path: root/test/CodeGenCXX
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/CodeGenCXX')
5 files changed, 378 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/test/CodeGenCXX/ms-inline-asm-fields.cpp b/test/CodeGenCXX/ms-inline-asm-fields.cpp
index a78d511..6f32933 100644
--- a/test/CodeGenCXX/ms-inline-asm-fields.cpp
+++ b/test/CodeGenCXX/ms-inline-asm-fields.cpp
@@ -29,3 +29,28 @@ extern "C" int test_namespace_global() {
__asm mov eax, asdf::a_global.a3.b2
+template <bool Signed>
+struct make_storage_type {
+ struct type {
+ struct B {
+ int a;
+ int x;
+ } b;
+ };
+template <bool Signed>
+struct msvc_dcas_x86 {
+ typedef typename make_storage_type<Signed>::type storage_type;
+ void store() __asm("PR26001") {
+ storage_type p;
+ __asm mov edx, p.b.x;
+ }
+template void msvc_dcas_x86<false>::store();
+// CHECK: define weak_odr void @"\01PR26001"(
+// CHECK: %[[P:.*]] = alloca %"struct.make_storage_type<false>::type", align 4
+// CHECK: %[[B:.*]] = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.make_storage_type<false>::type", %"struct.make_storage_type<false>::type"* %[[P]], i32 0, i32 0
+// CHECK: %[[X:.*]] = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.make_storage_type<false>::type::B", %"struct.make_storage_type<false>::type::B"* %[[B]], i32 0, i32 1
+// CHECK: call void asm sideeffect inteldialect "mov edx, dword ptr $0", "*m,~{edx},~{dirflag},~{fpsr},~{flags}"(i32* %[[X]])
diff --git a/test/CodeGenCXX/optnone-and-attributes.cpp b/test/CodeGenCXX/optnone-and-attributes.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56173b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CodeGenCXX/optnone-and-attributes.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 < %s -triple i386-mingw32 -fms-extensions -emit-llvm -x c++ | FileCheck %s
+// optnone wins over inlinehint.
+// Test that both func1 and func2 are marked optnone and noinline.
+// Definition with both optnone and inlinehint.
+inline int func1(int a) {
+ return a + a + a + a;
+// CHECK: @_Z5func1i({{.*}}) [[OPTNONE:#[0-9]+]]
+// optnone declaration, inlinehint definition.
+int func2(int a);
+inline int func2(int a) {
+ return a + a + a + a;
+// CHECK: @_Z5func2i({{.*}}) [[OPTNONE]]
+// Keep alive the definitions of func1 and func2.
+int foo() {
+ int val = func1(1);
+ return val + func2(2);
+// optnone wins over minsize.
+int func3(int a);
+int func3(int a) {
+ return a + a + a + a;
+// Same attribute set as everything else, therefore no 'minsize'.
+// CHECK: @_Z5func3i({{.*}}) [[OPTNONE]]
+// Verify that noreturn is compatible with optnone.
+extern void exit_from_function();
+__attribute__((noreturn)) __attribute((optnone))
+extern void noreturn_function(int a) { exit_from_function(); }
+// CHECK: @_Z17noreturn_functioni({{.*}}) [[NORETURN:#[0-9]+]]
+// Verify that __declspec(noinline) is compatible with optnone.
+__declspec(noinline) __attribute__((optnone))
+void func4() { return; }
+// CHECK: @_Z5func4v() [[OPTNONE]]
+extern void func5();
+void func5() { return; }
+// CHECK: @_Z5func5v() [[OPTNONE]]
+// Verify also that optnone can be used on dllexport functions.
+// Adding attribute optnone on a dllimport function has no effect.
+int imported_optnone_func(int a);
+int exported_optnone_func(int a) {
+ return imported_optnone_func(a); // use of imported func
+// CHECK: @_Z21exported_optnone_funci({{.*}}) [[OPTNONE]]
+// CHECK: declare dllimport {{.*}} @_Z21imported_optnone_funci({{.*}}) [[DLLIMPORT:#[0-9]+]]
+// CHECK: attributes [[OPTNONE]] = { noinline {{.*}} optnone
+// CHECK: attributes [[NORETURN]] = { noinline noreturn {{.*}} optnone
+// CHECK: attributes [[DLLIMPORT]] =
+// CHECK-SAME-NOT: optnone
diff --git a/test/CodeGenCXX/optnone-class-members.cpp b/test/CodeGenCXX/optnone-class-members.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..147b821
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CodeGenCXX/optnone-class-members.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 < %s -triple %itanium_abi_triple -fms-extensions -emit-llvm -x c++ | FileCheck %s
+// Test attribute 'optnone' on methods:
+// -- member functions;
+// -- static member functions.
+// Verify that all methods of struct A are associated to the same attribute set.
+// The attribute set shall contain attributes 'noinline' and 'optnone'.
+struct A {
+ // Definition of an optnone static method.
+ __attribute__((optnone))
+ static int static_optnone_method(int a) {
+ return a + a;
+ }
+ // CHECK: @_ZN1A21static_optnone_methodEi({{.*}}) [[OPTNONE:#[0-9]+]]
+ // Definition of an optnone normal method.
+ __attribute__((optnone))
+ int optnone_method(int a) {
+ return a + a + a + a;
+ }
+ // CHECK: @_ZN1A14optnone_methodEi({{.*}}) [[OPTNONE]]
+ // Declaration of an optnone method with out-of-line definition
+ // that doesn't say optnone.
+ __attribute__((optnone))
+ int optnone_decl_method(int a);
+ // Methods declared without attribute optnone; the definitions will
+ // have attribute optnone, and we verify optnone wins.
+ __forceinline static int static_forceinline_method(int a);
+ __attribute__((always_inline)) int alwaysinline_method(int a);
+ __attribute__((noinline)) int noinline_method(int a);
+ __attribute__((minsize)) int minsize_method(int a);
+void foo() {
+ A a;
+ A::static_optnone_method(4);
+ a.optnone_method(14);
+ a.optnone_decl_method(12);
+ A::static_forceinline_method(5);
+ a.alwaysinline_method(5);
+ a.noinline_method(6);
+ a.minsize_method(7);
+// No attribute here, should still be on the definition.
+int A::optnone_decl_method(int a) {
+ return a;
+// CHECK: @_ZN1A19optnone_decl_methodEi({{.*}}) [[OPTNONE]]
+// optnone implies noinline; therefore attribute noinline is added to
+// the set of function attributes.
+// forceinline is instead translated as 'always_inline'.
+// However 'noinline' wins over 'always_inline' and therefore
+// the resulting attributes for this method are: noinline + optnone
+int A::static_forceinline_method(int a) {
+ return a + a + a + a;
+// CHECK: @_ZN1A25static_forceinline_methodEi({{.*}}) [[OPTNONE]]
+int A::alwaysinline_method(int a) {
+ return a + a + a + a;
+// CHECK: @_ZN1A19alwaysinline_methodEi({{.*}}) [[OPTNONE]]
+// 'noinline' + 'noinline and optnone' = 'noinline and optnone'
+int A::noinline_method(int a) {
+ return a + a + a + a;
+// CHECK: @_ZN1A15noinline_methodEi({{.*}}) [[OPTNONE]]
+// 'optnone' wins over 'minsize'
+int A::minsize_method(int a) {
+ return a + a + a + a;
+// CHECK: @_ZN1A14minsize_methodEi({{.*}}) [[OPTNONE]]
+// Test attribute 'optnone' on methods:
+// -- pure virtual functions
+// -- base virtual and derived virtual
+// -- base virtual but not derived virtual
+// -- optnone methods redefined in override
+// A method defined in override doesn't inherit the function attributes of the
+// superclass method.
+struct B {
+ virtual int pure_virtual(int a) = 0;
+ __attribute__((optnone))
+ virtual int pure_virtual_with_optnone(int a) = 0;
+ virtual int base(int a) {
+ return a + a + a + a;
+ }
+ __attribute__((optnone))
+ virtual int optnone_base(int a) {
+ return a + a + a + a;
+ }
+ __attribute__((optnone))
+ virtual int only_base_virtual(int a) {
+ return a + a;
+ }
+struct C : public B {
+ __attribute__((optnone))
+ virtual int pure_virtual(int a) {
+ return a + a + a + a;
+ }
+ virtual int pure_virtual_with_optnone(int a) {
+ return a + a + a + a;
+ }
+ __attribute__((optnone))
+ virtual int base(int a) {
+ return a + a;
+ }
+ virtual int optnone_base(int a) {
+ return a + a;
+ }
+ int only_base_virtual(int a) {
+ return a + a + a + a;
+ }
+int bar() {
+ C c;
+ int result;
+ result = c.pure_virtual(3);
+ result += c.pure_virtual_with_optnone(2);
+ result += c.base(5);
+ result += c.optnone_base(7);
+ result += c.only_base_virtual(9);
+ return result;
+// CHECK: @_ZN1C12pure_virtualEi({{.*}}) {{.*}} [[OPTNONE]]
+// CHECK: @_ZN1C25pure_virtual_with_optnoneEi({{.*}}) {{.*}} [[NORMAL:#[0-9]+]]
+// CHECK: @_ZN1C4baseEi({{.*}}) {{.*}} [[OPTNONE]]
+// CHECK: @_ZN1C12optnone_baseEi({{.*}}) {{.*}} [[NORMAL]]
+// CHECK: @_ZN1C17only_base_virtualEi({{.*}}) {{.*}} [[NORMAL]]
+// CHECK: @_ZN1B4baseEi({{.*}}) {{.*}} [[NORMAL]]
+// CHECK: @_ZN1B12optnone_baseEi({{.*}}) {{.*}} [[OPTNONE]]
+// CHECK: @_ZN1B17only_base_virtualEi({{.*}}) {{.*}} [[OPTNONE]]
+// CHECK: attributes [[NORMAL]] =
+// CHECK-SAME-NOT: noinline
+// CHECK-SAME-NOT: optnone
+// CHECK: attributes [[OPTNONE]] = {{.*}} noinline {{.*}} optnone
diff --git a/test/CodeGenCXX/optnone-def-decl.cpp b/test/CodeGenCXX/optnone-def-decl.cpp
index ab6eb3f..cb3a677 100644
--- a/test/CodeGenCXX/optnone-def-decl.cpp
+++ b/test/CodeGenCXX/optnone-def-decl.cpp
@@ -90,5 +90,6 @@ int user_of_forceinline_optnone_function() {
// CHECK: @_Z28forceinline_optnone_functionii({{.*}}) [[OPTNONE]]
// CHECK: attributes [[OPTNONE]] = { noinline nounwind optnone {{.*}} }
-// CHECK: attributes [[NORMAL]] = { nounwind {{.*}} }
+// CHECK: attributes [[NORMAL]] =
+// CHECK-SAME-NOT: noinline
+// CHECK-SAME-NOT: optnone
diff --git a/test/CodeGenCXX/optnone-templates.cpp b/test/CodeGenCXX/optnone-templates.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45a72b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CodeGenCXX/optnone-templates.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -triple %itanium_abi_triple -std=c++11 -emit-llvm -o - | FileCheck %s
+// Test optnone on template instantiations.
+//-- Effect of optnone on generic add template function.
+template <typename T> T template_normal(T a)
+ return a + a;
+template <typename T> __attribute__((optnone)) T template_optnone(T a)
+ return a + a + a;
+// This function should cause instantiations of each template, one marked
+// with the 'optnone' attribute.
+int container(int i)
+ return template_normal<int>(i) + template_optnone<int>(i);
+// CHECK: @_Z15template_normalIiET_S0_({{.*}}) [[NORMAL:#[0-9]+]]
+// CHECK: @_Z16template_optnoneIiET_S0_({{.*}}) [[OPTNONE:#[0-9]+]]
+//-- Effect of optnone on a partial specialization.
+// FIRST TEST: a method becomes marked with optnone in the specialization.
+template <typename T, typename U> class template_normal_base {
+ T method(T t, U u)
+ {
+ return t + static_cast<T>(u);
+ }
+template <typename U> class template_normal_base<int, U>
+ __attribute__((optnone)) int method (int t, U u)
+ {
+ return t - static_cast<int>(u);
+ }
+// This function should cause an instantiation of the full template (whose
+// method is not marked optnone) and an instantiation of the partially
+// specialized template (whose method is marked optnone).
+void container2()
+ int y = 2;
+ float z = 3.0;
+ template_normal_base<float, int> class_normal;
+ template_normal_base<int, float> class_optnone;
+ float r1 = class_normal.method(z, y);
+ float r2 = class_optnone.method(y, z);
+// CHECK: @_ZN20template_normal_baseIfiE6methodEfi({{.*}}) [[NORMAL]]
+// CHECK: @_ZN20template_normal_baseIifE6methodEif({{.*}}) [[OPTNONE]]
+//-- Effect of optnone on a partial specialization.
+// SECOND TEST: a method loses optnone in the specialization.
+template <typename T, typename U> class template_optnone_base {
+ __attribute__((optnone)) T method(T t, U u)
+ {
+ return t + static_cast<T>(u);
+ }
+template <typename U> class template_optnone_base<int, U>
+ int method (int t, U u)
+ {
+ return t - static_cast<int>(u);
+ }
+// This function should cause an instantiation of the full template (whose
+// method is marked optnone) and an instantiation of the partially
+// specialized template (whose method is not marked optnone).
+void container3()
+ int y = 2;
+ float z = 3.0;
+ template_optnone_base<float, int> class_optnone;
+ template_optnone_base<int, float> class_normal;
+ float r1 = class_optnone.method(z, y);
+ float r2 = class_normal.method(y, z);
+// CHECK: @_ZN21template_optnone_baseIfiE6methodEfi({{.*}}) [[OPTNONE]]
+// CHECK: @_ZN21template_optnone_baseIifE6methodEif({{.*}}) [[NORMAL]]
+// CHECK: attributes [[NORMAL]] =
+// CHECK-SAME-NOT: optnone
+// CHECK: attributes [[OPTNONE]] = {{.*}} optnone
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