path: root/gnu/usr.bin
diff options
authorjkh <>1996-08-08 01:52:52 +0000
committerjkh <>1996-08-08 01:52:52 +0000
commitf72c9860b7d8a51c2dec2d3b244c143bfaf89989 (patch)
tree9615fff8eaceed89bc03774c427b22e9d6b95ebd /gnu/usr.bin
parentdc6c4216984c7a364675b1f47c5778d38de49d1d (diff)
bye bye mkisofs!
Diffstat (limited to 'gnu/usr.bin')
28 files changed, 0 insertions, 7285 deletions
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/COPYING b/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/COPYING
deleted file mode 100644
index 946cb19..0000000
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/COPYING
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,345 +0,0 @@
- The GPL below is copyrighted by the Free Software
- Foundation, but the instance of code that it refers to (the mkisofs
- utility is copyrighted by Yggdrasil Computing, Incorporated).
- Version 2, June 1991
- Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
- Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
- of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
- Preamble
- The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
-freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
-License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
-software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
-General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
-Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
-using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
-the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
-your programs, too.
- When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
-price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
-have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
-this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
-if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
-in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
- To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
-anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
-These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
-distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
- For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
-gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
-you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
-source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
- We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
-(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
-distribute and/or modify the software.
- Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
-that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
-software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
-want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
-that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
-authors' reputations.
- Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
-patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
-program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
-program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
-patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
- The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
-modification follow.
- 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
-a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
-under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
-refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
-means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
-that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
-either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
-language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
-the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
-Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
-covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
-running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
-is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
-Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
-Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
- 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
-source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
-conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
-copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
-notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
-and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
-along with the Program.
-You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
-you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
- 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
-of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
-distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
-above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
- a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
- stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
- b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
- whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
- part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
- parties under the terms of this License.
- c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
- when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
- interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
- announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
- notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
- a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
- these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
- License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
- does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
- the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
-These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
-identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
-and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
-themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
-sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
-distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
-on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
-this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
-entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
-Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
-your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
-exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
-collective works based on the Program.
-In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
-with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
-a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
-the scope of this License.
- 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
-under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
-Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
- a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
- source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
- 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
- b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
- years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
- cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
- machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
- distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
- customarily used for software interchange; or,
- c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
- to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
- allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
- received the program in object code or executable form with such
- an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
-The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
-making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
-code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
-associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
-control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
-special exception, the source code distributed need not include
-anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
-form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
-operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
-itself accompanies the executable.
-If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
-access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
-access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
-distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
-compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
- 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
-except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
-otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
-void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
-However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
-this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
-parties remain in full compliance.
- 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
-signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
-distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
-prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
-modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
-all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
-the Program or works based on it.
- 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
-original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
-these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
-restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
-You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
-this License.
- 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
-infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
-conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
-otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
-excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
-distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
-License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
-may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
-license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
-all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
-the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
-refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
-If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
-any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
-apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
-It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
-patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
-such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
-integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
-implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
-generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
-through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
-system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
-to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
-impose that choice.
-This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
-be a consequence of the rest of this License.
- 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
-certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
-original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
-may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
-those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
-countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
-the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
- 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
-of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
-be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
-address new problems or concerns.
-Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
-specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
-later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
-either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
-Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
-this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
- 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
-programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
-to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
-Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
-make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
-of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
-of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
- Appendix: How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
- If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
-possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
-free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
- To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
-to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
-convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
-the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
- <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
- Copyright (C) 19yy <name of author>
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
-If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
-when it starts in an interactive mode:
- Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19yy name of author
- Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
- This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
- under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
-The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
-parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
-be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
-mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
-You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
-school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
-necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
- Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
- `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
- <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
- Ty Coon, President of Vice
-This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
-proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
-consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
-library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
-Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/ChangeLog b/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index 8dc41be..0000000
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,695 +0,0 @@
-Sun Feb 26 01:52:06 1995 Eric Youngdale (eric@largo)
- * Add patches from Ross Biro to allow you to merge arbitrary
- trees into the image. This is not compiled in by default but
- you need to add -DADD_FILES when compiling.
-Fri Feb 17 02:29:03 1995 Paul Eggert <>
- * tree.c: Port to Solaris 2.4. Prefer <sys/mkdev.h> if
- HASMKDEV. Cast unknown integer types to unsigned long and
- print them with %lu or %lx.
-Thu Jan 26 15:25:00 1995 H. Peter Anvin (
- * mkisofs.c: Substitute underscore for leading dot in non-Rock
- Ridge filenames, since MS-DOS cannot read files whose names
- begin with a period.
-Mon Jan 16 18:31:41 1995 Eric Youngdale (
- * rock.c (generate_rock_ridge_attributes): Only use ROOT
- record for symlinks if we are at the start of the symlink.
- Otherwise just generate an empty entry.
-Mon Jan 16 16:19:50 1995 Eric Youngdale (
- * diag/isodump.c: Use isonum_733 instead of trying to dereference
- pointers when trying to decode 733 numbers in the iso9660 image.
- * diag/isovfy.c: Likewise.
- * write.c: Always assign an extent number, even for zero length
- files. A zero length file with a NULL extent is apparently dropped
- by many readers.
-Wed Jan 11 13:46:50 1995 Eric Youngdale (
- * mkisofs.c: Modify extension record to conform to IEEE P1282
- specifications. This is commented out right now, but a trivial
- change to a #define enables this. I need to see the specs
- to see whether anything else changed before this becomes final.
- * write.c (FDECL4): Fix so that we properly determine error
- conditions.
- * mkisofs.h: Change rr_attributes to unsigned.
- * tree.c(increment_nlink): Change pnt since rr_attributes is now
- unsigned.
- Ultrix patches from (Peter Averkamp)
- * rock.c: Fix for ultrix systems, we have 64 bit device numbers.
- Type cast when generating file size. Change rr_attributes to
- unsigned.
- * mkisofs.c: For ultrix systems, define our own function
- for strdup.
- * mkisofs.c: Fix usage() since some compilers do not concatenate
- strings properly (i.e. ultrix).
- Bugs found with Sentinel II:
- * write.c: Fix a couple of memory leaks.
- * mkisofs.c: Bugfix - always put a zero byte at end of name
- for ".." entry.
- * tree.c: Set from fstatbuf.st_ctime, not current_time,
- since current_time might not be set.
-Sat Dec 3 14:55:42 1994 Eric Youngdale (eric@andante)
- * mkisofs.c: When returning entry for ".." file, set second byte
- to 0.
- * write.c: Free name and rr_attributes fields when writing.
-Mon Nov 28 13:36:27 1994 Eric Youngdale (eric@andante)
- * mkisofs.h: Change rr_attributes to unsigned.
- * rock.c: Ditto. Work around >>32 bug in ultrix for 64 bit data types.
- * mkisofs.c (usage): Fix for ultrix - use continuation lines
- instead of assuming that strings are catenated by the compiler.
-Mon Jun 20 20:25:26 1994 Eric Youngdale (eric@esp22)
- * mkisofs.c, mkisofs.8, Makefile (version_string): Bump to pre-1.02.
- * mkisofs.h: Fix declaration of e_malloc to use DECL macros.
- * tree.c: Fix bug in previous change.
- * diag/*.c: Add appropriate copyright notices.
-Sat Apr 9 13:30:46 1994 Eric Youngdale (
- * Configure: New file - shell script that determines a bunch of
- things to properly build mkisofs.
- * New file - copy of Makefile, but Configure sets a
- few things up for it.
- * tree.c: Do not depend upon opendir to return NULL if we cannot
- open a directory - actually try and read the first entry. The
- foibles of NFS seem to require this.
- * write.c: Fix definition of xfwrite (Use FDECL4)
- Add some changes to allow more configurability of some of the
- volume header fields:
- * mkisofs.8: Document new configuration options.
- * mkisofs.c: Add variables to hold new fields. Add function to
- read .mkisofsrc files.
- * defaults.h: Another way of configuring the same things.
- Add some changes from Leo Weppelman
- * mkisofs.c: Allow -A to specify application ID. Fix usage(),
- getopt and add case switch.
- * rock.c: Fix handling of device numbers (dev_t high should only
- be used when sizeof(dev_t) > 32 bits).
- Add a bunch of changes from Manuel Bouyer.
- * diag/Makefile: New file.
- * diag/dump.c, diag/isodump.c: Use termios if system supports it.
- * (throughout): Replace all occurences of "malloc" with e_malloc.
- * mkisofs.c: For NetBSD, attempt to increase the rlimit for
- the size of the data segment to about 33 Mb.
- * mkisofs.c (e_malloc): New function. Calls malloc, and prints
- nice error message and exits if NULL is returned.
-Sun Jan 23 19:23:57 1994 Eric Youngdale (eric@esp22)
- * mkisofs.c, mkisofs.8, Makefile (version_string): Bump to 1.01.
- Add a bunch of stuff so that mkisofs will work on a VMS system.
- * (ALL): Change any direct use of the "st_ino" field from
- the statbuf to use a macro.
- * mkisofs.h: Define appropriate macros for both VMS and unix.
- * (ALL): Add type casts whenever we use the UNCACHED_DEV macro.
- * rock.c: Wrap a #ifndef VMS around block and character device
- stuff.
- * write.c: Add prototype for strdup if VMS is defined.
- * Script for building mkisofs on a VMS system.
- * Makefile: Include in the distribution.
- * mkisofs.c: Include <sys/type.h> on VMS systems.
- * tree.c: Include <sys/file.h> and "vms.h" on VMS systems.
- * mkisofs.h (PATH_SEPARATOR, SPATH_SEPARATOR): New macros
- that define the ascii character that separates the last directory
- component from the filename.
- * tree.c, mkisofs.c: Use them.
- * vms.c: New file. Contains version of getopt, strdup, opendir,
- readdir and closedir.
- * vms.h: New file. Defines S_IS* macros. Define gmtime as
- localtime, since gmtime under VMS returns NULL.
-Sat Jan 15 13:57:42 1994 Eric Youngdale (eric@esp22)
- * mkisofs.h (transparent_compression): New prototype.
- * mkisofs.c (transparent_compression): Declare, use
- '-z' option to turn on.
- * tree.c: Change TRANS.TBL;1 to TRANS.TBL (version gets
- added later, if required).
- * rock.c: If transparent compression requested, verify
- file is really suitable (check magic numbers), and extract
- correct file length to store in SUSP record.
-Sat Jan 15 01:57:42 1994 Eric Youngdale (eric@esp22)
- * write.c (compare_dirs): Bugfix for patch from Jan 6.
- * mkisofs.h (struct directory_entry): Add element total_rr_attr_size.
- (struct file_hash): Add element ce_bytes.
- * write.c (iso_write): Update last_extent_written, as required,
- and check it against last_extent as a sanity check.
- (generate_one_directory): If ce_bytes is non-zero, allocate
- a buffer and fill it with the CE records. Also, update
- the extent and offset entries in the CE SUSP field and
- output after directory is written.
- (assign_directory_addresses): Allow for CE sectors after each
- directory.
- * tree.c (sort_n_finish): Set field ce_bytes by summing
- the sizes of all CE blocks in each files RR attributes.
- Do not count these bytes for main directory.
- * rock.c (generate_rock_ridge_attributes): Generate
- CE entries to break up large records into manageable sizes.
- Allow long names to be split, and allow long symlinks to be split.
- Allow splitting before each SUSP field as well, to make
- sure we do not screw outselves.
-Thu Jan 6 21:47:43 1994 Eric Youngdale (eric@esp22)
- Bugfix.
- * write.c (compare_dirs): Only compare directory names up to
- the ';' for the version number.
- Add four new options: (1) Full 31 character filenames,
- (2) Omit version number, (3) Omit trailing period from filenames,
- (4) Skip deep directory relocation.
- * iso9660.h: Allow 34 characters for filename.
- * mkisofs.8: Update for new options.
- * mkisofs.c: Add flag variables for new options.
- Mention new options in usage(), tell getopt about
- new options, and set appropriate flags when
- new options are specified.
- * mkisofs.c (iso9660_file_length): Implement new options.
- * mkisofs.h: Declare flag variables for new options.
- * tree.c (sort_n_finish): Increase declaration of newname and
- rootname to 34 characters. If full_iso9660_filenames in effect,
- use different rules for making unique names.
- * tree.c (scan_directory_tree): Use RR_relocation_depth instead of
- constant for threshold for starting deep directory relocation.
-Wed Jan 5 01:32:34 1994 John Brezak (
- * Makefile.bsd: New file. For NetBSD.
- * rock.c, tree.c: Do not include sys/sysmacros.h for NetBSD.
-Fri Dec 31 13:22:52 1993 Eric Youngdale (eric@esp22)
- * mkisofs.c, mkisofs.8, Makefile (version_string): Bump to 1.00.
- * tree.c (scan_directory_tree): Handle case where we do not
- have permissions to open a directory.
- * write.c (xfwrite): New function - wrapper for fwrite,
- except that we print message and punt if write fails.
- * write.c: Move include of mkisofs.h and iso9660.h until after
- string.h and stdlib.h is included.
- * write.c: Do not attempt to use strerror on sun systems.
-Thu Dec 9 13:17:28 1993 R.-D. Marzusch (
- * exclude.c, exclude.h: New files. Contains list of files to
- exclude from consideration.
- * Makefile: Compile exclude.c, add dependencies to other files.
- * mkisofs.8: Describe -x option.
- * mkisofs.c: Include exclude.h, handle -x option.
-Fri Dec 10 01:07:43 1993 Peter van der Veen (
- * mkisofs.c, mkisofs.h: Moved declaration of root_record.
- * mkisofs.h: Added prototype for get_733().
- * write.c(iso_write), tree.c, rock.c(generate_rock_ridge_attributes):
- Added defines for QNX operation system
- * rock.c(generate_rock_ridge_attributes): symbolic links should
- not have CONTINUE component flag set unless there are multiple
- component records, and mkisofs does not generate these.
- st_ctime was stored as the creation time, changed to attribute time.
- QNX has a creation time, so that is stored as well under QNX.
-Thu Oct 28 19:54:38 1993 Eric Youngdale (eric@kafka)
- * mkisofs.c, Makefile (version_string): Bump to 0.99.
- * write.c(iso_write): Put hour, minute, second into date fields in
- volume descriptor.
- * write.c (iso_write): Set file_structure_version to 1, instead of
- ' ' (Seems to screw up Macs).
-Sun Oct 17 01:13:36 1993 Eric Youngdale (eric@kafka)
- * mkisofs.c, Makefile (version_string): Bump to 0.98.
- Increment nlink in root directory when rr_moved directory is present.
- * tree.c (increment_nlink): New function.
- * tree.c (finish_cl_pl_entries): Call increment_nlink for all
- references to the root directory.
- * tree.c (root_statbuf): New variable.
- * tree.c (scan_directory_tree): Initialize root_statbuf when we
- stat the root directory.
- * tree.c (generate_reloc_directory): Use root_statbuf when
- generating the Rock Ridge stuff for the ".." entry in the
- reloc_dir.
- * tree.c (scan_directory_tree): Use root_statbuf when generating
- the ".." entry in the root directory.
-Sat Oct 16 10:28:30 1993 Eric Youngdale (eric@kafka)
- Fix path tables so that they are sorted.
- * tree.c (assign_directory_addresses): Move to write.c
- * write.c (generate_path_tables): Create an array of pointers to
- the individual directories, and sort it based upon the name and
- the parent path table index. Then update all of the indexes and
- repeat the sort until the path table indexes no longer need to be
- changed, and then write the path table.
- Fix problem where hard links were throwing off the total extent count.
- * write.c (iso_write): Call assign_file_addresses, and then
- use last_extent to determine how big the volume is.
- * write.c (generate_one_directory): Decrement n_data_extents
- for hard links to non-directories so that the expected number
- of extents is written correctly.
- * write.c(assign_file_addresses): New function.
-Fri Oct 15 22:35:43 1993 Eric Youngdale (eric@kafka)
- The standard says we should do these things:
- * tree.c (generate_reloc_directory): Add RR attributes to
- the rr_moved directory.
- * mkisofs.c(main): Change ER text strings back to recommended
- values.
-Tue Oct 12 21:07:38 1993 Eric Youngdale (eric@kafka)
- * mkisofs.c, Makefile (version_string): Bump to 0.97.
- * tree.c (scan_directory_tree): Do not insert PL entry into
- root directory record (i.e. !parent)
- * tree.c (finish_cl_pl_entries): Do not rely upon name
- comparison to locate parent - use d_entry->self instead,
- which is guaranteed to be correct.
- * mkisofs.h: New variable n_data_extents.
- * tree.c: Declare and initialize n_data_extents to 0.
- (scan_directory_tree) for non-directories, add
- ROUND_UP(statbuf.st_size) to n_data_extents.
- (sort_n_finish): Increment n_data_extents for translation tables,
- as appropriate.
- * write.c(iso_write): Add n_data_extents to the
- volume_space_size field.
- * hash.c(add_hash): If size != 0 and extent == 0, or
- if size == 0 and extent != 0, then complain about
- inserting this into the hash table. Kind of a sanity check.
-Sat Oct 9 16:39:15 1993 Eric Youngdale (eric@kafka)
- * mkisofs.c, Makefile (version_string): Bump to 0.96.
- Numerous bugfixes, thanks to a one-off disc from
- * write.c(generate_one_directory): Wait until after we have
- filled in the starting_extent field to s_entry before calling
- add_hash. This fixes a problem where the hash table gets an
- extent of 0 for all regular files, and this turns up when you have
- hard links on the disc. (The hash table allows us to have each
- hard link point to the same extent on the cdrom, thereby saving
- some space).
- * tree.c(scan_directory_tree): Set statbuf.st_dev and
- statbuf.st_ino to the UNCACHED numbers for symlinks that we
- are not following. This prevents the function find_hash from
- returning an inode that cooresponds to the file the symlink points
- to, which in turn prevents generate_one_directory from filling in
- a bogus file length (should be zero for symlinks).
- * tree.c(scan_directory_tree): Always call lstat for the file
- so that non-RockRidge discs get correct treatment of symlinks.
- Improve error message when we ignore a symlink on a non-RR disc.
- * write.c(generate_one_directory): Set fields for starting_extent
- and size in the "." and ".." entries before we add them to the
- file hash. Fixes problems with incorrect backlinks for second
- level directories.
-Wed Oct 6 19:53:40 1993 Eric Youngdale (eric@kafka)
- * write.c (write_one_file): Print message and punt if we are
- unable to open the file.
- * tree.c(scan_directory_tree): For regular files, use the access
- function to verify that the file is readable in the first place.
- If not, issue a warning and skip it. For directories, it probably
- does not matter, since we would not be able to descend into them
- in the first place.
-Wed Sep 29 00:02:47 1993 Eric Youngdale (eric@kafka)
- * mkisofs.c, Makefile (version_string): Bump to 0.95.
- * write.c, tree.c: Cosmetic changes to printed information.
- * tree.c(scan_directory_tree): Set size to zero for
- special stub entries that correspond to the
- relocated directories. Hopefully last big bug.
- * mkisofs.h: Change TABLE_INODE, UNCACHED_* macros
- to be 0x7fff... to be compatible with signed datatypes.
-Mon Sep 27 20:14:49 1993 Eric Youngdale (eric@kafka)
- * mkisofs.c, Makefile (version_string): Bump to 0.94.
- * write.c (write_path_tables): Actually search the
- directory for the matching entry in case we renamed
- the directory because of a name conflict.
- * tree.c(scan_directory_tree): Take directory_entry pointer
- as second argument so that we can create a backpointer
- in the directory structure that points back to the original
- dir.
- * mkisofs.c: Fix call to scan_directory_tree to use new calling
- sequence.
- * write.c(generate_one_directory): Punt if the last_extent counter
- ever exceeds 700Mb/2048. Print name of responsible file,
- extent counter, and starting extent. Perhaps we can catch it in
- the act.
-Sun Sep 26 20:58:05 1993 Eric Youngdale (eric@kafka)
- * mkisofs.c, Makefile (version_string): Bump to 0.93.
- * tree.c(scan_directory_tree): Handle symlinks better. Either
- leave them as symlinks, or erase any trace that they were a
- symlink but do not do it 1/2 way as before. Also, watch for
- directory loops created with symlinks.
- * mkisofs.h: Add new flag follow_links.
- * mkisofs.c: Add command line switch "-f" to toggle follow_links.
- * mkisofs.8: Document new switch.
- * tree.c: Add code to handle symlinks using new flag.
- * hash.c: Add add_directory_hash, find_directory_hash functions.
- * mkisofs.h: Add prototypes.
-Sat Sep 25 14:26:31 1993 Eric Youngdale (eric@kafka)
- * mkisofs.c, Makefile (version_string): Bump to 0.92.
- * mkisofs.c: Make sure path is an actual directory before trying
- to scan it.
- * mkisofs.h: Add DECL and FDECL? macros for sparc like systems.
- Do proper define of optind and optarg under SVr4.
- * tree.c: Change translation table name from YMTRANS.TBL to TRANS.TBL.
- * mkisofs.c: Neaten up message in extension record when RRIP is
- in use.
- * Throughout - change all function declarations so that
- traditional C compilers (i.e. sparc) will work.
- * Makefile: Change to use system default C compiler.
- * mkisofs.c: Add some stuff so that this will compile under VMS.
- Many things missing for VMS still.
- * iso9660.h: Do not use zero length array in struct definition.
- * tree.c (sort_n_finish): Account for this.
- * Change copyright notice.
-Wed Aug 25 08:06:51 1993 Eric Youngdale (eric@kafka)
- * mkisofs.c, Makefile (version_string): Bump to 0.91.
- * mkisofs.h: Only include sys/dir.h for linux. Other systems
- will need other things.
- * mkisofs.c, tree.c: Include unistd.h.
- * Makefile: Use OBJS to define list of object files.
-Sun Aug 22 20:55:17 1993 Eric Youngdale (eric@kafka)
- * mkisofs.c, Makefile (version_string): Bump to 0.9.
- * write.c (iso_7*): Fix so that they work properly on Motorola
- systems.
-Fri Aug 20 00:14:36 1993 Eric Youngdale (eric@kafka)
- * mkisofs.c, Makefile (version_string): Bump to 0.8.
- * rock.c: Do not mask off write permissions from posix file modes.
-Wed Aug 18 09:02:12 1993 Eric Youngdale (eric@kafka)
- * mkisofs.c, Makefile (version_string): Bump to 0.7.
- * rock.c: Do not write NM field for . and .. (redundant and a
- waste of space).
- * mkisofs.c: Take -P and -p options for publisher and preparer id
- fields.
- * write.c: Store publisher and preparer id in volume
- descriptor.
- * rock.c: Write optional SP field to identify SUSP. Write
- optional CE field to point to the extension header.
- * tree.c: Request SP and CE fields be added to root directory.
- * tree.c: Fix bug in name conflict resolution.
- * write.c: Fill in date fields in the colume descriptor.
- * write.c (write_one_file): If the file is large enough, write in
- chunks of 16 sectors to improve performance.
- * hash.c (add_hash, find_hash, etc): Do not hash s_entry, instead
- store relevant info in hash structure (we free s_entry structs as
- we write files, and we need to have access to the hash table the
- whole way through.
- * write.c: Add a few statistics about directory sizes, RR sizes,
- translation table sizes, etc.
- * tree.c: Use major, not MAJOR. Same for minor. Define S_ISSOCK
- and S_ISLNK if not defined.
- * rock.c: Define S_ISLNK if not defined.
- * mkisofs.c: Print out max memory usage. Fix bug in call to getopt.
- * mkisofs.c, Makefile (version_string): Bump to 0.6.
- * tree.c: Simplify the calculation of isorec.len, isorec.name_len
- and the calculation of the path table sizes by doing it all at
- one point after conflict resolution is done.
- * tree.c: scan_directory_tree is now responsible for generating
- the line that goes into the YMTRANS.TBL file. These lines are
- collected later on into something that will be dumped to the
- file. Correctly handle all of the special file types.
-Mon Aug 16 21:59:47 1993 Eric Youngdale (eric@kafka)
- * mkisofs.c, Makefile (version_string): Bump to 0.5.
- * mkisofs.c: Add -a option (to force all files to be
- transferred). Remove find_file_hash stuff.
- * write.c: Pad length even if Rock Ridge is not in use.
- * hash.c: Rewrite hash_file_* stuff so that it can be used to
- easily detect (and look up) filenames that have been accepted
- for use in this directory. Used for name collision detection.
- * tree.c (sort_n_finish): If two names collide, generate a unique
- one (verified with the hash routines). Change the lower priority
- name if there is a difference.
-Sat Aug 14 13:18:21 1993 Eric Youngdale (eric@kafka)
- * mkisofs.c, Makefile (version_string): Bump to 0.4.
- * tree.c (load_translation_table): New function - read
- YMTRANS.TBL. (scan_directory_tree) Call it.
- * mkisofs.c (iso9660_file_length): Call find_file_hash to see
- if translated name is specified. If so, use it.
- * hash.c (name_hash, add_file_hash, find_file_hash,
- flush_file_hash): New functions for hashing stuff from
- * mkisofs.h: Add a bunch of prototypes for the new functions.
- * mkisofs.8: Update.
- * mkisofs.c, Makefile (version_string): Bump to 0.3.
- * Makefile: Add version number to tar file in dist target.
- * mkisofs.c: Call finish_cl_pl_entries() after directories have
- been generated, and extent numbers assigned.
- * write.c (generate_one_directory): Update s_entry->size for
- directories (as well as isorec.size).
- * rock.c: Add code to generate CL, PL, and RE entries. The
- extent numbers for the CL and PL entries are NULL, and these
- are filled in later once we know where they actually belong.
- * mkisofs.h: Add parent_rec to directory_entry. Used to fix CL/PL
- stuff.
- * tree.c (scan_directory_tree): Set flag to generate CL/PL/RE
- entries as required, update sizes as well.
-Fri Aug 13 19:49:30 1993 Eric Youngdale (eric@kafka)
- * mkisofs.c (version_string): Bump to 0.2.
- * hash.c: Do not use entries with inode == 0xffffffff or dev ==
- 0xffff.
- * write.c (write_path_tables): Strip leading directory specifications.
- * mkisofs.h: Add definition for reloc_dir symbol. Add prototype
- for sort_n_finish, add third parameter to scan_directory_tree
- (for true parent, when directories are relocated).
- * mkisofs.c (main): Modify call to scan_directory_tree. Call
- sort_n_finish for reloc_dir.
- * tree.c (sort_n_finish): New function - moved code from
- scan_directory_tree.
- * tree.c (generate_reloc_directory): New function. Generate
- directory to hold relocated directories.
- * tree.c (scan_directory_tree): Strip leading directories when
- generating this_dir->name. If depth is too great, then move
- directory to reloc_dir (creating if it does not exist, and leave
- a dummy (non-directory) entry in the regular directory so that
- we can eventually add the required Rock Ridge record.
- * tree.c (scan_directory_tree): Use s_entry instead of sort_dir,
- assign to this_dir->contents sooner.
-Thu Aug 12 22:38:17 1993 Eric Youngdale (eric@kafka)
- * mkisofs.c (usage): Fix syntax.
- * mkisofs.c (main): Add new argument to scan_directory_tree
- * tree.c (scan_directory_tree): If directory is at depth 8 or
- more, create rr_moved directory in main directory.
-Mon Jul 26 19:45:47 1993 Eric Youngdale (eric@kafka)
- * mkisofs v 0.1 released.
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/Configure b/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/Configure
deleted file mode 100755
index 70151ad..0000000
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/Configure
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-# This script attempts to automatically configure for the host system.
-if [ -f /usr/include/sys/mkdev.h ]
-if [ -f /usr/include/sys/sysmacros.h ]
-if [ -f /usr/include/malloc.h ]
-# OK, we have all of the configuration stuff done. Now generate the Makefile.
-echo XCFLAGS=${MKDEV} ${MACROS} ${MALLOC} > Makefrag
-sed -e "/XCFLAGS=/ r Makefrag" > Makefile
-rm -f Makefrag
-# Now generate config.h
-rm -rf config.h
-touch config.h
-if [ -f /usr/include/termios.h ]
-echo "#define USE_TERMIOS" >> config.h
-echo "The Makefile is now properly configured for your system." \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/Makefile b/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 56639c7..0000000
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-PROG= mkisofs
-MAN8= mkisofs.8
-SRCS= mkisofs.c tree.c write.c hash.c rock.c exclude.c
-.include <>
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/ b/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/
deleted file mode 100644
index dceb17c..0000000
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-#CFLAGS=-g -Wall -c
-# XCFLAGS is automatically set by Configure.
-OBJS=mkisofs.o tree.o write.o hash.o rock.o exclude.o
-World: mkisofs
-Makefile: Configure
- ./Configure
- echo "Type make again to build mkisofs."
-mkisofs: Makefile $(OBJS)
- $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o mkisofs $(OBJS)
-install: mkisofs mkisofs.8
- strip mkisofs
- cp mkisofs /usr/bin/
- if [ -d /usr/man/man8 ]; then cp mkisofs.8 /usr/man/man8/; fi
-tree.o: tree.c mkisofs.h iso9660.h exclude.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) tree.c
-write.o: write.c mkisofs.h iso9660.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) write.c
-hash.o: hash.c mkisofs.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) hash.c
-rock.o: rock.c mkisofs.h iso9660.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) rock.c
-exclude.o: exclude.c exclude.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) exclude.c
-mkisofs.o: mkisofs.c iso9660.h mkisofs.h exclude.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) mkisofs.c
- /bin/rm -f *.o core mkisofs *~ #*#
- (cd diag/; make clean)
- (cd cdwrite/; make clean)
- tar -cvf - README Configure TODO COPYING ChangeLog *.8 *.c *.h diag cdwrite.old cdwrite-1.5 | gzip > mkisofs-1.04.tar.gz
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/README b/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/README
deleted file mode 100644
index f2f415f..0000000
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
- There is a feature which can be optionally compiled into
-mkisofs that allows you to merge arbitrary directory trees into the
-image you are creating. You need to compile with -DADD_FILES for my
-changes to take effect. Thanks to Ross Biro
- This program requires a lot of virtual memory to run since it
-builds all of the directories in memory. The exact requirements
-depend upon a lot of things, but for Rock Ridge discs 12Mb would not
-be unreasonable. Without RockRidge and without the translation
-tables, the requirements would be considerably less.
- The cdwrite utility is maintained separately from mkisofs by It is enclosed here as a convenience, since the two programs
-are often useful together.
-Notes for version 1.2.
- Minor bugfixes here and there. Support for compiled in
-defaults for many of the text fields in the volume header are now
-present, and there is also support for a file ".mkisofsrc" that can
-also read settings for these parameters.
- A short script "Configure" was added to allow us to set up special
-compile options that depend upon the system that we are running on.
-This should help stamp out the sphaghetti-isms that were starting to grow
-up in various places in the code.
- You should get more meaningful error messages if you run out of
-Notes for version 1.1.
- The big news is that SUSP CE entries are now generated for
-extremely long filenames and symlink names. This virtually guarantees
-that there is no limit (OK, well, about 600Mb) for file name lengths.
-I have tested this as well as I can, and it seems to work with linux.
-This would only be used very rarely I suspect.
- Also, I believe that support for VMS is done. You must be
-careful, because only Stream-LF and FIxed length record files can be
-recorded. The rest are rejected with error messages. Perhaps I am
-being too severe here.
- There is a bugfix in the sorting of entries on the disc - we
-need to stop comparing once we reach the ';' character.
- There are four new options -z -d -D -l -V. Some of these tell
-mkisofs to relax some of the iso9660 restrictions, and many systems
-apparently do not really seem to mind. Use these with caution.
- Some diagnostic programs to scan disc images are in the diag
-directory. These are not as portable as mkisofs, and may have some
-bugs. Still they are useful because they can check for bugs that I might
-have introduced as I add new features.
-Notes for version 1.0.
- In version 1.0, the date fields in the TF fields were fixed -
-previously I was storing st_ctime as the file creation time instead of
-the file attribute change time. Thanks to Peter van der Veen for
-pointing this out. I have one slight concern with this change,
-however. The Young Minds software is definitely supplying 3 dates
-(creation, modification and access), and I would strongly suspect that
-they are incorrectly putting the file attribute change time in the
-file creation slot. I would be curious to see how the different RRIP
-filesystems treat this. Anyway, this is something to keep in the back
-of your mind.
- The symlink handling was not quite correct in 0.99 - this is
-now fixed. Only some systems seemed to have been affected by this bug.
- A command line option is now present to allow you to
-specifically exclude certain files from the distribution.
- The case where you do not have permissions to read a directory
-is now handled better by mkisofs. The directory that cannot be opened
-is converted into a zero-length file, and processing continues normally.
- A few portability things have been fixed (hopefully).
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/TODO b/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/TODO
deleted file mode 100644
index 923f66d..0000000
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/TODO
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
- 1) Allow multiple input paths to be concatenated together.
- This is a little tricky, because the directory entries need to be
- correctly sorted as per iso9660 specifications. It would be better to
- force the user to add hard links or copies of the files rather than do
- the wrong thing. Leave alone for the time being, I am not sure that
- this feature is really needed.
- 2) For symlinks, we may need to strip out the leading path
- information if the link is to an absolute file, and the absolute
- address is in the space that we are dumping to the CDROM. Who the
- hell knows what we should really do with this, actually. Leave it
- for now and see if anyone squalks.
- 3) Find out if output needs to be written at a particular
- blocksize or not.
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/config.h b/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/config.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e0ae33..0000000
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/config.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#define USE_TERMIOS
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/defaults.h b/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/defaults.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 03960d1..0000000
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/defaults.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
- * Header file defaults.h - assorted default values for character strings in
- * the volume descriptor.
- */
-#ifdef __FreeBSD__
-#ifdef __QNX__
-#ifdef __linux__
-#ifdef __osf__
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/diag/Makefile b/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/diag/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index e6f3a12..0000000
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/diag/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-#CC = gcc
-CC = cc -traditional
-all: dump isodump isovfy
- ${CC} -g -o isoinfo isoinfo.c
- ${CC} -o dump dump.c
- ${CC} -o isodump isodump.c
- ${CC} -o isovfy isovfy.c
- rm -f dump isodump isovfy isoinfo
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/diag/README b/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/diag/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 59b4069..0000000
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/diag/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
- I am enclosing 3 test programs that I use to verify the
-integrity of an iso9660 disc. The first one (isodump) is pretty
-simple - it dumps to the screen the contents of the various
-directories. The second one (isovfy) goes through and looks for
-problems of one kind or another.
- To use, type something like "./isodump /dev/ramdisk" or
-"./isodump /dev/scd0", depending upon where the iso9660 disc is. It
-starts by displaying the files in the first sector of the root
-directory. It has some pretty simple one letter commands that you
-can use to traverse the directory tree.
- a - move back one sector.
- b - move forward one sector.
- g - go to new logical sector.
- q - quit
-The a and b commands do not try and stop you from going past the
-beginning or end of a sector, and the g command does not have any way
-of knowing whether the sector you request is actually a directory or
- The output is displayed in several columns. The first column
-is the total length of the directory record for the file. The second
-column (in [] brackets) is the volume number. Next comes the starting
-extent number (in hex), and then comes the file size in bytes. Then
-cones the filename (not the Rock Ridge version), and this is preceeded
-by an "*" if the file is a directory. After this is a summary of the
-Rock Ridge fields present along with a display of the translation of
-the symbolic link name if the SL Rock Ridge record is present.
- I tailored this program for debugging some of the problems
-that I was having earlier. The idea is that you can tailor it
-to test for problems that you might be having, so it is not intended
-as a be-all and end-all dump program.
- If you move to a sector that does not contain directory
-information, the results are unpredictable.
- The second program, isovfy, is run in the same way as isodump,
-except that you do not have to do much except let it run. I have it
-written to verify all kinds of different things, and as people find
-other sorts of problems other tests could be added.
- The third program, dump.c, basically does a hexdump of the cd.
-This is screen oriented, and there are some simple commands:
- a - move back one sector.
- b - move forward one sector.
- f - enter new search string.
- + - search forward for search string.
- g - go to new logical sector.
- q - quit
- Note that with the 'g' command, sectors are always given in
-hex, and represent 2048 byte sectors (as on the cdrom). If you know
-how to decode a raw iso9660 directory, you can pick out the starting
-extent number from the hexdump and know where to go from there. The
-starting extent appears something like 30 bytes prior to the start of
-the iso9660 (not Rock Ridge) filename, and it appears in a 7.3.3
-format (meaning that it occupies 8 bytes, 4 in little endian format,
-and 4 in big endian format). Thus you should see a mirror image of
-the bytes when looking at the extent number.
- The isovfy program can also dump the contents of the path
-tables, but this capability is commented out right now. Feel free
-to enable this to see what is in the tables. Ultimately I may fix
-it so that this checks the integrity of the tables as well.
- The isovfy program gives warnings about things like files that
-have a size of 0 but have an extent number assigned. The mkisofs program
-should never do this, but the YM software does leave these around.
-I think it is probably harmless in the YM case.~
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/diag/dump.c b/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/diag/dump.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c28481..0000000
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/diag/dump.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
- * File dump.c - dump a file/device both in hex and in ASCII.
- Written by Eric Youngdale (1993).
- Copyright 1993 Yggdrasil Computing, Incorporated
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
-#include "../config.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <termios.h>
-#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#include <termio.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-FILE * infile;
-int file_addr;
-unsigned char buffer[256];
-unsigned char search[64];
-#define PAGE 256
-struct termios savetty;
-struct termios newtty;
-struct termio savetty;
-struct termio newtty;
- if(tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &savetty) == -1)
- if(ioctl(0, TCSETAF, &savetty)==-1)
- {
- printf("cannot put tty into normal mode\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- if(tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &newtty) == -1)
- if(ioctl(0, TCSETAF, &newtty)==-1)
- {
- printf("cannot put tty into raw mode\n");
- exit(1);
- }
-/* Come here when we get a suspend signal from the terminal */
-onsusp ()
- /* ignore SIGTTOU so we don't get stopped if csh grabs the tty */
- signal(SIGTTOU, SIG_IGN);
- reset_tty ();
- fflush (stdout);
- signal(SIGTTOU, SIG_DFL);
- /* Send the TSTP signal to suspend our process group */
- signal(SIGTSTP, SIG_DFL);
-/* sigsetmask(0);*/
- kill (0, SIGTSTP);
- /* Pause for station break */
- /* We're back */
- signal (SIGTSTP, onsusp);
- set_tty ();
-crsr2(int row, int col){
- printf("\033[%d;%dH",row,col);
-showblock(int flag){
- unsigned int k;
- int i, j;
- lseek(fileno(infile), file_addr, 0);
- read(fileno(infile), buffer, sizeof(buffer));
- if(flag) {
- for(i=0;i<16;i++){
- crsr2(i+3,1);
- printf("%8.8x ",file_addr+(i<<4));
- for(j=15;j>=0;j--){
- printf("%2.2x",buffer[(i<<4)+j]);
- if(!(j & 0x3)) printf(" ");
- };
- for(j=0;j< 16;j++){
- k = buffer[(i << 4) + j];
- if(k >= ' ' && k < 0x80) printf("%c",k);
- else printf(".");
- };
- }
- };
- crsr2(20,1);
- printf(" Zone, zone offset: %6x %4.4x ",file_addr>>11, file_addr & 0x7ff);
- fflush(stdout);
- char c1;
- c1 = buffer[file_addr & (PAGE-1)];
- file_addr++;
- if ((file_addr & (PAGE-1)) == 0) showblock(0);
- return c1;
-main(int argc, char * argv[]){
- char c;
- int nbyte;
- int i,j;
- if(argc < 2) return 0;
- infile = fopen(argv[1],"rb");
- for(i=0;i<30;i++) printf("\n");
- file_addr = 0;
-/* Now setup the keyboard for single character input. */
- if(tcgetattr(0, &savetty) == -1)
- if(ioctl(0, TCGETA, &savetty) == -1)
- {
- printf("stdin must be a tty\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- newtty=savetty;
- newtty.c_lflag&=~ICANON;
- newtty.c_lflag&=~ECHO;
- newtty.c_cc[VMIN]=1;
- set_tty();
- signal(SIGTSTP, onsusp);
- do{
- if(file_addr < 0) file_addr = 0;
- showblock(1);
- read (0, &c, 1);
- if (c == 'a') file_addr -= PAGE;
- if (c == 'b') file_addr += PAGE;
- if (c == 'g') {
- crsr2(20,1);
- printf("Enter new starting block (in hex):");
- scanf("%x",&file_addr);
- file_addr = file_addr << 11;
- crsr2(20,1);
- printf(" ");
- };
- if (c == 'f') {
- crsr2(20,1);
- printf("Enter new search string:");
- fgets(search,sizeof(search),stdin);
- while(search[strlen(search)-1] == '\n') search[strlen(search)-1] = 0;
- crsr2(20,1);
- printf(" ");
- };
- if (c == '+') {
- while(1==1){
- while(1==1){
- c = getbyte(&file_addr);
- if (c == search[0]) break;
- };
- for (j=1;j<strlen(search);j++)
- if(search[j] != getbyte()) break;
- if(j==strlen(search)) break;
- };
- file_addr &= ~(PAGE-1);
- showblock(1);
- };
- if (c == 'q') break;
- } while(1==1);
- reset_tty();
- fclose(infile);
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/diag/isodump.c b/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/diag/isodump.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 442c6ed..0000000
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/diag/isodump.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,436 +0,0 @@
- * File isodump.c - dump iso9660 directory information.
- *
- Written by Eric Youngdale (1993).
- Copyright 1993 Yggdrasil Computing, Incorporated
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
-#include "../config.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <termios.h>
-#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#include <termio.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-FILE * infile;
-int file_addr;
-unsigned char buffer[2048];
-unsigned char search[64];
-#define PAGE sizeof(buffer)
-#define ISODCL(from, to) (to - from + 1)
-isonum_731 (char * p)
- return ((p[0] & 0xff)
- | ((p[1] & 0xff) << 8)
- | ((p[2] & 0xff) << 16)
- | ((p[3] & 0xff) << 24));
-isonum_733 (unsigned char * p)
- return (isonum_731 (p));
-struct iso_primary_descriptor {
- unsigned char type [ISODCL ( 1, 1)]; /* 711 */
- unsigned char id [ISODCL ( 2, 6)];
- unsigned char version [ISODCL ( 7, 7)]; /* 711 */
- unsigned char unused1 [ISODCL ( 8, 8)];
- unsigned char system_id [ISODCL ( 9, 40)]; /* aunsigned chars */
- unsigned char volume_id [ISODCL ( 41, 72)]; /* dunsigned chars */
- unsigned char unused2 [ISODCL ( 73, 80)];
- unsigned char volume_space_size [ISODCL ( 81, 88)]; /* 733 */
- unsigned char unused3 [ISODCL ( 89, 120)];
- unsigned char volume_set_size [ISODCL (121, 124)]; /* 723 */
- unsigned char volume_sequence_number [ISODCL (125, 128)]; /* 723 */
- unsigned char logical_block_size [ISODCL (129, 132)]; /* 723 */
- unsigned char path_table_size [ISODCL (133, 140)]; /* 733 */
- unsigned char type_l_path_table [ISODCL (141, 144)]; /* 731 */
- unsigned char opt_type_l_path_table [ISODCL (145, 148)]; /* 731 */
- unsigned char type_m_path_table [ISODCL (149, 152)]; /* 732 */
- unsigned char opt_type_m_path_table [ISODCL (153, 156)]; /* 732 */
- unsigned char root_directory_record [ISODCL (157, 190)]; /* 9.1 */
- unsigned char volume_set_id [ISODCL (191, 318)]; /* dunsigned chars */
- unsigned char publisher_id [ISODCL (319, 446)]; /* achars */
- unsigned char preparer_id [ISODCL (447, 574)]; /* achars */
- unsigned char application_id [ISODCL (575, 702)]; /* achars */
- unsigned char copyright_file_id [ISODCL (703, 739)]; /* 7.5 dchars */
- unsigned char abstract_file_id [ISODCL (740, 776)]; /* 7.5 dchars */
- unsigned char bibliographic_file_id [ISODCL (777, 813)]; /* 7.5 dchars */
- unsigned char creation_date [ISODCL (814, 830)]; /* */
- unsigned char modification_date [ISODCL (831, 847)]; /* */
- unsigned char expiration_date [ISODCL (848, 864)]; /* */
- unsigned char effective_date [ISODCL (865, 881)]; /* */
- unsigned char file_structure_version [ISODCL (882, 882)]; /* 711 */
- unsigned char unused4 [ISODCL (883, 883)];
- unsigned char application_data [ISODCL (884, 1395)];
- unsigned char unused5 [ISODCL (1396, 2048)];
-struct iso_directory_record {
- unsigned char length [ISODCL (1, 1)]; /* 711 */
- unsigned char ext_attr_length [ISODCL (2, 2)]; /* 711 */
- unsigned char extent [ISODCL (3, 10)]; /* 733 */
- unsigned char size [ISODCL (11, 18)]; /* 733 */
- unsigned char date [ISODCL (19, 25)]; /* 7 by 711 */
- unsigned char flags [ISODCL (26, 26)];
- unsigned char file_unit_size [ISODCL (27, 27)]; /* 711 */
- unsigned char interleave [ISODCL (28, 28)]; /* 711 */
- unsigned char volume_sequence_number [ISODCL (29, 32)]; /* 723 */
- unsigned char name_len [ISODCL (33, 33)]; /* 711 */
- unsigned char name [1];
-struct termios savetty;
-struct termios newtty;
-struct termio savetty;
-struct termio newtty;
- if(tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &savetty) == -1)
- if(ioctl(0, TCSETAF, &savetty)==-1)
- {
- printf("cannot put tty into normal mode\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- if(tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &newtty) == -1)
- if(ioctl(0, TCSETAF, &newtty)==-1)
- {
- printf("cannot put tty into raw mode\n");
- exit(1);
- }
-/* Come here when we get a suspend signal from the terminal */
-onsusp ()
- /* ignore SIGTTOU so we don't get stopped if csh grabs the tty */
- signal(SIGTTOU, SIG_IGN);
- reset_tty ();
- fflush (stdout);
- signal(SIGTTOU, SIG_DFL);
- /* Send the TSTP signal to suspend our process group */
- signal(SIGTSTP, SIG_DFL);
-/* sigsetmask(0);*/
- kill (0, SIGTSTP);
- /* Pause for station break */
- /* We're back */
- signal (SIGTSTP, onsusp);
- set_tty ();
-crsr2(int row, int col){
- printf("\033[%d;%dH",row,col);
-int parse_rr(unsigned char * pnt, int len, int cont_flag)
- int slen;
- int ncount;
- int extent;
- int cont_extent, cont_offset, cont_size;
- int flag1, flag2;
- unsigned char *pnts;
- char symlink[1024];
- int goof;
-/* printf(" RRlen=%d ", len); */
- symlink[0] = 0;
- cont_extent = cont_offset = cont_size = 0;
- ncount = 0;
- flag1 = flag2 = 0;
- while(len >= 4){
- if(ncount) printf(",");
- else printf("[");
- printf("%c%c", pnt[0], pnt[1]);
- if(pnt[3] != 1) {
- printf("**BAD RRVERSION");
- return;
- };
- ncount++;
- if(pnt[0] == 'R' && pnt[1] == 'R') flag1 = pnt[4] & 0xff;
- if(strncmp(pnt, "PX", 2) == 0) flag2 |= 1;
- if(strncmp(pnt, "PN", 2) == 0) flag2 |= 2;
- if(strncmp(pnt, "SL", 2) == 0) flag2 |= 4;
- if(strncmp(pnt, "NM", 2) == 0) flag2 |= 8;
- if(strncmp(pnt, "CL", 2) == 0) flag2 |= 16;
- if(strncmp(pnt, "PL", 2) == 0) flag2 |= 32;
- if(strncmp(pnt, "RE", 2) == 0) flag2 |= 64;
- if(strncmp(pnt, "TF", 2) == 0) flag2 |= 128;
- if(strncmp(pnt, "PX", 2) == 0) {
- extent = isonum_733(pnt+12);
- printf("=%x", extent);
- };
- if(strncmp(pnt, "CE", 2) == 0) {
- cont_extent = isonum_733(pnt+4);
- cont_offset = isonum_733(pnt+12);
- cont_size = isonum_733(pnt+20);
- printf("=[%x,%x,%d]", cont_extent, cont_offset,
- cont_size);
- };
- if(strncmp(pnt, "PL", 2) == 0 || strncmp(pnt, "CL", 2) == 0) {
- extent = isonum_733(pnt+4);
- printf("=%x", extent);
- };
- if(strncmp(pnt, "SL", 2) == 0) {
- int cflag;
- cflag = pnt[4];
- pnts = pnt+5;
- slen = pnt[2] - 5;
- while(slen >= 1){
- switch(pnts[0] & 0xfe){
- case 0:
- strncat(symlink, pnts+2, pnts[1]);
- break;
- case 2:
- strcat (symlink, ".");
- break;
- case 4:
- strcat (symlink, "..");
- break;
- case 8:
- if((pnts[0] & 1) == 0)strcat (symlink, "/");
- break;
- case 16:
- strcat(symlink,"/mnt");
- printf("Warning - mount point requested");
- break;
- case 32:
- strcat(symlink,"kafka");
- printf("Warning - host_name requested");
- break;
- default:
- printf("Reserved bit setting in symlink", goof++);
- break;
- };
- if((pnts[0] & 0xfe) && pnts[1] != 0) {
- printf("Incorrect length in symlink component");
- };
- if((pnts[0] & 1) == 0) strcat(symlink,"/");
- slen -= (pnts[1] + 2);
- pnts += (pnts[1] + 2);
- };
- if(cflag) printf("+");
- printf("=%s", symlink);
- symlink[0] = 0;
- };
- len -= pnt[2];
- pnt += pnt[2];
- if(len <= 3 && cont_extent) {
- unsigned char sector[2048];
- lseek(fileno(infile), cont_extent << 11, 0);
- read(fileno(infile), sector, sizeof(sector));
- flag2 |= parse_rr(&sector[cont_offset], cont_size, 1);
- };
- };
- if(ncount) printf("]");
- if (!cont_flag && flag1 != flag2)
- printf("Flag %x != %x", flag1, flag2, goof++);
- return flag2;
-dump_rr(struct iso_directory_record * idr)
- int len;
- unsigned char * pnt;
- len = idr->length[0] & 0xff;
- len -= sizeof(struct iso_directory_record);
- len += sizeof(idr->name);
- len -= idr->name_len[0];
- pnt = (unsigned char *) idr;
- pnt += sizeof(struct iso_directory_record);
- pnt -= sizeof(idr->name);
- pnt += idr->name_len[0];
- if((idr->name_len[0] & 1) == 0){
- pnt++;
- len--;
- };
- parse_rr(pnt, len, 0);
-showblock(int flag){
- unsigned int k;
- int i, j;
- int line;
- struct iso_directory_record * idr;
- lseek(fileno(infile), file_addr, 0);
- read(fileno(infile), buffer, sizeof(buffer));
- for(i=0;i<60;i++) printf("\n");
- fflush(stdout);
- i = line = 0;
- if(flag) {
- while(1==1){
- crsr2(line+3,1);
- idr = (struct iso_directory_record *) &buffer[i];
- if(idr->length[0] == 0) break;
- printf("%3d ", idr->length[0]);
- printf("[%2d] ", idr->volume_sequence_number[0]);
- printf("%5x ", isonum_733(idr->extent));
- printf("%8d ", isonum_733(idr->size));
- printf ((idr->flags[0] & 2) ? "*" : " ");
- if(idr->name_len[0] == 1 && idr->name[0] == 0)
- printf(". ");
- else if(idr->name_len[0] == 1 && idr->name[0] == 1)
- printf(".. ");
- else {
- for(j=0; j<idr->name_len[0]; j++) printf("%c", idr->name[j]);
- for(j=0; j<14 -idr->name_len[0]; j++) printf(" ");
- };
- dump_rr(idr);
- printf("\n");
- i += buffer[i];
- if (i > 2048 - sizeof(struct iso_directory_record)) break;
- line++;
- };
- };
- printf("\n");
- printf(" Zone, zone offset: %6x %4.4x ",file_addr>>11, file_addr & 0x7ff);
- fflush(stdout);
- char c1;
- c1 = buffer[file_addr & (PAGE-1)];
- file_addr++;
- if ((file_addr & (PAGE-1)) == 0) showblock(0);
- return c1;
-main(int argc, char * argv[]){
- char c;
- char buffer[2048];
- int nbyte;
- int i,j;
- struct iso_primary_descriptor ipd;
- struct iso_directory_record * idr;
- if(argc < 2) return 0;
- infile = fopen(argv[1],"rb");
- file_addr = 16 << 11;
- lseek(fileno(infile), file_addr, 0);
- read(fileno(infile), &ipd, sizeof(ipd));
- idr = (struct iso_directory_record *) &ipd.root_directory_record;
- file_addr = isonum_733(idr->extent);
- file_addr = file_addr << 11;
-/* Now setup the keyboard for single character input. */
- if(tcgetattr(0, &savetty) == -1)
- if(ioctl(0, TCGETA, &savetty) == -1)
- {
- printf("stdin must be a tty\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- newtty=savetty;
- newtty.c_lflag&=~ICANON;
- newtty.c_lflag&=~ECHO;
- newtty.c_cc[VMIN]=1;
- set_tty();
- signal(SIGTSTP, onsusp);
- do{
- if(file_addr < 0) file_addr = 0;
- showblock(1);
- read (0, &c, 1);
- if (c == 'a') file_addr -= PAGE;
- if (c == 'b') file_addr += PAGE;
- if (c == 'g') {
- crsr2(20,1);
- printf("Enter new starting block (in hex):");
- scanf("%x",&file_addr);
- file_addr = file_addr << 11;
- crsr2(20,1);
- printf(" ");
- };
- if (c == 'f') {
- crsr2(20,1);
- printf("Enter new search string:");
- fgets(search,sizeof(search),stdin);
- while(search[strlen(search)-1] == '\n') search[strlen(search)-1] = 0;
- crsr2(20,1);
- printf(" ");
- };
- if (c == '+') {
- while(1==1){
- while(1==1){
- c = getbyte(&file_addr);
- if (c == search[0]) break;
- };
- for (j=1;j<strlen(search);j++)
- if(search[j] != getbyte()) break;
- if(j==strlen(search)) break;
- };
- file_addr &= ~(PAGE-1);
- showblock(1);
- };
- if (c == 'q') break;
- } while(1==1);
- reset_tty();
- fclose(infile);
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/diag/isoinfo.c b/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/diag/isoinfo.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f3b472..0000000
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/diag/isoinfo.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,522 +0,0 @@
- * File isodump.c - dump iso9660 directory information.
- *
- Written by Eric Youngdale (1993).
- Copyright 1993 Yggdrasil Computing, Incorporated
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
- * Simple program to dump contents of iso9660 image in more usable format.
- *
- * Usage:
- * To list contents of image (with or without RR):
- * isoinfo -l [-R] -i imagefile
- * To extract file from image:
- * isoinfo -i imagefile -x xtractfile > outfile
- * To generate a "find" like list of files:
- * isoinfo -f -i imagefile
- */
-#include "../config.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#ifdef __svr4__
-#include <stdlib.h>
-extern int optind;
-extern char *optarg;
-/* extern int getopt (int __argc, char **__argv, char *__optstring); */
-FILE * infile;
-int use_rock = 0;
-int do_listing = 0;
-int do_find = 0;
-char * xtract = 0;
-struct stat fstat_buf;
-char name_buf[256];
-char xname[256];
-unsigned char date_buf[9];
-unsigned char buffer[2048];
-#define PAGE sizeof(buffer)
-#define ISODCL(from, to) (to - from + 1)
-isonum_731 (char * p)
- return ((p[0] & 0xff)
- | ((p[1] & 0xff) << 8)
- | ((p[2] & 0xff) << 16)
- | ((p[3] & 0xff) << 24));
-isonum_733 (unsigned char * p)
- return (isonum_731 (p));
-struct iso_primary_descriptor {
- unsigned char type [ISODCL ( 1, 1)]; /* 711 */
- unsigned char id [ISODCL ( 2, 6)];
- unsigned char version [ISODCL ( 7, 7)]; /* 711 */
- unsigned char unused1 [ISODCL ( 8, 8)];
- unsigned char system_id [ISODCL ( 9, 40)]; /* aunsigned chars */
- unsigned char volume_id [ISODCL ( 41, 72)]; /* dunsigned chars */
- unsigned char unused2 [ISODCL ( 73, 80)];
- unsigned char volume_space_size [ISODCL ( 81, 88)]; /* 733 */
- unsigned char unused3 [ISODCL ( 89, 120)];
- unsigned char volume_set_size [ISODCL (121, 124)]; /* 723 */
- unsigned char volume_sequence_number [ISODCL (125, 128)]; /* 723 */
- unsigned char logical_block_size [ISODCL (129, 132)]; /* 723 */
- unsigned char path_table_size [ISODCL (133, 140)]; /* 733 */
- unsigned char type_l_path_table [ISODCL (141, 144)]; /* 731 */
- unsigned char opt_type_l_path_table [ISODCL (145, 148)]; /* 731 */
- unsigned char type_m_path_table [ISODCL (149, 152)]; /* 732 */
- unsigned char opt_type_m_path_table [ISODCL (153, 156)]; /* 732 */
- unsigned char root_directory_record [ISODCL (157, 190)]; /* 9.1 */
- unsigned char volume_set_id [ISODCL (191, 318)]; /* dunsigned chars */
- unsigned char publisher_id [ISODCL (319, 446)]; /* achars */
- unsigned char preparer_id [ISODCL (447, 574)]; /* achars */
- unsigned char application_id [ISODCL (575, 702)]; /* achars */
- unsigned char copyright_file_id [ISODCL (703, 739)]; /* 7.5 dchars */
- unsigned char abstract_file_id [ISODCL (740, 776)]; /* 7.5 dchars */
- unsigned char bibliographic_file_id [ISODCL (777, 813)]; /* 7.5 dchars */
- unsigned char creation_date [ISODCL (814, 830)]; /* */
- unsigned char modification_date [ISODCL (831, 847)]; /* */
- unsigned char expiration_date [ISODCL (848, 864)]; /* */
- unsigned char effective_date [ISODCL (865, 881)]; /* */
- unsigned char file_structure_version [ISODCL (882, 882)]; /* 711 */
- unsigned char unused4 [ISODCL (883, 883)];
- unsigned char application_data [ISODCL (884, 1395)];
- unsigned char unused5 [ISODCL (1396, 2048)];
-struct iso_directory_record {
- unsigned char length [ISODCL (1, 1)]; /* 711 */
- unsigned char ext_attr_length [ISODCL (2, 2)]; /* 711 */
- unsigned char extent [ISODCL (3, 10)]; /* 733 */
- unsigned char size [ISODCL (11, 18)]; /* 733 */
- unsigned char date [ISODCL (19, 25)]; /* 7 by 711 */
- unsigned char flags [ISODCL (26, 26)];
- unsigned char file_unit_size [ISODCL (27, 27)]; /* 711 */
- unsigned char interleave [ISODCL (28, 28)]; /* 711 */
- unsigned char volume_sequence_number [ISODCL (29, 32)]; /* 723 */
- unsigned char name_len [ISODCL (33, 33)]; /* 711 */
- unsigned char name [1];
-int parse_rr(unsigned char * pnt, int len, int cont_flag)
- int slen;
- int ncount;
- int extent;
- int cont_extent, cont_offset, cont_size;
- int flag1, flag2;
- unsigned char *pnts;
- char symlink[1024];
- int goof;
- symlink[0] = 0;
- cont_extent = cont_offset = cont_size = 0;
- ncount = 0;
- flag1 = flag2 = 0;
- while(len >= 4){
- if(pnt[3] != 1) {
- printf("**BAD RRVERSION");
- return;
- };
- ncount++;
- if(pnt[0] == 'R' && pnt[1] == 'R') flag1 = pnt[4] & 0xff;
- if(strncmp(pnt, "PX", 2) == 0) flag2 |= 1;
- if(strncmp(pnt, "PN", 2) == 0) flag2 |= 2;
- if(strncmp(pnt, "SL", 2) == 0) flag2 |= 4;
- if(strncmp(pnt, "NM", 2) == 0) flag2 |= 8;
- if(strncmp(pnt, "CL", 2) == 0) flag2 |= 16;
- if(strncmp(pnt, "PL", 2) == 0) flag2 |= 32;
- if(strncmp(pnt, "RE", 2) == 0) flag2 |= 64;
- if(strncmp(pnt, "TF", 2) == 0) flag2 |= 128;
- if(strncmp(pnt, "PX", 2) == 0) {
- fstat_buf.st_mode = isonum_733(pnt+4);
- fstat_buf.st_nlink = isonum_733(pnt+12);
- fstat_buf.st_uid = isonum_733(pnt+20);
- fstat_buf.st_gid = isonum_733(pnt+28);
- };
- if(strncmp(pnt, "NM", 2) == 0) {
- strncpy(name_buf, pnt+5, pnt[2] - 5);
- name_buf[pnt[2] - 5] = 0;
- }
- if(strncmp(pnt, "CE", 2) == 0) {
- cont_extent = isonum_733(pnt+4);
- cont_offset = isonum_733(pnt+12);
- cont_size = isonum_733(pnt+20);
- };
- if(strncmp(pnt, "PL", 2) == 0 || strncmp(pnt, "CL", 2) == 0) {
- extent = isonum_733(pnt+4);
- };
- if(strncmp(pnt, "SL", 2) == 0) {
- int cflag;
- cflag = pnt[4];
- pnts = pnt+5;
- slen = pnt[2] - 5;
- while(slen >= 1){
- switch(pnts[0] & 0xfe){
- case 0:
- strncat(symlink, pnts+2, pnts[1]);
- break;
- case 2:
- strcat (symlink, ".");
- break;
- case 4:
- strcat (symlink, "..");
- break;
- case 8:
- if((pnts[0] & 1) == 0)strcat (symlink, "/");
- break;
- case 16:
- strcat(symlink,"/mnt");
- printf("Warning - mount point requested");
- break;
- case 32:
- strcat(symlink,"kafka");
- printf("Warning - host_name requested");
- break;
- default:
- printf("Reserved bit setting in symlink", goof++);
- break;
- };
- if((pnts[0] & 0xfe) && pnts[1] != 0) {
- printf("Incorrect length in symlink component");
- };
- if((pnts[0] & 1) == 0) strcat(symlink,"/");
- slen -= (pnts[1] + 2);
- pnts += (pnts[1] + 2);
- if(xname[0] == 0) strcpy(xname, "-> ");
- strcat(xname, symlink);
- };
- symlink[0] = 0;
- };
- len -= pnt[2];
- pnt += pnt[2];
- if(len <= 3 && cont_extent) {
- unsigned char sector[2048];
- lseek(fileno(infile), cont_extent << 11, 0);
- read(fileno(infile), sector, sizeof(sector));
- flag2 |= parse_rr(&sector[cont_offset], cont_size, 1);
- };
- };
- return flag2;
-dump_rr(struct iso_directory_record * idr)
- int len;
- unsigned char * pnt;
- len = idr->length[0] & 0xff;
- len -= sizeof(struct iso_directory_record);
- len += sizeof(idr->name);
- len -= idr->name_len[0];
- pnt = (unsigned char *) idr;
- pnt += sizeof(struct iso_directory_record);
- pnt -= sizeof(idr->name);
- pnt += idr->name_len[0];
- if((idr->name_len[0] & 1) == 0){
- pnt++;
- len--;
- };
- parse_rr(pnt, len, 0);
-struct todo
- struct todo * next;
- char * name;
- int extent;
- int length;
-struct todo * todo_idr = NULL;
-char * months[12] = {"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul",
- "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"};
- int i;
- char outline[80];
- memset(outline, ' ', sizeof(outline));
- if(S_ISREG(fstat_buf.st_mode))
- outline[0] = '-';
- else if(S_ISDIR(fstat_buf.st_mode))
- outline[0] = 'd';
- else if(S_ISLNK(fstat_buf.st_mode))
- outline[0] = 'l';
- else if(S_ISCHR(fstat_buf.st_mode))
- outline[0] = 'c';
- else if(S_ISBLK(fstat_buf.st_mode))
- outline[0] = 'b';
- else if(S_ISFIFO(fstat_buf.st_mode))
- outline[0] = 'f';
- else if(S_ISSOCK(fstat_buf.st_mode))
- outline[0] = 's';
- else
- outline[0] = '?';
- memset(outline+1, '-', 9);
- if( fstat_buf.st_mode & S_IRUSR )
- outline[1] = 'r';
- if( fstat_buf.st_mode & S_IWUSR )
- outline[2] = 'w';
- if( fstat_buf.st_mode & S_IXUSR )
- outline[3] = 'x';
- if( fstat_buf.st_mode & S_IRGRP )
- outline[4] = 'r';
- if( fstat_buf.st_mode & S_IWGRP )
- outline[5] = 'w';
- if( fstat_buf.st_mode & S_IXGRP )
- outline[6] = 'x';
- if( fstat_buf.st_mode & S_IROTH )
- outline[7] = 'r';
- if( fstat_buf.st_mode & S_IWOTH )
- outline[8] = 'w';
- if( fstat_buf.st_mode & S_IXOTH )
- outline[9] = 'x';
- sprintf(outline+11, "%3d", fstat_buf.st_nlink);
- sprintf(outline+15, "%4o", fstat_buf.st_uid);
- sprintf(outline+20, "%4o", fstat_buf.st_gid);
- sprintf(outline+33, "%8d", fstat_buf.st_size);
- memcpy(outline+42, months[date_buf[1]-1], 3);
- sprintf(outline+46, "%2d", date_buf[2]);
- sprintf(outline+49, "%4d", date_buf[0]+1900);
- for(i=0; i<54; i++)
- if(outline[i] == 0) outline[i] = ' ';
- outline[54] = 0;
- printf("%s %s %s\n", outline, name_buf, xname);
-extract_file(struct iso_directory_record * idr)
- int extent, len, tlen;
- unsigned char buff[2048];
- extent = isonum_733(idr->extent);
- len = isonum_733(idr->size);
- while(len > 0)
- {
- lseek(fileno(infile), extent << 11, 0);
- tlen = (len > sizeof(buff) ? sizeof(buff) : len);
- read(fileno(infile), buff, tlen);
- len -= tlen;
- extent++;
- write(1, buff, tlen);
- }
-parse_dir(char * rootname, int extent, int len){
- unsigned int k;
- char testname[256];
- struct todo * td;
- int i, j;
- struct iso_directory_record * idr;
- if( do_listing)
- printf("\nDirectory listing of %s\n", rootname);
- while(len > 0 )
- {
- lseek(fileno(infile), extent << 11, 0);
- read(fileno(infile), buffer, sizeof(buffer));
- len -= sizeof(buffer);
- extent++;
- i = 0;
- while(1==1){
- idr = (struct iso_directory_record *) &buffer[i];
- if(idr->length[0] == 0) break;
- memset(&fstat_buf, 0, sizeof(fstat_buf));
- name_buf[0] = xname[0] = 0;
- fstat_buf.st_size = isonum_733(idr->size);
- if( idr->flags[0] & 2)
- fstat_buf.st_mode |= S_IFDIR;
- else
- fstat_buf.st_mode |= S_IFREG;
- if(idr->name_len[0] == 1 && idr->name[0] == 0)
- strcpy(name_buf, ".");
- else if(idr->name_len[0] == 1 && idr->name[0] == 1)
- strcpy(name_buf, "..");
- else {
- strncpy(name_buf, idr->name, idr->name_len[0]);
- name_buf[idr->name_len[0]] = 0;
- };
- memcpy(date_buf, idr->date, 9);
- if(use_rock) dump_rr(idr);
- if( (idr->flags[0] & 2) != 0
- && (idr->name_len[0] != 1
- || (idr->name[0] != 0 && idr->name[0] != 1)))
- {
- /*
- * Add this directory to the todo list.
- */
- td = todo_idr;
- if( td != NULL )
- {
- while(td->next != NULL) td = td->next;
- td->next = (struct todo *) malloc(sizeof(*td));
- td = td->next;
- }
- else
- {
- todo_idr = td = (struct todo *) malloc(sizeof(*td));
- }
- td->next = NULL;
- td->extent = isonum_733(idr->extent);
- td->length = isonum_733(idr->size);
- td->name = (char *) malloc(strlen(rootname)
- + strlen(name_buf) + 2);
- strcpy(td->name, rootname);
- strcat(td->name, name_buf);
- strcat(td->name, "/");
- }
- else
- {
- strcpy(testname, rootname);
- strcat(testname, name_buf);
- if(xtract && strcmp(xtract, testname) == 0)
- {
- extract_file(idr);
- }
- }
- if( do_find
- && (idr->name_len[0] != 1
- || (idr->name[0] != 0 && idr->name[0] != 1)))
- {
- strcpy(testname, rootname);
- strcat(testname, name_buf);
- printf("%s\n", testname);
- }
- if(do_listing)
- dump_stat();
- i += buffer[i];
- if (i > 2048 - sizeof(struct iso_directory_record)) break;
- }
- }
- fprintf(stderr, "isoinfo -i filename [-l] [-R] [-x filename] [-f]\n");
-main(int argc, char * argv[]){
- char c;
- char buffer[2048];
- int nbyte;
- char * filename = NULL;
- int i,j;
- struct todo * td;
- struct iso_primary_descriptor ipd;
- struct iso_directory_record * idr;
- if(argc < 2) return 0;
- while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "i:Rlx:f")) != EOF)
- switch (c)
- {
- case 'f':
- do_find++;
- break;
- case 'R':
- use_rock++;
- break;
- case 'l':
- do_listing++;
- break;
- case 'i':
- filename = optarg;
- break;
- case 'x':
- xtract = optarg;
- break;
- default:
- usage();
- exit(1);
- }
- if( filename == NULL )
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Error - file not specified\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- infile = fopen(filename,"rb");
- if( infile == NULL )
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"Unable to open file %s\n", filename);
- exit(1);
- }
- lseek(fileno(infile), 16<<11, 0);
- read(fileno(infile), &ipd, sizeof(ipd));
- idr = (struct iso_directory_record *) &ipd.root_directory_record;
- parse_dir("/", isonum_733(idr->extent), isonum_733(idr->size));
- td = todo_idr;
- while(td)
- {
- parse_dir(td->name, td->extent, td->length);
- td = td->next;
- }
- fclose(infile);
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/diag/isovfy.c b/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/diag/isovfy.c
deleted file mode 100644
index eb52c91..0000000
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/diag/isovfy.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,490 +0,0 @@
- * File isovfy.c - verify consistency of iso9660 filesystem.
- *
- Written by Eric Youngdale (1993).
- Copyright 1993 Yggdrasil Computing, Incorporated
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-FILE * infile;
-#define PAGE sizeof(buffer)
-#define ISODCL(from, to) (to - from + 1)
-struct iso_primary_descriptor {
- unsigned char type [ISODCL ( 1, 1)]; /* 711 */
- unsigned char id [ISODCL ( 2, 6)];
- unsigned char version [ISODCL ( 7, 7)]; /* 711 */
- unsigned char unused1 [ISODCL ( 8, 8)];
- unsigned char system_id [ISODCL ( 9, 40)]; /* aunsigned chars */
- unsigned char volume_id [ISODCL ( 41, 72)]; /* dunsigned chars */
- unsigned char unused2 [ISODCL ( 73, 80)];
- unsigned char volume_space_size [ISODCL ( 81, 88)]; /* 733 */
- unsigned char unused3 [ISODCL ( 89, 120)];
- unsigned char volume_set_size [ISODCL (121, 124)]; /* 723 */
- unsigned char volume_sequence_number [ISODCL (125, 128)]; /* 723 */
- unsigned char logical_block_size [ISODCL (129, 132)]; /* 723 */
- unsigned char path_table_size [ISODCL (133, 140)]; /* 733 */
- unsigned char type_l_path_table [ISODCL (141, 144)]; /* 731 */
- unsigned char opt_type_l_path_table [ISODCL (145, 148)]; /* 731 */
- unsigned char type_m_path_table [ISODCL (149, 152)]; /* 732 */
- unsigned char opt_type_m_path_table [ISODCL (153, 156)]; /* 732 */
- unsigned char root_directory_record [ISODCL (157, 190)]; /* 9.1 */
- unsigned char volume_set_id [ISODCL (191, 318)]; /* dunsigned chars */
- unsigned char publisher_id [ISODCL (319, 446)]; /* achars */
- unsigned char preparer_id [ISODCL (447, 574)]; /* achars */
- unsigned char application_id [ISODCL (575, 702)]; /* achars */
- unsigned char copyright_file_id [ISODCL (703, 739)]; /* 7.5 dchars */
- unsigned char abstract_file_id [ISODCL (740, 776)]; /* 7.5 dchars */
- unsigned char bibliographic_file_id [ISODCL (777, 813)]; /* 7.5 dchars */
- unsigned char creation_date [ISODCL (814, 830)]; /* */
- unsigned char modification_date [ISODCL (831, 847)]; /* */
- unsigned char expiration_date [ISODCL (848, 864)]; /* */
- unsigned char effective_date [ISODCL (865, 881)]; /* */
- unsigned char file_structure_version [ISODCL (882, 882)]; /* 711 */
- unsigned char unused4 [ISODCL (883, 883)];
- unsigned char application_data [ISODCL (884, 1395)];
- unsigned char unused5 [ISODCL (1396, 2048)];
-struct iso_directory_record {
- unsigned char length [ISODCL (1, 1)]; /* 711 */
- unsigned char ext_attr_length [ISODCL (2, 2)]; /* 711 */
- unsigned char extent [ISODCL (3, 10)]; /* 733 */
- unsigned char size [ISODCL (11, 18)]; /* 733 */
- unsigned char date [ISODCL (19, 25)]; /* 7 by 711 */
- unsigned char flags [ISODCL (26, 26)];
- unsigned char file_unit_size [ISODCL (27, 27)]; /* 711 */
- unsigned char interleave [ISODCL (28, 28)]; /* 711 */
- unsigned char volume_sequence_number [ISODCL (29, 32)]; /* 723 */
- unsigned char name_len [ISODCL (33, 33)]; /* 711 */
- unsigned char name [38];
-isonum_721 (char * p)
- return ((p[0] & 0xff)
- | ((p[1] & 0xff) << 8));
-isonum_731 (char * p)
- return ((p[0] & 0xff)
- | ((p[1] & 0xff) << 8)
- | ((p[2] & 0xff) << 16)
- | ((p[3] & 0xff) << 24));
-isonum_722 (char * p)
- return ((p[1] & 0xff)
- | ((p[0] & 0xff) << 8));
-isonum_732 (char * p)
- return ((p[3] & 0xff)
- | ((p[2] & 0xff) << 8)
- | ((p[1] & 0xff) << 16)
- | ((p[0] & 0xff) << 24));
-isonum_733 (unsigned char * p)
- return (isonum_731 (p));
-char lbuffer[1024];
-int iline;
-int rr_goof;
-dump_rr(struct iso_directory_record * idr){
- int len;
- char * pnt;
- len = idr->length[0] & 0xff;
- len -= (sizeof(struct iso_directory_record) - sizeof(idr->name));
- len -= idr->name_len[0];
- pnt = (char *) idr;
- pnt += (sizeof(struct iso_directory_record) - sizeof(idr->name));
- pnt += idr->name_len[0];
- if((idr->name_len[0] & 1) == 0){
- pnt++;
- len--;
- };
- rr_goof = 0;
- parse_rr(pnt, len, 0);
- return rr_goof;
-int parse_rr(unsigned char * pnt, int len, int cont_flag)
- int slen;
- int ncount;
- int flag1, flag2;
- int extent;
- unsigned char *pnts;
- int cont_extent, cont_offset, cont_size;
- char symlink[1024];
- iline += sprintf(lbuffer+iline," RRlen=%d ", len);
- cont_extent = cont_offset = cont_size = 0;
- symlink[0] = 0;
- ncount = 0;
- flag1 = flag2 = 0;
- while(len >= 4){
- if(ncount) iline += sprintf(lbuffer+iline,",");
- else iline += sprintf(lbuffer+iline,"[");
- iline += sprintf(lbuffer+iline,"%c%c", pnt[0], pnt[1]);
- if(pnt[0] < 'A' || pnt[0] > 'Z' || pnt[1] < 'A' ||
- pnt[1] > 'Z') {
- iline += sprintf(lbuffer+iline,"**BAD SUSP %d %d]",
- pnt[0], pnt[1], rr_goof++);
- return flag2;
- };
- if(pnt[3] != 1) {
- iline += sprintf(lbuffer+iline,"**BAD RRVERSION", rr_goof++);
- return flag2;
- };
- ncount++;
- if(pnt[0] == 'R' && pnt[1] == 'R') flag1 = pnt[4] & 0xff;
- if(strncmp(pnt, "PX", 2) == 0) flag2 |= 1;
- if(strncmp(pnt, "PN", 2) == 0) flag2 |= 2;
- if(strncmp(pnt, "SL", 2) == 0) flag2 |= 4;
- if(strncmp(pnt, "NM", 2) == 0) flag2 |= 8;
- if(strncmp(pnt, "CL", 2) == 0) flag2 |= 16;
- if(strncmp(pnt, "PL", 2) == 0) flag2 |= 32;
- if(strncmp(pnt, "RE", 2) == 0) flag2 |= 64;
- if(strncmp(pnt, "TF", 2) == 0) flag2 |= 128;
- if(strncmp(pnt, "CE", 2) == 0) {
- cont_extent = isonum_733(pnt+4);
- cont_offset = isonum_733(pnt+12);
- cont_size = isonum_733(pnt+20);
- iline += sprintf(lbuffer+iline, "=[%x,%x,%d]",
- cont_extent, cont_offset, cont_size);
- };
- if(strncmp(pnt, "PL", 2) == 0 || strncmp(pnt, "CL", 2) == 0) {
- extent = isonum_733(pnt+4);
- iline += sprintf(lbuffer+iline,"=%x", extent);
- if(extent == 0) rr_goof++;
- };
- if(strncmp(pnt, "SL", 2) == 0) {
- pnts = pnt+5;
- slen = pnt[2] - 5;
- while(slen >= 1){
- switch(pnts[0] & 0xfe){
- case 0:
- strncat(symlink, pnts+2, pnts[1]);
- break;
- case 2:
- strcat (symlink, ".");
- break;
- case 4:
- strcat (symlink, "..");
- break;
- case 8:
- strcat (symlink, "/");
- break;
- case 16:
- strcat(symlink,"/mnt");
- iline += sprintf(lbuffer+iline,"Warning - mount point requested");
- break;
- case 32:
- strcat(symlink,"kafka");
- iline += sprintf(lbuffer+iline,"Warning - host_name requested");
- break;
- default:
- iline += sprintf(lbuffer+iline,"Reserved bit setting in symlink", rr_goof++);
- break;
- };
- if((pnts[0] & 0xfe) && pnts[1] != 0) {
- iline += sprintf(lbuffer+iline,"Incorrect length in symlink component");
- };
- if((pnts[0] & 1) == 0)
- strcat(symlink,"/");
- slen -= (pnts[1] + 2);
- pnts += (pnts[1] + 2);
- };
- if(symlink[0] != 0) {
- iline += sprintf(lbuffer+iline,"=%s", symlink);
- symlink[0] = 0;
- }
- };
- len -= pnt[2];
- pnt += pnt[2];
- if(len <= 3 && cont_extent) {
- unsigned char sector[2048];
- lseek(fileno(infile), cont_extent << 11, 0);
- read(fileno(infile), sector, sizeof(sector));
- flag2 |= parse_rr(&sector[cont_offset], cont_size, 1);
- };
- };
- if(ncount) iline += sprintf(lbuffer+iline,"]");
- if (!cont_flag && flag1 && flag1 != flag2)
- iline += sprintf(lbuffer+iline,"Flag %x != %x", flag1, flag2, rr_goof++);
- return flag2;
-int dir_count = 0;
-int dir_size_count = 0;
-int ngoof = 0;
-check_tree(int file_addr, int file_size, int parent_addr){
- unsigned char buffer[2048];
- unsigned int k;
- int rflag;
- int i, i1, j, goof;
- int extent, size;
- int line;
- int orig_file_addr, parent_file_addr;
- struct iso_directory_record * idr;
- i1 = 0;
- orig_file_addr = file_addr >> 11; /* Actual extent of this directory */
- parent_file_addr = parent_addr >> 11;
- if((dir_count % 100) == 0) printf("[%d %d]\n", dir_count, dir_size_count);
-#if 0
- printf("Starting directory %d %d %d\n", file_addr, file_size, parent_addr);
- dir_count++;
- dir_size_count += file_size >> 11;
- if(file_size & 0x3ff) printf("********Directory has unusual size\n");
- for(k=0; k < (file_size >> 11); k++){
- lseek(fileno(infile), file_addr, 0);
- read(fileno(infile), buffer, sizeof(buffer));
- i = 0;
- while(1==1){
- goof = iline=0;
- idr = (struct iso_directory_record *) &buffer[i];
- if(idr->length[0] == 0) break;
- iline += sprintf(&lbuffer[iline],"%3d ", idr->length[0]);
- extent = isonum_733(idr->extent);
- size = isonum_733(idr->size);
- iline += sprintf(&lbuffer[iline],"%5x ", extent);
- iline += sprintf(&lbuffer[iline],"%8d ", size);
- iline += sprintf (&lbuffer[iline], "%c", (idr->flags[0] & 2) ? '*' : ' ');
- if(idr->name_len[0] > 33 || idr->name_len[0] < 0)
- iline += sprintf(&lbuffer[iline],"File name length=(%d)",
- idr->name_len[0], goof++);
- else if(idr->name_len[0] == 1 && idr->name[0] == 0) {
- iline += sprintf(&lbuffer[iline],". ");
- rflag = 0;
- if(orig_file_addr !=isonum_733(idr->extent))
- iline += sprintf(&lbuffer[iline],"***** Directory has null extent.", goof++);
- if(i1)
- iline += sprintf(&lbuffer[iline],"***** . not first entry.", rr_goof++);
- } else if(idr->name_len[0] == 1 && idr->name[0] == 1) {
- iline += sprintf(&lbuffer[iline],".. ");
- rflag = 0;
- if(parent_file_addr !=isonum_733(idr->extent))
- iline += sprintf(&lbuffer[iline],"***** Directory has null extent.", goof++);
- if(i1 != 1)
- iline += sprintf(&lbuffer[iline],"***** .. not second entry.", rr_goof++);
- } else {
- if(i1 < 2) iline += sprintf(&lbuffer[iline]," Improper sorting.", rr_goof++);
- for(j=0; j<idr->name_len[0]; j++) iline += sprintf(&lbuffer[iline],"%c", idr->name[j]);
- for(j=0; j<14 -idr->name_len[0]; j++) iline += sprintf(&lbuffer[iline]," ");
- rflag = 1;
- };
- if(size && extent == 0) iline += sprintf(&lbuffer[iline],"****Extent==0, size != 0", goof++);
-#if 0
- /* This is apparently legal. */
- if(size == 0 && extent) iline += sprintf(&lbuffer[iline],"****Extent!=0, size == 0", goof++);
- if(idr->flags[0] & 0xfd)
- iline += sprintf(&lbuffer[iline],"Flags=(%x) ", idr->flags[0], goof++);
- if(idr->flags[0] & 0xfd)
- iline += sprintf(&lbuffer[iline],"Flags=(%x) ", idr->flags[0], goof++);
- if(idr->interleave[0])
- iline += sprintf(&lbuffer[iline],"Interleave=(%d) ", idr->interleave[0], goof++);
- if(idr->file_unit_size[0])
- iline += sprintf(&lbuffer[iline],"File unit size=(%d) ", idr->file_unit_size[0], goof++);
- if(idr->volume_sequence_number[0] != 1)
- iline += sprintf(&lbuffer[iline],"Volume sequence number=(%d) ", idr->volume_sequence_number[0], goof++);
- goof += dump_rr(idr);
- iline += sprintf(&lbuffer[iline],"\n");
- if(goof){
- ngoof++;
- lbuffer[iline++] = 0;
- printf("%x: %s", orig_file_addr, lbuffer);
- };
- if(rflag && (idr->flags[0] & 2)) check_tree((isonum_733(idr->extent)) << 11,
- isonum_733(idr->size),
- orig_file_addr << 11);
- i += buffer[i];
- i1++;
- if (i > 2048 - sizeof(struct iso_directory_record)) break;
- };
- file_addr += sizeof(buffer);
- };
- fflush(stdout);
-/* This function simply dumps the contents of the path tables. No
- consistency checking takes place, although this would proably be a good
- idea. */
-struct path_table_info{
- char * name;
- unsigned int extent;
- unsigned short index;
- unsigned short parent;
-check_path_tables(int typel_extent, int typem_extent, int path_table_size){
- int file_addr;
- int count;
- int j;
- char * pnt;
- char * typel, *typem;
- /* Now read in the path tables */
- typel = (char *) malloc(path_table_size);
- lseek(fileno(infile), typel_extent << 11, 0);
- read(fileno(infile), typel, path_table_size);
- typem = (char *) malloc(path_table_size);
- lseek(fileno(infile), typem_extent << 11, 0);
- read(fileno(infile), typem, path_table_size);
- j = path_table_size;
- pnt = typel;
- count = 1;
- while(j){
- int namelen, extent, index;
- char name[32];
- namelen = *pnt++; pnt++;
- extent = isonum_731(pnt); pnt += 4;
- index = isonum_721(pnt); pnt+= 2;
- j -= 8+namelen;
- memset(name, 0, sizeof(name));
- strncpy(name, pnt, namelen);
- pnt += namelen;
- if(j & 1) { j--; pnt++;};
- printf("%4.4d %4.4d %8.8x %s\n",count++, index, extent, name);
- };
- j = path_table_size;
- pnt = typem;
- count = 1;
- while(j){
- int namelen, extent, index;
- char name[32];
- namelen = *pnt++; pnt++;
- extent = isonum_732(pnt); pnt += 4;
- index = isonum_722(pnt); pnt+= 2;
- j -= 8+namelen;
- memset(name, 0, sizeof(name));
- strncpy(name, pnt, namelen);
- pnt += namelen;
- if(j & 1) { j--; pnt++;};
- printf("%4.4d %4.4d %8.8x %s\n", count++, index, extent, name);
- };
-main(int argc, char * argv[]){
- int file_addr, file_size;
- char c;
- int nbyte;
- struct iso_primary_descriptor ipd;
- struct iso_directory_record * idr;
- int typel_extent, typem_extent;
- int path_table_size;
- int i,j;
- if(argc < 2) return 0;
- infile = fopen(argv[1],"rb");
- file_addr = 16 << 11;
- lseek(fileno(infile), file_addr, 0);
- read(fileno(infile), &ipd, sizeof(ipd));
- idr = (struct iso_directory_record *) &ipd.root_directory_record;
- file_addr = isonum_733(idr->extent);
- file_size = isonum_733(idr->size);
- printf("Root at extent %x, %d bytes\n", file_addr, file_size);
- file_addr = file_addr << 11;
- check_tree(file_addr, file_size, file_addr);
- typel_extent = isonum_731(ipd.type_l_path_table);
- typem_extent = isonum_732(ipd.type_m_path_table);
- path_table_size = isonum_733(ipd.path_table_size);
- /* Enable this to get the dump of the path tables */
-#if 0
- check_path_tables(typel_extent, typem_extent, path_table_size);
- fclose(infile);
- if(!ngoof) printf("No errors found\n");
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/exclude.c b/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/exclude.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c20ea28..0000000
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/exclude.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
- * 9-Dec-93 R.-D. Marzusch,
- * added 'exclude' option (-x) to specify pathnames NOT to be included in
- * CD image.
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#ifndef VMS
-#include <malloc.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-/* this allows for 1000 entries to be excluded ... */
-#define MAXEXCL 1000
-static char * excl[MAXEXCL];
-void exclude(fn)
-char * fn;
- register int i;
- for (i=0; excl[i] && i<MAXEXCL; i++);
- if (i == MAXEXCL) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Can't exclude '%s' - too many entries in table\n",fn);
- return;
- }
- excl[i] = (char *) malloc(strlen(fn)+1);
- if (! excl[i]) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Can't allocate memory for excluded filename\n");
- return;
- }
- strcpy(excl[i],fn);
-int is_excluded(fn)
-char * fn;
- /* very dumb search method ... */
- register int i;
- for (i=0; excl[i] && i<MAXEXCL; i++) {
- if (strcmp(excl[i],fn) == 0) {
- return 1; /* found -> excluded filenmae */
- }
- }
- return 0; /* not found -> not excluded */
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/exclude.h b/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/exclude.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d22fda2..0000000
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/exclude.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- * 9-Dec-93 R.-D. Marzusch,
- * added 'exclude' option (-x) to specify pathnames NOT to be included in
- * CD image.
- */
-void exclude();
-int is_excluded();
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/hash.c b/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/hash.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d21d84f..0000000
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/hash.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
- * File hash.c - generate hash tables for iso9660 filesystem.
- Written by Eric Youngdale (1993).
- Copyright 1993 Yggdrasil Computing, Incorporated
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "mkisofs.h"
-#define NR_HASH 1024
-#define HASH_FN(DEV, INO) ((DEV + INO + (INO >> 2) + (INO << 8)) % NR_HASH)
-static struct file_hash * hash_table[NR_HASH] = {0,};
-void FDECL1(add_hash, struct directory_entry *, spnt){
- struct file_hash * s_hash;
- unsigned int hash_number;
- if(spnt->size == 0 || spnt->starting_block == 0)
- if(spnt->size != 0 || spnt->starting_block != 0) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Non zero-length file assigned zero extent.\n");
- exit(1);
- };
- if (spnt->dev == (dev_t) UNCACHED_DEVICE || spnt->inode == UNCACHED_INODE) return;
- hash_number = HASH_FN((unsigned int) spnt->dev, (unsigned int) spnt->inode);
-#if 0
- if (verbose) fprintf(stderr,"%s ",spnt->name);
- s_hash = (struct file_hash *) e_malloc(sizeof(struct file_hash));
- s_hash->next = hash_table[hash_number];
- s_hash->inode = spnt->inode;
- s_hash->dev = spnt->dev;
- s_hash->starting_block = spnt->starting_block;
- s_hash->size = spnt->size;
- hash_table[hash_number] = s_hash;
-struct file_hash * FDECL2(find_hash, dev_t, dev, ino_t, inode){
- unsigned int hash_number;
- struct file_hash * spnt;
- hash_number = HASH_FN((unsigned int) dev, (unsigned int) inode);
- if (dev == (dev_t) UNCACHED_DEVICE || inode == UNCACHED_INODE) return NULL;
- spnt = hash_table[hash_number];
- while(spnt){
- if(spnt->inode == inode && spnt->dev == dev) return spnt;
- spnt = spnt->next;
- };
- return NULL;
-static struct file_hash * directory_hash_table[NR_HASH] = {0,};
-void FDECL2(add_directory_hash, dev_t, dev, ino_t, inode){
- struct file_hash * s_hash;
- unsigned int hash_number;
- if (dev == (dev_t) UNCACHED_DEVICE || inode == UNCACHED_INODE) return;
- hash_number = HASH_FN((unsigned int) dev, (unsigned int) inode);
- s_hash = (struct file_hash *) e_malloc(sizeof(struct file_hash));
- s_hash->next = directory_hash_table[hash_number];
- s_hash->inode = inode;
- s_hash->dev = dev;
- directory_hash_table[hash_number] = s_hash;
-struct file_hash * FDECL2(find_directory_hash, dev_t, dev, ino_t, inode){
- unsigned int hash_number;
- struct file_hash * spnt;
- hash_number = HASH_FN((unsigned int) dev, (unsigned int) inode);
- if (dev == (dev_t) UNCACHED_DEVICE || inode == UNCACHED_INODE) return NULL;
- spnt = directory_hash_table[hash_number];
- while(spnt){
- if(spnt->inode == inode && spnt->dev == dev) return spnt;
- spnt = spnt->next;
- };
- return NULL;
-struct name_hash{
- struct name_hash * next;
- struct directory_entry * de;
-#define NR_NAME_HASH 128
-static struct name_hash * name_hash_table[NR_NAME_HASH] = {0,};
-static unsigned int FDECL1(name_hash, const char *, name){
- unsigned int hash = 0;
- const char * p;
- p = name;
- while (*p) hash = (hash << 15) + (hash << 3) + (hash >> 3) + *p++;
- return hash % NR_NAME_HASH;
-void FDECL1(add_file_hash, struct directory_entry *, de){
- struct name_hash * new;
- int hash;
- new = (struct name_hash *) e_malloc(sizeof(struct name_hash));
- new->de = de;
- new->next = NULL;
- hash = name_hash(de->;
- /* Now insert into the hash table */
- new->next = name_hash_table[hash];
- name_hash_table[hash] = new;
-struct directory_entry * FDECL1(find_file_hash, char *, name){
- struct name_hash * nh;
- for(nh = name_hash_table[name_hash(name)]; nh; nh = nh->next)
- if(strcmp(nh->de->, name) == 0) return nh->de;
- return NULL;
-int FDECL1(delete_file_hash, struct directory_entry *, de){
- struct name_hash * nh, *prev;
- int hash;
- prev = NULL;
- hash = name_hash(de->;
- for(nh = name_hash_table[hash]; nh; nh = nh->next) {
- if(nh->de == de) break;
- prev = nh;
- };
- if(!nh) return 1;
- if(!prev)
- name_hash_table[hash] = nh->next;
- else
- prev->next = nh->next;
- free(nh);
- return 0;
-void flush_file_hash(){
- struct name_hash * nh, *nh1;
- int i;
- for(i=0; i<NR_NAME_HASH; i++) {
- nh = name_hash_table[i];
- while(nh) {
- nh1 = nh->next;
- free(nh);
- nh = nh1;
- };
- name_hash_table[i] = NULL;
- };
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/iso9660.h b/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/iso9660.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c202da..0000000
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/iso9660.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
- * Header file iso9660.h - assorted structure definitions and typecasts.
- * specific to iso9660 filesystem.
- Written by Eric Youngdale (1993).
- Copyright 1993 Yggdrasil Computing, Incorporated
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
-#ifndef _ISOFS_FS_H
-#define _ISOFS_FS_H
- * The isofs filesystem constants/structures
- */
-/* This part borrowed from the bsd386 isofs */
-#define ISODCL(from, to) (to - from + 1)
-struct iso_volume_descriptor {
- char type[ISODCL(1,1)]; /* 711 */
- char id[ISODCL(2,6)];
- char version[ISODCL(7,7)];
- char data[ISODCL(8,2048)];
-/* volume descriptor types */
-#define ISO_VD_PRIMARY 1
-#define ISO_VD_END 255
-#define ISO_STANDARD_ID "CD001"
-struct iso_primary_descriptor {
- char type [ISODCL ( 1, 1)]; /* 711 */
- char id [ISODCL ( 2, 6)];
- char version [ISODCL ( 7, 7)]; /* 711 */
- char unused1 [ISODCL ( 8, 8)];
- char system_id [ISODCL ( 9, 40)]; /* achars */
- char volume_id [ISODCL ( 41, 72)]; /* dchars */
- char unused2 [ISODCL ( 73, 80)];
- char volume_space_size [ISODCL ( 81, 88)]; /* 733 */
- char unused3 [ISODCL ( 89, 120)];
- char volume_set_size [ISODCL (121, 124)]; /* 723 */
- char volume_sequence_number [ISODCL (125, 128)]; /* 723 */
- char logical_block_size [ISODCL (129, 132)]; /* 723 */
- char path_table_size [ISODCL (133, 140)]; /* 733 */
- char type_l_path_table [ISODCL (141, 144)]; /* 731 */
- char opt_type_l_path_table [ISODCL (145, 148)]; /* 731 */
- char type_m_path_table [ISODCL (149, 152)]; /* 732 */
- char opt_type_m_path_table [ISODCL (153, 156)]; /* 732 */
- char root_directory_record [ISODCL (157, 190)]; /* 9.1 */
- char volume_set_id [ISODCL (191, 318)]; /* dchars */
- char publisher_id [ISODCL (319, 446)]; /* achars */
- char preparer_id [ISODCL (447, 574)]; /* achars */
- char application_id [ISODCL (575, 702)]; /* achars */
- char copyright_file_id [ISODCL (703, 739)]; /* 7.5 dchars */
- char abstract_file_id [ISODCL (740, 776)]; /* 7.5 dchars */
- char bibliographic_file_id [ISODCL (777, 813)]; /* 7.5 dchars */
- char creation_date [ISODCL (814, 830)]; /* */
- char modification_date [ISODCL (831, 847)]; /* */
- char expiration_date [ISODCL (848, 864)]; /* */
- char effective_date [ISODCL (865, 881)]; /* */
- char file_structure_version [ISODCL (882, 882)]; /* 711 */
- char unused4 [ISODCL (883, 883)];
- char application_data [ISODCL (884, 1395)];
- char unused5 [ISODCL (1396, 2048)];
-/* We use this to help us look up the parent inode numbers. */
-struct iso_path_table{
- unsigned char name_len[2]; /* 721 */
- char extent[4]; /* 731 */
- char parent[2]; /* 721 */
- char name[1];
-struct iso_directory_record {
- unsigned char length [ISODCL (1, 1)]; /* 711 */
- char ext_attr_length [ISODCL (2, 2)]; /* 711 */
- char extent [ISODCL (3, 10)]; /* 733 */
- char size [ISODCL (11, 18)]; /* 733 */
- char date [ISODCL (19, 25)]; /* 7 by 711 */
- char flags [ISODCL (26, 26)];
- char file_unit_size [ISODCL (27, 27)]; /* 711 */
- char interleave [ISODCL (28, 28)]; /* 711 */
- char volume_sequence_number [ISODCL (29, 32)]; /* 723 */
- unsigned char name_len [ISODCL (33, 33)]; /* 711 */
- char name [34]; /* Not really, but we need something here */
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/ b/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/
deleted file mode 100644
index 752ea4d..0000000
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-$! Set the def dir to proper place for use in batch. Works for interactive too.
-$flnm = f$enviroment("PROCEDURE") ! get current procedure name
-$set default 'f$parse(flnm,,,"DEVICE")''f$parse(flnm,,,"DIRECTORY")'
-$if "''p1'".eqs."LINK" then goto link
-$gcc/debug mkisofs.c
-$gcc/debug write.c
-$gcc/debug tree.c
-$gcc/debug hash.c
-$gcc/debug rock.c
-$gcc/debug vms.c
-$gcc/debug exclude.c
-$link mkisofs.obj+write.obj+tree.obj+hash.obj+rock.obj+vms.obj+exclude.obj+ -
- gnu_cc:[000000]gcclib/lib+sys$library:vaxcrtl/lib
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/mkisofs.8 b/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/mkisofs.8
deleted file mode 100644
index d05909b..0000000
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/mkisofs.8
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
-.\" -*- nroff -*-
-.TH MKISOFS 8 "January 1995" "Version 1.04"
-mkisofs \- create a iso9660 filesystem with optional Rock Ridge attributes.
-.B mkisofs
-.B \-R
-.B \-T
-.B \-v
-.B \-z
-.B \-a
-.B \-f
-.B \-d
-.B \-D
-.B \-l
-.B \-L
-.B \-L
-.B \-V
-.B \-V
-.I volid
-.B \-i
-.I include-list
-.B \-p
-.I preparer
-.B \-P
-.I publisher
-.B \-A
-.I application_id
-.B \-x
-.I path
-.B \-o
-.I filename
-.I path
-.B mkisofs
-is effectively a pre-mastering program to generate the iso9660 filesystem - it
-takes a snapshot of a given directory tree, and generates a binary image which
-will correspond to an iso9660 filesystem when written to a block device.
-.B mkisofs
-is also capable of generating the System Use Sharing Protocol records specified
-by the Rock Ridge Interchange Protocol. This is used to further describe the
-files in the iso9660 filesystem to a unix host, and provides information such
-as longer filenames, uid/gid, posix permissions, and block and character
-Each file written to the iso9660 filesystem must have a filename in the 8.3
-format (8 characters, period, 3 characters, all upper case), even if Rock Ridge
-is in use. This filename is used on systems that are not able to make use of
-the Rock Ridge extensions (such as MS-DOS), and each filename in each directory
-must be different from the other filenames in the same directory.
-.B mkisofs
-generally tries to form correct names by forcing the unix filename to upper
-case and truncating as required, but often times this yields unsatisfactory
-results when there are cases where the
-truncated names are not all unique.
-.B mkisofs
-assigns weightings to each filename, and if two names that are otherwise the
-same are found the name with the lower priority is renamed to have a 3 digit
-number as an extension (where the number is guaranteed to be unique). An
-example of this would be the files and - the file would be written as FOO.000;1 and the file would be written as FOO.BAR;1
-Note that
-.B mkisofs
-is not designed to communicate with the writer directly. Most writers
-have proprietary command sets which vary from one manufacturer to
-another, and you need a specialized tool to actually burn the disk.
-The cdwrite utility that comes with mkisofs is capable of communicating
-with Phillips drives (newer versions of cdwrite should be available from
-Yggdrasil). Most writers come with some version of DOS software
-that allows a direct image copy of an iso9660 image to the writer.
-Also you should know that most cd writers are very particular about timing.
-Once you start to burn a disc, you cannot let their buffer empty before you
-are done, or you will end up with a corrupt disc. Thus it is critical
-that you be able to maintain an uninterupted data stream to the writer
-for the entire time that the disc is being written.
-.B path
-is the path of the directory tree to be copied into the iso9660 filesystem.
-.I \-a
-Include all files on the iso9660 filesystem. Normally files that contain the
-characters '~' or '#' will not be included (these are typically backup files
-for editors under unix).
-.I \-A application_id
-Specifies a text string that will be written into the volume header.
-This should describe the application that will be on the disc. There
-is space on the disc for 128 characters of information. This parameter can
-also be set in the file .mkisofsrc with APPL=id. If specified in both
-places, the command line version is used.
-.I \-d
-Omit trailing period from files that do not have a period. This violates the
-ISO9660 standard, but it happens to work on many systems. Use with caution.
-.I \-D
-Do not use deep directory relocation, and instead just pack them in the
-way we see them. This violates the ISO9660 standard, but it works on many
-systems. Use with caution.
-.I \-f
-Follow symbolic links when generating the filesystem. When this option is not
-in use, symbolic links will be entered using Rock Ridge if enabled, otherwise
-the file will be ignored.
-.I \-i include-list
-Use the specified file as a list of files to add to the directory tree.
-This is useful for quickly repacking a CD while adding files to it.
-The format of this file is path1/file=path2 where path1 is the directory
-in the ISO9660 file system where file should appear and path2 is the
-where to find the file.
-.I \-l
-Allow full 32 character filenames. Normally the ISO9660 filename will be in an
-8.3 format which is compatible with MS-DOS, even though the ISO9660 standard
-allows filenames of up to 32 characters. If you use this option, the disc may
-be difficult to use on a MS-DOS system, but this comes in handy on some other
-systems (such as the Amiga). Use with caution.
-.I \-L
-Allow filenames to begin with a period. Ususally, a leading dot is
-replaced with an underscore in order to maintain MS-DOS compatibility.
-.I \-N
-Omit version numbers from ISO9660 file names. This may violate the ISO9660
-standard, but no one really uses the version numbers anyway. Use with caution.
-.I \-o filename
-is the name of the file to which the iso9660 filesystem image should be
-written. This can be a disk file, a tape drive, or it can correspond directly
-to the device name of the optical disc writer. If not specified, stdout is
-]used. Note that the output can also be a block special device for a regular
-disk drive, in which case the disk partition can be mounted and examined to
-ensure that the premastering was done correctly.
-.I \-P publisher_id
-Specifies a text string that will be written into the volume header.
-This should describe the publisher of the CDROM, usually with a
-mailing address and phone number. There is space on the disc for 128
-characters of information. This parameter can also be set in the file
-.mkisofsrc with PUBL=. If specified in both places, the command line
-version is used.
-.I \-p preparer_id
-Specifies a text string that will be written into the volume header.
-This should describe the preparer of the CDROM, usually with a mailing
-address and phone number. There is space on the disc for 128
-characters of information. This parameter can also be set in the file
-.mkisofsrc with PREP=. If specified in both places, the command
-line version is used.
-.I \-R
-Generate SUSP and RR records using the Rock Ridge protocol to further describe
-the files on the iso9660 filesystem.
-.I \-T
-Generate a file TRANS.TBL in each directory on the CDROM, which can be used
-on non-Rock Ridge capable systems to help establish the correct file names.
-There is also information present in the file that indicates the major and
-minor numbers for block and character devices, and each symlink has the name of
-the link file given.
-.I \-V volid
-Specifies the volume ID to be written into the master block. This
-parameter can also be set in the file .mkisofsrc with VOLI=id. If
-specified in both places, the command line version is used.
-.I \-v
-Verbose execution.
-.I \-x path
-.I path
-from being written to CDROM.
-.I path
-must be the complete pathname that results from concatenating the pathname
-given as command line argument and the path relative to this directory.
-Multiple paths may be excluded (up to 1000).
-mkisofs \-o cd \-x /local/dir1 \-x /local/dir2 /local
-.I \-z
-Generate special SUSP records for transparently compressed files. This is
-only of use and interest for hosts that support transparent decompression.
-This is an experimental feature, and no hosts yet support this, but there
-are ALPHA patches for linux that can make use of this feature.
-.B mkisofs
-looks for a file .mkisofsrc, first in the current working directory, and if not
-found there then in the directory in which the
-.B mkisofs
-binary is stored. This file is assumed to contain a series of lines
-of the form "TAG=value", and in this way you can specify certain
-options. Only the first four characters of the tag are used, and the
-case of the tag is not significant. Some fields in the volume header
-are not settable on the command line, but can be altered through this
-facility. These are the copyright information (COPY), the
-bibliographic information (BIBL), the abstract (ABST), the volume set
-ID (VOLS) and the system ID (SYSI).
-.B mkisofs
-can also be configured at compile time with defaults for many of these fields.
-See the file defaults.h.
-.B mkisofs
-is not based on the standard mk*fs tools for unix, because we must generate
-a complete copy of an existing filesystem on a disk in the iso9660
-filesystem. The name mkisofs is probably a bit of a misnomer, since it
-not only creates the filesystem, but it also populates it as well.
-Eric Youngdale <> wrote both the linux isofs9660 filesystem
-and the mkisofs utility, and is currently maintaining them. The copyright for
-the mkisofs utility is held by Yggdrasil Computing, Incorporated.
-Any files that have hard links to files not in the tree being copied to the
-iso9660 filessytem will have an incorrect file reference count.
-There may be some other ones. Please, report them to the author.
-Allow specfication of multiple paths on the command line to be included in
-iso9660 filesystem. Can be tricky - directory entries in the root directory
-need to be properly sorted.
-.B mkisofs
-is available for anonymous ftp from in
-/pub/linux/BETA/cdrom/mkisofs and many other mirror sites. With the 1.0
-release, it is no longer considered to be in beta testing. Most of the bugs
-that are being discovered now are very minor (and interestingly enough also
-seem to be present in the YM software). Reports indicate that people are
-gearing up for production runs using version 1.00.
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/mkisofs.c b/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/mkisofs.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e1948ca..0000000
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/mkisofs.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,760 +0,0 @@
- * Program mkisofs.c - generate iso9660 filesystem based upon directory
- * tree on hard disk.
- Written by Eric Youngdale (1993).
- Copyright 1993 Yggdrasil Computing, Incorporated
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
-/* ADD_FILES changes made by Ross Biro 2/23/95 */
-#include "mkisofs.h"
-#include <assert.h>
-#ifdef linux
-#include <getopt.h>
-#include "iso9660.h"
-#include <ctype.h>
-#ifndef VMS
-#include <time.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include "vms.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#ifndef VMS
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include "exclude.h"
-#ifdef __NetBSD__
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <sys/resource.h>
-struct directory * root = NULL;
-static char version_string[] = "mkisofs v1.04";
-FILE * discimage;
-unsigned int next_extent = 0;
-unsigned int last_extent = 0;
-unsigned int path_table_size = 0;
-unsigned int path_table[4] = {0,};
-unsigned int path_blocks = 0;
-struct iso_directory_record root_record;
-static int timezone_offset;
-char * extension_record = NULL;
-int extension_record_extent = 0;
-static int extension_record_size = 0;
-/* These variables are associated with command line options */
-int use_RockRidge = 0;
-int verbose = 0;
-int all_files = 0;
-int follow_links = 0;
-int generate_tables = 0;
-char * preparer = PREPARER_DEFAULT;
-char * publisher = PUBLISHER_DEFAULT;
-char * appid = APPID_DEFAULT;
-char * copyright = COPYRIGHT_DEFAULT;
-char * biblio = BIBLIO_DEFAULT;
-char * abstract = ABSTRACT_DEFAULT;
-char * volset_id = VOLSET_ID_DEFAULT;
-char * volume_id = VOLUME_ID_DEFAULT;
-char * system_id = SYSTEM_ID_DEFAULT;
-int omit_period = 0; /* Violates iso9660, but these are a pain */
-int transparent_compression = 0; /* So far only works with linux */
-int omit_version_number = 0; /* May violate iso9660, but noone uses vers*/
-int RR_relocation_depth = 6; /* Violates iso9660, but most systems work */
-int full_iso9660_filenames = 0; /* Used with Amiga. Disc will not work with
- DOS */
-int allow_leading_dots = 0; /* DOS cannot read names with leading dots */
-struct rcopts{
- char * tag;
- char ** variable;
-struct rcopts rcopt[] = {
- {"PREP", &preparer},
- {"PUBL", &publisher},
- {"APPI", &appid},
- {"COPY", &copyright},
- {"BIBL", &biblio},
- {"ABST", &abstract},
- {"VOLS", &volset_id},
- {"VOLI", &volume_id},
- {"SYSI", &system_id},
-#ifdef ultrix
-char *strdup(s)
-char *s;{char *c;if(c=(char *)malloc(strlen(s)+1))strcpy(c,s);return c;}
-void FDECL1(read_rcfile, char *, appname)
- FILE * rcfile;
- struct rcopts * rco;
- char * pnt, *pnt1;
- char linebuffer[256];
- rcfile = fopen(".mkisofsrc","r");
- if(!rcfile) {
- if(strlen(appname)+sizeof(".mkisofsrc") > sizeof(linebuffer)) return;
- strcpy(linebuffer, appname);
- pnt = strrchr(linebuffer,'/');
- if(!pnt) return;
- pnt++;
- strcpy(pnt, ".mkisofsrc");
- rcfile = fopen(linebuffer,"r");
- fprintf(stderr, "Using %s.\n", linebuffer);
- } else {
- fprintf(stderr, "Using ./.mkisofsrc.\n");
- }
- if(!rcfile) return;
- /* OK, we got it. Now read in the lines and parse them */
- while(!feof(rcfile))
- {
- fgets(linebuffer, sizeof(linebuffer), rcfile);
- pnt = linebuffer;
- while(1==1) {
- if(*pnt == ' ' || *pnt == '\t' || *pnt == '\n' || *pnt == 0) break;
- if(islower(*pnt)) *pnt = toupper(*pnt);
- pnt++;
- }
- /* OK, now find the '=' sign */
- while(*pnt && *pnt != '=' && *pnt != '#') pnt++;
- if(*pnt == '#') continue; /* SKip comment */
- if(*pnt != '=') continue; /* Skip to next line */
- pnt++; /* Skip past '=' sign */
- while(*pnt == ' ' || *pnt == '\t') pnt++; /* And skip past whitespace */
- /* Now get rid of trailing newline */
- pnt1 = pnt;
- while(*pnt1) {
- if(*pnt1 == '\n') *pnt1 = 0;
- else
- pnt1++;
- };
- pnt1 = linebuffer;
- while(*pnt1 == ' ' || *pnt1 == '\t') pnt1++;
- /* OK, now figure out which option we have */
- for(rco = rcopt; rco->tag; rco++) {
- if(strncmp(rco->tag, pnt1, 4) == 0)
- {
- *rco->variable = strdup(pnt);
- break;
- };
- }
- }
- fclose(rcfile);
-char * path_table_l = NULL;
-char * path_table_m = NULL;
-int goof = 0;
-void usage(){
- fprintf(stderr,"Usage:\n");
- fprintf(stderr,
-"mkisofs [-o outfile] [-R] [-V volid] [-v] [-a] \
-[-T]\n [-l] [-d] [-V] [-D] [-L] [-p preparer] \
-[-P publisher] [ -A app_id ] [-z] \
-[-x path -x path ...] path\n");
- exit(1);
-int get_iso9660_timezone_offset(){
- struct tm gm;
- struct tm * pt;
- time_t ctime;
- int local_min, gmt_min;
- time(&ctime);
- pt = gmtime(&ctime);
- gm = *pt;
- pt = localtime(&ctime);
- if(gm.tm_year < pt->tm_year)
- gm.tm_yday = -1;
- if(gm.tm_year > pt->tm_year)
- pt->tm_yday = -1;
- gmt_min = gm.tm_min + 60*(gm.tm_hour + 24*gm.tm_yday);
- local_min = pt->tm_min + 60*(pt->tm_hour + 24*pt->tm_yday);
- return (gmt_min - local_min)/15;
-/* Fill in date in the iso9660 format */
-int FDECL2(iso9660_date,char *, result, time_t, ctime){
- struct tm *local;
- local = localtime(&ctime);
- result[0] = local->tm_year;
- result[1] = local->tm_mon + 1;
- result[2] = local->tm_mday;
- result[3] = local->tm_hour;
- result[4] = local->tm_min;
- result[5] = local->tm_sec;
- result[6] = timezone_offset;
- return 0;
-int FDECL3(iso9660_file_length,const char*, name, struct directory_entry *, sresult,
- int, dirflag){
- int seen_dot = 0;
- int seen_semic = 0;
- char * result;
- int priority = 32767;
- int tildes = 0;
- int ignore = 0;
- int extra = 0;
- int current_length = 0;
- int chars_after_dot = 0;
- int chars_before_dot = 0;
- const char * pnt;
- result = sresult->;
- if(strcmp(name,".") == 0){
- if(result) *result = 0;
- return 1;
- };
- if(strcmp(name,"..") == 0){
- if(result) {
- *result++ = 1;
- *result++ = 0;
- }
- return 1;
- };
- pnt = name;
- while(*pnt){
-#ifdef VMS
- if(strcmp(pnt,".DIR;1") == 0) break;
- if(*pnt == '#') {priority = 1; pnt++; continue; };
- if(*pnt == '~') {priority = 1; tildes++; pnt++; continue;};
- if(*pnt == ';') {seen_semic = 1; *result++ = *pnt++; continue; };
- if(ignore) {pnt++; continue;};
- if(seen_semic){
- if(*pnt >= '0' && *pnt <= '9') *result++ = *pnt;
- extra++;
- pnt++;
- continue;
- };
- if(full_iso9660_filenames) {
- /* Here we allow a more relaxed syntax. */
- if(*pnt == '.') {
- if (seen_dot) {ignore++; continue;}
- seen_dot++;
- }
- if(current_length < 30) *result++ = (islower(*pnt) ? toupper(*pnt) : *pnt);
- } else { /* Dos style filenames */
- if(*pnt == '.') {
- if (!chars_before_dot && !allow_leading_dots) {
- /* DOS can't read files with dot first */
- chars_before_dot++;
- if (result) *result++ = '_'; /* Substitute underscore */
- } else {
- if (seen_dot) {ignore++; continue;}
- if(result) *result++ = '.';
- seen_dot++;
- }
- } else if (seen_dot) {
- if(chars_after_dot < 3) {
- chars_after_dot++;
- if(result) *result++ = (islower(*pnt) ? toupper(*pnt) : *pnt);
- }
- } else {
- if(chars_before_dot < 8) {
- chars_before_dot++;
- if(result) *result++ = (islower(*pnt) ? toupper(*pnt) : *pnt);
- };
- };
- };
- current_length++;
- pnt++;
- };
- if(tildes == 2){
- int prio1 = 0;
- pnt = name;
- while (*pnt && *pnt != '~') pnt++;
- if (*pnt) pnt++;
- while(*pnt && *pnt != '~'){
- prio1 = 10*prio1 + *pnt - '0';
- pnt++;
- };
- priority = prio1;
- };
- if (!dirflag){
- if (!seen_dot && !omit_period) {
- if (result) *result++ = '.';
- extra++;
- };
- if(!omit_version_number && !seen_semic) {
- if(result){
- *result++ = ';';
- *result++ = '1';
- };
- extra += 2;
- }
- };
- if(result) *result++ = 0;
-#if 1 /* WALNUT CREEK HACKS -- rab 950126 */
- int i, c, len;
- char *r;
- assert(result);
- assert(omit_version_number);
- assert(omit_period);
- assert(extra == 0);
- r = sresult->;
- len = strlen(r);
- if (r[len - 1] == '.') {
- assert(seen_dot && chars_after_dot == 0);
- r[--len] = '\0';
- seen_dot = 0;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
- c = r[i];
- if (c == '.') {
- if (dirflag) {
- fprintf(stderr, "changing DIR %s to ", r);
- r[i] = '\0';
- fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", r);
- chars_after_dot = 0;
- seen_dot = 0;
- extra = 0;
- break;
- }
- } else if (!isalnum(c) && c != '_') {
- fprintf(stderr, "changing %s to ", r);
- r[i] = '_';
- fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", r);
- }
- }
- sresult->priority = priority;
- return chars_before_dot + chars_after_dot + seen_dot + extra;
-#ifdef ADD_FILES
-struct file_adds *root_file_adds = NULL;
-FDECL2(add_one_file, char *, addpath, char *, path )
- char *cp;
- char *name;
- struct file_adds *f;
- struct file_adds *tmp;
- f = root_file_adds;
- tmp = NULL;
- name = rindex (addpath, PATH_SEPARATOR);
- if (name == NULL) {
- name = addpath;
- } else {
- name++;
- }
- cp = strtok (addpath, SPATH_SEPARATOR);
- while (cp != NULL && strcmp (name, cp)) {
- if (f == NULL) {
- root_file_adds = e_malloc (sizeof *root_file_adds);
- f=root_file_adds;
- f->name = NULL;
- f->child = NULL;
- f->next = NULL;
- f->add_count = 0;
- f->adds = NULL;
- f->used = 0;
- }
- if (f->child) {
- for (tmp = f->child; tmp->next != NULL; tmp =tmp->next) {
- if (strcmp (tmp->name, cp) == 0) {
- f = tmp;
- goto next;
- }
- }
- if (strcmp (tmp->name, cp) == 0) {
- f=tmp;
- goto next;
- }
- /* add a new node. */
- tmp->next = e_malloc (sizeof (*tmp->next));
- f=tmp->next;
- f->name = strdup (cp);
- f->child = NULL;
- f->next = NULL;
- f->add_count = 0;
- f->adds = NULL;
- f->used = 0;
- } else {
- /* no children. */
- f->child = e_malloc (sizeof (*f->child));
- f = f->child;
- f->name = strdup (cp);
- f->child = NULL;
- f->next = NULL;
- f->add_count = 0;
- f->adds = NULL;
- f->used = 0;
- }
- next:
- cp = strtok (NULL, SPATH_SEPARATOR);
- }
- /* Now f if non-null points to where we should add things */
- if (f == NULL) {
- root_file_adds = e_malloc (sizeof *root_file_adds);
- f=root_file_adds;
- f->name = NULL;
- f->child = NULL;
- f->next = NULL;
- f->add_count = 0;
- f->adds = NULL;
- }
- /* Now f really points to where we should add this name. */
- f->add_count++;
- f->adds = realloc (f->adds, sizeof (*f->adds)*f->add_count);
- f->adds[f->add_count-1].path = strdup (path);
- f->adds[f->add_count-1].name = strdup (name);
-FDECL3(add_file_list, int, argc, char **,argv, int, ind)
- char *ptr;
- char *dup_arg;
- while (ind < argc) {
- dup_arg = strdup (argv[ind]);
- ptr = index (dup_arg,'=');
- if (ptr == NULL) {
- free (dup_arg);
- return;
- }
- *ptr = 0;
- ptr++;
- add_one_file (dup_arg, ptr);
- free (dup_arg);
- ind++;
- }
-FDECL1(add_file, char *, filename)
- char buff[1024];
- FILE *f;
- char *ptr;
- char *p2;
- int count=0;
- if (strcmp (filename, "-") == 0) {
- f = stdin;
- } else {
- f = fopen (filename, "r");
- if (f == NULL) {
- perror ("fopen");
- exit (1);
- }
- }
- while (fgets (buff, 1024, f)) {
- count++;
- ptr = buff;
- while (isspace (*ptr)) ptr++;
- if (*ptr==0) continue;
- if (*ptr=='#') continue;
- if (ptr[strlen(ptr)-1]== '\n') ptr[strlen(ptr)-1]=0;
- p2 = index (ptr, '=');
- if (p2 == NULL) {
- fprintf (stderr, "Error in line %d: %s\n", count, buff);
- exit (1);
- }
- *p2 = 0;
- p2++;
- add_one_file (ptr, p2);
- }
- if (f != stdin) fclose (f);
-int FDECL2(main, int, argc, char **, argv){
- char * outfile;
- struct directory_entry de;
- unsigned int mem_start;
- struct stat statbuf;
- char * scan_tree;
- int c;
-#ifdef ADD_FILES
- char *add_file_file = NULL;
- if (argc < 2)
- usage();
- /* Get the defaults from the .mkisofsrc file */
- read_rcfile(argv[0]);
- outfile = NULL;
- while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "i:o:V:RfvaTp:P:x:dDlLNzA:")) != EOF)
- switch (c)
- {
- case 'p':
- preparer = optarg;
- if(strlen(preparer) > 128) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Preparer string too long\n");
- exit(1);
- };
- break;
- case 'P':
- publisher = optarg;
- if(strlen(publisher) > 128) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Publisher string too long\n");
- exit(1);
- };
- break;
- case 'A':
- appid = optarg;
- if(strlen(appid) > 128) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Application-id string too long\n");
- exit(1);
- };
- break;
- case 'd':
- omit_period++;
- break;
- case 'D':
- RR_relocation_depth = 32767;
- break;
- case 'l':
- full_iso9660_filenames++;
- break;
- case 'L':
- allow_leading_dots++;
- break;
- case 'N':
- omit_version_number++;
- break;
- case 'o':
- outfile = optarg;
- break;
- case 'f':
- follow_links++;
- break;
- case 'R':
- use_RockRidge++;
- break;
- case 'V':
- volume_id = optarg;
- break;
- case 'v':
- verbose++;
- break;
- case 'a':
- all_files++;
- break;
- case 'T':
- generate_tables++;
- break;
- case 'z':
-#ifdef VMS
- fprintf(stderr,"Transparent compression not supported with VMS\n");
- exit(1);
- transparent_compression++;
- break;
- case 'x':
- exclude(optarg);
- break;
- case 'i':
-#ifdef ADD_FILES
- add_file_file = optarg;
- break;
- default:
- usage();
- exit(1);
- }
-#ifdef __NetBSD__
- {
- int resource;
- struct rlimit rlp;
- if (getrlimit(RLIMIT_DATA,&rlp) == -1)
- perror("Warning: getrlimit");
- else {
- rlp.rlim_cur=33554432;
- if (setrlimit(RLIMIT_DATA,&rlp) == -1)
- perror("Warning: setrlimit");
- }
- }
- mem_start = (unsigned int) sbrk(0);
- if(verbose) fprintf(stderr,"%s\n", version_string);
- /* Now find the timezone offset */
- timezone_offset = get_iso9660_timezone_offset();
- /* The first step is to scan the directory tree, and take some notes */
- scan_tree = argv[optind];
-#ifdef ADD_FILES
- if (add_file_file) {
- add_file(add_file_file);
- }
- add_file_list (argc, argv, optind+1);
- if(!scan_tree){
- usage();
- exit(1);
- };
-#ifndef VMS
- if(scan_tree[strlen(scan_tree)-1] != '/') {
- scan_tree = (char *) e_malloc(strlen(argv[optind])+2);
- strcpy(scan_tree, argv[optind]);
- strcat(scan_tree, "/");
- };
- if(use_RockRidge){
-#if 1
- extension_record = generate_rr_extension_record("RRIP_1991A",
- extension_record = generate_rr_extension_record("IEEE_P1282",
- };
- stat(argv[optind], &statbuf);
- add_directory_hash(statbuf.st_dev, STAT_INODE(statbuf));
- de.filedir = root; /* We need this to bootstrap */
- scan_directory_tree(argv[optind], &de);
- root->self = root->contents; /* Fix this up so that the path tables get done right */
- if(reloc_dir) sort_n_finish(reloc_dir);
- if (goof) exit(1);
- if (outfile){
- discimage = fopen(outfile, "w");
- if (!discimage){
- fprintf(stderr,"Unable to open disc image file\n");
- exit(1);
- };
- } else
- discimage = stdout;
- /* Now assign addresses on the disc for the path table. */
- path_blocks = (path_table_size + (SECTOR_SIZE - 1)) >> 11;
- if (path_blocks & 1) path_blocks++;
- path_table[0] = 0x14;
- path_table[1] = path_table[0] + path_blocks;
- path_table[2] = path_table[1] + path_blocks;
- path_table[3] = path_table[2] + path_blocks;
- last_extent = path_table[3] + path_blocks; /* The next free block */
- /* The next step is to go through the directory tree and assign extent
- numbers for all of the directories */
- assign_directory_addresses(root);
- if(extension_record) {
- struct directory_entry * s_entry;
- extension_record_extent = last_extent++;
- s_entry = root->contents;
- set_733(s_entry->rr_attributes + s_entry->rr_attr_size - 24,
- extension_record_extent);
- set_733(s_entry->rr_attributes + s_entry->rr_attr_size - 8,
- extension_record_size);
- };
- if (use_RockRidge && reloc_dir)
- finish_cl_pl_entries();
- /* Now we generate the path tables that are used by DOS to improve directory
- access times. */
- generate_path_tables();
- /* Generate root record for volume descriptor. */
- generate_root_record();
- dump_tree(root);
- iso_write(discimage);
- fprintf(stderr,"Max brk space used %x\n",
- ((unsigned int)sbrk(0)) - mem_start);
- fprintf(stderr,"%d extents written (%d Mb)\n", last_extent, last_extent >> 9);
-#ifdef VMS
- return 1;
- return 0;
-void *e_malloc(size_t size)
-void* pt;
- if((pt=malloc(size))==NULL) {
- printf("Not enougth memory\n");
- exit (1);
- }
-return pt;
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/mkisofs.h b/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/mkisofs.h
deleted file mode 100644
index efdd8a8..0000000
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/mkisofs.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
- * Header file mkisofs.h - assorted structure definitions and typecasts.
- Written by Eric Youngdale (1993).
- Copyright 1993 Yggdrasil Computing, Incorporated
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
-/* ADD_FILES changes made by Ross Biro 2/23/95 */
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-/* This symbol is used to indicate that we do not have things like
- symlinks, devices, and so forth available. Just files and dirs */
-#ifdef VMS
-#define NON_UNIXFS
-#ifdef DJGPP
-#define NON_UNIXFS
-#ifdef VMS
-#include <sys/dir.h>
-#define dirent direct
-#include <dirent.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#ifdef linux
-#include <sys/dir.h>
-#ifdef ultrix
-extern char *strdup();
-#ifdef __STDC__
-#define FDECL1(NAME,TYPE0, ARG0) \
-#define FDECL2(NAME,TYPE0, ARG0,TYPE1, ARG1) \
-#define FDECL3(NAME,TYPE0, ARG0,TYPE1, ARG1, TYPE2, ARG2) \
-#define FDECL3(NAME,TYPE0, ARG0,TYPE1, ARG1, TYPE2, ARG2) \
-#define const
-#ifdef __svr4__
-#include <stdlib.h>
-extern int optind;
-extern char *optarg;
-/* extern int getopt (int __argc, char **__argv, char *__optstring); */
-#include "iso9660.h"
-#include "defaults.h"
-struct directory_entry{
- struct directory_entry * next;
- struct iso_directory_record isorec;
- unsigned int starting_block;
- unsigned int size;
- unsigned int priority;
- char * name;
- char * table;
- char * whole_name;
- struct directory * filedir;
- struct directory_entry * parent_rec;
- unsigned int flags;
- ino_t inode; /* Used in the hash table */
- dev_t dev; /* Used in the hash table */
- unsigned char * rr_attributes;
- unsigned int rr_attr_size;
- unsigned int total_rr_attr_size;
-struct file_hash{
- struct file_hash * next;
- ino_t inode; /* Used in the hash table */
- dev_t dev; /* Used in the hash table */
- unsigned int starting_block;
- unsigned int size;
-struct directory{
- struct directory * next; /* Next directory at same level as this one */
- struct directory * subdir; /* First subdirectory in this directory */
- struct directory * parent;
- struct directory_entry * contents;
- struct directory_entry * self;
- char * whole_name; /* Entire path */
- char * de_name; /* Entire path */
- unsigned int ce_bytes; /* Number of bytes of CE entries reqd for this dir */
- unsigned int depth;
- unsigned int size;
- unsigned int extent;
- unsigned short path_index;
-struct deferred{
- struct deferred * next;
- unsigned int starting_block;
- char * name;
- struct directory * filedir;
- unsigned int flags;
-#ifdef ADD_FILES
-struct file_adds {
- char *name;
- struct file_adds *child;
- struct file_adds *next;
- int add_count;
- int used;
- struct dirent de;
- struct {
- char *path;
- char *name;
- } *adds;
-extern struct file_adds *root_file_adds;
-extern void DECL(sort_n_finish,(struct directory *));
-extern int goof;
-extern struct directory * root;
-extern struct directory * reloc_dir;
-extern unsigned int next_extent;
-extern unsigned int last_extent;
-extern unsigned int path_table_size;
-extern unsigned int path_table[4];
-extern unsigned int path_blocks;
-extern char * path_table_l;
-extern char * path_table_m;
-extern struct iso_directory_record root_record;
-extern int use_RockRidge;
-extern int follow_links;
-extern int verbose;
-extern int all_files;
-extern int generate_tables;
-extern int omit_period;
-extern int omit_version_number;
-extern int transparent_compression;
-extern int RR_relocation_depth;
-extern int full_iso9660_filenames;
-extern int DECL(scan_directory_tree,(char * path, struct directory_entry * self));
-extern void DECL(dump_tree,(struct directory * node));
-extern void DECL(assign_directory_addresses,(struct directory * root));
-extern int DECL(iso9660_file_length,(const char* name,
- struct directory_entry * sresult, int flag));
-extern int DECL(iso_write,(FILE * outfile));
-extern void generate_path_tables();
-extern void DECL(generate_iso9660_directories,(struct directory *, FILE*));
-extern void DECL(generate_one_directory,(struct directory *, FILE*));
-extern void generate_root_record();
-extern int DECL(iso9660_date,(char *, time_t));
-extern void DECL(add_hash,(struct directory_entry *));
-extern struct file_hash * DECL(find_hash,(dev_t, ino_t));
-extern void DECL(add_directory_hash,(dev_t, ino_t));
-extern struct file_hash * DECL(find_directory_hash,(dev_t, ino_t));
-extern void flush_file_hash();
-extern int DECL(delete_file_hash,(struct directory_entry *));
-extern struct directory_entry * DECL(find_file_hash,(char *));
-extern void DECL(add_file_hash,(struct directory_entry *));
-extern void finish_cl_pl_entries();
-extern int DECL(get_733,(char *));
-extern void DECL(set_723,(char *, unsigned int));
-extern void DECL(set_733,(char *, unsigned int));
-extern void DECL(sort_directory,(struct directory_entry **));
-extern int DECL(generate_rock_ridge_attributes,(char *, char *,
- struct directory_entry *,
- struct stat *, struct stat *,
- int deep_flag));
-extern char * DECL(generate_rr_extension_record,(char * id, char * descriptor,
- char * source, int * size));
-extern char * extension_record;
-extern int extension_record_extent;
-extern int n_data_extents;
-/* These are a few goodies that can be specified on the command line, and are
- filled into the root record */
-extern char * preparer;
-extern char * publisher;
-extern char * copyright;
-extern char * biblio;
-extern char * abstract;
-extern char * appid;
-extern char * volset_id;
-extern char * system_id;
-extern char * volume_id;
-extern void * DECL(e_malloc,(size_t));
-#define SECTOR_SIZE (2048)
-#define ROUND_UP(X) ((X + (SECTOR_SIZE - 1)) & ~(SECTOR_SIZE - 1))
-#define NEED_RE 1
-#define NEED_PL 2
-#define NEED_CL 4
-#define NEED_CE 8
-#define NEED_SP 16
-#define TABLE_INODE (sizeof(ino_t) >= 4 ? 0x7ffffffe : 0x7ffe)
-#define UNCACHED_INODE (sizeof(ino_t) >= 4 ? 0x7fffffff : 0x7fff)
-#define UNCACHED_DEVICE (sizeof(dev_t) >= 4 ? 0x7fffffff : 0x7fff)
-#ifdef VMS
-#define STAT_INODE(X) (X.st_ino[0])
-#define PATH_SEPARATOR ']'
-#define STAT_INODE(X) (X.st_ino)
-#define PATH_SEPARATOR '/'
-#define SPATH_SEPARATOR "/"
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/rock.c b/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/rock.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f3361ce..0000000
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/rock.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,530 +0,0 @@
- * File rock.c - generate RRIP records for iso9660 filesystems.
- Written by Eric Youngdale (1993).
- Copyright 1993 Yggdrasil Computing, Incorporated
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#ifndef VMS
-#if defined(HASSYSMACROS) && !defined(HASMKDEV)
-#include <sys/sysmacros.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#ifdef HASMKDEV
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/mkdev.h>
-#include "mkisofs.h"
-#include "iso9660.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#ifdef NON_UNIXFS
-#define S_ISLNK(m) (0)
-#ifndef S_ISLNK
-#define S_ISLNK(m) (((m) & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK)
-#define SU_VERSION 1
-#define SL_ROOT 8
-#define SL_PARENT 4
-#define SL_CURRENT 2
-#define SL_CONTINUE 1
-#define CE_SIZE 28
-#define CL_SIZE 12
-#define ER_SIZE 8
-#define NM_SIZE 5
-#define PL_SIZE 12
-#define PN_SIZE 20
-#define PX_SIZE 36
-#define RE_SIZE 4
-#define SL_SIZE 20
-#define ZZ_SIZE 15
-#ifdef __QNX__
-#define TF_SIZE (5 + 4 * 7)
-#define TF_SIZE (5 + 3 * 7)
-/* If we need to store this number of bytes, make sure we
- do not box ourselves in so that we do not have room for
- a CE entry for the continuation record */
- (BYTES + CE_SIZE + currlen + (ipnt - recstart) > reclimit ? 1 : 0)
- * Buffer to build RR attributes
- */
-static unsigned char Rock[16384];
-static unsigned char symlink_buff[256];
-static int ipnt = 0;
-static int recstart = 0;
-static int currlen = 0;
-static int mainrec = 0;
-static int reclimit;
-static add_CE_entry(){
- if(recstart)
- set_733((char*)Rock + recstart - 8, ipnt + 28 - recstart);
- Rock[ipnt++] ='C';
- Rock[ipnt++] ='E';
- Rock[ipnt++] = CE_SIZE;
- Rock[ipnt++] = SU_VERSION;
- set_733((char*)Rock + ipnt, 0);
- ipnt += 8;
- set_733((char*)Rock + ipnt, 0);
- ipnt += 8;
- set_733((char*)Rock + ipnt, 0);
- ipnt += 8;
- recstart = ipnt;
- currlen = 0;
- if(!mainrec) mainrec = ipnt;
- reclimit = SECTOR_SIZE - 8; /* Limit to one sector */
-#ifdef __STDC__
-int generate_rock_ridge_attributes (char * whole_name, char * name,
- struct directory_entry * s_entry,
- struct stat * statbuf,
- struct stat * lstatbuf,
- int deep_opt)
-int generate_rock_ridge_attributes (whole_name, name,
- s_entry,
- statbuf,
- lstatbuf,
- deep_opt)
-char * whole_name; char * name; struct directory_entry * s_entry;
-struct stat * statbuf, *lstatbuf;
-int deep_opt;
- int flagpos, flagval;
- int need_ce;
- statbuf = statbuf; /* this shuts up unreferenced compiler warnings */
- mainrec = recstart = ipnt = 0;
- reclimit = 0xf8;
- /* Obtain the amount of space that is currently used for the directory
- record. Assume max for name, since name conflicts may cause us
- to rename the file later on */
- currlen = sizeof(s_entry->isorec);
- /* Identify that we are using the SUSP protocol */
- if(deep_opt & NEED_SP){
- Rock[ipnt++] ='S';
- Rock[ipnt++] ='P';
- Rock[ipnt++] = 7;
- Rock[ipnt++] = SU_VERSION;
- Rock[ipnt++] = 0xbe;
- Rock[ipnt++] = 0xef;
- Rock[ipnt++] = 0;
- };
- /* First build the posix name field */
- Rock[ipnt++] ='R';
- Rock[ipnt++] ='R';
- Rock[ipnt++] = 5;
- Rock[ipnt++] = SU_VERSION;
- flagpos = ipnt;
- flagval = 0;
- Rock[ipnt++] = 0; /* We go back and fix this later */
- if(strcmp(name,".") && strcmp(name,"..")){
- char * npnt;
- int remain, use;
- remain = strlen(name);
- npnt = name;
- while(remain){
- use = remain;
- need_ce = 0;
- /* Can we fit this SUSP and a CE entry? */
- if(use + currlen + CE_SIZE + (ipnt - recstart) > reclimit) {
- use = reclimit - currlen - CE_SIZE - (ipnt - recstart);
- need_ce++;
- }
- /* Only room for 256 per SUSP field */
- if(use > 0xf8) use = 0xf8;
- /* First build the posix name field */
- Rock[ipnt++] ='N';
- Rock[ipnt++] ='M';
- Rock[ipnt++] = NM_SIZE + use;
- Rock[ipnt++] = SU_VERSION;
- Rock[ipnt++] = (remain != use ? 1 : 0);
- flagval |= (1<<3);
- strncpy((char *)&Rock[ipnt], npnt, use);
- npnt += use;
- ipnt += use;
- remain -= use;
- if(remain && need_ce) add_CE_entry();
- };
- };
- /*
- * Add the posix modes
- */
- if(MAYBE_ADD_CE_ENTRY(PX_SIZE)) add_CE_entry();
- Rock[ipnt++] ='P';
- Rock[ipnt++] ='X';
- Rock[ipnt++] = PX_SIZE;
- Rock[ipnt++] = SU_VERSION;
- flagval |= (1<<0);
- set_733((char*)Rock + ipnt, lstatbuf->st_mode);
- ipnt += 8;
- set_733((char*)Rock + ipnt, lstatbuf->st_nlink);
- ipnt += 8;
- set_733((char*)Rock + ipnt, lstatbuf->st_uid);
- ipnt += 8;
- set_733((char*)Rock + ipnt, lstatbuf->st_gid);
- ipnt += 8;
- /*
- * Check for special devices
- */
-#ifndef NON_UNIXFS
- if (S_ISCHR(lstatbuf->st_mode) || S_ISBLK(lstatbuf->st_mode)) {
- if(MAYBE_ADD_CE_ENTRY(PN_SIZE)) add_CE_entry();
- Rock[ipnt++] ='P';
- Rock[ipnt++] ='N';
- Rock[ipnt++] = PN_SIZE;
- Rock[ipnt++] = SU_VERSION;
- flagval |= (1<<1);
- if(sizeof(dev_t) <= 4) {
- set_733((char*)Rock + ipnt, 0);
- ipnt += 8;
- set_733((char*)Rock + ipnt, lstatbuf->st_rdev);
- ipnt += 8;
- }
- else {
-#if defined(__BSD__)
- set_733((char*)Rock + ipnt, (lstatbuf->st_rdev >> 16) >> 16);
- set_733((char*)Rock + ipnt, lstatbuf->st_rdev >> 32);
- ipnt += 8;
- set_733((char*)Rock + ipnt, lstatbuf->st_rdev);
- ipnt += 8;
- }
- };
- /*
- * Check for and symbolic links. VMS does not have these.
- */
- if (S_ISLNK(lstatbuf->st_mode)){
- int lenpos, lenval, j0, j1;
- int cflag, nchar;
- unsigned char * cpnt, *cpnt1;
- nchar = readlink(whole_name, symlink_buff, sizeof(symlink_buff));
- symlink_buff[nchar] = 0;
- set_733(s_entry->isorec.size, 0);
- cpnt = &symlink_buff[0];
- flagval |= (1<<2);
- while(nchar){
- if(MAYBE_ADD_CE_ENTRY(SL_SIZE)) add_CE_entry();
- Rock[ipnt++] ='S';
- Rock[ipnt++] ='L';
- lenpos = ipnt;
- Rock[ipnt++] = SL_SIZE;
- Rock[ipnt++] = SU_VERSION;
- Rock[ipnt++] = 0; /* Flags */
- lenval = 5;
- while(*cpnt){
- cpnt1 = (unsigned char *) strchr((char *) cpnt, '/');
- if(cpnt1) {
- nchar--;
- *cpnt1 = 0;
- };
- /* We treat certain components in a special way. */
- if(cpnt[0] == '.' && cpnt[1] == '.' && cpnt[2] == 0){
- if(MAYBE_ADD_CE_ENTRY(2)) add_CE_entry();
- Rock[ipnt++] = SL_PARENT;
- Rock[ipnt++] = 0; /* length is zero */
- lenval += 2;
- nchar -= 2;
- } else if(cpnt[0] == '.' && cpnt[1] == 0){
- if(MAYBE_ADD_CE_ENTRY(2)) add_CE_entry();
- Rock[ipnt++] = SL_CURRENT;
- Rock[ipnt++] = 0; /* length is zero */
- lenval += 2;
- nchar -= 1;
- } else if(cpnt[0] == 0){
- if(MAYBE_ADD_CE_ENTRY(2)) add_CE_entry();
- Rock[ipnt++] = (cpnt == &symlink_buff[0] ? SL_ROOT : 0);
- Rock[ipnt++] = 0; /* length is zero */
- lenval += 2;
- } else {
- /* If we do not have enough room for a component, start
- a new continuations segment now */
- add_CE_entry();
- if(cpnt1){
- *cpnt1 = '/';
- cpnt1 = NULL; /* A kluge so that we can restart properly */
- }
- break;
- }
- j0 = strlen((char *) cpnt);
- while(j0) {
- j1 = j0;
- if(j1 > 0xf8) j1 = 0xf8;
- need_ce = 0;
- if(j1 + currlen + CE_SIZE + (ipnt - recstart) > reclimit) {
- j1 = reclimit - currlen - CE_SIZE - (ipnt - recstart);
- need_ce++;
- }
- Rock[ipnt++] = (j1 != j0 ? SL_CONTINUE : 0);
- Rock[ipnt++] = j1;
- strncpy((char *) Rock + ipnt, (char *) cpnt, j1);
- ipnt += j1;
- lenval += j1 + 2;
- cpnt += j1;
- nchar -= j1; /* Number we processed this time */
- j0 -= j1;
- if(need_ce) {
- add_CE_entry();
- if(cpnt1) {
- *cpnt1 = '/';
- cpnt1 = NULL; /* A kluge so that we can restart properly */
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- };
- if(cpnt1) {
- cpnt = cpnt1 + 1;
- } else
- break;
- };
- Rock[lenpos] = lenval;
- if(nchar) Rock[lenpos + 2] = SL_CONTINUE; /* We need another SL entry */
- } /* while nchar */
- } /* Is a symbolic link */
- /*
- * Add in the Rock Ridge TF time field
- */
- if(MAYBE_ADD_CE_ENTRY(TF_SIZE)) add_CE_entry();
- Rock[ipnt++] ='T';
- Rock[ipnt++] ='F';
- Rock[ipnt++] = TF_SIZE;
- Rock[ipnt++] = SU_VERSION;
-#ifdef __QNX__
- Rock[ipnt++] = 0x0f;
- Rock[ipnt++] = 0x0e;
- flagval |= (1<<7);
-#ifdef __QNX__
- iso9660_date((char *) &Rock[ipnt], lstatbuf->st_ftime);
- ipnt += 7;
- iso9660_date((char *) &Rock[ipnt], lstatbuf->st_mtime);
- ipnt += 7;
- iso9660_date((char *) &Rock[ipnt], lstatbuf->st_atime);
- ipnt += 7;
- iso9660_date((char *) &Rock[ipnt], lstatbuf->st_ctime);
- ipnt += 7;
- /*
- * Add in the Rock Ridge RE time field
- */
- if(deep_opt & NEED_RE){
- if(MAYBE_ADD_CE_ENTRY(RE_SIZE)) add_CE_entry();
- Rock[ipnt++] ='R';
- Rock[ipnt++] ='E';
- Rock[ipnt++] = RE_SIZE;
- Rock[ipnt++] = SU_VERSION;
- flagval |= (1<<6);
- };
- /*
- * Add in the Rock Ridge PL record, if required.
- */
- if(deep_opt & NEED_PL){
- if(MAYBE_ADD_CE_ENTRY(PL_SIZE)) add_CE_entry();
- Rock[ipnt++] ='P';
- Rock[ipnt++] ='L';
- Rock[ipnt++] = PL_SIZE;
- Rock[ipnt++] = SU_VERSION;
- set_733((char*)Rock + ipnt, 0);
- ipnt += 8;
- flagval |= (1<<5);
- };
- /*
- * Add in the Rock Ridge CL field, if required.
- */
- if(deep_opt & NEED_CL){
- if(MAYBE_ADD_CE_ENTRY(CL_SIZE)) add_CE_entry();
- Rock[ipnt++] ='C';
- Rock[ipnt++] ='L';
- Rock[ipnt++] = CL_SIZE;
- Rock[ipnt++] = SU_VERSION;
- set_733((char*)Rock + ipnt, 0);
- ipnt += 8;
- flagval |= (1<<4);
- };
-#ifndef VMS
- /* If transparent compression was requested, fill in the correct
- field for this file */
- if(transparent_compression &&
- S_ISREG(lstatbuf->st_mode) &&
- strlen(name) > 3 &&
- strcmp(name + strlen(name) - 3,".gZ") == 0){
- FILE * zipfile;
- char * checkname;
- unsigned int file_size;
- unsigned char header[8];
- int OK_flag;
- /* First open file and verify that the correct algorithm was used */
- file_size = 0;
- OK_flag = 1;
- zipfile = fopen(whole_name, "r");
- fread(header, 1, sizeof(header), zipfile);
- /* Check some magic numbers from gzip. */
- if(header[0] != 0x1f || header[1] != 0x8b || header[2] != 8) OK_flag = 0;
- /* Make sure file was blocksized. */
- if((header[3] & 0x40 == 0)) OK_flag = 0;
- /* OK, now go to the end of the file and get some more info */
- if(OK_flag){
- int status;
- status = (long)lseek(fileno(zipfile), (off_t)(-8), SEEK_END);
- if(status == -1) OK_flag = 0;
- }
- if(OK_flag){
- if(read(fileno(zipfile), (char*)header, sizeof(header)) != sizeof(header))
- OK_flag = 0;
- else {
- int blocksize;
- blocksize = (header[3] << 8) | header[2];
- file_size = ((unsigned int)header[7] << 24) |
- ((unsigned int)header[6] << 16) |
- ((unsigned int)header[5] << 8) | header[4];
-#if 0
- fprintf(stderr,"Blocksize = %d %d\n", blocksize, file_size);
- if(blocksize != SECTOR_SIZE) OK_flag = 0;
- }
- }
- fclose(zipfile);
- checkname = strdup(whole_name);
- checkname[strlen(whole_name)-3] = 0;
- zipfile = fopen(checkname, "r");
- if(zipfile) {
- OK_flag = 0;
- fprintf(stderr,"Unable to insert transparent compressed file - name conflict\n");
- fclose(zipfile);
- }
- free(checkname);
- if(OK_flag){
- if(MAYBE_ADD_CE_ENTRY(ZZ_SIZE)) add_CE_entry();
- Rock[ipnt++] ='Z';
- Rock[ipnt++] ='Z';
- Rock[ipnt++] = ZZ_SIZE;
- Rock[ipnt++] = SU_VERSION;
- Rock[ipnt++] = 'g'; /* Identify compression technique used */
- Rock[ipnt++] = 'z';
- Rock[ipnt++] = 3;
- set_733((char*)Rock + ipnt, file_size); /* Real file size */
- ipnt += 8;
- };
- }
- /*
- * Add in the Rock Ridge CE field, if required. We use this for the
- * extension record that is stored in the root directory.
- */
- if(deep_opt & NEED_CE) add_CE_entry();
- /*
- * Done filling in all of the fields. Now copy it back to a buffer for the
- * file in question.
- */
- /* Now copy this back to the buffer for the file */
- Rock[flagpos] = flagval;
- /* If there was a CE, fill in the size field */
- if(recstart)
- set_733((char*)Rock + recstart - 8, ipnt - recstart);
- s_entry->rr_attributes = (unsigned char *) e_malloc(ipnt);
- s_entry->total_rr_attr_size = ipnt;
- s_entry->rr_attr_size = (mainrec ? mainrec : ipnt);
- memcpy(s_entry->rr_attributes, Rock, ipnt);
- return ipnt;
-/* Guaranteed to return a single sector with the relevant info */
-char * FDECL4(generate_rr_extension_record, char *, id, char *, descriptor,
- char *, source, int *, size){
- int ipnt = 0;
- char * pnt;
- int len_id, len_des, len_src;
- len_id = strlen(id);
- len_des = strlen(descriptor);
- len_src = strlen(source);
- Rock[ipnt++] ='E';
- Rock[ipnt++] ='R';
- Rock[ipnt++] = ER_SIZE + len_id + len_des + len_src;
- Rock[ipnt++] = 1;
- Rock[ipnt++] = len_id;
- Rock[ipnt++] = len_des;
- Rock[ipnt++] = len_src;
- Rock[ipnt++] = 1;
- memcpy(Rock + ipnt, id, len_id);
- ipnt += len_id;
- memcpy(Rock + ipnt, descriptor, len_des);
- ipnt += len_des;
- memcpy(Rock + ipnt, source, len_src);
- ipnt += len_src;
- if(ipnt > SECTOR_SIZE) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Extension record too long\n");
- exit(1);
- };
- pnt = (char *) e_malloc(SECTOR_SIZE);
- memset(pnt, 0, SECTOR_SIZE);
- memcpy(pnt, Rock, ipnt);
- *size = ipnt;
- return pnt;
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/tree.c b/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/tree.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5060c41..0000000
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/tree.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1011 +0,0 @@
- * File tree.c - scan directory tree and build memory structures for iso9660
- * filesystem
- Written by Eric Youngdale (1993).
- Copyright 1993 Yggdrasil Computing, Incorporated
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
-/* ADD_FILES changes made by Ross Biro 2/23/95 */
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#ifndef VMS
-#if defined(HASSYSMACROS) && !defined(HASMKDEV)
-#include <sys/sysmacros.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#ifdef HASMKDEV
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/mkdev.h>
-#include <sys/file.h>
-#include <vms/fabdef.h>
-#include "vms.h"
-extern char * strdup(const char *);
-#include "mkisofs.h"
-#include "iso9660.h"
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include "exclude.h"
-#ifdef NON_UNIXFS
-#define S_ISLNK(m) (0)
-#define S_ISSOCK(m) (0)
-#define S_ISFIFO(m) (0)
-#ifndef S_ISLNK
-#define S_ISLNK(m) (((m) & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK)
-#ifndef S_ISSOCK
-#define S_ISSOCK(m) (((m) & S_IFMT) == S_IFSOCK)
-#ifdef __svr4__
-extern char * strdup(const char *);
-/* WALNUT CREEK CDROM HACK -- rab 950126 */
-static char trans_tbl[] = "00_TRANS.TBL";
-static unsigned char symlink_buff[256];
-extern int verbose;
-struct stat fstatbuf = {0,}; /* We use this for the artificial entries we create */
-struct stat root_statbuf = {0, }; /* Stat buffer for root directory */
-struct directory * reloc_dir = NULL;
-void FDECL1(sort_n_finish, struct directory *, this_dir)
- struct directory_entry *s_entry, *s_entry1;
- time_t current_time;
- struct directory_entry * table;
- int count;
- int new_reclen;
- char * c;
- int tablesize = 0;
- char newname[34], rootname[34];
- /* Here we can take the opportunity to toss duplicate entries from the
- directory. */
- table = NULL;
- if(fstatbuf.st_ctime == 0){
- time (&current_time);
- fstatbuf.st_uid = 0;
- fstatbuf.st_gid = 0;
- fstatbuf.st_ctime = current_time;
- fstatbuf.st_mtime = current_time;
- fstatbuf.st_atime = current_time;
- };
- flush_file_hash();
- s_entry = this_dir->contents;
- while(s_entry){
- /* First assume no conflict, and handle this case */
- if(!(s_entry1 = find_file_hash(s_entry->{
- add_file_hash(s_entry);
- s_entry = s_entry->next;
- continue;
- };
- if(s_entry1 == s_entry){
- fprintf(stderr,"Fatal goof\n");
- exit(1);
- };
- /* OK, handle the conflicts. Try substitute names until we come
- up with a winner */
- strcpy(rootname, s_entry->;
- if(full_iso9660_filenames) {
- if(strlen(rootname) > 27) rootname[27] = 0;
- }
- c = strchr(rootname, '.');
- if (c) *c = 0;
- count = 0;
- while(count < 1000){
- sprintf(newname,"%s.%3.3d%s", rootname, count,
- (s_entry->isorec.flags[0] == 2 ||
- omit_version_number ? "" : ";1"));
-#ifdef VMS
- /* Sigh. VAXCRTL seems to be broken here */
- { int ijk = 0;
- while(newname[ijk]) {
- if(newname[ijk] == ' ') newname[ijk] = '0';
- ijk++;
- };
- }
- if(!find_file_hash(newname)) break;
- count++;
- };
- if(count >= 1000){
- fprintf(stderr,"Unable to generate unique name for file %s\n", s_entry->name);
- exit(1);
- };
- /* OK, now we have a good replacement name. Now decide which one
- of these two beasts should get the name changed */
- if(s_entry->priority < s_entry1->priority) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Using %s for %s%s%s (%s)\n", newname, this_dir->whole_name, SPATH_SEPARATOR, s_entry->name, s_entry1->name);
- s_entry->isorec.name_len[0] = strlen(newname);
- new_reclen = sizeof(struct iso_directory_record) -
- sizeof(s_entry-> +
- strlen(newname);
- if(use_RockRidge) {
- if (new_reclen & 1) new_reclen++; /* Pad to an even byte */
- new_reclen += s_entry->rr_attr_size;
- };
- if (new_reclen & 1) new_reclen++; /* Pad to an even byte */
- s_entry->isorec.length[0] = new_reclen;
- strcpy(s_entry->, newname);
- } else {
- delete_file_hash(s_entry1);
- fprintf(stderr,"Using %s for %s%s%s (%s)\n", newname, this_dir->whole_name, SPATH_SEPARATOR, s_entry1->name, s_entry->name);
- s_entry1->isorec.name_len[0] = strlen(newname);
- new_reclen = sizeof(struct iso_directory_record) -
- sizeof(s_entry1-> +
- strlen(newname);
- if(use_RockRidge) {
- if (new_reclen & 1) new_reclen++; /* Pad to an even byte */
- new_reclen += s_entry1->rr_attr_size;
- };
- if (new_reclen & 1) new_reclen++; /* Pad to an even byte */
- s_entry1->isorec.length[0] = new_reclen;
- strcpy(s_entry1->, newname);
- add_file_hash(s_entry1);
- };
- add_file_hash(s_entry);
- s_entry = s_entry->next;
- };
- if(generate_tables && !find_file_hash(trans_tbl) && (reloc_dir != this_dir)){
- /* First we need to figure out how big this table is */
- for (s_entry = this_dir->contents; s_entry; s_entry = s_entry->next){
- if(strcmp(s_entry->name, ".") == 0 ||
- strcmp(s_entry->name, "..") == 0) continue;
- if(s_entry->table) tablesize += 35 + strlen(s_entry->table);
- };
- table = (struct directory_entry *)
- e_malloc(sizeof (struct directory_entry));
- memset(table, 0, sizeof(struct directory_entry));
- table->table = NULL;
- table->next = this_dir->contents;
- this_dir->contents = table;
- table->filedir = root;
- table->isorec.flags[0] = 0;
- table->priority = 32768;
- iso9660_date(table->, fstatbuf.st_ctime);
- table->inode = TABLE_INODE;
- table->dev = (dev_t) UNCACHED_DEVICE;
- set_723(table->isorec.volume_sequence_number, 1);
- set_733(table->isorec.size, tablesize);
- table->size = tablesize;
- table->filedir = this_dir;
- table->name = strdup("<translation table>");
- table->table = (char *) e_malloc(ROUND_UP(tablesize));
- memset(table->table, 0, ROUND_UP(tablesize));
-#if 1 /* WALNUT CREEK -- 950126 */
- iso9660_file_length (trans_tbl, table, 0);
- iso9660_file_length (trans_tbl, table, 1);
- if(use_RockRidge){
- fstatbuf.st_mode = 0444 | S_IFREG;
- fstatbuf.st_nlink = 1;
- generate_rock_ridge_attributes("",
- trans_tbl, table,
- &fstatbuf, &fstatbuf, 0);
- };
- };
- for(s_entry = this_dir->contents; s_entry; s_entry = s_entry->next){
- new_reclen = strlen(s_entry->;
- if(s_entry->isorec.flags[0] == 2){
- if (strcmp(s_entry->name,".") && strcmp(s_entry->name,"..")) {
- path_table_size += new_reclen + sizeof(struct iso_path_table) - 1;
- if (new_reclen & 1) path_table_size++;
- } else {
- new_reclen = 1;
- if (this_dir == root && strlen(s_entry->name) == 1)
- path_table_size += sizeof(struct iso_path_table);
- }
- };
- if(path_table_size & 1) path_table_size++; /* For odd lengths we pad */
- s_entry->isorec.name_len[0] = new_reclen;
- new_reclen +=
- sizeof(struct iso_directory_record) -
- sizeof(s_entry->;
- if (new_reclen & 1)
- new_reclen++;
- if(use_RockRidge){
- new_reclen += s_entry->rr_attr_size;
- if (new_reclen & 1)
- new_reclen++;
- };
- if(new_reclen > 0xff) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Fatal error - RR overflow for file %s\n",
- s_entry->name);
- exit(1);
- };
- s_entry->isorec.length[0] = new_reclen;
- };
- sort_directory(&this_dir->contents);
- if(table){
- char buffer[1024];
- count = 0;
- for (s_entry = this_dir->contents; s_entry; s_entry = s_entry->next){
- if(s_entry == table) continue;
- if(!s_entry->table) continue;
- if(strcmp(s_entry->name, ".") == 0 ||
- strcmp(s_entry->name, "..") == 0) continue;
- sprintf(buffer,"%c %-34s%s",s_entry->table[0],
- s_entry->, s_entry->table+1);
- memcpy(table->table + count, buffer, strlen(buffer));
- count += strlen(buffer);
- free(s_entry->table);
- s_entry->table = NULL;
- };
- if(count != tablesize) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Translation table size mismatch %d %d\n",
- count, tablesize);
- exit(1);
- };
- };
- /* Now go through the directory and figure out how large this one will be.
- Do not split a directory entry across a sector boundary */
- s_entry = this_dir->contents;
- this_dir->ce_bytes = 0;
- while(s_entry){
- new_reclen = s_entry->isorec.length[0];
- if ((this_dir->size & (SECTOR_SIZE - 1)) + new_reclen >= SECTOR_SIZE)
- this_dir->size = (this_dir->size + (SECTOR_SIZE - 1)) &
- ~(SECTOR_SIZE - 1);
- this_dir->size += new_reclen;
- /* See if continuation entries were used on disc */
- if(use_RockRidge &&
- s_entry->rr_attr_size != s_entry->total_rr_attr_size) {
- unsigned char * pnt;
- int len;
- int nbytes;
- pnt = s_entry->rr_attributes;
- len = s_entry->total_rr_attr_size;
- /* We make sure that each continuation entry record is not
- split across sectors, but each file could in theory have more
- than one CE, so we scan through and figure out what we need. */
- while(len > 3){
- if(pnt[0] == 'C' && pnt[1] == 'E') {
- nbytes = get_733(pnt+20);
- if((this_dir->ce_bytes & (SECTOR_SIZE - 1)) + nbytes >=
- SECTOR_SIZE) this_dir->ce_bytes =
- ROUND_UP(this_dir->ce_bytes);
- /* Now store the block in the ce buffer */
- this_dir->ce_bytes += nbytes;
- if(this_dir->ce_bytes & 1) this_dir->ce_bytes++;
- };
- len -= pnt[2];
- pnt += pnt[2];
- }
- }
- s_entry = s_entry->next;
- }
-static void generate_reloc_directory()
- int new_reclen;
- time_t current_time;
- struct directory_entry *s_entry;
- /* Create an entry for our internal tree */
- time (&current_time);
- reloc_dir = (struct directory *)
- e_malloc(sizeof(struct directory));
- memset(reloc_dir, 0, sizeof(struct directory));
- reloc_dir->parent = root;
- reloc_dir->next = root->subdir;
- root->subdir = reloc_dir;
- reloc_dir->depth = 1;
- reloc_dir->whole_name = strdup("./rr_moved");
- reloc_dir->de_name = strdup("rr_moved");
- reloc_dir->extent = 0;
- new_reclen = strlen(reloc_dir->de_name);
- /* Now create an actual directory entry */
- s_entry = (struct directory_entry *)
- e_malloc(sizeof (struct directory_entry));
- memset(s_entry, 0, sizeof(struct directory_entry));
- s_entry->next = root->contents;
- reloc_dir->self = s_entry;
- root->contents = s_entry;
- root->contents->name = strdup(reloc_dir->de_name);
- root->contents->filedir = root;
- root->contents->isorec.flags[0] = 2;
- root->contents->priority = 32768;
- iso9660_date(root->contents->, current_time);
- root->contents->inode = UNCACHED_INODE;
- root->contents->dev = (dev_t) UNCACHED_DEVICE;
- set_723(root->contents->isorec.volume_sequence_number, 1);
- iso9660_file_length (reloc_dir->de_name, root->contents, 1);
- if(use_RockRidge){
- fstatbuf.st_mode = 0555 | S_IFDIR;
- fstatbuf.st_nlink = 2;
- generate_rock_ridge_attributes("",
- "rr_moved", s_entry,
- &fstatbuf, &fstatbuf, 0);
- };
- /* Now create the . and .. entries in rr_moved */
- /* Now create an actual directory entry */
- s_entry = (struct directory_entry *)
- e_malloc(sizeof (struct directory_entry));
- memcpy(s_entry, root->contents,
- sizeof(struct directory_entry));
- s_entry->name = strdup(".");
- iso9660_file_length (".", s_entry, 1);
- s_entry->filedir = reloc_dir;
- reloc_dir->contents = s_entry;
- if(use_RockRidge){
- fstatbuf.st_mode = 0555 | S_IFDIR;
- fstatbuf.st_nlink = 2;
- generate_rock_ridge_attributes("",
- ".", s_entry,
- &fstatbuf, &fstatbuf, 0);
- };
- s_entry = (struct directory_entry *)
- e_malloc(sizeof (struct directory_entry));
- memcpy(s_entry, root->contents,
- sizeof(struct directory_entry));
- s_entry->name = strdup("..");
- iso9660_file_length ("..", s_entry, 1);
- s_entry->filedir = root;
- reloc_dir->contents->next = s_entry;
- reloc_dir->contents->next->next = NULL;
- if(use_RockRidge){
- fstatbuf.st_mode = 0555 | S_IFDIR;
- fstatbuf.st_nlink = 2;
- generate_rock_ridge_attributes("",
- "..", s_entry,
- &root_statbuf, &root_statbuf, 0);
- };
-static void FDECL1(increment_nlink, struct directory_entry *, s_entry){
- unsigned char * pnt;
- int len, nlink;
- pnt = s_entry->rr_attributes;
- len = s_entry->total_rr_attr_size;
- while(len){
- if(pnt[0] == 'P' && pnt[1] == 'X') {
- nlink = get_733(pnt+12);
- set_733(pnt+12, nlink+1);
- break;
- };
- len -= pnt[2];
- pnt += pnt[2];
- };
-void finish_cl_pl_entries(){
- struct directory_entry *s_entry, *s_entry1;
- struct directory * d_entry;
- s_entry = reloc_dir->contents;
- s_entry = s_entry->next->next; /* Skip past . and .. */
- for(; s_entry; s_entry = s_entry->next){
- d_entry = reloc_dir->subdir;
- while(d_entry){
- if(d_entry->self == s_entry) break;
- d_entry = d_entry->next;
- };
- if(!d_entry){
- fprintf(stderr,"Unable to locate directory parent\n");
- exit(1);
- };
- /* First fix the PL pointer in the directory in the rr_reloc dir */
- s_entry1 = d_entry->contents->next;
- set_733(s_entry1->rr_attributes + s_entry1->total_rr_attr_size - 8,
- s_entry->filedir->extent);
- /* Now fix the CL pointer */
- s_entry1 = s_entry->parent_rec;
- set_733(s_entry1->rr_attributes + s_entry1->total_rr_attr_size - 8,
- d_entry->extent);
- s_entry->filedir = reloc_dir; /* Now we can fix this */
- }
- /* Next we need to modify the NLINK terms in the assorted root directory records
- to account for the presence of the RR_MOVED directory */
- increment_nlink(root->self);
- increment_nlink(root->self->next);
- d_entry = root->subdir;
- while(d_entry){
- increment_nlink(d_entry->contents->next);
- d_entry = d_entry->next;
- };
-#ifdef ADD_FILES
-/* This function looks up additions. */
-char *
-FDECL3(look_up_addition,char **, newpath, char *,path, struct dirent **,de) {
- char *dup_path;
- char *cp;
- struct file_adds *f;
- struct file_adds *tmp;
- f=root_file_adds;
- if (!f) return NULL;
- /* I don't trust strtok */
- dup_path = strdup (path);
- cp = strtok (dup_path, SPATH_SEPARATOR);
- while (cp != NULL) {
- for (tmp = f->child; tmp != NULL; tmp=tmp->next) {
- if (strcmp (tmp->name, cp) == 0) break;
- }
- if (tmp == NULL) {
- /* no match */
- free (dup_path);
- return (NULL);
- }
- f = tmp;
- cp = strtok(NULL, SPATH_SEPARATOR);
- }
- free (dup_path);
- /* looks like we found something. */
- if (tmp->used >= tmp->add_count) return (NULL);
- *newpath = tmp->adds[tmp->used].path;
- tmp->used++;
- *de = &(tmp->de);
- return (tmp->adds[tmp->used-1].name);
-/* This function lets us add files from outside the standard file tree.
- It is useful if we want to duplicate a cd, but add/replace things.
- We should note that the real path will be used for exclusions. */
-struct dirent *
-FDECL3(readdir_add_files, char **, pathp, char *,path, DIR *, dir){
- struct dirent *de;
- char *addpath;
- char *name;
- de = readdir (dir);
- if (de) {
- return (de);
- }
- name=look_up_addition (&addpath, path, &de);
- if (!name) {
- return;
- }
- *pathp=addpath;
- /* Now we must create the directory entry. */
- /* fortuneately only the name seems to matter. */
- /*
- de->d_ino = -1;
- de->d_off = 0;
- de->d_reclen = strlen (name);
- */
- strncpy (de->d_name, name, NAME_MAX);
- de->d_name[NAME_MAX]=0;
- return (de);
-struct dirent *
-FDECL3(readdir_add_files, char **, pathp, char *,path, DIR *, dir){
- return (readdir (dir));
- * This function scans the directory tree, looking for files, and it makes
- * note of everything that is found. We also begin to construct the ISO9660
- * directory entries, so that we can determine how large each directory is.
- */
-FDECL2(scan_directory_tree,char *, path, struct directory_entry *, de){
- DIR * current_dir;
- char whole_path[1024];
- struct dirent * d_entry;
- struct directory_entry *s_entry, *s_entry1;
- struct directory * this_dir, *next_brother, *parent;
- struct stat statbuf, lstatbuf;
- int status, dflag;
- char * cpnt;
- int new_reclen;
- int deep_flag;
- char *old_path;
- current_dir = opendir(path);
- d_entry = NULL;
- /* Apparently NFS sometimes allows you to open the directory, but
- then refuses to allow you to read the contents. Allow for this */
- old_path = path;
- if(current_dir) d_entry = readdir_add_files(&path, old_path, current_dir);
- if(!current_dir || !d_entry) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Unable to open directory %s\n", path);
- de->isorec.flags[0] &= ~2; /* Mark as not a directory */
- if(current_dir) closedir(current_dir);
- return 0;
- };
- parent = de->filedir;
- /* Set up the struct for the current directory, and insert it into the
- tree */
-#ifdef VMS
- vms_path_fixup(path);
- this_dir = (struct directory *) e_malloc(sizeof(struct directory));
- this_dir->next = NULL;
- new_reclen = 0;
- this_dir->subdir = NULL;
- this_dir->self = de;
- this_dir->contents = NULL;
- this_dir->whole_name = strdup(path);
- cpnt = strrchr(path, PATH_SEPARATOR);
- if(cpnt)
- cpnt++;
- else
- cpnt = path;
- this_dir->de_name = strdup(cpnt);
- this_dir->size = 0;
- this_dir->extent = 0;
- if(!parent || parent == root){
- if (!root) {
- root = this_dir; /* First time through for root directory only */
- root->depth = 0;
- root->parent = root;
- } else {
- this_dir->depth = 1;
- if(!root->subdir)
- root->subdir = this_dir;
- else {
- next_brother = root->subdir;
- while(next_brother->next) next_brother = next_brother->next;
- next_brother->next = this_dir;
- };
- this_dir->parent = parent;
- };
- } else {
- /* Come through here for normal traversal of tree */
-#ifdef DEBUG
- fprintf(stderr,"%s(%d) ", path, this_dir->depth);
- if(parent->depth > RR_relocation_depth) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Directories too deep %s\n", path);
- exit(1);
- };
- this_dir->parent = parent;
- this_dir->depth = parent->depth + 1;
- if(!parent->subdir)
- parent->subdir = this_dir;
- else {
- next_brother = parent->subdir;
- while(next_brother->next) next_brother = next_brother->next;
- next_brother->next = this_dir;
- };
- };
-/* Now we scan the directory itself, and look at what is inside of it. */
- dflag = 0;
- while(1==1){
- /* The first time through, skip this, since we already asked for
- the first entry when we opened the directory. */
- if(dflag) d_entry = readdir_add_files(&path, old_path, current_dir);
- dflag++;
- if(!d_entry) break;
- /* OK, got a valid entry */
- /* If we do not want all files, then pitch the backups. */
- if(!all_files){
- if(strchr(d_entry->d_name,'~')) continue;
- if(strchr(d_entry->d_name,'#')) continue;
- };
- if(strlen(path)+strlen(d_entry->d_name) + 2 > sizeof(whole_path)){
- fprintf(stderr, "Overflow of stat buffer\n");
- exit(1);
- };
- /* Generate the complete ASCII path for this file */
- strcpy(whole_path, path);
-#ifndef VMS
- if(whole_path[strlen(whole_path)-1] != '/')
- strcat(whole_path, "/");
- strcat(whole_path, d_entry->d_name);
- /* Should we exclude this file? */
- if (is_excluded(whole_path)) {
- if (verbose) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Excluded: %s\n",whole_path);
- }
- continue;
- }
-#if 0
- if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n",whole_path);
- status = stat(whole_path, &statbuf);
- lstat(whole_path, &lstatbuf);
- if(this_dir == root && strcmp(d_entry->d_name, ".") == 0)
- root_statbuf = statbuf; /* Save this for later on */
- /* We do this to make sure that the root entries are consistent */
- if(this_dir == root && strcmp(d_entry->d_name, "..") == 0) {
- statbuf = root_statbuf;
- lstatbuf = root_statbuf;
- };
- if(S_ISLNK(lstatbuf.st_mode)){
- /* Here we decide how to handle the symbolic links. Here
- we handle the general case - if we are not following
- links or there is an error, then we must change
- something. If RR is in use, it is easy, we let RR
- describe the file. If not, then we punt the file. */
- if((status || !follow_links)){
- if(use_RockRidge){
- status = 0;
- statbuf.st_size = 0;
- statbuf.st_dev = (dev_t) UNCACHED_DEVICE;
- statbuf.st_mode = (statbuf.st_mode & ~S_IFMT) | S_IFREG;
- } else {
- if(follow_links) fprintf(stderr,
- "Unable to stat file %s - ignoring and continuing.\n",
- whole_path);
- else fprintf(stderr,
- "Symlink %s ignored - continuing.\n",
- whole_path);
- continue; /* Non Rock Ridge discs - ignore all symlinks */
- };
- }
- if( follow_links
- && S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode) )
- {
- if( strcmp(d_entry->d_name, ".")
- && strcmp(d_entry->d_name, "..") )
- {
- if(find_directory_hash(statbuf.st_dev, STAT_INODE(statbuf)))
- {
- if(!use_RockRidge)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Already cached directory seen (%s)\n",
- whole_path);
- continue;
- }
- statbuf.st_size = 0;
- statbuf.st_dev = (dev_t) UNCACHED_DEVICE;
- statbuf.st_mode = (statbuf.st_mode & ~S_IFMT) | S_IFREG;
- } else {
- lstatbuf = statbuf;
- add_directory_hash(statbuf.st_dev, STAT_INODE(statbuf));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Add directories to the cache so that we don't waste space even
- * if we are supposed to be following symlinks.
- */
- if( follow_links
- && strcmp(d_entry->d_name, ".")
- && strcmp(d_entry->d_name, "..")
- && S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode) )
- {
- add_directory_hash(statbuf.st_dev, STAT_INODE(statbuf));
- }
-#ifdef VMS
- if(!S_ISDIR(lstatbuf.st_mode) && (statbuf.st_fab_rfm != FAB$C_FIX &&
- statbuf.st_fab_rfm != FAB$C_STMLF)) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Warning - file %s has an unsupported VMS record"
- " format (%d)\n",
- whole_path, statbuf.st_fab_rfm);
- }
- if(S_ISREG(lstatbuf.st_mode) && (status = access(whole_path, R_OK))){
- fprintf(stderr, "File %s is not readable (errno = %d) - ignoring\n",
- whole_path, errno);
- continue;
- }
- /* Add this so that we can detect directory loops with hard links.
- If we are set up to follow symlinks, then we skip this checking. */
- if( !follow_links
- && S_ISDIR(lstatbuf.st_mode)
- && strcmp(d_entry->d_name, ".")
- && strcmp(d_entry->d_name, "..") )
- {
- if(find_directory_hash(statbuf.st_dev, STAT_INODE(statbuf))) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Directory loop - fatal goof (%s %lx %lu).\n",
- whole_path, (unsigned long) statbuf.st_dev,
- (unsigned long) STAT_INODE(statbuf));
- exit(1);
- };
- add_directory_hash(statbuf.st_dev, STAT_INODE(statbuf));
- };
- if (!S_ISCHR(lstatbuf.st_mode) && !S_ISBLK(lstatbuf.st_mode) &&
- !S_ISFIFO(lstatbuf.st_mode) && !S_ISSOCK(lstatbuf.st_mode)
- && !S_ISLNK(lstatbuf.st_mode) && !S_ISREG(lstatbuf.st_mode) &&
- !S_ISDIR(lstatbuf.st_mode)) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Unknown file type %s - ignoring and continuing.\n",
- whole_path);
- continue;
- };
- /* Who knows what trash this is - ignore and continue */
- if(status) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "Unable to stat file %s - ignoring and continuing.\n",
- whole_path);
- continue;
- };
- s_entry = (struct directory_entry *)
- e_malloc(sizeof (struct directory_entry));
- s_entry->next = this_dir->contents;
- this_dir->contents = s_entry;
- deep_flag = 0;
- s_entry->table = NULL;
- s_entry->name = strdup(d_entry->d_name);
- s_entry->whole_name = strdup (whole_path);
- s_entry->filedir = this_dir;
- s_entry->isorec.flags[0] = 0;
- s_entry->isorec.ext_attr_length[0] = 0;
- iso9660_date(s_entry->, statbuf.st_ctime);
- s_entry->isorec.file_unit_size[0] = 0;
- s_entry->isorec.interleave[0] = 0;
- if(parent && parent == reloc_dir && strcmp(d_entry->d_name, "..") == 0){
- s_entry->inode = UNCACHED_INODE;
- s_entry->dev = (dev_t) UNCACHED_DEVICE;
- deep_flag = NEED_PL;
- } else {
- s_entry->inode = STAT_INODE(statbuf);
- s_entry->dev = statbuf.st_dev;
- };
- set_723(s_entry->isorec.volume_sequence_number, 1);
- iso9660_file_length(d_entry->d_name, s_entry, S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode));
- s_entry->rr_attr_size = 0;
- s_entry->total_rr_attr_size = 0;
- s_entry->rr_attributes = NULL;
- /* Directories are assigned sizes later on */
- if (!S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) {
- set_733(s_entry->isorec.size, statbuf.st_size);
- if (S_ISCHR(lstatbuf.st_mode) || S_ISBLK(lstatbuf.st_mode) ||
- S_ISFIFO(lstatbuf.st_mode) || S_ISSOCK(lstatbuf.st_mode)
- || S_ISLNK(lstatbuf.st_mode))
- s_entry->size = 0;
- else
- s_entry->size = statbuf.st_size;
- } else
- s_entry->isorec.flags[0] = 2;
- if (strcmp(d_entry->d_name,".") && strcmp(d_entry->d_name,"..") &&
- S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode) && this_dir->depth > RR_relocation_depth){
- if(!reloc_dir) generate_reloc_directory();
- s_entry1 = (struct directory_entry *)
- e_malloc(sizeof (struct directory_entry));
- memcpy(s_entry1, this_dir->contents,
- sizeof(struct directory_entry));
- s_entry1->table = NULL;
- s_entry1->name = strdup(this_dir->contents->name);
- s_entry1->next = reloc_dir->contents;
- reloc_dir->contents = s_entry1;
- s_entry1->priority = 32768;
- s_entry1->parent_rec = this_dir->contents;
- deep_flag = NEED_RE;
- if(use_RockRidge) {
- generate_rock_ridge_attributes(whole_path,
- d_entry->d_name, s_entry1,
- &statbuf, &lstatbuf, deep_flag);
- };
- deep_flag = 0;
- /* We need to set this temporarily so that the parent to this is correctly
- determined. */
- s_entry1->filedir = reloc_dir;
- scan_directory_tree(whole_path, s_entry1);
- s_entry1->filedir = this_dir;
- statbuf.st_size = 0;
- statbuf.st_mode &= 0777;
- set_733(s_entry->isorec.size, 0);
- s_entry->size = 0;
- s_entry->isorec.flags[0] = 0;
- s_entry->inode = UNCACHED_INODE;
- deep_flag = NEED_CL;
- };
- if(generate_tables && strcmp(s_entry->name, ".") && strcmp(s_entry->name, "..")) {
- char buffer[2048];
- switch(lstatbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT){
- case S_IFDIR:
- sprintf(buffer,"D\t%s\n",
- s_entry->name);
- break;
-#ifndef NON_UNIXFS
- case S_IFBLK:
- sprintf(buffer,"B\t%s\t%lu %lu\n",
- s_entry->name,
- (unsigned long) major(statbuf.st_rdev),
- (unsigned long) minor(statbuf.st_rdev));
- break;
- case S_IFIFO:
- sprintf(buffer,"P\t%s\n",
- s_entry->name);
- break;
- case S_IFCHR:
- sprintf(buffer,"C\t%s\t%lu %lu\n",
- s_entry->name,
- (unsigned long) major(statbuf.st_rdev),
- (unsigned long) minor(statbuf.st_rdev));
- break;
- case S_IFLNK:
- readlink(whole_path, symlink_buff, sizeof(symlink_buff));
- sprintf(buffer,"L\t%s\t%s\n",
- s_entry->name, symlink_buff);
- break;
- case S_IFSOCK:
- sprintf(buffer,"S\t%s\n",
- s_entry->name);
- break;
-#endif /* NON_UNIXFS */
- case S_IFREG:
- default:
- sprintf(buffer,"F\t%s\n",
- s_entry->name);
- break;
- };
- s_entry->table = strdup(buffer);
- };
- if(S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)){
- int dflag;
- if (strcmp(d_entry->d_name,".") && strcmp(d_entry->d_name,"..")) {
- dflag = scan_directory_tree(whole_path, s_entry);
- /* If unable to scan directory, mark this as a non-directory */
- if(!dflag)
- lstatbuf.st_mode = (lstatbuf.st_mode & ~S_IFMT) | S_IFREG;
- }
- };
- if(use_RockRidge && this_dir == root && strcmp(s_entry->name, ".") == 0)
- deep_flag |= NEED_CE | NEED_SP; /* For extension record */
- /* Now figure out how much room this file will take in the directory */
- if(use_RockRidge) {
- generate_rock_ridge_attributes(whole_path,
- d_entry->d_name, s_entry,
- &statbuf, &lstatbuf, deep_flag);
- }
- }
- closedir(current_dir);
- sort_n_finish(this_dir);
- return 1;
-void FDECL2(generate_iso9660_directories, struct directory *, node, FILE*, outfile){
- struct directory * dpnt;
- dpnt = node;
- while (dpnt){
- generate_one_directory(dpnt, outfile);
- if(dpnt->subdir) generate_iso9660_directories(dpnt->subdir, outfile);
- dpnt = dpnt->next;
- };
-void FDECL1(dump_tree, struct directory *, node){
- struct directory * dpnt;
- dpnt = node;
- while (dpnt){
- fprintf(stderr,"%4d %5d %s\n",dpnt->extent, dpnt->size, dpnt->de_name);
- if(dpnt->subdir) dump_tree(dpnt->subdir);
- dpnt = dpnt->next;
- };
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/vms.c b/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/vms.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 19dc516..0000000
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/vms.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,269 +0,0 @@
- * File vms.c - assorted bletcherous hacks for VMS.
- Written by Eric Youngdale (1993).
- */
-#ifdef VMS
-#include <rms.h>
-#include <descrip.h>
-#include <ssdef.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#define opendir fake_opendir
-#include "mkisofs.h"
-#undef opendir
-#include <stdio.h>
-static struct RAB *rab; /* used for external mailfiles */
-static int rms_status;
-static error_exit(char * text){
- fprintf(stderr,"%s\n", text);
- exit(33);
-char * strrchr(const char *, char);
-char * strdup(char * source){
- char * pnt;
- pnt = (char *) e_malloc(strlen(source) + 1);
- strcpy(pnt, source);
- return pnt;
-int VMS_stat(char * path, struct stat * spnt){
- char * spath;
- char sbuffer[255];
- char * pnt, *ppnt;
- char * pnt1;
- ppnt = strrchr(path,']');
- if(ppnt) ppnt++;
- else ppnt = path;
- spath = path;
- if(strcmp(ppnt,".") == 0 || strcmp(ppnt,"..") == 0){
- strcpy(sbuffer, path);
- /* Find end of actual name */
- pnt = strrchr(sbuffer,']');
- if(!pnt) return 0;
- pnt1 = pnt;
- while(*pnt1 != '[' && *pnt1 != '.') pnt1--;
- if(*pnt1 != '[' && strcmp(ppnt,"..") == 0) {
- pnt1--;
- while(*pnt1 != '[' && *pnt1 != '.') pnt1--;
- };
- if(*pnt1 == '.') {
- *pnt1 = ']';
- pnt = pnt1;
- while(*pnt != '.' && *pnt != ']') pnt++;
- *pnt++ = ']';
- while(*pnt != '.' && *pnt != ']') pnt++;
- *pnt = 0;
- strcat(sbuffer,".DIR;1");
- };
- if(*pnt1 == '[') {
- pnt1++;
- *pnt1 = 0;
- strcat(pnt1,"000000]");
- pnt1 = strrchr(path,'[') + 1;
- pnt = sbuffer + strlen(sbuffer);
- while(*pnt1 && *pnt1 != '.' && *pnt1 != ']') *pnt++ = *pnt1++;
- *pnt = 0;
- strcat(sbuffer,".DIR;1");
- };
- spath = sbuffer;
- };
- return stat(spath, spnt);
-static int dircontext[32] = {0,};
-static char * searchpath[32];
-static struct direct d_entry[32];
-int optind = 0;
-char * optarg;
-int getopt(int argc, char *argv[], char * flags){
- char * pnt;
- char c;
- optind++;
- if(*argv[optind] != '-') return EOF;
- optarg = 0;
- c = *(argv[optind]+1);
- pnt = (char *) strchr(flags, c);
- if(!pnt) return c; /* Not found */
- if(pnt[1] == ':') {
- optind++;
- optarg = argv[optind];
- };
- return c;
-void vms_path_fixup(char * name){
- char * pnt1;
- pnt1 = name + strlen(name) - 6;
- /* First strip the .DIR;1 */
- if(strcmp(pnt1, ".DIR;1") == 0) *pnt1 = 0;
- pnt1 = (char*) strrchr(name, ']');
- if(pnt1) {
- if(pnt1[1] == 0) return;
- *pnt1 = '.';
- strcat(name,"]");
- return;
- };
- pnt1 = (char*) strrchr(name, '>');
- if(pnt1) {
- if(pnt1[1] == 0) return;
- *pnt1 = '.';
- strcat(name,">");
- return;
- };
-int opendir(char * path){
- int i;
- for(i=1; i<32; i++) {
- if(dircontext[i] == 0){
- dircontext[i] = -1;
- searchpath[i] = (char *) e_malloc(strlen(path) + 6);
- strcpy(searchpath[i], path);
- vms_path_fixup(searchpath[i]);
- strcat(searchpath[i],"*.*.*");
- return i;
- };
- };
- exit(0);
-struct direct * readdir(int context){
- int i;
- char cresult[100];
- char * pnt;
- int status;
- $DESCRIPTOR(dpath,searchpath[context]);
- $DESCRIPTOR(result,cresult);
- if(dircontext[context] == -1) {
- dircontext[context] = -2;
- strcpy(d_entry[context].d_name, ".");
- return &d_entry[context];
- };
- if(dircontext[context] == -2) {
- dircontext[context] = -3;
- strcpy(d_entry[context].d_name, "..");
- return &d_entry[context];
- };
- if(dircontext[context] == -3) dircontext[context] = 0;
- dpath.dsc$w_length = strlen(searchpath[context]);
- lib$find_file(&dpath, &result, &dircontext[context],
- 0, 0, &status, 0);
- if(status == SS$_NOMOREFILES) return 0;
- /* Now trim trailing spaces from the name */
- i = result.dsc$w_length - 1;
- while(i && cresult[i] == ' ') i--;
- cresult[i+1] = 0;
- /* Now locate the actual portion of the file we want */
- pnt = (char *) strrchr(cresult,']');
- if(pnt) pnt++;
- else
- pnt = cresult;
- strcpy(d_entry[context].d_name, pnt);
- return &d_entry[context];
-void closedir(int context){
- lib$find_file_end(&dircontext[context]);
- free(searchpath[context]);
- searchpath[context] = (char *) 0;
- dircontext[context] = 0;
-static open_file(char* fn){
-/* this routine initializes a rab and fab required to get the
- correct definition of the external data file used by mail */
- struct FAB * fab;
- rab = (struct RAB*) e_malloc(sizeof(struct RAB));
- fab = (struct FAB*) e_malloc(sizeof(struct FAB));
- *rab = cc$rms_rab; /* initialize RAB*/
- rab->rab$l_fab = fab;
- *fab = cc$rms_fab; /* initialize FAB*/
- fab->fab$l_fna = fn;
- fab->fab$b_fns = strlen(fn);
- fab->fab$w_mrs = 512;
- fab->fab$b_fac = FAB$M_BIO | FAB$M_GET;
- fab->fab$b_org = FAB$C_SEQ;
- fab->fab$b_rfm = FAB$C_FIX;
- fab->fab$l_xab = (char*) 0;
- rms_status = sys$open(rab->rab$l_fab);
- if(rms_status != RMS$_NORMAL && rms_status != RMS$_CREATED)
- error_exit("$OPEN");
- rms_status = sys$connect(rab);
- if(rms_status != RMS$_NORMAL)
- error_exit("$CONNECT");
- return 1;
-static close_file(struct RAB * prab){
- rms_status = sys$close(prab->rab$l_fab);
- free(prab->rab$l_fab);
- free(prab);
- if(rms_status != RMS$_NORMAL)
- error_exit("$CLOSE");
-#define NSECT 16
-extern unsigned int last_extent_written;
-int vms_write_one_file(char * filename, int size, FILE * outfile){
- int status, i;
- char buffer[SECTOR_SIZE * NSECT];
- int count;
- int use;
- int remain;
- open_file(filename);
- remain = size;
- while(remain > 0){
- use = (remain > SECTOR_SIZE * NSECT - 1 ? NSECT*SECTOR_SIZE : remain);
- use = ROUND_UP(use); /* Round up to nearest sector boundary */
- memset(buffer, 0, use);
- rab->rab$l_ubf = buffer;
- rab->rab$w_usz = sizeof(buffer);
- status = sys$read(rab);
- fwrite(buffer, 1, use, outfile);
- last_extent_written += use/SECTOR_SIZE;
- if((last_extent_written % 1000) < use/SECTOR_SIZE) fprintf(stderr,"%d..", last_extent_written);
- remain -= use;
- };
- close_file(rab);
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/vms.h b/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/vms.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b57a677..0000000
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/vms.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
- * Header file mkisofs.h - assorted structure definitions and typecasts.
- Written by Eric Youngdale (1993).
- */
-#ifdef VMS
-#define stat(X,Y) VMS_stat(X,Y)
-#define lstat VMS_stat
-/* gmtime not available under VMS - make it look like we are in Greenwich */
-#define gmtime localtime
-#define S_ISBLK(X) (0)
-#define S_ISCHR(X) (0)
-#define S_ISREG(X) (((X) & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG)
-#define S_ISDIR(X) (((X) & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR)
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/write.c b/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/write.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 64b4a3c..0000000
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/mkisofs/write.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,785 +0,0 @@
- * Program write.c - dump memory structures to file for iso9660 filesystem.
- Written by Eric Youngdale (1993).
- Copyright 1993 Yggdrasil Computing, Incorporated
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "mkisofs.h"
-#include "iso9660.h"
-#include <time.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#ifdef __svr4__
-extern char * strdup(const char *);
-#ifdef VMS
-extern char * strdup(const char *);
-/* Max number of sectors we will write at one time */
-#define NSECT 16
-/* Counters for statistics */
-static int table_size = 0;
-static int total_dir_size = 0;
-static int rockridge_size = 0;
-static struct directory ** pathlist;
-static next_path_index = 1;
-/* Used to fill in some of the information in the volume descriptor. */
-static struct tm *local;
-/* Routines to actually write the disc. We write sequentially so that
- we could write a tape, or write the disc directly */
-#define FILL_SPACE(X) memset(vol_desc.X, ' ', sizeof(vol_desc.X))
-void FDECL2(set_721, char *, pnt, unsigned int, i){
- pnt[0] = i & 0xff;
- pnt[1] = (i >> 8) & 0xff;
-void FDECL2(set_722, char *, pnt, unsigned int, i){
- pnt[0] = (i >> 8) & 0xff;
- pnt[1] = i & 0xff;
-void FDECL2(set_723, char *, pnt, unsigned int, i){
- pnt[3] = pnt[0] = i & 0xff;
- pnt[2] = pnt[1] = (i >> 8) & 0xff;
-void FDECL2(set_731, char *, pnt, unsigned int, i){
- pnt[0] = i & 0xff;
- pnt[1] = (i >> 8) & 0xff;
- pnt[2] = (i >> 16) & 0xff;
- pnt[3] = (i >> 24) & 0xff;
-void FDECL2(set_732, char *, pnt, unsigned int, i){
- pnt[3] = i & 0xff;
- pnt[2] = (i >> 8) & 0xff;
- pnt[1] = (i >> 16) & 0xff;
- pnt[0] = (i >> 24) & 0xff;
-int FDECL1(get_733, char *, p){
- return ((p[0] & 0xff)
- | ((p[1] & 0xff) << 8)
- | ((p[2] & 0xff) << 16)
- | ((p[3] & 0xff) << 24));
-void FDECL2(set_733, char *, pnt, unsigned int, i){
- pnt[7] = pnt[0] = i & 0xff;
- pnt[6] = pnt[1] = (i >> 8) & 0xff;
- pnt[5] = pnt[2] = (i >> 16) & 0xff;
- pnt[4] = pnt[3] = (i >> 24) & 0xff;
-static FDECL4(xfwrite, void *, buffer, int, count, int, size, FILE *, file)
- while(count) {
- int got=fwrite(buffer,size,count,file);
- if(got<=0) fprintf(stderr,"cannot fwrite %d*%d\n",size,count),exit(1);
- count-=got,*(char**)&buffer+=size*got;
- }
-struct deferred_write{
- struct deferred_write * next;
- char * table;
- unsigned int extent;
- unsigned int size;
- char * name;
-static struct deferred_write * dw_head = NULL, * dw_tail = NULL;
-static struct directory_entry * sort_dir;
-unsigned int last_extent_written =0;
-static struct iso_primary_descriptor vol_desc;
-static path_table_index;
-/* We recursively walk through all of the directories and assign extent
- numbers to them. We have already assigned extent numbers to everything that
- goes in front of them */
-void FDECL1(assign_directory_addresses, struct directory *, node){
- struct directory * dpnt;
- int dir_size;
- dpnt = node;
- while (dpnt){
- dpnt->extent = last_extent;
- dpnt->path_index = next_path_index++;
- dir_size = (dpnt->size + (SECTOR_SIZE - 1)) >> 11;
- last_extent += dir_size;
- /* Leave room for the CE entries for this directory. Keep them
- close to the reference directory so that access will be quick. */
- if(dpnt->ce_bytes)
- last_extent += ROUND_UP(dpnt->ce_bytes) >> 11;
- if(dpnt->subdir) assign_directory_addresses(dpnt->subdir);
- dpnt = dpnt->next;
- };
-static void FDECL3(write_one_file, char *, filename, unsigned int, size, FILE *, outfile){
- FILE * infile;
- char buffer[SECTOR_SIZE * NSECT];
- int use;
- int remain;
- if ((infile = fopen(filename, "rb")) == NULL) {
-#ifdef sun
- fprintf(stderr, "cannot open %s: (%d)\n", filename, errno);
- fprintf(stderr, "cannot open %s: %s\n", filename, strerror(errno));
- exit(1);
- }
- remain = size;
- while(remain > 0){
- use = (remain > SECTOR_SIZE * NSECT - 1 ? NSECT*SECTOR_SIZE : remain);
- use = ROUND_UP(use); /* Round up to nearest sector boundary */
- memset(buffer, 0, use);
- if (fread(buffer, 1, use, infile) == 0) {
- fprintf(stderr,"cannot read from %s\n",filename);
- exit(1);
- }
- xfwrite(buffer, 1, use, outfile);
- last_extent_written += use/SECTOR_SIZE;
- if((last_extent_written % 1000) < use/SECTOR_SIZE) fprintf(stderr,"%d..", last_extent_written);
- remain -= use;
- };
- fclose(infile);
-static void FDECL1(write_files, FILE *, outfile){
- struct deferred_write * dwpnt, *dwnext;
- dwpnt = dw_head;
- while(dwpnt){
- if(dwpnt->table) {
- xfwrite(dwpnt->table, 1, ROUND_UP(dwpnt->size), outfile);
- last_extent_written += ROUND_UP(dwpnt->size) / SECTOR_SIZE;
- table_size += dwpnt->size;
-/* fprintf(stderr,"Size %d ", dwpnt->size); */
- free(dwpnt->table);
- } else {
-#ifdef VMS
- vms_write_one_file(dwpnt->name, dwpnt->size, outfile);
- write_one_file(dwpnt->name, dwpnt->size, outfile);
- free(dwpnt->name);
- };
- dwnext = dwpnt;
- dwpnt = dwpnt->next;
- free(dwnext);
- };
-#if 0
-static void dump_filelist(){
- struct deferred_write * dwpnt;
- dwpnt = dw_head;
- while(dwpnt){
- fprintf(stderr, "File %s\n",dwpnt->name);
- dwpnt = dwpnt->next;
- };
- fprintf(stderr,"\n");
-int FDECL2(compare_dirs, struct directory_entry **, r, struct directory_entry **, l) {
- char * rpnt, *lpnt;
- rpnt = (*r)->;
- lpnt = (*l)->;
- while(*rpnt && *lpnt) {
- if(*rpnt == ';' && *lpnt != ';') return -1;
- if(*rpnt != ';' && *lpnt == ';') return 1;
- if(*rpnt == ';' && *lpnt == ';') return 0;
- if(*rpnt < *lpnt) return -1;
- if(*rpnt > *lpnt) return 1;
- rpnt++; lpnt++;
- }
- if(*rpnt) return 1;
- if(*lpnt) return -1;
- return 0;
-void FDECL1(sort_directory, struct directory_entry **, sort_dir){
- int dcount = 0;
- int i, len;
- struct directory_entry * s_entry;
- struct directory_entry ** sortlist;
- s_entry = *sort_dir;
- while(s_entry){
- dcount++;
- s_entry = s_entry->next;
- };
- /* OK, now we know how many there are. Build a vector for sorting. */
- sortlist = (struct directory_entry **)
- e_malloc(sizeof(struct directory_entry *) * dcount);
- dcount = 0;
- s_entry = *sort_dir;
- while(s_entry){
- sortlist[dcount] = s_entry;
- len = s_entry->isorec.name_len[0];
- s_entry->[len] = 0;
- dcount++;
- s_entry = s_entry->next;
- };
- qsort(sortlist, dcount, sizeof(struct directory_entry *),
- (void *)compare_dirs);
- /* Now reassemble the linked list in the proper sorted order */
- for(i=0; i<dcount-1; i++)
- sortlist[i]->next = sortlist[i+1];
- sortlist[dcount-1]->next = NULL;
- *sort_dir = sortlist[0];
- free(sortlist);
-void generate_root_record(){
- time_t ctime;
- time (&ctime);
- local = localtime(&ctime);
- root_record.length[0] = 1 + sizeof(struct iso_directory_record);
- root_record.ext_attr_length[0] = 0;
- set_733(root_record.extent, root->extent);
- set_733(root_record.size, ROUND_UP(root->size));
- iso9660_date(, ctime);
- root_record.flags[0] = 2;
- root_record.file_unit_size[0] = 0;
- root_record.interleave[0] = 0;
- set_723(root_record.volume_sequence_number, 1);
- root_record.name_len[0] = 1;
-static void FDECL1(assign_file_addresses, struct directory *, dpnt){
- struct directory * finddir;
- struct directory_entry * s_entry;
- struct file_hash *s_hash;
- struct deferred_write * dwpnt;
- char whole_path[1024];
- while (dpnt){
- s_entry = dpnt->contents;
- for(s_entry = dpnt->contents; s_entry; s_entry = s_entry->next){
- /* This saves some space if there are symlinks present */
- s_hash = find_hash(s_entry->dev, s_entry->inode);
- if(s_hash){
- if(verbose)
- fprintf(stderr, "Cache hit for %s%s%s\n",s_entry->filedir->de_name,
- SPATH_SEPARATOR, s_entry->name);
- set_733(s_entry->isorec.extent, s_hash->starting_block);
- set_733(s_entry->isorec.size, s_hash->size);
- continue;
- };
- if (strcmp(s_entry->name,".") && strcmp(s_entry->name,"..") &&
- s_entry->isorec.flags[0] == 2){
- finddir = dpnt->subdir;
- while(1==1){
- if(finddir->self == s_entry) break;
- finddir = finddir->next;
- if(!finddir) {fprintf(stderr,"Fatal goof\n"); exit(1);};
- };
- set_733(s_entry->isorec.extent, finddir->extent);
- s_entry->starting_block = finddir->extent;
- s_entry->size = ROUND_UP(finddir->size);
- total_dir_size += s_entry->size;
- add_hash(s_entry);
- set_733(s_entry->isorec.size, ROUND_UP(finddir->size));
- } else {
- if(strcmp(s_entry->name,".") ==0 || strcmp(s_entry->name,"..") == 0) {
- if(strcmp(s_entry->name,".") == 0) {
- set_733(s_entry->isorec.extent, dpnt->extent);
- /* Set these so that the hash table has the correct information */
- s_entry->starting_block = dpnt->extent;
- s_entry->size = ROUND_UP(dpnt->size);
- add_hash(s_entry);
- s_entry->starting_block = dpnt->extent;
- set_733(s_entry->isorec.size, ROUND_UP(dpnt->size));
- } else {
- if(dpnt == root) total_dir_size += root->size;
- set_733(s_entry->isorec.extent, dpnt->parent->extent);
- /* Set these so that the hash table has the correct information */
- s_entry->starting_block = dpnt->parent->extent;
- s_entry->size = ROUND_UP(dpnt->parent->size);
- add_hash(s_entry);
- s_entry->starting_block = dpnt->parent->extent;
- set_733(s_entry->isorec.size, ROUND_UP(dpnt->parent->size));
- };
- } else {
- /* Now we schedule the file to be written. This is all quite
- straightforward, just make a list and assign extents as we go.
- Once we get through writing all of the directories, we should
- be ready write out these files */
- if(s_entry->size) {
- dwpnt = (struct deferred_write *)
- e_malloc(sizeof(struct deferred_write));
- if(dw_tail){
- dw_tail->next = dwpnt;
- dw_tail = dwpnt;
- } else {
- dw_head = dwpnt;
- dw_tail = dwpnt;
- };
- if(s_entry->inode == TABLE_INODE) {
- dwpnt->table = s_entry->table;
- dwpnt->name = NULL;
- } else {
- dwpnt->table = NULL;
- strcpy(whole_path, s_entry->whole_name);
- dwpnt->name = strdup(whole_path);
- };
- dwpnt->next = NULL;
- dwpnt->size = s_entry->size;
- dwpnt->extent = last_extent;
- set_733(s_entry->isorec.extent, last_extent);
- s_entry->starting_block = last_extent;
- add_hash(s_entry);
- last_extent += ROUND_UP(s_entry->size) >> 11;
- if(verbose)
- fprintf(stderr,"%d %d %s\n", s_entry->starting_block,
- last_extent-1, whole_path);
-#ifdef DBG_ISO
- if((ROUND_UP(s_entry->size) >> 11) > 500){
- fprintf(stderr,"Warning: large file %s\n", whole_path);
- fprintf(stderr,"Starting block is %d\n", s_entry->starting_block);
- fprintf(stderr,"Reported file size is %d extents\n", s_entry->size);
- };
- if(last_extent > (700000000 >> 11)) { /* More than 700Mb? Punt */
- fprintf(stderr,"Extent overflow processing file %s\n", whole_path);
- fprintf(stderr,"Starting block is %d\n", s_entry->starting_block);
- fprintf(stderr,"Reported file size is %d extents\n", s_entry->size);
- exit(1);
- };
- } else {
- /*
- * This is for zero-length files. If we leave the extent 0,
- * then we get screwed, because many readers simply drop files
- * that have an extent of zero. Thus we leave the size 0,
- * and just assign the extent number.
- */
- set_733(s_entry->isorec.extent, last_extent);
- }
- };
- };
- };
- if(dpnt->subdir) assign_file_addresses(dpnt->subdir);
- dpnt = dpnt->next;
- };
-void FDECL2(generate_one_directory, struct directory *, dpnt, FILE *, outfile){
- unsigned int total_size, ce_size;
- char * directory_buffer;
- char * ce_buffer;
- unsigned int ce_address;
- struct directory_entry * s_entry, *s_entry_d;
- int new_reclen;
- unsigned int dir_index, ce_index;
- total_size = (dpnt->size + (SECTOR_SIZE - 1)) & ~(SECTOR_SIZE - 1);
- directory_buffer = (char *) e_malloc(total_size);
- memset(directory_buffer, 0, total_size);
- dir_index = 0;
- ce_size = (dpnt->ce_bytes + (SECTOR_SIZE - 1)) & ~(SECTOR_SIZE - 1);
- ce_buffer = NULL;
- if(ce_size) {
- ce_buffer = (char *) e_malloc(ce_size);
- memset(ce_buffer, 0, ce_size);
- ce_index = 0;
- /* Absolute byte address of CE entries for this directory */
- ce_address = last_extent_written + (total_size >> 11);
- ce_address = ce_address << 11;
- }
- s_entry = dpnt->contents;
- while(s_entry) {
- /* We do not allow directory entries to cross sector boundaries. Simply
- pad, and then start the next entry at the next sector */
- new_reclen = s_entry->isorec.length[0];
- if ((dir_index & (SECTOR_SIZE - 1)) + new_reclen >= SECTOR_SIZE)
- dir_index = (dir_index + (SECTOR_SIZE - 1)) &
- ~(SECTOR_SIZE - 1);
- memcpy(directory_buffer + dir_index, &s_entry->isorec,
- sizeof(struct iso_directory_record) -
- sizeof(s_entry-> + s_entry->isorec.name_len[0]);
- dir_index += sizeof(struct iso_directory_record) -
- sizeof (s_entry-> s_entry->isorec.name_len[0];
- /* Add the Rock Ridge attributes, if present */
- if(s_entry->rr_attr_size){
- if(dir_index & 1)
- directory_buffer[dir_index++] = 0;
- /* If the RR attributes were too long, then write the CE records,
- as required. */
- if(s_entry->rr_attr_size != s_entry->total_rr_attr_size) {
- unsigned char * pnt;
- int len, nbytes;
- /* Go through the entire record and fix up the CE entries
- so that the extent and offset are correct */
- pnt = s_entry->rr_attributes;
- len = s_entry->total_rr_attr_size;
- while(len > 3){
- if(pnt[0] == 'C' && pnt[1] == 'E') {
- nbytes = get_733(pnt+20);
- if((ce_index & (SECTOR_SIZE - 1)) + nbytes >=
- SECTOR_SIZE) ce_index = ROUND_UP(ce_index);
- set_733(pnt+4, (ce_address + ce_index) >> 11);
- set_733(pnt+12, (ce_address + ce_index) & (SECTOR_SIZE - 1));
- /* Now store the block in the ce buffer */
- memcpy(ce_buffer + ce_index,
- pnt + pnt[2], nbytes);
- ce_index += nbytes;
- if(ce_index & 1) ce_index++;
- };
- len -= pnt[2];
- pnt += pnt[2];
- };
- }
- rockridge_size += s_entry->total_rr_attr_size;
- memcpy(directory_buffer + dir_index, s_entry->rr_attributes,
- s_entry->rr_attr_size);
- dir_index += s_entry->rr_attr_size;
- };
- if(dir_index & 1)
- directory_buffer[dir_index++] = 0;
- s_entry_d = s_entry;
- s_entry = s_entry->next;
- if (s_entry_d->rr_attributes) free(s_entry_d->rr_attributes);
- free (s_entry_d->name);
- free (s_entry_d);
- };
- sort_dir = NULL;
- if(dpnt->size != dir_index)
- fprintf(stderr,"Unexpected directory length %d %d %s\n",dpnt->size,
- dir_index, dpnt->de_name);
- xfwrite(directory_buffer, 1, total_size, outfile);
- last_extent_written += total_size >> 11;
- free(directory_buffer);
- if(ce_size){
- if(ce_index != dpnt->ce_bytes)
- fprintf(stderr,"Continuation entry record length mismatch (%d %d).\n",
- ce_index, dpnt->ce_bytes);
- xfwrite(ce_buffer, 1, ce_size, outfile);
- last_extent_written += ce_size >> 11;
- free(ce_buffer);
- }
-static void FDECL1(build_pathlist, struct directory *, node){
- struct directory * dpnt;
- dpnt = node;
- while (dpnt){
- pathlist[dpnt->path_index] = dpnt;
- if(dpnt->subdir) build_pathlist(dpnt->subdir);
- dpnt = dpnt->next;
- };
-int FDECL2(compare_paths, const struct directory **, r, const struct directory **, l) {
- if((*r)->parent->path_index < (*l)->parent->path_index) return -1;
- if((*r)->parent->path_index > (*l)->parent->path_index) return 1;
- return strcmp((*r)->self->, (*l)->self->;
-void generate_path_tables(){
- struct directory * dpnt;
- char * npnt, *npnt1;
- int namelen;
- struct directory_entry * de;
- int fix;
- int tablesize;
- int i,j;
- /* First allocate memory for the tables and initialize the memory */
- tablesize = path_blocks << 11;
- path_table_m = (char *) e_malloc(tablesize);
- path_table_l = (char *) e_malloc(tablesize);
- memset(path_table_l, 0, tablesize);
- memset(path_table_m, 0, tablesize);
- /* Now start filling in the path tables. Start with root directory */
- path_table_index = 0;
- pathlist = (struct directory **) e_malloc(sizeof(struct directory *) * next_path_index);
- memset(pathlist, 0, sizeof(struct directory *) * next_path_index);
- build_pathlist(root);
- do{
- fix = 0;
- qsort(&pathlist[1], next_path_index-1, sizeof(struct directory *), (void *)compare_paths);
- for(j=1; j<next_path_index; j++)
- if(pathlist[j]->path_index != j){
- pathlist[j]->path_index = j;
- fix++;
- };
- } while(fix);
- for(j=1; j<next_path_index; j++){
- dpnt = pathlist[j];
- if(!dpnt){
- fprintf(stderr,"Entry %d not in path tables\n", j);
- exit(1);
- };
- npnt = dpnt->de_name;
- if(*npnt == 0 || dpnt == root) npnt = "."; /* So the root comes out OK */
- npnt1 = strrchr(npnt, PATH_SEPARATOR);
- if(npnt1) npnt = npnt1 + 1;
- de = dpnt->self;
- if(!de) {fprintf(stderr,"Fatal goof\n"); exit(1);};
- namelen = de->isorec.name_len[0];
- path_table_l[path_table_index] = namelen;
- path_table_m[path_table_index] = namelen;
- path_table_index += 2;
- set_731(path_table_l + path_table_index, dpnt->extent);
- set_732(path_table_m + path_table_index, dpnt->extent);
- path_table_index += 4;
- set_721(path_table_l + path_table_index, dpnt->parent->path_index);
- set_722(path_table_m + path_table_index, dpnt->parent->path_index);
- path_table_index += 2;
- for(i =0; i<namelen; i++){
- path_table_l[path_table_index] = de->[i];
- path_table_m[path_table_index] = de->[i];
- path_table_index++;
- };
- if(path_table_index & 1) path_table_index++; /* For odd lengths we pad */
- };
- free(pathlist);
- if(path_table_index != path_table_size)
- fprintf(stderr,"Path table lengths do not match %d %d\n",path_table_index,
- path_table_size);
-int FDECL1(iso_write, FILE *, outfile){
- char buffer[2048];
- char iso_time[17];
- int should_write;
- int i;
- assign_file_addresses(root);
- memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
- /* This will break in the year 2000, I supose, but there is no good way
- to get the top two digits of the year. */
- sprintf(iso_time, "%4.4d%2.2d%2.2d%2.2d%2.2d%2.2d00", 1900 + local->tm_year,
- local->tm_mon+1, local->tm_mday,
- local->tm_hour, local->tm_min, local->tm_sec);
- /* First, we output 16 sectors of all zero */
- for(i=0; i<16; i++)
- xfwrite(buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), outfile);
- last_extent_written += 16;
- /* Next we write out the primary descriptor for the disc */
- memset(&vol_desc, 0, sizeof(vol_desc));
- vol_desc.type[0] = ISO_VD_PRIMARY;
- memcpy(, ISO_STANDARD_ID, sizeof(ISO_STANDARD_ID));
- vol_desc.version[0] = 1;
- memset(vol_desc.system_id, ' ', sizeof(vol_desc.system_id));
- memcpy(vol_desc.system_id, system_id, strlen(system_id));
- memset(vol_desc.volume_id, ' ', sizeof(vol_desc.volume_id));
- memcpy(vol_desc.volume_id, volume_id, strlen(volume_id));
- should_write = last_extent;
- set_733(vol_desc.volume_space_size, last_extent);
- set_723(vol_desc.volume_set_size, 1);
- set_723(vol_desc.volume_sequence_number, 1);
- set_723(vol_desc.logical_block_size, 2048);
- /* The path tables are used by DOS based machines to cache directory
- locations */
- set_733(vol_desc.path_table_size, path_table_size);
- set_731(vol_desc.type_l_path_table, path_table[0]);
- set_731(vol_desc.opt_type_l_path_table, path_table[1]);
- set_732(vol_desc.type_m_path_table, path_table[2]);
- set_732(vol_desc.opt_type_m_path_table, path_table[3]);
- /* Now we copy the actual root directory record */
- memcpy(vol_desc.root_directory_record, &root_record,
- sizeof(struct iso_directory_record) + 1);
- /* The rest is just fluff. It looks nice to fill in many of these fields,
- though */
- FILL_SPACE(volume_set_id);
- if(volset_id) memcpy(vol_desc.volume_set_id, volset_id, strlen(volset_id));
- FILL_SPACE(publisher_id);
- if(publisher) memcpy(vol_desc.publisher_id, publisher, strlen(publisher));
- FILL_SPACE(preparer_id);
- if(preparer) memcpy(vol_desc.preparer_id, preparer, strlen(preparer));
- FILL_SPACE(application_id);
- if(appid) memcpy(vol_desc.application_id, appid, strlen(appid));
- FILL_SPACE(copyright_file_id);
- if(appid) memcpy(vol_desc.copyright_file_id, appid, strlen(appid));
- FILL_SPACE(abstract_file_id);
- if(appid) memcpy(vol_desc.abstract_file_id, appid, strlen(appid));
- FILL_SPACE(bibliographic_file_id);
- if(appid) memcpy(vol_desc.bibliographic_file_id, appid, strlen(appid));
- FILL_SPACE(creation_date);
- FILL_SPACE(modification_date);
- FILL_SPACE(expiration_date);
- FILL_SPACE(effective_date);
- vol_desc.file_structure_version[0] = 1;
- FILL_SPACE(application_data);
- memcpy(vol_desc.creation_date, iso_time, 16);
- memcpy(vol_desc.modification_date, iso_time, 16);
- memcpy(vol_desc.expiration_date, "0000000000000000", 16);
- memcpy(vol_desc.effective_date, iso_time, 16);
- /* For some reason, Young Minds writes this twice. Aw, what the heck */
- xfwrite(&vol_desc, 1, 2048, outfile);
- xfwrite(&vol_desc, 1, 2048, outfile);
- last_extent_written += 2;
- /* Now write the end volume descriptor. Much simpler than the other one */
- memset(&vol_desc, 0, sizeof(vol_desc));
- vol_desc.type[0] = ISO_VD_END;
- memcpy(, ISO_STANDARD_ID, sizeof(ISO_STANDARD_ID));
- vol_desc.version[0] = 1;
- xfwrite(&vol_desc, 1, 2048, outfile);
- xfwrite(&vol_desc, 1, 2048, outfile);
- last_extent_written += 2;
- /* Next we write the path tables */
- xfwrite(path_table_l, 1, path_blocks << 11, outfile);
- xfwrite(path_table_l, 1, path_blocks << 11, outfile);
- xfwrite(path_table_m, 1, path_blocks << 11, outfile);
- xfwrite(path_table_m, 1, path_blocks << 11, outfile);
- last_extent_written += 4*path_blocks;
- free(path_table_l);
- free(path_table_m);
- path_table_l = NULL;
- path_table_m = NULL;
- /* OK, all done with that crap. Now write out the directories.
- This is where the fur starts to fly, because we need to keep track of
- each file as we find it and keep track of where we put it. */
-#ifdef DBG_ISO
- fprintf(stderr,"Total directory extents being written = %d\n", last_extent);
-#if 0
- generate_one_directory(root, outfile);
- generate_iso9660_directories(root, outfile);
- if(extension_record) {
- xfwrite(extension_record, 1, SECTOR_SIZE, outfile);
- last_extent_written++;
- }
- /* Now write all of the files that we need. */
- fprintf(stderr,"Total extents scheduled to be written = %d\n", last_extent);
- write_files(outfile);
- fprintf(stderr,"Total extents actually written = %d\n", last_extent_written);
- /* Hard links throw us off here */
- if(should_write != last_extent){
- fprintf(stderr,"Number of extents written not what was predicted. Please fix.\n");
- fprintf(stderr,"Predicted = %d, written = %d\n", should_write, last_extent);
- };
- fprintf(stderr,"Total translation table size: %d\n", table_size);
- fprintf(stderr,"Total rockridge attributes bytes: %d\n", rockridge_size);
- fprintf(stderr,"Total directory bytes: %d\n", total_dir_size);
- fprintf(stderr,"Path table size(bytes): %d\n", path_table_size);
-#ifdef DEBUG
- fprintf(stderr, "next extent, last_extent, last_extent_written %d %d %d\n",
- next_extent, last_extent, last_extent_written);
- return 0;
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud