.Static_Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {002FF064-588F-402E-A096-C8D033F49F40}.Static_Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {002FF064-588F-402E-A096-C8D033F49F40}.Static_Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {002FF064-588F-402E-A096-C8D033F49F40}.Static_Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {002FF064-588F-402E-A096-C8D033F49F40}.Static_Release|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {002FF064-588F-402E-A096-C8D033F49F40}.Static_Release|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {002FF064-588F-402E-A096-C8D033F49F40}.Static_Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {002FF064-588F-402E-A096-C8D033F49F40}.Static_Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {002FF064-588F-402E-A096-C8D033F49F40}.Static_Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {6BC9B796-10C6-4CF7-A6E4-E2DACCDA84DA}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {6BC9B796-10C6-4CF7-A6E4-E2DACCDA84DA}.Debug|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {6BC9B796-10C6-4CF7-A6E4-E2DACCDA84DA}.Debug|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {6BC9B796-10C6-4CF7-A6E4-E2DACCDA84DA}.Debug|Mixed Platforms.Deploy.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {6BC9B796-10C6-4CF7-A6E4-E2DACCDA84DA}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {6BC9B796-10C6-4CF7-A6E4-E2DACCDA84DA}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {6BC9B796-10C6-4CF7-A6E4-E2DACCDA84DA}.Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {6BC9B796-10C6-4CF7-A6E4-E2DACCDA84DA}.Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).Build.0 = Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {6BC9B796-10C6-4CF7-A6E4-E2DACCDA84DA}.Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).Deploy.0 = Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {6BC9B796-10C6-4CF7-A6E4-E2DACCDA84DA}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {6BC9B796-10C6-4CF7-A6E4-E2DACCDA84DA}.Release|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {6BC9B796-10C6-4CF7-A6E4-E2DACCDA84DA}.Release|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {6BC9B796-10C6-4CF7-A6E4-E2DACCDA84DA}.Release|Mixed Platforms.Deploy.0 = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {6BC9B796-10C6-4CF7-A6E4-E2DACCDA84DA}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {6BC9B796-10C6-4CF7-A6E4-E2DACCDA84DA}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {6BC9B796-10C6-4CF7-A6E4-E2DACCDA84DA}.Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {6BC9B796-10C6-4CF7-A6E4-E2DACCDA84DA}.Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).Build.0 = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {6BC9B796-10C6-4CF7-A6E4-E2DACCDA84DA}.Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).Deploy.0 = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {6BC9B796-10C6-4CF7-A6E4-E2DACCDA84DA}.Static_Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Static_Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {6BC9B796-10C6-4CF7-A6E4-E2DACCDA84DA}.Static_Debug|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Static_Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {6BC9B796-10C6-4CF7-A6E4-E2DACCDA84DA}.Static_Debug|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Static_Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {6BC9B796-10C6-4CF7-A6E4-E2DACCDA84DA}.Static_Debug|Mixed Platforms.Deploy.0 = Static_Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {6BC9B796-10C6-4CF7-A6E4-E2DACCDA84DA}.Static_Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Static_Debug|Win32
+ {6BC9B796-10C6-4CF7-A6E4-E2DACCDA84DA}.Static_Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Static_Debug|Win32
+ {6BC9B796-10C6-4CF7-A6E4-E2DACCDA84DA}.Static_Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Static_Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {6BC9B796-10C6-4CF7-A6E4-E2DACCDA84DA}.Static_Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).Build.0 = Static_Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {6BC9B796-10C6-4CF7-A6E4-E2DACCDA84DA}.Static_Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).Deploy.0 = Static_Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {6BC9B796-10C6-4CF7-A6E4-E2DACCDA84DA}.Static_Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Static_Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {6BC9B796-10C6-4CF7-A6E4-E2DACCDA84DA}.Static_Release|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Static_Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {6BC9B796-10C6-4CF7-A6E4-E2DACCDA84DA}.Static_Release|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Static_Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {6BC9B796-10C6-4CF7-A6E4-E2DACCDA84DA}.Static_Release|Mixed Platforms.Deploy.0 = Static_Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {6BC9B796-10C6-4CF7-A6E4-E2DACCDA84DA}.Static_Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Static_Release|Win32
+ {6BC9B796-10C6-4CF7-A6E4-E2DACCDA84DA}.Static_Release|Win32.Build.0 = Static_Release|Win32
+ {6BC9B796-10C6-4CF7-A6E4-E2DACCDA84DA}.Static_Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Static_Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {6BC9B796-10C6-4CF7-A6E4-E2DACCDA84DA}.Static_Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).Build.0 = Static_Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {6BC9B796-10C6-4CF7-A6E4-E2DACCDA84DA}.Static_Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).Deploy.0 = Static_Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {76261DC8-25B3-43F4-9FB5-112C4AC0880E}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {76261DC8-25B3-43F4-9FB5-112C4AC0880E}.Debug|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {76261DC8-25B3-43F4-9FB5-112C4AC0880E}.Debug|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {76261DC8-25B3-43F4-9FB5-112C4AC0880E}.Debug|Mixed Platforms.Deploy.0 = Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {76261DC8-25B3-43F4-9FB5-112C4AC0880E}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {76261DC8-25B3-43F4-9FB5-112C4AC0880E}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {76261DC8-25B3-43F4-9FB5-112C4AC0880E}.Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {76261DC8-25B3-43F4-9FB5-112C4AC0880E}.Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).Build.0 = Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {76261DC8-25B3-43F4-9FB5-112C4AC0880E}.Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).Deploy.0 = Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {76261DC8-25B3-43F4-9FB5-112C4AC0880E}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {76261DC8-25B3-43F4-9FB5-112C4AC0880E}.Release|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {76261DC8-25B3-43F4-9FB5-112C4AC0880E}.Release|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {76261DC8-25B3-43F4-9FB5-112C4AC0880E}.Release|Mixed Platforms.Deploy.0 = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {76261DC8-25B3-43F4-9FB5-112C4AC0880E}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {76261DC8-25B3-43F4-9FB5-112C4AC0880E}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {76261DC8-25B3-43F4-9FB5-112C4AC0880E}.Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {76261DC8-25B3-43F4-9FB5-112C4AC0880E}.Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).Build.0 = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {76261DC8-25B3-43F4-9FB5-112C4AC0880E}.Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).Deploy.0 = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {76261DC8-25B3-43F4-9FB5-112C4AC0880E}.Static_Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {76261DC8-25B3-43F4-9FB5-112C4AC0880E}.Static_Debug|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {76261DC8-25B3-43F4-9FB5-112C4AC0880E}.Static_Debug|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {76261DC8-25B3-43F4-9FB5-112C4AC0880E}.Static_Debug|Mixed Platforms.Deploy.0 = Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {76261DC8-25B3-43F4-9FB5-112C4AC0880E}.Static_Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {76261DC8-25B3-43F4-9FB5-112C4AC0880E}.Static_Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {76261DC8-25B3-43F4-9FB5-112C4AC0880E}.Static_Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {76261DC8-25B3-43F4-9FB5-112C4AC0880E}.Static_Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).Build.0 = Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {76261DC8-25B3-43F4-9FB5-112C4AC0880E}.Static_Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).Deploy.0 = Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {76261DC8-25B3-43F4-9FB5-112C4AC0880E}.Static_Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {76261DC8-25B3-43F4-9FB5-112C4AC0880E}.Static_Release|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {76261DC8-25B3-43F4-9FB5-112C4AC0880E}.Static_Release|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {76261DC8-25B3-43F4-9FB5-112C4AC0880E}.Static_Release|Mixed Platforms.Deploy.0 = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {76261DC8-25B3-43F4-9FB5-112C4AC0880E}.Static_Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {76261DC8-25B3-43F4-9FB5-112C4AC0880E}.Static_Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {76261DC8-25B3-43F4-9FB5-112C4AC0880E}.Static_Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {76261DC8-25B3-43F4-9FB5-112C4AC0880E}.Static_Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).Build.0 = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {76261DC8-25B3-43F4-9FB5-112C4AC0880E}.Static_Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).Deploy.0 = Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)
+ {8E2F0B2E-2596-4010-BF4A-2F688975B5C1}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {8E2F0B2E-2596-4010-BF4A-2F688975B5C1}.Debug|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {8E2F0B2E-2596-4010-BF4A-2F688975B5C1}.Debug|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {8E2F0B2E-2596-4010-BF4A-2F688975B5C1}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {8E2F0B2E-2596-4010-BF4A-2F688975B5C1}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {8E2F0B2E-2596-4010-BF4A-2F688975B5C1}.Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {8E2F0B2E-2596-4010-BF4A-2F688975B5C1}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {8E2F0B2E-2596-4010-BF4A-2F688975B5C1}.Release|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {8E2F0B2E-2596-4010-BF4A-2F688975B5C1}.Release|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {8E2F0B2E-2596-4010-BF4A-2F688975B5C1}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {8E2F0B2E-2596-4010-BF4A-2F688975B5C1}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {8E2F0B2E-2596-4010-BF4A-2F688975B5C1}.Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {8E2F0B2E-2596-4010-BF4A-2F688975B5C1}.Static_Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {8E2F0B2E-2596-4010-BF4A-2F688975B5C1}.Static_Debug|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {8E2F0B2E-2596-4010-BF4A-2F688975B5C1}.Static_Debug|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {8E2F0B2E-2596-4010-BF4A-2F688975B5C1}.Static_Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {8E2F0B2E-2596-4010-BF4A-2F688975B5C1}.Static_Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {8E2F0B2E-2596-4010-BF4A-2F688975B5C1}.Static_Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {8E2F0B2E-2596-4010-BF4A-2F688975B5C1}.Static_Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {8E2F0B2E-2596-4010-BF4A-2F688975B5C1}.Static_Release|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {8E2F0B2E-2596-4010-BF4A-2F688975B5C1}.Static_Release|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {8E2F0B2E-2596-4010-BF4A-2F688975B5C1}.Static_Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {8E2F0B2E-2596-4010-BF4A-2F688975B5C1}.Static_Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {8E2F0B2E-2596-4010-BF4A-2F688975B5C1}.Static_Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {99B7D02F-8C70-4B45-AF3C-92313C3CEE15}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {99B7D02F-8C70-4B45-AF3C-92313C3CEE15}.Debug|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {99B7D02F-8C70-4B45-AF3C-92313C3CEE15}.Debug|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {99B7D02F-8C70-4B45-AF3C-92313C3CEE15}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {99B7D02F-8C70-4B45-AF3C-92313C3CEE15}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {99B7D02F-8C70-4B45-AF3C-92313C3CEE15}.Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {99B7D02F-8C70-4B45-AF3C-92313C3CEE15}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {99B7D02F-8C70-4B45-AF3C-92313C3CEE15}.Release|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {99B7D02F-8C70-4B45-AF3C-92313C3CEE15}.Release|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {99B7D02F-8C70-4B45-AF3C-92313C3CEE15}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {99B7D02F-8C70-4B45-AF3C-92313C3CEE15}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {99B7D02F-8C70-4B45-AF3C-92313C3CEE15}.Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {99B7D02F-8C70-4B45-AF3C-92313C3CEE15}.Static_Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {99B7D02F-8C70-4B45-AF3C-92313C3CEE15}.Static_Debug|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {99B7D02F-8C70-4B45-AF3C-92313C3CEE15}.Static_Debug|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {99B7D02F-8C70-4B45-AF3C-92313C3CEE15}.Static_Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {99B7D02F-8C70-4B45-AF3C-92313C3CEE15}.Static_Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {99B7D02F-8C70-4B45-AF3C-92313C3CEE15}.Static_Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {99B7D02F-8C70-4B45-AF3C-92313C3CEE15}.Static_Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {99B7D02F-8C70-4B45-AF3C-92313C3CEE15}.Static_Release|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {99B7D02F-8C70-4B45-AF3C-92313C3CEE15}.Static_Release|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {99B7D02F-8C70-4B45-AF3C-92313C3CEE15}.Static_Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {99B7D02F-8C70-4B45-AF3C-92313C3CEE15}.Static_Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {99B7D02F-8C70-4B45-AF3C-92313C3CEE15}.Static_Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {0CCC02F1-4233-424F-AD5E-A021456E6E8D}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {0CCC02F1-4233-424F-AD5E-A021456E6E8D}.Debug|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {0CCC02F1-4233-424F-AD5E-A021456E6E8D}.Debug|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {0CCC02F1-4233-424F-AD5E-A021456E6E8D}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {0CCC02F1-4233-424F-AD5E-A021456E6E8D}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {0CCC02F1-4233-424F-AD5E-A021456E6E8D}.Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {0CCC02F1-4233-424F-AD5E-A021456E6E8D}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {0CCC02F1-4233-424F-AD5E-A021456E6E8D}.Release|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {0CCC02F1-4233-424F-AD5E-A021456E6E8D}.Release|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {0CCC02F1-4233-424F-AD5E-A021456E6E8D}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {0CCC02F1-4233-424F-AD5E-A021456E6E8D}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {0CCC02F1-4233-424F-AD5E-A021456E6E8D}.Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {0CCC02F1-4233-424F-AD5E-A021456E6E8D}.Static_Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {0CCC02F1-4233-424F-AD5E-A021456E6E8D}.Static_Debug|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {0CCC02F1-4233-424F-AD5E-A021456E6E8D}.Static_Debug|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {0CCC02F1-4233-424F-AD5E-A021456E6E8D}.Static_Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {0CCC02F1-4233-424F-AD5E-A021456E6E8D}.Static_Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {0CCC02F1-4233-424F-AD5E-A021456E6E8D}.Static_Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {0CCC02F1-4233-424F-AD5E-A021456E6E8D}.Static_Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {0CCC02F1-4233-424F-AD5E-A021456E6E8D}.Static_Release|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {0CCC02F1-4233-424F-AD5E-A021456E6E8D}.Static_Release|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {0CCC02F1-4233-424F-AD5E-A021456E6E8D}.Static_Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {0CCC02F1-4233-424F-AD5E-A021456E6E8D}.Static_Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {0CCC02F1-4233-424F-AD5E-A021456E6E8D}.Static_Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {FCC7ACB3-6809-4FA6-A5AC-961B7B874B57}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
+ {FCC7ACB3-6809-4FA6-A5AC-961B7B874B57}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
+ {FCC7ACB3-6809-4FA6-A5AC-961B7B874B57}.Debug|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
+ {FCC7ACB3-6809-4FA6-A5AC-961B7B874B57}.Debug|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
+ {FCC7ACB3-6809-4FA6-A5AC-961B7B874B57}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
+ {FCC7ACB3-6809-4FA6-A5AC-961B7B874B57}.Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
+ {FCC7ACB3-6809-4FA6-A5AC-961B7B874B57}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
+ {FCC7ACB3-6809-4FA6-A5AC-961B7B874B57}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
+ {FCC7ACB3-6809-4FA6-A5AC-961B7B874B57}.Release|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
+ {FCC7ACB3-6809-4FA6-A5AC-961B7B874B57}.Release|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
+ {FCC7ACB3-6809-4FA6-A5AC-961B7B874B57}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
+ {FCC7ACB3-6809-4FA6-A5AC-961B7B874B57}.Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
+ {FCC7ACB3-6809-4FA6-A5AC-961B7B874B57}.Static_Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
+ {FCC7ACB3-6809-4FA6-A5AC-961B7B874B57}.Static_Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
+ {FCC7ACB3-6809-4FA6-A5AC-961B7B874B57}.Static_Debug|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
+ {FCC7ACB3-6809-4FA6-A5AC-961B7B874B57}.Static_Debug|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
+ {FCC7ACB3-6809-4FA6-A5AC-961B7B874B57}.Static_Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
+ {FCC7ACB3-6809-4FA6-A5AC-961B7B874B57}.Static_Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
+ {FCC7ACB3-6809-4FA6-A5AC-961B7B874B57}.Static_Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
+ {FCC7ACB3-6809-4FA6-A5AC-961B7B874B57}.Static_Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
+ {FCC7ACB3-6809-4FA6-A5AC-961B7B874B57}.Static_Release|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
+ {FCC7ACB3-6809-4FA6-A5AC-961B7B874B57}.Static_Release|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
+ {FCC7ACB3-6809-4FA6-A5AC-961B7B874B57}.Static_Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
+ {FCC7ACB3-6809-4FA6-A5AC-961B7B874B57}.Static_Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
+ {570CF33D-E65F-448F-8AC2-F9AE2F23152F}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {570CF33D-E65F-448F-8AC2-F9AE2F23152F}.Debug|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {570CF33D-E65F-448F-8AC2-F9AE2F23152F}.Debug|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {570CF33D-E65F-448F-8AC2-F9AE2F23152F}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {570CF33D-E65F-448F-8AC2-F9AE2F23152F}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {570CF33D-E65F-448F-8AC2-F9AE2F23152F}.Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {570CF33D-E65F-448F-8AC2-F9AE2F23152F}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {570CF33D-E65F-448F-8AC2-F9AE2F23152F}.Release|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {570CF33D-E65F-448F-8AC2-F9AE2F23152F}.Release|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {570CF33D-E65F-448F-8AC2-F9AE2F23152F}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {570CF33D-E65F-448F-8AC2-F9AE2F23152F}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {570CF33D-E65F-448F-8AC2-F9AE2F23152F}.Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {570CF33D-E65F-448F-8AC2-F9AE2F23152F}.Static_Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {570CF33D-E65F-448F-8AC2-F9AE2F23152F}.Static_Debug|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {570CF33D-E65F-448F-8AC2-F9AE2F23152F}.Static_Debug|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {570CF33D-E65F-448F-8AC2-F9AE2F23152F}.Static_Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {570CF33D-E65F-448F-8AC2-F9AE2F23152F}.Static_Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {570CF33D-E65F-448F-8AC2-F9AE2F23152F}.Static_Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {570CF33D-E65F-448F-8AC2-F9AE2F23152F}.Static_Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {570CF33D-E65F-448F-8AC2-F9AE2F23152F}.Static_Release|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {570CF33D-E65F-448F-8AC2-F9AE2F23152F}.Static_Release|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {570CF33D-E65F-448F-8AC2-F9AE2F23152F}.Static_Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {570CF33D-E65F-448F-8AC2-F9AE2F23152F}.Static_Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {570CF33D-E65F-448F-8AC2-F9AE2F23152F}.Static_Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {9A3A5AF3-2333-4477-B880-7F901F9D8972}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {9A3A5AF3-2333-4477-B880-7F901F9D8972}.Debug|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {9A3A5AF3-2333-4477-B880-7F901F9D8972}.Debug|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {9A3A5AF3-2333-4477-B880-7F901F9D8972}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {9A3A5AF3-2333-4477-B880-7F901F9D8972}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {9A3A5AF3-2333-4477-B880-7F901F9D8972}.Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {9A3A5AF3-2333-4477-B880-7F901F9D8972}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {9A3A5AF3-2333-4477-B880-7F901F9D8972}.Release|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {9A3A5AF3-2333-4477-B880-7F901F9D8972}.Release|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {9A3A5AF3-2333-4477-B880-7F901F9D8972}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {9A3A5AF3-2333-4477-B880-7F901F9D8972}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {9A3A5AF3-2333-4477-B880-7F901F9D8972}.Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {9A3A5AF3-2333-4477-B880-7F901F9D8972}.Static_Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {9A3A5AF3-2333-4477-B880-7F901F9D8972}.Static_Debug|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {9A3A5AF3-2333-4477-B880-7F901F9D8972}.Static_Debug|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {9A3A5AF3-2333-4477-B880-7F901F9D8972}.Static_Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {9A3A5AF3-2333-4477-B880-7F901F9D8972}.Static_Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {9A3A5AF3-2333-4477-B880-7F901F9D8972}.Static_Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {9A3A5AF3-2333-4477-B880-7F901F9D8972}.Static_Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {9A3A5AF3-2333-4477-B880-7F901F9D8972}.Static_Release|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {9A3A5AF3-2333-4477-B880-7F901F9D8972}.Static_Release|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {9A3A5AF3-2333-4477-B880-7F901F9D8972}.Static_Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {9A3A5AF3-2333-4477-B880-7F901F9D8972}.Static_Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {9A3A5AF3-2333-4477-B880-7F901F9D8972}.Static_Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {AA46AF16-9678-4054-8E48-98DC21ECEC82}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {AA46AF16-9678-4054-8E48-98DC21ECEC82}.Debug|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {AA46AF16-9678-4054-8E48-98DC21ECEC82}.Debug|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {AA46AF16-9678-4054-8E48-98DC21ECEC82}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {AA46AF16-9678-4054-8E48-98DC21ECEC82}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {AA46AF16-9678-4054-8E48-98DC21ECEC82}.Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {AA46AF16-9678-4054-8E48-98DC21ECEC82}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {AA46AF16-9678-4054-8E48-98DC21ECEC82}.Release|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {AA46AF16-9678-4054-8E48-98DC21ECEC82}.Release|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {AA46AF16-9678-4054-8E48-98DC21ECEC82}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {AA46AF16-9678-4054-8E48-98DC21ECEC82}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {AA46AF16-9678-4054-8E48-98DC21ECEC82}.Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {AA46AF16-9678-4054-8E48-98DC21ECEC82}.Static_Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {AA46AF16-9678-4054-8E48-98DC21ECEC82}.Static_Debug|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {AA46AF16-9678-4054-8E48-98DC21ECEC82}.Static_Debug|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {AA46AF16-9678-4054-8E48-98DC21ECEC82}.Static_Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {AA46AF16-9678-4054-8E48-98DC21ECEC82}.Static_Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {AA46AF16-9678-4054-8E48-98DC21ECEC82}.Static_Debug|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {AA46AF16-9678-4054-8E48-98DC21ECEC82}.Static_Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {AA46AF16-9678-4054-8E48-98DC21ECEC82}.Static_Release|Mixed Platforms.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {AA46AF16-9678-4054-8E48-98DC21ECEC82}.Static_Release|Mixed Platforms.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {AA46AF16-9678-4054-8E48-98DC21ECEC82}.Static_Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {AA46AF16-9678-4054-8E48-98DC21ECEC82}.Static_Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {AA46AF16-9678-4054-8E48-98DC21ECEC82}.Static_Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ EndGlobalSection
+ GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
+ HideSolutionNode = FALSE
+ EndGlobalSection
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/tinyWRAP.vcproj b/bindings/csharp/tinyWRAP.vcproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97bd276
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/tinyWRAP.vcproj
@@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
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+ Keyword="Win32Proj"
+ TargetFrameworkVersion="196613"
+ >
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+ Name="Win32"
+ />
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+ Name="Debug|Win32"
+ OutputDirectory="$(SolutionDir)$(ConfigurationName)"
+ IntermediateDirectory="$(ConfigurationName)"
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+ >
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+ Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"
+ />
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+ Name="VCCustomBuildTool"
+ />
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+ Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"
+ />
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+ Name="VCMIDLTool"
+ />
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+ Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
+ Optimization="0"
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+ MinimalRebuild="true"
+ BasicRuntimeChecks="3"
+ RuntimeLibrary="3"
+ UsePrecompiledHeader="0"
+ WarningLevel="3"
+ WarnAsError="true"
+ DebugInformationFormat="4"
+ />
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+ Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
+ />
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+ Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"
+ />
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+ Name="VCLinkerTool"
+ AdditionalDependencies="$(OutDir)\tinySAK.lib $(OutDir)\tinySIP.lib $(OutDir)\tinyNET.lib $(OutDir)\tinyDAV.lib $(OutDir)\tinyMEDIA.lib $(OutDir)\tinyHTTP.lib $(OutDir)\tinyXCAP.lib $(OutDir)\tinySMS.lib $(OutDir)\tinyMSRP.lib $(OutDir)\tinySDP.lib"
+ LinkIncremental="2"
+ GenerateDebugInformation="true"
+ SubSystem="2"
+ TargetMachine="1"
+ />
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+ Name="VCALinkTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCManifestTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCXDCMakeTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCBscMakeTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCFxCopTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCAppVerifierTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
+ />
+ </Configuration>
+ <Configuration
+ Name="Release|Win32"
+ OutputDirectory="$(SolutionDir)$(ConfigurationName)"
+ IntermediateDirectory="$(ConfigurationName)"
+ ConfigurationType="2"
+ CharacterSet="1"
+ WholeProgramOptimization="1"
+ >
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+ Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"
+ />
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+ Name="VCCustomBuildTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"
+ />
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+ Name="VCMIDLTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
+ Optimization="3"
+ EnableIntrinsicFunctions="true"
+ AdditionalIncludeDirectories="..\_common;..\.;..\..\thirdparties\win32\include;..\..\tinySAK\src;..\..\tinyNET\src;..\..\tinyHTTP\include;..\..\tinySIP\include;..\..\tinyDAV\include;..\..\tinySDP\include;..\..\tinyMEDIA\include;..\..\tinyXCAP\include;..\..\tinySMS\include;..\..\tinyMSRP\include"
+ RuntimeLibrary="2"
+ EnableFunctionLevelLinking="false"
+ UsePrecompiledHeader="0"
+ WarningLevel="3"
+ WarnAsError="true"
+ DebugInformationFormat="0"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
+ />
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+ Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCLinkerTool"
+ AdditionalDependencies="$(OutDir)\tinySAK.lib $(OutDir)\tinySIP.lib $(OutDir)\tinyNET.lib $(OutDir)\tinyDAV.lib $(OutDir)\tinyMEDIA.lib $(OutDir)\tinyHTTP.lib $(OutDir)\tinyXCAP.lib $(OutDir)\tinySMS.lib $(OutDir)\tinyMSRP.lib $(OutDir)\tinySDP.lib"
+ LinkIncremental="1"
+ IgnoreDefaultLibraryNames="MSVCRTD"
+ GenerateDebugInformation="false"
+ SubSystem="2"
+ OptimizeReferences="2"
+ EnableCOMDATFolding="2"
+ TargetMachine="0"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCALinkTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCManifestTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCXDCMakeTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCBscMakeTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCFxCopTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCAppVerifierTool"
+ />
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
+ />
+ </Configuration>
+ </Configurations>
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+ </References>
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+ >
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+ RelativePath="..\_common\ActionConfig.cxx"
+ >
+ </File>
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+ RelativePath="..\_common\AudioResampler.cxx"
+ >
+ </File>
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+ RelativePath="..\_common\DDebug.cxx"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\_common\MediaContent.cxx"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\_common\MediaSessionMgr.cxx"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\_common\Msrp.cxx"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\_common\ProxyConsumer.cxx"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\_common\ProxyPluginMgr.cxx"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\_common\ProxyProducer.cxx"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\_common\SafeObject.cxx"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\_common\SipCallback.cxx"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\_common\SipEvent.cxx"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\_common\SipMessage.cxx"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\_common\SipSession.cxx"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\_common\SipStack.cxx"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\_common\SipUri.cxx"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\_common\SMSEncoder.cxx"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath=".\tinyWRAP_wrap.cxx"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\_common\Xcap.cxx"
+ >
+ </File>
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+ Name="headers(*.h)"
+ Filter="h;hpp;hxx;hm;inl;inc;xsd"
+ UniqueIdentifier="{93995380-89BD-4b04-88EB-625FBE52EBFB}"
+ >
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\_common\ActionConfig.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\_common\AudioResampler.h"
+ >
+ </File>
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+ RelativePath="..\_common\Common.h"
+ >
+ </File>
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+ RelativePath="..\_common\DDebug.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\_common\MediaContent.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\_common\MediaSessionMgr.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\_common\Msrp.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\_common\ProxyConsumer.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\_common\ProxyPluginMgr.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\_common\ProxyProducer.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\_common\SafeObject.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\_common\SipCallback.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\_common\SipEvent.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\_common\SipMessage.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\_common\SipSession.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\_common\SipStack.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\_common\SipUri.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\_common\SMSEncoder.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\_common\tinyWRAP_config.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath=".\tinyWRAP_wrap.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\_common\Xcap.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ </Filter>
+ <Filter
+ Name="interfaces(*.i)"
+ Filter="rc;ico;cur;bmp;dlg;rc2;rct;bin;rgs;gif;jpg;jpeg;jpe;resx;tiff;tif;png;wav"
+ UniqueIdentifier="{67DA6AB6-F800-4c08-8B7A-83BB121AAD01}"
+ >
+ <Filter
+ Name="common"
+ >
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\_common\Msrp.i"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\_common\SipStack.i"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\_common\SMS.i"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\_common\tinyWRAP.i"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\_common\Xcap.i"
+ >
+ </File>
+ </Filter>
+ <Filter
+ Name="languages"
+ >
+ <File
+ RelativePath=".\csharp.i"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\java\java.i"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\perl\perl.i"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\python\python.i"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\ruby\ruby.i"
+ >
+ </File>
+ </Filter>
+ </Filter>
+ <Filter
+ Name="resources(*.rc)"
+ >
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\version.rc"
+ >
+ </File>
+ </Filter>
+ </Files>
+ <Globals>
+ </Globals>
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/tinyWRAPPINVOKE.cs b/bindings/csharp/tinyWRAPPINVOKE.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84f9165
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/tinyWRAPPINVOKE.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,2203 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+using System;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+class tinyWRAPPINVOKE {
+ protected class SWIGExceptionHelper {
+ public delegate void ExceptionDelegate(string message);
+ public delegate void ExceptionArgumentDelegate(string message, string paramName);
+ static ExceptionDelegate applicationDelegate = new ExceptionDelegate(SetPendingApplicationException);
+ static ExceptionDelegate arithmeticDelegate = new ExceptionDelegate(SetPendingArithmeticException);
+ static ExceptionDelegate divideByZeroDelegate = new ExceptionDelegate(SetPendingDivideByZeroException);
+ static ExceptionDelegate indexOutOfRangeDelegate = new ExceptionDelegate(SetPendingIndexOutOfRangeException);
+ static ExceptionDelegate invalidCastDelegate = new ExceptionDelegate(SetPendingInvalidCastException);
+ static ExceptionDelegate invalidOperationDelegate = new ExceptionDelegate(SetPendingInvalidOperationException);
+ static ExceptionDelegate ioDelegate = new ExceptionDelegate(SetPendingIOException);
+ static ExceptionDelegate nullReferenceDelegate = new ExceptionDelegate(SetPendingNullReferenceException);
+ static ExceptionDelegate outOfMemoryDelegate = new ExceptionDelegate(SetPendingOutOfMemoryException);
+ static ExceptionDelegate overflowDelegate = new ExceptionDelegate(SetPendingOverflowException);
+ static ExceptionDelegate systemDelegate = new ExceptionDelegate(SetPendingSystemException);
+ static ExceptionArgumentDelegate argumentDelegate = new ExceptionArgumentDelegate(SetPendingArgumentException);
+ static ExceptionArgumentDelegate argumentNullDelegate = new ExceptionArgumentDelegate(SetPendingArgumentNullException);
+ static ExceptionArgumentDelegate argumentOutOfRangeDelegate = new ExceptionArgumentDelegate(SetPendingArgumentOutOfRangeException);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="SWIGRegisterExceptionCallbacks_tinyWRAP")]
+ public static extern void SWIGRegisterExceptionCallbacks_tinyWRAP(
+ ExceptionDelegate applicationDelegate,
+ ExceptionDelegate arithmeticDelegate,
+ ExceptionDelegate divideByZeroDelegate,
+ ExceptionDelegate indexOutOfRangeDelegate,
+ ExceptionDelegate invalidCastDelegate,
+ ExceptionDelegate invalidOperationDelegate,
+ ExceptionDelegate ioDelegate,
+ ExceptionDelegate nullReferenceDelegate,
+ ExceptionDelegate outOfMemoryDelegate,
+ ExceptionDelegate overflowDelegate,
+ ExceptionDelegate systemExceptionDelegate);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="SWIGRegisterExceptionArgumentCallbacks_tinyWRAP")]
+ public static extern void SWIGRegisterExceptionCallbacksArgument_tinyWRAP(
+ ExceptionArgumentDelegate argumentDelegate,
+ ExceptionArgumentDelegate argumentNullDelegate,
+ ExceptionArgumentDelegate argumentOutOfRangeDelegate);
+ static void SetPendingApplicationException(string message) {
+ SWIGPendingException.Set(new System.ApplicationException(message, SWIGPendingException.Retrieve()));
+ }
+ static void SetPendingArithmeticException(string message) {
+ SWIGPendingException.Set(new System.ArithmeticException(message, SWIGPendingException.Retrieve()));
+ }
+ static void SetPendingDivideByZeroException(string message) {
+ SWIGPendingException.Set(new System.DivideByZeroException(message, SWIGPendingException.Retrieve()));
+ }
+ static void SetPendingIndexOutOfRangeException(string message) {
+ SWIGPendingException.Set(new System.IndexOutOfRangeException(message, SWIGPendingException.Retrieve()));
+ }
+ static void SetPendingInvalidCastException(string message) {
+ SWIGPendingException.Set(new System.InvalidCastException(message, SWIGPendingException.Retrieve()));
+ }
+ static void SetPendingInvalidOperationException(string message) {
+ SWIGPendingException.Set(new System.InvalidOperationException(message, SWIGPendingException.Retrieve()));
+ }
+ static void SetPendingIOException(string message) {
+ SWIGPendingException.Set(new System.IO.IOException(message, SWIGPendingException.Retrieve()));
+ }
+ static void SetPendingNullReferenceException(string message) {
+ SWIGPendingException.Set(new System.NullReferenceException(message, SWIGPendingException.Retrieve()));
+ }
+ static void SetPendingOutOfMemoryException(string message) {
+ SWIGPendingException.Set(new System.OutOfMemoryException(message, SWIGPendingException.Retrieve()));
+ }
+ static void SetPendingOverflowException(string message) {
+ SWIGPendingException.Set(new System.OverflowException(message, SWIGPendingException.Retrieve()));
+ }
+ static void SetPendingSystemException(string message) {
+ SWIGPendingException.Set(new System.SystemException(message, SWIGPendingException.Retrieve()));
+ }
+ static void SetPendingArgumentException(string message, string paramName) {
+ SWIGPendingException.Set(new System.ArgumentException(message, paramName, SWIGPendingException.Retrieve()));
+ }
+ static void SetPendingArgumentNullException(string message, string paramName) {
+ Exception e = SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
+ if (e != null) message = message + " Inner Exception: " + e.Message;
+ SWIGPendingException.Set(new System.ArgumentNullException(paramName, message));
+ }
+ static void SetPendingArgumentOutOfRangeException(string message, string paramName) {
+ Exception e = SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
+ if (e != null) message = message + " Inner Exception: " + e.Message;
+ SWIGPendingException.Set(new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException(paramName, message));
+ }
+ static SWIGExceptionHelper() {
+ SWIGRegisterExceptionCallbacks_tinyWRAP(
+ applicationDelegate,
+ arithmeticDelegate,
+ divideByZeroDelegate,
+ indexOutOfRangeDelegate,
+ invalidCastDelegate,
+ invalidOperationDelegate,
+ ioDelegate,
+ nullReferenceDelegate,
+ outOfMemoryDelegate,
+ overflowDelegate,
+ systemDelegate);
+ SWIGRegisterExceptionCallbacksArgument_tinyWRAP(
+ argumentDelegate,
+ argumentNullDelegate,
+ argumentOutOfRangeDelegate);
+ }
+ }
+ protected static SWIGExceptionHelper swigExceptionHelper = new SWIGExceptionHelper();
+ public class SWIGPendingException {
+ [ThreadStatic]
+ private static Exception pendingException = null;
+ private static int numExceptionsPending = 0;
+ public static bool Pending {
+ get {
+ bool pending = false;
+ if (numExceptionsPending > 0)
+ if (pendingException != null)
+ pending = true;
+ return pending;
+ }
+ }
+ public static void Set(Exception e) {
+ if (pendingException != null)
+ throw new ApplicationException("FATAL: An earlier pending exception from unmanaged code was missed and thus not thrown (" + pendingException.ToString() + ")", e);
+ pendingException = e;
+ lock(typeof(tinyWRAPPINVOKE)) {
+ numExceptionsPending++;
+ }
+ }
+ public static Exception Retrieve() {
+ Exception e = null;
+ if (numExceptionsPending > 0) {
+ if (pendingException != null) {
+ e = pendingException;
+ pendingException = null;
+ lock(typeof(tinyWRAPPINVOKE)) {
+ numExceptionsPending--;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return e;
+ }
+ }
+ protected class SWIGStringHelper {
+ public delegate string SWIGStringDelegate(string message);
+ static SWIGStringDelegate stringDelegate = new SWIGStringDelegate(CreateString);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="SWIGRegisterStringCallback_tinyWRAP")]
+ public static extern void SWIGRegisterStringCallback_tinyWRAP(SWIGStringDelegate stringDelegate);
+ static string CreateString(string cString) {
+ return cString;
+ }
+ static SWIGStringHelper() {
+ SWIGRegisterStringCallback_tinyWRAP(stringDelegate);
+ }
+ }
+ static protected SWIGStringHelper swigStringHelper = new SWIGStringHelper();
+ static tinyWRAPPINVOKE() {
+ }
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_new_DDebugCallback")]
+ public static extern IntPtr new_DDebugCallback();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_DDebugCallback")]
+ public static extern void delete_DDebugCallback(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_DDebugCallback_OnDebugInfo")]
+ public static extern int DDebugCallback_OnDebugInfo(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_DDebugCallback_OnDebugInfoSwigExplicitDDebugCallback")]
+ public static extern int DDebugCallback_OnDebugInfoSwigExplicitDDebugCallback(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_DDebugCallback_OnDebugWarn")]
+ public static extern int DDebugCallback_OnDebugWarn(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_DDebugCallback_OnDebugWarnSwigExplicitDDebugCallback")]
+ public static extern int DDebugCallback_OnDebugWarnSwigExplicitDDebugCallback(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_DDebugCallback_OnDebugError")]
+ public static extern int DDebugCallback_OnDebugError(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_DDebugCallback_OnDebugErrorSwigExplicitDDebugCallback")]
+ public static extern int DDebugCallback_OnDebugErrorSwigExplicitDDebugCallback(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_DDebugCallback_OnDebugFatal")]
+ public static extern int DDebugCallback_OnDebugFatal(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_DDebugCallback_OnDebugFatalSwigExplicitDDebugCallback")]
+ public static extern int DDebugCallback_OnDebugFatalSwigExplicitDDebugCallback(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_DDebugCallback_director_connect")]
+ public static extern void DDebugCallback_director_connect(HandleRef jarg1, DDebugCallback.SwigDelegateDDebugCallback_0 delegate0, DDebugCallback.SwigDelegateDDebugCallback_1 delegate1, DDebugCallback.SwigDelegateDDebugCallback_2 delegate2, DDebugCallback.SwigDelegateDDebugCallback_3 delegate3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_new_AudioResampler")]
+ public static extern IntPtr new_AudioResampler(uint jarg1, uint jarg2, uint jarg3, uint jarg4, uint jarg5);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_AudioResampler")]
+ public static extern void delete_AudioResampler(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_AudioResampler_isValid")]
+ public static extern bool AudioResampler_isValid(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_AudioResampler_getOutputRequiredSizeInShort")]
+ public static extern uint AudioResampler_getOutputRequiredSizeInShort(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_AudioResampler_getInputRequiredSizeInShort")]
+ public static extern uint AudioResampler_getInputRequiredSizeInShort(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_AudioResampler_process")]
+ public static extern uint AudioResampler_process(HandleRef jarg1, IntPtr jarg2, uint jarg3, IntPtr jarg4, uint jarg5);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_new_ActionConfig")]
+ public static extern IntPtr new_ActionConfig();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_ActionConfig")]
+ public static extern void delete_ActionConfig(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ActionConfig_addHeader")]
+ public static extern bool ActionConfig_addHeader(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, string jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ActionConfig_addPayload")]
+ public static extern bool ActionConfig_addPayload(HandleRef jarg1, IntPtr jarg2, uint jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ActionConfig_setActiveMedia")]
+ public static extern bool ActionConfig_setActiveMedia(HandleRef jarg1, int jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ActionConfig_setResponseLine")]
+ public static extern IntPtr ActionConfig_setResponseLine(HandleRef jarg1, short jarg2, string jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ActionConfig_setMediaString")]
+ public static extern IntPtr ActionConfig_setMediaString(HandleRef jarg1, int jarg2, string jarg3, string jarg4);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ActionConfig_setMediaInt")]
+ public static extern IntPtr ActionConfig_setMediaInt(HandleRef jarg1, int jarg2, string jarg3, int jarg4);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_Codec")]
+ public static extern void delete_Codec(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_Codec_getMediaType")]
+ public static extern int Codec_getMediaType(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_Codec_getName")]
+ public static extern string Codec_getName(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_Codec_getDescription")]
+ public static extern string Codec_getDescription(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_Codec_getNegFormat")]
+ public static extern string Codec_getNegFormat(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_Codec_getAudioSamplingRate")]
+ public static extern int Codec_getAudioSamplingRate(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_Codec_getAudioChannels")]
+ public static extern int Codec_getAudioChannels(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_Codec_getAudioPTime")]
+ public static extern int Codec_getAudioPTime(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_MediaSessionMgr")]
+ public static extern void delete_MediaSessionMgr(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_sessionSetInt32")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_sessionSetInt32(HandleRef jarg1, int jarg2, string jarg3, int jarg4);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_sessionGetInt32")]
+ public static extern int MediaSessionMgr_sessionGetInt32(HandleRef jarg1, int jarg2, string jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_consumerSetInt32")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_consumerSetInt32(HandleRef jarg1, int jarg2, string jarg3, int jarg4);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_consumerSetInt64")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_consumerSetInt64(HandleRef jarg1, int jarg2, string jarg3, long jarg4);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_producerSetInt32")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_producerSetInt32(HandleRef jarg1, int jarg2, string jarg3, int jarg4);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_producerSetInt64")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_producerSetInt64(HandleRef jarg1, int jarg2, string jarg3, long jarg4);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_producerGetCodec")]
+ public static extern IntPtr MediaSessionMgr_producerGetCodec(HandleRef jarg1, int jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_findProxyPluginConsumer")]
+ public static extern IntPtr MediaSessionMgr_findProxyPluginConsumer(HandleRef jarg1, int jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_findProxyPluginProducer")]
+ public static extern IntPtr MediaSessionMgr_findProxyPluginProducer(HandleRef jarg1, int jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_registerAudioPluginFromFile")]
+ public static extern uint MediaSessionMgr_registerAudioPluginFromFile(string jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_getSessionId")]
+ public static extern ulong MediaSessionMgr_getSessionId(HandleRef jarg1, int jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetProfile")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetProfile(int jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetProfile")]
+ public static extern int MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetProfile();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetBandwidthLevel")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetBandwidthLevel(int jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetBandwidthLevel")]
+ public static extern int MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetBandwidthLevel();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetCongestionCtrlEnabled")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetCongestionCtrlEnabled(bool jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetVideoMotionRank")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetVideoMotionRank(int jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetVideoFps")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetVideoFps(int jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetBandwidthVideoUploadMax")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetBandwidthVideoUploadMax(int jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetBandwidthVideoDownloadMax")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetBandwidthVideoDownloadMax(int jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetPrefVideoSize")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetPrefVideoSize(int jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetJbMargin")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetJbMargin(uint jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetJbMaxLateRate")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetJbMaxLateRate(uint jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetEchoTail")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetEchoTail(uint jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetEchoTail")]
+ public static extern uint MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetEchoTail();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetEchoSkew")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetEchoSkew(uint jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetEchoSuppEnabled")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetEchoSuppEnabled(bool jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetEchoSuppEnabled")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetEchoSuppEnabled();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetAgcEnabled")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetAgcEnabled(bool jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetAgcEnabled")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetAgcEnabled();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetAgcLevel")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetAgcLevel(float jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetAgcLevel")]
+ public static extern float MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetAgcLevel();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetVadEnabled")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetVadEnabled(bool jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetGetVadEnabled")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetGetVadEnabled();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetNoiseSuppEnabled")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetNoiseSuppEnabled(bool jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetNoiseSuppEnabled")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetNoiseSuppEnabled();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetNoiseSuppLevel")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetNoiseSuppLevel(int jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetNoiseSuppLevel")]
+ public static extern int MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetNoiseSuppLevel();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSet100relEnabled")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSet100relEnabled(bool jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGet100relEnabled")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGet100relEnabled();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetScreenSize")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetScreenSize(int jarg1, int jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetAudioGain")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetAudioGain(int jarg1, int jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetAudioPtime")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetAudioPtime(int jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetAudioChannels")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetAudioChannels(int jarg1, int jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetRtpPortRange")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetRtpPortRange(ushort jarg1, ushort jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetRtpSymetricEnabled")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetRtpSymetricEnabled(bool jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetMediaType")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetMediaType(int jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetVolume")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetVolume(int jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetVolume")]
+ public static extern int MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetVolume();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetInviteSessionTimers")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetInviteSessionTimers(int jarg1, string jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetSRtpMode")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetSRtpMode(int jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetSRtpMode")]
+ public static extern int MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetSRtpMode();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetSRtpType")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetSRtpType(int jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetSRtpType")]
+ public static extern int MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetSRtpType();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetRtcpEnabled")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetRtcpEnabled(bool jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetRtcpEnabled")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetRtcpEnabled();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetRtcpMuxEnabled")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetRtcpMuxEnabled(bool jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetRtcpMuxEnabled")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetRtcpMuxEnabled();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetStunEnabled")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetStunEnabled(bool jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetIceStunEnabled")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetIceStunEnabled(bool jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetIceTurnEnabled")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetIceTurnEnabled(bool jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetStunServer")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetStunServer(string jarg1, ushort jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetStunCred")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetStunCred(string jarg1, string jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetIceEnabled")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetIceEnabled(bool jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetByPassEncoding")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetByPassEncoding(bool jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetByPassEncoding")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetByPassEncoding();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetByPassDecoding")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetByPassDecoding(bool jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetByPassDecoding")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetByPassDecoding();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetVideoJbEnabled")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetVideoJbEnabled(bool jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetVideoJbEnabled")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetVideoJbEnabled();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetVideoZeroArtifactsEnabled")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetVideoZeroArtifactsEnabled(bool jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetVideoZeroArtifactsEnabled")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetVideoZeroArtifactsEnabled();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetRtpBuffSize")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetRtpBuffSize(uint jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetRtpBuffSize")]
+ public static extern uint MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetRtpBuffSize();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetAvpfTail")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetAvpfTail(uint jarg1, uint jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetAvpfMode")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetAvpfMode(int jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetOpusMaxCaptureRate")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetOpusMaxCaptureRate(uint jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetOpusMaxPlaybackRate")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetOpusMaxPlaybackRate(uint jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetMaxFds")]
+ public static extern bool MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetMaxFds(int jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_MediaContent")]
+ public static extern void delete_MediaContent(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaContent_getType")]
+ public static extern string MediaContent_getType(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaContent_getDataLength")]
+ public static extern uint MediaContent_getDataLength(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaContent_getData")]
+ public static extern uint MediaContent_getData(HandleRef jarg1, IntPtr jarg2, uint jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaContent_parse__SWIG_0")]
+ public static extern IntPtr MediaContent_parse__SWIG_0(IntPtr jarg1, uint jarg2, string jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaContent_parse__SWIG_1")]
+ public static extern IntPtr MediaContent_parse__SWIG_1(IntPtr jarg1, uint jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaContent_getPayloadLength")]
+ public static extern uint MediaContent_getPayloadLength(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaContent_getPayload")]
+ public static extern uint MediaContent_getPayload(HandleRef jarg1, IntPtr jarg2, uint jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_MediaContentCPIM")]
+ public static extern void delete_MediaContentCPIM(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaContentCPIM_getPayloadLength")]
+ public static extern uint MediaContentCPIM_getPayloadLength(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaContentCPIM_getPayload")]
+ public static extern uint MediaContentCPIM_getPayload(HandleRef jarg1, IntPtr jarg2, uint jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaContentCPIM_getHeaderValue")]
+ public static extern string MediaContentCPIM_getHeaderValue(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_new_SipUri__SWIG_0")]
+ public static extern IntPtr new_SipUri__SWIG_0(string jarg1, string jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_new_SipUri__SWIG_1")]
+ public static extern IntPtr new_SipUri__SWIG_1(string jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_SipUri")]
+ public static extern void delete_SipUri(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipUri_isValid__SWIG_0")]
+ public static extern bool SipUri_isValid__SWIG_0(string jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipUri_isValid__SWIG_1")]
+ public static extern bool SipUri_isValid__SWIG_1(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipUri_getScheme")]
+ public static extern string SipUri_getScheme(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipUri_getHost")]
+ public static extern string SipUri_getHost(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipUri_getPort")]
+ public static extern ushort SipUri_getPort(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipUri_getUserName")]
+ public static extern string SipUri_getUserName(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipUri_getPassword")]
+ public static extern string SipUri_getPassword(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipUri_getDisplayName")]
+ public static extern string SipUri_getDisplayName(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipUri_getParamValue")]
+ public static extern string SipUri_getParamValue(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipUri_setDisplayName")]
+ public static extern void SipUri_setDisplayName(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_new_SdpMessage")]
+ public static extern IntPtr new_SdpMessage();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_SdpMessage")]
+ public static extern void delete_SdpMessage(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SdpMessage_getSdpHeaderValue__SWIG_0")]
+ public static extern string SdpMessage_getSdpHeaderValue__SWIG_0(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, char jarg3, uint jarg4);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SdpMessage_getSdpHeaderValue__SWIG_1")]
+ public static extern string SdpMessage_getSdpHeaderValue__SWIG_1(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, char jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SdpMessage_getSdpHeaderAValue")]
+ public static extern string SdpMessage_getSdpHeaderAValue(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, string jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_new_SipMessage")]
+ public static extern IntPtr new_SipMessage();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_SipMessage")]
+ public static extern void delete_SipMessage(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipMessage_isResponse")]
+ public static extern bool SipMessage_isResponse(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipMessage_getRequestType")]
+ public static extern int SipMessage_getRequestType(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipMessage_getResponseCode")]
+ public static extern short SipMessage_getResponseCode(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipMessage_getResponsePhrase")]
+ public static extern string SipMessage_getResponsePhrase(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipMessage_getSipHeaderValue__SWIG_0")]
+ public static extern string SipMessage_getSipHeaderValue__SWIG_0(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, uint jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipMessage_getSipHeaderValue__SWIG_1")]
+ public static extern string SipMessage_getSipHeaderValue__SWIG_1(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipMessage_getSipHeaderParamValue__SWIG_0")]
+ public static extern string SipMessage_getSipHeaderParamValue__SWIG_0(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, string jarg3, uint jarg4);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipMessage_getSipHeaderParamValue__SWIG_1")]
+ public static extern string SipMessage_getSipHeaderParamValue__SWIG_1(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, string jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipMessage_getSipContentLength")]
+ public static extern uint SipMessage_getSipContentLength(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipMessage_getSipContent")]
+ public static extern uint SipMessage_getSipContent(HandleRef jarg1, IntPtr jarg2, uint jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipMessage_getSdpMessage")]
+ public static extern IntPtr SipMessage_getSdpMessage(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_SipEvent")]
+ public static extern void delete_SipEvent(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipEvent_getCode")]
+ public static extern short SipEvent_getCode(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipEvent_getPhrase")]
+ public static extern string SipEvent_getPhrase(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipEvent_getBaseSession")]
+ public static extern IntPtr SipEvent_getBaseSession(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipEvent_getSipMessage")]
+ public static extern IntPtr SipEvent_getSipMessage(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_DialogEvent")]
+ public static extern void delete_DialogEvent(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_StackEvent")]
+ public static extern void delete_StackEvent(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_InviteEvent")]
+ public static extern void delete_InviteEvent(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_InviteEvent_getType")]
+ public static extern int InviteEvent_getType(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_InviteEvent_getMediaType")]
+ public static extern int InviteEvent_getMediaType(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_InviteEvent_getSession")]
+ public static extern IntPtr InviteEvent_getSession(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_InviteEvent_takeCallSessionOwnership")]
+ public static extern IntPtr InviteEvent_takeCallSessionOwnership(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_InviteEvent_takeMsrpSessionOwnership")]
+ public static extern IntPtr InviteEvent_takeMsrpSessionOwnership(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_MessagingEvent")]
+ public static extern void delete_MessagingEvent(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MessagingEvent_getType")]
+ public static extern int MessagingEvent_getType(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MessagingEvent_getSession")]
+ public static extern IntPtr MessagingEvent_getSession(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MessagingEvent_takeSessionOwnership")]
+ public static extern IntPtr MessagingEvent_takeSessionOwnership(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_InfoEvent")]
+ public static extern void delete_InfoEvent(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_InfoEvent_getType")]
+ public static extern int InfoEvent_getType(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_InfoEvent_getSession")]
+ public static extern IntPtr InfoEvent_getSession(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_InfoEvent_takeSessionOwnership")]
+ public static extern IntPtr InfoEvent_takeSessionOwnership(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_OptionsEvent")]
+ public static extern void delete_OptionsEvent(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_OptionsEvent_getType")]
+ public static extern int OptionsEvent_getType(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_OptionsEvent_getSession")]
+ public static extern IntPtr OptionsEvent_getSession(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_OptionsEvent_takeSessionOwnership")]
+ public static extern IntPtr OptionsEvent_takeSessionOwnership(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_PublicationEvent")]
+ public static extern void delete_PublicationEvent(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_PublicationEvent_getType")]
+ public static extern int PublicationEvent_getType(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_PublicationEvent_getSession")]
+ public static extern IntPtr PublicationEvent_getSession(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_PublicationEvent_takeSessionOwnership")]
+ public static extern IntPtr PublicationEvent_takeSessionOwnership(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_RegistrationEvent")]
+ public static extern void delete_RegistrationEvent(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_RegistrationEvent_getType")]
+ public static extern int RegistrationEvent_getType(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_RegistrationEvent_getSession")]
+ public static extern IntPtr RegistrationEvent_getSession(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_RegistrationEvent_takeSessionOwnership")]
+ public static extern IntPtr RegistrationEvent_takeSessionOwnership(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_SubscriptionEvent")]
+ public static extern void delete_SubscriptionEvent(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SubscriptionEvent_getType")]
+ public static extern int SubscriptionEvent_getType(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SubscriptionEvent_getSession")]
+ public static extern IntPtr SubscriptionEvent_getSession(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SubscriptionEvent_takeSessionOwnership")]
+ public static extern IntPtr SubscriptionEvent_takeSessionOwnership(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_T140CallbackData")]
+ public static extern void delete_T140CallbackData(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_T140CallbackData_getType")]
+ public static extern int T140CallbackData_getType(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_T140CallbackData_getSize")]
+ public static extern uint T140CallbackData_getSize(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_T140CallbackData_getData")]
+ public static extern uint T140CallbackData_getData(HandleRef jarg1, IntPtr jarg2, uint jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_new_T140Callback")]
+ public static extern IntPtr new_T140Callback();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_T140Callback")]
+ public static extern void delete_T140Callback(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_T140Callback_ondata")]
+ public static extern int T140Callback_ondata(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_T140Callback_ondataSwigExplicitT140Callback")]
+ public static extern int T140Callback_ondataSwigExplicitT140Callback(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_T140Callback_director_connect")]
+ public static extern void T140Callback_director_connect(HandleRef jarg1, T140Callback.SwigDelegateT140Callback_0 delegate0);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_new_SipSession")]
+ public static extern IntPtr new_SipSession(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_SipSession")]
+ public static extern void delete_SipSession(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipSession_haveOwnership")]
+ public static extern bool SipSession_haveOwnership(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipSession_addHeader")]
+ public static extern bool SipSession_addHeader(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, string jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipSession_removeHeader")]
+ public static extern bool SipSession_removeHeader(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipSession_addCaps__SWIG_0")]
+ public static extern bool SipSession_addCaps__SWIG_0(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, string jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipSession_addCaps__SWIG_1")]
+ public static extern bool SipSession_addCaps__SWIG_1(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipSession_removeCaps")]
+ public static extern bool SipSession_removeCaps(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipSession_setExpires")]
+ public static extern bool SipSession_setExpires(HandleRef jarg1, uint jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipSession_setFromUri__SWIG_0")]
+ public static extern bool SipSession_setFromUri__SWIG_0(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipSession_setFromUri__SWIG_1")]
+ public static extern bool SipSession_setFromUri__SWIG_1(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipSession_setToUri__SWIG_0")]
+ public static extern bool SipSession_setToUri__SWIG_0(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipSession_setToUri__SWIG_1")]
+ public static extern bool SipSession_setToUri__SWIG_1(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipSession_setSilentHangup")]
+ public static extern bool SipSession_setSilentHangup(HandleRef jarg1, bool jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipSession_addSigCompCompartment")]
+ public static extern bool SipSession_addSigCompCompartment(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipSession_removeSigCompCompartment")]
+ public static extern bool SipSession_removeSigCompCompartment(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipSession_getId")]
+ public static extern uint SipSession_getId(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_new_InviteSession")]
+ public static extern IntPtr new_InviteSession(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_InviteSession")]
+ public static extern void delete_InviteSession(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_InviteSession_accept__SWIG_0")]
+ public static extern bool InviteSession_accept__SWIG_0(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_InviteSession_accept__SWIG_1")]
+ public static extern bool InviteSession_accept__SWIG_1(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_InviteSession_hangup__SWIG_0")]
+ public static extern bool InviteSession_hangup__SWIG_0(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_InviteSession_hangup__SWIG_1")]
+ public static extern bool InviteSession_hangup__SWIG_1(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_InviteSession_reject__SWIG_0")]
+ public static extern bool InviteSession_reject__SWIG_0(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_InviteSession_reject__SWIG_1")]
+ public static extern bool InviteSession_reject__SWIG_1(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_InviteSession_sendInfo__SWIG_0")]
+ public static extern bool InviteSession_sendInfo__SWIG_0(HandleRef jarg1, IntPtr jarg2, uint jarg3, HandleRef jarg4);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_InviteSession_sendInfo__SWIG_1")]
+ public static extern bool InviteSession_sendInfo__SWIG_1(HandleRef jarg1, IntPtr jarg2, uint jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_InviteSession_getMediaMgr")]
+ public static extern IntPtr InviteSession_getMediaMgr(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_new_CallSession")]
+ public static extern IntPtr new_CallSession(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_CallSession")]
+ public static extern void delete_CallSession(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_CallSession_callAudio__SWIG_0")]
+ public static extern bool CallSession_callAudio__SWIG_0(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, HandleRef jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_CallSession_callAudio__SWIG_1")]
+ public static extern bool CallSession_callAudio__SWIG_1(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_CallSession_callAudio__SWIG_2")]
+ public static extern bool CallSession_callAudio__SWIG_2(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2, HandleRef jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_CallSession_callAudio__SWIG_3")]
+ public static extern bool CallSession_callAudio__SWIG_3(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_CallSession_callAudioVideo__SWIG_0")]
+ public static extern bool CallSession_callAudioVideo__SWIG_0(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, HandleRef jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_CallSession_callAudioVideo__SWIG_1")]
+ public static extern bool CallSession_callAudioVideo__SWIG_1(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_CallSession_callAudioVideo__SWIG_2")]
+ public static extern bool CallSession_callAudioVideo__SWIG_2(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2, HandleRef jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_CallSession_callAudioVideo__SWIG_3")]
+ public static extern bool CallSession_callAudioVideo__SWIG_3(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_CallSession_callVideo__SWIG_0")]
+ public static extern bool CallSession_callVideo__SWIG_0(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, HandleRef jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_CallSession_callVideo__SWIG_1")]
+ public static extern bool CallSession_callVideo__SWIG_1(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_CallSession_callVideo__SWIG_2")]
+ public static extern bool CallSession_callVideo__SWIG_2(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2, HandleRef jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_CallSession_callVideo__SWIG_3")]
+ public static extern bool CallSession_callVideo__SWIG_3(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_CallSession_call__SWIG_0")]
+ public static extern bool CallSession_call__SWIG_0(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, int jarg3, HandleRef jarg4);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_CallSession_call__SWIG_1")]
+ public static extern bool CallSession_call__SWIG_1(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, int jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_CallSession_call__SWIG_2")]
+ public static extern bool CallSession_call__SWIG_2(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2, int jarg3, HandleRef jarg4);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_CallSession_call__SWIG_3")]
+ public static extern bool CallSession_call__SWIG_3(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2, int jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_CallSession_setSessionTimer")]
+ public static extern bool CallSession_setSessionTimer(HandleRef jarg1, uint jarg2, string jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_CallSession_set100rel")]
+ public static extern bool CallSession_set100rel(HandleRef jarg1, bool jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_CallSession_setRtcp")]
+ public static extern bool CallSession_setRtcp(HandleRef jarg1, bool jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_CallSession_setRtcpMux")]
+ public static extern bool CallSession_setRtcpMux(HandleRef jarg1, bool jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_CallSession_setSRtpMode")]
+ public static extern bool CallSession_setSRtpMode(HandleRef jarg1, int jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_CallSession_setAvpfMode")]
+ public static extern bool CallSession_setAvpfMode(HandleRef jarg1, int jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_CallSession_setICE")]
+ public static extern bool CallSession_setICE(HandleRef jarg1, bool jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_CallSession_setICEStun")]
+ public static extern bool CallSession_setICEStun(HandleRef jarg1, bool jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_CallSession_setICETurn")]
+ public static extern bool CallSession_setICETurn(HandleRef jarg1, bool jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_CallSession_setSTUNServer")]
+ public static extern bool CallSession_setSTUNServer(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, ushort jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_CallSession_setSTUNCred")]
+ public static extern bool CallSession_setSTUNCred(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, string jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_CallSession_setVideoFps")]
+ public static extern bool CallSession_setVideoFps(HandleRef jarg1, int jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_CallSession_setVideoBandwidthUploadMax")]
+ public static extern bool CallSession_setVideoBandwidthUploadMax(HandleRef jarg1, int jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_CallSession_setVideoBandwidthDownloadMax")]
+ public static extern bool CallSession_setVideoBandwidthDownloadMax(HandleRef jarg1, int jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_CallSession_setVideoPrefSize")]
+ public static extern bool CallSession_setVideoPrefSize(HandleRef jarg1, int jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_CallSession_setQoS")]
+ public static extern bool CallSession_setQoS(HandleRef jarg1, int jarg2, int jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_CallSession_hold__SWIG_0")]
+ public static extern bool CallSession_hold__SWIG_0(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_CallSession_hold__SWIG_1")]
+ public static extern bool CallSession_hold__SWIG_1(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_CallSession_resume__SWIG_0")]
+ public static extern bool CallSession_resume__SWIG_0(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_CallSession_resume__SWIG_1")]
+ public static extern bool CallSession_resume__SWIG_1(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_CallSession_transfer__SWIG_0")]
+ public static extern bool CallSession_transfer__SWIG_0(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, HandleRef jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_CallSession_transfer__SWIG_1")]
+ public static extern bool CallSession_transfer__SWIG_1(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_CallSession_acceptTransfer__SWIG_0")]
+ public static extern bool CallSession_acceptTransfer__SWIG_0(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_CallSession_acceptTransfer__SWIG_1")]
+ public static extern bool CallSession_acceptTransfer__SWIG_1(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_CallSession_rejectTransfer__SWIG_0")]
+ public static extern bool CallSession_rejectTransfer__SWIG_0(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_CallSession_rejectTransfer__SWIG_1")]
+ public static extern bool CallSession_rejectTransfer__SWIG_1(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_CallSession_sendDTMF")]
+ public static extern bool CallSession_sendDTMF(HandleRef jarg1, int jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_CallSession_getSessionTransferId")]
+ public static extern uint CallSession_getSessionTransferId(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_CallSession_sendT140Data__SWIG_0")]
+ public static extern bool CallSession_sendT140Data__SWIG_0(HandleRef jarg1, int jarg2, IntPtr jarg3, uint jarg4);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_CallSession_sendT140Data__SWIG_1")]
+ public static extern bool CallSession_sendT140Data__SWIG_1(HandleRef jarg1, int jarg2, IntPtr jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_CallSession_sendT140Data__SWIG_2")]
+ public static extern bool CallSession_sendT140Data__SWIG_2(HandleRef jarg1, int jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_CallSession_setT140Callback")]
+ public static extern bool CallSession_setT140Callback(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_new_MsrpSession")]
+ public static extern IntPtr new_MsrpSession(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_MsrpSession")]
+ public static extern void delete_MsrpSession(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MsrpSession_setCallback")]
+ public static extern bool MsrpSession_setCallback(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MsrpSession_callMsrp__SWIG_0")]
+ public static extern bool MsrpSession_callMsrp__SWIG_0(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, HandleRef jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MsrpSession_callMsrp__SWIG_1")]
+ public static extern bool MsrpSession_callMsrp__SWIG_1(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MsrpSession_callMsrp__SWIG_2")]
+ public static extern bool MsrpSession_callMsrp__SWIG_2(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2, HandleRef jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MsrpSession_callMsrp__SWIG_3")]
+ public static extern bool MsrpSession_callMsrp__SWIG_3(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MsrpSession_sendMessage__SWIG_0")]
+ public static extern bool MsrpSession_sendMessage__SWIG_0(HandleRef jarg1, IntPtr jarg2, uint jarg3, HandleRef jarg4);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MsrpSession_sendMessage__SWIG_1")]
+ public static extern bool MsrpSession_sendMessage__SWIG_1(HandleRef jarg1, IntPtr jarg2, uint jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MsrpSession_sendFile__SWIG_0")]
+ public static extern bool MsrpSession_sendFile__SWIG_0(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MsrpSession_sendFile__SWIG_1")]
+ public static extern bool MsrpSession_sendFile__SWIG_1(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_new_MessagingSession")]
+ public static extern IntPtr new_MessagingSession(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_MessagingSession")]
+ public static extern void delete_MessagingSession(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MessagingSession_send__SWIG_0")]
+ public static extern bool MessagingSession_send__SWIG_0(HandleRef jarg1, IntPtr jarg2, uint jarg3, HandleRef jarg4);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MessagingSession_send__SWIG_1")]
+ public static extern bool MessagingSession_send__SWIG_1(HandleRef jarg1, IntPtr jarg2, uint jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MessagingSession_accept__SWIG_0")]
+ public static extern bool MessagingSession_accept__SWIG_0(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MessagingSession_accept__SWIG_1")]
+ public static extern bool MessagingSession_accept__SWIG_1(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MessagingSession_reject__SWIG_0")]
+ public static extern bool MessagingSession_reject__SWIG_0(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MessagingSession_reject__SWIG_1")]
+ public static extern bool MessagingSession_reject__SWIG_1(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_new_InfoSession")]
+ public static extern IntPtr new_InfoSession(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_InfoSession")]
+ public static extern void delete_InfoSession(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_InfoSession_send__SWIG_0")]
+ public static extern bool InfoSession_send__SWIG_0(HandleRef jarg1, IntPtr jarg2, uint jarg3, HandleRef jarg4);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_InfoSession_send__SWIG_1")]
+ public static extern bool InfoSession_send__SWIG_1(HandleRef jarg1, IntPtr jarg2, uint jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_InfoSession_accept__SWIG_0")]
+ public static extern bool InfoSession_accept__SWIG_0(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_InfoSession_accept__SWIG_1")]
+ public static extern bool InfoSession_accept__SWIG_1(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_InfoSession_reject__SWIG_0")]
+ public static extern bool InfoSession_reject__SWIG_0(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_InfoSession_reject__SWIG_1")]
+ public static extern bool InfoSession_reject__SWIG_1(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_new_OptionsSession")]
+ public static extern IntPtr new_OptionsSession(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_OptionsSession")]
+ public static extern void delete_OptionsSession(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_OptionsSession_send__SWIG_0")]
+ public static extern bool OptionsSession_send__SWIG_0(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_OptionsSession_send__SWIG_1")]
+ public static extern bool OptionsSession_send__SWIG_1(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_OptionsSession_accept__SWIG_0")]
+ public static extern bool OptionsSession_accept__SWIG_0(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_OptionsSession_accept__SWIG_1")]
+ public static extern bool OptionsSession_accept__SWIG_1(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_OptionsSession_reject__SWIG_0")]
+ public static extern bool OptionsSession_reject__SWIG_0(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_OptionsSession_reject__SWIG_1")]
+ public static extern bool OptionsSession_reject__SWIG_1(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_new_PublicationSession")]
+ public static extern IntPtr new_PublicationSession(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_PublicationSession")]
+ public static extern void delete_PublicationSession(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_PublicationSession_publish__SWIG_0")]
+ public static extern bool PublicationSession_publish__SWIG_0(HandleRef jarg1, IntPtr jarg2, uint jarg3, HandleRef jarg4);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_PublicationSession_publish__SWIG_1")]
+ public static extern bool PublicationSession_publish__SWIG_1(HandleRef jarg1, IntPtr jarg2, uint jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_PublicationSession_unPublish__SWIG_0")]
+ public static extern bool PublicationSession_unPublish__SWIG_0(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_PublicationSession_unPublish__SWIG_1")]
+ public static extern bool PublicationSession_unPublish__SWIG_1(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_new_RegistrationSession")]
+ public static extern IntPtr new_RegistrationSession(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_RegistrationSession")]
+ public static extern void delete_RegistrationSession(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_RegistrationSession_register___SWIG_0")]
+ public static extern bool RegistrationSession_register___SWIG_0(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_RegistrationSession_register___SWIG_1")]
+ public static extern bool RegistrationSession_register___SWIG_1(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_RegistrationSession_unRegister__SWIG_0")]
+ public static extern bool RegistrationSession_unRegister__SWIG_0(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_RegistrationSession_unRegister__SWIG_1")]
+ public static extern bool RegistrationSession_unRegister__SWIG_1(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_RegistrationSession_accept__SWIG_0")]
+ public static extern bool RegistrationSession_accept__SWIG_0(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_RegistrationSession_accept__SWIG_1")]
+ public static extern bool RegistrationSession_accept__SWIG_1(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_RegistrationSession_reject__SWIG_0")]
+ public static extern bool RegistrationSession_reject__SWIG_0(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_RegistrationSession_reject__SWIG_1")]
+ public static extern bool RegistrationSession_reject__SWIG_1(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_new_SubscriptionSession")]
+ public static extern IntPtr new_SubscriptionSession(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_SubscriptionSession")]
+ public static extern void delete_SubscriptionSession(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SubscriptionSession_subscribe")]
+ public static extern bool SubscriptionSession_subscribe(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SubscriptionSession_unSubscribe")]
+ public static extern bool SubscriptionSession_unSubscribe(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_ProxyPluginMgr")]
+ public static extern void delete_ProxyPluginMgr(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyPluginMgr_createInstance")]
+ public static extern IntPtr ProxyPluginMgr_createInstance(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyPluginMgr_getInstance")]
+ public static extern IntPtr ProxyPluginMgr_getInstance();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyPluginMgr_findPlugin")]
+ public static extern IntPtr ProxyPluginMgr_findPlugin(HandleRef jarg1, ulong jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyPluginMgr_findAudioConsumer")]
+ public static extern IntPtr ProxyPluginMgr_findAudioConsumer(HandleRef jarg1, ulong jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyPluginMgr_findVideoConsumer")]
+ public static extern IntPtr ProxyPluginMgr_findVideoConsumer(HandleRef jarg1, ulong jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyPluginMgr_findAudioProducer")]
+ public static extern IntPtr ProxyPluginMgr_findAudioProducer(HandleRef jarg1, ulong jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyPluginMgr_findVideoProducer")]
+ public static extern IntPtr ProxyPluginMgr_findVideoProducer(HandleRef jarg1, ulong jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_new_ProxyPluginMgrCallback")]
+ public static extern IntPtr new_ProxyPluginMgrCallback();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_ProxyPluginMgrCallback")]
+ public static extern void delete_ProxyPluginMgrCallback(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyPluginMgrCallback_OnPluginCreated")]
+ public static extern int ProxyPluginMgrCallback_OnPluginCreated(HandleRef jarg1, ulong jarg2, int jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyPluginMgrCallback_OnPluginCreatedSwigExplicitProxyPluginMgrCallback")]
+ public static extern int ProxyPluginMgrCallback_OnPluginCreatedSwigExplicitProxyPluginMgrCallback(HandleRef jarg1, ulong jarg2, int jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyPluginMgrCallback_OnPluginDestroyed")]
+ public static extern int ProxyPluginMgrCallback_OnPluginDestroyed(HandleRef jarg1, ulong jarg2, int jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyPluginMgrCallback_OnPluginDestroyedSwigExplicitProxyPluginMgrCallback")]
+ public static extern int ProxyPluginMgrCallback_OnPluginDestroyedSwigExplicitProxyPluginMgrCallback(HandleRef jarg1, ulong jarg2, int jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyPluginMgrCallback_director_connect")]
+ public static extern void ProxyPluginMgrCallback_director_connect(HandleRef jarg1, ProxyPluginMgrCallback.SwigDelegateProxyPluginMgrCallback_0 delegate0, ProxyPluginMgrCallback.SwigDelegateProxyPluginMgrCallback_1 delegate1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_ProxyPlugin")]
+ public static extern void delete_ProxyPlugin(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyPlugin_getType")]
+ public static extern int ProxyPlugin_getType(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyPlugin_getId")]
+ public static extern ulong ProxyPlugin_getId(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_new_ProxyAudioConsumerCallback")]
+ public static extern IntPtr new_ProxyAudioConsumerCallback();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_ProxyAudioConsumerCallback")]
+ public static extern void delete_ProxyAudioConsumerCallback(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyAudioConsumerCallback_prepare")]
+ public static extern int ProxyAudioConsumerCallback_prepare(HandleRef jarg1, int jarg2, int jarg3, int jarg4);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyAudioConsumerCallback_prepareSwigExplicitProxyAudioConsumerCallback")]
+ public static extern int ProxyAudioConsumerCallback_prepareSwigExplicitProxyAudioConsumerCallback(HandleRef jarg1, int jarg2, int jarg3, int jarg4);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyAudioConsumerCallback_start")]
+ public static extern int ProxyAudioConsumerCallback_start(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyAudioConsumerCallback_startSwigExplicitProxyAudioConsumerCallback")]
+ public static extern int ProxyAudioConsumerCallback_startSwigExplicitProxyAudioConsumerCallback(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyAudioConsumerCallback_pause")]
+ public static extern int ProxyAudioConsumerCallback_pause(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyAudioConsumerCallback_pauseSwigExplicitProxyAudioConsumerCallback")]
+ public static extern int ProxyAudioConsumerCallback_pauseSwigExplicitProxyAudioConsumerCallback(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyAudioConsumerCallback_stop")]
+ public static extern int ProxyAudioConsumerCallback_stop(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyAudioConsumerCallback_stopSwigExplicitProxyAudioConsumerCallback")]
+ public static extern int ProxyAudioConsumerCallback_stopSwigExplicitProxyAudioConsumerCallback(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyAudioConsumerCallback_director_connect")]
+ public static extern void ProxyAudioConsumerCallback_director_connect(HandleRef jarg1, ProxyAudioConsumerCallback.SwigDelegateProxyAudioConsumerCallback_0 delegate0, ProxyAudioConsumerCallback.SwigDelegateProxyAudioConsumerCallback_1 delegate1, ProxyAudioConsumerCallback.SwigDelegateProxyAudioConsumerCallback_2 delegate2, ProxyAudioConsumerCallback.SwigDelegateProxyAudioConsumerCallback_3 delegate3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_ProxyAudioConsumer")]
+ public static extern void delete_ProxyAudioConsumer(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyAudioConsumer_setActualSndCardPlaybackParams")]
+ public static extern bool ProxyAudioConsumer_setActualSndCardPlaybackParams(HandleRef jarg1, int jarg2, int jarg3, int jarg4);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyAudioConsumer_queryForResampler")]
+ public static extern bool ProxyAudioConsumer_queryForResampler(HandleRef jarg1, ushort jarg2, ushort jarg3, ushort jarg4, ushort jarg5, ushort jarg6);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyAudioConsumer_setPullBuffer")]
+ public static extern bool ProxyAudioConsumer_setPullBuffer(HandleRef jarg1, IntPtr jarg2, uint jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyAudioConsumer_pull__SWIG_0")]
+ public static extern uint ProxyAudioConsumer_pull__SWIG_0(HandleRef jarg1, IntPtr jarg2, uint jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyAudioConsumer_pull__SWIG_1")]
+ public static extern uint ProxyAudioConsumer_pull__SWIG_1(HandleRef jarg1, IntPtr jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyAudioConsumer_pull__SWIG_2")]
+ public static extern uint ProxyAudioConsumer_pull__SWIG_2(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyAudioConsumer_setGain")]
+ public static extern bool ProxyAudioConsumer_setGain(HandleRef jarg1, uint jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyAudioConsumer_getGain")]
+ public static extern uint ProxyAudioConsumer_getGain(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyAudioConsumer_reset")]
+ public static extern bool ProxyAudioConsumer_reset(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyAudioConsumer_setCallback")]
+ public static extern void ProxyAudioConsumer_setCallback(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyAudioConsumer_getMediaSessionId")]
+ public static extern ulong ProxyAudioConsumer_getMediaSessionId(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyAudioConsumer_registerPlugin")]
+ public static extern bool ProxyAudioConsumer_registerPlugin();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_new_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback")]
+ public static extern IntPtr new_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback")]
+ public static extern void delete_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback_prepare")]
+ public static extern int ProxyVideoConsumerCallback_prepare(HandleRef jarg1, int jarg2, int jarg3, int jarg4);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback_prepareSwigExplicitProxyVideoConsumerCallback")]
+ public static extern int ProxyVideoConsumerCallback_prepareSwigExplicitProxyVideoConsumerCallback(HandleRef jarg1, int jarg2, int jarg3, int jarg4);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback_consume")]
+ public static extern int ProxyVideoConsumerCallback_consume(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback_consumeSwigExplicitProxyVideoConsumerCallback")]
+ public static extern int ProxyVideoConsumerCallback_consumeSwigExplicitProxyVideoConsumerCallback(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback_bufferCopied")]
+ public static extern int ProxyVideoConsumerCallback_bufferCopied(HandleRef jarg1, uint jarg2, uint jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback_bufferCopiedSwigExplicitProxyVideoConsumerCallback")]
+ public static extern int ProxyVideoConsumerCallback_bufferCopiedSwigExplicitProxyVideoConsumerCallback(HandleRef jarg1, uint jarg2, uint jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback_start")]
+ public static extern int ProxyVideoConsumerCallback_start(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback_startSwigExplicitProxyVideoConsumerCallback")]
+ public static extern int ProxyVideoConsumerCallback_startSwigExplicitProxyVideoConsumerCallback(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback_pause")]
+ public static extern int ProxyVideoConsumerCallback_pause(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback_pauseSwigExplicitProxyVideoConsumerCallback")]
+ public static extern int ProxyVideoConsumerCallback_pauseSwigExplicitProxyVideoConsumerCallback(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback_stop")]
+ public static extern int ProxyVideoConsumerCallback_stop(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback_stopSwigExplicitProxyVideoConsumerCallback")]
+ public static extern int ProxyVideoConsumerCallback_stopSwigExplicitProxyVideoConsumerCallback(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback_director_connect")]
+ public static extern void ProxyVideoConsumerCallback_director_connect(HandleRef jarg1, ProxyVideoConsumerCallback.SwigDelegateProxyVideoConsumerCallback_0 delegate0, ProxyVideoConsumerCallback.SwigDelegateProxyVideoConsumerCallback_1 delegate1, ProxyVideoConsumerCallback.SwigDelegateProxyVideoConsumerCallback_2 delegate2, ProxyVideoConsumerCallback.SwigDelegateProxyVideoConsumerCallback_3 delegate3, ProxyVideoConsumerCallback.SwigDelegateProxyVideoConsumerCallback_4 delegate4, ProxyVideoConsumerCallback.SwigDelegateProxyVideoConsumerCallback_5 delegate5);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_ProxyVideoConsumer")]
+ public static extern void delete_ProxyVideoConsumer(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumer_setDisplaySize")]
+ public static extern bool ProxyVideoConsumer_setDisplaySize(HandleRef jarg1, uint jarg2, uint jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumer_getDisplayWidth")]
+ public static extern uint ProxyVideoConsumer_getDisplayWidth(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumer_getDisplayHeight")]
+ public static extern uint ProxyVideoConsumer_getDisplayHeight(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumer_getDecodedWidth")]
+ public static extern uint ProxyVideoConsumer_getDecodedWidth(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumer_getDecodedHeight")]
+ public static extern uint ProxyVideoConsumer_getDecodedHeight(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumer_setCallback")]
+ public static extern void ProxyVideoConsumer_setCallback(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumer_setAutoResizeDisplay")]
+ public static extern bool ProxyVideoConsumer_setAutoResizeDisplay(HandleRef jarg1, bool jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumer_getAutoResizeDisplay")]
+ public static extern bool ProxyVideoConsumer_getAutoResizeDisplay(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumer_setConsumeBuffer")]
+ public static extern bool ProxyVideoConsumer_setConsumeBuffer(HandleRef jarg1, IntPtr jarg2, uint jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumer_pull")]
+ public static extern uint ProxyVideoConsumer_pull(HandleRef jarg1, IntPtr jarg2, uint jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumer_reset")]
+ public static extern bool ProxyVideoConsumer_reset(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumer_getMediaSessionId")]
+ public static extern ulong ProxyVideoConsumer_getMediaSessionId(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumer_registerPlugin")]
+ public static extern bool ProxyVideoConsumer_registerPlugin();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumer_setDefaultChroma")]
+ public static extern void ProxyVideoConsumer_setDefaultChroma(int jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumer_setDefaultAutoResizeDisplay")]
+ public static extern void ProxyVideoConsumer_setDefaultAutoResizeDisplay(bool jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_ProxyVideoFrame")]
+ public static extern void delete_ProxyVideoFrame(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyVideoFrame_getSize")]
+ public static extern uint ProxyVideoFrame_getSize(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyVideoFrame_getContent")]
+ public static extern uint ProxyVideoFrame_getContent(HandleRef jarg1, IntPtr jarg2, uint jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyVideoFrame_getFrameWidth")]
+ public static extern uint ProxyVideoFrame_getFrameWidth(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyVideoFrame_getFrameHeight")]
+ public static extern uint ProxyVideoFrame_getFrameHeight(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_new_ProxyAudioProducerCallback")]
+ public static extern IntPtr new_ProxyAudioProducerCallback();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_ProxyAudioProducerCallback")]
+ public static extern void delete_ProxyAudioProducerCallback(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyAudioProducerCallback_prepare")]
+ public static extern int ProxyAudioProducerCallback_prepare(HandleRef jarg1, int jarg2, int jarg3, int jarg4);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyAudioProducerCallback_prepareSwigExplicitProxyAudioProducerCallback")]
+ public static extern int ProxyAudioProducerCallback_prepareSwigExplicitProxyAudioProducerCallback(HandleRef jarg1, int jarg2, int jarg3, int jarg4);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyAudioProducerCallback_start")]
+ public static extern int ProxyAudioProducerCallback_start(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyAudioProducerCallback_startSwigExplicitProxyAudioProducerCallback")]
+ public static extern int ProxyAudioProducerCallback_startSwigExplicitProxyAudioProducerCallback(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyAudioProducerCallback_pause")]
+ public static extern int ProxyAudioProducerCallback_pause(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyAudioProducerCallback_pauseSwigExplicitProxyAudioProducerCallback")]
+ public static extern int ProxyAudioProducerCallback_pauseSwigExplicitProxyAudioProducerCallback(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyAudioProducerCallback_stop")]
+ public static extern int ProxyAudioProducerCallback_stop(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyAudioProducerCallback_stopSwigExplicitProxyAudioProducerCallback")]
+ public static extern int ProxyAudioProducerCallback_stopSwigExplicitProxyAudioProducerCallback(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyAudioProducerCallback_fillPushBuffer")]
+ public static extern int ProxyAudioProducerCallback_fillPushBuffer(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyAudioProducerCallback_fillPushBufferSwigExplicitProxyAudioProducerCallback")]
+ public static extern int ProxyAudioProducerCallback_fillPushBufferSwigExplicitProxyAudioProducerCallback(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyAudioProducerCallback_director_connect")]
+ public static extern void ProxyAudioProducerCallback_director_connect(HandleRef jarg1, ProxyAudioProducerCallback.SwigDelegateProxyAudioProducerCallback_0 delegate0, ProxyAudioProducerCallback.SwigDelegateProxyAudioProducerCallback_1 delegate1, ProxyAudioProducerCallback.SwigDelegateProxyAudioProducerCallback_2 delegate2, ProxyAudioProducerCallback.SwigDelegateProxyAudioProducerCallback_3 delegate3, ProxyAudioProducerCallback.SwigDelegateProxyAudioProducerCallback_4 delegate4);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_ProxyAudioProducer")]
+ public static extern void delete_ProxyAudioProducer(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyAudioProducer_setActualSndCardRecordParams")]
+ public static extern bool ProxyAudioProducer_setActualSndCardRecordParams(HandleRef jarg1, int jarg2, int jarg3, int jarg4);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyAudioProducer_setPushBuffer__SWIG_0")]
+ public static extern bool ProxyAudioProducer_setPushBuffer__SWIG_0(HandleRef jarg1, IntPtr jarg2, uint jarg3, bool jarg4);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyAudioProducer_setPushBuffer__SWIG_1")]
+ public static extern bool ProxyAudioProducer_setPushBuffer__SWIG_1(HandleRef jarg1, IntPtr jarg2, uint jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyAudioProducer_push__SWIG_0")]
+ public static extern int ProxyAudioProducer_push__SWIG_0(HandleRef jarg1, IntPtr jarg2, uint jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyAudioProducer_push__SWIG_1")]
