path: root/eBones/krb/get_ad_tkt.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'eBones/krb/get_ad_tkt.c')
1 files changed, 234 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/eBones/krb/get_ad_tkt.c b/eBones/krb/get_ad_tkt.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8e1283
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eBones/krb/get_ad_tkt.c
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+ * Copyright 1986, 1987, 1988 by the Massachusetts Institute
+ * of Technology.
+ * For copying and distribution information, please see the file
+ * <Copyright.MIT>.
+ *
+ * from: get_ad_tkt.c,v 4.15 89/07/07 15:18:51 jtkohl Exp $
+ * $Id: get_ad_tkt.c,v 1.2 1994/07/19 19:25:11 g89r4222 Exp $
+ */
+#ifndef lint
+static char rcsid[] =
+"$Id: get_ad_tkt.c,v 1.2 1994/07/19 19:25:11 g89r4222 Exp $";
+#endif /* lint */
+#include <krb.h>
+#include <des.h>
+#include <prot.h>
+#include <strings.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+/* use the bsd time.h struct defs for PC too! */
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+extern int krb_debug;
+struct timeval tt_local = { 0, 0 };
+int swap_bytes;
+unsigned long rep_err_code;
+ * get_ad_tkt obtains a new service ticket from Kerberos, using
+ * the ticket-granting ticket which must be in the ticket file.
+ * It is typically called by krb_mk_req() when the client side
+ * of an application is creating authentication information to be
+ * sent to the server side.
+ *
+ * get_ad_tkt takes four arguments: three pointers to strings which
+ * contain the name, instance, and realm of the service for which the
+ * ticket is to be obtained; and an integer indicating the desired
+ * lifetime of the ticket.
+ *
+ * It returns an error status if the ticket couldn't be obtained,
+ * or AD_OK if all went well. The ticket is stored in the ticket
+ * cache.
+ *
+ * The request sent to the Kerberos ticket-granting service looks
+ * like this:
+ *
+ * pkt->dat
+ *
+ * TEXT original contents of authenticator+ticket
+ * pkt->dat built in krb_mk_req call
+ *
+ * 4 bytes time_ws always 0 (?)
+ * char lifetime lifetime argument passed
+ * string service service name argument
+ * string sinstance service instance arg.
+ *
+ * See "prot.h" for the reply packet layout and definitions of the
+ * extraction macros like pkt_version(), pkt_msg_type(), etc.
+ */
+ char *service;
+ char *sinstance;
+ char *realm;
+ int lifetime;
+ static KTEXT_ST pkt_st;
+ KTEXT pkt = & pkt_st; /* Packet to KDC */
+ static KTEXT_ST rpkt_st;
+ KTEXT rpkt = &rpkt_st; /* Returned packet */
+ static KTEXT_ST cip_st;
+ KTEXT cip = &cip_st; /* Returned Ciphertext */
+ static KTEXT_ST tkt_st;
+ KTEXT tkt = &tkt_st; /* Current ticket */
+ C_Block ses; /* Session key for tkt */
+ int kvno; /* Kvno for session key */
+ char lrealm[REALM_SZ];
+ C_Block key; /* Key for decrypting cipher */
+ Key_schedule key_s;
+ long time_ws = 0;
+ char s_name[SNAME_SZ];
+ char s_instance[INST_SZ];
+ int msg_byte_order;
+ int kerror;
+ char rlm[REALM_SZ];
+ char *ptr;
+ unsigned long kdc_time; /* KDC time */
+ if ((kerror = krb_get_tf_realm(TKT_FILE, lrealm)) != KSUCCESS)
+ return(kerror);
+ /* Create skeleton of packet to be sent */
+ (void) gettimeofday(&tt_local,(struct timezone *) 0);
+ pkt->length = 0;
+ /*
+ * Look for the session key (and other stuff we don't need)
+ * in the ticket file for krbtgt.realm@lrealm where "realm"
+ * is the service's realm (passed in "realm" argument) and
+ * lrealm is the realm of our initial ticket. If we don't
+ * have this, we will try to get it.
+ */
+ if ((kerror = krb_get_cred("krbtgt",realm,lrealm,&cr)) != KSUCCESS) {
+ /*
+ * If realm == lrealm, we have no hope, so let's not even try.
+ */
+ if ((strncmp(realm, lrealm, REALM_SZ)) == 0)
+ return(AD_NOTGT);
+ else{
+ if ((kerror =
+ get_ad_tkt("krbtgt",realm,lrealm,lifetime)) != KSUCCESS)
+ return(kerror);
+ if ((kerror = krb_get_cred("krbtgt",realm,lrealm,&cr)) != KSUCCESS)
+ return(kerror);
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Make up a request packet to the "krbtgt.realm@lrealm".
+ * Start by calling krb_mk_req() which puts ticket+authenticator
+ * into "pkt". Then tack other stuff on the end.
+ */
+ kerror = krb_mk_req(pkt,"krbtgt",realm,lrealm,0L);
+ if (kerror)
+ return(AD_NOTGT);
+ /* timestamp */
+ bcopy((char *) &time_ws,(char *) (pkt->dat+pkt->length),4);
+ pkt->length += 4;
+ *(pkt->dat+(pkt->length)++) = (char) lifetime;
+ (void) strcpy((char *) (pkt->dat+pkt->length),service);
+ pkt->length += 1 + strlen(service);
+ (void) strcpy((char *)(pkt->dat+pkt->length),sinstance);
+ pkt->length += 1 + strlen(sinstance);
+ rpkt->length = 0;
+ /* Send the request to the local ticket-granting server */
+ if (kerror = send_to_kdc(pkt, rpkt, realm)) return(kerror);
+ /* check packet version of the returned packet */
+ if (pkt_version(rpkt) != KRB_PROT_VERSION )
+ return(INTK_PROT);
+ /* Check byte order */
+ msg_byte_order = pkt_msg_type(rpkt) & 1;
+ swap_bytes = 0;
+ if (msg_byte_order != HOST_BYTE_ORDER)
+ swap_bytes++;
+ switch (pkt_msg_type(rpkt) & ~1) {
+ break;
+ bcopy(pkt_err_code(rpkt), (char *) &rep_err_code, 4);
+ if (swap_bytes)
+ swap_u_long(rep_err_code);
+ return(rep_err_code);
+ default:
+ return(INTK_PROT);
+ }
+ /* Extract the ciphertext */
+ cip->length = pkt_clen(rpkt); /* let clen do the swap */
+ bcopy((char *) pkt_cipher(rpkt),(char *) (cip->dat),cip->length);
+ key_sched(cr.session,key_s);
+ pcbc_encrypt((C_Block *)cip->dat,(C_Block *)cip->dat,(long)cip->length,
+ key_s,cr.session,DECRYPT);
+ /* Get rid of all traces of key */
+ bzero((char *) cr.session, sizeof(key));
+ bzero((char *) key_s, sizeof(key_s));
+ ptr = (char *) cip->dat;
+ bcopy(ptr,(char *)ses,8);
+ ptr += 8;
+ (void) strcpy(s_name,ptr);
+ ptr += strlen(s_name) + 1;
+ (void) strcpy(s_instance,ptr);
+ ptr += strlen(s_instance) + 1;
+ (void) strcpy(rlm,ptr);
+ ptr += strlen(rlm) + 1;
+ lifetime = (unsigned long) ptr[0];
+ kvno = (unsigned long) ptr[1];
+ tkt->length = (int) ptr[2];
+ ptr += 3;
+ bcopy(ptr,(char *)(tkt->dat),tkt->length);
+ ptr += tkt->length;
+ if (strcmp(s_name, service) || strcmp(s_instance, sinstance) ||
+ strcmp(rlm, realm)) /* not what we asked for */
+ return(INTK_ERR); /* we need a better code here XXX */
+ /* check KDC time stamp */
+ bcopy(ptr,(char *)&kdc_time,4); /* Time (coarse) */
+ if (swap_bytes) swap_u_long(kdc_time);
+ ptr += 4;
+ (void) gettimeofday(&tt_local,(struct timezone *) 0);
+ if (abs((int)(tt_local.tv_sec - kdc_time)) > CLOCK_SKEW) {
+ return(RD_AP_TIME); /* XXX should probably be better
+ code */
+ }
+ if (kerror = save_credentials(s_name,s_instance,rlm,ses,lifetime,
+ kvno,tkt,tt_local.tv_sec))
+ return(kerror);
+ return(AD_OK);
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