path: root/test/CodeGenCXX/microsoft-abi-structors.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/CodeGenCXX/microsoft-abi-structors.cpp')
1 files changed, 127 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/test/CodeGenCXX/microsoft-abi-structors.cpp b/test/CodeGenCXX/microsoft-abi-structors.cpp
index 864540d..c2f1395 100644
--- a/test/CodeGenCXX/microsoft-abi-structors.cpp
+++ b/test/CodeGenCXX/microsoft-abi-structors.cpp
@@ -1,27 +1,31 @@
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -emit-llvm %s -o - -cxx-abi microsoft -triple=i386-pc-win32 -fno-rtti > %t 2>&1
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -emit-llvm %s -o - -mconstructor-aliases -cxx-abi microsoft -triple=i386-pc-win32 -fno-rtti > %t
// RUN: FileCheck %s < %t
-// Using a different check prefix as the inline destructors might be placed
-// anywhere in the output.
-// RUN: FileCheck --check-prefix=DTORS %s < %t
+// vftables are emitted very late, so do another pass to try to keep the checks
+// in source order.
+// RUN: FileCheck --check-prefix DTORS %s < %t
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -emit-llvm %s -o - -mconstructor-aliases -cxx-abi microsoft -triple=x86_64-pc-win32 -fno-rtti | FileCheck --check-prefix DTORS-X64 %s
namespace basic {
class A {
A() { }
- ~A() { }
+ ~A();
void no_constructor_destructor_infinite_recursion() {
A a;
-// CHECK: define linkonce_odr x86_thiscallcc %"class.basic::A"* @"\01??0A@basic@@QAE@XZ"(%"class.basic::A"* %this)
+// CHECK: define linkonce_odr x86_thiscallcc %"class.basic::A"* @"\01??0A@basic@@QAE@XZ"(%"class.basic::A"* returned %this)
// CHECK: [[THIS_ADDR:%[.0-9A-Z_a-z]+]] = alloca %"class.basic::A"*, align 4
// CHECK-NEXT: store %"class.basic::A"* %this, %"class.basic::A"** [[THIS_ADDR]], align 4
// CHECK-NEXT: [[T1:%[.0-9A-Z_a-z]+]] = load %"class.basic::A"** [[THIS_ADDR]]
// CHECK-NEXT: ret %"class.basic::A"* [[T1]]
+A::~A() {
// Make sure that the destructor doesn't call itself:
// CHECK: define {{.*}} @"\01??1A@basic@@QAE@XZ"
// CHECK-NOT: call void @"\01??1A@basic@@QAE@XZ"
@@ -34,33 +38,29 @@ struct B {
// Tests that we can define constructors outside the class (PR12784).
B::B() {
- // CHECK: define x86_thiscallcc %"struct.basic::B"* @"\01??0B@basic@@QAE@XZ"(%"struct.basic::B"* %this)
+ // CHECK: define x86_thiscallcc %"struct.basic::B"* @"\01??0B@basic@@QAE@XZ"(%"struct.basic::B"* returned %this)
// CHECK: ret
struct C {
virtual ~C() {
-// Complete destructor first:
-// DTORS: define {{.*}} x86_thiscallcc void @"\01??1C@basic@@UAE@XZ"(%"struct.basic::C"* %this)
-// Then, the scalar deleting destructor (used in the vtable):
-// FIXME: add a test that verifies that the out-of-line scalar deleting
-// destructor is linkonce_odr too.
-// DTORS: define linkonce_odr x86_thiscallcc void @"\01??_GC@basic@@UAEPAXI@Z"(%"struct.basic::C"* %this, i1 zeroext %should_call_delete)
-// DTORS: %[[FROMBOOL:[0-9a-z]+]] = zext i1 %should_call_delete to i8
-// DTORS-NEXT: store i8 %[[FROMBOOL]], i8* %[[SHOULD_DELETE_VAR:[0-9a-z._]+]], align 1
-// DTORS: %[[SHOULD_DELETE_VALUE:[0-9a-z._]+]] = load i8* %[[SHOULD_DELETE_VAR]]
+// DTORS: define linkonce_odr x86_thiscallcc void @"\01??_GC@basic@@UAEPAXI@Z"(%"struct.basic::C"* %this, i32 %should_call_delete)
+// DTORS: store i32 %should_call_delete, i32* %[[SHOULD_DELETE_VAR:[0-9a-z._]+]], align 4
+// DTORS: %[[SHOULD_DELETE_VALUE:[0-9a-z._]+]] = load i32* %[[SHOULD_DELETE_VAR]]
// DTORS: call x86_thiscallcc void @"\01??1C@basic@@UAE@XZ"(%"struct.basic::C"* %[[THIS:[0-9a-z]+]])
-// DTORS-NEXT: %[[CONDITION:[0-9]+]] = icmp eq i8 %[[SHOULD_DELETE_VALUE]], 0
+// DTORS-NEXT: %[[CONDITION:[0-9]+]] = icmp eq i32 %[[SHOULD_DELETE_VALUE]], 0
// DTORS-NEXT: br i1 %[[CONDITION]], label %[[CONTINUE_LABEL:[0-9a-z._]+]], label %[[CALL_DELETE_LABEL:[0-9a-z._]+]]
// DTORS-NEXT: %[[THIS_AS_VOID:[0-9a-z]+]] = bitcast %"struct.basic::C"* %[[THIS]] to i8*
-// DTORS-NEXT: call void @"\01??3@YAXPAX@Z"(i8* %[[THIS_AS_VOID]]) [[NUW:#[0-9]+]]
+// DTORS-NEXT: call void @"\01??3@YAXPAX@Z"(i8* %[[THIS_AS_VOID]])
// DTORS-NEXT: ret void
+// Check that we do the mangling correctly on x64.
+// DTORS-X64: @"\01??_GC@basic@@UEAAPEAXI@Z"
virtual void foo();
@@ -71,19 +71,19 @@ void C::foo() {}
void check_vftable_offset() {
C c;
// The vftable pointer should point at the beginning of the vftable.
-// CHECK: [[THIS_PTR:%[0-9]+]] = bitcast %"struct.basic::C"* {{.*}} to i8***
-// CHECK: store i8** getelementptr inbounds ([2 x i8*]* @"\01??_7C@basic@@6B@", i64 0, i64 0), i8*** [[THIS_PTR]]
+// CHECK: [[THIS_PTR:%[0-9]+]] = bitcast %"struct.basic::C"* {{.*}} to [2 x i8*]**
+// CHECK: store [2 x i8*]* @"\01??_7C@basic@@6B@", [2 x i8*]** [[THIS_PTR]]
void call_complete_dtor(C *obj_ptr) {
// CHECK: define void @"\01?call_complete_dtor@basic@@YAXPAUC@1@@Z"(%"struct.basic::C"* %obj_ptr)
// CHECK: %[[OBJ_PTR_VALUE:.*]] = load %"struct.basic::C"** %{{.*}}, align 4
-// CHECK-NEXT: %[[PVTABLE:.*]] = bitcast %"struct.basic::C"* %[[OBJ_PTR_VALUE]] to void (%"struct.basic::C"*, i1)***
-// CHECK-NEXT: %[[VTABLE:.*]] = load void (%"struct.basic::C"*, i1)*** %[[PVTABLE]]
-// CHECK-NEXT: %[[PVDTOR:.*]] = getelementptr inbounds void (%"struct.basic::C"*, i1)** %[[VTABLE]], i64 0
-// CHECK-NEXT: %[[VDTOR:.*]] = load void (%"struct.basic::C"*, i1)** %[[PVDTOR]]
-// CHECK-NEXT: call x86_thiscallcc void %[[VDTOR]](%"struct.basic::C"* %[[OBJ_PTR_VALUE]], i1 zeroext false)
+// CHECK-NEXT: %[[PVTABLE:.*]] = bitcast %"struct.basic::C"* %[[OBJ_PTR_VALUE]] to void (%"struct.basic::C"*, i32)***
+// CHECK-NEXT: %[[VTABLE:.*]] = load void (%"struct.basic::C"*, i32)*** %[[PVTABLE]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: %[[PVDTOR:.*]] = getelementptr inbounds void (%"struct.basic::C"*, i32)** %[[VTABLE]], i64 0
+// CHECK-NEXT: %[[VDTOR:.*]] = load void (%"struct.basic::C"*, i32)** %[[PVDTOR]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: call x86_thiscallcc void %[[VDTOR]](%"struct.basic::C"* %[[OBJ_PTR_VALUE]], i32 0)
// CHECK-NEXT: ret void
@@ -94,11 +94,11 @@ void call_deleting_dtor(C *obj_ptr) {
