diff options
4 files changed, 146 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/tinyDAV/include/tinydav/video/tdav_session_video.h b/tinyDAV/include/tinydav/video/tdav_session_video.h
index bde98b9..9b35c46 100755
--- a/tinyDAV/include/tinydav/video/tdav_session_video.h
+++ b/tinyDAV/include/tinydav/video/tdav_session_video.h
@@ -51,6 +51,8 @@ typedef struct tdav_session_video_s {
tsk_bool_t zero_artifacts;
tsk_bool_t fps_changed;
tsk_bool_t started;
+ unsigned neg_width;
+ unsigned neg_height;
struct {
tsk_timer_manager_handle_t* mgr;
@@ -74,6 +76,8 @@ typedef struct tdav_session_video_s {
uint64_t last_frame_time;
+ tsk_bool_t size_changed;
uint8_t payload_type;
struct tmedia_codec_s* codec;
tsk_mutex_handle_t* h_mutex;
@@ -127,6 +131,10 @@ typedef struct tdav_session_video_s {
unsigned enc_avg_time_n;
tsk_mutex_handle_t* h_mutex_qos;
uint64_t last_sendreport_time;
+ unsigned num_qavg_down;
+ float qavg_lowest;
+ signed num_enc_avg_time_high;
diff --git a/tinyDAV/src/codecs/h264/tdav_codec_h264_cisco.cxx b/tinyDAV/src/codecs/h264/tdav_codec_h264_cisco.cxx
index 4973089..3cf2540 100755
--- a/tinyDAV/src/codecs/h264/tdav_codec_h264_cisco.cxx
+++ b/tinyDAV/src/codecs/h264/tdav_codec_h264_cisco.cxx
@@ -170,6 +170,33 @@ static int tdav_codec_h264_cisco_set(tmedia_codec_t* self, const tmedia_param_t*
return 0;
+ else if (tsk_striequals(param->key, "out-size")) {
+ int ret;
+ uint32_t new_size = *((uint32_t*)param->value);
+ uint16_t new_width = (new_size & 0xFFFF);
+ uint16_t new_height = (new_size >> 16) & 0xFFFF;
+ if (self->opened) {
+ // It's up to the caller to lock the codec or make sure no other code will code encode() function.
+ // We must not call lock/unlock(encoder.mutex) here because close() will free the mutex
+ // close encoder
+ if ((ret = tdav_codec_h264_cisco_close_encoder(h264, kResetRotationFalse))) {
+ return ret;
+ }
+ // update size
+ h264->encoder.neg_width = TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(h264)->out.width = new_width;
+ h264->encoder.neg_height = TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(h264)->out.height = new_height;
+ // re-open encoder
+ if ((ret = tdav_codec_h264_cisco_open_encoder(h264))) {
+ return ret;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // update size
+ h264->encoder.neg_width = TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(h264)->out.width = new_width;
+ h264->encoder.neg_height = TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(h264)->out.height = new_height;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
if (reconf) {
@@ -642,7 +669,7 @@ static int tdav_codec_h264_cisco_open_encoder(tdav_codec_h264_cisco_t* self)
self->encoder.neg_height = (self->encoder.rotation == 90 || self->encoder.rotation == 270) ? TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(self)->out.width : TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(self)->out.height;
self->encoder.neg_fps = TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(self)->out.fps;
max_bw_kpbs = TSK_CLAMP(
- 0,
+ 1,
tmedia_get_video_bandwidth_kbps_2(self->encoder.neg_width, self->encoder.neg_height, self->encoder.neg_fps),
diff --git a/tinyDAV/src/codecs/vpx/tdav_codec_vp8.c b/tinyDAV/src/codecs/vpx/tdav_codec_vp8.c
index 25434c8..754d2cc 100755
--- a/tinyDAV/src/codecs/vpx/tdav_codec_vp8.c
+++ b/tinyDAV/src/codecs/vpx/tdav_codec_vp8.c
@@ -180,6 +180,15 @@ static int tdav_codec_vp8_set(tmedia_codec_t* self, const tmedia_param_t* param)
reconf = tsk_true;
+ else if (tsk_striequals(param->key, "out-size")) {
+ // It's up to the caller to lock the codec or make sure no other code will code encode() function.
+ uint32_t new_size = *((uint32_t*)param->value);
+ TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(vp8)->out.width = (new_size & 0xFFFF);
+ TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(vp8)->out.height = (new_size >> 16) & 0xFFFF;
+ vp8->encoder.cfg.g_w = (vp8->encoder.rotation == 90 || vp8->encoder.rotation == 270) ? TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(vp8)->out.height : TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(self)->out.width;
+ vp8->encoder.cfg.g_h = (vp8->encoder.rotation == 90 || vp8->encoder.rotation == 270) ? TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(vp8)->out.width : TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(self)->out.height;
+ reconf = tsk_true;
+ }
if (reconf) {
@@ -709,7 +718,7 @@ int tdav_codec_vp8_open_encoder(tdav_codec_vp8_t* self)
self->encoder.cfg.g_timebase.num = 1;
self->encoder.cfg.g_timebase.den = TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(self)->out.fps;
self->encoder.cfg.rc_target_bitrate = TSK_CLAMP(
- 0,
+ 1,
tmedia_get_video_bandwidth_kbps_2(TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(self)->out.width, TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(self)->out.height, TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(self)->out.fps),
diff --git a/tinyDAV/src/video/tdav_session_video.c b/tinyDAV/src/video/tdav_session_video.c
index 403dfde..33ca02f 100755
--- a/tinyDAV/src/video/tdav_session_video.c
+++ b/tinyDAV/src/video/tdav_session_video.c
@@ -388,6 +388,9 @@ static int tdav_session_video_producer_enc_cb(const void* callback_data, const v
return -2;
video->encoder.codec = tsk_object_ref(TSK_OBJECT(codec));
+ // update negotiated video size
+ video->neg_width = TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(video->encoder.codec)->out.width;
+ video->neg_height = TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(video->encoder.codec)->out.height;
@@ -416,19 +419,21 @@ static int tdav_session_video_producer_enc_cb(const void* callback_data, const v
#define PRODUCER_OUTPUT_RAW (base->producer->encoder.codec_id == tmedia_codec_id_none) // Otherwise, frames from the producer are already encoded
#define PRODUCER_SIZE_CHANGED ((video->conv.producerWidth && video->conv.producerWidth != base->producer->video.width) || (video->conv.producerHeight && video->conv.producerHeight != base->producer->video.height) \
|| (video->conv.xProducerSize && (video->conv.xProducerSize != size && PRODUCER_OUTPUT_FIXSIZE)))
+#define ENCODER_SIZE_CHANGED (video->encoder.size_changed)
#define ENCODED_NEED_FLIP (TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(codec_encoder)->out.flip)
#define ENCODED_NEED_RESIZE (base->producer->video.width != TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(codec_encoder)->out.width || base->producer->video.height != TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(codec_encoder)->out.height)
#define PRODUCED_FRAME_NEED_ROTATION (base->producer->video.rotation != 0)
#define PRODUCED_FRAME_NEED_MIRROR (base->producer->video.mirror != tsk_false)
#define PRODUCED_FRAME_NEED_CHROMA_CONVERSION (base->producer->video.chroma != TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(codec_encoder)->out.chroma)
// Video codecs only accept YUV420P buffers ==> do conversion if needed or producer doesn't have the right size
- // Create video converter if not already done or producer size have changed
- if(!video->conv.toYUV420 || PRODUCER_SIZE_CHANGED) {
+ // Create video converter if not already done or producer/encoder size have changed
video->conv.producerWidth = base->producer->video.width;
video->conv.producerHeight = base->producer->video.height;
video->conv.xProducerSize = size;
+ video->encoder.size_changed = tsk_false;
TSK_DEBUG_INFO("producer size = (%d, %d)", (int)base->producer->video.width, (int)base->producer->video.height);
if (!(video->conv.toYUV420 = tmedia_converter_video_create(base->producer->video.width, base->producer->video.height, base->producer->video.chroma, TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(codec_encoder)->out.width, TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(codec_encoder)->out.height,
@@ -478,7 +483,7 @@ static int tdav_session_video_producer_enc_cb(const void* callback_data, const v
// Encode data
- if (video->started && codec_encoder->opened) { // stop() function locks the encoder mutex before changing "started"
+ if (video->started && codec_encoder->opened && !video->encoder.size_changed) { // stop() function locks the encoder mutex before changing "started"
if (video->encoder.conv_buffer && yuv420p_size) {
/* producer doesn't support yuv42p */
out_size = codec_encoder->plugin->encode(codec_encoder, video->encoder.conv_buffer, yuv420p_size, &video->encoder.buffer, &video->encoder.buffer_size);
@@ -748,6 +753,12 @@ static int _tdav_session_video_set_defaults(tdav_session_video_t* self)
session->qos_metrics.video_in_avg_fps = tmedia_defaults_get_video_fps(), self->in_avg_fps_n = 1;
session->qos_metrics.video_dec_avg_time = 0, self->dec_avg_time_n = 0 ;
session->qos_metrics.video_enc_avg_time = 0, self->enc_avg_time_n = 0;
+ self->qavg_lowest = 1.f;
+ self->num_qavg_down = 0;
+ self->num_enc_avg_time_high = 0;
+ // set negotiated video size to default pref-size
+ tmedia_video_get_size(tmedia_defaults_get_pref_video_size(), &self->neg_width, &self->neg_height);
// reset rotation info (MUST for reINVITE when mobile device in portrait[90 degrees])
self->encoder.rotation = 0;
@@ -1164,6 +1175,7 @@ static int tdav_session_video_start(tmedia_session_t* self)
video->encoder.codec = tsk_object_ref((tsk_object_t*)codec);
// initialize the encoder using user-defined values
if ((ret = tdav_session_av_init_encoder(base, video->encoder.codec))) {
+ tsk_mutex_unlock(video->encoder.h_mutex);
TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to initialize the encoder [%s] codec", video->encoder.codec->plugin->desc);
return ret;
@@ -1174,6 +1186,10 @@ static int tdav_session_video_start(tmedia_session_t* self)
return ret;
+ // update negotiated video size
+ video->neg_width = TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(video->encoder.codec)->out.width;
+ video->neg_height = TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(video->encoder.codec)->out.height;
if (video->jb) {
@@ -1416,9 +1432,11 @@ static int _tdav_session_video_timer_cb(const void* arg, tsk_timer_id_t timer_id
if (base->congestion_ctrl_enabled) {
tmedia_codec_video_t* codec = tsk_object_ref(TSK_OBJECT(video->encoder.codec));
if (codec && video->started) {
- float q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, qavg, c;
+ float q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, qavg, cavg, vs_weight;
uint64_t bw_est_kbps;
- // Compute average QoS
+ tsk_bool_t cavgneg, update_qavg = tsk_false, update_size = tsk_false;
+ unsigned best_enc_time, enc_avg_time;
q1 = video->q1_n ? session->qos_metrics.q1 : 1.f;
q2 = video->q2_n ? session->qos_metrics.q2 : 1.f;
@@ -1426,6 +1444,8 @@ static int _tdav_session_video_timer_cb(const void* arg, tsk_timer_id_t timer_id
q4 = video->q4_n ? session->qos_metrics.q4 : 1.f;
q5 = video->q5_n ? session->qos_metrics.q5 : 1.f;
+ enc_avg_time = session->qos_metrics.video_enc_avg_time;
// update bw info
if (_tdav_session_video_get_bw_usage_est(video, &bw_est_kbps, /*in=*/tsk_true, /*reset*/tsk_true) == 0 && bw_est_kbps != 0) {
session->qos_metrics.bw_down_est_kbps = (unsigned)bw_est_kbps;
@@ -1454,25 +1474,88 @@ static int _tdav_session_video_timer_cb(const void* arg, tsk_timer_id_t timer_id
session->qos_metrics.last_update_time = tsk_time_now();
+ // Check if encoding time is too high or low
+ best_enc_time = 1000 / (codec->out.fps);
+ if (enc_avg_time > (best_enc_time + (best_enc_time >> 2))) { /* Too slow */
+ if (++video->num_enc_avg_time_high >= 2) {
+ update_size = tsk_true;
+ vs_weight = ((best_enc_time + (best_enc_time >> 2)) / (float)enc_avg_time);
+ TSK_DEBUG_INFO("_tdav_session_video_timer_cb: upsample the video size: %f", vs_weight);
+ video->num_enc_avg_time_high = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else { /* Too fast */
+ if (enc_avg_time < (best_enc_time - (best_enc_time >> 1))) {
+ if (--video->num_enc_avg_time_high <= -2) {
+ if (enc_avg_time != 0.f && (codec->out.width * codec->out.height) < (video->neg_width * video->neg_height)) { // video size downsampled in the past?
