path: root/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend')
36 files changed, 6661 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/ASTConsumers.h b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/ASTConsumers.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9163a20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/ASTConsumers.h
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+//===--- ASTConsumers.h - ASTConsumer implementations -----------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// AST Consumers.
+#include <string>
+namespace llvm {
+ class raw_ostream;
+ class Module;
+ class LLVMContext;
+ namespace sys { class Path; }
+namespace clang {
+class ASTConsumer;
+class CodeGenOptions;
+class Diagnostic;
+class FileManager;
+class LangOptions;
+class Preprocessor;
+class TargetOptions;
+// AST pretty-printer: prints out the AST in a format that is close to the
+// original C code. The output is intended to be in a format such that
+// clang could re-parse the output back into the same AST, but the
+// implementation is still incomplete.
+ASTConsumer *CreateASTPrinter(llvm::raw_ostream *OS);
+// AST XML-printer: prints out the AST in a XML format
+// The output is intended to be in a format such that
+// clang or any other tool could re-parse the output back into the same AST,
+// but the implementation is still incomplete.
+ASTConsumer *CreateASTPrinterXML(llvm::raw_ostream *OS);
+// AST dumper: dumps the raw AST in human-readable form to stderr; this is
+// intended for debugging.
+ASTConsumer *CreateASTDumper();
+// Graphical AST viewer: for each function definition, creates a graph of
+// the AST and displays it with the graph viewer "dotty". Also outputs
+// function declarations to stderr.
+ASTConsumer *CreateASTViewer();
+// DeclContext printer: prints out the DeclContext tree in human-readable form
+// to stderr; this is intended for debugging.
+ASTConsumer *CreateDeclContextPrinter();
+// ObjC rewriter: attempts tp rewrite ObjC constructs into pure C code.
+// This is considered experimental, and only works with Apple's ObjC runtime.
+ASTConsumer *CreateObjCRewriter(const std::string &InFile,
+ llvm::raw_ostream *OS,
+ Diagnostic &Diags,
+ const LangOptions &LOpts,
+ bool SilenceRewriteMacroWarning);
+/// CreateHTMLPrinter - Create an AST consumer which rewrites source code to
+/// HTML with syntax highlighting suitable for viewing in a web-browser.
+ASTConsumer *CreateHTMLPrinter(llvm::raw_ostream *OS, Preprocessor &PP,
+ bool SyntaxHighlight = true,
+ bool HighlightMacros = true);
+// PCH generator: generates a precompiled header file; this file can be used
+// later with the PCHReader (clang -cc1 option -include-pch) to speed up compile
+// times.
+ASTConsumer *CreatePCHGenerator(const Preprocessor &PP,
+ llvm::raw_ostream *OS,
+ const char *isysroot = 0);
+// Inheritance viewer: for C++ code, creates a graph of the inheritance
+// tree for the given class and displays it with "dotty".
+ASTConsumer *CreateInheritanceViewer(const std::string& clsname);
+} // end clang namespace
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/ASTUnit.h b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/ASTUnit.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9252358
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/ASTUnit.h
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+//===--- ASTUnit.h - ASTUnit utility ----------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// ASTUnit utility class.
+#include "clang/Lex/PreprocessingRecord.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/IntrusiveRefCntPtr.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/OwningPtr.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/FileManager.h"
+#include "clang/Index/ASTLocation.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
+#include "llvm/System/Path.h"
+#include <map>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <utility>
+namespace llvm {
+ class MemoryBuffer;
+namespace clang {
+class ASTContext;
+class CompilerInvocation;
+class Decl;
+class Diagnostic;
+class FileEntry;
+class FileManager;
+class HeaderSearch;
+class Preprocessor;
+class SourceManager;
+class TargetInfo;
+using namespace idx;
+/// \brief Utility class for loading a ASTContext from a PCH file.
+class ASTUnit {
+ typedef std::map<FileID, std::vector<PreprocessedEntity *> >
+ PreprocessedEntitiesByFileMap;
+ llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<Diagnostic> Diagnostics;
+ llvm::OwningPtr<FileManager> FileMgr;
+ llvm::OwningPtr<SourceManager> SourceMgr;
+ llvm::OwningPtr<HeaderSearch> HeaderInfo;
+ llvm::OwningPtr<TargetInfo> Target;
+ llvm::OwningPtr<Preprocessor> PP;
+ llvm::OwningPtr<ASTContext> Ctx;
+ /// Optional owned invocation, just used to make the invocation used in
+ /// LoadFromCommandLine available.
+ llvm::OwningPtr<CompilerInvocation> Invocation;
+ // OnlyLocalDecls - when true, walking this AST should only visit declarations
+ // that come from the AST itself, not from included precompiled headers.
+ // FIXME: This is temporary; eventually, CIndex will always do this.
+ bool OnlyLocalDecls;
+ /// Track whether the main file was loaded from an AST or not.
+ bool MainFileIsAST;
+ /// Track the top-level decls which appeared in an ASTUnit which was loaded
+ /// from a source file.
+ //
+ // FIXME: This is just an optimization hack to avoid deserializing large parts
+ // of a PCH file when using the Index library on an ASTUnit loaded from
+ // source. In the long term we should make the Index library use efficient and
+ // more scalable search mechanisms.
+ std::vector<Decl*> TopLevelDecls;
+ /// The name of the original source file used to generate this ASTUnit.
+ std::string OriginalSourceFile;
+ // Critical optimization when using clang_getCursor().
+ ASTLocation LastLoc;
+ /// \brief The set of diagnostics produced when creating this
+ /// translation unit.
+ llvm::SmallVector<StoredDiagnostic, 4> StoredDiagnostics;
+ /// \brief Temporary files that should be removed when the ASTUnit is
+ /// destroyed.
+ llvm::SmallVector<llvm::sys::Path, 4> TemporaryFiles;
+ /// \brief A mapping from file IDs to the set of preprocessed entities
+ /// stored in that file.
+ ///
+ /// FIXME: This is just an optimization hack to avoid searching through
+ /// many preprocessed entities during cursor traversal in the CIndex library.
+ /// Ideally, we would just be able to perform a binary search within the
+ /// list of preprocessed entities.
+ PreprocessedEntitiesByFileMap PreprocessedEntitiesByFile;
+ /// \brief Simple hack to allow us to assert that ASTUnit is not being
+ /// used concurrently, which is not supported.
+ ///
+ /// Clients should create instances of the ConcurrencyCheck class whenever
+ /// using the ASTUnit in a way that isn't intended to be concurrent, which is
+ /// just about any usage.
+ unsigned int ConcurrencyCheckValue;
+ static const unsigned int CheckLocked = 28573289;
+ static const unsigned int CheckUnlocked = 9803453;
+ ASTUnit(const ASTUnit&); // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
+ ASTUnit &operator=(const ASTUnit &); // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
+ explicit ASTUnit(bool MainFileIsAST);
+ class ConcurrencyCheck {
+ volatile ASTUnit &Self;
+ public:
+ explicit ConcurrencyCheck(ASTUnit &Self)
+ : Self(Self)
+ {
+ assert(Self.ConcurrencyCheckValue == CheckUnlocked &&
+ "Concurrent access to ASTUnit!");
+ Self.ConcurrencyCheckValue = CheckLocked;
+ }
+ ~ConcurrencyCheck() {
+ Self.ConcurrencyCheckValue = CheckUnlocked;
+ }
+ };
+ friend class ConcurrencyCheck;
+ ~ASTUnit();
+ bool isMainFileAST() const { return MainFileIsAST; }
+ const Diagnostic &getDiagnostics() const { return *Diagnostics; }
+ Diagnostic &getDiagnostics() { return *Diagnostics; }
+ const SourceManager &getSourceManager() const { return *SourceMgr; }
+ SourceManager &getSourceManager() { return *SourceMgr; }
+ const Preprocessor &getPreprocessor() const { return *PP.get(); }
+ Preprocessor &getPreprocessor() { return *PP.get(); }
+ const ASTContext &getASTContext() const { return *Ctx.get(); }
+ ASTContext &getASTContext() { return *Ctx.get(); }
+ const FileManager &getFileManager() const { return *FileMgr; }
+ FileManager &getFileManager() { return *FileMgr; }
+ const std::string &getOriginalSourceFileName();
+ const std::string &getPCHFileName();
+ /// \brief Add a temporary file that the ASTUnit depends on.
+ ///
+ /// This file will be erased when the ASTUnit is destroyed.
+ void addTemporaryFile(const llvm::sys::Path &TempFile) {
+ TemporaryFiles.push_back(TempFile);
+ }
+ bool getOnlyLocalDecls() const { return OnlyLocalDecls; }
+ void setLastASTLocation(ASTLocation ALoc) { LastLoc = ALoc; }
+ ASTLocation getLastASTLocation() const { return LastLoc; }
+ std::vector<Decl*> &getTopLevelDecls() {
+ assert(!isMainFileAST() && "Invalid call for AST based ASTUnit!");
+ return TopLevelDecls;
+ }
+ const std::vector<Decl*> &getTopLevelDecls() const {
+ assert(!isMainFileAST() && "Invalid call for AST based ASTUnit!");
+ return TopLevelDecls;
+ }
+ /// \brief Retrieve the mapping from File IDs to the preprocessed entities
+ /// within that file.
+ PreprocessedEntitiesByFileMap &getPreprocessedEntitiesByFile() {
+ return PreprocessedEntitiesByFile;
+ }
+ // Retrieve the diagnostics associated with this AST
+ typedef const StoredDiagnostic *stored_diag_iterator;
+ stored_diag_iterator stored_diag_begin() const {
+ return StoredDiagnostics.begin();
+ }
+ stored_diag_iterator stored_diag_end() const {
+ return StoredDiagnostics.end();
+ }
+ unsigned stored_diag_size() const { return StoredDiagnostics.size(); }
+ llvm::SmallVector<StoredDiagnostic, 4> &getStoredDiagnostics() {
+ return StoredDiagnostics;
+ }
+ /// \brief A mapping from a file name to the memory buffer that stores the
+ /// remapped contents of that file.
+ typedef std::pair<std::string, const llvm::MemoryBuffer *> RemappedFile;
+ /// \brief Create a ASTUnit from a PCH file.
+ ///
+ /// \param Filename - The PCH file to load.
+ ///
+ /// \param Diags - The diagnostics engine to use for reporting errors; its
+ /// lifetime is expected to extend past that of the returned ASTUnit.
+ ///
+ /// \returns - The initialized ASTUnit or null if the PCH failed to load.
+ static ASTUnit *LoadFromPCHFile(const std::string &Filename,
+ llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<Diagnostic> Diags,
+ bool OnlyLocalDecls = false,
+ RemappedFile *RemappedFiles = 0,
+ unsigned NumRemappedFiles = 0,
+ bool CaptureDiagnostics = false);
+ /// LoadFromCompilerInvocation - Create an ASTUnit from a source file, via a
+ /// CompilerInvocation object.
+ ///
+ /// \param CI - The compiler invocation to use; it must have exactly one input
+ /// source file. The ASTUnit takes ownership of the CompilerInvocation object.
+ ///
+ /// \param Diags - The diagnostics engine to use for reporting errors; its
+ /// lifetime is expected to extend past that of the returned ASTUnit.
+ //
+ // FIXME: Move OnlyLocalDecls, UseBumpAllocator to setters on the ASTUnit, we
+ // shouldn't need to specify them at construction time.
+ static ASTUnit *LoadFromCompilerInvocation(CompilerInvocation *CI,
+ llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<Diagnostic> Diags,
+ bool OnlyLocalDecls = false,
+ bool CaptureDiagnostics = false);
+ /// LoadFromCommandLine - Create an ASTUnit from a vector of command line
+ /// arguments, which must specify exactly one source file.
+ ///
+ /// \param ArgBegin - The beginning of the argument vector.
+ ///
+ /// \param ArgEnd - The end of the argument vector.
+ ///
+ /// \param Diags - The diagnostics engine to use for reporting errors; its
+ /// lifetime is expected to extend past that of the returned ASTUnit.
+ ///
+ /// \param ResourceFilesPath - The path to the compiler resource files.
+ //
+ // FIXME: Move OnlyLocalDecls, UseBumpAllocator to setters on the ASTUnit, we
+ // shouldn't need to specify them at construction time.
+ static ASTUnit *LoadFromCommandLine(const char **ArgBegin,
+ const char **ArgEnd,
+ llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<Diagnostic> Diags,
+ llvm::StringRef ResourceFilesPath,
+ bool OnlyLocalDecls = false,
+ RemappedFile *RemappedFiles = 0,
+ unsigned NumRemappedFiles = 0,
+ bool CaptureDiagnostics = false);
+} // namespace clang
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/Analyses.def b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/Analyses.def
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aaa3920
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/Analyses.def
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+//===-- Analyses.def - Metadata about Static Analyses -----------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This file defines the set of static analyses used by AnalysisConsumer.
+#ifndef ANALYSIS
+ANALYSIS(CFGDump, "cfg-dump",
+ "Display Control-Flow Graphs", Code)
+ANALYSIS(CFGView, "cfg-view",
+ "View Control-Flow Graphs using GraphViz", Code)
+ANALYSIS(DisplayLiveVariables, "dump-live-variables",
+ "Print results of live variable analysis", Code)
+ANALYSIS(SecuritySyntacticChecks, "analyzer-check-security-syntactic",
+ "Perform quick security checks that require no data flow", Code)
+ANALYSIS(LLVMConventionChecker, "analyzer-check-llvm-conventions",
+ "Check code for LLVM codebase conventions (domain-specific)",
+ TranslationUnit)
+ANALYSIS(WarnDeadStores, "analyzer-check-dead-stores",
+ "Warn about stores to dead variables", Code)
+ANALYSIS(WarnUninitVals, "warn-uninit-values",
+ "Warn about uses of uninitialized variables", Code)
+ANALYSIS(WarnObjCMethSigs, "analyzer-check-objc-methodsigs",
+ "Warn about Objective-C method signatures with type incompatibilities",
+ ObjCImplementation)
+ANALYSIS(WarnObjCDealloc, "analyzer-check-objc-missing-dealloc",
+"Warn about Objective-C classes that lack a correct implementation of -dealloc",
+ ObjCImplementation)
+ANALYSIS(WarnObjCUnusedIvars, "analyzer-check-objc-unused-ivars",
+ "Warn about private ivars that are never used", ObjCImplementation)
+ANALYSIS(ObjCMemChecker, "analyzer-check-objc-mem",
+ "Run the [Core] Foundation reference count checker", Code)
+ANALYSIS(WarnSizeofPointer, "warn-sizeof-pointer",
+ "Warn about unintended use of sizeof() on pointer expressions", Code)
+ANALYSIS_STORE(BasicStore, "basic", "Use basic analyzer store", CreateBasicStoreManager)
+ANALYSIS_STORE(RegionStore, "region", "Use region-based analyzer store", CreateRegionStoreManager)
+ANALYSIS_STORE(FlatStore, "flat", "Use flat analyzer store", CreateFlatStoreManager)
+ANALYSIS_CONSTRAINTS(BasicConstraints, "basic", "Use basic constraint tracking", CreateBasicConstraintManager)
+ANALYSIS_CONSTRAINTS(RangeConstraints, "range", "Use constraint tracking of concrete value ranges", CreateRangeConstraintManager)
+ANALYSIS_DIAGNOSTICS(HTML, "html", "Output analysis results using HTML", CreateHTMLDiagnosticClient, false)
+ANALYSIS_DIAGNOSTICS(PLIST, "plist", "Output analysis results using Plists", CreatePlistDiagnosticClient, true)
+ANALYSIS_DIAGNOSTICS(PLIST_HTML, "plist-html", "Output analysis results using HTML wrapped with Plists", CreatePlistHTMLDiagnosticClient, true)
+#undef ANALYSIS
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/AnalysisConsumer.h b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/AnalysisConsumer.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2cbdf36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/AnalysisConsumer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+//===--- AnalysisConsumer.h - Front-end Analysis Engine Hooks ---*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This header contains the functions necessary for a front-end to run various
+// analyses.
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+namespace clang {
+class ASTConsumer;
+class Diagnostic;
+class Preprocessor;
+class LangOptions;
+/// Analysis - Set of available source code analyses.
+enum Analyses {
+#include "clang/Frontend/Analyses.def"
+/// AnalysisStores - Set of available analysis store models.
+enum AnalysisStores {
+#include "clang/Frontend/Analyses.def"
+/// AnalysisConstraints - Set of available constraint models.
+enum AnalysisConstraints {
+#include "clang/Frontend/Analyses.def"
+/// AnalysisDiagClients - Set of available diagnostic clients for rendering
+/// analysis results.
+enum AnalysisDiagClients {
+#include "clang/Frontend/Analyses.def"
+class AnalyzerOptions {
+ std::vector<Analyses> AnalysisList;
+ AnalysisStores AnalysisStoreOpt;
+ AnalysisConstraints AnalysisConstraintsOpt;
+ AnalysisDiagClients AnalysisDiagOpt;
+ std::string AnalyzeSpecificFunction;
+ unsigned MaxNodes;
+ unsigned MaxLoop;
+ unsigned AnalyzeAll : 1;
+ unsigned AnalyzerDisplayProgress : 1;
+ unsigned AnalyzeNestedBlocks : 1;
+ unsigned EagerlyAssume : 1;
+ unsigned PurgeDead : 1;
+ unsigned TrimGraph : 1;
+ unsigned VisualizeEGDot : 1;
+ unsigned VisualizeEGUbi : 1;
+ unsigned EnableExperimentalChecks : 1;
+ unsigned EnableExperimentalInternalChecks : 1;
+ unsigned InlineCall : 1;
+ AnalyzerOptions() {
+ AnalysisStoreOpt = BasicStoreModel;
+ AnalysisConstraintsOpt = RangeConstraintsModel;
+ AnalysisDiagOpt = PD_HTML;
+ AnalyzeAll = 0;
+ AnalyzerDisplayProgress = 0;
+ AnalyzeNestedBlocks = 0;
+ EagerlyAssume = 0;
+ PurgeDead = 1;
+ TrimGraph = 0;
+ VisualizeEGDot = 0;
+ VisualizeEGUbi = 0;
+ EnableExperimentalChecks = 0;
+ EnableExperimentalInternalChecks = 0;
+ }
+/// CreateAnalysisConsumer - Creates an ASTConsumer to run various code
+/// analysis passes. (The set of analyses run is controlled by command-line
+/// options.)
+ASTConsumer* CreateAnalysisConsumer(const Preprocessor &pp,
+ const std::string &output,
+ const AnalyzerOptions& Opts);
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/ChainedDiagnosticClient.h b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/ChainedDiagnosticClient.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d5e128
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/ChainedDiagnosticClient.h
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+//===--- ChainedDiagnosticClient.h - Chain Diagnostic Clients ---*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/OwningPtr.h"
+namespace clang {
+class LangOptions;
+/// ChainedDiagnosticClient - Chain two diagnostic clients so that diagnostics
+/// go to the first client and then the second. The first diagnostic client
+/// should be the "primary" client, and will be used for computing whether the
+/// diagnostics should be included in counts.
+class ChainedDiagnosticClient : public DiagnosticClient {
+ llvm::OwningPtr<DiagnosticClient> Primary;
+ llvm::OwningPtr<DiagnosticClient> Secondary;
+ ChainedDiagnosticClient(DiagnosticClient *_Primary,
+ DiagnosticClient *_Secondary) {
+ Primary.reset(_Primary);
+ Secondary.reset(_Secondary);
+ }
+ virtual void BeginSourceFile(const LangOptions &LO,
+ const Preprocessor *PP) {
+ Primary->BeginSourceFile(LO, PP);
+ Secondary->BeginSourceFile(LO, PP);
+ }
+ virtual void EndSourceFile() {
+ Secondary->EndSourceFile();
+ Primary->EndSourceFile();
+ }
+ virtual bool IncludeInDiagnosticCounts() const {
+ return Primary->IncludeInDiagnosticCounts();
+ }
+ virtual void HandleDiagnostic(Diagnostic::Level DiagLevel,
+ const DiagnosticInfo &Info) {
+ Primary->HandleDiagnostic(DiagLevel, Info);
+ Secondary->HandleDiagnostic(DiagLevel, Info);
+ }
+} // end namspace clang
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/CodeGenAction.h b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/CodeGenAction.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfc117a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/CodeGenAction.h
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+//===--- CodeGenAction.h - LLVM Code Generation Frontend Action -*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "clang/Frontend/FrontendAction.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/OwningPtr.h"
+namespace llvm {
+ class Module;
+namespace clang {
+class CodeGenAction : public ASTFrontendAction {
+ unsigned Act;
+ llvm::OwningPtr<llvm::Module> TheModule;
+ CodeGenAction(unsigned _Act);
+ virtual ASTConsumer *CreateASTConsumer(CompilerInstance &CI,
+ llvm::StringRef InFile);
+ virtual void EndSourceFileAction();
+ ~CodeGenAction();
+ /// takeModule - Take the generated LLVM module, for use after the action has
+ /// been run. The result may be null on failure.
+ llvm::Module *takeModule();
+class EmitAssemblyAction : public CodeGenAction {
+ EmitAssemblyAction();
+class EmitBCAction : public CodeGenAction {
+ EmitBCAction();
+class EmitLLVMAction : public CodeGenAction {
+ EmitLLVMAction();
+class EmitLLVMOnlyAction : public CodeGenAction {
+ EmitLLVMOnlyAction();
+class EmitCodeGenOnlyAction : public CodeGenAction {
+ EmitCodeGenOnlyAction();
+class EmitObjAction : public CodeGenAction {
+ EmitObjAction();
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/CommandLineSourceLoc.h b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/CommandLineSourceLoc.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bea468b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/CommandLineSourceLoc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+//===--- CommandLineSourceLoc.h - Parsing for source locations-*- C++ -*---===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// Command line parsing for source locations.
+#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
+namespace clang {
+/// \brief A source location that has been parsed on the command line.
+struct ParsedSourceLocation {
+ std::string FileName;
+ unsigned Line;
+ unsigned Column;
+ /// Construct a parsed source location from a string; the Filename is empty on
+ /// error.
+ static ParsedSourceLocation FromString(llvm::StringRef Str) {
+ ParsedSourceLocation PSL;
+ std::pair<llvm::StringRef, llvm::StringRef> ColSplit = Str.rsplit(':');
+ std::pair<llvm::StringRef, llvm::StringRef> LineSplit =
+ ColSplit.first.rsplit(':');
+ // If both tail splits were valid integers, return success.
+ if (!ColSplit.second.getAsInteger(10, PSL.Column) &&
+ !LineSplit.second.getAsInteger(10, PSL.Line))
+ PSL.FileName = LineSplit.first;
+ return PSL;
+ }
+namespace llvm {
+ namespace cl {
+ /// \brief Command-line option parser that parses source locations.
+ ///
+ /// Source locations are of the form filename:line:column.
+ template<>
+ class parser<clang::ParsedSourceLocation>
+ : public basic_parser<clang::ParsedSourceLocation> {
+ public:
+ inline bool parse(Option &O, StringRef ArgName, StringRef ArgValue,
+ clang::ParsedSourceLocation &Val);
+ };
+ bool
+ parser<clang::ParsedSourceLocation>::
+ parse(Option &O, StringRef ArgName, StringRef ArgValue,
+ clang::ParsedSourceLocation &Val) {
+ using namespace clang;
+ Val = ParsedSourceLocation::FromString(ArgValue);
+ if (Val.FileName.empty()) {
+ errs() << "error: "
+ << "source location must be of the form filename:line:column\n";
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06dc800
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h
@@ -0,0 +1,589 @@
+//===-- CompilerInstance.h - Clang Compiler Instance ------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInvocation.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/IntrusiveRefCntPtr.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/OwningPtr.h"
+#include <cassert>
+#include <list>
+#include <string>
+namespace llvm {
+class LLVMContext;
+class raw_ostream;
+class raw_fd_ostream;
+class Timer;
+namespace clang {
+class ASTContext;
+class ASTConsumer;
+class CodeCompleteConsumer;
+class Diagnostic;
+class DiagnosticClient;
+class ExternalASTSource;
+class FileManager;
+class FrontendAction;
+class Preprocessor;
+class SourceManager;
+class TargetInfo;
+/// CompilerInstance - Helper class for managing a single instance of the Clang
+/// compiler.
+/// The CompilerInstance serves two purposes:
+/// (1) It manages the various objects which are necessary to run the compiler,
+/// for example the preprocessor, the target information, and the AST
+/// context.
+/// (2) It provides utility routines for constructing and manipulating the
+/// common Clang objects.
+/// The compiler instance generally owns the instance of all the objects that it
+/// manages. However, clients can still share objects by manually setting the
+/// object and retaking ownership prior to destroying the CompilerInstance.
+/// The compiler instance is intended to simplify clients, but not to lock them
+/// in to the compiler instance for everything. When possible, utility functions
+/// come in two forms; a short form that reuses the CompilerInstance objects,
+/// and a long form that takes explicit instances of any required objects.
+class CompilerInstance {
+ /// The LLVM context used for this instance.
+ llvm::OwningPtr<llvm::LLVMContext> LLVMContext;
+ /// The options used in this compiler instance.
+ llvm::OwningPtr<CompilerInvocation> Invocation;
+ /// The diagnostics engine instance.
+ llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<Diagnostic> Diagnostics;
+ /// The diagnostics client instance.
+ llvm::OwningPtr<DiagnosticClient> DiagClient;
+ /// The target being compiled for.
+ llvm::OwningPtr<TargetInfo> Target;
+ /// The file manager.
+ llvm::OwningPtr<FileManager> FileMgr;
+ /// The source manager.
+ llvm::OwningPtr<SourceManager> SourceMgr;
+ /// The preprocessor.
+ llvm::OwningPtr<Preprocessor> PP;
+ /// The AST context.
+ llvm::OwningPtr<ASTContext> Context;
+ /// The AST consumer.
+ llvm::OwningPtr<ASTConsumer> Consumer;
+ /// The code completion consumer.
+ llvm::OwningPtr<CodeCompleteConsumer> CompletionConsumer;
+ /// The frontend timer
+ llvm::OwningPtr<llvm::Timer> FrontendTimer;
+ /// The list of active output files.
+ std::list< std::pair<std::string, llvm::raw_ostream*> > OutputFiles;
+ void operator=(const CompilerInstance &); // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
+ CompilerInstance(const CompilerInstance&); // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
+ CompilerInstance();
+ ~CompilerInstance();
+ /// @name High-Level Operations
+ /// {
+ /// ExecuteAction - Execute the provided action against the compiler's
+ /// CompilerInvocation object.
+ ///
+ /// This function makes the following assumptions:
+ ///
+ /// - The invocation options should be initialized. This function does not
+ /// handle the '-help' or '-version' options, clients should handle those
+ /// directly.
+ ///
+ /// - The diagnostics engine should have already been created by the client.
+ ///
+ /// - No other CompilerInstance state should have been initialized (this is
+ /// an unchecked error).
+ ///
+ /// - Clients should have initialized any LLVM target features that may be
+ /// required.
+ ///
+ /// - Clients should eventually call llvm_shutdown() upon the completion of
+ /// this routine to ensure that any managed objects are properly destroyed.
+ ///
+ /// Note that this routine may write output to 'stderr'.
+ ///
+ /// \param Act - The action to execute.
+ /// \return - True on success.
+ //
+ // FIXME: This function should take the stream to write any debugging /
+ // verbose output to as an argument.
+ //
+ // FIXME: Eliminate the llvm_shutdown requirement, that should either be part
+ // of the context or else not CompilerInstance specific.
+ bool ExecuteAction(FrontendAction &Act);
+ /// }
+ /// @name LLVM Context
+ /// {
+ bool hasLLVMContext() const { return LLVMContext != 0; }
+ llvm::LLVMContext &getLLVMContext() const {
+ assert(LLVMContext && "Compiler instance has no LLVM context!");
+ return *LLVMContext;
+ }
+ llvm::LLVMContext *takeLLVMContext() { return LLVMContext.take(); }
+ /// setLLVMContext - Replace the current LLVM context and take ownership of
+ /// \arg Value.
+ void setLLVMContext(llvm::LLVMContext *Value);
+ /// }
+ /// @name Compiler Invocation and Options
+ /// {
+ bool hasInvocation() const { return Invocation != 0; }
+ CompilerInvocation &getInvocation() {
+ assert(Invocation && "Compiler instance has no invocation!");
+ return *Invocation;
+ }
+ CompilerInvocation *takeInvocation() { return Invocation.take(); }
+ /// setInvocation - Replace the current invocation; the compiler instance
+ /// takes ownership of \arg Value.
+ void setInvocation(CompilerInvocation *Value);
+ /// }
+ /// @name Forwarding Methods
+ /// {
+ AnalyzerOptions &getAnalyzerOpts() {
+ return Invocation->getAnalyzerOpts();
+ }
+ const AnalyzerOptions &getAnalyzerOpts() const {
+ return Invocation->getAnalyzerOpts();
+ }
+ CodeGenOptions &getCodeGenOpts() {
+ return Invocation->getCodeGenOpts();
+ }
+ const CodeGenOptions &getCodeGenOpts() const {
+ return Invocation->getCodeGenOpts();
+ }
+ DependencyOutputOptions &getDependencyOutputOpts() {
+ return Invocation->getDependencyOutputOpts();
+ }
+ const DependencyOutputOptions &getDependencyOutputOpts() const {
+ return Invocation->getDependencyOutputOpts();
+ }
+ DiagnosticOptions &getDiagnosticOpts() {
+ return Invocation->getDiagnosticOpts();
+ }
+ const DiagnosticOptions &getDiagnosticOpts() const {
+ return Invocation->getDiagnosticOpts();
+ }
+ FrontendOptions &getFrontendOpts() {
+ return Invocation->getFrontendOpts();
+ }
+ const FrontendOptions &getFrontendOpts() const {
+ return Invocation->getFrontendOpts();
+ }
+ HeaderSearchOptions &getHeaderSearchOpts() {
+ return Invocation->getHeaderSearchOpts();
+ }
+ const HeaderSearchOptions &getHeaderSearchOpts() const {
+ return Invocation->getHeaderSearchOpts();
+ }
+ LangOptions &getLangOpts() {
+ return Invocation->getLangOpts();
+ }
+ const LangOptions &getLangOpts() const {
+ return Invocation->getLangOpts();
+ }
+ PreprocessorOptions &getPreprocessorOpts() {
+ return Invocation->getPreprocessorOpts();
+ }
+ const PreprocessorOptions &getPreprocessorOpts() const {
+ return Invocation->getPreprocessorOpts();
+ }
+ PreprocessorOutputOptions &getPreprocessorOutputOpts() {
+ return Invocation->getPreprocessorOutputOpts();
+ }
+ const PreprocessorOutputOptions &getPreprocessorOutputOpts() const {
+ return Invocation->getPreprocessorOutputOpts();
+ }
+ TargetOptions &getTargetOpts() {
+ return Invocation->getTargetOpts();
+ }
+ const TargetOptions &getTargetOpts() const {
+ return Invocation->getTargetOpts();
+ }
+ /// }
+ /// @name Diagnostics Engine
+ /// {
+ bool hasDiagnostics() const { return Diagnostics != 0; }
+ Diagnostic &getDiagnostics() const {
+ assert(Diagnostics && "Compiler instance has no diagnostics!");
+ return *Diagnostics;
+ }
+ /// setDiagnostics - Replace the current diagnostics engine; the compiler
+ /// instance takes ownership of \arg Value.
+ void setDiagnostics(Diagnostic *Value);
+ DiagnosticClient &getDiagnosticClient() const {
+ assert(DiagClient && "Compiler instance has no diagnostic client!");
+ return *DiagClient;
+ }
+ /// takeDiagnosticClient - Remove the current diagnostics client and give
+ /// ownership to the caller.
+ DiagnosticClient *takeDiagnosticClient() { return DiagClient.take(); }
+ /// setDiagnosticClient - Replace the current diagnostics client; the compiler
+ /// instance takes ownership of \arg Value.
+ void setDiagnosticClient(DiagnosticClient *Value);
+ /// }
+ /// @name Target Info
+ /// {
+ bool hasTarget() const { return Target != 0; }
+ TargetInfo &getTarget() const {
+ assert(Target && "Compiler instance has no target!");
+ return *Target;
+ }
+ /// takeTarget - Remove the current diagnostics engine and give ownership
+ /// to the caller.
+ TargetInfo *takeTarget() { return Target.take(); }
+ /// setTarget - Replace the current diagnostics engine; the compiler
+ /// instance takes ownership of \arg Value.
+ void setTarget(TargetInfo *Value);
+ /// }
+ /// @name File Manager
+ /// {
+ bool hasFileManager() const { return FileMgr != 0; }
+ FileManager &getFileManager() const {
+ assert(FileMgr && "Compiler instance has no file manager!");
+ return *FileMgr;
+ }
+ /// takeFileManager - Remove the current file manager and give ownership to
+ /// the caller.
+ FileManager *takeFileManager() { return FileMgr.take(); }
+ /// setFileManager - Replace the current file manager; the compiler instance
+ /// takes ownership of \arg Value.
+ void setFileManager(FileManager *Value);
+ /// }
+ /// @name Source Manager
+ /// {
+ bool hasSourceManager() const { return SourceMgr != 0; }
+ SourceManager &getSourceManager() const {
+ assert(SourceMgr && "Compiler instance has no source manager!");
+ return *SourceMgr;
+ }
+ /// takeSourceManager - Remove the current source manager and give ownership
+ /// to the caller.
+ SourceManager *takeSourceManager() { return SourceMgr.take(); }
+ /// setSourceManager - Replace the current source manager; the compiler
+ /// instance takes ownership of \arg Value.
+ void setSourceManager(SourceManager *Value);
+ /// }
+ /// @name Preprocessor
+ /// {
+ bool hasPreprocessor() const { return PP != 0; }
+ Preprocessor &getPreprocessor() const {
+ assert(PP && "Compiler instance has no preprocessor!");
+ return *PP;
+ }
+ /// takePreprocessor - Remove the current preprocessor and give ownership to
+ /// the caller.
+ Preprocessor *takePreprocessor() { return PP.take(); }
+ /// setPreprocessor - Replace the current preprocessor; the compiler instance
+ /// takes ownership of \arg Value.
+ void setPreprocessor(Preprocessor *Value);
+ /// }
+ /// @name ASTContext
+ /// {
+ bool hasASTContext() const { return Context != 0; }
+ ASTContext &getASTContext() const {
+ assert(Context && "Compiler instance has no AST context!");
+ return *Context;
+ }
+ /// takeASTContext - Remove the current AST context and give ownership to the
+ /// caller.
+ ASTContext *takeASTContext() { return Context.take(); }
+ /// setASTContext - Replace the current AST context; the compiler instance
+ /// takes ownership of \arg Value.
+ void setASTContext(ASTContext *Value);
+ /// }
+ /// @name ASTConsumer
+ /// {
+ bool hasASTConsumer() const { return Consumer != 0; }
+ ASTConsumer &getASTConsumer() const {
+ assert(Consumer && "Compiler instance has no AST consumer!");
+ return *Consumer;
+ }
+ /// takeASTConsumer - Remove the current AST consumer and give ownership to
+ /// the caller.
+ ASTConsumer *takeASTConsumer() { return Consumer.take(); }
+ /// setASTConsumer - Replace the current AST consumer; the compiler instance
+ /// takes ownership of \arg Value.
+ void setASTConsumer(ASTConsumer *Value);
+ /// }
+ /// @name Code Completion
+ /// {
+ bool hasCodeCompletionConsumer() const { return CompletionConsumer != 0; }
+ CodeCompleteConsumer &getCodeCompletionConsumer() const {
+ assert(CompletionConsumer &&
+ "Compiler instance has no code completion consumer!");
+ return *CompletionConsumer;
+ }
+ /// takeCodeCompletionConsumer - Remove the current code completion consumer
+ /// and give ownership to the caller.
+ CodeCompleteConsumer *takeCodeCompletionConsumer() {
+ return CompletionConsumer.take();
+ }
+ /// setCodeCompletionConsumer - Replace the current code completion consumer;
+ /// the compiler instance takes ownership of \arg Value.
+ void setCodeCompletionConsumer(CodeCompleteConsumer *Value);
+ /// }
+ /// @name Frontend timer
+ /// {
+ bool hasFrontendTimer() const { return FrontendTimer != 0; }
+ llvm::Timer &getFrontendTimer() const {
+ assert(FrontendTimer && "Compiler instance has no frontend timer!");
+ return *FrontendTimer;
+ }
+ /// }
+ /// @name Output Files
+ /// {
+ /// getOutputFileList - Get the list of (path, output stream) pairs of output
+ /// files; the path may be empty but the stream will always be non-null.
+ const std::list< std::pair<std::string,
+ llvm::raw_ostream*> > &getOutputFileList() const;
+ /// addOutputFile - Add an output file onto the list of tracked output files.
+ ///
+ /// \param Path - The path to the output file, or empty.
+ /// \param OS - The output stream, which should be non-null.
+ void addOutputFile(llvm::StringRef Path, llvm::raw_ostream *OS);
+ /// clearOutputFiles - Clear the output file list, destroying the contained
+ /// output streams.
+ ///
+ /// \param EraseFiles - If true, attempt to erase the files from disk.
+ void clearOutputFiles(bool EraseFiles);
+ /// }
+ /// @name Construction Utility Methods
+ /// {
+ /// Create the diagnostics engine using the invocation's diagnostic options
+ /// and replace any existing one with it.
+ ///
+ /// Note that this routine also replaces the diagnostic client.
+ void createDiagnostics(int Argc, char **Argv);
+ /// Create a Diagnostic object with a the TextDiagnosticPrinter.
+ ///
+ /// The \arg Argc and \arg Argv arguments are used only for logging purposes,
+ /// when the diagnostic options indicate that the compiler should output
+ /// logging information.
+ ///
+ /// Note that this creates an unowned DiagnosticClient, if using directly the
+ /// caller is responsible for releasing the returned Diagnostic's client
+ /// eventually.
+ ///
+ /// \param Opts - The diagnostic options; note that the created text
+ /// diagnostic object contains a reference to these options and its lifetime
+ /// must extend past that of the diagnostic engine.
+ ///
+ /// \return The new object on success, or null on failure.
+ static llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<Diagnostic>
+ createDiagnostics(const DiagnosticOptions &Opts, int Argc, char **Argv);
+ /// Create the file manager and replace any existing one with it.
+ void createFileManager();
+ /// Create the source manager and replace any existing one with it.
+ void createSourceManager();
+ /// Create the preprocessor, using the invocation, file, and source managers,
+ /// and replace any existing one with it.
+ void createPreprocessor();
+ /// Create a Preprocessor object.
+ ///
+ /// Note that this also creates a new HeaderSearch object which will be owned
+ /// by the resulting Preprocessor.
+ ///
+ /// \return The new object on success, or null on failure.
+ static Preprocessor *createPreprocessor(Diagnostic &, const LangOptions &,
+ const PreprocessorOptions &,
+ const HeaderSearchOptions &,
+ const DependencyOutputOptions &,
+ const TargetInfo &,
+ const FrontendOptions &,
+ SourceManager &, FileManager &);
+ /// Create the AST context.
+ void createASTContext();
+ /// Create an external AST source to read a PCH file and attach it to the AST
+ /// context.
+ void createPCHExternalASTSource(llvm::StringRef Path);
+ /// Create an external AST source to read a PCH file.
+ ///
+ /// \return - The new object on success, or null on failure.
+ static ExternalASTSource *
+ createPCHExternalASTSource(llvm::StringRef Path, const std::string &Sysroot,
+ Preprocessor &PP, ASTContext &Context);
+ /// Create a code completion consumer using the invocation; note that this
+ /// will cause the source manager to truncate the input source file at the
+ /// completion point.
+ void createCodeCompletionConsumer();
+ /// Create a code completion consumer to print code completion results, at
+ /// \arg Filename, \arg Line, and \arg Column, to the given output stream \arg
+ /// OS.
+ static CodeCompleteConsumer *
+ createCodeCompletionConsumer(Preprocessor &PP, const std::string &Filename,
+ unsigned Line, unsigned Column,
+ bool UseDebugPrinter, bool ShowMacros,
+ bool ShowCodePatterns, llvm::raw_ostream &OS);
+ /// Create the frontend timer and replace any existing one with it.
+ void createFrontendTimer();
+ /// Create the default output file (from the invocation's options) and add it
+ /// to the list of tracked output files.
+ ///
+ /// \return - Null on error.
+ llvm::raw_fd_ostream *
+ createDefaultOutputFile(bool Binary = true, llvm::StringRef BaseInput = "",
+ llvm::StringRef Extension = "");
+ /// Create a new output file and add it to the list of tracked output files,
+ /// optionally deriving the output path name.
+ ///
+ /// \return - Null on error.
+ llvm::raw_fd_ostream *
+ createOutputFile(llvm::StringRef OutputPath, bool Binary = true,
+ llvm::StringRef BaseInput = "",
+ llvm::StringRef Extension = "");
+ /// Create a new output file, optionally deriving the output path name.
+ ///
+ /// If \arg OutputPath is empty, then createOutputFile will derive an output
+ /// path location as \arg BaseInput, with any suffix removed, and \arg
+ /// Extension appended.
+ ///
+ /// \param OutputPath - If given, the path to the output file.
+ /// \param Error [out] - On failure, the error message.
+ /// \param BaseInput - If \arg OutputPath is empty, the input path name to use
+ /// for deriving the output path.
+ /// \param Extension - The extension to use for derived output names.
+ /// \param Binary - The mode to open the file in.
+ /// \param ResultPathName [out] - If given, the result path name will be
+ /// stored here on success.
+ static llvm::raw_fd_ostream *
+ createOutputFile(llvm::StringRef OutputPath, std::string &Error,
+ bool Binary = true, llvm::StringRef BaseInput = "",
+ llvm::StringRef Extension = "",
+ std::string *ResultPathName = 0);
+ /// }
+ /// @name Initialization Utility Methods
+ /// {
+ /// InitializeSourceManager - Initialize the source manager to set InputFile
+ /// as the main file.
+ ///
+ /// \return True on success.
+ bool InitializeSourceManager(llvm::StringRef InputFile);
+ /// InitializeSourceManager - Initialize the source manager to set InputFile
+ /// as the main file.
+ ///
+ /// \return True on success.
+ static bool InitializeSourceManager(llvm::StringRef InputFile,
+ Diagnostic &Diags,
+ FileManager &FileMgr,
+ SourceManager &SourceMgr,
+ const FrontendOptions &Opts);
+ /// }
+} // end namespace clang
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/CompilerInvocation.h b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/CompilerInvocation.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5a9053
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/CompilerInvocation.h
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+//===-- CompilerInvocation.h - Compiler Invocation Helper Data --*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "clang/Basic/LangOptions.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/TargetOptions.h"
+#include "clang/CodeGen/CodeGenOptions.h"
+#include "clang/Frontend/AnalysisConsumer.h"
+#include "clang/Frontend/DependencyOutputOptions.h"
+#include "clang/Frontend/DiagnosticOptions.h"
+#include "clang/Frontend/FrontendOptions.h"
+#include "clang/Frontend/HeaderSearchOptions.h"
+#include "clang/Frontend/PreprocessorOptions.h"
+#include "clang/Frontend/PreprocessorOutputOptions.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+namespace llvm {
+ template<typename T> class SmallVectorImpl;
+namespace clang {
+class Diagnostic;
+/// CompilerInvocation - Helper class for holding the data necessary to invoke
+/// the compiler.
+/// This class is designed to represent an abstract "invocation" of the
+/// compiler, including data such as the include paths, the code generation
+/// options, the warning flags, and so on.
+class CompilerInvocation {
+ /// Options controlling the static analyzer.
+ AnalyzerOptions AnalyzerOpts;
+ /// Options controlling IRgen and the backend.
+ CodeGenOptions CodeGenOpts;
+ /// Options controlling dependency output.
+ DependencyOutputOptions DependencyOutputOpts;
+ /// Options controlling the diagnostic engine.
+ DiagnosticOptions DiagnosticOpts;
+ /// Options controlling the frontend itself.
+ FrontendOptions FrontendOpts;
+ /// Options controlling the #include directive.
+ HeaderSearchOptions HeaderSearchOpts;
+ /// Options controlling the language variant.
+ LangOptions LangOpts;
+ /// Options controlling the preprocessor (aside from #include handling).
+ PreprocessorOptions PreprocessorOpts;
+ /// Options controlling preprocessed output.
+ PreprocessorOutputOptions PreprocessorOutputOpts;
+ /// Options controlling the target.
+ TargetOptions TargetOpts;
+ CompilerInvocation() {}
+ /// @name Utility Methods
+ /// @{
+ /// CreateFromArgs - Create a compiler invocation from a list of input
+ /// options.
+ ///
+ /// \param Res [out] - The resulting invocation.
+ /// \param ArgBegin - The first element in the argument vector.
+ /// \param ArgEnd - The last element in the argument vector.
+ /// \param Diags - The diagnostic engine to use for errors.
+ static void CreateFromArgs(CompilerInvocation &Res, const char **ArgBegin,
+ const char **ArgEnd, Diagnostic &Diags);
+ /// GetBuiltinIncludePath - Get the directory where the compiler headers
+ /// reside, relative to the compiler binary (found by the passed in
+ /// arguments).
+ ///
+ /// \param Argv0 - The program path (from argv[0]), for finding the builtin
+ /// compiler path.
+ /// \param MainAddr - The address of main (or some other function in the main
+ /// executable), for finding the builtin compiler path.
+ static std::string GetResourcesPath(const char *Argv0, void *MainAddr);
+ /// toArgs - Convert the CompilerInvocation to a list of strings suitable for
+ /// passing to CreateFromArgs.
+ void toArgs(std::vector<std::string> &Res);
+ /// @}
+ /// @name Option Subgroups
+ /// @{
+ AnalyzerOptions &getAnalyzerOpts() { return AnalyzerOpts; }
+ const AnalyzerOptions &getAnalyzerOpts() const {
+ return AnalyzerOpts;
+ }
+ CodeGenOptions &getCodeGenOpts() { return CodeGenOpts; }
+ const CodeGenOptions &getCodeGenOpts() const {
+ return CodeGenOpts;
+ }
+ DependencyOutputOptions &getDependencyOutputOpts() {
+ return DependencyOutputOpts;
+ }
+ const DependencyOutputOptions &getDependencyOutputOpts() const {
+ return DependencyOutputOpts;
+ }
+ DiagnosticOptions &getDiagnosticOpts() { return DiagnosticOpts; }
+ const DiagnosticOptions &getDiagnosticOpts() const { return DiagnosticOpts; }
+ HeaderSearchOptions &getHeaderSearchOpts() { return HeaderSearchOpts; }
+ const HeaderSearchOptions &getHeaderSearchOpts() const {
+ return HeaderSearchOpts;
+ }
+ FrontendOptions &getFrontendOpts() { return FrontendOpts; }
+ const FrontendOptions &getFrontendOpts() const {
+ return FrontendOpts;
+ }
+ LangOptions &getLangOpts() { return LangOpts; }
+ const LangOptions &getLangOpts() const { return LangOpts; }
+ PreprocessorOptions &getPreprocessorOpts() { return PreprocessorOpts; }
+ const PreprocessorOptions &getPreprocessorOpts() const {
+ return PreprocessorOpts;
+ }
+ PreprocessorOutputOptions &getPreprocessorOutputOpts() {
+ return PreprocessorOutputOpts;
+ }
+ const PreprocessorOutputOptions &getPreprocessorOutputOpts() const {
+ return PreprocessorOutputOpts;
+ }
+ TargetOptions &getTargetOpts() { return TargetOpts; }
+ const TargetOptions &getTargetOpts() const {
+ return TargetOpts;
+ }
+ /// @}
+} // end namespace clang
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/DeclContextXML.def b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/DeclContextXML.def
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39ed5f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/DeclContextXML.def
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+//===-- DeclContextXML.def - Metadata about Context XML nodes ---*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This file defines the XML context info database as written in the
+// <ReferenceSection>/<Contexts> sub-nodes of the XML document. Type nodes
+// are referred by "context" reference attributes throughout the document.
+// A context node never contains sub-nodes.
+// The semantics of the attributes and enums are mostly self-documenting
+// by looking at the appropriate internally used functions and values.
+// The following macros are used:
+// NODE_XML( CLASS, NAME ) - A node of name NAME denotes a concrete
+// context of class CLASS where CLASS is a class name used internally by clang.
+// After a NODE_XML the definition of all (optional) attributes of that context
+// node and possible sub-nodes follows.
+// END_NODE_XML - Closes the attribute definition of the current node.
+// ID_ATTRIBUTE_XML - Context nodes have an "id" attribute containing a
+// string, which value uniquely identify that statement. Other nodes may refer
+// by "context" attributes to this value.
+// TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_XML( FN ) - Context nodes may refer to the ids of type
+// nodes by a "type" attribute, if they create a type during declaration.
+// For instance 'struct S;' creates both a context 'S::' and a type 'S'.
+// Contexts and types always have different ids, however declarations and
+// contexts may share the same ids. FN is internally used by clang.
+// ATTRIBUTE_XML( FN, NAME ) - An attribute named NAME. FN is internally
+// used by clang. A boolean attribute have the values "0" or "1".
+// ATTRIBUTE_ENUM[_OPT]_XML( FN, NAME ) - An attribute named NAME. The value
+// is an enumeration defined with ENUM_XML macros immediately following after
+// that macro. An optional attribute is ommited, if the particular enum is the
+// empty string. FN is internally used by clang.
+// ENUM_XML( VALUE, NAME ) - An enumeration element named NAME. VALUE is
+// internally used by clang.
+// END_ENUM_XML - Closes the enumeration definition of the current attribute.
+NODE_XML(TranslationUnitDecl, "TranslationUnit")
+NODE_XML(FunctionDecl, "Function")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getDeclContext(), "context")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getNameAsString(), "name")
+ TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_XML(getType()->getAsFunctionType())
+NODE_XML(NamespaceDecl, "Namespace")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getDeclContext(), "context")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getNameAsString(), "name")
+NODE_XML(RecordDecl, "Record")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getDeclContext(), "context")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getNameAsString(), "name")
+ TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_XML(getTypeForDecl())
+NODE_XML(EnumDecl, "Enum")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getDeclContext(), "context")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getNameAsString(), "name")
+ TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_XML(getTypeForDecl())
+NODE_XML(LinkageSpecDecl, "LinkageSpec")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getDeclContext(), "context")
+ ATTRIBUTE_ENUM_OPT_XML(getLanguage(), "lang")
+ ENUM_XML(LinkageSpecDecl::lang_c, "C")
+ ENUM_XML(LinkageSpecDecl::lang_cxx, "CXX")
+#undef NODE_XML
+#undef ENUM_XML
+#undef END_ENUM_XML
+#undef END_NODE_XML
+#undef SUB_NODE_XML
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/DeclXML.def b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/DeclXML.def
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16551ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/DeclXML.def
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+//===-- DeclXML.def - Metadata about Decl XML nodes ------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This file defines the XML statement database structure as written in
+// <TranslationUnit> sub-nodes of the XML document.
+// The semantics of the attributes and enums are mostly self-documenting
+// by looking at the appropriate internally used functions and values.
+// The following macros are used:
+// NODE_XML( CLASS, NAME ) - A node of name NAME denotes a concrete
+// statement of class CLASS where CLASS is a class name used internally by clang.
+// After a NODE_XML the definition of all (optional) attributes of that statement
+// node and possible sub-nodes follows.
+// END_NODE_XML - Closes the attribute definition of the current node.
+// ID_ATTRIBUTE_XML - Some statement nodes have an "id" attribute containing a
+// string, which value uniquely identify that statement. Other nodes may refer
+// by reference attributes to this value (currently used only for Label).
+// TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_XML( FN ) - Type nodes refer to the result type id of an
+// expression by a "type" attribute. FN is internally used by clang.
+// ATTRIBUTE_XML( FN, NAME ) - An attribute named NAME. FN is internally
+// used by clang. A boolean attribute have the values "0" or "1".
+// ATTRIBUTE_SPECIAL_XML( FN, NAME ) - An attribute named NAME which deserves
+// a special handling. See the appropriate documentations.
+// ATTRIBUTE_FILE_LOCATION_XML - A bunch of attributes denoting the location of
+// a statement in the source file(s).
+// ATTRIBUTE_OPT_XML( FN, NAME ) - An optional attribute named NAME.
+// Optional attributes are omitted for boolean types, if the value is false,
+// for integral types, if the value is null and for strings,
+// if the value is the empty string. FN is internally used by clang.
