path: root/branches/1.0/links/MinGW - Minimalist GNU for Windows Files on SourceForge_net_fichiers/cmdatatagutils.js
diff options
authorMamadou DIOP <>2015-08-17 01:56:35 +0200
committerMamadou DIOP <>2015-08-17 01:56:35 +0200
commit631fffee8a28b1bec5ed1f1d26a20e0135967f99 (patch)
tree74afe3bf3efe15aa82bcd0272b2b0f4d48c2d837 /branches/1.0/links/MinGW - Minimalist GNU for Windows Files on SourceForge_net_fichiers/cmdatatagutils.js
parent7908865936604036e6f200f1b5e069f8752f3a3a (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'branches/1.0/links/MinGW - Minimalist GNU for Windows Files on SourceForge_net_fichiers/cmdatatagutils.js')
-rw-r--r--branches/1.0/links/MinGW - Minimalist GNU for Windows Files on SourceForge_net_fichiers/cmdatatagutils.js435
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 435 deletions
diff --git a/branches/1.0/links/MinGW - Minimalist GNU for Windows Files on SourceForge_net_fichiers/cmdatatagutils.js b/branches/1.0/links/MinGW - Minimalist GNU for Windows Files on SourceForge_net_fichiers/cmdatatagutils.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ef1fe28..0000000
--- a/branches/1.0/links/MinGW - Minimalist GNU for Windows Files on SourceForge_net_fichiers/cmdatatagutils.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,435 +0,0 @@
- * cmdatatagutils.js
- * $Id: cmdatatagutils.js 123594 2009-07-07 15:16:08Z wbird $
- * $Revision: 123594 $
- *
- * Version 4.1.0 - Content Template
- *
- * Coremetrics Tag v4.0, 8/7/2006
- *
- * The following functions aid in the creation of Coremetrics data tags.
- *
- */
-var cm_exAttr=new Array;
-var cm_ClientID = "90240177";
-var cm_TrackLink = "A";
-var cm_TrackImpressions = "RS";
-var cm_JSFEnabled = true;
-var cmJv = "1.0";
-if (typeof(isNaN) == "function") cmJv = "1.1";
-if (typeof(isFinite) == "function") cmJv = "1.2";
-if (typeof(NaN) == "number") cmJv = "1.3";
-if (typeof(decodeURI) == "function") cmJv = "1.5";
-if (typeof(Array.forEach) == "function") cmJv = "1.6";
-if (typeof(Iterator) == "object") cmJv = "1.7";
-var cmCheckCMEMFlag = true;
- * Calling this function points tags to the production database
- */
-function cmSetProduction() {
- cm_HOST="";
- cm_JSFPCookieDomain = "";
-function cmCreateManualImpressionTag(pageID, trackSP, trackRE) {
- // insert code to get pageID from cmTagControl if pageID is null
- cmMakeTag(["tid","9","pi",pageID,"cm_sp",trackSP,"cm_re",trackRE,"st",cm_ClientTS]);
-function cmCreateManualLinkClickTag(href,name,pageID) {
- if (cmCreateLinkTag == null && cM != null) {
- var cmCreateLinkTag = cM;
- }
- if (cmCreateLinkTag != null) {
- var dt = new Date();
- cmLnkT3 = dt.getTime();
- href=cG7.normalizeURL(href,true);
- cmCreateLinkTag(cm_ClientTS, cmLnkT3, name, href, false, pageID);
- }
-/* manual PageviewTag for off site page tagging. Allows client to supply URL and Referring URL
-function cmCreateManualPageviewTag(pageID, categoryID,DestinationURL,ReferringURL) {
- cmMakeTag(["tid","1","pi",pageID,"cg",categoryID,"ul",DestinationURL,"rf",ReferringURL]);
-function cmCreatePageElementTag(elementID, elementCategory,attributes) {
-if (attributes){
- var cm_exAttr=new Array;
- cm_exAttr=attributes.split("-_-");
- }
- cmMakeTag(["tid","15","eid",elementID,"ecat",elementCategory,"pflg","0","cm_exAttr",cm_exAttr]);
- * Creates a Tech Props tag.
- * pageID : required. Page ID to set on this Pageview tag
- */
-function cmCreateTechPropsTag(pageID, categoryID,attributes) {
- if(pageID == null) { pageID = cmGetDefaultPageID(); }
- if (attributes){
- var cm_exAttr=new Array;
- cm_exAttr=attributes.split("-_-");
- }
- cmMakeTag(["tid","6","pi",pageID,"cg",categoryID,"pc","Y","cm_exAttr",cm_exAttr]);
- * Creates a Pageview tag with the given Page ID
- *
- * pageID : required. Page ID to set on this Pageview tag
- * categoryID : optional. Category ID to set on this Pageview tag
- * searchString : optional. Internal search string enterred by user to reach
- * this page.
- *
- *
- */
-function cmCreatePageviewTag(pageID, categoryID, searchString, searchResults,attributes) {
- if (pageID == null) { pageID = cmGetDefaultPageID(); }
- if (attributes){
- var cm_exAttr=new Array;
- cm_exAttr=attributes.split("-_-");
- }
- cmMakeTag(["tid","1","pi",pageID,"cg",categoryID,"se",searchString,"sr",searchResults,"cm_exAttr",cm_exAttr]);
- * Creates a Pageview tag with the default value for Page ID.
- * Format of Page ID is "x/y/z/MyPage.asp"
- *
- *
- */
-function cmCreateDefaultPageviewTag(categoryID) {
- cmCreatePageviewTag(cmGetDefaultPageID(), categoryID);
- * Creates a Conversion Event tag
- *
- * eventID : required. Conversion event ID
- * actionType : required. 1=conversion initiation, 2=conversion completion
- * categoryID : optional. Category for the event
- * points : optional. Point value to assign to conversion.
- */
- function cmCreateConversionEventTag(eventID, actionType, categoryID, points,attributes) {
- if (attributes){
- var cm_exAttr=new Array;
- cm_exAttr=attributes.split("-_-");
- }
- cmMakeTag(["tid","14","cid",eventID,"cat",actionType,"ccid",categoryID,"cpt",points,"cm_exAttr",cm_exAttr]);
- }
- * Creates a Registration tag and/or a Newsletter tag
- *
- * customerID : required for Registration. ID of Customer to register.
- * customerEmail : required for Newsletters. Optional for Registration.
- * customerCity : optional. City of Customer that placed this order
- * customerState : optional. State of Customer that placed this order
- * customerZIP : optional. Zipcode of Customer that placed this order
- * newsletterName : required for Newsletters. The name of the Newsletter.
- * subscribe : required for Newsletters. Either "Y" or "N"
- *
- */
-function cmCreateRegistrationTag(customerID, customerEmail, customerCity, customerState, customerZIP, attributes) {
- if (attributes){
- var cm_exAttr=new Array;
- cm_exAttr=attributes.split("-_-");
- }
- cmMakeTag(["tid","2","cd",customerID,"em",customerEmail,"ct",customerCity,"sa",customerState,"zp",customerZIP,"cm_exAttr",cm_exAttr]);
-/* Creates an Error Tag
- *
- */
-function cmCreateErrorTag(pageID, categoryID) {
- if(pageID == null) {
- pageID = cmGetDefaultPageID();
- }
- cmMakeTag(["tid","404","pi",pageID,"cg",categoryID,"pc","Y"]);
-function cmMakeTag(__v) {
- var cm = new _cm("vn2", "e4.0");
- var i;
- for (i = 0; i < __v.length; i += 2) {
- var _n = __v[i];
- var _v = __v[i + 1];
- cm[_n] = _v;
- }
- var datestamp = new Date();
- var stamp = (Math.floor(Math.random() * 11111111)) + datestamp.valueOf();
- cm.rnd = stamp;
- if (cm.tid == "6") {
- cm.addTP();
- document.cookie = "cmTPSet=Y; path=/";
- }
- if (cm.tid == "1") {
- if (cI("cmTPSet") != 'Y') {
- cm.tid = "6";
- cm.pc = "Y";
- cm.addTP();
- document.cookie = "cmTPSet=Y; path=/";
- }
- }
- if (cm.tid != "4" && typeof(cm.cm_exAttr)!="undefined"){
- switch(cm.tid){
- case "6":
- prefix="pv";
- break;
- case "1":
- prefix="pv";
- break;
- case "2":
- prefix="rg";
- break;
- case "5":
- prefix="pr";
- break;
- case "3":
- prefix="o";
- break;
- case "14":
- prefix="c";
- break;
- case "15":
- prefix="e";
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- var attrNum=cm.cm_exAttr.length;
- if (attrNum>15){
- attrNum=15;
- }
- for (i=0;i<attrNum;i++){
- if (cm.tid=="2"){
- Attval=prefix+(i+1);
- } else {
- Attval=prefix+"_a"+(i+1);
- }
- cm[Attval]=cm.cm_exAttr[i];
- }
- cm.cm_exAttr=null;
- }
- if ((cm.pi == null) && (cm.pc == "Y")) {
- cm.pi = cmGetDefaultPageID();
- }
- try{
- if (parent.cm_ref != null) {
- cm.rf = parent.cm_ref;
- if (cm.pc == "Y") {
- parent.cm_ref = document.URL;
- }
- }
- // if parent had mmc variables and this is the first pageview, add mmc to this url
- if(parent.cm_set_mmc) {
- cm.ul = document.location.href +
- ((document.location.href.indexOf("?") < 0) ? "?" : "&") +
- parent.cm_mmc_params;
- if (cm.pc == "Y") {
- parent.cm_ref = cm.ul;
- parent.cm_set_mmc = false;
- }
- }
- }
- catch(err){}
- if (cm.ul == null) {
- cm.ul = window.location.href;
- }
- //check for manual_cm_mmc parameter;
- if (this.manual_cm_mmc != null) {
- cm.ul = cm.ul + ((cm.ul.indexOf("&") == -1) ? ((cm.ul.indexOf("?") == -1) ? "?" : "&") : "&") + "cm_mmc=" + this.manual_cm_mmc;
- }
- // convert MMC parameters to lowercase;
- cm.ul = cm.ul.replace(/cm_mmc/gi,"cm_mmc");
- cm.ul = cm.ul.replace(/cm_ven/gi,"cm_ven");
- cm.ul = cm.ul.replace(/cm_cat/gi,"cm_cat");
- cm.ul = cm.ul.replace(/cm_pla/gi,"cm_pla");
- cm.ul = cm.ul.replace(/cm_ite/gi,"cm_ite");
- if (cmCheckCMEMFlag){cmStartTagSet();}
- cm.writeImg();
- if (cmCheckCMEMFlag) {
- cmCheckCMEMFlag = false;
- cmCheckCMEM();
- cmSendTagSet();
- }
-// HELPER FUNCTIONS -----------------------------------------------------------
-/* These functions are used by the tag-generating functions and/or may be used
- * in in general as convenience functions
- */
- * Creates an acceptable default Page ID value to use for Pageview tags.
- * The default Page ID is based on the URL, and consists of the path and
- * filename (without the protocol, domain and query string).
- *
- * example:
- * returns "x/y/MyPage.asp" for the URL
- */
-function cmGetDefaultPageID() {
- var pageName = window.location.pathname;
- // eliminates everything after "?" (for Opera browswers)
- var tempIndex1 = pageName.indexOf("?");
- if (tempIndex1 != -1) {
- pageName = pageName.substr(0, tempIndex1);
- }
- // eliminates everything after "#" (for Opera browswers)
- var tempIndex2 = pageName.indexOf("#");
- if (tempIndex2 != -1) {
- pageName = pageName.substr(0, tempIndex2);
- }
- // eliminates everything after ";"
- var tempIndex3 = pageName.indexOf(";");
- if (tempIndex3 != -1) {
- pageName = pageName.substr(0, tempIndex3);
- }
- var slashPos = pageName.lastIndexOf("/");
- if (slashPos == pageName.length - 1) {
- pageName = pageName + "default.asp"; /****************** SET TO DEFAULT DOC NAME */
- }
- while (pageName.indexOf("/") == 0) {
- pageName = pageName.substr(1,pageName.length);
- }
- return(pageName);
-function cmIndexOfParameter (parameter, inString) {
- return inString.indexOf(parameter);
-function cmExtractParameter (parameter, inString) {
- if (cmIndexOfParameter(parameter, inString) == -1) {
- return null;
- }
- var s = inString;
- var begin = s.indexOf(parameter);
- var end = s.indexOf("&", begin);
- if (end == -1) {
- end = s.length;
- }
- var middle = s.indexOf("=", begin);
- return s.substring(middle + 1, end);
-function cmRemoveParameter (parameter, inString) {
- if (cmIndexOfParameter(parameter, inString) == -1) {
- return inString;
- }
- var s = inString;
- var begin = s.indexOf(parameter);
- var start = (begin - 1);
- var end = s.indexOf("&", begin);
- if (end == -1) {
- end = s.length;
- }
- if (s.substring(start, begin) == "?") { // retain leading "?"
- start = (start + 1);
- end = (end + 1);
- }
- return s.substring(0, start) + s.substring(end, s.length);
-function cmCheckCMEM() {
- if (cmIndexOfParameter("cm_em",document.location.href) != -1){
- var emailAddress = cmExtractParameter("cm_em",document.location.href);
- if (emailAddress.indexOf(":")>-1){
- emailAddress=emailAddress.substring(emailAddress.indexOf(":")+1);
- }
- cmCreateRegistrationTag(emailAddress,emailAddress);
- }
- if (cmIndexOfParameter("cm_lm",document.location.href) != -1){
- var emailAddress = cmExtractParameter("cm_lm",document.location.href);
- if (emailAddress.indexOf(":")>-1){
- emailAddress=emailAddress.substring(emailAddress.indexOf(":")+1);
- }
- cmCreateRegistrationTag(emailAddress,emailAddress);
- }
-if (defaultNormalize == null) { var defaultNormalize = null; }
-function myNormalizeURL(url, isHref) {
- var newURL = url;
- var pageURL=document.URL;
- if (pageURL.toLowerCase().indexOf("/search/")>-1) { // sr page links
- if (newURL.toLowerCase().indexOf("/projects/")>0){
- var urlstring = "/projects/";
- var stringIndex = (newURL.indexOf(urlstring) + 10);
- if (stringIndex > 0) {
- var u = newURL.substring(0, stringIndex);
- newURL = u;
- }
- }
- var blackList = ["group_id=","ugn=","words=","sortdir=","pmode=","form_cat="];
- } else {
- var blackList = ["group_id=","package_id","release_id=","sid=","forum_id","ugn","ai=","sa=","sig=","q=","atid=","aid=","client=","adurl=","type="];
- }
- var paramString;
- var paramIndex = newURL.indexOf("?");
- var params;
- var keepParams = new Array();
- var goodParam;
- if (paramIndex > 0) {
- paramString = newURL.substring(paramIndex+1);
- newURL = newURL.substring(0, paramIndex);
- params = paramString.split("&");
- for(var i=0; i<params.length; i++) {
- goodParam = true;
- for(var j=0; j<blackList.length; j++) {
- //This match is case insensitive. Remove .toLowerCase() to add case sensitivity
- if (params[i].toLowerCase().indexOf(blackList[j].toLowerCase()) == 0) {
- goodParam = false;
- }
- }
- if(goodParam == true) {
- keepParams[keepParams.length] = params[i];
- }
- }
- newURL += "?" + keepParams.join("&");
- }
- if (defaultNormalize != null) {
- newURL = defaultNormalize(newURL, isHref);
- }
- return newURL;
-// install normalization
-if (document.cmTagCtl != null) {
- var func = "" + document.cmTagCtl.normalizeURL;
- if (func.indexOf('myNormalizeURL') == -1) {
- defaultNormalize = document.cmTagCtl.normalizeURL;
- document.cmTagCtl.normalizeURL = myNormalizeURL;
- }
-//--> \ No newline at end of file
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