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+Network Working Group R. Austein
+Request for Comments: 1612 Epilogue Technology Corporation
+Category: Standards Track J. Saperia
+ Digital Equipment Corporation
+ May 1994
+ DNS Resolver MIB Extensions
+Status of this Memo
+ This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the
+ Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for
+ improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet
+ Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state
+ and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.
+Table of Contents
+ 1. Introduction .............................................. 1
+ 2. The SNMPv2 Network Management Framework ................... 2
+ 2.1 Object Definitions ....................................... 2
+ 3. Overview .................................................. 2
+ 3.1 Resolvers ................................................ 3
+ 3.2 Name Servers ............................................. 3
+ 3.3 Selected Objects ......................................... 4
+ 3.4 Textual Conventions ...................................... 4
+ 4. Definitions ............................................... 5
+ 5. Acknowledgements .......................................... 30
+ 6. References ................................................ 30
+ 7. Security Considerations ................................... 32
+ 8. Authors' Addresses ........................................ 32
+1. Introduction
+ This memo defines a portion of the Management Information Base (MIB)
+ for use with network management protocols in the Internet community.
+ In particular, it describes a set of extensions which instrument DNS
+ resolver functions. This memo was produced by the DNS working group.
+ With the adoption of the Internet-standard Network Management
+ Framework [4,5,6,7], and with a large number of vendor
+ implementations of these standards in commercially available
+ products, it became possible to provide a higher level of effective
+ network management in TCP/IP-based internets than was previously
+ available. With the growth in the use of these standards, it has
+ become possible to consider the management of other elements of the
+ infrastructure beyond the basic TCP/IP protocols. A key element of
+Austein & Saperia [Page 1]
+RFC 1612 DNS Resolver MIB May 1994
+ the TCP/IP infrastructure is the DNS.
+ Up to this point there has been no mechanism to integrate the
+ management of the DNS with SNMP-based managers. This memo provides
+ the mechanisms by which IP-based management stations can effectively
+ manage DNS resolver software in an integrated fashion.
+ We have defined DNS MIB objects to be used in conjunction with the
+ Internet MIB to allow access to and control of DNS resolver software
+ via SNMP by the Internet community.
+2. The SNMPv2 Network Management Framework
+ The SNMPv2 Network Management Framework consists of four major
+ components. They are:
+ o RFC 1442 which defines the SMI, the mechanisms used for
+ describing and naming objects for the purpose of management.
+ o STD 17, RFC 1213 defines MIB-II, the core set of managed
+ objects for the Internet suite of protocols.
+ o RFC 1445 which defines the administrative and other
+ architectural aspects of the framework.
+ o RFC 1448 which defines the protocol used for network access to
+ managed objects.
+ The Framework permits new objects to be defined for the purpose of
+ experimentation and evaluation.
+2.1. Object Definitions
+ Managed objects are accessed via a virtual information store, termed
+ the Management Information Base or MIB. Objects in the MIB are
+ defined using the subset of Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1)
+ defined in the SMI. In particular, each object object type is named
+ by an OBJECT IDENTIFIER, an administratively assigned name. The
+ object type together with an object instance serves to uniquely
+ identify a specific instantiation of the object. For human
+ convenience, we often use a textual string, termed the descriptor, to
+ refer to the object type.
+3. Overview
+ In theory, the DNS world is pretty simple. There are two kinds of
+ entities: resolvers and name servers. Resolvers ask questions. Name
+ servers answer them. The real world, however, is not so simple.
+Austein & Saperia [Page 2]
+RFC 1612 DNS Resolver MIB May 1994
+ Implementors have made widely differing choices about how to divide
+ DNS functions between resolvers and servers. They have also
+ constructed various sorts of exotic hybrids. The most difficult task
+ in defining this MIB was to accommodate this wide range of entities
+ without having to come up with a separate MIB for each.
+ We divided up the various DNS functions into two, non-overlapping
+ classes, called "resolver functions" and "name server functions." A
+ DNS entity that performs what we define as resolver functions
+ contains a resolver, and therefore must implement the MIB groups
+ required of all resolvers which are defined in this module. Some
+ resolvers also implement "optional" functions such as a cache, in
+ which case they must also implement the cache group contained in this
+ MIB. A DNS entity which implements name server functions is
+ considered to be a name server, and must implement the MIB groups
+ required for name servers which are defined in a separate module. If
+ the same piece of software performs both resolver and server
+ functions, we imagine that it contains both a resolver and a server
+ and would thus implement both the DNS Server and DNS Resolver MIBs.
+3.1. Resolvers
+ In our model, a resolver is a program (or piece thereof) which
+ obtains resource records from servers. Normally it does so at the
+ behest of an application, but may also do so as part of its own
+ operation. A resolver sends DNS protocol queries and receives DNS
+ protocol replies. A resolver neither receives queries nor sends
+ replies. A full service resolver is one that knows how to resolve
+ queries: it obtains the needed resource records by contacting a
+ server authoritative for the records desired. A stub resolver does
+ not know how to resolve queries: it sends all queries to a local name
+ server, setting the "recursion desired" flag to indicate that it
+ hopes that the name server will be willing to resolve the query. A
+ resolver may (optionally) have a cache for remembering previously
+ acquired resource records. It may also have a negative cache for
+ remembering names or data that have been determined not to exist.
+3.2. Name Servers
+ A name server is a program (or piece thereof) that provides resource
+ records to resolvers. All references in this document to "a name
+ server" imply "the name server's role"; in some cases the name
+ server's role and the resolver's role might be combined into a single
+ program. A name server receives DNS protocol queries and sends DNS
+ protocol replies. A name server neither sends queries nor receives
+ replies. As a consequence, name servers do not have caches.
+ Normally, a name server would expect to receive only those queries to
+ which it could respond with authoritative information. However, if a
+Austein & Saperia [Page 3]
+RFC 1612 DNS Resolver MIB May 1994
+ name server receives a query that it cannot respond to with purely
+ authoritative information, it may choose to try to obtain the
+ necessary additional information from a resolver which may or may not
+ be a separate process.
+3.3. Selected Objects
+ Many of the objects included in this memo have been created from
+ information contained in the DNS specifications [1,2], as amended and
+ clarified by subsequent host requirements documents [3]. Other
+ objects have been created based on experience with existing DNS
+ management tools, expected operational needs, the statistics
+ generated by existing DNS implementations, and the configuration
+ files used by existing DNS implementations. These objects have been
+ ordered into groups as follows:
+ o Resolver Configuration Group
+ o Resolver Counter Group
+ o Resolver Lame Delegation Group
+ o Resolver Cache Group
+ o Resolver Negative Cache Group
+ o Resolver Optional Counter Group
+ This information has been converted into a standard form using the
+ SNMPv2 SMI defined in [9]. For the most part, the descriptions are
+ influenced by the DNS related RFCs noted above. For example, the
+ descriptions for counters used for the various types of queries of
+ DNS records are influenced by the definitions used for the various
+ record types found in [2].
+3.4. Textual Conventions
+ Several conceptual data types have been introduced as a textual
+ conventions in the DNS Server MIB document and have been imported
+ into this MIB module. These additions will facilitate the common
+ understanding of information used by the DNS. No changes to the SMI
+ or the SNMP are necessary to support these conventions.
+ Readers familiar with MIBs designed to manage entities in the lower
+ layers of the Internet protocol suite may be surprised at the number
+ of non-enumerated integers used in this MIB to represent values such
+ as DNS RR class and type numbers. The reason for this choice is
+ simple: the DNS itself is designed as an extensible protocol,
+Austein & Saperia [Page 4]
+RFC 1612 DNS Resolver MIB May 1994
+ allowing new classes and types of resource records to be added to the
+ protocol without recoding the core DNS software. Using non-
+ enumerated integers to represent these data types in this MIB allows
+ the MIB to accommodate these changes as well.
+4. Definitions
+ MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, IpAddress, Counter32, Integer32
+ TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, RowStatus, DisplayString
+ dns, DnsName, DnsNameAsIndex, DnsClass, DnsType, DnsQClass,
+ DnsQType, DnsTime, DnsOpCode, DnsRespCode
+ -- DNS Resolver MIB
+ LAST-UPDATED "9401282250Z"
+ " Rob Austein
+ Postal: Epilogue Technology Corporation
+ 268 Main Street, Suite 283
+ North Reading, MA 10864
+ US
+ Tel: +1 617 245 0804
+ Fax: +1 617 245 8122
+ E-Mail:
+ Jon Saperia
+ Postal: Digital Equipment Corporation
+ 110 Spit Brook Road
+ ZKO1-3/H18
+ Nashua, NH 03062-2698
+ US
+ Tel: +1 603 881 0480
+ Fax: +1 603 881 0120
+ E-mail:"
+ "The MIB module for entities implementing the client
+ (resolver) side of the Domain Name System (DNS)
+ protocol."
+Austein & Saperia [Page 5]
+RFC 1612 DNS Resolver MIB May 1994
+ ::= { dns 2 }
+ dnsResMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dnsResMIB 1 }
+ -- (Old-style) groups in the DNS resolver MIB.
+ dnsResConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dnsResMIBObjects 1 }
+ dnsResCounter OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dnsResMIBObjects 2 }
+ dnsResLameDelegation OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dnsResMIBObjects 3 }
+ dnsResCache OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dnsResMIBObjects 4 }
+ dnsResNCache OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dnsResMIBObjects 5 }
+ dnsResOptCounter OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dnsResMIBObjects 6 }
+ -- Resolver Configuration Group
+ dnsResConfigImplementIdent OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX DisplayString
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The implementation identification string for the
+ resolver software in use on the system, for example;
+ `RES-2.1'"
+ ::= { dnsResConfig 1 }
+ dnsResConfigService OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX INTEGER { recursiveOnly(1),
+ iterativeOnly(2),
+ recursiveAndIterative(3) }
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "Kind of DNS resolution service provided:
+ recursiveOnly(1) indicates a stub resolver.
+ iterativeOnly(2) indicates a normal full service
+ resolver.
+ recursiveAndIterative(3) indicates a full-service
+ resolver which performs a mix of recursive and iterative
+ queries."
+ ::= { dnsResConfig 2 }
+ dnsResConfigMaxCnames OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2147483647)
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+Austein & Saperia [Page 6]
+RFC 1612 DNS Resolver MIB May 1994
+ STATUS current
+ "Limit on how many CNAMEs the resolver should allow
+ before deciding that there's a CNAME loop. Zero means
+ that resolver has no explicit CNAME limit."
+ "RFC-1035 section 7.1."
+ ::= { dnsResConfig 3 }
+ -- DNS Resolver Safety Belt Table
+ dnsResConfigSbeltTable OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DnsResConfigSbeltEntry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "Table of safety belt information used by the resolver
+ when it hasn't got any better idea of where to send a
+ query, such as when the resolver is booting or is a stub
+ resolver."
+ ::= { dnsResConfig 4 }
+ dnsResConfigSbeltEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX DnsResConfigSbeltEntry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "An entry in the resolver's Sbelt table.
+ Rows may be created or deleted at any time by the DNS
+ resolver and by SNMP SET requests. Whether the values
+ changed via SNMP are saved in stable storage across
+ `reset' operations is implementation-specific."
+ INDEX { dnsResConfigSbeltAddr,
+ dnsResConfigSbeltSubTree,
+ dnsResConfigSbeltClass }
+ ::= { dnsResConfigSbeltTable 1 }
+ DnsResConfigSbeltEntry ::=
+ dnsResConfigSbeltAddr
+ IpAddress,
+ dnsResConfigSbeltName
+ DnsName,
+ dnsResConfigSbeltRecursion
+ dnsResConfigSbeltPref
+ dnsResConfigSbeltSubTree
+Austein & Saperia [Page 7]
+RFC 1612 DNS Resolver MIB May 1994
+ DnsNameAsIndex,
+ dnsResConfigSbeltClass
+ DnsClass,
+ dnsResConfigSbeltStatus
+ RowStatus
+ }
+ dnsResConfigSbeltAddr OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX IpAddress
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "The IP address of the Sbelt name server identified by
+ this row of the table."
+ ::= { dnsResConfigSbeltEntry 1 }
+ dnsResConfigSbeltName OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX DnsName
+ MAX-ACCESS read-create
+ STATUS current
+ "The DNS name of a Sbelt nameserver identified by this
+ row of the table. A zero-length string indicates that
+ the name is not known by the resolver."
+ ::= { dnsResConfigSbeltEntry 2 }
+ dnsResConfigSbeltRecursion OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX INTEGER { iterative(1),
+ recursive(2),
+ recursiveAndIterative(3) }
+ MAX-ACCESS read-create
+ STATUS current
+ "Kind of queries resolver will be sending to the name
+ server identified in this row of the table:
+ iterative(1) indicates that resolver will be directing
+ iterative queries to this name server (RD bit turned
+ off).
+ recursive(2) indicates that resolver will be directing
+ recursive queries to this name server (RD bit turned
+ on).
+ recursiveAndIterative(3) indicates that the resolver
+ will be directing both recursive and iterative queries
+ to the server identified in this row of the table."
+ ::= { dnsResConfigSbeltEntry 3 }
+Austein & Saperia [Page 8]
+RFC 1612 DNS Resolver MIB May 1994
+ dnsResConfigSbeltPref OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2147483647)
+ MAX-ACCESS read-create
+ STATUS current
+ "This value identifies the preference for the name server
+ identified in this row of the table. The lower the
+ value, the more desirable the resolver considers this
+ server."
+ ::= { dnsResConfigSbeltEntry 4 }
+ dnsResConfigSbeltSubTree OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX DnsNameAsIndex
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "Queries sent to the name server identified by this row
+ of the table are limited to those for names in the name
+ subtree identified by this variable. If no such
+ limitation applies, the value of this variable is the
+ name of the root domain (a DNS name consisting of a
+ single zero octet)."
+ ::= { dnsResConfigSbeltEntry 5 }
+ dnsResConfigSbeltClass OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX DnsClass
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "The class of DNS queries that will be sent to the server
+ identified by this row of the table."
+ ::= { dnsResConfigSbeltEntry 6 }
+ dnsResConfigSbeltStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX RowStatus
+ MAX-ACCESS read-create
+ STATUS current
+ "Row status column for this row of the Sbelt table."
+ ::= { dnsResConfigSbeltEntry 7 }
+ dnsResConfigUpTime OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX DnsTime
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "If the resolver has a persistent state (e.g., a
+ process), this value will be the time elapsed since it
+Austein & Saperia [Page 9]
+RFC 1612 DNS Resolver MIB May 1994
+ started. For software without persistant state, this
+ value will be 0."
+ ::= { dnsResConfig 5 }
+ dnsResConfigResetTime OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX DnsTime
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "If the resolver has a persistent state (e.g., a process)
+ and supports a `reset' operation (e.g., can be told to
+ re-read configuration files), this value will be the
+ time elapsed since the last time the resolver was
+ `reset.' For software that does not have persistence or
+ does not support a `reset' operation, this value will be
+ zero."
+ ::= { dnsResConfig 6 }
+ dnsResConfigReset OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1),
+ reset(2),
+ initializing(3),
+ running(4) }
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ "Status/action object to reinitialize any persistant
+ resolver state. When set to reset(2), any persistant
+ resolver state (such as a process) is reinitialized as if
+ the resolver had just been started. This value will
+ never be returned by a read operation. When read, one of
+ the following values will be returned:
+ other(1) - resolver in some unknown state;
+ initializing(3) - resolver (re)initializing;
+ running(4) - resolver currently running."
+ ::= { dnsResConfig 7 }
+ -- Resolver Counters Group
+ -- Resolver Counter Table
+ dnsResCounterByOpcodeTable OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DnsResCounterByOpcodeEntry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "Table of the current count of resolver queries and
+Austein & Saperia [Page 10]
+RFC 1612 DNS Resolver MIB May 1994
+ answers."
+ ::= { dnsResCounter 3 }
+ dnsResCounterByOpcodeEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX DnsResCounterByOpcodeEntry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "Entry in the resolver counter table. Entries are
+ indexed by DNS OpCode."
+ INDEX { dnsResCounterByOpcodeCode }
+ ::= { dnsResCounterByOpcodeTable 1 }
+ DnsResCounterByOpcodeEntry ::=
+ dnsResCounterByOpcodeCode
+ DnsOpCode,
+ dnsResCounterByOpcodeQueries
+ Counter32,
+ dnsResCounterByOpcodeResponses
+ Counter32
+ }
+ dnsResCounterByOpcodeCode OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX DnsOpCode
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "The index to this table. The OpCodes that have already
+ been defined are found in RFC-1035."
+ "RFC-1035 section 4.1.1."
+ ::= { dnsResCounterByOpcodeEntry 1 }
+ dnsResCounterByOpcodeQueries OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "Total number of queries that have sent out by the
+ resolver since initialization for the OpCode which is
+ the index to this row of the table."
+ ::= { dnsResCounterByOpcodeEntry 2 }
+ dnsResCounterByOpcodeResponses OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+Austein & Saperia [Page 11]
+RFC 1612 DNS Resolver MIB May 1994
+ "Total number of responses that have been received by the
+ resolver since initialization for the OpCode which is
+ the index to this row of the table."
+ ::= { dnsResCounterByOpcodeEntry 3 }
+ -- Resolver Response Code Counter Table
+ dnsResCounterByRcodeTable OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DnsResCounterByRcodeEntry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "Table of the current count of responses to resolver
+ queries."
+ ::= { dnsResCounter 4 }
+ dnsResCounterByRcodeEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX DnsResCounterByRcodeEntry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "Entry in the resolver response table. Entries are
+ indexed by DNS response code."
+ INDEX { dnsResCounterByRcodeCode }
+ ::= { dnsResCounterByRcodeTable 1 }
+ DnsResCounterByRcodeEntry ::=
+ dnsResCounterByRcodeCode
+ DnsRespCode,
+ dnsResCounterByRcodeResponses
+ Counter32
+ }
+ dnsResCounterByRcodeCode OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX DnsRespCode
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "The index to this table. The Response Codes that have
+ already been defined are found in RFC-1035."
+ "RFC-1035 section 4.1.1."
+ ::= { dnsResCounterByRcodeEntry 1 }
+Austein & Saperia [Page 12]
+RFC 1612 DNS Resolver MIB May 1994
+ dnsResCounterByRcodeResponses OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "Number of responses the resolver has received for the
+ response code value which identifies this row of the
+ table."
+ ::= { dnsResCounterByRcodeEntry 2 }
+ -- Additional DNS Resolver Counter Objects
+ dnsResCounterNonAuthDataResps OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "Number of requests made by the resolver for which a
+ non-authoritative answer (cached data) was received."
+ ::= { dnsResCounter 5 }
+ dnsResCounterNonAuthNoDataResps OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "Number of requests made by the resolver for which a
+ non-authoritative answer - no such data response (empty
+ answer) was received."
+ ::= { dnsResCounter 6 }
+ dnsResCounterMartians OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "Number of responses received which were received from
+ servers that the resolver does not think it asked."
+ ::= { dnsResCounter 7 }
+ dnsResCounterRecdResponses OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "Number of responses received to all queries."
+ ::= { dnsResCounter 8 }
+Austein & Saperia [Page 13]
+RFC 1612 DNS Resolver MIB May 1994
+ dnsResCounterUnparseResps OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "Number of responses received which were unparseable."
+ ::= { dnsResCounter 9 }
+ dnsResCounterFallbacks OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "Number of times the resolver had to fall back to its
+ seat belt information."
+ ::= { dnsResCounter 10 }
+ -- Lame Delegation Group
+ dnsResLameDelegationOverflows OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "Number of times the resolver attempted to add an entry
+ to the Lame Delegation table but was unable to for some
+ reason such as space constraints."
+ ::= { dnsResLameDelegation 1 }
+ -- Lame Delegation Table
+ dnsResLameDelegationTable OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DnsResLameDelegationEntry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "Table of name servers returning lame delegations.
+ A lame delegation has occured when a parent zone
+ delegates authority for a child zone to a server that
+ appears not to think that it is authoritative for the
+ child zone in question."
+ ::= { dnsResLameDelegation 2 }
+ dnsResLameDelegationEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX DnsResLameDelegationEntry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+Austein & Saperia [Page 14]
+RFC 1612 DNS Resolver MIB May 1994
+ STATUS current
+ "Entry in lame delegation table. Only the resolver may
+ create rows in this table. SNMP SET requests may be used
+ to delete rows."
+ INDEX { dnsResLameDelegationSource,
+ dnsResLameDelegationName,
+ dnsResLameDelegationClass }
+ ::= { dnsResLameDelegationTable 1 }
+ DnsResLameDelegationEntry ::=
+ dnsResLameDelegationSource
+ IpAddress,
+ dnsResLameDelegationName
+ DnsNameAsIndex,
+ dnsResLameDelegationClass
+ DnsClass,
+ dnsResLameDelegationCounts
+ Counter32,
+ dnsResLameDelegationStatus
+ RowStatus
+ }
+ dnsResLameDelegationSource OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX IpAddress
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "Source of lame delegation."
+ ::= { dnsResLameDelegationEntry 1 }
+ dnsResLameDelegationName OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX DnsNameAsIndex
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "DNS name for which lame delegation was received."
+ ::= { dnsResLameDelegationEntry 2 }
+ dnsResLameDelegationClass OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX DnsClass
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "DNS class of received lame delegation."
+ ::= { dnsResLameDelegationEntry 3 }
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+RFC 1612 DNS Resolver MIB May 1994
+ dnsResLameDelegationCounts OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "How many times this lame delegation has been received."
+ ::= { dnsResLameDelegationEntry 4 }
+ dnsResLameDelegationStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX RowStatus
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ "Status column for the lame delegation table. Since only
+ the agent (DNS resolver) creates rows in this table, the
+ only values that a manager may write to this variable
+ are active(1) and destroy(6)."
+ ::= { dnsResLameDelegationEntry 5 }
+ -- Resolver Cache Group
+ dnsResCacheStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2), clear(3) }
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ "Status/action for the resolver's cache.
+ enabled(1) means that the use of the cache is allowed.
+ Query operations can return this state.
+ disabled(2) means that the cache is not being used.
+ Query operations can return this state.
+ Setting this variable to clear(3) deletes the entire
+ contents of the resolver's cache, but does not otherwise
+ change the resolver's state. The status will retain its
+ previous value from before the clear operation (i.e.,
+ enabled(1) or disabled(2)). The value of clear(3) can
+ NOT be returned by a query operation."
+ ::= { dnsResCache 1 }
+ SYNTAX DnsTime
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+Austein & Saperia [Page 16]
+RFC 1612 DNS Resolver MIB May 1994
+ "Maximum Time-To-Live for RRs in this cache. If the
+ resolver does not implement a TTL ceiling, the value of
+ this field should be zero."
+ ::= { dnsResCache 2 }
+ dnsResCacheGoodCaches OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "Number of RRs the resolver has cached successfully."
+ ::= { dnsResCache 3 }
+ dnsResCacheBadCaches OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "Number of RRs the resolver has refused to cache because
+ they appear to be dangerous or irrelevant. E.g., RRs
+ with suspiciously high TTLs, unsolicited root
+ information, or that just don't appear to be relevant to
+ the question the resolver asked."
+ ::= { dnsResCache 4 }
+ -- Resolver Cache Table
+ dnsResCacheRRTable OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "This table contains information about all the resource
+ records currently in the resolver's cache."
+ ::= { dnsResCache 5 }
+ dnsResCacheRREntry OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX DnsResCacheRREntry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "An entry in the resolvers's cache. Rows may be created
+ only by the resolver. SNMP SET requests may be used to
+ delete rows."
+ INDEX { dnsResCacheRRName,
+ dnsResCacheRRClass,
+ dnsResCacheRRType,
+ dnsResCacheRRIndex }
+Austein & Saperia [Page 17]
+RFC 1612 DNS Resolver MIB May 1994
+ ::= { dnsResCacheRRTable 1 }
+ DnsResCacheRREntry ::=
+ dnsResCacheRRName
+ DnsNameAsIndex,
+ dnsResCacheRRClass
+ DnsClass,
+ dnsResCacheRRType
+ DnsType,
+ dnsResCacheRRTTL
+ DnsTime,
+ dnsResCacheRRElapsedTTL
+ DnsTime,
+ dnsResCacheRRSource
+ IpAddress,
+ dnsResCacheRRData
+ dnsResCacheRRStatus
+ RowStatus,
+ dnsResCacheRRIndex
+ Integer32,
+ dnsResCacheRRPrettyName
+ DnsName
+ }
+ dnsResCacheRRName OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX DnsNameAsIndex
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "Owner name of the Resource Record in the cache which is
+ identified in this row of the table. As described in
+ RFC-1034, the owner of the record is the domain name
+ were the RR is found."
+ "RFC-1034 section 3.6."
+ ::= { dnsResCacheRREntry 1 }
+ dnsResCacheRRClass OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX DnsClass
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "DNS class of the Resource Record in the cache which is
+ identified in this row of the table."
+ ::= { dnsResCacheRREntry 2 }
+Austein & Saperia [Page 18]
+RFC 1612 DNS Resolver MIB May 1994
+ dnsResCacheRRType OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX DnsType
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "DNS type of the Resource Record in the cache which is
+ identified in this row of the table."
+ ::= { dnsResCacheRREntry 3 }
+ SYNTAX DnsTime
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "Time-To-Live of RR in DNS cache. This is the initial
+ TTL value which was received with the RR when it was
+ originally received."
+ ::= { dnsResCacheRREntry 4 }
+ dnsResCacheRRElapsedTTL OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX DnsTime
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "Elapsed seconds since RR was received."
+ ::= { dnsResCacheRREntry 5 }
+ dnsResCacheRRSource OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX IpAddress
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "Host from which RR was received, if unknown."
+ ::= { dnsResCacheRREntry 6 }
+ dnsResCacheRRData OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "RDATA portion of a cached RR. The value is in the
+ format defined for the particular DNS class and type of
+ the resource record."
+ "RFC-1035 section 3.2.1."
+ ::= { dnsResCacheRREntry 7 }
+Austein & Saperia [Page 19]
+RFC 1612 DNS Resolver MIB May 1994
+ dnsResCacheRRStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX RowStatus
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ "Status column for the resolver cache table. Since only
+ the agent (DNS resolver) creates rows in this table, the
+ only values that a manager may write to this variable
+ are active(1) and destroy(6)."
+ ::= { dnsResCacheRREntry 8 }
+ dnsResCacheRRIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Integer32
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "A value which makes entries in the table unique when the
+ other index values (dnsResCacheRRName,
+ dnsResCacheRRClass, and dnsResCacheRRType) do not
+ provide a unique index."
+ ::= { dnsResCacheRREntry 9 }
+ dnsResCacheRRPrettyName OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX DnsName
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "Name of the RR at this row in the table. This is
+ identical to the dnsResCacheRRName variable, except that
+ character case is preserved in this variable, per DNS
+ conventions."
+ "RFC-1035 section 2.3.3."
+ ::= { dnsResCacheRREntry 10 }
+ -- Resolver Negative Cache Group
+ dnsResNCacheStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2), clear(3) }
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ "Status/action for the resolver's negative response
+ cache.
+ enabled(1) means that the use of the negative response
+ cache is allowed. Query operations can return this
+ state.
+Austein & Saperia [Page 20]
+RFC 1612 DNS Resolver MIB May 1994
+ disabled(2) means that the negative response cache is
+ not being used. Query operations can return this state.
+ Setting this variable to clear(3) deletes the entire
+ contents of the resolver's negative response cache. The
+ status will retain its previous value from before the
+ clear operation (i.e., enabled(1) or disabled(2)). The
+ value of clear(3) can NOT be returned by a query
+ operation."
+ ::= { dnsResNCache 1 }
+ SYNTAX DnsTime
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ "Maximum Time-To-Live for cached authoritative errors.
+ If the resolver does not implement a TTL ceiling, the
+ value of this field should be zero."
+ ::= { dnsResNCache 2 }
+ dnsResNCacheGoodNCaches OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "Number of authoritative errors the resolver has cached
+ successfully."
+ ::= { dnsResNCache 3 }
+ dnsResNCacheBadNCaches OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "Number of authoritative errors the resolver would have
+ liked to cache but was unable to because the appropriate
+ SOA RR was not supplied or looked suspicious."
+ "RFC-1034 section 4.3.4."
+ ::= { dnsResNCache 4 }
+ -- Resolver Negative Cache Table
+ dnsResNCacheErrTable OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+Austein & Saperia [Page 21]
+RFC 1612 DNS Resolver MIB May 1994
+ "The resolver's negative response cache. This table
+ contains information about authoritative errors that
+ have been cached by the resolver."
+ ::= { dnsResNCache 5 }
+ dnsResNCacheErrEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX DnsResNCacheErrEntry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "An entry in the resolver's negative response cache
+ table. Only the resolver can create rows. SNMP SET
+ requests may be used to delete rows."
+ INDEX { dnsResNCacheErrQName,
+ dnsResNCacheErrQClass,
+ dnsResNCacheErrQType,
+ dnsResNCacheErrIndex }
+ ::= { dnsResNCacheErrTable 1 }
+ DnsResNCacheErrEntry ::=
+ dnsResNCacheErrQName
+ DnsNameAsIndex,
+ dnsResNCacheErrQClass
+ DnsQClass,
+ dnsResNCacheErrQType
+ DnsQType,
+ dnsResNCacheErrTTL
+ DnsTime,
+ dnsResNCacheErrElapsedTTL
+ DnsTime,
+ dnsResNCacheErrSource
+ IpAddress,
+ dnsResNCacheErrCode
+ dnsResNCacheErrStatus
+ RowStatus,
+ dnsResNCacheErrIndex
+ Integer32,
+ dnsResNCacheErrPrettyName
+ DnsName
+ }
+ dnsResNCacheErrQName OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX DnsNameAsIndex
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+Austein & Saperia [Page 22]
+RFC 1612 DNS Resolver MIB May 1994
+ "QNAME associated with a cached authoritative error."
+ "RFC-1034 section 3.7.1."
+ ::= { dnsResNCacheErrEntry 1 }
+ dnsResNCacheErrQClass OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX DnsQClass
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "DNS QCLASS associated with a cached authoritative
+ error."
+ ::= { dnsResNCacheErrEntry 2 }
+ dnsResNCacheErrQType OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "DNS QTYPE associated with a cached authoritative error."
+ ::= { dnsResNCacheErrEntry 3 }
+ SYNTAX DnsTime
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "Time-To-Live of a cached authoritative error at the time
+ of the error, it should not be decremented by the number
+ of seconds since it was received. This should be the
+ TTL as copied from the MINIMUM field of the SOA that
+ accompanied the authoritative error, or a smaller value
+ if the resolver implements a ceiling on negative
+ response cache TTLs."
+ "RFC-1034 section 4.3.4."
+ ::= { dnsResNCacheErrEntry 4 }
+ dnsResNCacheErrElapsedTTL OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX DnsTime
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "Elapsed seconds since authoritative error was received."
+ ::= { dnsResNCacheErrEntry 5 }
+Austein & Saperia [Page 23]
+RFC 1612 DNS Resolver MIB May 1994
+ dnsResNCacheErrSource OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX IpAddress
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "Host which sent the authoritative error, if
+ unknown."
+ ::= { dnsResNCacheErrEntry 6 }
+ dnsResNCacheErrCode OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX INTEGER { nonexistantName(1), noData(2), other(3) }
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The authoritative error that has been cached:
+ nonexistantName(1) indicates an authoritative name error
+ (RCODE = 3).
+ noData(2) indicates an authoritative response with no
+ error (RCODE = 0) and no relevant data.
+ other(3) indicates some other cached authoritative
+ error. At present, no such errors are known to exist."
+ ::= { dnsResNCacheErrEntry 7 }
+ dnsResNCacheErrStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX RowStatus
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ "Status column for the resolver negative response cache
+ table. Since only the agent (DNS resolver) creates rows
+ in this table, the only values that a manager may write
+ to this variable are active(1) and destroy(6)."
+ ::= { dnsResNCacheErrEntry 8 }
+ dnsResNCacheErrIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Integer32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "A value which makes entries in the table unique when the
+ other index values (dnsResNCacheErrQName,
+ dnsResNCacheErrQClass, and dnsResNCacheErrQType) do not
+ provide a unique index."
+ ::= { dnsResNCacheErrEntry 9 }
+Austein & Saperia [Page 24]
+RFC 1612 DNS Resolver MIB May 1994
+ dnsResNCacheErrPrettyName OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX DnsName
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "QNAME associated with this row in the table. This is
+ identical to the dnsResNCacheErrQName variable, except
+ that character case is preserved in this variable, per
+ DNS conventions."
+ "RFC-1035 section 2.3.3."
+ ::= { dnsResNCacheErrEntry 10 }
+ -- Resolver Optional Counters Group
+ dnsResOptCounterReferals OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "Number of responses which were received from servers
+ redirecting query to another server."
+ ::= { dnsResOptCounter 1 }
+ dnsResOptCounterRetrans OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "Number requests retransmitted for all reasons."
+ ::= { dnsResOptCounter 2 }
+ dnsResOptCounterNoResponses OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "Number of queries that were retransmitted because of no
+ response."
+ ::= { dnsResOptCounter 3 }
+ dnsResOptCounterRootRetrans OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "Number of queries that were retransmitted that were to
+Austein & Saperia [Page 25]
+RFC 1612 DNS Resolver MIB May 1994
+ root servers."
+ ::= { dnsResOptCounter 4 }
+ dnsResOptCounterInternals OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "Number of requests internally generated by the
+ resolver."
+ ::= { dnsResOptCounter 5 }
+ dnsResOptCounterInternalTimeOuts OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "Number of requests internally generated which timed
+ out."
+ ::= { dnsResOptCounter 6 }
+ -- SNMPv2 groups.
+ dnsResMIBGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dnsResMIB 2 }
+ dnsResConfigGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+ OBJECTS { dnsResConfigImplementIdent,
+ dnsResConfigService,
+ dnsResConfigMaxCnames,
+ dnsResConfigSbeltAddr,
+ dnsResConfigSbeltName,
+ dnsResConfigSbeltRecursion,
+ dnsResConfigSbeltPref,
+ dnsResConfigSbeltSubTree,
+ dnsResConfigSbeltClass,
+ dnsResConfigSbeltStatus,
+ dnsResConfigUpTime,
+ dnsResConfigResetTime }
+ STATUS current
+ "A collection of objects providing basic configuration
+ information for a DNS resolver implementation."
+ ::= { dnsResMIBGroups 1 }
+ dnsResCounterGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+ OBJECTS { dnsResCounterByOpcodeCode,
+ dnsResCounterByOpcodeQueries,
+Austein & Saperia [Page 26]
+RFC 1612 DNS Resolver MIB May 1994
+ dnsResCounterByOpcodeResponses,
+ dnsResCounterByRcodeCode,
+ dnsResCounterByRcodeResponses,
+ dnsResCounterNonAuthDataResps,
+ dnsResCounterNonAuthNoDataResps,
+ dnsResCounterMartians,
+ dnsResCounterRecdResponses,
+ dnsResCounterUnparseResps,
+ dnsResCounterFallbacks }
+ STATUS current
+ "A collection of objects providing basic instrumentation
+ of a DNS resolver implementation."
+ ::= { dnsResMIBGroups 2 }
+ dnsResLameDelegationGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+ OBJECTS { dnsResLameDelegationOverflows,
+ dnsResLameDelegationSource,
+ dnsResLameDelegationName,
+ dnsResLameDelegationClass,
+ dnsResLameDelegationCounts,
+ dnsResLameDelegationStatus }
+ STATUS current
+ "A collection of objects providing instrumentation of
+ `lame delegation' failures."
+ ::= { dnsResMIBGroups 3 }
+ dnsResCacheGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+ OBJECTS { dnsResCacheStatus,
+ dnsResCacheMaxTTL,
+ dnsResCacheGoodCaches,
+ dnsResCacheBadCaches,
+ dnsResCacheRRName,
+ dnsResCacheRRClass,
+ dnsResCacheRRType,
+ dnsResCacheRRTTL,
+ dnsResCacheRRElapsedTTL,
+ dnsResCacheRRSource,
+ dnsResCacheRRData,
+ dnsResCacheRRStatus,
+ dnsResCacheRRIndex,
+ dnsResCacheRRPrettyName }
+ STATUS current
+ "A collection of objects providing access to and control
+ of a DNS resolver's cache."
+Austein & Saperia [Page 27]
+RFC 1612 DNS Resolver MIB May 1994
+ ::= { dnsResMIBGroups 4 }
+ dnsResNCacheGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+ OBJECTS { dnsResNCacheStatus,
+ dnsResNCacheMaxTTL,
+ dnsResNCacheGoodNCaches,
+ dnsResNCacheBadNCaches,
+ dnsResNCacheErrQName,
+ dnsResNCacheErrQClass,
+ dnsResNCacheErrQType,
+ dnsResNCacheErrTTL,
+ dnsResNCacheErrElapsedTTL,
+ dnsResNCacheErrSource,
+ dnsResNCacheErrCode,
+ dnsResNCacheErrStatus,
+ dnsResNCacheErrIndex,
+ dnsResNCacheErrPrettyName }
+ STATUS current
+ "A collection of objects providing access to and control
+ of a DNS resolver's negative response cache."
+ ::= { dnsResMIBGroups 5 }
+ dnsResOptCounterGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+ OBJECTS { dnsResOptCounterReferals,
+ dnsResOptCounterRetrans,
+ dnsResOptCounterNoResponses,
+ dnsResOptCounterRootRetrans,
+ dnsResOptCounterInternals,
+ dnsResOptCounterInternalTimeOuts }
+ STATUS current
+ "A collection of objects providing further
+ instrumentation applicable to many but not all DNS
+ resolvers."
+ ::= { dnsResMIBGroups 6 }
+ -- Compliances.
+ dnsResMIBCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dnsResMIB 3 }
+ STATUS current
+ "The compliance statement for agents implementing the DNS
+ resolver MIB extensions."
+ MODULE -- This MIB module
+Austein & Saperia [Page 28]
+RFC 1612 DNS Resolver MIB May 1994
+ MANDATORY-GROUPS { dnsResConfigGroup, dnsResCounterGroup }
+ GROUP dnsResCacheGroup
+ "The resolver cache group is mandatory for resolvers that
+ implement a cache."
+ GROUP dnsResNCacheGroup
+ "The resolver negative cache group is mandatory for
+ resolvers that implement a negative response cache."
+ GROUP dnsResLameDelegationGroup
+ "The lame delegation group is unconditionally optional."
+ GROUP dnsResOptCounterGroup
+ "The optional counters group is unconditionally
+ optional."
+ OBJECT dnsResConfigMaxCnames
+ MIN-ACCESS read-only
+ "This object need not be writable."
+ OBJECT dnsResConfigSbeltName
+ MIN-ACCESS read-only
+ "This object need not be writable."
+ OBJECT dnsResConfigSbeltRecursion
+ MIN-ACCESS read-only
+ "This object need not be writable."
+ OBJECT dnsResConfigSbeltPref
+ MIN-ACCESS read-only
+ "This object need not be writable."
+ OBJECT dnsResConfigReset
+ MIN-ACCESS read-only
+ "This object need not be writable."
+ OBJECT dnsResCacheStatus
+ MIN-ACCESS read-only
+ "This object need not be writable."
+ OBJECT dnsResCacheMaxTTL
+ MIN-ACCESS read-only
+ "This object need not be writable."
+ OBJECT dnsResNCacheStatus
+ MIN-ACCESS read-only
+ "This object need not be writable."
+Austein & Saperia [Page 29]
+RFC 1612 DNS Resolver MIB May 1994
+ OBJECT dnsResNCacheMaxTTL
+ MIN-ACCESS read-only
+ "This object need not be writable."
+ ::= { dnsResMIBCompliances 1 }
+5. Acknowledgements
+ This document is the result of work undertaken the by DNS working
+ group. The authors would particularly like to thank the following
+ people for their contributions to this document: Philip Almquist,
+ Frank Kastenholz (FTP Software), Joe Peck (DEC), Dave Perkins
+ (SynOptics), Win Treese (DEC), and Mimi Zohar (IBM).
+6. References
+ [1] Mockapetris, P., "Domain Names -- Concepts and Facilities", STD
+ 13, RFC 1034, USC/Information Sciences Institute, November 1987.
+ [2] Mockapetris, P., "Domain Names -- Implementation and
+ Specification", STD 13, RFC 1035, USC/Information Sciences
+ Institute, November 1987.
+ [3] Braden, R., Editor, "Requirements for Internet Hosts --
+ Application and Support, STD 3, RFC 1123, USC/Information
+ Sciences Institute, October 1989.
+ [4] Rose, M., and K. McCloghrie, "Structure and Identification of
+ Management Information for TCP/IP-based internets", STD 16, RFC
+ 1155, Performance Systems International, Hughes LAN Systems, May
+ 1990.
+ [5] McCloghrie, K., and M. Rose, "Management Information Base for
+ Network Management of TCP/IP-based internets", RFC 1156, Hughes
+ LAN Systems, Performance Systems International, May 1990.
+ [6] Case, J., Fedor, M., Schoffstall, M., and J. Davin, "Simple
+ Network Management Protocol", STD 15, RFC 1157, SNMP Research,
+ Performance Systems International, Performance Systems
+ International, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, May 1990.
+ [7] Rose, M., and K. McCloghrie, Editors, "Concise MIB Definitions",
+ STD 16, RFC 1212, Performance Systems International, Hughes LAN
+ Systems, March 1991.
+Austein & Saperia [Page 30]
+RFC 1612 DNS Resolver MIB May 1994
+ [8] McCloghrie, K., and M. Rose, "Management Information Base for
+ Network Management of TCP/IP-based internets: MIB-II", STD 17,
+ RFC 1213, Hughes LAN Systems, Performance Systems International,
+ March 1991.
+ [9] Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M., and S. Waldbusser, "Structure
+ of Management Information for version 2 of the Simple Network
+ Management Protocol (SNMPv2)", RFC 1442, SNMP Research, Inc.,
+ Hughes LAN Systems, Dover Beach Consulting, Inc., Carnegie Mellon
+ University, April 1993.
+ [10] Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M., and S. Waldbusser, "Textual
+ Conventions for version 2 of the the Simple Network Management
+ Protocol (SNMPv2)", RFC 1443, SNMP Research, Inc., Hughes LAN
+ Systems, Dover Beach Consulting, Inc., Carnegie Mellon
+ University, April 1993.
+ [11] Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M., and S. Waldbusser,
+ "Conformance Statements for version 2 of the the Simple Network
+ Management Protocol (SNMPv2)", RFC 1444, SNMP Research, Inc.,
+ Hughes LAN Systems, Dover Beach Consulting, Inc., Carnegie Mellon
+ University, April 1993.
+ [12] Galvin, J., and K. McCloghrie, "Administrative Model for version
+ 2 of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)", RFC 1445,
+ Trusted Information Systems, Hughes LAN Systems, April 1993.
+ [13] Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M., and S. Waldbusser, "Protocol
+ Operations for version 2 of the Simple Network Management
+ Protocol (SNMPv2)", RFC 1448, SNMP Research, Inc., Hughes LAN
+ Systems, Dover Beach Consulting, Inc., Carnegie Mellon
+ University, April 1993.
+ [14] "Information processing systems - Open Systems Interconnection -
+ Specification of Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1)",
+ International Organization for Standardization, International
+ Standard 8824, December 1987.
+Austein & Saperia [Page 31]
+RFC 1612 DNS Resolver MIB May 1994
+7. Security Considerations
+ Security issues are not discussed in this memo.
+8. Authors' Addresses
+ Rob Austein
+ Epilogue Technology Corporation
+ 268 Main Street, Suite 283
+ North Reading, MA 01864
+ Phone: +1-617-245-0804
+ Fax: +1-617-245-8122
+ EMail:
+ Jon Saperia
+ Digital Equipment Corporation
+ 110 Spit Brook Road
+ ZKO1-3/H18
+ Nashua, NH 03062-2698
+ Phone: +1-603-881-0480
+ Fax: +1-603-881-0120
+ EMail:
+Austein & Saperia [Page 32]
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