path: root/games/phantasia/gamesupport.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'games/phantasia/gamesupport.c')
1 files changed, 722 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/games/phantasia/gamesupport.c b/games/phantasia/gamesupport.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7481ef7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games/phantasia/gamesupport.c
@@ -0,0 +1,722 @@
+ * gamesupport.c - auxiliary routines for support of Phantasia
+ */
+#include "include.h"
+/ FUNCTION NAME: changestats()
+/ FUNCTION: examine/change statistics for a player
+/ AUTHOR: E. A. Estes, 12/4/85
+/ bool ingameflag - set if called while playing game (Wizard only)
+/ MODULES CALLED: freerecord(), writerecord(), descrstatus(), truncstring(),
+/ time(), more(), wmove(), wclear(), strcmp(), printw(), strcpy(),
+/ infloat(), waddstr(), cleanup(), findname(), userlist(), mvprintw(),
+/ localtime(), getanswer(), descrtype(), getstring()
+/ GLOBAL INPUTS: LINES, *Login, Other, Wizard, Player, *stdscr, Databuf[],
+/ Fileloc
+/ Prompt for player name to examine/change.
+/ If the name is NULL, print a list of all players.
+/ If we are called from within the game, check for the
+/ desired name being the same as the current player's name.
+/ Only the 'Wizard' may alter players.
+/ Items are changed only if a non-zero value is specified.
+/ To change an item to 0, use 0.1; it will be truncated later.
+/ Players may alter their names and passwords, if the following
+/ are true:
+/ - current login matches the character's logins
+/ - the password is known
+/ - the player is not in the middle of the game (ingameflag == FALSE)
+/ The last condition is imposed for two reasons:
+/ - the game could possibly get a bit hectic if a player were
+/ continually changing his/her name
+/ - another player structure would be necessary to check for names
+/ already in use
+bool ingameflag;
+static char flag[2] = /* for printing values of bools */
+ {'F', 'T'};
+register struct player *playerp;/* pointer to structure to alter */
+register char *prompt; /* pointer to prompt string */
+int c; /* input */
+int today; /* day of year of today */
+int temp; /* temporary variable */
+long loc; /* location in player file */
+long now; /* time now */
+double dtemp; /* temporary variable */
+bool *bptr; /* pointer to bool item to change */
+double *dptr; /* pointer to double item to change */
+short *sptr; /* pointer to short item to change */
+ clear();
+ for (;;)
+ /* get name of player to examine/alter */
+ {
+ mvaddstr(5, 0, "Which character do you want to look at ? ");
+ getstring(Databuf, SZ_DATABUF);
+ truncstring(Databuf);
+ if (Databuf[0] == '\0')
+ userlist(ingameflag);
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ loc = -1L;
+ if (!ingameflag)
+ /* use 'Player' structure */
+ playerp = &Player;
+ else if (strcmp(Databuf, Player.p_name) == 0)
+ /* alter/examine current player */
+ {
+ playerp = &Player;
+ loc = Fileloc;
+ }
+ else
+ /* use 'Other' structure */
+ playerp = &Other;
+ /* find player on file */
+ if (loc < 0L && (loc = findname(Databuf, playerp)) < 0L)
+ /* didn't find player */
+ {
+ clear();
+ mvaddstr(11, 0, "Not found.");
+ return;
+ }
+ time(&now);
+ today = localtime(&now)->tm_yday;
+ clear();
+ for (;;)
+ /* print player structure, and prompt for action */
+ {
+ mvprintw(0, 0,"A:Name %s\n", playerp->p_name);
+ if (Wizard)
+ printw("B:Password %s\n", playerp->p_password);
+ else
+ addstr("B:Password XXXXXXXX\n");
+ printw(" :Login %s\n", playerp->p_login);
+ printw("C:Experience %.0f\n", playerp->p_experience);
+ printw("D:Level %.0f\n", playerp->p_level);
+ printw("E:Strength %.0f\n", playerp->p_strength);
+ printw("F:Sword %.0f\n", playerp->p_sword);
+ printw(" :Might %.0f\n", playerp->p_might);
+ printw("G:Energy %.0f\n", playerp->p_energy);
+ printw("H:Max-Energy %.0f\n", playerp->p_maxenergy);
+ printw("I:Shield %.0f\n", playerp->p_shield);
+ printw("J:Quickness %.0f\n", playerp->p_quickness);
+ printw("K:Quicksilver %.0f\n", playerp->p_quksilver);
+ printw(" :Speed %.0f\n", playerp->p_speed);
+ printw("L:Magic Level %.0f\n", playerp->p_magiclvl);
+ printw("M:Mana %.0f\n", playerp->p_mana);
+ printw("N:Brains %.0f\n", playerp->p_brains);
+ if (Wizard || playerp->p_specialtype != SC_VALAR)
+ mvaddstr(0, 40, descrstatus(playerp));
+ mvprintw(1, 40, "O:Poison %0.3f\n", playerp->p_poison);
+ mvprintw(2, 40, "P:Gold %.0f\n", playerp->p_gold);
+ mvprintw(3, 40, "Q:Gem %.0f\n", playerp->p_gems);
+ mvprintw(4, 40, "R:Sin %0.3f\n", playerp->p_sin);
+ if (Wizard)
+ {
+ mvprintw(5, 40, "S:X-coord %.0f\n", playerp->p_x);
+ mvprintw(6, 40, "T:Y-coord %.0f\n", playerp->p_y);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mvaddstr(5, 40, "S:X-coord ?\n");
+ mvaddstr(6, 40, "T:Y-coord ?\n");
+ }
+ mvprintw(7, 40, "U:Age %ld\n", playerp->p_age);
+ mvprintw(8, 40, "V:Degenerated %d\n", playerp->p_degenerated);
+ mvprintw(9, 40, "W:Type %d (%s)\n",
+ playerp->p_type, descrtype(playerp, FALSE) + 1);
+ mvprintw(10, 40, "X:Special Type %d\n", playerp->p_specialtype);
+ mvprintw(11, 40, "Y:Lives %d\n", playerp->p_lives);
+ mvprintw(12, 40, "Z:Crowns %d\n", playerp->p_crowns);
+ mvprintw(13, 40, "0:Charms %d\n", playerp->p_charms);
+ mvprintw(14, 40, "1:Amulets %d\n", playerp->p_amulets);
+ mvprintw(15, 40, "2:Holy Water %d\n", playerp->p_holywater);
+ temp = today - playerp->p_lastused;
+ if (temp < 0)
+ /* last year */
+ temp += 365;
+ mvprintw(16, 40, "3:Lastused %d (%d)\n", playerp->p_lastused, temp);
+ mvprintw(18, 8, "4:Palantir %c 5:Blessing %c 6:Virgin %c 7:Blind %c",
+ flag[playerp->p_palantir],
+ flag[playerp->p_blessing],
+ flag[playerp->p_virgin],
+ flag[playerp->p_blindness]);
+ if (!Wizard)
+ mvprintw(19, 8, "8:Ring %c",
+ flag[playerp->p_ring.ring_type != R_NONE]);
+ else
+ mvprintw(19, 8, "8:Ring %d 9:Duration %d",
+ playerp->p_ring.ring_type, playerp->p_ring.ring_duration);
+ if (!Wizard
+ /* not wizard */
+ && (ingameflag || strcmp(Login, playerp->p_login) != 0))
+ /* in game or not examining own character */
+ {
+ if (ingameflag)
+ {
+ more(LINES - 1);
+ clear();
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ cleanup(TRUE);
+ }
+ mvaddstr(20, 0, "!:Quit ?:Delete");
+ mvaddstr(21, 0, "What would you like to change ? ");
+ if (Wizard)
+ c = getanswer(" ", TRUE);
+ else
+ /* examining own player; allow to change name and password */
+ c = getanswer("!BA", FALSE);
+ switch (c)
+ {
+ case 'A': /* change name */
+ case 'B': /* change password */
+ if (!Wizard)
+ /* prompt for password */
+ {
+ mvaddstr(23, 0, "Password ? ");
+ Echo = FALSE;
+ getstring(Databuf, 9);
+ Echo = TRUE;
+ if (strcmp(Databuf, playerp->p_password) != 0)
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (c == 'A')
+ /* get new name */
+ {
+ mvaddstr(23, 0, "New name: ");
+ getstring(Databuf, SZ_NAME);
+ truncstring(Databuf);
+ if (Databuf[0] != '\0')
+ if (Wizard || findname(Databuf, &Other) < 0L)
+ strcpy(playerp->p_name, Databuf);
+ }
+ else
+ /* get new password */
+ {
+ if (!Wizard)
+ Echo = FALSE;
+ do
+ /* get two copies of new password until they match */
+ {
+ /* get first copy */
+ mvaddstr(23, 0, "New password ? ");
+ getstring(Databuf, SZ_PASSWORD);
+ if (Databuf[0] == '\0')
+ break;
+ /* get second copy */
+ mvaddstr(23, 0, "One more time ? ");
+ getstring(playerp->p_password, SZ_PASSWORD);
+ }
+ while (strcmp(playerp->p_password, Databuf) != 0);
+ Echo = TRUE;
+ }
+ continue;
+ case 'C': /* change experience */
+ prompt = "experience";
+ dptr = &playerp->p_experience;
+ goto DALTER;
+ case 'D': /* change level */
+ prompt = "level";
+ dptr = &playerp->p_level;
+ goto DALTER;
+ case 'E': /* change strength */
+ prompt = "strength";
+ dptr = &playerp->p_strength;
+ goto DALTER;
+ case 'F': /* change swords */
+ prompt = "sword";
+ dptr = &playerp->p_sword;
+ goto DALTER;
+ case 'G': /* change energy */
+ prompt = "energy";
+ dptr = &playerp->p_energy;
+ goto DALTER;
+ case 'H': /* change maximum energy */
+ prompt = "max energy";
+ dptr = &playerp->p_maxenergy;
+ goto DALTER;
+ case 'I': /* change shields */
+ prompt = "shield";
+ dptr = &playerp->p_shield;
+ goto DALTER;
+ case 'J': /* change quickness */
+ prompt = "quickness";
+ dptr = &playerp->p_quickness;
+ goto DALTER;
+ case 'K': /* change quicksilver */
+ prompt = "quicksilver";
+ dptr = &playerp->p_quksilver;
+ goto DALTER;
+ case 'L': /* change magic */
+ prompt = "magic level";
+ dptr = &playerp->p_magiclvl;
+ goto DALTER;
+ case 'M': /* change mana */
+ prompt = "mana";
+ dptr = &playerp->p_mana;
+ goto DALTER;
+ case 'N': /* change brains */
+ prompt = "brains";
+ dptr = &playerp->p_brains;
+ goto DALTER;
+ case 'O': /* change poison */
+ prompt = "poison";
+ dptr = &playerp->p_poison;
+ goto DALTER;
+ case 'P': /* change gold */
+ prompt = "gold";
+ dptr = &playerp->p_gold;
+ goto DALTER;
+ case 'Q': /* change gems */
+ prompt = "gems";
+ dptr = &playerp->p_gems;
+ goto DALTER;
+ case 'R': /* change sin */
+ prompt = "sin";
+ dptr = &playerp->p_sin;
+ goto DALTER;
+ case 'S': /* change x coord */
+ prompt = "x";
+ dptr = &playerp->p_x;
+ goto DALTER;
+ case 'T': /* change y coord */
+ prompt = "y";
+ dptr = &playerp->p_y;
+ goto DALTER;
+ case 'U': /* change age */
+ mvprintw(23, 0, "age = %ld; age = ", playerp->p_age);
+ dtemp = infloat();
+ if (dtemp != 0.0)
+ playerp->p_age = (long) dtemp;
+ continue;
+ case 'V': /* change degen */
+ mvprintw(23, 0, "degen = %d; degen = ", playerp->p_degenerated);
+ dtemp = infloat();
+ if (dtemp != 0.0)
+ playerp->p_degenerated = (int) dtemp;
+ continue;
+ case 'W': /* change type */
+ prompt = "type";
+ sptr = &playerp->p_type;
+ goto SALTER;
+ case 'X': /* change special type */
+ prompt = "special type";
+ sptr = &playerp->p_specialtype;
+ goto SALTER;
+ case 'Y': /* change lives */
+ prompt = "lives";
+ sptr = &playerp->p_lives;
+ goto SALTER;
+ case 'Z': /* change crowns */
+ prompt = "crowns";
+ sptr = &playerp->p_crowns;
+ goto SALTER;
+ case '0': /* change charms */
+ prompt = "charm";
+ sptr = &playerp->p_charms;
+ goto SALTER;
+ case '1': /* change amulet */
+ prompt = "amulet";
+ sptr = &playerp->p_amulets;
+ goto SALTER;
+ case '2': /* change holy water */
+ prompt = "holy water";
+ sptr = &playerp->p_holywater;
+ goto SALTER;
+ case '3': /* change last-used */
+ prompt = "last-used";
+ sptr = &playerp->p_lastused;
+ goto SALTER;
+ case '4': /* change palantir */
+ prompt = "palantir";
+ bptr = &playerp->p_palantir;
+ goto BALTER;
+ case '5': /* change blessing */
+ prompt = "blessing";
+ bptr = &playerp->p_blessing;
+ goto BALTER;
+ case '6': /* change virgin */
+ prompt = "virgin";
+ bptr = &playerp->p_virgin;
+ goto BALTER;
+ case '7': /* change blindness */
+ prompt = "blindness";
+ bptr = &playerp->p_blindness;
+ goto BALTER;
+ case '8': /* change ring type */
+ prompt = "ring-type";
+ sptr = &playerp->p_ring.ring_type;
+ goto SALTER;
+ case '9': /* change ring duration */
+ prompt = "ring-duration";
+ sptr = &playerp->p_ring.ring_duration;
+ goto SALTER;
+ case '!': /* quit, update */
+ if (Wizard &&
+ (!ingameflag || playerp != &Player))
+ /* turn off status if not modifying self */
+ {
+ playerp->p_status = S_OFF;
+ playerp->p_tampered = T_OFF;
+ }
+ writerecord(playerp, loc);
+ clear();
+ return;
+ case '?': /* delete player */
+ if (ingameflag && playerp == &Player)
+ /* cannot delete self */
+ continue;
+ freerecord(playerp, loc);
+ clear();
+ return;
+ default:
+ continue;
+ }
+ mvprintw(23, 0, "%s = %f; %s = ", prompt, *dptr, prompt);
+ dtemp = infloat();
+ if (dtemp != 0.0)
+ *dptr = dtemp;
+ continue;
+ mvprintw(23, 0, "%s = %d; %s = ", prompt, *sptr, prompt);
+ dtemp = infloat();
+ if (dtemp != 0.0)
+ *sptr = (short) dtemp;
+ continue;
+ mvprintw(23, 0, "%s = %c; %s = ", prompt, flag[*bptr], prompt);
+ c = getanswer("\nTF", TRUE);
+ if (c == 'T')
+ *bptr = TRUE;
+ else if (c == 'F')
+ *bptr = FALSE;
+ continue;
+ }
+/* */
+/ FUNCTION NAME: monstlist()
+/ FUNCTION: print a monster listing
+/ AUTHOR: E. A. Estes, 2/27/86
+/ ARGUMENTS: none
+/ MODULES CALLED: puts(), fread(), fseek(), printf()
+/ GLOBAL INPUTS: Curmonster, *Monstfp
+/ Read monster file, and print a monster listing on standard output.
+register int count = 0; /* count in file */
+ puts(" #) Name Str Brain Quick Energy Exper Treas Type Flock%\n");
+ fseek(Monstfp, 0L, 0);
+ while (fread((char *) &Curmonster, SZ_MONSTERSTRUCT, 1, Monstfp) == 1)
+ printf("%2d) %-20.20s%4.0f %4.0f %2.0f %5.0f %5.0f %2d %2d %3.0f\n", count++,
+ Curmonster.m_name, Curmonster.m_strength, Curmonster.m_brains,
+ Curmonster.m_speed, Curmonster.m_energy, Curmonster.m_experience,
+ Curmonster.m_treasuretype, Curmonster.m_type, Curmonster.m_flock);
+/* */
+/ FUNCTION NAME: scorelist()
+/ FUNCTION: print player score board
+/ AUTHOR: E. A. Estes, 12/4/85
+/ ARGUMENTS: none
+/ MODULES CALLED: fread(), fopen(), printf(), fclose()
+/ Read the scoreboard file and print the contents.
+struct scoreboard sbuf; /* for reading entries */
+register FILE *fp; /* to open the file */
+ if ((fp = fopen(_PATH_SCORE, "r")) != NULL)
+ {
+ while (fread((char *) &sbuf, SZ_SCORESTRUCT, 1, fp) == 1)
+ printf("%-20s (%-9s) Level: %6.0f Type: %s\n",
+ sbuf.sb_name, sbuf.sb_login, sbuf.sb_level, sbuf.sb_type);
+ fclose(fp);
+ }
+/* */
+/ FUNCTION NAME: activelist()
+/ FUNCTION: print list of active players to standard output
+/ AUTHOR: E. A. Estes, 3/7/86
+/ ARGUMENTS: none
+/ MODULES CALLED: descrstatus(), fread(), fseek(), printf(), descrtype()
+/ GLOBAL INPUTS: Other, *Playersfp
+/ Read player file, and print list of active records to standard output.
+ fseek(Playersfp, 0L, 0);
+ printf("Current characters on file are:\n\n");
+ while (fread((char *) &Other, SZ_PLAYERSTRUCT, 1, Playersfp) == 1)
+ if (Other.p_status != S_NOTUSED)
+ printf("%-20s (%-9s) Level: %6.0f %s (%s)\n",
+ Other.p_name, Other.p_login, Other.p_level,
+ descrtype(&Other, FALSE), descrstatus(&Other));
+/* */
+/ FUNCTION NAME: purgeoldplayers()
+/ FUNCTION: purge inactive players from player file
+/ AUTHOR: E. A. Estes, 12/4/85
+/ ARGUMENTS: none
+/ MODULES CALLED: freerecord(), time(), fread(), fseek(), localtime()
+/ GLOBAL INPUTS: Other, *Playersfp
+/ Delete characters which have not been used with the last
+/ three weeks.
+int today; /* day of year for today */
+int daysold; /* how many days since the character has been used */
+long ltime; /* time in seconds */
+long loc = 0L; /* location in file */
+ time(&ltime);
+ today = localtime(&ltime)->tm_yday;
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ fseek(Playersfp, loc, 0);
+ if (fread((char *) &Other, SZ_PLAYERSTRUCT, 1, Playersfp) != 1)
+ break;
+ daysold = today - Other.p_lastused;
+ if (daysold < 0)
+ daysold += 365;
+ if (daysold > N_DAYSOLD)
+ /* player hasn't been used in a while; delete */
+ freerecord(&Other, loc);
+ }
+/* */
+/ FUNCTION NAME: enterscore()
+/ FUNCTION: enter player into scoreboard
+/ AUTHOR: E. A. Estes, 12/4/85
+/ ARGUMENTS: none
+/ MODULES CALLED: fread(), fseek(), fopen(), error(), strcmp(), fclose(),
+/ strcpy(), fwrite(), descrtype()
+/ The scoreboard keeps track of the highest character on a
+/ per-login basis.
+/ Search the scoreboard for an entry for the current login,
+/ if an entry is found, and it is lower than the current player,
+/ replace it, otherwise create an entry.
+struct scoreboard sbuf; /* buffer to read in scoreboard entries */
+FILE *fp; /* to open scoreboard file */
+long loc = 0L; /* location in scoreboard file */
+bool found = FALSE; /* set if we found an entry for this login */
+ if ((fp = fopen(_PATH_SCORE, "r+")) != NULL)
+ {
+ while (fread((char *) &sbuf, SZ_SCORESTRUCT, 1, fp) == 1)
+ if (strcmp(Player.p_login, sbuf.sb_login) == 0)
+ {
+ found = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ error(_PATH_SCORE);
+ }
+ /*
+ * At this point, 'loc' will either indicate a point beyond
+ * the end of file, or the place where the previous entry
+ * was found.
+ */
+ if ((!found) || Player.p_level > sbuf.sb_level)
+ /* put new entry in for this login */
+ {
+ strcpy(sbuf.sb_login, Player.p_login);
+ strcpy(sbuf.sb_name, Player.p_name);
+ sbuf.sb_level = Player.p_level;
+ strcpy(sbuf.sb_type, descrtype(&Player, TRUE));
+ }
+ /* update entry */
+ fseek(fp, loc, 0);
+ fwrite((char *) &sbuf, SZ_SCORESTRUCT, 1, fp);
+ fclose(fp);
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