path: root/usr.sbin/bsdconfig/include
diff options
authordteske <>2013-02-25 19:55:32 +0000
committerdteske <>2013-02-25 19:55:32 +0000
commit1f658c88bed0f72839a6caee6fdc9731cfd3a516 (patch)
treecd0ba840ab0526258652c2740f9e0c046edb8374 /usr.sbin/bsdconfig/include
parent66bd226a8bcd9c32e76c9a7c414af10c393e50d8 (diff)
Import media selection/preparation framework (sysinstall inspired). Makes
accessing files from various types of media nice and abstracted away from the wet-work involved in preparing, validating, and initializing those types of media. This will be used for the package management system module and other modules that need access to files and want to allow the user to decide where those files come from (either in a scripted fashion, prompted fashion, or any combination thereof). Heavily inspired by sysinstall and even uses the same reserved words so that scripts are portable. Coded over months, tested continuously through- out, and reviewed several times. Some notes about the changes: - Move network-setting acquisition/validation routines to media/tcpip.subr - The options screen from sysinstall has been converted to a dialog menu - The "UFS" media choice is renamed to "Directory" to reflect how sysinstall treats the choice and a new [true] "UFS" media choice has been added that acts on real UFS partitions (such as external disks with disklabels). - Many more help files have been resurrected from sysinstall (I noticed that some of the content seems a bit dated; I gave them a once-over but they could really use an update). - A total of 10 media choices are presented (via mediaGetType) including: CD/DVD, FTP, FTP Passive, HTTP Proxy, Directory, NFS, DOS, UFS, Floppy, USB - Novel struct/device management layer for managing the issue of passing more information than can comfortably fit in an argument list.
Diffstat (limited to 'usr.sbin/bsdconfig/include')
6 files changed, 452 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/usr.sbin/bsdconfig/include/Makefile b/usr.sbin/bsdconfig/include/Makefile
index cb4b1b6..ee21cec 100644
--- a/usr.sbin/bsdconfig/include/Makefile
+++ b/usr.sbin/bsdconfig/include/Makefile
@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
FILESDIR= ${LIBEXECDIR}/bsdconfig/include
-FILES= bsdconfig.hlp messages.subr usage.hlp
+FILES= bsdconfig.hlp media.hlp messages.subr network_device.hlp \
+ options.hlp tcp.hlp usage.hlp
mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}${FILESDIR}
diff --git a/usr.sbin/bsdconfig/include/media.hlp b/usr.sbin/bsdconfig/include/media.hlp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6df5b03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usr.sbin/bsdconfig/include/media.hlp
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+You can install from the following types of media:
+ CDROM requires one of the following supported CDROM drives:
+ ATAPI - Any standard ATAPI CDROM drive hooked to
+ a supported controller (see Hardware Guide).
+ SCSI - Any standard SCSI CDROM drive hooked to
+ a supported controller (see Hardware Guide).
+ DOS A DOS primary partition with the required FreeBSD
+ distribution files copied onto it (e.g. C:\FREEBSD\)
+ UFS Assuming a disk or partition with an existing
+ FreeBSD file system and distribution set on it,
+ get the distribution files from there.
+ Floppy Get distribution files from one or more DOS or UFS
+ formatted floppies. Such floppies are assumed to
+ contain the appropriate distribution pieces - see
+ ABOUT.TXT for more information about making floppy
+ distribution media.
+ FTP Get the distribution files from an anonymous ftp server
+ (you will be presented with a list). Please note that
+ you may invoke FTP in "Active" mode, "Passive" mode, or
+ via an HTTP proxy.
+ Active mode is the standard way of fetching files and
+ Passive mode is for use when you're behind a firewall or
+ some other security mechanism that blocks active FTP
+ connections. Using an HTTP proxy is sometimes necessary
+ for firewalls which block all FTP connections.
+ If you chose to enter your own URL in the FTP menu, please
+ note that all paths are *relative* to the home directory
+ of the user being logged in as. By default, this is the
+ user "ftp" (anonymous ftp) but you may change this in the
+ Options screen.
+ NFS Get the distribution files from an NFS server somewhere
+ (make sure that permissions on the server allow this!).
+ If this install method hangs on you or refuses to work
+ properly, you may need to set some special options for
+ your NFS server. See the Options screen for more details.
diff --git a/usr.sbin/bsdconfig/include/messages.subr b/usr.sbin/bsdconfig/include/messages.subr
index dc7c246..82afb6d 100644
--- a/usr.sbin/bsdconfig/include/messages.subr
+++ b/usr.sbin/bsdconfig/include/messages.subr
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Copyright (c) 2012 Ron McDowell
-# Copyright (c) 2012 Devin Teske
+# Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Devin Teske
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
@@ -27,39 +27,251 @@
+hline_alnum_arrows_punc_tab_enter="Use alnum, arrows, punctuation, TAB or ENTER"
hline_alnum_punc_tab_enter="Use alpha-numeric, punctuation, TAB or ENTER"
hline_arrows_tab_enter="Press arrows, TAB or ENTER"
+hline_choose_help_for_more_information_on_media_types="Choose Help for more information on the various media types"
msg_always_try_sudo_when_run_as="Always try sudo(8) when run as %s"
+msg_assume_network_is_already_configured="Running multi-user, assume that the network is already configured?"
+msg_attempt_automatic_dhcp_configuration="Attempt automatic DHCP configuration of interfaces"
+msg_attempt_ipv6_configuration_of_interfaces="Attempt IPv6 configuration of interfaces"
msg_becoming_root_via_sudo="Becoming root via sudo(8)..."
msg_cannot_create_permission_denied="%s: cannot create %s: Permission denied"
+msg_cannot_resolve_hostname="Cannot resolve \`%s'! Are you sure that your\nname server, gateway and network interface are correctly configured?"
+msg_cant_find_distribution="Warning: Can't find the \`%s' distribution on this\nFTP server. You may need to visit a different server for\nthe release you are trying to fetch or go to the Options\nmenu and set the release name to explicitly match what's\navailable on %s (or set to \"any\").\n\nWould you like to select another FTP server?"
+msg_cant_seem_to_write_out_resolv_conf="Can't seem to write out %s. Net cannot be used."
+msg_checking_access_to="Checking access to\n %s"
+msg_choose_a_cd_dvd_type="Choose a CD/DVD type"
+msg_choose_a_dos_partition="Choose a DOS partition"
+msg_choose_a_floppy_drive="Choose a Floppy drive"
+msg_choose_a_ufs_partition="Choose a UFS partition"
+msg_choose_a_usb_partition="Choose a USB drive"
+msg_choose_installation_media="Choose Installation Media"
+msg_choose_installation_media_description="FreeBSD can be installed from a variety of different installation\nmedia, ranging from floppies to an Internet FTP server. If you're\ninstalling FreeBSD from a supported CD/DVD drive then this is generally\nthe best media to use if you have no overriding reason for using other\nmedia."
+msg_client_error="Client error, you could try an other server"
msg_command_failed_rest_of_script_aborted="Command \`%s' failed - rest of script aborted."
+msg_configuration_for_interface="Configuration for Interface"
+msg_could_not_unmount_the_cdrom_dvd="Could not unmount the CDROM/DVD from %s: %s"
+msg_could_not_unmount_the_dos_partition="Could not unmount the DOS partition from %s: %s"
+msg_could_not_unmount_the_nfs_partition="Could not unmount the NFS partition from %s: %s"
+msg_could_not_unmount_the_ufs_partition="Could not unmount the UFS partition from %s: %s"
+msg_couldnt_connect_to_proxy="Couldn't connect to proxy"
+msg_couldnt_connect_to_ftp_server="Couldn't connect to FTP server"
+msg_couldnt_open_ftp_connection="Couldn't open FTP connection to %s:\n %s."
msg_created_path="Created %s"
+msg_czech_republic="Czech Republic"
+msg_device_is_not_configured="The %s device is not configured. You will need to do so\nin the Networking configuration menu before proceeding."
+msg_dialog_mixedform_navigation_help="Use <up>/<down> arrows to navigate between fields, TAB to focus buttons, and Enter for OK/Cancel."
msg_directory_not_found="%s: Directory not found."
+msg_emit_extra_debugging_output="Emit extra debugging output"
+msg_enter_a_fully_qualified_pathname_for_the_directory="Enter a fully qualified pathname for the directory\ncontaining the FreeBSD distribution files:"
+msg_enter_the_device_name_of_a_ufs_formatted_partition="Enter the device-name of a UFS formatted partition"
+msg_error_mounting_device="Error mounting %s on %s: %s"
+msg_error_mounting_floppy_device="Error mounting floppy %s (%s) on %s: %s"
+msg_error_mounting_usb_drive="Error mounting USB drive %s on %s: %s"
+msg_error_when_requesting_url="Error when requesting %s, you could try an other server"
msg_exit_bsdconfig="Exit bsdconfig"
+msg_extra_options_to_ifconfig="Extra options to ifconfig (usually empty):"
+msg_failed_to_add_default_route="Failed to add a default route; please check your network configuration"
+msg_file_system="File System"
+msg_ftp_passive="FTP Passive"
+msg_ftp_username="FTP username"
+msg_host_name_including_domain="Host name (including domain)"
+msg_hostname_variable_not_set="WARNING: hostname variable not set and is a non-optional\nparameter. Please add this to your installation script\nor set the netInteractive variable (see bsdconfig man page)"
+msg_http_proxy="HTTP Proxy"
+msg_install_from_a_dos_partition="Install from a DOS partition"
+msg_install_from_a_floppy_disk_set="Install from a floppy disk set"
+msg_install_from_a_freebsd_cd_dvd="Install from a FreeBSD CD/DVD"
+msg_install_from_a_usb_drive="Install from a USB drive"
+msg_install_from_a_ufs_partition="Install from a UFS partition"
+msg_install_from_an_ftp_server="Install from an FTP server"
+msg_install_from_an_ftp_server_thru_firewall="Install from an FTP server through a firewall"
+msg_install_from_an_ftp_server_thru_proxy="Install from an FTP server through an HTTP proxy"
+msg_install_from_the_existing_filesystem="Install from the existing filesystem"
+msg_install_over_nfs="Install over NFS"
+msg_invalid_gateway_ipv4_address_specified="Invalid gateway IPv4 address specified"
+msg_invalid_hostname_value="Invalid hostname value"
+msg_invalid_ipv4_address="Invalid IPv4 address"
+msg_invalid_name_server_ip_address_specified="Invalid name server IP address specified"
+msg_invalid_netmask_value="Invalid netmask value"
+msg_invalid_nfs_path_specification="Invalid NFS path specification. Must be of the form:\nhost:/full/pathname/to/FreeBSD/distdir"
+msg_ipv4_address="IPv4 Address"
+msg_ipv4_gateway="IPv4 Gateway"
+msg_ipv6_ready="IPv6 ready"
+msg_length_of_specified_url_is_too_long="Length of specified URL is %u characters. Allowable maximum is %u."
+msg_logging_in_to_user_at_host="Logging in to %s@%s.."
+msg_looking_up_host="Looking up host %s"
msg_main_menu="Main Menu"
+msg_main_site="Main Site"
+msg_media_timeout="Media Timeout"
+msg_media_type="Media Type"
msg_menu_text="If you've already installed FreeBSD, you may use\nthis menu to customize it somewhat to suit your\nparticular configuration. Most importantly, you\ncan use the Packages utility to load extra '3rd\nparty' software not provided in the base\ndistributions."
+msg_missing_ftp_host_or_directory="Missing FTP host or directory specification. FTP media not initialized."
msg_must_be_root_to_execute="%s: must be root to execute"
+msg_must_specify_a_host_name_of_some_sort="Must specify a host name of some sort!"
+msg_name_server="Name server"
+msg_net_device_init_failed="Net device init failed."
+msg_network_configuration="Network Configuration"
+msg_network_interface_information_required="Network interface information required"
msg_nfailed_attempts="%u incorrect password attempts"
+msg_nfs_secure="NFS Secure"
+msg_nfs_server_talks_only_on_a_secure_port="NFS server talks only on a secure port"
+msg_nfs_slow="NFS Slow"
+msg_nfs_tcp="NFS TCP"
+msg_nfs_version_3="NFS version 3"
+msg_no_cd_dvd_devices_found="No CD/DVD devices found! Please check that your system's\nconfiguration is correct and that the CD/DVD drive is of a\nsupported type. For more information, consult the hardware\nguide in the Doc menu."
+msg_no_dos_primary_partitions_found="No DOS primary partitions found! This installation method is unavailable"
+msg_no_floppy_devices_found="No floppy devices found! Please check that your system's configuration\nis correct. For more information, consult the hardware guide in the Doc\nmenu."
+msg_no_gateway_has_been_set="No gateway has been set. You will be unable to access hosts\nnot on your local network"
+msg_no_network_devices="No network devices available!"
msg_no_such_file_or_directory="%s: %s: No such file or directory"
+msg_no_usb_devices_found="No USB devices found (try Options/Re-scan Devices)"
msg_no_username="No username provided!"
+msg_not_a_directory="%s: %s: Not a directory"
msg_not_found="not found"
+msg_not_yet_set="not yet set"
+msg_options_editor="Options Editor"
msg_permission_denied="%s: %s: Permission denied"
+msg_please_check_the_url_and_try_again="No such directory: %s\nplease check the URL and try again."
msg_please_enter_password="Please enter your password for sudo(8):"
msg_please_enter_username_password="Please enter a username and password for sudo(8):"
+msg_please_enter_the_address_of_the_http_proxy="Please enter the address of the HTTP proxy in this format:\n hostname:port (the ':port' is optional, default is 3128)"
+msg_please_enter_the_full_nfs_file_specification="Please enter the full NFS file specification for the remote\nhost and directory containing the FreeBSD distribution files.\nThis should be in the format: hostname:/some/freebsd/dir"
+msg_please_enter_the_password_for_this_user="Please enter the password for this user:"
+msg_please_enter_the_username_you_wish_to_login_as="Please enter the username you wish to login as:"
+msg_please_insert_floppy_in_drive="Please insert floppy in %s"
+msg_please_insert_floppy_containing="Please insert floppy containing %s in %s"
+msg_please_select_a_cd_dvd_drive="FreeBSD can be installed directly from a CD/DVD containing a valid\nFreeBSD distribution. If you are seeing this menu it is because\nmore than one CD/DVD drive was found on your system. Please select\none of the following CD/DVD drives as your installation drive."
+msg_please_select_a_floppy_drive="You have more than one floppy drive. Please choose which drive\nyou would like to use."
+msg_please_select_a_freebsd_ftp_distribution_site="Please select a FreeBSD FTP distribution site"
+msg_please_select_dos_partition="FreeBSD can be installed directly from a DOS partition assuming,\nof course, that you have copied the relevant distributions into\nyour DOS partition before starting this installation. If this is\nnot the case then you should reboot DOS at this time and copy the\ndistributions you wish to install into a \"FREEBSD\" subdirectory\non one of your DOS partitions. Otherwise, please select the DOS\npartition containing the FreeBSD distribution files."
+msg_please_select_ufs_partition="FreeBSD can be installed directly from another FreeBSD partition\nthat is UFS formatted assuming, of course, that you have copied\nthe relevant distributions into said partition before starting\ninstallation."
+msg_please_select_a_usb_drive="You have more than one USB drive. Please choose which drive\nyou would like to use."
+msg_please_select_ethernet_device_to_configure="Please select the ethernet or PLIP device to configure."
+msg_please_select_the_site_closest_to_you_or_other="Please select the site closest to you or \"other\" if you'd like to\nspecify a different choice. Also note that not every site listed here\ncarries more than the base distribution kits. Only Primary sites are\nguaranteed to carry the full range of possible distributions."
+msg_please_specify_the_name_of_the_text_editor="Please specify the name of the text editor you wish to use:"
+msg_please_specify_the_number_of_seconds_to_wait="Please specify the number of seconds to wait for slow media:"
+msg_please_specify_the_release_you_wish_to_load="Please specify the release you wish to load or\n\"any\" for a generic release install:"
+msg_please_specify_url_of_a_freebsd_distribution="Please specify the URL of a FreeBSD distribution on a\nremote ftp site. This site must accept either anonymous\nftp or you should have set an ftp username and password\nin the Options screen.\n\nA URL looks like this: ftp://<hostname>/<path>\nWhere <path> is relative to the anonymous ftp directory or the\nhome directory of the user being logged in as."
msg_previous_syntax_errors="%s: Not overwriting \`%s' due to previous syntax errors"
+msg_probing_devices_please_wait_this_can_take_a_while="Probing devices, please wait (this can take a while)..."
msg_quick_start_how_to_use_this_menu_system="Quick start - How to use this menu system"
+msg_release_name="Release Name"
+msg_rerun_bsdconfig_initial_device_probe="Re-run bsdconfig initial device probe"
+msg_rescan_devices="Re-scan Devices"
+msg_reset_all_values_to_startup_defaults="Reset all values to startup defaults"
+msg_reuse_old_ftp_site_selection_values="Re-use old FTP site selection values?"
+msg_scanning_for_dhcp_servers="Scanning for DHCP servers..."
+msg_scanning_for_ra_servers="Scanning for RA servers..."
msg_secure_mode_requires_x11="Secure-mode requires X11 (use \`-X')!"
msg_secure_mode_requires_root="Secure-mode requires root-access!"
+msg_select_a_site_thats_close="Select a site that's close!"
+msg_server_error_when_requesting_url="Server error when requesting %s, you could try an other server"
+msg_slovak_republic="Slovak Republic"
+msg_snapshots_server_japan="Snapshots Server Japan"
+msg_snapshots_server_sweden="Snapshots Server Sweden"
+msg_sorry_invalid_url="Sorry, %s is an invalid URL!"
msg_sorry_try_again="Sorry, try again."
+msg_south_africa="South Africa"
+msg_specify_some_other_ftp_site="Specify some other ftp site by URL"
+msg_the_current_installation_media_type="The current installation media type."
+msg_timeout_value_in_seconds_for_slow_media="Timeout value in seconds for slow media."
+msg_try_dhcp_configuration="Do you want to try DHCP configuration of the interface?"
+msg_try_ipv6_configuration="Do you want to try IPv6 configuration of the interface?"
msg_try_sudo_only_this_once="Try sudo(8) only this once"
+msg_unable_to_configure_device="Unable to configure the %s interface!\nThis installation method cannot be used."
+msg_unable_to_get_proper_ftp_path="Unable to get proper FTP path. FTP media not initialized."
+msg_unable_to_make_directory_mountpoint="Unable to make %s directory mountpoint for %s!"
msg_unable_to_open="Unable to open %s"
msg_unknown_user="Unknown user: %s"
+msg_url_was_not_found="%s was not found, maybe directory or release-version are wrong?"
+msg_use_defaults="Use Defaults"
+msg_use_nfs_version_3="Use NFS version 3"
+msg_use_tcp_protocol_for_nfs="Use TCP protocol for NFS"
msg_user_disallowed="User disallowed: %s"
+msg_user_is_using_a_slow_pc_or_ethernet_card="User is using a slow PC or Ethernet card"
+msg_username_and_password_to_use="Username and password to use instead of anonymous"
+msg_using_interface="Using interface %s"
+msg_using_usb_device="Using USB device: %s"
+msg_view_set_various_media_options="View/Set various media options"
+msg_which_release_to_attempt_to_load="Which release to attempt to load from installation media"
+msg_which_text_editor_to_use="Which text editor to use during installation"
+msg_would_you_like_to_bring_interface_up="Would you like to bring the %s interface up right now?"
msg_you_are_not_root_but="You are not root but %s can use sudo(8).\nWhat would you like to do?"
+msg_you_may_remove_the_floppy="You may remove the floppy from %s"
+msg_youve_already_done_the_network_configuration="You've already done the network configuration once,\nwould you like to skip over it now?"
+tcplayout_extras_help="Any interface-specific options to ifconfig you would like to add"
+tcplayout_extras_help_for_plip="For PLIP configuration, you must enter the peer's IP address here."
+tcplayout_gateway_help="IPv4 address of host forwarding packets to non-local destinations"
+tcplayout_hostname_help="Your fully-qualified hostname, e.g."
+tcplayout_ipaddr_help="The IPv4 address to be used for this interface"
+tcplayout_nameserver_help="IPv4 or IPv6 address of your local DNS server"
+tcplayout_netmask_help="The netmask for this interface, e.g. for a class C network"
diff --git a/usr.sbin/bsdconfig/include/network_device.hlp b/usr.sbin/bsdconfig/include/network_device.hlp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..affa86a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usr.sbin/bsdconfig/include/network_device.hlp
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+You can do network installations over 3 types of communications links:
+ Serial port: SLIP / PPP
+ Parallel port: PLIP (laplink cable)
+ Ethernet: A standard Ethernet controller (includes some
+ PCMCIA networking cards).
+SLIP support is rather primitive and limited primarily to directly
+connected links, such as a serial cable running between a laptop
+computer and another PC. The link must be hard-wired as the SLIP
+installation doesn't currently offer a dialing capability (that
+facility is offered by the PPP utility, which should be used in
+preference to SLIP whenever possible). When you choose the SLIP
+option, you'll be given the option of later editing the slattach
+command before it's run on the serial line. It is expected that
+you'll run slattach (or some equivalent command) on the other end of
+the link at that time and bring up the line. FreeBSD will then
+install itself at serial speeds of up to 115.2K/baud (the recommended
+speed for a hardwired cable).
+If you're using a modem then PPP is almost certainly your only choice.
+Make sure that you have your service provider's information handy as
+you'll need to know it fairly early in the installation process. You
+will need to know your service provider's IP address, the IP address
+of your provider's DNS server, and possibly your own IP address unless
+your ISP supports dynamic negotiation, most do. If you do not choose
+a PAP or CHAP login you will also need to know how to use the various
+"AT commands" to dial the ISP with your particular brand of modem as
+the PPP dialer provides only a very simple terminal emulator and has no
+"modem capabilities database". If you choose a PAP or CHAP login you
+can simply enter `dial' (without the quotes) at the ppp prompt if your
+modem uses the Hayes compatible AT command set.
+If a hard-wired connection to another FreeBSD (2.0R or later) machine
+is available, you might also consider installing over a "laplink"
+parallel port cable. The data rate over the parallel port is much
+higher than what is typically possible over a serial line, and speeds
+of over 50KB/sec are not uncommon.
+Finally, for the fastest possible network installation, an Ethernet
+adaptor is always a good choice! FreeBSD supports most common PC
+Ethernet cards, a table of which is provided in the FreeBSD Hardware
+Guide (see the `Documentation' entry in the main menu). If you are
+using one of the supported PCMCIA Ethernet cards, also be sure that
+it's plugged in BEFORE the laptop is powered on! Sysinstall does not,
+unfortunately, currently support "hot insertion" of PCMCIA cards.
+You will also need to know your IP address on the network, the
+"netmask" value for your address class, and the name of your machine.
+Your system administrator can tell you which values to use for your
+particular network setup. If you will be referring to other hosts by
+name rather than IP address, you'll also need a name server and
+possibly the address of a gateway (if you're using PPP, it's your
+provider's IP address) to use in talking to it. If you do not know
+the answers to all or most of these questions then you should really
+probably talk to your system administrator FIRST before trying this
+type of installation! Choosing the wrong IP address on a busy network
+will NOT make you popular with your systems administrator! :-)
diff --git a/usr.sbin/bsdconfig/include/options.hlp b/usr.sbin/bsdconfig/include/options.hlp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..674e48d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usr.sbin/bsdconfig/include/options.hlp
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+The following options may be set from this screen.
+NFS Secure: NFS server talks only on a secure port
+ This is most commonly used when talking to Sun workstations, which
+ will not talk NFS over "non privileged" ports.
+NFS Slow: User is using a slow PC or Ethernet card
+ Use this option if you have a slow PC (386) or an Ethernet card
+ with poor performance being "fed" by NFS on a higher-performance
+ workstation. This will throttle the workstation back to prevent
+ the PC from becoming swamped with data.
+NFS TCP: Use TCP for the NFS mount
+ This option can be used if your NFS server supports TCP
+ connections; not all do! This may be useful if your NFS server
+ is at a remote site in which case it may offer some additional
+ stability.
+NFS version 3: Use NFS version 3
+ This option forces the use of NFS version 3 and is on by default.
+ If your NFS server only supports NFS version 2, disable this option.
+Debugging: Turn on the extra debugging flag
+ This turns on a lot of extra noise in between dialogs (unless
+ debugFile has been set, sending the data to a logfile instead).
+ Optionally, if debugFile begins with a plus sign (`+'), output will
+ occur both on standard output and to debugFile (minus leading plus).
+ If your installation should fail for any reason, PLEASE turn this
+ flag on when attempting to reproduce the problem. It will provide a
+ lot of extra debugging at the failure point and may be very helpful
+ to the developers in tracking such problems down!
+DHCP: Enable DHCP configuration of interfaces
+ This option specifies whether DHCP configuration of interfaces
+ may be attempted. The default setting is to interactively ask
+ the user.
+IPv6: Enable IPv6 router solicitation configuration
+ This option specifies whether automatic configuration of IPv6
+ interfaces may be attempted. This uses the router solicitation
+ method of automatic configuration. The default setting is to
+ interactively ask the user.
+FTP username: Specify username and password instead of anonymous.
+ By default, the installation attempts to log in as the
+ anonymous user. If you wish to log in as someone else,
+ specify the username and password with this option.
+Editor: Specify which screen editor to use.
+ At various points during the installation it may be necessary
+ to customize some text file, at which point the user will be
+ thrown unceremoniously into a screen editor. A relatively
+ simplistic editor which shows its command set on-screen is
+ selected by default, but UNIX purists may wish to change this
+ setting to `/usr/bin/vi'.
+Release Name: Which release to attempt to load from installation media.
+ You should only change this option if you're really sure you know
+ what you are doing! This will change the release name used by
+ bsdconfig when fetching components of any distributions, and
+ is a useful way of using a more recent installation boot floppy
+ with an older release (say, on CDROM).
+Media Type: Which media type is being used.
+ This is mostly informational and indicates which media type (if any)
+ was last selected in the Media menu. It's also a convenient short-cut
+ to the media menu itself.
+Re-scan Devices:
+ Reprobe the system for devices.
+Use Defaults: Use default values.
+ Reset all options back to their default values.
diff --git a/usr.sbin/bsdconfig/include/tcp.hlp b/usr.sbin/bsdconfig/include/tcp.hlp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d0ba10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usr.sbin/bsdconfig/include/tcp.hlp
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+This screen allows you to set up your general network parameters
+(hostname, domain name, DNS server, etc) as well as the settings for a
+given interface (which was selected from the menu before this screen).
+PLIP/SLIP users - please read through to the end of this doc!
+The "options" field is kind of special (read: a hack :-):
+Any valid options to ifconfig can be specified here, so if you need
+to do something "special" to get your interface working, then here
+is the place to do it.
+If you're running SLIP or PLIP, you also need to use it for specifying
+the remote end of the link (simply type the foreign IP address in).
+In the specific case where you're running PLIP with a Linux host peer
+rather than a FreeBSD one, you also must add the "-link0" flag after the
+foreign address.
+If you're dealing with an ethernet adaptor with multiple media
+connectors (e.g. AUI, 10BT, 10B2, etc), you can use this field to
+specify which one to use. Examples of valid strings include:
+ "media 10base5/AUI" - Select the AUI port.
+ "media 10baseT/UTP" - Select the twisted pair port.
+ "media 10base2/BNC" - Select the BNC connector.
+ "media 100baseTX" - Select 100BaseT on a 100/10 dual adaptor.
+If you have a wireless interface and must specify arguments such as a
+WEP key here, you may use something like:
+ "wepmode on wepkey 0xFEEDFACE"
+When you're done with this form, select OK.
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