path: root/contrib/perl5/ext/ByteLoader/bytecode.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/perl5/ext/ByteLoader/bytecode.h')
1 files changed, 133 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/ext/ByteLoader/bytecode.h b/contrib/perl5/ext/ByteLoader/bytecode.h
index 1621fed..c6acd28 100644
--- a/contrib/perl5/ext/ByteLoader/bytecode.h
+++ b/contrib/perl5/ext/ByteLoader/bytecode.h
@@ -5,29 +5,33 @@ typedef char *op_tr_array;
typedef int comment_t;
typedef SV *svindex;
typedef OP *opindex;
+typedef char *pvindex;
typedef IV IV64;
#define BGET_FREAD(argp, len, nelem) \
- bs.pfread((char*)(argp),(len),(nelem),
-#define BGET_FGETC() bs.pfgetc(
+ bl_read(bstate->bs_fdata,(char*)(argp),(len),(nelem))
+#define BGET_FGETC() bl_getc(bstate->bs_fdata)
#define BGET_U32(arg) \
- BGET_FREAD(&arg, sizeof(U32), 1); arg = PerlSock_ntohl((U32)arg)
+ BGET_FREAD(&arg, sizeof(U32), 1)
#define BGET_I32(arg) \
- BGET_FREAD(&arg, sizeof(I32), 1); arg = (I32)PerlSock_ntohl((U32)arg)
+ BGET_FREAD(&arg, sizeof(I32), 1)
#define BGET_U16(arg) \
- BGET_FREAD(&arg, sizeof(U16), 1); arg = PerlSock_ntohs((U16)arg)
+ BGET_FREAD(&arg, sizeof(U16), 1)
#define BGET_U8(arg) arg = BGET_FGETC()
-#define BGET_PV(arg) STMT_START { \
- BGET_U32(arg); \
- if (arg) \
- bs.pfreadpv(arg,, &bytecode_pv); \
- else { \
- bytecode_pv.xpv_pv = 0; \
- bytecode_pv.xpv_len = 0; \
- bytecode_pv.xpv_cur = 0; \
- } \
+#define BGET_PV(arg) STMT_START { \
+ BGET_U32(arg); \
+ if (arg) { \
+ New(666, bstate->bs_pv.xpv_pv, arg, char); \
+ bl_read(bstate->bs_fdata, (void*)bstate->bs_pv.xpv_pv, arg, 1); \
+ bstate->bs_pv.xpv_len = arg; \
+ bstate->bs_pv.xpv_cur = arg - 1; \
+ } else { \
+ bstate->bs_pv.xpv_pv = 0; \
+ bstate->bs_pv.xpv_len = 0; \
+ bstate->bs_pv.xpv_cur = 0; \
+ } \
@@ -63,22 +67,20 @@ typedef IV IV64;
arg = (I32)lo; \
} \
else { \
- bytecode_iv_overflows++; \
+ bstate->bs_iv_overflows++; \
arg = 0; \
} \
-#define BGET_op_tr_array(arg) do { \
- unsigned short *ary; \
- int i; \
- New(666, ary, 256, unsigned short); \
- BGET_FREAD(ary, 256, 2); \
- for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) \
- ary[i] = PerlSock_ntohs(ary[i]); \
- arg = (char *) ary; \
+#define BGET_op_tr_array(arg) do { \
+ unsigned short *ary; \
+ int i; \
+ New(666, ary, 256, unsigned short); \
+ BGET_FREAD(ary, sizeof(unsigned short), 256); \
+ arg = (char *) ary; \
} while (0)
-#define BGET_pvcontents(arg) arg = bytecode_pv.xpv_pv
+#define BGET_pvcontents(arg) arg = bstate->bs_pv.xpv_pv
#define BGET_strconst(arg) STMT_START { \
for (arg = PL_tokenbuf; (*arg = BGET_FGETC()); arg++) /* nothing */; \
arg = PL_tokenbuf; \
@@ -91,14 +93,21 @@ typedef IV IV64;
#define BGET_objindex(arg, type) STMT_START { \
- U32 ix; \
BGET_U32(ix); \
- arg = (type)bytecode_obj_list[ix]; \
+ arg = (type)bstate->bs_obj_list[ix]; \
#define BGET_svindex(arg) BGET_objindex(arg, svindex)
#define BGET_opindex(arg) BGET_objindex(arg, opindex)
+#define BGET_pvindex(arg) STMT_START { \
+ BGET_objindex(arg, pvindex); \
+ arg = arg ? savepv(arg) : arg; \
#define BSET_ldspecsv(sv, arg) sv = specialsv_list[arg]
+#define BSET_stpv(pv, arg) STMT_START { \
+ BSET_OBJ_STORE(pv, arg); \
#define BSET_sv_refcnt_add(svrefcnt, arg) svrefcnt += arg
#define BSET_gp_refcnt_add(gprefcnt, arg) gprefcnt += arg
@@ -110,23 +119,29 @@ typedef IV IV64;
#define BSET_gv_fetchpv(sv, arg) sv = (SV*)gv_fetchpv(arg, TRUE, SVt_PV)
#define BSET_gv_stashpv(sv, arg) sv = (SV*)gv_stashpv(arg, TRUE)
#define BSET_sv_magic(sv, arg) sv_magic(sv, Nullsv, arg, 0, 0)
-#define BSET_mg_pv(mg, arg) mg->mg_ptr = arg; mg->mg_len = bytecode_pv.xpv_cur
+#define BSET_mg_pv(mg, arg) mg->mg_ptr = arg; mg->mg_len = bstate->bs_pv.xpv_cur
#define BSET_sv_upgrade(sv, arg) (void)SvUPGRADE(sv, arg)
#define BSET_xpv(sv) do { \
- SvPV_set(sv, bytecode_pv.xpv_pv); \
- SvCUR_set(sv, bytecode_pv.xpv_cur); \
- SvLEN_set(sv, bytecode_pv.xpv_len); \
+ SvPV_set(sv, bstate->bs_pv.xpv_pv); \
+ SvCUR_set(sv, bstate->bs_pv.xpv_cur); \
+ SvLEN_set(sv, bstate->bs_pv.xpv_len); \
} while (0)
#define BSET_av_extend(sv, arg) av_extend((AV*)sv, arg)
#define BSET_av_push(sv, arg) av_push((AV*)sv, arg)
#define BSET_hv_store(sv, arg) \
- hv_store((HV*)sv, bytecode_pv.xpv_pv, bytecode_pv.xpv_cur, arg, 0)
+ hv_store((HV*)sv, bstate->bs_pv.xpv_pv, bstate->bs_pv.xpv_cur, arg, 0)
#define BSET_pv_free(pv) Safefree(pv.xpv_pv)
#define BSET_pregcomp(o, arg) \
((PMOP*)o)->op_pmregexp = arg ? \
- CALLREGCOMP(aTHX_ arg, arg + bytecode_pv.xpv_cur, ((PMOP*)o)) : 0
-#define BSET_newsv(sv, arg) sv = NEWSV(666,0); SvUPGRADE(sv, arg)
+ CALLREGCOMP(aTHX_ arg, arg + bstate->bs_pv.xpv_cur, ((PMOP*)o)) : 0
+#define BSET_newsv(sv, arg) \
+ sv = (arg == SVt_PVAV ? (SV*)newAV() : \
+ arg == SVt_PVHV ? (SV*)newHV() : \
+ NEWSV(666,0)); \
+ SvUPGRADE(sv, arg); \
#define BSET_newop(o, arg) ((o = (OP*)safemalloc(optype_size[arg])), \
#define BSET_newopn(o, arg) STMT_START { \
@@ -135,7 +150,10 @@ typedef IV IV64;
oldop->op_next = o; \
-#define BSET_ret(foo) return
+#define BSET_ret(foo) STMT_START { \
+ Safefree(bstate->bs_obj_list); \
+ return; \
* Kludge special-case workaround for OP_MAPSTART
@@ -152,10 +170,88 @@ typedef IV IV64;
PL_comppad = (AV *)arg; \
pad = AvARRAY(arg); \
+/* this works now that Sarathy's changed the CopFILE_set macro to do the SvREFCNT_inc()
+ -- BKS 6-2-2000 */
#define BSET_cop_file(cop, arg) CopFILE_set(cop,arg)
#define BSET_cop_line(cop, arg) CopLINE_set(cop,arg)
#define BSET_cop_stashpv(cop, arg) CopSTASHPV_set(cop,arg)
-#define BSET_OBJ_STORE(obj, ix) \
