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+ <title>libsm : Exception Handling</title>
+<a href="index.html">Back to libsm overview</a>
+ <h1> libsm : Exception Handling </h1>
+ <br> $Id: exc.html,v 1.12 2001/02/13 21:21:25 gshapiro Exp $
+<h2> Introduction </h2>
+The exception handling package provides the facilities that
+functions in libsm use to report errors.
+Here are the basic concepts:
+ When a function detects an exceptional condition at the library level,
+ it does not print an error message, or call syslog, or
+ exit the program. Instead, it reports the error back to its
+ caller, and lets the caller decide what to do.
+ This improves modularity, because error handling is separated
+ from error reporting.
+ <p>
+ Errors are not represented by a single integer error code,
+ because that you can't represent everything that an error handler
+ might need to know about an error by a single integer.
+ Instead, errors are represented by exception objects.
+ An exception object contains an exception code and an array
+ of zero or more exception arguments.
+ The exception code is a string that specifies what kind of exception
+ this is, and the arguments may be integers, strings or exception objects.
+ <p>
+ Errors are not reported using a special return value,
+ because if you religiously check for error returns from every
+ function call that could fail, then most of your code ends up being
+ error handling code. Errors are reported by raising an exception.
+ When an exception is raised, we unwind the call stack
+ until we find an exception handler. If the exception is
+ not handled, then we print the exception on stderr and
+ exit the program.
+<h2> Synopsis </h2>
+#include &lt;sm/exc.h&gt;
+typedef struct sm_exc_type SM_EXC_TYPE_T;
+typedef struct sm_exc SM_EXC_T;
+typedef union sm_val SM_VAL_T;
+** Exception types
+extern const char SmExcTypeMagic[];
+struct sm_exc_type
+ const char *sm_magic;
+ const char *etype_category;
+ const char *etype_argformat;
+ void (*etype_print)(SM_EXC_T *exc, SM_FILE_T *stream);
+ const char *etype_printcontext;
+extern const SM_EXC_TYPE_T SmEtypeOs;
+extern const SM_EXC_TYPE_T SmEtypeErr;
+ SM_EXC_T *exc,
+ SM_FILE_T *stream);
+** Exception objects
+extern const char SmExcMagic[];
+union sm_val
+ int v_int;
+ long v_long;
+ char *v_str;
+ SM_EXC_T *v_exc;
+struct sm_exc
+ const char *sm_magic;
+ size_t exc_refcount;
+ const SM_EXC_TYPE_T *exc_type;
+ SM_VAL_T *exc_argv;
+ const SM_EXC_TYPE_T *type,
+ ...);
+ SM_EXC_T *exc);
+ SM_EXC_T *exc);
+ SM_EXC_T *exc,
+ const char *pattern);
+ SM_EXC_T *exc,
+ SM_FILE_T *stream);
+ SM_EXC_T *exc,
+ SM_FILE_T *stream);
+ SM_EXC_T *exc);
+ const SM_EXC_TYPE_T *type,
+ ...);
+** Ensure that cleanup code is executed,
+** and/or handle an exception.
+ Block of code that may raise an exception.
+ Cleanup code that may raise an exception.
+ This clause is guaranteed to be executed even if an exception is
+ raised by the SM_TRY clause or by an earlier SM_FINALLY clause.
+ You may have 0 or more SM_FINALLY clauses.
+SM_EXCEPT(exc, pattern)
+ Exception handling code, triggered by an exception
+ whose category matches 'pattern'.
+ You may have 0 or more SM_EXCEPT clauses.
+<h2> Overview </h2>
+ An exception is an object which represents an exceptional condition,
+ which might be an error condition like "out of memory", or might be
+ a condition like "end of file".
+ Functions in libsm report errors and other unusual conditions by
+ raising an exception, rather than by returning an error code or
+ setting a global variable such as errno. If a libsm function is
+ capable of raising an exception, its name ends in "_x".
+ (We do not raise an exception when a bug is detected in the
+ program; instead, we terminate the program using <tt>sm_abort</tt>.
+ See <a href="assert.html">the assertion package</a>
+ for details.)
+ When you are using the libsm exception handling package,
+ you are using a new programming paradigm.
+ You will need to abandon some of the programming idioms
+ you are accustomed to, and switch to new idioms.
+ Here is an overview of some of these idioms.
+ When a function is unable to complete its task because
+ of an exceptional condition, it reports this condition
+ by raising an exception.
+ <p>
+ Here is an example of how to construct an exception object
+ and raise an exception.
+ In this example, we convert a Unix system error into an exception.
+fd = open(path, O_RDONLY);
+if (fd == -1)
+ sm_exc_raise_x(sm_exc_new_x(&SmEtypeOs, errno, "open", "%s", path));
+ Because the idiom <tt>sm_exc_raise_x(sm_exc_new_x(...))</tt>
+ is so common, it can be abbreviated as <tt>sm_exc_raisenew_x(...)</tt>.
+ When you detect an error at the application level,
+ you don't call a function like BSD's <tt>errx</tt>,
+ which prints an error message on stderr and exits the program.
+ Instead, you raise an exception.
+ This causes cleanup code in surrounding exception handlers
+ to be run before the program exits.
+ For example, instead of this:
+errx(1, "%s:%d: syntax error", filename, lineno);
+ use this:
+sm_exc_raisenew_x(&SmEtypeErr, "%s:%d: syntax error", filename, lineno);
+ The latter code raises an exception, unwinding the call stack
+ and executing cleanup code.
+ If the exception is not handled, then the exception is printed
+ to stderr and the program exits.
+ The end result is substantially the same as a call to <tt>errx</tt>.
+ The SM_TRY ... SM_FINALLY ... control structure
+ ensures that cleanup code is executed and resources are released
+ in the presence of exceptions.
+ For example, suppose that you have written the following code:
+rpool = sm_rpool_new_x(&SmRpoolRoot, 0);
+... some code ...
+ If any of the functions called within "... some code ..." have
+ names ending in _x, then it is possible that an exception will be
+ raised, and if that happens, then "rpool" will not be freed.
+ And that's a bug. To fix this bug, change your code so it looks
+ like this:
+rpool = sm_rpool_new_x(&SmRpoolRoot, 0);
+ ... some code that can raise an exception ...
+ sm_rpool_free_x(rpool);
+ The SM_TRY ... SM_EXCEPT ... control structure handles an exception.
+ Unhandled exceptions terminate the program.
+ For example, here is a simple exception handler
+ that traps all exceptions, and prints the exceptions:
+ /* code that can raise an exception */
+ ...
+SM_EXCEPT(exc, "*")
+ /* catch all exceptions */
+ sm_exc_print(exc, stderr);
+ Exceptions are reference counted. The SM_END_TRY macro contains a
+ call to sm_exc_free, so you don't normally need to worry about freeing
+ an exception after handling it. In the rare case that you want an
+ exception to outlive an exception handler, then you increment its
+ reference count by calling sm_exc_addref.
+ The second argument of the SM_EXCEPT macro is a glob pattern
+ which specifies the types of exceptions that are to be handled.
+ For example, you might want to handle an end-of-file exception
+ differently from other exceptions.
+ Here's how you do that:
+ /* code that might raise end-of-file, or some other exception */
+ ...
+SM_EXCEPT(exc, "E:sm.eof")
+ /* what to do if end-of-file is encountered */
+ ...
+SM_EXCEPT(exc, "*")
+ /* what to do if some other exception is raised */
+ ...
+<h2> Exception Values </h2>
+In traditional C code, errors are usually denoted by a single integer,
+such as errno. In practice, errno does not carry enough information
+to describe everything that an error handler might want to know about
+an error. And the scheme is not very extensible: if several different
+packages want to add additional error codes, it is hard to avoid
+In libsm, an exceptional condition is described
+by an object of type SM_EXC_T.
+An exception object is created by specifying an exception type
+and a list of exception arguments.
+The exception arguments are an array of zero or more values.
+The values may be a mixture of ints, longs, strings, and exceptions.
+In the SM_EXC_T structure, the argument vector is represented
+by <tt>SM_VAL_T&nbsp;*exc_argv</tt>, where <tt>SM_VAL_T</tt>
+is a union of the possible argument types.
+The number and types of exception arguments is determined by
+the exception type.
+An exception type is a statically initialized const object
+of type SM_EXC_TYPE_T, which has the following members:
+<tt> const char *sm_magic </tt>
+ A pointer to <tt>SmExcTypeMagic</tt>.
+ <p>
+<tt> const char *etype_category </tt>
+ This is a string of the form
+ <tt>"</tt><i>class</i><tt>:</tt><i>name</i><tt>"</tt>.
+ <p>
+ The <i>class</i> is used to assign the exception type to
+ one of a number of broad categories of exceptions on which an
+ exception handler might want to discriminate.
+ I suspect that what we want is a hierarchical taxonomy,
+ but I don't have a full design for this yet.
+ For now, I am recommending the following classes:
+ <dl>
+ <dt><tt>"F"</tt>
+ <dd>A fatal error has occurred.
+ This is an error that prevents the application
+ from making any further progress, so the only
+ recourse is to raise an exception, execute cleanup code
+ as the stack is unwound, then exit the application.
+ The out-of-memory exception raised by sm_malloc_x
+ has category "F:sm.heap" because sendmail commits suicide
+ (after logging the error and cleaning up) when it runs out
+ of memory.
+ <dt><tt>"E"</tt>
+ <dd>The function could not complete its task because an error occurred.
+ (It might be useful to define subclasses of this category,
+ in which case our taxonony becomes a tree, and 'F' becomes
+ a subclass of 'E'.)
+ <dt><tt>"J"</tt>
+ <dd>This exception is being raised in order to effect a
+ non-local jump. No error has occurred; we are just
+ performing the non-local equivalent of a <tt>continue</tt>,
+ <tt>break</tt> or <tt>return</tt>.
+ <dt><tt>"S"</tt>
+ <dd>The function was interrupted by a signal.
+ Signals are not errors because they occur asynchronously,
+ and they are semantically unrelated to the function that
+ happens to be executing when the signal arrives.
+ Note that it is extremely dangerous to raise an exception
+ from a signal handler. For example, if you are in the middle
+ of a call to malloc, you might corrupt the heap.
+ </dl>
+ Eric's libsm paper defines <tt>"W"</tt>, <tt>"D"</tt> and <tt>"I"</tt>
+ for Warning, Debug and Informational:
+ I suspect these categories only make sense in the context of
+ Eric's 1985 exception handling system which allowed you to
+ raise conditions without terminating the calling function.
+ <p>
+ The <i>name</i> uniquely identifies the exception type.
+ I recommend a string of the form
+ <i>library</i><tt>.</tt><i>package</i><tt>.</tt><i>detail</i>.
+ <p>
+<tt> const char *etype_argformat </tt>
+ This is an array of single character codes.
+ Each code indicates the type of one of the exception arguments.
+ <tt>sm_exc_new_x</tt> uses this string to decode its variable
+ argument list into an exception argument vector.
+ The following type codes are supported:
+ <dl>
+ <dt><tt>i</tt>
+ <dd>
+ The exception argument has type <tt>int</tt>.
+ <dt><tt>l</tt>
+ <dd>
+ The exception argument has type <tt>long</tt>.
+ <dt><tt>e</tt>
+ <dd>
+ The exception argument has type <tt>SM_EXC_T*</tt>.
+ The value may either be <tt>NULL</tt> or a pointer
+ to an exception. The pointer value is simply copied
+ into the exception argument vector.
+ <dt><tt>s</tt>
+ <dd>
+ The exception argument has type <tt>char*</tt>.
+ The value may either be <tt>NULL</tt> or a pointer
+ to a character string. In the latter case,
+ <tt>sm_exc_new_x</tt> will make a copy of the string.
+ <dt><tt>r</tt>
+ <dd>
+ The exception argument has type <tt>char*</tt>.
+ <tt>sm_exc_new_x</tt> will read a printf-style
+ format string argument followed by a list of printf
+ arguments from its variable argument list, and convert
+ these into a string.
+ This type code can only occur as the last element
+ of <tt>exc_argformat</tt>.
+ </dl>
+ <p>
+<tt> void (*etype_print)(SM_EXC_T *exc, SM_FILE_T *stream) </tt>
+ This function prints an exception of the specified type
+ onto an output stream.
+ The final character printed is not a newline.
+<h2> Standard Exceptions and Exception Types </h2>
+Libsm defines one standard exception value, <tt>SmHeapOutOfMemory</tt>.
+This is a statically initialized const variable, because it seems
+like a bad idea to dynamically allocate an exception object to
+report a low memory condition.
+This exception has category <tt>"F:sm.heap"</tt>.
+If you need to, you can explicitly raise this exception
+with <tt>sm_exc_raise_x(&SmHeapOutOfMemory)</tt>.
+Statically initialized exception values cannot contain any
+run-time parameters, so the normal case is to dynamically allocate
+a new exception object whenever you raise an exception.
+Before you can create an exception, you need an exception type.
+Libsm defines the following standard exception types.
+<tt> SmEtypeOs </tt>
+ This represents a generic operating system error.
+ The category is <tt>"E:sm.os"</tt>.
+ The argformat is <tt>"isr"</tt>,
+ where argv[0] is the value of <tt>errno</tt>
+ after a system call has failed,
+ argv[1] is the name of the function (usually a system call) that failed,
+ and argv[2] is either <tt>NULL</tt>
+ or a character string which describes some of the arguments
+ to the failing system call (usually it is just a file name).
+ Here's an example of raising an exception:
+fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY);
+if (fd == -1)
+ sm_exc_raisenew_x(&SmEtypeOs, errno, "open", "%s", filename);
+ If errno is ENOENT and filename is "/etc/mail/",
+ then the exception raised by the above code will be printed as
+/etc/mail/ open failed: No such file or directory
+<tt> SmEtypeErr </tt>
+ This represents a generic error.
+ The category is <tt>"E:sm.err"</tt>,
+ and the argformat is <tt>"r"</tt>.
+ You can use it
+ in application contexts where you are raising an exception
+ for the purpose of terminating the program.
+ You know the exception won't be handled,
+ so you don't need to worry about packaging the error for
+ later analysis by an exception handler.
+ All you need to specify is the message string that
+ will be printed to stderr before the program exits.
+ For example,
+sm_exc_raisenew_x(&SmEtypeErr, "name lookup failed: %s", name);
+<h2> Custom Exception Types </h2>
+If you are writing a library package, and you need to raise
+exceptions that are not standard Unix system errors,
+then you need to define one or more new exception types.
+Every new exception type needs a print function.
+The standard print function <tt>sm_etype_printf</tt>
+is all you need in the majority of cases.
+It prints the <tt>etype_printcontext</tt> string of the exception type,
+substituting occurrences of %0 through %9 with the corresponding
+exception argument.
+If exception argument 3 is an int or long,
+then %3 will print the argument in decimal,
+and %o3 or %x3 will print it in octal or hex.
+In the following example, I will assume that your library
+package implements regular expressions, and can raise 5 different exceptions.
+When compiling a regular expression, 3 different syntax errors
+can be reported:
+<li>unbalanced parenthesis
+<li>unbalanced bracket
+<li>missing argument for repetition operator
+Whenever one of these errors is reported, you will also report
+the index of the character within the regex string at which the
+syntax error was detected.
+The fourth exception is raised if a compiled regular expression
+is invalid: this exception has no arguments.
+The fifth exception is raised if the package runs out of memory:
+for this, you use the standard <tt>SmHeapOutOfMemory</tt> exception.
+The obvious approach is to define 4 separate exception types.
+Here they are:
+/* print a regular expression syntax error */
+rx_esyntax_print(SM_EXC_T *exc, SM_FILE_T *stream)
+ sm_io_fprintf(stream, "rx syntax error at character %d: %s",
+ exc-&gt;exc_argv[0].v_int,
+ exc-&gt;exc_type-&gt;etype_printcontext);
+SM_EXC_TYPE_T RxSyntaxParen = {
+ SmExcTypeMagic,
+ "E:mylib.rx.syntax.paren",
+ "i",
+ rx_esyntax_print,
+ "unbalanced parenthesis"
+SM_EXC_TYPE_T RxSyntaxBracket = {
+ SmExcTypeMagic,
+ "E:mylib.rx.syntax.bracket",
+ "i",
+ rx_esyntax_print,
+ "unbalanced bracket"
+SM_EXC_TYPE_T RxSyntaxMissingArg = {
+ SmExcTypeMagic,
+ "E:mylib.rx.syntax.missingarg",
+ "i",
+ rx_esyntax_print,
+ "missing argument for repetition operator"
+SM_EXC_TYPE_T RxRunCorrupt = {
+ SmExcTypeMagic,
+ "",
+ "",
+ sm_etype_printf,
+ "rx runtime error: compiled regular expression is corrupt"
+With the above definitions, you can raise a syntax error reporting
+an unbalanced parenthesis at string offset <tt>i</tt> using:
+sm_exc_raisenew_x(&RxSyntaxParen, i);
+If <tt>i==42</tt> then this exception will be printed as:
+rx syntax error at character 42: unbalanced parenthesis
+An exception handler can provide special handling for regular
+expression syntax errors using this code:
+ ... code that might raise an exception ...
+SM_EXCEPT(exc, "E:mylib.rx.syntax.*")
+ int i = exc-&gt;exc_argv[0].v_int;
+ ... handle a regular expression syntax error ...
+External requirements may force you to define an integer code
+for each error reported by your package. Or you may be wrapping
+an existing package that works this way. In this case, it might
+make sense to define a single exception type, patterned after SmEtypeOs,
+and include the integer code as an exception argument.
+Your package might intercept an exception E generated by a lower
+level package, and then reclassify it as a different expression E'.
+For example, a package for reading a configuration file might
+reclassify one of the regular expression syntax errors from the
+previous example as a configuration file syntax error.
+When you do this, the new exception E' should include the original
+exception E as an exception parameter, and the print function for
+exception E' should print the high level description of the exception
+(eg, "syntax error in configuration file %s at line %d\n"),
+then print the subexception that is stored as an exception parameter.
+<h2> Function Reference </h2>
+<tt> SM_EXC_T *sm_exc_new_x(const SM_EXC_TYPE_T *type, ...) </tt>
+ Create a new exception. Raise an exception on heap exhaustion.
+ The new exception has a reference count of 1.
+ <p>
+ A list of zero or more exception arguments follows the exception type;
+ these are copied into the new exception object.
+ The number and types of these arguments is determined
+ by <tt>type-&gt;etype_argformat</tt>.
+ <p>
+ Note that there is no rpool argument to sm_exc_new_x.
+ Exceptions are allocated directly from the heap.
+ This is because exceptions are normally raised at low levels
+ of abstraction and handled at high levels. Because the low
+ level code typically has no idea of how or at what level the
+ exception will be handled, it also has no idea of which resource
+ pool, if any, should own the exception.
+ <p>
+<tt> SM_EXC_T *sm_exc_addref(SM_EXC_T *exc) </tt>
+ Increment the reference count of an exception.
+ Return the first argument.
+ <p>
+<tt> void sm_exc_free(SM_EXC_T *exc) </tt>
+ Decrement the reference count of an exception.
+ If it reaches 0, free the exception object.
+ <p>
+<tt> bool sm_exc_match(SM_EXC_T *exc, const char *pattern) </tt>
+ Compare the exception's category to the specified glob pattern,
+ return true if they match.
+ <p>
+<tt> void sm_exc_print(SM_EXC_T *exc, SM_FILE_T *stream) </tt>
+ Print the exception on the stream
+ as a sequence of one or more newline terminated lines.
+ <p>
+<tt> void sm_exc_write(SM_EXC_T *exc, SM_FILE_T *stream) </tt>
+ Write the exception on the stream without a terminating newline.
+ <p>
+<tt> void sm_exc_raise_x(SM_EXC_T *exc) </tt>
+ Raise the exception. This function does not return to its caller.
+ <p>
+<tt> void sm_exc_raisenew_x(const SM_EXC_TYPE_T *type, ...) </tt>
+ A short form for <tt>sm_exc_raise_x(sm_exc_new_x(type,...))</tt>.
+<h2> Macro Reference </h2>
+The SM_TRY ... SM_END_TRY control structure
+ensures that cleanup code is executed in the presence of exceptions,
+and permits exceptions to be handled.
+ A block of code that may raise an exception.
+ Cleanup code that may raise an exception.
+ This code is guaranteed to be executed whether or not
+ an exception was raised by a previous clause.
+ You may have 0 or more SM_FINALLY clauses.
+SM_EXCEPT(e, pat)
+ Exception handling code, which is triggered by an exception
+ whose category matches the glob pattern 'pat'.
+ The exception value is bound to the local variable 'e'.
+ You may have 0 or more SM_EXCEPT clauses.
+First, the SM_TRY clause is executed, then each SM_FINALLY clause is
+executed in sequence.
+If one or more of these clauses was terminated by an exception,
+then the first such exception is remembered, and the other exceptions
+are lost.
+If no exception was raised, then we are done.
+Otherwise, each of the SM_EXCEPT clauses is examined in sequence.
+and the first SM_EXCEPT clause whose pattern argument matches the exception
+(see <tt>sm_exc_match</tt>) is executed.
+If none of the SM_EXCEPT clauses matched the exception, or if there are
+no SM_EXCEPT clauses, then the remembered exception is re-raised.
+SM_TRY .. SM_END_TRY clauses may be nested arbitrarily.
+It is illegal to jump out of a SM_TRY or SM_FINALLY clause
+using goto, break, continue, return or longjmp.
+If you do this, you will corrupt the internal exception handling stack.
+You can't use <tt>break</tt> or <tt>continue</tt> in an SM_EXCEPT clause;
+these are reserved for use by the implementation.
+It is legal to jump out of an SM_EXCEPT clause using goto or return;
+however, in this case, you must take responsibility
+for freeing the exception object.
+The SM_TRY and SM_FINALLY macros contain calls to setjmp,
+and consequently, they suffer from the limitations imposed on setjmp
+by the C standard.
+Suppose you declare an auto variable <tt>i</tt> outside of a
+SM_TRY ... SM_END_TRY statement, initializing it to 0.
+Then you modify <tt>i</tt> inside of a SM_TRY or SM_FINALLY clause,
+setting it to 1.
+If you reference <tt>i</tt> in a different SM_FINALLY clause, or in
+an SM_EXCEPT clause, then it is implementation dependent whether <tt>i</tt>
+will be 0 or 1, unless you have declared <tt>i</tt> to be <tt>volatile</tt>.
+int volatile i = 0;
+ i = 1;
+ ...
+ /* the following reference to i only works if i is declared volatile */
+ use(i);
+ ...
+SM_EXCEPT(exc, "*")
+ /* the following reference to i only works if i is declared volatile */
+ use(i);
+ ...
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