+// ATTRIBUTE_ENUM[_OPT]_XML( FN, NAME ) - An attribute named NAME. The value
+// is an enumeration defined with ENUM_XML macros immediately following after
+// that macro. An optional attribute is ommited, if the particular enum is the
+// empty string. FN is internally used by clang.
+// ENUM_XML( VALUE, NAME ) - An enumeration element named NAME. VALUE is
+// internally used by clang.
+// END_ENUM_XML - Closes the enumeration definition of the current attribute.
+// SUB_NODE_XML( CLASS ) - A mandatory sub-node of class CLASS or its sub-classes.
+// SUB_NODE_OPT_XML( CLASS ) - An optional sub-node of class CLASS or its sub-classes.
+// SUB_NODE_SEQUENCE_XML( CLASS ) - Zero or more sub-nodes of class CLASS or
+// its sub-classes.
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getFilename(), "file") \
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getLine(), "line") \
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getColumn(), "col") \
+ ATTRIBUTE_OPT_XML(getFilename(), "endfile") \
+ ATTRIBUTE_OPT_XML(getLine(), "endline") \
+ ATTRIBUTE_OPT_XML(getColumn(), "endcol")
+//NODE_XML(TranslationUnitDecl, "TranslationUnit")
+NODE_XML(Decl, "FIXME_Decl")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getDeclKindName(), "unhandled_decl_name")
+NODE_XML(FunctionDecl, "Function")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getDeclContext(), "context")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getNameAsString(), "name")
+ TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_XML(getType()->getAs<FunctionType>()->getResultType())
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getType()->getAs<FunctionType>(), "function_type")
+ ATTRIBUTE_ENUM_OPT_XML(getStorageClass(), "storage_class")
+ ENUM_XML(FunctionDecl::None, "")
+ ENUM_XML(FunctionDecl::Extern, "extern")
+ ENUM_XML(FunctionDecl::Static, "static")
+ ENUM_XML(FunctionDecl::PrivateExtern, "__private_extern__")
+ ATTRIBUTE_OPT_XML(isInlineSpecified(), "inline")
+ //ATTRIBUTE_OPT_XML(isVariadic(), "variadic") // in the type reference
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getNumParams(), "num_args")
+NODE_XML(CXXMethodDecl, "CXXMethod")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getDeclContext(), "context")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getNameAsString(), "name")
+ TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_XML(getType()->getAs<FunctionType>()->getResultType())
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getType()->getAs<FunctionType>(), "function_type")
+ ATTRIBUTE_OPT_XML(isInlineSpecified(), "inline")
+ ATTRIBUTE_OPT_XML(isStatic(), "static")
+ ATTRIBUTE_OPT_XML(isVirtual(), "virtual")
+ ATTRIBUTE_ENUM_OPT_XML(getAccess(), "access")
+ ENUM_XML(AS_none, "")
+ ENUM_XML(AS_public, "public")
+ ENUM_XML(AS_protected, "protected")
+ ENUM_XML(AS_private, "private")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getNumParams(), "num_args")
+NODE_XML(CXXConstructorDecl, "CXXConstructor")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getDeclContext(), "context")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getNameAsString(), "name")
+ TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_XML(getType()->getAs<FunctionType>()->getResultType())
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getType()->getAs<FunctionType>(), "function_type")
+ ATTRIBUTE_OPT_XML(isExplicit(), "is_explicit")
+ ATTRIBUTE_OPT_XML(isDefaultConstructor(), "is_default_ctor")
+ ATTRIBUTE_OPT_XML(isCopyConstructor(), "is_copy_ctor")
+ ATTRIBUTE_OPT_XML(isInlineSpecified(), "inline")
+ ATTRIBUTE_OPT_XML(isStatic(), "static")
+ ATTRIBUTE_OPT_XML(isVirtual(), "virtual")
+ ATTRIBUTE_ENUM_OPT_XML(getAccess(), "access")
+ ENUM_XML(AS_none, "")
+ ENUM_XML(AS_public, "public")
+ ENUM_XML(AS_protected, "protected")
+ ENUM_XML(AS_private, "private")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getNumParams(), "num_args")
+NODE_XML(CXXDestructorDecl, "CXXDestructor")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getDeclContext(), "context")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getNameAsString(), "name")
+ TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_XML(getType()->getAs<FunctionType>()->getResultType())
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getType()->getAs<FunctionType>(), "function_type")
+ ATTRIBUTE_OPT_XML(isInlineSpecified(), "inline")
+ ATTRIBUTE_OPT_XML(isStatic(), "static")
+ ATTRIBUTE_OPT_XML(isVirtual(), "virtual")
+ ATTRIBUTE_ENUM_OPT_XML(getAccess(), "access")
+ ENUM_XML(AS_none, "")
+ ENUM_XML(AS_public, "public")
+ ENUM_XML(AS_protected, "protected")
+ ENUM_XML(AS_private, "private")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getNumParams(), "num_args")
+NODE_XML(CXXConversionDecl, "CXXConversion")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getDeclContext(), "context")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getNameAsString(), "name")
+ TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_XML(getType()->getAs<FunctionType>()->getResultType())
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getType()->getAs<FunctionType>(), "function_type")
+ ATTRIBUTE_OPT_XML(isExplicit(), "is_explicit")
+ ATTRIBUTE_OPT_XML(isInlineSpecified(), "inline")
+ ATTRIBUTE_OPT_XML(isStatic(), "static")
+ ATTRIBUTE_OPT_XML(isVirtual(), "virtual")
+ ATTRIBUTE_ENUM_OPT_XML(getAccess(), "access")
+ ENUM_XML(AS_none, "")
+ ENUM_XML(AS_public, "public")
+ ENUM_XML(AS_protected, "protected")
+ ENUM_XML(AS_private, "private")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getNumParams(), "num_args")
+NODE_XML(NamespaceDecl, "Namespace")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getDeclContext(), "context")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getNameAsString(), "name")
+NODE_XML(UsingDirectiveDecl, "UsingDirective")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getDeclContext(), "context")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getNameAsString(), "name")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getNominatedNamespace(), "ref")
+NODE_XML(NamespaceAliasDecl, "NamespaceAlias")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getDeclContext(), "context")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getNameAsString(), "name")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getNamespace(), "ref")
+NODE_XML(RecordDecl, "Record")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getDeclContext(), "context")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getNameAsString(), "name")
+ ATTRIBUTE_OPT_XML(isDefinition() == false, "forward")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getTypeForDecl(), "type") // refers to the type this decl creates
+NODE_XML(CXXRecordDecl, "CXXRecord")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getDeclContext(), "context")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getNameAsString(), "name")
+ ATTRIBUTE_OPT_XML(isDefinition() == false, "forward")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getTypeForDecl(), "type") // refers to the type this decl creates
+NODE_XML(EnumDecl, "Enum")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getDeclContext(), "context")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getNameAsString(), "name")
+ ATTRIBUTE_OPT_XML(isDefinition() == false, "forward")
+ ATTRIBUTE_SPECIAL_XML(getIntegerType(), "type") // is NULL in pure declarations thus deserves special handling
+ SUB_NODE_SEQUENCE_XML(EnumConstantDecl) // only present in definition
+NODE_XML(EnumConstantDecl, "EnumConstant")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getDeclContext(), "context")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getNameAsString(), "name")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getInitVal().toString(10, true), "value") // integer
+ SUB_NODE_OPT_XML(Expr) // init expr of this constant
+NODE_XML(FieldDecl, "Field")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getDeclContext(), "context")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getNameAsString(), "name")
+ ATTRIBUTE_OPT_XML(isMutable(), "mutable")
+ ATTRIBUTE_ENUM_OPT_XML(getAccess(), "access")
+ ENUM_XML(AS_none, "")
+ ENUM_XML(AS_public, "public")
+ ENUM_XML(AS_protected, "protected")
+ ENUM_XML(AS_private, "private")
+ ATTRIBUTE_OPT_XML(isBitField(), "bitfield")
+ SUB_NODE_OPT_XML(Expr) // init expr of a bit field
+NODE_XML(TypedefDecl, "Typedef")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getDeclContext(), "context")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getNameAsString(), "name")
+ TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_XML(getUnderlyingType())
+NODE_XML(VarDecl, "Var")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getDeclContext(), "context")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getNameAsString(), "name")
+ ATTRIBUTE_ENUM_OPT_XML(getStorageClass(), "storage_class")
+ ENUM_XML(VarDecl::None, "")
+ ENUM_XML(VarDecl::Auto, "auto")
+ ENUM_XML(VarDecl::Register, "register")
+ ENUM_XML(VarDecl::Extern, "extern")
+ ENUM_XML(VarDecl::Static, "static")
+ ENUM_XML(VarDecl::PrivateExtern, "__private_extern__")
+ SUB_NODE_OPT_XML(Expr) // init expr
+NODE_XML(ParmVarDecl, "ParmVar")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getDeclContext(), "context")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getNameAsString(), "name")
+ SUB_NODE_OPT_XML(Expr) // default argument expression
+NODE_XML(LinkageSpecDecl, "LinkageSpec")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getDeclContext(), "context")
+ ATTRIBUTE_ENUM_OPT_XML(getLanguage(), "lang")
+ ENUM_XML(LinkageSpecDecl::lang_c, "C")
+ ENUM_XML(LinkageSpecDecl::lang_cxx, "CXX")
+NODE_XML(TemplateDecl, "Template")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getDeclContext(), "context")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getNameAsString(), "name")
+NODE_XML(TemplateTypeParmDecl, "TemplateTypeParm")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getDeclContext(), "context")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getNameAsString(), "name")
+NODE_XML(UsingShadowDecl, "UsingShadow")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getDeclContext(), "context")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getTargetDecl(), "target_decl")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getUsingDecl(), "using_decl")
+NODE_XML(UsingDecl, "Using")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getDeclContext(), "context")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getTargetNestedNameDecl(), "target_nested_namespace_decl")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(isTypeName(), "is_typename")
+#undef NODE_XML
+#undef ENUM_XML
+#undef END_ENUM_XML
+#undef END_NODE_XML
+#undef SUB_NODE_XML
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/DependencyOutputOptions.h b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/DependencyOutputOptions.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab8e49d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/DependencyOutputOptions.h
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+//===--- DependencyOutputOptions.h ------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+namespace clang {
+/// DependencyOutputOptions - Options for controlling the compiler dependency
+/// file generation.
+class DependencyOutputOptions {
+ unsigned IncludeSystemHeaders : 1; ///< Include system header dependencies.
+ unsigned UsePhonyTargets : 1; ///< Include phony targets for each
+ /// dependency, which can avoid some 'make'
+ /// problems.
+ /// The file to write depencency output to.
+ std::string OutputFile;
+ /// A list of names to use as the targets in the dependency file; this list
+ /// must contain at least one entry.
+ std::vector<std::string> Targets;
+ DependencyOutputOptions() {
+ IncludeSystemHeaders = 0;
+ UsePhonyTargets = 0;
+ }
+} // end namespace clang
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/DiagnosticOptions.h b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/DiagnosticOptions.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8eb66e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/DiagnosticOptions.h
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+//===--- DiagnosticOptions.h ------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+namespace clang {
+/// DiagnosticOptions - Options for controlling the compiler diagnostics
+/// engine.
+class DiagnosticOptions {
+ unsigned IgnoreWarnings : 1; /// -w
+ unsigned NoRewriteMacros : 1; /// -Wno-rewrite-macros
+ unsigned Pedantic : 1; /// -pedantic
+ unsigned PedanticErrors : 1; /// -pedantic-errors
+ unsigned ShowColumn : 1; /// Show column number on diagnostics.
+ unsigned ShowLocation : 1; /// Show source location information.
+ unsigned ShowCarets : 1; /// Show carets in diagnostics.
+ unsigned ShowFixits : 1; /// Show fixit information.
+ unsigned ShowSourceRanges : 1; /// Show source ranges in numeric form.
+ unsigned ShowOptionNames : 1; /// Show the diagnostic name for mappable
+ /// diagnostics.
+ unsigned ShowCategories : 2; /// Show categories: 0 -> none, 1 -> Number,
+ /// 2 -> Full Name.
+ unsigned ShowColors : 1; /// Show diagnostics with ANSI color sequences.
+ unsigned VerifyDiagnostics: 1; /// Check that diagnostics match the expected
+ /// diagnostics, indicated by markers in the
+ /// input source file.
+ unsigned BinaryOutput : 1; /// Emit diagnostics via the diagnostic
+ /// binary serialization mechanism, to be
+ /// deserialized by, e.g., the CIndex library.
+ unsigned ErrorLimit; /// Limit # errors emitted.
+ unsigned MacroBacktraceLimit; /// Limit depth of macro instantiation
+ /// backtrace.
+ unsigned TemplateBacktraceLimit; /// Limit depth of instantiation backtrace.
+ /// The distance between tab stops.
+ unsigned TabStop;
+ enum { DefaultTabStop = 8, MaxTabStop = 100,
+ DefaultMacroBacktraceLimit = 6,
+ DefaultTemplateBacktraceLimit = 10 };
+ /// Column limit for formatting message diagnostics, or 0 if unused.
+ unsigned MessageLength;
+ /// If non-empty, a file to log extended build information to, for development
+ /// testing and analysis.
+ std::string DumpBuildInformation;
+ /// The list of -W... options used to alter the diagnostic mappings, with the
+ /// prefixes removed.
+ std::vector<std::string> Warnings;
+ DiagnosticOptions() {
+ IgnoreWarnings = 0;
+ TabStop = DefaultTabStop;
+ MessageLength = 0;
+ NoRewriteMacros = 0;
+ Pedantic = 0;
+ PedanticErrors = 0;
+ ShowCarets = 1;
+ ShowColors = 0;
+ ShowColumn = 1;
+ ShowFixits = 1;
+ ShowLocation = 1;
+ ShowOptionNames = 0;
+ ShowCategories = 0;
+ ShowSourceRanges = 0;
+ VerifyDiagnostics = 0;
+ BinaryOutput = 0;
+ ErrorLimit = 0;
+ TemplateBacktraceLimit = DefaultTemplateBacktraceLimit;
+ MacroBacktraceLimit = DefaultMacroBacktraceLimit;
+ }
+} // end namespace clang
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/DocumentXML.def b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/DocumentXML.def
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c52bd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/DocumentXML.def
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+//===-- DocumentXML.def - Metadata about Document XML nodes -----*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This file defines the XML root database structure as written in
+// an AST XML document.
+// The following macros are used:
+// NODE_XML( CLASS, NAME ) - A node of name NAME denotes a concrete
+// statement of class CLASS where CLASS is a class name used internally by clang.
+// After a NODE_XML the definition of all (optional) attributes of that statement
+// node and possible sub-nodes follows.
+// END_NODE_XML - Closes the attribute definition of the current node.
+// ID_ATTRIBUTE_XML - Some nodes have an "id" attribute containing a
+// string, which value uniquely identify the entity represented by that node.
+// Other nodes may refer by reference attributes to this value.
+// ATTRIBUTE_SPECIAL_XML( FN, NAME ) - An attribute named NAME which deserves
+// a special handling. See the appropriate documentations.
+// SUB_NODE_XML( CLASS ) - A mandatory sub-node of class CLASS or its sub-classes.
+// SUB_NODE_SEQUENCE_XML( CLASS ) - Zero or more sub-nodes of class CLASS or
+// its sub-classes.
+ ATTRIBUTE_SPECIAL_XML(ignore, "version") // special retrieving needed
+ SUB_NODE_XML("TranslationUnit")
+ SUB_NODE_XML("ReferenceSection")
+ SUB_NODE_XML("Types")
+ SUB_NODE_XML("Contexts")
+ SUB_NODE_XML("Files")
+ ATTRIBUTE_SPECIAL_XML(ignore, "name") // special retrieving needed, denotes the source file name
+#undef NODE_XML
+#undef END_NODE_XML
+#undef SUB_NODE_XML
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/DocumentXML.h b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/DocumentXML.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73d8921
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/DocumentXML.h
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+//===--- DocumentXML.h - XML document for ASTs ------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This file implements the XML document class, which provides the means to
+// dump out the AST in a XML form that exposes type details and other fields.
+#include <string>
+#include <map>
+#include <stack>
+#include "clang/AST/Type.h"
+#include "clang/AST/TypeOrdering.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
+namespace clang {
+//--------------------------------------------------------- forwards
+class DeclContext;
+class Decl;
+class NamedDecl;
+class FunctionDecl;
+class ASTContext;
+class LabelStmt;
+namespace XML {
+ // id maps:
+ template<class T>
+ struct IdMap : llvm::DenseMap<T, unsigned> {};
+ template<>
+ struct IdMap<QualType> : std::map<QualType, unsigned, QualTypeOrdering> {};
+ template<>
+ struct IdMap<std::string> : std::map<std::string, unsigned> {};
+class DocumentXML {
+ DocumentXML(const std::string& rootName, llvm::raw_ostream& out);
+ void initialize(ASTContext &Context);
+ void PrintDecl(Decl *D);
+ void PrintStmt(const Stmt *S); // defined in StmtXML.cpp
+ void finalize();
+ DocumentXML& addSubNode(const std::string& name); // also enters the sub node, returns *this
+ DocumentXML& toParent(); // returns *this
+ void addAttribute(const char* pName, const QualType& pType);
+ void addAttribute(const char* pName, bool value);
+ template<class T>
+ void addAttribute(const char* pName, const T* value) {
+ addPtrAttribute(pName, value);
+ }
+ template<class T>
+ void addAttribute(const char* pName, T* value) {
+ addPtrAttribute(pName, value);
+ }
+ template<class T>
+ void addAttribute(const char* pName, const T& value);
+ template<class T>
+ void addAttributeOptional(const char* pName, const T& value);
+ void addSourceFileAttribute(const std::string& fileName);
+ PresumedLoc addLocation(const SourceLocation& Loc);
+ void addLocationRange(const SourceRange& R);
+ static std::string escapeString(const char* pStr, std::string::size_type len);
+ DocumentXML(const DocumentXML&); // not defined
+ DocumentXML& operator=(const DocumentXML&); // not defined
+ std::stack<std::string> NodeStack;
+ llvm::raw_ostream& Out;
+ ASTContext *Ctx;
+ bool HasCurrentNodeSubNodes;
+ XML::IdMap<QualType> Types;
+ XML::IdMap<const DeclContext*> Contexts;
+ XML::IdMap<const Type*> BasicTypes;
+ XML::IdMap<std::string> SourceFiles;
+ XML::IdMap<const NamedDecl*> Decls;
+ XML::IdMap<const LabelStmt*> Labels;
+ void addContextsRecursively(const DeclContext *DC);
+ void addTypeRecursively(const Type* pType);
+ void addTypeRecursively(const QualType& pType);
+ void Indent();
+ // forced pointer dispatch:
+ void addPtrAttribute(const char* pName, const Type* pType);
+ void addPtrAttribute(const char* pName, const NamedDecl* D);
+ void addPtrAttribute(const char* pName, const DeclContext* D);
+ void addPtrAttribute(const char* pName, const NamespaceDecl* D); // disambiguation
+ void addPtrAttribute(const char* pName, const NestedNameSpecifier* N);
+ void addPtrAttribute(const char* pName, const LabelStmt* L);
+ void addPtrAttribute(const char* pName, const char* text);
+ // defined in TypeXML.cpp:
+ void addParentTypes(const Type* pType);
+ void writeTypeToXML(const Type* pType);
+ void writeTypeToXML(const QualType& pType);
+ class TypeAdder;
+ friend class TypeAdder;
+ // defined in DeclXML.cpp:
+ void writeDeclToXML(Decl *D);
+ class DeclPrinter;
+ friend class DeclPrinter;
+ // for addAttributeOptional:
+ static bool isDefault(unsigned value) { return value == 0; }
+ static bool isDefault(bool value) { return !value; }
+ static bool isDefault(Qualifiers::GC value) { return value == Qualifiers::GCNone; }
+ static bool isDefault(const std::string& value) { return value.empty(); }
+//--------------------------------------------------------- inlines
+inline void DocumentXML::initialize(ASTContext &Context) {
+ Ctx = &Context;
+template<class T>
+inline void DocumentXML::addAttribute(const char* pName, const T& value) {
+ std::string repr;
+ {
+ llvm::raw_string_ostream buf(repr);
+ buf << value;
+ buf.flush();
+ }
+ Out << ' ' << pName << "=\""
+ << DocumentXML::escapeString(repr.c_str(), repr.size())
+ << "\"";
+inline void DocumentXML::addPtrAttribute(const char* pName, const char* text) {
+ Out << ' ' << pName << "=\""
+ << DocumentXML::escapeString(text, strlen(text))
+ << "\"";
+inline void DocumentXML::addAttribute(const char* pName, bool value) {
+ addPtrAttribute(pName, value ? "1" : "0");
+template<class T>
+inline void DocumentXML::addAttributeOptional(const char* pName,
+ const T& value) {
+ if (!isDefault(value)) {
+ addAttribute(pName, value);
+ }
+} //namespace clang
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/FixItRewriter.h b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/FixItRewriter.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b432d74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/FixItRewriter.h
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+//===--- FixItRewriter.h - Fix-It Rewriter Diagnostic Client ----*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This is a diagnostic client adaptor that performs rewrites as
+// suggested by code modification hints attached to diagnostics. It
+// then forwards any diagnostics to the adapted diagnostic client.
+#include "clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h"
+#include "clang/Rewrite/Rewriter.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
+namespace llvm { class raw_ostream; }
+namespace clang {
+class SourceManager;
+class FileEntry;
+class FixItPathRewriter {
+ virtual ~FixItPathRewriter();
+ /// \brief This file is about to be rewritten. Return the name of the file
+ /// that is okay to write to.
+ virtual std::string RewriteFilename(const std::string &Filename) = 0;
+class FixItRewriter : public DiagnosticClient {
+ /// \brief The diagnostics machinery.
+ Diagnostic &Diags;
+ /// \brief The rewriter used to perform the various code
+ /// modifications.
+ Rewriter Rewrite;
+ /// \brief The diagnostic client that performs the actual formatting
+ /// of error messages.
+ DiagnosticClient *Client;
+ /// \brief Turn an input path into an output path. NULL implies overwriting
+ /// the original.
+ FixItPathRewriter *PathRewriter;
+ /// \brief The number of rewriter failures.
+ unsigned NumFailures;
+ typedef Rewriter::buffer_iterator iterator;
+ /// \brief Initialize a new fix-it rewriter.
+ FixItRewriter(Diagnostic &Diags, SourceManager &SourceMgr,
+ const LangOptions &LangOpts, FixItPathRewriter *PathRewriter);
+ /// \brief Destroy the fix-it rewriter.
+ ~FixItRewriter();
+ /// \brief Check whether there are modifications for a given file.
+ bool IsModified(FileID ID) const {
+ return Rewrite.getRewriteBufferFor(ID) != NULL;
+ }
+ // Iteration over files with changes.
+ iterator buffer_begin() { return Rewrite.buffer_begin(); }
+ iterator buffer_end() { return Rewrite.buffer_end(); }
+ /// \brief Write a single modified source file.
+ ///
+ /// \returns true if there was an error, false otherwise.
+ bool WriteFixedFile(FileID ID, llvm::raw_ostream &OS);
+ /// \brief Write the modified source files.
+ ///
+ /// \returns true if there was an error, false otherwise.
+ bool WriteFixedFiles();
+ /// IncludeInDiagnosticCounts - This method (whose default implementation
+ /// returns true) indicates whether the diagnostics handled by this
+ /// DiagnosticClient should be included in the number of diagnostics
+ /// reported by Diagnostic.
+ virtual bool IncludeInDiagnosticCounts() const;
+ /// HandleDiagnostic - Handle this diagnostic, reporting it to the user or
+ /// capturing it to a log as needed.
+ virtual void HandleDiagnostic(Diagnostic::Level DiagLevel,
+ const DiagnosticInfo &Info);
+ /// \brief Emit a diagnostic via the adapted diagnostic client.
+ void Diag(FullSourceLoc Loc, unsigned DiagID);
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/FrontendAction.h b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/FrontendAction.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b7db37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/FrontendAction.h
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+//===-- FrontendAction.h - Generic Frontend Action Interface ----*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/OwningPtr.h"
+#include <string>
+namespace clang {
+class ASTUnit;
+class ASTConsumer;
+class CompilerInstance;
+class ASTMergeAction;
+/// FrontendAction - Abstract base class for actions which can be performed by
+/// the frontend.
+class FrontendAction {
+ std::string CurrentFile;
+ llvm::OwningPtr<ASTUnit> CurrentASTUnit;
+ CompilerInstance *Instance;
+ friend class ASTMergeAction;
+ /// @name Implementation Action Interface
+ /// @{
+ /// CreateASTConsumer - Create the AST consumer object for this action, if
+ /// supported.
+ ///
+ /// This routine is called as part of \see BeginSourceAction(), which will
+ /// fail if the AST consumer cannot be created. This will not be called if the
+ /// action has indicated that it only uses the preprocessor.
+ ///
+ /// \param CI - The current compiler instance, provided as a convenience, \see
+ /// getCompilerInstance().
+ ///
+ /// \param InFile - The current input file, provided as a convenience, \see
+ /// getCurrentFile().
+ ///
+ /// \return The new AST consumer, or 0 on failure.
+ virtual ASTConsumer *CreateASTConsumer(CompilerInstance &CI,
+ llvm::StringRef InFile) = 0;
+ /// BeginSourceFileAction - Callback at the start of processing a single
+ /// input.
+ ///
+ /// \return True on success; on failure \see ExecutionAction() and
+ /// EndSourceFileAction() will not be called.
+ virtual bool BeginSourceFileAction(CompilerInstance &CI,
+ llvm::StringRef Filename) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ /// ExecuteAction - Callback to run the program action, using the initialized
+ /// compiler instance.
+ ///
+ /// This routine is guaranteed to only be called between \see
+ /// BeginSourceFileAction() and \see EndSourceFileAction().
+ virtual void ExecuteAction() = 0;
+ /// EndSourceFileAction - Callback at the end of processing a single input;
+ /// this is guaranteed to only be called following a successful call to
+ /// BeginSourceFileAction (and BeingSourceFile).
+ virtual void EndSourceFileAction() {}
+ /// @}
+ FrontendAction();
+ virtual ~FrontendAction();
+ /// @name Compiler Instance Access
+ /// @{
+ CompilerInstance &getCompilerInstance() const {
+ assert(Instance && "Compiler instance not registered!");
+ return *Instance;
+ }
+ void setCompilerInstance(CompilerInstance *Value) { Instance = Value; }
+ /// @}
+ /// @name Current File Information
+ /// @{
+ bool isCurrentFileAST() const {
+ assert(!CurrentFile.empty() && "No current file!");
+ return CurrentASTUnit != 0;
+ }
+ const std::string &getCurrentFile() const {
+ assert(!CurrentFile.empty() && "No current file!");
+ return CurrentFile;
+ }
+ ASTUnit &getCurrentASTUnit() const {
+ assert(!CurrentASTUnit && "No current AST unit!");
+ return *CurrentASTUnit;
+ }
+ ASTUnit *takeCurrentASTUnit() {
+ return CurrentASTUnit.take();
+ }
+ void setCurrentFile(llvm::StringRef Value, ASTUnit *AST = 0);
+ /// @}
+ /// @name Supported Modes
+ /// @{
+ /// usesPreprocessorOnly - Does this action only use the preprocessor? If so
+ /// no AST context will be created and this action will be invalid with PCH
+ /// inputs.
+ virtual bool usesPreprocessorOnly() const = 0;
+ /// usesCompleteTranslationUnit - For AST based actions, should the
+ /// translation unit be completed?
+ virtual bool usesCompleteTranslationUnit() { return true; }
+ /// hasPCHSupport - Does this action support use with PCH?
+ virtual bool hasPCHSupport() const { return !usesPreprocessorOnly(); }
+ /// hasASTSupport - Does this action support use with AST files?
+ virtual bool hasASTSupport() const { return !usesPreprocessorOnly(); }
+ /// hasCodeCompletionSupport - Does this action support use with code
+ /// completion?
+ virtual bool hasCodeCompletionSupport() const { return false; }
+ /// @}
+ /// @name Public Action Interface
+ /// @{
+ /// BeginSourceFile - Prepare the action for processing the input file \arg
+ /// Filename; this is run after the options and frontend have been
+ /// initialized, but prior to executing any per-file processing.
+ ///
+ /// \param CI - The compiler instance this action is being run from. The
+ /// action may store and use this object up until the matching EndSourceFile
+ /// action.
+ ///
+ /// \param Filename - The input filename, which will be made available to
+ /// clients via \see getCurrentFile().
+ ///
+ /// \param IsAST - Indicates whether this is an AST input. AST inputs require
+ /// special handling, since the AST file itself contains several objects which
+ /// would normally be owned by the CompilerInstance. When processing AST input
+ /// files, these objects should generally not be initialized in the
+ /// CompilerInstance -- they will automatically be shared with the AST file in
+ /// between \see BeginSourceFile() and \see EndSourceFile().
+ ///
+ /// \return True on success; the compilation of this file should be aborted
+ /// and neither Execute nor EndSourceFile should be called.
+ bool BeginSourceFile(CompilerInstance &CI, llvm::StringRef Filename,
+ bool IsAST = false);
+ /// Execute - Set the source managers main input file, and run the action.
+ void Execute();
+ /// EndSourceFile - Perform any per-file post processing, deallocate per-file
+ /// objects, and run statistics and output file cleanup code.
+ void EndSourceFile();
+ /// @}
+/// ASTFrontendAction - Abstract base class to use for AST consumer based
+/// frontend actions.
+class ASTFrontendAction : public FrontendAction {
+ /// ExecuteAction - Implement the ExecuteAction interface by running Sema on
+ /// the already initialized AST consumer.
+ ///
+ /// This will also take care of instantiating a code completion consumer if
+ /// the user requested it and the action supports it.
+ virtual void ExecuteAction();
+ virtual bool usesPreprocessorOnly() const { return false; }
+/// PreprocessorFrontendAction - Abstract base class to use for preprocessor
+/// based frontend actions.
+class PreprocessorFrontendAction : public FrontendAction {
+ /// CreateASTConsumer - Provide a default implementation which returns aborts,
+ /// this method should never be called by FrontendAction clients.
+ virtual ASTConsumer *CreateASTConsumer(CompilerInstance &CI,
+ llvm::StringRef InFile);
+ virtual bool usesPreprocessorOnly() const { return true; }
+} // end namespace clang
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/FrontendActions.h b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/FrontendActions.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cee1c1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/FrontendActions.h
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+//===-- FrontendActions.h - Useful Frontend Actions -------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "clang/Frontend/FrontendAction.h"
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+namespace clang {
+class FixItRewriter;
+class FixItPathRewriter;
+// Custom Consumer Actions
+class InitOnlyAction : public FrontendAction {
+ virtual void ExecuteAction();
+ virtual ASTConsumer *CreateASTConsumer(CompilerInstance &CI,
+ llvm::StringRef InFile);
+ // Don't claim to only use the preprocessor, we want to follow the AST path,
+ // but do nothing.
+ virtual bool usesPreprocessorOnly() const { return false; }
+// AST Consumer Actions
+class AnalysisAction : public ASTFrontendAction {
+ virtual ASTConsumer *CreateASTConsumer(CompilerInstance &CI,
+ llvm::StringRef InFile);
+class ASTPrintAction : public ASTFrontendAction {
+ virtual ASTConsumer *CreateASTConsumer(CompilerInstance &CI,
+ llvm::StringRef InFile);
+class ASTPrintXMLAction : public ASTFrontendAction {
+ virtual ASTConsumer *CreateASTConsumer(CompilerInstance &CI,
+ llvm::StringRef InFile);
+class ASTDumpAction : public ASTFrontendAction {
+ virtual ASTConsumer *CreateASTConsumer(CompilerInstance &CI,
+ llvm::StringRef InFile);
+class ASTViewAction : public ASTFrontendAction {
+ virtual ASTConsumer *CreateASTConsumer(CompilerInstance &CI,
+ llvm::StringRef InFile);
+class DeclContextPrintAction : public ASTFrontendAction {
+ virtual ASTConsumer *CreateASTConsumer(CompilerInstance &CI,
+ llvm::StringRef InFile);
+class FixItAction : public ASTFrontendAction {
+ llvm::OwningPtr<FixItRewriter> Rewriter;
+ llvm::OwningPtr<FixItPathRewriter> PathRewriter;
+ virtual ASTConsumer *CreateASTConsumer(CompilerInstance &CI,
+ llvm::StringRef InFile);
+ virtual bool BeginSourceFileAction(CompilerInstance &CI,
+ llvm::StringRef Filename);
+ virtual void EndSourceFileAction();
+ virtual bool hasASTSupport() const { return false; }
+ FixItAction();
+ ~FixItAction();
+class GeneratePCHAction : public ASTFrontendAction {
+ virtual ASTConsumer *CreateASTConsumer(CompilerInstance &CI,
+ llvm::StringRef InFile);
+ virtual bool usesCompleteTranslationUnit() { return false; }
+ virtual bool hasASTSupport() const { return false; }
+class HTMLPrintAction : public ASTFrontendAction {
+ virtual ASTConsumer *CreateASTConsumer(CompilerInstance &CI,
+ llvm::StringRef InFile);
+class InheritanceViewAction : public ASTFrontendAction {
+ virtual ASTConsumer *CreateASTConsumer(CompilerInstance &CI,
+ llvm::StringRef InFile);
+class RewriteObjCAction : public ASTFrontendAction {
+ virtual ASTConsumer *CreateASTConsumer(CompilerInstance &CI,
+ llvm::StringRef InFile);
+class SyntaxOnlyAction : public ASTFrontendAction {
+ virtual ASTConsumer *CreateASTConsumer(CompilerInstance &CI,
+ llvm::StringRef InFile);
+ virtual bool hasCodeCompletionSupport() const { return true; }
+class BoostConAction : public SyntaxOnlyAction {
+ virtual ASTConsumer *CreateASTConsumer(CompilerInstance &CI,
+ llvm::StringRef InFile);
+ * \brief Frontend action adaptor that merges ASTs together.
+ *
+ * This action takes an existing AST file and "merges" it into the AST
+ * context, producing a merged context. This action is an action
+ * adaptor, which forwards most of its calls to another action that
+ * will consume the merged context.
+ */
+class ASTMergeAction : public FrontendAction {
+ /// \brief The action that the merge action adapts.
+ FrontendAction *AdaptedAction;
+ /// \brief The set of AST files to merge.
+ std::vector<std::string> ASTFiles;
+ virtual ASTConsumer *CreateASTConsumer(CompilerInstance &CI,
+ llvm::StringRef InFile);
+ virtual bool BeginSourceFileAction(CompilerInstance &CI,
+ llvm::StringRef Filename);
+ virtual void ExecuteAction();
+ virtual void EndSourceFileAction();
+ ASTMergeAction(FrontendAction *AdaptedAction,
+ std::string *ASTFiles, unsigned NumASTFiles);
+ virtual ~ASTMergeAction();
+ virtual bool usesPreprocessorOnly() const;
+ virtual bool usesCompleteTranslationUnit();
+ virtual bool hasPCHSupport() const;
+ virtual bool hasASTSupport() const;
+ virtual bool hasCodeCompletionSupport() const;
+// Preprocessor Actions
+class DumpRawTokensAction : public PreprocessorFrontendAction {
+ void ExecuteAction();
+class DumpTokensAction : public PreprocessorFrontendAction {
+ void ExecuteAction();
+class GeneratePTHAction : public PreprocessorFrontendAction {
+ void ExecuteAction();
+class ParseOnlyAction : public PreprocessorFrontendAction {
+ void ExecuteAction();
+class PreprocessOnlyAction : public PreprocessorFrontendAction {
+ void ExecuteAction();
+class PrintParseAction : public PreprocessorFrontendAction {
+ void ExecuteAction();
+class PrintPreprocessedAction : public PreprocessorFrontendAction {
+ void ExecuteAction();
+ virtual bool hasPCHSupport() const { return true; }
+class RewriteMacrosAction : public PreprocessorFrontendAction {
+ void ExecuteAction();
+class RewriteTestAction : public PreprocessorFrontendAction {
+ void ExecuteAction();
+} // end namespace clang
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/FrontendDiagnostic.h b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/FrontendDiagnostic.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61ad22c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/FrontendDiagnostic.h
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+//===--- DiagnosticFrontend.h - Diagnostics for frontend --------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h"
+namespace clang {
+ namespace diag {
+ enum {
+#include "clang/Basic/"
+#undef DIAG
+ };
+ } // end namespace diag
+} // end namespace clang
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/FrontendOptions.h b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/FrontendOptions.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c43e680
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/FrontendOptions.h
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+//===--- FrontendOptions.h --------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "clang/Frontend/CommandLineSourceLoc.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+namespace clang {
+namespace frontend {
+ enum ActionKind {
+ ASTDump, ///< Parse ASTs and dump them.
+ ASTPrint, ///< Parse ASTs and print them.
+ ASTPrintXML, ///< Parse ASTs and print them in XML.
+ ASTView, ///< Parse ASTs and view them in Graphviz.
+ BoostCon, ///< BoostCon mode.
+ DumpRawTokens, ///< Dump out raw tokens.
+ DumpTokens, ///< Dump out preprocessed tokens.
+ EmitAssembly, ///< Emit a .s file.
+ EmitBC, ///< Emit a .bc file.
+ EmitHTML, ///< Translate input source into HTML.
+ EmitLLVM, ///< Emit a .ll file.
+ EmitLLVMOnly, ///< Generate LLVM IR, but do not emit anything.
+ EmitCodeGenOnly, ///< Generate machine code, but don't emit anything.
+ EmitObj, ///< Emit a .o file.
+ FixIt, ///< Parse and apply any fixits to the source.
+ GeneratePCH, ///< Generate pre-compiled header.
+ GeneratePTH, ///< Generate pre-tokenized header.
+ InheritanceView, ///< View C++ inheritance for a specified class.
+ InitOnly, ///< Only execute frontend initialization.
+ ParseNoop, ///< Parse with noop callbacks.
+ ParsePrintCallbacks, ///< Parse and print each callback.
+ ParseSyntaxOnly, ///< Parse and perform semantic analysis.
+ PluginAction, ///< Run a plugin action, \see ActionName.
+ PrintDeclContext, ///< Print DeclContext and their Decls.
+ PrintPreprocessedInput, ///< -E mode.
+ RewriteMacros, ///< Expand macros but not #includes.
+ RewriteObjC, ///< ObjC->C Rewriter.
+ RewriteTest, ///< Rewriter playground
+ RunAnalysis, ///< Run one or more source code analyses.
+ RunPreprocessorOnly ///< Just lex, no output.
+ };
+/// FrontendOptions - Options for controlling the behavior of the frontend.
+class FrontendOptions {
+ enum InputKind {
+ IK_None,
+ IK_Asm,
+ IK_C,
+ IK_ObjC,
+ IK_ObjCXX,
+ IK_PreprocessedC,
+ IK_PreprocessedCXX,
+ IK_PreprocessedObjC,
+ IK_PreprocessedObjCXX,
+ IK_OpenCL,
+ };
+ unsigned DebugCodeCompletionPrinter : 1; ///< Use the debug printer for code
+ /// completion results.
+ unsigned DisableFree : 1; ///< Disable memory freeing on exit.
+ unsigned RelocatablePCH : 1; ///< When generating PCH files,
+ /// instruct the PCH writer to create
+ /// relocatable PCH files.
+ unsigned ShowHelp : 1; ///< Show the -help text.
+ unsigned ShowMacrosInCodeCompletion : 1; ///< Show macros in code completion
+ /// results.
+ unsigned ShowCodePatternsInCodeCompletion : 1; ///< Show code patterns in code
+ /// completion results.
+ unsigned ShowStats : 1; ///< Show frontend performance
+ /// metrics and statistics.
+ unsigned ShowTimers : 1; ///< Show timers for individual
+ /// actions.
+ unsigned ShowVersion : 1; ///< Show the -version text.
+ /// The input files and their types.
+ std::vector<std::pair<InputKind, std::string> > Inputs;
+ /// The output file, if any.
+ std::string OutputFile;
+ /// If given, the name for a C++ class to view the inheritance of.
+ std::string ViewClassInheritance;
+ /// If given, the new suffix for fix-it rewritten files.
+ std::string FixItSuffix;
+ /// If given, enable code completion at the provided location.
+ ParsedSourceLocation CodeCompletionAt;
+ /// The frontend action to perform.
+ frontend::ActionKind ProgramAction;
+ /// The name of the action to run when using a plugin action.
+ std::string ActionName;
+ /// The list of plugins to load.
+ std::vector<std::string> Plugins;
+ /// \brief The list of AST files to merge.
+ std::vector<std::string> ASTMergeFiles;
+ /// \brief A list of arguments to forward to LLVM's option processing; this
+ /// should only be used for debugging and experimental features.
+ std::vector<std::string> LLVMArgs;
+ FrontendOptions() {
+ DebugCodeCompletionPrinter = 1;
+ DisableFree = 0;
+ ProgramAction = frontend::ParseSyntaxOnly;
+ ActionName = "";
+ RelocatablePCH = 0;
+ ShowHelp = 0;
+ ShowMacrosInCodeCompletion = 0;
+ ShowCodePatternsInCodeCompletion = 0;
+ ShowStats = 0;
+ ShowTimers = 0;
+ ShowVersion = 0;
+ }
+ /// getInputKindForExtension - Return the appropriate input kind for a file
+ /// extension. For example, "c" would return IK_C.
+ ///
+ /// \return The input kind for the extension, or IK_None if the extension is
+ /// not recognized.
+ static InputKind getInputKindForExtension(llvm::StringRef Extension);
+} // end namespace clang
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/FrontendPluginRegistry.h b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/FrontendPluginRegistry.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8341492
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/FrontendPluginRegistry.h
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+//===-- FrontendAction.h - Pluggable Frontend Action Interface --*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "clang/Frontend/FrontendAction.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Registry.h"
+namespace clang {
+/// The frontend plugin registry.
+typedef llvm::Registry<FrontendAction> FrontendPluginRegistry;
+} // end namespace clang
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/HeaderSearchOptions.h b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/HeaderSearchOptions.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c668245
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/HeaderSearchOptions.h
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+//===--- HeaderSearchOptions.h ----------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
+#include <vector>
+namespace clang {
+namespace frontend {
+ /// IncludeDirGroup - Identifiers the group a include entry belongs to, which
+ /// represents its relative positive in the search list.
+ enum IncludeDirGroup {
+ Quoted = 0, ///< `#include ""` paths. Thing `gcc -iquote`.
+ Angled, ///< Paths for both `#include ""` and `#include <>`. (`-I`)
+ System, ///< Like Angled, but marks system directories.
+ After ///< Like System, but searched after the system directories.
+ };
+/// HeaderSearchOptions - Helper class for storing options related to the
+/// initialization of the HeaderSearch object.
+class HeaderSearchOptions {
+ struct Entry {
+ std::string Path;
+ frontend::IncludeDirGroup Group;
+ unsigned IsUserSupplied : 1;
+ unsigned IsFramework : 1;
+ Entry(llvm::StringRef _Path, frontend::IncludeDirGroup _Group,
+ bool _IsUserSupplied, bool _IsFramework)
+ : Path(_Path), Group(_Group), IsUserSupplied(_IsUserSupplied),
+ IsFramework(_IsFramework) {}
+ };
+ /// If non-empty, the directory to use as a "virtual system root" for include
+ /// paths.
+ std::string Sysroot;
+ /// User specified include entries.
+ std::vector<Entry> UserEntries;
+ /// A (system-path) delimited list of include paths to be added from the
+ /// environment following the user specified includes (but prior to builtin
+ /// and standard includes). This is parsed in the same manner as the CPATH
+ /// environment variable for gcc.
+ std::string EnvIncPath;
+ /// Per-language environmental include paths, see \see EnvIncPath.
+ std::string CEnvIncPath;
+ std::string ObjCEnvIncPath;
+ std::string CXXEnvIncPath;
+ std::string ObjCXXEnvIncPath;
+ /// The directory which holds the compiler resource files (builtin includes,
+ /// etc.).
+ std::string ResourceDir;
+ /// Include the compiler builtin includes.
+ unsigned UseBuiltinIncludes : 1;
+ /// Include the system standard include search directories.
+ unsigned UseStandardIncludes : 1;
+ /// Include the system standard C++ library include search directories.
+ unsigned UseStandardCXXIncludes : 1;
+ /// Whether header search information should be output as for -v.
+ unsigned Verbose : 1;
+ HeaderSearchOptions(llvm::StringRef _Sysroot = "/")
+ : Sysroot(_Sysroot), UseBuiltinIncludes(true),
+ UseStandardIncludes(true), UseStandardCXXIncludes(true),
+ Verbose(false) {}
+ /// AddPath - Add the \arg Path path to the specified \arg Group list.
+ void AddPath(llvm::StringRef Path, frontend::IncludeDirGroup Group,
+ bool IsUserSupplied, bool IsFramework) {
+ UserEntries.push_back(Entry(Path, Group, IsUserSupplied, IsFramework));
+ }
+} // end namespace clang
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/LangStandard.h b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/LangStandard.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..441d34f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/LangStandard.h
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+//===--- LangStandard.h -----------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
+namespace clang {
+namespace frontend {
+enum LangFeatures {
+ BCPLComment = (1 << 0),
+ C99 = (1 << 1),
+ CPlusPlus = (1 << 2),
+ CPlusPlus0x = (1 << 3),
+ Digraphs = (1 << 4),
+ GNUMode = (1 << 5),
+ HexFloat = (1 << 6),
+ ImplicitInt = (1 << 7)
+/// LangStandard - Information about the properties of a particular language
+/// standard.
+struct LangStandard {
+ enum Kind {
+#define LANGSTANDARD(id, name, desc, features) \
+ lang_##id,
+#include "clang/Frontend/LangStandards.def"
+ lang_unspecified
+ };
+ const char *ShortName;
+ const char *Description;
+ unsigned Flags;
+ /// getName - Get the name of this standard.
+ const char *getName() const { return ShortName; }
+ /// getDescription - Get the description of this standard.
+ const char *getDescription() const { return Description; }
+ /// hasBCPLComments - Language supports '//' comments.
+ bool hasBCPLComments() const { return Flags & frontend::BCPLComment; }
+ /// isC99 - Language is a superset of C99.
+ bool isC99() const { return Flags & frontend::C99; }
+ /// isCPlusPlus - Language is a C++ variant.
+ bool isCPlusPlus() const { return Flags & frontend::CPlusPlus; }
+ /// isCPlusPlus0x - Language is a C++0x variant.
+ bool isCPlusPlus0x() const { return Flags & frontend::CPlusPlus0x; }
+ /// hasDigraphs - Language supports digraphs.
+ bool hasDigraphs() const { return Flags & frontend::Digraphs; }
+ /// isGNUMode - Language includes GNU extensions.
+ bool isGNUMode() const { return Flags & frontend::GNUMode; }
+ /// hasHexFloats - Language supports hexadecimal float constants.
+ bool hasHexFloats() const { return Flags & frontend::HexFloat; }
+ /// hasImplicitInt - Language allows variables to be typed as int implicitly.
+ bool hasImplicitInt() const { return Flags & frontend::ImplicitInt; }
+ static const LangStandard &getLangStandardForKind(Kind K);
+ static const LangStandard *getLangStandardForName(llvm::StringRef Name);
+} // end namespace clang
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/LangStandards.def b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/LangStandards.def
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52aa463
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/LangStandards.def
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+//===-- LangStandards.def - Language Standard Data --------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#error "LANGSTANDARD must be defined before including this file"
+/// \param IDENT - The name of the standard as a C++ identifier.
+/// \param NAME - The name of the standard.
+/// \param DESC - A short description of the standard.
+/// \param FEATURES - The standard features as flags, these are enums from the
+/// clang::frontend namespace, which is assumed to be be available.
+// C89-ish modes.
+LANGSTANDARD(c89, "c89",
+ "ISO C 1990",
+ ImplicitInt)
+LANGSTANDARD(c90, "c90",
+ "ISO C 1990",
+ ImplicitInt)
+LANGSTANDARD(iso9899_1990, "iso9899:1990",
+ "ISO C 1990",
+ ImplicitInt)
+LANGSTANDARD(c94, "iso9899:199409",
+ "ISO C 1990 with amendment 1",
+ Digraphs | ImplicitInt)
+LANGSTANDARD(gnu89, "gnu89",
+ "ISO C 1990 with GNU extensions",
+ BCPLComment | Digraphs | GNUMode | ImplicitInt)
+// C99-ish modes
+LANGSTANDARD(c99, "c99",
+ "ISO C 1999",
+ BCPLComment | C99 | Digraphs | HexFloat)
+LANGSTANDARD(c9x, "c9x",
+ "ISO C 1999",
+ BCPLComment | C99 | Digraphs | HexFloat)
+ "iso9899:1999", "ISO C 1999",
+ BCPLComment | C99 | Digraphs | HexFloat)
+ "iso9899:199x", "ISO C 1999",
+ BCPLComment | C99 | Digraphs | HexFloat)
+LANGSTANDARD(gnu99, "gnu99",
+ "ISO C 1999 with GNU extensions",
+ BCPLComment | C99 | Digraphs | GNUMode | HexFloat | Digraphs)
+LANGSTANDARD(gnu9x, "gnu9x",
+ "ISO C 1999 with GNU extensions",
+ BCPLComment | C99 | Digraphs | GNUMode | HexFloat)
+// C++ modes
+LANGSTANDARD(cxx98, "c++98",
+ "ISO C++ 1998 with amendments",
+ BCPLComment | CPlusPlus | Digraphs)
+LANGSTANDARD(gnucxx98, "gnu++98",
+ "ISO C++ 1998 with " "amendments and GNU extensions",
+ BCPLComment | CPlusPlus | Digraphs | GNUMode)
+LANGSTANDARD(cxx0x, "c++0x",
+ "Upcoming ISO C++ 200x with amendments",
+ BCPLComment | CPlusPlus | CPlusPlus0x | Digraphs)
+LANGSTANDARD(gnucxx0x, "gnu++0x",
+ "Upcoming ISO C++ 200x with amendments and GNU extensions",
+ BCPLComment | CPlusPlus | CPlusPlus0x | Digraphs | GNUMode)
+// OpenCL
+LANGSTANDARD(opencl, "cl",
+ "OpenCL 1.0",
+ BCPLComment | C99 | Digraphs | HexFloat)
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/PCHBitCodes.h b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/PCHBitCodes.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2493cfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/PCHBitCodes.h
@@ -0,0 +1,783 @@
+//===- PCHBitCodes.h - Enum values for the PCH bitcode format ---*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This header defines Bitcode enum values for Clang precompiled header files.
+// The enum values defined in this file should be considered permanent. If
+// new features are added, they should have values added at the end of the
+// respective lists.
+#include "llvm/Bitcode/BitCodes.h"
+#include "llvm/System/DataTypes.h"
+namespace clang {
+ namespace pch {
+ /// \brief PCH major version number supported by this version of
+ /// Clang.
+ ///
+ /// Whenever the PCH format changes in a way that makes it
+ /// incompatible with previous versions (such that a reader
+ /// designed for the previous version could not support reading
+ /// the new version), this number should be increased.
+ ///
+ /// Version 3 of PCH files also requires that the version control branch and
+ /// revision match exactly, since there is no backward compatibility of
+ /// PCH files at this time.
+ const unsigned VERSION_MAJOR = 3;
+ /// \brief PCH minor version number supported by this version of
+ /// Clang.
+ ///
+ /// Whenever the PCH format changes in a way that is still
+ /// compatible with previous versions (such that a reader designed
+ /// for the previous version could still support reading the new
+ /// version by ignoring new kinds of subblocks), this number
+ /// should be increased.
+ const unsigned VERSION_MINOR = 0;
+ /// \brief An ID number that refers to a declaration in a PCH file.
+ ///
+ /// The ID numbers of types are consecutive (in order of
+ /// discovery) and start at 2. 0 is reserved for NULL, and 1 is
+ /// reserved for the translation unit declaration.
+ typedef uint32_t DeclID;
+ /// \brief An ID number that refers to a type in a PCH file.
+ ///
+ /// The ID of a type is partitioned into two parts: the lower
+ /// three bits are used to store the const/volatile/restrict
+ /// qualifiers (as with QualType) and the upper bits provide a
+ /// type index. The type index values are partitioned into two
+ /// sets. The values below NUM_PREDEF_TYPE_IDs are predefined type
+ /// IDs (based on the PREDEF_TYPE_*_ID constants), with 0 as a
+ /// placeholder for "no type". Values from NUM_PREDEF_TYPE_IDs are
+ /// other types that have serialized representations.
+ typedef uint32_t TypeID;
+ /// \brief An ID number that refers to an identifier in a PCH
+ /// file.
+ typedef uint32_t IdentID;
+ typedef uint32_t SelectorID;
+ /// \brief Describes the various kinds of blocks that occur within
+ /// a PCH file.
+ enum BlockIDs {
+ /// \brief The PCH block, which acts as a container around the
+ /// full PCH block.
+ /// \brief The block containing information about the source
+ /// manager.
+ /// \brief The block containing information about the
+ /// preprocessor.
+ /// \brief The block containing the definitions of all of the
+ /// types and decls used within the PCH file.
+ };
+ /// \brief Record types that occur within the PCH block itself.
+ enum PCHRecordTypes {
+ /// \brief Record code for the offsets of each type.
+ ///
+ /// The TYPE_OFFSET constant describes the record that occurs
+ /// within the PCH block. The record itself is an array of offsets that
+ /// point into the declarations and types block (identified by
+ /// DECLTYPES_BLOCK_ID). The index into the array is based on the ID
+ /// of a type. For a given type ID @c T, the lower three bits of
+ /// @c T are its qualifiers (const, volatile, restrict), as in
+ /// the QualType class. The upper bits, after being shifted and
+ /// subtracting NUM_PREDEF_TYPE_IDS, are used to index into the
+ /// TYPE_OFFSET block to determine the offset of that type's
+ /// corresponding record within the DECLTYPES_BLOCK_ID block.
+ /// \brief Record code for the offsets of each decl.
+ ///
+ /// The DECL_OFFSET constant describes the record that occurs
+ /// within the block identified by DECL_OFFSETS_BLOCK_ID within
+ /// the PCH block. The record itself is an array of offsets that
+ /// point into the declarations and types block (identified by
+ /// DECLTYPES_BLOCK_ID). The declaration ID is an index into this
+ /// record, after subtracting one to account for the use of
+ /// declaration ID 0 for a NULL declaration pointer. Index 0 is
+ /// reserved for the translation unit declaration.
+ /// \brief Record code for the language options table.
+ ///
+ /// The record with this code contains the contents of the
+ /// LangOptions structure. We serialize the entire contents of
+ /// the structure, and let the reader decide which options are
+ /// actually important to check.
+ /// \brief PCH metadata, including the PCH file version number
+ /// and the target triple used to build the PCH file.
+ /// \brief Record code for the table of offsets of each
+ /// identifier ID.
+ ///
+ /// The offset table contains offsets into the blob stored in
+ /// the IDENTIFIER_TABLE record. Each offset points to the
+ /// NULL-terminated string that corresponds to that identifier.
+ /// \brief Record code for the identifier table.
+ ///
+ /// The identifier table is a simple blob that contains
+ /// NULL-terminated strings for all of the identifiers
+ /// referenced by the PCH file. The IDENTIFIER_OFFSET table
+ /// contains the mapping from identifier IDs to the characters
+ /// in this blob. Note that the starting offsets of all of the
+ /// identifiers are odd, so that, when the identifier offset
+ /// table is loaded in, we can use the low bit to distinguish
+ /// between offsets (for unresolved identifier IDs) and
+ /// IdentifierInfo pointers (for already-resolved identifier
+ /// IDs).
+ /// \brief Record code for the array of external definitions.
+ ///
+ /// The PCH file contains a list of all of the unnamed external
+ /// definitions present within the parsed headers, stored as an
+ /// array of declaration IDs. These external definitions will be
+ /// reported to the AST consumer after the PCH file has been
+ /// read, since their presence can affect the semantics of the
+ /// program (e.g., for code generation).
+ /// \brief Record code for the set of non-builtin, special
+ /// types.
+ ///
+ /// This record contains the type IDs for the various type nodes
+ /// that are constructed during semantic analysis (e.g.,
+ /// __builtin_va_list). The SPECIAL_TYPE_* constants provide
+ /// offsets into this record.
+ /// \brief Record code for the extra statistics we gather while
+ /// generating a PCH file.
+ /// \brief Record code for the array of tentative definitions.
+ /// \brief Record code for the array of locally-scoped external
+ /// declarations.
+ /// \brief Record code for the table of offsets into the
+ /// Objective-C method pool.
+ /// \brief Record code for the Objective-C method pool,
+ /// \brief The value of the next __COUNTER__ to dispense.
+ /// \brief Record code for the table of offsets into the block
+ /// of source-location information.
+ /// \brief Record code for the set of source location entries
+ /// that need to be preloaded by the PCH reader.
+ ///
+ /// This set contains the source location entry for the
+ /// predefines buffer and for any file entries that need to be
+ /// preloaded.
+ /// \brief Record code for the stat() cache.
+ STAT_CACHE = 17,
+ /// \brief Record code for the set of ext_vector type names.
+ /// \brief Record code for the original file that was used to
+ /// generate the precompiled header.
+ /// Record #20 intentionally left blank.
+ /// \brief Record code for the version control branch and revision
+ /// information of the compiler used to build this PCH file.
+ /// \brief Record code for the array of unused static functions.
+ /// \brief Record code for the table of offsets to macro definition
+ /// entries in the preprocessing record.
+ };
+ /// \brief Record types used within a source manager block.
+ enum SourceManagerRecordTypes {
+ /// \brief Describes a source location entry (SLocEntry) for a
+ /// file.
+ /// \brief Describes a source location entry (SLocEntry) for a
+ /// buffer.
+ /// \brief Describes a blob that contains the data for a buffer
+ /// entry. This kind of record always directly follows a
+ /// SM_SLOC_BUFFER_ENTRY record.
+ /// \brief Describes a source location entry (SLocEntry) for a
+ /// macro instantiation.
+ /// \brief Describes the SourceManager's line table, with
+ /// information about #line directives.
+ };
+ /// \brief Record types used within a preprocessor block.
+ enum PreprocessorRecordTypes {
+ // The macros in the PP section are a PP_MACRO_* instance followed by a
+ // list of PP_TOKEN instances for each token in the definition.
+ /// \brief An object-like macro definition.
+ /// [PP_MACRO_OBJECT_LIKE, IdentInfoID, SLoc, IsUsed]
+ /// \brief A function-like macro definition.
+ /// [PP_MACRO_FUNCTION_LIKE, <ObjectLikeStuff>, IsC99Varargs, IsGNUVarars,
+ /// NumArgs, ArgIdentInfoID* ]
+ /// \brief Describes one token.
+ /// [PP_TOKEN, SLoc, Length, IdentInfoID, Kind, Flags]
+ PP_TOKEN = 3,
+ /// \brief Describes a macro instantiation within the preprocessing
+ /// record.
+ /// \brief Describes a macro definition within the preprocessing record.
+ };
+ /// \defgroup PCHAST Precompiled header AST constants
+ ///
+ /// The constants in this group describe various components of the
+ /// abstract syntax tree within a precompiled header.
+ ///
+ /// @{
+ /// \brief Predefined type IDs.
+ ///
+ /// These type IDs correspond to predefined types in the AST
+ /// context, such as built-in types (int) and special place-holder
+ /// types (the <overload> and <dependent> type markers). Such
+ /// types are never actually serialized, since they will be built
+ /// by the AST context when it is created.
+ enum PredefinedTypeIDs {
+ /// \brief The NULL type.
+ /// \brief The void type.
+ /// \brief The 'bool' or '_Bool' type.
+ /// \brief The 'char' type, when it is unsigned.
+ /// \brief The 'unsigned char' type.
+ /// \brief The 'unsigned short' type.
+ /// \brief The 'unsigned int' type.
+ /// \brief The 'unsigned long' type.
+ /// \brief The 'unsigned long long' type.
+ /// \brief The 'char' type, when it is signed.
+ /// \brief The 'signed char' type.
+ /// \brief The C++ 'wchar_t' type.
+ /// \brief The (signed) 'short' type.
+ /// \brief The (signed) 'int' type.
+ /// \brief The (signed) 'long' type.
+ /// \brief The (signed) 'long long' type.
+ /// \brief The 'float' type.
+ /// \brief The 'double' type.
+ /// \brief The 'long double' type.
+ /// \brief The placeholder type for overloaded function sets.
+ /// \brief The placeholder type for dependent types.
+ /// \brief The '__uint128_t' type.
+ /// \brief The '__int128_t' type.
+ /// \brief The type of 'nullptr'.
+ /// \brief The C++ 'char16_t' type.
+ /// \brief The C++ 'char32_t' type.
+ /// \brief The ObjC 'id' type.
+ /// \brief The ObjC 'Class' type.
+ /// \brief The ObjC 'SEL' type.
+ };
+ /// \brief The number of predefined type IDs that are reserved for
+ /// the PREDEF_TYPE_* constants.
+ ///
+ /// Type IDs for non-predefined types will start at
+ const unsigned NUM_PREDEF_TYPE_IDS = 100;
+ /// \brief Record codes for each kind of type.
+ ///
+ /// These constants describe the type records that can occur within a
+ /// block identified by DECLTYPES_BLOCK_ID in the PCH file. Each
+ /// constant describes a record for a specific type class in the
+ /// AST.
+ enum TypeCode {
+ /// \brief An ExtQualType record.
+ /// \brief A ComplexType record.
+ /// \brief A PointerType record.
+ /// \brief A BlockPointerType record.
+ /// \brief An LValueReferenceType record.
+ /// \brief An RValueReferenceType record.
+ /// \brief A MemberPointerType record.
+ /// \brief A ConstantArrayType record.
+ /// \brief An IncompleteArrayType record.
+ /// \brief A VariableArrayType record.
+ /// \brief A VectorType record.
+ /// \brief An ExtVectorType record.
+ /// \brief A FunctionNoProtoType record.
+ /// \brief A FunctionProtoType record.
+ /// \brief A TypedefType record.
+ /// \brief A TypeOfExprType record.
+ /// \brief A TypeOfType record.
+ /// \brief A RecordType record.
+ /// \brief An EnumType record.
+ TYPE_ENUM = 20,
+ /// \brief An ObjCInterfaceType record.
+ /// \brief An ObjCObjectPointerType record.
+ /// \brief a DecltypeType record.
+ /// \brief An ElaboratedType record.
+ /// \brief A SubstTemplateTypeParmType record.
+ /// \brief An UnresolvedUsingType record.
+ /// \brief An InjectedClassNameType record.
+ /// \brief An ObjCObjectType record.
+ };
+ /// \brief The type IDs for special types constructed by semantic
+ /// analysis.
+ ///
+ /// The constants in this enumeration are indices into the
+ /// SPECIAL_TYPES record.
+ enum SpecialTypeIDs {
+ /// \brief __builtin_va_list
+ /// \brief Objective-C "id" type
+ /// \brief Objective-C selector type
+ /// \brief Objective-C Protocol type
+ /// \brief Objective-C Class type
+ /// \brief CFConstantString type
+ /// \brief Objective-C fast enumeration state type
+ /// \brief C FILE typedef type
+ /// \brief C jmp_buf typedef type
+ SPECIAL_TYPE_jmp_buf = 8,
+ /// \brief C sigjmp_buf typedef type
+ SPECIAL_TYPE_sigjmp_buf = 9,
+ /// \brief Objective-C "id" redefinition type
+ /// \brief Objective-C "Class" redefinition type
+ /// \brief Block descriptor type for Blocks CodeGen
+ /// \brief Block extedned descriptor type for Blocks CodeGen
+ /// \brief Objective-C "SEL" redefinition type
+ /// \brief NSConstantString type
+ };
+ /// \brief Record codes for each kind of declaration.
+ ///
+ /// These constants describe the declaration records that can occur within
+ /// a declarations block (identified by DECLS_BLOCK_ID). Each
+ /// constant describes a record for a specific declaration class
+ /// in the AST.
+ enum DeclCode {
+ /// \brief Attributes attached to a declaration.
+ DECL_ATTR = 50,
+ /// \brief A TranslationUnitDecl record.
+ /// \brief A TypedefDecl record.
+ /// \brief An EnumDecl record.
+ /// \brief A RecordDecl record.
+ /// \brief An EnumConstantDecl record.
+ /// \brief A FunctionDecl record.
+ /// \brief A ObjCMethodDecl record.
+ /// \brief A ObjCInterfaceDecl record.
+ /// \brief A ObjCProtocolDecl record.
+ /// \brief A ObjCIvarDecl record.
+ /// \brief A ObjCAtDefsFieldDecl record.
+ /// \brief A ObjCClassDecl record.
+ /// \brief A ObjCForwardProtocolDecl record.
+ /// \brief A ObjCCategoryDecl record.
+ /// \brief A ObjCCategoryImplDecl record.
+ /// \brief A ObjCImplementationDecl record.
+ /// \brief A ObjCCompatibleAliasDecl record.
+ /// \brief A ObjCPropertyDecl record.
+ /// \brief A ObjCPropertyImplDecl record.
+ /// \brief A FieldDecl record.
+ /// \brief A VarDecl record.
+ /// \brief An ImplicitParamDecl record.
+ /// \brief A ParmVarDecl record.
+ /// \brief A FileScopeAsmDecl record.
+ /// \brief A BlockDecl record.
+ /// \brief A record that stores the set of declarations that are
+ /// lexically stored within a given DeclContext.
+ ///
+ /// The record itself is an array of declaration IDs, in the
+ /// order in which those declarations were added to the
+ /// declaration context. This data is used when iterating over
+ /// the contents of a DeclContext, e.g., via
+ /// DeclContext::decls_begin()/DeclContext::decls_end().
+ /// \brief A record that stores the set of declarations that are
+ /// visible from a given DeclContext.
+ ///
+ /// The record itself stores a set of mappings, each of which
+ /// associates a declaration name with one or more declaration
+ /// IDs. This data is used when performing qualified name lookup
+ /// into a DeclContext via DeclContext::lookup.
+ /// \brief A NamespaceDecl rcord.
+ /// \brief A NamespaceAliasDecl record.
+ /// \brief A UsingDecl record.
+ /// \brief A UsingShadowDecl record.
+ /// \brief A UsingDirecitveDecl record.
+ /// \brief An UnresolvedUsingValueDecl record.
+ /// \brief An UnresolvedUsingTypenameDecl record.
+ /// \brief A LinkageSpecDecl record.
+ /// \brief A CXXRecordDecl record.
+ /// \brief A CXXMethodDecl record.
+ /// \brief A CXXConstructorDecl record.
+ /// \brief A CXXDestructorDecl record.
+ /// \brief A CXXConversionDecl record.
+ // FIXME: Implement serialization for these decl types. This just
+ // allocates the order in which
+ };
+ /// \brief Record codes for each kind of statement or expression.
+ ///
+ /// These constants describe the records that describe statements
+ /// or expressions. These records occur within type and declarations
+ /// block, so they begin with record values of 100. Each constant
+ /// describes a record for a specific statement or expression class in the
+ /// AST.
+ enum StmtCode {
+ /// \brief A marker record that indicates that we are at the end
+ /// of an expression.
+ STMT_STOP = 100,
+ /// \brief A NULL expression.
+ /// \brief A NullStmt record.
+ /// \brief A CompoundStmt record.
+ /// \brief A CaseStmt record.
+ /// \brief A DefaultStmt record.
+ /// \brief A LabelStmt record.
+ /// \brief An IfStmt record.
+ /// \brief A SwitchStmt record.
+ /// \brief A WhileStmt record.
+ /// \brief A DoStmt record.
+ /// \brief A ForStmt record.
+ /// \brief A GotoStmt record.
+ /// \brief An IndirectGotoStmt record.
+ /// \brief A ContinueStmt record.
+ /// \brief A BreakStmt record.
+ /// \brief A ReturnStmt record.
+ /// \brief A DeclStmt record.
+ /// \brief An AsmStmt record.
+ /// \brief A PredefinedExpr record.
+ /// \brief A DeclRefExpr record.
+ /// \brief An IntegerLiteral record.
+ /// \brief A FloatingLiteral record.
+ /// \brief An ImaginaryLiteral record.
+ /// \brief A StringLiteral record.
+ /// \brief A CharacterLiteral record.
+ /// \brief A ParenExpr record.
+ /// \brief A UnaryOperator record.
+ /// \brief An OffsetOfExpr record.
+ /// \brief A SizefAlignOfExpr record.
+ /// \brief An ArraySubscriptExpr record.
+ /// \brief A CallExpr record.
+ /// \brief A MemberExpr record.
+ /// \brief A BinaryOperator record.
+ /// \brief A CompoundAssignOperator record.
+ /// \brief A ConditionOperator record.
+ /// \brief An ImplicitCastExpr record.
+ /// \brief A CStyleCastExpr record.
+ /// \brief A CompoundLiteralExpr record.
+ /// \brief An ExtVectorElementExpr record.
+ /// \brief An InitListExpr record.
+ /// \brief A DesignatedInitExpr record.
+ /// \brief An ImplicitValueInitExpr record.
+ /// \brief A VAArgExpr record.
+ /// \brief An AddrLabelExpr record.
+ /// \brief A StmtExpr record.
+ /// \brief A TypesCompatibleExpr record.
+ /// \brief A ChooseExpr record.
+ /// \brief A GNUNullExpr record.
+ /// \brief A ShuffleVectorExpr record.
+ /// \brief BlockExpr
+ /// \brief A BlockDeclRef record.
+ // Objective-C
+ /// \brief An ObjCStringLiteral record.
+ /// \brief An ObjCEncodeExpr record.
+ /// \brief An ObjCSelectorExpr record.
+ /// \brief An ObjCProtocolExpr record.
+ /// \brief An ObjCIvarRefExpr record.
+ /// \brief An ObjCPropertyRefExpr record.
+ /// \brief An ObjCImplicitSetterGetterRefExpr record.
+ /// \brief An ObjCMessageExpr record.
+ /// \brief An ObjCSuperExpr record.
+ /// \brief An ObjCIsa Expr record.
+ /// \brief An ObjCForCollectionStmt record.
+ /// \brief An ObjCAtCatchStmt record.
+ /// \brief An ObjCAtFinallyStmt record.
+ /// \brief An ObjCAtTryStmt record.
+ /// \brief An ObjCAtSynchronizedStmt record.
+ /// \brief An ObjCAtThrowStmt record.
+ // C++
+ /// \brief A CXXOperatorCallExpr record.
+ /// \brief A CXXMemberCallExpr record.
+ /// \brief A CXXConstructExpr record.
+ // \brief A CXXStaticCastExpr record.
+ // \brief A CXXDynamicCastExpr record.
+ // \brief A CXXReinterpretCastExpr record.
+ // \brief A CXXConstCastExpr record.
+ // \brief A CXXFunctionalCastExpr record.
+ // \brief A CXXBoolLiteralExpr record.
+ EXPR_CXX_TYPEID_EXPR, // CXXTypeidExpr (of expr).
+ EXPR_CXX_TYPEID_TYPE, // CXXTypeidExpr (of type).
+ //
+ };
+ /// \brief The kinds of designators that can occur in a
+ /// DesignatedInitExpr.
+ enum DesignatorTypes {
+ /// \brief Field designator where only the field name is known.
+ /// \brief Field designator where the field has been resolved to
+ /// a declaration.
+ /// \brief Array designator.
+ /// \brief GNU array range designator.
+ };
+ /// @}
+ }
+} // end namespace clang
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/PCHReader.h b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/PCHReader.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e144738
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/PCHReader.h
@@ -0,0 +1,827 @@
+//===--- PCHReader.h - Precompiled Headers Reader ---------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This file defines the PCHReader class, which reads a precompiled header.
+#include "clang/Frontend/PCHBitCodes.h"
+#include "clang/AST/DeclarationName.h"
+#include "clang/Sema/ExternalSemaSource.h"
+#include "clang/AST/DeclObjC.h"
+#include "clang/AST/Type.h"
+#include "clang/AST/TemplateBase.h"
+#include "clang/Lex/ExternalPreprocessorSource.h"
+#include "clang/Lex/PreprocessingRecord.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/IdentifierTable.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/APFloat.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/APInt.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/APSInt.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/OwningPtr.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
+#include "llvm/Bitcode/BitstreamReader.h"
+#include "llvm/System/DataTypes.h"
+#include <deque>
+#include <map>
+#include <string>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+namespace llvm {
+ class MemoryBuffer;
+namespace clang {
+class AddrLabelExpr;
+class ASTConsumer;
+class ASTContext;
+class Attr;
+class Decl;
+class DeclContext;
+class NestedNameSpecifier;
+class CXXBaseSpecifier;
+class CXXBaseOrMemberInitializer;
+class GotoStmt;
+class LabelStmt;
+class MacroDefinition;
+class NamedDecl;
+class Preprocessor;
+class Sema;
+class SwitchCase;
+class PCHReader;
+struct HeaderFileInfo;
+/// \brief Abstract interface for callback invocations by the PCHReader.
+/// While reading a PCH file, the PCHReader will call the methods of the
+/// listener to pass on specific information. Some of the listener methods can
+/// return true to indicate to the PCHReader that the information (and
+/// consequently the PCH file) is invalid.
+class PCHReaderListener {
+ virtual ~PCHReaderListener();
+ /// \brief Receives the language options.
+ ///
+ /// \returns true to indicate the options are invalid or false otherwise.
+ virtual bool ReadLanguageOptions(const LangOptions &LangOpts) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ /// \brief Receives the target triple.
+ ///
+ /// \returns true to indicate the target triple is invalid or false otherwise.
+ virtual bool ReadTargetTriple(llvm::StringRef Triple) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ /// \brief Receives the contents of the predefines buffer.
+ ///
+ /// \param PCHPredef The start of the predefines buffer in the PCH
+ /// file.
+ ///
+ /// \param PCHBufferID The FileID for the PCH predefines buffer.
+ ///
+ /// \param OriginalFileName The original file name for the PCH, which will
+ /// appear as an entry in the predefines buffer.
+ ///
+ /// \param SuggestedPredefines If necessary, additional definitions are added
+ /// here.
+ ///
+ /// \returns true to indicate the predefines are invalid or false otherwise.
+ virtual bool ReadPredefinesBuffer(llvm::StringRef PCHPredef,
+ FileID PCHBufferID,
+ llvm::StringRef OriginalFileName,
+ std::string &SuggestedPredefines) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ /// \brief Receives a HeaderFileInfo entry.
+ virtual void ReadHeaderFileInfo(const HeaderFileInfo &HFI, unsigned ID) {}
+ /// \brief Receives __COUNTER__ value.
+ virtual void ReadCounter(unsigned Value) {}
+/// \brief PCHReaderListener implementation to validate the information of
+/// the PCH file against an initialized Preprocessor.
+class PCHValidator : public PCHReaderListener {
+ Preprocessor &PP;
+ PCHReader &Reader;
+ unsigned NumHeaderInfos;
+ PCHValidator(Preprocessor &PP, PCHReader &Reader)
+ : PP(PP), Reader(Reader), NumHeaderInfos(0) {}
+ virtual bool ReadLanguageOptions(const LangOptions &LangOpts);
+ virtual bool ReadTargetTriple(llvm::StringRef Triple);
+ virtual bool ReadPredefinesBuffer(llvm::StringRef PCHPredef,
+ FileID PCHBufferID,
+ llvm::StringRef OriginalFileName,
+ std::string &SuggestedPredefines);
+ virtual void ReadHeaderFileInfo(const HeaderFileInfo &HFI, unsigned ID);
+ virtual void ReadCounter(unsigned Value);
+ void Error(const char *Msg);
+/// \brief Reads a precompiled head containing the contents of a
+/// translation unit.
+/// The PCHReader class reads a bitstream (produced by the PCHWriter
+/// class) containing the serialized representation of a given
+/// abstract syntax tree and its supporting data structures. An
+/// instance of the PCHReader can be attached to an ASTContext object,
+/// which will provide access to the contents of the PCH file.
+/// The PCH reader provides lazy de-serialization of declarations, as
+/// required when traversing the AST. Only those AST nodes that are
+/// actually required will be de-serialized.
+class PCHReader
+ : public ExternalPreprocessorSource,
+ public ExternalPreprocessingRecordSource,
+ public ExternalSemaSource,
+ public IdentifierInfoLookup,
+ public ExternalIdentifierLookup,
+ public ExternalSLocEntrySource {
+ enum PCHReadResult { Success, Failure, IgnorePCH };
+ friend class PCHValidator;
+ /// \ brief The receiver of some callbacks invoked by PCHReader.
+ llvm::OwningPtr<PCHReaderListener> Listener;
+ SourceManager &SourceMgr;
+ FileManager &FileMgr;
+ Diagnostic &Diags;
+ /// \brief The semantic analysis object that will be processing the
+ /// PCH file and the translation unit that uses it.
+ Sema *SemaObj;
+ /// \brief The preprocessor that will be loading the source file.
+ Preprocessor *PP;
+ /// \brief The AST context into which we'll read the PCH file.
+ ASTContext *Context;
+ /// \brief The PCH stat cache installed by this PCHReader, if any.
+ ///
+ /// The dynamic type of this stat cache is always PCHStatCache
+ void *StatCache;
+ /// \brief The AST consumer.
+ ASTConsumer *Consumer;
+ /// \brief The bitstream reader from which we'll read the PCH file.
+ llvm::BitstreamReader StreamFile;
+ llvm::BitstreamCursor Stream;
+ /// \brief The cursor to the start of the preprocessor block, which stores
+ /// all of the macro definitions.
+ llvm::BitstreamCursor MacroCursor;
+ /// DeclsCursor - This is a cursor to the start of the DECLS_BLOCK block. It
+ /// has read all the abbreviations at the start of the block and is ready to
+ /// jump around with these in context.
+ llvm::BitstreamCursor DeclsCursor;
+ /// \brief The file name of the PCH file.
+ std::string FileName;
+ /// \brief The memory buffer that stores the data associated with
+ /// this PCH file.
+ llvm::OwningPtr<llvm::MemoryBuffer> Buffer;
+ /// \brief Offset type for all of the source location entries in the
+ /// PCH file.
+ const uint32_t *SLocOffsets;
+ /// \brief The number of source location entries in the PCH file.
+ unsigned TotalNumSLocEntries;
+ /// \brief Cursor used to read source location entries.
+ llvm::BitstreamCursor SLocEntryCursor;
+ /// \brief Offset of each type within the bitstream, indexed by the
+ /// type ID, or the representation of a Type*.
+ const uint32_t *TypeOffsets;
+ /// \brief Types that have already been loaded from the PCH file.
+ ///
+ /// When the pointer at index I is non-NULL, the type with
+ /// ID = (I + 1) << 3 has already been loaded from the PCH file.
+ std::vector<QualType> TypesLoaded;
+ /// \brief Offset of each declaration within the bitstream, indexed
+ /// by the declaration ID (-1).
+ const uint32_t *DeclOffsets;
+ /// \brief Declarations that have already been loaded from the PCH file.
+ ///
+ /// When the pointer at index I is non-NULL, the declaration with ID
+ /// = I + 1 has already been loaded.
+ std::vector<Decl *> DeclsLoaded;
+ typedef llvm::DenseMap<const DeclContext *, std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t> >
+ DeclContextOffsetsMap;
+ /// \brief Offsets of the lexical and visible declarations for each
+ /// DeclContext.
+ DeclContextOffsetsMap DeclContextOffsets;
+ /// \brief Actual data for the on-disk hash table.
+ ///
+ // This pointer points into a memory buffer, where the on-disk hash
+ // table for identifiers actually lives.
+ const char *IdentifierTableData;
+ /// \brief A pointer to an on-disk hash table of opaque type
+ /// IdentifierHashTable.
+ void *IdentifierLookupTable;
+ /// \brief Offsets into the identifier table data.
+ ///
+ /// This array is indexed by the identifier ID (-1), and provides
+ /// the offset into IdentifierTableData where the string data is
+ /// stored.
+ const uint32_t *IdentifierOffsets;
+ /// \brief A vector containing identifiers that have already been
+ /// loaded.
+ ///
+ /// If the pointer at index I is non-NULL, then it refers to the
+ /// IdentifierInfo for the identifier with ID=I+1 that has already
+ /// been loaded.
+ std::vector<IdentifierInfo *> IdentifiersLoaded;
+ /// \brief A pointer to an on-disk hash table of opaque type
+ /// PCHMethodPoolLookupTable.
+ ///
+ /// This hash table provides the instance and factory methods
+ /// associated with every selector known in the PCH file.
+ void *MethodPoolLookupTable;
+ /// \brief A pointer to the character data that comprises the method
+ /// pool.
+ ///
+ /// The SelectorOffsets table refers into this memory.
+ const unsigned char *MethodPoolLookupTableData;
+ /// \brief The number of selectors stored in the method pool itself.
+ unsigned TotalSelectorsInMethodPool;
+ /// \brief Offsets into the method pool lookup table's data array
+ /// where each selector resides.
+ const uint32_t *SelectorOffsets;
+ /// \brief The total number of selectors stored in the PCH file.
+ unsigned TotalNumSelectors;
+ /// \brief A vector containing selectors that have already been loaded.
+ ///
+ /// This vector is indexed by the Selector ID (-1). NULL selector
+ /// entries indicate that the particular selector ID has not yet
+ /// been loaded.
+ llvm::SmallVector<Selector, 16> SelectorsLoaded;
+ /// \brief Offsets of all of the macro definitions in the preprocessing
+ /// record in the PCH file.
+ const uint32_t *MacroDefinitionOffsets;
+ /// \brief The macro definitions we have already loaded.
+ llvm::SmallVector<MacroDefinition *, 16> MacroDefinitionsLoaded;
+ /// \brief The number of preallocated preprocessing entities in the
+ /// preprocessing record.
+ unsigned NumPreallocatedPreprocessingEntities;
+ /// \brief The set of external definitions stored in the the PCH
+ /// file.
+ llvm::SmallVector<uint64_t, 16> ExternalDefinitions;
+ /// \brief The set of tentative definitions stored in the the PCH
+ /// file.
+ llvm::SmallVector<uint64_t, 16> TentativeDefinitions;
+ /// \brief The set of tentative definitions stored in the the PCH
+ /// file.
+ llvm::SmallVector<uint64_t, 16> UnusedStaticFuncs;
+ /// \brief The set of locally-scoped external declarations stored in
+ /// the the PCH file.
+ llvm::SmallVector<uint64_t, 16> LocallyScopedExternalDecls;
+ /// \brief The set of ext_vector type declarations stored in the the
+ /// PCH file.
+ llvm::SmallVector<uint64_t, 4> ExtVectorDecls;
+ /// \brief The set of Objective-C category definitions stored in the
+ /// the PCH file.
+ llvm::SmallVector<uint64_t, 4> ObjCCategoryImpls;
+ /// \brief The original file name that was used to build the PCH file, which
+ /// may have been modified for relocatable-pch support.
+ std::string OriginalFileName;
+ /// \brief The actual original file name that was used to build the PCH file.
+ std::string ActualOriginalFileName;
+ /// \brief Whether this precompiled header is a relocatable PCH file.
+ bool RelocatablePCH;
+ /// \brief The system include root to be used when loading the
+ /// precompiled header.
+ const char *isysroot;
+ /// \brief Mapping from switch-case IDs in the PCH file to
+ /// switch-case statements.
+ std::map<unsigned, SwitchCase *> SwitchCaseStmts;
+ /// \brief Mapping from label statement IDs in the PCH file to label
+ /// statements.
+ std::map<unsigned, LabelStmt *> LabelStmts;
+ /// \brief Mapping from label IDs to the set of "goto" statements
+ /// that point to that label before the label itself has been
+ /// de-serialized.
+ std::multimap<unsigned, GotoStmt *> UnresolvedGotoStmts;
+ /// \brief Mapping from label IDs to the set of address label
+ /// expressions that point to that label before the label itself has
+ /// been de-serialized.
+ std::multimap<unsigned, AddrLabelExpr *> UnresolvedAddrLabelExprs;
+ /// \brief The number of stat() calls that hit/missed the stat
+ /// cache.
+ unsigned NumStatHits, NumStatMisses;
+ /// \brief The number of source location entries de-serialized from
+ /// the PCH file.
+ unsigned NumSLocEntriesRead;
+ /// \brief The number of statements (and expressions) de-serialized
+ /// from the PCH file.
+ unsigned NumStatementsRead;
+ /// \brief The total number of statements (and expressions) stored
+ /// in the PCH file.
+ unsigned TotalNumStatements;
+ /// \brief The number of macros de-serialized from the PCH file.
+ unsigned NumMacrosRead;
+ /// \brief The number of method pool entries that have been read.
+ unsigned NumMethodPoolSelectorsRead;
+ /// \brief The number of times we have looked into the global method
+ /// pool and not found anything.
+ unsigned NumMethodPoolMisses;
+ /// \brief The total number of macros stored in the PCH file.
+ unsigned TotalNumMacros;
+ /// Number of lexical decl contexts read/total.
+ unsigned NumLexicalDeclContextsRead, TotalLexicalDeclContexts;
+ /// Number of visible decl contexts read/total.
+ unsigned NumVisibleDeclContextsRead, TotalVisibleDeclContexts;
+ /// \brief When a type or declaration is being loaded from the PCH file, an
+ /// instantance of this RAII object will be available on the stack to
+ /// indicate when we are in a recursive-loading situation.
+ class LoadingTypeOrDecl {
+ PCHReader &Reader;
+ LoadingTypeOrDecl *Parent;
+ LoadingTypeOrDecl(const LoadingTypeOrDecl&); // do not implement
+ LoadingTypeOrDecl &operator=(const LoadingTypeOrDecl&); // do not implement
+ public:
+ explicit LoadingTypeOrDecl(PCHReader &Reader);
+ ~LoadingTypeOrDecl();
+ };
+ friend class LoadingTypeOrDecl;
+ /// \brief If we are currently loading a type or declaration, points to the
+ /// most recent LoadingTypeOrDecl object on the stack.
+ LoadingTypeOrDecl *CurrentlyLoadingTypeOrDecl;
+ /// \brief An IdentifierInfo that has been loaded but whose top-level
+ /// declarations of the same name have not (yet) been loaded.
+ struct PendingIdentifierInfo {
+ IdentifierInfo *II;
+ llvm::SmallVector<uint32_t, 4> DeclIDs;
+ };
+ /// \brief The set of identifiers that were read while the PCH reader was
+ /// (recursively) loading declarations.
+ ///
+ /// The declarations on the identifier chain for these identifiers will be
+ /// loaded once the recursive loading has completed.
+ std::deque<PendingIdentifierInfo> PendingIdentifierInfos;
+ /// \brief FIXME: document!
+ llvm::SmallVector<uint64_t, 16> SpecialTypes;
+ /// \brief Contains declarations and definitions that will be
+ /// "interesting" to the ASTConsumer, when we get that AST consumer.
+ ///
+ /// "Interesting" declarations are those that have data that may
+ /// need to be emitted, such as inline function definitions or
+ /// Objective-C protocols.
+ llvm::SmallVector<Decl *, 16> InterestingDecls;
+ /// \brief The file ID for the predefines buffer in the PCH file.
+ FileID PCHPredefinesBufferID;
+ /// \brief Pointer to the beginning of the predefines buffer in the
+ /// PCH file.
+ const char *PCHPredefines;
+ /// \brief Length of the predefines buffer in the PCH file.
+ unsigned PCHPredefinesLen;
+ /// \brief Suggested contents of the predefines buffer, after this
+ /// PCH file has been processed.
+ ///
+ /// In most cases, this string will be empty, because the predefines
+ /// buffer computed to build the PCH file will be identical to the
+ /// predefines buffer computed from the command line. However, when
+ /// there are differences that the PCH reader can work around, this
+ /// predefines buffer may contain additional definitions.
+ std::string SuggestedPredefines;
+ void MaybeAddSystemRootToFilename(std::string &Filename);
+ PCHReadResult ReadPCHBlock();
+ bool CheckPredefinesBuffer(llvm::StringRef PCHPredef, FileID PCHBufferID);
+ bool ParseLineTable(llvm::SmallVectorImpl<uint64_t> &Record);
+ PCHReadResult ReadSourceManagerBlock();
+ PCHReadResult ReadSLocEntryRecord(unsigned ID);
+ bool ParseLanguageOptions(const llvm::SmallVectorImpl<uint64_t> &Record);
+ QualType ReadTypeRecord(uint64_t Offset);
+ void LoadedDecl(unsigned Index, Decl *D);
+ Decl *ReadDeclRecord(uint64_t Offset, unsigned Index);
+ /// \brief Produce an error diagnostic and return true.
+ ///
+ /// This routine should only be used for fatal errors that have to
+ /// do with non-routine failures (e.g., corrupted PCH file).
+ void Error(const char *Msg);
+ PCHReader(const PCHReader&); // do not implement
+ PCHReader &operator=(const PCHReader &); // do not implement
+ typedef llvm::SmallVector<uint64_t, 64> RecordData;
+ /// \brief Load the PCH file and validate its contents against the given
+ /// Preprocessor.
+ ///
+ /// \param PP the preprocessor associated with the context in which this
+ /// precompiled header will be loaded.
+ ///
+ /// \param Context the AST context that this precompiled header will be
+ /// loaded into.
+ ///
+ /// \param isysroot If non-NULL, the system include path specified by the
+ /// user. This is only used with relocatable PCH files. If non-NULL,
+ /// a relocatable PCH file will use the default path "/".
+ PCHReader(Preprocessor &PP, ASTContext *Context, const char *isysroot = 0);
+ /// \brief Load the PCH file without using any pre-initialized Preprocessor.
+ ///
+ /// The necessary information to initialize a Preprocessor later can be
+ /// obtained by setting a PCHReaderListener.
+ ///
+ /// \param SourceMgr the source manager into which the precompiled header
+ /// will be loaded.
+ ///
+ /// \param FileMgr the file manager into which the precompiled header will
+ /// be loaded.
+ ///
+ /// \param Diags the diagnostics system to use for reporting errors and
+ /// warnings relevant to loading the precompiled header.
+ ///
+ /// \param isysroot If non-NULL, the system include path specified by the
+ /// user. This is only used with relocatable PCH files. If non-NULL,
+ /// a relocatable PCH file will use the default path "/".
+ PCHReader(SourceManager &SourceMgr, FileManager &FileMgr,
+ Diagnostic &Diags, const char *isysroot = 0);
+ ~PCHReader();
+ /// \brief Load the precompiled header designated by the given file
+ /// name.
+ PCHReadResult ReadPCH(const std::string &FileName);
+ /// \brief Set the PCH callbacks listener.
+ void setListener(PCHReaderListener *listener) {
+ Listener.reset(listener);
+ }
+ /// \brief Set the Preprocessor to use.
+ void setPreprocessor(Preprocessor &pp);
+ /// \brief Sets and initializes the given Context.
+ void InitializeContext(ASTContext &Context);
+ /// \brief Retrieve the name of the PCH file
+ const std::string &getFileName() { return FileName; }
+ /// \brief Retrieve the name of the original source file name
+ const std::string &getOriginalSourceFile() { return OriginalFileName; }
+ /// \brief Retrieve the name of the original source file name
+ /// directly from the PCH file, without actually loading the PCH
+ /// file.
+ static std::string getOriginalSourceFile(const std::string &PCHFileName,
+ Diagnostic &Diags);
+ /// \brief Returns the suggested contents of the predefines buffer,
+ /// which contains a (typically-empty) subset of the predefines
+ /// build prior to including the precompiled header.
+ const std::string &getSuggestedPredefines() { return SuggestedPredefines; }
+ /// \brief Read preprocessed entities into the
+ virtual void ReadPreprocessedEntities();
+ /// \brief Reads a TemplateArgumentLocInfo appropriate for the
+ /// given TemplateArgument kind.
+ TemplateArgumentLocInfo
+ GetTemplateArgumentLocInfo(TemplateArgument::ArgKind Kind,
+ const RecordData &Record, unsigned &Idx);
+ /// \brief Reads a declarator info from the given record.
+ virtual TypeSourceInfo *GetTypeSourceInfo(const RecordData &Record,
+ unsigned &Idx);
+ /// \brief Resolve a type ID into a type, potentially building a new
+ /// type.
+ virtual QualType GetType(pch::TypeID ID);
+ /// \brief Resolve a declaration ID into a declaration, potentially
+ /// building a new declaration.
+ virtual Decl *GetDecl(pch::DeclID ID);
+ /// \brief Resolve the offset of a statement into a statement.
+ ///
+ /// This operation will read a new statement from the external
+ /// source each time it is called, and is meant to be used via a
+ /// LazyOffsetPtr (which is used by Decls for the body of functions, etc).
+ virtual Stmt *GetDeclStmt(uint64_t Offset);
+ /// ReadBlockAbbrevs - Enter a subblock of the specified BlockID with the
+ /// specified cursor. Read the abbreviations that are at the top of the block
+ /// and then leave the cursor pointing into the block.
+ bool ReadBlockAbbrevs(llvm::BitstreamCursor &Cursor, unsigned BlockID);
+ /// \brief Read all of the declarations lexically stored in a
+ /// declaration context.
+ ///
+ /// \param DC The declaration context whose declarations will be
+ /// read.
+ ///
+ /// \param Decls Vector that will contain the declarations loaded
+ /// from the external source. The caller is responsible for merging
+ /// these declarations with any declarations already stored in the
+ /// declaration context.
+ ///
+ /// \returns true if there was an error while reading the
+ /// declarations for this declaration context.
+ virtual bool ReadDeclsLexicallyInContext(DeclContext *DC,
+ llvm::SmallVectorImpl<pch::DeclID> &Decls);
+ /// \brief Read all of the declarations visible from a declaration
+ /// context.
+ ///
+ /// \param DC The declaration context whose visible declarations
+ /// will be read.
+ ///
+ /// \param Decls A vector of visible declaration structures,
+ /// providing the mapping from each name visible in the declaration
+ /// context to the declaration IDs of declarations with that name.
+ ///
+ /// \returns true if there was an error while reading the
+ /// declarations for this declaration context.
+ ///
+ /// FIXME: Using this intermediate data structure results in an
+ /// extraneous copying of the data. Could we pass in a reference to
+ /// the StoredDeclsMap instead?
+ virtual bool ReadDeclsVisibleInContext(DeclContext *DC,
+ llvm::SmallVectorImpl<VisibleDeclaration> & Decls);
+ /// \brief Function that will be invoked when we begin parsing a new
+ /// translation unit involving this external AST source.
+ ///
+ /// This function will provide all of the external definitions to
+ /// the ASTConsumer.
+ virtual void StartTranslationUnit(ASTConsumer *Consumer);
+ /// \brief Print some statistics about PCH usage.
+ virtual void PrintStats();
+ /// \brief Initialize the semantic source with the Sema instance
+ /// being used to perform semantic analysis on the abstract syntax
+ /// tree.
+ virtual void InitializeSema(Sema &S);
+ /// \brief Inform the semantic consumer that Sema is no longer available.
+ virtual void ForgetSema() { SemaObj = 0; }
+ /// \brief Retrieve the IdentifierInfo for the named identifier.
+ ///
+ /// This routine builds a new IdentifierInfo for the given identifier. If any
+ /// declarations with this name are visible from translation unit scope, their
+ /// declarations will be deserialized and introduced into the declaration
+ /// chain of the identifier.
+ virtual IdentifierInfo *get(const char *NameStart, const char *NameEnd);
+ IdentifierInfo *get(llvm::StringRef Name) {
+ return get(Name.begin(), Name.end());
+ }
+ /// \brief Load the contents of the global method pool for a given
+ /// selector.
+ ///
+ /// \returns a pair of Objective-C methods lists containing the
+ /// instance and factory methods, respectively, with this selector.
+ virtual std::pair<ObjCMethodList, ObjCMethodList>
+ ReadMethodPool(Selector Sel);
+ void SetIdentifierInfo(unsigned ID, IdentifierInfo *II);
+ void SetGloballyVisibleDecls(IdentifierInfo *II,
+ const llvm::SmallVectorImpl<uint32_t> &DeclIDs,
+ bool Nonrecursive = false);
+ /// \brief Report a diagnostic.
+ DiagnosticBuilder Diag(unsigned DiagID);
+ /// \brief Report a diagnostic.
+ DiagnosticBuilder Diag(SourceLocation Loc, unsigned DiagID);
+ IdentifierInfo *DecodeIdentifierInfo(unsigned Idx);
+ IdentifierInfo *GetIdentifierInfo(const RecordData &Record, unsigned &Idx) {
+ return DecodeIdentifierInfo(Record[Idx++]);
+ }
+ virtual IdentifierInfo *GetIdentifier(unsigned ID) {
+ return DecodeIdentifierInfo(ID);
+ }
+ /// \brief Read the source location entry with index ID.
+ virtual void ReadSLocEntry(unsigned ID);
+ Selector DecodeSelector(unsigned Idx);
+ virtual Selector GetSelector(uint32_t ID);
+ virtual uint32_t GetNumKnownSelectors();
+ Selector GetSelector(const RecordData &Record, unsigned &Idx) {
+ return DecodeSelector(Record[Idx++]);
+ }
+ /// \brief Read a declaration name.
+ DeclarationName ReadDeclarationName(const RecordData &Record, unsigned &Idx);
+ NestedNameSpecifier *ReadNestedNameSpecifier(const RecordData &Record,
+ unsigned &Idx);
+ /// \brief Read a source location.
+ SourceLocation ReadSourceLocation(const RecordData &Record, unsigned& Idx) {
+ return SourceLocation::getFromRawEncoding(Record[Idx++]);
+ }
+ /// \brief Read a source range.
+ SourceRange ReadSourceRange(const RecordData &Record, unsigned& Idx);
+ /// \brief Read an integral value
+ llvm::APInt ReadAPInt(const RecordData &Record, unsigned &Idx);
+ /// \brief Read a signed integral value
+ llvm::APSInt ReadAPSInt(const RecordData &Record, unsigned &Idx);
+ /// \brief Read a floating-point value
+ llvm::APFloat ReadAPFloat(const RecordData &Record, unsigned &Idx);
+ // \brief Read a string
+ std::string ReadString(const RecordData &Record, unsigned &Idx);
+ CXXTemporary *ReadCXXTemporary(const RecordData &Record, unsigned &Idx);
+ /// \brief Reads attributes from the current stream position.
+ Attr *ReadAttributes();
+ /// \brief ReadDeclExpr - Reads an expression from the current decl cursor.
+ Expr *ReadDeclExpr();
+ /// \brief ReadTypeExpr - Reads an expression from the current type cursor.
+ Expr *ReadTypeExpr();
+ /// \brief Reads a statement from the specified cursor.
+ Stmt *ReadStmt(llvm::BitstreamCursor &Cursor);
+ /// \brief Read a statement from the current DeclCursor.
+ Stmt *ReadDeclStmt() {
+ return ReadStmt(DeclsCursor);
+ }
+ /// \brief Reads the macro record located at the given offset.
+ void ReadMacroRecord(uint64_t Offset);
+ /// \brief Read the set of macros defined by this external macro source.
+ virtual void ReadDefinedMacros();
+ /// \brief Retrieve the macro definition with the given ID.
+ MacroDefinition *getMacroDefinition(pch::IdentID ID);
+ /// \brief Retrieve the AST context that this PCH reader
+ /// supplements.
+ ASTContext *getContext() { return Context; }
+ // \brief Contains declarations that were loaded before we have
+ // access to a Sema object.
+ llvm::SmallVector<NamedDecl *, 16> PreloadedDecls;
+ /// \brief Retrieve the semantic analysis object used to analyze the
+ /// translation unit in which the precompiled header is being
+ /// imported.
+ Sema *getSema() { return SemaObj; }
+ /// \brief Retrieve the stream that this PCH reader is reading from.
+ llvm::BitstreamCursor &getStream() { return Stream; }
+ llvm::BitstreamCursor &getDeclsCursor() { return DeclsCursor; }
+ /// \brief Retrieve the identifier table associated with the
+ /// preprocessor.
+ IdentifierTable &getIdentifierTable();
+ /// \brief Record that the given ID maps to the given switch-case
+ /// statement.
+ void RecordSwitchCaseID(SwitchCase *SC, unsigned ID);
+ /// \brief Retrieve the switch-case statement with the given ID.
+ SwitchCase *getSwitchCaseWithID(unsigned ID);
+ /// \brief Record that the given label statement has been
+ /// deserialized and has the given ID.
+ void RecordLabelStmt(LabelStmt *S, unsigned ID);
+ /// \brief Set the label of the given statement to the label
+ /// identified by ID.
+ ///
+ /// Depending on the order in which the label and other statements
+ /// referencing that label occur, this operation may complete
+ /// immediately (updating the statement) or it may queue the
+ /// statement to be back-patched later.
+ void SetLabelOf(GotoStmt *S, unsigned ID);
+ /// \brief Set the label of the given expression to the label
+ /// identified by ID.
+ ///
+ /// Depending on the order in which the label and other statements
+ /// referencing that label occur, this operation may complete
+ /// immediately (updating the statement) or it may queue the
+ /// statement to be back-patched later.
+ void SetLabelOf(AddrLabelExpr *S, unsigned ID);
+/// \brief Helper class that saves the current stream position and
+/// then restores it when destroyed.
+struct SavedStreamPosition {
+ explicit SavedStreamPosition(llvm::BitstreamCursor &Cursor)
+ : Cursor(Cursor), Offset(Cursor.GetCurrentBitNo()) { }
+ ~SavedStreamPosition() {
+ Cursor.JumpToBit(Offset);
+ }
+ llvm::BitstreamCursor &Cursor;
+ uint64_t Offset;
+inline void PCHValidator::Error(const char *Msg) {
+ Reader.Error(Msg);
+} // end namespace clang
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/PCHWriter.h b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/PCHWriter.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85f53b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/PCHWriter.h
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+//===--- PCHWriter.h - Precompiled Headers Writer ---------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This file defines the PCHWriter class, which writes a precompiled
+// header containing a serialized representation of a translation
+// unit.
+#include "clang/AST/Decl.h"
+#include "clang/AST/DeclarationName.h"
+#include "clang/Frontend/PCHBitCodes.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
+#include <map>
+#include <queue>
+namespace llvm {
+ class APFloat;
+ class APInt;
+ class BitstreamWriter;
+namespace clang {
+class ASTContext;
+class NestedNameSpecifier;
+class CXXBaseSpecifier;
+class CXXBaseOrMemberInitializer;
+class LabelStmt;
+class MacroDefinition;
+class MemorizeStatCalls;
+class Preprocessor;
+class Sema;
+class SourceManager;
+class SwitchCase;
+class TargetInfo;
+/// A structure for putting "fast"-unqualified QualTypes into a
+/// DenseMap. This uses the standard pointer hash function.
+struct UnsafeQualTypeDenseMapInfo {
+ static inline bool isEqual(QualType A, QualType B) { return A == B; }
+ static inline QualType getEmptyKey() {
+ return QualType::getFromOpaquePtr((void*) 1);
+ }
+ static inline QualType getTombstoneKey() {
+ return QualType::getFromOpaquePtr((void*) 2);
+ }
+ static inline unsigned getHashValue(QualType T) {
+ assert(!T.getLocalFastQualifiers() &&
+ "hash invalid for types with fast quals");
+ uintptr_t v = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(T.getAsOpaquePtr());
+ return (unsigned(v) >> 4) ^ (unsigned(v) >> 9);
+ }
+/// \brief Writes a precompiled header containing the contents of a
+/// translation unit.
+/// The PCHWriter class produces a bitstream containing the serialized
+/// representation of a given abstract syntax tree and its supporting
+/// data structures. This bitstream can be de-serialized via an
+/// instance of the PCHReader class.
+class PCHWriter {
+ typedef llvm::SmallVector<uint64_t, 64> RecordData;
+ /// \brief The bitstream writer used to emit this precompiled header.
+ llvm::BitstreamWriter &Stream;
+ /// \brief Stores a declaration or a type to be written to the PCH file.
+ class DeclOrType {
+ public:
+ DeclOrType(Decl *D) : Stored(D), IsType(false) { }
+ DeclOrType(QualType T) : Stored(T.getAsOpaquePtr()), IsType(true) { }
+ bool isType() const { return IsType; }
+ bool isDecl() const { return !IsType; }
+ QualType getType() const {
+ assert(isType() && "Not a type!");
+ return QualType::getFromOpaquePtr(Stored);
+ }
+ Decl *getDecl() const {
+ assert(isDecl() && "Not a decl!");
+ return static_cast<Decl *>(Stored);
+ }
+ private:
+ void *Stored;
+ bool IsType;
+ };
+ /// \brief The declarations and types to emit.
+ std::queue<DeclOrType> DeclTypesToEmit;
+ /// \brief Map that provides the ID numbers of each declaration within
+ /// the output stream.
+ ///
+ /// The ID numbers of declarations are consecutive (in order of
+ /// discovery) and start at 2. 1 is reserved for the translation
+ /// unit, while 0 is reserved for NULL.
+ llvm::DenseMap<const Decl *, pch::DeclID> DeclIDs;
+ /// \brief Offset of each declaration in the bitstream, indexed by
+ /// the declaration's ID.
+ std::vector<uint32_t> DeclOffsets;
+ /// \brief Map that provides the ID numbers of each type within the
+ /// output stream.
+ ///
+ /// The ID numbers of types are consecutive (in order of discovery)
+ /// and start at 1. 0 is reserved for NULL. When types are actually
+ /// stored in the stream, the ID number is shifted by 2 bits to
+ /// allow for the const/volatile qualifiers.
+ ///
+ /// Keys in the map never have const/volatile qualifiers.
+ llvm::DenseMap<QualType, pch::TypeID, UnsafeQualTypeDenseMapInfo> TypeIDs;
+ /// \brief Offset of each type in the bitstream, indexed by
+ /// the type's ID.
+ std::vector<uint32_t> TypeOffsets;
+ /// \brief The type ID that will be assigned to the next new type.
+ pch::TypeID NextTypeID;
+ /// \brief Map that provides the ID numbers of each identifier in
+ /// the output stream.
+ ///
+ /// The ID numbers for identifiers are consecutive (in order of
+ /// discovery), starting at 1. An ID of zero refers to a NULL
+ /// IdentifierInfo.
+ llvm::DenseMap<const IdentifierInfo *, pch::IdentID> IdentifierIDs;
+ /// \brief Offsets of each of the identifier IDs into the identifier
+ /// table.
+ std::vector<uint32_t> IdentifierOffsets;
+ /// \brief Map that provides the ID numbers of each Selector.
+ llvm::DenseMap<Selector, pch::SelectorID> SelectorIDs;
+ /// \brief Offset of each selector within the method pool/selector
+ /// table, indexed by the Selector ID (-1).
+ std::vector<uint32_t> SelectorOffsets;
+ /// \brief A vector of all Selectors (ordered by ID).
+ std::vector<Selector> SelVector;
+ /// \brief Offsets of each of the macro identifiers into the
+ /// bitstream.
+ ///
+ /// For each identifier that is associated with a macro, this map
+ /// provides the offset into the bitstream where that macro is
+ /// defined.
+ llvm::DenseMap<const IdentifierInfo *, uint64_t> MacroOffsets;
+ /// \brief Mapping from macro definitions (as they occur in the preprocessing
+ /// record) to the index into the macro definitions table.
+ llvm::DenseMap<const MacroDefinition *, pch::IdentID> MacroDefinitions;
+ /// \brief Mapping from the macro definition indices in \c MacroDefinitions
+ /// to the corresponding offsets within the preprocessor block.
+ std::vector<uint32_t> MacroDefinitionOffsets;
+ /// \brief Declarations encountered that might be external
+ /// definitions.
+ ///
+ /// We keep track of external definitions (as well as tentative
+ /// definitions) as we are emitting declarations to the PCH
+ /// file. The PCH file contains a separate record for these external
+ /// definitions, which are provided to the AST consumer by the PCH
+ /// reader. This is behavior is required to properly cope with,
+ /// e.g., tentative variable definitions that occur within
+ /// headers. The declarations themselves are stored as declaration
+ /// IDs, since they will be written out to an EXTERNAL_DEFINITIONS
+ /// record.
+ llvm::SmallVector<uint64_t, 16> ExternalDefinitions;
+ /// \brief Statements that we've encountered while serializing a
+ /// declaration or type.
+ llvm::SmallVector<Stmt *, 8> StmtsToEmit;
+ /// \brief Mapping from SwitchCase statements to IDs.
+ std::map<SwitchCase *, unsigned> SwitchCaseIDs;
+ /// \brief Mapping from LabelStmt statements to IDs.
+ std::map<LabelStmt *, unsigned> LabelIDs;
+ /// \brief The number of statements written to the PCH file.
+ unsigned NumStatements;
+ /// \brief The number of macros written to the PCH file.
+ unsigned NumMacros;
+ /// \brief The number of lexical declcontexts written to the PCH
+ /// file.
+ unsigned NumLexicalDeclContexts;
+ /// \brief The number of visible declcontexts written to the PCH
+ /// file.
+ unsigned NumVisibleDeclContexts;
+ void WriteBlockInfoBlock();
+ void WriteMetadata(ASTContext &Context, const char *isysroot);
+ void WriteLanguageOptions(const LangOptions &LangOpts);
+ void WriteStatCache(MemorizeStatCalls &StatCalls, const char* isysroot);
+ void WriteSourceManagerBlock(SourceManager &SourceMgr,
+ const Preprocessor &PP,
+ const char* isysroot);
+ void WritePreprocessor(const Preprocessor &PP);
+ void WriteType(QualType T);
+ uint64_t WriteDeclContextLexicalBlock(ASTContext &Context, DeclContext *DC);
+ uint64_t WriteDeclContextVisibleBlock(ASTContext &Context, DeclContext *DC);
+ void WriteMethodPool(Sema &SemaRef);
+ void WriteIdentifierTable(Preprocessor &PP);
+ void WriteAttributeRecord(const Attr *Attr);
+ unsigned ParmVarDeclAbbrev;
+ void WriteDeclsBlockAbbrevs();
+ void WriteDecl(ASTContext &Context, Decl *D);
+ /// \brief Create a new precompiled header writer that outputs to
+ /// the given bitstream.
+ PCHWriter(llvm::BitstreamWriter &Stream);
+ /// \brief Write a precompiled header for the given semantic analysis.
+ ///
+ /// \param SemaRef a reference to the semantic analysis object that processed
+ /// the AST to be written into the precompiled header.
+ ///
+ /// \param StatCalls the object that cached all of the stat() calls made while
+ /// searching for source files and headers.
+ ///
+ /// \param isysroot if non-NULL, write a relocatable PCH file whose headers
+ /// are relative to the given system root.
+ ///
+ /// \param PPRec Record of the preprocessing actions that occurred while
+ /// preprocessing this file, e.g., macro instantiations
+ void WritePCH(Sema &SemaRef, MemorizeStatCalls *StatCalls,
+ const char* isysroot);
+ /// \brief Emit a source location.
+ void AddSourceLocation(SourceLocation Loc, RecordData &Record);
+ /// \brief Emit a source range.
+ void AddSourceRange(SourceRange Range, RecordData &Record);
+ /// \brief Emit an integral value.
+ void AddAPInt(const llvm::APInt &Value, RecordData &Record);
+ /// \brief Emit a signed integral value.
+ void AddAPSInt(const llvm::APSInt &Value, RecordData &Record);
+ /// \brief Emit a floating-point value.
+ void AddAPFloat(const llvm::APFloat &Value, RecordData &Record);
+ /// \brief Emit a reference to an identifier.
+ void AddIdentifierRef(const IdentifierInfo *II, RecordData &Record);
+ /// \brief Emit a Selector (which is a smart pointer reference).
+ void AddSelectorRef(Selector, RecordData &Record);
+ /// \brief Emit a CXXTemporary.
+ void AddCXXTemporary(const CXXTemporary *Temp, RecordData &Record);
+ /// \brief Get the unique number used to refer to the given
+ /// identifier.
+ pch::IdentID getIdentifierRef(const IdentifierInfo *II);
+ /// \brief Retrieve the offset of the macro definition for the given
+ /// identifier.
+ ///
+ /// The identifier must refer to a macro.
+ uint64_t getMacroOffset(const IdentifierInfo *II) {
+ assert(MacroOffsets.find(II) != MacroOffsets.end() &&
+ "Identifier does not name a macro");
+ return MacroOffsets[II];
+ }
+ /// \brief Retrieve the ID number corresponding to the given macro
+ /// definition.
+ pch::IdentID getMacroDefinitionID(MacroDefinition *MD);
+ /// \brief Emit a reference to a type.
+ void AddTypeRef(QualType T, RecordData &Record);
+ /// \brief Emits a reference to a declarator info.
+ void AddTypeSourceInfo(TypeSourceInfo *TInfo, RecordData &Record);
+ /// \brief Emits a template argument location.
+ void AddTemplateArgumentLoc(const TemplateArgumentLoc &Arg,
+ RecordData &Record);
+ /// \brief Emit a reference to a declaration.
+ void AddDeclRef(const Decl *D, RecordData &Record);
+ /// \brief Determine the declaration ID of an already-emitted
+ /// declaration.
+ pch::DeclID getDeclID(const Decl *D);
+ /// \brief Emit a declaration name.
+ void AddDeclarationName(DeclarationName Name, RecordData &Record);
+ /// \brief Emit a nested name specifier.
+ void AddNestedNameSpecifier(NestedNameSpecifier *NNS, RecordData &Record);
+ /// \brief Add a string to the given record.
+ void AddString(const std::string &Str, RecordData &Record);
+ /// \brief Note that the identifier II occurs at the given offset
+ /// within the identifier table.
+ void SetIdentifierOffset(const IdentifierInfo *II, uint32_t Offset);
+ /// \brief Note that the selector Sel occurs at the given offset
+ /// within the method pool/selector table.
+ void SetSelectorOffset(Selector Sel, uint32_t Offset);
+ /// \brief Add the given statement or expression to the queue of
+ /// statements to emit.
+ ///
+ /// This routine should be used when emitting types and declarations
+ /// that have expressions as part of their formulation. Once the
+ /// type or declaration has been written, call FlushStmts() to write
+ /// the corresponding statements just after the type or
+ /// declaration.
+ void AddStmt(Stmt *S) { StmtsToEmit.push_back(S); }
+ /// \brief Write the given subexpression to the bitstream.
+ void WriteSubStmt(Stmt *S);
+ /// \brief Flush all of the statements and expressions that have
+ /// been added to the queue via AddStmt().
+ void FlushStmts();
+ /// \brief Record an ID for the given switch-case statement.
+ unsigned RecordSwitchCaseID(SwitchCase *S);
+ /// \brief Retrieve the ID for the given switch-case statement.
+ unsigned getSwitchCaseID(SwitchCase *S);
+ /// \brief Retrieve the ID for the given label statement, which may
+ /// or may not have been emitted yet.
+ unsigned GetLabelID(LabelStmt *S);
+ unsigned getParmVarDeclAbbrev() const { return ParmVarDeclAbbrev; }
+} // end namespace clang
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/PathDiagnosticClients.h b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/PathDiagnosticClients.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8d2eeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/PathDiagnosticClients.h
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+//===--- PathDiagnosticClients.h - Path Diagnostic Clients ------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This file defines the interface to create different path diagostic clients.
+#include <string>
+namespace clang {
+class PathDiagnosticClient;
+class Preprocessor;
+CreateHTMLDiagnosticClient(const std::string& prefix, const Preprocessor &PP);
+CreatePlistDiagnosticClient(const std::string& prefix, const Preprocessor &PP,
+ PathDiagnosticClient *SubPD = 0);
+} // end clang namespace
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/PreprocessorOptions.h b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/PreprocessorOptions.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..891359b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/PreprocessorOptions.h
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+//===--- PreprocessorOptionms.h ---------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
+#include <cassert>
+#include <string>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+namespace llvm {
+ class MemoryBuffer;
+namespace clang {
+class Preprocessor;
+class LangOptions;
+/// PreprocessorOptions - This class is used for passing the various options
+/// used in preprocessor initialization to InitializePreprocessor().
+class PreprocessorOptions {
+ std::vector<std::pair<std::string, bool/*isUndef*/> > Macros;
+ std::vector<std::string> Includes;
+ std::vector<std::string> MacroIncludes;
+ unsigned UsePredefines : 1; /// Initialize the preprocessor with the compiler
+ /// and target specific predefines.
+ unsigned DetailedRecord : 1; /// Whether we should maintain a detailed
+ /// record of all macro definitions and
+ /// instantiations.
+ /// The implicit PCH included at the start of the translation unit, or empty.
+ std::string ImplicitPCHInclude;
+ /// The implicit PTH input included at the start of the translation unit, or
+ /// empty.
+ std::string ImplicitPTHInclude;
+ /// If given, a PTH cache file to use for speeding up header parsing.
+ std::string TokenCache;
+ /// \brief The set of file remappings, which take existing files on
+ /// the system (the first part of each pair) and gives them the
+ /// contents of other files on the system (the second part of each
+ /// pair).
+ std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string> > RemappedFiles;
+ /// \brief The set of file-to-buffer remappings, which take existing files
+ /// on the system (the first part of each pair) and gives them the contents
+ /// of the specified memory buffer (the second part of each pair).
+ std::vector<std::pair<std::string, const llvm::MemoryBuffer *> >
+ RemappedFileBuffers;
+ typedef std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string> >::const_iterator
+ remapped_file_iterator;
+ remapped_file_iterator remapped_file_begin() const {
+ return RemappedFiles.begin();
+ }
+ remapped_file_iterator remapped_file_end() const {
+ return RemappedFiles.end();
+ }
+ typedef std::vector<std::pair<std::string, const llvm::MemoryBuffer *> >::
+ const_iterator remapped_file_buffer_iterator;
+ remapped_file_buffer_iterator remapped_file_buffer_begin() const {
+ return RemappedFileBuffers.begin();
+ }
+ remapped_file_buffer_iterator remapped_file_buffer_end() const {
+ return RemappedFileBuffers.end();
+ }
+ PreprocessorOptions() : UsePredefines(true), DetailedRecord(false) {}
+ void addMacroDef(llvm::StringRef Name) {
+ Macros.push_back(std::make_pair(Name, false));
+ }
+ void addMacroUndef(llvm::StringRef Name) {
+ Macros.push_back(std::make_pair(Name, true));
+ }
+ void addRemappedFile(llvm::StringRef From, llvm::StringRef To) {
+ RemappedFiles.push_back(std::make_pair(From, To));
+ }
+ void addRemappedFile(llvm::StringRef From, const llvm::MemoryBuffer * To) {
+ RemappedFileBuffers.push_back(std::make_pair(From, To));
+ }
+} // end namespace clang
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/PreprocessorOutputOptions.h b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/PreprocessorOutputOptions.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a712a3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/PreprocessorOutputOptions.h
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+//===--- PreprocessorOutputOptions.h ----------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+namespace clang {
+/// PreprocessorOutputOptions - Options for controlling the C preprocessor
+/// output (e.g., -E).
+class PreprocessorOutputOptions {
+ unsigned ShowCPP : 1; ///< Print normal preprocessed output.
+ unsigned ShowMacros : 1; ///< Print macro definitions.
+ unsigned ShowLineMarkers : 1; ///< Show #line markers.
+ unsigned ShowComments : 1; ///< Show comments.
+ unsigned ShowMacroComments : 1; ///< Show comments, even in macros.
+ PreprocessorOutputOptions() {
+ ShowCPP = 1;
+ ShowMacros = 0;
+ ShowLineMarkers = 1;
+ ShowComments = 0;
+ ShowMacroComments = 0;
+ }
+} // end namespace clang
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/StmtXML.def b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/StmtXML.def
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f63761a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/StmtXML.def
@@ -0,0 +1,520 @@
+//===-- StmtXML.def - Metadata about Stmt XML nodes ------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This file defines the XML statement database structure as written in
+// <TranslationUnit> sub-nodes of the XML document.
+// The semantics of the attributes and enums are mostly self-documenting
+// by looking at the appropriate internally used functions and values.
+// The following macros are used:
+// NODE_XML( CLASS, NAME ) - A node of name NAME denotes a concrete
+// statement of class CLASS where CLASS is a class name used internally by clang.
+// After a NODE_XML the definition of all (optional) attributes of that statement
+// node and possible sub-nodes follows.
+// END_NODE_XML - Closes the attribute definition of the current node.
+// ID_ATTRIBUTE_XML - Some statement nodes have an "id" attribute containing a
+// string, which value uniquely identify that statement. Other nodes may refer
+// by reference attributes to this value (currently used only for Label).
+// TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_XML( FN ) - Type nodes refer to the result type id of an
+// expression by a "type" attribute. FN is internally used by clang.
+// ATTRIBUTE_XML( FN, NAME ) - An attribute named NAME. FN is internally
+// used by clang. A boolean attribute have the values "0" or "1".
+// ATTRIBUTE_SPECIAL_XML( FN, NAME ) - An attribute named NAME which deserves
+// a special handling. See the appropriate documentations.
+// ATTRIBUTE_FILE_LOCATION_XML - A bunch of attributes denoting the location of
+// a statement in the source file(s).
+// ATTRIBUTE_OPT_XML( FN, NAME ) - An optional attribute named NAME.
+// Optional attributes are omitted for boolean types, if the value is false,
+// for integral types, if the value is null and for strings,
+// if the value is the empty string. FN is internally used by clang.
+// ATTRIBUTE_ENUM[_OPT]_XML( FN, NAME ) - An attribute named NAME. The value
+// is an enumeration defined with ENUM_XML macros immediately following after
+// that macro. An optional attribute is ommited, if the particular enum is the
+// empty string. FN is internally used by clang.
+// ENUM_XML( VALUE, NAME ) - An enumeration element named NAME. VALUE is
+// internally used by clang.
+// END_ENUM_XML - Closes the enumeration definition of the current attribute.
+// SUB_NODE_XML( CLASS ) - A mandatory sub-node of class CLASS or its sub-classes.
+// SUB_NODE_OPT_XML( CLASS ) - An optional sub-node of class CLASS or its sub-classes.
+// SUB_NODE_SEQUENCE_XML( CLASS ) - Zero or more sub-nodes of class CLASS or
+// its sub-classes.
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getFilename(), "file") \
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getLine(), "line") \
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getColumn(), "col") \
+ ATTRIBUTE_OPT_XML(getFilename(), "endfile") \
+ ATTRIBUTE_OPT_XML(getLine(), "endline") \
+ ATTRIBUTE_OPT_XML(getColumn(), "endcol")
+NODE_XML(Stmt, "Stmt_Unsupported") // fallback for unsupproted statements
+NODE_XML(NullStmt, "NullStmt")
+NODE_XML(CompoundStmt, "CompoundStmt")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(size(), "num_stmts")
+NODE_XML(CaseStmt, "CaseStmt") // case expr: body;
+ SUB_NODE_XML(Stmt) // body
+ SUB_NODE_XML(Expr) // expr
+ SUB_NODE_XML(Expr) // rhs expr in gc extension: case expr .. expr: body;
+NODE_XML(DefaultStmt, "DefaultStmt") // default: body;
+ SUB_NODE_XML(Stmt) // body
+NODE_XML(LabelStmt, "LabelStmt") // Label: body;
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getName(), "name") // string
+ SUB_NODE_XML(Stmt) // body
+NODE_XML(IfStmt, "IfStmt") // if (cond) stmt1; else stmt2;
+ SUB_NODE_XML(Expr) // cond
+ SUB_NODE_XML(Stmt) // stmt1
+ SUB_NODE_XML(Stmt) // stmt2
+NODE_XML(SwitchStmt, "SwitchStmt") // switch (cond) body;
+ SUB_NODE_XML(Expr) // cond
+ SUB_NODE_XML(Stmt) // body
+NODE_XML(WhileStmt, "WhileStmt") // while (cond) body;
+ SUB_NODE_XML(Expr) // cond
+ SUB_NODE_XML(Stmt) // body
+NODE_XML(DoStmt, "DoStmt") // do body while (cond);
+ SUB_NODE_XML(Expr) // cond
+ SUB_NODE_XML(Stmt) // body
+NODE_XML(ForStmt, "ForStmt") // for (init; cond; inc) body;
+ SUB_NODE_XML(Stmt) // init
+ SUB_NODE_XML(Expr) // cond
+ SUB_NODE_XML(Expr) // inc
+ SUB_NODE_XML(Stmt) // body
+NODE_XML(GotoStmt, "GotoStmt") // goto label;
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getLabel()->getName(), "name") // informal string
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getLabel(), "ref") // id string
+NODE_XML(IndirectGotoStmt, "IndirectGotoStmt") // goto expr;
+ SUB_NODE_XML(Expr) // expr
+NODE_XML(ContinueStmt, "ContinueStmt") // continue
+NODE_XML(BreakStmt, "BreakStmt") // break
+NODE_XML(ReturnStmt, "ReturnStmt") // return expr;
+ SUB_NODE_XML(Expr) // expr
+NODE_XML(AsmStmt, "AsmStmt") // GNU inline-assembly statement extension
+ // FIXME
+NODE_XML(DeclStmt, "DeclStmt") // a declaration statement
+// C++ statements
+NODE_XML(CXXTryStmt, "CXXTryStmt") // try CompoundStmt CXXCatchStmt1 CXXCatchStmt2 ..
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getNumHandlers(), "num_handlers")
+ SUB_NODE_XML(CompoundStmt)
+NODE_XML(CXXCatchStmt, "CXXCatchStmt") // catch (decl) Stmt
+// Expressions
+NODE_XML(PredefinedExpr, "PredefinedExpr")
+ ATTRIBUTE_ENUM_XML(getIdentType(), "kind")
+ ENUM_XML(PredefinedExpr::Func, "__func__")
+ ENUM_XML(PredefinedExpr::Function, "__FUNCTION__")
+ ENUM_XML(PredefinedExpr::PrettyFunction, "__PRETTY_FUNCTION__")
+NODE_XML(DeclRefExpr, "DeclRefExpr") // an expression referring to a declared entity
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getDecl(), "ref") // id string of the declaration
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getDecl()->getNameAsString(), "name") // informal
+ //ATTRIBUTE_ENUM_XML(getDecl()->getKind(), "kind") // really needed here?
+NODE_XML(IntegerLiteral, "IntegerLiteral")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getValue(), "value") // (signed) integer
+NODE_XML(CharacterLiteral, "CharacterLiteral")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getValue(), "value") // unsigned
+NODE_XML(FloatingLiteral, "FloatingLiteral")
+ // FIXME: output float as written in source (no approximation or the like)
+ //ATTRIBUTE_XML(getValueAsApproximateDouble(), "value") // float
+NODE_XML(StringLiteral, "StringLiteral")
+ ATTRIBUTE_SPECIAL_XML(getStrData(), "value") // string, special handling for escaping needed
+ ATTRIBUTE_OPT_XML(isWide(), "is_wide") // boolean
+NODE_XML(UnaryOperator, "UnaryOperator") // op(expr) or (expr)op
+ ATTRIBUTE_ENUM_XML(getOpcode(), "kind")
+ ENUM_XML(UnaryOperator::PostInc, "postinc")
+ ENUM_XML(UnaryOperator::PostDec, "postdec")
+ ENUM_XML(UnaryOperator::PreInc, "preinc")
+ ENUM_XML(UnaryOperator::PreDec, "predec")
+ ENUM_XML(UnaryOperator::AddrOf, "addrof")
+ ENUM_XML(UnaryOperator::Deref, "deref")
+ ENUM_XML(UnaryOperator::Plus, "plus")
+ ENUM_XML(UnaryOperator::Minus, "minus")
+ ENUM_XML(UnaryOperator::Not, "not") // bitwise not
+ ENUM_XML(UnaryOperator::LNot, "lnot") // boolean not
+ ENUM_XML(UnaryOperator::Real, "__real")
+ ENUM_XML(UnaryOperator::Imag, "__imag")
+ ENUM_XML(UnaryOperator::Extension, "__extension__")
+ ENUM_XML(UnaryOperator::OffsetOf, "__builtin_offsetof")
+ SUB_NODE_XML(Expr) // expr
+NODE_XML(BinaryOperator, "BinaryOperator") // (expr1) op (expr2)
+ ATTRIBUTE_ENUM_XML(getOpcode(), "kind")
+ ENUM_XML(BinaryOperator::PtrMemD , "ptrmemd")
+ ENUM_XML(BinaryOperator::PtrMemI , "ptrmemi")
+ ENUM_XML(BinaryOperator::Mul , "mul")
+ ENUM_XML(BinaryOperator::Div , "div")
+ ENUM_XML(BinaryOperator::Rem , "rem")
+ ENUM_XML(BinaryOperator::Add , "add")
+ ENUM_XML(BinaryOperator::Sub , "sub")
+ ENUM_XML(BinaryOperator::Shl , "shl")
+ ENUM_XML(BinaryOperator::Shr , "shr")
+ ENUM_XML(BinaryOperator::LT , "lt")
+ ENUM_XML(BinaryOperator::GT , "gt")
+ ENUM_XML(BinaryOperator::LE , "le")
+ ENUM_XML(BinaryOperator::GE , "ge")
+ ENUM_XML(BinaryOperator::EQ , "eq")
+ ENUM_XML(BinaryOperator::NE , "ne")
+ ENUM_XML(BinaryOperator::And , "and") // bitwise and
+ ENUM_XML(BinaryOperator::Xor , "xor")
+ ENUM_XML(BinaryOperator::Or , "or") // bitwise or
+ ENUM_XML(BinaryOperator::LAnd , "land") // boolean and
+ ENUM_XML(BinaryOperator::LOr , "lor") // boolean or
+ ENUM_XML(BinaryOperator::Assign , "assign")
+ ENUM_XML(BinaryOperator::MulAssign, "mulassign")
+ ENUM_XML(BinaryOperator::DivAssign, "divassign")
+ ENUM_XML(BinaryOperator::RemAssign, "remassign")
+ ENUM_XML(BinaryOperator::AddAssign, "addassign")
+ ENUM_XML(BinaryOperator::SubAssign, "subassign")
+ ENUM_XML(BinaryOperator::ShlAssign, "shlassign")
+ ENUM_XML(BinaryOperator::ShrAssign, "shrassign")
+ ENUM_XML(BinaryOperator::AndAssign, "andassign")
+ ENUM_XML(BinaryOperator::XorAssign, "xorassign")
+ ENUM_XML(BinaryOperator::OrAssign , "orassign")
+ ENUM_XML(BinaryOperator::Comma , "comma")
+ SUB_NODE_XML(Expr) // expr1
+ SUB_NODE_XML(Expr) // expr2
+// FIXME: is there a special class needed or is BinaryOperator sufficient?
+//NODE_XML(CompoundAssignOperator, "CompoundAssignOperator")
+NODE_XML(ConditionalOperator, "ConditionalOperator") // expr1 ? expr2 : expr3
+ SUB_NODE_XML(Expr) // expr1
+ SUB_NODE_XML(Expr) // expr2
+ SUB_NODE_XML(Expr) // expr3
+NODE_XML(OffsetOfExpr, "OffsetOfExpr") // offsetof(basetype, components)
+ TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_XML(getTypeSourceInfo()->getType())
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getNumComponents(), "num_components")
+ SUB_NODE_SEQUENCE_XML(OffsetOfExpr::OffsetOfNode)
+NODE_XML(SizeOfAlignOfExpr, "SizeOfAlignOfExpr") // sizeof(expr) or alignof(expr)
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(isSizeOf(), "is_sizeof")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(isArgumentType(), "is_type") // "1" if expr denotes a type
+ ATTRIBUTE_SPECIAL_XML(getArgumentType(), "type_ref") // optional, denotes the type of expr, if is_type=="1", special handling needed since getArgumentType() could assert
+ SUB_NODE_OPT_XML(Expr) // expr, if is_type=="0"
+NODE_XML(ArraySubscriptExpr, "ArraySubscriptExpr") // expr1[expr2]
+ SUB_NODE_XML(Expr) // expr1
+ SUB_NODE_XML(Expr) // expr2
+NODE_XML(CallExpr, "CallExpr") // fnexpr(arg1, arg2, ...)
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getNumArgs(), "num_args") // unsigned
+ SUB_NODE_XML(Expr) // fnexpr
+ SUB_NODE_SEQUENCE_XML(Expr) // arg1..argN
+NODE_XML(MemberExpr, "MemberExpr") // expr->F or expr.F
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(isArrow(), "is_deref")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getMemberDecl(), "ref") // refers to F
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getMemberDecl()->getNameAsString(), "name") // informal
+ SUB_NODE_XML(Expr) // expr
+NODE_XML(CStyleCastExpr, "CStyleCastExpr") // (type)expr
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getTypeAsWritten(), "type_ref") // denotes the type as written in the source code
+ SUB_NODE_XML(Expr) // expr
+NODE_XML(ImplicitCastExpr, "ImplicitCastExpr")
+NODE_XML(CompoundLiteralExpr, "CompoundLiteralExpr") // [C99]
+ SUB_NODE_XML(Expr) // init
+NODE_XML(ExtVectorElementExpr, "ExtVectorElementExpr")
+ SUB_NODE_XML(Expr) // base
+NODE_XML(InitListExpr, "InitListExpr") // struct foo x = { expr1, { expr2, expr3 } };
+ ATTRIBUTE_OPT_XML(getInitializedFieldInUnion(), "field_ref") // if a union is initialized, this refers to the initialized union field id
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getNumInits(), "num_inits") // unsigned
+ SUB_NODE_SEQUENCE_XML(Expr) // expr1..exprN
+NODE_XML(DesignatedInitExpr, "DesignatedInitExpr")
+NODE_XML(ImplicitValueInitExpr, "ImplicitValueInitExpr") // Implicit value initializations occur within InitListExpr
+NODE_XML(VAArgExpr, "VAArgExpr") // used for the builtin function __builtin_va_start(expr)
+ SUB_NODE_XML(Expr) // expr
+NODE_XML(ParenExpr, "ParenExpr") // this represents a parethesized expression "(expr)". Only formed if full location information is requested.
+ SUB_NODE_XML(Expr) // expr
+// GNU Extensions
+NODE_XML(AddrLabelExpr, "AddrLabelExpr") // the GNU address of label extension, representing &&label.
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getLabel(), "ref") // id string
+ SUB_NODE_XML(LabelStmt) // expr
+NODE_XML(StmtExpr, "StmtExpr") // StmtExpr contains a single CompoundStmt node, which it evaluates and takes the value of the last subexpression.
+ SUB_NODE_XML(CompoundStmt)
+NODE_XML(TypesCompatibleExpr, "TypesCompatibleExpr") // GNU builtin-in function __builtin_types_compatible_p
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getArgType1(), "type1_ref") // id of type1
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getArgType2(), "type2_ref") // id of type2
+NODE_XML(ChooseExpr, "ChooseExpr") // GNU builtin-in function __builtin_choose_expr(expr1, expr2, expr3)
+ SUB_NODE_XML(Expr) // expr1
+ SUB_NODE_XML(Expr) // expr2
+ SUB_NODE_XML(Expr) // expr3
+NODE_XML(GNUNullExpr, "GNUNullExpr") // GNU __null extension
+// C++ Expressions
+NODE_XML(CXXOperatorCallExpr, "CXXOperatorCallExpr") // fnexpr(arg1, arg2, ...)
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getNumArgs(), "num_args") // unsigned
+ SUB_NODE_XML(Expr) // fnexpr
+ SUB_NODE_SEQUENCE_XML(Expr) // arg1..argN
+NODE_XML(CXXNamedCastExpr, "CXXNamedCastExpr") // xxx_cast<type>(expr)
+ ATTRIBUTE_ENUM_XML(getStmtClass(), "kind")
+ ENUM_XML(Stmt::CXXStaticCastExprClass, "static_cast")
+ ENUM_XML(Stmt::CXXDynamicCastExprClass, "dynamic_cast")
+ ENUM_XML(Stmt::CXXReinterpretCastExprClass, "reinterpret_cast")
+ ENUM_XML(Stmt::CXXConstCastExprClass, "const_cast")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getTypeAsWritten(), "type_ref") // denotes the type as written in the source code
+ SUB_NODE_XML(Expr) // expr
+NODE_XML(CXXMemberCallExpr, "CXXMemberCallExpr") // fnexpr(arg1, arg2, ...)
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getNumArgs(), "num_args") // unsigned
+ SUB_NODE_XML(Expr) // fnexpr
+ SUB_NODE_SEQUENCE_XML(Expr) // arg1..argN
+NODE_XML(CXXBoolLiteralExpr, "CXXBoolLiteralExpr")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getValue(), "value") // boolean
+NODE_XML(CXXNullPtrLiteralExpr, "CXXNullPtrLiteralExpr") // [C++0x 2.14.7] C++ Pointer Literal
+NODE_XML(CXXTypeidExpr, "CXXTypeidExpr") // typeid(expr)
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(isTypeOperand(), "is_type") // "1" if expr denotes a type
+ ATTRIBUTE_SPECIAL_XML(getTypeOperand(), "type_ref") // optional, denotes the type of expr, if is_type=="1", special handling needed since getTypeOperand() could assert
+ SUB_NODE_OPT_XML(Expr) // expr, if is_type=="0"
+NODE_XML(CXXThisExpr, "CXXThisExpr") // this
+NODE_XML(CXXThrowExpr, "CXXThrowExpr") // throw (expr);
+ SUB_NODE_XML(Expr) // NULL in case of "throw;"
+NODE_XML(CXXDefaultArgExpr, "CXXDefaultArgExpr")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getParam(), "ref") // id of the parameter declaration (the expression is a subnode of the declaration)
+#undef NODE_XML
+#undef ENUM_XML
+#undef END_ENUM_XML
+#undef END_NODE_XML
+#undef SUB_NODE_XML
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/TextDiagnosticBuffer.h b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/TextDiagnosticBuffer.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..380a1dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/TextDiagnosticBuffer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+//===--- TextDiagnosticBuffer.h - Buffer Text Diagnostics -------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This is a concrete diagnostic client, which buffers the diagnostic messages.
+#include "clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h"
+#include <vector>
+namespace clang {
+class Preprocessor;
+class SourceManager;
+class TextDiagnosticBuffer : public DiagnosticClient {
+ typedef std::vector<std::pair<SourceLocation, std::string> > DiagList;
+ typedef DiagList::iterator iterator;
+ typedef DiagList::const_iterator const_iterator;
+ DiagList Errors, Warnings, Notes;
+ const_iterator err_begin() const { return Errors.begin(); }
+ const_iterator err_end() const { return Errors.end(); }
+ const_iterator warn_begin() const { return Warnings.begin(); }
+ const_iterator warn_end() const { return Warnings.end(); }
+ const_iterator note_begin() const { return Notes.begin(); }
+ const_iterator note_end() const { return Notes.end(); }
+ virtual void HandleDiagnostic(Diagnostic::Level DiagLevel,
+ const DiagnosticInfo &Info);
+ /// FlushDiagnostics - Flush the buffered diagnostics to an given
+ /// diagnostic engine.
+ void FlushDiagnostics(Diagnostic &Diags) const;
+} // end namspace clang
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/TextDiagnosticPrinter.h b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/TextDiagnosticPrinter.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec4392f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/TextDiagnosticPrinter.h
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+//===--- TextDiagnosticPrinter.h - Text Diagnostic Client -------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This is a concrete diagnostic client, which prints the diagnostics to
+// standard error.
+#include "clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h"
+namespace llvm {
+ class raw_ostream;
+namespace clang {
+class DiagnosticOptions;
+class LangOptions;
+class SourceManager;
+class TextDiagnosticPrinter : public DiagnosticClient {
+ llvm::raw_ostream &OS;
+ const LangOptions *LangOpts;
+ const DiagnosticOptions *DiagOpts;
+ SourceLocation LastWarningLoc;
+ FullSourceLoc LastLoc;
+ unsigned LastCaretDiagnosticWasNote : 1;
+ unsigned OwnsOutputStream : 1;
+ /// A string to prefix to error messages.
+ std::string Prefix;
+ TextDiagnosticPrinter(llvm::raw_ostream &os, const DiagnosticOptions &diags,
+ bool OwnsOutputStream = false);
+ virtual ~TextDiagnosticPrinter();
+ /// setPrefix - Set the diagnostic printer prefix string, which will be
+ /// printed at the start of any diagnostics. If empty, no prefix string is
+ /// used.
+ void setPrefix(std::string Value) { Prefix = Value; }
+ void BeginSourceFile(const LangOptions &LO, const Preprocessor *PP) {
+ LangOpts = &LO;
+ }
+ void EndSourceFile() {
+ LangOpts = 0;
+ }
+ void PrintIncludeStack(SourceLocation Loc, const SourceManager &SM);
+ void HighlightRange(const SourceRange &R,
+ const SourceManager &SrcMgr,
+ unsigned LineNo, FileID FID,
+ std::string &CaretLine,
+ const std::string &SourceLine);
+ void EmitCaretDiagnostic(SourceLocation Loc,
+ SourceRange *Ranges, unsigned NumRanges,
+ const SourceManager &SM,
+ const FixItHint *Hints,
+ unsigned NumHints,
+ unsigned Columns,
+ unsigned OnMacroInst,
+ unsigned MacroSkipStart,
+ unsigned MacroSkipEnd);
+ virtual void HandleDiagnostic(Diagnostic::Level DiagLevel,
+ const DiagnosticInfo &Info);
+} // end namespace clang
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/TypeXML.def b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/TypeXML.def
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..069d718
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/TypeXML.def
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+//===-- TypeXML.def - Metadata about Type XML nodes ------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This file defines the XML type info database as written in the
+// <ReferenceSection>/<Types> sub-nodes of the XML document. Type nodes
+// are referred by "type" reference attributes throughout the document.
+// A type node never contains sub-nodes.
+// The semantics of the attributes and enums are mostly self-documenting
+// by looking at the appropriate internally used functions and values.
+// The following macros are used:
+// NODE_XML( CLASS, NAME ) - A node of name NAME denotes a concrete
+// type of class CLASS where CLASS is a class name used internally by clang.
+// After a NODE_XML the definition of all (optional) attributes of that type
+// node follows.
+// END_NODE_XML - Closes the attribute definition of the current node.
+// ID_ATTRIBUTE_XML - Each type node has an "id" attribute containing a
+// string, which value uniquely identify the type. Other nodes may refer
+// by "type" reference attributes to this value.
+// TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_XML( FN ) - Type nodes may refer to the ids of other type
+// nodes by a "type" attribute. FN is internally used by clang.
+// CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE_XML( FN ) - Type nodes may refer to the ids of their
+// declaration contexts by a "context" attribute. FN is internally used by
+// clang.
+// ATTRIBUTE_XML( FN, NAME ) - An attribute named NAME. FN is internally
+// used by clang. A boolean attribute have the values "0" or "1".
+// ATTRIBUTE_OPT_XML( FN, NAME ) - An optional attribute named NAME.
+// Optional attributes are omitted for boolean types, if the value is false,
+// for integral types, if the value is null and for strings,
+// if the value is the empty string. FN is internally used by clang.
+// ATTRIBUTE_ENUM[_OPT]_XML( FN, NAME ) - An attribute named NAME. The value
+// is an enumeration defined with ENUM_XML macros immediately following after
+// that macro. An optional attribute is ommited, if the particular enum is the
+// empty string. FN is internally used by clang.
+// ENUM_XML( VALUE, NAME ) - An enumeration element named NAME. VALUE is
+// internally used by clang.
+// END_ENUM_XML - Closes the enumeration definition of the current attribute.
+NODE_XML(Type, "FIXME_Type")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getTypeClassName(), "unhandled_type_name")
+NODE_XML(QualType, "CvQualifiedType")
+ TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_XML(getTypePtr()) // the qualified type, e.g. for 'T* const' it's 'T*'
+ ATTRIBUTE_OPT_XML(isLocalConstQualified(), "const") // boolean
+ ATTRIBUTE_OPT_XML(isLocalVolatileQualified(), "volatile") // boolean
+ ATTRIBUTE_OPT_XML(isLocalRestrictQualified(), "restrict") // boolean
+ ATTRIBUTE_OPT_XML(getObjCGCAttr(), "objc_gc") // Qualifiers::GC
+ ATTRIBUTE_OPT_XML(getAddressSpace(), "address_space") // unsigned
+NODE_XML(BuiltinType, "FundamentalType")
+ ATTRIBUTE_ENUM_XML(getKind(), "kind")
+ ENUM_XML(BuiltinType::Void, "void")
+ ENUM_XML(BuiltinType::Bool, "bool")
+ ENUM_XML(BuiltinType::Char_U, "char") // not explicitely qualified char, depends on target platform
+ ENUM_XML(BuiltinType::Char_S, "char") // not explicitely qualified char, depends on target platform
+ ENUM_XML(BuiltinType::SChar, "signed char")
+ ENUM_XML(BuiltinType::Short, "short");
+ ENUM_XML(BuiltinType::Int, "int");
+ ENUM_XML(BuiltinType::Long, "long");
+ ENUM_XML(BuiltinType::LongLong, "long long");
+ ENUM_XML(BuiltinType::Int128, "__int128_t");
+ ENUM_XML(BuiltinType::UChar, "unsigned char");
+ ENUM_XML(BuiltinType::UShort, "unsigned short");
+ ENUM_XML(BuiltinType::UInt, "unsigned int");
+ ENUM_XML(BuiltinType::ULong, "unsigned long");
+ ENUM_XML(BuiltinType::ULongLong, "unsigned long long");
+ ENUM_XML(BuiltinType::UInt128, "__uint128_t");
+ ENUM_XML(BuiltinType::Float, "float");
+ ENUM_XML(BuiltinType::Double, "double");
+ ENUM_XML(BuiltinType::LongDouble, "long double");
+ ENUM_XML(BuiltinType::WChar, "wchar_t");
+ ENUM_XML(BuiltinType::Char16, "char16_t");
+ ENUM_XML(BuiltinType::Char32, "char32_t");
+ ENUM_XML(BuiltinType::NullPtr, "nullptr_t"); // This is the type of C++0x 'nullptr'.
+ ENUM_XML(BuiltinType::Overload, "overloaded");
+ ENUM_XML(BuiltinType::Dependent, "dependent");
+NODE_XML(PointerType, "PointerType")
+ TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_XML(getPointeeType())
+NODE_XML(LValueReferenceType, "ReferenceType")
+ TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_XML(getPointeeType())
+NODE_XML(RValueReferenceType, "ReferenceType")
+ TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_XML(getPointeeType())
+NODE_XML(FunctionNoProtoType, "FunctionNoProtoType")
+NODE_XML(FunctionProtoType, "FunctionType")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getResultType(), "result_type")
+ ATTRIBUTE_OPT_XML(isVariadic(), "variadic")
+NODE_XML(TypedefType, "Typedef")
+ TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_XML(getDecl()->getUnderlyingType())
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getDecl()->getNameAsString(), "name") // string
+ CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE_XML(getDecl()->getDeclContext())
+NODE_XML(ComplexType, "ComplexType") // C99 complex types (_Complex float etc)
+ TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_XML(getElementType())
+NODE_XML(BlockPointerType, "BlockPointerType")
+ TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_XML(getPointeeType()) // alway refers to a function type
+NODE_XML(MemberPointerType, "MemberPointerType")
+ TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_XML(getPointeeType())
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getClass(), "class_type") // refers to the class type id of which the pointee is a member
+NODE_XML(ConstantArrayType, "ArrayType")
+ TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_XML(getElementType())
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getSize(), "size") // unsigned
+ ATTRIBUTE_ENUM_OPT_XML(getSizeModifier(), "size_modifier")
+ ENUM_XML(ArrayType::Normal, "")
+ ENUM_XML(ArrayType::Static, "static")
+ ENUM_XML(ArrayType::Star, "star")
+ ATTRIBUTE_OPT_XML(getIndexTypeCVRQualifiers(), "index_type_qualifier") // unsigned
+NODE_XML(IncompleteArrayType, "IncompleteArrayType")
+ TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_XML(getElementType())
+NODE_XML(VariableArrayType, "VariableArrayType")
+ TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_XML(getElementType())
+ // note: the size expression is print at the point of declaration
+NODE_XML(DependentSizedArrayType, "DependentSizedArrayType")
+ TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_XML(getElementType())
+ // FIXME: how to deal with size expression?
+NODE_XML(VectorType, "VectorType")
+ TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_XML(getElementType())
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getNumElements(), "size") // unsigned
+NODE_XML(ExtVectorType, "ExtVectorType")
+ TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_XML(getElementType())
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getNumElements(), "size") // unsigned
+NODE_XML(TypeOfExprType, "TypeOfExprType")
+ // note: the typeof expression is print at the point of use
+NODE_XML(TypeOfType, "TypeOfType")
+ TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_XML(getUnderlyingType())
+NODE_XML(RecordType, "Record")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getDecl()->getNameAsString(), "name") // string
+ ATTRIBUTE_ENUM_XML(getDecl()->getTagKind(), "kind")
+ ENUM_XML(TTK_Struct, "struct")
+ ENUM_XML(TTK_Union, "union")
+ ENUM_XML(TTK_Class, "class")
+ CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE_XML(getDecl()->getDeclContext())
+NODE_XML(EnumType, "Enum")
+ ATTRIBUTE_XML(getDecl()->getNameAsString(), "name") // string
+ CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE_XML(getDecl()->getDeclContext())
+NODE_XML(TemplateTypeParmType, "TemplateTypeParmType")
+NODE_XML(TemplateSpecializationType, "TemplateSpecializationType")
+NODE_XML(ElaboratedType, "ElaboratedType")
+ ATTRIBUTE_ENUM_XML(getKeyword(), "keyword")
+ ENUM_XML(ETK_None, "none")
+ ENUM_XML(ETK_Typename, "typename")
+ ENUM_XML(ETK_Struct, "struct")
+ ENUM_XML(ETK_Union, "union")
+ ENUM_XML(ETK_Class, "class")
+ ENUM_XML(ETK_Enum, "enum")
+ TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_XML(getNamedType())
+NODE_XML(InjectedClassNameType, "InjectedClassNameType")
+NODE_XML(DependentNameType, "DependentNameType")
+NODE_XML(ObjCInterfaceType, "ObjCInterfaceType")
+NODE_XML(ObjCObjectPointerType, "ObjCObjectPointerType")
+NODE_XML(SubstTemplateTypeParmType, "SubstTemplateTypeParm")
+NODE_XML(DependentSizedExtVectorType, "DependentSizedExtVector")
+NODE_XML(UnresolvedUsingType, "UnresolvedUsing")
+NODE_XML(DependentTypeOfExprType, "DependentTypeOfExpr")
+NODE_XML(DecltypeType, "Decltype")
+NODE_XML(DependentDecltypeType, "DependentDecltype")
+#undef NODE_XML
+#undef ENUM_XML
+#undef END_ENUM_XML
+#undef END_NODE_XML
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/Utils.h b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/Utils.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1d4831
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/Utils.h
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+//===--- Utils.h - Misc utilities for the front-end -------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This header contains miscellaneous utilities for various front-end actions.
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
+namespace llvm {
+class Triple;
+namespace clang {
+class ASTConsumer;
+class Decl;
+class DependencyOutputOptions;
+class Diagnostic;
+class DiagnosticOptions;
+class HeaderSearch;
+class HeaderSearchOptions;
+class IdentifierTable;
+class LangOptions;
+class MinimalAction;
+class Preprocessor;
+class PreprocessorOptions;
+class PreprocessorOutputOptions;
+class SourceManager;
+class Stmt;
+class TargetInfo;
+class FrontendOptions;
+/// Normalize \arg File for use in a user defined #include directive (in the
+/// predefines buffer).
+std::string NormalizeDashIncludePath(llvm::StringRef File);
+/// Apply the header search options to get given HeaderSearch object.
+void ApplyHeaderSearchOptions(HeaderSearch &HS,
+ const HeaderSearchOptions &HSOpts,
+ const LangOptions &Lang,
+ const llvm::Triple &triple);
+/// InitializePreprocessor - Initialize the preprocessor getting it and the
+/// environment ready to process a single file.
+void InitializePreprocessor(Preprocessor &PP,
+ const PreprocessorOptions &PPOpts,
+ const HeaderSearchOptions &HSOpts,
+ const FrontendOptions &FEOpts);
+/// ProcessWarningOptions - Initialize the diagnostic client and process the
+/// warning options specified on the command line.
+void ProcessWarningOptions(Diagnostic &Diags, const DiagnosticOptions &Opts);
+/// DoPrintPreprocessedInput - Implement -E mode.
+void DoPrintPreprocessedInput(Preprocessor &PP, llvm::raw_ostream* OS,
+ const PreprocessorOutputOptions &Opts);
+/// RewriteMacrosInInput - Implement -rewrite-macros mode.
+void RewriteMacrosInInput(Preprocessor &PP, llvm::raw_ostream* OS);
+/// RewriteMacrosInInput - A simple test for the TokenRewriter class.
+void DoRewriteTest(Preprocessor &PP, llvm::raw_ostream* OS);
+/// CreatePrintParserActionsAction - Return the actions implementation that
+/// implements the -parse-print-callbacks option.
+MinimalAction *CreatePrintParserActionsAction(Preprocessor &PP,
+ llvm::raw_ostream* OS);
+/// CheckDiagnostics - Gather the expected diagnostics and check them.
+bool CheckDiagnostics(Preprocessor &PP);
+/// AttachDependencyFileGen - Create a dependency file generator, and attach
+/// it to the given preprocessor. This takes ownership of the output stream.
+void AttachDependencyFileGen(Preprocessor &PP,
+ const DependencyOutputOptions &Opts);
+/// CacheTokens - Cache tokens for use with PCH. Note that this requires
+/// a seekable stream.
+void CacheTokens(Preprocessor &PP, llvm::raw_fd_ostream* OS);
+} // end namespace clang
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/VerifyDiagnosticsClient.h b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/VerifyDiagnosticsClient.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f45e49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang/Frontend/VerifyDiagnosticsClient.h
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+//===-- VerifyDiagnosticsClient.h - Verifying Diagnostic Client -*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/OwningPtr.h"
+namespace clang {
+class Diagnostic;
+class TextDiagnosticBuffer;
+/// VerifyDiagnosticsClient - Create a diagnostic client which will use markers
+/// in the input source to check that all the emitted diagnostics match those
+/// expected.
+/// Indicating that a line expects an error or a warning is simple. Put a
+/// comment on the line that has the diagnostic, use:
+/// expected-{error,warning,note}
+/// to tag if it's an expected error or warning, and place the expected text
+/// between {{ and }} markers. The full text doesn't have to be included, only
+/// enough to ensure that the correct diagnostic was emitted.
+/// Here's an example:
+/// int A = B; // expected-error {{use of undeclared identifier 'B'}}
+/// You can place as many diagnostics on one line as you wish. To make the code
+/// more readable, you can use slash-newline to separate out the diagnostics.
+/// The simple syntax above allows each specification to match exactly one
+/// error. You can use the extended syntax to customize this. The extended
+/// syntax is "expected-<type> <n> {{diag text}}", where <type> is one of
+/// "error", "warning" or "note", and <n> is a positive integer. This allows the
+/// diagnostic to appear as many times as specified. Example:
+/// void f(); // expected-note 2 {{previous declaration is here}}
+/// Regex matching mode may be selected by appending '-re' to type. Example:
+/// expected-error-re
+/// Examples matching error: "variable has incomplete type 'struct s'"
+/// // expected-error {{variable has incomplete type 'struct s'}}
+/// // expected-error {{variable has incomplete type}}
+/// // expected-error-re {{variable has has type 'struct .'}}
+/// // expected-error-re {{variable has has type 'struct .*'}}
+/// // expected-error-re {{variable has has type 'struct (.*)'}}
+/// // expected-error-re {{variable has has type 'struct[[:space:]](.*)'}}
+class VerifyDiagnosticsClient : public DiagnosticClient {
+ Diagnostic &Diags;
+ llvm::OwningPtr<DiagnosticClient> PrimaryClient;
+ llvm::OwningPtr<TextDiagnosticBuffer> Buffer;
+ Preprocessor *CurrentPreprocessor;
+ unsigned NumErrors;
+ void CheckDiagnostics();
+ /// Create a new verifying diagnostic client, which will issue errors to \arg
+ /// PrimaryClient when a diagnostic does not match what is expected (as
+ /// indicated in the source file). The verifying diagnostic client takes
+ /// ownership of \arg PrimaryClient.
+ VerifyDiagnosticsClient(Diagnostic &Diags, DiagnosticClient *PrimaryClient);
+ ~VerifyDiagnosticsClient();
+ virtual void BeginSourceFile(const LangOptions &LangOpts,
+ const Preprocessor *PP);
+ virtual void EndSourceFile();
+ virtual void HandleDiagnostic(Diagnostic::Level DiagLevel,
+ const DiagnosticInfo &Info);
+ /// HadErrors - Check if there were any mismatches in expected diagnostics.
+ bool HadErrors();
+} // end namspace clang
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