+ public static extern int ProxyAudioProducer_push__SWIG_1(HandleRef jarg1, IntPtr jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyAudioProducer_push__SWIG_2")]
+ public static extern int ProxyAudioProducer_push__SWIG_2(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyAudioProducer_setGain")]
+ public static extern bool ProxyAudioProducer_setGain(HandleRef jarg1, uint jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyAudioProducer_getGain")]
+ public static extern uint ProxyAudioProducer_getGain(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyAudioProducer_setCallback")]
+ public static extern void ProxyAudioProducer_setCallback(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyAudioProducer_getMediaSessionId")]
+ public static extern ulong ProxyAudioProducer_getMediaSessionId(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyAudioProducer_registerPlugin")]
+ public static extern bool ProxyAudioProducer_registerPlugin();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_new_ProxyVideoProducerCallback")]
+ public static extern IntPtr new_ProxyVideoProducerCallback();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_ProxyVideoProducerCallback")]
+ public static extern void delete_ProxyVideoProducerCallback(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyVideoProducerCallback_prepare")]
+ public static extern int ProxyVideoProducerCallback_prepare(HandleRef jarg1, int jarg2, int jarg3, int jarg4);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyVideoProducerCallback_prepareSwigExplicitProxyVideoProducerCallback")]
+ public static extern int ProxyVideoProducerCallback_prepareSwigExplicitProxyVideoProducerCallback(HandleRef jarg1, int jarg2, int jarg3, int jarg4);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyVideoProducerCallback_start")]
+ public static extern int ProxyVideoProducerCallback_start(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyVideoProducerCallback_startSwigExplicitProxyVideoProducerCallback")]
+ public static extern int ProxyVideoProducerCallback_startSwigExplicitProxyVideoProducerCallback(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyVideoProducerCallback_pause")]
+ public static extern int ProxyVideoProducerCallback_pause(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyVideoProducerCallback_pauseSwigExplicitProxyVideoProducerCallback")]
+ public static extern int ProxyVideoProducerCallback_pauseSwigExplicitProxyVideoProducerCallback(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyVideoProducerCallback_stop")]
+ public static extern int ProxyVideoProducerCallback_stop(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyVideoProducerCallback_stopSwigExplicitProxyVideoProducerCallback")]
+ public static extern int ProxyVideoProducerCallback_stopSwigExplicitProxyVideoProducerCallback(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyVideoProducerCallback_director_connect")]
+ public static extern void ProxyVideoProducerCallback_director_connect(HandleRef jarg1, ProxyVideoProducerCallback.SwigDelegateProxyVideoProducerCallback_0 delegate0, ProxyVideoProducerCallback.SwigDelegateProxyVideoProducerCallback_1 delegate1, ProxyVideoProducerCallback.SwigDelegateProxyVideoProducerCallback_2 delegate2, ProxyVideoProducerCallback.SwigDelegateProxyVideoProducerCallback_3 delegate3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_ProxyVideoProducer")]
+ public static extern void delete_ProxyVideoProducer(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyVideoProducer_getRotation")]
+ public static extern int ProxyVideoProducer_getRotation(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyVideoProducer_setRotation")]
+ public static extern bool ProxyVideoProducer_setRotation(HandleRef jarg1, int jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyVideoProducer_getMirror")]
+ public static extern bool ProxyVideoProducer_getMirror(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyVideoProducer_setMirror")]
+ public static extern bool ProxyVideoProducer_setMirror(HandleRef jarg1, bool jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyVideoProducer_setActualCameraOutputSize")]
+ public static extern bool ProxyVideoProducer_setActualCameraOutputSize(HandleRef jarg1, uint jarg2, uint jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyVideoProducer_push")]
+ public static extern int ProxyVideoProducer_push(HandleRef jarg1, IntPtr jarg2, uint jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyVideoProducer_setCallback")]
+ public static extern void ProxyVideoProducer_setCallback(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyVideoProducer_getMediaSessionId")]
+ public static extern ulong ProxyVideoProducer_getMediaSessionId(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyVideoProducer_registerPlugin")]
+ public static extern bool ProxyVideoProducer_registerPlugin();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyVideoProducer_setDefaultChroma")]
+ public static extern void ProxyVideoProducer_setDefaultChroma(int jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_new_SipCallback")]
+ public static extern IntPtr new_SipCallback();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_SipCallback")]
+ public static extern void delete_SipCallback(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipCallback_OnDialogEvent")]
+ public static extern int SipCallback_OnDialogEvent(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipCallback_OnDialogEventSwigExplicitSipCallback")]
+ public static extern int SipCallback_OnDialogEventSwigExplicitSipCallback(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipCallback_OnStackEvent")]
+ public static extern int SipCallback_OnStackEvent(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipCallback_OnStackEventSwigExplicitSipCallback")]
+ public static extern int SipCallback_OnStackEventSwigExplicitSipCallback(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipCallback_OnInviteEvent")]
+ public static extern int SipCallback_OnInviteEvent(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipCallback_OnInviteEventSwigExplicitSipCallback")]
+ public static extern int SipCallback_OnInviteEventSwigExplicitSipCallback(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipCallback_OnMessagingEvent")]
+ public static extern int SipCallback_OnMessagingEvent(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipCallback_OnMessagingEventSwigExplicitSipCallback")]
+ public static extern int SipCallback_OnMessagingEventSwigExplicitSipCallback(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipCallback_OnInfoEvent")]
+ public static extern int SipCallback_OnInfoEvent(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipCallback_OnInfoEventSwigExplicitSipCallback")]
+ public static extern int SipCallback_OnInfoEventSwigExplicitSipCallback(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipCallback_OnOptionsEvent")]
+ public static extern int SipCallback_OnOptionsEvent(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipCallback_OnOptionsEventSwigExplicitSipCallback")]
+ public static extern int SipCallback_OnOptionsEventSwigExplicitSipCallback(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipCallback_OnPublicationEvent")]
+ public static extern int SipCallback_OnPublicationEvent(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipCallback_OnPublicationEventSwigExplicitSipCallback")]
+ public static extern int SipCallback_OnPublicationEventSwigExplicitSipCallback(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipCallback_OnRegistrationEvent")]
+ public static extern int SipCallback_OnRegistrationEvent(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipCallback_OnRegistrationEventSwigExplicitSipCallback")]
+ public static extern int SipCallback_OnRegistrationEventSwigExplicitSipCallback(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipCallback_OnSubscriptionEvent")]
+ public static extern int SipCallback_OnSubscriptionEvent(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipCallback_OnSubscriptionEventSwigExplicitSipCallback")]
+ public static extern int SipCallback_OnSubscriptionEventSwigExplicitSipCallback(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipCallback_director_connect")]
+ public static extern void SipCallback_director_connect(HandleRef jarg1, SipCallback.SwigDelegateSipCallback_0 delegate0, SipCallback.SwigDelegateSipCallback_1 delegate1, SipCallback.SwigDelegateSipCallback_2 delegate2, SipCallback.SwigDelegateSipCallback_3 delegate3, SipCallback.SwigDelegateSipCallback_4 delegate4, SipCallback.SwigDelegateSipCallback_5 delegate5, SipCallback.SwigDelegateSipCallback_6 delegate6, SipCallback.SwigDelegateSipCallback_7 delegate7, SipCallback.SwigDelegateSipCallback_8 delegate8);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_new_SafeObject")]
+ public static extern IntPtr new_SafeObject();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_SafeObject")]
+ public static extern void delete_SafeObject(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SafeObject_Lock")]
+ public static extern int SafeObject_Lock(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SafeObject_UnLock")]
+ public static extern int SafeObject_UnLock(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_new_SipStack")]
+ public static extern IntPtr new_SipStack(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, string jarg3, string jarg4);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_SipStack")]
+ public static extern void delete_SipStack(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipStack_start")]
+ public static extern bool SipStack_start(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipStack_setDebugCallback")]
+ public static extern bool SipStack_setDebugCallback(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipStack_setDisplayName")]
+ public static extern bool SipStack_setDisplayName(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipStack_setRealm")]
+ public static extern bool SipStack_setRealm(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipStack_setIMPI")]
+ public static extern bool SipStack_setIMPI(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipStack_setIMPU")]
+ public static extern bool SipStack_setIMPU(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipStack_setPassword")]
+ public static extern bool SipStack_setPassword(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipStack_setAMF")]
+ public static extern bool SipStack_setAMF(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipStack_setOperatorId")]
+ public static extern bool SipStack_setOperatorId(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipStack_setProxyCSCF")]
+ public static extern bool SipStack_setProxyCSCF(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, ushort jarg3, string jarg4, string jarg5);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipStack_setLocalIP__SWIG_0")]
+ public static extern bool SipStack_setLocalIP__SWIG_0(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, string jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipStack_setLocalIP__SWIG_1")]
+ public static extern bool SipStack_setLocalIP__SWIG_1(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipStack_setLocalPort__SWIG_0")]
+ public static extern bool SipStack_setLocalPort__SWIG_0(HandleRef jarg1, ushort jarg2, string jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipStack_setLocalPort__SWIG_1")]
+ public static extern bool SipStack_setLocalPort__SWIG_1(HandleRef jarg1, ushort jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipStack_setEarlyIMS")]
+ public static extern bool SipStack_setEarlyIMS(HandleRef jarg1, bool jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipStack_addHeader")]
+ public static extern bool SipStack_addHeader(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, string jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipStack_removeHeader")]
+ public static extern bool SipStack_removeHeader(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipStack_addDnsServer")]
+ public static extern bool SipStack_addDnsServer(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipStack_setDnsDiscovery")]
+ public static extern bool SipStack_setDnsDiscovery(HandleRef jarg1, bool jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipStack_setAoR")]
+ public static extern bool SipStack_setAoR(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, int jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipStack_setSigCompParams")]
+ public static extern bool SipStack_setSigCompParams(HandleRef jarg1, uint jarg2, uint jarg3, uint jarg4, bool jarg5);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipStack_addSigCompCompartment")]
+ public static extern bool SipStack_addSigCompCompartment(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipStack_removeSigCompCompartment")]
+ public static extern bool SipStack_removeSigCompCompartment(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipStack_setSTUNEnabledForICE")]
+ public static extern bool SipStack_setSTUNEnabledForICE(HandleRef jarg1, bool jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipStack_setSTUNServer")]
+ public static extern bool SipStack_setSTUNServer(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, ushort jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipStack_setSTUNCred")]
+ public static extern bool SipStack_setSTUNCred(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, string jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipStack_setSTUNEnabled")]
+ public static extern bool SipStack_setSTUNEnabled(HandleRef jarg1, bool jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipStack_setTLSSecAgree")]
+ public static extern bool SipStack_setTLSSecAgree(HandleRef jarg1, bool jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipStack_setSSLCertificates__SWIG_0")]
+ public static extern bool SipStack_setSSLCertificates__SWIG_0(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, string jarg3, string jarg4, bool jarg5);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipStack_setSSLCertificates__SWIG_1")]
+ public static extern bool SipStack_setSSLCertificates__SWIG_1(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, string jarg3, string jarg4);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipStack_setSSLCretificates__SWIG_0")]
+ public static extern bool SipStack_setSSLCretificates__SWIG_0(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, string jarg3, string jarg4, bool jarg5);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipStack_setSSLCretificates__SWIG_1")]
+ public static extern bool SipStack_setSSLCretificates__SWIG_1(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, string jarg3, string jarg4);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipStack_setIPSecSecAgree")]
+ public static extern bool SipStack_setIPSecSecAgree(HandleRef jarg1, bool jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipStack_setIPSecParameters")]
+ public static extern bool SipStack_setIPSecParameters(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, string jarg3, string jarg4, string jarg5);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipStack_dnsENUM")]
+ public static extern string SipStack_dnsENUM(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, string jarg3, string jarg4);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipStack_dnsNaptrSrv")]
+ public static extern string SipStack_dnsNaptrSrv(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, string jarg3, out ushort jarg4);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipStack_dnsSrv")]
+ public static extern string SipStack_dnsSrv(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, out ushort jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipStack_setMaxFDs")]
+ public static extern bool SipStack_setMaxFDs(HandleRef jarg1, uint jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipStack_getLocalIPnPort")]
+ public static extern string SipStack_getLocalIPnPort(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, out ushort jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipStack_getPreferredIdentity")]
+ public static extern string SipStack_getPreferredIdentity(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipStack_isValid")]
+ public static extern bool SipStack_isValid(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipStack_stop")]
+ public static extern bool SipStack_stop(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipStack_initialize")]
+ public static extern bool SipStack_initialize();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipStack_deInitialize")]
+ public static extern bool SipStack_deInitialize();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipStack_setCodecs")]
+ public static extern void SipStack_setCodecs(int jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipStack_setCodecs_2")]
+ public static extern void SipStack_setCodecs_2(long jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipStack_setCodecPriority")]
+ public static extern bool SipStack_setCodecPriority(int jarg1, int jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipStack_setCodecPriority_2")]
+ public static extern bool SipStack_setCodecPriority_2(int jarg1, int jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipStack_isCodecSupported")]
+ public static extern bool SipStack_isCodecSupported(int jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipStack_isIPSecSupported")]
+ public static extern bool SipStack_isIPSecSupported();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_tsip_event_code_dialog_transport_error_get")]
+ public static extern int tsip_event_code_dialog_transport_error_get();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_tsip_event_code_dialog_global_error_get")]
+ public static extern int tsip_event_code_dialog_global_error_get();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_tsip_event_code_dialog_message_error_get")]
+ public static extern int tsip_event_code_dialog_message_error_get();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_tsip_event_code_dialog_request_incoming_get")]
+ public static extern int tsip_event_code_dialog_request_incoming_get();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_tsip_event_code_dialog_request_outgoing_get")]
+ public static extern int tsip_event_code_dialog_request_outgoing_get();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_tsip_event_code_dialog_request_cancelled_get")]
+ public static extern int tsip_event_code_dialog_request_cancelled_get();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_tsip_event_code_dialog_request_sent_get")]
+ public static extern int tsip_event_code_dialog_request_sent_get();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_tsip_event_code_dialog_connecting_get")]
+ public static extern int tsip_event_code_dialog_connecting_get();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_tsip_event_code_dialog_connected_get")]
+ public static extern int tsip_event_code_dialog_connected_get();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_tsip_event_code_dialog_terminating_get")]
+ public static extern int tsip_event_code_dialog_terminating_get();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_tsip_event_code_dialog_terminated_get")]
+ public static extern int tsip_event_code_dialog_terminated_get();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_tsip_event_code_stack_starting_get")]
+ public static extern int tsip_event_code_stack_starting_get();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_tsip_event_code_stack_started_get")]
+ public static extern int tsip_event_code_stack_started_get();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_tsip_event_code_stack_stopping_get")]
+ public static extern int tsip_event_code_stack_stopping_get();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_tsip_event_code_stack_stopped_get")]
+ public static extern int tsip_event_code_stack_stopped_get();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_tsip_event_code_stack_failed_to_start_get")]
+ public static extern int tsip_event_code_stack_failed_to_start_get();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_tsip_event_code_stack_failed_to_stop_get")]
+ public static extern int tsip_event_code_stack_failed_to_stop_get();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_tsip_event_code_stack_disconnected_get")]
+ public static extern int tsip_event_code_stack_disconnected_get();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_new_XcapSelector")]
+ public static extern IntPtr new_XcapSelector(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_XcapSelector")]
+ public static extern void delete_XcapSelector(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_XcapSelector_setAUID")]
+ public static extern IntPtr XcapSelector_setAUID(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_XcapSelector_setName")]
+ public static extern IntPtr XcapSelector_setName(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_XcapSelector_setAttribute")]
+ public static extern IntPtr XcapSelector_setAttribute(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, string jarg3, string jarg4);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_XcapSelector_setPos")]
+ public static extern IntPtr XcapSelector_setPos(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, uint jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_XcapSelector_setPosAttribute")]
+ public static extern IntPtr XcapSelector_setPosAttribute(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, uint jarg3, string jarg4, string jarg5);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_XcapSelector_setNamespace")]
+ public static extern IntPtr XcapSelector_setNamespace(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, string jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_XcapSelector_getString")]
+ public static extern string XcapSelector_getString(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_XcapSelector_reset")]
+ public static extern void XcapSelector_reset(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_new_XcapMessage")]
+ public static extern IntPtr new_XcapMessage();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_XcapMessage")]
+ public static extern void delete_XcapMessage(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_XcapMessage_getCode")]
+ public static extern short XcapMessage_getCode(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_XcapMessage_getPhrase")]
+ public static extern string XcapMessage_getPhrase(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_XcapMessage_getXcapHeaderValue__SWIG_0")]
+ public static extern string XcapMessage_getXcapHeaderValue__SWIG_0(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, uint jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_XcapMessage_getXcapHeaderValue__SWIG_1")]
+ public static extern string XcapMessage_getXcapHeaderValue__SWIG_1(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_XcapMessage_getXcapHeaderParamValue__SWIG_0")]
+ public static extern string XcapMessage_getXcapHeaderParamValue__SWIG_0(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, string jarg3, uint jarg4);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_XcapMessage_getXcapHeaderParamValue__SWIG_1")]
+ public static extern string XcapMessage_getXcapHeaderParamValue__SWIG_1(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, string jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_XcapMessage_getXcapContentLength")]
+ public static extern uint XcapMessage_getXcapContentLength(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_XcapMessage_getXcapContent")]
+ public static extern uint XcapMessage_getXcapContent(HandleRef jarg1, IntPtr jarg2, uint jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_XcapEvent")]
+ public static extern void delete_XcapEvent(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_XcapEvent_getType")]
+ public static extern int XcapEvent_getType(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_XcapEvent_getXcapMessage")]
+ public static extern IntPtr XcapEvent_getXcapMessage(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_new_XcapCallback")]
+ public static extern IntPtr new_XcapCallback();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_XcapCallback")]
+ public static extern void delete_XcapCallback(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_XcapCallback_onEvent")]
+ public static extern int XcapCallback_onEvent(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_XcapCallback_onEventSwigExplicitXcapCallback")]
+ public static extern int XcapCallback_onEventSwigExplicitXcapCallback(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_XcapCallback_director_connect")]
+ public static extern void XcapCallback_director_connect(HandleRef jarg1, XcapCallback.SwigDelegateXcapCallback_0 delegate0);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_new_XcapStack")]
+ public static extern IntPtr new_XcapStack(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, string jarg3, string jarg4);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_XcapStack")]
+ public static extern void delete_XcapStack(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_XcapStack_registerAUID")]
+ public static extern bool XcapStack_registerAUID(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, string jarg3, string jarg4, string jarg5, bool jarg6);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_XcapStack_start")]
+ public static extern bool XcapStack_start(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_XcapStack_setCredentials")]
+ public static extern bool XcapStack_setCredentials(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, string jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_XcapStack_setXcapRoot")]
+ public static extern bool XcapStack_setXcapRoot(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_XcapStack_setLocalIP")]
+ public static extern bool XcapStack_setLocalIP(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_XcapStack_setLocalPort")]
+ public static extern bool XcapStack_setLocalPort(HandleRef jarg1, uint jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_XcapStack_addHeader")]
+ public static extern bool XcapStack_addHeader(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, string jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_XcapStack_removeHeader")]
+ public static extern bool XcapStack_removeHeader(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_XcapStack_setTimeout")]
+ public static extern bool XcapStack_setTimeout(HandleRef jarg1, uint jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_XcapStack_getDocument")]
+ public static extern bool XcapStack_getDocument(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_XcapStack_getElement")]
+ public static extern bool XcapStack_getElement(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_XcapStack_getAttribute")]
+ public static extern bool XcapStack_getAttribute(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_XcapStack_deleteDocument")]
+ public static extern bool XcapStack_deleteDocument(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_XcapStack_deleteElement")]
+ public static extern bool XcapStack_deleteElement(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_XcapStack_deleteAttribute")]
+ public static extern bool XcapStack_deleteAttribute(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_XcapStack_putDocument")]
+ public static extern bool XcapStack_putDocument(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, IntPtr jarg3, uint jarg4, string jarg5);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_XcapStack_putElement")]
+ public static extern bool XcapStack_putElement(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, IntPtr jarg3, uint jarg4);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_XcapStack_putAttribute")]
+ public static extern bool XcapStack_putAttribute(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, IntPtr jarg3, uint jarg4);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_XcapStack_stop")]
+ public static extern bool XcapStack_stop(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_new_RPMessage")]
+ public static extern IntPtr new_RPMessage();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_RPMessage")]
+ public static extern void delete_RPMessage(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_RPMessage_getType")]
+ public static extern int RPMessage_getType(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_RPMessage_getPayloadLength")]
+ public static extern uint RPMessage_getPayloadLength(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_RPMessage_getPayload")]
+ public static extern uint RPMessage_getPayload(HandleRef jarg1, IntPtr jarg2, uint jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_new_SMSData")]
+ public static extern IntPtr new_SMSData();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_SMSData")]
+ public static extern void delete_SMSData(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SMSData_getType")]
+ public static extern int SMSData_getType(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SMSData_getMR")]
+ public static extern int SMSData_getMR(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SMSData_getPayloadLength")]
+ public static extern uint SMSData_getPayloadLength(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SMSData_getPayload")]
+ public static extern uint SMSData_getPayload(HandleRef jarg1, IntPtr jarg2, uint jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SMSData_getOA")]
+ public static extern string SMSData_getOA(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SMSData_getDA")]
+ public static extern string SMSData_getDA(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SMSEncoder_encodeSubmit")]
+ public static extern IntPtr SMSEncoder_encodeSubmit(int jarg1, string jarg2, string jarg3, string jarg4);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SMSEncoder_encodeDeliver")]
+ public static extern IntPtr SMSEncoder_encodeDeliver(int jarg1, string jarg2, string jarg3, string jarg4);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SMSEncoder_encodeACK")]
+ public static extern IntPtr SMSEncoder_encodeACK(int jarg1, string jarg2, string jarg3, bool jarg4);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SMSEncoder_encodeError")]
+ public static extern IntPtr SMSEncoder_encodeError(int jarg1, string jarg2, string jarg3, bool jarg4);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SMSEncoder_decode")]
+ public static extern IntPtr SMSEncoder_decode(IntPtr jarg1, uint jarg2, bool jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_SMSEncoder")]
+ public static extern void delete_SMSEncoder(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_new_MsrpMessage")]
+ public static extern IntPtr new_MsrpMessage();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_MsrpMessage")]
+ public static extern void delete_MsrpMessage(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MsrpMessage_isRequest")]
+ public static extern bool MsrpMessage_isRequest(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MsrpMessage_getCode")]
+ public static extern short MsrpMessage_getCode(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MsrpMessage_getPhrase")]
+ public static extern string MsrpMessage_getPhrase(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MsrpMessage_getRequestType")]
+ public static extern int MsrpMessage_getRequestType(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MsrpMessage_getByteRange")]
+ public static extern void MsrpMessage_getByteRange(HandleRef jarg1, out long jarg2, out long jarg3, out long jarg4);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MsrpMessage_isLastChunck")]
+ public static extern bool MsrpMessage_isLastChunck(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MsrpMessage_isFirstChunck")]
+ public static extern bool MsrpMessage_isFirstChunck(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MsrpMessage_isSuccessReport")]
+ public static extern bool MsrpMessage_isSuccessReport(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MsrpMessage_getMsrpHeaderValue")]
+ public static extern string MsrpMessage_getMsrpHeaderValue(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MsrpMessage_getMsrpHeaderParamValue")]
+ public static extern string MsrpMessage_getMsrpHeaderParamValue(HandleRef jarg1, string jarg2, string jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MsrpMessage_getMsrpContentLength")]
+ public static extern uint MsrpMessage_getMsrpContentLength(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MsrpMessage_getMsrpContent")]
+ public static extern uint MsrpMessage_getMsrpContent(HandleRef jarg1, IntPtr jarg2, uint jarg3);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_MsrpEvent")]
+ public static extern void delete_MsrpEvent(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MsrpEvent_getType")]
+ public static extern int MsrpEvent_getType(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MsrpEvent_getSipSession")]
+ public static extern IntPtr MsrpEvent_getSipSession(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MsrpEvent_getMessage")]
+ public static extern IntPtr MsrpEvent_getMessage(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_new_MsrpCallback")]
+ public static extern IntPtr new_MsrpCallback();
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_delete_MsrpCallback")]
+ public static extern void delete_MsrpCallback(HandleRef jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MsrpCallback_OnEvent")]
+ public static extern int MsrpCallback_OnEvent(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MsrpCallback_OnEventSwigExplicitMsrpCallback")]
+ public static extern int MsrpCallback_OnEventSwigExplicitMsrpCallback(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MsrpCallback_director_connect")]
+ public static extern void MsrpCallback_director_connect(HandleRef jarg1, MsrpCallback.SwigDelegateMsrpCallback_0 delegate0);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MediaContentCPIM_SWIGUpcast")]
+ public static extern IntPtr MediaContentCPIM_SWIGUpcast(IntPtr jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_DialogEvent_SWIGUpcast")]
+ public static extern IntPtr DialogEvent_SWIGUpcast(IntPtr jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_StackEvent_SWIGUpcast")]
+ public static extern IntPtr StackEvent_SWIGUpcast(IntPtr jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_InviteEvent_SWIGUpcast")]
+ public static extern IntPtr InviteEvent_SWIGUpcast(IntPtr jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MessagingEvent_SWIGUpcast")]
+ public static extern IntPtr MessagingEvent_SWIGUpcast(IntPtr jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_InfoEvent_SWIGUpcast")]
+ public static extern IntPtr InfoEvent_SWIGUpcast(IntPtr jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_OptionsEvent_SWIGUpcast")]
+ public static extern IntPtr OptionsEvent_SWIGUpcast(IntPtr jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_PublicationEvent_SWIGUpcast")]
+ public static extern IntPtr PublicationEvent_SWIGUpcast(IntPtr jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_RegistrationEvent_SWIGUpcast")]
+ public static extern IntPtr RegistrationEvent_SWIGUpcast(IntPtr jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SubscriptionEvent_SWIGUpcast")]
+ public static extern IntPtr SubscriptionEvent_SWIGUpcast(IntPtr jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_InviteSession_SWIGUpcast")]
+ public static extern IntPtr InviteSession_SWIGUpcast(IntPtr jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_CallSession_SWIGUpcast")]
+ public static extern IntPtr CallSession_SWIGUpcast(IntPtr jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MsrpSession_SWIGUpcast")]
+ public static extern IntPtr MsrpSession_SWIGUpcast(IntPtr jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_MessagingSession_SWIGUpcast")]
+ public static extern IntPtr MessagingSession_SWIGUpcast(IntPtr jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_InfoSession_SWIGUpcast")]
+ public static extern IntPtr InfoSession_SWIGUpcast(IntPtr jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_OptionsSession_SWIGUpcast")]
+ public static extern IntPtr OptionsSession_SWIGUpcast(IntPtr jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_PublicationSession_SWIGUpcast")]
+ public static extern IntPtr PublicationSession_SWIGUpcast(IntPtr jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_RegistrationSession_SWIGUpcast")]
+ public static extern IntPtr RegistrationSession_SWIGUpcast(IntPtr jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SubscriptionSession_SWIGUpcast")]
+ public static extern IntPtr SubscriptionSession_SWIGUpcast(IntPtr jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyAudioConsumer_SWIGUpcast")]
+ public static extern IntPtr ProxyAudioConsumer_SWIGUpcast(IntPtr jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumer_SWIGUpcast")]
+ public static extern IntPtr ProxyVideoConsumer_SWIGUpcast(IntPtr jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyAudioProducer_SWIGUpcast")]
+ public static extern IntPtr ProxyAudioProducer_SWIGUpcast(IntPtr jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_ProxyVideoProducer_SWIGUpcast")]
+ public static extern IntPtr ProxyVideoProducer_SWIGUpcast(IntPtr jarg1);
+ [DllImport("tinyWRAP", EntryPoint="CSharp_SipStack_SWIGUpcast")]
+ public static extern IntPtr SipStack_SWIGUpcast(IntPtr jarg1);
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/tinyWRAP_wrap.cxx b/bindings/csharp/tinyWRAP_wrap.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2c8e32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/tinyWRAP_wrap.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,9552 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * This file is not intended to be easily readable and contains a number of
+ * coding conventions designed to improve portability and efficiency. Do not make
+ * changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify the SWIG
+ * interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+/* SwigValueWrapper is described in swig.swg */
+template<typename T> class SwigValueWrapper {
+ struct SwigMovePointer {
+ T *ptr;
+ SwigMovePointer(T *p) : ptr(p) { }
+ ~SwigMovePointer() { delete ptr; }
+ SwigMovePointer& operator=(SwigMovePointer& rhs) { T* oldptr = ptr; ptr = 0; delete oldptr; ptr = rhs.ptr; rhs.ptr = 0; return *this; }
+ } pointer;
+ SwigValueWrapper& operator=(const SwigValueWrapper<T>& rhs);
+ SwigValueWrapper(const SwigValueWrapper<T>& rhs);
+ SwigValueWrapper() : pointer(0) { }
+ SwigValueWrapper& operator=(const T& t) { SwigMovePointer tmp(new T(t)); pointer = tmp; return *this; }
+ operator T&() const { return *pointer.ptr; }
+ T *operator&() { return pointer.ptr; }
+template <typename T> T SwigValueInit() {
+ return T();
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This section contains generic SWIG labels for method/variable
+ * declarations/attributes, and other compiler dependent labels.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* template workaround for compilers that cannot correctly implement the C++ standard */
+# if defined(__SUNPRO_CC) && (__SUNPRO_CC <= 0x560)
+# elif defined(__HP_aCC)
+/* Needed even with `aCC -AA' when `aCC -V' reports HP ANSI C++ B3910B A.03.55 */
+/* If we find a maximum version that requires this, the test would be __HP_aCC <= 35500 for A.03.55 */
+# else
+# endif
+/* inline attribute */
+# if defined(__cplusplus) || (defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__))
+# define SWIGINLINE inline
+# else
+# define SWIGINLINE
+# endif
+/* attribute recognised by some compilers to avoid 'unused' warnings */
+# if defined(__GNUC__)
+# if !(defined(__cplusplus)) || (__GNUC__ > 3 || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 4))
+# define SWIGUNUSED __attribute__ ((__unused__))
+# else
+# define SWIGUNUSED
+# endif
+# elif defined(__ICC)
+# define SWIGUNUSED __attribute__ ((__unused__))
+# else
+# define SWIGUNUSED
+# endif
+# if defined(_MSC_VER)
+# pragma warning(disable : 4505) /* unreferenced local function has been removed */
+# endif
+# ifdef __cplusplus
+# else
+# endif
+/* internal SWIG method */
+/* internal inline SWIG method */
+/* exporting methods */
+#if (__GNUC__ >= 4) || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 4)
+# endif
+# if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
+# if defined(STATIC_LINKED)
+# define SWIGEXPORT
+# else
+# define SWIGEXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+# endif
+# else
+# if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(GCC_HASCLASSVISIBILITY)
+# define SWIGEXPORT __attribute__ ((visibility("default")))
+# else
+# define SWIGEXPORT
+# endif
+# endif
+/* calling conventions for Windows */
+# if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
+# define SWIGSTDCALL __stdcall
+# else
+# endif
+/* Deal with Microsoft's attempt at deprecating C standard runtime functions */
+#if !defined(SWIG_NO_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE) && defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE)
+/* Deal with Microsoft's attempt at deprecating methods in the standard C++ library */
+#if !defined(SWIG_NO_SCL_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE) && defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(_SCL_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE)
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+/* Support for throwing C# exceptions from C/C++. There are two types:
+ * Exceptions that take a message and ArgumentExceptions that take a message and a parameter name. */
+typedef enum {
+ SWIG_CSharpApplicationException,
+ SWIG_CSharpArithmeticException,
+ SWIG_CSharpDivideByZeroException,
+ SWIG_CSharpIndexOutOfRangeException,
+ SWIG_CSharpInvalidCastException,
+ SWIG_CSharpInvalidOperationException,
+ SWIG_CSharpIOException,
+ SWIG_CSharpNullReferenceException,
+ SWIG_CSharpOutOfMemoryException,
+ SWIG_CSharpOverflowException,
+ SWIG_CSharpSystemException
+} SWIG_CSharpExceptionCodes;
+typedef enum {
+ SWIG_CSharpArgumentException,
+ SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException,
+ SWIG_CSharpArgumentOutOfRangeException
+} SWIG_CSharpExceptionArgumentCodes;
+typedef void (SWIGSTDCALL* SWIG_CSharpExceptionCallback_t)(const char *);
+typedef void (SWIGSTDCALL* SWIG_CSharpExceptionArgumentCallback_t)(const char *, const char *);
+typedef struct {
+ SWIG_CSharpExceptionCodes code;
+ SWIG_CSharpExceptionCallback_t callback;
+} SWIG_CSharpException_t;
+typedef struct {
+ SWIG_CSharpExceptionArgumentCodes code;
+ SWIG_CSharpExceptionArgumentCallback_t callback;
+} SWIG_CSharpExceptionArgument_t;
+static SWIG_CSharpException_t SWIG_csharp_exceptions[] = {
+ { SWIG_CSharpApplicationException, NULL },
+ { SWIG_CSharpArithmeticException, NULL },
+ { SWIG_CSharpDivideByZeroException, NULL },
+ { SWIG_CSharpIndexOutOfRangeException, NULL },
+ { SWIG_CSharpInvalidCastException, NULL },
+ { SWIG_CSharpInvalidOperationException, NULL },
+ { SWIG_CSharpIOException, NULL },
+ { SWIG_CSharpNullReferenceException, NULL },
+ { SWIG_CSharpOutOfMemoryException, NULL },
+ { SWIG_CSharpOverflowException, NULL },
+ { SWIG_CSharpSystemException, NULL }
+static SWIG_CSharpExceptionArgument_t SWIG_csharp_exceptions_argument[] = {
+ { SWIG_CSharpArgumentException, NULL },
+ { SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException, NULL },
+ { SWIG_CSharpArgumentOutOfRangeException, NULL }
+static void SWIGUNUSED SWIG_CSharpSetPendingException(SWIG_CSharpExceptionCodes code, const char *msg) {
+ SWIG_CSharpExceptionCallback_t callback = SWIG_csharp_exceptions[SWIG_CSharpApplicationException].callback;
+ if ((size_t)code < sizeof(SWIG_csharp_exceptions)/sizeof(SWIG_CSharpException_t)) {
+ callback = SWIG_csharp_exceptions[code].callback;
+ }
+ callback(msg);
+static void SWIGUNUSED SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpExceptionArgumentCodes code, const char *msg, const char *param_name) {
+ SWIG_CSharpExceptionArgumentCallback_t callback = SWIG_csharp_exceptions_argument[SWIG_CSharpArgumentException].callback;
+ if ((size_t)code < sizeof(SWIG_csharp_exceptions_argument)/sizeof(SWIG_CSharpExceptionArgument_t)) {
+ callback = SWIG_csharp_exceptions_argument[code].callback;
+ }
+ callback(msg, param_name);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL SWIGRegisterExceptionCallbacks_tinyWRAP(
+ SWIG_CSharpExceptionCallback_t applicationCallback,
+ SWIG_CSharpExceptionCallback_t arithmeticCallback,
+ SWIG_CSharpExceptionCallback_t divideByZeroCallback,
+ SWIG_CSharpExceptionCallback_t indexOutOfRangeCallback,
+ SWIG_CSharpExceptionCallback_t invalidCastCallback,
+ SWIG_CSharpExceptionCallback_t invalidOperationCallback,
+ SWIG_CSharpExceptionCallback_t ioCallback,
+ SWIG_CSharpExceptionCallback_t nullReferenceCallback,
+ SWIG_CSharpExceptionCallback_t outOfMemoryCallback,
+ SWIG_CSharpExceptionCallback_t overflowCallback,
+ SWIG_CSharpExceptionCallback_t systemCallback) {
+ SWIG_csharp_exceptions[SWIG_CSharpApplicationException].callback = applicationCallback;
+ SWIG_csharp_exceptions[SWIG_CSharpArithmeticException].callback = arithmeticCallback;
+ SWIG_csharp_exceptions[SWIG_CSharpDivideByZeroException].callback = divideByZeroCallback;
+ SWIG_csharp_exceptions[SWIG_CSharpIndexOutOfRangeException].callback = indexOutOfRangeCallback;
+ SWIG_csharp_exceptions[SWIG_CSharpInvalidCastException].callback = invalidCastCallback;
+ SWIG_csharp_exceptions[SWIG_CSharpInvalidOperationException].callback = invalidOperationCallback;
+ SWIG_csharp_exceptions[SWIG_CSharpIOException].callback = ioCallback;
+ SWIG_csharp_exceptions[SWIG_CSharpNullReferenceException].callback = nullReferenceCallback;
+ SWIG_csharp_exceptions[SWIG_CSharpOutOfMemoryException].callback = outOfMemoryCallback;
+ SWIG_csharp_exceptions[SWIG_CSharpOverflowException].callback = overflowCallback;
+ SWIG_csharp_exceptions[SWIG_CSharpSystemException].callback = systemCallback;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL SWIGRegisterExceptionArgumentCallbacks_tinyWRAP(
+ SWIG_CSharpExceptionArgumentCallback_t argumentCallback,
+ SWIG_CSharpExceptionArgumentCallback_t argumentNullCallback,
+ SWIG_CSharpExceptionArgumentCallback_t argumentOutOfRangeCallback) {
+ SWIG_csharp_exceptions_argument[SWIG_CSharpArgumentException].callback = argumentCallback;
+ SWIG_csharp_exceptions_argument[SWIG_CSharpArgumentNullException].callback = argumentNullCallback;
+ SWIG_csharp_exceptions_argument[SWIG_CSharpArgumentOutOfRangeException].callback = argumentOutOfRangeCallback;
+/* Callback for returning strings to C# without leaking memory */
+typedef char * (SWIGSTDCALL* SWIG_CSharpStringHelperCallback)(const char *);
+static SWIG_CSharpStringHelperCallback SWIG_csharp_string_callback = NULL;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL SWIGRegisterStringCallback_tinyWRAP(SWIG_CSharpStringHelperCallback callback) {
+ SWIG_csharp_string_callback = callback;
+/* Contract support */
+#define SWIG_contract_assert(nullreturn, expr, msg) if (!(expr)) {SWIG_CSharpSetPendingExceptionArgument(SWIG_CSharpArgumentOutOfRangeException, msg, ""); return nullreturn; } else
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * director.swg
+ *
+ * This file contains support for director classes so that C# proxy
+ * methods can be called from C++.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+namespace Swig {
+ /* Director base class - not currently used in C# directors */
+ class Director {
+ };
+ /* Base class for director exceptions */
+ class DirectorException {
+ protected:
+ std::string swig_msg;
+ public:
+ DirectorException(const char* msg) : swig_msg(msg) {
+ }
+ DirectorException(const std::string &msg) : swig_msg(msg) {
+ }
+ const std::string& what() const {
+ return swig_msg;
+ }
+ virtual ~DirectorException() {
+ }
+ };
+ /* Pure virtual method exception */
+ class DirectorPureVirtualException : public Swig::DirectorException {
+ public:
+ DirectorPureVirtualException(const char* msg) : DirectorException(std::string("Attempt to invoke pure virtual method ") + msg) {
+ }
+ };
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+#include <stdint.h> // Use the C99 official header
+#include "tinyWRAP_config.h"
+#include "DDebug.h"
+#include "AudioResampler.h"
+#include "ActionConfig.h"
+#include "MediaSessionMgr.h"
+#include "MediaContent.h"
+#include "SipUri.h"
+#include "SipMessage.h"
+#include "SipEvent.h"
+#include "SipSession.h"
+#include "ProxyPluginMgr.h"
+#include "ProxyConsumer.h"
+#include "ProxyProducer.h"
+#include "SipCallback.h"
+#include "SafeObject.h"
+#include "SipStack.h"
+#include "Xcap.h"
+#include "SMSEncoder.h"
+#include "Msrp.h"
+/* ---------------------------------------------------
+ * C++ director class methods
+ * --------------------------------------------------- */
+#include "tinyWRAP_wrap.h"
+SwigDirector_DDebugCallback::SwigDirector_DDebugCallback() : DDebugCallback(), Swig::Director() {
+ swig_init_callbacks();
+SwigDirector_DDebugCallback::~SwigDirector_DDebugCallback() {
+int SwigDirector_DDebugCallback::OnDebugInfo(char const *message) {
+ int c_result = SwigValueInit< int >() ;
+ int jresult = 0 ;
+ char * jmessage = 0 ;
+ if (!swig_callbackOnDebugInfo) {
+ return DDebugCallback::OnDebugInfo(message);
+ } else {
+ jmessage = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)message);
+ jresult = (int) swig_callbackOnDebugInfo(jmessage);
+ c_result = (int)jresult;
+ }
+ return c_result;
+int SwigDirector_DDebugCallback::OnDebugWarn(char const *message) {
+ int c_result = SwigValueInit< int >() ;
+ int jresult = 0 ;
+ char * jmessage = 0 ;
+ if (!swig_callbackOnDebugWarn) {
+ return DDebugCallback::OnDebugWarn(message);
+ } else {
+ jmessage = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)message);
+ jresult = (int) swig_callbackOnDebugWarn(jmessage);
+ c_result = (int)jresult;
+ }
+ return c_result;
+int SwigDirector_DDebugCallback::OnDebugError(char const *message) {
+ int c_result = SwigValueInit< int >() ;
+ int jresult = 0 ;
+ char * jmessage = 0 ;
+ if (!swig_callbackOnDebugError) {
+ return DDebugCallback::OnDebugError(message);
+ } else {
+ jmessage = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)message);
+ jresult = (int) swig_callbackOnDebugError(jmessage);
+ c_result = (int)jresult;
+ }
+ return c_result;
+int SwigDirector_DDebugCallback::OnDebugFatal(char const *message) {
+ int c_result = SwigValueInit< int >() ;
+ int jresult = 0 ;
+ char * jmessage = 0 ;
+ if (!swig_callbackOnDebugFatal) {
+ return DDebugCallback::OnDebugFatal(message);
+ } else {
+ jmessage = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)message);
+ jresult = (int) swig_callbackOnDebugFatal(jmessage);
+ c_result = (int)jresult;
+ }
+ return c_result;
+void SwigDirector_DDebugCallback::swig_connect_director(SWIG_Callback0_t callbackOnDebugInfo, SWIG_Callback1_t callbackOnDebugWarn, SWIG_Callback2_t callbackOnDebugError, SWIG_Callback3_t callbackOnDebugFatal) {
+ swig_callbackOnDebugInfo = callbackOnDebugInfo;
+ swig_callbackOnDebugWarn = callbackOnDebugWarn;
+ swig_callbackOnDebugError = callbackOnDebugError;
+ swig_callbackOnDebugFatal = callbackOnDebugFatal;
+void SwigDirector_DDebugCallback::swig_init_callbacks() {
+ swig_callbackOnDebugInfo = 0;
+ swig_callbackOnDebugWarn = 0;
+ swig_callbackOnDebugError = 0;
+ swig_callbackOnDebugFatal = 0;
+SwigDirector_T140Callback::SwigDirector_T140Callback() : T140Callback(), Swig::Director() {
+ swig_init_callbacks();
+SwigDirector_T140Callback::~SwigDirector_T140Callback() {
+int SwigDirector_T140Callback::ondata(T140CallbackData const *pData) {
+ int c_result = SwigValueInit< int >() ;
+ int jresult = 0 ;
+ void * jpData = 0 ;
+ if (!swig_callbackondata) {
+ return T140Callback::ondata(pData);
+ } else {
+ jpData = (void *) pData;
+ jresult = (int) swig_callbackondata(jpData);
+ c_result = (int)jresult;
+ }
+ return c_result;
+void SwigDirector_T140Callback::swig_connect_director(SWIG_Callback0_t callbackondata) {
+ swig_callbackondata = callbackondata;
+void SwigDirector_T140Callback::swig_init_callbacks() {
+ swig_callbackondata = 0;
+SwigDirector_ProxyPluginMgrCallback::SwigDirector_ProxyPluginMgrCallback() : ProxyPluginMgrCallback(), Swig::Director() {
+ swig_init_callbacks();
+SwigDirector_ProxyPluginMgrCallback::~SwigDirector_ProxyPluginMgrCallback() {
+int SwigDirector_ProxyPluginMgrCallback::OnPluginCreated(uint64_t id, enum twrap_proxy_plugin_type_e type) {
+ int c_result = SwigValueInit< int >() ;
+ int jresult = 0 ;
+ unsigned long long jid ;
+ int jtype ;
+ if (!swig_callbackOnPluginCreated) {
+ return ProxyPluginMgrCallback::OnPluginCreated(id,type);
+ } else {
+ jid = id;
+ jtype = type;
+ jresult = (int) swig_callbackOnPluginCreated(jid, jtype);
+ c_result = (int)jresult;
+ }
+ return c_result;
+int SwigDirector_ProxyPluginMgrCallback::OnPluginDestroyed(uint64_t id, enum twrap_proxy_plugin_type_e type) {
+ int c_result = SwigValueInit< int >() ;
+ int jresult = 0 ;
+ unsigned long long jid ;
+ int jtype ;
+ if (!swig_callbackOnPluginDestroyed) {
+ return ProxyPluginMgrCallback::OnPluginDestroyed(id,type);
+ } else {
+ jid = id;
+ jtype = type;
+ jresult = (int) swig_callbackOnPluginDestroyed(jid, jtype);
+ c_result = (int)jresult;
+ }
+ return c_result;
+void SwigDirector_ProxyPluginMgrCallback::swig_connect_director(SWIG_Callback0_t callbackOnPluginCreated, SWIG_Callback1_t callbackOnPluginDestroyed) {
+ swig_callbackOnPluginCreated = callbackOnPluginCreated;
+ swig_callbackOnPluginDestroyed = callbackOnPluginDestroyed;
+void SwigDirector_ProxyPluginMgrCallback::swig_init_callbacks() {
+ swig_callbackOnPluginCreated = 0;
+ swig_callbackOnPluginDestroyed = 0;
+SwigDirector_ProxyAudioConsumerCallback::SwigDirector_ProxyAudioConsumerCallback() : ProxyAudioConsumerCallback(), Swig::Director() {
+ swig_init_callbacks();
+SwigDirector_ProxyAudioConsumerCallback::~SwigDirector_ProxyAudioConsumerCallback() {
+int SwigDirector_ProxyAudioConsumerCallback::prepare(int ptime, int rate, int channels) {
+ int c_result = SwigValueInit< int >() ;
+ int jresult = 0 ;
+ int jptime ;
+ int jrate ;
+ int jchannels ;
+ if (!swig_callbackprepare) {
+ return ProxyAudioConsumerCallback::prepare(ptime,rate,channels);
+ } else {
+ jptime = ptime;
+ jrate = rate;
+ jchannels = channels;
+ jresult = (int) swig_callbackprepare(jptime, jrate, jchannels);
+ c_result = (int)jresult;
+ }
+ return c_result;
+int SwigDirector_ProxyAudioConsumerCallback::start() {
+ int c_result = SwigValueInit< int >() ;
+ int jresult = 0 ;
+ if (!swig_callbackstart) {
+ return ProxyAudioConsumerCallback::start();
+ } else {
+ jresult = (int) swig_callbackstart();
+ c_result = (int)jresult;
+ }
+ return c_result;
+int SwigDirector_ProxyAudioConsumerCallback::pause() {
+ int c_result = SwigValueInit< int >() ;
+ int jresult = 0 ;
+ if (!swig_callbackpause) {
+ return ProxyAudioConsumerCallback::pause();
+ } else {
+ jresult = (int) swig_callbackpause();
+ c_result = (int)jresult;
+ }
+ return c_result;
+int SwigDirector_ProxyAudioConsumerCallback::stop() {
+ int c_result = SwigValueInit< int >() ;
+ int jresult = 0 ;
+ if (!swig_callbackstop) {
+ return ProxyAudioConsumerCallback::stop();
+ } else {
+ jresult = (int) swig_callbackstop();
+ c_result = (int)jresult;
+ }
+ return c_result;
+void SwigDirector_ProxyAudioConsumerCallback::swig_connect_director(SWIG_Callback0_t callbackprepare, SWIG_Callback1_t callbackstart, SWIG_Callback2_t callbackpause, SWIG_Callback3_t callbackstop) {
+ swig_callbackprepare = callbackprepare;
+ swig_callbackstart = callbackstart;
+ swig_callbackpause = callbackpause;
+ swig_callbackstop = callbackstop;
+void SwigDirector_ProxyAudioConsumerCallback::swig_init_callbacks() {
+ swig_callbackprepare = 0;
+ swig_callbackstart = 0;
+ swig_callbackpause = 0;
+ swig_callbackstop = 0;
+SwigDirector_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback::SwigDirector_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback() : ProxyVideoConsumerCallback(), Swig::Director() {
+ swig_init_callbacks();
+SwigDirector_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback::~SwigDirector_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback() {
+int SwigDirector_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback::prepare(int nWidth, int nHeight, int nFps) {
+ int c_result = SwigValueInit< int >() ;
+ int jresult = 0 ;
+ int jnWidth ;
+ int jnHeight ;
+ int jnFps ;
+ if (!swig_callbackprepare) {
+ return ProxyVideoConsumerCallback::prepare(nWidth,nHeight,nFps);
+ } else {
+ jnWidth = nWidth;
+ jnHeight = nHeight;
+ jnFps = nFps;
+ jresult = (int) swig_callbackprepare(jnWidth, jnHeight, jnFps);
+ c_result = (int)jresult;
+ }
+ return c_result;
+int SwigDirector_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback::consume(ProxyVideoFrame const *frame) {
+ int c_result = SwigValueInit< int >() ;
+ int jresult = 0 ;
+ void * jframe = 0 ;
+ if (!swig_callbackconsume) {
+ return ProxyVideoConsumerCallback::consume(frame);
+ } else {
+ jframe = (void *) frame;
+ jresult = (int) swig_callbackconsume(jframe);
+ c_result = (int)jresult;
+ }
+ return c_result;
+int SwigDirector_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback::bufferCopied(unsigned int nCopiedSize, unsigned int nAvailableSize) {
+ int c_result = SwigValueInit< int >() ;
+ int jresult = 0 ;
+ unsigned int jnCopiedSize ;
+ unsigned int jnAvailableSize ;
+ if (!swig_callbackbufferCopied) {
+ return ProxyVideoConsumerCallback::bufferCopied(nCopiedSize,nAvailableSize);
+ } else {
+ jnCopiedSize = nCopiedSize;
+ jnAvailableSize = nAvailableSize;
+ jresult = (int) swig_callbackbufferCopied(jnCopiedSize, jnAvailableSize);
+ c_result = (int)jresult;
+ }
+ return c_result;
+int SwigDirector_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback::start() {
+ int c_result = SwigValueInit< int >() ;
+ int jresult = 0 ;
+ if (!swig_callbackstart) {
+ return ProxyVideoConsumerCallback::start();
+ } else {
+ jresult = (int) swig_callbackstart();
+ c_result = (int)jresult;
+ }
+ return c_result;
+int SwigDirector_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback::pause() {
+ int c_result = SwigValueInit< int >() ;
+ int jresult = 0 ;
+ if (!swig_callbackpause) {
+ return ProxyVideoConsumerCallback::pause();
+ } else {
+ jresult = (int) swig_callbackpause();
+ c_result = (int)jresult;
+ }
+ return c_result;
+int SwigDirector_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback::stop() {
+ int c_result = SwigValueInit< int >() ;
+ int jresult = 0 ;
+ if (!swig_callbackstop) {
+ return ProxyVideoConsumerCallback::stop();
+ } else {
+ jresult = (int) swig_callbackstop();
+ c_result = (int)jresult;
+ }
+ return c_result;
+void SwigDirector_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback::swig_connect_director(SWIG_Callback0_t callbackprepare, SWIG_Callback1_t callbackconsume, SWIG_Callback2_t callbackbufferCopied, SWIG_Callback3_t callbackstart, SWIG_Callback4_t callbackpause, SWIG_Callback5_t callbackstop) {
+ swig_callbackprepare = callbackprepare;
+ swig_callbackconsume = callbackconsume;
+ swig_callbackbufferCopied = callbackbufferCopied;
+ swig_callbackstart = callbackstart;
+ swig_callbackpause = callbackpause;
+ swig_callbackstop = callbackstop;
+void SwigDirector_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback::swig_init_callbacks() {
+ swig_callbackprepare = 0;
+ swig_callbackconsume = 0;
+ swig_callbackbufferCopied = 0;
+ swig_callbackstart = 0;
+ swig_callbackpause = 0;
+ swig_callbackstop = 0;
+SwigDirector_ProxyAudioProducerCallback::SwigDirector_ProxyAudioProducerCallback() : ProxyAudioProducerCallback(), Swig::Director() {
+ swig_init_callbacks();
+SwigDirector_ProxyAudioProducerCallback::~SwigDirector_ProxyAudioProducerCallback() {
+int SwigDirector_ProxyAudioProducerCallback::prepare(int ptime, int rate, int channels) {
+ int c_result = SwigValueInit< int >() ;
+ int jresult = 0 ;
+ int jptime ;
+ int jrate ;
+ int jchannels ;
+ if (!swig_callbackprepare) {
+ return ProxyAudioProducerCallback::prepare(ptime,rate,channels);
+ } else {
+ jptime = ptime;
+ jrate = rate;
+ jchannels = channels;
+ jresult = (int) swig_callbackprepare(jptime, jrate, jchannels);
+ c_result = (int)jresult;
+ }
+ return c_result;
+int SwigDirector_ProxyAudioProducerCallback::start() {
+ int c_result = SwigValueInit< int >() ;
+ int jresult = 0 ;
+ if (!swig_callbackstart) {
+ return ProxyAudioProducerCallback::start();
+ } else {
+ jresult = (int) swig_callbackstart();
+ c_result = (int)jresult;
+ }
+ return c_result;
+int SwigDirector_ProxyAudioProducerCallback::pause() {
+ int c_result = SwigValueInit< int >() ;
+ int jresult = 0 ;
+ if (!swig_callbackpause) {
+ return ProxyAudioProducerCallback::pause();
+ } else {
+ jresult = (int) swig_callbackpause();
+ c_result = (int)jresult;
+ }
+ return c_result;
+int SwigDirector_ProxyAudioProducerCallback::stop() {
+ int c_result = SwigValueInit< int >() ;
+ int jresult = 0 ;
+ if (!swig_callbackstop) {
+ return ProxyAudioProducerCallback::stop();
+ } else {
+ jresult = (int) swig_callbackstop();
+ c_result = (int)jresult;
+ }
+ return c_result;
+int SwigDirector_ProxyAudioProducerCallback::fillPushBuffer() {
+ int c_result = SwigValueInit< int >() ;
+ int jresult = 0 ;
+ if (!swig_callbackfillPushBuffer) {
+ return ProxyAudioProducerCallback::fillPushBuffer();
+ } else {
+ jresult = (int) swig_callbackfillPushBuffer();
+ c_result = (int)jresult;
+ }
+ return c_result;
+void SwigDirector_ProxyAudioProducerCallback::swig_connect_director(SWIG_Callback0_t callbackprepare, SWIG_Callback1_t callbackstart, SWIG_Callback2_t callbackpause, SWIG_Callback3_t callbackstop, SWIG_Callback4_t callbackfillPushBuffer) {
+ swig_callbackprepare = callbackprepare;
+ swig_callbackstart = callbackstart;
+ swig_callbackpause = callbackpause;
+ swig_callbackstop = callbackstop;
+ swig_callbackfillPushBuffer = callbackfillPushBuffer;
+void SwigDirector_ProxyAudioProducerCallback::swig_init_callbacks() {
+ swig_callbackprepare = 0;
+ swig_callbackstart = 0;
+ swig_callbackpause = 0;
+ swig_callbackstop = 0;
+ swig_callbackfillPushBuffer = 0;
+SwigDirector_ProxyVideoProducerCallback::SwigDirector_ProxyVideoProducerCallback() : ProxyVideoProducerCallback(), Swig::Director() {
+ swig_init_callbacks();
+SwigDirector_ProxyVideoProducerCallback::~SwigDirector_ProxyVideoProducerCallback() {
+int SwigDirector_ProxyVideoProducerCallback::prepare(int width, int height, int fps) {
+ int c_result = SwigValueInit< int >() ;
+ int jresult = 0 ;
+ int jwidth ;
+ int jheight ;
+ int jfps ;
+ if (!swig_callbackprepare) {
+ return ProxyVideoProducerCallback::prepare(width,height,fps);
+ } else {
+ jwidth = width;
+ jheight = height;
+ jfps = fps;
+ jresult = (int) swig_callbackprepare(jwidth, jheight, jfps);
+ c_result = (int)jresult;
+ }
+ return c_result;
+int SwigDirector_ProxyVideoProducerCallback::start() {
+ int c_result = SwigValueInit< int >() ;
+ int jresult = 0 ;
+ if (!swig_callbackstart) {
+ return ProxyVideoProducerCallback::start();
+ } else {
+ jresult = (int) swig_callbackstart();
+ c_result = (int)jresult;
+ }
+ return c_result;
+int SwigDirector_ProxyVideoProducerCallback::pause() {
+ int c_result = SwigValueInit< int >() ;
+ int jresult = 0 ;
+ if (!swig_callbackpause) {
+ return ProxyVideoProducerCallback::pause();
+ } else {
+ jresult = (int) swig_callbackpause();
+ c_result = (int)jresult;
+ }
+ return c_result;
+int SwigDirector_ProxyVideoProducerCallback::stop() {
+ int c_result = SwigValueInit< int >() ;
+ int jresult = 0 ;
+ if (!swig_callbackstop) {
+ return ProxyVideoProducerCallback::stop();
+ } else {
+ jresult = (int) swig_callbackstop();
+ c_result = (int)jresult;
+ }
+ return c_result;
+void SwigDirector_ProxyVideoProducerCallback::swig_connect_director(SWIG_Callback0_t callbackprepare, SWIG_Callback1_t callbackstart, SWIG_Callback2_t callbackpause, SWIG_Callback3_t callbackstop) {
+ swig_callbackprepare = callbackprepare;
+ swig_callbackstart = callbackstart;
+ swig_callbackpause = callbackpause;
+ swig_callbackstop = callbackstop;
+void SwigDirector_ProxyVideoProducerCallback::swig_init_callbacks() {
+ swig_callbackprepare = 0;
+ swig_callbackstart = 0;
+ swig_callbackpause = 0;
+ swig_callbackstop = 0;
+SwigDirector_SipCallback::SwigDirector_SipCallback() : SipCallback(), Swig::Director() {
+ swig_init_callbacks();
+SwigDirector_SipCallback::~SwigDirector_SipCallback() {
+int SwigDirector_SipCallback::OnDialogEvent(DialogEvent const *e) {
+ int c_result = SwigValueInit< int >() ;
+ int jresult = 0 ;
+ void * je = 0 ;
+ if (!swig_callbackOnDialogEvent) {
+ return SipCallback::OnDialogEvent(e);
+ } else {
+ je = (void *) e;
+ jresult = (int) swig_callbackOnDialogEvent(je);
+ c_result = (int)jresult;
+ }
+ return c_result;
+int SwigDirector_SipCallback::OnStackEvent(StackEvent const *e) {
+ int c_result = SwigValueInit< int >() ;
+ int jresult = 0 ;
+ void * je = 0 ;
+ if (!swig_callbackOnStackEvent) {
+ return SipCallback::OnStackEvent(e);
+ } else {
+ je = (void *) e;
+ jresult = (int) swig_callbackOnStackEvent(je);
+ c_result = (int)jresult;
+ }
+ return c_result;
+int SwigDirector_SipCallback::OnInviteEvent(InviteEvent const *e) {
+ int c_result = SwigValueInit< int >() ;
+ int jresult = 0 ;
+ void * je = 0 ;
+ if (!swig_callbackOnInviteEvent) {
+ return SipCallback::OnInviteEvent(e);
+ } else {
+ je = (void *) e;
+ jresult = (int) swig_callbackOnInviteEvent(je);
+ c_result = (int)jresult;
+ }
+ return c_result;
+int SwigDirector_SipCallback::OnMessagingEvent(MessagingEvent const *e) {
+ int c_result = SwigValueInit< int >() ;
+ int jresult = 0 ;
+ void * je = 0 ;
+ if (!swig_callbackOnMessagingEvent) {
+ return SipCallback::OnMessagingEvent(e);
+ } else {
+ je = (void *) e;
+ jresult = (int) swig_callbackOnMessagingEvent(je);
+ c_result = (int)jresult;
+ }
+ return c_result;
+int SwigDirector_SipCallback::OnInfoEvent(InfoEvent const *e) {
+ int c_result = SwigValueInit< int >() ;
+ int jresult = 0 ;
+ void * je = 0 ;
+ if (!swig_callbackOnInfoEvent) {
+ return SipCallback::OnInfoEvent(e);
+ } else {
+ je = (void *) e;
+ jresult = (int) swig_callbackOnInfoEvent(je);
+ c_result = (int)jresult;
+ }
+ return c_result;
+int SwigDirector_SipCallback::OnOptionsEvent(OptionsEvent const *e) {
+ int c_result = SwigValueInit< int >() ;
+ int jresult = 0 ;
+ void * je = 0 ;
+ if (!swig_callbackOnOptionsEvent) {
+ return SipCallback::OnOptionsEvent(e);
+ } else {
+ je = (void *) e;
+ jresult = (int) swig_callbackOnOptionsEvent(je);
+ c_result = (int)jresult;
+ }
+ return c_result;
+int SwigDirector_SipCallback::OnPublicationEvent(PublicationEvent const *e) {
+ int c_result = SwigValueInit< int >() ;
+ int jresult = 0 ;
+ void * je = 0 ;
+ if (!swig_callbackOnPublicationEvent) {
+ return SipCallback::OnPublicationEvent(e);
+ } else {
+ je = (void *) e;
+ jresult = (int) swig_callbackOnPublicationEvent(je);
+ c_result = (int)jresult;
+ }
+ return c_result;
+int SwigDirector_SipCallback::OnRegistrationEvent(RegistrationEvent const *e) {
+ int c_result = SwigValueInit< int >() ;
+ int jresult = 0 ;
+ void * je = 0 ;
+ if (!swig_callbackOnRegistrationEvent) {
+ return SipCallback::OnRegistrationEvent(e);
+ } else {
+ je = (void *) e;
+ jresult = (int) swig_callbackOnRegistrationEvent(je);
+ c_result = (int)jresult;
+ }
+ return c_result;
+int SwigDirector_SipCallback::OnSubscriptionEvent(SubscriptionEvent const *e) {
+ int c_result = SwigValueInit< int >() ;
+ int jresult = 0 ;
+ void * je = 0 ;
+ if (!swig_callbackOnSubscriptionEvent) {
+ return SipCallback::OnSubscriptionEvent(e);
+ } else {
+ je = (void *) e;
+ jresult = (int) swig_callbackOnSubscriptionEvent(je);
+ c_result = (int)jresult;
+ }
+ return c_result;
+void SwigDirector_SipCallback::swig_connect_director(SWIG_Callback0_t callbackOnDialogEvent, SWIG_Callback1_t callbackOnStackEvent, SWIG_Callback2_t callbackOnInviteEvent, SWIG_Callback3_t callbackOnMessagingEvent, SWIG_Callback4_t callbackOnInfoEvent, SWIG_Callback5_t callbackOnOptionsEvent, SWIG_Callback6_t callbackOnPublicationEvent, SWIG_Callback7_t callbackOnRegistrationEvent, SWIG_Callback8_t callbackOnSubscriptionEvent) {
+ swig_callbackOnDialogEvent = callbackOnDialogEvent;
+ swig_callbackOnStackEvent = callbackOnStackEvent;
+ swig_callbackOnInviteEvent = callbackOnInviteEvent;
+ swig_callbackOnMessagingEvent = callbackOnMessagingEvent;
+ swig_callbackOnInfoEvent = callbackOnInfoEvent;
+ swig_callbackOnOptionsEvent = callbackOnOptionsEvent;
+ swig_callbackOnPublicationEvent = callbackOnPublicationEvent;
+ swig_callbackOnRegistrationEvent = callbackOnRegistrationEvent;
+ swig_callbackOnSubscriptionEvent = callbackOnSubscriptionEvent;
+void SwigDirector_SipCallback::swig_init_callbacks() {
+ swig_callbackOnDialogEvent = 0;
+ swig_callbackOnStackEvent = 0;
+ swig_callbackOnInviteEvent = 0;
+ swig_callbackOnMessagingEvent = 0;
+ swig_callbackOnInfoEvent = 0;
+ swig_callbackOnOptionsEvent = 0;
+ swig_callbackOnPublicationEvent = 0;
+ swig_callbackOnRegistrationEvent = 0;
+ swig_callbackOnSubscriptionEvent = 0;
+SwigDirector_XcapCallback::SwigDirector_XcapCallback() : XcapCallback(), Swig::Director() {
+ swig_init_callbacks();
+SwigDirector_XcapCallback::~SwigDirector_XcapCallback() {
+int SwigDirector_XcapCallback::onEvent(XcapEvent const *e) const {
+ int c_result = SwigValueInit< int >() ;
+ int jresult = 0 ;
+ void * je = 0 ;
+ if (!swig_callbackonEvent) {
+ return XcapCallback::onEvent(e);
+ } else {
+ je = (void *) e;
+ jresult = (int) swig_callbackonEvent(je);
+ c_result = (int)jresult;
+ }
+ return c_result;
+void SwigDirector_XcapCallback::swig_connect_director(SWIG_Callback0_t callbackonEvent) {
+ swig_callbackonEvent = callbackonEvent;
+void SwigDirector_XcapCallback::swig_init_callbacks() {
+ swig_callbackonEvent = 0;
+SwigDirector_MsrpCallback::SwigDirector_MsrpCallback() : MsrpCallback(), Swig::Director() {
+ swig_init_callbacks();
+SwigDirector_MsrpCallback::~SwigDirector_MsrpCallback() {
+int SwigDirector_MsrpCallback::OnEvent(MsrpEvent const *e) {
+ int c_result = SwigValueInit< int >() ;
+ int jresult = 0 ;
+ void * je = 0 ;
+ if (!swig_callbackOnEvent) {
+ return MsrpCallback::OnEvent(e);
+ } else {
+ je = (void *) e;
+ jresult = (int) swig_callbackOnEvent(je);
+ c_result = (int)jresult;
+ }
+ return c_result;
+void SwigDirector_MsrpCallback::swig_connect_director(SWIG_Callback0_t callbackOnEvent) {
+ swig_callbackOnEvent = callbackOnEvent;
+void SwigDirector_MsrpCallback::swig_init_callbacks() {
+ swig_callbackOnEvent = 0;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_DDebugCallback() {
+ void * jresult ;
+ DDebugCallback *result = 0 ;
+ result = (DDebugCallback *)new SwigDirector_DDebugCallback();
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_DDebugCallback(void * jarg1) {
+ DDebugCallback *arg1 = (DDebugCallback *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (DDebugCallback *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_DDebugCallback_OnDebugInfo(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+ int jresult ;
+ DDebugCallback *arg1 = (DDebugCallback *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (DDebugCallback *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->OnDebugInfo((char const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_DDebugCallback_OnDebugInfoSwigExplicitDDebugCallback(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+ int jresult ;
+ DDebugCallback *arg1 = (DDebugCallback *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (DDebugCallback *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->DDebugCallback::OnDebugInfo((char const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_DDebugCallback_OnDebugWarn(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+ int jresult ;
+ DDebugCallback *arg1 = (DDebugCallback *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (DDebugCallback *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->OnDebugWarn((char const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_DDebugCallback_OnDebugWarnSwigExplicitDDebugCallback(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+ int jresult ;
+ DDebugCallback *arg1 = (DDebugCallback *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (DDebugCallback *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->DDebugCallback::OnDebugWarn((char const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_DDebugCallback_OnDebugError(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+ int jresult ;
+ DDebugCallback *arg1 = (DDebugCallback *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (DDebugCallback *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->OnDebugError((char const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_DDebugCallback_OnDebugErrorSwigExplicitDDebugCallback(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+ int jresult ;
+ DDebugCallback *arg1 = (DDebugCallback *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (DDebugCallback *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->DDebugCallback::OnDebugError((char const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_DDebugCallback_OnDebugFatal(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+ int jresult ;
+ DDebugCallback *arg1 = (DDebugCallback *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (DDebugCallback *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->OnDebugFatal((char const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_DDebugCallback_OnDebugFatalSwigExplicitDDebugCallback(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+ int jresult ;
+ DDebugCallback *arg1 = (DDebugCallback *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (DDebugCallback *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->DDebugCallback::OnDebugFatal((char const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_DDebugCallback_director_connect(void *objarg, SwigDirector_DDebugCallback::SWIG_Callback0_t callback0, SwigDirector_DDebugCallback::SWIG_Callback1_t callback1, SwigDirector_DDebugCallback::SWIG_Callback2_t callback2, SwigDirector_DDebugCallback::SWIG_Callback3_t callback3) {
+ DDebugCallback *obj = (DDebugCallback *)objarg;
+ SwigDirector_DDebugCallback *director = dynamic_cast<SwigDirector_DDebugCallback *>(obj);
+ if (director) {
+ director->swig_connect_director(callback0, callback1, callback2, callback3);
+ }
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_AudioResampler(unsigned int jarg1, unsigned int jarg2, unsigned int jarg3, unsigned int jarg4, unsigned int jarg5) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ uint32_t arg1 ;
+ uint32_t arg2 ;
+ uint32_t arg3 ;
+ uint32_t arg4 ;
+ uint32_t arg5 ;
+ AudioResampler *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (uint32_t)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (uint32_t)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (uint32_t)jarg3;
+ arg4 = (uint32_t)jarg4;
+ arg5 = (uint32_t)jarg5;
+ result = (AudioResampler *)new AudioResampler(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5);
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_AudioResampler(void * jarg1) {
+ AudioResampler *arg1 = (AudioResampler *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (AudioResampler *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_AudioResampler_isValid(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ AudioResampler *arg1 = (AudioResampler *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (AudioResampler *)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->isValid();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_AudioResampler_getOutputRequiredSizeInShort(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ AudioResampler *arg1 = (AudioResampler *) 0 ;
+ uint32_t result;
+ arg1 = (AudioResampler *)jarg1;
+ result = (uint32_t)(arg1)->getOutputRequiredSizeInShort();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_AudioResampler_getInputRequiredSizeInShort(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ AudioResampler *arg1 = (AudioResampler *) 0 ;
+ uint32_t result;
+ arg1 = (AudioResampler *)jarg1;
+ result = (uint32_t)(arg1)->getInputRequiredSizeInShort();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_AudioResampler_process(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, unsigned int jarg3, void * jarg4, unsigned int jarg5) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ AudioResampler *arg1 = (AudioResampler *) 0 ;
+ void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+ uint32_t arg3 ;
+ void *arg4 = (void *) 0 ;
+ uint32_t arg5 ;
+ uint32_t result;
+ arg1 = (AudioResampler *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = jarg2;
+ arg3 = (uint32_t)jarg3;
+ arg4 = jarg4;
+ arg5 = (uint32_t)jarg5;
+ result = (uint32_t)(arg1)->process((void const *)arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_ActionConfig() {
+ void * jresult ;
+ ActionConfig *result = 0 ;
+ result = (ActionConfig *)new ActionConfig();
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_ActionConfig(void * jarg1) {
+ ActionConfig *arg1 = (ActionConfig *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (ActionConfig *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ActionConfig_addHeader(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ ActionConfig *arg1 = (ActionConfig *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (ActionConfig *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (char *)jarg3;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->addHeader((char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ActionConfig_addPayload(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, unsigned int jarg3) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ ActionConfig *arg1 = (ActionConfig *) 0 ;
+ void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int arg3 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (ActionConfig *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = jarg2;
+ arg3 = (unsigned int)jarg3;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->addPayload((void const *)arg2,arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ActionConfig_setActiveMedia(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ ActionConfig *arg1 = (ActionConfig *) 0 ;
+ twrap_media_type_t arg2 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (ActionConfig *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (twrap_media_type_t)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setActiveMedia(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ActionConfig_setResponseLine(void * jarg1, short jarg2, char * jarg3) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ ActionConfig *arg1 = (ActionConfig *) 0 ;
+ short arg2 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ ActionConfig *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (ActionConfig *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (short)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (char *)jarg3;
+ result = (ActionConfig *)(arg1)->setResponseLine(arg2,(char const *)arg3);
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ActionConfig_setMediaString(void * jarg1, int jarg2, char * jarg3, char * jarg4) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ ActionConfig *arg1 = (ActionConfig *) 0 ;
+ twrap_media_type_t arg2 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+ ActionConfig *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (ActionConfig *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (twrap_media_type_t)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (char *)jarg3;
+ arg4 = (char *)jarg4;
+ result = (ActionConfig *)(arg1)->setMediaString(arg2,(char const *)arg3,(char const *)arg4);
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ActionConfig_setMediaInt(void * jarg1, int jarg2, char * jarg3, int jarg4) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ ActionConfig *arg1 = (ActionConfig *) 0 ;
+ twrap_media_type_t arg2 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ int arg4 ;
+ ActionConfig *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (ActionConfig *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (twrap_media_type_t)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (char *)jarg3;
+ arg4 = (int)jarg4;
+ result = (ActionConfig *)(arg1)->setMediaInt(arg2,(char const *)arg3,arg4);
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_Codec(void * jarg1) {
+ Codec *arg1 = (Codec *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (Codec *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_Codec_getMediaType(void * jarg1) {
+ int jresult ;
+ Codec *arg1 = (Codec *) 0 ;
+ twrap_media_type_t result;
+ arg1 = (Codec *)jarg1;
+ result = (twrap_media_type_t)(arg1)->getMediaType();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_Codec_getName(void * jarg1) {
+ char * jresult ;
+ Codec *arg1 = (Codec *) 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (Codec *)jarg1;
+ result = (char *)(arg1)->getName();
+ jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result);
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_Codec_getDescription(void * jarg1) {
+ char * jresult ;
+ Codec *arg1 = (Codec *) 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (Codec *)jarg1;
+ result = (char *)(arg1)->getDescription();
+ jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result);
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_Codec_getNegFormat(void * jarg1) {
+ char * jresult ;
+ Codec *arg1 = (Codec *) 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (Codec *)jarg1;
+ result = (char *)(arg1)->getNegFormat();
+ jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result);
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_Codec_getAudioSamplingRate(void * jarg1) {
+ int jresult ;
+ Codec *arg1 = (Codec *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (Codec *)jarg1;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->getAudioSamplingRate();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_Codec_getAudioChannels(void * jarg1) {
+ int jresult ;
+ Codec *arg1 = (Codec *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (Codec *)jarg1;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->getAudioChannels();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_Codec_getAudioPTime(void * jarg1) {
+ int jresult ;
+ Codec *arg1 = (Codec *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (Codec *)jarg1;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->getAudioPTime();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_MediaSessionMgr(void * jarg1) {
+ MediaSessionMgr *arg1 = (MediaSessionMgr *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (MediaSessionMgr *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_sessionSetInt32(void * jarg1, int jarg2, char * jarg3, int jarg4) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ MediaSessionMgr *arg1 = (MediaSessionMgr *) 0 ;
+ twrap_media_type_t arg2 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ int32_t arg4 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (MediaSessionMgr *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (twrap_media_type_t)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (char *)jarg3;
+ arg4 = (int32_t)jarg4;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->sessionSetInt32(arg2,(char const *)arg3,arg4);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_sessionGetInt32(void * jarg1, int jarg2, char * jarg3) {
+ int jresult ;
+ MediaSessionMgr *arg1 = (MediaSessionMgr *) 0 ;
+ twrap_media_type_t arg2 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ int32_t result;
+ arg1 = (MediaSessionMgr *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (twrap_media_type_t)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (char *)jarg3;
+ result = (int32_t)(arg1)->sessionGetInt32(arg2,(char const *)arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_consumerSetInt32(void * jarg1, int jarg2, char * jarg3, int jarg4) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ MediaSessionMgr *arg1 = (MediaSessionMgr *) 0 ;
+ twrap_media_type_t arg2 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ int32_t arg4 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (MediaSessionMgr *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (twrap_media_type_t)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (char *)jarg3;
+ arg4 = (int32_t)jarg4;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->consumerSetInt32(arg2,(char const *)arg3,arg4);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_consumerSetInt64(void * jarg1, int jarg2, char * jarg3, long long jarg4) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ MediaSessionMgr *arg1 = (MediaSessionMgr *) 0 ;
+ twrap_media_type_t arg2 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ int64_t arg4 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (MediaSessionMgr *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (twrap_media_type_t)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (char *)jarg3;
+ arg4 = (int64_t)jarg4;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->consumerSetInt64(arg2,(char const *)arg3,arg4);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_producerSetInt32(void * jarg1, int jarg2, char * jarg3, int jarg4) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ MediaSessionMgr *arg1 = (MediaSessionMgr *) 0 ;
+ twrap_media_type_t arg2 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ int32_t arg4 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (MediaSessionMgr *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (twrap_media_type_t)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (char *)jarg3;
+ arg4 = (int32_t)jarg4;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->producerSetInt32(arg2,(char const *)arg3,arg4);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_producerSetInt64(void * jarg1, int jarg2, char * jarg3, long long jarg4) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ MediaSessionMgr *arg1 = (MediaSessionMgr *) 0 ;
+ twrap_media_type_t arg2 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ int64_t arg4 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (MediaSessionMgr *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (twrap_media_type_t)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (char *)jarg3;
+ arg4 = (int64_t)jarg4;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->producerSetInt64(arg2,(char const *)arg3,arg4);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_producerGetCodec(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ MediaSessionMgr *arg1 = (MediaSessionMgr *) 0 ;
+ twrap_media_type_t arg2 ;
+ Codec *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (MediaSessionMgr *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (twrap_media_type_t)jarg2;
+ result = (Codec *)(arg1)->producerGetCodec(arg2);
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_findProxyPluginConsumer(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ MediaSessionMgr *arg1 = (MediaSessionMgr *) 0 ;
+ twrap_media_type_t arg2 ;
+ ProxyPlugin *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (MediaSessionMgr *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (twrap_media_type_t)jarg2;
+ result = (ProxyPlugin *)((MediaSessionMgr const *)arg1)->findProxyPluginConsumer(arg2);
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_findProxyPluginProducer(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ MediaSessionMgr *arg1 = (MediaSessionMgr *) 0 ;
+ twrap_media_type_t arg2 ;
+ ProxyPlugin *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (MediaSessionMgr *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (twrap_media_type_t)jarg2;
+ result = (ProxyPlugin *)((MediaSessionMgr const *)arg1)->findProxyPluginProducer(arg2);
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_registerAudioPluginFromFile(char * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int result;
+ arg1 = (char *)jarg1;
+ result = (unsigned int)MediaSessionMgr::registerAudioPluginFromFile((char const *)arg1);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_getSessionId(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+ unsigned long long jresult ;
+ MediaSessionMgr *arg1 = (MediaSessionMgr *) 0 ;
+ twrap_media_type_t arg2 ;
+ uint64_t result;
+ arg1 = (MediaSessionMgr *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (twrap_media_type_t)jarg2;
+ result = (uint64_t)((MediaSessionMgr const *)arg1)->getSessionId(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetProfile(int jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ tmedia_profile_t arg1 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (tmedia_profile_t)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsSetProfile(arg1);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetProfile() {
+ int jresult ;
+ tmedia_profile_t result;
+ result = (tmedia_profile_t)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsGetProfile();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetBandwidthLevel(int jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ tmedia_bandwidth_level_t arg1 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (tmedia_bandwidth_level_t)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsSetBandwidthLevel(arg1);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetBandwidthLevel() {
+ int jresult ;
+ tmedia_bandwidth_level_t result;
+ result = (tmedia_bandwidth_level_t)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsGetBandwidthLevel();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetCongestionCtrlEnabled(unsigned int jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ bool arg1 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = jarg1 ? true : false;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsSetCongestionCtrlEnabled(arg1);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetVideoMotionRank(int jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ int32_t arg1 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (int32_t)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsSetVideoMotionRank(arg1);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetVideoFps(int jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ int32_t arg1 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (int32_t)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsSetVideoFps(arg1);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetBandwidthVideoUploadMax(int jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ int32_t arg1 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (int32_t)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsSetBandwidthVideoUploadMax(arg1);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetBandwidthVideoDownloadMax(int jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ int32_t arg1 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (int32_t)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsSetBandwidthVideoDownloadMax(arg1);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetPrefVideoSize(int jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ tmedia_pref_video_size_t arg1 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (tmedia_pref_video_size_t)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsSetPrefVideoSize(arg1);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetJbMargin(unsigned int jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ uint32_t arg1 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (uint32_t)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsSetJbMargin(arg1);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetJbMaxLateRate(unsigned int jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ uint32_t arg1 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (uint32_t)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsSetJbMaxLateRate(arg1);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetEchoTail(unsigned int jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ uint32_t arg1 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (uint32_t)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsSetEchoTail(arg1);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetEchoTail() {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ uint32_t result;
+ result = (uint32_t)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsGetEchoTail();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetEchoSkew(unsigned int jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ uint32_t arg1 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (uint32_t)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsSetEchoSkew(arg1);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetEchoSuppEnabled(unsigned int jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ bool arg1 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = jarg1 ? true : false;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsSetEchoSuppEnabled(arg1);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetEchoSuppEnabled() {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ bool result;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsGetEchoSuppEnabled();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetAgcEnabled(unsigned int jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ bool arg1 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = jarg1 ? true : false;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsSetAgcEnabled(arg1);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetAgcEnabled() {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ bool result;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsGetAgcEnabled();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetAgcLevel(float jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ float arg1 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (float)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsSetAgcLevel(arg1);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT float SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetAgcLevel() {
+ float jresult ;
+ float result;
+ result = (float)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsGetAgcLevel();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetVadEnabled(unsigned int jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ bool arg1 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = jarg1 ? true : false;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsSetVadEnabled(arg1);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetGetVadEnabled() {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ bool result;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsGetGetVadEnabled();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetNoiseSuppEnabled(unsigned int jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ bool arg1 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = jarg1 ? true : false;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsSetNoiseSuppEnabled(arg1);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetNoiseSuppEnabled() {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ bool result;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsGetNoiseSuppEnabled();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetNoiseSuppLevel(int jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ int32_t arg1 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (int32_t)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsSetNoiseSuppLevel(arg1);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetNoiseSuppLevel() {
+ int jresult ;
+ int32_t result;
+ result = (int32_t)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsGetNoiseSuppLevel();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSet100relEnabled(unsigned int jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ bool arg1 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = jarg1 ? true : false;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsSet100relEnabled(arg1);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGet100relEnabled() {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ bool result;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsGet100relEnabled();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetScreenSize(int jarg1, int jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ int32_t arg1 ;
+ int32_t arg2 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (int32_t)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (int32_t)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsSetScreenSize(arg1,arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetAudioGain(int jarg1, int jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ int32_t arg1 ;
+ int32_t arg2 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (int32_t)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (int32_t)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsSetAudioGain(arg1,arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetAudioPtime(int jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ int32_t arg1 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (int32_t)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsSetAudioPtime(arg1);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetAudioChannels(int jarg1, int jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ int32_t arg1 ;
+ int32_t arg2 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (int32_t)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (int32_t)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsSetAudioChannels(arg1,arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetRtpPortRange(unsigned short jarg1, unsigned short jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ uint16_t arg1 ;
+ uint16_t arg2 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (uint16_t)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (uint16_t)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsSetRtpPortRange(arg1,arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetRtpSymetricEnabled(unsigned int jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ bool arg1 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = jarg1 ? true : false;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsSetRtpSymetricEnabled(arg1);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetMediaType(int jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ twrap_media_type_t arg1 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (twrap_media_type_t)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsSetMediaType(arg1);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetVolume(int jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ int32_t arg1 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (int32_t)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsSetVolume(arg1);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetVolume() {
+ int jresult ;
+ int32_t result;
+ result = (int32_t)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsGetVolume();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetInviteSessionTimers(int jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ int32_t arg1 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (int32_t)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsSetInviteSessionTimers(arg1,(char const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetSRtpMode(int jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ tmedia_srtp_mode_t arg1 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (tmedia_srtp_mode_t)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsSetSRtpMode(arg1);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetSRtpMode() {
+ int jresult ;
+ tmedia_srtp_mode_t result;
+ result = (tmedia_srtp_mode_t)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsGetSRtpMode();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetSRtpType(int jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ tmedia_srtp_type_t arg1 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (tmedia_srtp_type_t)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsSetSRtpType(arg1);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetSRtpType() {
+ int jresult ;
+ tmedia_srtp_type_t result;
+ result = (tmedia_srtp_type_t)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsGetSRtpType();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetRtcpEnabled(unsigned int jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ bool arg1 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = jarg1 ? true : false;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsSetRtcpEnabled(arg1);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetRtcpEnabled() {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ bool result;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsGetRtcpEnabled();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetRtcpMuxEnabled(unsigned int jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ bool arg1 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = jarg1 ? true : false;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsSetRtcpMuxEnabled(arg1);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetRtcpMuxEnabled() {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ bool result;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsGetRtcpMuxEnabled();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetStunEnabled(unsigned int jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ bool arg1 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = jarg1 ? true : false;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsSetStunEnabled(arg1);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetIceStunEnabled(unsigned int jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ bool arg1 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = jarg1 ? true : false;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsSetIceStunEnabled(arg1);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetIceTurnEnabled(unsigned int jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ bool arg1 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = jarg1 ? true : false;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsSetIceTurnEnabled(arg1);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetStunServer(char * jarg1, unsigned short jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+ uint16_t arg2 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (char *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (uint16_t)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsSetStunServer((char const *)arg1,arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetStunCred(char * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (char *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsSetStunCred((char const *)arg1,(char const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetIceEnabled(unsigned int jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ bool arg1 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = jarg1 ? true : false;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsSetIceEnabled(arg1);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetByPassEncoding(unsigned int jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ bool arg1 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = jarg1 ? true : false;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsSetByPassEncoding(arg1);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetByPassEncoding() {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ bool result;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsGetByPassEncoding();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetByPassDecoding(unsigned int jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ bool arg1 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = jarg1 ? true : false;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsSetByPassDecoding(arg1);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetByPassDecoding() {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ bool result;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsGetByPassDecoding();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetVideoJbEnabled(unsigned int jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ bool arg1 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = jarg1 ? true : false;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsSetVideoJbEnabled(arg1);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetVideoJbEnabled() {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ bool result;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsGetVideoJbEnabled();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetVideoZeroArtifactsEnabled(unsigned int jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ bool arg1 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = jarg1 ? true : false;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsSetVideoZeroArtifactsEnabled(arg1);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetVideoZeroArtifactsEnabled() {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ bool result;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsGetVideoZeroArtifactsEnabled();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetRtpBuffSize(unsigned int jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ unsigned int arg1 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (unsigned int)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsSetRtpBuffSize(arg1);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsGetRtpBuffSize() {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ unsigned int result;
+ result = (unsigned int)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsGetRtpBuffSize();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetAvpfTail(unsigned int jarg1, unsigned int jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ unsigned int arg1 ;
+ unsigned int arg2 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (unsigned int)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (unsigned int)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsSetAvpfTail(arg1,arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetAvpfMode(int jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ enum tmedia_mode_e arg1 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (enum tmedia_mode_e)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsSetAvpfMode(arg1);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetOpusMaxCaptureRate(unsigned int jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ uint32_t arg1 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (uint32_t)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsSetOpusMaxCaptureRate(arg1);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetOpusMaxPlaybackRate(unsigned int jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ uint32_t arg1 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (uint32_t)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsSetOpusMaxPlaybackRate(arg1);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaSessionMgr_defaultsSetMaxFds(int jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ int32_t arg1 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (int32_t)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)MediaSessionMgr::defaultsSetMaxFds(arg1);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_MediaContent(void * jarg1) {
+ MediaContent *arg1 = (MediaContent *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (MediaContent *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaContent_getType(void * jarg1) {
+ char * jresult ;
+ MediaContent *arg1 = (MediaContent *) 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (MediaContent *)jarg1;
+ result = (char *)(arg1)->getType();
+ jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result);
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaContent_getDataLength(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ MediaContent *arg1 = (MediaContent *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int result;
+ arg1 = (MediaContent *)jarg1;
+ result = (unsigned int)(arg1)->getDataLength();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaContent_getData(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, unsigned int jarg3) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ MediaContent *arg1 = (MediaContent *) 0 ;
+ void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int arg3 ;
+ unsigned int result;
+ arg1 = (MediaContent *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = jarg2;
+ arg3 = (unsigned int)jarg3;
+ result = (unsigned int)(arg1)->getData(arg2,arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaContent_parse__SWIG_0(void * jarg1, unsigned int jarg2, char * jarg3) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ void *arg1 = (void *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int arg2 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ MediaContent *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = jarg1;
+ arg2 = (unsigned int)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (char *)jarg3;
+ result = (MediaContent *)MediaContent::parse((void const *)arg1,arg2,(char const *)arg3);
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaContent_parse__SWIG_1(void * jarg1, unsigned int jarg2) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ void *arg1 = (void *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int arg2 ;
+ MediaContentCPIM *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = jarg1;
+ arg2 = (unsigned int)jarg2;
+ result = (MediaContentCPIM *)MediaContent::parse((void const *)arg1,arg2);
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaContent_getPayloadLength(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ MediaContent *arg1 = (MediaContent *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int result;
+ arg1 = (MediaContent *)jarg1;
+ result = (unsigned int)(arg1)->getPayloadLength();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaContent_getPayload(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, unsigned int jarg3) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ MediaContent *arg1 = (MediaContent *) 0 ;
+ void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int arg3 ;
+ unsigned int result;
+ arg1 = (MediaContent *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = jarg2;
+ arg3 = (unsigned int)jarg3;
+ result = (unsigned int)(arg1)->getPayload(arg2,arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_MediaContentCPIM(void * jarg1) {
+ MediaContentCPIM *arg1 = (MediaContentCPIM *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (MediaContentCPIM *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaContentCPIM_getPayloadLength(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ MediaContentCPIM *arg1 = (MediaContentCPIM *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int result;
+ arg1 = (MediaContentCPIM *)jarg1;
+ result = (unsigned int)(arg1)->getPayloadLength();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaContentCPIM_getPayload(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, unsigned int jarg3) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ MediaContentCPIM *arg1 = (MediaContentCPIM *) 0 ;
+ void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int arg3 ;
+ unsigned int result;
+ arg1 = (MediaContentCPIM *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = jarg2;
+ arg3 = (unsigned int)jarg3;
+ result = (unsigned int)(arg1)->getPayload(arg2,arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaContentCPIM_getHeaderValue(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+ char * jresult ;
+ MediaContentCPIM *arg1 = (MediaContentCPIM *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (MediaContentCPIM *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ result = (char *)(arg1)->getHeaderValue((char const *)arg2);
+ jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result);
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_SipUri__SWIG_0(char * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ SipUri *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (char *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ result = (SipUri *)new SipUri((char const *)arg1,(char const *)arg2);
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_SipUri__SWIG_1(char * jarg1) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+ SipUri *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (char *)jarg1;
+ result = (SipUri *)new SipUri((char const *)arg1);
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_SipUri(void * jarg1) {
+ SipUri *arg1 = (SipUri *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (SipUri *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipUri_isValid__SWIG_0(char * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ char *arg1 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (char *)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)SipUri::isValid((char const *)arg1);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipUri_isValid__SWIG_1(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipUri *arg1 = (SipUri *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SipUri *)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->isValid();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipUri_getScheme(void * jarg1) {
+ char * jresult ;
+ SipUri *arg1 = (SipUri *) 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (SipUri *)jarg1;
+ result = (char *)(arg1)->getScheme();
+ jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result);
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipUri_getHost(void * jarg1) {
+ char * jresult ;
+ SipUri *arg1 = (SipUri *) 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (SipUri *)jarg1;
+ result = (char *)(arg1)->getHost();
+ jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result);
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned short SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipUri_getPort(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned short jresult ;
+ SipUri *arg1 = (SipUri *) 0 ;
+ unsigned short result;
+ arg1 = (SipUri *)jarg1;
+ result = (unsigned short)(arg1)->getPort();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipUri_getUserName(void * jarg1) {
+ char * jresult ;
+ SipUri *arg1 = (SipUri *) 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (SipUri *)jarg1;
+ result = (char *)(arg1)->getUserName();
+ jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result);
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipUri_getPassword(void * jarg1) {
+ char * jresult ;
+ SipUri *arg1 = (SipUri *) 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (SipUri *)jarg1;
+ result = (char *)(arg1)->getPassword();
+ jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result);
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipUri_getDisplayName(void * jarg1) {
+ char * jresult ;
+ SipUri *arg1 = (SipUri *) 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (SipUri *)jarg1;
+ result = (char *)(arg1)->getDisplayName();
+ jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result);
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipUri_getParamValue(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+ char * jresult ;
+ SipUri *arg1 = (SipUri *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (SipUri *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ result = (char *)(arg1)->getParamValue((char const *)arg2);
+ jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result);
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipUri_setDisplayName(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+ SipUri *arg1 = (SipUri *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (SipUri *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ (arg1)->setDisplayName((char const *)arg2);
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_SdpMessage() {
+ void * jresult ;
+ SdpMessage *result = 0 ;
+ result = (SdpMessage *)new SdpMessage();
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_SdpMessage(void * jarg1) {
+ SdpMessage *arg1 = (SdpMessage *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (SdpMessage *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SdpMessage_getSdpHeaderValue__SWIG_0(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char jarg3, unsigned int jarg4) {
+ char * jresult ;
+ SdpMessage *arg1 = (SdpMessage *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char arg3 ;
+ unsigned int arg4 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (SdpMessage *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (char)jarg3;
+ arg4 = (unsigned int)jarg4;
+ result = (char *)(arg1)->getSdpHeaderValue((char const *)arg2,arg3,arg4);
+ jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result);
+ delete [] result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SdpMessage_getSdpHeaderValue__SWIG_1(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char jarg3) {
+ char * jresult ;
+ SdpMessage *arg1 = (SdpMessage *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char arg3 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (SdpMessage *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (char)jarg3;
+ result = (char *)(arg1)->getSdpHeaderValue((char const *)arg2,arg3);
+ jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result);
+ delete [] result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SdpMessage_getSdpHeaderAValue(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3) {
+ char * jresult ;
+ SdpMessage *arg1 = (SdpMessage *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (SdpMessage *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (char *)jarg3;
+ result = (char *)(arg1)->getSdpHeaderAValue((char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3);
+ jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result);
+ delete [] result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_SipMessage() {
+ void * jresult ;
+ SipMessage *result = 0 ;
+ result = (SipMessage *)new SipMessage();
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_SipMessage(void * jarg1) {
+ SipMessage *arg1 = (SipMessage *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (SipMessage *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipMessage_isResponse(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipMessage *arg1 = (SipMessage *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SipMessage *)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->isResponse();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipMessage_getRequestType(void * jarg1) {
+ int jresult ;
+ SipMessage *arg1 = (SipMessage *) 0 ;
+ tsip_request_type_t result;
+ arg1 = (SipMessage *)jarg1;
+ result = (tsip_request_type_t)(arg1)->getRequestType();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT short SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipMessage_getResponseCode(void * jarg1) {
+ short jresult ;
+ SipMessage *arg1 = (SipMessage *) 0 ;
+ short result;
+ arg1 = (SipMessage *)jarg1;
+ result = (short)(arg1)->getResponseCode();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipMessage_getResponsePhrase(void * jarg1) {
+ char * jresult ;
+ SipMessage *arg1 = (SipMessage *) 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (SipMessage *)jarg1;
+ result = (char *)(arg1)->getResponsePhrase();
+ jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result);
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipMessage_getSipHeaderValue__SWIG_0(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, unsigned int jarg3) {
+ char * jresult ;
+ SipMessage *arg1 = (SipMessage *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int arg3 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (SipMessage *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (unsigned int)jarg3;
+ result = (char *)(arg1)->getSipHeaderValue((char const *)arg2,arg3);
+ jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result);
+ delete [] result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipMessage_getSipHeaderValue__SWIG_1(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+ char * jresult ;
+ SipMessage *arg1 = (SipMessage *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (SipMessage *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ result = (char *)(arg1)->getSipHeaderValue((char const *)arg2);
+ jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result);
+ delete [] result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipMessage_getSipHeaderParamValue__SWIG_0(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, unsigned int jarg4) {
+ char * jresult ;
+ SipMessage *arg1 = (SipMessage *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int arg4 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (SipMessage *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (char *)jarg3;
+ arg4 = (unsigned int)jarg4;
+ result = (char *)(arg1)->getSipHeaderParamValue((char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,arg4);
+ jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result);
+ delete [] result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipMessage_getSipHeaderParamValue__SWIG_1(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3) {
+ char * jresult ;
+ SipMessage *arg1 = (SipMessage *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (SipMessage *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (char *)jarg3;
+ result = (char *)(arg1)->getSipHeaderParamValue((char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3);
+ jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result);
+ delete [] result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipMessage_getSipContentLength(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipMessage *arg1 = (SipMessage *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int result;
+ arg1 = (SipMessage *)jarg1;
+ result = (unsigned int)(arg1)->getSipContentLength();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipMessage_getSipContent(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, unsigned int jarg3) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipMessage *arg1 = (SipMessage *) 0 ;
+ void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int arg3 ;
+ unsigned int result;
+ arg1 = (SipMessage *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = jarg2;
+ arg3 = (unsigned int)jarg3;
+ result = (unsigned int)(arg1)->getSipContent(arg2,arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipMessage_getSdpMessage(void * jarg1) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ SipMessage *arg1 = (SipMessage *) 0 ;
+ SdpMessage *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (SipMessage *)jarg1;
+ result = (SdpMessage *)(arg1)->getSdpMessage();
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_SipEvent(void * jarg1) {
+ SipEvent *arg1 = (SipEvent *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (SipEvent *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT short SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipEvent_getCode(void * jarg1) {
+ short jresult ;
+ SipEvent *arg1 = (SipEvent *) 0 ;
+ short result;
+ arg1 = (SipEvent *)jarg1;
+ result = (short)((SipEvent const *)arg1)->getCode();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipEvent_getPhrase(void * jarg1) {
+ char * jresult ;
+ SipEvent *arg1 = (SipEvent *) 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (SipEvent *)jarg1;
+ result = (char *)((SipEvent const *)arg1)->getPhrase();
+ jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result);
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipEvent_getBaseSession(void * jarg1) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ SipEvent *arg1 = (SipEvent *) 0 ;
+ SipSession *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (SipEvent *)jarg1;
+ result = (SipSession *)((SipEvent const *)arg1)->getBaseSession();
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipEvent_getSipMessage(void * jarg1) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ SipEvent *arg1 = (SipEvent *) 0 ;
+ SipMessage *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (SipEvent *)jarg1;
+ result = (SipMessage *)((SipEvent const *)arg1)->getSipMessage();
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_DialogEvent(void * jarg1) {
+ DialogEvent *arg1 = (DialogEvent *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (DialogEvent *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_StackEvent(void * jarg1) {
+ StackEvent *arg1 = (StackEvent *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (StackEvent *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_InviteEvent(void * jarg1) {
+ InviteEvent *arg1 = (InviteEvent *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (InviteEvent *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_InviteEvent_getType(void * jarg1) {
+ int jresult ;
+ InviteEvent *arg1 = (InviteEvent *) 0 ;
+ tsip_invite_event_type_t result;
+ arg1 = (InviteEvent *)jarg1;
+ result = (tsip_invite_event_type_t)((InviteEvent const *)arg1)->getType();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_InviteEvent_getMediaType(void * jarg1) {
+ int jresult ;
+ InviteEvent *arg1 = (InviteEvent *) 0 ;
+ twrap_media_type_t result;
+ arg1 = (InviteEvent *)jarg1;
+ result = (twrap_media_type_t)((InviteEvent const *)arg1)->getMediaType();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_InviteEvent_getSession(void * jarg1) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ InviteEvent *arg1 = (InviteEvent *) 0 ;
+ InviteSession *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (InviteEvent *)jarg1;
+ result = (InviteSession *)((InviteEvent const *)arg1)->getSession();
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_InviteEvent_takeCallSessionOwnership(void * jarg1) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ InviteEvent *arg1 = (InviteEvent *) 0 ;
+ CallSession *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (InviteEvent *)jarg1;
+ result = (CallSession *)((InviteEvent const *)arg1)->takeCallSessionOwnership();
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_InviteEvent_takeMsrpSessionOwnership(void * jarg1) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ InviteEvent *arg1 = (InviteEvent *) 0 ;
+ MsrpSession *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (InviteEvent *)jarg1;
+ result = (MsrpSession *)((InviteEvent const *)arg1)->takeMsrpSessionOwnership();
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_MessagingEvent(void * jarg1) {
+ MessagingEvent *arg1 = (MessagingEvent *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (MessagingEvent *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MessagingEvent_getType(void * jarg1) {
+ int jresult ;
+ MessagingEvent *arg1 = (MessagingEvent *) 0 ;
+ tsip_message_event_type_t result;
+ arg1 = (MessagingEvent *)jarg1;
+ result = (tsip_message_event_type_t)((MessagingEvent const *)arg1)->getType();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MessagingEvent_getSession(void * jarg1) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ MessagingEvent *arg1 = (MessagingEvent *) 0 ;
+ MessagingSession *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (MessagingEvent *)jarg1;
+ result = (MessagingSession *)((MessagingEvent const *)arg1)->getSession();
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MessagingEvent_takeSessionOwnership(void * jarg1) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ MessagingEvent *arg1 = (MessagingEvent *) 0 ;
+ MessagingSession *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (MessagingEvent *)jarg1;
+ result = (MessagingSession *)((MessagingEvent const *)arg1)->takeSessionOwnership();
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_InfoEvent(void * jarg1) {
+ InfoEvent *arg1 = (InfoEvent *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (InfoEvent *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_InfoEvent_getType(void * jarg1) {
+ int jresult ;
+ InfoEvent *arg1 = (InfoEvent *) 0 ;
+ tsip_info_event_type_t result;
+ arg1 = (InfoEvent *)jarg1;
+ result = (tsip_info_event_type_t)((InfoEvent const *)arg1)->getType();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_InfoEvent_getSession(void * jarg1) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ InfoEvent *arg1 = (InfoEvent *) 0 ;
+ InfoSession *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (InfoEvent *)jarg1;
+ result = (InfoSession *)((InfoEvent const *)arg1)->getSession();
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_InfoEvent_takeSessionOwnership(void * jarg1) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ InfoEvent *arg1 = (InfoEvent *) 0 ;
+ InfoSession *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (InfoEvent *)jarg1;
+ result = (InfoSession *)((InfoEvent const *)arg1)->takeSessionOwnership();
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_OptionsEvent(void * jarg1) {
+ OptionsEvent *arg1 = (OptionsEvent *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (OptionsEvent *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_OptionsEvent_getType(void * jarg1) {
+ int jresult ;
+ OptionsEvent *arg1 = (OptionsEvent *) 0 ;
+ tsip_options_event_type_t result;
+ arg1 = (OptionsEvent *)jarg1;
+ result = (tsip_options_event_type_t)((OptionsEvent const *)arg1)->getType();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_OptionsEvent_getSession(void * jarg1) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ OptionsEvent *arg1 = (OptionsEvent *) 0 ;
+ OptionsSession *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (OptionsEvent *)jarg1;
+ result = (OptionsSession *)((OptionsEvent const *)arg1)->getSession();
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_OptionsEvent_takeSessionOwnership(void * jarg1) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ OptionsEvent *arg1 = (OptionsEvent *) 0 ;
+ OptionsSession *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (OptionsEvent *)jarg1;
+ result = (OptionsSession *)((OptionsEvent const *)arg1)->takeSessionOwnership();
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_PublicationEvent(void * jarg1) {
+ PublicationEvent *arg1 = (PublicationEvent *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (PublicationEvent *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_PublicationEvent_getType(void * jarg1) {
+ int jresult ;
+ PublicationEvent *arg1 = (PublicationEvent *) 0 ;
+ tsip_publish_event_type_t result;
+ arg1 = (PublicationEvent *)jarg1;
+ result = (tsip_publish_event_type_t)((PublicationEvent const *)arg1)->getType();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_PublicationEvent_getSession(void * jarg1) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ PublicationEvent *arg1 = (PublicationEvent *) 0 ;
+ PublicationSession *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (PublicationEvent *)jarg1;
+ result = (PublicationSession *)((PublicationEvent const *)arg1)->getSession();
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_PublicationEvent_takeSessionOwnership(void * jarg1) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ PublicationEvent *arg1 = (PublicationEvent *) 0 ;
+ PublicationSession *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (PublicationEvent *)jarg1;
+ result = (PublicationSession *)((PublicationEvent const *)arg1)->takeSessionOwnership();
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_RegistrationEvent(void * jarg1) {
+ RegistrationEvent *arg1 = (RegistrationEvent *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (RegistrationEvent *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_RegistrationEvent_getType(void * jarg1) {
+ int jresult ;
+ RegistrationEvent *arg1 = (RegistrationEvent *) 0 ;
+ tsip_register_event_type_t result;
+ arg1 = (RegistrationEvent *)jarg1;
+ result = (tsip_register_event_type_t)((RegistrationEvent const *)arg1)->getType();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_RegistrationEvent_getSession(void * jarg1) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ RegistrationEvent *arg1 = (RegistrationEvent *) 0 ;
+ RegistrationSession *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (RegistrationEvent *)jarg1;
+ result = (RegistrationSession *)((RegistrationEvent const *)arg1)->getSession();
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_RegistrationEvent_takeSessionOwnership(void * jarg1) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ RegistrationEvent *arg1 = (RegistrationEvent *) 0 ;
+ RegistrationSession *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (RegistrationEvent *)jarg1;
+ result = (RegistrationSession *)((RegistrationEvent const *)arg1)->takeSessionOwnership();
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_SubscriptionEvent(void * jarg1) {
+ SubscriptionEvent *arg1 = (SubscriptionEvent *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (SubscriptionEvent *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SubscriptionEvent_getType(void * jarg1) {
+ int jresult ;
+ SubscriptionEvent *arg1 = (SubscriptionEvent *) 0 ;
+ tsip_subscribe_event_type_t result;
+ arg1 = (SubscriptionEvent *)jarg1;
+ result = (tsip_subscribe_event_type_t)((SubscriptionEvent const *)arg1)->getType();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SubscriptionEvent_getSession(void * jarg1) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ SubscriptionEvent *arg1 = (SubscriptionEvent *) 0 ;
+ SubscriptionSession *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (SubscriptionEvent *)jarg1;
+ result = (SubscriptionSession *)((SubscriptionEvent const *)arg1)->getSession();
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SubscriptionEvent_takeSessionOwnership(void * jarg1) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ SubscriptionEvent *arg1 = (SubscriptionEvent *) 0 ;
+ SubscriptionSession *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (SubscriptionEvent *)jarg1;
+ result = (SubscriptionSession *)((SubscriptionEvent const *)arg1)->takeSessionOwnership();
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_T140CallbackData(void * jarg1) {
+ T140CallbackData *arg1 = (T140CallbackData *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (T140CallbackData *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_T140CallbackData_getType(void * jarg1) {
+ int jresult ;
+ T140CallbackData *arg1 = (T140CallbackData *) 0 ;
+ enum tmedia_t140_data_type_e result;
+ arg1 = (T140CallbackData *)jarg1;
+ result = (enum tmedia_t140_data_type_e)((T140CallbackData const *)arg1)->getType();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_T140CallbackData_getSize(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ T140CallbackData *arg1 = (T140CallbackData *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int result;
+ arg1 = (T140CallbackData *)jarg1;
+ result = (unsigned int)((T140CallbackData const *)arg1)->getSize();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_T140CallbackData_getData(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, unsigned int jarg3) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ T140CallbackData *arg1 = (T140CallbackData *) 0 ;
+ void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int arg3 ;
+ unsigned int result;
+ arg1 = (T140CallbackData *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = jarg2;
+ arg3 = (unsigned int)jarg3;
+ result = (unsigned int)((T140CallbackData const *)arg1)->getData(arg2,arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_T140Callback() {
+ void * jresult ;
+ T140Callback *result = 0 ;
+ result = (T140Callback *)new SwigDirector_T140Callback();
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_T140Callback(void * jarg1) {
+ T140Callback *arg1 = (T140Callback *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (T140Callback *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_T140Callback_ondata(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ int jresult ;
+ T140Callback *arg1 = (T140Callback *) 0 ;
+ T140CallbackData *arg2 = (T140CallbackData *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (T140Callback *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (T140CallbackData *)jarg2;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->ondata((T140CallbackData const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_T140Callback_ondataSwigExplicitT140Callback(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ int jresult ;
+ T140Callback *arg1 = (T140Callback *) 0 ;
+ T140CallbackData *arg2 = (T140CallbackData *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (T140Callback *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (T140CallbackData *)jarg2;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->T140Callback::ondata((T140CallbackData const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_T140Callback_director_connect(void *objarg, SwigDirector_T140Callback::SWIG_Callback0_t callback0) {
+ T140Callback *obj = (T140Callback *)objarg;
+ SwigDirector_T140Callback *director = dynamic_cast<SwigDirector_T140Callback *>(obj);
+ if (director) {
+ director->swig_connect_director(callback0);
+ }
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_SipSession(void * jarg1) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ SipStack *arg1 = (SipStack *) 0 ;
+ SipSession *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (SipStack *)jarg1;
+ result = (SipSession *)new SipSession(arg1);
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_SipSession(void * jarg1) {
+ SipSession *arg1 = (SipSession *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (SipSession *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipSession_haveOwnership(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipSession *arg1 = (SipSession *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SipSession *)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->haveOwnership();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipSession_addHeader(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipSession *arg1 = (SipSession *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SipSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (char *)jarg3;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->addHeader((char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipSession_removeHeader(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipSession *arg1 = (SipSession *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SipSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->removeHeader((char const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipSession_addCaps__SWIG_0(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipSession *arg1 = (SipSession *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SipSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (char *)jarg3;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->addCaps((char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipSession_addCaps__SWIG_1(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipSession *arg1 = (SipSession *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SipSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->addCaps((char const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipSession_removeCaps(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipSession *arg1 = (SipSession *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SipSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->removeCaps((char const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipSession_setExpires(void * jarg1, unsigned int jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipSession *arg1 = (SipSession *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int arg2 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SipSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (unsigned int)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setExpires(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipSession_setFromUri__SWIG_0(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipSession *arg1 = (SipSession *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SipSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setFromUri((char const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipSession_setFromUri__SWIG_1(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipSession *arg1 = (SipSession *) 0 ;
+ SipUri *arg2 = (SipUri *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SipSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (SipUri *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setFromUri((SipUri const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipSession_setToUri__SWIG_0(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipSession *arg1 = (SipSession *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SipSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setToUri((char const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipSession_setToUri__SWIG_1(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipSession *arg1 = (SipSession *) 0 ;
+ SipUri *arg2 = (SipUri *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SipSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (SipUri *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setToUri((SipUri const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipSession_setSilentHangup(void * jarg1, unsigned int jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipSession *arg1 = (SipSession *) 0 ;
+ bool arg2 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SipSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = jarg2 ? true : false;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setSilentHangup(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipSession_addSigCompCompartment(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipSession *arg1 = (SipSession *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SipSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->addSigCompCompartment((char const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipSession_removeSigCompCompartment(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipSession *arg1 = (SipSession *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SipSession *)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->removeSigCompCompartment();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipSession_getId(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipSession *arg1 = (SipSession *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int result;
+ arg1 = (SipSession *)jarg1;
+ result = (unsigned int)((SipSession const *)arg1)->getId();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_InviteSession(void * jarg1) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ SipStack *arg1 = (SipStack *) 0 ;
+ InviteSession *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (SipStack *)jarg1;
+ result = (InviteSession *)new InviteSession(arg1);
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_InviteSession(void * jarg1) {
+ InviteSession *arg1 = (InviteSession *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (InviteSession *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_InviteSession_accept__SWIG_0(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ InviteSession *arg1 = (InviteSession *) 0 ;
+ ActionConfig *arg2 = (ActionConfig *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (InviteSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (ActionConfig *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->accept(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_InviteSession_accept__SWIG_1(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ InviteSession *arg1 = (InviteSession *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (InviteSession *)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->accept();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_InviteSession_hangup__SWIG_0(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ InviteSession *arg1 = (InviteSession *) 0 ;
+ ActionConfig *arg2 = (ActionConfig *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (InviteSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (ActionConfig *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->hangup(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_InviteSession_hangup__SWIG_1(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ InviteSession *arg1 = (InviteSession *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (InviteSession *)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->hangup();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_InviteSession_reject__SWIG_0(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ InviteSession *arg1 = (InviteSession *) 0 ;
+ ActionConfig *arg2 = (ActionConfig *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (InviteSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (ActionConfig *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->reject(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_InviteSession_reject__SWIG_1(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ InviteSession *arg1 = (InviteSession *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (InviteSession *)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->reject();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_InviteSession_sendInfo__SWIG_0(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, unsigned int jarg3, void * jarg4) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ InviteSession *arg1 = (InviteSession *) 0 ;
+ void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int arg3 ;
+ ActionConfig *arg4 = (ActionConfig *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (InviteSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = jarg2;
+ arg3 = (unsigned int)jarg3;
+ arg4 = (ActionConfig *)jarg4;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->sendInfo((void const *)arg2,arg3,arg4);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_InviteSession_sendInfo__SWIG_1(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, unsigned int jarg3) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ InviteSession *arg1 = (InviteSession *) 0 ;
+ void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int arg3 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (InviteSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = jarg2;
+ arg3 = (unsigned int)jarg3;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->sendInfo((void const *)arg2,arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_InviteSession_getMediaMgr(void * jarg1) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ InviteSession *arg1 = (InviteSession *) 0 ;
+ MediaSessionMgr *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (InviteSession *)jarg1;
+ result = (MediaSessionMgr *)(arg1)->getMediaMgr();
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_CallSession(void * jarg1) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ SipStack *arg1 = (SipStack *) 0 ;
+ CallSession *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (SipStack *)jarg1;
+ result = (CallSession *)new CallSession(arg1);
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_CallSession(void * jarg1) {
+ CallSession *arg1 = (CallSession *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (CallSession *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CallSession_callAudio__SWIG_0(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, void * jarg3) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ CallSession *arg1 = (CallSession *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ ActionConfig *arg3 = (ActionConfig *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (CallSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (ActionConfig *)jarg3;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->callAudio((char const *)arg2,arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CallSession_callAudio__SWIG_1(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ CallSession *arg1 = (CallSession *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (CallSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->callAudio((char const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CallSession_callAudio__SWIG_2(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, void * jarg3) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ CallSession *arg1 = (CallSession *) 0 ;
+ SipUri *arg2 = (SipUri *) 0 ;
+ ActionConfig *arg3 = (ActionConfig *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (CallSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (SipUri *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (ActionConfig *)jarg3;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->callAudio((SipUri const *)arg2,arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CallSession_callAudio__SWIG_3(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ CallSession *arg1 = (CallSession *) 0 ;
+ SipUri *arg2 = (SipUri *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (CallSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (SipUri *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->callAudio((SipUri const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CallSession_callAudioVideo__SWIG_0(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, void * jarg3) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ CallSession *arg1 = (CallSession *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ ActionConfig *arg3 = (ActionConfig *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (CallSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (ActionConfig *)jarg3;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->callAudioVideo((char const *)arg2,arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CallSession_callAudioVideo__SWIG_1(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ CallSession *arg1 = (CallSession *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (CallSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->callAudioVideo((char const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CallSession_callAudioVideo__SWIG_2(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, void * jarg3) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ CallSession *arg1 = (CallSession *) 0 ;
+ SipUri *arg2 = (SipUri *) 0 ;
+ ActionConfig *arg3 = (ActionConfig *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (CallSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (SipUri *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (ActionConfig *)jarg3;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->callAudioVideo((SipUri const *)arg2,arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CallSession_callAudioVideo__SWIG_3(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ CallSession *arg1 = (CallSession *) 0 ;
+ SipUri *arg2 = (SipUri *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (CallSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (SipUri *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->callAudioVideo((SipUri const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CallSession_callVideo__SWIG_0(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, void * jarg3) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ CallSession *arg1 = (CallSession *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ ActionConfig *arg3 = (ActionConfig *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (CallSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (ActionConfig *)jarg3;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->callVideo((char const *)arg2,arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CallSession_callVideo__SWIG_1(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ CallSession *arg1 = (CallSession *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (CallSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->callVideo((char const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CallSession_callVideo__SWIG_2(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, void * jarg3) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ CallSession *arg1 = (CallSession *) 0 ;
+ SipUri *arg2 = (SipUri *) 0 ;
+ ActionConfig *arg3 = (ActionConfig *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (CallSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (SipUri *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (ActionConfig *)jarg3;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->callVideo((SipUri const *)arg2,arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CallSession_callVideo__SWIG_3(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ CallSession *arg1 = (CallSession *) 0 ;
+ SipUri *arg2 = (SipUri *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (CallSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (SipUri *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->callVideo((SipUri const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CallSession_call__SWIG_0(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, int jarg3, void * jarg4) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ CallSession *arg1 = (CallSession *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ twrap_media_type_t arg3 ;
+ ActionConfig *arg4 = (ActionConfig *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (CallSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (twrap_media_type_t)jarg3;
+ arg4 = (ActionConfig *)jarg4;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->call((char const *)arg2,arg3,arg4);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CallSession_call__SWIG_1(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, int jarg3) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ CallSession *arg1 = (CallSession *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ twrap_media_type_t arg3 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (CallSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (twrap_media_type_t)jarg3;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->call((char const *)arg2,arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CallSession_call__SWIG_2(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, int jarg3, void * jarg4) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ CallSession *arg1 = (CallSession *) 0 ;
+ SipUri *arg2 = (SipUri *) 0 ;
+ twrap_media_type_t arg3 ;
+ ActionConfig *arg4 = (ActionConfig *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (CallSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (SipUri *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (twrap_media_type_t)jarg3;
+ arg4 = (ActionConfig *)jarg4;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->call((SipUri const *)arg2,arg3,arg4);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CallSession_call__SWIG_3(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, int jarg3) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ CallSession *arg1 = (CallSession *) 0 ;
+ SipUri *arg2 = (SipUri *) 0 ;
+ twrap_media_type_t arg3 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (CallSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (SipUri *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (twrap_media_type_t)jarg3;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->call((SipUri const *)arg2,arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CallSession_setSessionTimer(void * jarg1, unsigned int jarg2, char * jarg3) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ CallSession *arg1 = (CallSession *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int arg2 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (CallSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (unsigned int)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (char *)jarg3;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setSessionTimer(arg2,(char const *)arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CallSession_set100rel(void * jarg1, unsigned int jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ CallSession *arg1 = (CallSession *) 0 ;
+ bool arg2 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (CallSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = jarg2 ? true : false;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->set100rel(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CallSession_setRtcp(void * jarg1, unsigned int jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ CallSession *arg1 = (CallSession *) 0 ;
+ bool arg2 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (CallSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = jarg2 ? true : false;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setRtcp(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CallSession_setRtcpMux(void * jarg1, unsigned int jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ CallSession *arg1 = (CallSession *) 0 ;
+ bool arg2 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (CallSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = jarg2 ? true : false;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setRtcpMux(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CallSession_setSRtpMode(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ CallSession *arg1 = (CallSession *) 0 ;
+ enum tmedia_srtp_mode_e arg2 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (CallSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (enum tmedia_srtp_mode_e)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setSRtpMode(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CallSession_setAvpfMode(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ CallSession *arg1 = (CallSession *) 0 ;
+ enum tmedia_mode_e arg2 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (CallSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (enum tmedia_mode_e)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setAvpfMode(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CallSession_setICE(void * jarg1, unsigned int jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ CallSession *arg1 = (CallSession *) 0 ;
+ bool arg2 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (CallSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = jarg2 ? true : false;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setICE(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CallSession_setICEStun(void * jarg1, unsigned int jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ CallSession *arg1 = (CallSession *) 0 ;
+ bool arg2 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (CallSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = jarg2 ? true : false;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setICEStun(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CallSession_setICETurn(void * jarg1, unsigned int jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ CallSession *arg1 = (CallSession *) 0 ;
+ bool arg2 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (CallSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = jarg2 ? true : false;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setICETurn(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CallSession_setSTUNServer(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, unsigned short jarg3) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ CallSession *arg1 = (CallSession *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ uint16_t arg3 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (CallSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (uint16_t)jarg3;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setSTUNServer((char const *)arg2,arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CallSession_setSTUNCred(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ CallSession *arg1 = (CallSession *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (CallSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (char *)jarg3;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setSTUNCred((char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CallSession_setVideoFps(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ CallSession *arg1 = (CallSession *) 0 ;
+ int32_t arg2 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (CallSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (int32_t)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setVideoFps(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CallSession_setVideoBandwidthUploadMax(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ CallSession *arg1 = (CallSession *) 0 ;
+ int32_t arg2 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (CallSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (int32_t)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setVideoBandwidthUploadMax(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CallSession_setVideoBandwidthDownloadMax(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ CallSession *arg1 = (CallSession *) 0 ;
+ int32_t arg2 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (CallSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (int32_t)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setVideoBandwidthDownloadMax(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CallSession_setVideoPrefSize(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ CallSession *arg1 = (CallSession *) 0 ;
+ tmedia_pref_video_size_t arg2 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (CallSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (tmedia_pref_video_size_t)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setVideoPrefSize(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CallSession_setQoS(void * jarg1, int jarg2, int jarg3) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ CallSession *arg1 = (CallSession *) 0 ;
+ tmedia_qos_stype_t arg2 ;
+ tmedia_qos_strength_t arg3 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (CallSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (tmedia_qos_stype_t)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (tmedia_qos_strength_t)jarg3;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setQoS(arg2,arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CallSession_hold__SWIG_0(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ CallSession *arg1 = (CallSession *) 0 ;
+ ActionConfig *arg2 = (ActionConfig *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (CallSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (ActionConfig *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->hold(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CallSession_hold__SWIG_1(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ CallSession *arg1 = (CallSession *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (CallSession *)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->hold();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CallSession_resume__SWIG_0(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ CallSession *arg1 = (CallSession *) 0 ;
+ ActionConfig *arg2 = (ActionConfig *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (CallSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (ActionConfig *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->resume(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CallSession_resume__SWIG_1(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ CallSession *arg1 = (CallSession *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (CallSession *)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->resume();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CallSession_transfer__SWIG_0(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, void * jarg3) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ CallSession *arg1 = (CallSession *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ ActionConfig *arg3 = (ActionConfig *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (CallSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (ActionConfig *)jarg3;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->transfer((char const *)arg2,arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CallSession_transfer__SWIG_1(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ CallSession *arg1 = (CallSession *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (CallSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->transfer((char const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CallSession_acceptTransfer__SWIG_0(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ CallSession *arg1 = (CallSession *) 0 ;
+ ActionConfig *arg2 = (ActionConfig *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (CallSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (ActionConfig *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->acceptTransfer(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CallSession_acceptTransfer__SWIG_1(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ CallSession *arg1 = (CallSession *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (CallSession *)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->acceptTransfer();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CallSession_rejectTransfer__SWIG_0(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ CallSession *arg1 = (CallSession *) 0 ;
+ ActionConfig *arg2 = (ActionConfig *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (CallSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (ActionConfig *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->rejectTransfer(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CallSession_rejectTransfer__SWIG_1(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ CallSession *arg1 = (CallSession *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (CallSession *)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->rejectTransfer();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CallSession_sendDTMF(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ CallSession *arg1 = (CallSession *) 0 ;
+ int arg2 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (CallSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (int)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->sendDTMF(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CallSession_getSessionTransferId(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ CallSession *arg1 = (CallSession *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int result;
+ arg1 = (CallSession *)jarg1;
+ result = (unsigned int)(arg1)->getSessionTransferId();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CallSession_sendT140Data__SWIG_0(void * jarg1, int jarg2, void * jarg3, unsigned int jarg4) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ CallSession *arg1 = (CallSession *) 0 ;
+ enum tmedia_t140_data_type_e arg2 ;
+ void *arg3 = (void *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int arg4 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (CallSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (enum tmedia_t140_data_type_e)jarg2;
+ arg3 = jarg3;
+ arg4 = (unsigned int)jarg4;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->sendT140Data(arg2,(void const *)arg3,arg4);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CallSession_sendT140Data__SWIG_1(void * jarg1, int jarg2, void * jarg3) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ CallSession *arg1 = (CallSession *) 0 ;
+ enum tmedia_t140_data_type_e arg2 ;
+ void *arg3 = (void *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (CallSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (enum tmedia_t140_data_type_e)jarg2;
+ arg3 = jarg3;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->sendT140Data(arg2,(void const *)arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CallSession_sendT140Data__SWIG_2(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ CallSession *arg1 = (CallSession *) 0 ;