- (I32)ix > bytecode_obj_list_fill ? \
- bset_obj_store(aTHXo_ obj, (I32)ix) : (bytecode_obj_list[ix] = obj)
+/* this is simply stolen from the code in newATTRSUB() */
+#define BSET_push_begin(ary,cv) \
+ I32 oldscope = PL_scopestack_ix; \
+ ENTER; \
+ SAVECOPFILE(&PL_compiling); \
+ SAVECOPLINE(&PL_compiling); \
+ save_svref(&PL_rs); \
+ sv_setsv(PL_rs, PL_nrs); \
+ if (!PL_beginav) \
+ PL_beginav = newAV(); \
+ av_push(PL_beginav, cv); \
+ call_list(oldscope, PL_beginav); \
+ PL_curcop = &PL_compiling; \
+ PL_compiling.op_private = PL_hints; \
+ LEAVE; \
+#define BSET_push_init(ary,cv) \
+ av_unshift((PL_initav ? PL_initav : (PL_initav = newAV(), PL_initav)), 1); \
+ av_store(PL_initav, 0, cv); \
+#define BSET_push_end(ary,cv) \
+ av_unshift((PL_endav ? PL_endav : (PL_endav = newAV(), PL_endav)), 1); \
+ av_store(PL_endav, 0, cv); \
+#define BSET_OBJ_STORE(obj, ix) \
+ (I32)ix > bstate->bs_obj_list_fill ? \
+ bset_obj_store(aTHXo_ bstate, obj, (I32)ix) : (bstate->bs_obj_list[ix] = obj)
+/* NOTE: the bytecode header only sanity-checks the bytecode. If a script cares about
+ * what version of Perl it's being called under, it should do a 'require 5.6.0' or
+ * equivalent. However, since the header includes checks requiring an exact match in
+ * ByteLoader versions (we can't guarantee forward compatibility), you don't
+ * need to specify one:
+ * use ByteLoader;
+ * is all you need.
+ * -- BKS, June 2000
+#define HEADER_FAIL(f) \
+ Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Invalid bytecode for this architecture: " f)
+#define HEADER_FAIL1(f, arg1) \
+ Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Invalid bytecode for this architecture: " f, arg1)
+#define HEADER_FAIL2(f, arg1, arg2) \
+ Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Invalid bytecode for this architecture: " f, arg1, arg2)
+ U32 sz = 0; \
+ strconst str; \
+ \
+ BGET_U32(sz); /* Magic: 'PLBC' */ \
+ if (sz != 0x43424c50) { \
+ HEADER_FAIL1("bad magic (want 0x43424c50, got %#x)", (int)sz); \
+ } \
+ BGET_strconst(str); /* archname */ \
+ if (strNE(str, ARCHNAME)) { \
+ HEADER_FAIL2("wrong architecture (want %s, you have %s)",str,ARCHNAME); \
+ } \
+ BGET_strconst(str); /* ByteLoader version */ \
+ if (strNE(str, VERSION)) { \
+ HEADER_FAIL2("mismatched ByteLoader versions (want %s, you have %s)", \
+ str, VERSION); \
+ } \
+ BGET_U32(sz); /* ivsize */ \
+ if (sz != IVSIZE) { \
+ HEADER_FAIL("different IVSIZE"); \
+ } \
+ BGET_U32(sz); /* ptrsize */ \
+ if (sz != PTRSIZE) { \
+ HEADER_FAIL("different PTRSIZE"); \
+ } \
+ BGET_strconst(str); /* byteorder */ \
+ if (strNE(str, STRINGIFY(BYTEORDER))) { \
+ HEADER_FAIL("different byteorder"); \
+ } \
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