path: root/contrib/perl5/lib/Test
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authormarkm <>1998-09-09 07:00:04 +0000
committermarkm <>1998-09-09 07:00:04 +0000
commit4fcbc3669aa997848e15198cc9fb856287a6788c (patch)
tree58b20e81687d6d5931f120b50802ed21225bf440 /contrib/perl5/lib/Test
Initial import of Perl5. The king is dead; long live the king!
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/perl5/lib/Test')
1 files changed, 473 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/lib/Test/ b/contrib/perl5/lib/Test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c61d3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/perl5/lib/Test/
@@ -0,0 +1,473 @@
+package Test::Harness;
+BEGIN {require 5.002;}
+use Exporter;
+use Benchmark;
+use Config;
+use FileHandle;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION $verbose $switches $have_devel_corestack $curtest
+$have_devel_corestack = 0;
+$VERSION = "1.1602";
+# Some experimental versions of OS/2 build have broken $?
+my $ignore_exitcode = $ENV{HARNESS_IGNORE_EXITCODE};
+my $files_in_dir = $ENV{HARNESS_FILELEAK_IN_DIR};
+my $tests_skipped = 0;
+my $subtests_skipped = 0;
+@EXPORT= qw(&runtests);
+@EXPORT_OK= qw($verbose $switches);
+format STDOUT_TOP =
+Failed Test Status Wstat Total Fail Failed List of failed
+format STDOUT =
+@<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @>> @>>>> @>>>> @>>> ^##.##% ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
+{ $curtest->{name},
+ $curtest->{estat},
+ $curtest->{wstat},
+ $curtest->{max},
+ $curtest->{failed},
+ $curtest->{percent},
+ $curtest->{canon}
+~~ ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
+ $curtest->{canon}
+$verbose = 0;
+$switches = "-w";
+sub globdir { opendir DIRH, shift; my @f = readdir DIRH; closedir DIRH; @f }
+sub runtests {
+ my(@tests) = @_;
+ local($|) = 1;
+ my($test,$te,$ok,$next,$max,$pct,$totok,$totbonus,@failed,%failedtests);
+ my $totmax = 0;
+ my $files = 0;
+ my $bad = 0;
+ my $good = 0;
+ my $total = @tests;
+ # pass -I flags to children
+ my $old5lib = $ENV{PERL5LIB};
+ local($ENV{'PERL5LIB'}) = join($Config{path_sep}, @INC);
+ if ($^O eq 'VMS') { $switches =~ s/-(\S*[A-Z]\S*)/"-$1"/g }
+ my @dir_files = globdir $files_in_dir if defined $files_in_dir;
+ my $t_start = new Benchmark;
+ while ($test = shift(@tests)) {
+ $te = $test;
+ chop($te);
+ if ($^O eq 'VMS') { $te =~ s/^.*\.t\./[.t./; }
+ print "$te" . '.' x (20 - length($te));
+ my $fh = new FileHandle;
+ $fh->open($test) or print "can't open $test. $!\n";
+ my $first = <$fh>;
+ my $s = $switches;
+ $s .= q[ "-T"] if $first =~ /^#!.*\bperl.*-\w*T/;
+ $fh->close or print "can't close $test. $!\n";
+ my $cmd = ($ENV{'COMPILE_TEST'})?
+"./perl -I../lib ../utils/perlcc $test -run -verbose dcf -log ./compilelog |"
+ : "$^X $s $test|";
+ $cmd = "MCR $cmd" if $^O eq 'VMS';
+ $fh->open($cmd) or print "can't run $test. $!\n";
+ $ok = $next = $max = 0;
+ @failed = ();
+ my %todo = ();
+ my $bonus = 0;
+ my $skipped = 0;
+ while (<$fh>) {
+ if( $verbose ){
+ print $_;
+ }
+ if (/^1\.\.([0-9]+) todo([\d\s]+)\;/) {
+ $max = $1;
+ for (split(/\s+/, $2)) { $todo{$_} = 1; }
+ $totmax += $max;
+ $files++;
+ $next = 1;
+ } elsif (/^1\.\.([0-9]+)/) {
+ $max = $1;
+ $totmax += $max;
+ $files++;
+ $next = 1;
+ } elsif ($max && /^(not\s+)?ok\b/) {
+ my $this = $next;
+ if (/^not ok\s*(\d*)/){
+ $this = $1 if $1 > 0;
+ if (!$todo{$this}) {
+ push @failed, $this;
+ } else {
+ $ok++;
+ $totok++;
+ }
+ } elsif (/^ok\s*(\d*)(\s*\#\s*[Ss]kip)?/) {
+ $this = $1 if $1 > 0;
+ $ok++;
+ $totok++;
+ $skipped++ if defined $2;
+ $bonus++, $totbonus++ if $todo{$this};
+ }
+ if ($this > $next) {
+ # warn "Test output counter mismatch [test $this]\n";
+ # no need to warn probably
+ push @failed, $next..$this-1;
+ } elsif ($this < $next) {
+ #we have seen more "ok" lines than the number suggests
+ warn "Confused test output: test $this answered after test ", $next-1, "\n";
+ $next = $this;
+ }
+ $next = $this + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ $fh->close; # must close to reap child resource values
+ my $wstatus = $ignore_exitcode ? 0 : $?; # Can trust $? ?
+ my $estatus;
+ $estatus = ($^O eq 'VMS'
+ ? eval 'use vmsish "status"; $estatus = $?'
+ : $wstatus >> 8);
+ if ($wstatus) {
+ my ($failed, $canon, $percent) = ('??', '??');
+ printf "dubious\n\tTest returned status $estatus (wstat %d, 0x%x)\n",
+ $wstatus,$wstatus;
+ print "\t\t(VMS status is $estatus)\n" if $^O eq 'VMS';
+ if (corestatus($wstatus)) { # until we have a wait module
+ if ($have_devel_corestack) {
+ Devel::CoreStack::stack($^X);
+ } else {
+ print "\ttest program seems to have generated a core\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $bad++;
+ if ($max) {
+ if ($next == $max + 1 and not @failed) {
+ print "\tafter all the subtests completed successfully\n";
+ $percent = 0;
+ $failed = 0; # But we do not set $canon!
+ } else {
+ push @failed, $next..$max;
+ $failed = @failed;
+ (my $txt, $canon) = canonfailed($max,@failed);
+ $percent = 100*(scalar @failed)/$max;
+ print "DIED. ",$txt;
+ }
+ }
+ $failedtests{$test} = { canon => $canon, max => $max || '??',
+ failed => $failed,
+ name => $test, percent => $percent,
+ estat => $estatus, wstat => $wstatus,
+ };
+ } elsif ($ok == $max && $next == $max+1) {
+ if ($max and $skipped + $bonus) {
+ my @msg;
+ push(@msg, "$skipped subtest".($skipped>1?'s':'')." skipped")
+ if $skipped;
+ push(@msg, "$bonus subtest".($bonus>1?'s':'').
+ " unexpectedly succeeded")
+ if $bonus;
+ print "ok, ".join(', ', @msg)."\n";
+ } elsif ($max) {
+ print "ok\n";
+ } else {
+ print "skipping test on this platform\n";
+ $tests_skipped++;
+ }
+ $good++;
+ } elsif ($max) {
+ if ($next <= $max) {
+ push @failed, $next..$max;
+ }
+ if (@failed) {
+ my ($txt, $canon) = canonfailed($max,@failed);
+ print $txt;
+ $failedtests{$test} = { canon => $canon, max => $max,
+ failed => scalar @failed,
+ name => $test, percent => 100*(scalar @failed)/$max,
+ estat => '', wstat => '',
+ };
+ } else {
+ print "Don't know which tests failed: got $ok ok, expected $max\n";
+ $failedtests{$test} = { canon => '??', max => $max,
+ failed => '??',
+ name => $test, percent => undef,
+ estat => '', wstat => '',
+ };
+ }
+ $bad++;
+ } elsif ($next == 0) {
+ print "FAILED before any test output arrived\n";
+ $bad++;
+ $failedtests{$test} = { canon => '??', max => '??',
+ failed => '??',
+ name => $test, percent => undef,
+ estat => '', wstat => '',
+ };
+ }
+ $subtests_skipped += $skipped;
+ if (defined $files_in_dir) {
+ my @new_dir_files = globdir $files_in_dir;
+ if (@new_dir_files != @dir_files) {
+ my %f;
+ @f{@new_dir_files} = (1) x @new_dir_files;
+ delete @f{@dir_files};
+ my @f = sort keys %f;
+ print "LEAKED FILES: @f\n";
+ @dir_files = @new_dir_files;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my $t_total = timediff(new Benchmark, $t_start);
+ if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
+ if (defined $old5lib) {
+ $ENV{PERL5LIB} = $old5lib;
+ } else {
+ delete $ENV{PERL5LIB};
+ }
+ }
+ my $bonusmsg = '';
+ $bonusmsg = (" ($totbonus subtest".($totbonus>1?'s':'').
+ if $totbonus;
+ if ($tests_skipped) {
+ $bonusmsg .= ", $tests_skipped test" . ($tests_skipped != 1 ? 's' : '') .
+ ' skipped';
+ }
+ if ($subtests_skipped) {
+ $bonusmsg .= ($tests_skipped ? ', plus ' : ', ').
+ "$subtests_skipped subtest"
+ . ($subtests_skipped != 1 ? 's' : '') .
+ " skipped";
+ }
+ if ($bad == 0 && $totmax) {
+ print "All tests successful$bonusmsg.\n";
+ } elsif ($total==0){
+ die "FAILED--no tests were run for some reason.\n";
+ } elsif ($totmax==0) {
+ my $blurb = $total==1 ? "script" : "scripts";
+ die "FAILED--$total test $blurb could be run, alas--no output ever seen\n";
+ } else {
+ $pct = sprintf("%.2f", $good / $total * 100);
+ my $subpct = sprintf " %d/%d subtests failed, %.2f%% okay.",
+ $totmax - $totok, $totmax, 100*$totok/$totmax;
+ my $script;
+ for $script (sort keys %failedtests) {
+ $curtest = $failedtests{$script};
+ write;
+ }
+ if ($bad) {
+ $bonusmsg =~ s/^,\s*//;
+ print "$bonusmsg.\n" if $bonusmsg;
+ die "Failed $bad/$total test scripts, $pct% okay.$subpct\n";
+ }
+ }
+ printf("Files=%d, Tests=%d, %s\n", $files, $totmax, timestr($t_total, 'nop'));
+ return ($bad == 0 && $totmax) ;
+my $tried_devel_corestack;
+sub corestatus {
+ my($st) = @_;
+ my($ret);
+ eval {require ''};
+ if ($@) {
+ $ret = ($st & 0200); # Tim says, this is for 90%
+ }
+ } else {
+ $ret = WCOREDUMP($st);
+ }
+ eval { require Devel::CoreStack; $have_devel_corestack++ }
+ unless $tried_devel_corestack++;
+ $ret;
+sub canonfailed ($@) {
+ my($max,@failed) = @_;
+ my %seen;
+ @failed = sort {$a <=> $b} grep !$seen{$_}++, @failed;
+ my $failed = @failed;
+ my @result = ();
+ my @canon = ();
+ my $min;
+ my $last = $min = shift @failed;
+ my $canon;
+ if (@failed) {
+ for (@failed, $failed[-1]) { # don't forget the last one
+ if ($_ > $last+1 || $_ == $last) {
+ if ($min == $last) {
+ push @canon, $last;
+ } else {
+ push @canon, "$min-$last";
+ }
+ $min = $_;
+ }
+ $last = $_;
+ }
+ local $" = ", ";
+ push @result, "FAILED tests @canon\n";
+ $canon = "@canon";
+ } else {
+ push @result, "FAILED test $last\n";
+ $canon = $last;
+ }
+ push @result, "\tFailed $failed/$max tests, ";
+ push @result, sprintf("%.2f",100*(1-$failed/$max)), "% okay\n";
+ my $txt = join "", @result;
+ ($txt, $canon);
+=head1 NAME
+Test::Harness - run perl standard test scripts with statistics
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+use Test::Harness;
+(By using the L<Test> module, you can write test scripts without
+knowing the exact output this module expects. However, if you need to
+know the specifics, read on!)
+Perl test scripts print to standard output C<"ok N"> for each single
+test, where C<N> is an increasing sequence of integers. The first line
+output by a standard test script is C<"1..M"> with C<M> being the
+number of tests that should be run within the test
+script. Test::Harness::runtests(@tests) runs all the testscripts
+named as arguments and checks standard output for the expected
+C<"ok N"> strings.
+After all tests have been performed, runtests() prints some
+performance statistics that are computed by the Benchmark module.
+=head2 The test script output
+Any output from the testscript to standard error is ignored and
+bypassed, thus will be seen by the user. Lines written to standard
+output containing C</^(not\s+)?ok\b/> are interpreted as feedback for
+runtests(). All other lines are discarded.
+It is tolerated if the test numbers after C<ok> are omitted. In this
+case Test::Harness maintains temporarily its own counter until the
+script supplies test numbers again. So the following test script
+ print <<END;
+ 1..6
+ not ok
+ ok
+ not ok
+ ok
+ ok
+will generate
+ FAILED tests 1, 3, 6
+ Failed 3/6 tests, 50.00% okay
+The global variable $Test::Harness::verbose is exportable and can be
+used to let runtests() display the standard output of the script
+without altering the behavior otherwise.
+The global variable $Test::Harness::switches is exportable and can be
+used to set perl command line options used for running the test
+script(s). The default value is C<-w>.
+If the standard output line contains substring C< # Skip> (with
+variations in spacing and case) after C<ok> or C<ok NUMBER>, it is
+counted as a skipped test. If the whole testscript succeeds, the
+count of skipped tests is included in the generated output.
+=head1 EXPORT
+C<&runtests> is exported by Test::Harness per default.
+=over 4
+=item C<All tests successful.\nFiles=%d, Tests=%d, %s>
+If all tests are successful some statistics about the performance are
+=item C<FAILED tests %s\n\tFailed %d/%d tests, %.2f%% okay.>
+For any single script that has failing subtests statistics like the
+above are printed.
+=item C<Test returned status %d (wstat %d)>
+Scripts that return a non-zero exit status, both C<$? E<gt>E<gt> 8> and C<$?> are
+printed in a message similar to the above.
+=item C<Failed 1 test, %.2f%% okay. %s>
+=item C<Failed %d/%d tests, %.2f%% okay. %s>
+If not all tests were successful, the script dies with one of the
+above messages.
+Setting C<HARNESS_IGNORE_EXITCODE> makes harness ignore the exit status
+of child processes.
+If C<HARNESS_FILELEAK_IN_DIR> is set to the name of a directory, harness
+will check after each test whether new files appeared in that directory,
+and report them as
+ LEAKED FILES: scr.tmp 0 my.db
+If relative, directory name is with respect to the current directory at
+the moment runtests() was called. Putting absolute path into
+C<HARNESS_FILELEAK_IN_DIR> may give more predicatable results.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<Test> for writing test scripts and also L<Benchmark> for the
+underlying timing routines.
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Either Tim Bunce or Andreas Koenig, we don't know. What we know for
+sure is, that it was inspired by Larry Wall's TEST script that came
+with perl distributions for ages. Numerous anonymous contributors
+exist. Current maintainer is Andreas Koenig.
+=head1 BUGS
+Test::Harness uses $^X to determine the perl binary to run the tests
+with. Test scripts running via the shebang (C<#!>) line may not be
+portable because $^X is not consistent for shebang scripts across
+platforms. This is no problem when Test::Harness is run with an
+absolute path to the perl binary or when $^X can be found in the path.
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