+ update_size = tsk_true;
+ vs_weight = ((best_enc_time - (best_enc_time >> 1)) / (float)enc_avg_time);
+ TSK_DEBUG_INFO("_tdav_session_video_timer_cb: downsample the video size: %f", vs_weight);
+ }
+ video->num_enc_avg_time_high = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Update video size
#if 0
- q1 /= 10.f;
- q2 /= 10.f;
- q3 /= 10.f;
- q4 /= 10.f;
- q5 /= 10.f;
+ if (update_size) {
+ unsigned new_w, new_h, new_s;
+ char size[128] = {'\0'};
+ tmedia_param_t* param;
+ new_w = (((unsigned)(codec->out.width * vs_weight)) + 16) & -16; // +16 instead of +15 to make sure the size will be >= 16
+ new_h = (((unsigned)(codec->out.height * vs_weight)) + 16) & -16;
+ new_s = (new_w & 0xFFFF) | (new_h << 16);
+ TSK_DEBUG_INFO("_tdav_session_video_timer_cb: new video size: (%u, %u), neg size: (%u, %u)", new_w, new_h, video->neg_width, video->neg_height);
+ param = tmedia_param_create(tmedia_pat_set,
+ tmedia_video,
+ tmedia_ppt_codec,
+ tmedia_pvt_int32,
+ "out-size",
+ (void*)&new_s);
+ if (param) {
+ tsk_mutex_lock(video->encoder.h_mutex);
+ tmedia_codec_set(TMEDIA_CODEC(codec), param);
+ video->encoder.size_changed = tsk_true;
+ tsk_mutex_unlock(video->encoder.h_mutex);
+ }
+ }
+ // Compute the new qvag value
qavg = q1 * 0.1f + q2 * 0.4f + q3 * 0.1f + q4 * 0.0f + q5 * 0.4f;
- c = /*fabs*/(qavg - session->qos_metrics.qvag);
- c = c < 0.f ? -c : +c;
- TSK_DEBUG_INFO("_tdav_session_video_timer_cb: q1=%f, q2=%f, q3=%f, q4=%f, q5=%f, qavg=%f, c=%f congestion_ctrl_enabled=true", q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, qavg, c);
- if (c > 0.1f) { // quality change > or < 10%
+ cavg = (qavg - session->qos_metrics.qvag);
+ cavgneg = cavg < 0.f ? tsk_true : tsk_false;
+ cavg = cavg < 0.f ? -cavg : +cavg;
+ TSK_DEBUG_INFO("_tdav_session_video_timer_cb: q1=%f, q2=%f, q3=%f, q4=%f, q5=%f, qavg=%f, qavg_lowest=%f cavg=%f cavgneg=%d congestion_ctrl_enabled=true", q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, qavg, video->qavg_lowest, cavg, cavgneg);
+ if (cavgneg) { /* Quality is down */
+ ++video->num_qavg_down;
+ video->qavg_lowest = TSK_MIN(qavg, video->qavg_lowest);
+ // If we have more than #2 successive quality downgrade then we update qvag
+ // We also update qavg when c > 5%
+ if (video->num_qavg_down >= 2 || (cavg > 0.05f)) {
+ qavg = video->qavg_lowest;
+ update_qavg = tsk_true;
+ }
+ }
+ else { /* Quality is up */
+ video->num_qavg_down = 0;
+ video->qavg_lowest = qavg;
+ // We only increase the bandwidth if the the upgrade set the new avg to more than 10% of the old value
+ update_qavg = (cavg > 0.1f);
+ }
+ if (update_qavg) {
// Update the upload bandwidth
int32_t bw_up_new_kbps, bw_up_base_kbps = base->bandwidth_max_upload_kbps; // user-defined maximum
bw_up_base_kbps = TSK_MIN(tmedia_get_video_bandwidth_kbps_2(codec->out.width, codec->out.height, codec->out.fps), bw_up_base_kbps);
bw_up_new_kbps = (int32_t)(bw_up_base_kbps * qavg);
- TSK_DEBUG_INFO("Video quality change(%d%%) > 10%%, changing bw_up from base=%dkbps to new=%dkbps", (int)(c*100), bw_up_base_kbps, bw_up_new_kbps);
+ TSK_DEBUG_INFO("Video quality change(%d%%) > 10%%, changing bw_up from base=%dkbps to new=%dkbps", (int)(cavg*100), bw_up_base_kbps, bw_up_new_kbps);
_tdav_session_video_bw_kbps(video, bw_up_new_kbps);
session->qos_metrics.qvag = qavg;
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