path: root/sys/dev/raidframe/rf_engine.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'sys/dev/raidframe/rf_engine.c')
1 files changed, 810 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sys/dev/raidframe/rf_engine.c b/sys/dev/raidframe/rf_engine.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddd5612
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/dev/raidframe/rf_engine.c
@@ -0,0 +1,810 @@
+/* $FreeBSD$ */
+/* $NetBSD: rf_engine.c,v 1.10 2000/08/20 16:51:03 thorpej Exp $ */
+ * Copyright (c) 1995 Carnegie-Mellon University.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Author: William V. Courtright II, Mark Holland, Rachad Youssef
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and
+ * its documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright
+ * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the
+ * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions
+ * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation.
+ *
+ *
+ * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to
+ *
+ * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU
+ * School of Computer Science
+ * Carnegie Mellon University
+ * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890
+ *
+ * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie the
+ * rights to redistribute these changes.
+ */
+ * *
+ * engine.c -- code for DAG execution engine *
+ * *
+ * Modified to work as follows (holland): *
+ * A user-thread calls into DispatchDAG, which fires off the nodes that *
+ * are direct successors to the header node. DispatchDAG then returns, *
+ * and the rest of the I/O continues asynchronously. As each node *
+ * completes, the node execution function calls FinishNode(). FinishNode *
+ * scans the list of successors to the node and increments the antecedent *
+ * counts. Each node that becomes enabled is placed on a central node *
+ * queue. A dedicated dag-execution thread grabs nodes off of this *
+ * queue and fires them. *
+ * *
+ * NULL nodes are never fired. *
+ * *
+ * Terminator nodes are never fired, but rather cause the callback *
+ * associated with the DAG to be invoked. *
+ * *
+ * If a node fails, the dag either rolls forward to the completion or *
+ * rolls back, undoing previously-completed nodes and fails atomically. *
+ * The direction of recovery is determined by the location of the failed *
+ * node in the graph. If the failure occured before the commit node in *
+ * the graph, backward recovery is used. Otherwise, forward recovery is *
+ * used. *
+ * *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+#include <dev/raidframe/rf_threadstuff.h>
+#include <sys/errno.h>
+#include <dev/raidframe/rf_dag.h>
+#include <dev/raidframe/rf_engine.h>
+#include <dev/raidframe/rf_etimer.h>
+#include <dev/raidframe/rf_general.h>
+#include <dev/raidframe/rf_dagutils.h>
+#include <dev/raidframe/rf_shutdown.h>
+#include <dev/raidframe/rf_raid.h>
+#include <dev/raidframe/rf_kintf.h>
+static void DAGExecutionThread(RF_ThreadArg_t arg);
+#define DO_INIT(_l_,_r_) { \
+ int _rc; \
+ _rc = rf_create_managed_mutex(_l_,&(_r_)->node_queue_mutex); \
+ if (_rc) { \
+ return(_rc); \
+ } \
+ _rc = rf_create_managed_cond(_l_,&(_r_)->node_queue_cond); \
+ if (_rc) { \
+ return(_rc); \
+ } \
+/* synchronization primitives for this file. DO_WAIT should be enclosed in a while loop. */
+ * XXX Is this spl-ing really necessary?
+ */
+#define DO_LOCK(_r_) \
+do { \
+ ks = splbio(); \
+ RF_LOCK_MUTEX((_r_)->node_queue_mutex); \
+} while (0)
+#define DO_UNLOCK(_r_) \
+do { \
+ RF_UNLOCK_MUTEX((_r_)->node_queue_mutex); \
+ splx(ks); \
+} while (0)
+#define DO_WAIT(_r_) \
+ RF_WAIT_COND((_r_)->node_queue, (_r_)->node_queue_mutex)
+#define DO_SIGNAL(_r_) \
+ RF_BROADCAST_COND((_r_)->node_queue) /* XXX RF_SIGNAL_COND? */
+static void rf_ShutdownEngine(void *);
+static void
+ void *arg;
+ RF_Raid_t *raidPtr;
+ raidPtr = (RF_Raid_t *) arg;
+ raidPtr->shutdown_engine = 1;
+ DO_SIGNAL(raidPtr);
+ RF_ShutdownList_t ** listp,
+ RF_Raid_t * raidPtr,
+ RF_Config_t * cfgPtr)
+ int rc;
+ DO_INIT(listp, raidPtr);
+ raidPtr->node_queue = NULL;
+ raidPtr->dags_in_flight = 0;
+ rc = rf_init_managed_threadgroup(listp, &raidPtr->engine_tg);
+ if (rc)
+ return (rc);
+ /* we create the execution thread only once per system boot. no need
+ * to check return code b/c the kernel panics if it can't create the
+ * thread. */
+ if (rf_engineDebug) {
+ printf("raid%d: Creating engine thread\n", raidPtr->raidid);
+ }
+ if (RF_CREATE_THREAD(raidPtr->engine_thread, DAGExecutionThread, raidPtr,"raid")) {
+ RF_ERRORMSG("RAIDFRAME: Unable to create engine thread\n");
+ return (ENOMEM);
+ }
+ if (rf_engineDebug) {
+ printf("raid%d: Created engine thread\n", raidPtr->raidid);
+ }
+ RF_THREADGROUP_STARTED(&raidPtr->engine_tg);
+ /* XXX something is missing here... */
+#ifdef debug
+ printf("Skipping the WAIT_START!!\n");
+#if 1
+ printf("Waiting for DAG engine to start\n");
+ RF_THREADGROUP_WAIT_START(&raidPtr->engine_tg);
+ /* engine thread is now running and waiting for work */
+ if (rf_engineDebug) {
+ printf("raid%d: Engine thread running and waiting for events\n", raidPtr->raidid);
+ }
+ rc = rf_ShutdownCreate(listp, rf_ShutdownEngine, raidPtr);
+ if (rc) {
+ RF_ERRORMSG3("Unable to add to shutdown list file %s line %d rc=%d\n", __FILE__,
+ __LINE__, rc);
+ rf_ShutdownEngine(NULL);
+ }
+ return (rc);
+static int
+BranchDone(RF_DagNode_t * node)
+ int i;
+ /* return true if forward execution is completed for a node and it's
+ * succedents */
+ switch (node->status) {
+ case rf_wait:
+ /* should never be called in this state */
+ break;
+ case rf_fired:
+ /* node is currently executing, so we're not done */
+ return (RF_FALSE);
+ case rf_good:
+ for (i = 0; i < node->numSuccedents; i++) /* for each succedent */
+ if (!BranchDone(node->succedents[i])) /* recursively check
+ * branch */
+ return RF_FALSE;
+ return RF_TRUE; /* node and all succedent branches aren't in
+ * fired state */
+ break;
+ case rf_bad:
+ /* succedents can't fire */
+ return (RF_TRUE);
+ case rf_recover:
+ /* should never be called in this state */
+ break;
+ case rf_undone:
+ case rf_panic:
+ /* XXX need to fix this case */
+ /* for now, assume that we're done */
+ return (RF_TRUE);
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* illegal node status */
+ break;
+ }
+static int
+NodeReady(RF_DagNode_t * node)
+ int ready;
+ switch (node->dagHdr->status) {
+ case rf_enable:
+ case rf_rollForward:
+ if ((node->status == rf_wait) && (node->numAntecedents == node->numAntDone))
+ ready = RF_TRUE;
+ else
+ ready = RF_FALSE;
+ break;
+ case rf_rollBackward:
+ RF_ASSERT(node->numSuccDone <= node->numSuccedents);
+ RF_ASSERT(node->numSuccFired <= node->numSuccedents);
+ RF_ASSERT(node->numSuccFired <= node->numSuccDone);
+ if ((node->status == rf_good) && (node->numSuccDone == node->numSuccedents))
+ ready = RF_TRUE;
+ else
+ ready = RF_FALSE;
+ break;
+ default:
+ printf("Execution engine found illegal DAG status in NodeReady\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ return (ready);
+/* user context and dag-exec-thread context:
+ * Fire a node. The node's status field determines which function, do or undo,
+ * to be fired.
+ * This routine assumes that the node's status field has alread been set to
+ * "fired" or "recover" to indicate the direction of execution.
