path: root/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby')
18 files changed, 1569 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby/Readme b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby/Readme
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9dc3cc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby/Readme
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+Ruby - DTracing Ruby
+ These scripts trace activity of the Ruby programming language, and
+ require the DTrace Ruby provider written by Joyent.
+ Currently, the DTrace Ruby provider is a seperate download either in
+ patch, source or binary form. Start with the "Ruby DTrace" link on
+, and after getting a version running, the
+ scripts in this directory should work.
+ Since the DTrace Ruby provider is under development, there is a chance
+ that it has changed slightly by the time you are reading this, causing
+ these scripts to either break or behave oddly. Firstly, check for newer
+ versions of the DTraceToolkit; if it hasn't been updated and you need
+ to use these scripts immediately, then updating them shouldn't take
+ too long. The following was the state of the provider when these scripts
+ were written - check for changes and update the scripts accordingly,
+ provider ruby {
+ probe function-entry(class, method, file, lineno);
+ probe function-return(class, method, file, lineno);
+ probe raise(errinfo, file, lineno);
+ probe rescue(file, lineno);
+ probe line(file, lineno);
+ probe gc-begin();
+ probe gc-end();
+ probe object-create-start(object, file, lineno);
+ probe object-create-done(object, file, lineno);
+ probe object-free(object);
+ };
diff --git a/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby/rb_calldist.d b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby/rb_calldist.d
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e3018ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby/rb_calldist.d
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -Zs
+ * rb_calldist.d - measure Ruby elapsed times for types of operation.
+ * Written for the Ruby DTrace provider.
+ *
+ * $Id: rb_calldist.d 28 2007-09-13 10:49:37Z brendan $
+ *
+ * This traces Ruby activity from all programs running on the system with
+ * Ruby provider support.
+ *
+ * USAGE: rb_calldist.d # hit Ctrl-C to end
+ *
+ * This script prints distribution plots of elapsed time for Ruby
+ * operations. Use rb_calltime.d for summary reports.
+ *
+ * 1 Filename of the Ruby program
+ * 2 Type of call (method/obj-new/gc)
+ * 3 Name of call
+ *
+ * Filename and method names are printed if available.
+ *
+ * COPYRIGHT: Copyright (c) 2007 Brendan Gregg.
+ *
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
+ * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
+ * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.
+ *
+ * You can obtain a copy of the license at Docs/cddl1.txt
+ * or
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+ * and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ *
+ * 09-Sep-2007 Brendan Gregg Created this.
+ */
+#pragma D option quiet
+ printf("Tracing... Hit Ctrl-C to end.\n");
+ self->depth++;
+ self->exclude[self->depth] = 0;
+ self->function[self->depth] = timestamp;
+ this->elapsed_incl = timestamp - self->function[self->depth];
+ this->elapsed_excl = this->elapsed_incl - self->exclude[self->depth];
+ self->function[self->depth] = 0;
+ self->exclude[self->depth] = 0;
+ this->file = basename(copyinstr(arg2));
+ this->name = strjoin(strjoin(copyinstr(arg0), "::"), copyinstr(arg1));
+ @types_incl[this->file, "func", this->name] =
+ quantize(this->elapsed_incl / 1000);
+ @types_excl[this->file, "func", this->name] =
+ quantize(this->elapsed_excl / 1000);
+ self->depth--;
+ self->exclude[self->depth] += this->elapsed_incl;
+ self->object = timestamp;
+ this->elapsed = timestamp - self->object;
+ self->object = 0;
+ this->file = basename(copyinstr(arg1));
+ this->file = this->file != NULL ? this->file : ".";
+ @types[this->file, "obj-new", copyinstr(arg0)] =
+ quantize(this->elapsed / 1000);
+ self->exclude[self->depth] += this->elapsed;
+ self->gc = timestamp;
+ this->elapsed = timestamp - self->gc;
+ self->gc = 0;
+ @types[".", "gc", "-"] = quantize(this->elapsed / 1000);
+ self->exclude[self->depth] += this->elapsed;
+ printf("\nElapsed times (us),\n");
+ printa(" %s, %s, %s %@d\n", @types);
+ printf("\nExclusive function elapsed times (us),\n");
+ printa(" %s, %s, %s %@d\n", @types_excl);
+ printf("\nInclusive function elapsed times (us),\n");
+ printa(" %s, %s, %s %@d\n", @types_incl);
diff --git a/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby/rb_calls.d b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby/rb_calls.d
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..10e3b5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby/rb_calls.d
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -Zs
+ * rb_calls.d - count Ruby calls using DTrace.
+ * Written for the Ruby DTrace provider.
+ *
+ * $Id: rb_calls.d 28 2007-09-13 10:49:37Z brendan $
+ *
+ * This traces activity from all Ruby programs on the system that are
+ * running with Ruby provider support.
+ *
+ * USAGE: rb_calls.d # hit Ctrl-C to end
+ *
+ * FILE Filename of the Ruby program
+ * TYPE Type of call (method/obj-new/...)
+ * NAME Descriptive name of call
+ * COUNT Number of calls during sample
+ *
+ * Filename and method names are printed if available.
+ *
+ * COPYRIGHT: Copyright (c) 2007 Brendan Gregg.
+ *
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
+ * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
+ * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.
+ *
+ * You can obtain a copy of the license at Docs/cddl1.txt
+ * or
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+ * and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ *
+ * 09-Sep-2007 Brendan Gregg Created this.
+ */
+#pragma D option quiet
+ printf("Tracing... Hit Ctrl-C to end.\n");
+ this->name = strjoin(strjoin(copyinstr(arg0), "::"), copyinstr(arg1));
+ @calls[basename(copyinstr(arg2)), "method", this->name] = count();
+ this->name = copyinstr(arg0);
+ this->filename = basename(copyinstr(arg1));
+ this->filename = this->filename != NULL ? this->filename : ".";
+ @calls[this->filename, "obj-new", this->name] = count();
+ this->name = copyinstr(arg0);
+ @calls[".", "obj-free", this->name] = count();
+ @calls[".", "gc", "begin"] = count();
+ this->name = copyinstr(arg0);
+ @calls[basename(copyinstr(arg1)), "raise", this->name] = count();
+ @calls[basename(copyinstr(arg0)), "rescue", "-"] = count();
+ printf(" %-24s %-10s %-30s %8s\n", "FILE", "TYPE", "NAME", "CALLS");
+ printa(" %-24s %-10s %-30s %@8d\n", @calls);
diff --git a/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby/rb_calltime.d b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby/rb_calltime.d
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fac1261
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby/rb_calltime.d
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -Zs
+ * rb_calltime.d - measure Ruby elapsed times for types of operation.
+ * Written for the Ruby DTrace provider.
+ *
+ * $Id: rb_calltime.d 41 2007-09-17 02:20:10Z brendan $
+ *
+ * This traces Ruby activity from all programs running on the system with
+ * Ruby provider support.
+ *
+ * USAGE: rb_calltime.d # hit Ctrl-C to end
+ *
+ * FILE Filename of the Ruby program
+ * TYPE Type of call (method/obj-new/gc/total)
+ * NAME Name of call
+ * TOTAL Total elapsed time for calls (us)
+ *
+ * Filename and method names are printed if available.
+ *
+ * COPYRIGHT: Copyright (c) 2007 Brendan Gregg.
+ *
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
+ * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
+ * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.
+ *
+ * You can obtain a copy of the license at Docs/cddl1.txt
+ * or
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+ * and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ *
+ * 09-Sep-2007 Brendan Gregg Created this.
+ */
+#pragma D option quiet
+ printf("Tracing... Hit Ctrl-C to end.\n");
+ self->depth++;
+ self->exclude[self->depth] = 0;
+ self->function[self->depth] = timestamp;
+ this->elapsed_incl = timestamp - self->function[self->depth];
+ this->elapsed_excl = this->elapsed_incl - self->exclude[self->depth];
+ self->function[self->depth] = 0;
+ self->exclude[self->depth] = 0;
+ this->file = basename(copyinstr(arg2));
+ this->name = strjoin(strjoin(copyinstr(arg0), "::"), copyinstr(arg1));
+ @num[this->file, "func", this->name] = count();
+ @num["-", "total", "-"] = count();
+ @types_incl[this->file, "func", this->name] = sum(this->elapsed_incl);
+ @types_excl[this->file, "func", this->name] = sum(this->elapsed_excl);
+ @types_excl["-", "total", "-"] = sum(this->elapsed_excl);
+ self->depth--;
+ self->exclude[self->depth] += this->elapsed_incl;
+ self->object = timestamp;
+ this->elapsed = timestamp - self->object;
+ self->object = 0;
+ this->file = basename(copyinstr(arg1));
+ this->file = this->file != NULL ? this->file : ".";
+ this->name = copyinstr(arg0);
+ @num[this->file, "obj-new", this->name] = count();
+ @types[this->file, "obj-new", this->name] = sum(this->elapsed);
+ self->exclude[self->depth] += this->elapsed;
+ self->gc = timestamp;
+ this->elapsed = timestamp - self->gc;
+ self->gc = 0;
+ @num[".", "gc", "-"] = count();
+ @types[".", "gc", "-"] = sum(this->elapsed);
+ self->exclude[self->depth] += this->elapsed;
+ printf("\nCount,\n");
+ printf(" %-20s %-10s %-32s %8s\n", "FILE", "TYPE", "NAME", "COUNT");
+ printa(" %-20s %-10s %-32s %@8d\n", @num);
+ normalize(@types, 1000);
+ printf("\nElapsed times (us),\n");
+ printf(" %-20s %-10s %-32s %8s\n", "FILE", "TYPE", "NAME", "TOTAL");
+ printa(" %-20s %-10s %-32s %@8d\n", @types);
+ normalize(@types_excl, 1000);
+ printf("\nExclusive function elapsed times (us),\n");
+ printf(" %-20s %-10s %-32s %8s\n", "FILE", "TYPE", "NAME", "TOTAL");
+ printa(" %-20s %-10s %-32s %@8d\n", @types_excl);
+ normalize(@types_incl, 1000);
+ printf("\nInclusive function elapsed times (us),\n");
+ printf(" %-20s %-10s %-32s %8s\n", "FILE", "TYPE", "NAME", "TOTAL");
+ printa(" %-20s %-10s %-32s %@8d\n", @types_incl);
diff --git a/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby/rb_cpudist.d b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby/rb_cpudist.d
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..daa4d1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby/rb_cpudist.d
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -Zs
+ * rb_cpudist.d - measure Ruby on-CPU times for types of operation.
+ * Written for the Ruby DTrace provider.
+ *
+ * $Id: rb_cpudist.d 28 2007-09-13 10:49:37Z brendan $
+ *
+ * This traces Ruby activity from all programs running on the system with
+ * Ruby provider support.
+ *
+ * USAGE: rb_cpudist.d # hit Ctrl-C to end
+ *
+ * This script prints distribution plots of elapsed time for Ruby
+ * operations. Use rb_cputime.d for summary reports.
+ *
+ * 1 Filename of the Ruby program
+ * 2 Type of call (method/obj-new/gc)
+ * 3 Name of call
+ *
+ * Filename and method names are printed if available.
+ *
+ * COPYRIGHT: Copyright (c) 2007 Brendan Gregg.
+ *
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
+ * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
+ * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.
+ *
+ * You can obtain a copy of the license at Docs/cddl1.txt
+ * or
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+ * and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ *
+ * 09-Sep-2007 Brendan Gregg Created this.
+ */
+#pragma D option quiet
+ printf("Tracing... Hit Ctrl-C to end.\n");
+ self->depth++;
+ self->exclude[self->depth] = 0;
+ self->function[self->depth] = vtimestamp;
+ this->oncpu_incl = vtimestamp - self->function[self->depth];
+ this->oncpu_excl = this->oncpu_incl - self->exclude[self->depth];
+ self->function[self->depth] = 0;
+ self->exclude[self->depth] = 0;
+ this->file = basename(copyinstr(arg2));
+ this->name = strjoin(strjoin(copyinstr(arg0), "::"), copyinstr(arg1));
+ @types_incl[this->file, "func", this->name] =
+ quantize(this->oncpu_incl / 1000);
+ @types_excl[this->file, "func", this->name] =
+ quantize(this->oncpu_excl / 1000);
+ self->depth--;
+ self->exclude[self->depth] += this->oncpu_incl;
+ self->object = vtimestamp;
+ this->oncpu = vtimestamp - self->object;
+ self->object = 0;
+ this->file = basename(copyinstr(arg1));
+ this->file = this->file != NULL ? this->file : ".";
+ @types[this->file, "obj-new", copyinstr(arg0)] =
+ quantize(this->oncpu / 1000);
+ self->exclude[self->depth] += this->oncpu;
+ self->gc = vtimestamp;
+ this->oncpu = vtimestamp - self->gc;
+ self->gc = 0;
+ @types[".", "gc", "-"] = quantize(this->oncpu / 1000);
+ self->exclude[self->depth] += this->oncpu;
+ printf("\nOn-CPU times (us),\n");
+ printa(" %s, %s, %s %@d\n", @types);
+ printf("\nExclusive function on-CPU times (us),\n");
+ printa(" %s, %s, %s %@d\n", @types_excl);
+ printf("\nInclusive function on-CPU times (us),\n");
+ printa(" %s, %s, %s %@d\n", @types_incl);
diff --git a/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby/rb_cputime.d b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby/rb_cputime.d
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d5885c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby/rb_cputime.d
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -Zs
+ * rb_cputime.d - measure Ruby on-CPU times for types of operation.
+ * Written for the Ruby DTrace provider.
+ *
+ * $Id: rb_cputime.d 49 2007-09-17 12:03:20Z brendan $
+ *
+ * This traces Ruby activity from all programs running on the system with
+ * Ruby provider support.
+ *
+ * USAGE: rb_cputime.d # hit Ctrl-C to end
+ *
+ * FILE Filename of the Ruby program
+ * TYPE Type of call (method/obj-new/gc/total)
+ * NAME Name of call
+ * TOTAL Total on-CPU time for calls (us)
+ *
+ * Filename and method names are printed if available.
+ *
+ * COPYRIGHT: Copyright (c) 2007 Brendan Gregg.
+ *
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
+ * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
+ * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.
+ *
+ * You can obtain a copy of the license at Docs/cddl1.txt
+ * or
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+ * and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ *
+ * 09-Sep-2007 Brendan Gregg Created this.
+ */
+#pragma D option quiet
+ printf("Tracing... Hit Ctrl-C to end.\n");
+ self->depth++;
+ self->exclude[self->depth] = 0;
+ self->function[self->depth] = vtimestamp;
+ this->oncpu_incl = vtimestamp - self->function[self->depth];
+ this->oncpu_excl = this->oncpu_incl - self->exclude[self->depth];
+ self->function[self->depth] = 0;
+ self->exclude[self->depth] = 0;
+ this->file = basename(copyinstr(arg2));
+ this->name = strjoin(strjoin(copyinstr(arg0), "::"), copyinstr(arg1));
+ @num[this->file, "func", this->name] = count();
+ @num["-", "total", "-"] = count();
+ @types_incl[this->file, "func", this->name] = sum(this->oncpu_incl);
+ @types_excl[this->file, "func", this->name] = sum(this->oncpu_excl);
+ @types_excl["-", "total", "-"] = sum(this->oncpu_excl);
+ self->depth--;
+ self->exclude[self->depth] += this->oncpu_incl;
+ self->object = vtimestamp;
+ this->oncpu = vtimestamp - self->object;
+ self->object = 0;
+ this->file = basename(copyinstr(arg1));
+ this->file = this->file != NULL ? this->file : ".";
+ this->name = copyinstr(arg0);
+ @num[this->file, "obj-new", this->name] = count();
+ @types[this->file, "obj-new", this->name] = sum(this->oncpu);
+ self->exclude[self->depth] += this->oncpu;
+ self->gc = vtimestamp;
+ this->oncpu = vtimestamp - self->gc;
+ self->gc = 0;
+ @num[".", "gc", "-"] = count();
+ @types[".", "gc", "-"] = sum(this->oncpu);
+ self->exclude[self->depth] += this->oncpu;
+ printf("\nCount,\n");
+ printf(" %-20s %-10s %-32s %8s\n", "FILE", "TYPE", "NAME", "COUNT");
+ printa(" %-20s %-10s %-32s %@8d\n", @num);
+ normalize(@types, 1000);
+ printf("\nElapsed times (us),\n");
+ printf(" %-20s %-10s %-32s %8s\n", "FILE", "TYPE", "NAME", "TOTAL");
+ printa(" %-20s %-10s %-32s %@8d\n", @types);
+ normalize(@types_excl, 1000);
+ printf("\nExclusive function on-CPU times (us),\n");
+ printf(" %-20s %-10s %-32s %8s\n", "FILE", "TYPE", "NAME", "TOTAL");
+ printa(" %-20s %-10s %-32s %@8d\n", @types_excl);
+ normalize(@types_incl, 1000);
+ printf("\nInclusive function on-CPU times (us),\n");
+ printf(" %-20s %-10s %-32s %8s\n", "FILE", "TYPE", "NAME", "TOTAL");
+ printa(" %-20s %-10s %-32s %@8d\n", @types_incl);
diff --git a/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby/rb_flow.d b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby/rb_flow.d
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e4ff760
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby/rb_flow.d
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -Zs
+ * rb_flow.d - snoop Ruby execution showing method flow using DTrace.
+ * Written for the Ruby DTrace provider.
+ *
+ * $Id: rb_flow.d 41 2007-09-17 02:20:10Z brendan $
+ *
+ * This traces activity from all Ruby programs on the system that are
+ * running with Ruby provider support.
+ *
+ * USAGE: rb_flow.d # hit Ctrl-C to end
+ *
+ * C CPU-id
+ * TIME(us) Time since boot, us
+ * FILE Filename that this method belongs to
+ * CLASS::METHOD Ruby classname and method
+ *
+ * -> method entry
+ * <- method return
+ *
+ * Filename and method names are printed if available.
+ *
+ * WARNING: Watch the first column carefully, it prints the CPU-id. If it
+ * changes, then it is very likely that the output has been shuffled.
+ *
+ * COPYRIGHT: Copyright (c) 2007 Brendan Gregg.
+ *
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
+ * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
+ * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.
+ *
+ * You can obtain a copy of the license at Docs/cddl1.txt
+ * or
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+ * and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ *
+ * 09-Sep-2007 Brendan Gregg Created this.
+ */
+#pragma D option quiet
+#pragma D option switchrate=10
+self int depth;
+ printf("%3s %-16s %-22s -- %s\n", "C", "TIME(us)", "FILE",
+ printf("%3d %-16d %-22s %*s-> %s::%s\n", cpu, timestamp / 1000,
+ basename(copyinstr(arg2)), self->depth * 2, "", copyinstr(arg0),
+ copyinstr(arg1));
+ self->depth++;
+ self->depth -= self->depth > 0 ? 1 : 0;
+ printf("%3d %-16d %-22s %*s<- %s::%s\n", cpu, timestamp / 1000,
+ basename(copyinstr(arg2)), self->depth * 2, "", copyinstr(arg0),
+ copyinstr(arg1));
diff --git a/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby/rb_flowinfo.d b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby/rb_flowinfo.d
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4657263
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby/rb_flowinfo.d
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -Zs
+ * rb_flowinfo.d - snoop Ruby function (method) flow with info using DTrace.
+ * Written for the Ruby DTrace provider.
+ *
+ * $Id: rb_flowinfo.d 41 2007-09-17 02:20:10Z brendan $
+ *
+ * This traces activity from all Ruby programs on the system that are
+ * running with Ruby provider support.
+ *
+ * USAGE: rb_flowinfo.d # hit Ctrl-C to end
+ *
+ * C CPU-id
+ * PID Process ID
+ * DELTA(us) Elapsed time from previous line to this line
+ * FILE Filename of the Ruby program
+ * LINE Line number of filename
+ * TYPE Type of call (method)
+ * NAME Ruby class and method name
+ *
+ * -> method entry
+ * <- method return
+ *
+ * Filename and method names are printed if available.
+ *
+ * WARNING: Watch the first column carefully, it prints the CPU-id. If it
+ * changes, then it is very likely that the output has been shuffled.
+ *
+ * COPYRIGHT: Copyright (c) 2007 Brendan Gregg.
+ *
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
+ * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
+ * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.
+ *
+ * You can obtain a copy of the license at Docs/cddl1.txt
+ * or
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+ * and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ *
+ * 09-Sep-2007 Brendan Gregg Created this.
+ */
+#pragma D option quiet
+#pragma D option switchrate=10
+self int depth;
+ printf("%s %6s %10s %16s:%-4s %-8s -- %s\n", "C", "PID", "DELTA(us)",
+ "FILE", "LINE", "TYPE", "NAME");
+/self->last == 0/
+ self->last = timestamp;
+ this->delta = (timestamp - self->last) / 1000;
+ this->name = strjoin(strjoin(copyinstr(arg0), "::"), copyinstr(arg1));
+ printf("%d %6d %10d %16s:%-4d %-8s %*s-> %s\n", cpu, pid, this->delta,
+ basename(copyinstr(arg2)), arg3, "method", self->depth * 2, "",
+ this->name);
+ self->depth++;
+ self->last = timestamp;
+ this->delta = (timestamp - self->last) / 1000;
+ self->depth -= self->depth > 0 ? 1 : 0;
+ this->name = strjoin(strjoin(copyinstr(arg0), "::"), copyinstr(arg1));
+ printf("%d %6d %10d %16s:%-4d %-8s %*s<- %s\n", cpu, pid, this->delta,
+ basename(copyinstr(arg2)), arg3, "method", self->depth * 2, "",
+ this->name);
+ self->last = timestamp;
diff --git a/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby/rb_flowtime.d b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby/rb_flowtime.d
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9b1c668
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby/rb_flowtime.d
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -Zs
+ * rb_flowtime.d - snoop Ruby function (method) flow using DTrace.
+ * Written for the Ruby DTrace provider.
+ *
+ * $Id: rb_flowtime.d 41 2007-09-17 02:20:10Z brendan $
+ *
+ * This traces activity from all Ruby programs on the system that are
+ * running with Ruby provider support.
+ *
+ * USAGE: rb_flowtime.d # hit Ctrl-C to end
+ *
+ * C CPU-id
+ * TIME(us) Time since boot, us
+ * FILE Filename that this method belongs to
+ * DELTA(us) Elapsed time from previous line to this line
+ * CLASS::METHOD Ruby class and method name
+ *
+ * -> method entry
+ * <- method return
+ *
+ * Filename and method names are printed if available.
+ *
+ * WARNING: Watch the first column carefully, it prints the CPU-id. If it
+ * changes, then it is very likely that the output has been shuffled.
+ *
+ * COPYRIGHT: Copyright (c) 2007 Brendan Gregg.
+ *
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
+ * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
+ * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.
+ *
+ * You can obtain a copy of the license at Docs/cddl1.txt
+ * or
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+ * and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ *
+ * 09-Sep-2007 Brendan Gregg Created this.
+ */
+#pragma D option quiet
+#pragma D option switchrate=10
+self int depth;
+ printf("%3s %-16s %-16s %9s -- %s\n", "C", "TIME(us)", "FILE",
+ "DELTA(us)", "CLASS::METHOD");
+/self->last == 0/
+ self->last = timestamp;
+ this->delta = (timestamp - self->last) / 1000;
+ printf("%3d %-16d %-16s %9d %*s-> %s::%s\n", cpu, timestamp / 1000,
+ basename(copyinstr(arg2)), this->delta, self->depth * 2, "",
+ copyinstr(arg0), copyinstr(arg1));
+ self->depth++;
+ self->last = timestamp;
+ this->delta = (timestamp - self->last) / 1000;
+ self->depth -= self->depth > 0 ? 1 : 0;
+ printf("%3d %-16d %-16s %9d %*s<- %s::%s\n", cpu, timestamp / 1000,
+ basename(copyinstr(arg2)), this->delta, self->depth * 2, "",
+ copyinstr(arg0), copyinstr(arg1));
+ self->last = timestamp;
diff --git a/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby/rb_funccalls.d b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby/rb_funccalls.d
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7621500
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby/rb_funccalls.d
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -Zs
+ * rb_funccalls.d - count Ruby function (method) calls using DTrace.
+ * Written for the Ruby DTrace provider.
+ *
+ * $Id: rb_funccalls.d 20 2007-09-12 09:28:22Z brendan $
+ *
+ * This traces activity from all Ruby programs on the system that are
+ * running with Ruby provider support.
+ *
+ * USAGE: rb_funccalls.d # hit Ctrl-C to end
+ *
+ * FILE Filename of the Ruby program
+ * METHOD Method name
+ * COUNT Number of calls during sample
+ *
+ * Filename and method names are printed if available.
+ *
+ * COPYRIGHT: Copyright (c) 2007 Brendan Gregg.
+ *
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
+ * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
+ * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.
+ *
+ * You can obtain a copy of the license at Docs/cddl1.txt
+ * or
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+ * and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ *
+ * 09-Sep-2007 Brendan Gregg Created this.
+ */
+#pragma D option quiet
+ printf("Tracing... Hit Ctrl-C to end.\n");
+ @funcs[basename(copyinstr(arg2)), copyinstr(arg0), copyinstr(arg1)] =
+ count();
+ printf(" %-32.32s %-16s %-16s %8s\n", "FILE", "CLASS", "METHOD",
+ "CALLS");
+ printa(" %-32.32s %-16s %-16s %@8d\n", @funcs);
diff --git a/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby/rb_lines.d b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby/rb_lines.d
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..438f1f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby/rb_lines.d
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -Zs
+ * rb_lines.d - trace Ruby line execution by process using DTrace.
+ * Written for the Ruby DTrace provider.
+ *
+ * $Id: rb_lines.d 20 2007-09-12 09:28:22Z brendan $
+ *
+ * This traces Ruby activity from all Ruby programs on the system that are
+ * running with Ruby provider support.
+ *
+ * USAGE: rb_who.d # hit Ctrl-C to end
+ *
+ * FILE Filename of the Ruby program
+ * LINE Line number
+ * COUNT Number of times a line was executed
+ *
+ * Filenames are printed if available.
+ *
+ * COPYRIGHT: Copyright (c) 2007 Brendan Gregg.
+ *
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
+ * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
+ * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.
+ *
+ * You can obtain a copy of the license at Docs/cddl1.txt
+ * or
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+ * and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ *
+ * 09-Sep-2007 Brendan Gregg Created this.
+ */
+#pragma D option quiet
+ printf("Tracing... Hit Ctrl-C to end.\n");
+ @calls[basename(copyinstr(arg0)), arg1] = count();
+ printf(" %32s:%-6s %10s\n", "FILE", "LINE", "COUNT");
+ printa(" %32s:%-6d %@10d\n", @calls);
diff --git a/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby/rb_malloc.d b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby/rb_malloc.d
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..891b840
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby/rb_malloc.d
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -Zs
+ * rb_malloc.d - Ruby operations and libc malloc statistics.
+ * Written for the Ruby DTrace provider.
+ *
+ * $Id: rb_malloc.d 20 2007-09-12 09:28:22Z brendan $
+ *
+ * WARNING: This script is not 100% accurate; This prints libc malloc() byte
+ * distributions by "recent" Ruby operation, which we hope will be usually
+ * relevant. This is an experimental script that may be improved over time.
+ *
+ * USAGE: rb_malloc.d { -p PID | -c cmd } # hit Ctrl-C to end
+ *
+ * 1 Filename of the Ruby program
+ * 2 Type of operation (method/objnew/startup)
+ * 3 Name of operation
+ *
+ * Filename and method names are printed if available.
+ *
+ * COPYRIGHT: Copyright (c) 2007 Brendan Gregg.
+ *
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
+ * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
+ * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.
+ *
+ * You can obtain a copy of the license at Docs/cddl1.txt
+ * or
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+ * and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ *
+ * 09-Sep-2007 Brendan Gregg Created this.
+ */
+#pragma D option quiet
+self string filename;
+ printf("Tracing... Hit Ctrl-C to end.\n");
+ self->file = basename(copyinstr(arg2));
+ self->type = "method";
+ self->name = strjoin(strjoin(copyinstr(arg0), "::"), copyinstr(arg1));
+ self->file = basename(copyinstr(arg1));
+ self->type = "objnew";
+ self->name = copyinstr(arg0);
+/self->file != NULL/
+ @mallocs[self->file, self->type, self->name] = quantize(arg0);
+/self->file == NULL/
+ @mallocs["ruby", "startup", "-"] = quantize(arg0);
+ printf("Ruby malloc byte distributions by recent Ruby operation,\n");
+ printa(" %s, %s, %s %@d\n", @mallocs);
diff --git a/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby/rb_objcpu.d b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby/rb_objcpu.d
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..23c55e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby/rb_objcpu.d
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -Zs
+ * rb_objcpu.d - measure Ruby object creation on-CPU time using DTrace.
+ * Written for the Ruby DTrace provider.
+ *
+ * $Id: rb_objcpu.d 20 2007-09-12 09:28:22Z brendan $
+ *
+ * This traces Ruby activity from all programs running on the system with
+ * Ruby provider support.
+ *
+ * USAGE: rb_objcpu.d # hit Ctrl-C to end
+ *
+ * Class names are printed if available.
+ *
+ * COPYRIGHT: Copyright (c) 2007 Brendan Gregg.
+ *
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
+ * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
+ * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.
+ *
+ * You can obtain a copy of the license at Docs/cddl1.txt
+ * or
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+ * and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ *
+ * 09-Sep-2007 Brendan Gregg Created this.
+ */
+#pragma D option quiet
+ printf("Tracing... Hit Ctrl-C to end.\n");
+ self->vstart = vtimestamp;
+ this->oncpu = vtimestamp - self->vstart;
+ @total = sum(this->oncpu);
+ @dist[copyinstr(arg0)] = quantize(this->oncpu / 1000);
+ self->vstart = 0;
+ normalize(@total, 1000000);
+ printa("Total object creation on-CPU time (ms): %@d\n\n", @total);
+ printf("Object creation on-CPU time distributions (us),\n");
+ printa(@dist);
diff --git a/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby/rb_objnew.d b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby/rb_objnew.d
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f6f00f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby/rb_objnew.d
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -Zs
+ * rb_objnew.d - count Ruby object creation using DTrace.
+ * Written for the Ruby DTrace provider.
+ *
+ * $Id: rb_objnew.d 20 2007-09-12 09:28:22Z brendan $
+ *
+ * This traces Ruby activity from all programs running on the system with
+ * Ruby provider support.
+ *
+ * USAGE: rb_objnew.d # hit Ctrl-C to end
+ *
+ * FILE Filename of the Ruby program
+ * CLASS Class of new object
+ * COUNT Number of object creations during tracing
+ *
+ * Filename and class names are printed if available.
+ *
+ * COPYRIGHT: Copyright (c) 2007 Brendan Gregg.
+ *
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
+ * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
+ * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.
+ *
+ * You can obtain a copy of the license at Docs/cddl1.txt
+ * or
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+ * and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ *
+ * 09-Sep-2007 Brendan Gregg Created this.
+ */
+#pragma D option quiet
+ printf("Tracing... Hit Ctrl-C to end.\n");
+ @objs[basename(copyinstr(arg1)), copyinstr(arg0)] = count();
+ printf(" %-24s %-36s %8s\n", "FILE", "CLASS", "COUNT");
+ printa(" %-24.24s %-36s %@8d\n", @objs);
diff --git a/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby/rb_stat.d b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby/rb_stat.d
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6de19f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby/rb_stat.d
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -Zs
+ * rb_stat.d - Ruby operation stats using DTrace.
+ * Written for the Ruby DTrace provider.
+ *
+ * $Id: rb_stat.d 20 2007-09-12 09:28:22Z brendan $
+ *
+ * This traces activity from all Ruby programs on the system that are
+ * running with Ruby provider support.
+ *
+ * USAGE: rb_stat.d [interval [count]]
+ *
+ * EXEC/s Ruby programs executed per second, including
+ * those without Ruby provider support
+ * METHOD/s Methods called, per second
+ * OBJNEW/s Objects created, per second
+ * OBJFRE/s Objects freed, per second
+ * RAIS/s Raises, per second
+ * RESC/s Rescues, per second
+ * GC/s Garbage collects, per second
+ *
+ * The numbers are counts for the interval specified. The default interval
+ * is 1 second.
+ *
+ * If you see a count in "EXECS" but not in the other columns, then your
+ * Ruby software is probably not running with the DTrace Ruby provider.
+ * See Ruby/Readme.
+ *
+ * Filename and method names are printed if available.
+ *
+ * COPYRIGHT: Copyright (c) 2007 Brendan Gregg.
+ *
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
+ * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
+ * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.
+ *
+ * You can obtain a copy of the license at Docs/cddl1.txt
+ * or
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+ * and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ *
+ * 09-Sep-2007 Brendan Gregg Created this.
+ */
+#pragma D option quiet
+#pragma D option defaultargs
+inline int SCREEN = 21;
+ execs = methods = objnew = objfree = gc = raised = rescue = 0;
+ lines = SCREEN + 1;
+ interval = $1 ? $1 : 1;
+ counts = $2 ? $2 : -1;
+ secs = interval;
+ first = 1;
+ secs--;
+ * Print Header
+ */
+/first || (secs == 0 && lines > SCREEN)/
+ printf("%-20s %8s %8s %8s %8s %6s %6s %6s\n", "TIME", "EXEC/s",
+ "METHOD/s", "OBJNEW/s", "OBJFRE/s", "RAIS/s", "RESC/s", "GC/s");
+ lines = 0;
+ first = 0;
+ * Tally Data
+ */
+/execname == "ruby"/
+ execs++;
+ methods++;
+ objnew++;
+ objfree++;
+ raised++;
+ rescue++;
+ gc++;
+ * Print Output
+ */
+/secs == 0/
+ printf("%-20Y %8d %8d %8d %8d %6d %6d %6d\n", walltimestamp,
+ execs / interval, methods / interval, objnew / interval,
+ objfree / interval, raised / interval, rescue / interval,
+ gc / interval);
+ execs = methods = objnew = objfree = gc = raised = rescue = 0;
+ secs = interval;
+ lines++;
+ counts--;
+ * End
+ */
+/counts == 0/
+ exit(0);
diff --git a/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby/rb_syscalls.d b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby/rb_syscalls.d
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..495060b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby/rb_syscalls.d
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -Zs
+ * rb_syscalls.d - count Ruby calls and syscalls using DTrace.
+ * Written for the Ruby DTrace provider.
+ *
+ * $Id: rb_syscalls.d 20 2007-09-12 09:28:22Z brendan $
+ *
+ * USAGE: rb_syscalls.d { -p PID | -c cmd } # hit Ctrl-C to end
+ *
+ * FILE Filename of the Ruby program
+ * TYPE Type of call (method/syscall)
+ * NAME Name of call
+ * COUNT Number of calls during sample
+ *
+ * Filename and method names are printed if available.
+ * The filename for syscalls may be printed as "ruby", if the program
+ * was invoked using the form "ruby filename" rather than running the
+ * program with an interpreter line.
+ *
+ * COPYRIGHT: Copyright (c) 2007 Brendan Gregg.
+ *
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
+ * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
+ * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.
+ *
+ * You can obtain a copy of the license at Docs/cddl1.txt
+ * or
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+ * and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ *
+ * 09-Sep-2007 Brendan Gregg Created this.
+ */
+#pragma D option quiet
+self string filename;
+ printf("Tracing... Hit Ctrl-C to end.\n");
+ this->name = strjoin(strjoin(copyinstr(arg0), "::"), copyinstr(arg1));
+ @calls[basename(copyinstr(arg2)), "method", this->name] = count();
+/pid == $target/
+ @calls[basename(execname), "syscall", probefunc] = count();
+ printf("\nCalls for PID %d,\n\n", $target);
+ printf(" %-32s %-10s %-22s %8s\n", "FILE", "TYPE", "NAME", "COUNT");
+ printa(" %-32s %-10s %-22s %@8d\n", @calls);
diff --git a/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby/rb_syscolors.d b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby/rb_syscolors.d
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e14ac08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby/rb_syscolors.d
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -Zs
+ * rb_syscolors.d - trace Ruby method flow plus syscalls, in color.
+ * Written for the Ruby DTrace provider.
+ *
+ * $Id: rb_syscolors.d 27 2007-09-13 09:26:01Z brendan $
+ *
+ * USAGE: rb_syscolors.d { -p PID | -c cmd } # hit Ctrl-C to end
+ *
+ * This watches Ruby method entries and returns, and indents child
+ * function calls.
+ *
+ * C CPU-id
+ * PID Process ID
+ * DELTA(us) Elapsed time from previous line to this line
+ * FILE Filename of the Ruby program
+ * LINE Line number of filename
+ * TYPE Type of call (method/line/syscall)
+ * NAME Ruby method or syscall name
+ *
+ * Filename and method names are printed if available.
+ *
+ * WARNING: Watch the first column carefully, it prints the CPU-id. If it
+ * changes, then it is very likely that the output has been shuffled.
+ *
+ * COPYRIGHT: Copyright (c) 2007 Brendan Gregg.
+ *
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
+ * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
+ * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.
+ *
+ * You can obtain a copy of the license at Docs/cddl1.txt
+ * or
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+ * and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ *
+ * 09-Sep-2007 Brendan Gregg Created this.
+ */
+#pragma D option quiet
+#pragma D option switchrate=10
+self int depth;
+ /*
+ * The following are terminal color escape sequences.
+ * Change them to whatever you prefer, eg HTML font tags.
+ */
+ color_ruby = "\033[2;35m"; /* violet, faint */
+ color_line = "\033[1;35m"; /* violet, bold */
+ color_syscall = "\033[2;32m"; /* green, faint */
+ color_off = "\033[0m"; /* default */
+ printf("%s %6s %10s %16s:%-4s %-8s -- %s\n", "C", "PID", "DELTA(us)",
+ "FILE", "LINE", "TYPE", "NAME");
+/self->last == 0 && pid == $target/
+ self->last = timestamp;
+ this->delta = (timestamp - self->last) / 1000;
+ this->name = strjoin(strjoin(copyinstr(arg0), "::"), copyinstr(arg1));
+ printf("%s%d %6d %10d %16s:%-4d %-8s %*s-> %s%s\n", color_ruby,
+ cpu, pid, this->delta, basename(copyinstr(arg2)), arg3, "method",
+ self->depth * 2, "", this->name, color_off);
+ self->depth++;
+ self->last = timestamp;
+ this->delta = (timestamp - self->last) / 1000;
+ this->name = strjoin(strjoin(copyinstr(arg0), "::"), copyinstr(arg1));
+ self->depth--;
+ printf("%s%d %6d %10d %16s:%-4d %-8s %*s<- %s%s\n", color_ruby,
+ cpu, pid, this->delta, basename(copyinstr(arg2)), arg3, "method",
+ self->depth * 2, "", this->name, color_off);
+ self->last = timestamp;
+ this->delta = (timestamp - self->last) / 1000;
+ printf("%s%d %6d %10d %16s:%-4d %-8s %*s-- %s\n", color_line,
+ cpu, pid, this->delta, basename(copyinstr(arg0)), arg1, "line",
+ self->depth * 2, "", color_off);
+ self->last = timestamp;
+/pid == $target/
+ this->delta = (timestamp - self->last) / 1000;
+ printf("%s%d %6d %10d %16s:- %-8s %*s-> %s%s\n", color_syscall,
+ cpu, pid, this->delta, "\"", "syscall", self->depth * 2, "",
+ probefunc, color_off);
+ self->depth++;
+ self->last = timestamp;
+/pid == $target/
+ this->delta = (timestamp - self->last) / 1000;
+ self->depth--;
+ printf("%s%d %6d %10d %16s:- %-8s %*s<- %s%s\n", color_syscall,
+ cpu, pid, this->delta, "\"", "syscall", self->depth * 2, "",
+ probefunc, color_off);
+ self->last = timestamp;
+/pid == $target/
+ exit(0);
diff --git a/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby/rb_who.d b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby/rb_who.d
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0119368
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Ruby/rb_who.d
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -Zs
+ * rb_who.d - trace Ruby line execution by process using DTrace.
+ * Written for the Ruby DTrace provider.
+ *
+ * $Id: rb_who.d 49 2007-09-17 12:03:20Z brendan $
+ *
+ * This traces Ruby activity from all Ruby programs on the system that are
+ * running with Ruby provider support.
+ *
+ * USAGE: rb_who.d # hit Ctrl-C to end
+ *
+ * PID Process ID of Ruby
+ * UID User ID of the owner
+ * LINES Number of times a line was executed
+ * FILE Pathname of the Ruby program
+ *
+ * Filenames are printed if available.
+ *
+ * COPYRIGHT: Copyright (c) 2007 Brendan Gregg.
+ *
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
+ * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
+ * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.
+ *
+ * You can obtain a copy of the license at Docs/cddl1.txt
+ * or
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+ * and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ *
+ * 09-Sep-2007 Brendan Gregg Created this.
+ */
+#pragma D option quiet
+ printf("Tracing... Hit Ctrl-C to end.\n");
+ @lines[pid, uid, copyinstr(arg0)] = count();
+ printf(" %6s %6s %10s %s\n", "PID", "UID", "LINES", "FILE");
+ printa(" %6d %6d %@10d %s\n", @lines);
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud