path: root/lib/Format/ContinuationIndenter.cpp
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1 files changed, 884 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Format/ContinuationIndenter.cpp b/lib/Format/ContinuationIndenter.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..971acc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Format/ContinuationIndenter.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,884 @@
+//===--- ContinuationIndenter.cpp - Format C++ code -----------------------===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+/// \file
+/// \brief This file implements the continuation indenter.
+#define DEBUG_TYPE "format-formatter"
+#include "BreakableToken.h"
+#include "ContinuationIndenter.h"
+#include "WhitespaceManager.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/OperatorPrecedence.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
+#include "clang/Format/Format.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
+#include <string>
+namespace clang {
+namespace format {
+// Returns the length of everything up to the first possible line break after
+// the ), ], } or > matching \c Tok.
+static unsigned getLengthToMatchingParen(const FormatToken &Tok) {
+ if (Tok.MatchingParen == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ FormatToken *End = Tok.MatchingParen;
+ while (End->Next && !End->Next->CanBreakBefore) {
+ End = End->Next;
+ }
+ return End->TotalLength - Tok.TotalLength + 1;
+// Returns \c true if \c Tok is the "." or "->" of a call and starts the next
+// segment of a builder type call.
+static bool startsSegmentOfBuilderTypeCall(const FormatToken &Tok) {
+ return Tok.isMemberAccess() && Tok.Previous && Tok.Previous->closesScope();
+// Returns \c true if \c Current starts a new parameter.
+static bool startsNextParameter(const FormatToken &Current,
+ const FormatStyle &Style) {
+ const FormatToken &Previous = *Current.Previous;
+ if (Current.Type == TT_CtorInitializerComma &&
+ Style.BreakConstructorInitializersBeforeComma)
+ return true;
+ return && !Current.isTrailingComment() &&
+ (Previous.Type != TT_CtorInitializerComma ||
+ !Style.BreakConstructorInitializersBeforeComma);
+ContinuationIndenter::ContinuationIndenter(const FormatStyle &Style,
+ SourceManager &SourceMgr,
+ WhitespaceManager &Whitespaces,
+ encoding::Encoding Encoding,
+ bool BinPackInconclusiveFunctions)
+ : Style(Style), SourceMgr(SourceMgr), Whitespaces(Whitespaces),
+ Encoding(Encoding),
+ BinPackInconclusiveFunctions(BinPackInconclusiveFunctions) {}
+LineState ContinuationIndenter::getInitialState(unsigned FirstIndent,
+ const AnnotatedLine *Line,
+ bool DryRun) {
+ LineState State;
+ State.FirstIndent = FirstIndent;
+ State.Column = FirstIndent;
+ State.Line = Line;
+ State.NextToken = Line->First;
+ State.Stack.push_back(ParenState(FirstIndent, Line->Level, FirstIndent,
+ /*AvoidBinPacking=*/false,
+ /*NoLineBreak=*/false));
+ State.LineContainsContinuedForLoopSection = false;
+ State.ParenLevel = 0;
+ State.StartOfStringLiteral = 0;
+ State.StartOfLineLevel = State.ParenLevel;
+ State.LowestLevelOnLine = State.ParenLevel;
+ State.IgnoreStackForComparison = false;
+ // The first token has already been indented and thus consumed.
+ moveStateToNextToken(State, DryRun, /*Newline=*/false);
+ return State;
+bool ContinuationIndenter::canBreak(const LineState &State) {
+ const FormatToken &Current = *State.NextToken;
+ const FormatToken &Previous = *Current.Previous;
+ assert(&Previous == Current.Previous);
+ if (!Current.CanBreakBefore && !(State.Stack.back().BreakBeforeClosingBrace &&
+ Current.closesBlockTypeList(Style)))
+ return false;
+ // The opening "{" of a braced list has to be on the same line as the first
+ // element if it is nested in another braced init list or function call.
+ if (!Current.MustBreakBefore && &&
+ Previous.Type != TT_DictLiteral &&
+ Previous.BlockKind == BK_BracedInit && Previous.Previous &&
+ Previous.Previous->isOneOf(tok::l_brace, tok::l_paren, tok::comma))
+ return false;
+ // This prevents breaks like:
+ // ...
+ // SomeParameter, OtherParameter).DoSomething(
+ // ...
+ // As they hide "DoSomething" and are generally bad for readability.
+ if (Previous.opensScope() && State.LowestLevelOnLine < State.StartOfLineLevel)
+ return false;
+ if (Current.isMemberAccess() && State.Stack.back().ContainsUnwrappedBuilder)
+ return false;
+ return !State.Stack.back().NoLineBreak;
+bool ContinuationIndenter::mustBreak(const LineState &State) {
+ const FormatToken &Current = *State.NextToken;
+ const FormatToken &Previous = *Current.Previous;
+ if (Current.MustBreakBefore || Current.Type == TT_InlineASMColon)
+ return true;
+ if (State.Stack.back().BreakBeforeClosingBrace &&
+ Current.closesBlockTypeList(Style))
+ return true;
+ if ( && State.LineContainsContinuedForLoopSection)
+ return true;
+ if ((startsNextParameter(Current, Style) || ||
+ (Style.BreakBeforeTernaryOperators &&
+ ( || (Current.Type == TT_ConditionalExpr &&
+ Previous.isNot(tok::question)))) ||
+ (!Style.BreakBeforeTernaryOperators &&
+ ( || Previous.Type == TT_ConditionalExpr))) &&
+ State.Stack.back().BreakBeforeParameter && !Current.isTrailingComment() &&
+ !Current.isOneOf(tok::r_paren, tok::r_brace))
+ return true;
+ if (Style.AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings &&
+ State.Column > State.Stack.back().Indent && // Breaking saves columns.
+ !Previous.isOneOf(tok::kw_return, tok::lessless, tok::at) &&
+ Previous.Type != TT_InlineASMColon && NextIsMultilineString(State))
+ return true;
+ if (((Previous.Type == TT_DictLiteral && ||
+ Previous.Type == TT_ArrayInitializerLSquare) &&
+ getLengthToMatchingParen(Previous) + State.Column > getColumnLimit(State))
+ return true;
+ if (!Style.BreakBeforeBinaryOperators) {
+ // If we need to break somewhere inside the LHS of a binary expression, we
+ // should also break after the operator. Otherwise, the formatting would
+ // hide the operator precedence, e.g. in:
+ // if (aaaaaaaaaaaaaa ==
+ // bbbbbbbbbbbbbb && c) {..
+ // For comparisons, we only apply this rule, if the LHS is a binary
+ // expression itself as otherwise, the line breaks seem superfluous.
+ // We need special cases for ">>" which we have split into two ">" while
+ // lexing in order to make template parsing easier.
+ //
+ // FIXME: We'll need something similar for styles that break before binary
+ // operators.
+ bool IsComparison = (Previous.getPrecedence() == prec::Relational ||
+ Previous.getPrecedence() == prec::Equality) &&
+ Previous.Previous &&
+ Previous.Previous->Type != TT_BinaryOperator; // For >>.
+ bool LHSIsBinaryExpr =
+ Previous.Previous && Previous.Previous->EndsBinaryExpression;
+ if (Previous.Type == TT_BinaryOperator &&
+ (!IsComparison || LHSIsBinaryExpr) &&
+ Current.Type != TT_BinaryOperator && // For >>.
+ !Current.isTrailingComment() &&
+ !Previous.isOneOf(tok::lessless, tok::question) &&
+ Previous.getPrecedence() != prec::Assignment &&
+ State.Stack.back().BreakBeforeParameter)
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Same as above, but for the first "<<" operator.
+ if ( && State.Stack.back().BreakBeforeParameter &&
+ State.Stack.back().FirstLessLess == 0)
+ return true;
+ // FIXME: Comparing LongestObjCSelectorName to 0 is a hacky way of finding
+ // out whether it is the first parameter. Clean this up.
+ if (Current.Type == TT_ObjCSelectorName &&
+ Current.LongestObjCSelectorName == 0 &&
+ State.Stack.back().BreakBeforeParameter)
+ return true;
+ if ((Current.Type == TT_CtorInitializerColon ||
+ (Previous.ClosesTemplateDeclaration && State.ParenLevel == 0 &&
+ !Current.isTrailingComment())))
+ return true;
+ if ((Current.Type == TT_StartOfName || &&
+ State.Line->MightBeFunctionDecl &&
+ State.Stack.back().BreakBeforeParameter && State.ParenLevel == 0)
+ return true;
+ if (startsSegmentOfBuilderTypeCall(Current) &&
+ (State.Stack.back().CallContinuation != 0 ||
+ (State.Stack.back().BreakBeforeParameter &&
+ State.Stack.back().ContainsUnwrappedBuilder)))
+ return true;
+ return false;
+unsigned ContinuationIndenter::addTokenToState(LineState &State, bool Newline,
+ bool DryRun,
+ unsigned ExtraSpaces) {
+ const FormatToken &Current = *State.NextToken;
+ if (State.Stack.size() == 0 ||
+ (Current.Type == TT_ImplicitStringLiteral &&
+ (Current.Previous->Tok.getIdentifierInfo() == NULL ||
+ Current.Previous->Tok.getIdentifierInfo()->getPPKeywordID() ==
+ tok::pp_not_keyword))) {
+ // FIXME: Is this correct?
+ int WhitespaceLength = SourceMgr.getSpellingColumnNumber(
+ State.NextToken->WhitespaceRange.getEnd()) -
+ SourceMgr.getSpellingColumnNumber(
+ State.NextToken->WhitespaceRange.getBegin());
+ State.Column += WhitespaceLength + State.NextToken->ColumnWidth;
+ State.NextToken = State.NextToken->Next;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ unsigned Penalty = 0;
+ if (Newline)
+ Penalty = addTokenOnNewLine(State, DryRun);
+ else
+ addTokenOnCurrentLine(State, DryRun, ExtraSpaces);
+ return moveStateToNextToken(State, DryRun, Newline) + Penalty;
+void ContinuationIndenter::addTokenOnCurrentLine(LineState &State, bool DryRun,
+ unsigned ExtraSpaces) {
+ FormatToken &Current = *State.NextToken;
+ const FormatToken &Previous = *State.NextToken->Previous;
+ if ( &&
+ (State.Line->First->is(tok::kw_for) || State.ParenLevel == 0) &&
+ State.Stack.back().VariablePos == 0) {
+ State.Stack.back().VariablePos = State.Column;
+ // Move over * and & if they are bound to the variable name.
+ const FormatToken *Tok = &Previous;
+ while (Tok && State.Stack.back().VariablePos >= Tok->ColumnWidth) {
+ State.Stack.back().VariablePos -= Tok->ColumnWidth;
+ if (Tok->SpacesRequiredBefore != 0)
+ break;
+ Tok = Tok->Previous;
+ }
+ if (Previous.PartOfMultiVariableDeclStmt)
+ State.Stack.back().LastSpace = State.Stack.back().VariablePos;
+ }
+ unsigned Spaces = Current.SpacesRequiredBefore + ExtraSpaces;
+ if (!DryRun)
+ Whitespaces.replaceWhitespace(Current, /*Newlines=*/0, /*IndentLevel=*/0,
+ Spaces, State.Column + Spaces);
+ if (Current.Type == TT_ObjCSelectorName && State.Stack.back().ColonPos == 0) {
+ if (State.Stack.back().Indent + Current.LongestObjCSelectorName >
+ State.Column + Spaces + Current.ColumnWidth)
+ State.Stack.back().ColonPos =
+ State.Stack.back().Indent + Current.LongestObjCSelectorName;
+ else
+ State.Stack.back().ColonPos = State.Column + Spaces + Current.ColumnWidth;
+ }
+ if (Previous.opensScope() && Previous.Type != TT_ObjCMethodExpr &&
+ Current.Type != TT_LineComment)
+ State.Stack.back().Indent = State.Column + Spaces;
+ if (State.Stack.back().AvoidBinPacking && startsNextParameter(Current, Style))
+ State.Stack.back().NoLineBreak = true;
+ if (startsSegmentOfBuilderTypeCall(Current))
+ State.Stack.back().ContainsUnwrappedBuilder = true;
+ State.Column += Spaces;
+ if ( && Previous.isOneOf(tok::kw_if, tok::kw_for))
+ // Treat the condition inside an if as if it was a second function
+ // parameter, i.e. let nested calls have a continuation indent.
+ State.Stack.back().LastSpace = State.Column + 1; // 1 is length of "(".
+ else if ( || Previous.Type == TT_ObjCMethodExpr)
+ State.Stack.back().LastSpace = State.Column;
+ else if ((Previous.Type == TT_BinaryOperator ||
+ Previous.Type == TT_ConditionalExpr ||
+ Previous.Type == TT_UnaryOperator ||
+ Previous.Type == TT_CtorInitializerColon) &&
+ (Previous.getPrecedence() != prec::Assignment ||
+ Current.StartsBinaryExpression))
+ // Always indent relative to the RHS of the expression unless this is a
+ // simple assignment without binary expression on the RHS. Also indent
+ // relative to unary operators and the colons of constructor initializers.
+ State.Stack.back().LastSpace = State.Column;
+ else if (Previous.Type == TT_InheritanceColon) {
+ State.Stack.back().Indent = State.Column;
+ State.Stack.back().LastSpace = State.Column;
+ } else if (Previous.opensScope()) {
+ // If a function has a trailing call, indent all parameters from the
+ // opening parenthesis. This avoids confusing indents like:
+ // OuterFunction(InnerFunctionCall( // break
+ // ParameterToInnerFunction)) // break
+ // .SecondInnerFunctionCall();
+ bool HasTrailingCall = false;
+ if (Previous.MatchingParen) {
+ const FormatToken *Next = Previous.MatchingParen->getNextNonComment();
+ HasTrailingCall = Next && Next->isMemberAccess();
+ }
+ if (HasTrailingCall &&
+ State.Stack[State.Stack.size() - 2].CallContinuation == 0)
+ State.Stack.back().LastSpace = State.Column;
+ }
+unsigned ContinuationIndenter::addTokenOnNewLine(LineState &State,
+ bool DryRun) {
+ FormatToken &Current = *State.NextToken;
+ const FormatToken &Previous = *State.NextToken->Previous;
+ // If we are continuing an expression, we want to use the continuation indent.
+ unsigned ContinuationIndent =
+ std::max(State.Stack.back().LastSpace, State.Stack.back().Indent) +
+ Style.ContinuationIndentWidth;
+ // Extra penalty that needs to be added because of the way certain line
+ // breaks are chosen.
+ unsigned Penalty = 0;
+ const FormatToken *PreviousNonComment =
+ State.NextToken->getPreviousNonComment();
+ // The first line break on any ParenLevel causes an extra penalty in order
+ // prefer similar line breaks.
+ if (!State.Stack.back().ContainsLineBreak)
+ Penalty += 15;
+ State.Stack.back().ContainsLineBreak = true;
+ Penalty += State.NextToken->SplitPenalty;
+ // Breaking before the first "<<" is generally not desirable if the LHS is
+ // short.
+ if ( && State.Stack.back().FirstLessLess == 0 &&
+ State.Column <= Style.ColumnLimit / 2)
+ Penalty += Style.PenaltyBreakFirstLessLess;
+ if ( && Current.BlockKind == BK_Block) {
+ State.Column = State.FirstIndent;
+ } else if (Current.isOneOf(tok::r_brace, tok::r_square)) {
+ if (Current.closesBlockTypeList(Style) ||
+ (Current.MatchingParen &&
+ Current.MatchingParen->BlockKind == BK_BracedInit))
+ State.Column = State.Stack[State.Stack.size() - 2].LastSpace;
+ else
+ State.Column = State.FirstIndent;
+ } else if ( &&
+ State.StartOfStringLiteral != 0) {
+ State.Column = State.StartOfStringLiteral;
+ State.Stack.back().BreakBeforeParameter = true;
+ } else if ( &&
+ State.Stack.back().FirstLessLess != 0) {
+ State.Column = State.Stack.back().FirstLessLess;
+ } else if (Current.isMemberAccess()) {
+ if (State.Stack.back().CallContinuation == 0) {
+ State.Column = ContinuationIndent;
+ State.Stack.back().CallContinuation = State.Column;
+ } else {
+ State.Column = State.Stack.back().CallContinuation;
+ }
+ } else if (State.Stack.back().QuestionColumn != 0 &&
+ (Current.Type == TT_ConditionalExpr ||
+ Previous.Type == TT_ConditionalExpr)) {
+ State.Column = State.Stack.back().QuestionColumn;
+ } else if ( && State.Stack.back().VariablePos != 0) {
+ State.Column = State.Stack.back().VariablePos;
+ } else if ((PreviousNonComment &&
+ PreviousNonComment->ClosesTemplateDeclaration) ||
+ ((Current.Type == TT_StartOfName ||
+ &&
+ State.ParenLevel == 0 &&
+ (!Style.IndentFunctionDeclarationAfterType ||
+ State.Line->StartsDefinition))) {
+ State.Column = State.Stack.back().Indent;
+ } else if (Current.Type == TT_ObjCSelectorName) {
+ if (State.Stack.back().ColonPos == 0) {
+ State.Stack.back().ColonPos =
+ State.Stack.back().Indent + Current.LongestObjCSelectorName;
+ State.Column = State.Stack.back().ColonPos - Current.ColumnWidth;
+ } else if (State.Stack.back().ColonPos > Current.ColumnWidth) {
+ State.Column = State.Stack.back().ColonPos - Current.ColumnWidth;
+ } else {
+ State.Column = State.Stack.back().Indent;
+ State.Stack.back().ColonPos = State.Column + Current.ColumnWidth;
+ }
+ } else if (Current.Type == TT_ArraySubscriptLSquare) {
+ if (State.Stack.back().StartOfArraySubscripts != 0)
+ State.Column = State.Stack.back().StartOfArraySubscripts;
+ else
+ State.Column = ContinuationIndent;
+ } else if (Current.Type == TT_StartOfName ||
+ Previous.isOneOf(tok::coloncolon, tok::equal) ||
+ Previous.Type == TT_ObjCMethodExpr) {
+ State.Column = ContinuationIndent;
+ } else if (Current.Type == TT_CtorInitializerColon) {
+ State.Column = State.FirstIndent + Style.ConstructorInitializerIndentWidth;
+ } else if (Current.Type == TT_CtorInitializerComma) {
+ State.Column = State.Stack.back().Indent;
+ } else {
+ State.Column = State.Stack.back().Indent;
+ // Ensure that we fall back to the continuation indent width instead of just
+ // flushing continuations left.
+ if (State.Column == State.FirstIndent &&
+ PreviousNonComment->isNot(tok::r_brace))
+ State.Column += Style.ContinuationIndentWidth;
+ }
+ if ((Previous.isOneOf(tok::comma, tok::semi) &&
+ !State.Stack.back().AvoidBinPacking) ||
+ Previous.Type == TT_BinaryOperator)
+ State.Stack.back().BreakBeforeParameter = false;
+ if (Previous.Type == TT_TemplateCloser && State.ParenLevel == 0)
+ State.Stack.back().BreakBeforeParameter = false;
+ if ( ||
+ (PreviousNonComment && PreviousNonComment->is(tok::question)))
+ State.Stack.back().BreakBeforeParameter = true;
+ if (!DryRun) {
+ unsigned Newlines = 1;
+ if (
+ Newlines = std::max(Newlines, std::min(Current.NewlinesBefore,
+ Style.MaxEmptyLinesToKeep + 1));
+ Whitespaces.replaceWhitespace(Current, Newlines,
+ State.Stack.back().IndentLevel, State.Column,
+ State.Column, State.Line->InPPDirective);
+ }
+ if (!Current.isTrailingComment())
+ State.Stack.back().LastSpace = State.Column;
+ if (Current.isMemberAccess())
+ State.Stack.back().LastSpace += Current.ColumnWidth;
+ State.StartOfLineLevel = State.ParenLevel;
+ State.LowestLevelOnLine = State.ParenLevel;
+ // Any break on this level means that the parent level has been broken
+ // and we need to avoid bin packing there.
+ for (unsigned i = 0, e = State.Stack.size() - 1; i != e; ++i) {
+ State.Stack[i].BreakBeforeParameter = true;
+ }
+ if (PreviousNonComment &&
+ !PreviousNonComment->isOneOf(tok::comma, tok::semi) &&
+ PreviousNonComment->Type != TT_TemplateCloser &&
+ PreviousNonComment->Type != TT_BinaryOperator &&
+ Current.Type != TT_BinaryOperator &&
+ !PreviousNonComment->opensScope())
+ State.Stack.back().BreakBeforeParameter = true;
+ // If we break after { or the [ of an array initializer, we should also break
+ // before the corresponding } or ].
+ if ( || Previous.Type == TT_ArrayInitializerLSquare)
+ State.Stack.back().BreakBeforeClosingBrace = true;
+ if (State.Stack.back().AvoidBinPacking) {
+ // If we are breaking after '(', '{', '<', this is not bin packing
+ // unless AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine is false.
+ if (!(Previous.isOneOf(tok::l_paren, tok::l_brace) ||
+ Previous.Type == TT_BinaryOperator) ||
+ (!Style.AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine &&
+ State.Line->MustBeDeclaration))
+ State.Stack.back().BreakBeforeParameter = true;
+ }
+ return Penalty;
+unsigned ContinuationIndenter::moveStateToNextToken(LineState &State,
+ bool DryRun, bool Newline) {
+ const FormatToken &Current = *State.NextToken;
+ assert(State.Stack.size());
+ if (Current.Type == TT_InheritanceColon)
+ State.Stack.back().AvoidBinPacking = true;
+ if ( && State.Stack.back().FirstLessLess == 0)
+ State.Stack.back().FirstLessLess = State.Column;
+ if (Current.Type == TT_ArraySubscriptLSquare &&
+ State.Stack.back().StartOfArraySubscripts == 0)
+ State.Stack.back().StartOfArraySubscripts = State.Column;
+ if (( && Style.BreakBeforeTernaryOperators) ||
+ (Current.getPreviousNonComment() && Current.isNot(tok::colon) &&
+ Current.getPreviousNonComment()->is(tok::question) &&
+ !Style.BreakBeforeTernaryOperators))
+ State.Stack.back().QuestionColumn = State.Column;
+ if (!Current.opensScope() && !Current.closesScope())
+ State.LowestLevelOnLine =
+ std::min(State.LowestLevelOnLine, State.ParenLevel);
+ if (Current.isMemberAccess())
+ State.Stack.back().StartOfFunctionCall =
+ Current.LastInChainOfCalls ? 0 : State.Column + Current.ColumnWidth;
+ if (Current.Type == TT_CtorInitializerColon) {
+ // Indent 2 from the column, so:
+ // SomeClass::SomeClass()
+ // : First(...), ...
+ // Next(...)
+ // ^ line up here.
+ State.Stack.back().Indent =
+ State.Column + (Style.BreakConstructorInitializersBeforeComma ? 0 : 2);
+ if (Style.ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine)
+ State.Stack.back().AvoidBinPacking = true;
+ State.Stack.back().BreakBeforeParameter = false;
+ }
+ // In ObjC method declaration we align on the ":" of parameters, but we need
+ // to ensure that we indent parameters on subsequent lines by at least our
+ // continuation indent width.
+ if (Current.Type == TT_ObjCMethodSpecifier)
+ State.Stack.back().Indent += Style.ContinuationIndentWidth;
+ // Insert scopes created by fake parenthesis.
+ const FormatToken *Previous = Current.getPreviousNonComment();
+ // Don't add extra indentation for the first fake parenthesis after
+ // 'return', assignements or opening <({[. The indentation for these cases
+ // is special cased.
+ bool SkipFirstExtraIndent =
+ (Previous && (Previous->opensScope() || Previous->is(tok::kw_return) ||
+ Previous->getPrecedence() == prec::Assignment ||
+ Previous->Type == TT_ObjCMethodExpr));
+ for (SmallVectorImpl<prec::Level>::const_reverse_iterator
+ I = Current.FakeLParens.rbegin(),
+ E = Current.FakeLParens.rend();
+ I != E; ++I) {
+ ParenState NewParenState = State.Stack.back();
+ NewParenState.ContainsLineBreak = false;
+ // Indent from 'LastSpace' unless this the fake parentheses encapsulating a
+ // builder type call after 'return'. If such a call is line-wrapped, we
+ // commonly just want to indent from the start of the line.
+ if (!Previous || Previous->isNot(tok::kw_return) || *I > 0)
+ NewParenState.Indent =
+ std::max(std::max(State.Column, NewParenState.Indent),
+ State.Stack.back().LastSpace);
+ // Do not indent relative to the fake parentheses inserted for "." or "->".
+ // This is a special case to make the following to statements consistent:
+ // OuterFunction(InnerFunctionCall( // break
+ // ParameterToInnerFunction));
+ // OuterFunction(SomeObject.InnerFunctionCall( // break
+ // ParameterToInnerFunction));
+ if (*I > prec::Unknown)
+ NewParenState.LastSpace = std::max(NewParenState.LastSpace, State.Column);
+ // Always indent conditional expressions. Never indent expression where
+ // the 'operator' is ',', ';' or an assignment (i.e. *I <=
+ // prec::Assignment) as those have different indentation rules. Indent
+ // other expression, unless the indentation needs to be skipped.
+ if (*I == prec::Conditional ||
+ (!SkipFirstExtraIndent && *I > prec::Assignment &&
+ !Style.BreakBeforeBinaryOperators))
+ NewParenState.Indent += Style.ContinuationIndentWidth;
+ if ((Previous && !Previous->opensScope()) || *I > prec::Comma)
+ NewParenState.BreakBeforeParameter = false;
+ State.Stack.push_back(NewParenState);
+ SkipFirstExtraIndent = false;
+ }
+ // If we encounter an opening (, [, { or <, we add a level to our stacks to
+ // prepare for the following tokens.
+ if (Current.opensScope()) {
+ unsigned NewIndent;
+ unsigned NewIndentLevel = State.Stack.back().IndentLevel;
+ bool AvoidBinPacking;
+ bool BreakBeforeParameter = false;
+ if ( ||
+ Current.Type == TT_ArrayInitializerLSquare) {
+ if (Current.MatchingParen && Current.BlockKind == BK_Block) {
+ // If this is an l_brace starting a nested block, we pretend (wrt. to
+ // indentation) that we already consumed the corresponding r_brace.
+ // Thus, we remove all ParenStates caused bake fake parentheses that end
+ // at the r_brace. The net effect of this is that we don't indent
+ // relative to the l_brace, if the nested block is the last parameter of
+ // a function. For example, this formats:
+ //
+ // SomeFunction(a, [] {
+ // f(); // break
+ // });
+ //
+ // instead of:
+ // SomeFunction(a, [] {
+ // f(); // break
+ // });
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i != Current.MatchingParen->FakeRParens; ++i)
+ State.Stack.pop_back();
+ NewIndent = State.Stack.back().LastSpace + Style.IndentWidth;
+ ++NewIndentLevel;
+ BreakBeforeParameter = true;
+ } else {
+ NewIndent = State.Stack.back().LastSpace;
+ if (Current.opensBlockTypeList(Style)) {
+ NewIndent += Style.IndentWidth;
+ ++NewIndentLevel;
+ } else {
+ NewIndent += Style.ContinuationIndentWidth;
+ }
+ }
+ const FormatToken *NextNoComment = Current.getNextNonComment();
+ AvoidBinPacking = Current.BlockKind == BK_Block ||
+ Current.Type == TT_ArrayInitializerLSquare ||
+ Current.Type == TT_DictLiteral ||
+ (NextNoComment &&
+ NextNoComment->Type == TT_DesignatedInitializerPeriod);
+ } else {
+ NewIndent = Style.ContinuationIndentWidth +
+ std::max(State.Stack.back().LastSpace,
+ State.Stack.back().StartOfFunctionCall);
+ AvoidBinPacking = !Style.BinPackParameters ||
+ (Style.ExperimentalAutoDetectBinPacking &&
+ (Current.PackingKind == PPK_OnePerLine ||
+ (!BinPackInconclusiveFunctions &&
+ Current.PackingKind == PPK_Inconclusive)));
+ // If this '[' opens an ObjC call, determine whether all parameters fit
+ // into one line and put one per line if they don't.
+ if (Current.Type == TT_ObjCMethodExpr &&
+ getLengthToMatchingParen(Current) + State.Column >
+ getColumnLimit(State))
+ BreakBeforeParameter = true;
+ }
+ bool NoLineBreak = State.Stack.back().NoLineBreak ||
+ (Current.Type == TT_TemplateOpener &&
+ State.Stack.back().ContainsUnwrappedBuilder);
+ State.Stack.push_back(ParenState(NewIndent, NewIndentLevel,
+ State.Stack.back().LastSpace,
+ AvoidBinPacking, NoLineBreak));
+ State.Stack.back().BreakBeforeParameter = BreakBeforeParameter;
+ ++State.ParenLevel;
+ }
+ // If we encounter a closing ), ], } or >, we can remove a level from our
+ // stacks.
+ if (State.Stack.size() > 1 &&
+ (Current.isOneOf(tok::r_paren, tok::r_square) ||
+ ( && State.NextToken != State.Line->First) ||
+ State.NextToken->Type == TT_TemplateCloser)) {
+ State.Stack.pop_back();
+ --State.ParenLevel;
+ }
+ if ( {
+ // If this ends the array subscript expr, reset the corresponding value.
+ const FormatToken *NextNonComment = Current.getNextNonComment();
+ if (NextNonComment && NextNonComment->isNot(tok::l_square))
+ State.Stack.back().StartOfArraySubscripts = 0;
+ }
+ // Remove scopes created by fake parenthesis.
+ if (Current.isNot(tok::r_brace) ||
+ (Current.MatchingParen && Current.MatchingParen->BlockKind != BK_Block)) {
+ // Don't remove FakeRParens attached to r_braces that surround nested blocks
+ // as they will have been removed early (see above).
+ for (unsigned i = 0, e = Current.FakeRParens; i != e; ++i) {
+ unsigned VariablePos = State.Stack.back().VariablePos;
+ State.Stack.pop_back();
+ State.Stack.back().VariablePos = VariablePos;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( && State.StartOfStringLiteral == 0) {
+ State.StartOfStringLiteral = State.Column;
+ } else if (!Current.isOneOf(tok::comment, tok::identifier, tok::hash,
+ tok::string_literal)) {
+ State.StartOfStringLiteral = 0;
+ }
+ State.Column += Current.ColumnWidth;
+ State.NextToken = State.NextToken->Next;
+ unsigned Penalty = breakProtrudingToken(Current, State, DryRun);
+ if (State.Column > getColumnLimit(State)) {
+ unsigned ExcessCharacters = State.Column - getColumnLimit(State);
+ Penalty += Style.PenaltyExcessCharacter * ExcessCharacters;
+ }
+ // If the previous has a special role, let it consume tokens as appropriate.
+ // It is necessary to start at the previous token for the only implemented
+ // role (comma separated list). That way, the decision whether or not to break
+ // after the "{" is already done and both options are tried and evaluated.
+ // FIXME: This is ugly, find a better way.
+ if (Previous && Previous->Role)
+ Penalty += Previous->Role->format(State, this, DryRun);
+ return Penalty;
+unsigned ContinuationIndenter::addMultilineToken(const FormatToken &Current,
+ LineState &State) {
+ // Break before further function parameters on all levels.
+ for (unsigned i = 0, e = State.Stack.size(); i != e; ++i)
+ State.Stack[i].BreakBeforeParameter = true;
+ unsigned ColumnsUsed = State.Column;
+ // We can only affect layout of the first and the last line, so the penalty
+ // for all other lines is constant, and we ignore it.
+ State.Column = Current.LastLineColumnWidth;
+ if (ColumnsUsed > getColumnLimit(State))
+ return Style.PenaltyExcessCharacter * (ColumnsUsed - getColumnLimit(State));
+ return 0;
+static bool getRawStringLiteralPrefixPostfix(StringRef Text,
+ StringRef &Prefix,
+ StringRef &Postfix) {
+ if (Text.startswith(Prefix = "R\"") || Text.startswith(Prefix = "uR\"") ||
+ Text.startswith(Prefix = "UR\"") || Text.startswith(Prefix = "u8R\"") ||
+ Text.startswith(Prefix = "LR\"")) {
+ size_t ParenPos = Text.find('(');
+ if (ParenPos != StringRef::npos) {
+ StringRef Delimiter =
+ Text.substr(Prefix.size(), ParenPos - Prefix.size());
+ Prefix = Text.substr(0, ParenPos + 1);
+ Postfix = Text.substr(Text.size() - 2 - Delimiter.size());
+ return Postfix.front() == ')' && Postfix.back() == '"' &&
+ Postfix.substr(1).startswith(Delimiter);
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+unsigned ContinuationIndenter::breakProtrudingToken(const FormatToken &Current,
+ LineState &State,
+ bool DryRun) {
+ // Don't break multi-line tokens other than block comments. Instead, just
+ // update the state.
+ if (Current.Type != TT_BlockComment && Current.IsMultiline)
+ return addMultilineToken(Current, State);
+ // Don't break implicit string literals.
+ if (Current.Type == TT_ImplicitStringLiteral)
+ return 0;
+ if (!Current.isOneOf(tok::string_literal, tok::wide_string_literal,
+ tok::utf8_string_literal, tok::utf16_string_literal,
+ tok::utf32_string_literal, tok::comment))
+ return 0;
+ llvm::OwningPtr<BreakableToken> Token;
+ unsigned StartColumn = State.Column - Current.ColumnWidth;
+ unsigned ColumnLimit = getColumnLimit(State);
+ if (Current.isOneOf(tok::string_literal, tok::wide_string_literal,
+ tok::utf8_string_literal, tok::utf16_string_literal,
+ tok::utf32_string_literal) &&
+ Current.Type != TT_ImplicitStringLiteral) {
+ // Don't break string literals inside preprocessor directives (except for
+ // #define directives, as their contents are stored in separate lines and
+ // are not affected by this check).
+ // This way we avoid breaking code with line directives and unknown
+ // preprocessor directives that contain long string literals.
+ if (State.Line->Type == LT_PreprocessorDirective)
+ return 0;
+ // Exempts unterminated string literals from line breaking. The user will
+ // likely want to terminate the string before any line breaking is done.
+ if (Current.IsUnterminatedLiteral)
+ return 0;
+ StringRef Text = Current.TokenText;
+ StringRef Prefix;
+ StringRef Postfix;
+ // FIXME: Handle whitespace between '_T', '(', '"..."', and ')'.
+ // FIXME: Store Prefix and Suffix (or PrefixLength and SuffixLength to
+ // reduce the overhead) for each FormatToken, which is a string, so that we
+ // don't run multiple checks here on the hot path.
+ if ((Text.endswith(Postfix = "\"") &&
+ (Text.startswith(Prefix = "\"") || Text.startswith(Prefix = "u\"") ||
+ Text.startswith(Prefix = "U\"") || Text.startswith(Prefix = "u8\"") ||
+ Text.startswith(Prefix = "L\""))) ||
+ (Text.startswith(Prefix = "_T(\"") && Text.endswith(Postfix = "\")")) ||
+ getRawStringLiteralPrefixPostfix(Text, Prefix, Postfix)) {
+ Token.reset(new BreakableStringLiteral(
+ Current, State.Line->Level, StartColumn, Prefix, Postfix,
+ State.Line->InPPDirective, Encoding, Style));
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ } else if (Current.Type == TT_BlockComment && Current.isTrailingComment()) {
+ Token.reset(new BreakableBlockComment(
+ Current, State.Line->Level, StartColumn, Current.OriginalColumn,
+ !Current.Previous, State.Line->InPPDirective, Encoding, Style));
+ } else if (Current.Type == TT_LineComment &&
+ (Current.Previous == NULL ||
+ Current.Previous->Type != TT_ImplicitStringLiteral)) {
+ Token.reset(new BreakableLineComment(Current, State.Line->Level,
+ StartColumn, /*InPPDirective=*/false,
+ Encoding, Style));
+ // We don't insert backslashes when breaking line comments.
+ ColumnLimit = Style.ColumnLimit;
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (Current.UnbreakableTailLength >= ColumnLimit)
+ return 0;
+ unsigned RemainingSpace = ColumnLimit - Current.UnbreakableTailLength;
+ bool BreakInserted = false;
+ unsigned Penalty = 0;
+ unsigned RemainingTokenColumns = 0;
+ for (unsigned LineIndex = 0, EndIndex = Token->getLineCount();
+ LineIndex != EndIndex; ++LineIndex) {
+ if (!DryRun)
+ Token->replaceWhitespaceBefore(LineIndex, Whitespaces);
+ unsigned TailOffset = 0;
+ RemainingTokenColumns =
+ Token->getLineLengthAfterSplit(LineIndex, TailOffset, StringRef::npos);
+ while (RemainingTokenColumns > RemainingSpace) {
+ BreakableToken::Split Split =
+ Token->getSplit(LineIndex, TailOffset, ColumnLimit);
+ if (Split.first == StringRef::npos) {
+ // The last line's penalty is handled in addNextStateToQueue().
+ if (LineIndex < EndIndex - 1)
+ Penalty += Style.PenaltyExcessCharacter *
+ (RemainingTokenColumns - RemainingSpace);
+ break;
+ }
+ assert(Split.first != 0);
+ unsigned NewRemainingTokenColumns = Token->getLineLengthAfterSplit(
+ LineIndex, TailOffset + Split.first + Split.second, StringRef::npos);
+ // We can remove extra whitespace instead of breaking the line.
+ if (RemainingTokenColumns + 1 - Split.second <= RemainingSpace) {
+ RemainingTokenColumns = 0;
+ if (!DryRun)
+ Token->replaceWhitespace(LineIndex, TailOffset, Split, Whitespaces);
+ break;
+ }
+ assert(NewRemainingTokenColumns < RemainingTokenColumns);
+ if (!DryRun)
+ Token->insertBreak(LineIndex, TailOffset, Split, Whitespaces);
+ Penalty += Current.SplitPenalty;
+ unsigned ColumnsUsed =
+ Token->getLineLengthAfterSplit(LineIndex, TailOffset, Split.first);
+ if (ColumnsUsed > ColumnLimit) {
+ Penalty += Style.PenaltyExcessCharacter * (ColumnsUsed - ColumnLimit);
+ }
+ TailOffset += Split.first + Split.second;
+ RemainingTokenColumns = NewRemainingTokenColumns;
+ BreakInserted = true;
+ }
+ }
+ State.Column = RemainingTokenColumns;
+ if (BreakInserted) {
+ // If we break the token inside a parameter list, we need to break before
+ // the next parameter on all levels, so that the next parameter is clearly
+ // visible. Line comments already introduce a break.
+ if (Current.Type != TT_LineComment) {
+ for (unsigned i = 0, e = State.Stack.size(); i != e; ++i)
+ State.Stack[i].BreakBeforeParameter = true;
+ }
+ Penalty += ? Style.PenaltyBreakString
+ : Style.PenaltyBreakComment;
+ State.Stack.back().LastSpace = StartColumn;
+ }
+ return Penalty;
+unsigned ContinuationIndenter::getColumnLimit(const LineState &State) const {
+ // In preprocessor directives reserve two chars for trailing " \"
+ return Style.ColumnLimit - (State.Line->InPPDirective ? 2 : 0);
+bool ContinuationIndenter::NextIsMultilineString(const LineState &State) {
+ const FormatToken &Current = *State.NextToken;
+ if (!
+ return false;
+ // We never consider raw string literals "multiline" for the purpose of
+ // AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings implementation.
+ if (Current.TokenText.startswith("R\""))
+ return false;
+ if (Current.IsMultiline)
+ return true;
+ if (Current.getNextNonComment() &&
+ Current.getNextNonComment()->is(tok::string_literal))
+ return true; // Implicit concatenation.
+ if (State.Column + Current.ColumnWidth + Current.UnbreakableTailLength >
+ Style.ColumnLimit)
+ return true; // String will be split.
+ return false;
+} // namespace format
+} // namespace clang
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