// CHECK: br i1 {{.*}}, label %[[DELETE_NULL:.*]], label %[[DELETE_NOTNULL:.*]]
-// CHECK-NEXT: %[[PVTABLE:.*]] = bitcast %"struct.basic::C"* %[[OBJ_PTR_VALUE]] to void (%"struct.basic::C"*, i1)***
-// CHECK-NEXT: %[[VTABLE:.*]] = load void (%"struct.basic::C"*, i1)*** %[[PVTABLE]]
-// CHECK-NEXT: %[[PVDTOR:.*]] = getelementptr inbounds void (%"struct.basic::C"*, i1)** %[[VTABLE]], i64 0
-// CHECK-NEXT: %[[VDTOR:.*]] = load void (%"struct.basic::C"*, i1)** %[[PVDTOR]]
-// CHECK-NEXT: call x86_thiscallcc void %[[VDTOR]](%"struct.basic::C"* %[[OBJ_PTR_VALUE]], i1 zeroext true)
+// CHECK-NEXT: %[[PVTABLE:.*]] = bitcast %"struct.basic::C"* %[[OBJ_PTR_VALUE]] to void (%"struct.basic::C"*, i32)***
+// CHECK-NEXT: %[[VTABLE:.*]] = load void (%"struct.basic::C"*, i32)*** %[[PVTABLE]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: %[[PVDTOR:.*]] = getelementptr inbounds void (%"struct.basic::C"*, i32)** %[[VTABLE]], i64 0
+// CHECK-NEXT: %[[VDTOR:.*]] = load void (%"struct.basic::C"*, i32)** %[[PVDTOR]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: call x86_thiscallcc void %[[VDTOR]](%"struct.basic::C"* %[[OBJ_PTR_VALUE]], i32 1)
// CHECK: ret void
@@ -119,8 +119,6 @@ struct D {
void use_D() { D c; }
-// DTORS: attributes [[NUW]] = { nounwind{{.*}} }
} // end namespace basic
@@ -136,7 +134,7 @@ struct B : A {
B::B() {
- // CHECK: define x86_thiscallcc %"struct.constructors::B"* @"\01??0B@constructors@@QAE@XZ"(%"struct.constructors::B"* %this)
+ // CHECK: define x86_thiscallcc %"struct.constructors::B"* @"\01??0B@constructors@@QAE@XZ"(%"struct.constructors::B"* returned %this)
// CHECK: call x86_thiscallcc %"struct.constructors::A"* @"\01??0A@constructors@@QAE@XZ"(%"struct.constructors::A"* %{{.*}})
// CHECK: ret
@@ -146,7 +144,7 @@ struct C : virtual A {
C::C() {
- // CHECK: define x86_thiscallcc %"struct.constructors::C"* @"\01??0C@constructors@@QAE@XZ"(%"struct.constructors::C"* %this, i32 %is_most_derived)
+ // CHECK: define x86_thiscallcc %"struct.constructors::C"* @"\01??0C@constructors@@QAE@XZ"(%"struct.constructors::C"* returned %this, i32 %is_most_derived)
// TODO: make sure this works in the Release build too;
// CHECK: store i32 %is_most_derived, i32* %[[IS_MOST_DERIVED_VAR:.*]], align 4
// CHECK: %[[IS_MOST_DERIVED_VAL:.*]] = load i32* %[[IS_MOST_DERIVED_VAR]]
@@ -154,12 +152,19 @@ C::C() {
// CHECK: br i1 %[[SHOULD_CALL_VBASE_CTORS]], label %[[INIT_VBASES:.*]], label %[[SKIP_VBASES:.*]]
- // CHECK-NEXT: bitcast %"struct.constructors::C"* %{{.*}} to %"struct.constructors::A"*
+ // CHECK-NEXT: %[[this_i8:.*]] = bitcast %"struct.constructors::C"* %{{.*}} to i8*
+ // CHECK-NEXT: %[[vbptr_off:.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i8* %[[this_i8]], i64 0
+ // CHECK-NEXT: %[[vbptr:.*]] = bitcast i8* %[[vbptr_off]] to [2 x i32]**
+ // CHECK-NEXT: store [2 x i32]* @"\01??_8C@constructors@@7B@", [2 x i32]** %[[vbptr]]
+ // CHECK-NEXT: bitcast %"struct.constructors::C"* %{{.*}} to i8*
+ // CHECK-NEXT: getelementptr inbounds i8* %{{.*}}, i64 4
+ // CHECK-NEXT: bitcast i8* %{{.*}} to %"struct.constructors::A"*
// CHECK-NEXT: call x86_thiscallcc %"struct.constructors::A"* @"\01??0A@constructors@@QAE@XZ"(%"struct.constructors::A"* %{{.*}})
// CHECK-NEXT: br label %[[SKIP_VBASES]]
- // CHECK: @"\01??_7C@constructors@@6B@"
+ // Class C does not define or override methods, so shouldn't change the vfptr.
+ // CHECK-NOT: @"\01??_7C@constructors@@6B@"
// CHECK: ret
@@ -175,14 +180,20 @@ struct D : C {
D::D() {
- // CHECK: define x86_thiscallcc %"struct.constructors::D"* @"\01??0D@constructors@@QAE@XZ"(%"struct.constructors::D"* %this, i32 %is_most_derived) unnamed_addr
+ // CHECK: define x86_thiscallcc %"struct.constructors::D"* @"\01??0D@constructors@@QAE@XZ"(%"struct.constructors::D"* returned %this, i32 %is_most_derived) unnamed_addr
// CHECK: store i32 %is_most_derived, i32* %[[IS_MOST_DERIVED_VAR:.*]], align 4
// CHECK: %[[IS_MOST_DERIVED_VAL:.*]] = load i32* %[[IS_MOST_DERIVED_VAR]]
// CHECK: %[[SHOULD_CALL_VBASE_CTORS:.*]] = icmp ne i32 %[[IS_MOST_DERIVED_VAL]], 0
// CHECK: br i1 %[[SHOULD_CALL_VBASE_CTORS]], label %[[INIT_VBASES:.*]], label %[[SKIP_VBASES:.*]]
- // CHECK-NEXT: bitcast %"struct.constructors::D"* %{{.*}} to %"struct.constructors::A"*
+ // CHECK-NEXT: %[[this_i8:.*]] = bitcast %"struct.constructors::D"* %{{.*}} to i8*
+ // CHECK-NEXT: %[[vbptr_off:.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i8* %[[this_i8]], i64 0
+ // CHECK-NEXT: %[[vbptr:.*]] = bitcast i8* %[[vbptr_off]] to [2 x i32]**
+ // CHECK-NEXT: store [2 x i32]* @"\01??_8D@constructors@@7B@", [2 x i32]** %[[vbptr]]
+ // CHECK-NEXT: bitcast %"struct.constructors::D"* %{{.*}} to i8*
+ // CHECK-NEXT: getelementptr inbounds i8* %{{.*}}, i64 4
+ // CHECK-NEXT: bitcast i8* %{{.*}} to %"struct.constructors::A"*
// CHECK-NEXT: call x86_thiscallcc %"struct.constructors::A"* @"\01??0A@constructors@@QAE@XZ"(%"struct.constructors::A"* %{{.*}})
// CHECK-NEXT: br label %[[SKIP_VBASES]]
@@ -196,14 +207,23 @@ struct E : virtual C {
E::E() {
- // CHECK: define x86_thiscallcc %"struct.constructors::E"* @"\01??0E@constructors@@QAE@XZ"(%"struct.constructors::E"* %this, i32 %is_most_derived) unnamed_addr
+ // CHECK: define x86_thiscallcc %"struct.constructors::E"* @"\01??0E@constructors@@QAE@XZ"(%"struct.constructors::E"* returned %this, i32 %is_most_derived) unnamed_addr
// CHECK: store i32 %is_most_derived, i32* %[[IS_MOST_DERIVED_VAR:.*]], align 4
// CHECK: %[[IS_MOST_DERIVED_VAL:.*]] = load i32* %[[IS_MOST_DERIVED_VAR]]
// CHECK: %[[SHOULD_CALL_VBASE_CTORS:.*]] = icmp ne i32 %[[IS_MOST_DERIVED_VAL]], 0
// CHECK: br i1 %[[SHOULD_CALL_VBASE_CTORS]], label %[[INIT_VBASES:.*]], label %[[SKIP_VBASES:.*]]
- // CHECK-NEXT: bitcast %"struct.constructors::E"* %{{.*}} to %"struct.constructors::A"*
+ // CHECK-NEXT: %[[this_i8:.*]] = bitcast %"struct.constructors::E"* %{{.*}} to i8*
+ // CHECK-NEXT: %[[offs:.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i8* %[[this_i8]], i64 0
+ // CHECK-NEXT: %[[vbptr_E:.*]] = bitcast i8* %[[offs]] to [3 x i32]**
+ // CHECK-NEXT: store [3 x i32]* @"\01??_8E@constructors@@7B01@@", [3 x i32]** %[[vbptr_E]]
+ // CHECK-NEXT: %[[offs:.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i8* %[[this_i8]], i64 4
+ // CHECK-NEXT: %[[vbptr_C:.*]] = bitcast i8* %[[offs]] to [2 x i32]**
+ // CHECK-NEXT: store [2 x i32]* @"\01??_8E@constructors@@7BC@1@@", [2 x i32]** %[[vbptr_C]]
+ // CHECK-NEXT: bitcast %"struct.constructors::E"* %{{.*}} to i8*
+ // CHECK-NEXT: getelementptr inbounds i8* %{{.*}}, i64 4
+ // CHECK-NEXT: bitcast i8* %{{.*}} to %"struct.constructors::A"*
// CHECK-NEXT: call x86_thiscallcc %"struct.constructors::A"* @"\01??0A@constructors@@QAE@XZ"(%"struct.constructors::A"* %{{.*}})
// CHECK: call x86_thiscallcc %"struct.constructors::C"* @"\01??0C@constructors@@QAE@XZ"(%"struct.constructors::C"* %{{.*}}, i32 0)
// CHECK-NEXT: br label %[[SKIP_VBASES]]
@@ -212,4 +232,70 @@ E::E() {
// CHECK: ret
+// PR16735 - even abstract classes should have a constructor emitted.
+struct F {
+ F();
+ virtual void f() = 0;
+F::F() {}
+// CHECK: define x86_thiscallcc %"struct.constructors::F"* @"\01??0F@constructors@@QAE@XZ"
} // end namespace constructors
+namespace dtors {
+struct A {
+ ~A();
+void call_nv_complete(A *a) {
+ a->~A();
+// CHECK: define void @"\01?call_nv_complete@dtors@@YAXPAUA@1@@Z"
+// CHECK: call x86_thiscallcc void @"\01??1A@dtors@@QAE@XZ"
+// CHECK: ret
+// CHECK: declare x86_thiscallcc void @"\01??1A@dtors@@QAE@XZ"
+// Now try some virtual bases, where we need the complete dtor.
+struct B : virtual A { ~B(); };
+struct C : virtual A { ~C(); };
+struct D : B, C { ~D(); };
+void call_vbase_complete(D *d) {
+ d->~D();
+// CHECK: define void @"\01?call_vbase_complete@dtors@@YAXPAUD@1@@Z"
+// CHECK: call x86_thiscallcc void @"\01??_DD@dtors@@QAE@XZ"(%"struct.dtors::D"* %{{[^,]+}})
+// CHECK: ret
+// The complete dtor should call the base dtors for D and the vbase A (once).
+// CHECK: define linkonce_odr x86_thiscallcc void @"\01??_DD@dtors@@QAE@XZ"
+// CHECK-NOT: call
+// CHECK: call x86_thiscallcc void @"\01??1D@dtors@@QAE@XZ"
+// CHECK-NOT: call
+// CHECK: call x86_thiscallcc void @"\01??1A@dtors@@QAE@XZ"
+// CHECK-NOT: call
+// CHECK: ret
+void destroy_d_complete() {
+ D d;
+// CHECK: define void @"\01?destroy_d_complete@dtors@@YAXXZ"
+// CHECK: call x86_thiscallcc void @"\01??_DD@dtors@@QAE@XZ"(%"struct.dtors::D"* %{{[^,]+}})
+// CHECK: ret
+// FIXME: Clang manually inlines the deletion, so we don't get a call to the
+// deleting dtor (_G). The only way to call deleting dtors currently is through
+// a vftable.
+void call_nv_deleting_dtor(D *d) {
+ delete d;
+// CHECK: define void @"\01?call_nv_deleting_dtor@dtors@@YAXPAUD@1@@Z"
+// CHECK: call x86_thiscallcc void @"\01??_DD@dtors@@QAE@XZ"(%"struct.dtors::D"* %{{[^,]+}})
+// CHECK: call void @"\01??3@YAXPAX@Z"
+// CHECK: ret
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