path: root/meta-facebook/meta-wedge/recipes-wedge/rackmon/rackmon/
diff options
authorTimothy Pearson <>2017-08-27 16:20:38 -0500
committerTimothy Pearson <>2017-08-27 16:20:38 -0500
commit84eea7fdc46dd76e84cafbf96813bc826d5e08ad (patch)
tree035d28afe18ce33231b956349d1a3a90ec763d60 /meta-facebook/meta-wedge/recipes-wedge/rackmon/rackmon/
parente65a7944211c70f6b5cfb6cedd73cc31105319de (diff)
Add initial support for the ASpeed 2050 and the ASUS KGPE-D16
Thermal management is functional but expects all fans to be attached Known issues: * BMC has been observed spontaneously rebooting after ~7-8 hours uptime with no logs and no console output. * While kcs has been implemented, the IPMI daemon is only functional enough to report chassis status.
Diffstat (limited to 'meta-facebook/meta-wedge/recipes-wedge/rackmon/rackmon/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 319 deletions
diff --git a/meta-facebook/meta-wedge/recipes-wedge/rackmon/rackmon/ b/meta-facebook/meta-wedge/recipes-wedge/rackmon/rackmon/
deleted file mode 100755
index 34a64f8..0000000
--- a/meta-facebook/meta-wedge/recipes-wedge/rackmon/rackmon/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-from __future__ import print_function
-import os.path
-import os
-import fcntl
-import socket
-import struct
-import sys
-import argparse
-import traceback
-import json
-from tempfile import mkstemp
-import hexfile
-def auto_int(x):
- return int(x, 0)
-parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
-parser.add_argument('--addr', type=auto_int, required=True,
- help="PSU Modbus Address")
-parser.add_argument('--statusfile', default=None,
- help="Write status to JSON file during process")
-parser.add_argument('--rmfwfile', action='store_true',
- help="Delete FW file after update completes")
-parser.add_argument('file', help="firmware file")
-status = {
- 'pid': os.getpid(),
- 'state': 'started'
-statuspath = None
-def write_status():
- global status
- if statuspath is None:
- return
- tmppath = statuspath + '~'
- with open(tmppath, 'wb') as tfh:
- tfh.write(json.dumps(status))
- os.rename(tmppath, statuspath)
-def status_state(state):
- global status
- status['state'] = state
- write_status()
-class ModbusTimeout(Exception):
- pass
-class ModbusCRCFail(Exception):
- pass
-class ModbusUnknownError(Exception):
- pass
-class BadMEIResponse(Exception):
- pass
-def rackmon_command(cmd):
- srvpath = "/var/run/rackmond.sock"
- replydata = []
- if os.path.exists(srvpath):
- client = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
- client.connect(srvpath)
- cmdlen = struct.pack("@H", len(cmd))
- client.send(cmdlen)
- client.send(cmd)
- while True:
- data = client.recv(1024)
- if not data:
- break
- replydata.append(data)
- client.close()
- return ''.join(replydata)
-def pause_monitoring():
- command = struct.pack("@Hxx", COMMAND_TYPE_PAUSE_MONITORING)
- result = rackmon_command(command)
- (res_n, ) = struct.unpack("@B", result)
- if res_n == 1:
- print("Monitoring was already paused when tried to pause")
- elif res_n == 0:
- print("Monitoring paused")
- else:
- print("Unknown response pausing monitoring: %d" % res_n)
-def resume_monitoring():
- command = struct.pack("@Hxx", COMMAND_TYPE_START_MONITORING)
- result = rackmon_command(command)
- (res_n, ) = struct.unpack("@B", result)
- if res_n == 1:
- print("Monitoring was already running when tried to resume")
- elif res_n == 0:
- print("Monitoring resumed")
- else:
- print("Unknown response resuming monitoring: %d" % res_n)
-def modbuscmd(raw_cmd, expected=0, timeout=0):
- send_command = struct.pack("@HxxHHL",
- len(raw_cmd),
- expected,
- timeout) + raw_cmd
- result = rackmon_command(send_command)
- if len(result) == 0:
- raise ModbusUnknownError()
- (resp_len,) = struct.unpack("@H", result[:2])
- if resp_len == 0:
- (error, ) = struct.unpack("@H", result[2:4])
- if error == 4:
- raise ModbusTimeout()
- if error == 5:
- raise ModbusCRCFail()
- print("Unknown modbus error: " + str(error))
- raise ModbusUnknownError()
- return result[2:resp_len]
-def mei_command(addr, func_code, mei_type=0x64, data=None, timeout=0):
- i_data = data
- if i_data is None:
- i_data = ("\xFF" * 7)
- if len(i_data) < 7:
- i_data = i_data + ("\xFF" * (7 - len(i_data)))
- assert len(i_data) == 7
- command = struct.pack("BBBB", addr, 0x2b, mei_type, func_code) + i_data
- return modbuscmd(command, expected=13, timeout=timeout)
-def enter_bootloader(addr):
- try:
- print("Entering bootloader...")
- mei_command(addr, 0xFB, timeout=4000)
- except ModbusTimeout:
- print("Enter bootloader timed out (expected.)")
- pass
-def mei_expect(response, addr, data_pfx, error, success_mei_type=0x71):
- expected = struct.pack("BBB", addr, 0x2B, success_mei_type) + \
- data_pfx + ("\xFF" * (8 - len(data_pfx)))
- if response != expected:
- print(error + ", response: " + response.encode('hex'))
- raise BadMEIResponse()
-def start_programming(addr):
- print("Send start programming...")
- response = mei_command(addr, 0x70, timeout=10000)
- mei_expect(response, addr, "\xB0", "Start programming failed")
- print("Start programming succeeded.")
-def get_challenge(addr):
- print("Send get seed")
- response = mei_command(addr, 0x27, timeout=3000)
- expected = struct.pack("BBBB", addr, 0x2B, 0x71, 0x67)
- if response[:len(expected)] != expected:
- print("Bad response to get seed: " + response.encode('hex'))
- raise BadMEIResponse()
- challenge = response[len(expected):len(expected) + 4]
- print("Got seed: " + challenge.encode('hex'))
- return challenge
-def send_key(addr, key):
- print("Send key")
- response = mei_command(addr, 0x28, data=key, timeout=3000)
- mei_expect(response, addr, "\x68", "Start programming failed")
- print("Send key successful.")
-def delta_seccalckey(challenge):
- (seed, ) = struct.unpack(">L", challenge)
- for i in range(32):
- if seed & 1 != 0:
- seed = seed ^ 0xc758a5b6
- seed = (seed >> 1) & 0x7fffffff
- seed = seed ^ 0x06854137
- return struct.pack(">L", seed)
-def verify_flash(addr):
- print("Verifying program...")
- response = mei_command(addr, 0x76, timeout=60000)
- mei_expect(response, addr, "\xB6", "Program verification failed")
-def set_write_address(psu_addr, flash_addr):
- # print("Set write address to " + hex(flash_addr))
- data = struct.pack(">LB", flash_addr, 0xEA)
- response = mei_command(psu_addr, 0x61, data=data, timeout=3000)
- mei_expect(response, psu_addr, "\xA1\xEA", "Set address failed")
-def write_data(addr, data):
- assert(len(data) == 8)
- command = struct.pack(">BBB", addr, 0x2b, 0x65) + data
- response = modbuscmd(command, expected=13, timeout=3000)
- expected = struct.pack(">B", addr) +\
- "\x2b\x73\xf0\xaa\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff"
- if response != expected:
- print("Bad response to writing data: " +
- response.encode('hex'))
- raise BadMEIResponse()
-def send_image(addr, fwimg):
- global statuspath
- total_chunks = sum([len(s) for s in fwimg.segments]) / 8
- sent_chunks = 0
- for s in fwimg.segments:
- if len(s) == 0:
- continue
- print("Sending " + str(s))
- set_write_address(addr, s.start_address)
- for i in xrange(0, len(s), 8):
- chunk =[i:i+8]
- if len(chunk) < 8:
- chunk = chunk + ("\xFF" * (8 - len(chunk)))
- sent_chunks += 1
- # dont fill the restapi log with junk
- if statuspath is None:
- print("\r[%.2f%%] Sending chunk %d of %d..." %
- (sent_chunks * 100.0 / total_chunks,
- sent_chunks, total_chunks), end="")
- sys.stdout.flush()
- write_data(addr, str(bytearray(chunk)))
- status['flash_progress_percent'] = sent_chunks * 100.0 / total_chunks
- write_status()
- print("")
-def reset_psu(addr):
- print("Resetting PSU...")
- try:
- response = mei_command(addr, 0x72, timeout=10000)
- except ModbusTimeout:
- print("No reply from PSU reset (expected.)")
- return
- expected = struct.pack(">BBBB", addr, 0x2b, 0x71, 0xb2) +\
- ("\xFF" * 7)
- if response != expected:
- print("Bad response to unit reset request: " +
- response.encode('hex'))
- raise BadMEIResponse()
-def erase_flash(addr):
- print("Erasing flash... ")
- sys.stdout.flush()
- response = mei_command(addr, 0x65, timeout=30000)
- expected = struct.pack(">BBBB", addr, 0x2b, 0x71, 0xa5) +\
- ("\xFF" * 7)
- if response != expected:
- print("Bad response to erasing flash: " +
- response.encode('hex'))
- raise BadMEIResponse()
-def update_psu(addr, filename):
- status_state('pausing_monitoring')
- pause_monitoring()
- status_state('parsing_fw_file')
- fwimg = hexfile.load(filename)
- status_state('bootloader_handshake')
- enter_bootloader(addr)
- start_programming(addr)
- challenge = get_challenge(addr)
- send_key(addr, delta_seccalckey(challenge))
- status_state('erase_flash')
- erase_flash(addr)
- status_state('flashing')
- send_image(addr, fwimg)
- status_state('verifying')
- verify_flash(addr)
- status_state('resetting')
- reset_psu(addr)
- status_state('done')
-def main():
- args = parser.parse_args()
- global statuspath
- statuspath = args.statusfile
- print("statusfile %s" % statuspath)
- try:
- update_psu(args.addr, args.file)
- except Exception, e:
- print("Firmware update failed")
- global status
- status['exception'] = traceback.format_exc()
- status_state('failed')
- resume_monitoring()
- if args.rmfwfile:
- os.remove(args.file)
- sys.exit(1)
- resume_monitoring()
- if args.rmfwfile:
- os.remove(args.file)
- sys.exit(0)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud