path: root/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/')
1 files changed, 60 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/ b/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/
index 6029557..5e2f91d 100644
--- a/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/
+++ b/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/
@@ -1,9 +1,30 @@
package ExtUtils::Liblist;
+@ISA = qw(ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid File::Spec);
+sub lsdir {
+ shift;
+ my $rex = qr/$_[1]/;
+ opendir my $dir, $_[0];
+ grep /$rex/, readdir $dir;
+sub file_name_is_absolute {
+ require File::Spec;
+ shift;
+ 'File::Spec'->file_name_is_absolute(@_);
+package ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid;
+# This kid package is to be used by MakeMaker. It will not work if
+# $self is not a Makemaker.
use 5.005_64;
# Broken out of MakeMaker from version 4.11
-our $VERSION = substr q$Revision: 1.25 $, 10;
+our $VERSION = substr q$Revision: 1.26 $, 10;
use Config;
use Cwd 'cwd';
@@ -16,19 +37,19 @@ sub ext {
sub _unix_os2_ext {
- my($self,$potential_libs, $verbose) = @_;
- if ($^O =~ 'os2' and $Config{libs}) {
+ my($self,$potential_libs, $verbose, $give_libs) = @_;
+ if ($^O =~ 'os2' and $Config{perllibs}) {
# Dynamic libraries are not transitive, so we may need including
# the libraries linked against perl.dll again.
$potential_libs .= " " if $potential_libs;
- $potential_libs .= $Config{libs};
+ $potential_libs .= $Config{perllibs};
- return ("", "", "", "") unless $potential_libs;
+ return ("", "", "", "", ($give_libs ? [] : ())) unless $potential_libs;
warn "Potential libraries are '$potential_libs':\n" if $verbose;
my($so) = $Config{'so'};
- my($libs) = $Config{'libs'};
+ my($libs) = $Config{'perllibs'};
my $Config_libext = $Config{lib_ext} || ".a";
@@ -39,6 +60,7 @@ sub _unix_os2_ext {
my(@searchpath); # from "-L/path" entries in $potential_libs
my(@libpath) = split " ", $Config{'libpth'};
my(@ldloadlibs, @bsloadlibs, @extralibs, @ld_run_path, %ld_run_path_seen);
+ my(@libs, %libs_seen);
my($fullname, $thislib, $thispth, @fullname);
my($pwd) = cwd(); # from
my($found) = 0;
@@ -132,6 +154,7 @@ sub _unix_os2_ext {
warn "'-l$thislib' found at $fullname\n" if $verbose;
my($fullnamedir) = dirname($fullname);
push @ld_run_path, $fullnamedir unless $ld_run_path_seen{$fullnamedir}++;
+ push @libs, $fullname unless $libs_seen{$fullname}++;
@@ -179,28 +202,29 @@ sub _unix_os2_ext {
."No library found for -l$thislib\n"
unless $found_lib>0;
- return ('','','','') unless $found;
- ("@extralibs", "@bsloadlibs", "@ldloadlibs",join(":",@ld_run_path));
+ return ('','','','', ($give_libs ? \@libs : ())) unless $found;
+ ("@extralibs", "@bsloadlibs", "@ldloadlibs",join(":",@ld_run_path), ($give_libs ? \@libs : ()));
sub _win32_ext {
require Text::ParseWords;
- my($self, $potential_libs, $verbose) = @_;
+ my($self, $potential_libs, $verbose, $give_libs) = @_;
# If user did not supply a list, we punt.
# (caller should probably use the list in $Config{libs})
- return ("", "", "", "") unless $potential_libs;
+ return ("", "", "", "", ($give_libs ? [] : ())) unless $potential_libs;
my $cc = $Config{cc};
my $VC = 1 if $cc =~ /^cl/i;
my $BC = 1 if $cc =~ /^bcc/i;
my $GC = 1 if $cc =~ /^gcc/i;
my $so = $Config{'so'};
- my $libs = $Config{'libs'};
+ my $libs = $Config{'perllibs'};
my $libpth = $Config{'libpth'};
my $libext = $Config{'lib_ext'} || ".lib";
+ my(@libs, %libs_seen);
if ($libs and $potential_libs !~ /:nodefault/i) {
# If defines a set of default libs, we always
@@ -230,6 +254,10 @@ sub _win32_ext {
# add "$Config{installarchlib}/CORE" to default search path
push @libpath, "$Config{installarchlib}/CORE";
+ if ($VC and exists $ENV{LIB} and $ENV{LIB}) {
+ push @libpath, split /;/, $ENV{LIB};
+ }
foreach (Text::ParseWords::quotewords('\s+', 0, $potential_libs)){
$thislib = $_;
@@ -294,6 +322,7 @@ sub _win32_ext {
push(@extralibs, $fullname);
+ push @libs, $fullname unless $libs_seen{$fullname}++;
@@ -315,10 +344,11 @@ sub _win32_ext {
- return ('','','','') unless $found;
+ return ('','','','', ($give_libs ? \@libs : ())) unless $found;
# make sure paths with spaces are properly quoted
@extralibs = map { (/\s/ && !/^".*"$/) ? qq["$_"] : $_ } @extralibs;
+ @libs = map { (/\s/ && !/^".*"$/) ? qq["$_"] : $_ } @libs;
$lib = join(' ',@extralibs);
# normalize back to backward slashes (to help braindead tools)
@@ -327,18 +357,18 @@ sub _win32_ext {
$lib =~ s,/,\\,g;
warn "Result: $lib\n" if $verbose;
- wantarray ? ($lib, '', $lib, '') : $lib;
+ wantarray ? ($lib, '', $lib, '', ($give_libs ? \@libs : ())) : $lib;
sub _vms_ext {
- my($self, $potential_libs,$verbose) = @_;
+ my($self, $potential_libs,$verbose,$give_libs) = @_;
my($dbgqual) = $self->{OPTIMIZE} || $Config{'optimize'} ||
$self->{CCFLAS} || $Config{'ccflags'};
@crtls = ( ($dbgqual =~ m-/Debug-i ? $Config{'dbgprefix'} : '')
. 'PerlShr/Share' );
- push(@crtls, grep { not /\(/ } split /\s+/, $Config{'libs'});
+ push(@crtls, grep { not /\(/ } split /\s+/, $Config{'perllibs'});
push(@crtls, grep { not /\(/ } split /\s+/, $Config{'libc'});
# In general, we pass through the basic libraries from %Config unchanged.
# The one exception is that if we're building in the Perl source tree, and
@@ -361,7 +391,7 @@ sub _vms_ext {
unless ($potential_libs) {
warn "Result:\n\tEXTRALIBS: \n\tLDLOADLIBS: $crtlstr\n" if $verbose;
- return ('', '', $crtlstr, '');
+ return ('', '', $crtlstr, '', ($give_libs ? [] : ()));
@@ -370,6 +400,7 @@ sub _vms_ext {
# List of common Unix library names and there VMS equivalents
# (VMS equivalent of '' indicates that the library is automatially
# searched by the linker, and should be skipped here.)
+ my(@flibs, %libs_seen);
my %libmap = ( 'm' => '', 'f77' => '', 'F77' => '', 'V77' => '', 'c' => '',
'malloc' => '', 'crypt' => '', 'resolv' => '', 'c_s' => '',
'socket' => '', 'X11' => 'DECW$XLIBSHR',
@@ -474,6 +505,7 @@ sub _vms_ext {
if ($cand eq 'VAXCCURSE') { unshift @{$found{$ctype}}, $cand; }
else { push @{$found{$ctype}}, $cand; }
warn "\tFound as $cand (really $test), type $ctype\n" if $verbose > 1;
+ push @flibs, $name unless $libs_seen{$fullname}++;
next LIB;
@@ -488,7 +520,7 @@ sub _vms_ext {
$ldlib = $crtlstr ? "$lib $crtlstr" : $lib;
warn "Result:\n\tEXTRALIBS: $lib\n\tLDLOADLIBS: $ldlib\n" if $verbose;
- wantarray ? ($lib, '', $ldlib, '') : $lib;
+ wantarray ? ($lib, '', $ldlib, '', ($give_libs ? \@flibs : ())) : $lib;
@@ -503,20 +535,22 @@ ExtUtils::Liblist - determine libraries to use and how to use them
C<require ExtUtils::Liblist;>
-C<ExtUtils::Liblist::ext($self, $potential_libs, $verbose);>
+C<ExtUtils::Liblist::ext($self, $potential_libs, $verbose, $need_names);>
This utility takes a list of libraries in the form C<-llib1 -llib2
--llib3> and prints out lines suitable for inclusion in an extension
+-llib3> and returns lines suitable for inclusion in an extension
Makefile. Extra library paths may be included with the form
C<-L/another/path> this will affect the searches for all subsequent
-It returns an array of four scalar values: EXTRALIBS, BSLOADLIBS,
-LDLOADLIBS, and LD_RUN_PATH. Some of these don't mean anything
-on VMS and Win32. See the details about those platform specifics
+It returns an array of four or five scalar values: EXTRALIBS,
+BSLOADLIBS, LDLOADLIBS, LD_RUN_PATH, and, optionally, a reference to
+the array of the filenames of actual libraries. Some of these don't
+mean anything unless on Unix. See the details about those platform
+specifics below. The list of the filenames is returned only if
+$need_names argument is true.
Dependent libraries can be linked in one of three ways:
@@ -624,7 +658,7 @@ Unix-OS/2 version in several respects:
=item *
If C<$potential_libs> is empty, the return value will be empty.
-Otherwise, the libraries specified by C<$Config{libs}> (see
+Otherwise, the libraries specified by C<$Config{perllibs}> (see
will be appended to the list of C<$potential_libs>. The libraries
will be searched for in the directories specified in C<$potential_libs>,
C<$Config{libpth}>, and in C<$Config{installarchlib}/CORE>.
@@ -668,7 +702,7 @@ Entries in C<$potential_libs> beginning with a colon and followed by
alphanumeric characters are treated as flags. Unknown flags will be ignored.
An entry that matches C</:nodefault/i> disables the appending of default
-libraries found in C<$Config{libs}> (this should be only needed very rarely).
+libraries found in C<$Config{perllibs}> (this should be only needed very rarely).
An entry that matches C</:nosearch/i> disables all searching for
the libraries specified after it. Translation of C<-Lfoo> and
@@ -678,7 +712,7 @@ valid files or directories.
An entry that matches C</:search/i> reenables searching for
the libraries specified after it. You can put it at the end to
-enable searching for default libraries specified by C<$Config{libs}>.
+enable searching for default libraries specified by C<$Config{perllibs}>.
=item *
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