path: root/share
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20 files changed, 2913 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/Makefile b/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9cf73e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# @(#)Makefile 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/8/93
+# $FreeBSD$
+DIR= usd/22.trofftut
+SRCS= tt.mac tt00 tt01 tt02 tt03 tt04 tt05 tt06 tt07 tt08 tt09 tt10 \
+ tt11 tt12 tt13 tt14 ttack ttcharset ttindex
+.include <>
diff --git a/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/tt.mac b/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/tt.mac
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78de8fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/tt.mac
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+.\" This module is believed to contain source code proprietary to AT&T.
+.\" Use and redistribution is subject to the Berkeley Software License
+.\" Agreement and your Software Agreement with AT&T (Western Electric).
+.\" @(#)tt.mac 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/8/93
+.\" $FreeBSD$ _\(em *\(** UL
+.if n .ul
+.if n \\$3\\$1\\$2
+.if t \\$3\f3\\$1\fP\\$2
+.. UC
+.. C
+.if n .ul
+.if n \\$3\\$1\\$2
+.if t \\$3\f3\\$1\fP\\$2
+.. IT
+.if t \\$3\f2\\$1\fP\\$2
+.if n .ul
+.if n \\$3\\$1\\$2
+.. UI
+.. P1
+.if n .ls 1
+. use first argument as indent if present
+.if \\n(.$ .DS I \\$1
+.if !\\n(.$ .DS I 5
+.ta .75i 1.5i 2.25i 3i 3.75i '\'
+.. P2 ''
+.if n .ls 2
+.if t .ds m \(mi
+.if n .ds m -
+.if t .ds n \(no
+.if n .ds n -
+.if t .ds s \v'.41m'\s+4*\s-4\v'-.41m'
+.if n .ds s *
+.if t .ds S \(sl
+.if n .ds S /
+.if t .ds d \s+4\&.\&\s-4
+.if n .ds d \&.\&
+.if t .ds a \z@@
+.if n .ds a @
+.hy 14
+. 2=not last lines; 4= no -xx; 8=no xx- WS
+.sp \\$1
+. ACCENTS say \*'e or \*`e to get e acute or e grave
+.ds ' \h'\w'e'u*4/10'\z\(aa\h'-\w'e'u*4/10'
+.ds e \o"e\'"
+.ds ` \h'\w'e'u*4/10'\z\(ga\h'-\w'e'u*4/10'
+. UMLAUT \*:u, etc.
+.ds : \v'-0.6m'\h'(1u-(\\n(.fu%2u))*0.13m+0.06m'\z.\h'0.2m'\z.\h'-((1u-(\\n(.fu%2u))*0.13m+0.26m)'\v'0.6m'
+.ds ^ \\k:\h'-\\n(.fu+1u/2u*2u+\\n(.fu-1u*0.13m+0.06m'\z^\h'|\\n:u'
+.ds ~ \\k:\h'-\\n(.fu+1u/2u*2u+\\n(.fu-1u*0.13m+0.06m'\z~\h'|\\n:u' BD
+.hw semi-colon
diff --git a/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/tt00 b/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/tt00
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56c1537
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/tt00
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+.\" This module is believed to contain source code proprietary to AT&T.
+.\" Use and redistribution is subject to the Berkeley Software License
+.\" Agreement and your Software Agreement with AT&T (Western Electric).
+.\" @(#)tt00 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/8/93
+.\" $FreeBSD$
+.EH 'USD:22-%''A TROFF Tutorial'
+.OH 'A TROFF Tutorial''USD:22-%'
+.....TM 76-1273-7 39199 39199-11
+A TROFF Tutorial
+.AU "MH 2C-518" 6021
+Brian W. Kernighan
+(updated for 4.3BSD by Mark Seiden)
+\"Text formatting
+.UL troff
+is a text-formatting program for
+typesetting on the
+operating system.
+This device is capable of producing high quality
+this paper is an example of
+.UL troff
+The phototypesetter itself normally runs with four fonts,
+containing roman, italic and bold letters
+(as on this page),
+a full greek alphabet, and a substantial number of
+special characters and mathematical symbols.
+Characters can be printed in a range of sizes,
+and placed anywhere on the page.
+.UL troff
+allows the user full control over fonts,
+sizes, and character positions,
+as well as the usual features of a formatter _
+right-margin justification, automatic hyphenation,
+page titling and numbering, and so on.
+It also provides macros, arithmetic variables and operations,
+and conditional testing, for complicated formatting tasks.
+This document is an introduction to the most basic use of
+.UL troff .
+It presents just enough information to enable the user
+to do simple formatting
+tasks like making viewgraphs,
+and to make incremental changes to existing packages
+.UL troff
+In most respects, the
+.UL nroff
+and a more recent version
+.UL troff)
+are identical to
+the version described here, so this document also serves as a tutorial for
+them as well.
+.AE LL 6.5i LT 6.5i
+.CS 13 1 14 0 0 5
+.if t .2C PS 9 VS 11
diff --git a/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/tt01 b/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/tt01
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5841208
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/tt01
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+.\" This module is believed to contain source code proprietary to AT&T.
+.\" Use and redistribution is subject to the Berkeley Software License
+.\" Agreement and your Software Agreement with AT&T (Western Electric).
+.\" @(#)tt01 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/8/93
+.\" $FreeBSD$
+Introduction ^.
+.UL troff
+is a text-formatting program,
+written originally by J. F. Ossanna,
+for producing
+high-quality printed output from the phototypesetter
+on the
+operating system.
+This document is an example of
+.UL troff
+The single most important rule
+of using
+.UL troff
+not to use it directly, but through some intermediary.
+In many ways,
+.UL troff
+resembles an assembly language _
+a remarkably powerful and flexible one _
+but nonetheless such that many operations must be specified
+at a level of detail and in a form that is too hard
+for most people to use effectively.
+For two special applications, there are programs that provide
+an interface to
+.UL troff
+for the majority of users.
+.UL eqn
+provides an easy to learn language for typesetting mathematics;
+.UL eqn
+need know no
+.UL troff
+to typeset mathematics.
+.UL tbl
+provides the same convenience for producing tables of arbitrary
+For producing straight text (which may well contain mathematics or tables), there are a number of `macro packages'
+that define formatting rules and operations for specific styles
+of documents,
+and reduce the amount of
+direct contact with
+.UL troff .
+In particular, the `\-ms'
+PWB/MM [5], and `\-me' [6]
+for internal memoranda and external papers
+provide most of the facilities needed
+for a wide range of document preparation.\(dg
+\(dg Most Berkeley Unix sites only have \-ms and \-me.
+(This memo was prepared with `\-ms'.)
+There are also packages for viewgraphs,
+for simulating the older
+.UL roff
+and for other special applications.
+Typically you will find these packages easier to use
+.UL troff
+once you get beyond the most trivial operations;
+you should always consider them first.
+In the few cases where existing packages don't do the whole job,
+the solution is
+to write an entirely new set of
+.UL troff
+instructions from scratch, but to make small changes
+to adapt packages that already exist.
+In accordance with this philosophy of letting someone else
+do the work,
+the part of
+.UL troff
+described here is only a small part of the whole,
+although it tries to concentrate on the more useful parts.
+In any case, there is no attempt to be complete.
+Rather, the emphasis is on showing how to do simple things,
+and how to make incremental changes to what already exists.
+The contents of the remaining sections are:
+.sp .1i
+.ta .3i
+\02. Point sizes and line spacing
+\03. Fonts and special characters
+\04. Indents and line length
+\05. Tabs
+\06. Local motions: Drawing lines and characters
+\07. Strings
+\08. Introduction to macros
+\09. Titles, pages and numbering
+10. Number registers and arithmetic
+11. Macros with arguments
+12. Conditionals
+13. Environments
+14. Diversions
+ Appendix: Typesetter character set
+.sp 0
+.UL troff
+described here is the C-language version supplied with
+Version 7 and 32V as documented in [1].
+To use
+.UL troff
+you have to prepare not only the actual text you want printed,
+but some information that tells
+you want it printed.
+(Readers who use
+.UL roff
+will find the approach familiar.)
+.UL troff
+the text
+the formatting information are often intertwined quite intimately.
+Most commands to
+.UL troff
+are placed on a line separate from the text itself,
+beginning with a period (one command per line).
+For example,
+Some text.
+^ps 14
+Some more text.
