path: root/contrib/bind/doc/notes/irp.txt
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+IRP Commands
+This document describes version 1 of IRP.
+IRP is a text-based command/response protocol like NNTP or SMTP.
+1.0 Response types: textual and status.
+1.1 Textual responses
+Textual responses are sent after a status response which indicates the text
+will follow. The text is a series of CR-LF terminated lines. On the last line a
+single period ``.'' will appear. If a normal text line starts with a period
+then this will be doubled before sending.
+There is no maximum line length for responses. Commands have a maximum line
+length of 1024 characters.
+The lines that make up the transmitted data are divided into fields. The fields
+are spearated by the colon character ``:'', except in one case (for host data)
+where the at-sign ``@'' is used instead. Some fields, such as alias names for
+hosts, can have multiple values, and these values are separated by commas.
+Most transmission of data requires no special character changes. The field
+separators and subfield separators don't normally appear in the data. However
+in one case they can (network names). So to avoid trouble, all ``special''
+characters found in any data fields are encoded in URL-encoding form. That is
+they are replaced with the 3-character sequence ``%xx'', where xx is the
+hexidecimal value of the ascii-code for the chatacter. i,e, ``:'' becomes
+``%58'', ``,'' becomes ``%44'' and ``%'' becomes ``%37''.
+For version 1 of IRP the set of special characters for purposes of encoding,
+ `,', '%', ':', '@'
+In a couple cases (password structure and group structure), there may be
+encrypted passwords as part of the data. If the client is a privileged user
+that the server can verify (e.g. through the use of SunOS doors(2)), then the
+encrypted password will be sent back to the client. If the client is not
+privileged the password will be replaced with the string ``*''.
+1.2 Status responses.
+Status responses follow a numbering pattern similar to NNTP.
+ 1xx - Informative message
+ 2xx - Command ok
+ 3xx - Command ok so far, send the rest of it.
+ 4xx - Command was correct, but couldn't be performed for
+ some reason.
+ 5xx - Command unimplemented, or incorrect, or a serious
+ program error occurred.
+ The next digit in the code indicates the function response category.
+ x0x - Connection, setup, and miscellaneous messages
+ x1x - Host lookup
+ x2x - Network lookup
+ x3x - User lookup
+ x4x - Group lookup
+ x5x - Service lookup
+ x6x - Protocol lookup
+ x7x - Netgroup lookup
+ x8x - Misc. Information Lookup
+ x9x - Debugging output
+ The final digit in the code indicates whether textual data follows
+ xx0 - No textual data follows.
+ xx1 - Textual data follows.
+2.0 Connection Establishment
+ When the client connects to the server, the server will issue a welcome
+ banner. If the server will accetp commands, then the banner will start with
+ a status code indicating this, followed by a version number of the protocol
+ it accepts. Other words may come on the line afterwards to indicate to
+ humans the state of the server,
+ If the server wont accept commands then it will issue a banner indicating
+ that and will then drop the connection.
+2.1 Responses
+ 200 1 Ready to go. ; note: The server handles version 1 of the protocol
+ 200 2 Ready ; note: The server handles version 2 of the protocol
+ 400 Sorry. Down to due to nightly backups.
+3.0 Commands
+3.1 The HOST commands
+3.1.1 GETHOSTBYNAME hostname
+3.1.2 GETHOSTBYNAME2 hostname address-family
+3.1.2 GETHOSTBYADDR address address-family
+ Returns a textual response containing the information for the given host(s)
+ (a struct hostent) encoded in an ascii format. gethostbyaddr and
+ gethostbyname look up a specific host. GETHOSTENT returns the contents
+ of the /etc/hosts file. The GETHOSTENT command is optional may not be
+ supported by the server. The address-family paramater is the value
+ "AF_INET" or "AF_INET6"
+{ XXX GETHOSTENT is optional as the gethostent(3) call isn't always available }
+3.1.4 Responses
+ 210 No such host
+ 211 Host found
+ If the hostname given as the command argument doesn't exist, then the 210
+ response will be returned. If the host is successfully looked up, then the
+ 211 response is sent and a textual message is sent after. The textual
+ message contains the host information encoded in an ascii form. The fields
+ of the host data are separated by at-signs. Fields that have multiple values
+ (like the aliases field) have their sub values separated by commas.
+ hostname@aliases@address-type@address-length@address-list@
+ - hostname is the FQDN of the host.
+ - aliases is a comma separated list of FQDNs for the host aliases.
+ - address-type is either the strings "AF_INET" or "AF_INET6"
+ - address-length is the length of each address in bytes (after conversion
+ back to binary form).
+ - address-list is a comma separated list of dotted IPv4 if IPv6 addresses.
+{ XXX if we're going to include TTLs where should they go? Perhaps the
+address-list field should be "addr/ttl,addr/ttl,..." }
+ For example:
+ S: 210 No such host.
+ S: 211 OK
+ .
+ .
+ S: 211 OK
+ .
+ S: 211 OK
+ .
+3.2 The USER commands.
+3.2.1 GETPWNAM username
+3.2.2 GETPWUID uid
+ Returns a textual response with the user information (a struct passwd)
+ enocoded in an ascii format. The optional GETPWENT command transmits the
+ entire /etc/password file
+{ XXX It's optional only cause it doesn't seem right to spit the password out
+to whoever wants it, even with encrypted passwords not being sent }
+3.2.4 Reponses
+ 230 No such user
+ 231 User found
+ If the username or uid given as the command argument doesn't exist, then
+ the 230 response will be returned. If the user is successfully looked up,
+ then the 231 response is sent and a textual message is sent after. The
+ textual message contains the user information encoded in an ascii form. The
+ fields of the user data are separated by colons. The format is very similar
+ to the /etc/password format (see passwd(5))
+ username:password:uid:gid:class:change:expire:gecos:home_dir:shell:
+ - username is the user's login name
+ - password User's encrypted password (or the string "*" if the client is
+ unprivileged)
+ - uid User's numeric id.
+ - gid User's numeric login group id.
+ - class User's general classification (a string)
+ - change Password change time (integer seconds from epoch)
+ - expire Account expiration time (integer seconds from epoch)
+ - gecos General information about the user.
+ - home_dir User's home directory.
+ - shell User's login shell.
+ For example. Client being a non-privileged user:
+ C: GETPWNAM brister
+ S: 231 User found
+ brister:*:1364:100:James Brister:/udir/brister:/bin/csh:
+ .
+ games:*:7:13:Games Pseudo-user:/usr/games:nologin
+ .
+ root:*:0:0:System Administrator:/root:/bin/csh
+ postmast:*:4:4:Postmaster:/:/nologin
+ daemon:*:1:1:System Daemon:/:nologin
+ sys:*:2:2:Operating System:/tmp:nologin
+ bin:*:3:7:BSDI Software:/usr/bsdi:nologin
+ operator:*:5:5:System Operator:/usr/opr:/bin/csh
+ uucp:*:6:6:UNIX-to-UNIX Copy:/var/spool/uucppublic:/usr/libexec/uucico
+ .
+ If a priviled user looks up a username:
+ S: 231 User found
+ www:WZajcgFCaAd8s:51:84::0:0:WWW-server:/var/www:/bin/sh
+ .
+3.3 The NETWORK commands
+3.3.1 GETNETBYNAME network
+3.3.2 GETNETBYADDR dotted-ip-address address-family
+ Returns a textual response with the network information (an IRS struct
+ nwent, *not* a struct netent) enocoded in an ascii format. The optionally
+ supported GETNETENT command transmits the entire /etc/networks file
+{ XXX should it be optional? }
+3.2.4 Reponses
+ 220 No such network
+ 221 Netork found
+ If the network given as the command argument doesn't exist, then the 220
+ response will be returned. If the network is successfully looked up, then
+ the 221 response is sent and a textual message is sent after. The textual
+ message contains the network information encoded in an ascii form. The fields
+ of the network data are separated by colons.
+ network-name:aliases:address-type:address-length:network-address:
+ - network-name is the name of the network
+ - aliases is a comma separated list of aliases for the network
+ - address-type is ``AF_INET'' or ``AF_INET6''.
+ - address-length is the number of bits the following network address uses.
+ - address is the network address in a dotted ascii format. AF_INET address
+ are padded with 0 bits to the full 32 bits before conversion to ascii for
+ transmission. AF_INET6 addresses are padded to the full 128 bits with 0
+ bits before conversion.
+ For example:
+ C: GETNETBYNAME vixie-net
+ S: 221 Network found
+ vixie-net::AF_INET:24:
+ .
+ S: 221 Network found
+ private-net:home-net,upstairs-net:AF_INET:8:
+ .
+ S: 221 OK
+ vixie-net::AF_INET:24:
+ private-net:home-net,upstairs-net:AF_INET:8:
+ lookback-net::AF_INET:8:
+ .
+3.4 The GROUP commands
+3.4.1 GETGRNAM group
+3.4.2 GETGRGID gid
+ Returns a textual response with the group information (a struct group)
+ enocoded in an ascii format. The optionally supported GETGRENT command
+ transmits the entire /etc/group file.
+3.4.4 Reponses
+ 240 No such group
+ 241 Group found
+ If the group given as the command argument doesn't exist, then the 240
+ response will be returned. If the group is successfully looked up, then
+ the 241 response is sent and a textual message is sent after. The textual
+ message contains the group information encoded in an ascii form. The fields
+ of the group data are separated by colons.
+ group-name:group-password:group-gid:group-members:
+ - group-name is the name of the group.
+ - group-password is the group's password. This will be correct if the
+ client has appropriate privileges (see discussion above on the USER
+ commands). Otherwise it will be the string ``*''
+ - group-gid is the numeric id for the group
+ - group-members is a comma separated list of usernames for all the members
+ of the group.
+ For example:
+ C: GETGRNAM wheel
+ S: 241 Group found
+ wheel:*:0:root,brister,nathalie,tester:
+ S: 241 Group found
+ staff:*:20:root,brister:
+ S: 241 OK
+ wheel:*:0:root,brister,nathalie,tester:
+ daemon:*:1:daemon:
+ kmem:*:2:root:
+ sys:*:3:root:
+ tty:*:4:root:
+ operator:*:5:root:
+ uucp:*:6:brister:
+ bin:*:7::
+ news:*:8:brister:
+ utmp:*:12::
+ games:*:13::
+ mail:*:14::
+ staff:*:20:root,brister:
+ .
+3.5 The SERVICE commands
+3.5.1 GETSERVBYNAME name protocol
+3.5.2 GETSERVBYPORT port protocol
+ Returns a textual response with the service information (a struct servent)
+ enocoded in an ascii format. The optionally supported GETSERVENT command
+ transmits the entire /etc/services file.
+3.5.4 Reponses
+ 250 No such service
+ 251 Group found
+ If the group given as the command argument doesn't exist, then the 250
+ response will be returned. If the service is successfully looked up, then
+ the 251 response is sent and a textual message is sent after. The textual
+ message contains the service information encoded in an ascii form. The fields
+ of the service data are separated by colons.
+ service-name:aliases:port-number:protocol:
+ - The service name is the offical name of the services.
+ - aliases is a comma separated list of aliases for the service.
+ - port-number is the decimal number of the port used for the service.
+ - protocol is the name of the protocol the service operates under. Usually
+ either ``TCP'' or ``UCP''
+ For example:
+ S: 251 Service found
+ nntp:readnews,untp:119:tcp:
+ .
+ syslog::514:ucp:
+ .
+ 251 OK
+ tcpmux::1:tcp:
+ echo::7:tcp:
+ echo::7:udp:
+ discard:sink,null:9:tcp:
+ discard:sink,null:9:udp:
+ systat:users:11:tcp:
+ systat:users:11:udp:
+ daytime::13:tcp:
+ daytime::13:udp:
+ netstat::15:tcp:
+ qotd:quote:17:tcp:
+ qotd:quote:17:udp:
+ .
+3.6 The PROTOCOL commands
+3.6.1 GETPROTOBYNAME protocol-name
+3.6.2 GETPROTOBYNUMBER protocol-number
+ Returns a textual response with the protocol information (a struct protoent)
+ enocoded in an ascii format. The optionally supported GETPROTOENT command
+ transmits the entire /etc/protocols file.
+3.6.4 Reponses
+ 260 No such protocol
+ 261 Protocol found
+ If the protocol given as the command argument doesn't exist, then the 260
+ response will be returned. If the service is successfully looked up, then
+ the 261 response is sent and a textual message is sent after. The textual
+ message contains the protocol information encoded in an ascii form. The fields
+ of the protocol data are separated by colons.
+ protocol-name:aliases:protocol-number:
+ - protocol-name is the offical name of the protocol
+ - aliases is a comma separated list of aliases for the protocol
+ - protocol-nunber is the number of the protocol in decimal.
+ For example:
+ S: 261 Protocol found
+ ip:IP:0:
+ .
+ S: 261 Protocol found
+ udp:UDP:17:
+ .
+ S: 261 OK
+ ip:IP:0:
+ icmp:ICMP:1:
+ igmp:IGMP:2:
+ ggp:GGP:3:
+ tcp:TCP:6:
+ egp:EGP:8:
+ pup:PUP:12:
+ udp:UDP:17:
+ hmp:HMP:20:
+ xns-idp:XNS-IDP:22:
+ rdp:RDP:27:
+ iso-tp4:ISO-TP4:29:
+ iso-ip:ISO-IP:80:
+ encap:ENCAP:98:
+ .
+3.7 The NETGROUP commands
+3.7.1 GETNETGRENT netgrouup
+ Returns a textual response with the netgroup information enocoded in an
+ ascii format.
+3.6.4 Reponses
+ 270 No such netgroup
+ 271 Netgroups found
+ For the given netgroup a list of the netgroup entries will be
+ returned. Each netgroup entry is three fields separated by colons. A field
+ may be empty to indicate wildcarding.
+ :hostname:username:domainname:
+ For example:
+ C: GETNETGRENT devlopers
+ S: 271 OK
+ .
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