path: root/lib/Format/TokenAnnotator.cpp
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authordim <>2013-04-08 18:45:10 +0000
committerdim <>2013-04-08 18:45:10 +0000
commitc72c57c9e9b69944e3e009cd5e209634839581d3 (patch)
tree4fc2f184c499d106f29a386c452b49e5197bf63d /lib/Format/TokenAnnotator.cpp
parent5b20025c30d23d521e12c1f33ec8fa6b821952cd (diff)
Vendor import of clang trunk r178860:
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Format/TokenAnnotator.cpp')
1 files changed, 1187 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Format/TokenAnnotator.cpp b/lib/Format/TokenAnnotator.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..427157e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Format/TokenAnnotator.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1187 @@
+//===--- TokenAnnotator.cpp - Format C++ code -----------------------------===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+/// \file
+/// \brief This file implements a token annotator, i.e. creates
+/// \c AnnotatedTokens out of \c FormatTokens with required extra information.
+#include "TokenAnnotator.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
+#include "clang/Lex/Lexer.h"
+namespace clang {
+namespace format {
+static bool isUnaryOperator(const AnnotatedToken &Tok) {
+ switch (Tok.FormatTok.Tok.getKind()) {
+ case tok::plus:
+ case tok::plusplus:
+ case tok::minus:
+ case tok::minusminus:
+ case tok::exclaim:
+ case tok::tilde:
+ case tok::kw_sizeof:
+ case tok::kw_alignof:
+ return true;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+static bool isBinaryOperator(const AnnotatedToken &Tok) {
+ // Comma is a binary operator, but does not behave as such wrt. formatting.
+ return getPrecedence(Tok) > prec::Comma;
+// Returns the previous token ignoring comments.
+static AnnotatedToken *getPreviousToken(AnnotatedToken &Tok) {
+ AnnotatedToken *PrevToken = Tok.Parent;
+ while (PrevToken != NULL && PrevToken->is(tok::comment))
+ PrevToken = PrevToken->Parent;
+ return PrevToken;
+static const AnnotatedToken *getPreviousToken(const AnnotatedToken &Tok) {
+ return getPreviousToken(const_cast<AnnotatedToken &>(Tok));
+static bool isTrailingComment(AnnotatedToken *Tok) {
+ return Tok != NULL && Tok->is(tok::comment) &&
+ (Tok->Children.empty() ||
+ Tok->Children[0].FormatTok.NewlinesBefore > 0);
+// Returns the next token ignoring comments.
+static const AnnotatedToken *getNextToken(const AnnotatedToken &Tok) {
+ if (Tok.Children.empty())
+ return NULL;
+ const AnnotatedToken *NextToken = &Tok.Children[0];
+ while (NextToken->is(tok::comment)) {
+ if (NextToken->Children.empty())
+ return NULL;
+ NextToken = &NextToken->Children[0];
+ }
+ return NextToken;
+static bool closesScope(const AnnotatedToken &Tok) {
+ return Tok.isOneOf(tok::r_paren, tok::r_brace, tok::r_square) ||
+ Tok.Type == TT_TemplateCloser;
+static bool opensScope(const AnnotatedToken &Tok) {
+ return Tok.isOneOf(tok::l_paren, tok::l_brace, tok::l_square) ||
+ Tok.Type == TT_TemplateOpener;
+/// \brief A parser that gathers additional information about tokens.
+/// The \c TokenAnnotator tries to match parenthesis and square brakets and
+/// store a parenthesis levels. It also tries to resolve matching "<" and ">"
+/// into template parameter lists.
+class AnnotatingParser {
+ AnnotatingParser(SourceManager &SourceMgr, Lexer &Lex, AnnotatedLine &Line,
+ IdentifierInfo &Ident_in)
+ : SourceMgr(SourceMgr), Lex(Lex), Line(Line), CurrentToken(&Line.First),
+ KeywordVirtualFound(false), Ident_in(Ident_in) {
+ Contexts.push_back(Context(tok::unknown, 1, /*IsExpression=*/ false));
+ }
+ bool parseAngle() {
+ if (CurrentToken == NULL)
+ return false;
+ ScopedContextCreator ContextCreator(*this, tok::less, 10);
+ AnnotatedToken *Left = CurrentToken->Parent;
+ Contexts.back().IsExpression = false;
+ while (CurrentToken != NULL) {
+ if (CurrentToken->is(tok::greater)) {
+ Left->MatchingParen = CurrentToken;
+ CurrentToken->MatchingParen = Left;
+ CurrentToken->Type = TT_TemplateCloser;
+ next();
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (CurrentToken->isOneOf(tok::r_paren, tok::r_square, tok::r_brace,
+ tok::pipepipe, tok::ampamp, tok::question,
+ tok::colon))
+ return false;
+ updateParameterCount(Left, CurrentToken);
+ if (!consumeToken())
+ return false;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool parseParens(bool LookForDecls = false) {
+ if (CurrentToken == NULL)
+ return false;
+ ScopedContextCreator ContextCreator(*this, tok::l_paren, 1);
+ // FIXME: This is a bit of a hack. Do better.
+ Contexts.back().ColonIsForRangeExpr =
+ Contexts.size() == 2 && Contexts[0].ColonIsForRangeExpr;
+ bool StartsObjCMethodExpr = false;
+ AnnotatedToken *Left = CurrentToken->Parent;
+ if (CurrentToken->is(tok::caret)) {
+ // ^( starts a block.
+ Left->Type = TT_ObjCBlockLParen;
+ } else if (AnnotatedToken *MaybeSel = Left->Parent) {
+ // @selector( starts a selector.
+ if (MaybeSel->isObjCAtKeyword(tok::objc_selector) && MaybeSel->Parent &&
+ MaybeSel->Parent->is(tok::at)) {
+ StartsObjCMethodExpr = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (StartsObjCMethodExpr) {
+ Contexts.back().ColonIsObjCMethodExpr = true;
+ Left->Type = TT_ObjCMethodExpr;
+ }
+ while (CurrentToken != NULL) {
+ // LookForDecls is set when "if (" has been seen. Check for
+ // 'identifier' '*' 'identifier' followed by not '=' -- this
+ // '*' has to be a binary operator but determineStarAmpUsage() will
+ // categorize it as an unary operator, so set the right type here.
+ if (LookForDecls && !CurrentToken->Children.empty()) {
+ AnnotatedToken &Prev = *CurrentToken->Parent;
+ AnnotatedToken &Next = CurrentToken->Children[0];
+ if (Prev.Parent->is(tok::identifier) &&
+ Prev.isOneOf(tok::star, tok::amp, tok::ampamp) &&
+ CurrentToken->is(tok::identifier) && Next.isNot(tok::equal)) {
+ Prev.Type = TT_BinaryOperator;
+ LookForDecls = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (CurrentToken->is(tok::r_paren)) {
+ Left->MatchingParen = CurrentToken;
+ CurrentToken->MatchingParen = Left;
+ if (StartsObjCMethodExpr) {
+ CurrentToken->Type = TT_ObjCMethodExpr;
+ if (Contexts.back().FirstObjCSelectorName != NULL) {
+ Contexts.back().FirstObjCSelectorName->LongestObjCSelectorName =
+ Contexts.back().LongestObjCSelectorName;
+ }
+ }
+ next();
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (CurrentToken->isOneOf(tok::r_square, tok::r_brace))
+ return false;
+ updateParameterCount(Left, CurrentToken);
+ if (!consumeToken())
+ return false;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool parseSquare() {
+ if (!CurrentToken)
+ return false;
+ // A '[' could be an index subscript (after an indentifier or after
+ // ')' or ']'), it could be the start of an Objective-C method
+ // expression, or it could the the start of an Objective-C array literal.
+ AnnotatedToken *Left = CurrentToken->Parent;
+ AnnotatedToken *Parent = getPreviousToken(*Left);
+ bool StartsObjCMethodExpr =
+ Contexts.back().CanBeExpression &&
+ (!Parent || Parent->isOneOf(tok::colon, tok::l_square, tok::l_paren,
+ tok::kw_return, tok::kw_throw) ||
+ isUnaryOperator(*Parent) || Parent->Type == TT_ObjCForIn ||
+ Parent->Type == TT_CastRParen ||
+ getBinOpPrecedence(Parent->FormatTok.Tok.getKind(), true, true) >
+ prec::Unknown);
+ ScopedContextCreator ContextCreator(*this, tok::l_square, 10);
+ Contexts.back().IsExpression = true;
+ bool StartsObjCArrayLiteral = Parent && Parent->is(tok::at);
+ if (StartsObjCMethodExpr) {
+ Contexts.back().ColonIsObjCMethodExpr = true;
+ Left->Type = TT_ObjCMethodExpr;
+ } else if (StartsObjCArrayLiteral) {
+ Left->Type = TT_ObjCArrayLiteral;
+ }
+ while (CurrentToken != NULL) {
+ if (CurrentToken->is(tok::r_square)) {
+ if (!CurrentToken->Children.empty() &&
+ CurrentToken->Children[0].is(tok::l_paren)) {
+ // An ObjC method call is rarely followed by an open parenthesis.
+ // FIXME: Do we incorrectly label ":" with this?
+ StartsObjCMethodExpr = false;
+ Left->Type = TT_Unknown;
+ }
+ if (StartsObjCMethodExpr) {
+ CurrentToken->Type = TT_ObjCMethodExpr;
+ // determineStarAmpUsage() thinks that '*' '[' is allocating an
+ // array of pointers, but if '[' starts a selector then '*' is a
+ // binary operator.
+ if (Parent != NULL && Parent->Type == TT_PointerOrReference)
+ Parent->Type = TT_BinaryOperator;
+ } else if (StartsObjCArrayLiteral) {
+ CurrentToken->Type = TT_ObjCArrayLiteral;
+ }
+ Left->MatchingParen = CurrentToken;
+ CurrentToken->MatchingParen = Left;
+ if (Contexts.back().FirstObjCSelectorName != NULL)
+ Contexts.back().FirstObjCSelectorName->LongestObjCSelectorName =
+ Contexts.back().LongestObjCSelectorName;
+ next();
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (CurrentToken->isOneOf(tok::r_paren, tok::r_brace))
+ return false;
+ updateParameterCount(Left, CurrentToken);
+ if (!consumeToken())
+ return false;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool parseBrace() {
+ // Lines are fine to end with '{'.
+ if (CurrentToken == NULL)
+ return true;
+ ScopedContextCreator ContextCreator(*this, tok::l_brace, 1);
+ AnnotatedToken *Left = CurrentToken->Parent;
+ while (CurrentToken != NULL) {
+ if (CurrentToken->is(tok::r_brace)) {
+ Left->MatchingParen = CurrentToken;
+ CurrentToken->MatchingParen = Left;
+ next();
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (CurrentToken->isOneOf(tok::r_paren, tok::r_square))
+ return false;
+ updateParameterCount(Left, CurrentToken);
+ if (!consumeToken())
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ void updateParameterCount(AnnotatedToken *Left, AnnotatedToken *Current) {
+ if (Current->is(tok::comma))
+ ++Left->ParameterCount;
+ else if (Left->ParameterCount == 0 && Current->isNot(tok::comment))
+ Left->ParameterCount = 1;
+ }
+ bool parseConditional() {
+ while (CurrentToken != NULL) {
+ if (CurrentToken->is(tok::colon)) {
+ CurrentToken->Type = TT_ConditionalExpr;
+ next();
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (!consumeToken())
+ return false;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool parseTemplateDeclaration() {
+ if (CurrentToken != NULL && CurrentToken->is(tok::less)) {
+ CurrentToken->Type = TT_TemplateOpener;
+ next();
+ if (!parseAngle())
+ return false;
+ if (CurrentToken != NULL)
+ CurrentToken->Parent->ClosesTemplateDeclaration = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool consumeToken() {
+ AnnotatedToken *Tok = CurrentToken;
+ next();
+ switch (Tok->FormatTok.Tok.getKind()) {
+ case tok::plus:
+ case tok::minus:
+ if (Tok->Parent == NULL && Line.MustBeDeclaration)
+ Tok->Type = TT_ObjCMethodSpecifier;
+ break;
+ case tok::colon:
+ if (Tok->Parent == NULL)
+ return false;
+ // Colons from ?: are handled in parseConditional().
+ if (Tok->Parent->is(tok::r_paren) && Contexts.size() == 1) {
+ Tok->Type = TT_CtorInitializerColon;
+ } else if (Contexts.back().ColonIsObjCMethodExpr ||
+ Line.First.Type == TT_ObjCMethodSpecifier) {
+ Tok->Type = TT_ObjCMethodExpr;
+ Tok->Parent->Type = TT_ObjCSelectorName;
+ if (Tok->Parent->FormatTok.TokenLength >
+ Contexts.back().LongestObjCSelectorName)
+ Contexts.back().LongestObjCSelectorName =
+ Tok->Parent->FormatTok.TokenLength;
+ if (Contexts.back().FirstObjCSelectorName == NULL)
+ Contexts.back().FirstObjCSelectorName = Tok->Parent;
+ } else if (Contexts.back().ColonIsForRangeExpr) {
+ Tok->Type = TT_RangeBasedForLoopColon;
+ } else if (Contexts.size() == 1) {
+ Tok->Type = TT_InheritanceColon;
+ } else if (Contexts.back().ContextKind == tok::l_paren) {
+ Tok->Type = TT_InlineASMColon;
+ }
+ break;
+ case tok::kw_if:
+ case tok::kw_while:
+ if (CurrentToken != NULL && CurrentToken->is(tok::l_paren)) {
+ next();
+ if (!parseParens(/*LookForDecls=*/ true))
+ return false;
+ }
+ break;
+ case tok::kw_for:
+ Contexts.back().ColonIsForRangeExpr = true;
+ next();
+ if (!parseParens())
+ return false;
+ break;
+ case tok::l_paren:
+ if (!parseParens())
+ return false;
+ if (Line.MustBeDeclaration)
+ Line.MightBeFunctionDecl = true;
+ break;
+ case tok::l_square:
+ if (!parseSquare())
+ return false;
+ break;
+ case tok::l_brace:
+ if (!parseBrace())
+ return false;
+ break;
+ case tok::less:
+ if (parseAngle())
+ Tok->Type = TT_TemplateOpener;
+ else {
+ Tok->Type = TT_BinaryOperator;
+ CurrentToken = Tok;
+ next();
+ }
+ break;
+ case tok::r_paren:
+ case tok::r_square:
+ return false;
+ case tok::r_brace:
+ // Lines can start with '}'.
+ if (Tok->Parent != NULL)
+ return false;
+ break;
+ case tok::greater:
+ Tok->Type = TT_BinaryOperator;
+ break;
+ case tok::kw_operator:
+ while (CurrentToken && CurrentToken->isNot(tok::l_paren)) {
+ if (CurrentToken->isOneOf(tok::star, tok::amp))
+ CurrentToken->Type = TT_PointerOrReference;
+ consumeToken();
+ }
+ if (CurrentToken)
+ CurrentToken->Type = TT_OverloadedOperatorLParen;
+ break;
+ case tok::question:
+ parseConditional();
+ break;
+ case tok::kw_template:
+ parseTemplateDeclaration();
+ break;
+ case tok::identifier:
+ if ( &&
+ Tok->FormatTok.Tok.getIdentifierInfo() == &Ident_in)
+ Tok->Type = TT_ObjCForIn;
+ break;
+ case tok::comma:
+ if (Contexts.back().FirstStartOfName)
+ Contexts.back().FirstStartOfName->PartOfMultiVariableDeclStmt = true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ void parseIncludeDirective() {
+ next();
+ if (CurrentToken != NULL && CurrentToken->is(tok::less)) {
+ next();
+ while (CurrentToken != NULL) {
+ if (CurrentToken->isNot(tok::comment) ||
+ !CurrentToken->Children.empty())
+ CurrentToken->Type = TT_ImplicitStringLiteral;
+ next();
+ }
+ } else {
+ while (CurrentToken != NULL) {
+ if (CurrentToken->is(tok::string_literal))
+ // Mark these string literals as "implicit" literals, too, so that
+ // they are not split or line-wrapped.
+ CurrentToken->Type = TT_ImplicitStringLiteral;
+ next();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void parseWarningOrError() {
+ next();
+ // We still want to format the whitespace left of the first token of the
+ // warning or error.
+ next();
+ while (CurrentToken != NULL) {
+ CurrentToken->Type = TT_ImplicitStringLiteral;
+ next();
+ }
+ }
+ void parsePreprocessorDirective() {
+ next();
+ if (CurrentToken == NULL)
+ return;
+ // Hashes in the middle of a line can lead to any strange token
+ // sequence.
+ if (CurrentToken->FormatTok.Tok.getIdentifierInfo() == NULL)
+ return;
+ switch (CurrentToken->FormatTok.Tok.getIdentifierInfo()->getPPKeywordID()) {
+ case tok::pp_include:
+ case tok::pp_import:
+ parseIncludeDirective();
+ break;
+ case tok::pp_error:
+ case tok::pp_warning:
+ parseWarningOrError();
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ while (CurrentToken != NULL)
+ next();
+ }
+ LineType parseLine() {
+ int PeriodsAndArrows = 0;
+ AnnotatedToken *LastPeriodOrArrow = NULL;
+ bool CanBeBuilderTypeStmt = true;
+ if (CurrentToken->is(tok::hash)) {
+ parsePreprocessorDirective();
+ return LT_PreprocessorDirective;
+ }
+ while (CurrentToken != NULL) {
+ if (CurrentToken->is(tok::kw_virtual))
+ KeywordVirtualFound = true;
+ if (CurrentToken->isOneOf(tok::period, tok::arrow)) {
+ ++PeriodsAndArrows;
+ LastPeriodOrArrow = CurrentToken;
+ }
+ AnnotatedToken *TheToken = CurrentToken;
+ if (!consumeToken())
+ return LT_Invalid;
+ if (getPrecedence(*TheToken) > prec::Assignment &&
+ TheToken->Type == TT_BinaryOperator)
+ CanBeBuilderTypeStmt = false;
+ }
+ if (KeywordVirtualFound)
+ return LT_VirtualFunctionDecl;
+ // Assume a builder-type call if there are 2 or more "." and "->".
+ if (PeriodsAndArrows >= 2 && CanBeBuilderTypeStmt) {
+ LastPeriodOrArrow->LastInChainOfCalls = true;
+ return LT_BuilderTypeCall;
+ }
+ if (Line.First.Type == TT_ObjCMethodSpecifier) {
+ if (Contexts.back().FirstObjCSelectorName != NULL)
+ Contexts.back().FirstObjCSelectorName->LongestObjCSelectorName =
+ Contexts.back().LongestObjCSelectorName;
+ return LT_ObjCMethodDecl;
+ }
+ return LT_Other;
+ }
+ void next() {
+ if (CurrentToken != NULL) {
+ determineTokenType(*CurrentToken);
+ CurrentToken->BindingStrength = Contexts.back().BindingStrength;
+ }
+ if (CurrentToken != NULL && !CurrentToken->Children.empty())
+ CurrentToken = &CurrentToken->Children[0];
+ else
+ CurrentToken = NULL;
+ // Reset token type in case we have already looked at it and then recovered
+ // from an error (e.g. failure to find the matching >).
+ if (CurrentToken != NULL)
+ CurrentToken->Type = TT_Unknown;
+ }
+ /// \brief A struct to hold information valid in a specific context, e.g.
+ /// a pair of parenthesis.
+ struct Context {
+ Context(tok::TokenKind ContextKind, unsigned BindingStrength,
+ bool IsExpression)
+ : ContextKind(ContextKind), BindingStrength(BindingStrength),
+ LongestObjCSelectorName(0), ColonIsForRangeExpr(false),
+ ColonIsObjCMethodExpr(false), FirstObjCSelectorName(NULL),
+ FirstStartOfName(NULL), IsExpression(IsExpression),
+ CanBeExpression(true) {}
+ tok::TokenKind ContextKind;
+ unsigned BindingStrength;
+ unsigned LongestObjCSelectorName;
+ bool ColonIsForRangeExpr;
+ bool ColonIsObjCMethodExpr;
+ AnnotatedToken *FirstObjCSelectorName;
+ AnnotatedToken *FirstStartOfName;
+ bool IsExpression;
+ bool CanBeExpression;
+ };
+ /// \brief Puts a new \c Context onto the stack \c Contexts for the lifetime
+ /// of each instance.
+ struct ScopedContextCreator {
+ AnnotatingParser &P;
+ ScopedContextCreator(AnnotatingParser &P, tok::TokenKind ContextKind,
+ unsigned Increase)
+ : P(P) {
+ P.Contexts.push_back(
+ Context(ContextKind, P.Contexts.back().BindingStrength + Increase,
+ P.Contexts.back().IsExpression));
+ }
+ ~ScopedContextCreator() { P.Contexts.pop_back(); }
+ };
+ void determineTokenType(AnnotatedToken &Current) {
+ if (getPrecedence(Current) == prec::Assignment) {
+ Contexts.back().IsExpression = true;
+ for (AnnotatedToken *Previous = Current.Parent;
+ Previous && Previous->isNot(tok::comma);
+ Previous = Previous->Parent) {
+ if (Previous->is(tok::r_square))
+ Previous = Previous->MatchingParen;
+ if (Previous->Type == TT_BinaryOperator &&
+ Previous->isOneOf(tok::star, tok::amp)) {
+ Previous->Type = TT_PointerOrReference;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (Current.isOneOf(tok::kw_return, tok::kw_throw) ||
+ ( && !Line.MustBeDeclaration &&
+ (!Current.Parent || Current.Parent->isNot(tok::kw_for)))) {
+ Contexts.back().IsExpression = true;
+ } else if (Current.isOneOf(tok::r_paren, tok::greater, tok::comma)) {
+ for (AnnotatedToken *Previous = Current.Parent;
+ Previous && Previous->isOneOf(tok::star, tok::amp);
+ Previous = Previous->Parent)
+ Previous->Type = TT_PointerOrReference;
+ } else if (Current.Parent &&
+ Current.Parent->Type == TT_CtorInitializerColon) {
+ Contexts.back().IsExpression = true;
+ } else if ( {
+ Contexts.back().CanBeExpression = false;
+ }
+ if (Current.Type == TT_Unknown) {
+ if (Current.Parent && &&
+ ((Current.Parent->is(tok::identifier) &&
+ Current.Parent->FormatTok.Tok.getIdentifierInfo()
+ ->getPPKeywordID() == tok::pp_not_keyword) ||
+ isSimpleTypeSpecifier(*Current.Parent) ||
+ Current.Parent->Type == TT_PointerOrReference ||
+ Current.Parent->Type == TT_TemplateCloser)) {
+ Contexts.back().FirstStartOfName = &Current;
+ Current.Type = TT_StartOfName;
+ } else if (Current.isOneOf(tok::star, tok::amp, tok::ampamp)) {
+ Current.Type =
+ determineStarAmpUsage(Current, Contexts.back().IsExpression);
+ } else if (Current.isOneOf(tok::minus, tok::plus, tok::caret)) {
+ Current.Type = determinePlusMinusCaretUsage(Current);
+ } else if (Current.isOneOf(tok::minusminus, tok::plusplus)) {
+ Current.Type = determineIncrementUsage(Current);
+ } else if ( {
+ Current.Type = TT_UnaryOperator;
+ } else if (isBinaryOperator(Current)) {
+ Current.Type = TT_BinaryOperator;
+ } else if ( {
+ std::string Data(Lexer::getSpelling(Current.FormatTok.Tok, SourceMgr,
+ Lex.getLangOpts()));
+ if (StringRef(Data).startswith("//"))
+ Current.Type = TT_LineComment;
+ else
+ Current.Type = TT_BlockComment;
+ } else if ( {
+ bool ParensNotExpr = !Current.Parent ||
+ Current.Parent->Type == TT_PointerOrReference ||
+ Current.Parent->Type == TT_TemplateCloser;
+ bool ParensCouldEndDecl =
+ !Current.Children.empty() &&
+ Current.Children[0].isOneOf(tok::equal, tok::semi, tok::l_brace);
+ bool IsSizeOfOrAlignOf =
+ Current.MatchingParen && Current.MatchingParen->Parent &&
+ Current.MatchingParen->Parent->isOneOf(tok::kw_sizeof,
+ tok::kw_alignof);
+ if (ParensNotExpr && !ParensCouldEndDecl && !IsSizeOfOrAlignOf &&
+ Contexts.back().IsExpression)
+ // FIXME: We need to get smarter and understand more cases of casts.
+ Current.Type = TT_CastRParen;
+ } else if ( && Current.Children.size()) {
+ switch (Current.Children[0].FormatTok.Tok.getObjCKeywordID()) {
+ case tok::objc_interface:
+ case tok::objc_implementation:
+ case tok::objc_protocol:
+ Current.Type = TT_ObjCDecl;
+ break;
+ case tok::objc_property:
+ Current.Type = TT_ObjCProperty;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// \brief Return the type of the given token assuming it is * or &.
+ TokenType
+ determineStarAmpUsage(const AnnotatedToken &Tok, bool IsExpression) {
+ const AnnotatedToken *PrevToken = getPreviousToken(Tok);
+ if (PrevToken == NULL)
+ return TT_UnaryOperator;
+ const AnnotatedToken *NextToken = getNextToken(Tok);
+ if (NextToken == NULL)
+ return TT_Unknown;
+ if (PrevToken->is(tok::l_paren) && !IsExpression)
+ return TT_PointerOrReference;
+ if (PrevToken->isOneOf(tok::l_paren, tok::l_square, tok::l_brace,
+ tok::comma, tok::semi, tok::kw_return, tok::colon,
+ tok::equal) ||
+ PrevToken->Type == TT_BinaryOperator ||
+ PrevToken->Type == TT_UnaryOperator || PrevToken->Type == TT_CastRParen)
+ return TT_UnaryOperator;
+ if (NextToken->is(tok::l_square))
+ return TT_PointerOrReference;
+ if (PrevToken->FormatTok.Tok.isLiteral() ||
+ PrevToken->isOneOf(tok::r_paren, tok::r_square) ||
+ NextToken->FormatTok.Tok.isLiteral() || isUnaryOperator(*NextToken))
+ return TT_BinaryOperator;
+ // It is very unlikely that we are going to find a pointer or reference type
+ // definition on the RHS of an assignment.
+ if (IsExpression)
+ return TT_BinaryOperator;
+ return TT_PointerOrReference;
+ }
+ TokenType determinePlusMinusCaretUsage(const AnnotatedToken &Tok) {
+ const AnnotatedToken *PrevToken = getPreviousToken(Tok);
+ if (PrevToken == NULL)
+ return TT_UnaryOperator;
+ // Use heuristics to recognize unary operators.
+ if (PrevToken->isOneOf(tok::equal, tok::l_paren, tok::comma, tok::l_square,
+ tok::question, tok::colon, tok::kw_return,
+ tok::kw_case, tok::at, tok::l_brace))
+ return TT_UnaryOperator;
+ // There can't be two consecutive binary operators.
+ if (PrevToken->Type == TT_BinaryOperator)
+ return TT_UnaryOperator;
+ // Fall back to marking the token as binary operator.
+ return TT_BinaryOperator;
+ }
+ /// \brief Determine whether ++/-- are pre- or post-increments/-decrements.
+ TokenType determineIncrementUsage(const AnnotatedToken &Tok) {
+ const AnnotatedToken *PrevToken = getPreviousToken(Tok);
+ if (PrevToken == NULL)
+ return TT_UnaryOperator;
+ if (PrevToken->isOneOf(tok::r_paren, tok::r_square, tok::identifier))
+ return TT_TrailingUnaryOperator;
+ return TT_UnaryOperator;
+ }
+ // FIXME: This is copy&pasted from Sema. Put it in a common place and remove
+ // duplication.
+ /// \brief Determine whether the token kind starts a simple-type-specifier.
+ bool isSimpleTypeSpecifier(const AnnotatedToken &Tok) const {
+ switch (Tok.FormatTok.Tok.getKind()) {
+ case tok::kw_short:
+ case tok::kw_long:
+ case tok::kw___int64:
+ case tok::kw___int128:
+ case tok::kw_signed:
+ case tok::kw_unsigned:
+ case tok::kw_void:
+ case tok::kw_char:
+ case tok::kw_int:
+ case tok::kw_half:
+ case tok::kw_float:
+ case tok::kw_double:
+ case tok::kw_wchar_t:
+ case tok::kw_bool:
+ case tok::kw___underlying_type:
+ return true;
+ case tok::annot_typename:
+ case tok::kw_char16_t:
+ case tok::kw_char32_t:
+ case tok::kw_typeof:
+ case tok::kw_decltype:
+ return Lex.getLangOpts().CPlusPlus;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ SmallVector<Context, 8> Contexts;
+ SourceManager &SourceMgr;
+ Lexer &Lex;
+ AnnotatedLine &Line;
+ AnnotatedToken *CurrentToken;
+ bool KeywordVirtualFound;
+ IdentifierInfo &Ident_in;
+/// \brief Parses binary expressions by inserting fake parenthesis based on
+/// operator precedence.
+class ExpressionParser {
+ ExpressionParser(AnnotatedLine &Line) : Current(&Line.First) {}
+ /// \brief Parse expressions with the given operatore precedence.
+ void parse(int Precedence = 0) {
+ if (Precedence > prec::PointerToMember || Current == NULL)
+ return;
+ // Skip over "return" until we can properly parse it.
+ if (Current->is(tok::kw_return))
+ next();
+ // Eagerly consume trailing comments.
+ while (isTrailingComment(Current)) {
+ next();
+ }
+ AnnotatedToken *Start = Current;
+ bool OperatorFound = false;
+ while (Current) {
+ // Consume operators with higher precedence.
+ parse(prec::Level(Precedence + 1));
+ int CurrentPrecedence = 0;
+ if (Current) {
+ if (Current->Type == TT_ConditionalExpr)
+ CurrentPrecedence = 1 + (int) prec::Conditional;
+ else if (Current->is(tok::semi) || Current->Type == TT_InlineASMColon ||
+ Current->Type == TT_CtorInitializerColon)
+ CurrentPrecedence = 1;
+ else if (Current->Type == TT_BinaryOperator || Current->is(tok::comma))
+ CurrentPrecedence = 1 + (int) getPrecedence(*Current);
+ }
+ // At the end of the line or when an operator with higher precedence is
+ // found, insert fake parenthesis and return.
+ if (Current == NULL || closesScope(*Current) ||
+ (CurrentPrecedence != 0 && CurrentPrecedence < Precedence)) {
+ if (OperatorFound) {
+ ++Start->FakeLParens;
+ if (Current)
+ ++Current->Parent->FakeRParens;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // Consume scopes: (), [], <> and {}
+ if (opensScope(*Current)) {
+ AnnotatedToken *Left = Current;
+ while (Current && !closesScope(*Current)) {
+ next();
+ parse();
+ }
+ // Remove fake parens that just duplicate the real parens.
+ if (Current && Left->Children[0].FakeLParens > 0 &&
+ Current->Parent->FakeRParens > 0) {
+ --Left->Children[0].FakeLParens;
+ --Current->Parent->FakeRParens;
+ }
+ next();
+ } else {
+ // Operator found.
+ if (CurrentPrecedence == Precedence)
+ OperatorFound = true;
+ next();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void next() {
+ if (Current != NULL)
+ Current = Current->Children.empty() ? NULL : &Current->Children[0];
+ }
+ AnnotatedToken *Current;
+void TokenAnnotator::annotate(AnnotatedLine &Line) {
+ AnnotatingParser Parser(SourceMgr, Lex, Line, Ident_in);
+ Line.Type = Parser.parseLine();
+ if (Line.Type == LT_Invalid)
+ return;
+ ExpressionParser ExprParser(Line);
+ ExprParser.parse();
+ if (Line.First.Type == TT_ObjCMethodSpecifier)
+ Line.Type = LT_ObjCMethodDecl;
+ else if (Line.First.Type == TT_ObjCDecl)
+ Line.Type = LT_ObjCDecl;
+ else if (Line.First.Type == TT_ObjCProperty)
+ Line.Type = LT_ObjCProperty;
+ Line.First.SpacesRequiredBefore = 1;
+ Line.First.MustBreakBefore = Line.First.FormatTok.MustBreakBefore;
+ Line.First.CanBreakBefore = Line.First.MustBreakBefore;
+ Line.First.TotalLength = Line.First.FormatTok.TokenLength;
+void TokenAnnotator::calculateFormattingInformation(AnnotatedLine &Line) {
+ if (Line.First.Children.empty())
+ return;
+ AnnotatedToken *Current = &Line.First.Children[0];
+ while (Current != NULL) {
+ if (Current->Type == TT_LineComment)
+ Current->SpacesRequiredBefore = Style.SpacesBeforeTrailingComments;
+ else
+ Current->SpacesRequiredBefore =
+ spaceRequiredBefore(Line, *Current) ? 1 : 0;
+ if (Current->FormatTok.MustBreakBefore) {
+ Current->MustBreakBefore = true;
+ } else if (Current->Type == TT_LineComment) {
+ Current->MustBreakBefore = Current->FormatTok.NewlinesBefore > 0;
+ } else if (isTrailingComment(Current->Parent) ||
+ (Current->is(tok::string_literal) &&
+ Current->Parent->is(tok::string_literal))) {
+ Current->MustBreakBefore = true;
+ } else if (Current->is(tok::lessless) && !Current->Children.empty() &&
+ Current->Parent->is(tok::string_literal) &&
+ Current->Children[0].is(tok::string_literal)) {
+ Current->MustBreakBefore = true;
+ } else {
+ Current->MustBreakBefore = false;
+ }
+ Current->CanBreakBefore =
+ Current->MustBreakBefore || canBreakBefore(Line, *Current);
+ if (Current->MustBreakBefore)
+ Current->TotalLength = Current->Parent->TotalLength + Style.ColumnLimit;
+ else
+ Current->TotalLength =
+ Current->Parent->TotalLength + Current->FormatTok.TokenLength +
+ Current->SpacesRequiredBefore;
+ // FIXME: Only calculate this if CanBreakBefore is true once static
+ // initializers etc. are sorted out.
+ // FIXME: Move magic numbers to a better place.
+ Current->SplitPenalty =
+ 20 * Current->BindingStrength + splitPenalty(Line, *Current);
+ Current = Current->Children.empty() ? NULL : &Current->Children[0];
+ }
+unsigned TokenAnnotator::splitPenalty(const AnnotatedLine &Line,
+ const AnnotatedToken &Tok) {
+ const AnnotatedToken &Left = *Tok.Parent;
+ const AnnotatedToken &Right = Tok;
+ if (Right.Type == TT_StartOfName) {
+ if ( && Right.PartOfMultiVariableDeclStmt)
+ return 3;
+ else if (Line.MightBeFunctionDecl && Right.BindingStrength == 1)
+ // FIXME: Clean up hack of using BindingStrength to find top-level names.
+ return Style.PenaltyReturnTypeOnItsOwnLine;
+ else
+ return 100;
+ }
+ if ( &&
+ return 150;
+ if (
+ return 500;
+ if (Left.Type == TT_RangeBasedForLoopColon ||
+ Left.Type == TT_InheritanceColon)
+ return 2;
+ if (Right.isOneOf(tok::arrow, tok::period)) {
+ if (Line.Type == LT_BuilderTypeCall)
+ return prec::PointerToMember;
+ if (Left.isOneOf(tok::r_paren, tok::r_square) && Left.MatchingParen &&
+ Left.MatchingParen->ParameterCount > 0)
+ return 20; // Should be smaller than breaking at a nested comma.
+ return 150;
+ }
+ // In for-loops, prefer breaking at ',' and ';'.
+ if ( &&
+ return 4;
+ if (
+ return 0;
+ if (
+ return 1;
+ // In Objective-C method expressions, prefer breaking before "param:" over
+ // breaking after it.
+ if (Right.Type == TT_ObjCSelectorName)
+ return 0;
+ if ( && Left.Type == TT_ObjCMethodExpr)
+ return 20;
+ if (opensScope(Left))
+ return Left.ParameterCount > 1 ? prec::Comma : 20;
+ if ( {
+ if ( {
+ StringRef Content = StringRef(Left.FormatTok.Tok.getLiteralData(),
+ Left.FormatTok.TokenLength);
+ Content = Content.drop_back(1).drop_front(1).trim();
+ if (Content.size() > 1 &&
+ (Content.back() == ':' || Content.back() == '='))
+ return 100;
+ }
+ return prec::Shift;
+ }
+ if (Left.Type == TT_ConditionalExpr)
+ return prec::Conditional;
+ prec::Level Level = getPrecedence(Left);
+ if (Level != prec::Unknown)
+ return Level;
+ return 3;
+bool TokenAnnotator::spaceRequiredBetween(const AnnotatedLine &Line,
+ const AnnotatedToken &Left,
+ const AnnotatedToken &Right) {
+ if (
+ return;
+ if (Left.isOneOf(tok::hashhash, tok::hash))
+ return;
+ if (Right.isOneOf(tok::r_paren, tok::semi, tok::comma))
+ return false;
+ if ( &&
+ ( ||
+ (Line.Type == LT_ObjCDecl && Style.ObjCSpaceBeforeProtocolList)))
+ return true;
+ if ( ||
+ return false;
+ if (Left.isOneOf(tok::exclaim, tok::tilde))
+ return false;
+ if ( &&
+ Right.isOneOf(tok::identifier, tok::string_literal, tok::char_constant,
+ tok::numeric_constant, tok::l_paren, tok::l_brace,
+ tok::kw_true, tok::kw_false))
+ return false;
+ if (
+ return false;
+ if (
+ return !Left.isOneOf(tok::identifier, tok::greater, tok::l_paren);
+ if ( || Right.isOneOf(tok::greater, tok::less))
+ return false;
+ if (Right.Type == TT_PointerOrReference)
+ return Left.FormatTok.Tok.isLiteral() ||
+ ((Left.Type != TT_PointerOrReference) && Left.isNot(tok::l_paren) &&
+ !Style.PointerBindsToType);
+ if (Left.Type == TT_PointerOrReference)
+ return Right.FormatTok.Tok.isLiteral() ||
+ ((Right.Type != TT_PointerOrReference) &&
+ Right.isNot(tok::l_paren) && Style.PointerBindsToType &&
+ Left.Parent && Left.Parent->isNot(tok::l_paren));
+ if ( &&
+ return false;
+ if (
+ return Left.Type == TT_ObjCArrayLiteral && Right.isNot(tok::r_square);
+ if (
+ return Right.Type == TT_ObjCArrayLiteral;
+ if ( && Right.Type != TT_ObjCMethodExpr)
+ return false;
+ if ( ||
+ return false;
+ if (
+ return Left.Type != TT_ObjCMethodExpr;
+ if (
+ return Right.Type != TT_ObjCMethodExpr;
+ if (
+ return false;
+ if ( {
+ return Line.Type == LT_ObjCDecl ||
+ Left.isOneOf(tok::kw_if, tok::kw_for, tok::kw_while, tok::kw_switch,
+ tok::kw_return, tok::kw_catch, tok::kw_new,
+ tok::kw_delete);
+ }
+ if ( &&
+ Right.FormatTok.Tok.getObjCKeywordID() != tok::objc_not_keyword)
+ return false;
+ if ( &&
+ return false;
+ return true;
+bool TokenAnnotator::spaceRequiredBefore(const AnnotatedLine &Line,
+ const AnnotatedToken &Tok) {
+ if (Tok.FormatTok.Tok.getIdentifierInfo() &&
+ Tok.Parent->FormatTok.Tok.getIdentifierInfo())
+ return true; // Never ever merge two identifiers.
+ if (Line.Type == LT_ObjCMethodDecl) {
+ if (Tok.Parent->Type == TT_ObjCMethodSpecifier)
+ return true;
+ if (Tok.Parent->is(tok::r_paren) &&
+ // Don't space between ')' and <id>
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (Line.Type == LT_ObjCProperty &&
+ ( || Tok.Parent->is(tok::equal)))
+ return false;
+ if (Tok.Parent->is(tok::comma))
+ return true;
+ if (
+ return false;
+ if (Tok.Type == TT_CtorInitializerColon || Tok.Type == TT_ObjCBlockLParen)
+ return true;
+ if (Tok.Parent->
+ return false;
+ if (Tok.Type == TT_OverloadedOperatorLParen)
+ return false;
+ if (
+ return !Line.First.isOneOf(tok::kw_case, tok::kw_default) &&
+ !Tok.Children.empty() && Tok.Type != TT_ObjCMethodExpr;
+ if ( && !Tok.Children.empty() &&
+ Tok.Children[0].Type == TT_PointerOrReference &&
+ !Tok.Children[0].Children.empty() &&
+ Tok.Children[0].Children[0].isNot(tok::r_paren) &&
+ Tok.Parent->isNot(tok::l_paren) &&
+ (Tok.Parent->Type != TT_PointerOrReference || Style.PointerBindsToType))
+ return true;
+ if (Tok.Parent->Type == TT_UnaryOperator || Tok.Parent->Type == TT_CastRParen)
+ return false;
+ if (Tok.Type == TT_UnaryOperator)
+ return !Tok.Parent->isOneOf(tok::l_paren, tok::l_square, tok::at) &&
+ (Tok.Parent->isNot(tok::colon) ||
+ Tok.Parent->Type != TT_ObjCMethodExpr);
+ if (Tok.Parent->is(tok::greater) && {
+ return Tok.Type == TT_TemplateCloser &&
+ Tok.Parent->Type == TT_TemplateCloser &&
+ Style.Standard != FormatStyle::LS_Cpp11;
+ }
+ if (Tok.isOneOf(tok::arrowstar, tok::periodstar) ||
+ Tok.Parent->isOneOf(tok::arrowstar, tok::periodstar))
+ return false;
+ if (Tok.Type == TT_BinaryOperator || Tok.Parent->Type == TT_BinaryOperator)
+ return true;
+ if (Tok.Parent->Type == TT_TemplateCloser &&
+ return false;
+ if ( &&
+ return true;
+ if (Tok.Type == TT_TrailingUnaryOperator)
+ return false;
+ return spaceRequiredBetween(Line, *Tok.Parent, Tok);
+bool TokenAnnotator::canBreakBefore(const AnnotatedLine &Line,
+ const AnnotatedToken &Right) {
+ const AnnotatedToken &Left = *Right.Parent;
+ if (Right.Type == TT_StartOfName)
+ return true;
+ if ( && Right.Type == TT_ObjCMethodExpr)
+ return false;
+ if ( && Left.Type == TT_ObjCMethodExpr)
+ return true;
+ if (Right.Type == TT_ObjCSelectorName)
+ return true;
+ if (Left.ClosesTemplateDeclaration)
+ return true;
+ if (Right.Type == TT_ConditionalExpr ||
+ return true;
+ if (Right.Type == TT_RangeBasedForLoopColon ||
+ Right.Type == TT_InheritanceColon)
+ return false;
+ if (Left.Type == TT_RangeBasedForLoopColon ||
+ Left.Type == TT_InheritanceColon)
+ return true;
+ if (Right.Type == TT_RangeBasedForLoopColon)
+ return false;
+ if (Left.Type == TT_PointerOrReference || Left.Type == TT_TemplateCloser ||
+ Left.Type == TT_UnaryOperator || Left.Type == TT_ConditionalExpr ||
+ Left.isOneOf(tok::question, tok::kw_operator))
+ return false;
+ if ( && Line.Type == LT_VirtualFunctionDecl)
+ return false;
+ if ( && && Left.Parent &&
+ Left.Parent->is(tok::kw___attribute))
+ return false;
+ if (Right.Type == TT_LineComment)
+ // We rely on MustBreakBefore being set correctly here as we should not
+ // change the "binding" behavior of a comment.
+ return false;
+ // Allow breaking after a trailing 'const', e.g. after a method declaration,
+ // unless it is follow by ';', '{' or '='.
+ if ( && Left.Parent != NULL &&
+ Left.Parent->is(tok::r_paren))
+ return !Right.isOneOf(tok::l_brace, tok::semi, tok::equal);
+ if (
+ return true;
+ // We only break before r_brace if there was a corresponding break before
+ // the l_brace, which is tracked by BreakBeforeClosingBrace.
+ if (Right.isOneOf(tok::r_brace, tok::r_paren, tok::greater))
+ return false;
+ if ( &&
+ return true;
+ return (isBinaryOperator(Left) && Left.isNot(tok::lessless)) ||
+ Left.isOneOf(tok::comma, tok::coloncolon, tok::semi, tok::l_brace) ||
+ Right.isOneOf(tok::lessless, tok::arrow, tok::period, tok::colon) ||
+ ( && Left.Type != TT_CastRParen &&
+ Right.isOneOf(tok::identifier, tok::kw___attribute)) ||
+ ( && ! ||
+ ( && !;
+} // namespace format
+} // namespace clang
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