+will change the `point size',
+that is,
+the size of the letters being printed,
+to `14 point' (one point is 1/72 inch) like this:
+Some text. 14
+Some more text. 10
+Occasionally, though,
+something special occurs in the middle of a line _
+to produce
+Area = \(*p\fIr\fR\|\s8\u2\d\s0
+you have to type
+Area = \e(*p\efIr\efR\e\^|\^\es8\eu2\ed\es0
+(which we will explain shortly).
+The backslash character
+.BD \e
+is used
+to introduce
+.UL troff
+commands and special characters within a line of text.
diff --git a/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/tt02 b/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/tt02
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95ef0af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/tt02
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+.\" This module is believed to contain source code proprietary to AT&T.
+.\" Use and redistribution is subject to the Berkeley Software License
+.\" Agreement and your Software Agreement with AT&T (Western Electric).
+.\" @(#)tt02 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/8/93
+.\" $FreeBSD$
+Point Sizes; Line Spacing
+As mentioned above,
+the command
+.BD .ps
+sets the point size.
+One point is 1/72 inch,
+so 6-point characters are at most 1/12 inch high,
+and 36-point characters are \(12 inch.
+There are 15 point sizes, listed below.
+.P1 1 6
+6 point: Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs. 7
+.vs 8p
+7 point: Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.
+.vs 9p 8
+8 point: Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.
+.vs 10p 9
+9 point: Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.
+.vs 11p 10
+10 point: Pack my box with five dozen liquor
+.vs 12p 11
+11 point: Pack my box with five dozen
+.vs 14p 12
+12 point: Pack my box with five dozen
+.vs 16p 14
+14 point: Pack my box with five
+.vs 24p
+\s1616 point\s18 18 point\s20 20 point
+.vs 40p
+\s2222\s24 24\s28 28\s36 36 10
+.vs 12p
+If the number after
+.BD .ps
+is not one of these
+legal sizes,
+it is rounded up to the next valid value,
+with a maximum of 36.
+If no number follows
+.BD .ps ,
+.UL troff
+reverts to the previous size, whatever it was.
+.UL troff
+begins with point size 10,
+which is usually fine.
+The original of this document (on 8.5 by 11 inch paper) is in 9 point.
+The point size can also be changed in the middle of a line
+or even a word
+with the in-line command
+.BD \es .
+To produce
+\s8UNIX\s10 runs on a \s8PDP-\s1011/45
+\es8UNIX\es10 runs on a \es8PDP-\es1011/45
+As above,
+.BD \es
+should be followed by a legal point size,
+except that
+.BD \es0
+causes the size to revert to
+its previous value.
+Notice that
+.BD \es1011
+can be understood correctly as `size 10, followed by an 11', if the size is legal,
+but not otherwise.
+Be cautious with similar constructions.
+Relative size changes are also legal and useful:
+temporarily decreases the size, whatever it is, by two points, then
+restores it.
+Relative size changes have the advantage that the size difference
+is independent of the starting size of the document.
+The amount of the relative change is restricted
+to a single digit.
+The other parameter that determines what the type looks like
+is the spacing between lines,
+which is set independently of the point size.
+Vertical spacing is measured from the bottom of one line to
+the bottom of the next.
+The command to control vertical spacing is
+.BD .vs .
+For running text, it is usually best to set the vertical spacing
+about 20% bigger than the character size.
+For example, so far in this document, we have used
+``9 on 11'', that is,
+^ps 9
+^vs 11p
+If we changed to
+^ps 9
+^vs 9p
+.vs 9p 3
+the running text would look like this.
+After a few lines, you will agree it looks a little cramped.
+The right vertical spacing is partly a matter of taste, depending on how
+much text you want to squeeze into a given space,
+and partly a matter of traditional printing style.
+By default,
+.UL troff
+uses 10 on 12.
+.vs 14p 12
+Point size and vertical spacing make a substantial difference in the amount of text
+per square inch.
+This is 12 on 14. 2
+.PP 2 6
+.vs 7p
+Point size and vertical spacing make a substantial difference in the amount of text
+per square inch.
+For example,
+10 on 12 uses about twice as much space as 7 on 8.
+This is 6 on 7, which is even smaller.
+It packs a lot more words per line,
+but you can go blind trying to read it.
+When used without arguments,
+.BD .ps
+.BD .vs
+revert to the previous size and vertical spacing
+The command
+.BD .sp
+is used to get extra vertical space.
+it gives you one extra blank line (one
+.BD .vs ,
+whatever that has been set to).
+Typically, that's more or less than you want,
+.BD .sp
+can be followed by
+information about how much space you want _
+^sp 2i
+means `two inches of vertical space'.
+^sp 2p
+means `two points of vertical space';
+^sp 2
+means `two vertical spaces' _ two of whatever
+.BD .vs
+is set to
+(this can also be made explicit with
+.BD .sp\ 2v );
+.UL troff
+also understands decimal fractions in most places,
+^sp 1.5i
+is a space of 1.5 inches.
+These same scale factors can be used after
+.BD .vs
+to define line spacing, and in fact after most commands
+that deal with physical dimensions.
+It should be noted that all size numbers are converted internally
+to `machine units', which are 1/432 inch
+(1/6 point).
+For most purposes, this is enough resolution
+that you don't have to worry about the accuracy of the representation.
+The situation is not quite so good vertically,
+where resolution is 1/144 inch
+(1/2 point).
diff --git a/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/tt03 b/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/tt03
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7166f05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/tt03
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+.\" This module is believed to contain source code proprietary to AT&T.
+.\" Use and redistribution is subject to the Berkeley Software License
+.\" Agreement and your Software Agreement with AT&T (Western Electric).
+.\" @(#)tt03 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/8/93
+.\" $FreeBSD$
+Fonts and Special Characters
+.UL troff
+and the typesetter allow four different fonts at any one time.
+Normally three fonts (Times roman, italic and bold) and one collection of special characters
+are permanently
+.P1 2
+.ft R
+abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789
+.ft I
+abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789
+.ft B
+abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789
+.ft R
+greek, mathematical symbols and miscellany
+of the special font are
+listed in Appendix A.
+.UL troff
+prints in roman unless told otherwise.
+To switch into bold, use
+.BD .ft
+^ft B
+and for italics,
+^ft I
+To return to roman, use
+.BD .ft\ R ;
+to return to the previous font,
+whatever it was,
+use either
+.BD .ft\ P
+or just
+.BD .ft .
+The `underline' command
+causes the next input line to print in italics.
+.BD .ul
+can be followed by a count to
+indicate that more than one line is to be italicized.
+Fonts can also be changed within a line or word
+with the in-line command
+.BD \ef :
+\fBbold\fIface\fR text
+is produced by
+\efBbold\efIface\efR text
+If you want to do this so the previous font, whatever it was,
+is left undisturbed, insert extra
+.BD \efP
+commands, like this:
+\efBbold\efP\efIface\efP\efR text\efP
+Because only the immediately previous font is remembered,
+you have to restore the previous font after each change
+or you can lose it.
+The same is true of
+.BD .ps
+.BD .vs
+when used without an argument.
+There are other fonts available besides the standard set,
+although you can still use only four at any given time.
+The command
+.BD .fp
+.UL troff
+what fonts are physically mounted on the typesetter:
+^fp 3 H
+says that the Helvetica font is mounted on position 3.
+(The complete list of font sizes and styles depends on
+your typesetter or laser printer.)
+.BD .fp
+commands should appear at the beginning of your document
+if you do not use the standard fonts.
+It is possible to make a document relatively independent
+of the actual fonts used to print it
+by using font numbers instead of names;
+for example,
+.BD \ef3
+.BD .ft\ 3
+mean `whatever font is mounted at position 3',
+and thus work for any setting.
+Normal settings are roman font on 1, italic on 2,
+bold on 3,
+and special on 4.
+There is also a way to get `synthetic' bold fonts
+by overstriking letters with a slight offset.
+Look at the
+.BD .bd
+command in [1].
+Special characters have four-character names beginning with
+.BD \e( ,
+and they may be inserted anywhere.
+For example,
+\(14 + \(12 = \(34
+is produced by
+\e(14 + \e(12 = \e(34
+In particular,
+greek letters are all of the form
+.BD \e(*\- ,
+.BD \-
+is an upper or lower case roman letter
+reminiscent of the greek.
+to get
+\(*S(\(*a\(mu\(*b) \(-> \(if
+in bare
+.UL troff
+we have to type
+\e(*S(\e(*a\e(mu\e(*b) \e(\(mi> \e(if
+That line is unscrambled as follows:
+.ta 1i 2i 3i
+\e(*S \(*S
+( (
+\e(*a \(*a
+\e(mu \(mu
+\e(*b \(*b
+) )
+\e(\(mi> \(->
+\e(if \(if
+A complete list of these special names occurs in Appendix A.
+.UL eqn
+the same effect can be achieved with the input
+SIGMA ( alpha times beta ) \-> inf
+which is less concise, but clearer to the uninitiated.
+Notice that
+four-character name is a single character
+as far as
+.UL troff
+is concerned _
+`translate' command
+^tr \e(mi\e(em
+is perfectly clear, meaning
+^tr \(mi\(em
+that is, to translate \(mi into \(em.
+Some characters are automatically translated into others:
+grave \(ga and acute \(aa accents (apostrophes) become open and close single quotes
+the combination of ``...'' is generally preferable to the double quotes "...".
+Similarly a typed minus sign becomes a hyphen -.
+To print an explicit \- sign, use
+.BD \e\|- .
+To get a backslash printed, use
+.BD \ee .
diff --git a/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/tt04 b/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/tt04
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58a7071
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/tt04
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+.\" This module is believed to contain source code proprietary to AT&T.
+.\" Use and redistribution is subject to the Berkeley Software License
+.\" Agreement and your Software Agreement with AT&T (Western Electric).
+.\" @(#)tt04 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/8/93
+.\" $FreeBSD$
+Indents and Line Lengths
+.UL troff
+starts with a line length of 6.5 inches,
+which some people think is too wide for 8\(12\(mu11 paper.
+To reset the line length,
+.BD .ll
+command, as in
+^ll 6i
+As with
+.BD .sp ,
+the actual length can be specified in several ways;
+inches are probably the most intuitive.
+The maximum line length provided by the typesetter is 7.5 inches, by the way.
+To use the full width, you will have to reset the default physical left margin (``page offset''),
+which is normally slightly less than one inch from the left edge
+of the paper.
+This is done by the
+.BD .po
+^po 0
+sets the offset as far to the left as it will go.
+The indent command
+.BD .in
+causes the left margin to be indented
+by some specified amount from the page offset.
+If we use
+.BD .in
+to move the left margin in,
+.BD .ll
+to move the right margin to the left,
+we can
+make offset blocks of text:
+^in 0.3i
+^ll \(mi0.3i
+text to be set into a block
+^ll +0.3i
+^in \(mi0.3i
+will create a block that looks like this:
+.ll -0.3i
+Pater noster qui est in caelis sanctificetur nomen tuum;
+adveniat regnum tuum; fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo,
+et in terra. ...
+.ll +0.3i
+Notice the use of `+' and `\(mi'
+to specify the amount of change.
+These change the previous setting by the specified amount,
+rather than just overriding it.
+The distinction is quite important:
+.BD .ll\ +1i
+makes lines one inch longer;
+.BD .ll\ 1i
+makes them one inch
+.BD .in ,
+.BD .ll
+.BD .po ,
+the previous value is used if no argument is specified.
+To indent a single line, use the `temporary indent'
+.BD .ti .
+For example, all paragraphs in this memo
+effectively begin with the command
+^ti 3
+Three of what?
+The default unit for
+.BD .ti ,
+as for most horizontally oriented commands
+.BD .ll , (
+.BD .in ,
+.BD .po ),
+is ems;
+an em is roughly the width of the letter `m'
+in the current point size.
+(Precisely, a em in size
+Although inches are usually clearer than ems to people who don't set type
+for a living,
+ems have a place:
+they are a measure of size that is proportional to the current point size.
+If you want to make text that keeps its proportions
+regardless of point size,
+you should use ems for all dimensions.
+Ems can be specified as scale factors directly,
+as in
+.BD .ti\ 2.5m .
+Lines can also be indented negatively
+if the indent is already positive:
+^ti \(mi0.3i
+causes the next line to be moved back three tenths of an inch.
+Thus to make a decorative initial capital,
+we indent the whole paragraph, then move the letter `P' back with
+.BD .ti
+.ll -0.3i +.3i
+.ti -0.3i
+\s36\v'2'P\v'-2'\s0ater noster qui est in caelis sanctificetur
+nomen tuum;
+adveniat regnum tuum;
+'in -.3i
+fiat voluntas tua,
+sicut in caelo, et in terra. ...
+.ll +0.3i
+Of course, there is also some trickery to make the `P'
+bigger (just a `\es36P\es0'),
+and to move it
+down from its normal position
+(see the section on local motions).
diff --git a/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/tt05 b/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/tt05
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9b17a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/tt05
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+.\" This module is believed to contain source code proprietary to AT&T.
+.\" Use and redistribution is subject to the Berkeley Software License
+.\" Agreement and your Software Agreement with AT&T (Western Electric).
+.\" @(#)tt05 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/8/93
+.\" $FreeBSD$
+(the \s8ASCII\s0 `horizontal tab' character)
+can be used to produce output in columns,
+or to set the horizontal position of output.
+tabs are used only in unfilled text.
+Tab stops are set by default every half inch from the
+current indent,
+can be changed by the
+.BD .ta
+To set stops every inch, for example,
+^ta 1i 2i 3i 4i 5i 6i
+Unfortunately the stops are left-justified only
+(as on a typewriter),
+so lining up columns of right-justified numbers can be painful.
+If you have many numbers,
+or if you need more complicated table layout,
+.UL troff
+use the
+.UL tbl
+program described in [3].
+For a handful of numeric columns, you can do it this way:
+Precede every number by enough blanks to make it line up
+when typed.
+^ta 1i 2i 3i
+Then change each leading blank into the string
+.BD \e0 .
+This is a character that does not print, but that has
+the same width as a digit.
+When printed, this will produce
+.ta 1i 2i 3i
+\0\01 \0\02 \0\03
+\040 \050 \060
+700 800 900
+It is also possible to fill up tabbed-over space with
+some character other than blanks by setting the `tab replacement character'
+with the
+.BD .tc
+^ta 1.5i 2.5i
+^tc \e(ru (\e(ru is "\(ru")
+Name \fItab\fR Age \fItab\fR
+.P1 3
+.ta 1.5i 2.5i \(ru
+Name Age
+To reset the tab replacement character to a blank, use
+.BD .tc
+with no argument.
+(Lines can also be drawn with the
+.BD \el
+command, described in Section 6.)
+.UL troff
+also provides a very general mechanism called `fields'
+for setting up complicated columns.
+(This is used by
+.UL tbl ).
+We will not go into it in this paper.
diff --git a/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/tt06 b/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/tt06
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0c0196c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/tt06
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+.\" This module is believed to contain source code proprietary to AT&T.
+.\" Use and redistribution is subject to the Berkeley Software License
+.\" Agreement and your Software Agreement with AT&T (Western Electric).
+.\" @(#)tt06 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/8/93
+.\" $FreeBSD$
+Local Motions: Drawing lines and characters
+Remember `Area = \(*pr\u2\d' and the big `P'
+in the Paternoster.
+How are they done?
+.UL troff
+provides a host of commands for placing characters of any size
+at any place.
+You can use them to draw special characters
+or to tune your output for a particular appearance.
+Most of these commands are straightforward, but messy to read
+and tough to type correctly.
+If you won't use
+.UL eqn ,
+subscripts and superscripts are most easily done with
+the half-line local motions
+.BD \eu
+.BD \ed .
+To go back up the page half a point-size, insert a
+.BD \eu
+at the desired place;
+to go down, insert a
+.BD \ed .
+.BD \eu \& (
+.BD \ed
+should always
+be used in pairs, as explained below.)
+Area = \e(*pr\eu2\ed
+Area = \(*pr\u2\d
+To make the `2' smaller, bracket it with
+.BD \es\-2...\es0 .
+.BD \eu
+.BD \ed
+refer to the current point size,
+be sure to put them either both inside or both outside
+the size changes,
+or you will get an unbalanced vertical motion.
+Sometimes the space given by
+.BD \eu
+.BD \ed
+isn't the right amount.
+.BD \ev
+command can be used to request an arbitrary amount of vertical motion.
+The in-line command
+causes motion up or down the page by the amount specified in
+For example, to move the `P' down, we used
+.P1 2
+.ta 1i
+^in +0.6i (move paragraph in)
+^ll \-0.3i (shorten lines)
+^ti \-0.3i (move P back)
+\ev'2'\es36P\es0\ev'\-2'ater noster qui est
+in caelis ...
+A minus sign causes upward motion, while
+no sign or a plus sign means down the page.
+.BD \ev\(fm\-2\(fm
+causes an upward vertical motion
+of two line spaces.
+There are many other ways to specify the amount of motion _
+and so on are all legal.
+Notice that the scale specifier
+.BD i
+.BD p
+.BD m
+goes inside the quotes.
+Any character can be used in place of the quotes;
+this is also true of all other
+.UL troff
+commands described in this section.
+.UL troff
+does not take within-the-line vertical motions into account
+when figuring out where it is on the page,
+output lines can have unexpected positions
+if the left and right ends aren't at the same
+vertical position.
+.BD \ev ,
+.BD \eu
+.BD \ed ,
+should always balance upward vertical motion in a line with
+the same amount in the downward direction.
+Arbitrary horizontal motions are also available _
+.BD \eh
+is quite analogous to
+.BD \ev ,
+except that the default scale factor is ems instead of line spaces.
+As an example,
+causes a backwards motion of a tenth of an inch.
+As a practical matter, consider printing the mathematical symbol
+The default spacing is too wide, so
+.UL eqn
+replaces this by
+to produce >\h'-.3m'>.
+.BD \eh
+is used with the `width function'
+.BD \ew
+to generate motions equal to the width
+of some character string.
+The construction
+is a number equal to the width of `thing' in machine units
+(1/432 inch).
+.UL troff
+computations are ultimately done in these units.
+To move horizontally the width of an `x',
+we can say
+As we mentioned above,
+the default scale factor for
+all horizontal dimensions is
+.BD m ,
+ems, so here we must have the
+.BD u
+for machine units,
+or the motion produced will be far too large.
+.UL troff
+is quite happy with the nested quotes, by the way,
+so long as you don't leave any out.
+As a live example of this kind of construction,
+all of the command names in the text, like
+.BD .sp ,
+were done by overstriking with a slight offset.
+The commands for
+.BD .sp
+That is, put out `.sp', move left by the width of `.sp',
+move right 1 unit, and print
+`.sp' again.
+(Of course there is a way to avoid typing that much input
+for each command name, which we will discuss in Section 11.)
+There are also several special-purpose
+.UL troff
+commands for local motion.
+We have already seen
+.BD \e0 ,
+which is an unpaddable white space
+of the same width as a digit.
+`Unpaddable' means that it will never be widened
+or split across a line by line justification and filling.
+There is also
+.BD \e (blank), ^^
+which is an unpaddable character the width of a space,
+.BD \e| ,
+which is half that width,
+.BD \e^ ,
+which is one quarter of the width of a space,
+.BD \e& ,
+which has zero width. ^.
+(This last one is useful, for example, in entering
+a text line which would otherwise begin with a `.'.)
+The command
+.BD \eo ,
+used like
+\eo'set of characters'
+causes (up to 9)
+characters to be overstruck,
+centered on the widest.
+This is nice for accents, as in
+.P1 2
+syst\eo"e\e(ga"me t\eo"e\e(aa"l\eo"e\e(aa"phonique
+which makes
+syst\o"e\(ga"me t\o"e\(aa"l\o"e\(aa"phonique
+The accents are
+.BD \e(ga
+.BD \e(aa ,
+.BD \e\`
+.BD \e\' ;
+remember that each is just one character to
+.UL troff .
+You can make your own overstrikes with another special convention,
+.BD \ez ,
+the zero-motion command.
+.BD \ezx
+suppresses the normal horizontal motion
+after printing the single character
+.BD x ,
+so another character can be laid on top of it.
+Although sizes can be changed within
+.BD \eo ,
+it centers the characters on the widest,
+there can be no horizontal or vertical motions,
+.BD \ez
+may be the only way to get what you want:
+.sp 2
+is produced by
+^sp 2
+.BD .sp
+is needed to leave room for the result.
+As another example, an extra-heavy semicolon
+that looks like
+\s+6\z,\v'-0.25m'.\v'0.25m'\s0 instead of ; or \s+6;\s0
+can be constructed with a big comma and a big period above it:
+`0.25m' is an experimentally-derived constant.
+A more ornate overstrike is given by the bracketing function
+.BD \eb ,
+which piles up characters vertically,
+centered on the current baseline.
+Thus we can get big brackets,
+constructing them with piled-up smaller pieces:
+.sp 3
+\b'\(lt\(lk\(lb' \b'\(lc\(lf' x \b'\(rc\(rf' \b'\(rt\(rk\(rb'
+by typing in only this:
+.P1 0
+\eb\(fm\e(lt\e(lk\e(lb\(fm \eb\(fm\e(lc\e(lf\(fm x \eb\(fm\e(rc\e(rf\(fm \eb\(fm\e(rt\e(rk\e(rb\(fm
+.UL troff
+also provides a convenient facility for drawing horizontal and vertical
+lines of arbitrary length with arbitrary characters.
+.BD \el\(fm1i\(fm
+draws a line one inch long, like this:
+The length can be followed by
+the character to use if the \(ru isn't appropriate;
+.BD \el\(fm0.5i.\(fm
+draws a half-inch line of dots: \l'.5i.'.
+The construction
+.BD \eL
+is entirely analogous,
+except that it draws a vertical line instead of horizontal.
diff --git a/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/tt07 b/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/tt07
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..039c017
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/tt07
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+.\" This module is believed to contain source code proprietary to AT&T.
+.\" Use and redistribution is subject to the Berkeley Software License
+.\" Agreement and your Software Agreement with AT&T (Western Electric).
+.\" @(#)tt07 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/8/93
+.\" $FreeBSD$
+Obviously if a paper contains a large number of occurrences
+of an acute accent over a letter `e',
+.BD \eo"e\e\'"
+for each \*e
+would be a great nuisance.
+.UL troff
+provides a way in which you can store an arbitrary
+collection of text in a `string',
+and thereafter use the string name as a shorthand
+for its contents.
+Strings are one of several
+.UL troff
+mechanisms whose judicious use
+lets you type a document
+with less effort and organize
+so that extensive format changes
+can be made with few editing changes.
+A reference to a string is replaced by whatever
+the string was defined as.
+Strings are defined with the command
+.BD .ds .
+The line
+\&^ds e \eo"e\e'"
+defines the string
+.BD e
+to have the value
+.BD \eo"e\e\'"
+String names may be either one or two characters long,
+and are referred to by
+.BD \e*x
+for one character names or
+.BD \e*(xy
+for two character names.
+Thus to get
+given the definition of the string
+.BD e
+as above,
+we can say
+If a string must begin with blanks, define it as
+\&.ds xx " text
+The double quote signals the beginning of the definition.
+There is no trailing quote;
+the end of the line terminates the string.
+A string may actually be several lines long;
+.UL troff
+encounters a
+.BD \e
+at the end of
+line, it is thrown away and the next line
+added to the current one.
+So you can make a long string simply by ending each line
+but the last with a backslash:
+\&^ds xx this \e
+is a very \e
+long string
+Strings may be defined in terms of other strings, or even in terms of themselves;
+we will discuss some of these possibilities later.
diff --git a/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/tt08 b/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/tt08
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6cb3aec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/tt08
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+.\" This module is believed to contain source code proprietary to AT&T.
+.\" Use and redistribution is subject to the Berkeley Software License
+.\" Agreement and your Software Agreement with AT&T (Western Electric).
+.\" @(#)tt08 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/8/93
+.\" $FreeBSD$
+Introduction to Macros
+Before we can go much further in
+.UL troff ,
+we need to learn a bit about the
+In its simplest form, a macro is just a shorthand notation
+quite similar to a string.
+Suppose we want every paragraph to start
+in exactly the same way _
+with a space and a temporary indent of two ems:
+^ti +2m
+Then to save typing, we would like to collapse these into
+one shorthand line,
+.UL troff
+`command' like
+that would be treated by
+.UL troff
+exactly as
+^ti +2m
+.BD .PP
+is called a
+The way we tell
+.UL troff
+.BD .PP
+means is to
+it with the
+.BD .de
+^de PP
+^ti +2m
+The first line names the macro
+(we used
+.BD .PP ' `
+for `paragraph',
+and upper case so it wouldn't conflict with
+any name that
+.UL troff
+already know about).
+The last line
+.BD ..
+marks the end of the definition.
+In between is the text,
+which is simply inserted whenever
+.UL troff
+sees the `command'
+or macro call
+A macro
+can contain any mixture of text and formatting commands.
+The definition of
+.BD .PP
+has to precede its first use;
+undefined macros are simply ignored.
+Names are restricted to one or two characters.
+Using macros for commonly occurring sequences of commands
+is critically important.
+Not only does it save typing,
+but it makes later changes much easier.
+Suppose we decide that the paragraph indent is too small,
+the vertical space is much too big,
+and roman font should be forced.
+Instead of changing the whole document,
+we need only change the definition of
+.BD .PP
+something like
+^de PP \e" paragraph macro
+^sp 2p
+^ti +3m
+^ft R
+and the change takes
+effect everywhere we used
+.BD .PP .
+.BD \e"
+is a
+.UL troff
+command that causes the rest of the line to be ignored.
+We use it here to add comments to the macro
+(a wise idea once definitions get complicated).
+As another example of macros,
+consider these two which start and end a block of offset,
+unfilled text, like most of the examples in this paper:
+^de BS \e" start indented block
+^in +0.3i
+^de BE \e" end indented block
+^in \(mi0.3i
+Now we can surround text like
+Copy to
+John Doe
+Richard Roberts
+Stanley Smith
+by the commands
+.BD .BS
+.BD .BE ,
+and it will come out as it did above.
+Notice that we indented by
+.BD .in\ +0.3i
+instead of
+.BD .in\ 0.3i .
+This way we can nest our uses of
+.BD .BS
+to get blocks within blocks.
+If later on we decide that the indent
+should be 0.5i, then it is only necessary to
+change the definitions of
+.BD .BS
+.BD .BE ,
+not the whole paper.
diff --git a/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/tt09 b/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/tt09
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e706502
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/tt09
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+.\" This module is believed to contain source code proprietary to AT&T.
+.\" Use and redistribution is subject to the Berkeley Software License
+.\" Agreement and your Software Agreement with AT&T (Western Electric).
+.\" @(#)tt09 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/8/93
+.\" $FreeBSD$
+Titles, Pages and Numbering
+This is an area where things get tougher,
+because nothing is done for you automatically.
+Of necessity, some of this section is a cookbook,
+to be copied literally until you get some experience.
+Suppose you want a title at the top of each page,
+saying just
+.sp 3p 2.8i 'left top'center top'right top'
+.sp 3p
+.UL roff ,
+one can say
+.P1 2
+^he 'left top'center top'right top'
+^fo 'left bottom'center bottom'right bottom'
+to get headers and footers automatically on every page.
+Alas, this doesn't work so easily in
+.UL troff ,
+a serious hardship for the novice.
+Instead you have to do a lot of specification (or use
+a macro package, which makes it effortless).
+You have to say what the actual title is (easy);
+when to print it (easy enough);
+and what to do at and around the title line (harder).
+Taking these in reverse order,
+first we define a macro
+.BD .NP
+(for `new page') to process
+titles and the like at the end of one page
+and the beginning of the next:
+^de NP
+\(fmsp 0.5i
+\&.tl 'left top'center top'right top'
+\(fmsp 0.3i
+To make sure we're at the top of a page,
+we issue a `begin page' command
+.BD \(fmbp ,
+which causes a skip to top-of-page
+(we'll explain the
+.BD \(fm
+Then we space down half an inch,
+print the title
+(the use of
+.BD .tl
+should be self explanatory; later we will discuss parameterizing the titles),
+space another 0.3 inches,
+and we're done.
+To ask for
+.BD .NP
+at the bottom of each page,
+we have to say something like
+`when the text is within an inch
+of the bottom of the page,
+start the processing
+for a new page.'
+This is done with a `when' command
+.BD .wh :
+^wh \-1i NP
+(No `.' is used before NP;
+this is simply the name of a macro, not a macro call.)
+The minus sign means
+`measure up from the bottom of the page',
+`\-1i' means `one inch from the bottom'.
+.BD .wh
+command appears in the input outside the definition of
+.BD .NP ;
+typically the input would be
+^de NP
+^wh \-1i NP
+Now what happens?
+As text is actually being output,
+.UL troff
+keeps track of its vertical position on the page,
+and after a line is printed within one inch from the bottom,
+.BD .NP
+macro is activated.
+(In the jargon, the
+.BD .wh
+command sets a
+at the specified place,
+which is `sprung' when that point is passed.)
+.BD .NP
+causes a skip to the top of the next page
+(that's what the
+.BD \(fmbp
+was for),
+then prints the title with the appropriate margins.
+.BD \(fmbp
+.BD \(fmsp
+instead of
+.BD .bp
+.BD .sp ?
+The answer is that
+.BD .sp
+.BD .bp ,
+like several other commands,
+cause a
+to take place.
+That is, all the input text collected but not yet printed
+is flushed out as soon as possible,
+and the next input line is guaranteed to start
+a new line of output.
+If we had used
+.BD .sp
+.BD .bp
+in the
+.BD .NP
+this would cause a break in the middle
+of the current output line when a new page is started.
+The effect would be to print the left-over part of that line
+at the top of the page, followed by the next input line on a new output line.
+This is
+what we want.
+.BD \(fm
+instead of
+.BD .
+for a command
+.UL troff
+no break is to take place _
+the output line
+currently being filled
+be forced out before the space or new page.
+The list of commands that cause a break
+is short and natural:
+^bp ^br ^ce ^fi ^nf ^sp ^in ^ti
+All others cause
+regardless of whether you use a
+.BD .
+or a
+.BD \(fm .
+If you really need a break, add a
+.BD .br
+command at the appropriate place.
+One other thing to beware of _
+if you're changing fonts or point sizes a lot,
+you may find that
+if you cross a page boundary
+in an unexpected font or size,
+your titles come out in that size and font
+instead of what you intended.
+Furthermore, the length of a title is independent of the current line length,
+so titles will come out at the default length of 6.5 inches
+unless you change it,
+which is done with the
+.BD .lt
+There are several ways to fix the problems of point sizes
+and fonts in titles.
+For the simplest applications, we can change
+.BD .NP
+to set the proper size and font for the title,
+then restore the previous values, like this:
+.P1 2
+.ta .8i
+^de NP
+\(fmsp 0.5i
+^ft R \e" set title font to roman
+^ps 10 \e" and size to 10 point
+^lt 6i \e" and length to 6 inches
+^tl 'left'center'right'
+^ps \e" revert to previous size
+^ft P \e" and to previous font
+\(fmsp 0.3i
+This version of
+.BD .NP
+work if the fields in the
+.BD .tl
+command contain size or font changes.
+To cope with that
+.UL troff 's
+`environment' mechanism,
+which we will discuss in Section 13.
+To get a footer at the bottom of a page,
+you can modify
+.BD .NP
+so it does
+some processing before
+.BD \(fmbp
+or split the job into a footer macro invoked
+at the bottom margin and a header macro invoked
+at the top of the page.
+These variations are left as exercises.
+Output page numbers are computed automatically
+as each page is produced (starting at 1),
+but no numbers are printed unless you ask for them explicitly.
+To get page numbers printed,
+include the character
+.BD %
+in the
+.BD .tl
+line at
+the position where you want the number to appear.
+For example
+^tl ''- % -''
+centers the page number inside hyphens, as on this page.
+You can set the page number at any time
+with either
+.BD .bp\ n ,
+which immediately starts a new page numbered
+.BD n ,
+or with
+.BD .pn\ n ,
+which sets the page number for the next page
+but doesn't cause a skip to the new page.
+.BD .bp\ +n
+sets the page number to
+.BD n
+more than its current value;
+.BD .bp
+.BD .bp\ +1 .
diff --git a/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/tt10 b/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/tt10
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5072f2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/tt10
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+.\" This module is believed to contain source code proprietary to AT&T.
+.\" Use and redistribution is subject to the Berkeley Software License
+.\" Agreement and your Software Agreement with AT&T (Western Electric).
+.\" @(#)tt10 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/8/93
+.\" $FreeBSD$
+Number Registers and Arithmetic
+.UL troff
+has a facility for doing arithmetic,
+and for defining and using variables with numeric values,
+number registers.
+Number registers, like strings and macros, can be useful in setting up a document
+so it is easy to change later.
+And of course they serve for any sort of arithmetic computation.
+Like strings, number registers have one or two character names.
+They are set by the
+.BD .nr
+and are referenced anywhere by
+.BD \enx
+(one character name) or
+.BD \en(xy
+(two character name).
+There are quite a few pre-defined number registers maintained by
+.UL troff ,
+among them
+.BD %
+for the current page number;
+.BD nl
+for the current vertical position on the page;
+.BD dy ,
+.BD mo
+.BD yr
+for the current day, month and year; and
+.BD .s
+.BD .f
+for the current size and font.
+(The font is a number from 1 to 4.)
+Any of these can be used in computations like any other register,
+but some, like
+.BD .s
+.BD .f ,
+cannot be changed with
+.BD .nr .
+As an example of the use of number registers,
+in the
+.BD \-ms
+macro package [4],
+most significant parameters are defined in terms of the values
+of a handful of number registers.
+These include the point size for text, the vertical spacing,
+and the line and title lengths.
+To set the point size and vertical spacing for the following paragraphs, for example, a user may say
+^nr PS 9
+^nr VS 11
+The paragraph macro
+.BD .PP
+is defined (roughly) as follows:
+.ta 1i
+^de PP
+^ps \e\en(PS \e" reset size
+^vs \e\en(VSp \e" spacing
+^ft R \e" font
+^sp 0.5v \e" half a line
+^ti +3m
+This sets the font to Roman and the point size and line spacing
+to whatever values are stored in the number registers
+.BD VS .
+Why are there two backslashes?
+This is the eternal problem of how to quote a quote.
+.UL troff
+originally reads the macro definition,
+it peels off one backslash
+to see what's coming next.
+To ensure that another is left in the definition when the
+macro is
+we have to put in two backslashes in the definition.
+If only one backslash is used,
+point size and vertical spacing will be frozen at the time the macro
+is defined, not when it is used.
+Protecting by an extra layer of backslashes
+is only needed for
+.BD \en ,
+.BD \e* ,
+.BD \e$
+(which we haven't come to yet),
+.BD \e
+Things like
+.BD \es ,
+.BD \ef ,
+.BD \eh ,
+.BD \ev ,
+and so on do not need an extra backslash,
+since they are converted by
+.UL troff
+to an internal code immediately upon being seen.
+Arithmetic expressions can appear anywhere that
+a number is expected.
+As a trivial example,
+^nr PS \e\en(PS\-2
+decrements PS by 2.
+Expressions can use the arithmetic operators +, \-, *, /, % (mod),
+the relational operators >, >=, <, <=, =, and != (not equal),
+and parentheses.
+Although the arithmetic we have done so far
+has been straightforward,
+more complicated things are somewhat tricky.
+number registers hold only integers.
+.UL troff
+arithmetic uses truncating integer division, just like Fortran.
+Second, in the absence of parentheses,
+evaluation is done left-to-right
+without any operator precedence
+(including relational operators).
+becomes `\-1'.
+Number registers can occur anywhere in an expression,
+and so can scale indicators like
+.BD p ,
+.BD i ,
+.BD m ,
+and so on (but no spaces).
+Although integer division causes truncation,
+each number and its scale indicator is converted
+to machine units (1/432 inch) before any arithmetic is done,
+evaluates to
+The scale indicator
+.BD u
+often has to appear
+when you wouldn't expect it _
+in particular, when arithmetic is being done
+in a context that implies horizontal or vertical dimensions.
+For example,
+^ll 7/2i
+would seem obvious enough _
+3\(12 inches.
+Remember that the default units for horizontal parameters like
+.BD .ll
+are ems.
+That's really `7 ems / 2 inches',
+and when translated into machine units, it becomes zero.
+How about
+^ll 7i/2
+Sorry, still no good _
+the `2' is `2 ems', so `7i/2' is small,
+although not zero.
+^ll 7i/2u
+So again, a safe rule is to
+attach a scale indicator to every number,
+even constants.
+For arithmetic done within a
+.BD .nr
+there is no implication of horizontal or vertical dimension,
+so the default units are `units',
+and 7i/2 and 7i/2u
+mean the same thing.
+^nr ll 7i/2
+^ll \e\en(llu
+does just what you want,
+so long as you
+don't forget the
+.BD u
+on the
+.BD .ll
diff --git a/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/tt11 b/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/tt11
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c94eee2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/tt11
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+.\" This module is believed to contain source code proprietary to AT&T.
+.\" Use and redistribution is subject to the Berkeley Software License
+.\" Agreement and your Software Agreement with AT&T (Western Electric).
+.\" @(#)tt11 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/8/93
+.\" $FreeBSD$
+Macros with arguments
+The next step is to define macros that can change from one
+use to the next
+according to parameters supplied as arguments.
+To make this work, we need two things:
+first, when we define the macro, we have to indicate that some
+parts of it will be provided as arguments when the macro is called.
+Then when the macro is
+we have to provide actual arguments
+to be plugged into the definition.
+Let us illustrate by defining a macro
+.BD .SM
+that will print its argument two points
+smaller than the surrounding text.
+That is, the macro call
+will produce
+The definition of
+.BD .SM
+^de SM
+Within a macro definition,
+the symbol
+.BD \e\e$n
+refers to the
+.BD n th
+that the macro was called with.
+.BD \e\e$1
+is the string to be placed in a smaller point
+size when
+.BD .SM
+is called.
+As a slightly more complicated version, the following definition of
+.BD .SM
+permits optional second and third arguments
+that will be printed in the normal size:
+^de SM
+Arguments not provided when the macro is called are treated
+as empty,
+^SM TROFF ). (
+.UC TROFF ). (
+It is convenient to reverse
+the order of arguments because trailing punctuation
+is much more common than leading.
+By the way, the number of arguments that a macro was called with
+is available in number register
+.BD .$ .
+The following macro
+.BD ^BD
+is the one used to make the
+`bold roman' we have been using for
+.UL troff
+command names in text.
+It combines horizontal motions, width computations,
+and argument rearrangement.
+.P1 2
+\&.de BD
+.BD \eh
+.BD \ew
+commands need no extra backslash, as we discussed above.
+.BD \e&
+is there in case the argument begins with a period.
+Two backslashes are needed with the
+.BD \e\e$n
+commands, though,
+to protect one of them when the macro is
+being defined.
+Perhaps a second example will make this clearer.
+Consider a macro called
+.BD .SH
+produces section headings rather like those in this paper,
+with the sections numbered automatically,
+and the title in bold in a smaller size.
+The use is
+^SH "Section title ..."
+(If the argument to a macro is to contain blanks,
+then it must be
+by double quotes,
+unlike a string, where only one leading quote is permitted.)
+Here is the definition of the
+.BD .SH
+.ta .75i 1.15i
+^nr SH 0 \e" initialize section number
+^de SH
+^sp 0.3i
+^ft B
+^nr SH \e\en(SH+1 \e" increment number
+^ps \e\en(PS\-1 \e" decrease PS
+\e\en(SH. \e\e$1 \e" number. title
+^ps \e\en(PS \e" restore PS
+^sp 0.3i
+^ft R
+The section number is kept in number register SH, which is incremented each
+time just before it is used.
+(A number register may have the same name as a macro
+without conflict but a string may not.)
+We used
+.BD \e\en(SH
+instead of
+.BD \en(SH
+.BD \e\en(PS
+instead of
+.BD \en(PS .
+If we had used
+.BD \en(SH ,
+we would get the value of the register at the time the macro was
+not at the time it was
+If that's what you want, fine,
+but not here.
+by using
+.BD \e\en(PS ,
+we get the point size at the time the macro is called.
+As an example that does not involve numbers,
+recall our
+.BD .NP
+macro which had a
+^tl 'left'center'right'
+We could make these into parameters by using instead
+^tl '\e\e*(LT'\e\e*(CT'\e\e*(RT'
+so the title comes from three strings called LT, CT and RT.
+If these are empty, then the title will be a blank line.
+Normally CT would be set with something like
+\&^ds CT - % -
+to give just the page number between hyphens (as on the top of this page),
+but a user could supply private definitions for
+any of the strings.
diff --git a/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/tt12 b/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/tt12
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbd6cd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/tt12
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+.\" This module is believed to contain source code proprietary to AT&T.
+.\" Use and redistribution is subject to the Berkeley Software License
+.\" Agreement and your Software Agreement with AT&T (Western Electric).
+.\" @(#)tt12 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/8/93
+.\" $FreeBSD$
+Suppose we want the
+.BD .SH
+macro to leave two extra inches of space just before section 1,
+but nowhere else.
+The cleanest way to do that is to test inside the
+.BD .SH
+the section number is 1,
+and add some space if it is.
+.BD .if
+command provides the conditional test
+that we can add
+just before the heading line is output:
+.P1 4
+^if \e\en(SH=1 ^sp 2i \e" first section only
+The condition after the
+.BD .if
+can be any arithmetic or logical expression.
+If the condition is logically true, or arithmetically greater than zero,
+the rest of the line is treated as if
+it were text _
+here a command.
+If the condition is false, or zero or negative,
+the rest of the line is skipped.
+It is possible to do more than one command if a condition is true.
+Suppose several operations are to be done before section 1.
+One possibility is to define a macro
+.BD .S1
+and invoke it
+if we are about to do section 1
+(as determined by an
+.BD .if ).
+^de S1
+--- processing for section 1 ---
+^de SH
+^if \e\en(SH=1 ^S1
+An alternate way is to use the
+extended form of the
+.BD .if ,
+like this:
+^if \e\en(SH=1 \e{--- processing
+for section 1 ----\e}
+The braces
+.BD \e{
+.BD \e}
+must occur in the positions shown
+or you will get unexpected extra lines in your output.
+.UL troff
+also provides
+an `if-else' construction,
+which we will not go into here.
+A condition can be negated by preceding it with
+.BD ! ;
+we get the same effect as above (but less clearly) by using
+^if !\e\en(SH>1 ^S1
+There are a handful of
+other conditions that can be tested with
+.BD .if .
+For example, is the current page even or odd?
+^if o ^tl 'odd page title''- % -'
+^if e ^tl '- % -''even page title'
+gives facing pages different titles and page numbers on the
+outside edge when used inside an appropriate new page macro.
+Two other conditions
+.BD t
+.BD n ,
+which tell you whether the formatter is
+.UL troff
+.UL nroff .
+^if t troff stuff ...
+^if n nroff stuff ...
+Finally, string comparisons may be made in an
+.BD .if :
+^if 'string1'string2' stuff
+does `stuff' if
+is the same as
+The character separating the strings can be anything
+reasonable that is
+not contained in either string.
+The strings themselves can reference strings with
+.BD \e* ,
+arguments with
+.BD \e$ ,
+and so on.
diff --git a/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/tt13 b/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/tt13
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ebe45e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/tt13
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+.\" This module is believed to contain source code proprietary to AT&T.
+.\" Use and redistribution is subject to the Berkeley Software License
+.\" Agreement and your Software Agreement with AT&T (Western Electric).
+.\" @(#)tt13 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/8/93
+.\" $FreeBSD$
+As we mentioned, there is a potential problem
+when going across a page boundary:
+parameters like size and font
+for a page title may well be different from those
+in effect in the text when the page boundary occurs.
+.UL troff
+provides a very general way to deal with this and
+similar situations.
+There are three `environments',
+each of which has independently settable versions of
+many of the parameters associated with processing,
+including size, font, line and title lengths,
+fill/nofill mode, tab stops, and even partially collected lines.
+Thus the titling problem may be readily solved by processing the main text
+in one environment and titles in a separate one
+with its own suitable parameters.
+The command
+.BD .ev\ n
+shifts to environment
+.BD n ;
+.BD n
+must be 0, 1 or 2.
+The command
+.BD .ev
+with no argument returns to the
+previous environment.
+Environment names are maintained in a stack, so calls
+for different environments may be nested and unwound consistently.
+Suppose we say that the main text is processed in environment 0,
+which is where
+.UL troff
+begins by default.
+Then we can modify the new page macro
+.BD .NP
+to process titles in environment 1 like this:
+.P1 2
+^de NP
+^ev 1 \e" shift to new environment
+^lt 6i \e" set parameters here
+^ft R
+^ps 10
+\&... any other processing ...
+^ev \e" return to previous environment
+It is also possible to initialize the parameters for an environment
+outside the
+.BD .NP
+but the version shown keeps all the processing in one place
+and is thus easier to understand and change.
diff --git a/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/tt14 b/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/tt14
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1fb47c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/tt14
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+.\" This module is believed to contain source code proprietary to AT&T.
+.\" Use and redistribution is subject to the Berkeley Software License
+.\" Agreement and your Software Agreement with AT&T (Western Electric).
+.\" @(#)tt14 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/8/93
+.\" $FreeBSD$
+There are numerous occasions in page layout when it is necessary to store some text
+for a period of time without actually printing it.
+Footnotes are the most obvious example:
+the text of the footnote usually appears in the input well before the place
+on the page where it is to be printed is reached.
+In fact,
+the place where it is output normally depends on how big it is,
+which implies that there must be a way
+to process the footnote at least
+enough to decide its size
+without printing it.
+.UL troff
+provides a mechanism called a diversion
+for doing this processing.
+Any part of the output may be diverted into a macro instead
+of being printed,
+and then at some convenient time the macro may be put back into
+the input.
+The command
+.BD .di\ xy
+begins a diversion _ all subsequent output is collected into the macro
+.BD xy
+until the command
+.BD .di
+with no arguments is encountered.
+This terminates the diversion.
+The processed text is available at any time thereafter, simply
+by giving the command
+The vertical size of the last finished diversion is contained in
+the built-in number register
+.BD dn .
+As a simple example,
+suppose we want to implement a `keep-release'
+so that text between the commands
+.BD .KS
+.BD .KE
+will not be split across a page boundary
+(as for a figure or table).
+Clearly, when a
+.BD .KS
+is encountered, we have to begin diverting
+the output so we can find out how big it is.
+Then when a
+.BD .KE
+is seen, we decide
+whether the diverted text will fit on the current page,
+and print it either there if it fits, or at the top of the next page if it doesn't.
+.P1 2
+.ta .6i
+^de KS \e" start keep
+^br \e" start fresh line
+^ev 1 \e" collect in new environment
+^fi \e" make it filled text
+^di XX \e" collect in XX
+.P1 2
+.ta .6i
+^de KE \e" end keep
+^br \e" get last partial line
+^di \e" end diversion
+^if \e\en(dn>=\e\en(.t .bp \e" bp if doesn't fit
+^nf \e" bring it back in no-fill
+^XX \e" text
+^ev \e" return to normal environment
+Recall that number register
+.BD nl
+is the current position
+on the output page.
+Since output was being diverted, this remains
+at its value when the diversion started.
+.BD dn
+is the amount of text in the diversion;
+.BD .t
+(another built-in register)
+is the distance to the next trap,
+which we assume is at the bottom margin of the page.
+If the diversion is large enough to go past the trap,
+.BD .if
+is satisfied, and
+.BD .bp
+is issued.
+In either case, the diverted output is then brought back with
+.BD .XX .
+It is essential to bring it back in no-fill mode so
+.UL troff
+will do no further processing on it.
+This is not the most general keep-release,
+nor is it robust in the face of all conceivable inputs,
+but it would require more space than we have here to write it
+in full generality.
+This section is not intended
+to teach everything about diversions,
+but to sketch out enough that you can read
+existing macro packages with some comprehension.
diff --git a/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/ttack b/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/ttack
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fdbf2fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/ttack
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+.\" This module is believed to contain source code proprietary to AT&T.
+.\" Use and redistribution is subject to the Berkeley Software License
+.\" Agreement and your Software Agreement with AT&T (Western Electric).
+.\" @(#)ttack 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/8/93
+.\" $FreeBSD$
+I am deeply indebted to J. F. Ossanna,
+the author of
+.UL troff ,
+for his repeated patient explanations
+fine points,
+and for his continuing willingness to
+.UL troff
+to make other uses easier.
+I am also grateful to Jim Blinn, Ted Dolotta,
+Doug McIlroy, Mike Lesk and Joel Sturman
+for helpful comments on this paper.
+.IP [1]
+J. F. Ossanna,
+User's Manual,
+Bell Laboratories
+Computing Science Technical Report 54, 1976.
+.IP [2]
+B. W. Kernighan,
+A System for Typesetting Mathematics _ User's Guide
+(Second Edition),
+Bell Laboratories
+Computing Science Technical Report 17, 1977.
+.IP [3]
+M. E. Lesk,
+TBL _ A Program to Format Tables,
+Bell Laboratories
+Computing Science Technical Report 49, 1976.
+.IP [4]
+M. E. Lesk,
+Typing Documents on UNIX,
+Bell Laboratories, 1978.
+.IP [5]
+J. R. Mashey and D. W. Smith,
+Programmer's Workbench Memorandum Macros,
+Bell Laboratories internal memorandum.
+.IP [6]
+Eric P. Allman,
+Writing Papers with NROFF using -me,
+University of California, Berkeley.
diff --git a/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/ttcharset b/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/ttcharset
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91751da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/ttcharset
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+.\" This module is believed to contain source code proprietary to AT&T.
+.\" Use and redistribution is subject to the Berkeley Software License
+.\" Agreement and your Software Agreement with AT&T (Western Electric).
+.\" @(#)ttcharset 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/8/93
+.\" $FreeBSD$
+.bp __ VS 12
+.vs 12p
+Appendix A: Phototypesetter Character Set (APS-5)
+These characters exist in roman, italic, and bold.
+To get the one on the left, type the
+four-character name on the right.
+.ta .2i .8i 1i 1.6i 1.8i 2.4i 2.6i 3.2i 3.4i 4.0i 4.2i 4.8i 5i 5.6i 5.8i 0.5i
+\(ff \\(ff \(fi \\(fi \(fl \\(fl \(Fi \\(Fi \(Fl \\(Fl
+\(ru \\(ru \(em \\(em \(14 \\(14 \(12 \\(12 \(34 \\(34
+\(co \\(co \(de \\(de \(dg \\(dg \(fm \\(fm \(ct \\(ct
+\(rg \\(rg \(bu \\(bu \(sq \\(sq \(hy \\(hy
+ (In bold, \e(sq is \fB\(sq\fP.)
+.sp 0 ~~ 9
+The following are special-font characters:
+.sp 0.5i ~~
+.ta .3i 1i 1.3i 2i 2.3i 3i 3.3i
+\(pl \\(pl \(mi \\(mi \(mu \\(mu \(di \\(di
+\(eq \\(eq \(== \\(== \(>= \\(>= \(<= \\(<=
+\(!= \\(!= \(+- \\(+- \(no \\(no \(sl \\(sl
+\(ap \\(ap \(~= \\(~= \(pt \\(pt \(gr \\(gr
+\(-> \\(-> \(<- \\(<- \(ua \\(ua \(da \\(da
+\(is \\(is \(pd \\(pd \(if \\(if \(sr \\(sr
+\(sb \\(sb \(sp \\(sp \(cu \\(cu \(ca \\(ca
+\(ib \\(ib \(ip \\(ip \(mo \\(mo \(es \\(es
+\(aa \\(aa \(ga \\(ga \(ci \\(ci \(bs \\(bs
+\(sc \\(sc \(dd \\(dd \(lh \\(lh \(rh \\(rh
+\(lt \\(lt \(rt \\(rt \(lc \\(lc \(rc \\(rc
+\(lb \\(lb \(rb \\(rb \(lf \\(lf \(rf \\(rf
+\(lk \\(lk \(rk \\(rk \(bv \\(bv \(ts \\(ts
+\(br \\(br \(or \\(or \(ul \\(ul \(rn \\(rn
+\(** \\(**
+.in0 9
+characters also have two-character names.
+The \' is the apostrophe on terminals;
+the \` is the other quote mark.
+.sp .5i
+\' \e\(aa \` \e\(ga \(mi \e\(mi \_ \e\_
+.sp 0
+characters exist only on the special font,
+but they do not have four-character names:
+.sp .5i ^^
+" { } < > ~ ^ \e # @
+.sp 0
+For greek, precede the roman letter by
+.BD \e(*
+to get the corresponding greek;
+for example,
+.BD \e(*a
+.sp 0.5i
+.cs R 36
+\(*A\(*B\(*G\(*D\(*E\(*Z\(*Y\(*H\(*I\(*K\(*L\(*M\(*N\(*C\(*O\(*P\(*R\(*S\(*T\(*U\(*F\(*X\(*Q\(*W 9
+.cs R 0
diff --git a/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/ttindex b/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/ttindex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8748fa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/doc/usd/22.trofftut/ttindex
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+.\" This module is believed to contain source code proprietary to AT&T.
+.\" Use and redistribution is subject to the Berkeley Software License
+.\" Agreement and your Software Agreement with AT&T (Western Electric).
+.\" @(#)ttindex 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/8/93
+.\" $FreeBSD$
+.LP 8
+.vs 9p
+! (negating conditionals) 17
+#$ (macro argument) 16
+#*x, #(xy (invoke string macro) 14
+#b (bracketing function) 13
+#d (subscript) 11
+#f (font change) 5
+#h (horizontal motion) 12
+#nx, #n(xy (number register) 15
+#o (overstrike) 13
+#s (size change) 3
+#u (superscript) 11
+#v (vertical motion) 11
+#w (width function) 12
+#z (zero motion) 13
+\(fmcommand instead of ^command 9
+% (page number register) 10,15
+^^ (end of macro definition) 7
+^bp 9,10
+^br (break) 9
+^ce (center) 2
+^ds (define string macro) 7,14
+^fi (fill) 2
+^ft (change font) 5
+^if (conditional test) 16
+^in (indent) 6
+^lg (set ligatures 5
+^ll (line length) 6
+^nf (nofill) 2
+^nr (set number register) 14
+^pn (page number) 10
+^ps (change point size) 1,3
+^sp (space) 4
+^ss (set space size) 10
+^ta (set tab stops) 11
+^tc (set tab character) 10
+^tl (title) 9
+^tr (translate characters) 2,6
+^ul (italicize) 6
+^vs (vertical spacing) 3
+^wh (when conditional) 9,17
+accents 6,13
+apostrophes 6
+arithmetic 15
+backslash 1,3,5,14,16
+begin page (^bp) 9
+block macros (B1,B2) 8
+bold font (.ft B) 5
+boustrophedon 12
+bracketing function (##b) 13
+break (^br) 9
+break-causing commmands 9
+centering (^ce) 2
+changing fonts (^ft, #f) 5
+changing macros 15
+character set 4,5,19
+character translation (^tr) 2,6
+columnated output 10
+commands 1
+commands that cause break 9
+conditionals (^if) 16
+constant proportion 7
+default break list 9
+define macro (^de) 7
+define string macro (^ds) 14
+drawing lines 11
+em 7,11
+end of macro (^^) 7
+even page test (e) 17
+fill (^fi) 2
+fonts (^ft) 4,19
+Greek (#(*-) 5,19
+hanging indent (^ti) 12
+hints 20
+horizontal motion (#h) 12
+hp (horizontal position register) 15
+hyphen 6
+i scale indicator 4
+indent (^in) 6
+index 21
+italic font (.ft I) 4
+italicize (^ul) 6
+legal point sizes 3
+ligatures (ff,fi,fl; ^lg) 5
+line length (^ll) 6
+line spacing (^vs) 3
+local motions (#u,#d,#v,#h,#w,#o,#z,#b) 11 ff
+m scale indicator 7
+machine units 4,12
+macro arguments 15
+macros 7
+macros that change 15
+multiple backslashes 14
+negating conditionals (!) 17
+new page macro (NP) 8
+nl (current vertical position register) 15
+nofill (^nf) 2
+NROFF test (n) 17
+nested quotes 12
+number registers (^nr,#n) 14
+numbered paragraphs 12
+odd page test (o) 17
+order of evaluation 14
+overstrike (#o) 13
+p scale indicator 3
+page number register (%) 10
+page numbers (^pn, ^bp) 10
+paragraph macro (PG) 7
+Paternoster 6
+point size (^ps) 1,3
+previous font (#fP, ^ft P) 5
+previous point size (#s0,^ps) 3
+quotes 6
+relative change (\(+-) 6
+ROFF header and footer 8
+Roman font (.ft R) 4
+scale indicator i 4
+scale indicator m 7
+scale indicator p 3
+scale indicator u 12
+scale indicators in arithmetic 15
+section heading macro (SC) 15
+set space size (^ss) 10
+size _ see point size
+space (^sp) 4
+space between lines (^vs) 3
+special characters (#(xx) 5,19
+string macros (^ds,#*) 14
+subscripts (#d) 11
+superscripts (#u) 11
+tab character (^tc) 11
+tabs (^ta) 10
+temporary indent (^ti) 7
+titles (^tl) 8
+translate (^tr) 2,6,12
+TROFF examples 19
+TROFF test (t) 17
+truncating division 15
+type faces _ see fonts
+u scale indicator 12
+underline (^ul) 6
+valid point sizes 3
+vertical motion (#v) 11
+vertical position on page 9
+vertical spacing (^vs) 3
+when (^wh) 9,17
+width function (#w) 12
+width of digits 10
+zero motion (#z) 13
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