+ enum tmedia_t140_data_type_e arg2 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (CallSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (enum tmedia_t140_data_type_e)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->sendT140Data(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CallSession_setT140Callback(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ CallSession *arg1 = (CallSession *) 0 ;
+ T140Callback *arg2 = (T140Callback *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (CallSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (T140Callback *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setT140Callback((T140Callback const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_MsrpSession(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ SipStack *arg1 = (SipStack *) 0 ;
+ MsrpCallback *arg2 = (MsrpCallback *) 0 ;
+ MsrpSession *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (SipStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (MsrpCallback *)jarg2;
+ result = (MsrpSession *)new MsrpSession(arg1,arg2);
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_MsrpSession(void * jarg1) {
+ MsrpSession *arg1 = (MsrpSession *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (MsrpSession *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MsrpSession_setCallback(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ MsrpSession *arg1 = (MsrpSession *) 0 ;
+ MsrpCallback *arg2 = (MsrpCallback *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (MsrpSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (MsrpCallback *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setCallback(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MsrpSession_callMsrp__SWIG_0(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, void * jarg3) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ MsrpSession *arg1 = (MsrpSession *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ ActionConfig *arg3 = (ActionConfig *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (MsrpSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (ActionConfig *)jarg3;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->callMsrp((char const *)arg2,arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MsrpSession_callMsrp__SWIG_1(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ MsrpSession *arg1 = (MsrpSession *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (MsrpSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->callMsrp((char const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MsrpSession_callMsrp__SWIG_2(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, void * jarg3) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ MsrpSession *arg1 = (MsrpSession *) 0 ;
+ SipUri *arg2 = (SipUri *) 0 ;
+ ActionConfig *arg3 = (ActionConfig *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (MsrpSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (SipUri *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (ActionConfig *)jarg3;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->callMsrp((SipUri const *)arg2,arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MsrpSession_callMsrp__SWIG_3(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ MsrpSession *arg1 = (MsrpSession *) 0 ;
+ SipUri *arg2 = (SipUri *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (MsrpSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (SipUri *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->callMsrp((SipUri const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MsrpSession_sendMessage__SWIG_0(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, unsigned int jarg3, void * jarg4) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ MsrpSession *arg1 = (MsrpSession *) 0 ;
+ void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int arg3 ;
+ ActionConfig *arg4 = (ActionConfig *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (MsrpSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = jarg2;
+ arg3 = (unsigned int)jarg3;
+ arg4 = (ActionConfig *)jarg4;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->sendMessage((void const *)arg2,arg3,arg4);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MsrpSession_sendMessage__SWIG_1(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, unsigned int jarg3) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ MsrpSession *arg1 = (MsrpSession *) 0 ;
+ void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int arg3 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (MsrpSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = jarg2;
+ arg3 = (unsigned int)jarg3;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->sendMessage((void const *)arg2,arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MsrpSession_sendFile__SWIG_0(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ MsrpSession *arg1 = (MsrpSession *) 0 ;
+ ActionConfig *arg2 = (ActionConfig *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (MsrpSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (ActionConfig *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->sendFile(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MsrpSession_sendFile__SWIG_1(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ MsrpSession *arg1 = (MsrpSession *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (MsrpSession *)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->sendFile();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_MessagingSession(void * jarg1) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ SipStack *arg1 = (SipStack *) 0 ;
+ MessagingSession *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (SipStack *)jarg1;
+ result = (MessagingSession *)new MessagingSession(arg1);
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_MessagingSession(void * jarg1) {
+ MessagingSession *arg1 = (MessagingSession *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (MessagingSession *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MessagingSession_send__SWIG_0(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, unsigned int jarg3, void * jarg4) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ MessagingSession *arg1 = (MessagingSession *) 0 ;
+ void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int arg3 ;
+ ActionConfig *arg4 = (ActionConfig *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (MessagingSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = jarg2;
+ arg3 = (unsigned int)jarg3;
+ arg4 = (ActionConfig *)jarg4;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->send((void const *)arg2,arg3,arg4);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MessagingSession_send__SWIG_1(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, unsigned int jarg3) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ MessagingSession *arg1 = (MessagingSession *) 0 ;
+ void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int arg3 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (MessagingSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = jarg2;
+ arg3 = (unsigned int)jarg3;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->send((void const *)arg2,arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MessagingSession_accept__SWIG_0(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ MessagingSession *arg1 = (MessagingSession *) 0 ;
+ ActionConfig *arg2 = (ActionConfig *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (MessagingSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (ActionConfig *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->accept(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MessagingSession_accept__SWIG_1(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ MessagingSession *arg1 = (MessagingSession *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (MessagingSession *)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->accept();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MessagingSession_reject__SWIG_0(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ MessagingSession *arg1 = (MessagingSession *) 0 ;
+ ActionConfig *arg2 = (ActionConfig *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (MessagingSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (ActionConfig *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->reject(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MessagingSession_reject__SWIG_1(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ MessagingSession *arg1 = (MessagingSession *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (MessagingSession *)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->reject();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_InfoSession(void * jarg1) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ SipStack *arg1 = (SipStack *) 0 ;
+ InfoSession *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (SipStack *)jarg1;
+ result = (InfoSession *)new InfoSession(arg1);
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_InfoSession(void * jarg1) {
+ InfoSession *arg1 = (InfoSession *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (InfoSession *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_InfoSession_send__SWIG_0(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, unsigned int jarg3, void * jarg4) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ InfoSession *arg1 = (InfoSession *) 0 ;
+ void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int arg3 ;
+ ActionConfig *arg4 = (ActionConfig *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (InfoSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = jarg2;
+ arg3 = (unsigned int)jarg3;
+ arg4 = (ActionConfig *)jarg4;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->send((void const *)arg2,arg3,arg4);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_InfoSession_send__SWIG_1(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, unsigned int jarg3) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ InfoSession *arg1 = (InfoSession *) 0 ;
+ void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int arg3 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (InfoSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = jarg2;
+ arg3 = (unsigned int)jarg3;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->send((void const *)arg2,arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_InfoSession_accept__SWIG_0(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ InfoSession *arg1 = (InfoSession *) 0 ;
+ ActionConfig *arg2 = (ActionConfig *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (InfoSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (ActionConfig *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->accept(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_InfoSession_accept__SWIG_1(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ InfoSession *arg1 = (InfoSession *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (InfoSession *)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->accept();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_InfoSession_reject__SWIG_0(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ InfoSession *arg1 = (InfoSession *) 0 ;
+ ActionConfig *arg2 = (ActionConfig *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (InfoSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (ActionConfig *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->reject(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_InfoSession_reject__SWIG_1(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ InfoSession *arg1 = (InfoSession *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (InfoSession *)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->reject();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_OptionsSession(void * jarg1) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ SipStack *arg1 = (SipStack *) 0 ;
+ OptionsSession *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (SipStack *)jarg1;
+ result = (OptionsSession *)new OptionsSession(arg1);
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_OptionsSession(void * jarg1) {
+ OptionsSession *arg1 = (OptionsSession *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (OptionsSession *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_OptionsSession_send__SWIG_0(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ OptionsSession *arg1 = (OptionsSession *) 0 ;
+ ActionConfig *arg2 = (ActionConfig *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (OptionsSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (ActionConfig *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->send(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_OptionsSession_send__SWIG_1(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ OptionsSession *arg1 = (OptionsSession *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (OptionsSession *)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->send();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_OptionsSession_accept__SWIG_0(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ OptionsSession *arg1 = (OptionsSession *) 0 ;
+ ActionConfig *arg2 = (ActionConfig *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (OptionsSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (ActionConfig *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->accept(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_OptionsSession_accept__SWIG_1(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ OptionsSession *arg1 = (OptionsSession *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (OptionsSession *)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->accept();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_OptionsSession_reject__SWIG_0(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ OptionsSession *arg1 = (OptionsSession *) 0 ;
+ ActionConfig *arg2 = (ActionConfig *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (OptionsSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (ActionConfig *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->reject(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_OptionsSession_reject__SWIG_1(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ OptionsSession *arg1 = (OptionsSession *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (OptionsSession *)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->reject();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_PublicationSession(void * jarg1) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ SipStack *arg1 = (SipStack *) 0 ;
+ PublicationSession *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (SipStack *)jarg1;
+ result = (PublicationSession *)new PublicationSession(arg1);
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_PublicationSession(void * jarg1) {
+ PublicationSession *arg1 = (PublicationSession *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (PublicationSession *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_PublicationSession_publish__SWIG_0(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, unsigned int jarg3, void * jarg4) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ PublicationSession *arg1 = (PublicationSession *) 0 ;
+ void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int arg3 ;
+ ActionConfig *arg4 = (ActionConfig *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (PublicationSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = jarg2;
+ arg3 = (unsigned int)jarg3;
+ arg4 = (ActionConfig *)jarg4;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->publish((void const *)arg2,arg3,arg4);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_PublicationSession_publish__SWIG_1(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, unsigned int jarg3) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ PublicationSession *arg1 = (PublicationSession *) 0 ;
+ void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int arg3 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (PublicationSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = jarg2;
+ arg3 = (unsigned int)jarg3;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->publish((void const *)arg2,arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_PublicationSession_unPublish__SWIG_0(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ PublicationSession *arg1 = (PublicationSession *) 0 ;
+ ActionConfig *arg2 = (ActionConfig *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (PublicationSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (ActionConfig *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->unPublish(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_PublicationSession_unPublish__SWIG_1(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ PublicationSession *arg1 = (PublicationSession *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (PublicationSession *)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->unPublish();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_RegistrationSession(void * jarg1) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ SipStack *arg1 = (SipStack *) 0 ;
+ RegistrationSession *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (SipStack *)jarg1;
+ result = (RegistrationSession *)new RegistrationSession(arg1);
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_RegistrationSession(void * jarg1) {
+ RegistrationSession *arg1 = (RegistrationSession *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (RegistrationSession *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_RegistrationSession_register___SWIG_0(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ RegistrationSession *arg1 = (RegistrationSession *) 0 ;
+ ActionConfig *arg2 = (ActionConfig *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (RegistrationSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (ActionConfig *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->register_(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_RegistrationSession_register___SWIG_1(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ RegistrationSession *arg1 = (RegistrationSession *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (RegistrationSession *)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->register_();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_RegistrationSession_unRegister__SWIG_0(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ RegistrationSession *arg1 = (RegistrationSession *) 0 ;
+ ActionConfig *arg2 = (ActionConfig *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (RegistrationSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (ActionConfig *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->unRegister(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_RegistrationSession_unRegister__SWIG_1(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ RegistrationSession *arg1 = (RegistrationSession *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (RegistrationSession *)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->unRegister();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_RegistrationSession_accept__SWIG_0(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ RegistrationSession *arg1 = (RegistrationSession *) 0 ;
+ ActionConfig *arg2 = (ActionConfig *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (RegistrationSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (ActionConfig *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->accept(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_RegistrationSession_accept__SWIG_1(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ RegistrationSession *arg1 = (RegistrationSession *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (RegistrationSession *)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->accept();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_RegistrationSession_reject__SWIG_0(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ RegistrationSession *arg1 = (RegistrationSession *) 0 ;
+ ActionConfig *arg2 = (ActionConfig *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (RegistrationSession *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (ActionConfig *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->reject(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_RegistrationSession_reject__SWIG_1(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ RegistrationSession *arg1 = (RegistrationSession *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (RegistrationSession *)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->reject();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_SubscriptionSession(void * jarg1) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ SipStack *arg1 = (SipStack *) 0 ;
+ SubscriptionSession *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (SipStack *)jarg1;
+ result = (SubscriptionSession *)new SubscriptionSession(arg1);
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_SubscriptionSession(void * jarg1) {
+ SubscriptionSession *arg1 = (SubscriptionSession *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (SubscriptionSession *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SubscriptionSession_subscribe(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SubscriptionSession *arg1 = (SubscriptionSession *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SubscriptionSession *)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->subscribe();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SubscriptionSession_unSubscribe(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SubscriptionSession *arg1 = (SubscriptionSession *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SubscriptionSession *)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->unSubscribe();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_ProxyPluginMgr(void * jarg1) {
+ ProxyPluginMgr *arg1 = (ProxyPluginMgr *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (ProxyPluginMgr *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyPluginMgr_createInstance(void * jarg1) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ ProxyPluginMgrCallback *arg1 = (ProxyPluginMgrCallback *) 0 ;
+ ProxyPluginMgr *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (ProxyPluginMgrCallback *)jarg1;
+ result = (ProxyPluginMgr *)ProxyPluginMgr::createInstance(arg1);
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyPluginMgr_getInstance() {
+ void * jresult ;
+ ProxyPluginMgr *result = 0 ;
+ result = (ProxyPluginMgr *)ProxyPluginMgr::getInstance();
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyPluginMgr_findPlugin(void * jarg1, unsigned long long jarg2) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ ProxyPluginMgr *arg1 = (ProxyPluginMgr *) 0 ;
+ uint64_t arg2 ;
+ ProxyPlugin *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (ProxyPluginMgr *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (uint64_t)jarg2;
+ result = (ProxyPlugin *)(arg1)->findPlugin(arg2);
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyPluginMgr_findAudioConsumer(void * jarg1, unsigned long long jarg2) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ ProxyPluginMgr *arg1 = (ProxyPluginMgr *) 0 ;
+ uint64_t arg2 ;
+ ProxyAudioConsumer *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (ProxyPluginMgr *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (uint64_t)jarg2;
+ result = (ProxyAudioConsumer *)(arg1)->findAudioConsumer(arg2);
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyPluginMgr_findVideoConsumer(void * jarg1, unsigned long long jarg2) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ ProxyPluginMgr *arg1 = (ProxyPluginMgr *) 0 ;
+ uint64_t arg2 ;
+ ProxyVideoConsumer *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (ProxyPluginMgr *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (uint64_t)jarg2;
+ result = (ProxyVideoConsumer *)(arg1)->findVideoConsumer(arg2);
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyPluginMgr_findAudioProducer(void * jarg1, unsigned long long jarg2) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ ProxyPluginMgr *arg1 = (ProxyPluginMgr *) 0 ;
+ uint64_t arg2 ;
+ ProxyAudioProducer *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (ProxyPluginMgr *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (uint64_t)jarg2;
+ result = (ProxyAudioProducer *)(arg1)->findAudioProducer(arg2);
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyPluginMgr_findVideoProducer(void * jarg1, unsigned long long jarg2) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ ProxyPluginMgr *arg1 = (ProxyPluginMgr *) 0 ;
+ uint64_t arg2 ;
+ ProxyVideoProducer *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (ProxyPluginMgr *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (uint64_t)jarg2;
+ result = (ProxyVideoProducer *)(arg1)->findVideoProducer(arg2);
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_ProxyPluginMgrCallback() {
+ void * jresult ;
+ ProxyPluginMgrCallback *result = 0 ;
+ result = (ProxyPluginMgrCallback *)new SwigDirector_ProxyPluginMgrCallback();
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_ProxyPluginMgrCallback(void * jarg1) {
+ ProxyPluginMgrCallback *arg1 = (ProxyPluginMgrCallback *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (ProxyPluginMgrCallback *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyPluginMgrCallback_OnPluginCreated(void * jarg1, unsigned long long jarg2, int jarg3) {
+ int jresult ;
+ ProxyPluginMgrCallback *arg1 = (ProxyPluginMgrCallback *) 0 ;
+ uint64_t arg2 ;
+ enum twrap_proxy_plugin_type_e arg3 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyPluginMgrCallback *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (uint64_t)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (enum twrap_proxy_plugin_type_e)jarg3;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->OnPluginCreated(arg2,arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyPluginMgrCallback_OnPluginCreatedSwigExplicitProxyPluginMgrCallback(void * jarg1, unsigned long long jarg2, int jarg3) {
+ int jresult ;
+ ProxyPluginMgrCallback *arg1 = (ProxyPluginMgrCallback *) 0 ;
+ uint64_t arg2 ;
+ enum twrap_proxy_plugin_type_e arg3 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyPluginMgrCallback *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (uint64_t)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (enum twrap_proxy_plugin_type_e)jarg3;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->ProxyPluginMgrCallback::OnPluginCreated(arg2,arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyPluginMgrCallback_OnPluginDestroyed(void * jarg1, unsigned long long jarg2, int jarg3) {
+ int jresult ;
+ ProxyPluginMgrCallback *arg1 = (ProxyPluginMgrCallback *) 0 ;
+ uint64_t arg2 ;
+ enum twrap_proxy_plugin_type_e arg3 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyPluginMgrCallback *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (uint64_t)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (enum twrap_proxy_plugin_type_e)jarg3;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->OnPluginDestroyed(arg2,arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyPluginMgrCallback_OnPluginDestroyedSwigExplicitProxyPluginMgrCallback(void * jarg1, unsigned long long jarg2, int jarg3) {
+ int jresult ;
+ ProxyPluginMgrCallback *arg1 = (ProxyPluginMgrCallback *) 0 ;
+ uint64_t arg2 ;
+ enum twrap_proxy_plugin_type_e arg3 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyPluginMgrCallback *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (uint64_t)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (enum twrap_proxy_plugin_type_e)jarg3;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->ProxyPluginMgrCallback::OnPluginDestroyed(arg2,arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyPluginMgrCallback_director_connect(void *objarg, SwigDirector_ProxyPluginMgrCallback::SWIG_Callback0_t callback0, SwigDirector_ProxyPluginMgrCallback::SWIG_Callback1_t callback1) {
+ ProxyPluginMgrCallback *obj = (ProxyPluginMgrCallback *)objarg;
+ SwigDirector_ProxyPluginMgrCallback *director = dynamic_cast<SwigDirector_ProxyPluginMgrCallback *>(obj);
+ if (director) {
+ director->swig_connect_director(callback0, callback1);
+ }
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_ProxyPlugin(void * jarg1) {
+ ProxyPlugin *arg1 = (ProxyPlugin *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (ProxyPlugin *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyPlugin_getType(void * jarg1) {
+ int jresult ;
+ ProxyPlugin *arg1 = (ProxyPlugin *) 0 ;
+ twrap_proxy_plugin_type_t result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyPlugin *)jarg1;
+ result = (twrap_proxy_plugin_type_t)((ProxyPlugin const *)arg1)->getType();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyPlugin_getId(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned long long jresult ;
+ ProxyPlugin *arg1 = (ProxyPlugin *) 0 ;
+ uint64_t result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyPlugin *)jarg1;
+ result = (uint64_t)((ProxyPlugin const *)arg1)->getId();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_ProxyAudioConsumerCallback() {
+ void * jresult ;
+ ProxyAudioConsumerCallback *result = 0 ;
+ result = (ProxyAudioConsumerCallback *)new SwigDirector_ProxyAudioConsumerCallback();
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_ProxyAudioConsumerCallback(void * jarg1) {
+ ProxyAudioConsumerCallback *arg1 = (ProxyAudioConsumerCallback *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (ProxyAudioConsumerCallback *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyAudioConsumerCallback_prepare(void * jarg1, int jarg2, int jarg3, int jarg4) {
+ int jresult ;
+ ProxyAudioConsumerCallback *arg1 = (ProxyAudioConsumerCallback *) 0 ;
+ int arg2 ;
+ int arg3 ;
+ int arg4 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyAudioConsumerCallback *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (int)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (int)jarg3;
+ arg4 = (int)jarg4;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->prepare(arg2,arg3,arg4);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyAudioConsumerCallback_prepareSwigExplicitProxyAudioConsumerCallback(void * jarg1, int jarg2, int jarg3, int jarg4) {
+ int jresult ;
+ ProxyAudioConsumerCallback *arg1 = (ProxyAudioConsumerCallback *) 0 ;
+ int arg2 ;
+ int arg3 ;
+ int arg4 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyAudioConsumerCallback *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (int)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (int)jarg3;
+ arg4 = (int)jarg4;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->ProxyAudioConsumerCallback::prepare(arg2,arg3,arg4);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyAudioConsumerCallback_start(void * jarg1) {
+ int jresult ;
+ ProxyAudioConsumerCallback *arg1 = (ProxyAudioConsumerCallback *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyAudioConsumerCallback *)jarg1;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->start();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyAudioConsumerCallback_startSwigExplicitProxyAudioConsumerCallback(void * jarg1) {
+ int jresult ;
+ ProxyAudioConsumerCallback *arg1 = (ProxyAudioConsumerCallback *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyAudioConsumerCallback *)jarg1;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->ProxyAudioConsumerCallback::start();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyAudioConsumerCallback_pause(void * jarg1) {
+ int jresult ;
+ ProxyAudioConsumerCallback *arg1 = (ProxyAudioConsumerCallback *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyAudioConsumerCallback *)jarg1;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->pause();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyAudioConsumerCallback_pauseSwigExplicitProxyAudioConsumerCallback(void * jarg1) {
+ int jresult ;
+ ProxyAudioConsumerCallback *arg1 = (ProxyAudioConsumerCallback *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyAudioConsumerCallback *)jarg1;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->ProxyAudioConsumerCallback::pause();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyAudioConsumerCallback_stop(void * jarg1) {
+ int jresult ;
+ ProxyAudioConsumerCallback *arg1 = (ProxyAudioConsumerCallback *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyAudioConsumerCallback *)jarg1;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->stop();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyAudioConsumerCallback_stopSwigExplicitProxyAudioConsumerCallback(void * jarg1) {
+ int jresult ;
+ ProxyAudioConsumerCallback *arg1 = (ProxyAudioConsumerCallback *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyAudioConsumerCallback *)jarg1;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->ProxyAudioConsumerCallback::stop();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyAudioConsumerCallback_director_connect(void *objarg, SwigDirector_ProxyAudioConsumerCallback::SWIG_Callback0_t callback0, SwigDirector_ProxyAudioConsumerCallback::SWIG_Callback1_t callback1, SwigDirector_ProxyAudioConsumerCallback::SWIG_Callback2_t callback2, SwigDirector_ProxyAudioConsumerCallback::SWIG_Callback3_t callback3) {
+ ProxyAudioConsumerCallback *obj = (ProxyAudioConsumerCallback *)objarg;
+ SwigDirector_ProxyAudioConsumerCallback *director = dynamic_cast<SwigDirector_ProxyAudioConsumerCallback *>(obj);
+ if (director) {
+ director->swig_connect_director(callback0, callback1, callback2, callback3);
+ }
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_ProxyAudioConsumer(void * jarg1) {
+ ProxyAudioConsumer *arg1 = (ProxyAudioConsumer *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (ProxyAudioConsumer *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyAudioConsumer_setActualSndCardPlaybackParams(void * jarg1, int jarg2, int jarg3, int jarg4) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ ProxyAudioConsumer *arg1 = (ProxyAudioConsumer *) 0 ;
+ int arg2 ;
+ int arg3 ;
+ int arg4 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyAudioConsumer *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (int)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (int)jarg3;
+ arg4 = (int)jarg4;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setActualSndCardPlaybackParams(arg2,arg3,arg4);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyAudioConsumer_queryForResampler(void * jarg1, unsigned short jarg2, unsigned short jarg3, unsigned short jarg4, unsigned short jarg5, unsigned short jarg6) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ ProxyAudioConsumer *arg1 = (ProxyAudioConsumer *) 0 ;
+ uint16_t arg2 ;
+ uint16_t arg3 ;
+ uint16_t arg4 ;
+ uint16_t arg5 ;
+ uint16_t arg6 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyAudioConsumer *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (uint16_t)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (uint16_t)jarg3;
+ arg4 = (uint16_t)jarg4;
+ arg5 = (uint16_t)jarg5;
+ arg6 = (uint16_t)jarg6;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->queryForResampler(arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyAudioConsumer_setPullBuffer(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, unsigned int jarg3) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ ProxyAudioConsumer *arg1 = (ProxyAudioConsumer *) 0 ;
+ void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int arg3 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyAudioConsumer *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = jarg2;
+ arg3 = (unsigned int)jarg3;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setPullBuffer((void const *)arg2,arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyAudioConsumer_pull__SWIG_0(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, unsigned int jarg3) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ ProxyAudioConsumer *arg1 = (ProxyAudioConsumer *) 0 ;
+ void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int arg3 ;
+ unsigned int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyAudioConsumer *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = jarg2;
+ arg3 = (unsigned int)jarg3;
+ result = (unsigned int)(arg1)->pull(arg2,arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyAudioConsumer_pull__SWIG_1(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ ProxyAudioConsumer *arg1 = (ProxyAudioConsumer *) 0 ;
+ void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyAudioConsumer *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = jarg2;
+ result = (unsigned int)(arg1)->pull(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyAudioConsumer_pull__SWIG_2(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ ProxyAudioConsumer *arg1 = (ProxyAudioConsumer *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyAudioConsumer *)jarg1;
+ result = (unsigned int)(arg1)->pull();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyAudioConsumer_setGain(void * jarg1, unsigned int jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ ProxyAudioConsumer *arg1 = (ProxyAudioConsumer *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int arg2 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyAudioConsumer *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (unsigned int)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setGain(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyAudioConsumer_getGain(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ ProxyAudioConsumer *arg1 = (ProxyAudioConsumer *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyAudioConsumer *)jarg1;
+ result = (unsigned int)(arg1)->getGain();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyAudioConsumer_reset(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ ProxyAudioConsumer *arg1 = (ProxyAudioConsumer *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyAudioConsumer *)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->reset();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyAudioConsumer_setCallback(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ ProxyAudioConsumer *arg1 = (ProxyAudioConsumer *) 0 ;
+ ProxyAudioConsumerCallback *arg2 = (ProxyAudioConsumerCallback *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (ProxyAudioConsumer *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (ProxyAudioConsumerCallback *)jarg2;
+ (arg1)->setCallback(arg2);
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyAudioConsumer_getMediaSessionId(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned long long jresult ;
+ ProxyAudioConsumer *arg1 = (ProxyAudioConsumer *) 0 ;
+ uint64_t result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyAudioConsumer *)jarg1;
+ result = (uint64_t)(arg1)->getMediaSessionId();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyAudioConsumer_registerPlugin() {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ bool result;
+ result = (bool)ProxyAudioConsumer::registerPlugin();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback() {
+ void * jresult ;
+ ProxyVideoConsumerCallback *result = 0 ;
+ result = (ProxyVideoConsumerCallback *)new SwigDirector_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback();
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback(void * jarg1) {
+ ProxyVideoConsumerCallback *arg1 = (ProxyVideoConsumerCallback *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (ProxyVideoConsumerCallback *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback_prepare(void * jarg1, int jarg2, int jarg3, int jarg4) {
+ int jresult ;
+ ProxyVideoConsumerCallback *arg1 = (ProxyVideoConsumerCallback *) 0 ;
+ int arg2 ;
+ int arg3 ;
+ int arg4 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyVideoConsumerCallback *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (int)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (int)jarg3;
+ arg4 = (int)jarg4;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->prepare(arg2,arg3,arg4);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback_prepareSwigExplicitProxyVideoConsumerCallback(void * jarg1, int jarg2, int jarg3, int jarg4) {
+ int jresult ;
+ ProxyVideoConsumerCallback *arg1 = (ProxyVideoConsumerCallback *) 0 ;
+ int arg2 ;
+ int arg3 ;
+ int arg4 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyVideoConsumerCallback *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (int)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (int)jarg3;
+ arg4 = (int)jarg4;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->ProxyVideoConsumerCallback::prepare(arg2,arg3,arg4);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback_consume(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ int jresult ;
+ ProxyVideoConsumerCallback *arg1 = (ProxyVideoConsumerCallback *) 0 ;
+ ProxyVideoFrame *arg2 = (ProxyVideoFrame *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyVideoConsumerCallback *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (ProxyVideoFrame *)jarg2;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->consume((ProxyVideoFrame const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback_consumeSwigExplicitProxyVideoConsumerCallback(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ int jresult ;
+ ProxyVideoConsumerCallback *arg1 = (ProxyVideoConsumerCallback *) 0 ;
+ ProxyVideoFrame *arg2 = (ProxyVideoFrame *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyVideoConsumerCallback *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (ProxyVideoFrame *)jarg2;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->ProxyVideoConsumerCallback::consume((ProxyVideoFrame const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback_bufferCopied(void * jarg1, unsigned int jarg2, unsigned int jarg3) {
+ int jresult ;
+ ProxyVideoConsumerCallback *arg1 = (ProxyVideoConsumerCallback *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int arg2 ;
+ unsigned int arg3 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyVideoConsumerCallback *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (unsigned int)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (unsigned int)jarg3;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->bufferCopied(arg2,arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback_bufferCopiedSwigExplicitProxyVideoConsumerCallback(void * jarg1, unsigned int jarg2, unsigned int jarg3) {
+ int jresult ;
+ ProxyVideoConsumerCallback *arg1 = (ProxyVideoConsumerCallback *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int arg2 ;
+ unsigned int arg3 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyVideoConsumerCallback *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (unsigned int)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (unsigned int)jarg3;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->ProxyVideoConsumerCallback::bufferCopied(arg2,arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback_start(void * jarg1) {
+ int jresult ;
+ ProxyVideoConsumerCallback *arg1 = (ProxyVideoConsumerCallback *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyVideoConsumerCallback *)jarg1;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->start();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback_startSwigExplicitProxyVideoConsumerCallback(void * jarg1) {
+ int jresult ;
+ ProxyVideoConsumerCallback *arg1 = (ProxyVideoConsumerCallback *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyVideoConsumerCallback *)jarg1;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->ProxyVideoConsumerCallback::start();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback_pause(void * jarg1) {
+ int jresult ;
+ ProxyVideoConsumerCallback *arg1 = (ProxyVideoConsumerCallback *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyVideoConsumerCallback *)jarg1;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->pause();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback_pauseSwigExplicitProxyVideoConsumerCallback(void * jarg1) {
+ int jresult ;
+ ProxyVideoConsumerCallback *arg1 = (ProxyVideoConsumerCallback *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyVideoConsumerCallback *)jarg1;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->ProxyVideoConsumerCallback::pause();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback_stop(void * jarg1) {
+ int jresult ;
+ ProxyVideoConsumerCallback *arg1 = (ProxyVideoConsumerCallback *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyVideoConsumerCallback *)jarg1;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->stop();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback_stopSwigExplicitProxyVideoConsumerCallback(void * jarg1) {
+ int jresult ;
+ ProxyVideoConsumerCallback *arg1 = (ProxyVideoConsumerCallback *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyVideoConsumerCallback *)jarg1;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->ProxyVideoConsumerCallback::stop();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback_director_connect(void *objarg, SwigDirector_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback::SWIG_Callback0_t callback0, SwigDirector_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback::SWIG_Callback1_t callback1, SwigDirector_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback::SWIG_Callback2_t callback2, SwigDirector_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback::SWIG_Callback3_t callback3, SwigDirector_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback::SWIG_Callback4_t callback4, SwigDirector_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback::SWIG_Callback5_t callback5) {
+ ProxyVideoConsumerCallback *obj = (ProxyVideoConsumerCallback *)objarg;
+ SwigDirector_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback *director = dynamic_cast<SwigDirector_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback *>(obj);
+ if (director) {
+ director->swig_connect_director(callback0, callback1, callback2, callback3, callback4, callback5);
+ }
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_ProxyVideoConsumer(void * jarg1) {
+ ProxyVideoConsumer *arg1 = (ProxyVideoConsumer *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (ProxyVideoConsumer *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumer_setDisplaySize(void * jarg1, unsigned int jarg2, unsigned int jarg3) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ ProxyVideoConsumer *arg1 = (ProxyVideoConsumer *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int arg2 ;
+ unsigned int arg3 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyVideoConsumer *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (unsigned int)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (unsigned int)jarg3;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setDisplaySize(arg2,arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumer_getDisplayWidth(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ ProxyVideoConsumer *arg1 = (ProxyVideoConsumer *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyVideoConsumer *)jarg1;
+ result = (unsigned int)(arg1)->getDisplayWidth();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumer_getDisplayHeight(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ ProxyVideoConsumer *arg1 = (ProxyVideoConsumer *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyVideoConsumer *)jarg1;
+ result = (unsigned int)(arg1)->getDisplayHeight();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumer_getDecodedWidth(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ ProxyVideoConsumer *arg1 = (ProxyVideoConsumer *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyVideoConsumer *)jarg1;
+ result = (unsigned int)(arg1)->getDecodedWidth();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumer_getDecodedHeight(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ ProxyVideoConsumer *arg1 = (ProxyVideoConsumer *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyVideoConsumer *)jarg1;
+ result = (unsigned int)(arg1)->getDecodedHeight();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumer_setCallback(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ ProxyVideoConsumer *arg1 = (ProxyVideoConsumer *) 0 ;
+ ProxyVideoConsumerCallback *arg2 = (ProxyVideoConsumerCallback *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (ProxyVideoConsumer *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (ProxyVideoConsumerCallback *)jarg2;
+ (arg1)->setCallback(arg2);
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumer_setAutoResizeDisplay(void * jarg1, unsigned int jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ ProxyVideoConsumer *arg1 = (ProxyVideoConsumer *) 0 ;
+ bool arg2 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyVideoConsumer *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = jarg2 ? true : false;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setAutoResizeDisplay(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumer_getAutoResizeDisplay(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ ProxyVideoConsumer *arg1 = (ProxyVideoConsumer *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyVideoConsumer *)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)((ProxyVideoConsumer const *)arg1)->getAutoResizeDisplay();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumer_setConsumeBuffer(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, unsigned int jarg3) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ ProxyVideoConsumer *arg1 = (ProxyVideoConsumer *) 0 ;
+ void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int arg3 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyVideoConsumer *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = jarg2;
+ arg3 = (unsigned int)jarg3;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setConsumeBuffer((void const *)arg2,arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumer_pull(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, unsigned int jarg3) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ ProxyVideoConsumer *arg1 = (ProxyVideoConsumer *) 0 ;
+ void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int arg3 ;
+ unsigned int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyVideoConsumer *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = jarg2;
+ arg3 = (unsigned int)jarg3;
+ result = (unsigned int)(arg1)->pull(arg2,arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumer_reset(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ ProxyVideoConsumer *arg1 = (ProxyVideoConsumer *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyVideoConsumer *)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->reset();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumer_getMediaSessionId(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned long long jresult ;
+ ProxyVideoConsumer *arg1 = (ProxyVideoConsumer *) 0 ;
+ uint64_t result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyVideoConsumer *)jarg1;
+ result = (uint64_t)(arg1)->getMediaSessionId();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumer_registerPlugin() {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ bool result;
+ result = (bool)ProxyVideoConsumer::registerPlugin();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumer_setDefaultChroma(int jarg1) {
+ tmedia_chroma_t arg1 ;
+ arg1 = (tmedia_chroma_t)jarg1;
+ ProxyVideoConsumer::setDefaultChroma(arg1);
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumer_setDefaultAutoResizeDisplay(unsigned int jarg1) {
+ bool arg1 ;
+ arg1 = jarg1 ? true : false;
+ ProxyVideoConsumer::setDefaultAutoResizeDisplay(arg1);
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_ProxyVideoFrame(void * jarg1) {
+ ProxyVideoFrame *arg1 = (ProxyVideoFrame *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (ProxyVideoFrame *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyVideoFrame_getSize(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ ProxyVideoFrame *arg1 = (ProxyVideoFrame *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyVideoFrame *)jarg1;
+ result = (unsigned int)(arg1)->getSize();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyVideoFrame_getContent(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, unsigned int jarg3) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ ProxyVideoFrame *arg1 = (ProxyVideoFrame *) 0 ;
+ void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int arg3 ;
+ unsigned int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyVideoFrame *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = jarg2;
+ arg3 = (unsigned int)jarg3;
+ result = (unsigned int)(arg1)->getContent(arg2,arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyVideoFrame_getFrameWidth(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ ProxyVideoFrame *arg1 = (ProxyVideoFrame *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyVideoFrame *)jarg1;
+ result = (unsigned int)((ProxyVideoFrame const *)arg1)->getFrameWidth();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyVideoFrame_getFrameHeight(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ ProxyVideoFrame *arg1 = (ProxyVideoFrame *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyVideoFrame *)jarg1;
+ result = (unsigned int)((ProxyVideoFrame const *)arg1)->getFrameHeight();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_ProxyAudioProducerCallback() {
+ void * jresult ;
+ ProxyAudioProducerCallback *result = 0 ;
+ result = (ProxyAudioProducerCallback *)new SwigDirector_ProxyAudioProducerCallback();
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_ProxyAudioProducerCallback(void * jarg1) {
+ ProxyAudioProducerCallback *arg1 = (ProxyAudioProducerCallback *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (ProxyAudioProducerCallback *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyAudioProducerCallback_prepare(void * jarg1, int jarg2, int jarg3, int jarg4) {
+ int jresult ;
+ ProxyAudioProducerCallback *arg1 = (ProxyAudioProducerCallback *) 0 ;
+ int arg2 ;
+ int arg3 ;
+ int arg4 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyAudioProducerCallback *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (int)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (int)jarg3;
+ arg4 = (int)jarg4;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->prepare(arg2,arg3,arg4);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyAudioProducerCallback_prepareSwigExplicitProxyAudioProducerCallback(void * jarg1, int jarg2, int jarg3, int jarg4) {
+ int jresult ;
+ ProxyAudioProducerCallback *arg1 = (ProxyAudioProducerCallback *) 0 ;
+ int arg2 ;
+ int arg3 ;
+ int arg4 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyAudioProducerCallback *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (int)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (int)jarg3;
+ arg4 = (int)jarg4;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->ProxyAudioProducerCallback::prepare(arg2,arg3,arg4);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyAudioProducerCallback_start(void * jarg1) {
+ int jresult ;
+ ProxyAudioProducerCallback *arg1 = (ProxyAudioProducerCallback *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyAudioProducerCallback *)jarg1;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->start();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyAudioProducerCallback_startSwigExplicitProxyAudioProducerCallback(void * jarg1) {
+ int jresult ;
+ ProxyAudioProducerCallback *arg1 = (ProxyAudioProducerCallback *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyAudioProducerCallback *)jarg1;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->ProxyAudioProducerCallback::start();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyAudioProducerCallback_pause(void * jarg1) {
+ int jresult ;
+ ProxyAudioProducerCallback *arg1 = (ProxyAudioProducerCallback *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyAudioProducerCallback *)jarg1;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->pause();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyAudioProducerCallback_pauseSwigExplicitProxyAudioProducerCallback(void * jarg1) {
+ int jresult ;
+ ProxyAudioProducerCallback *arg1 = (ProxyAudioProducerCallback *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyAudioProducerCallback *)jarg1;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->ProxyAudioProducerCallback::pause();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyAudioProducerCallback_stop(void * jarg1) {
+ int jresult ;
+ ProxyAudioProducerCallback *arg1 = (ProxyAudioProducerCallback *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyAudioProducerCallback *)jarg1;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->stop();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyAudioProducerCallback_stopSwigExplicitProxyAudioProducerCallback(void * jarg1) {
+ int jresult ;
+ ProxyAudioProducerCallback *arg1 = (ProxyAudioProducerCallback *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyAudioProducerCallback *)jarg1;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->ProxyAudioProducerCallback::stop();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyAudioProducerCallback_fillPushBuffer(void * jarg1) {
+ int jresult ;
+ ProxyAudioProducerCallback *arg1 = (ProxyAudioProducerCallback *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyAudioProducerCallback *)jarg1;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->fillPushBuffer();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyAudioProducerCallback_fillPushBufferSwigExplicitProxyAudioProducerCallback(void * jarg1) {
+ int jresult ;
+ ProxyAudioProducerCallback *arg1 = (ProxyAudioProducerCallback *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyAudioProducerCallback *)jarg1;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->ProxyAudioProducerCallback::fillPushBuffer();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyAudioProducerCallback_director_connect(void *objarg, SwigDirector_ProxyAudioProducerCallback::SWIG_Callback0_t callback0, SwigDirector_ProxyAudioProducerCallback::SWIG_Callback1_t callback1, SwigDirector_ProxyAudioProducerCallback::SWIG_Callback2_t callback2, SwigDirector_ProxyAudioProducerCallback::SWIG_Callback3_t callback3, SwigDirector_ProxyAudioProducerCallback::SWIG_Callback4_t callback4) {
+ ProxyAudioProducerCallback *obj = (ProxyAudioProducerCallback *)objarg;
+ SwigDirector_ProxyAudioProducerCallback *director = dynamic_cast<SwigDirector_ProxyAudioProducerCallback *>(obj);
+ if (director) {
+ director->swig_connect_director(callback0, callback1, callback2, callback3, callback4);
+ }
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_ProxyAudioProducer(void * jarg1) {
+ ProxyAudioProducer *arg1 = (ProxyAudioProducer *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (ProxyAudioProducer *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyAudioProducer_setActualSndCardRecordParams(void * jarg1, int jarg2, int jarg3, int jarg4) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ ProxyAudioProducer *arg1 = (ProxyAudioProducer *) 0 ;
+ int arg2 ;
+ int arg3 ;
+ int arg4 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyAudioProducer *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (int)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (int)jarg3;
+ arg4 = (int)jarg4;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setActualSndCardRecordParams(arg2,arg3,arg4);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyAudioProducer_setPushBuffer__SWIG_0(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, unsigned int jarg3, unsigned int jarg4) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ ProxyAudioProducer *arg1 = (ProxyAudioProducer *) 0 ;
+ void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int arg3 ;
+ bool arg4 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyAudioProducer *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = jarg2;
+ arg3 = (unsigned int)jarg3;
+ arg4 = jarg4 ? true : false;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setPushBuffer((void const *)arg2,arg3,arg4);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyAudioProducer_setPushBuffer__SWIG_1(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, unsigned int jarg3) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ ProxyAudioProducer *arg1 = (ProxyAudioProducer *) 0 ;
+ void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int arg3 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyAudioProducer *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = jarg2;
+ arg3 = (unsigned int)jarg3;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setPushBuffer((void const *)arg2,arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyAudioProducer_push__SWIG_0(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, unsigned int jarg3) {
+ int jresult ;
+ ProxyAudioProducer *arg1 = (ProxyAudioProducer *) 0 ;
+ void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int arg3 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyAudioProducer *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = jarg2;
+ arg3 = (unsigned int)jarg3;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->push((void const *)arg2,arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyAudioProducer_push__SWIG_1(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ int jresult ;
+ ProxyAudioProducer *arg1 = (ProxyAudioProducer *) 0 ;
+ void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyAudioProducer *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = jarg2;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->push((void const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyAudioProducer_push__SWIG_2(void * jarg1) {
+ int jresult ;
+ ProxyAudioProducer *arg1 = (ProxyAudioProducer *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyAudioProducer *)jarg1;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->push();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyAudioProducer_setGain(void * jarg1, unsigned int jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ ProxyAudioProducer *arg1 = (ProxyAudioProducer *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int arg2 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyAudioProducer *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (unsigned int)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setGain(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyAudioProducer_getGain(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ ProxyAudioProducer *arg1 = (ProxyAudioProducer *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyAudioProducer *)jarg1;
+ result = (unsigned int)(arg1)->getGain();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyAudioProducer_setCallback(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ ProxyAudioProducer *arg1 = (ProxyAudioProducer *) 0 ;
+ ProxyAudioProducerCallback *arg2 = (ProxyAudioProducerCallback *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (ProxyAudioProducer *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (ProxyAudioProducerCallback *)jarg2;
+ (arg1)->setCallback(arg2);
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyAudioProducer_getMediaSessionId(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned long long jresult ;
+ ProxyAudioProducer *arg1 = (ProxyAudioProducer *) 0 ;
+ uint64_t result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyAudioProducer *)jarg1;
+ result = (uint64_t)(arg1)->getMediaSessionId();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyAudioProducer_registerPlugin() {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ bool result;
+ result = (bool)ProxyAudioProducer::registerPlugin();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_ProxyVideoProducerCallback() {
+ void * jresult ;
+ ProxyVideoProducerCallback *result = 0 ;
+ result = (ProxyVideoProducerCallback *)new SwigDirector_ProxyVideoProducerCallback();
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_ProxyVideoProducerCallback(void * jarg1) {
+ ProxyVideoProducerCallback *arg1 = (ProxyVideoProducerCallback *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (ProxyVideoProducerCallback *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyVideoProducerCallback_prepare(void * jarg1, int jarg2, int jarg3, int jarg4) {
+ int jresult ;
+ ProxyVideoProducerCallback *arg1 = (ProxyVideoProducerCallback *) 0 ;
+ int arg2 ;
+ int arg3 ;
+ int arg4 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyVideoProducerCallback *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (int)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (int)jarg3;
+ arg4 = (int)jarg4;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->prepare(arg2,arg3,arg4);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyVideoProducerCallback_prepareSwigExplicitProxyVideoProducerCallback(void * jarg1, int jarg2, int jarg3, int jarg4) {
+ int jresult ;
+ ProxyVideoProducerCallback *arg1 = (ProxyVideoProducerCallback *) 0 ;
+ int arg2 ;
+ int arg3 ;
+ int arg4 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyVideoProducerCallback *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (int)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (int)jarg3;
+ arg4 = (int)jarg4;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->ProxyVideoProducerCallback::prepare(arg2,arg3,arg4);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyVideoProducerCallback_start(void * jarg1) {
+ int jresult ;
+ ProxyVideoProducerCallback *arg1 = (ProxyVideoProducerCallback *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyVideoProducerCallback *)jarg1;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->start();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyVideoProducerCallback_startSwigExplicitProxyVideoProducerCallback(void * jarg1) {
+ int jresult ;
+ ProxyVideoProducerCallback *arg1 = (ProxyVideoProducerCallback *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyVideoProducerCallback *)jarg1;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->ProxyVideoProducerCallback::start();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyVideoProducerCallback_pause(void * jarg1) {
+ int jresult ;
+ ProxyVideoProducerCallback *arg1 = (ProxyVideoProducerCallback *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyVideoProducerCallback *)jarg1;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->pause();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyVideoProducerCallback_pauseSwigExplicitProxyVideoProducerCallback(void * jarg1) {
+ int jresult ;
+ ProxyVideoProducerCallback *arg1 = (ProxyVideoProducerCallback *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyVideoProducerCallback *)jarg1;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->ProxyVideoProducerCallback::pause();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyVideoProducerCallback_stop(void * jarg1) {
+ int jresult ;
+ ProxyVideoProducerCallback *arg1 = (ProxyVideoProducerCallback *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyVideoProducerCallback *)jarg1;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->stop();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyVideoProducerCallback_stopSwigExplicitProxyVideoProducerCallback(void * jarg1) {
+ int jresult ;
+ ProxyVideoProducerCallback *arg1 = (ProxyVideoProducerCallback *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyVideoProducerCallback *)jarg1;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->ProxyVideoProducerCallback::stop();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyVideoProducerCallback_director_connect(void *objarg, SwigDirector_ProxyVideoProducerCallback::SWIG_Callback0_t callback0, SwigDirector_ProxyVideoProducerCallback::SWIG_Callback1_t callback1, SwigDirector_ProxyVideoProducerCallback::SWIG_Callback2_t callback2, SwigDirector_ProxyVideoProducerCallback::SWIG_Callback3_t callback3) {
+ ProxyVideoProducerCallback *obj = (ProxyVideoProducerCallback *)objarg;
+ SwigDirector_ProxyVideoProducerCallback *director = dynamic_cast<SwigDirector_ProxyVideoProducerCallback *>(obj);
+ if (director) {
+ director->swig_connect_director(callback0, callback1, callback2, callback3);
+ }
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_ProxyVideoProducer(void * jarg1) {
+ ProxyVideoProducer *arg1 = (ProxyVideoProducer *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (ProxyVideoProducer *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyVideoProducer_getRotation(void * jarg1) {
+ int jresult ;
+ ProxyVideoProducer *arg1 = (ProxyVideoProducer *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyVideoProducer *)jarg1;
+ result = (int)((ProxyVideoProducer const *)arg1)->getRotation();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyVideoProducer_setRotation(void * jarg1, int jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ ProxyVideoProducer *arg1 = (ProxyVideoProducer *) 0 ;
+ int arg2 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyVideoProducer *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (int)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setRotation(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyVideoProducer_getMirror(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ ProxyVideoProducer *arg1 = (ProxyVideoProducer *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyVideoProducer *)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)((ProxyVideoProducer const *)arg1)->getMirror();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyVideoProducer_setMirror(void * jarg1, unsigned int jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ ProxyVideoProducer *arg1 = (ProxyVideoProducer *) 0 ;
+ bool arg2 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyVideoProducer *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = jarg2 ? true : false;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setMirror(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyVideoProducer_setActualCameraOutputSize(void * jarg1, unsigned int jarg2, unsigned int jarg3) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ ProxyVideoProducer *arg1 = (ProxyVideoProducer *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int arg2 ;
+ unsigned int arg3 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyVideoProducer *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (unsigned int)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (unsigned int)jarg3;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setActualCameraOutputSize(arg2,arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyVideoProducer_push(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, unsigned int jarg3) {
+ int jresult ;
+ ProxyVideoProducer *arg1 = (ProxyVideoProducer *) 0 ;
+ void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int arg3 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyVideoProducer *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = jarg2;
+ arg3 = (unsigned int)jarg3;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->push((void const *)arg2,arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyVideoProducer_setCallback(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ ProxyVideoProducer *arg1 = (ProxyVideoProducer *) 0 ;
+ ProxyVideoProducerCallback *arg2 = (ProxyVideoProducerCallback *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (ProxyVideoProducer *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (ProxyVideoProducerCallback *)jarg2;
+ (arg1)->setCallback(arg2);
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned long long SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyVideoProducer_getMediaSessionId(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned long long jresult ;
+ ProxyVideoProducer *arg1 = (ProxyVideoProducer *) 0 ;
+ uint64_t result;
+ arg1 = (ProxyVideoProducer *)jarg1;
+ result = (uint64_t)(arg1)->getMediaSessionId();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyVideoProducer_registerPlugin() {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ bool result;
+ result = (bool)ProxyVideoProducer::registerPlugin();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyVideoProducer_setDefaultChroma(int jarg1) {
+ tmedia_chroma_t arg1 ;
+ arg1 = (tmedia_chroma_t)jarg1;
+ ProxyVideoProducer::setDefaultChroma(arg1);
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_SipCallback() {
+ void * jresult ;
+ SipCallback *result = 0 ;
+ result = (SipCallback *)new SwigDirector_SipCallback();
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_SipCallback(void * jarg1) {
+ SipCallback *arg1 = (SipCallback *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (SipCallback *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipCallback_OnDialogEvent(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ int jresult ;
+ SipCallback *arg1 = (SipCallback *) 0 ;
+ DialogEvent *arg2 = (DialogEvent *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (SipCallback *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (DialogEvent *)jarg2;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->OnDialogEvent((DialogEvent const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipCallback_OnDialogEventSwigExplicitSipCallback(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ int jresult ;
+ SipCallback *arg1 = (SipCallback *) 0 ;
+ DialogEvent *arg2 = (DialogEvent *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (SipCallback *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (DialogEvent *)jarg2;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->SipCallback::OnDialogEvent((DialogEvent const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipCallback_OnStackEvent(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ int jresult ;
+ SipCallback *arg1 = (SipCallback *) 0 ;
+ StackEvent *arg2 = (StackEvent *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (SipCallback *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (StackEvent *)jarg2;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->OnStackEvent((StackEvent const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipCallback_OnStackEventSwigExplicitSipCallback(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ int jresult ;
+ SipCallback *arg1 = (SipCallback *) 0 ;
+ StackEvent *arg2 = (StackEvent *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (SipCallback *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (StackEvent *)jarg2;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->SipCallback::OnStackEvent((StackEvent const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipCallback_OnInviteEvent(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ int jresult ;
+ SipCallback *arg1 = (SipCallback *) 0 ;
+ InviteEvent *arg2 = (InviteEvent *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (SipCallback *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (InviteEvent *)jarg2;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->OnInviteEvent((InviteEvent const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipCallback_OnInviteEventSwigExplicitSipCallback(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ int jresult ;
+ SipCallback *arg1 = (SipCallback *) 0 ;
+ InviteEvent *arg2 = (InviteEvent *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (SipCallback *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (InviteEvent *)jarg2;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->SipCallback::OnInviteEvent((InviteEvent const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipCallback_OnMessagingEvent(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ int jresult ;
+ SipCallback *arg1 = (SipCallback *) 0 ;
+ MessagingEvent *arg2 = (MessagingEvent *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (SipCallback *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (MessagingEvent *)jarg2;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->OnMessagingEvent((MessagingEvent const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipCallback_OnMessagingEventSwigExplicitSipCallback(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ int jresult ;
+ SipCallback *arg1 = (SipCallback *) 0 ;
+ MessagingEvent *arg2 = (MessagingEvent *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (SipCallback *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (MessagingEvent *)jarg2;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->SipCallback::OnMessagingEvent((MessagingEvent const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipCallback_OnInfoEvent(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ int jresult ;
+ SipCallback *arg1 = (SipCallback *) 0 ;
+ InfoEvent *arg2 = (InfoEvent *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (SipCallback *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (InfoEvent *)jarg2;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->OnInfoEvent((InfoEvent const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipCallback_OnInfoEventSwigExplicitSipCallback(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ int jresult ;
+ SipCallback *arg1 = (SipCallback *) 0 ;
+ InfoEvent *arg2 = (InfoEvent *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (SipCallback *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (InfoEvent *)jarg2;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->SipCallback::OnInfoEvent((InfoEvent const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipCallback_OnOptionsEvent(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ int jresult ;
+ SipCallback *arg1 = (SipCallback *) 0 ;
+ OptionsEvent *arg2 = (OptionsEvent *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (SipCallback *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (OptionsEvent *)jarg2;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->OnOptionsEvent((OptionsEvent const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipCallback_OnOptionsEventSwigExplicitSipCallback(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ int jresult ;
+ SipCallback *arg1 = (SipCallback *) 0 ;
+ OptionsEvent *arg2 = (OptionsEvent *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (SipCallback *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (OptionsEvent *)jarg2;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->SipCallback::OnOptionsEvent((OptionsEvent const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipCallback_OnPublicationEvent(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ int jresult ;
+ SipCallback *arg1 = (SipCallback *) 0 ;
+ PublicationEvent *arg2 = (PublicationEvent *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (SipCallback *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (PublicationEvent *)jarg2;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->OnPublicationEvent((PublicationEvent const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipCallback_OnPublicationEventSwigExplicitSipCallback(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ int jresult ;
+ SipCallback *arg1 = (SipCallback *) 0 ;
+ PublicationEvent *arg2 = (PublicationEvent *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (SipCallback *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (PublicationEvent *)jarg2;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->SipCallback::OnPublicationEvent((PublicationEvent const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipCallback_OnRegistrationEvent(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ int jresult ;
+ SipCallback *arg1 = (SipCallback *) 0 ;
+ RegistrationEvent *arg2 = (RegistrationEvent *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (SipCallback *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (RegistrationEvent *)jarg2;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->OnRegistrationEvent((RegistrationEvent const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipCallback_OnRegistrationEventSwigExplicitSipCallback(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ int jresult ;
+ SipCallback *arg1 = (SipCallback *) 0 ;
+ RegistrationEvent *arg2 = (RegistrationEvent *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (SipCallback *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (RegistrationEvent *)jarg2;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->SipCallback::OnRegistrationEvent((RegistrationEvent const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipCallback_OnSubscriptionEvent(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ int jresult ;
+ SipCallback *arg1 = (SipCallback *) 0 ;
+ SubscriptionEvent *arg2 = (SubscriptionEvent *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (SipCallback *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (SubscriptionEvent *)jarg2;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->OnSubscriptionEvent((SubscriptionEvent const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipCallback_OnSubscriptionEventSwigExplicitSipCallback(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ int jresult ;
+ SipCallback *arg1 = (SipCallback *) 0 ;
+ SubscriptionEvent *arg2 = (SubscriptionEvent *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (SipCallback *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (SubscriptionEvent *)jarg2;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->SipCallback::OnSubscriptionEvent((SubscriptionEvent const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipCallback_director_connect(void *objarg, SwigDirector_SipCallback::SWIG_Callback0_t callback0, SwigDirector_SipCallback::SWIG_Callback1_t callback1, SwigDirector_SipCallback::SWIG_Callback2_t callback2, SwigDirector_SipCallback::SWIG_Callback3_t callback3, SwigDirector_SipCallback::SWIG_Callback4_t callback4, SwigDirector_SipCallback::SWIG_Callback5_t callback5, SwigDirector_SipCallback::SWIG_Callback6_t callback6, SwigDirector_SipCallback::SWIG_Callback7_t callback7, SwigDirector_SipCallback::SWIG_Callback8_t callback8) {
+ SipCallback *obj = (SipCallback *)objarg;
+ SwigDirector_SipCallback *director = dynamic_cast<SwigDirector_SipCallback *>(obj);
+ if (director) {
+ director->swig_connect_director(callback0, callback1, callback2, callback3, callback4, callback5, callback6, callback7, callback8);
+ }
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_SafeObject() {
+ void * jresult ;
+ SafeObject *result = 0 ;
+ result = (SafeObject *)new SafeObject();
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_SafeObject(void * jarg1) {
+ SafeObject *arg1 = (SafeObject *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (SafeObject *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SafeObject_Lock(void * jarg1) {
+ int jresult ;
+ SafeObject *arg1 = (SafeObject *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (SafeObject *)jarg1;
+ result = (int)((SafeObject const *)arg1)->Lock();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SafeObject_UnLock(void * jarg1) {
+ int jresult ;
+ SafeObject *arg1 = (SafeObject *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (SafeObject *)jarg1;
+ result = (int)((SafeObject const *)arg1)->UnLock();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_SipStack(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, char * jarg4) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ SipCallback *arg1 = (SipCallback *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+ SipStack *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (SipCallback *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (char *)jarg3;
+ arg4 = (char *)jarg4;
+ result = (SipStack *)new SipStack(arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,(char const *)arg4);
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_SipStack(void * jarg1) {
+ SipStack *arg1 = (SipStack *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (SipStack *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipStack_start(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipStack *arg1 = (SipStack *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SipStack *)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->start();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipStack_setDebugCallback(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipStack *arg1 = (SipStack *) 0 ;
+ DDebugCallback *arg2 = (DDebugCallback *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SipStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (DDebugCallback *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setDebugCallback(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipStack_setDisplayName(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipStack *arg1 = (SipStack *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SipStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setDisplayName((char const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipStack_setRealm(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipStack *arg1 = (SipStack *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SipStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setRealm((char const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipStack_setIMPI(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipStack *arg1 = (SipStack *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SipStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setIMPI((char const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipStack_setIMPU(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipStack *arg1 = (SipStack *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SipStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setIMPU((char const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipStack_setPassword(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipStack *arg1 = (SipStack *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SipStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setPassword((char const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipStack_setAMF(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipStack *arg1 = (SipStack *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SipStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setAMF((char const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipStack_setOperatorId(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipStack *arg1 = (SipStack *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SipStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setOperatorId((char const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipStack_setProxyCSCF(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, unsigned short jarg3, char * jarg4, char * jarg5) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipStack *arg1 = (SipStack *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ unsigned short arg3 ;
+ char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg5 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SipStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (unsigned short)jarg3;
+ arg4 = (char *)jarg4;
+ arg5 = (char *)jarg5;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setProxyCSCF((char const *)arg2,arg3,(char const *)arg4,(char const *)arg5);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipStack_setLocalIP__SWIG_0(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipStack *arg1 = (SipStack *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SipStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (char *)jarg3;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setLocalIP((char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipStack_setLocalIP__SWIG_1(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipStack *arg1 = (SipStack *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SipStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setLocalIP((char const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipStack_setLocalPort__SWIG_0(void * jarg1, unsigned short jarg2, char * jarg3) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipStack *arg1 = (SipStack *) 0 ;
+ unsigned short arg2 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SipStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (unsigned short)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (char *)jarg3;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setLocalPort(arg2,(char const *)arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipStack_setLocalPort__SWIG_1(void * jarg1, unsigned short jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipStack *arg1 = (SipStack *) 0 ;
+ unsigned short arg2 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SipStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (unsigned short)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setLocalPort(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipStack_setEarlyIMS(void * jarg1, unsigned int jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipStack *arg1 = (SipStack *) 0 ;
+ bool arg2 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SipStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = jarg2 ? true : false;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setEarlyIMS(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipStack_addHeader(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipStack *arg1 = (SipStack *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SipStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (char *)jarg3;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->addHeader((char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipStack_removeHeader(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipStack *arg1 = (SipStack *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SipStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->removeHeader((char const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipStack_addDnsServer(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipStack *arg1 = (SipStack *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SipStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->addDnsServer((char const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipStack_setDnsDiscovery(void * jarg1, unsigned int jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipStack *arg1 = (SipStack *) 0 ;
+ bool arg2 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SipStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = jarg2 ? true : false;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setDnsDiscovery(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipStack_setAoR(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, int jarg3) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipStack *arg1 = (SipStack *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ int arg3 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SipStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (int)jarg3;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setAoR((char const *)arg2,arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipStack_setSigCompParams(void * jarg1, unsigned int jarg2, unsigned int jarg3, unsigned int jarg4, unsigned int jarg5) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipStack *arg1 = (SipStack *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int arg2 ;
+ unsigned int arg3 ;
+ unsigned int arg4 ;
+ bool arg5 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SipStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (unsigned int)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (unsigned int)jarg3;
+ arg4 = (unsigned int)jarg4;
+ arg5 = jarg5 ? true : false;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setSigCompParams(arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipStack_addSigCompCompartment(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipStack *arg1 = (SipStack *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SipStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->addSigCompCompartment((char const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipStack_removeSigCompCompartment(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipStack *arg1 = (SipStack *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SipStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->removeSigCompCompartment((char const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipStack_setSTUNEnabledForICE(void * jarg1, unsigned int jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipStack *arg1 = (SipStack *) 0 ;
+ bool arg2 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SipStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = jarg2 ? true : false;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setSTUNEnabledForICE(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipStack_setSTUNServer(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, unsigned short jarg3) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipStack *arg1 = (SipStack *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ unsigned short arg3 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SipStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (unsigned short)jarg3;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setSTUNServer((char const *)arg2,arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipStack_setSTUNCred(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipStack *arg1 = (SipStack *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SipStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (char *)jarg3;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setSTUNCred((char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipStack_setSTUNEnabled(void * jarg1, unsigned int jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipStack *arg1 = (SipStack *) 0 ;
+ bool arg2 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SipStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = jarg2 ? true : false;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setSTUNEnabled(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipStack_setTLSSecAgree(void * jarg1, unsigned int jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipStack *arg1 = (SipStack *) 0 ;
+ bool arg2 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SipStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = jarg2 ? true : false;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setTLSSecAgree(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipStack_setSSLCertificates__SWIG_0(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, char * jarg4, unsigned int jarg5) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipStack *arg1 = (SipStack *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool arg5 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SipStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (char *)jarg3;
+ arg4 = (char *)jarg4;
+ arg5 = jarg5 ? true : false;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setSSLCertificates((char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,(char const *)arg4,arg5);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipStack_setSSLCertificates__SWIG_1(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, char * jarg4) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipStack *arg1 = (SipStack *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SipStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (char *)jarg3;
+ arg4 = (char *)jarg4;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setSSLCertificates((char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,(char const *)arg4);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipStack_setSSLCretificates__SWIG_0(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, char * jarg4, unsigned int jarg5) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipStack *arg1 = (SipStack *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool arg5 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SipStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (char *)jarg3;
+ arg4 = (char *)jarg4;
+ arg5 = jarg5 ? true : false;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setSSLCretificates((char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,(char const *)arg4,arg5);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipStack_setSSLCretificates__SWIG_1(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, char * jarg4) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipStack *arg1 = (SipStack *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SipStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (char *)jarg3;
+ arg4 = (char *)jarg4;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setSSLCretificates((char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,(char const *)arg4);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipStack_setIPSecSecAgree(void * jarg1, unsigned int jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipStack *arg1 = (SipStack *) 0 ;
+ bool arg2 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SipStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = jarg2 ? true : false;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setIPSecSecAgree(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipStack_setIPSecParameters(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, char * jarg4, char * jarg5) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipStack *arg1 = (SipStack *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg5 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SipStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (char *)jarg3;
+ arg4 = (char *)jarg4;
+ arg5 = (char *)jarg5;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setIPSecParameters((char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,(char const *)arg4,(char const *)arg5);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipStack_dnsENUM(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, char * jarg4) {
+ char * jresult ;
+ SipStack *arg1 = (SipStack *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (SipStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (char *)jarg3;
+ arg4 = (char *)jarg4;
+ result = (char *)(arg1)->dnsENUM((char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,(char const *)arg4);
+ jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result);
+ delete [] result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipStack_dnsNaptrSrv(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, unsigned short * jarg4) {
+ char * jresult ;
+ SipStack *arg1 = (SipStack *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ unsigned short *arg4 = (unsigned short *) 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (SipStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (char *)jarg3;
+ arg4 = (unsigned short *)jarg4;
+ result = (char *)(arg1)->dnsNaptrSrv((char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,arg4);
+ jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result);
+ delete [] result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipStack_dnsSrv(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, unsigned short * jarg3) {
+ char * jresult ;
+ SipStack *arg1 = (SipStack *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ unsigned short *arg3 = (unsigned short *) 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (SipStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (unsigned short *)jarg3;
+ result = (char *)(arg1)->dnsSrv((char const *)arg2,arg3);
+ jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result);
+ delete [] result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipStack_setMaxFDs(void * jarg1, unsigned int jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipStack *arg1 = (SipStack *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int arg2 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SipStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (unsigned int)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setMaxFDs(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipStack_getLocalIPnPort(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, unsigned short * jarg3) {
+ char * jresult ;
+ SipStack *arg1 = (SipStack *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ unsigned short *arg3 = (unsigned short *) 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (SipStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (unsigned short *)jarg3;
+ result = (char *)(arg1)->getLocalIPnPort((char const *)arg2,arg3);
+ jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result);
+ delete [] result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipStack_getPreferredIdentity(void * jarg1) {
+ char * jresult ;
+ SipStack *arg1 = (SipStack *) 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (SipStack *)jarg1;
+ result = (char *)(arg1)->getPreferredIdentity();
+ jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result);
+ delete [] result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipStack_isValid(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipStack *arg1 = (SipStack *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SipStack *)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->isValid();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipStack_stop(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SipStack *arg1 = (SipStack *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (SipStack *)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->stop();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipStack_initialize() {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ bool result;
+ result = (bool)SipStack::initialize();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipStack_deInitialize() {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ bool result;
+ result = (bool)SipStack::deInitialize();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipStack_setCodecs(int jarg1) {
+ tdav_codec_id_t arg1 ;
+ arg1 = (tdav_codec_id_t)jarg1;
+ SipStack::setCodecs(arg1);
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipStack_setCodecs_2(long long jarg1) {
+ int64_t arg1 ;
+ arg1 = (int64_t)jarg1;
+ SipStack::setCodecs_2(arg1);
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipStack_setCodecPriority(int jarg1, int jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ tdav_codec_id_t arg1 ;
+ int arg2 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (tdav_codec_id_t)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (int)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)SipStack::setCodecPriority(arg1,arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipStack_setCodecPriority_2(int jarg1, int jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ int arg1 ;
+ int arg2 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (int)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (int)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)SipStack::setCodecPriority_2(arg1,arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipStack_isCodecSupported(int jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ tdav_codec_id_t arg1 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (tdav_codec_id_t)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)SipStack::isCodecSupported(arg1);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipStack_isIPSecSupported() {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ bool result;
+ result = (bool)SipStack::isIPSecSupported();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_tsip_event_code_dialog_transport_error_get() {
+ int jresult ;
+ int result;
+ result = (int)(702);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_tsip_event_code_dialog_global_error_get() {
+ int jresult ;
+ int result;
+ result = (int)(703);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_tsip_event_code_dialog_message_error_get() {
+ int jresult ;
+ int result;
+ result = (int)(704);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_tsip_event_code_dialog_request_incoming_get() {
+ int jresult ;
+ int result;
+ result = (int)(800);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_tsip_event_code_dialog_request_outgoing_get() {
+ int jresult ;
+ int result;
+ result = (int)(802);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_tsip_event_code_dialog_request_cancelled_get() {
+ int jresult ;
+ int result;
+ result = (int)(803);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_tsip_event_code_dialog_request_sent_get() {
+ int jresult ;
+ int result;
+ result = (int)(804);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_tsip_event_code_dialog_connecting_get() {
+ int jresult ;
+ int result;
+ result = (int)(900);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_tsip_event_code_dialog_connected_get() {
+ int jresult ;
+ int result;
+ result = (int)(901);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_tsip_event_code_dialog_terminating_get() {
+ int jresult ;
+ int result;
+ result = (int)(902);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_tsip_event_code_dialog_terminated_get() {
+ int jresult ;
+ int result;
+ result = (int)(903);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_tsip_event_code_stack_starting_get() {
+ int jresult ;
+ int result;
+ result = (int)(950);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_tsip_event_code_stack_started_get() {
+ int jresult ;
+ int result;
+ result = (int)(951);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_tsip_event_code_stack_stopping_get() {
+ int jresult ;
+ int result;
+ result = (int)(952);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_tsip_event_code_stack_stopped_get() {
+ int jresult ;
+ int result;
+ result = (int)(953);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_tsip_event_code_stack_failed_to_start_get() {
+ int jresult ;
+ int result;
+ result = (int)(954);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_tsip_event_code_stack_failed_to_stop_get() {
+ int jresult ;
+ int result;
+ result = (int)(955);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_tsip_event_code_stack_disconnected_get() {
+ int jresult ;
+ int result;
+ result = (int)(956);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_XcapSelector(void * jarg1) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ XcapStack *arg1 = (XcapStack *) 0 ;
+ XcapSelector *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (XcapStack *)jarg1;
+ result = (XcapSelector *)new XcapSelector(arg1);
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_XcapSelector(void * jarg1) {
+ XcapSelector *arg1 = (XcapSelector *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (XcapSelector *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_XcapSelector_setAUID(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ XcapSelector *arg1 = (XcapSelector *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ XcapSelector *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (XcapSelector *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ result = (XcapSelector *)(arg1)->setAUID((char const *)arg2);
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_XcapSelector_setName(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ XcapSelector *arg1 = (XcapSelector *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ XcapSelector *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (XcapSelector *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ result = (XcapSelector *)(arg1)->setName((char const *)arg2);
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_XcapSelector_setAttribute(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, char * jarg4) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ XcapSelector *arg1 = (XcapSelector *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+ XcapSelector *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (XcapSelector *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (char *)jarg3;
+ arg4 = (char *)jarg4;
+ result = (XcapSelector *)(arg1)->setAttribute((char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,(char const *)arg4);
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_XcapSelector_setPos(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, unsigned int jarg3) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ XcapSelector *arg1 = (XcapSelector *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int arg3 ;
+ XcapSelector *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (XcapSelector *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (unsigned int)jarg3;
+ result = (XcapSelector *)(arg1)->setPos((char const *)arg2,arg3);
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_XcapSelector_setPosAttribute(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, unsigned int jarg3, char * jarg4, char * jarg5) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ XcapSelector *arg1 = (XcapSelector *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int arg3 ;
+ char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg5 = (char *) 0 ;
+ XcapSelector *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (XcapSelector *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (unsigned int)jarg3;
+ arg4 = (char *)jarg4;
+ arg5 = (char *)jarg5;
+ result = (XcapSelector *)(arg1)->setPosAttribute((char const *)arg2,arg3,(char const *)arg4,(char const *)arg5);
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_XcapSelector_setNamespace(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ XcapSelector *arg1 = (XcapSelector *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ XcapSelector *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (XcapSelector *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (char *)jarg3;
+ result = (XcapSelector *)(arg1)->setNamespace((char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3);
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_XcapSelector_getString(void * jarg1) {
+ char * jresult ;
+ XcapSelector *arg1 = (XcapSelector *) 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (XcapSelector *)jarg1;
+ result = (char *)(arg1)->getString();
+ jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result);
+ delete [] result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_XcapSelector_reset(void * jarg1) {
+ XcapSelector *arg1 = (XcapSelector *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (XcapSelector *)jarg1;
+ (arg1)->reset();
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_XcapMessage() {
+ void * jresult ;
+ XcapMessage *result = 0 ;
+ result = (XcapMessage *)new XcapMessage();
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_XcapMessage(void * jarg1) {
+ XcapMessage *arg1 = (XcapMessage *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (XcapMessage *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT short SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_XcapMessage_getCode(void * jarg1) {
+ short jresult ;
+ XcapMessage *arg1 = (XcapMessage *) 0 ;
+ short result;
+ arg1 = (XcapMessage *)jarg1;
+ result = (short)((XcapMessage const *)arg1)->getCode();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_XcapMessage_getPhrase(void * jarg1) {
+ char * jresult ;
+ XcapMessage *arg1 = (XcapMessage *) 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (XcapMessage *)jarg1;
+ result = (char *)((XcapMessage const *)arg1)->getPhrase();
+ jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result);
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_XcapMessage_getXcapHeaderValue__SWIG_0(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, unsigned int jarg3) {
+ char * jresult ;
+ XcapMessage *arg1 = (XcapMessage *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int arg3 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (XcapMessage *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (unsigned int)jarg3;
+ result = (char *)(arg1)->getXcapHeaderValue((char const *)arg2,arg3);
+ jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result);
+ delete [] result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_XcapMessage_getXcapHeaderValue__SWIG_1(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+ char * jresult ;