+ */
+static void
+FireNode(RF_DagNode_t * node)
+ switch (node->status) {
+ case rf_fired:
+ /* fire the do function of a node */
+ if (rf_engineDebug) {
+ printf("raid%d: Firing node 0x%lx (%s)\n",
+ node->dagHdr->raidPtr->raidid,
+ (unsigned long) node, node->name);
+ }
+ if (node->flags & RF_DAGNODE_FLAG_YIELD) {
+#if defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) && defined(_KERNEL)
+ /* thread_block(); */
+ /* printf("Need to block the thread here...\n"); */
+ /* XXX thread_block is actually mentioned in
+ * /usr/include/vm/vm_extern.h */
+ thread_block();
+ }
+ (*(node->doFunc)) (node);
+ break;
+ case rf_recover:
+ /* fire the undo function of a node */
+ if (rf_engineDebug) {
+ printf("raid%d: Firing (undo) node 0x%lx (%s)\n",
+ node->dagHdr->raidPtr->raidid,
+ (unsigned long) node, node->name);
+ }
+ if (node->flags & RF_DAGNODE_FLAG_YIELD)
+#if defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) && defined(_KERNEL)
+ /* thread_block(); */
+ /* printf("Need to block the thread here...\n"); */
+ /* XXX thread_block is actually mentioned in
+ * /usr/include/vm/vm_extern.h */
+ thread_block();
+ (*(node->undoFunc)) (node);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+/* user context:
+ * Attempt to fire each node in a linear array.
+ * The entire list is fired atomically.
+ */
+static void
+ int numNodes,
+ RF_DagNode_t ** nodeList)
+ RF_DagStatus_t dstat;
+ RF_DagNode_t *node;
+ int i, j;
+ /* first, mark all nodes which are ready to be fired */
+ for (i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) {
+ node = nodeList[i];
+ dstat = node->dagHdr->status;
+ RF_ASSERT((node->status == rf_wait) || (node->status == rf_good));
+ if (NodeReady(node)) {
+ if ((dstat == rf_enable) || (dstat == rf_rollForward)) {
+ RF_ASSERT(node->status == rf_wait);
+ if (node->commitNode)
+ node->dagHdr->numCommits++;
+ node->status = rf_fired;
+ for (j = 0; j < node->numAntecedents; j++)
+ node->antecedents[j]->numSuccFired++;
+ } else {
+ RF_ASSERT(dstat == rf_rollBackward);
+ RF_ASSERT(node->status == rf_good);
+ RF_ASSERT(node->commitNode == RF_FALSE); /* only one commit node
+ * per graph */
+ node->status = rf_recover;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* now, fire the nodes */
+ for (i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) {
+ if ((nodeList[i]->status == rf_fired) || (nodeList[i]->status == rf_recover))
+ FireNode(nodeList[i]);
+ }
+/* user context:
+ * Attempt to fire each node in a linked list.
+ * The entire list is fired atomically.
+ */
+static void
+FireNodeList(RF_DagNode_t * nodeList)
+ RF_DagNode_t *node, *next;
+ RF_DagStatus_t dstat;
+ int j;
+ if (nodeList) {
+ /* first, mark all nodes which are ready to be fired */
+ for (node = nodeList; node; node = next) {
+ next = node->next;
+ dstat = node->dagHdr->status;
+ RF_ASSERT((node->status == rf_wait) || (node->status == rf_good));
+ if (NodeReady(node)) {
+ if ((dstat == rf_enable) || (dstat == rf_rollForward)) {
+ RF_ASSERT(node->status == rf_wait);
+ if (node->commitNode)
+ node->dagHdr->numCommits++;
+ node->status = rf_fired;
+ for (j = 0; j < node->numAntecedents; j++)
+ node->antecedents[j]->numSuccFired++;
+ } else {
+ RF_ASSERT(dstat == rf_rollBackward);
+ RF_ASSERT(node->status == rf_good);
+ RF_ASSERT(node->commitNode == RF_FALSE); /* only one commit node
+ * per graph */
+ node->status = rf_recover;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* now, fire the nodes */
+ for (node = nodeList; node; node = next) {
+ next = node->next;
+ if ((node->status == rf_fired) || (node->status == rf_recover))
+ FireNode(node);
+ }
+ }
+/* interrupt context:
+ * for each succedent
+ * propagate required results from node to succedent
+ * increment succedent's numAntDone
+ * place newly-enable nodes on node queue for firing
+ *
+ * To save context switches, we don't place NIL nodes on the node queue,
+ * but rather just process them as if they had fired. Note that NIL nodes
+ * that are the direct successors of the header will actually get fired by
+ * DispatchDAG, which is fine because no context switches are involved.
+ *
+ * Important: when running at user level, this can be called by any
+ * disk thread, and so the increment and check of the antecedent count
+ * must be locked. I used the node queue mutex and locked down the
+ * entire function, but this is certainly overkill.
+ */
+static void
+ RF_DagNode_t * node,
+ int context)
+ RF_DagNode_t *s, *a;
+ RF_Raid_t *raidPtr;
+ int i, ks;
+ RF_DagNode_t *finishlist = NULL; /* a list of NIL nodes to be
+ * finished */
+ RF_DagNode_t *skiplist = NULL; /* list of nodes with failed truedata
+ * antecedents */
+ RF_DagNode_t *firelist = NULL; /* a list of nodes to be fired */
+ RF_DagNode_t *q = NULL, *qh = NULL, *next;
+ int j, skipNode;
+ raidPtr = node->dagHdr->raidPtr;
+ DO_LOCK(raidPtr);
+ /* debug - validate fire counts */
+ for (i = 0; i < node->numAntecedents; i++) {
+ a = *(node->antecedents + i);
+ RF_ASSERT(a->numSuccFired >= a->numSuccDone);
+ RF_ASSERT(a->numSuccFired <= a->numSuccedents);
+ a->numSuccDone++;
+ }
+ switch (node->dagHdr->status) {
+ case rf_enable:
+ case rf_rollForward:
+ for (i = 0; i < node->numSuccedents; i++) {
+ s = *(node->succedents + i);
+ RF_ASSERT(s->status == rf_wait);
+ (s->numAntDone)++;
+ if (s->numAntDone == s->numAntecedents) {
+ /* look for NIL nodes */
+ if (s->doFunc == rf_NullNodeFunc) {
+ /* don't fire NIL nodes, just process
+ * them */
+ s->next = finishlist;
+ finishlist = s;
+ } else {
+ /* look to see if the node is to be
+ * skipped */
+ skipNode = RF_FALSE;
+ for (j = 0; j < s->numAntecedents; j++)
+ if ((s->antType[j] == rf_trueData) && (s->antecedents[j]->status == rf_bad))
+ skipNode = RF_TRUE;
+ if (skipNode) {
+ /* this node has one or more
+ * failed true data
+ * dependencies, so skip it */
+ s->next = skiplist;
+ skiplist = s;
+ } else
+ /* add s to list of nodes (q)
+ * to execute */
+ if (context != RF_INTR_CONTEXT) {
+ /* we only have to
+ * enqueue if we're at
+ * intr context */
+ s->next = firelist; /* put node on a list to
+ * be fired after we
+ * unlock */
+ firelist = s;
+ } else { /* enqueue the node for
+ * the dag exec thread
+ * to fire */
+ RF_ASSERT(NodeReady(s));
+ if (q) {
+ q->next = s;
+ q = s;
+ } else {
+ qh = q = s;
+ qh->next = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (q) {
+ /* xfer our local list of nodes to the node queue */
+ q->next = raidPtr->node_queue;
+ raidPtr->node_queue = qh;
+ DO_SIGNAL(raidPtr);
+ }
+ DO_UNLOCK(raidPtr);
+ for (; skiplist; skiplist = next) {
+ next = skiplist->next;
+ skiplist->status = rf_skipped;
+ for (i = 0; i < skiplist->numAntecedents; i++) {
+ skiplist->antecedents[i]->numSuccFired++;
+ }
+ if (skiplist->commitNode) {
+ skiplist->dagHdr->numCommits++;
+ }
+ rf_FinishNode(skiplist, context);
+ }
+ for (; finishlist; finishlist = next) {
+ /* NIL nodes: no need to fire them */
+ next = finishlist->next;
+ finishlist->status = rf_good;
+ for (i = 0; i < finishlist->numAntecedents; i++) {
+ finishlist->antecedents[i]->numSuccFired++;
+ }
+ if (finishlist->commitNode)
+ finishlist->dagHdr->numCommits++;
+ /*
+ * Okay, here we're calling rf_FinishNode() on nodes that
+ * have the null function as their work proc. Such a node
+ * could be the terminal node in a DAG. If so, it will
+ * cause the DAG to complete, which will in turn free
+ * memory used by the DAG, which includes the node in
+ * question. Thus, we must avoid referencing the node
+ * at all after calling rf_FinishNode() on it.
+ */
+ rf_FinishNode(finishlist, context); /* recursive call */
+ }
+ /* fire all nodes in firelist */
+ FireNodeList(firelist);
+ break;
+ case rf_rollBackward:
+ for (i = 0; i < node->numAntecedents; i++) {
+ a = *(node->antecedents + i);
+ RF_ASSERT(a->status == rf_good);
+ RF_ASSERT(a->numSuccDone <= a->numSuccedents);
+ RF_ASSERT(a->numSuccDone <= a->numSuccFired);
+ if (a->numSuccDone == a->numSuccFired) {
+ if (a->undoFunc == rf_NullNodeFunc) {
+ /* don't fire NIL nodes, just process
+ * them */
+ a->next = finishlist;
+ finishlist = a;
+ } else {
+ if (context != RF_INTR_CONTEXT) {
+ /* we only have to enqueue if
+ * we're at intr context */
+ a->next = firelist; /* put node on a list to
+ * be fired after we
+ * unlock */
+ firelist = a;
+ } else { /* enqueue the node for
+ * the dag exec thread
+ * to fire */
+ RF_ASSERT(NodeReady(a));
+ if (q) {
+ q->next = a;
+ q = a;
+ } else {
+ qh = q = a;
+ qh->next = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (q) {
+ /* xfer our local list of nodes to the node queue */
+ q->next = raidPtr->node_queue;
+ raidPtr->node_queue = qh;
+ DO_SIGNAL(raidPtr);
+ }
+ DO_UNLOCK(raidPtr);
+ for (; finishlist; finishlist = next) { /* NIL nodes: no need to
+ * fire them */
+ next = finishlist->next;
+ finishlist->status = rf_good;
+ /*
+ * Okay, here we're calling rf_FinishNode() on nodes that
+ * have the null function as their work proc. Such a node
+ * could be the first node in a DAG. If so, it will
+ * cause the DAG to complete, which will in turn free
+ * memory used by the DAG, which includes the node in
+ * question. Thus, we must avoid referencing the node
+ * at all after calling rf_FinishNode() on it.
+ */
+ rf_FinishNode(finishlist, context); /* recursive call */
+ }
+ /* fire all nodes in firelist */
+ FireNodeList(firelist);
+ break;
+ default:
+ printf("Engine found illegal DAG status in PropagateResults()\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ * Process a fired node which has completed
+ */
+static void
+ RF_DagNode_t * node,
+ int context)
+ RF_Raid_t *raidPtr;
+ raidPtr = node->dagHdr->raidPtr;
+ switch (node->status) {
+ case rf_good:
+ /* normal case, don't need to do anything */
+ break;
+ case rf_bad:
+ if ((node->dagHdr->numCommits > 0) || (node->dagHdr->numCommitNodes == 0)) {
+ node->dagHdr->status = rf_rollForward; /* crossed commit
+ * barrier */
+ if (rf_engineDebug || 1) {
+ printf("raid%d: node (%s) returned fail, rolling forward\n", raidPtr->raidid, node->name);
+ }
+ } else {
+ node->dagHdr->status = rf_rollBackward; /* never reached commit
+ * barrier */
+ if (rf_engineDebug || 1) {
+ printf("raid%d: node (%s) returned fail, rolling backward\n", raidPtr->raidid, node->name);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case rf_undone:
+ /* normal rollBackward case, don't need to do anything */
+ break;
+ case rf_panic:
+ /* an undo node failed!!! */
+ printf("UNDO of a node failed!!!/n");
+ break;
+ default:
+ printf("node finished execution with an illegal status!!!\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ /* enqueue node's succedents (antecedents if rollBackward) for
+ * execution */
+ PropagateResults(node, context);
+/* user context or dag-exec-thread context:
+ * This is the first step in post-processing a newly-completed node.
+ * This routine is called by each node execution function to mark the node
+ * as complete and fire off any successors that have been enabled.
+ */
+ RF_DagNode_t * node,
+ int context)
+ /* as far as I can tell, retcode is not used -wvcii */
+ int retcode = RF_FALSE;
+ node->dagHdr->numNodesCompleted++;
+ ProcessNode(node, context);
+ return (retcode);
+/* user context:
+ * submit dag for execution, return non-zero if we have to wait for completion.
+ * if and only if we return non-zero, we'll cause cbFunc to get invoked with
+ * cbArg when the DAG has completed.
+ *
+ * for now we always return 1. If the DAG does not cause any I/O, then the callback
+ * may get invoked before DispatchDAG returns. There's code in state 5 of ContinueRaidAccess
+ * to handle this.
+ *
+ * All we do here is fire the direct successors of the header node. The
+ * DAG execution thread does the rest of the dag processing.
+ */
+ RF_DagHeader_t * dag,
+ void (*cbFunc) (void *),
+ void *cbArg)
+ RF_Raid_t *raidPtr;
+ raidPtr = dag->raidPtr;
+ if (dag->tracerec) {
+ RF_ETIMER_START(dag->tracerec->timer);
+ }
+ if (rf_engineDebug || rf_validateDAGDebug) {
+ if (rf_ValidateDAG(dag))
+ }
+ if (rf_engineDebug) {
+ printf("raid%d: Entering DispatchDAG\n", raidPtr->raidid);
+ }
+ raidPtr->dags_in_flight++; /* debug only: blow off proper
+ * locking */
+ dag->cbFunc = cbFunc;
+ dag->cbArg = cbArg;
+ dag->numNodesCompleted = 0;
+ dag->status = rf_enable;
+ FireNodeArray(dag->numSuccedents, dag->succedents);
+ return (1);
+/* dedicated kernel thread:
+ * the thread that handles all DAG node firing.
+ * To minimize locking and unlocking, we grab a copy of the entire node queue and then set the
+ * node queue to NULL before doing any firing of nodes. This way we only have to release the
+ * lock once. Of course, it's probably rare that there's more than one node in the queue at
+ * any one time, but it sometimes happens.
+ *
+ * In the kernel, this thread runs at spl0 and is not swappable. I copied these
+ * characteristics from the aio_completion_thread.
+ */
+static void
+DAGExecutionThread(RF_ThreadArg_t arg)
+ RF_DagNode_t *nd, *local_nq, *term_nq, *fire_nq;
+ RF_Raid_t *raidPtr;
+ int ks;
+ raidPtr = (RF_Raid_t *) arg;
+ if (rf_engineDebug) {
+ printf("raid%d: Engine thread is running\n", raidPtr->raidid);
+ }
+ mtx_lock(&Giant);
+ RF_THREADGROUP_RUNNING(&raidPtr->engine_tg);
+ DO_LOCK(raidPtr);
+ while (!raidPtr->shutdown_engine) {
+ while (raidPtr->node_queue != NULL) {
+ local_nq = raidPtr->node_queue;
+ fire_nq = NULL;
+ term_nq = NULL;
+ raidPtr->node_queue = NULL;
+ DO_UNLOCK(raidPtr);
+ /* first, strip out the terminal nodes */
+ while (local_nq) {
+ nd = local_nq;
+ local_nq = local_nq->next;
+ switch (nd->dagHdr->status) {
+ case rf_enable:
+ case rf_rollForward:
+ if (nd->numSuccedents == 0) {
+ /* end of the dag, add to
+ * callback list */
+ nd->next = term_nq;
+ term_nq = nd;
+ } else {
+ /* not the end, add to the
+ * fire queue */
+ nd->next = fire_nq;
+ fire_nq = nd;
+ }
+ break;
+ case rf_rollBackward:
+ if (nd->numAntecedents == 0) {
+ /* end of the dag, add to the
+ * callback list */
+ nd->next = term_nq;
+ term_nq = nd;
+ } else {
+ /* not the end, add to the
+ * fire queue */
+ nd->next = fire_nq;
+ fire_nq = nd;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* execute callback of dags which have reached the
+ * terminal node */
+ while (term_nq) {
+ nd = term_nq;
+ term_nq = term_nq->next;
+ nd->next = NULL;
+ (nd->dagHdr->cbFunc) (nd->dagHdr->cbArg);
+ raidPtr->dags_in_flight--; /* debug only */
+ }
+ /* fire remaining nodes */
+ FireNodeList(fire_nq);
+ DO_LOCK(raidPtr);
+ }
+ while (!raidPtr->shutdown_engine && raidPtr->node_queue == NULL)
+ DO_WAIT(raidPtr);
+ }
+ DO_UNLOCK(raidPtr);
+ RF_THREADGROUP_DONE(&raidPtr->engine_tg);
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud