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-<meta name="generator" content="HTML Tidy, see">
-<title>Radio WWV/H Audio Demodulator/Decoder</title>
-<h3>Radio WWV/H Audio Demodulator/Decoder</h3>
-Address: 127.127.36.<i>u</i> <br>
-Reference ID: <tt>WWV</tt> or <tt>WWVH</tt> <br>
-Driver ID: <tt>WWV_AUDIO</tt> <br>
-Autotune Port: <tt>/dev/icom</tt>; 1200/9600 baud, 8-bits, no
-parity <br>
-Audio Device: <tt>/dev/audio</tt> and <tt>/dev/audioctl</tt>
-This driver synchronizes the computer time using data encoded in
-shortwave radio transmissions from NIST time/frequency stations WWV
-in Ft. Collins, CO, and WWVH in Kauai, HI. Transmissions are made
-continuously on 2.5, 5, 10, 15 and 20 MHz. An ordinary shortwave
-receiver can be tuned manually to one of these frequencies or, in
-the case of ICOM receivers, the receiver can be tuned automatically
-by the driver as propagation conditions change throughout the day
-and night. The performance of this driver when tracking one of the
-stations is ordinarily better than 1 ms in time with frequency
-drift less than 0.5 PPM when not tracking either station.
-<p>The demodulation and decoding algorithms used by this driver are
-based on a machine language program developed for the TAPR DSP93
-DSP unit, which uses the TI 320C25 DSP chip. The analysis, design
-and performance of the program running on this unit is described
-in: Mills, D.L. A precision radio clock for WWV transmissions.
-Electrical Engineering Report 97-8-1, University of Delaware,
-August 1997, 25 pp. Available from <a href=
-""></a>. For use in this driver,
-the original program was rebuilt in the C language and adapted to
-the NTP driver interface. The algorithms have been modified
-somewhat to improve performance under weak signal conditions and to
-provide an automatic station identification feature.</p>
-<p>This driver incorporates several features in common with other
-audio drivers such as described in the <a href="driver7.htm">Radio
-CHU Audio Demodulator/Decoder</a> and the <a href="driver6.htm">
-IRIG Audio Decoder</a> pages. They include automatic gain control
-(AGC), selectable audio codec port and signal monitoring
-capabilities. For a discussion of these common features, as well as
-a guide to hookup, debugging and monitoring, see the <a href=
-"audio.htm">Reference Clock Audio Drivers</a> page.</p>
-<p>The WWV signal format is described in NIST Special Publication
-432 (Revised 1990). It consists of three elements, a 5-ms, 1000-Hz
-pulse, which occurs at the beginning of each second, a 800-ms,
-1000-Hz pulse, which occurs at the beginning of each minute, and a
-pulse-width modulated 100-Hz subcarrier for the data bits, one bit
-per second. The WWVH format is identical, except that the 1000-Hz
-pulses are sent at 1200 Hz. Each minute encodes nine BCD digits for
-the time of century plus seven bits for the daylight savings time
-(DST) indicator, leap warning indicator and DUT1 correction.</p>
-<h4>Program Architecture</h4>
-<p>As in the original program, the clock discipline is modelled as
-a Markov process, with probabilistic state transitions
-corresponding to a conventional clock and the probabilities of
-received decimal digits. The result is a performance level which
-results in very high accuracy and reliability, even under
-conditions when the minute beep of the signal, normally its most
-prominent feature, can barely be detected by ear with a shortwave
-<p>The analog audio signal from the shortwave radio is sampled at
-8000 Hz and converted to digital representation. The 1000/1200-Hz
-pulses and 100-Hz subcarrier are first separated using two IIR
-filters, a 600-Hz bandpass filter centered on 1100 Hz and a 150-Hz
-lowpass filter. The minute sync pulse is extracted using a 800-ms
-synchronous matched filter and pulse grooming logic which
-discriminates between WWV and WWVH signals and noise. The second
-sync pulse is extracted using a 5-ms FIR matched filter and
-8000-stage comb filter.</p>
-<p>The phase of the 100-Hz subcarrier relative to the second sync
-pulse is fixed at the transmitter; however, the audio highpass
-filter in most radios affects the phase response at 100 Hz in
-unpredictable ways. The driver adjusts for each radio using two
-170-ms synchronous matched filters. The I (in-phase) filter is used
-to demodulate the subcarrier envelope, while the Q
-(quadrature-phase) filter is used in a tracking loop to discipline
-the codec sample clock and thus the demodulator phase.</p>
-<p>The data bit probabilities are determined from the subcarrier
-envelope using a threshold-corrected slicer. The averaged envelope
-amplitude 30 ms from the beginning of the second establishes the
-minimum (noise floor) value, while the amplitude 200 ms from the
-beginning establishes the maximum (signal peak) value. The slice
-level is midway between these two values. The negative-going
-envelope transition at the slice level establishes the length of
-the data pulse, which in turn establish probabilities for binary
-zero (P0) or binary one (P1). The values are established by linear
-interpolation between the pulse lengths for P0 (300 ms) and P1 (500
-ms) so that the sum is equal to one. If the driver has not
-synchronized to the minute pulse, or if the data bit amplitude,
-signal/noise ratio (SNR) or length are below thresholds, the bit is
-considered invalid and all three probabilities are set to zero.</p>
-<p>The difference between the P1 and P0 probabilities, or
-likelihood, for each data bit is exponentially averaged in a set of
-60 accumulators, one for each second, to determine the semi-static
-miscellaneous bits, such as DST indicator, leap second warning and
-DUT1 correction. In this design, an average value larger than a
-positive threshold is interpreted as a hit on one and a value
-smaller than a negative threshold as a hit on zero. Values between
-the two thresholds, which can occur due to signal fades or loss of
-signal, are interpreted as a miss, and result in no change of
-<p>The BCD digit in each digit position of the timecode is
-represented as four data bits, all of which must be valid for the
-digit itself to be considered valid. If so, the bits are correlated
-with the bits corresponding to each of the valid decimal digits in
-this position. If the digit is invalid, the correlated value for
-all digits in this position is assumed zero. In either case, the
-values for all digits are exponentially averaged in a likelihood
-vector associated with this position. The digit associated with the
-maximum over all of the averaged values then becomes the maximum
-likelihood selection for this position and the ratio of the maximum
-over the next lower value becomes the likelihood ratio.</p>
-<p>The decoding matrix contains nine row vectors, one for each
-digit position. Each row vector includes the maximum likelihood
-digit, likelihood vector and other related data. The maximum
-likelihood digit for each of the nine digit positions becomes the
-maximum likelihood time of the century. A built-in transition
-function implements a conventional clock with decimal digits that
-count the minutes, hours, days and years, as corrected for leap
-seconds and leap years. The counting operation also rotates the
-likelihood vector corresponding to each digit as it advances. Thus,
-once the clock is set, each clock digit should correspond to the
-maximum likelihood digit as transmitted.</p>
-<p>Each row of the decoding matrix also includes a compare counter
-and the difference (modulo the radix) between the current clock
-digit and most recently determined maximum likelihood digit. If a
-digit likelihood exceeds the decision level and the difference is
-constant for a number of successive minutes in any row, the maximum
-likelihood digit replaces the clock digit in that row. When this
-condition is true for all rows and the second epoch has been
-reliably determined, the clock is set (or verified if it has
-already been set) and delivers correct time to the integral second.
-The fraction within the second is derived from the logical master
-clock, which runs at 8000 Hz and drives all system timing
-<p>The logical master clock is derived from the audio codec clock.
-Its frequency is disciplined by a frequency-lock loop (FLL) which
-operates independently of the data recovery functions. At averaging
-intervals determined by the measured jitter, the frequency error is
-calculated as the difference between the most recent and the
-current second epoch divided by the interval. The sample clock
-frequency is then corrected by this amount using an exponential
-average. When first started, the frequency averaging interval is
-eight seconds, in order to compensate for intrinsic codec clock
-frequency offsets up to 125 PPM. Under most conditions, the
-averaging interval doubles in stages from the initial value to over
-1000 seconds, which results in an ultimate frequency precision of
-0.125 PPM, or about 11 ms/day.</p>
-<p>It is important that the logical clock frequency is stable and
-accurately determined, since in most applications the shortwave
-radio will be tuned to a fixed frequency where WWV or WWVH signals
-are not available throughout the day. In addition, in some parts of
-the US, especially on the west coast, signals from either or both
-WWV and WWVH may be available at different times or even at the
-same time. Since the propagation times from either station are
-almost always different, each station must be reliably identified
-before attempting to set the clock.</p>
-<p>Station identification uses the 800-ms minute pulse transmitted
-by each station. In the acquisition phase the entire minute is
-searched using both the WWV and WWVH using matched filters and a
-pulse gate discriminator similar to that found in radar acquisition
-and tracking receivers. The peak amplitude found determines a range
-gate and window where the next pulse is expected to be found. The
-minute is scanned again to verify the peak is indeed in the window
-and with acceptable amplitude, SNR and jitter. At this point the
-receiver begins to track the second sync pulse and operate as above
-until the clock is set.</p>
-<p>Once the minute is synchronized, the range gate is fixed and
-only energy within the window is considered for the minute sync
-pulse. A compare counter increments by one if the minute pulse has
-acceptable amplitude, SNR and jitter and decrements otherwise. This
-is used as a quality indicator and reported in the timecode and
-also for the autotune function described below.</p>
-<p>It is the intent of the design that the accuracy and stability
-of the indicated time be limited only by the characteristics of the
-propagation medium. Conventional wisdom is that synchronization via
-the HF medium is good only to a millisecond under the best
-propagation conditions. The performance of the NTP daemon
-disciplined by the driver is clearly better than this, even under
-marginal conditions. Ordinarily, with marginal to good signals and
-a frequency averaging interval of 1024 s, the frequency is
-stabilized within 0.1 PPM and the time within 125 <font face=
-"Symbol">m</font>s. The frequency stability characteristic is
-highly important, since the clock may have to free-run for several
-hours before reacquiring the WWV/H signal.</p>
-<p>The expected accuracy over a typical day was determined using
-the DSP93 and an oscilloscope and cesium oscillator calibrated with
-a GPS receiver. With marginal signals and allowing 15 minutes for
-initial synchronization and frequency compensation, the time
-accuracy determined from the WWV/H second sync pulse was reliably
-within 125 <font face="Symbol">m</font>s. In the particular DSP-93
-used for program development, the uncorrected CPU clock frequency
-offset was 45.8&plusmn;0.1 PPM. Over the first hour after initial
-synchronization, the clock frequency drifted about 1 PPM as the
-frequency averaging interval increased to the maximum 1024 s. Once
-reaching the maximum, the frequency wandered over the day up to 1
-PPM, but it is not clear whether this is due to the stability of
-the DSP-93 clock oscillator or the changing height of the
-ionosphere. Once the frequency had stabilized and after loss of the
-WWV/H signal, the frequency drift was less than 0.5 PPM, which is
-equivalent to 1.8 ms/h or 43 ms/d. This resulted in a step phase
-correction up to several milliseconds when the signal returned.</p>
-<p>The measured propagation delay from the WWV transmitter at
-Boulder, CO, to the receiver at Newark, DE, is 23.5&plusmn;0.1 ms.
-This is measured to the peak of the pulse after the second sync
-comb filter and includes components due to the ionospheric
-propagation delay, nominally 8.9 ms, communications receiver delay
-and program delay. The propagation delay can be expected to change
-about 0.2 ms over the day, as the result of changing ionosphere
-height. The DSP93 program delay was measured at 5.5 ms, most of
-which is due to the 400-Hz bandpass filter and 5-ms matched filter.
-Similar delays can be expected of this driver.</p>
-<h4>Program Operation</h4>
-The driver begins operation immediately upon startup. It first
-searches for one or both of the stations WWV and WWVH and attempts
-to acquire minute sync. This may take some fits and starts, as the
-driver expects to see three consecutive minutes with good signals
-and low jitter. If the autotune function is active, the driver will
-rotate over all five frequencies and both WWV and WWVH stations
-until three good minutes are found.
-<p>The driver then acquires second sync, which can take up to
-several minutes, depending on signal quality. At the same time the
-driver accumulates likelihood values for each of the nine digits of
-the clock, plus the seven miscellaneous bits included in the WWV/H
-transmission format. The minute units digit is decoded first and,
-when five repetitions have compared correctly, the remaining eight
-digits are decoded. When five repetitions of all nine digits have
-decoded correctly, which normally takes 15 minutes with good
-signals and up to an hour when buried in noise, and the second sync
-alarm has not been raised for two minutes, the clock is set (or
-verified) and is selectable to discipline the system clock.</p>
-<p>As long as the clock is set or verified, the system clock
-offsets are provided once each second to the reference clock
-interface, where they are saved in a buffer. At the end of each
-minute, the buffer samples are groomed by the median filter and
-trimmed-mean averaging functions. Using these functions, the system
-clock can in principle be disciplined to a much finer resolution
-than the 125-<font face="Symbol">m</font>s sample interval would
-suggest, although the ultimate accuracy is probably limited by
-propagation delay variations as the ionspheric height varies
-throughout the day and night.</p>
-<p>As long as signals are available, the clock frequency is
-disciplined for use during times when the signals are unavailable.
-The algorithm refines the frequency offset using increasingly
-longer averaging intervals to 1024 s, where the precision is about
-0.1 PPM. With good signals, it takes well over two hours to reach
-this degree of precision; however, it can take many more hours than
-this in case of marginal signals. Once reaching the limit, the
-algorithm will follow frequency variations due to temperature
-fluctuations and ionospheric height variations.</p>
-<p>It may happen as the hours progress around the clock that WWV
-and WWVH signals may appear alone, together or not at all. When the
-driver is first started, the NTP reference identifier appears as
-<tt>NONE</tt>. When the driver has acquired one or both stations
-and mitigated which one is best, it sets the station identifier in
-the timecode as described below. In addition, the NTP reference
-identifier is set to the station callsign. If the propagation
-delays has been properly set with the <tt>fudge time1</tt> (WWV)
-and <tt>fudge time2</tt> (WWVH) commands in the configuration file,
-handover from one station to the other will be seamless.</p>
-<p>Once the clock has been set for the first time, it will appear
-reachable and selectable to discipline the system clock, even if
-the broadcast signal fades to obscurity. A consequence of this
-design is that, once the clock is set, the time and frequency are
-disciplined only by the second sync pulse and the clock digits
-themselves are driven by the clock state machine and ordinarily
-never changed. However, as long as the clock is set correctly, it
-will continue to read correctly after a period of signal loss, as
-long as it does not drift more than 500 ms from the correct time.
-Assuming the clock frequency can be disciplined within 1 PPM, the
-clock could coast without signals for some 5.8 days without
-exceeding that limit. If for some reason this did happen, the clock
-would be in the wrong second and would never resynchronize. To
-protect against this most unlikely situation, if after four days
-with no signals, the clock is considered unset and resumes the
-synchronization procedure from the beginning.</p>
-<p>To work well, the driver needs a communications receiver with
-good audio response at 100 Hz. Most shortwave and communications
-receivers roll off the audio response below 250 Hz, so this can be
-a problem, especially with receivers using DSP technology, since
-DSP filters can have very fast rolloff outside the passband. Some
-DSP transceivers, in particular the ICOM 775, have a programmable
-low frequency cutoff which can be set as low as 80 Hz. However,
-this particular radio has a strong low frequency buzz at about 10
-Hz which appears in the audio output and can affect data recovery
-under marginal conditions. Although not tested, it would seem very
-likely that a cheap shortwave receiver could function just as well
-as an expensive communications receiver.</p>
-<p>The driver includes provisions to automatically tune the radio
-in response to changing radio propagation conditions throughout the
-day and night. The radio interface is compatible with the ICOM CI-V
-standard, which is a bidirectional serial bus operating at TTL
-levels. The bus can be connected to a serial port using a level
-converter such as the CT-17. The serial port speed is presently
-compiled in the program, but can be changed in the driver source
-<p>Each ICOM radio is assigned a unique 8-bit ID select code,
-usually expressed in hex format. To activate the CI-V interface,
-the <tt>mode</tt> keyword of the <tt>server</tt> configuration
-command specifies a nonzero select code in decimal format. A table
-of ID select codes for the known ICOM radios is given below. Since
-all ICOM select codes are less than 128, the high order bit of the
-code is used by the driver to specify the baud rate. If this bit is
-not set, the rate is 9600 bps for the newer radios; if set, the
-rate is 1200 bps for the older radios. A missing <tt>mode</tt>
-keyword or a zero argument leaves the interface disabled.</p>
-<p>If specified, the driver will attempt to open the device <tt>
-/dev/icom</tt> and, if successful will activate the autotune
-function and tune the radio to each operating frequency in turn
-while attempting to acquire minute sync from either WWV or WWVH.
-However, the driver is liberal in what it assumes of the
-configuration. If the <tt>/dev/icom</tt> link is not present or the
-open fails or the CI-V bus or radio is inoperative, the driver
-quietly gives up with no harm done.</p>
-<p>Once acquiring minute sync, the driver operates as described
-above to set the clock. However, during seconds 59, 0 and 1 of each
-minute it tunes the radio to one of the five broadcast frequencies
-to measure the sync pulse and data pulse amplitudes and SNR and
-update the compare counter. Each of the five frequencies are probed
-in a five-minute rotation to build a database of current
-propagation conditions for all signals that can be heard at the
-time. At the end of each rotation, a mitigation procedure scans the
-database and retunes the radio to the best frequency and station
-found. For this to work well, the radio should be set for a fast
-AGC recovery time. This is most important while tracking a strong
-signal, which is normally the case, and then probing another
-frequency, which may have much weaker signals.</p>
-<p>Reception conditions for each frequency and station are
-evaluated according to a metric which considers the minute sync
-pulse amplitude, SNR and jitter, as well as, the data pulse
-amplitude and SNR. The minute pulse is evaluated at second 0, while
-the data pulses are evaluated at seconds 59 and 1. The results are
-summarized in a scoreboard of three bits</p>
-<dd>Jitter exceeded. The difference in epoches between the last
-minute sync pulse and the current one exceeds 50 ms (400
-<dd>Minute pulse error. For the minute sync pulse in second 0,
-either the amplitude or SNR is below threshold (2000 and 20 dB,
-<dd>Minute pulse error. For both of the data pulses in seocnds 59
-and 1, either the amplitude or SNR is below threshold (1000 and 10
-dB, respectively).</dd>
-<p>If none of the scoreboard bits are set, the compare counter is
-increased by one to a maximum of six. If any bits are set, the
-counter is decreased by one to a minimum of zero. At the end of
-each minute, the frequency and station with the maximum compare
-count is chosen, with ties going to the highest frequency.</p>
-<p>The autotune process produces diagnostic information along with
-the timecode. This is very useful for evaluating the performance of
-the algorithm, as well as radio propagation conditions in general.
-The message is produced once each minute for each frequency in turn
-after minute sync has been acquired.</p>
-<p><tt>wwv5 port agc wwv wwvh</tt></p>
-<p>where <tt>port</tt> and <tt>agc</tt> are the audio port and
-gain, respectively, for this frequency and <tt>wwv</tt> and <tt>
-wwvh</tt> are two sets of fields, one each for WWV and WWVH. Each
-of the two fields has the format</p>
-<p><tt>ident score comp sync/snr/jitr</tt></p>
-<p>where <tt>ident</tt>encodes the station (<tt>C</tt> for WWV,
-<tt>H</tt> for WWVH) and frequency (2, 5, 10, 15 and 20), <tt>
-score</tt> is the scoreboard described above, <tt>comp</tt> is the
-compare counter, <tt>sync</tt> is the minute sync pulse amplitude,
-<tt>snr</tt> the SNR of the pulse and <tt>jitr</tt> is the sample
-difference between the current epoch and the last epoch. An example
-<p><tt>wwv5 2 111 C20 0100 6 8348/30.0/-3 H20 0203 0
-<p>Here the radio is tuned to 20 MHz and the line-in port AGC is
-currently 111 at that frequency. The message contains a report for
-WWV (<tt>C20</tt>) and WWVH (<tt>H20</tt>). The WWV report
-scoreboard is 0100 and the compare count is 6, which suggests very
-good reception conditions, and the minute sync amplitude and SNR
-are well above thresholds (2000 and 20 dB, respectively). Probably
-the most sensitive indicator of reception quality is the jitter, -3
-samples, which is well below threshold (50 ms or 400 samples).
-While the message shows solid reception conditions from WWV, this
-is not the case for WWVH. Both the minute sync amplitude and SNR
-are below thresholds and the jitter is above threshold.</p>
-<p>A sequence of five messages, one for each minute, might appear
-as follows:</p>
-wwv5 2 95 C2 0107 0 164/7.2/8100 H2 0207 0 80/-5.5/7754
-wwv5 2 99 C5 0104 0 3995/21.8/395 H5 0207 0 27/-9.3/18826
-wwv5 2 239 C10 0105 0 9994/30.0/2663 H10 0207 0 54/-16.1/-529
-wwv5 2 155 C15 0103 3 3300/17.8/-1962 H15 0203 0 236/17.0/4873
-wwv5 2 111 C20 0100 6 8348/30.0/-3 H20 0203 0 22/-12.4/8846
-<p>Clearly, the only frequencies that are available are 15 MHz and
-20 MHz and propagation may be failing for 15 MHz. However, minute
-sync pulses are being heard on 5 and 10 MHz, even though the data
-pulses are not. This is typical of late afternoon when the maximum
-usable frequency (MUF) is falling and the ionospheric loss at the
-lower frequencies is beginning to decrease.</p>
-<h4>Debugging Aids</h4>
-<p>The most convenient way to track the driver status is using the
-<tt>ntpq</tt> program and the <tt>clockvar</tt> command. This
-displays the last determined timecode and related status and error
-counters, even when the driver is not discipline the system clock.
-If the debugging trace feature (<tt>-d</tt> on the <tt>ntpd</tt>
-command line)is enabled, the driver produces detailed status
-messages as it operates. If the <tt>fudge flag 4</tt> is set, these
-messages are written to the <tt>clockstats</tt> file. All messages
-produced by this driver have the prefix <tt>chu</tt> for convenient
-filtering with the Unix <tt>grep</tt> command.</p>
-<p>In the following descriptions the units of amplitude, phase,
-probability and likelihood are normalized to the range 0-6000 for
-convenience. In addition, the signal/noise ratio (SNR) and
-likelihood ratio are measured in decibels and the words with bit
-fields are in hex. Most messages begin with a leader in the
-following format:</p>
-<p><tt>wwvn ss stat sigl</tt></p>
-<p>where <tt>wwvn</tt> is the message code, <tt>ss</tt> the second
-of minute, <tt>stat</tt> the driver status word and <tt>sigl</tt>
-the second sync pulse amplitude. A full explanation of the status
-bits is contained in the driver source listing; however, the
-following are the most useful for debugging.</p>
-<dd>Minute sync. Set when the decoder has identified a station and
-acquired the minute sync pulse.</dd>
-<dd>Second sync. Set when the decoder has acquired the second sync
-pulse and within 125 <font face="Symbol">m</font>s of the correct
-<dd>Minute unit sync. Set when the decoder has reliably determined
-the unit digit of the minute.</dd>
-<dd>Clock set. Set when the decoder has reliably determined all
-nine digits of the timecode and is selectable to discipline the
-system clock.</dd>
-<p>With debugging enabled the driver produces messages in the
-following formats:</p>
-<p>Format <tt>wwv8</tt> messages are produced once per minute by
-the WWV and WWVH station processes before minute sync has been
-acquired. They show the progress of identifying and tracking the
-minute pulse of each station.</p>
-<p><tt>wwv8 port agc ident comp ampl snr epoch jitr offs</tt></p>
-<p>where <tt>port</tt> and <tt>agc</tt> are the audio port and
-gain, respectively. The <tt>ident</tt>encodes the station
-(<tt>C</tt> for WWV, <tt>H</tt> for WWVH) and frequency (2, 5, 10,
-15 and 20). For the encoded frequency, <tt>comp</tt> is the compare
-counter, <tt>ampl</tt> the pulse amplitude, <tt>snr</tt> the SNR,
-<tt>epoch</tt> the sample number of the minute pulse in the minute,
-<tt>jitr</tt> the change since the last <tt>epoch</tt> and <tt>
-offs</tt> the minute pulse offset relative to the second pulse. An
-example is:</p>
-<p><tt>wwv8 2 127 C15 2 9247 30.0 18843 -1 1</tt><br>
-<tt>wwv8 2 127 H15 0 134 -2.9 19016 193 174</tt></p>
-<p>Here the radio is tuned to 15 MHz and the line-in port AGC is
-currently 127 at that frequency. The driver has not yet acquired
-minute sync, WWV has been heard for at least two minutes, and WWVH
-is in the noise. The WWV minute pulse amplitude and SNR are well
-above the threshold (2000 and 6 dB, respectively) and the minute
-epoch has been determined -1 sample relative to the last one and 1
-sample relative to the second sync pulse. The compare counter has
-incrmented to two; when it gets to three, minute sync has been
-<p>Format <tt>wwv3</tt> messages are produced after minute sync has
-been acquired and until the seconds unit digit is determined. They
-show the results of decoding each bit of the transmitted
-<p><tt>wwv3 ss stat sigl ampl phas snr prob like</tt></p>
-<p>where <tt>ss</tt>, <tt>stat</tt> and <tt>sigl</tt> are as above,
-<tt>ampl</tt> is the subcarrier amplitude, <tt>phas</tt> the
-subcarrier phase, <tt>snr</tt> the subcarrier SNR, <tt>prob</tt>
-the bit probability and <tt>like</tt> the bit likelihood. An
-example is:</p>
-<p><tt>wwv3 28 0123 4122 4286 0 24.8 -5545 -1735</tt></p>
-<p>Here the driver has acquired minute and second sync, but has not
-yet determined the seconds unit digit. However, it has just decoded
-bit 28 of the minute. The results show the second sync pulse
-amplitude well over the threshold (500), subcarrier amplitude well
-above the threshold (1000), good subcarrier tracking phase and SNR
-well above the threshold (10 dB). The bit is almost certainly a
-zero and the likelihood of a zero in this second is very high.</p>
-<p>Format <tt>wwv4</tt> messages are produced for each of the nine
-BCD timecode digits until the clock has been set or verified. They
-show the results of decoding each digit of the transmitted
-<p><tt>wwv4 ss stat sigl radx ckdig mldig diff cnt like
-<p>where <tt>ss</tt>, <tt>stat</tt> and <tt>sigl</tt> are as above,
-<tt>radx</tt> is the digit radix (3, 4, 6, 10), <tt>ckdig</tt> the
-current clock digit, <tt>mldig</tt> the maximum likelihood digit,
-<tt>diff</tt> the difference between these two digits modulo the
-radix, <tt>cnt</tt> the compare counter, <tt>like</tt> the digit
-likelihood and <tt>snr</tt> the likelihood ratio. An example
-<p><tt>wwv4 8 010f 5772 10 9 9 0 6 4615 6.1</tt></p>
-<p>Here the driver has previousl set or verified the clock. It has
-just decoded the digit preceding second 8 of the minute. The digit
-radix is 10, the current clock and maximum likelihood digits are
-both 9, the likelihood is well above the threshold (1000) and the
-likelihood function well above threshold (3.0 dB). Short of a
-hugely unlikely probability conspiracy, the clock digit is most
-certainly a 9.</p>
-<p>Format <tt>wwv2</tt> messages are produced at each master
-oscillator frequency update, which starts at 8 s, but eventually
-climbs to 1024 s. They show the progress of the algorithm as it
-refines the frequency measurement to a precision of 0.1 PPM.</p>
-<p><tt>wwv2 ss stat sigl avint avcnt avinc jitr delt freq</tt></p>
-<p>where <tt>ss</tt>, <tt>stat</tt> and <tt>sigl</tt> are as above,
-<tt>avint</tt> is the averaging interval, <tt>avcnt</tt> the
-averaging interval counter, <tt>avinc</tt> the interval increment,
-<tt>jitr</tt> the sample change between the beginning and end of
-the interval, <tt>delt</tt> the computed frequency change and <tt>
-freq</tt> the current frequency (PPM). An example is:</p>
-<p><tt>wwv2 22 030f 5795 256 256 4 0 0.0 66.7</tt></p>
-<p>Here the driver has acquired minute and second sync and set the
-clock. The averaging interval has increased to 256 s on the way to
-1024 s, has stayed at that interval for 4 averaging intervals, has
-measured no change in frequency and the current frequency is 66.7
-<p>If the CI-V interface for ICOM radios is active, a debug level
-greater than 1 will produce a trace of the CI-V command and
-response messages. Interpretation of these messages requires
-knowledge of the CI-V protocol, which is beyond the scope of this
-<h4>Monitor Data</h4>
-When enabled by the <tt>filegen</tt> facility, every received
-timecode is written to the <tt>clockstats</tt> file in the
-following format:
- sq yy ddd hh:mm:ss.fff ld du lset agc stn rfrq errs freq cons
- s sync indicator
- q quality character
- yyyy Gregorian year
- ddd day of year
- hh hour of day
- mm minute of hour
- fff millisecond of second
- l leap second warning
- d DST state
- dut DUT sign and magnitude
- lset minutes since last set
- agc audio gain
- ident station identifier and frequency
- comp minute sync compare counter
- errs bit error counter
- freq frequency offset
- avgt averaging time
-The fields beginning with <tt>year</tt> and extending through <tt>
-dut</tt> are decoded from the received data and are in fixed-length
-format. The <tt>agc</tt> and <tt>lset</tt> fields, as well as the
-following driver-dependent fields, are in variable-length format.
-<dd>The sync indicator is initially <tt>?</tt> before the clock is
-set, but turns to space when all nine digits of the timecode are
-correctly set.</dd>
-<dd>The quality character is a four-bit hexadecimal code showing
-which alarms have been raised. Each bit is associated with a
-specific alarm condition according to the following:
-<dd>Sync alarm. The decoder may not be in correct second or minute
-phase relative to the transmitter.</dd>
-<dd>Error alarm. More than 30 data bit errors occurred in the last
-<dd>Symbol alarm. The probability of correct decoding for a digit
-or miscellaneous bit has fallen below the threshold.</dd>
-<dd>Decoding alarm. A maximum likelihood digit fails to agree with
-the current associated clock digit.</dd>
-It is important to note that one or more of the above alarms does
-not necessarily indicate a clock error, but only that the decoder
-has detected a condition that may in future result in an
-<dt><tt>yyyy ddd hh:mm:ss.fff</tt></dt>
-<dd>The timecode format itself is self explanatory. Since the
-driver latches the on-time epoch directly from the second sync
-pulse, the fraction <tt>fff</tt>is always zero. Although the
-transmitted timecode includes only the year of century, the
-Gregorian year is augmented 2000 if the indicated year is less than
-72 and 1900 otherwise.</dd>
-<dd>The leap second warning is normally space, but changes to <tt>
-L</tt> if a leap second is to occur at the end of the month of June
-or December.</dd>
-<dd>The DST state is <tt>S</tt> or <tt>D</tt> when standard time or
-daylight time is in effect, respectively. The state is <tt>I</tt>
-or <tt>O</tt> when daylight time is about to go into effect or out
-of effect, respectively.</dd>
-<dd>The DUT sign and magnitude shows the current UT1 offset
-relative to the displayed UTC time, in deciseconds.</dd>
-<dd>Before the clock is set, the interval since last set is the
-number of minutes since the driver was started; after the clock is
-set, this is number of minutes since the time was last verified
-relative to the broadcast signal.</dd>
-<dd>The audio gain shows the current codec gain setting in the
-range 0 to 255. Ordinarily, the receiver audio gain control or IRIG
-level control should be set for a value midway in this range.</dd>
-<dd>The station identifier shows the station, <tt>C</tt> for WWV or
-<tt>H</tt> for WWVH, and frequency being tracked. If neither
-station is heard on any frequency, the station identifier shows
-<dd>The minute sync compare counter is useful to determine the
-quality of the minute sync signal and can range from 0 (no signal)
-to 5 (best).</dd>
-<dd>The bit error counter is useful to determine the quality of the
-data signal received in the most recent minute. It is normal to
-drop a couple of data bits under good signal conditions and
-increasing numbers as conditions worsen. While the decoder performs
-moderately well even with half the bits are in error in any minute,
-usually by that point the sync signals are lost and the decoder
-reverts to free-run anyway.</dd>
-<dd>The frequency offset is the current estimate of the codec
-frequency offset to within 0.1 PPM. This may wander a bit over the
-day due to local temperature fluctuations and propagation
-<dd>The averaging time is the interval between frequency updates in
-powers of two to a maximum of 1024 s. Attainment of the maximum
-indicates the driver is operating at the best possible resolution
-in time and frequency.</dd>
-<p>An example timecode is:</p>
-<p><tt>0 2000 006 22:36:00.000 S +3 1 115 C20 6 5 66.4
-<p>Here the clock has been set and no alarms are raised. The year,
-day and time are displayed along with no leap warning, standard
-time and DUT +0.3 s. The clock was set on the last minute, the AGC
-is safely in the middle ot the range 0-255, and the receiver is
-tracking WWV on 20 MHz. Excellent reeiving conditions prevail, as
-indicated by the compare count 6 and 5 bit errors during the last
-minute. The current frequency is 66.4 PPM and the averaging
-interval is 1024 s, indicating the maximum precision available.</p>
-<p>The <tt>mode</tt> keyword of the <tt>server</tt> configuration
-command specifies the ICOM ID select code. A missing or zero
-argument disables the CI-V interface. Following are the ID select
-codes for the known radios.</p>
-<table cols="6" width="100%">
-<h4>Fudge Factors</h4>
-<dt><tt>time1 <i>time</i></tt></dt>
-<dd>Specifies the propagation delay for WWV (40:40:49.0N
-105:02:27.0W), in seconds and fraction, with default 0.0.</dd>
-<dt><tt>time2 <i>time</i></tt></dt>
-<dd>Specifies the propagation delay for WWVH (21:59:26.0N
-159:46:00.0W), in seconds and fraction, with default 0.0.</dd>
-<dt><tt>stratum <i>number</i></tt></dt>
-<dd>Specifies the driver stratum, in decimal from 0 to 15, with
-default 0.</dd>
-<dt><tt>refid <i>string</i></tt></dt>
-<dd>Ordinarily, this field specifies the driver reference
-identifier; however, the driver sets the reference identifier
-automatically as described above.</dd>
-<dt><tt>flag1 0 | 1</tt></dt>
-<dd>Not used by this driver.</dd>
-<dt><tt>flag2 0 | 1</tt></dt>
-<dd>Specifies the microphone port if set to zero or the line-in
-port if set to one. It does not seem useful to specify the compact
-disc player port.</dd>
-<dt><tt>flag3 0 | 1</tt></dt>
-<dd>Enables audio monitoring of the input signal. For this purpose,
-the speaker volume must be set before the driver is started.</dd>
-<dt><tt>flag4 0 | 1</tt></dt>
-<dd>Enable verbose <tt>clockstats</tt> recording if set.</dd>
-<h4>Additional Information</h4>
-<a href="refclock.htm">Reference Clock Drivers</a> <br>
-<a href="audio.htm">Reference Clock Audio Drivers</a>
-<a href="index.htm"><img align="left" src="pic/home.gif" alt=
-<address><a href="">David L. Mills
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud