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-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" &amp;lt;html>
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-<title>Executive Summary - Computer Network Time
-<h3>Executive Summary - Computer Network Time Synchronization</h3>
-<img align="left" src="pic/alice12.gif" alt="gif"><a href=
-"pictures.htm">from <i>Alice's Adventures in Wonderland</i>, Lewis
-<p>The executive is the one on the left.<br clear="left">
-<p>The standard timescale used by most nations of the world is
-Coordinated UniversalTime (UTC), which is based on the Earth's
-rotation about its axis, and the Gregorian Calendar, which is based
-on the Earth's rotation about the Sun. The UTC timescale is
-disciplined with respect to International Atomic Time (TAI) by
-inserting leap seconds at intervals of about 18 months. UTC time is
-disseminated by various means, including radio and satellite
-navigation systems, telephone modems and portable clocks.</p>
-<p>Special purpose receivers are available for many
-time-dissemination services, including the Global Position System
-(GPS) and other services operated by various national governments.
-For reasons of cost and convenience, it is not possible to equip
-every computer with one of these receivers. However, it is possible
-to equip some number of computers acting as primary time servers to
-synchronize a much larger number of secondary servers and clients
-connected by a common network. In order to do this, a distributed
-network clock synchronization protocol is required which can read a
-server clock, transmit the reading to one or more clients and
-adjust each client clock as required. Protocols that do this
-include the Network Time Protocol (NTP), Digital Time
-Synchronization Protocol (DTSS) and others found in the literature
-(See "Further Reading" at the end of this article.)</p>
-<h4>Protocol Design Issues</h4>
-<p>The synchronization protocol determines the time offset of the
-server clock relative to the client clock. The various
-synchronization protocols in use today provide different means to
-do this, but they all follow the same general model. On request,
-the server sends a message including its current clock value or <i>
-timestamp</i> and the client records its own timestamp upon arrival
-of the message. For the best accuracy, the client needs to measure
-the server-client propagation delay to determine its clock offset
-relative to the server. Since it is not possible to determine the
-one-way delays, unless the actual clock offset is known, the
-protocol measures the total roundtrip delay and assumes the
-propagation times are statistically equal in each direction. In
-general, this is a useful approximation; however, in the Internet
-of today, network paths and the associated delays can differ
-significantly due to the individual service providers.</p>
-<p>The community served by the synchronization protocol can be very
-large. For instance, the NTP community in the Internet of 1998
-includes over 230 primary time servers, synchronized by radio,
-satellite and modem, and well over 100,000 secondary servers and
-clients. In addition, there are many thousands of private
-communities in large government, corporate and institution
-networks. Each community is organized as a tree graph or <i>
-subnet</i>, with the primary servers at the root and secondary
-servers and clients at increasing hop count, or stratum level, in
-corporate, department and desktop networks. It is usually necessary
-at each stratum level to employ redundant servers and diverse
-network paths in order to protect against broken software, hardware
-and network links.</p>
-<p>Synchronization protocols work in one or more association modes,
-depending on the protocol design. Client/server mode, also called
-master/slave mode, is supported in both DTSS and NTP. In this mode,
-a client synchronizes to a stateless server as in the conventional
-RPC model. NTP also supports symmetric mode, which allows either of
-two peer servers to synchronize to the other, in order to provide
-mutual backup. DTSS and NTP support a broadcast mode which allows
-many clients to synchronize to one or a few servers, reducing
-network traffic when large numbers of clients are involved. In NTP,
-IP multicast can be used when the subnet spans multiple
-<p>Configuration management can be a serious problem in large
-subnets. Various schemes which index public databases and network
-directory services are used in DTSS and NTP to discover servers.
-Both protocols use broadcast modes to support large client
-populations; but, since listen-only clients cannot calibrate the
-delay, accuracy can suffer. In NTP, clients determine the delay at
-the time a server is first discovered by polling the server in
-client/server mode and then reverting to listen-only mode. In
-addition, NTP clients can broadcast a special "manycast" message to
-solicit responses from nearby servers and continue in client/server
-mode with the respondents.</p>
-<h4>Security Issues</h4>
-<p>A reliable network time service requires provisions to prevent
-accidental or malicious attacks on the servers and clients in the
-network. Reliability requires that clients can determine that
-received messages are authentic; that is, were actually sent by the
-intended server and not manufactured or modified by an intruder.
-Ubiquity requires that any client can verify the authenticity of
-any server using only public information. This is especially
-important in such ubiquitous network services as directory
-services, cryptographic key management and time
-<p>NTP includes provisions to cryptographically authenticate
-individual servers using symmetric-key cryptography in which
-clients authenticate servers using shared secret keys. However, the
-secret keys must be distributed in advance using secure means
-beyond the scope of the protocol. This can be awkward and fragile
-with a large population of potential clients, possibly intruding
-<p>Modern public-key cryptography provides means to reliably bind
-the server identification credentials and related public values
-using public directory services. However, these means carry a high
-computing cost, especially when large numbers of time-critical
-clients are involved as often the case with NTP servers. In
-addition, there are problems unique to NTP in the interaction
-between the authentication and synchronization functions, since
-each requires the other for success.</p>
-<p>The recent NTP Version 4 includes a revised security model and
-authentication scheme supporting both symmetric and public-key
-cryptography. The public-key variant is specially crafted to reduce
-the risk of intrusion, minimize the consumption of processor
-resources and minimize the vulnerability to hacker attack.</p>
-<h4>Computer Clock Modelling and Error Analysis</h4>
-Most computers include a quartz resonator-stabilized oscillator and
-hardware counter that interrupts the processor at intervals of a
-few milliseconds. At each interrupt, a quantity called <i>tick</i>
-is added to a system variable representing the clock time. The
-clock can be read by system and application programs and set on
-occasion to an external reference. Once set, the clock readings
-increment at a nominal rate, depending on the value of <i>tick</i>.
-Typical Unix system kernels provide a programmable mechanism to
-increase or decrease the value of <i>tick</i> by a small, fixed
-amount in order to amortize a given time adjustment smoothly over
-multiple <i>tick</i> intervals.
-<p>Clock errors are due to variations in network delay and
-latencies in computer hardware and software (jitter), as well as
-clock oscillator instability (wander). The time of a client
-relative to its server can be expressed</p>
-<center><i>T</i>(<i>t</i>) = <i>T</i>(<i>t</i><sub>0</sub>) + <i>
-R</i>(<i>t - t</i><sub>0</sub>) + 1/2 <i>D</i>(<i>t -
-<p>where <i>t</i> is the current time, <i>T</i> is the time offset
-at the last measurement update <i>t</i><sub>0</sub>, <i>R</i> is
-the frequency offset and <i>D</i> is the drift due to resonator
-ageing. All three terms include systematic offsets that can be
-corrected and random variations that cannot. Some protocols,
-including DTSS, estimate only the first term in this expression,
-while others, including NTP, estimate the first two terms. Errors
-due to the third term, while important to model resonator aging in
-precision applications, are neglected, since they are usually
-dominated by errors in the first two terms.</p>
-<p>The synchronization protocol estimates <i>
-T</i>(<i>t</i><sub>0</sub>) (and <i>R</i>(<i>t</i><sub>0</sub>),
-where relevant) at regular intervals <font face="symbol">t</font>
-and adjusts the clock to minimize <i>T</i>(<i>t</i>) in future. In
-common cases, <i>R</i> can have systematic offsets of several
-hundred parts-per-million (PPM) with random variations of several
-PPM due to ambient temperature changes. If not corrected, the
-resulting errors can accumulate to seconds per day. In order that
-these errors do not exceed a nominal specification, the protocol
-must periodically re-estimate <i>T</i> and <i>R</i> and compensate
-for variations by adjusting the clock at regular intervals. As a
-practical matter, for nominal accuracies of tens of milliseconds,
-this requires clients to exchange messages with servers at
-intervals in the order of tens of minutes.</p>
-<p>Analysis of quartz-resonator stabilized oscillators show that
-errors are a function of the averaging time, which in turn depends
-on the interval between corrections. At correction intervals less
-than a few hundred seconds, errors are dominated by jitter, while,
-at intervals greater than this, errors are dominated by wander. As
-explained later, the characteristics of each regime determine the
-algorithm used to discipline the clock. These errors accumulate at
-each stratum level from the root to the leaves of the subnet tree.
-It is possible to quantify these errors by statistical means, as in
-NTP. This allows real-time applications to adjust audio or video
-playout delay, for example. However, the required statistics may be
-different for various classes of applications. Some applications
-need absolute error bounds guaranteed never to exceeded, as
-provided by the following correctness principles.</p>
-<h4>Correctness Principles</h4>
-<p>Applications requiring reliable time synchronization such as air
-traffic control must have confidence that the local clock is
-correct within some bound relative to a given timescale such as
-UTC. There is a considerable body of literature that studies these
-issues with respect to various failure models such as fail-stop and
-Byzantine disagreement. While these models inspire much confidence
-in a theoretical setting, most require multiple message rounds for
-each measurement and would be impractical in a large computer
-network such as the Internet. However, it can be shown that the
-worst-case error in reading a remote server clock cannot exceed
-one-half the roundtrip delay measured by the client. This is a
-valuable insight, since it permits strong statements about the
-correctness of the timekeeping system.</p>
-<p>In the Probabilistic Clock Synchronization (PCS) scheme devised
-by Cristian, a maximum error tolerance is established in advance
-and time value samples associated with roundtrip delays that exceed
-twice this value are discarded. By the above argument, the
-remaining samples must represent time values within the specified
-tolerance. As the tolerance is decreased, more samples fail the
-test until a point where no samples survive. The tolerance can be
-adjusted for the best compromise between the highest accuracy
-consistent with acceptable sample survival rate.</p>
-<p>In a scheme devised by Marzullo and exploited in NTP and DTSS,
-the worst-case error determined for each server determines a
-correctness interval. If each of a number of servers are in fact
-synchronized to a common timescale, the actual time must be
-contained in the intersection of their correctness intervals. If
-some intervals do not intersect, then the clique containing the
-maximum number of intersections is assumed correct <i>
-truechimers</i> and the others assumed incorrect <i>
-falsetickers</i>. Only the truechimers are used to adjust the
-system clock.</p>
-<h4>Data Grooming Algorithms</h4>
-By its very nature, clock synchronization is a continuous process,
-resulting in a sequence of measurements with each of possibly
-several servers and resulting in a clock adjustment. In some
-protocols, crafted algorithms are used to improve the time and
-frequency estimates and refine the clock adjustment. Algorithms
-described in the literature are based on trimmed-mean and median
-filter methods. The clock filter algorithm used in NTP is based on
-the above observation that the correctness interval depends on the
-roundtrip delay. The algorithm accumulates offset/delay samples in
-a window of several samples and selects the offset sample
-associated with the minimum delay. In general, larger window sizes
-provide better estimates; however, stability considerations limit
-the window size to about eight.
-<p>The same principle could be used when selecting the best subset
-of servers and combining their offsets to determine the clock
-adjustment. However, different servers often show different
-systematic offsets, so the best statistic for the central tendency
-of the server population may not be obvious. Various kinds of
-clustering algorithms have been found useful for this purpose. The
-one used in NTP sorts the offsets by a quality metric, then
-calculates the variance of all servers relative to each server
-separately. The algorithm repeatedly discards the outlyer with the
-largest variance until further discards will not improve the
-residual variance or until a minimum number of servers remain. The
-final clock adjustment is computed as a weighted average of the
-<p>At the heart of the synchronization protocol is the algorithm
-used to adjust the system clock in accordance with the final
-adjustment determined by the above algorithms. This is called the
-clock discipline algorithm or simply the discipline. Such
-algorithms can be classed according to whether they minimize the
-time offset or frequency offset or both. For instance, the
-discipline used in DTSS minimizes only the time offset, while the
-one used in NTP minimizes both time and frequency offsets. While
-the DTSS algorithm cannot remove residual errors due to systematic
-frequency errors, the NTP algorithm is more complicated and less
-forgiving of design and implementation mistakes.</p>
-<p>All clock disciplines function as a feedback loop, with measured
-offsets used to adjust the clock oscillator phase and frequency to
-match the external synchronization source. The behavior of feedback
-loops is well understood and modelled by mathematical analysis. The
-significant design parameter is the time constant, or
-responsiveness to external or internal variations in time or
-frequency. Optimum selection of time constant depends on the
-interval between update messages. In general, the longer these
-intervals, the larger the time constant and vice versa. In practice
-and with typical network configurations the optimal poll intervals
-vary between one and twenty minutes for network paths to some
-thousands of minutes for modem paths.</p>
-<h4>Further Reading</h4>
-<p>Cristian, F. Probabilistic clock synchronization. In Distributed
-Computing 3, Springer Verlag, 1989, 146-158.</p>
-<p>Digital Time Service Functional Specification Version T.1.0.5.
-DigitalEquipment Corporation, 1989.</p>
-<p>Gusella, R., and S. Zatti. TEMPO - A network time controller for
-a distributed Berkeley UNIX system. IEEE Distributed Processing
-Technical Committee Newsletter 6, NoSI-2 (June 1984), 7-15. Also
-in: Proc. Summer 1984 USENIX (Salt Lake City, June 1984).</p>
-<p>Kopetz, H., and W. Ochsenreiter. Clock synchronization in
-distributed real-time systems. IEEE Trans. Computers C-36, 8
-(August 1987), 933-939.</p>
-<p>Lamport, L., and P.M. Melliar-Smith. Synchronizing clocks in the
-presence of faults. JACM 32, 1 (January 1985), 52-78.</p>
-<p>Marzullo, K., and S. Owicki. Maintaining the time in a
-distributed system. ACM Operating Systems Review 19, 3 (July 1985),
-<p>Mills, D.L. Adaptive hybrid clock discipline algorithm for the
-Network Time Protocol. <i>IEEE/ACM Trans. Networking 6, 5</i>
-(October 1998), 505-514.</p>
-<p>Mills, D.L. Improved algorithms for synchronizing computer
-network clocks. <i>IEEE/ACM Trans. Networks 3, 3</i> (June 1995),
-<p>Mills, D.L. Internet time synchronization: the Network Time
-Protocol. IEEE Trans. Communications COM-39, 10 (October 1991),
-1482-1493. Also in: Yang, Z., and T.A. Marsland (Eds.). Global
-States and Time in Distributed Systems, IEEE Press, Los Alamitos,
-CA, 91-102.</p>
-<p>Mills, D.L. Modelling and analysis of computer network clocks.
-Electrical Engineering Department Report 92-5-2, University of
-Delaware, May 1992, 29 pp.</p>
-<p>NIST Time and Frequency Dissemination Services. NBS Special
-Publication432 (Revised 1990), National Institute of Science and
-Technology, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1990.</p>
-<p>Schneider, F.B. A paradigm for reliable clock synchronization.
-Department of Computer Science Technical Report TR 86-735, Cornell
-University, February 1986.</p>
-<p>Srikanth, T.K., and S. Toueg. Optimal clock synchronization.
-JACM 34, 3 (July 1987), 626-645.</p>
-<p>Stein, S.R. Frequency and time - their measurement and
-characterization (Chapter 12). In: E.A. Gerber and A. Ballato
-(Eds.). Precision Frequency Control, Vol. 2, Academic Press, New
-York 1985, 191-232, 399-416. Also in: Sullivan, D.B., D.W. Allan,
-D.A. Howe and F.L. Walls (Eds.). Characterization of Clocks and
-Oscillators. National Institute of Standards and Technology
-Technical Note 1337, U.S. Government Printing Office (January,
-1990), TN61-TN119.</p>
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-<address><a href="">David L. Mills
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