+ XcapMessage *arg1 = (XcapMessage *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (XcapMessage *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ result = (char *)(arg1)->getXcapHeaderValue((char const *)arg2);
+ jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result);
+ delete [] result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_XcapMessage_getXcapHeaderParamValue__SWIG_0(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, unsigned int jarg4) {
+ char * jresult ;
+ XcapMessage *arg1 = (XcapMessage *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int arg4 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (XcapMessage *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (char *)jarg3;
+ arg4 = (unsigned int)jarg4;
+ result = (char *)(arg1)->getXcapHeaderParamValue((char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,arg4);
+ jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result);
+ delete [] result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_XcapMessage_getXcapHeaderParamValue__SWIG_1(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3) {
+ char * jresult ;
+ XcapMessage *arg1 = (XcapMessage *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (XcapMessage *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (char *)jarg3;
+ result = (char *)(arg1)->getXcapHeaderParamValue((char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3);
+ jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result);
+ delete [] result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_XcapMessage_getXcapContentLength(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ XcapMessage *arg1 = (XcapMessage *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int result;
+ arg1 = (XcapMessage *)jarg1;
+ result = (unsigned int)(arg1)->getXcapContentLength();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_XcapMessage_getXcapContent(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, unsigned int jarg3) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ XcapMessage *arg1 = (XcapMessage *) 0 ;
+ void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int arg3 ;
+ unsigned int result;
+ arg1 = (XcapMessage *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = jarg2;
+ arg3 = (unsigned int)jarg3;
+ result = (unsigned int)(arg1)->getXcapContent(arg2,arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_XcapEvent(void * jarg1) {
+ XcapEvent *arg1 = (XcapEvent *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (XcapEvent *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_XcapEvent_getType(void * jarg1) {
+ int jresult ;
+ XcapEvent *arg1 = (XcapEvent *) 0 ;
+ thttp_event_type_t result;
+ arg1 = (XcapEvent *)jarg1;
+ result = (thttp_event_type_t)(arg1)->getType();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_XcapEvent_getXcapMessage(void * jarg1) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ XcapEvent *arg1 = (XcapEvent *) 0 ;
+ XcapMessage *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (XcapEvent *)jarg1;
+ result = (XcapMessage *)((XcapEvent const *)arg1)->getXcapMessage();
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_XcapCallback() {
+ void * jresult ;
+ XcapCallback *result = 0 ;
+ result = (XcapCallback *)new SwigDirector_XcapCallback();
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_XcapCallback(void * jarg1) {
+ XcapCallback *arg1 = (XcapCallback *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (XcapCallback *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_XcapCallback_onEvent(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ int jresult ;
+ XcapCallback *arg1 = (XcapCallback *) 0 ;
+ XcapEvent *arg2 = (XcapEvent *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (XcapCallback *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (XcapEvent *)jarg2;
+ result = (int)((XcapCallback const *)arg1)->onEvent((XcapEvent const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_XcapCallback_onEventSwigExplicitXcapCallback(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ int jresult ;
+ XcapCallback *arg1 = (XcapCallback *) 0 ;
+ XcapEvent *arg2 = (XcapEvent *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (XcapCallback *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (XcapEvent *)jarg2;
+ result = (int)((XcapCallback const *)arg1)->XcapCallback::onEvent((XcapEvent const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_XcapCallback_director_connect(void *objarg, SwigDirector_XcapCallback::SWIG_Callback0_t callback0) {
+ XcapCallback *obj = (XcapCallback *)objarg;
+ SwigDirector_XcapCallback *director = dynamic_cast<SwigDirector_XcapCallback *>(obj);
+ if (director) {
+ director->swig_connect_director(callback0);
+ }
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_XcapStack(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, char * jarg4) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ XcapCallback *arg1 = (XcapCallback *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+ XcapStack *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (XcapCallback *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (char *)jarg3;
+ arg4 = (char *)jarg4;
+ result = (XcapStack *)new XcapStack(arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,(char const *)arg4);
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_XcapStack(void * jarg1) {
+ XcapStack *arg1 = (XcapStack *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (XcapStack *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_XcapStack_registerAUID(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, char * jarg4, char * jarg5, unsigned int jarg6) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ XcapStack *arg1 = (XcapStack *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg5 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool arg6 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (XcapStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (char *)jarg3;
+ arg4 = (char *)jarg4;
+ arg5 = (char *)jarg5;
+ arg6 = jarg6 ? true : false;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->registerAUID((char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,(char const *)arg4,(char const *)arg5,arg6);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_XcapStack_start(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ XcapStack *arg1 = (XcapStack *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (XcapStack *)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->start();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_XcapStack_setCredentials(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ XcapStack *arg1 = (XcapStack *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (XcapStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (char *)jarg3;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setCredentials((char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_XcapStack_setXcapRoot(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ XcapStack *arg1 = (XcapStack *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (XcapStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setXcapRoot((char const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_XcapStack_setLocalIP(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ XcapStack *arg1 = (XcapStack *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (XcapStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setLocalIP((char const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_XcapStack_setLocalPort(void * jarg1, unsigned int jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ XcapStack *arg1 = (XcapStack *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int arg2 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (XcapStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (unsigned int)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setLocalPort(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_XcapStack_addHeader(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ XcapStack *arg1 = (XcapStack *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (XcapStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (char *)jarg3;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->addHeader((char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_XcapStack_removeHeader(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ XcapStack *arg1 = (XcapStack *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (XcapStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->removeHeader((char const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_XcapStack_setTimeout(void * jarg1, unsigned int jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ XcapStack *arg1 = (XcapStack *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int arg2 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (XcapStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (unsigned int)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->setTimeout(arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_XcapStack_getDocument(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ XcapStack *arg1 = (XcapStack *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (XcapStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->getDocument((char const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_XcapStack_getElement(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ XcapStack *arg1 = (XcapStack *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (XcapStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->getElement((char const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_XcapStack_getAttribute(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ XcapStack *arg1 = (XcapStack *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (XcapStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->getAttribute((char const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_XcapStack_deleteDocument(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ XcapStack *arg1 = (XcapStack *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (XcapStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->deleteDocument((char const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_XcapStack_deleteElement(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ XcapStack *arg1 = (XcapStack *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (XcapStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->deleteElement((char const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_XcapStack_deleteAttribute(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ XcapStack *arg1 = (XcapStack *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (XcapStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->deleteAttribute((char const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_XcapStack_putDocument(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, void * jarg3, unsigned int jarg4, char * jarg5) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ XcapStack *arg1 = (XcapStack *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *arg3 = (void *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int arg4 ;
+ char *arg5 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (XcapStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = jarg3;
+ arg4 = (unsigned int)jarg4;
+ arg5 = (char *)jarg5;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->putDocument((char const *)arg2,(void const *)arg3,arg4,(char const *)arg5);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_XcapStack_putElement(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, void * jarg3, unsigned int jarg4) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ XcapStack *arg1 = (XcapStack *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *arg3 = (void *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int arg4 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (XcapStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = jarg3;
+ arg4 = (unsigned int)jarg4;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->putElement((char const *)arg2,(void const *)arg3,arg4);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_XcapStack_putAttribute(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, void * jarg3, unsigned int jarg4) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ XcapStack *arg1 = (XcapStack *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ void *arg3 = (void *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int arg4 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (XcapStack *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = jarg3;
+ arg4 = (unsigned int)jarg4;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->putAttribute((char const *)arg2,(void const *)arg3,arg4);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_XcapStack_stop(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ XcapStack *arg1 = (XcapStack *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (XcapStack *)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->stop();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_RPMessage() {
+ void * jresult ;
+ RPMessage *result = 0 ;
+ result = (RPMessage *)new RPMessage();
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_RPMessage(void * jarg1) {
+ RPMessage *arg1 = (RPMessage *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (RPMessage *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_RPMessage_getType(void * jarg1) {
+ int jresult ;
+ RPMessage *arg1 = (RPMessage *) 0 ;
+ twrap_rpmessage_type_t result;
+ arg1 = (RPMessage *)jarg1;
+ result = (twrap_rpmessage_type_t)(arg1)->getType();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_RPMessage_getPayloadLength(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ RPMessage *arg1 = (RPMessage *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int result;
+ arg1 = (RPMessage *)jarg1;
+ result = (unsigned int)(arg1)->getPayloadLength();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_RPMessage_getPayload(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, unsigned int jarg3) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ RPMessage *arg1 = (RPMessage *) 0 ;
+ void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int arg3 ;
+ unsigned int result;
+ arg1 = (RPMessage *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = jarg2;
+ arg3 = (unsigned int)jarg3;
+ result = (unsigned int)(arg1)->getPayload(arg2,arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+ void * jresult ;
+ SMSData *result = 0 ;
+ result = (SMSData *)new SMSData();
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_SMSData(void * jarg1) {
+ SMSData *arg1 = (SMSData *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (SMSData *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SMSData_getType(void * jarg1) {
+ int jresult ;
+ SMSData *arg1 = (SMSData *) 0 ;
+ twrap_sms_type_t result;
+ arg1 = (SMSData *)jarg1;
+ result = (twrap_sms_type_t)(arg1)->getType();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SMSData_getMR(void * jarg1) {
+ int jresult ;
+ SMSData *arg1 = (SMSData *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (SMSData *)jarg1;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->getMR();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SMSData_getPayloadLength(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SMSData *arg1 = (SMSData *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int result;
+ arg1 = (SMSData *)jarg1;
+ result = (unsigned int)(arg1)->getPayloadLength();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SMSData_getPayload(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, unsigned int jarg3) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ SMSData *arg1 = (SMSData *) 0 ;
+ void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int arg3 ;
+ unsigned int result;
+ arg1 = (SMSData *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = jarg2;
+ arg3 = (unsigned int)jarg3;
+ result = (unsigned int)(arg1)->getPayload(arg2,arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SMSData_getOA(void * jarg1) {
+ char * jresult ;
+ SMSData *arg1 = (SMSData *) 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (SMSData *)jarg1;
+ result = (char *)(arg1)->getOA();
+ jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result);
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SMSData_getDA(void * jarg1) {
+ char * jresult ;
+ SMSData *arg1 = (SMSData *) 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (SMSData *)jarg1;
+ result = (char *)(arg1)->getDA();
+ jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result);
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SMSEncoder_encodeSubmit(int jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, char * jarg4) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ int arg1 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+ RPMessage *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (int)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (char *)jarg3;
+ arg4 = (char *)jarg4;
+ result = (RPMessage *)SMSEncoder::encodeSubmit(arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,(char const *)arg4);
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SMSEncoder_encodeDeliver(int jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, char * jarg4) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ int arg1 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg4 = (char *) 0 ;
+ RPMessage *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (int)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (char *)jarg3;
+ arg4 = (char *)jarg4;
+ result = (RPMessage *)SMSEncoder::encodeDeliver(arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,(char const *)arg4);
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SMSEncoder_encodeACK(int jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, unsigned int jarg4) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ int arg1 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool arg4 ;
+ RPMessage *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (int)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (char *)jarg3;
+ arg4 = jarg4 ? true : false;
+ result = (RPMessage *)SMSEncoder::encodeACK(arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,arg4);
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SMSEncoder_encodeError(int jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3, unsigned int jarg4) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ int arg1 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ bool arg4 ;
+ RPMessage *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (int)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (char *)jarg3;
+ arg4 = jarg4 ? true : false;
+ result = (RPMessage *)SMSEncoder::encodeError(arg1,(char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3,arg4);
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SMSEncoder_decode(void * jarg1, unsigned int jarg2, unsigned int jarg3) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ void *arg1 = (void *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int arg2 ;
+ bool arg3 ;
+ SMSData *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = jarg1;
+ arg2 = (unsigned int)jarg2;
+ arg3 = jarg3 ? true : false;
+ result = (SMSData *)SMSEncoder::decode((void const *)arg1,arg2,arg3);
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_SMSEncoder(void * jarg1) {
+ SMSEncoder *arg1 = (SMSEncoder *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (SMSEncoder *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_MsrpMessage() {
+ void * jresult ;
+ MsrpMessage *result = 0 ;
+ result = (MsrpMessage *)new MsrpMessage();
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_MsrpMessage(void * jarg1) {
+ MsrpMessage *arg1 = (MsrpMessage *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (MsrpMessage *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MsrpMessage_isRequest(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ MsrpMessage *arg1 = (MsrpMessage *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (MsrpMessage *)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->isRequest();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT short SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MsrpMessage_getCode(void * jarg1) {
+ short jresult ;
+ MsrpMessage *arg1 = (MsrpMessage *) 0 ;
+ short result;
+ arg1 = (MsrpMessage *)jarg1;
+ result = (short)(arg1)->getCode();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MsrpMessage_getPhrase(void * jarg1) {
+ char * jresult ;
+ MsrpMessage *arg1 = (MsrpMessage *) 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (MsrpMessage *)jarg1;
+ result = (char *)(arg1)->getPhrase();
+ jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result);
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MsrpMessage_getRequestType(void * jarg1) {
+ int jresult ;
+ MsrpMessage *arg1 = (MsrpMessage *) 0 ;
+ tmsrp_request_type_t result;
+ arg1 = (MsrpMessage *)jarg1;
+ result = (tmsrp_request_type_t)(arg1)->getRequestType();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MsrpMessage_getByteRange(void * jarg1, long long * jarg2, long long * jarg3, long long * jarg4) {
+ MsrpMessage *arg1 = (MsrpMessage *) 0 ;
+ int64_t *arg2 = (int64_t *) 0 ;
+ int64_t *arg3 = (int64_t *) 0 ;
+ int64_t *arg4 = (int64_t *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (MsrpMessage *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (int64_t *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (int64_t *)jarg3;
+ arg4 = (int64_t *)jarg4;
+ (arg1)->getByteRange(arg2,arg3,arg4);
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MsrpMessage_isLastChunck(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ MsrpMessage *arg1 = (MsrpMessage *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (MsrpMessage *)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->isLastChunck();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MsrpMessage_isFirstChunck(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ MsrpMessage *arg1 = (MsrpMessage *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (MsrpMessage *)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->isFirstChunck();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MsrpMessage_isSuccessReport(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ MsrpMessage *arg1 = (MsrpMessage *) 0 ;
+ bool result;
+ arg1 = (MsrpMessage *)jarg1;
+ result = (bool)(arg1)->isSuccessReport();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MsrpMessage_getMsrpHeaderValue(void * jarg1, char * jarg2) {
+ char * jresult ;
+ MsrpMessage *arg1 = (MsrpMessage *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (MsrpMessage *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ result = (char *)(arg1)->getMsrpHeaderValue((char const *)arg2);
+ jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result);
+ delete [] result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT char * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MsrpMessage_getMsrpHeaderParamValue(void * jarg1, char * jarg2, char * jarg3) {
+ char * jresult ;
+ MsrpMessage *arg1 = (MsrpMessage *) 0 ;
+ char *arg2 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *arg3 = (char *) 0 ;
+ char *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (MsrpMessage *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (char *)jarg2;
+ arg3 = (char *)jarg3;
+ result = (char *)(arg1)->getMsrpHeaderParamValue((char const *)arg2,(char const *)arg3);
+ jresult = SWIG_csharp_string_callback((const char *)result);
+ delete [] result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MsrpMessage_getMsrpContentLength(void * jarg1) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ MsrpMessage *arg1 = (MsrpMessage *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int result;
+ arg1 = (MsrpMessage *)jarg1;
+ result = (unsigned int)(arg1)->getMsrpContentLength();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT unsigned int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MsrpMessage_getMsrpContent(void * jarg1, void * jarg2, unsigned int jarg3) {
+ unsigned int jresult ;
+ MsrpMessage *arg1 = (MsrpMessage *) 0 ;
+ void *arg2 = (void *) 0 ;
+ unsigned int arg3 ;
+ unsigned int result;
+ arg1 = (MsrpMessage *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = jarg2;
+ arg3 = (unsigned int)jarg3;
+ result = (unsigned int)(arg1)->getMsrpContent(arg2,arg3);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_MsrpEvent(void * jarg1) {
+ MsrpEvent *arg1 = (MsrpEvent *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (MsrpEvent *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MsrpEvent_getType(void * jarg1) {
+ int jresult ;
+ MsrpEvent *arg1 = (MsrpEvent *) 0 ;
+ tmsrp_event_type_t result;
+ arg1 = (MsrpEvent *)jarg1;
+ result = (tmsrp_event_type_t)(arg1)->getType();
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MsrpEvent_getSipSession(void * jarg1) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ MsrpEvent *arg1 = (MsrpEvent *) 0 ;
+ MsrpSession *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (MsrpEvent *)jarg1;
+ result = (MsrpSession *)(arg1)->getSipSession();
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MsrpEvent_getMessage(void * jarg1) {
+ void * jresult ;
+ MsrpEvent *arg1 = (MsrpEvent *) 0 ;
+ MsrpMessage *result = 0 ;
+ arg1 = (MsrpEvent *)jarg1;
+ result = (MsrpMessage *)((MsrpEvent const *)arg1)->getMessage();
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_new_MsrpCallback() {
+ void * jresult ;
+ MsrpCallback *result = 0 ;
+ result = (MsrpCallback *)new SwigDirector_MsrpCallback();
+ jresult = (void *)result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_delete_MsrpCallback(void * jarg1) {
+ MsrpCallback *arg1 = (MsrpCallback *) 0 ;
+ arg1 = (MsrpCallback *)jarg1;
+ delete arg1;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MsrpCallback_OnEvent(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ int jresult ;
+ MsrpCallback *arg1 = (MsrpCallback *) 0 ;
+ MsrpEvent *arg2 = (MsrpEvent *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (MsrpCallback *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (MsrpEvent *)jarg2;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->OnEvent((MsrpEvent const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT int SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MsrpCallback_OnEventSwigExplicitMsrpCallback(void * jarg1, void * jarg2) {
+ int jresult ;
+ MsrpCallback *arg1 = (MsrpCallback *) 0 ;
+ MsrpEvent *arg2 = (MsrpEvent *) 0 ;
+ int result;
+ arg1 = (MsrpCallback *)jarg1;
+ arg2 = (MsrpEvent *)jarg2;
+ result = (int)(arg1)->MsrpCallback::OnEvent((MsrpEvent const *)arg2);
+ jresult = result;
+ return jresult;
+SWIGEXPORT void SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MsrpCallback_director_connect(void *objarg, SwigDirector_MsrpCallback::SWIG_Callback0_t callback0) {
+ MsrpCallback *obj = (MsrpCallback *)objarg;
+ SwigDirector_MsrpCallback *director = dynamic_cast<SwigDirector_MsrpCallback *>(obj);
+ if (director) {
+ director->swig_connect_director(callback0);
+ }
+SWIGEXPORT MediaContent * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MediaContentCPIM_SWIGUpcast(MediaContentCPIM *jarg1) {
+ return (MediaContent *)jarg1;
+SWIGEXPORT SipEvent * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_DialogEvent_SWIGUpcast(DialogEvent *jarg1) {
+ return (SipEvent *)jarg1;
+SWIGEXPORT SipEvent * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_StackEvent_SWIGUpcast(StackEvent *jarg1) {
+ return (SipEvent *)jarg1;
+SWIGEXPORT SipEvent * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_InviteEvent_SWIGUpcast(InviteEvent *jarg1) {
+ return (SipEvent *)jarg1;
+SWIGEXPORT SipEvent * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MessagingEvent_SWIGUpcast(MessagingEvent *jarg1) {
+ return (SipEvent *)jarg1;
+SWIGEXPORT SipEvent * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_InfoEvent_SWIGUpcast(InfoEvent *jarg1) {
+ return (SipEvent *)jarg1;
+SWIGEXPORT SipEvent * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_OptionsEvent_SWIGUpcast(OptionsEvent *jarg1) {
+ return (SipEvent *)jarg1;
+SWIGEXPORT SipEvent * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_PublicationEvent_SWIGUpcast(PublicationEvent *jarg1) {
+ return (SipEvent *)jarg1;
+SWIGEXPORT SipEvent * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_RegistrationEvent_SWIGUpcast(RegistrationEvent *jarg1) {
+ return (SipEvent *)jarg1;
+SWIGEXPORT SipEvent * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SubscriptionEvent_SWIGUpcast(SubscriptionEvent *jarg1) {
+ return (SipEvent *)jarg1;
+SWIGEXPORT SipSession * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_InviteSession_SWIGUpcast(InviteSession *jarg1) {
+ return (SipSession *)jarg1;
+SWIGEXPORT InviteSession * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_CallSession_SWIGUpcast(CallSession *jarg1) {
+ return (InviteSession *)jarg1;
+SWIGEXPORT InviteSession * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MsrpSession_SWIGUpcast(MsrpSession *jarg1) {
+ return (InviteSession *)jarg1;
+SWIGEXPORT SipSession * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_MessagingSession_SWIGUpcast(MessagingSession *jarg1) {
+ return (SipSession *)jarg1;
+SWIGEXPORT SipSession * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_InfoSession_SWIGUpcast(InfoSession *jarg1) {
+ return (SipSession *)jarg1;
+SWIGEXPORT SipSession * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_OptionsSession_SWIGUpcast(OptionsSession *jarg1) {
+ return (SipSession *)jarg1;
+SWIGEXPORT SipSession * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_PublicationSession_SWIGUpcast(PublicationSession *jarg1) {
+ return (SipSession *)jarg1;
+SWIGEXPORT SipSession * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_RegistrationSession_SWIGUpcast(RegistrationSession *jarg1) {
+ return (SipSession *)jarg1;
+SWIGEXPORT SipSession * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SubscriptionSession_SWIGUpcast(SubscriptionSession *jarg1) {
+ return (SipSession *)jarg1;
+SWIGEXPORT ProxyPlugin * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyAudioConsumer_SWIGUpcast(ProxyAudioConsumer *jarg1) {
+ return (ProxyPlugin *)jarg1;
+SWIGEXPORT ProxyPlugin * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyVideoConsumer_SWIGUpcast(ProxyVideoConsumer *jarg1) {
+ return (ProxyPlugin *)jarg1;
+SWIGEXPORT ProxyPlugin * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyAudioProducer_SWIGUpcast(ProxyAudioProducer *jarg1) {
+ return (ProxyPlugin *)jarg1;
+SWIGEXPORT ProxyPlugin * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_ProxyVideoProducer_SWIGUpcast(ProxyVideoProducer *jarg1) {
+ return (ProxyPlugin *)jarg1;
+SWIGEXPORT SafeObject * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_SipStack_SWIGUpcast(SipStack *jarg1) {
+ return (SafeObject *)jarg1;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/tinyWRAP_wrap.h b/bindings/csharp/tinyWRAP_wrap.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1433410
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/tinyWRAP_wrap.h
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * This file is not intended to be easily readable and contains a number of
+ * coding conventions designed to improve portability and efficiency. Do not make
+ * changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify the SWIG
+ * interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#ifndef SWIG_tinyWRAP_WRAP_H_
+#define SWIG_tinyWRAP_WRAP_H_
+class SwigDirector_DDebugCallback : public DDebugCallback, public Swig::Director {
+ SwigDirector_DDebugCallback();
+ virtual ~SwigDirector_DDebugCallback();
+ virtual int OnDebugInfo(char const *message);
+ virtual int OnDebugWarn(char const *message);
+ virtual int OnDebugError(char const *message);
+ virtual int OnDebugFatal(char const *message);
+ typedef int (SWIGSTDCALL* SWIG_Callback0_t)(char *);
+ typedef int (SWIGSTDCALL* SWIG_Callback1_t)(char *);
+ typedef int (SWIGSTDCALL* SWIG_Callback2_t)(char *);
+ typedef int (SWIGSTDCALL* SWIG_Callback3_t)(char *);
+ void swig_connect_director(SWIG_Callback0_t callbackOnDebugInfo, SWIG_Callback1_t callbackOnDebugWarn, SWIG_Callback2_t callbackOnDebugError, SWIG_Callback3_t callbackOnDebugFatal);
+ SWIG_Callback0_t swig_callbackOnDebugInfo;
+ SWIG_Callback1_t swig_callbackOnDebugWarn;
+ SWIG_Callback2_t swig_callbackOnDebugError;
+ SWIG_Callback3_t swig_callbackOnDebugFatal;
+ void swig_init_callbacks();
+class SwigDirector_T140Callback : public T140Callback, public Swig::Director {
+ SwigDirector_T140Callback();
+ virtual ~SwigDirector_T140Callback();
+ virtual int ondata(T140CallbackData const *pData);
+ typedef int (SWIGSTDCALL* SWIG_Callback0_t)(void *);
+ void swig_connect_director(SWIG_Callback0_t callbackondata);
+ SWIG_Callback0_t swig_callbackondata;
+ void swig_init_callbacks();
+class SwigDirector_ProxyPluginMgrCallback : public ProxyPluginMgrCallback, public Swig::Director {
+ SwigDirector_ProxyPluginMgrCallback();
+ virtual ~SwigDirector_ProxyPluginMgrCallback();
+ virtual int OnPluginCreated(uint64_t id, enum twrap_proxy_plugin_type_e type);
+ virtual int OnPluginDestroyed(uint64_t id, enum twrap_proxy_plugin_type_e type);
+ typedef int (SWIGSTDCALL* SWIG_Callback0_t)(unsigned long long, int);
+ typedef int (SWIGSTDCALL* SWIG_Callback1_t)(unsigned long long, int);
+ void swig_connect_director(SWIG_Callback0_t callbackOnPluginCreated, SWIG_Callback1_t callbackOnPluginDestroyed);
+ SWIG_Callback0_t swig_callbackOnPluginCreated;
+ SWIG_Callback1_t swig_callbackOnPluginDestroyed;
+ void swig_init_callbacks();
+class SwigDirector_ProxyAudioConsumerCallback : public ProxyAudioConsumerCallback, public Swig::Director {
+ SwigDirector_ProxyAudioConsumerCallback();
+ virtual ~SwigDirector_ProxyAudioConsumerCallback();
+ virtual int prepare(int ptime, int rate, int channels);
+ virtual int start();
+ virtual int pause();
+ virtual int stop();
+ typedef int (SWIGSTDCALL* SWIG_Callback0_t)(int, int, int);
+ typedef int (SWIGSTDCALL* SWIG_Callback1_t)();
+ typedef int (SWIGSTDCALL* SWIG_Callback2_t)();
+ typedef int (SWIGSTDCALL* SWIG_Callback3_t)();
+ void swig_connect_director(SWIG_Callback0_t callbackprepare, SWIG_Callback1_t callbackstart, SWIG_Callback2_t callbackpause, SWIG_Callback3_t callbackstop);
+ SWIG_Callback0_t swig_callbackprepare;
+ SWIG_Callback1_t swig_callbackstart;
+ SWIG_Callback2_t swig_callbackpause;
+ SWIG_Callback3_t swig_callbackstop;
+ void swig_init_callbacks();
+class SwigDirector_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback : public ProxyVideoConsumerCallback, public Swig::Director {
+ SwigDirector_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback();
+ virtual ~SwigDirector_ProxyVideoConsumerCallback();
+ virtual int prepare(int nWidth, int nHeight, int nFps);
+ virtual int consume(ProxyVideoFrame const *frame);
+ virtual int bufferCopied(unsigned int nCopiedSize, unsigned int nAvailableSize);
+ virtual int start();
+ virtual int pause();
+ virtual int stop();
+ typedef int (SWIGSTDCALL* SWIG_Callback0_t)(int, int, int);
+ typedef int (SWIGSTDCALL* SWIG_Callback1_t)(void *);
+ typedef int (SWIGSTDCALL* SWIG_Callback2_t)(unsigned int, unsigned int);
+ typedef int (SWIGSTDCALL* SWIG_Callback3_t)();
+ typedef int (SWIGSTDCALL* SWIG_Callback4_t)();
+ typedef int (SWIGSTDCALL* SWIG_Callback5_t)();
+ void swig_connect_director(SWIG_Callback0_t callbackprepare, SWIG_Callback1_t callbackconsume, SWIG_Callback2_t callbackbufferCopied, SWIG_Callback3_t callbackstart, SWIG_Callback4_t callbackpause, SWIG_Callback5_t callbackstop);
+ SWIG_Callback0_t swig_callbackprepare;
+ SWIG_Callback1_t swig_callbackconsume;
+ SWIG_Callback2_t swig_callbackbufferCopied;
+ SWIG_Callback3_t swig_callbackstart;
+ SWIG_Callback4_t swig_callbackpause;
+ SWIG_Callback5_t swig_callbackstop;
+ void swig_init_callbacks();
+class SwigDirector_ProxyAudioProducerCallback : public ProxyAudioProducerCallback, public Swig::Director {
+ SwigDirector_ProxyAudioProducerCallback();
+ virtual ~SwigDirector_ProxyAudioProducerCallback();
+ virtual int prepare(int ptime, int rate, int channels);
+ virtual int start();
+ virtual int pause();
+ virtual int stop();
+ virtual int fillPushBuffer();
+ typedef int (SWIGSTDCALL* SWIG_Callback0_t)(int, int, int);
+ typedef int (SWIGSTDCALL* SWIG_Callback1_t)();
+ typedef int (SWIGSTDCALL* SWIG_Callback2_t)();
+ typedef int (SWIGSTDCALL* SWIG_Callback3_t)();
+ typedef int (SWIGSTDCALL* SWIG_Callback4_t)();
+ void swig_connect_director(SWIG_Callback0_t callbackprepare, SWIG_Callback1_t callbackstart, SWIG_Callback2_t callbackpause, SWIG_Callback3_t callbackstop, SWIG_Callback4_t callbackfillPushBuffer);
+ SWIG_Callback0_t swig_callbackprepare;
+ SWIG_Callback1_t swig_callbackstart;
+ SWIG_Callback2_t swig_callbackpause;
+ SWIG_Callback3_t swig_callbackstop;
+ SWIG_Callback4_t swig_callbackfillPushBuffer;
+ void swig_init_callbacks();
+class SwigDirector_ProxyVideoProducerCallback : public ProxyVideoProducerCallback, public Swig::Director {
+ SwigDirector_ProxyVideoProducerCallback();
+ virtual ~SwigDirector_ProxyVideoProducerCallback();
+ virtual int prepare(int width, int height, int fps);
+ virtual int start();
+ virtual int pause();
+ virtual int stop();
+ typedef int (SWIGSTDCALL* SWIG_Callback0_t)(int, int, int);
+ typedef int (SWIGSTDCALL* SWIG_Callback1_t)();
+ typedef int (SWIGSTDCALL* SWIG_Callback2_t)();
+ typedef int (SWIGSTDCALL* SWIG_Callback3_t)();
+ void swig_connect_director(SWIG_Callback0_t callbackprepare, SWIG_Callback1_t callbackstart, SWIG_Callback2_t callbackpause, SWIG_Callback3_t callbackstop);
+ SWIG_Callback0_t swig_callbackprepare;
+ SWIG_Callback1_t swig_callbackstart;
+ SWIG_Callback2_t swig_callbackpause;
+ SWIG_Callback3_t swig_callbackstop;
+ void swig_init_callbacks();
+class SwigDirector_SipCallback : public SipCallback, public Swig::Director {
+ SwigDirector_SipCallback();
+ virtual ~SwigDirector_SipCallback();
+ virtual int OnDialogEvent(DialogEvent const *e);
+ virtual int OnStackEvent(StackEvent const *e);
+ virtual int OnInviteEvent(InviteEvent const *e);
+ virtual int OnMessagingEvent(MessagingEvent const *e);
+ virtual int OnInfoEvent(InfoEvent const *e);
+ virtual int OnOptionsEvent(OptionsEvent const *e);
+ virtual int OnPublicationEvent(PublicationEvent const *e);
+ virtual int OnRegistrationEvent(RegistrationEvent const *e);
+ virtual int OnSubscriptionEvent(SubscriptionEvent const *e);
+ typedef int (SWIGSTDCALL* SWIG_Callback0_t)(void *);
+ typedef int (SWIGSTDCALL* SWIG_Callback1_t)(void *);
+ typedef int (SWIGSTDCALL* SWIG_Callback2_t)(void *);
+ typedef int (SWIGSTDCALL* SWIG_Callback3_t)(void *);
+ typedef int (SWIGSTDCALL* SWIG_Callback4_t)(void *);
+ typedef int (SWIGSTDCALL* SWIG_Callback5_t)(void *);
+ typedef int (SWIGSTDCALL* SWIG_Callback6_t)(void *);
+ typedef int (SWIGSTDCALL* SWIG_Callback7_t)(void *);
+ typedef int (SWIGSTDCALL* SWIG_Callback8_t)(void *);
+ void swig_connect_director(SWIG_Callback0_t callbackOnDialogEvent, SWIG_Callback1_t callbackOnStackEvent, SWIG_Callback2_t callbackOnInviteEvent, SWIG_Callback3_t callbackOnMessagingEvent, SWIG_Callback4_t callbackOnInfoEvent, SWIG_Callback5_t callbackOnOptionsEvent, SWIG_Callback6_t callbackOnPublicationEvent, SWIG_Callback7_t callbackOnRegistrationEvent, SWIG_Callback8_t callbackOnSubscriptionEvent);
+ SWIG_Callback0_t swig_callbackOnDialogEvent;
+ SWIG_Callback1_t swig_callbackOnStackEvent;
+ SWIG_Callback2_t swig_callbackOnInviteEvent;
+ SWIG_Callback3_t swig_callbackOnMessagingEvent;
+ SWIG_Callback4_t swig_callbackOnInfoEvent;
+ SWIG_Callback5_t swig_callbackOnOptionsEvent;
+ SWIG_Callback6_t swig_callbackOnPublicationEvent;
+ SWIG_Callback7_t swig_callbackOnRegistrationEvent;
+ SWIG_Callback8_t swig_callbackOnSubscriptionEvent;
+ void swig_init_callbacks();
+class SwigDirector_XcapCallback : public XcapCallback, public Swig::Director {
+ SwigDirector_XcapCallback();
+ virtual ~SwigDirector_XcapCallback();
+ virtual int onEvent(XcapEvent const *e) const;
+ typedef int (SWIGSTDCALL* SWIG_Callback0_t)(void *);
+ void swig_connect_director(SWIG_Callback0_t callbackonEvent);
+ SWIG_Callback0_t swig_callbackonEvent;
+ void swig_init_callbacks();
+class SwigDirector_MsrpCallback : public MsrpCallback, public Swig::Director {
+ SwigDirector_MsrpCallback();
+ virtual ~SwigDirector_MsrpCallback();
+ virtual int OnEvent(MsrpEvent const *e);
+ typedef int (SWIGSTDCALL* SWIG_Callback0_t)(void *);
+ void swig_connect_director(SWIG_Callback0_t callbackOnEvent);
+ SWIG_Callback0_t swig_callbackOnEvent;
+ void swig_init_callbacks();
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/tmedia_bandwidth_level_t.cs b/bindings/csharp/tmedia_bandwidth_level_t.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fbbaa4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/tmedia_bandwidth_level_t.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+public enum tmedia_bandwidth_level_t {
+ tmedia_bl_low,
+ tmedia_bl_medium,
+ tmedia_bl_hight,
+ tmedia_bl_unrestricted
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/tmedia_chroma_t.cs b/bindings/csharp/tmedia_chroma_t.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..106fe19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/tmedia_chroma_t.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+public enum tmedia_chroma_t {
+ tmedia_chroma_none = 0,
+ tmedia_chroma_rgb24,
+ tmedia_chroma_bgr24,
+ tmedia_chroma_rgb32,
+ tmedia_chroma_rgb565le,
+ tmedia_chroma_rgb565be,
+ tmedia_chroma_nv12,
+ tmedia_chroma_nv21,
+ tmedia_chroma_yuv422p,
+ tmedia_chroma_uyvy422,
+ tmedia_chroma_yuv420p,
+ tmedia_chroma_mjpeg,
+ tmedia_chroma_yuyv422
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/tmedia_codec_id_t.cs b/bindings/csharp/tmedia_codec_id_t.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c09b74a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/tmedia_codec_id_t.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+public enum tmedia_codec_id_t {
+ tmedia_codec_id_none = 0x00000000,
+ tmedia_codec_id_amr_nb_oa = 0x00000001 << 0,
+ tmedia_codec_id_amr_nb_be = 0x00000001 << 1,
+ tmedia_codec_id_amr_wb_oa = 0x00000001 << 2,
+ tmedia_codec_id_amr_wb_be = 0x00000001 << 3,
+ tmedia_codec_id_gsm = 0x00000001 << 4,
+ tmedia_codec_id_pcma = 0x00000001 << 5,
+ tmedia_codec_id_pcmu = 0x00000001 << 6,
+ tmedia_codec_id_ilbc = 0x00000001 << 7,
+ tmedia_codec_id_speex_nb = 0x00000001 << 8,
+ tmedia_codec_id_speex_wb = 0x00000001 << 9,
+ tmedia_codec_id_speex_uwb = 0x00000001 << 10,
+ tmedia_codec_id_bv16 = 0x00000001 << 11,
+ tmedia_codec_id_bv32 = 0x00000001 << 12,
+ tmedia_codec_id_opus = 0x00000001 << 13,
+ tmedia_codec_id_g729ab = 0x00000001 << 14,
+ tmedia_codec_id_g722 = 0x00000001 << 15,
+ tmedia_codec_id_h261 = 0x00010000 << 0,
+ tmedia_codec_id_h263 = 0x00010000 << 1,
+ tmedia_codec_id_h263p = 0x00010000 << 2,
+ tmedia_codec_id_h263pp = 0x00010000 << 3,
+ tmedia_codec_id_h264_bp = 0x00010000 << 4,
+ tmedia_codec_id_h264_mp = 0x00010000 << 5,
+ tmedia_codec_id_h264_hp = 0x00010000 << 6,
+ tmedia_codec_id_h264_bp10 = tmedia_codec_id_h264_bp,
+ tmedia_codec_id_h264_bp20 = tmedia_codec_id_h264_bp,
+ tmedia_codec_id_h264_bp30 = tmedia_codec_id_h264_bp,
+ tmedia_codec_id_h264_svc = 0x00010000 << 7,
+ tmedia_codec_id_theora = 0x00010000 << 8,
+ tmedia_codec_id_mp4ves_es = 0x00010000 << 9,
+ tmedia_codec_id_vp8 = 0x00010000 << 10,
+ tmedia_codec_id_t140 = 0x00010000 << 14,
+ tmedia_codec_id_red = 0x00010000 << 15
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/tmedia_mode_t.cs b/bindings/csharp/tmedia_mode_t.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8b4fc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/tmedia_mode_t.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+public enum tmedia_mode_t {
+ tmedia_mode_none,
+ tmedia_mode_optional,
+ tmedia_mode_mandatory
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/tmedia_pref_video_size_t.cs b/bindings/csharp/tmedia_pref_video_size_t.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..181c295
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/tmedia_pref_video_size_t.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+public enum tmedia_pref_video_size_t {
+ tmedia_pref_video_size_sqcif,
+ tmedia_pref_video_size_qcif,
+ tmedia_pref_video_size_qvga,
+ tmedia_pref_video_size_cif,
+ tmedia_pref_video_size_hvga,
+ tmedia_pref_video_size_vga,
+ tmedia_pref_video_size_4cif,
+ tmedia_pref_video_size_wvga,
+ tmedia_pref_video_size_svga,
+ tmedia_pref_video_size_480p,
+ tmedia_pref_video_size_xga,
+ tmedia_pref_video_size_720p,
+ tmedia_pref_video_size_16cif,
+ tmedia_pref_video_size_1080p,
+ tmedia_pref_video_size_2160p
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/tmedia_profile_t.cs b/bindings/csharp/tmedia_profile_t.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c440b72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/tmedia_profile_t.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+public enum tmedia_profile_t {
+ tmedia_profile_default,
+ tmedia_profile_rtcweb
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/tmedia_qos_strength_t.cs b/bindings/csharp/tmedia_qos_strength_t.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97b5802
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/tmedia_qos_strength_t.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+public enum tmedia_qos_strength_t {
+ tmedia_qos_strength_none,
+ tmedia_qos_strength_failure,
+ tmedia_qos_strength_unknown,
+ tmedia_qos_strength_optional,
+ tmedia_qos_strength_mandatory
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/tmedia_qos_stype_t.cs b/bindings/csharp/tmedia_qos_stype_t.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d750e62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/tmedia_qos_stype_t.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+public enum tmedia_qos_stype_t {
+ tmedia_qos_stype_none,
+ tmedia_qos_stype_segmented,
+ tmedia_qos_stype_e2e
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/tmedia_srtp_mode_t.cs b/bindings/csharp/tmedia_srtp_mode_t.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d2a740
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/tmedia_srtp_mode_t.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+public enum tmedia_srtp_mode_t {
+ tmedia_srtp_mode_none,
+ tmedia_srtp_mode_optional,
+ tmedia_srtp_mode_mandatory
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/tmedia_srtp_type_t.cs b/bindings/csharp/tmedia_srtp_type_t.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07c0ced
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/tmedia_srtp_type_t.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+public enum tmedia_srtp_type_t {
+ tmedia_srtp_type_none = 0x00,
+ tmedia_srtp_type_sdes = 0x01,
+ tmedia_srtp_type_dtls = 0x02,
+ tmedia_srtp_type_sdes_dtls = (0x01|0x02)
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/tmedia_t140_data_type_t.cs b/bindings/csharp/tmedia_t140_data_type_t.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f7d8a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/tmedia_t140_data_type_t.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+public enum tmedia_t140_data_type_t {
+ tmedia_t140_data_type_utf8,
+ tmedia_t140_data_type_zero_width_no_break_space = 0xefbbbf,
+ tmedia_t140_data_type_backspace = 0x08,
+ tmedia_t140_data_type_esc = 0x1b,
+ tmedia_t140_data_type_cr = 0x0d,
+ tmedia_t140_data_type_lf = 0x0a,
+ tmedia_t140_data_type_cr_lf = 0x0d0a,
+ tmedia_t140_data_type_interrupt2 = 0x61,
+ tmedia_t140_data_type_bell = 0x07,
+ tmedia_t140_data_type_sos = 0x98,
+ tmedia_t140_data_type_string_term = 0x9c,
+ tmedia_t140_data_type_graphic_start = 0x9b,
+ tmedia_t140_data_type_graphic_end = 0x6d,
+ tmedia_t140_data_type_loss_char_char = 0xfffd,
+ tmedia_t140_data_type_loss_utf8 = 0xefbfbd
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/tmsrp_event_type_t.cs b/bindings/csharp/tmsrp_event_type_t.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4435ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/tmsrp_event_type_t.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+public enum tmsrp_event_type_t {
+ tmsrp_event_type_none,
+ tmsrp_event_type_connected,
+ tmsrp_event_type_disconnected,
+ tmsrp_event_type_message
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/tmsrp_request_type_t.cs b/bindings/csharp/tmsrp_request_type_t.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a62deb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/tmsrp_request_type_t.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+public enum tmsrp_request_type_t {
+ tmsrp_NONE = 0,
+ tmsrp_SEND,
+ tmsrp_REPORT,
+ tmsrp_AUTH
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/tsip_event_type_t.cs b/bindings/csharp/tsip_event_type_t.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2d348d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/tsip_event_type_t.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+public enum tsip_event_type_t {
+ tsip_event_invite,
+ tsip_event_message,
+ tsip_event_info,
+ tsip_event_options,
+ tsip_event_publish,
+ tsip_event_register,
+ tsip_event_subscribe,
+ tsip_event_dialog
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/tsip_info_event_type_t.cs b/bindings/csharp/tsip_info_event_type_t.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99cc9b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/tsip_info_event_type_t.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+public enum tsip_info_event_type_t {
+ tsip_i_info,
+ tsip_ao_info
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/tsip_invite_event_type_t.cs b/bindings/csharp/tsip_invite_event_type_t.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3f025c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/tsip_invite_event_type_t.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+public enum tsip_invite_event_type_t {
+ tsip_i_newcall,
+ tsip_i_request,
+ tsip_ao_request,
+ tsip_o_ect_trying,
+ tsip_o_ect_accepted,
+ tsip_o_ect_completed,
+ tsip_o_ect_failed,
+ tsip_o_ect_notify,
+ tsip_i_ect_requested,
+ tsip_i_ect_newcall,
+ tsip_i_ect_completed,
+ tsip_i_ect_failed,
+ tsip_i_ect_notify,
+ tsip_m_early_media,
+ tsip_m_updating,
+ tsip_m_updated,
+ tsip_m_local_hold_ok,
+ tsip_m_local_hold_nok,
+ tsip_m_local_resume_ok,
+ tsip_m_local_resume_nok,
+ tsip_m_remote_hold,
+ tsip_m_remote_resume
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/tsip_message_event_type_t.cs b/bindings/csharp/tsip_message_event_type_t.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee9fc38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/tsip_message_event_type_t.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+public enum tsip_message_event_type_t {
+ tsip_i_message,
+ tsip_ao_message
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/tsip_options_event_type_t.cs b/bindings/csharp/tsip_options_event_type_t.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f427646
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/tsip_options_event_type_t.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+public enum tsip_options_event_type_t {
+ tsip_i_options,
+ tsip_ao_options
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/tsip_publish_event_type_t.cs b/bindings/csharp/tsip_publish_event_type_t.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d726e46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/tsip_publish_event_type_t.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+public enum tsip_publish_event_type_t {
+ tsip_i_publish,
+ tsip_ao_publish,
+ tsip_i_unpublish,
+ tsip_ao_unpublish
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/tsip_register_event_type_t.cs b/bindings/csharp/tsip_register_event_type_t.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05ed969
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/tsip_register_event_type_t.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+public enum tsip_register_event_type_t {
+ tsip_i_newreg,
+ tsip_i_register,
+ tsip_ao_register,
+ tsip_i_unregister,
+ tsip_ao_unregister
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/tsip_request_type_t.cs b/bindings/csharp/tsip_request_type_t.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1e7995
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/tsip_request_type_t.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+public enum tsip_request_type_t {
+ tsip_NONE = 0,
+ tsip_ACK,
+ tsip_BYE,
+ tsip_CANCEL,
+ tsip_INVITE,
+ tsip_OPTIONS,
+ tsip_REGISTER,
+ tsip_NOTIFY,
+ tsip_REFER,
+ tsip_INFO,
+ tsip_UPDATE,
+ tsip_MESSAGE,
+ tsip_PUBLISH,
+ tsip_PRACK
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/tsip_stack_mode_t.cs b/bindings/csharp/tsip_stack_mode_t.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f37bd8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/tsip_stack_mode_t.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+public enum tsip_stack_mode_t {
+ tsip_stack_mode_ua,
+ tsip_stack_mode_p2p,
+ tsip_stack_mode_mediaproxy,
+ tsip_stack_mode_mcu
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/tsip_subscribe_event_type_t.cs b/bindings/csharp/tsip_subscribe_event_type_t.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e58f7b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/tsip_subscribe_event_type_t.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+public enum tsip_subscribe_event_type_t {
+ tsip_i_subscribe,
+ tsip_ao_subscribe,
+ tsip_i_unsubscribe,
+ tsip_ao_unsubscribe,
+ tsip_i_notify,
+ tsip_ao_notify
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/twrap_media_type_t.cs b/bindings/csharp/twrap_media_type_t.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be5a1e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/twrap_media_type_t.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+public enum twrap_media_type_t {
+ twrap_media_none = 0x00,
+ twrap_media_audio = 0x01,
+ twrap_media_video = 0x02,
+ twrap_media_msrp = 0x04,
+ twrap_media_t140 = 0x08,
+ twrap_media_bfcp = 0x10,
+ twrap_media_bfcp_audio = 0x30,
+ twrap_media_bfcp_video = 0x50,
+ twrap_media_audiovideo = 0x03,
+ twrap_media_audio_video = twrap_media_audiovideo
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/twrap_proxy_plugin_type_t.cs b/bindings/csharp/twrap_proxy_plugin_type_t.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e1c62b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/twrap_proxy_plugin_type_t.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+public enum twrap_proxy_plugin_type_t {
+ twrap_proxy_plugin_audio_producer,
+ twrap_proxy_plugin_video_producer,
+ twrap_proxy_plugin_audio_consumer,
+ twrap_proxy_plugin_video_consumer
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/twrap_rpmessage_type_t.cs b/bindings/csharp/twrap_rpmessage_type_t.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5492470
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/twrap_rpmessage_type_t.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+public enum twrap_rpmessage_type_t {
+ twrap_rpmessage_type_sms_none,
+ twrap_rpmessage_type_sms_submit,
+ twrap_rpmessage_type_sms_deliver,
+ twrap_rpmessage_type_sms_ack,
+ twrap_rpmessage_type_sms_error
diff --git a/bindings/csharp/twrap_sms_type_t.cs b/bindings/csharp/twrap_sms_type_t.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..084b8a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/csharp/twrap_sms_type_t.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
+ * Version 2.0.9
+ *
+ * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
+ * the SWIG interface file instead.
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace org.doubango.tinyWRAP {
+public enum twrap_sms_type_t {
+ twrap_sms_type_none,
+ twrap_sms_type_rpdata,
+ twrap_sms_type_smma,
+ twrap_sms_type_ack,
+ twrap_sms_type_error
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud