path: root/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils
diff options
authormarkm <>1998-09-09 07:00:04 +0000
committermarkm <>1998-09-09 07:00:04 +0000
commit4fcbc3669aa997848e15198cc9fb856287a6788c (patch)
tree58b20e81687d6d5931f120b50802ed21225bf440 /contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils
Initial import of Perl5. The king is dead; long live the king!
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils')
18 files changed, 13921 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/ b/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f5f1e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+package ExtUtils::Command;
+use strict;
+# use AutoLoader;
+use Carp;
+use File::Copy;
+use File::Compare;
+use File::Basename;
+use File::Path qw(rmtree);
+require Exporter;
+use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT $VERSION);
+@ISA = qw(Exporter);
+@EXPORT = qw(cp rm_f rm_rf mv cat eqtime mkpath touch test_f);
+$VERSION = '1.01';
+=head1 NAME
+ExtUtils::Command - utilities to replace common UNIX commands in Makefiles etc.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ perl -MExtUtils::Command -e cat files... > destination
+ perl -MExtUtils::Command -e mv source... destination
+ perl -MExtUtils::Command -e cp source... destination
+ perl -MExtUtils::Command -e touch files...
+ perl -MExtUtils::Command -e rm_f file...
+ perl -MExtUtils::Command -e rm_rf directories...
+ perl -MExtUtils::Command -e mkpath directories...
+ perl -MExtUtils::Command -e eqtime source destination
+ perl -MExtUtils::Command -e chmod mode files...
+ perl -MExtUtils::Command -e test_f file
+The module is used in Win32 port to replace common UNIX commands.
+Most commands are wrapers on generic modules File::Path and File::Basename.
+=over 4
+sub expand_wildcards
+ @ARGV = map(/[\*\?]/ ? glob($_) : $_,@ARGV);
+=item cat
+Concatenates all files mentioned on command line to STDOUT.
+sub cat ()
+ expand_wildcards();
+ print while (<>);
+=item eqtime src dst
+Sets modified time of dst to that of src
+sub eqtime
+ my ($src,$dst) = @ARGV;
+ open(F,">$dst");
+ close(F);
+ utime((stat($src))[8,9],$dst);
+=item rm_f files....
+Removes directories - recursively (even if readonly)
+sub rm_rf
+ rmtree([grep -e $_,expand_wildcards()],0,0);
+=item rm_f files....
+Removes files (even if readonly)
+sub rm_f
+ foreach (expand_wildcards())
+ {
+ next unless -f $_;
+ next if unlink($_);
+ chmod(0777,$_);
+ next if unlink($_);
+ carp "Cannot delete $_:$!";
+ }
+=item touch files ...
+Makes files exist, with current timestamp
+sub touch
+ expand_wildcards();
+ my $t = time;
+ while (@ARGV)
+ {
+ my $file = shift(@ARGV);
+ open(FILE,">>$file") || die "Cannot write $file:$!";
+ close(FILE);
+ utime($t,$t,$file);
+ }
+=item mv source... destination
+Moves source to destination.
+Multiple sources are allowed if destination is an existing directory.
+sub mv
+ my $dst = pop(@ARGV);
+ expand_wildcards();
+ croak("Too many arguments") if (@ARGV > 1 && ! -d $dst);
+ while (@ARGV)
+ {
+ my $src = shift(@ARGV);
+ move($src,$dst);
+ }
+=item cp source... destination
+Copies source to destination.
+Multiple sources are allowed if destination is an existing directory.
+sub cp
+ my $dst = pop(@ARGV);
+ expand_wildcards();
+ croak("Too many arguments") if (@ARGV > 1 && ! -d $dst);
+ while (@ARGV)
+ {
+ my $src = shift(@ARGV);
+ copy($src,$dst);
+ }
+=item chmod mode files...
+Sets UNIX like permissions 'mode' on all the files.
+sub chmod
+ my $mode = shift(@ARGV);
+ chmod($mode,expand_wildcards()) || die "Cannot chmod ".join(' ',$mode,@ARGV).":$!";
+=item mkpath directory...
+Creates directory, including any parent directories.
+sub mkpath
+ File::Path::mkpath([expand_wildcards()],1,0777);
+=item test_f file
+Tests if a file exists
+sub test_f
+ exit !-f shift(@ARGV);
+=head1 BUGS
+Should probably be Auto/Self loaded.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+ExtUtils::MakeMaker, ExtUtils::MM_Unix, ExtUtils::MM_Win32
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Nick Ing-Simmons <F<>>.
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/ b/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e41ca40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/
@@ -0,0 +1,502 @@
+# $Id:,v 1.2501 $
+require 5.002;
+package ExtUtils::Embed;
+require Exporter;
+require FileHandle;
+use Config;
+use Getopt::Std;
+#Only when we need them
+#require ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+#require ExtUtils::Liblist;
+use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT $VERSION
+ @Extensions $Verbose $lib_ext
+ $opt_o $opt_s
+ );
+use strict;
+$VERSION = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision: 1.2505 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
+@ISA = qw(Exporter);
+@EXPORT = qw(&xsinit &ldopts
+ &ccopts &ccflags &ccdlflags &perl_inc
+ &xsi_header &xsi_protos &xsi_body);
+#let's have Miniperl borrow from us instead
+#require ExtUtils::Miniperl;
+#*canon = \&ExtUtils::Miniperl::canon;
+$Verbose = 0;
+$lib_ext = $Config{lib_ext} || '.a';
+sub is_cmd { $0 eq '-e' }
+sub my_return {
+ my $val = shift;
+ if(is_cmd) {
+ print $val;
+ }
+ else {
+ return $val;
+ }
+sub is_perl_object {
+ $Config{ccflags} =~ /-DPERL_OBJECT/;
+sub xsinit {
+ my($file, $std, $mods) = @_;
+ my($fh,@mods,%seen);
+ $file ||= "perlxsi.c";
+ my $xsinit_proto = is_perl_object() ? "CPERLarg" : "void";
+ if (@_) {
+ @mods = @$mods if $mods;
+ }
+ else {
+ getopts('o:s:');
+ $file = $opt_o if defined $opt_o;
+ $std = $opt_s if defined $opt_s;
+ @mods = @ARGV;
+ }
+ $std = 1 unless scalar @mods;
+ if ($file eq "STDOUT") {
+ $fh = \*STDOUT;
+ }
+ else {
+ $fh = new FileHandle "> $file";
+ }
+ push(@mods, static_ext()) if defined $std;
+ @mods = grep(!$seen{$_}++, @mods);
+ print $fh &xsi_header();
+ print $fh "EXTERN_C void xs_init _(($xsinit_proto));\n\n";
+ print $fh &xsi_protos(@mods);
+ print $fh "\nEXTERN_C void\nxs_init($xsinit_proto)\n{\n";
+ print $fh &xsi_body(@mods);
+ print $fh "}\n";
+sub xsi_header {
+ return <<EOF;
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(PERL_OBJECT)
+#define is_cplusplus
+#ifdef is_cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#include <EXTERN.h>
+#include <perl.h>
+#define NO_XSLOCKS
+#include <XSUB.h>
+#include "win32iop.h"
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <perlhost.h>
+#ifdef is_cplusplus
+# ifndef EXTERN_C
+# define EXTERN_C extern "C"
+# endif
+# ifndef EXTERN_C
+# define EXTERN_C extern
+# endif
+sub xsi_protos {
+ my(@exts) = @_;
+ my(@retval,%seen);
+ my $boot_proto = is_perl_object() ?
+ "CV* cv _CPERLarg" : "CV* cv";
+ foreach $_ (@exts){
+ my($pname) = canon('/', $_);
+ my($mname, $cname);
+ ($mname = $pname) =~ s!/!::!g;
+ ($cname = $pname) =~ s!/!__!g;
+ my($ccode) = "EXTERN_C void boot_${cname} _(($boot_proto));\n";
+ next if $seen{$ccode}++;
+ push(@retval, $ccode);
+ }
+ return join '', @retval;
+sub xsi_body {
+ my(@exts) = @_;
+ my($pname,@retval,%seen);
+ my($dl) = canon('/','DynaLoader');
+ push(@retval, "\tchar *file = __FILE__;\n");
+ push(@retval, "\tdXSUB_SYS;\n") if $] > 5.002;
+ push(@retval, "\n");
+ foreach $_ (@exts){
+ my($pname) = canon('/', $_);
+ my($mname, $cname, $ccode);
+ ($mname = $pname) =~ s!/!::!g;
+ ($cname = $pname) =~ s!/!__!g;
+ if ($pname eq $dl){
+ # Must NOT install 'DynaLoader::boot_DynaLoader' as 'bootstrap'!
+ # boot_DynaLoader is called directly in
+ $ccode = "\t/* DynaLoader is a special case */\n\tnewXS(\"${mname}::boot_${cname}\", boot_${cname}, file);\n";
+ push(@retval, $ccode) unless $seen{$ccode}++;
+ } else {
+ $ccode = "\tnewXS(\"${mname}::bootstrap\", boot_${cname}, file);\n";
+ push(@retval, $ccode) unless $seen{$ccode}++;
+ }
+ }
+ return join '', @retval;
+sub static_ext {
+ unless (scalar @Extensions) {
+ @Extensions = sort split /\s+/, $Config{static_ext};
+ unshift @Extensions, qw(DynaLoader);
+ }
+ @Extensions;
+sub ldopts {
+ require ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+ require ExtUtils::Liblist;
+ my($std,$mods,$link_args,$path) = @_;
+ my(@mods,@link_args,@argv);
+ my($dllib,$config_libs,@potential_libs,@path);
+ local($") = ' ' unless $" eq ' ';
+ my $MM = bless {} => 'MY';
+ if (scalar @_) {
+ @link_args = @$link_args if $link_args;
+ @mods = @$mods if $mods;
+ }
+ else {
+ @argv = @ARGV;
+ #hmm
+ while($_ = shift @argv) {
+ /^-std$/ && do { $std = 1; next; };
+ /^--$/ && do { @link_args = @argv; last; };
+ /^-I(.*)/ && do { $path = $1 || shift @argv; next; };
+ push(@mods, $_);
+ }
+ }
+ $std = 1 unless scalar @link_args;
+ @path = $path ? split(/:/, $path) : @INC;
+ push(@potential_libs, @link_args) if scalar @link_args;
+ push(@potential_libs, $Config{libs}) if defined $std;
+ push(@mods, static_ext()) if $std;
+ my($mod,@ns,$root,$sub,$extra,$archive,@archives);
+ print STDERR "Searching (@path) for archives\n" if $Verbose;
+ foreach $mod (@mods) {
+ @ns = split(/::|\/|\\/, $mod);
+ $sub = $ns[-1];
+ $root = $MM->catdir(@ns);
+ print STDERR "searching for '$sub${lib_ext}'\n" if $Verbose;
+ foreach (@path) {
+ next unless -e ($archive = $MM->catdir($_,"auto",$root,"$sub$lib_ext"));
+ push @archives, $archive;
+ if(-e ($extra = $MM->catdir($_,"auto",$root,"extralibs.ld"))) {
+ local(*FH);
+ if(open(FH, $extra)) {
+ my($libs) = <FH>; chomp $libs;
+ push @potential_libs, split /\s+/, $libs;
+ }
+ else {
+ warn "Couldn't open '$extra'";
+ }
+ }
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ #print STDERR "\@potential_libs = @potential_libs\n";
+ my $libperl = (grep(/^-l\w*perl\w*$/, @link_args))[0] || "-lperl";
+ my($extralibs, $bsloadlibs, $ldloadlibs, $ld_run_path) =
+ $MM->ext(join ' ',
+ $MM->catdir("-L$Config{archlibexp}", "CORE"), " $libperl",
+ @potential_libs);
+ my $ld_or_bs = $bsloadlibs || $ldloadlibs;
+ print STDERR "bs: $bsloadlibs ** ld: $ldloadlibs" if $Verbose;
+ my $linkage = "$Config{ccdlflags} $Config{ldflags} @archives $ld_or_bs";
+ print STDERR "ldopts: '$linkage'\n" if $Verbose;
+ return $linkage if scalar @_;
+ my_return("$linkage\n");
+sub ccflags {
+ my_return(" $Config{ccflags} ");
+sub ccdlflags {
+ my_return(" $Config{ccdlflags} ");
+sub perl_inc {
+ my_return(" -I$Config{archlibexp}/CORE ");
+sub ccopts {
+ ccflags . perl_inc;
+sub canon {
+ my($as, @ext) = @_;
+ foreach(@ext) {
+ # might be X::Y or lib/auto/X/Y/Y.a
+ next if s!::!/!g;
+ s:^(lib|ext)/(auto/)?::;
+ s:/\w+\.\w+$::;
+ }
+ grep(s:/:$as:, @ext) if ($as ne '/');
+ @ext;
+=head1 NAME
+ExtUtils::Embed - Utilities for embedding Perl in C/C++ applications
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ perl -MExtUtils::Embed -e xsinit
+ perl -MExtUtils::Embed -e ldopts
+ExtUtils::Embed provides utility functions for embedding a Perl interpreter
+and extensions in your C/C++ applications.
+Typically, an application B<Makefile> will invoke ExtUtils::Embed
+functions while building your application.
+=head1 @EXPORT
+ExtUtils::Embed exports the following functions:
+xsinit(), ldopts(), ccopts(), perl_inc(), ccflags(),
+ccdlflags(), xsi_header(), xsi_protos(), xsi_body()
+=item xsinit()
+Generate C/C++ code for the XS initializer function.
+When invoked as C<`perl -MExtUtils::Embed -e xsinit --`>
+the following options are recognized:
+B<-o> E<lt>output filenameE<gt> (Defaults to B<perlxsi.c>)
+B<-o STDOUT> will print to STDOUT.
+B<-std> (Write code for extensions that are linked with the current Perl.)
+Any additional arguments are expected to be names of modules
+to generate code for.
+When invoked with parameters the following are accepted and optional:
+B<$filename> is equivalent to the B<-o> option.
+B<$std> is boolean, equivalent to the B<-std> option.
+B<[@modules]> is an array ref, same as additional arguments mentioned above.
+=item Examples
+ perl -MExtUtils::Embed -e xsinit -- -o xsinit.c Socket
+This will generate code with an B<xs_init> function that glues the perl B<Socket::bootstrap> function
+to the C B<boot_Socket> function and writes it to a file named "xsinit.c".
+Note that B<DynaLoader> is a special case where it must call B<boot_DynaLoader> directly.
+ perl -MExtUtils::Embed -e xsinit
+This will generate code for linking with B<DynaLoader> and
+each static extension found in B<$Config{static_ext}>.
+The code is written to the default file name B<perlxsi.c>.
+ perl -MExtUtils::Embed -e xsinit -- -o xsinit.c -std DBI DBD::Oracle
+Here, code is written for all the currently linked extensions along with code
+for B<DBI> and B<DBD::Oracle>.
+If you have a working B<DynaLoader> then there is rarely any need to statically link in any
+other extensions.
+=item ldopts()
+Output arguments for linking the Perl library and extensions to your
+When invoked as C<`perl -MExtUtils::Embed -e ldopts --`>
+the following options are recognized:
+Output arguments for linking the Perl library and any extensions linked
+with the current Perl.
+B<-I> E<lt>path1:path2E<gt>
+Search path for ModuleName.a archives.
+Default path is B<@INC>.
+Library archives are expected to be found as
+For example, when looking for B<Socket.a> relative to a search path,
+we should find B<auto/Socket/Socket.a>
+When looking for B<DBD::Oracle> relative to a search path,
+we should find B<auto/DBD/Oracle/Oracle.a>
+Keep in mind, you can always supply B</my/own/path/ModuleName.a>
+as an additional linker argument.
+B<--> E<lt>list of linker argsE<gt>
+Additional linker arguments to be considered.
+Any additional arguments found before the B<--> token
+are expected to be names of modules to generate code for.
+When invoked with parameters the following are accepted and optional:
+B<$std> is boolean, equivalent to the B<-std> option.
+B<[@modules]> is equivalent to additional arguments found before the B<--> token.
+B<[@link_args]> is equivalent to arguments found after the B<--> token.
+B<$path> is equivalent to the B<-I> option.
+In addition, when ldopts is called with parameters, it will return the argument string
+rather than print it to STDOUT.
+=item Examples
+ perl -MExtUtils::Embed -e ldopts
+This will print arguments for linking with B<libperl.a>, B<DynaLoader> and
+extensions found in B<$Config{static_ext}>. This includes libraries
+found in B<$Config{libs}> and the first ModuleName.a library
+for each extension that is found by searching B<@INC> or the path
+specifed by the B<-I> option.
+In addition, when ModuleName.a is found, additional linker arguments
+are picked up from the B<extralibs.ld> file in the same directory.
+ perl -MExtUtils::Embed -e ldopts -- -std Socket
+This will do the same as the above example, along with printing additional arguments for linking with the B<Socket> extension.
+ perl -MExtUtils::Embed -e ldopts -- DynaLoader
+This will print arguments for linking with just the B<DynaLoader> extension
+and B<libperl.a>.
+ perl -MExtUtils::Embed -e ldopts -- -std Msql -- -L/usr/msql/lib -lmsql
+Any arguments after the second '--' token are additional linker
+arguments that will be examined for potential conflict. If there is no
+conflict, the additional arguments will be part of the output.
+=item perl_inc()
+For including perl header files this function simply prints:
+ -I$Config{archlibexp}/CORE
+So, rather than having to say:
+ perl -MConfig -e 'print "-I$Config{archlibexp}/CORE"'
+Just say:
+ perl -MExtUtils::Embed -e perl_inc
+=item ccflags(), ccdlflags()
+These functions simply print $Config{ccflags} and $Config{ccdlflags}
+=item ccopts()
+This function combines perl_inc(), ccflags() and ccdlflags() into one.
+=item xsi_header()
+This function simply returns a string defining the same B<EXTERN_C> macro as
+B<perlmain.c> along with #including B<perl.h> and B<EXTERN.h>.
+=item xsi_protos(@modules)
+This function returns a string of B<boot_$ModuleName> prototypes for each @modules.
+=item xsi_body(@modules)
+This function returns a string of calls to B<newXS()> that glue the module B<bootstrap>
+function to B<boot_ModuleName> for each @modules.
+B<xsinit()> uses the xsi_* functions to generate most of it's code.
+=head1 EXAMPLES
+For examples on how to use B<ExtUtils::Embed> for building C/C++ applications
+with embedded perl, see the eg/ directory and L<perlembed>.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Doug MacEachern E<lt>F<>E<gt>
+Based on ideas from Tim Bunce E<lt>F<>E<gt> and
+B<> by Andreas Koenig E<lt>F<>E<gt> and Tim Bunce.
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/ b/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a5c184
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/
@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
+package ExtUtils::Install;
+$VERSION = substr q$Revision: 1.28 $, 10;
+# $Date: 1998/01/25 07:08:24 $
+use Exporter;
+use Carp ();
+use Config qw(%Config);
+use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT $VERSION);
+@ISA = ('Exporter');
+@EXPORT = ('install','uninstall','pm_to_blib', 'install_default');
+$Is_VMS = $^O eq 'VMS';
+my $splitchar = $^O eq 'VMS' ? '|' : ($^O eq 'os2' || $^O eq 'dos') ? ';' : ':';
+my @PERL_ENV_LIB = split $splitchar, defined $ENV{'PERL5LIB'} ? $ENV{'PERL5LIB'} : $ENV{'PERLLIB'} || '';
+my $Inc_uninstall_warn_handler;
+#use vars qw( @EXPORT @ISA $Is_VMS );
+#use strict;
+sub forceunlink {
+ chmod 0666, $_[0];
+ unlink $_[0] or Carp::croak("Cannot forceunlink $_[0]: $!")
+sub install {
+ my($hash,$verbose,$nonono,$inc_uninstall) = @_;
+ $verbose ||= 0;
+ $nonono ||= 0;
+ use Cwd qw(cwd);
+ use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; # to implement a MY class
+ use ExtUtils::Packlist;
+ use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+ use File::Copy qw(copy);
+ use File::Find qw(find);
+ use File::Path qw(mkpath);
+ use File::Compare qw(compare);
+ my(%hash) = %$hash;
+ my(%pack, $dir, $warn_permissions);
+ my($packlist) = ExtUtils::Packlist->new();
+ # -w doesn't work reliably on FAT dirs
+ $warn_permissions++ if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
+ local(*DIR);
+ for (qw/read write/) {
+ $pack{$_}=$hash{$_};
+ delete $hash{$_};
+ }
+ my($source_dir_or_file);
+ foreach $source_dir_or_file (sort keys %hash) {
+ #Check if there are files, and if yes, look if the corresponding
+ #target directory is writable for us
+ opendir DIR, $source_dir_or_file or next;
+ for (readdir DIR) {
+ next if $_ eq "." || $_ eq ".." || $_ eq ".exists";
+ if (-w $hash{$source_dir_or_file} ||
+ mkpath($hash{$source_dir_or_file})) {
+ last;
+ } else {
+ warn "Warning: You do not have permissions to " .
+ "install into $hash{$source_dir_or_file}"
+ unless $warn_permissions++;
+ }
+ }
+ closedir DIR;
+ }
+ $packlist->read($pack{"read"}) if (-f $pack{"read"});
+ my $cwd = cwd();
+ my $umask = umask 0 unless $Is_VMS;
+ my($source);
+ MOD_INSTALL: foreach $source (sort keys %hash) {
+ #copy the tree to the target directory without altering
+ #timestamp and permission and remember for the .packlist
+ #file. The packlist file contains the absolute paths of the
+ #install locations. AFS users may call this a bug. We'll have
+ #to reconsider how to add the means to satisfy AFS users also.
+ #October 1997: we want to install .pm files into archlib if
+ #there are any files in arch. So we depend on having ./blib/arch
+ #hardcoded here.
+ my $targetroot = $hash{$source};
+ if ($source eq "blib/lib" and
+ exists $hash{"blib/arch"} and
+ directory_not_empty("blib/arch")) {
+ $targetroot = $hash{"blib/arch"};
+ print "Files found in blib/arch --> Installing files in "
+ . "blib/lib into architecture dependend library tree!\n"
+ ; #if $verbose>1;
+ }
+ chdir($source) or next;
+ find(sub {
+ my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,
+ $atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat;
+ return unless -f _;
+ return if $_ eq ".exists";
+ my $targetdir = MY->catdir($targetroot,$File::Find::dir);
+ my $targetfile = MY->catfile($targetdir,$_);
+ my $diff = 0;
+ if ( -f $targetfile && -s _ == $size) {
+ # We have a good chance, we can skip this one
+ $diff = compare($_,$targetfile);
+ } else {
+ print "$_ differs\n" if $verbose>1;
+ $diff++;
+ }
+ if ($diff){
+ if (-f $targetfile){
+ forceunlink($targetfile) unless $nonono;
+ } else {
+ mkpath($targetdir,0,0755) unless $nonono;
+ print "mkpath($targetdir,0,0755)\n" if $verbose>1;
+ }
+ copy($_,$targetfile) unless $nonono;
+ print "Installing $targetfile\n";
+ utime($atime,$mtime + $Is_VMS,$targetfile) unless $nonono>1;
+ print "utime($atime,$mtime,$targetfile)\n" if $verbose>1;
+ $mode = 0444 | ( $mode & 0111 ? 0111 : 0 );
+ chmod $mode, $targetfile;
+ print "chmod($mode, $targetfile)\n" if $verbose>1;
+ } else {
+ print "Skipping $targetfile (unchanged)\n" if $verbose;
+ }
+ if (! defined $inc_uninstall) { # it's called
+ } elsif ($inc_uninstall == 0){
+ inc_uninstall($_,$File::Find::dir,$verbose,1); # nonono set to 1
+ } else {
+ inc_uninstall($_,$File::Find::dir,$verbose,0); # nonono set to 0
+ }
+ $packlist->{$targetfile}++;
+ }, ".");
+ chdir($cwd) or Carp::croak("Couldn't chdir to $cwd: $!");
+ }
+ umask $umask unless $Is_VMS;
+ if ($pack{'write'}) {
+ $dir = dirname($pack{'write'});
+ mkpath($dir,0,0755);
+ print "Writing $pack{'write'}\n";
+ $packlist->write($pack{'write'});
+ }
+sub directory_not_empty ($) {
+ my($dir) = @_;
+ my $files = 0;
+ find(sub {
+ return if $_ eq ".exists";
+ if (-f) {
+ $File::Find::prune++;
+ $files = 1;
+ }
+ }, $dir);
+ return $files;
+sub install_default {
+ @_ < 2 or die "install_default should be called with 0 or 1 argument";
+ my $FULLEXT = @_ ? shift : $ARGV[0];
+ defined $FULLEXT or die "Do not know to where to write install log";
+ my $INST_LIB = MM->catdir(MM->curdir,"blib","lib");
+ my $INST_ARCHLIB = MM->catdir(MM->curdir,"blib","arch");
+ my $INST_BIN = MM->catdir(MM->curdir,'blib','bin');
+ my $INST_SCRIPT = MM->catdir(MM->curdir,'blib','script');
+ my $INST_MAN1DIR = MM->catdir(MM->curdir,'blib','man1');
+ my $INST_MAN3DIR = MM->catdir(MM->curdir,'blib','man3');
+ install({
+ read => "$Config{sitearchexp}/auto/$FULLEXT/.packlist",
+ write => "$Config{installsitearch}/auto/$FULLEXT/.packlist",
+ $INST_LIB => (directory_not_empty($INST_ARCHLIB)) ?
+ $Config{installsitearch} :
+ $Config{installsitelib},
+ $INST_ARCHLIB => $Config{installsitearch},
+ $INST_BIN => $Config{installbin} ,
+ $INST_SCRIPT => $Config{installscript},
+ $INST_MAN1DIR => $Config{installman1dir},
+ $INST_MAN3DIR => $Config{installman3dir},
+ },1,0,0);
+sub uninstall {
+ use ExtUtils::Packlist;
+ my($fil,$verbose,$nonono) = @_;
+ die "no packlist file found: $fil" unless -f $fil;
+ # my $my_req = $self->catfile(qw(auto ExtUtils Install;
+ # require $my_req; # Hairy, but for the first
+ my ($packlist) = ExtUtils::Packlist->new($fil);
+ foreach (sort(keys(%$packlist))) {
+ chomp;
+ print "unlink $_\n" if $verbose;
+ forceunlink($_) unless $nonono;
+ }
+ print "unlink $fil\n" if $verbose;
+ close P;
+ forceunlink($fil) unless $nonono;
+sub inc_uninstall {
+ my($file,$libdir,$verbose,$nonono) = @_;
+ my($dir);
+ my %seen_dir = ();
+ foreach $dir (@INC, @PERL_ENV_LIB, @Config{qw(archlibexp
+ privlibexp
+ sitearchexp
+ sitelibexp)}) {
+ next if $dir eq ".";
+ next if $seen_dir{$dir}++;
+ my($targetfile) = MY->catfile($dir,$libdir,$file);
+ next unless -f $targetfile;
+ # The reason why we compare file's contents is, that we cannot
+ # know, which is the file we just installed (AFS). So we leave
+ # an identical file in place
+ my $diff = 0;
+ if ( -f $targetfile && -s _ == -s $file) {
+ # We have a good chance, we can skip this one
+ $diff = compare($file,$targetfile);
+ } else {
+ print "#$file and $targetfile differ\n" if $verbose>1;
+ $diff++;
+ }
+ next unless $diff;
+ if ($nonono) {
+ if ($verbose) {
+ $Inc_uninstall_warn_handler ||= new ExtUtils::Install::Warn;
+ $libdir =~ s|^\./|| ; # That's just cosmetics, no need to port. It looks prettier.
+ $Inc_uninstall_warn_handler->add("$libdir/$file",$targetfile);
+ }
+ # if not verbose, we just say nothing
+ } else {
+ print "Unlinking $targetfile (shadowing?)\n";
+ forceunlink($targetfile);
+ }
+ }
+sub pm_to_blib {
+ my($fromto,$autodir) = @_;
+ use File::Basename qw(dirname);
+ use File::Copy qw(copy);
+ use File::Path qw(mkpath);
+ use File::Compare qw(compare);
+ use AutoSplit;
+ # my $my_req = $self->catfile(qw(auto ExtUtils Install;
+ # require $my_req; # Hairy, but for the first
+ if (!ref($fromto) && -r $fromto)
+ {
+ # Win32 has severe command line length limitations, but
+ # can generate temporary files on-the-fly
+ # so we pass name of file here - eval it to get hash
+ open(FROMTO,"<$fromto") or die "Cannot open $fromto:$!";
+ my $str = '$fromto = {qw{'.join('',<FROMTO>).'}}';
+ eval $str;
+ close(FROMTO);
+ }
+ my $umask = umask 0022 unless $Is_VMS;
+ mkpath($autodir,0,0755);
+ foreach (keys %$fromto) {
+ next if -f $fromto->{$_} && -M $fromto->{$_} < -M $_;
+ unless (compare($_,$fromto->{$_})){
+ print "Skip $fromto->{$_} (unchanged)\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ if (-f $fromto->{$_}){
+ forceunlink($fromto->{$_});
+ } else {
+ mkpath(dirname($fromto->{$_}),0,0755);
+ }
+ copy($_,$fromto->{$_});
+ my($mode,$atime,$mtime) = (stat)[2,8,9];
+ utime($atime,$mtime+$Is_VMS,$fromto->{$_});
+ chmod(0444 | ( $mode & 0111 ? 0111 : 0 ),$fromto->{$_});
+ print "cp $_ $fromto->{$_}\n";
+ next unless /\.pm$/;
+ autosplit($fromto->{$_},$autodir);
+ }
+ umask $umask unless $Is_VMS;
+package ExtUtils::Install::Warn;
+sub new { bless {}, shift }
+sub add {
+ my($self,$file,$targetfile) = @_;
+ push @{$self->{$file}}, $targetfile;
+sub DESTROY {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my($file,$i,$plural);
+ foreach $file (sort keys %$self) {
+ $plural = @{$self->{$file}} > 1 ? "s" : "";
+ print "## Differing version$plural of $file found. You might like to\n";
+ for (0..$#{$self->{$file}}) {
+ print "rm ", $self->{$file}[$_], "\n";
+ $i++;
+ }
+ }
+ $plural = $i>1 ? "all those files" : "this file";
+ print "## Running 'make install UNINST=1' will unlink $plural for you.\n";
+=head1 NAME
+ExtUtils::Install - install files from here to there
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<use ExtUtils::Install;>
+Both install() and uninstall() are specific to the way
+ExtUtils::MakeMaker handles the installation and deinstallation of
+perl modules. They are not designed as general purpose tools.
+install() takes three arguments. A reference to a hash, a verbose
+switch and a don't-really-do-it switch. The hash ref contains a
+mapping of directories: each key/value pair is a combination of
+directories to be copied. Key is a directory to copy from, value is a
+directory to copy to. The whole tree below the "from" directory will
+be copied preserving timestamps and permissions.
+There are two keys with a special meaning in the hash: "read" and
+"write". After the copying is done, install will write the list of
+target files to the file named by C<$hashref-E<gt>{write}>. If there is
+another file named by C<$hashref-E<gt>{read}>, the contents of this file will
+be merged into the written file. The read and the written file may be
+identical, but on AFS it is quite likely, people are installing to a
+different directory than the one where the files later appear.
+install_default() takes one or less arguments. If no arguments are
+specified, it takes $ARGV[0] as if it was specified as an argument.
+The argument is the value of MakeMaker's C<FULLEXT> key, like F<Tk/Canvas>.
+This function calls install() with the same arguments as the defaults
+the MakeMaker would use.
+The argumement-less form is convenient for install scripts like
+ perl -MExtUtils::Install -e install_default Tk/Canvas
+Assuming this command is executed in a directory with populated F<blib>
+directory, it will proceed as if the F<blib> was build by MakeMaker on
+this machine. This is useful for binary distributions.
+uninstall() takes as first argument a file containing filenames to be
+unlinked. The second argument is a verbose switch, the third is a
+no-don't-really-do-it-now switch.
+pm_to_blib() takes a hashref as the first argument and copies all keys
+of the hash to the corresponding values efficiently. Filenames with
+the extension pm are autosplit. Second argument is the autosplit
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/ b/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dda594e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+package ExtUtils::Installed;
+use strict;
+use Carp qw();
+use ExtUtils::Packlist;
+use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+use Config;
+use File::Find;
+use File::Basename;
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+$VERSION = '0.02';
+sub _is_type($$$)
+my ($self, $path, $type) = @_;
+return(1) if ($type eq "all");
+if ($type eq "doc")
+ {
+ return(substr($path, 0, length($Config{installman1dir}))
+ eq $Config{installman1dir}
+ ||
+ substr($path, 0, length($Config{installman3dir}))
+ eq $Config{installman3dir}
+ ? 1 : 0)
+ }
+if ($type eq "prog")
+ {
+ return(substr($path, 0, length($Config{prefix})) eq $Config{prefix}
+ &&
+ substr($path, 0, length($Config{installman1dir}))
+ ne $Config{installman1dir}
+ &&
+ substr($path, 0, length($Config{installman3dir}))
+ ne $Config{installman3dir}
+ ? 1 : 0);
+ }
+sub _is_under($$;)
+my ($self, $path, @under) = @_;
+$under[0] = "" if (! @under);
+foreach my $dir (@under)
+ {
+ return(1) if (substr($path, 0, length($dir)) eq $dir);
+ }
+sub new($)
+my ($class) = @_;
+$class = ref($class) || $class;
+my $self = {};
+# Read the core packlist
+$self->{Perl}{packlist} =
+ ExtUtils::Packlist->new("$Config{installarchlib}/.packlist");
+$self->{Perl}{version} = $];
+# Read the module packlists
+my $sub = sub
+ {
+ # Only process module .packlists
+ return if ($_) ne ".packlist" || $File::Find::dir eq $Config{installarchlib};
+ # Hack of the leading bits of the paths & convert to a module name
+ my $module = $File::Find::name;
+ $module =~ s!$Config{archlib}/auto/(.*)/.packlist!$1!;
+ $module =~ s!$Config{sitearch}/auto/(.*)/.packlist!$1!;
+ my $modfile = "$";
+ $module =~ s!/!::!g;
+ # Find the top-level module file in @INC
+ $self->{$module}{version} = '';
+ foreach my $dir (@INC)
+ {
+ my $p = MM->catfile($dir, $modfile);
+ if (-f $p)
+ {
+ $self->{$module}{version} = MM->parse_version($p);
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ # Read the .packlist
+ $self->{$module}{packlist} = ExtUtils::Packlist->new($File::Find::name);
+ };
+find($sub, $Config{archlib}, $Config{sitearch});
+return(bless($self, $class));
+sub modules($)
+my ($self) = @_;
+sub files($$;$)
+my ($self, $module, $type, @under) = @_;
+# Validate arguments
+Carp::croak("$module is not installed") if (! exists($self->{$module}));
+$type = "all" if (! defined($type));
+Carp::croak('type must be "all", "prog" or "doc"')
+ if ($type ne "all" && $type ne "prog" && $type ne "doc");
+my (@files);
+foreach my $file (keys(%{$self->{$module}{packlist}}))
+ {
+ push(@files, $file)
+ if ($self->_is_type($file, $type) && $self->_is_under($file, @under));
+ }
+sub directories($$;$)
+my ($self, $module, $type, @under) = @_;
+my (%dirs);
+foreach my $file ($self->files($module, $type, @under))
+ {
+ $dirs{dirname($file)}++;
+ }
+sub directory_tree($$;$)
+my ($self, $module, $type, @under) = @_;
+my (%dirs);
+foreach my $dir ($self->directories($module, $type, @under))
+ {
+ $dirs{$dir}++;
+ my ($last) = ("");
+ while ($last ne $dir)
+ {
+ $last = $dir;
+ $dir = dirname($dir);
+ last if (! $self->_is_under($dir, @under));
+ $dirs{$dir}++;
+ }
+ }
+sub validate($;$)
+my ($self, $module, $remove) = @_;
+Carp::croak("$module is not installed") if (! exists($self->{$module}));
+sub packlist($$)
+my ($self, $module) = @_;
+Carp::croak("$module is not installed") if (! exists($self->{$module}));
+sub version($$)
+my ($self, $module) = @_;
+Carp::croak("$module is not installed") if (! exists($self->{$module}));
+=head1 NAME
+ExtUtils::Installed - Inventory management of installed modules
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use ExtUtils::Installed;
+ my ($inst) = ExtUtils::Installed->new();
+ my (@modules) = $inst->modules();
+ my (@missing) = $inst->validate("DBI");
+ my $all_files = $inst->files("DBI");
+ my $files_below_usr_local = $inst->files("DBI", "all", "/usr/local");
+ my $all_dirs = $inst->directories("DBI");
+ my $dirs_below_usr_local = $inst->directory_tree("DBI", "prog");
+ my $packlist = $inst->packlist("DBI");
+ExtUtils::Installed provides a standard way to find out what core and module
+files have been installed. It uses the information stored in .packlist files
+created during installation to provide this information. In addition it
+provides facilities to classify the installed files and to extract directory
+information from the .packlist files.
+=head1 USAGE
+The new() function searches for all the installed .packlists on the system, and
+stores their contents. The .packlists can be queried with the functions
+described below.
+=item new()
+This takes no parameters, and searches for all the installed .packlists on the
+system. The packlists are read using the ExtUtils::packlist module.
+=item modules()
+This returns a list of the names of all the installed modules. The perl 'core'
+is given the special name 'Perl'.
+=item files()
+This takes one mandatory parameter, the name of a module. It returns a list of
+all the filenames from the package. To obtain a list of core perl files, use
+the module name 'Perl'. Additional parameters are allowed. The first is one
+of the strings "prog", "man" or "all", to select either just program files,
+just manual files or all files. The remaining parameters are a list of
+directories. The filenames returned will be restricted to those under the
+specified directories.
+=item directories()
+This takes one mandatory parameter, the name of a module. It returns a list of
+all the directories from the package. Additional parameters are allowed. The
+first is one of the strings "prog", "man" or "all", to select either just
+program directories, just manual directories or all directories. The remaining
+parameters are a list of directories. The directories returned will be
+restricted to those under the specified directories. This method returns only
+the leaf directories that contain files from the specified module.
+=item directory_tree()
+This is identical in operation to directory(), except that it includes all the
+intermediate directories back up to the specified directories.
+=item validate()
+This takes one mandatory parameter, the name of a module. It checks that all
+the files listed in the modules .packlist actually exist, and returns a list of
+any missing files. If an optional second argument which evaluates to true is
+given any missing files will be removed from the .packlist
+=item packlist()
+This returns the ExtUtils::Packlist object for the specified module.
+=item version()
+This returns the version number for the specified module.
+=head1 EXAMPLE
+See the example in L<ExtUtils::Packlist>.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Alan Burlison <>
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/ b/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b072c12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/
@@ -0,0 +1,750 @@
+package ExtUtils::Liblist;
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+# Broken out of MakeMaker from version 4.11
+$VERSION = substr q$Revision: 1.25 $, 10;
+use Config;
+use Cwd 'cwd';
+use File::Basename;
+sub ext {
+ if ($^O eq 'VMS') { return &_vms_ext; }
+ elsif($^O eq 'MSWin32') { return &_win32_ext; }
+ else { return &_unix_os2_ext; }
+sub _unix_os2_ext {
+ my($self,$potential_libs, $verbose) = @_;
+ if ($^O =~ 'os2' and $Config{libs}) {
+ # Dynamic libraries are not transitive, so we may need including
+ # the libraries linked against perl.dll again.
+ $potential_libs .= " " if $potential_libs;
+ $potential_libs .= $Config{libs};
+ }
+ return ("", "", "", "") unless $potential_libs;
+ warn "Potential libraries are '$potential_libs':\n" if $verbose;
+ my($so) = $Config{'so'};
+ my($libs) = $Config{'libs'};
+ my $Config_libext = $Config{lib_ext} || ".a";
+ # compute $extralibs, $bsloadlibs and $ldloadlibs from
+ # $potential_libs
+ # this is a rewrite of Andy Dougherty's extliblist in perl
+ my(@searchpath); # from "-L/path" entries in $potential_libs
+ my(@libpath) = split " ", $Config{'libpth'};
+ my(@ldloadlibs, @bsloadlibs, @extralibs, @ld_run_path, %ld_run_path_seen);
+ my($fullname, $thislib, $thispth, @fullname);
+ my($pwd) = cwd(); # from
+ my($found) = 0;
+ foreach $thislib (split ' ', $potential_libs){
+ # Handle possible linker path arguments.
+ if ($thislib =~ s/^(-[LR])//){ # save path flag type
+ my($ptype) = $1;
+ unless (-d $thislib){
+ warn "$ptype$thislib ignored, directory does not exist\n"
+ if $verbose;
+ next;
+ }
+ unless ($self->file_name_is_absolute($thislib)) {
+ warn "Warning: $ptype$thislib changed to $ptype$pwd/$thislib\n";
+ $thislib = $self->catdir($pwd,$thislib);
+ }
+ push(@searchpath, $thislib);
+ push(@extralibs, "$ptype$thislib");
+ push(@ldloadlibs, "$ptype$thislib");
+ next;
+ }
+ # Handle possible library arguments.
+ unless ($thislib =~ s/^-l//){
+ warn "Unrecognized argument in LIBS ignored: '$thislib'\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ my($found_lib)=0;
+ foreach $thispth (@searchpath, @libpath){
+ # Try to find the full name of the library. We need this to
+ # determine whether it's a dynamically-loadable library or not.
+ # This tends to be subject to various os-specific quirks.
+ # For gcc-2.6.2 on linux (March 1995), DLD can not load
+ # .sa libraries, with the exception of, so we
+ # deliberately skip them.
+ if (@fullname =
+ $self->lsdir($thispth,"^\Qlib$thislib.$so.\E[0-9]+")){
+ # Take care that wins against
+ # Compare two libraries to find the most recent version
+ # number. E.g. if you have and
+ #, first convert all digits into two
+ # decimal places. Then we'll add ".00" to the shorter
+ # strings so that we're comparing strings of equal length
+ # Thus we'll compare with
+ # Some libraries might have letters
+ # in the version. We don't know what they mean, but will
+ # try to skip them gracefully -- we'll set any letter to
+ # '0'. Finally, sort in reverse so we can take the
+ # first element.
+ #TODO: iterate through the directory instead of sorting
+ $fullname = "$thispth/" .
+ (sort { my($ma) = $a;
+ my($mb) = $b;
+ $ma =~ tr/A-Za-z/0/s;
+ $ma =~ s/\b(\d)\b/0$1/g;
+ $mb =~ tr/A-Za-z/0/s;
+ $mb =~ s/\b(\d)\b/0$1/g;
+ while (length($ma) < length($mb)) { $ma .= ".00"; }
+ while (length($mb) < length($ma)) { $mb .= ".00"; }
+ # Comparison deliberately backwards
+ $mb cmp $ma;} @fullname)[0];
+ } elsif (-f ($fullname="$thispth/lib$thislib.$so")
+ && (($Config{'dlsrc'} ne "dl_dld.xs") || ($thislib eq "m"))){
+ } elsif (-f ($fullname="$thispth/lib${thislib}_s$Config_libext")
+ && ($thislib .= "_s") ){ # we must explicitly use _s version
+ } elsif (-f ($fullname="$thispth/lib$thislib$Config_libext")){
+ } elsif (-f ($fullname="$thispth/$thislib$Config_libext")){
+ } elsif (-f ($fullname="$thispth/Slib$thislib$Config_libext")){
+ } elsif ($^O eq 'dgux'
+ && -l ($fullname="$thispth/lib$thislib$Config_libext")
+ && readlink($fullname) =~ /^elink:/) {
+ # Some of DG's libraries look like misconnected symbolic
+ # links, but development tools can follow them. (They
+ # look like this:
+ #
+ # libm.a -> elink:${SDE_PATH:-/usr}/sde/\
+ # ${TARGET_BINARY_INTERFACE:-m88kdgux}/usr/lib/libm.a
+ #
+ # , the compilation tools expand the environment variables.)
+ } else {
+ warn "$thislib not found in $thispth\n" if $verbose;
+ next;
+ }
+ warn "'-l$thislib' found at $fullname\n" if $verbose;
+ my($fullnamedir) = dirname($fullname);
+ push @ld_run_path, $fullnamedir unless $ld_run_path_seen{$fullnamedir}++;
+ $found++;
+ $found_lib++;
+ # Now update library lists
+ # what do we know about this library...
+ my $is_dyna = ($fullname !~ /\Q$Config_libext\E$/);
+ my $in_perl = ($libs =~ /\B-l\Q$ {thislib}\E\b/s);
+ # Do not add it into the list if it is already linked in
+ # with the main perl executable.
+ # We have to special-case the NeXT, because math and ndbm
+ # are both in libsys_s
+ unless ($in_perl ||
+ ($Config{'osname'} eq 'next' &&
+ ($thislib eq 'm' || $thislib eq 'ndbm')) ){
+ push(@extralibs, "-l$thislib");
+ }
+ # We might be able to load this archive file dynamically
+ if ( ($Config{'dlsrc'} =~ /dl_next/ && $Config{'osvers'} lt '4_0')
+ || ($Config{'dlsrc'} =~ /dl_dld/) )
+ {
+ # We push -l$thislib instead of $fullname because
+ # it avoids hardwiring a fixed path into the .bs file.
+ # Mkbootstrap will automatically add dl_findfile() to
+ # the .bs file if it sees a name in the -l format.
+ # USE THIS, when dl_findfile() is fixed:
+ # push(@bsloadlibs, "-l$thislib");
+ # OLD USE WAS while checking results against old_extliblist
+ push(@bsloadlibs, "$fullname");
+ } else {
+ if ($is_dyna){
+ # For SunOS4, do not add in this shared library if
+ # it is already linked in the main perl executable
+ push(@ldloadlibs, "-l$thislib")
+ unless ($in_perl and $^O eq 'sunos');
+ } else {
+ push(@ldloadlibs, "-l$thislib");
+ }
+ }
+ last; # found one here so don't bother looking further
+ }
+ warn "Note (probably harmless): "
+ ."No library found for -l$thislib\n"
+ unless $found_lib>0;
+ }
+ return ('','','','') unless $found;
+ ("@extralibs", "@bsloadlibs", "@ldloadlibs",join(":",@ld_run_path));
+sub _win32_ext {
+ require Text::ParseWords;
+ my($self, $potential_libs, $verbose) = @_;
+ # If user did not supply a list, we punt.
+ # (caller should probably use the list in $Config{libs})
+ return ("", "", "", "") unless $potential_libs;
+ my $cc = $Config{cc};
+ my $VC = 1 if $cc =~ /^cl/i;
+ my $BC = 1 if $cc =~ /^bcc/i;
+ my $GC = 1 if $cc =~ /^gcc/i;
+ my $so = $Config{'so'};
+ my $libs = $Config{'libs'};
+ my $libpth = $Config{'libpth'};
+ my $libext = $Config{'lib_ext'} || ".lib";
+ if ($libs and $potential_libs !~ /:nodefault/i) {
+ # If defines a set of default libs, we always
+ # tack them on to the user-supplied list, unless the user
+ # specified :nodefault
+ $potential_libs .= " " if $potential_libs;
+ $potential_libs .= $libs;
+ }
+ warn "Potential libraries are '$potential_libs':\n" if $verbose;
+ # normalize to forward slashes
+ $libpth =~ s,\\,/,g;
+ $potential_libs =~ s,\\,/,g;
+ # compute $extralibs from $potential_libs
+ my @searchpath; # from "-L/path" in $potential_libs
+ my @libpath = Text::ParseWords::quotewords('\s+', 0, $libpth);
+ my @extralibs;
+ my $pwd = cwd(); # from
+ my $lib = '';
+ my $found = 0;
+ my $search = 1;
+ my($fullname, $thislib, $thispth);
+ foreach (Text::ParseWords::quotewords('\s+', 0, $potential_libs)){
+ $thislib = $_;
+ # see if entry is a flag
+ if (/^:\w+$/) {
+ $search = 0 if lc eq ':nosearch';
+ $search = 1 if lc eq ':search';
+ warn "Ignoring unknown flag '$thislib'\n"
+ if $verbose and !/^:(no)?(search|default)$/i;
+ next;
+ }
+ # if searching is disabled, do compiler-specific translations
+ unless ($search) {
+ s/^-L/-libpath:/ if $VC;
+ s/^-l(.+)$/$1.lib/ unless $GC;
+ push(@extralibs, $_);
+ $found++;
+ next;
+ }
+ # handle possible linker path arguments
+ if (s/^-L// and not -d) {
+ warn "$thislib ignored, directory does not exist\n"
+ if $verbose;
+ next;
+ }
+ elsif (-d) {
+ unless ($self->file_name_is_absolute($_)) {
+ warn "Warning: '$thislib' changed to '-L$pwd/$_'\n";
+ $_ = $self->catdir($pwd,$_);
+ }
+ push(@searchpath, $_);
+ next;
+ }
+ # handle possible library arguments
+ if (s/^-l// and $GC and !/^lib/i) {
+ $_ = "lib$_";
+ }
+ $_ .= $libext if !/\Q$libext\E$/i;
+ my $secondpass = 0;
+ # look for the file itself
+ if (-f) {
+ warn "'$thislib' found as '$_'\n" if $verbose;
+ $found++;
+ push(@extralibs, $_);
+ next;
+ }
+ my $found_lib = 0;
+ foreach $thispth (@searchpath, @libpath){
+ unless (-f ($fullname="$thispth\\$_")) {
+ warn "'$thislib' not found as '$fullname'\n" if $verbose;
+ next;
+ }
+ warn "'$thislib' found as '$fullname'\n" if $verbose;
+ $found++;
+ $found_lib++;
+ push(@extralibs, $fullname);
+ last;
+ }
+ # do another pass with (or without) leading 'lib' if they used -l
+ if (!$found_lib and $thislib =~ /^-l/ and !$secondpass++) {
+ if ($GC) {
+ goto LOOKAGAIN if s/^lib//i;
+ }
+ elsif (!/^lib/i) {
+ $_ = "lib$_";
+ }
+ }
+ # give up
+ warn "Note (probably harmless): "
+ ."No library found for '$thislib'\n"
+ unless $found_lib>0;
+ }
+ return ('','','','') unless $found;
+ # make sure paths with spaces are properly quoted
+ @extralibs = map { (/\s/ && !/^".*"$/) ? qq["$_"] : $_ } @extralibs;
+ $lib = join(' ',@extralibs);
+ # normalize back to backward slashes (to help braindead tools)
+ # XXX this may break equally braindead GNU tools that don't understand
+ # backslashes, either. Seems like one can't win here. Cursed be CP/M.
+ $lib =~ s,/,\\,g;
+ warn "Result: $lib\n" if $verbose;
+ wantarray ? ($lib, '', $lib, '') : $lib;
+sub _vms_ext {
+ my($self, $potential_libs,$verbose) = @_;
+ my(@crtls,$crtlstr);
+ my($dbgqual) = $self->{OPTIMIZE} || $Config{'optimize'} ||
+ $self->{CCFLAS} || $Config{'ccflags'};
+ @crtls = ( ($dbgqual =~ m-/Debug-i ? $Config{'dbgprefix'} : '')
+ . 'PerlShr/Share' );
+ push(@crtls, grep { not /\(/ } split /\s+/, $Config{'libs'});
+ push(@crtls, grep { not /\(/ } split /\s+/, $Config{'libc'});
+ # In general, we pass through the basic libraries from %Config unchanged.
+ # The one exception is that if we're building in the Perl source tree, and
+ # a library spec could be resolved via a logical name, we go to some trouble
+ # to insure that the copy in the local tree is used, rather than one to
+ # which a system-wide logical may point.
+ if ($self->{PERL_SRC}) {
+ my($lib,$locspec,$type);
+ foreach $lib (@crtls) {
+ if (($locspec,$type) = $lib =~ m-^([\w$\-]+)(/\w+)?- and $locspec =~ /perl/i) {
+ if (lc $type eq '/share') { $locspec .= $Config{'exe_ext'}; }
+ elsif (lc $type eq '/library') { $locspec .= $Config{'lib_ext'}; }
+ else { $locspec .= $Config{'obj_ext'}; }
+ $locspec = $self->catfile($self->{PERL_SRC},$locspec);
+ $lib = "$locspec$type" if -e $locspec;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $crtlstr = @crtls ? join(' ',@crtls) : '';
+ unless ($potential_libs) {
+ warn "Result:\n\tEXTRALIBS: \n\tLDLOADLIBS: $crtlstr\n" if $verbose;
+ return ('', '', $crtlstr, '');
+ }
+ my(@dirs,@libs,$dir,$lib,%sh,%olb,%obj,$ldlib);
+ my $cwd = cwd();
+ my($so,$lib_ext,$obj_ext) = @Config{'so','lib_ext','obj_ext'};
+ # List of common Unix library names and there VMS equivalents
+ # (VMS equivalent of '' indicates that the library is automatially
+ # searched by the linker, and should be skipped here.)
+ my %libmap = ( 'm' => '', 'f77' => '', 'F77' => '', 'V77' => '', 'c' => '',
+ 'malloc' => '', 'crypt' => '', 'resolv' => '', 'c_s' => '',
+ 'socket' => '', 'X11' => 'DECW$XLIBSHR',
+ 'Xt' => 'DECW$XTSHR', 'Xm' => 'DECW$XMLIBSHR',
+ 'Xmu' => 'DECW$XMULIBSHR');
+ if ($Config{'vms_cc_type'} ne 'decc') { $libmap{'curses'} = 'VAXCCURSE'; }
+ warn "Potential libraries are '$potential_libs'\n" if $verbose;
+ # First, sort out directories and library names in the input
+ foreach $lib (split ' ',$potential_libs) {
+ push(@dirs,$1), next if $lib =~ /^-L(.*)/;
+ push(@dirs,$lib), next if $lib =~ /[:>\]]$/;
+ push(@dirs,$lib), next if -d $lib;
+ push(@libs,$1), next if $lib =~ /^-l(.*)/;
+ push(@libs,$lib);
+ }
+ push(@dirs,split(' ',$Config{'libpth'}));
+ # Now make sure we've got VMS-syntax absolute directory specs
+ # (We don't, however, check whether someone's hidden a relative
+ # path in a logical name.)
+ foreach $dir (@dirs) {
+ unless (-d $dir) {
+ warn "Skipping nonexistent Directory $dir\n" if $verbose > 1;
+ $dir = '';
+ next;
+ }
+ warn "Resolving directory $dir\n" if $verbose;
+ if ($self->file_name_is_absolute($dir)) { $dir = $self->fixpath($dir,1); }
+ else { $dir = $self->catdir($cwd,$dir); }
+ }
+ @dirs = grep { length($_) } @dirs;
+ unshift(@dirs,''); # Check each $lib without additions first
+ LIB: foreach $lib (@libs) {
+ if (exists $libmap{$lib}) {
+ next unless length $libmap{$lib};
+ $lib = $libmap{$lib};
+ }
+ my(@variants,$variant,$name,$test,$cand);
+ my($ctype) = '';
+ # If we don't have a file type, consider it a possibly abbreviated name and
+ # check for common variants. We try these first to grab libraries before
+ # a like-named executable image (e.g. -lperl resolves to perlshr.exe
+ # before perl.exe).
+ if ($lib !~ /\.[^:>\]]*$/) {
+ push(@variants,"${lib}shr","${lib}rtl","${lib}lib");
+ push(@variants,"lib$lib") if $lib !~ /[:>\]]/;
+ }
+ push(@variants,$lib);
+ warn "Looking for $lib\n" if $verbose;
+ foreach $variant (@variants) {
+ foreach $dir (@dirs) {
+ my($type);
+ $name = "$dir$variant";
+ warn "\tChecking $name\n" if $verbose > 2;
+ if (-f ($test = VMS::Filespec::rmsexpand($name))) {
+ # It's got its own suffix, so we'll have to figure out the type
+ if ($test =~ /(?:$so|exe)$/i) { $type = 'sh'; }
+ elsif ($test =~ /(?:$lib_ext|olb)$/i) { $type = 'olb'; }
+ elsif ($test =~ /(?:$obj_ext|obj)$/i) {
+ warn "Note (probably harmless): "
+ ."Plain object file $test found in library list\n";
+ $type = 'obj';
+ }
+ else {
+ warn "Note (probably harmless): "
+ ."Unknown library type for $test; assuming shared\n";
+ $type = 'sh';
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (-f ($test = VMS::Filespec::rmsexpand($name,$so)) or
+ -f ($test = VMS::Filespec::rmsexpand($name,'.exe'))) {
+ $type = 'sh';
+ $name = $test unless $test =~ /exe;?\d*$/i;
+ }
+ elsif (not length($ctype) and # If we've got a lib already, don't bother
+ ( -f ($test = VMS::Filespec::rmsexpand($name,$lib_ext)) or
+ -f ($test = VMS::Filespec::rmsexpand($name,'.olb')))) {
+ $type = 'olb';
+ $name = $test unless $test =~ /olb;?\d*$/i;
+ }
+ elsif (not length($ctype) and # If we've got a lib already, don't bother
+ ( -f ($test = VMS::Filespec::rmsexpand($name,$obj_ext)) or
+ -f ($test = VMS::Filespec::rmsexpand($name,'.obj')))) {
+ warn "Note (probably harmless): "
+ ."Plain object file $test found in library list\n";
+ $type = 'obj';
+ $name = $test unless $test =~ /obj;?\d*$/i;
+ }
+ if (defined $type) {
+ $ctype = $type; $cand = $name;
+ last if $ctype eq 'sh';
+ }
+ }
+ if ($ctype) {
+ eval '$' . $ctype . "{'$cand'}++";
+ die "Error recording library: $@" if $@;
+ warn "\tFound as $cand (really $test), type $ctype\n" if $verbose > 1;
+ next LIB;
+ }
+ }
+ warn "Note (probably harmless): "
+ ."No library found for $lib\n";
+ }
+ @libs = sort keys %obj;
+ # This has to precede any other CRTLs, so just make it first
+ if ($olb{VAXCCURSE}) {
+ push(@libs,"$olb{VAXCCURSE}/Library");
+ delete $olb{VAXCCURSE};
+ }
+ push(@libs, map { "$_/Library" } sort keys %olb);
+ push(@libs, map { "$_/Share" } sort keys %sh);
+ $lib = join(' ',@libs);
+ $ldlib = $crtlstr ? "$lib $crtlstr" : $lib;
+ warn "Result:\n\tEXTRALIBS: $lib\n\tLDLOADLIBS: $ldlib\n" if $verbose;
+ wantarray ? ($lib, '', $ldlib, '') : $lib;
+=head1 NAME
+ExtUtils::Liblist - determine libraries to use and how to use them
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+C<require ExtUtils::Liblist;>
+C<ExtUtils::Liblist::ext($self, $potential_libs, $verbose);>
+This utility takes a list of libraries in the form C<-llib1 -llib2
+-llib3> and prints out lines suitable for inclusion in an extension
+Makefile. Extra library paths may be included with the form
+C<-L/another/path> this will affect the searches for all subsequent
+It returns an array of four scalar values: EXTRALIBS, BSLOADLIBS,
+LDLOADLIBS, and LD_RUN_PATH. Some of these don't mean anything
+on VMS and Win32. See the details about those platform specifics
+Dependent libraries can be linked in one of three ways:
+=over 2
+=item * For static extensions
+by the ld command when the perl binary is linked with the extension
+library. See EXTRALIBS below.
+=item * For dynamic extensions
+by the ld command when the shared object is built/linked. See
+=item * For dynamic extensions
+by the DynaLoader when the shared object is loaded. See BSLOADLIBS
+List of libraries that need to be linked with when linking a perl
+binary which includes this extension Only those libraries that
+actually exist are included. These are written to a file and used
+when linking perl.
+List of those libraries which can or must be linked into the shared
+library when created using ld. These may be static or dynamic
+libraries. LD_RUN_PATH is a colon separated list of the directories
+in LDLOADLIBS. It is passed as an environment variable to the process
+that links the shared library.
+List of those libraries that are needed but can be linked in
+dynamically at run time on this platform. SunOS/Solaris does not need
+this because ld records the information (from LDLOADLIBS) into the
+object file. This list is used to create a .bs (bootstrap) file.
+This module deals with a lot of system dependencies and has quite a
+few architecture specific B<if>s in the code.
+=head2 VMS implementation
+The version of ext() which is executed under VMS differs from the
+Unix-OS/2 version in several respects:
+=over 2
+=item *
+Input library and path specifications are accepted with or without the
+C<-l> and C<-L> prefices used by Unix linkers. If neither prefix is
+present, a token is considered a directory to search if it is in fact
+a directory, and a library to search for otherwise. Authors who wish
+their extensions to be portable to Unix or OS/2 should use the Unix
+prefixes, since the Unix-OS/2 version of ext() requires them.
+=item *
+Wherever possible, shareable images are preferred to object libraries,
+and object libraries to plain object files. In accordance with VMS
+naming conventions, ext() looks for files named I<lib>shr and I<lib>rtl;
+it also looks for I<lib>lib and libI<lib> to accomodate Unix conventions
+used in some ported software.
+=item *
+For each library that is found, an appropriate directive for a linker options
+file is generated. The return values are space-separated strings of
+these directives, rather than elements used on the linker command line.
+=item *
+LDLOADLIBS contains both the libraries found based on C<$potential_libs> and
+the CRTLs, if any, specified in EXTRALIBS contains just those
+libraries found based on C<$potential_libs>. BSLOADLIBS and LD_RUN_PATH
+are always empty.
+In addition, an attempt is made to recognize several common Unix library
+names, and filter them out or convert them to their VMS equivalents, as
+In general, the VMS version of ext() should properly handle input from
+extensions originally designed for a Unix or VMS environment. If you
+encounter problems, or discover cases where the search could be improved,
+please let us know.
+=head2 Win32 implementation
+The version of ext() which is executed under Win32 differs from the
+Unix-OS/2 version in several respects:
+=over 2
+=item *
+If C<$potential_libs> is empty, the return value will be empty.
+Otherwise, the libraries specified by C<$Config{libs}> (see
+will be appended to the list of C<$potential_libs>. The libraries
+will be searched for in the directories specified in C<$potential_libs>
+as well as in C<$Config{libpth}>. For each library that is found, a
+space-separated list of fully qualified library pathnames is generated.
+=item *
+Input library and path specifications are accepted with or without the
+C<-l> and C<-L> prefices used by Unix linkers.
+An entry of the form C<-La:\foo> specifies the C<a:\foo> directory to look
+for the libraries that follow.
+An entry of the form C<-lfoo> specifies the library C<foo>, which may be
+spelled differently depending on what kind of compiler you are using. If
+you are using GCC, it gets translated to C<libfoo.a>, but for other win32
+compilers, it becomes C<foo.lib>. If no files are found by those translated
+names, one more attempt is made to find them using either C<foo.a> or
+C<libfoo.lib>, depending on whether GCC or some other win32 compiler is
+being used, respectively.
+If neither the C<-L> or C<-l> prefix is present in an entry, the entry is
+considered a directory to search if it is in fact a directory, and a
+library to search for otherwise. The C<$Config{lib_ext}> suffix will
+be appended to any entries that are not directories and don't already have
+the suffix.
+Note that the C<-L> and <-l> prefixes are B<not required>, but authors
+who wish their extensions to be portable to Unix or OS/2 should use the
+prefixes, since the Unix-OS/2 version of ext() requires them.
+=item *
+Entries cannot be plain object files, as many Win32 compilers will
+not handle object files in the place of libraries.
+=item *
+Entries in C<$potential_libs> beginning with a colon and followed by
+alphanumeric characters are treated as flags. Unknown flags will be ignored.
+An entry that matches C</:nodefault/i> disables the appending of default
+libraries found in C<$Config{libs}> (this should be only needed very rarely).
+An entry that matches C</:nosearch/i> disables all searching for
+the libraries specified after it. Translation of C<-Lfoo> and
+C<-lfoo> still happens as appropriate (depending on compiler being used,
+as reflected by C<$Config{cc}>), but the entries are not verified to be
+valid files or directories.
+An entry that matches C</:search/i> reenables searching for
+the libraries specified after it. You can put it at the end to
+enable searching for default libraries specified by C<$Config{libs}>.
+=item *
+The libraries specified may be a mixture of static libraries and
+import libraries (to link with DLLs). Since both kinds are used
+pretty transparently on the win32 platform, we do not attempt to
+distinguish between them.
+=item *
+LDLOADLIBS and EXTRALIBS are always identical under Win32, and BSLOADLIBS
+and LD_RUN_PATH are always empty (this may change in future).
+=item *
+You must make sure that any paths and path components are properly
+surrounded with double-quotes if they contain spaces. For example,
+C<$potential_libs> could be (literally):
+ "-Lc:\Program Files\vc\lib" msvcrt.lib "la test\foo bar.lib"
+Note how the first and last entries are protected by quotes in order
+to protect the spaces.
+=item *
+Since this module is most often used only indirectly from extension
+C<Makefile.PL> files, here is an example C<Makefile.PL> entry to add
+a library to the build process for an extension:
+ LIBS => ['-lgl']
+When using GCC, that entry specifies that MakeMaker should first look
+for C<libgl.a> (followed by C<gl.a>) in all the locations specified by
+When using a compiler other than GCC, the above entry will search for
+C<gl.lib> (followed by C<libgl.lib>).
+If the library happens to be in a location not in C<$Config{libpth}>,
+you need:
+ LIBS => ['-Lc:\gllibs -lgl']
+Here is a less often used example:
+ LIBS => ['-lgl', ':nosearch -Ld:\mesalibs -lmesa -luser32']
+This specifies a search for library C<gl> as before. If that search
+fails to find the library, it looks at the next item in the list. The
+C<:nosearch> flag will prevent searching for the libraries that follow,
+so it simply returns the value as C<-Ld:\mesalibs -lmesa -luser32>,
+since GCC can use that value as is with its linker.
+When using the Visual C compiler, the second item is returned as
+C<-libpath:d:\mesalibs mesa.lib user32.lib>.
+When using the Borland compiler, the second item is returned as
+C<-Ld:\mesalibs mesa.lib user32.lib>, and MakeMaker takes care of
+moving the C<-Ld:\mesalibs> to the correct place in the linker
+command line.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/ b/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bddb42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+package ExtUtils::MM_OS2;
+#use Config;
+#use Cwd;
+#use File::Basename;
+require Exporter;
+ qw( $Verbose &neatvalue));
+unshift @MM::ISA, 'ExtUtils::MM_OS2';
+sub dlsyms {
+ my($self,%attribs) = @_;
+ my($funcs) = $attribs{DL_FUNCS} || $self->{DL_FUNCS} || {};
+ my($vars) = $attribs{DL_VARS} || $self->{DL_VARS} || [];
+ my($imports) = $attribs{IMPORTS} || $self->{IMPORTS} || {};
+ my(@m);
+ (my $boot = $self->{NAME}) =~ s/:/_/g;
+ if (not $self->{SKIPHASH}{'dynamic'}) {
+ push(@m,"
+$self->{BASEEXT}.def: Makefile.PL
+ ' $(PERL) "-I$(PERL_ARCHLIB)" "-I$(PERL_LIB)" -e \'use ExtUtils::Mksymlists; \\
+ Mksymlists("NAME" => "', $self->{NAME},
+ '", "DLBASE" => "',$self->{DLBASE},
+ '", "DL_FUNCS" => ',neatvalue($funcs),
+ ', "IMPORTS" => ',neatvalue($imports),
+ ', "VERSION" => "',$self->{VERSION},
+ '", "DL_VARS" => ', neatvalue($vars), ');\'
+ }
+ join('',@m);
+sub replace_manpage_separator {
+ my($self,$man) = @_;
+ $man =~ s,/+,.,g;
+ $man;
+sub maybe_command {
+ my($self,$file) = @_;
+ $file =~ s,[/\\]+,/,g;
+ return $file if -x $file && ! -d _;
+ return "$file.exe" if -x "$file.exe" && ! -d _;
+ return "$file.cmd" if -x "$file.cmd" && ! -d _;
+ return;
+sub file_name_is_absolute {
+ my($self,$file) = @_;
+ $file =~ m{^([a-z]:)?[\\/]}i ;
+sub perl_archive
+ return "\$(PERL_INC)/libperl\$(LIB_EXT)";
+sub export_list
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return "$self->{BASEEXT}.def";
+=head1 NAME
+ExtUtils::MM_OS2 - methods to override UN*X behaviour in ExtUtils::MakeMaker
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use ExtUtils::MM_OS2; # Done internally by ExtUtils::MakeMaker if needed
+See ExtUtils::MM_Unix for a documentation of the methods provided
+there. This package overrides the implementation of these methods, not
+the semantics.
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/ b/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a96504
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/
@@ -0,0 +1,3539 @@
+package ExtUtils::MM_Unix;
+use Exporter ();
+use Config;
+use File::Basename qw(basename dirname fileparse);
+use DirHandle;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION $Is_Mac $Is_OS2 $Is_VMS $Is_Win32 $Is_Dos $Is_PERL_OBJECT
+ $Verbose %pm %static $Xsubpp_Version);
+$VERSION = substr q$Revision: 1.12601 $, 10;
+# $Id:,v 1.126 1998/06/28 21:32:49 k Exp k $
+ qw( $Verbose &neatvalue));
+$Is_OS2 = $^O eq 'os2';
+$Is_Mac = $^O eq 'MacOS';
+$Is_Win32 = $^O eq 'MSWin32';
+$Is_Dos = $^O eq 'dos';
+$Is_PERL_OBJECT = 1 if $Config{'ccflags'} =~ /-DPERL_OBJECT/;
+if ($Is_VMS = $^O eq 'VMS') {
+ require VMS::Filespec;
+ import VMS::Filespec qw( &vmsify );
+=head1 NAME
+ExtUtils::MM_Unix - methods used by ExtUtils::MakeMaker
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+C<require ExtUtils::MM_Unix;>
+The methods provided by this package are designed to be used in
+conjunction with ExtUtils::MakeMaker. When MakeMaker writes a
+Makefile, it creates one or more objects that inherit their methods
+from a package C<MM>. MM itself doesn't provide any methods, but it
+ISA ExtUtils::MM_Unix class. The inheritance tree of MM lets operating
+specific packages take the responsibility for all the methods provided
+by MM_Unix. We are trying to reduce the number of the necessary
+overrides by defining rather primitive operations within
+If you are going to write a platform specific MM package, please try
+to limit the necessary overrides to primitive methods, and if it is not
+possible to do so, let's work out how to achieve that gain.
+If you are overriding any of these methods in your Makefile.PL (in the
+MY class), please report that to the makemaker mailing list. We are
+trying to minimize the necessary method overrides and switch to data
+driven Makefile.PLs wherever possible. In the long run less methods
+will be overridable via the MY class.
+=head1 METHODS
+The following description of methods is still under
+development. Please refer to the code for not suitably documented
+sections and complain loudly to the makemaker mailing list.
+Not all of the methods below are overridable in a
+Makefile.PL. Overridable methods are marked as (o). All methods are
+overridable by a platform specific MM_*.pm file (See
+L<ExtUtils::MM_VMS>) and L<ExtUtils::MM_OS2>).
+=head2 Preloaded methods
+=over 2
+=item canonpath
+No physical check on the filesystem, but a logical cleanup of a
+path. On UNIX eliminated successive slashes and successive "/.".
+sub canonpath {
+ my($self,$path) = @_;
+ my $node = '';
+ if ( $^O eq 'qnx' && $path =~ s|^(//\d+)/|/| ) {
+ $node = $1;
+ }
+ $path =~ s|/+|/|g ; # xx////xx -> xx/xx
+ $path =~ s|(/\.)+/|/|g ; # xx/././xx -> xx/xx
+ $path =~ s|^(\./)+|| unless $path eq "./"; # ./xx -> xx
+ $path =~ s|/$|| unless $path eq "/"; # xx/ -> xx
+ "$node$path";
+=item catdir
+Concatenate two or more directory names to form a complete path ending
+with a directory. But remove the trailing slash from the resulting
+string, because it doesn't look good, isn't necessary and confuses
+OS2. Of course, if this is the root directory, don't cut off the
+trailing slash :-)
+# ';
+sub catdir {
+ my $self = shift @_;
+ my @args = @_;
+ for (@args) {
+ # append a slash to each argument unless it has one there
+ $_ .= "/" if $_ eq '' or substr($_,-1) ne "/";
+ }
+ $self->canonpath(join('', @args));
+=item catfile
+Concatenate one or more directory names and a filename to form a
+complete path ending with a filename
+sub catfile {
+ my $self = shift @_;
+ my $file = pop @_;
+ return $self->canonpath($file) unless @_;
+ my $dir = $self->catdir(@_);
+ for ($dir) {
+ $_ .= "/" unless substr($_,length($_)-1,1) eq "/";
+ }
+ return $self->canonpath($dir.$file);
+=item curdir
+Returns a string representing of the current directory. "." on UNIX.
+sub curdir {
+ return "." ;
+=item rootdir
+Returns a string representing of the root directory. "/" on UNIX.
+sub rootdir {
+ return "/";
+=item updir
+Returns a string representing of the parent directory. ".." on UNIX.
+sub updir {
+ return "..";
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::c_o ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::clean ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::const_cccmd ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::const_config ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::const_loadlibs ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::constants ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::depend ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::dir_target ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::dist ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::dist_basics ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::dist_ci ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::dist_core ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::dist_dir ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::dist_test ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::dlsyms ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::dynamic ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::dynamic_bs ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::dynamic_lib ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::exescan ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::export_list ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::extliblist ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::file_name_is_absolute ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::find_perl ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::fixin ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::force ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::guess_name ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::has_link_code ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::init_dirscan ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::init_main ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::init_others ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::install ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::installbin ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::libscan ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::linkext ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::lsdir ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::macro ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::makeaperl ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::makefile ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::manifypods ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::maybe_command ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::maybe_command_in_dirs ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::needs_linking ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::nicetext ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::parse_version ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::pasthru ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::path ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::perl_archive;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::perl_script ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::perldepend ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::pm_to_blib ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::post_constants ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::post_initialize ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::postamble ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::ppd ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::prefixify ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::processPL ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::realclean ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::replace_manpage_separator ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::static ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::static_lib ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::staticmake ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::subdir_x ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::subdirs ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::test ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::test_via_harness ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::test_via_script ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::tool_autosplit ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::tool_xsubpp ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::tools_other ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::top_targets ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::writedoc ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::xs_c ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::xs_o ;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_Unix::xsubpp_version ;
+package ExtUtils::MM_Unix;
+use SelfLoader;
+=head2 SelfLoaded methods
+=over 2
+=item c_o (o)
+Defines the suffix rules to compile different flavors of C files to
+object files.
+sub c_o {
+# --- Translation Sections ---
+ my($self) = shift;
+ return '' unless $self->needs_linking();
+ my(@m);
+ push @m, '
+ push @m, '
+' if $^O ne 'os2' and $^O ne 'MSWin32' and $^O ne 'dos'; #Case-specific
+ push @m, '
+ join "", @m;
+=item cflags (o)
+Does very much the same as the cflags script in the perl
+distribution. It doesn't return the whole compiler command line, but
+initializes all of its parts. The const_cccmd method then actually
+returns the definition of the CCCMD macro which uses these parts.
+sub cflags {
+ my($self,$libperl)=@_;
+ return $self->{CFLAGS} if $self->{CFLAGS};
+ return '' unless $self->needs_linking();
+ my($prog, $uc, $perltype, %cflags);
+ $libperl ||= $self->{LIBPERL_A} || "libperl$self->{LIB_EXT}" ;
+ $libperl =~ s/\.\$\(A\)$/$self->{LIB_EXT}/;
+ @cflags{qw(cc ccflags optimize large split shellflags)}
+ = @Config{qw(cc ccflags optimize large split shellflags)};
+ my($optdebug) = "";
+ $cflags{shellflags} ||= '';
+ my(%map) = (
+ E => '-DEMBED',
+ );
+ if ($libperl =~ /libperl(\w*)\Q$self->{LIB_EXT}/){
+ $uc = uc($1);
+ } else {
+ $uc = ""; # avoid warning
+ }
+ $perltype = $map{$uc} ? $map{$uc} : "";
+ if ($uc =~ /^D/) {
+ $optdebug = "-g";
+ }
+ my($name);
+ ( $name = $self->{NAME} . "_cflags" ) =~ s/:/_/g ;
+ if ($prog = $Config::Config{$name}) {
+ # Expand hints for this extension via the shell
+ print STDOUT "Processing $name hint:\n" if $Verbose;
+ my(@o)=`cc=\"$cflags{cc}\"
+ ccflags=\"$cflags{ccflags}\"
+ optimize=\"$cflags{optimize}\"
+ perltype=\"$cflags{perltype}\"
+ optdebug=\"$cflags{optdebug}\"
+ large=\"$cflags{large}\"
+ split=\"$cflags{'split'}\"
+ eval '$prog'
+ echo cc=\$cc
+ echo ccflags=\$ccflags
+ echo optimize=\$optimize
+ echo perltype=\$perltype
+ echo optdebug=\$optdebug
+ echo large=\$large
+ echo split=\$split
+ `;
+ my($line);
+ foreach $line (@o){
+ chomp $line;
+ if ($line =~ /(.*?)=\s*(.*)\s*$/){
+ $cflags{$1} = $2;
+ print STDOUT " $1 = $2\n" if $Verbose;
+ } else {
+ print STDOUT "Unrecognised result from hint: '$line'\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($optdebug) {
+ $cflags{optimize} = $optdebug;
+ }
+ for (qw(ccflags optimize perltype large split)) {
+ $cflags{$_} =~ s/^\s+//;
+ $cflags{$_} =~ s/\s+/ /g;
+ $cflags{$_} =~ s/\s+$//;
+ $self->{uc $_} ||= $cflags{$_}
+ }
+ if ($self->{CAPI} && $Is_PERL_OBJECT == 1) {
+ $self->{CCFLAGS} =~ s/-DPERL_OBJECT(\s|$)//;
+ $self->{CCFLAGS} .= '-DPERL_CAPI';
+ if ($Is_Win32 && $Config{'cc'} =~ /^cl.exe/i) {
+ # Turn off C++ mode of the MSC compiler
+ $self->{CCFLAGS} =~ s/-TP(\s|$)//;
+ $self->{OPTIMIZE} =~ s/-TP(\s|$)//;
+ }
+ }
+ return $self->{CFLAGS} = qq{
+LARGE = $self->{LARGE}
+SPLIT = $self->{SPLIT}
+=item clean (o)
+Defines the clean target.
+sub clean {
+# --- Cleanup and Distribution Sections ---
+ my($self, %attribs) = @_;
+ my(@m,$dir);
+ push(@m, '
+# Delete temporary files but do not touch installed files. We don\'t delete
+# the Makefile here so a later make realclean still has a makefile to use.
+clean ::
+ # clean subdirectories first
+ for $dir (@{$self->{DIR}}) {
+ push @m, "\t-cd $dir && \$(TEST_F) $self->{MAKEFILE} && \$(MAKE) clean\n";
+ }
+ my(@otherfiles) = values %{$self->{XS}}; # .c files from *.xs files
+ push(@otherfiles, $attribs{FILES}) if $attribs{FILES};
+ push(@otherfiles, qw[./blib $(MAKE_APERL_FILE) $(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)/extralibs.all
+ perlmain.c mon.out core so_locations pm_to_blib
+ *~ */*~ */*/*~ *$(OBJ_EXT) *$(LIB_EXT) perl.exe
+ $(BASEEXT).exp
+ ]);
+ push @m, "\t-$self->{RM_RF} @otherfiles\n";
+ # See realclean and ext/utils/make_ext for usage of Makefile.old
+ push(@m,
+ "\t-$self->{MV} $self->{MAKEFILE} $self->{MAKEFILE}.old \$(DEV_NULL)\n");
+ push(@m,
+ "\t$attribs{POSTOP}\n") if $attribs{POSTOP};
+ join("", @m);
+=item const_cccmd (o)
+Returns the full compiler call for C programs and stores the
+definition in CONST_CCCMD.
+sub const_cccmd {
+ my($self,$libperl)=@_;
+ return $self->{CONST_CCCMD} if $self->{CONST_CCCMD};
+ return '' unless $self->needs_linking();
+ return $self->{CONST_CCCMD} =
+ q{CCCMD = $(CC) -c $(INC) $(CCFLAGS) $(OPTIMIZE) \\
+=item const_config (o)
+Defines a couple of constants in the Makefile that are imported from
+sub const_config {
+# --- Constants Sections ---
+ my($self) = shift;
+ my(@m,$m);
+ push(@m,"\n# These definitions are from (via $INC{''})\n");
+ push(@m,"\n# They may have been overridden via Makefile.PL or on the command line\n");
+ my(%once_only);
+ foreach $m (@{$self->{CONFIG}}){
+ # SITE*EXP macros are defined in &constants; avoid duplicates here
+ next if $once_only{$m} or $m eq 'sitelibexp' or $m eq 'sitearchexp';
+ push @m, "\U$m\E = ".$self->{uc $m}."\n";
+ $once_only{$m} = 1;
+ }
+ join('', @m);
+=item const_loadlibs (o)
+L<ExtUtils::Liblist> for details.
+sub const_loadlibs {
+ my($self) = shift;
+ return "" unless $self->needs_linking;
+ my @m;
+ push @m, qq{
+# $self->{NAME} might depend on some other libraries:
+# See ExtUtils::Liblist for details
+ my($tmp);
+ for $tmp (qw/
+ /) {
+ next unless defined $self->{$tmp};
+ push @m, "$tmp = $self->{$tmp}\n";
+ }
+ return join "", @m;
+=item constants (o)
+Initializes lots of constants and .SUFFIXES and .PHONY
+sub constants {
+ my($self) = @_;
+ my(@m,$tmp);
+ for $tmp (qw/
+ / ) {
+ next unless defined $self->{$tmp};
+ push @m, "$tmp = $self->{$tmp}\n";
+ }
+ push @m, qq{
+ push @m, qq{
+MAKEMAKER = $INC{'ExtUtils/'}
+MM_VERSION = $ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION
+ push @m, q{
+# FULLEXT = Pathname for extension directory (eg Foo/Bar/Oracle).
+# BASEEXT = Basename part of FULLEXT. May be just equal FULLEXT. (eg Oracle)
+# ROOTEXT = Directory part of FULLEXT with leading slash (eg /DBD) !!! Deprecated from MM 5.32 !!!
+# PARENT_NAME = NAME without BASEEXT and no trailing :: (eg Foo::Bar)
+# DLBASE = Basename part of dynamic library. May be just equal BASEEXT.
+ for $tmp (qw/
+ / ) {
+ next unless defined $self->{$tmp};
+ push @m, "$tmp = $self->{$tmp}\n";
+ }
+ push @m, "
+# Handy lists of source code files:
+XS_FILES= ".join(" \\\n\t", sort keys %{$self->{XS}})."
+C_FILES = ".join(" \\\n\t", @{$self->{C}})."
+O_FILES = ".join(" \\\n\t", @{$self->{O_FILES}})."
+H_FILES = ".join(" \\\n\t", @{$self->{H}})."
+MAN1PODS = ".join(" \\\n\t", sort keys %{$self->{MAN1PODS}})."
+MAN3PODS = ".join(" \\\n\t", sort keys %{$self->{MAN3PODS}})."
+ for $tmp (qw/
+ /) {
+ next unless defined $self->{$tmp};
+ push @m, "$tmp = $self->{$tmp}\n";
+ }
+ for $tmp (qw(
+ )
+ ) {
+ my $method = lc($tmp);
+ # warn "self[$self] method[$method]";
+ push @m, "$tmp = ", $self->$method(), "\n";
+ }
+ push @m, q{
+.NO_CONFIG_REC: Makefile
+ # why not q{} ? -- emacs
+ push @m, qq{
+# work around a famous dec-osf make(1) feature(?):
+makemakerdflt: all
+.SUFFIXES: .xs .c .C .cpp .cxx .cc \$(OBJ_EXT)
+# Nick wanted to get rid of .PRECIOUS. I don't remember why. I seem to recall, that
+# some make implementations will delete the Makefile when we rebuild it. Because
+# we call false(1) when we rebuild it. So make(1) is not completely wrong when it
+# does so. Our milage may vary.
+# .PRECIOUS: Makefile # seems to be not necessary anymore
+.PHONY: all config static dynamic test linkext manifest
+# Where is the Config information that we are using/depend on
+ my @parentdir = split(/::/, $self->{PARENT_NAME});
+ push @m, q{
+# Where to put things:
+INST_LIBDIR = }. $self->catdir('$(INST_LIB)',@parentdir) .q{
+INST_ARCHLIBDIR = }. $self->catdir('$(INST_ARCHLIB)',@parentdir) .q{
+INST_AUTODIR = }. $self->catdir('$(INST_LIB)','auto','$(FULLEXT)') .q{
+INST_ARCHAUTODIR = }. $self->catdir('$(INST_ARCHLIB)','auto','$(FULLEXT)') .q{
+ if ($self->has_link_code()) {
+ push @m, '
+ } else {
+ push @m, '
+ }
+ $tmp = $self->export_list;
+ push @m, "
+ $tmp = $self->perl_archive;
+ push @m, "
+# push @m, q{
+#INST_PM = }.join(" \\\n\t", sort values %{$self->{PM}}).q{
+#PM_TO_BLIB = }.join(" \\\n\t", %{$self->{PM}}).q{
+ push @m, q{
+TO_INST_PM = }.join(" \\\n\t", sort keys %{$self->{PM}}).q{
+PM_TO_BLIB = }.join(" \\\n\t", %{$self->{PM}}).q{
+ join('',@m);
+=item depend (o)
+Same as macro for the depend attribute.
+sub depend {
+ my($self,%attribs) = @_;
+ my(@m,$key,$val);
+ while (($key,$val) = each %attribs){
+ last unless defined $key;
+ push @m, "$key: $val\n";
+ }
+ join "", @m;
+=item dir_target (o)
+Takes an array of directories that need to exist and returns a
+Makefile entry for a .exists file in these directories. Returns
+nothing, if the entry has already been processed. We're helpless
+though, if the same directory comes as $(FOO) _and_ as "bar". Both of
+them get an entry, that's why we use "::".
+sub dir_target {
+# --- Make-Directories section (internal method) ---
+# dir_target(@array) returns a Makefile entry for the file .exists in each
+# named directory. Returns nothing, if the entry has already been processed.
+# We're helpless though, if the same directory comes as $(FOO) _and_ as "bar".
+# Both of them get an entry, that's why we use "::". I chose '$(PERL)' as the
+# prerequisite, because there has to be one, something that doesn't change
+# too often :)
+ my($self,@dirs) = @_;
+ my(@m,$dir,$targdir);
+ foreach $dir (@dirs) {
+ my($src) = $self->catfile($self->{PERL_INC},'perl.h');
+ my($targ) = $self->catfile($dir,'.exists');
+ # catfile may have adapted syntax of $dir to target OS, so...
+ if ($Is_VMS) { # Just remove file name; dirspec is often in macro
+ ($targdir = $targ) =~ s:/?\.exists$::;
+ }
+ else { # while elsewhere we expect to see the dir separator in $targ
+ $targdir = dirname($targ);
+ }
+ next if $self->{DIR_TARGET}{$self}{$targdir}++;
+ push @m, qq{
+$targ :: $src
+ $self->{NOECHO}\$(MKPATH) $targdir
+ $self->{NOECHO}\$(EQUALIZE_TIMESTAMP) $src $targ
+ push(@m, qq{
+ -$self->{NOECHO}\$(CHMOD) \$(PERM_RWX) $targdir
+}) unless $Is_VMS;
+ }
+ join "", @m;
+=item dist (o)
+Defines a lot of macros for distribution support.
+sub dist {
+ my($self, %attribs) = @_;
+ my(@m);
+ # VERSION should be sanitised before use as a file name
+ my($version) = $attribs{VERSION} || '$(VERSION)';
+ my($name) = $attribs{NAME} || '$(DISTNAME)';
+ my($tar) = $attribs{TAR} || 'tar'; # eg /usr/bin/gnutar
+ my($tarflags) = $attribs{TARFLAGS} || 'cvf';
+ my($zip) = $attribs{ZIP} || 'zip'; # eg pkzip Yuck!
+ my($zipflags) = $attribs{ZIPFLAGS} || '-r';
+ my($compress) = $attribs{COMPRESS} || 'gzip --best';
+ my($suffix) = $attribs{SUFFIX} || '.gz'; # eg .gz
+ my($shar) = $attribs{SHAR} || 'shar'; # eg "shar --gzip"
+ my($preop) = $attribs{PREOP} || "$self->{NOECHO}\$(NOOP)"; # eg update MANIFEST
+ my($postop) = $attribs{POSTOP} || "$self->{NOECHO}\$(NOOP)"; # eg remove the distdir
+ my($to_unix) = $attribs{TO_UNIX} || ($Is_OS2
+ ? "$self->{NOECHO}"
+ . '$(TEST_F) && $(RM);'
+ . ' $(ZIP) -ll -mr $(DISTVNAME) && unzip -o && $(RM)'
+ : "$self->{NOECHO}\$(NOOP)");
+ my($ci) = $attribs{CI} || 'ci -u';
+ my($rcs_label)= $attribs{RCS_LABEL}|| 'rcs -Nv$(VERSION_SYM): -q';
+ my($dist_cp) = $attribs{DIST_CP} || 'best';
+ my($dist_default) = $attribs{DIST_DEFAULT} || 'tardist';
+ push @m, "
+DISTVNAME = ${name}-$version
+TAR = $tar
+TARFLAGS = $tarflags
+ZIP = $zip
+ZIPFLAGS = $zipflags
+COMPRESS = $compress
+SUFFIX = $suffix
+SHAR = $shar
+PREOP = $preop
+POSTOP = $postop
+TO_UNIX = $to_unix
+CI = $ci
+RCS_LABEL = $rcs_label
+DIST_CP = $dist_cp
+DIST_DEFAULT = $dist_default
+ join "", @m;
+=item dist_basics (o)
+Defines the targets distclean, distcheck, skipcheck, manifest.
+sub dist_basics {
+ my($self) = shift;
+ my @m;
+ push @m, q{
+distclean :: realclean distcheck
+ push @m, q{
+distcheck :
+ $(PERL) -I$(PERL_ARCHLIB) -I$(PERL_LIB) -MExtUtils::Manifest=fullcheck \\
+ -e fullcheck
+ push @m, q{
+skipcheck :
+ $(PERL) -I$(PERL_ARCHLIB) -I$(PERL_LIB) -MExtUtils::Manifest=skipcheck \\
+ -e skipcheck
+ push @m, q{
+manifest :
+ $(PERL) -I$(PERL_ARCHLIB) -I$(PERL_LIB) -MExtUtils::Manifest=mkmanifest \\
+ -e mkmanifest
+ join "", @m;
+=item dist_ci (o)
+Defines a check in target for RCS.
+sub dist_ci {
+ my($self) = shift;
+ my @m;
+ push @m, q{
+ci :
+ $(PERL) -I$(PERL_ARCHLIB) -I$(PERL_LIB) -MExtUtils::Manifest=maniread \\
+ -e "@all = keys %{ maniread() };" \\
+ -e 'print("Executing $(CI) @all\n"); system("$(CI) @all");' \\
+ -e 'print("Executing $(RCS_LABEL) ...\n"); system("$(RCS_LABEL) @all");'
+ join "", @m;
+=item dist_core (o)
+Defeines the targets dist, tardist, zipdist, uutardist, shdist
+sub dist_core {
+ my($self) = shift;
+ my @m;
+ push @m, q{
+dist : $(DIST_DEFAULT)
+ }.$self->{NOECHO}.q{$(PERL) -le 'print "Warning: Makefile possibly out of date with $$vf" if ' \
+ -e '-e ($$vf="$(VERSION_FROM)") and -M $$vf < -M "}.$self->{MAKEFILE}.q{";'
+tardist : $(DISTVNAME).tar$(SUFFIX)
+zipdist : $(DISTVNAME).zip
+$(DISTVNAME).tar$(SUFFIX) : distdir
+ $(PREOP)
+ $(TO_UNIX)
+$(DISTVNAME).zip : distdir
+ $(PREOP)
+uutardist : $(DISTVNAME).tar$(SUFFIX)
+ uuencode $(DISTVNAME).tar$(SUFFIX) \\
+ $(DISTVNAME).tar$(SUFFIX) > \\
+ $(DISTVNAME).tar$(SUFFIX)_uu
+shdist : distdir
+ $(PREOP)
+ join "", @m;
+=item dist_dir (o)
+Defines the scratch directory target that will hold the distribution
+before tar-ing (or shar-ing).
+sub dist_dir {
+ my($self) = shift;
+ my @m;
+ push @m, q{
+distdir :
+ $(PERL) -I$(PERL_ARCHLIB) -I$(PERL_LIB) -MExtUtils::Manifest=manicopy,maniread \\
+ -e "manicopy(maniread(),'$(DISTVNAME)', '$(DIST_CP)');"
+ join "", @m;
+=item dist_test (o)
+Defines a target that produces the distribution in the
+scratchdirectory, and runs 'perl Makefile.PL; make ;make test' in that
+sub dist_test {
+ my($self) = shift;
+ my @m;
+ push @m, q{
+disttest : distdir
+ cd $(DISTVNAME) && $(PERL) -I$(PERL_ARCHLIB) -I$(PERL_LIB) Makefile.PL
+ cd $(DISTVNAME) && $(MAKE)
+ cd $(DISTVNAME) && $(MAKE) test
+ join "", @m;
+=item dlsyms (o)
+Used by AIX and VMS to define DL_FUNCS and DL_VARS and write the *.exp
+sub dlsyms {
+ my($self,%attribs) = @_;
+ return '' unless ($^O eq 'aix' && $self->needs_linking() );
+ my($funcs) = $attribs{DL_FUNCS} || $self->{DL_FUNCS} || {};
+ my($vars) = $attribs{DL_VARS} || $self->{DL_VARS} || [];
+ my(@m);
+ push(@m,"
+dynamic :: $self->{BASEEXT}.exp
+") unless $self->{SKIPHASH}{'dynamic'}; # dynamic and static are subs, so...
+ push(@m,"
+static :: $self->{BASEEXT}.exp
+") unless $self->{SKIPHASH}{'static'}; # we avoid a warning if we tick them
+ push(@m,"
+$self->{BASEEXT}.exp: Makefile.PL
+",' $(PERL) "-I$(PERL_ARCHLIB)" "-I$(PERL_LIB)" -e \'use ExtUtils::Mksymlists; \\
+ Mksymlists("NAME" => "',$self->{NAME},'", "DL_FUNCS" => ',
+ neatvalue($funcs),', "DL_VARS" => ', neatvalue($vars), ');\'
+ join('',@m);
+=item dynamic (o)
+Defines the dynamic target.
+sub dynamic {
+# --- Dynamic Loading Sections ---
+ my($self) = shift;
+ '
+## $(INST_PM) has been moved to the all: target.
+## It remains here for awhile to allow for old usage: "make dynamic"
+#dynamic :: '.$self->{MAKEFILE}.' $(INST_DYNAMIC) $(INST_BOOT) $(INST_PM)
+dynamic :: '.$self->{MAKEFILE}.' $(INST_DYNAMIC) $(INST_BOOT)
+ '.$self->{NOECHO}.'$(NOOP)
+=item dynamic_bs (o)
+Defines targets for bootstrap files.
+sub dynamic_bs {
+ my($self, %attribs) = @_;
+ return '
+' unless $self->has_link_code();
+ return '
+BOOTSTRAP = '."$self->{BASEEXT}.bs".'
+# As Mkbootstrap might not write a file (if none is required)
+# we use touch to prevent make continually trying to remake it.
+# The DynaLoader only reads a non-empty file.
+$(BOOTSTRAP): '."$self->{MAKEFILE} $self->{BOOTDEP}".' $(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)/.exists
+ '.$self->{NOECHO}.'echo "Running Mkbootstrap for $(NAME) ($(BSLOADLIBS))"
+ '.$self->{NOECHO}.'$(PERL) "-I$(PERL_ARCHLIB)" "-I$(PERL_LIB)" \
+ -MExtUtils::Mkbootstrap \
+ -e "Mkbootstrap(\'$(BASEEXT)\',\'$(BSLOADLIBS)\');"
+ '.$self->{NOECHO}.'$(TOUCH) $(BOOTSTRAP)
+ $(CHMOD) $(PERM_RW) $@
+ '."$self->{NOECHO}$self->{RM_RF}".' $(INST_BOOT)
+ -'.$self->{CP}.' $(BOOTSTRAP) $(INST_BOOT)
+ $(CHMOD) $(PERM_RW) $@
+=item dynamic_lib (o)
+Defines how to produce the *.so (or equivalent) files.
+sub dynamic_lib {
+ my($self, %attribs) = @_;
+ return '' unless $self->needs_linking(); #might be because of a subdir
+ return '' unless $self->has_link_code;
+ my($otherldflags) = $attribs{OTHERLDFLAGS} || "";
+ my($inst_dynamic_dep) = $attribs{INST_DYNAMIC_DEP} || "";
+ my($armaybe) = $attribs{ARMAYBE} || $self->{ARMAYBE} || ":";
+ my($ldfrom) = '$(LDFROM)';
+ $armaybe = 'ar' if ($^O eq 'dec_osf' and $armaybe eq ':');
+ my(@m);
+ push(@m,'
+# This section creates the dynamically loadable $(INST_DYNAMIC)
+# from $(OBJECT) and possibly $(MYEXTLIB).
+ARMAYBE = '.$armaybe.'
+OTHERLDFLAGS = '.$otherldflags.'
+INST_DYNAMIC_DEP = '.$inst_dynamic_dep.'
+ if ($armaybe ne ':'){
+ $ldfrom = 'tmp$(LIB_EXT)';
+ push(@m,' $(ARMAYBE) cr '.$ldfrom.' $(OBJECT)'."\n");
+ push(@m,' $(RANLIB) '."$ldfrom\n");
+ }
+ $ldfrom = "-all $ldfrom -none" if ($^O eq 'dec_osf');
+ # Brain dead solaris linker does not use LD_RUN_PATH?
+ # This fixes dynamic extensions which need shared libs
+ my $ldrun = '';
+ $ldrun = join ' ', map "-R$_", split /:/, $self->{LD_RUN_PATH}
+ if ($^O eq 'solaris');
+ # The IRIX linker also doesn't use LD_RUN_PATH
+ $ldrun = qq{-rpath "$self->{LD_RUN_PATH}"}
+ if ($^O eq 'irix' && $self->{LD_RUN_PATH});
+ push(@m,' LD_RUN_PATH="$(LD_RUN_PATH)" $(LD) -o $@ '.$ldrun.' $(LDDLFLAGS) '.$ldfrom.
+ push @m, '
+ $(CHMOD) $(PERM_RWX) $@
+ push @m, $self->dir_target('$(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)');
+ join('',@m);
+=item exescan
+Deprecated method. Use libscan instead.
+sub exescan {
+ my($self,$path) = @_;
+ $path;
+=item extliblist
+Called by init_others, and calls ext ExtUtils::Liblist. See
+L<ExtUtils::Liblist> for details.
+sub extliblist {
+ my($self,$libs) = @_;
+ require ExtUtils::Liblist;
+ $self->ext($libs, $Verbose);
+=item file_name_is_absolute
+Takes as argument a path and returns true, if it is an absolute path.
+sub file_name_is_absolute {
+ my($self,$file) = @_;
+ if ($Is_Dos){
+ $file =~ m{^([a-z]:)?[\\/]}i ;
+ }
+ else {
+ $file =~ m:^/: ;
+ }
+=item find_perl
+Finds the executables PERL and FULLPERL
+sub find_perl {
+ my($self, $ver, $names, $dirs, $trace) = @_;
+ my($name, $dir);
+ if ($trace >= 2){
+ print "Looking for perl $ver by these names:
+in these dirs:
+ }
+ foreach $dir (@$dirs){
+ next unless defined $dir; # $self->{PERL_SRC} may be undefined
+ foreach $name (@$names){
+ my ($abs, $val);
+ if ($self->file_name_is_absolute($name)) { # /foo/bar
+ $abs = $name;
+ } elsif ($self->canonpath($name) eq $self->canonpath(basename($name))) { # foo
+ $abs = $self->catfile($dir, $name);
+ } else { # foo/bar
+ $abs = $self->canonpath($self->catfile($self->curdir, $name));
+ }
+ print "Checking $abs\n" if ($trace >= 2);
+ next unless $self->maybe_command($abs);
+ print "Executing $abs\n" if ($trace >= 2);
+ $val = `$abs -e 'require $ver; print "VER_OK\n" ' 2>&1`;
+ if ($val =~ /VER_OK/) {
+ print "Using PERL=$abs\n" if $trace;
+ return $abs;
+ } elsif ($trace >= 2) {
+ print "Result: `$val'\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ print STDOUT "Unable to find a perl $ver (by these names: @$names, in these dirs: @$dirs)\n";
+ 0; # false and not empty
+=head2 Methods to actually produce chunks of text for the Makefile
+The methods here are called for each MakeMaker object in the order
+specified by @ExtUtils::MakeMaker::MM_Sections.
+=over 2
+=item fixin
+Inserts the sharpbang or equivalent magic number to a script
+sub fixin { # stolen from the pink Camel book, more or less
+ my($self,@files) = @_;
+ my($does_shbang) = $Config::Config{'sharpbang'} =~ /^\s*\#\!/;
+ my($file,$interpreter);
+ for $file (@files) {
+ local(*FIXIN);
+ local(*FIXOUT);
+ open(FIXIN, $file) or Carp::croak "Can't process '$file': $!";
+ local $/ = "\n";
+ chomp(my $line = <FIXIN>);
+ next unless $line =~ s/^\s*\#!\s*//; # Not a shbang file.
+ # Now figure out the interpreter name.
+ my($cmd,$arg) = split ' ', $line, 2;
+ $cmd =~ s!^.*/!!;
+ # Now look (in reverse) for interpreter in absolute PATH (unless perl).
+ if ($cmd eq "perl") {
+ if ($Config{startperl} =~ m,^\#!.*/perl,) {
+ $interpreter = $Config{startperl};
+ $interpreter =~ s,^\#!,,;
+ } else {
+ $interpreter = $Config{perlpath};
+ }
+ } else {
+ my(@absdirs) = reverse grep {$self->file_name_is_absolute} $self->path;
+ $interpreter = '';
+ my($dir);
+ foreach $dir (@absdirs) {
+ if ($self->maybe_command($cmd)) {
+ warn "Ignoring $interpreter in $file\n" if $Verbose && $interpreter;
+ $interpreter = $self->catfile($dir,$cmd);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Figure out how to invoke interpreter on this machine.
+ my($shb) = "";
+ if ($interpreter) {
+ print STDOUT "Changing sharpbang in $file to $interpreter" if $Verbose;
+ # this is probably value-free on DOSISH platforms
+ if ($does_shbang) {
+ $shb .= "$Config{'sharpbang'}$interpreter";
+ $shb .= ' ' . $arg if defined $arg;
+ $shb .= "\n";
+ }
+ $shb .= qq{
+eval 'exec $interpreter $arg -S \$0 \${1+"\$\@"}'
+ if 0; # not running under some shell
+} unless $Is_Win32; # this won't work on win32, so don't
+ } else {
+ warn "Can't find $cmd in PATH, $file unchanged"
+ if $Verbose;
+ next;
+ }
+ unless ( open(FIXOUT,">$") ) {
+ warn "Can't create new $file: $!\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ my($dev,$ino,$mode) = stat FIXIN;
+ # If they override perm_rwx, we won't notice it during fixin,
+ # because fixin is run through a new instance of MakeMaker.
+ # That is why we must run another CHMOD later.
+ $mode = oct($self->perm_rwx) unless $dev;
+ chmod $mode, $file;
+ # Print out the new #! line (or equivalent).
+ local $\;
+ undef $/;
+ print FIXOUT $shb, <FIXIN>;
+ close FIXIN;
+ close FIXOUT;
+ # can't rename open files on some DOSISH platforms
+ unless ( rename($file, "$file.bak") ) {
+ warn "Can't rename $file to $file.bak: $!";
+ next;
+ }
+ unless ( rename("$", $file) ) {
+ warn "Can't rename $ to $file: $!";
+ unless ( rename("$file.bak", $file) ) {
+ warn "Can't rename $file.bak back to $file either: $!";
+ warn "Leaving $file renamed as $file.bak\n";
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ unlink "$file.bak";
+ } continue {
+ chmod oct($self->perm_rwx), $file or
+ die "Can't reset permissions for $file: $!\n";
+ system("$Config{'eunicefix'} $file") if $Config{'eunicefix'} ne ':';;
+ }
+=item force (o)
+Just writes FORCE:
+sub force {
+ my($self) = shift;
+ '# Phony target to force checking subdirectories.
+ '.$self->{NOECHO}.'$(NOOP)
+=item guess_name
+Guess the name of this package by examining the working directory's
+name. MakeMaker calls this only if the developer has not supplied a
+NAME attribute.
+# ';
+sub guess_name {
+ my($self) = @_;
+ use Cwd 'cwd';
+ my $name = basename(cwd());
+ $name =~ s|[\-_][\d\.\-]+$||; # this is new with MM 5.00, we
+ # strip minus or underline
+ # followed by a float or some such
+ print "Warning: Guessing NAME [$name] from current directory name.\n";
+ $name;
+=item has_link_code
+Returns true if C, XS, MYEXTLIB or similar objects exist within this
+object that need a compiler. Does not descend into subdirectories as
+needs_linking() does.
+sub has_link_code {
+ my($self) = shift;
+ return $self->{HAS_LINK_CODE} if defined $self->{HAS_LINK_CODE};
+ if ($self->{OBJECT} or @{$self->{C} || []} or $self->{MYEXTLIB}){
+ $self->{HAS_LINK_CODE} = 1;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return $self->{HAS_LINK_CODE} = 0;
+=item init_dirscan
+sub init_dirscan { # --- File and Directory Lists (.xs .pm .pod etc)
+ my($self) = @_;
+ my($name, %dir, %xs, %c, %h, %ignore, %pl_files, %manifypods);
+ local(%pm); #the sub in find() has to see this hash
+ @ignore{qw(Makefile.PL} = (1,1);
+ $ignore{''} = 1 if $Is_VMS;
+ foreach $name ($self->lsdir($self->curdir)){
+ next if $name =~ /\#/;
+ next if $name eq $self->curdir or $name eq $self->updir or $ignore{$name};
+ next unless $self->libscan($name);
+ if (-d $name){
+ next if -l $name; # We do not support symlinks at all
+ $dir{$name} = $name if (-f $self->catfile($name,"Makefile.PL"));
+ } elsif ($name =~ /\.xs$/){
+ my($c); ($c = $name) =~ s/\.xs$/.c/;
+ $xs{$name} = $c;
+ $c{$c} = 1;
+ } elsif ($name =~ /\.c(pp|xx|c)?$/i){ # .c .C .cpp .cxx .cc
+ $c{$name} = 1
+ unless $name =~ m/perlmain\.c/; # See MAP_TARGET
+ } elsif ($name =~ /\.h$/i){
+ $h{$name} = 1;
+ } elsif ($name =~ /\.PL$/) {
+ ($pl_files{$name} = $name) =~ s/\.PL$// ;
+ } elsif ($Is_VMS && $name =~ /\.pl$/) { # case-insensitive filesystem
+ local($/); open(PL,$name); my $txt = <PL>; close PL;
+ if ($txt =~ /Extracting \S+ \(with variable substitutions/) {
+ ($pl_files{$name} = $name) =~ s/\.pl$// ;
+ }
+ else { $pm{$name} = $self->catfile('$(INST_LIBDIR)',$name); }
+ } elsif ($name =~ /\.(p[ml]|pod)$/){
+ $pm{$name} = $self->catfile('$(INST_LIBDIR)',$name);
+ }
+ }
+ # Some larger extensions often wish to install a number of *.pm/pl
+ # files into the library in various locations.
+ # The attribute PMLIBDIRS holds an array reference which lists
+ # subdirectories which we should search for library files to
+ # install. PMLIBDIRS defaults to [ 'lib', $self->{BASEEXT} ]. We
+ # recursively search through the named directories (skipping any
+ # which don't exist or contain Makefile.PL files).
+ # For each *.pm or *.pl file found $self->libscan() is called with
+ # the default installation path in $_[1]. The return value of
+ # libscan defines the actual installation location. The default
+ # libscan function simply returns the path. The file is skipped
+ # if libscan returns false.
+ # The default installation location passed to libscan in $_[1] is:
+ #
+ # ./*.pm => $(INST_LIBDIR)/*.pm
+ # ./xyz/... => $(INST_LIBDIR)/xyz/...
+ # ./lib/... => $(INST_LIB)/...
+ #
+ # In this way the 'lib' directory is seen as the root of the actual
+ # perl library whereas the others are relative to INST_LIBDIR
+ # (which includes PARENT_NAME). This is a subtle distinction but one
+ # that's important for nested modules.
+ $self->{PMLIBDIRS} = ['lib', $self->{BASEEXT}]
+ unless $self->{PMLIBDIRS};
+ #only existing directories that aren't in $dir are allowed
+ # Avoid $_ wherever possible:
+ # @{$self->{PMLIBDIRS}} = grep -d && !$dir{$_}, @{$self->{PMLIBDIRS}};
+ my (@pmlibdirs) = @{$self->{PMLIBDIRS}};
+ my ($pmlibdir);
+ @{$self->{PMLIBDIRS}} = ();
+ foreach $pmlibdir (@pmlibdirs) {
+ -d $pmlibdir && !$dir{$pmlibdir} && push @{$self->{PMLIBDIRS}}, $pmlibdir;
+ }
+ if (@{$self->{PMLIBDIRS}}){
+ print "Searching PMLIBDIRS: @{$self->{PMLIBDIRS}}\n"
+ if ($Verbose >= 2);
+ require File::Find;
+ File::Find::find(sub {
+ if (-d $_){
+ if ($_ eq "CVS" || $_ eq "RCS"){
+ $File::Find::prune = 1;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ return if /\#/;
+ my($path, $prefix) = ($File::Find::name, '$(INST_LIBDIR)');
+ my($striplibpath,$striplibname);
+ $prefix = '$(INST_LIB)' if (($striplibpath = $path) =~ s:^(\W*)lib\W:$1:i);
+ ($striplibname,$striplibpath) = fileparse($striplibpath);
+ my($inst) = $self->catfile($prefix,$striplibpath,$striplibname);
+ local($_) = $inst; # for backwards compatibility
+ $inst = $self->libscan($inst);
+ print "libscan($path) => '$inst'\n" if ($Verbose >= 2);
+ return unless $inst;
+ $pm{$path} = $inst;
+ }, @{$self->{PMLIBDIRS}});
+ }
+ $self->{DIR} = [sort keys %dir] unless $self->{DIR};
+ $self->{XS} = \%xs unless $self->{XS};
+ $self->{PM} = \%pm unless $self->{PM};
+ $self->{C} = [sort keys %c] unless $self->{C};
+ my(@o_files) = @{$self->{C}};
+ $self->{O_FILES} = [grep s/\.c(pp|xx|c)?$/$self->{OBJ_EXT}/i, @o_files] ;
+ $self->{H} = [sort keys %h] unless $self->{H};
+ $self->{PL_FILES} = \%pl_files unless $self->{PL_FILES};
+ # Set up names of manual pages to generate from pods
+ if ($self->{MAN1PODS}) {
+ } elsif ( $self->{INST_MAN1DIR} =~ /^(none|\s*)$/ ) {
+ $self->{MAN1PODS} = {};
+ } else {
+ my %manifypods = ();
+ if ( exists $self->{EXE_FILES} ) {
+ foreach $name (@{$self->{EXE_FILES}}) {
+# use FileHandle ();
+# my $fh = new FileHandle;
+ local *FH;
+ my($ispod)=0;
+# if ($fh->open("<$name")) {
+ if (open(FH,"<$name")) {
+# while (<$fh>) {
+ while (<FH>) {
+ if (/^=head1\s+\w+/) {
+ $ispod=1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+# $fh->close;
+ close FH;
+ } else {
+ # If it doesn't exist yet, we assume, it has pods in it
+ $ispod = 1;
+ }
+ if( $ispod ) {
+ $manifypods{$name} =
+ $self->catfile('$(INST_MAN1DIR)',
+ basename($name).'.$(MAN1EXT)');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $self->{MAN1PODS} = \%manifypods;
+ }
+ if ($self->{MAN3PODS}) {
+ } elsif ( $self->{INST_MAN3DIR} =~ /^(none|\s*)$/ ) {
+ $self->{MAN3PODS} = {};
+ } else {
+ my %manifypods = (); # we collect the keys first, i.e. the files
+ # we have to convert to pod
+ foreach $name (keys %{$self->{PM}}) {
+ if ($name =~ /\.pod$/ ) {
+ $manifypods{$name} = $self->{PM}{$name};
+ } elsif ($name =~ /\.p[ml]$/ ) {
+# use FileHandle ();
+# my $fh = new FileHandle;
+ local *FH;
+ my($ispod)=0;
+# $fh->open("<$name");
+ if (open(FH,"<$name")) {
+ # while (<$fh>) {
+ while (<FH>) {
+ if (/^=head1\s+\w+/) {
+ $ispod=1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ # $fh->close;
+ close FH;
+ } else {
+ $ispod = 1;
+ }
+ if( $ispod ) {
+ $manifypods{$name} = $self->{PM}{$name};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Remove "" and similar, if it's not the only pod listed
+ # To force inclusion, just name it "Configure.pod", or override MAN3PODS
+ foreach $name (keys %manifypods) {
+ if ($name =~ /(config|setup).*\.pm/i) {
+ delete $manifypods{$name};
+ next;
+ }
+ my($manpagename) = $name;
+ unless ($manpagename =~ s!^\W*lib\W+!!) { # everything below lib is ok
+ $manpagename = $self->catfile(split(/::/,$self->{PARENT_NAME}),$manpagename);
+ }
+ $manpagename =~ s/\.p(od|m|l)$//;
+ $manpagename = $self->replace_manpage_separator($manpagename);
+ $manifypods{$name} = $self->catfile("\$(INST_MAN3DIR)","$manpagename.\$(MAN3EXT)");
+ }
+ $self->{MAN3PODS} = \%manifypods;
+ }
+=item init_main
+sub init_main {
+ my($self) = @_;
+ # --- Initialize Module Name and Paths
+ # NAME = Foo::Bar::Oracle
+ # FULLEXT = Foo/Bar/Oracle
+ # BASEEXT = Oracle
+ # ROOTEXT = Directory part of FULLEXT with leading /. !!! Deprecated from MM 5.32 !!!
+ # PARENT_NAME = Foo::Bar
+### Only UNIX:
+### ($self->{FULLEXT} =
+### $self->{NAME}) =~ s!::!/!g ; #eg. BSD/Foo/Socket
+ $self->{FULLEXT} = $self->catdir(split /::/, $self->{NAME});
+ # Copied from DynaLoader:
+ my(@modparts) = split(/::/,$self->{NAME});
+ my($modfname) = $modparts[-1];
+ # Some systems have restrictions on files names for DLL's etc.
+ # mod2fname returns appropriate file base name (typically truncated)
+ # It may also edit @modparts if required.
+ if (defined &DynaLoader::mod2fname) {
+ $modfname = &DynaLoader::mod2fname(\@modparts);
+ }
+ ($self->{PARENT_NAME}, $self->{BASEEXT}) = $self->{NAME} =~ m!(?:([\w:]+)::)?(\w+)$! ;
+ if (defined &DynaLoader::mod2fname) {
+ # As of 5.001m, dl_os2 appends '_'
+ $self->{DLBASE} = $modfname;
+ } else {
+ $self->{DLBASE} = '$(BASEEXT)';
+ }
+ ### ROOTEXT deprecated from MM 5.32
+### ($self->{ROOTEXT} =
+### $self->{FULLEXT}) =~ s#/?\Q$self->{BASEEXT}\E$## ; #eg. /BSD/Foo
+### $self->{ROOTEXT} = ($Is_VMS ? '' : '/') . $self->{ROOTEXT} if $self->{ROOTEXT};
+ # --- Initialize PERL_LIB, INST_LIB, PERL_SRC
+ # *Real* information: where did we get these two from? ...
+ my $inc_config_dir = dirname($INC{''});
+ my $inc_carp_dir = dirname($INC{''});
+ unless ($self->{PERL_SRC}){
+ my($dir);
+ foreach $dir ($self->updir(),$self->catdir($self->updir(),$self->updir()),$self->catdir($self->updir(),$self->updir(),$self->updir())){
+ if (
+ -f $self->catfile($dir,"")
+ &&
+ -f $self->catfile($dir,"perl.h")
+ &&
+ -f $self->catfile($dir,"lib","")
+ ) {
+ $self->{PERL_SRC}=$dir ;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($self->{PERL_SRC}){
+ $self->{PERL_LIB} ||= $self->catdir("$self->{PERL_SRC}","lib");
+ $self->{PERL_ARCHLIB} = $self->{PERL_LIB};
+ $self->{PERL_INC} = ($Is_Win32) ? $self->catdir($self->{PERL_LIB},"CORE") : $self->{PERL_SRC};
+ # catch a situation that has occurred a few times in the past:
+ unless (
+ -s $self->catfile($self->{PERL_SRC},'cflags')
+ or
+ $Is_VMS
+ &&
+ -s $self->catfile($self->{PERL_SRC},'perlshr_attr.opt')
+ or
+ $Is_Mac
+ or
+ $Is_Win32
+ ){
+ warn qq{
+You cannot build extensions below the perl source tree after executing
+a 'make clean' in the perl source tree.
+To rebuild extensions distributed with the perl source you should
+simply Configure (to include those extensions) and then build perl as
+normal. After installing perl the source tree can be deleted. It is
+not needed for building extensions by running 'perl Makefile.PL'
+usually without extra arguments.
+It is recommended that you unpack and build additional extensions away
+from the perl source tree.
+ }
+ } else {
+ # we should also consider $ENV{PERL5LIB} here
+ $self->{PERL_LIB} ||= $Config::Config{privlibexp};
+ $self->{PERL_ARCHLIB} ||= $Config::Config{archlibexp};
+ $self->{PERL_INC} = $self->catdir("$self->{PERL_ARCHLIB}","CORE"); # wild guess for now
+ my $perl_h;
+ unless (-f ($perl_h = $self->catfile($self->{PERL_INC},"perl.h"))){
+ die qq{
+Error: Unable to locate installed Perl libraries or Perl source code.
+It is recommended that you install perl in a standard location before
+building extensions. Some precompiled versions of perl do not contain
+these header files, so you cannot build extensions. In such a case,
+please build and install your perl from a fresh perl distribution. It
+usually solves this kind of problem.
+\(You get this message, because MakeMaker could not find "$perl_h"\)
+ }
+# print STDOUT "Using header files found in $self->{PERL_INC}\n"
+# if $Verbose && $self->needs_linking();
+ }
+ # We get SITELIBEXP and SITEARCHEXP directly via
+ # Get_from_Config. When we are running standard modules, these
+ # won't matter, we will set INSTALLDIRS to "perl". Otherwise we
+ # set it to "site". I prefer that INSTALLDIRS be set from outside
+ # MakeMaker.
+ $self->{INSTALLDIRS} ||= "site";
+ # INST_LIB typically pre-set if building an extension after
+ # perl has been built and installed. Setting INST_LIB allows
+ # you to build directly into, say $Config::Config{privlibexp}.
+ unless ($self->{INST_LIB}){
+ ##### XXXXX We have to change this nonsense
+ if (defined $self->{PERL_SRC} and $self->{INSTALLDIRS} eq "perl") {
+ $self->{INST_LIB} = $self->{INST_ARCHLIB} = $self->{PERL_LIB};
+ } else {
+ $self->{INST_LIB} = $self->catdir($self->curdir,"blib","lib");
+ }
+ }
+ $self->{INST_ARCHLIB} ||= $self->catdir($self->curdir,"blib","arch");
+ $self->{INST_BIN} ||= $self->catdir($self->curdir,'blib','bin');
+ # We need to set up INST_LIBDIR before init_libscan() for VMS
+ my @parentdir = split(/::/, $self->{PARENT_NAME});
+ $self->{INST_LIBDIR} = $self->catdir('$(INST_LIB)',@parentdir);
+ $self->{INST_ARCHLIBDIR} = $self->catdir('$(INST_ARCHLIB)',@parentdir);
+ $self->{INST_AUTODIR} = $self->catdir('$(INST_LIB)','auto','$(FULLEXT)');
+ $self->{INST_ARCHAUTODIR} = $self->catdir('$(INST_ARCHLIB)','auto','$(FULLEXT)');
+ # INST_EXE is deprecated, should go away March '97
+ $self->{INST_EXE} ||= $self->catdir($self->curdir,'blib','script');
+ $self->{INST_SCRIPT} ||= $self->catdir($self->curdir,'blib','script');
+ # The user who requests an installation directory explicitly
+ # should not have to tell us a architecture installation directory
+ # as well. We look if a directory exists that is named after the
+ # architecture. If not we take it as a sign that it should be the
+ # same as the requested installation directory. Otherwise we take
+ # the found one.
+ # We do the same thing twice: for privlib/archlib and for sitelib/sitearch
+ my($libpair);
+ for $libpair ({l=>"privlib", a=>"archlib"}, {l=>"sitelib", a=>"sitearch"}) {
+ my $lib = "install$libpair->{l}";
+ my $Lib = uc $lib;
+ my $Arch = uc "install$libpair->{a}";
+ if( $self->{$Lib} && ! $self->{$Arch} ){
+ my($ilib) = $Config{$lib};
+ $ilib = VMS::Filespec::unixify($ilib) if $Is_VMS;
+ $self->prefixify($Arch,$ilib,$self->{$Lib});
+ unless (-d $self->{$Arch}) {
+ print STDOUT "Directory $self->{$Arch} not found, thusly\n" if $Verbose;
+ $self->{$Arch} = $self->{$Lib};
+ }
+ print STDOUT "Defaulting $Arch to $self->{$Arch}\n" if $Verbose;
+ }
+ }
+ # we have to look at the relation between $Config{prefix} and the
+ # requested values. We're going to set the $Config{prefix} part of
+ # all the installation path variables to literally $(PREFIX), so
+ # the user can still say make PREFIX=foo
+ my($configure_prefix) = $Config{'prefix'};
+ $configure_prefix = VMS::Filespec::unixify($configure_prefix) if $Is_VMS;
+ $self->{PREFIX} ||= $configure_prefix;
+ my($install_variable,$search_prefix,$replace_prefix);
+ # The rule, taken from Configure, is that if prefix contains perl,
+ # we shape the tree
+ # perlprefix/lib/ INSTALLPRIVLIB
+ # perlprefix/lib/pod/
+ # perlprefix/lib/site_perl/ INSTALLSITELIB
+ # perlprefix/bin/ INSTALLBIN
+ # perlprefix/man/ INSTALLMAN1DIR
+ # else
+ # prefix/lib/perl5/ INSTALLPRIVLIB
+ # prefix/lib/perl5/pod/
+ # prefix/lib/perl5/site_perl/ INSTALLSITELIB
+ # prefix/bin/ INSTALLBIN
+ # prefix/lib/perl5/man/ INSTALLMAN1DIR
+ $replace_prefix = qq[\$\(PREFIX\)];
+ for $install_variable (qw/
+ /) {
+ $self->prefixify($install_variable,$configure_prefix,$replace_prefix);
+ }
+ $search_prefix = $configure_prefix =~ /perl/ ?
+ $self->catdir($configure_prefix,"lib") :
+ $self->catdir($configure_prefix,"lib","perl5");
+ if ($self->{LIB}) {
+ $self->{INSTALLPRIVLIB} = $self->{INSTALLSITELIB} = $self->{LIB};
+ $self->catdir($self->{LIB},$Config{'archname'});
+ } else {
+ $replace_prefix = $self->{PREFIX} =~ /perl/ ?
+ $self->catdir(qq[\$\(PREFIX\)],"lib") :
+ $self->catdir(qq[\$\(PREFIX\)],"lib","perl5");
+ for $install_variable (qw/
+ /) {
+ $self->prefixify($install_variable,$search_prefix,$replace_prefix);
+ }
+ }
+ $search_prefix = $configure_prefix =~ /perl/ ?
+ $self->catdir($configure_prefix,"man") :
+ $self->catdir($configure_prefix,"lib","perl5","man");
+ $replace_prefix = $self->{PREFIX} =~ /perl/ ?
+ $self->catdir(qq[\$\(PREFIX\)],"man") :
+ $self->catdir(qq[\$\(PREFIX\)],"lib","perl5","man");
+ for $install_variable (qw/
+ /) {
+ $self->prefixify($install_variable,$search_prefix,$replace_prefix);
+ }
+ # Now we head at the manpages. Maybe they DO NOT want manpages
+ # installed
+ $self->{INSTALLMAN1DIR} = $Config::Config{installman1dir}
+ unless defined $self->{INSTALLMAN1DIR};
+ unless (defined $self->{INST_MAN1DIR}){
+ if ($self->{INSTALLMAN1DIR} =~ /^(none|\s*)$/){
+ $self->{INST_MAN1DIR} = $self->{INSTALLMAN1DIR};
+ } else {
+ $self->{INST_MAN1DIR} = $self->catdir($self->curdir,'blib','man1');
+ }
+ }
+ $self->{MAN1EXT} ||= $Config::Config{man1ext};
+ $self->{INSTALLMAN3DIR} = $Config::Config{installman3dir}
+ unless defined $self->{INSTALLMAN3DIR};
+ unless (defined $self->{INST_MAN3DIR}){
+ if ($self->{INSTALLMAN3DIR} =~ /^(none|\s*)$/){
+ $self->{INST_MAN3DIR} = $self->{INSTALLMAN3DIR};
+ } else {
+ $self->{INST_MAN3DIR} = $self->catdir($self->curdir,'blib','man3');
+ }
+ }
+ $self->{MAN3EXT} ||= $Config::Config{man3ext};
+ # Get some stuff out of %Config if we haven't yet done so
+ print STDOUT "CONFIG must be an array ref\n"
+ if ($self->{CONFIG} and ref $self->{CONFIG} ne 'ARRAY');
+ $self->{CONFIG} = [] unless (ref $self->{CONFIG});
+ push(@{$self->{CONFIG}}, @ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Get_from_Config);
+ push(@{$self->{CONFIG}}, 'shellflags') if $Config::Config{shellflags};
+ my(%once_only,$m);
+ foreach $m (@{$self->{CONFIG}}){
+ next if $once_only{$m};
+ print STDOUT "CONFIG key '$m' does not exist in\n"
+ unless exists $Config::Config{$m};
+ $self->{uc $m} ||= $Config::Config{$m};
+ $once_only{$m} = 1;
+ }
+# This is too dangerous:
+# if ($^O eq "next") {
+# $self->{AR} = "libtool";
+# $self->{AR_STATIC_ARGS} = "-o";
+# }
+# But I leave it as a placeholder
+ $self->{AR_STATIC_ARGS} ||= "cr";
+ # These should never be needed
+ $self->{LD} ||= 'ld';
+ $self->{OBJ_EXT} ||= '.o';
+ $self->{LIB_EXT} ||= '.a';
+ $self->{MAP_TARGET} ||= "perl";
+ $self->{LIBPERL_A} ||= "libperl$self->{LIB_EXT}";
+ # make a simple check if we find Exporter
+ warn "Warning: PERL_LIB ($self->{PERL_LIB}) seems not to be a perl library directory
+ ( not found)"
+ unless -f $self->catfile("$self->{PERL_LIB}","") ||
+ $self->{NAME} eq "ExtUtils::MakeMaker";
+ # Determine VERSION and VERSION_FROM
+ ($self->{DISTNAME}=$self->{NAME}) =~ s#(::)#-#g unless $self->{DISTNAME};
+ if ($self->{VERSION_FROM}){
+ $self->{VERSION} = $self->parse_version($self->{VERSION_FROM}) or
+ Carp::carp "WARNING: Setting VERSION via file '$self->{VERSION_FROM}' failed\n"
+ }
+ # strip blanks
+ if ($self->{VERSION}) {
+ $self->{VERSION} =~ s/^\s+//;
+ $self->{VERSION} =~ s/\s+$//;
+ }
+ $self->{VERSION} ||= "0.10";
+ ($self->{VERSION_SYM} = $self->{VERSION}) =~ s/\W/_/g;
+ # Graham Barr and Paul Marquess had some ideas how to ensure
+ # version compatibility between the *.pm file and the
+ # corresponding *.xs file. The bottomline was, that we need an
+ # XS_VERSION macro that defaults to VERSION:
+ $self->{XS_VERSION} ||= $self->{VERSION};
+ # --- Initialize Perl Binary Locations
+ # Find Perl 5. The only contract here is that both 'PERL' and 'FULLPERL'
+ # will be working versions of perl 5. miniperl has priority over perl
+ # for PERL to ensure that $(PERL) is usable while building ./ext/*
+ my ($component,@defpath);
+ foreach $component ($self->{PERL_SRC}, $self->path(), $Config::Config{binexp}) {
+ push @defpath, $component if defined $component;
+ }
+ $self->{PERL} ||=
+ $self->find_perl(5.0, [ $^X, 'miniperl','perl','perl5',"perl$]" ],
+ \@defpath, $Verbose );
+ # don't check if perl is executable, maybe they have decided to
+ # supply switches with perl
+ # Define 'FULLPERL' to be a non-miniperl (used in test: target)
+ ($self->{FULLPERL} = $self->{PERL}) =~ s/miniperl/perl/i
+ unless ($self->{FULLPERL});
+=item init_others
+sub init_others { # --- Initialize Other Attributes
+ my($self) = shift;
+ # Lets look at $self->{LIBS} carefully: It may be an anon array, a string or
+ # undefined. In any case we turn it into an anon array:
+ # May check $Config{libs} too, thus not empty.
+ $self->{LIBS}=[''] unless $self->{LIBS};
+ $self->{LIBS}=[$self->{LIBS}] if ref \$self->{LIBS} eq 'SCALAR';
+ $self->{LD_RUN_PATH} = "";
+ my($libs);
+ foreach $libs ( @{$self->{LIBS}} ){
+ $libs =~ s/^\s*(.*\S)\s*$/$1/; # remove leading and trailing whitespace
+ my(@libs) = $self->extliblist($libs);
+ if ($libs[0] or $libs[1] or $libs[2]){
+ # LD_RUN_PATH now computed by ExtUtils::Liblist
+ ($self->{EXTRALIBS}, $self->{BSLOADLIBS}, $self->{LDLOADLIBS}, $self->{LD_RUN_PATH}) = @libs;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $self->{OBJECT} ) {
+ $self->{OBJECT} =~ s!\.o(bj)?\b!\$(OBJ_EXT)!g;
+ } else {
+ # init_dirscan should have found out, if we have C files
+ $self->{OBJECT} = "";
+ $self->{OBJECT} = '$(BASEEXT)$(OBJ_EXT)' if @{$self->{C}||[]};
+ }
+ $self->{OBJECT} =~ s/\n+/ \\\n\t/g;
+ $self->{BOOTDEP} = (-f "$self->{BASEEXT}_BS") ? "$self->{BASEEXT}_BS" : "";
+ $self->{PERLMAINCC} ||= '$(CC)';
+ $self->{LDFROM} = '$(OBJECT)' unless $self->{LDFROM};
+ # Sanity check: don't define LINKTYPE = dynamic if we're skipping
+ # the 'dynamic' section of MM. We don't have this problem with
+ # 'static', since we either must use it (%Config says we can't
+ # use dynamic loading) or the caller asked for it explicitly.
+ if (!$self->{LINKTYPE}) {
+ $self->{LINKTYPE} = $self->{SKIPHASH}{'dynamic'}
+ ? 'static'
+ : ($Config::Config{usedl} ? 'dynamic' : 'static');
+ };
+ # These get overridden for VMS and maybe some other systems
+ $self->{NOOP} ||= '$(SHELL) -c true';
+ $self->{FIRST_MAKEFILE} ||= "Makefile";
+ $self->{MAKEFILE} ||= $self->{FIRST_MAKEFILE};
+ $self->{MAKE_APERL_FILE} ||= "Makefile.aperl";
+ $self->{NOECHO} = '@' unless defined $self->{NOECHO};
+ $self->{RM_F} ||= "rm -f";
+ $self->{RM_RF} ||= "rm -rf";
+ $self->{TOUCH} ||= "touch";
+ $self->{TEST_F} ||= "test -f";
+ $self->{CP} ||= "cp";
+ $self->{MV} ||= "mv";
+ $self->{CHMOD} ||= "chmod";
+ $self->{UMASK_NULL} ||= "umask 0";
+ $self->{DEV_NULL} ||= "> /dev/null 2>&1";
+=item install (o)
+Defines the install target.
+sub install {
+ my($self, %attribs) = @_;
+ my(@m);
+ push @m, q{
+install :: all pure_install doc_install
+install_perl :: all pure_perl_install doc_perl_install
+install_site :: all pure_site_install doc_site_install
+install_ :: install_site
+ @echo INSTALLDIRS not defined, defaulting to INSTALLDIRS=site
+pure_install :: pure_$(INSTALLDIRS)_install
+doc_install :: doc_$(INSTALLDIRS)_install
+ }.$self->{NOECHO}.q{echo Appending installation info to $(INSTALLARCHLIB)/perllocal.pod
+pure__install : pure_site_install
+ @echo INSTALLDIRS not defined, defaulting to INSTALLDIRS=site
+doc__install : doc_site_install
+ @echo INSTALLDIRS not defined, defaulting to INSTALLDIRS=site
+pure_perl_install ::
+ }.$self->{NOECHO}.q{$(MOD_INSTALL) \
+ read }.$self->catfile('$(PERL_ARCHLIB)','auto','$(FULLEXT)','.packlist').q{ \
+ write }.$self->catfile('$(INSTALLARCHLIB)','auto','$(FULLEXT)','.packlist').q{ \
+ }.$self->{NOECHO}.q{$(WARN_IF_OLD_PACKLIST) \
+ }.$self->catdir('$(SITEARCHEXP)','auto','$(FULLEXT)').q{
+pure_site_install ::
+ }.$self->{NOECHO}.q{$(MOD_INSTALL) \
+ read }.$self->catfile('$(SITEARCHEXP)','auto','$(FULLEXT)','.packlist').q{ \
+ write }.$self->catfile('$(INSTALLSITEARCH)','auto','$(FULLEXT)','.packlist').q{ \
+ }.$self->{NOECHO}.q{$(WARN_IF_OLD_PACKLIST) \
+ }.$self->catdir('$(PERL_ARCHLIB)','auto','$(FULLEXT)').q{
+doc_perl_install ::
+ -}.$self->{NOECHO}.q{$(DOC_INSTALL) \
+ "Module" "$(NAME)" \
+ "installed into" "$(INSTALLPRIVLIB)" \
+ >> }.$self->catfile('$(INSTALLARCHLIB)','perllocal.pod').q{
+doc_site_install ::
+ -}.$self->{NOECHO}.q{$(DOC_INSTALL) \
+ "Module" "$(NAME)" \
+ "installed into" "$(INSTALLSITELIB)" \
+ >> }.$self->catfile('$(INSTALLARCHLIB)','perllocal.pod').q{
+ push @m, q{
+uninstall :: uninstall_from_$(INSTALLDIRS)dirs
+uninstall_from_perldirs ::
+ }.$self->{NOECHO}.
+ q{$(UNINSTALL) }.$self->catfile('$(PERL_ARCHLIB)','auto','$(FULLEXT)','.packlist').q{
+uninstall_from_sitedirs ::
+ }.$self->{NOECHO}.
+ q{$(UNINSTALL) }.$self->catfile('$(SITEARCHEXP)','auto','$(FULLEXT)','.packlist').q{
+ join("",@m);
+=item installbin (o)
+Defines targets to install EXE_FILES.
+sub installbin {
+ my($self) = shift;
+ return "" unless $self->{EXE_FILES} && ref $self->{EXE_FILES} eq "ARRAY";
+ return "" unless @{$self->{EXE_FILES}};
+ my(@m, $from, $to, %fromto, @to);
+ push @m, $self->dir_target(qw[$(INST_SCRIPT)]);
+ for $from (@{$self->{EXE_FILES}}) {
+ my($path)= $self->catfile('$(INST_SCRIPT)', basename($from));
+ local($_) = $path; # for backwards compatibility
+ $to = $self->libscan($path);
+ print "libscan($from) => '$to'\n" if ($Verbose >=2);
+ $fromto{$from}=$to;
+ }
+ @to = values %fromto;
+ push(@m, qq{
+EXE_FILES = @{$self->{EXE_FILES}}
+} . ($Is_Win32
+ -e "system qq[pl2bat.bat ].shift"
+} : q{FIXIN = $(PERL) -I$(PERL_ARCHLIB) -I$(PERL_LIB) -MExtUtils::MakeMaker \
+ -e "MY->fixin(shift)"
+all :: @to
+ $self->{NOECHO}\$(NOOP)
+realclean ::
+ $self->{RM_F} @to
+ while (($from,$to) = each %fromto) {
+ last unless defined $from;
+ my $todir = dirname($to);
+ push @m, "
+$to: $from $self->{MAKEFILE} " . $self->catdir($todir,'.exists') . "
+ $self->{NOECHO}$self->{RM_F} $to
+ $self->{CP} $from $to
+ \$(FIXIN) $to
+ -$self->{NOECHO}\$(CHMOD) \$(PERM_RWX) $to
+ }
+ join "", @m;
+=item libscan (o)
+Takes a path to a file that is found by init_dirscan and returns false
+if we don't want to include this file in the library. Mainly used to
+exclude RCS, CVS, and SCCS directories from installation.
+# ';
+sub libscan {
+ my($self,$path) = @_;
+ return '' if $path =~ m:\b(RCS|CVS|SCCS)\b: ;
+ $path;
+=item linkext (o)
+Defines the linkext target which in turn defines the LINKTYPE.
+sub linkext {
+ my($self, %attribs) = @_;
+ # LINKTYPE => static or dynamic or ''
+ my($linktype) = defined $attribs{LINKTYPE} ?
+ $attribs{LINKTYPE} : '$(LINKTYPE)';
+ "
+linkext :: $linktype
+ $self->{NOECHO}\$(NOOP)
+=item lsdir
+Takes as arguments a directory name and a regular expression. Returns
+all entries in the directory that match the regular expression.
+sub lsdir {
+ my($self) = shift;
+ my($dir, $regex) = @_;
+ my(@ls);
+ my $dh = new DirHandle;
+ $dh->open($dir || ".") or return ();
+ @ls = $dh->read;
+ $dh->close;
+ @ls = grep(/$regex/, @ls) if $regex;
+ @ls;
+=item macro (o)
+Simple subroutine to insert the macros defined by the macro attribute
+into the Makefile.
+sub macro {
+ my($self,%attribs) = @_;
+ my(@m,$key,$val);
+ while (($key,$val) = each %attribs){
+ last unless defined $key;
+ push @m, "$key = $val\n";
+ }
+ join "", @m;
+=item makeaperl (o)
+Called by staticmake. Defines how to write the Makefile to produce a
+static new perl.
+By default the Makefile produced includes all the static extensions in
+the perl library. (Purified versions of library files, e.g.,
+DynaLoader_pure_p1_c0_032.a are automatically ignored to avoid link errors.)
+sub makeaperl {
+ my($self, %attribs) = @_;
+ my($makefilename, $searchdirs, $static, $extra, $perlinc, $target, $tmp, $libperl) =
+ my(@m);
+ push @m, "
+# --- MakeMaker makeaperl section ---
+MAP_TARGET = $target
+ return join '', @m if $self->{PARENT};
+ my($dir) = join ":", @{$self->{DIR}};
+ unless ($self->{MAKEAPERL}) {
+ push @m, q{
+ $(MAKE) -f $(MAKE_APERL_FILE) $@
+ }.$self->{NOECHO}.q{echo Writing \"$(MAKE_APERL_FILE)\" for this $(MAP_TARGET)
+ Makefile.PL DIR=}, $dir, q{ \
+ foreach (@ARGV){
+ if( /\s/ ){
+ s/=(.*)/='$1'/;
+ }
+ push @m, " \\\n\t\t$_";
+ }
+# push @m, map( " \\\n\t\t$_", @ARGV );
+ push @m, "\n";
+ return join '', @m;
+ }
+ my($cccmd, $linkcmd, $lperl);
+ $cccmd = $self->const_cccmd($libperl);
+ $cccmd =~ s/^CCCMD\s*=\s*//;
+ $cccmd =~ s/\$\(INC\)/ -I$self->{PERL_INC} /;
+ $cccmd .= " $Config::Config{cccdlflags}"
+ if ($Config::Config{useshrplib} eq 'true');
+ $cccmd =~ s/\(CC\)/\(PERLMAINCC\)/;
+ # The front matter of the linkcommand...
+ $linkcmd = join ' ', "\$(CC)",
+ grep($_, @Config{qw(large split ldflags ccdlflags)});
+ $linkcmd =~ s/\s+/ /g;
+ $linkcmd =~ s,(perl\.exp),\$(PERL_INC)/$1,;
+ # Which *.a files could we make use of...
+ local(%static);
+ require File::Find;
+ File::Find::find(sub {
+ return unless m/\Q$self->{LIB_EXT}\E$/;
+ return if m/^libperl/;
+ # Skip purified versions of libraries (e.g., DynaLoader_pure_p1_c0_032.a)
+ return if m/_pure_\w+_\w+_\w+\.\w+$/ and -f "$File::Find::dir/.pure";
+ if( exists $self->{INCLUDE_EXT} ){
+ my $found = 0;
+ my $incl;
+ my $xx;
+ ($xx = $File::Find::name) =~ s,.*?/auto/,,;
+ $xx =~ s,/?$_,,;
+ $xx =~ s,/,::,g;
+ # Throw away anything not explicitly marked for inclusion.
+ # DynaLoader is implied.
+ foreach $incl ((@{$self->{INCLUDE_EXT}},'DynaLoader')){
+ if( $xx eq $incl ){
+ $found++;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ return unless $found;
+ }
+ elsif( exists $self->{EXCLUDE_EXT} ){
+ my $excl;
+ my $xx;
+ ($xx = $File::Find::name) =~ s,.*?/auto/,,;
+ $xx =~ s,/?$_,,;
+ $xx =~ s,/,::,g;
+ # Throw away anything explicitly marked for exclusion
+ foreach $excl (@{$self->{EXCLUDE_EXT}}){
+ return if( $xx eq $excl );
+ }
+ }
+ # don't include the installed version of this extension. I
+ # leave this line here, although it is not necessary anymore:
+ # I patched minimod.PL instead, so that won't
+ # enclude duplicates
+ # Once the patch to minimod.PL is in the distribution, I can
+ # drop it
+ return if $File::Find::name =~ m:auto/$self->{FULLEXT}/$self->{BASEEXT}$self->{LIB_EXT}$:;
+ use Cwd 'cwd';
+ $static{cwd() . "/" . $_}++;
+ }, grep( -d $_, @{$searchdirs || []}) );
+ # We trust that what has been handed in as argument, will be buildable
+ $static = [] unless $static;
+ @static{@{$static}} = (1) x @{$static};
+ $extra = [] unless $extra && ref $extra eq 'ARRAY';
+ for (sort keys %static) {
+ next unless /\Q$self->{LIB_EXT}\E$/;
+ $_ = dirname($_) . "/extralibs.ld";
+ push @$extra, $_;
+ }
+ grep(s/^/-I/, @{$perlinc || []});
+ $target = "perl" unless $target;
+ $tmp = "." unless $tmp;
+# MAP_STATIC doesn't look into subdirs yet. Once "all" is made and we
+# regenerate the Makefiles, MAP_STATIC and the dependencies for
+# extralibs.all are computed correctly
+ push @m, "
+MAP_LINKCMD = $linkcmd
+MAP_PERLINC = @{$perlinc || []}
+join(" \\\n\t", reverse sort keys %static), "
+MAP_PRELIBS = $Config::Config{libs} $Config::Config{cryptlib}
+ if (defined $libperl) {
+ ($lperl = $libperl) =~ s/\$\(A\)/$self->{LIB_EXT}/;
+ }
+ unless ($libperl && -f $lperl) { # Ilya's code...
+ my $dir = $self->{PERL_SRC} || "$self->{PERL_ARCHLIB}/CORE";
+ $libperl ||= "libperl$self->{LIB_EXT}";
+ $libperl = "$dir/$libperl";
+ $lperl ||= "libperl$self->{LIB_EXT}";
+ $lperl = "$dir/$lperl";
+ if (! -f $libperl and ! -f $lperl) {
+ # We did not find a static libperl. Maybe there is a shared one?
+ if ($^O eq 'solaris' or $^O eq 'sunos') {
+ $lperl = $libperl = "$dir/$Config::Config{libperl}";
+ # SUNOS ld does not take the full path to a shared library
+ $libperl = '' if $^O eq 'sunos';
+ }
+ }
+ print STDOUT "Warning: $libperl not found
+ If you're going to build a static perl binary, make sure perl is installed
+ otherwise ignore this warning\n"
+ unless (-f $lperl || defined($self->{PERL_SRC}));
+ }
+ push @m, "
+MAP_LIBPERL = $libperl
+ push @m, "
+\$(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)/extralibs.all: \$(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)/.exists ".join(" \\\n\t", @$extra)."
+ $self->{NOECHO}$self->{RM_F} \$\@
+ $self->{NOECHO}\$(TOUCH) \$\@
+ my $catfile;
+ foreach $catfile (@$extra){
+ push @m, "\tcat $catfile >> \$\@\n";
+ }
+ # SUNOS ld does not take the full path to a shared library
+ my $llibperl = ($libperl)?'$(MAP_LIBPERL)':'-lperl';
+ # Brain dead solaris linker does not use LD_RUN_PATH?
+ # This fixes dynamic extensions which need shared libs
+ my $ldfrom = ($^O eq 'solaris')?
+ join(' ', map "-R$_", split /:/, $self->{LD_RUN_PATH}):'';
+push @m, "
+\$(MAP_TARGET) :: $tmp/perlmain\$(OBJ_EXT) \$(MAP_LIBPERL) \$(MAP_STATIC) \$(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)/extralibs.all
+ \$(MAP_LINKCMD) -o \$\@ \$(OPTIMIZE) $tmp/perlmain\$(OBJ_EXT) $ldfrom \$(MAP_STATIC) $llibperl `cat \$(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)/extralibs.all` \$(MAP_PRELIBS)
+ $self->{NOECHO}echo 'To install the new \"\$(MAP_TARGET)\" binary, call'
+ $self->{NOECHO}echo ' make -f $makefilename inst_perl MAP_TARGET=\$(MAP_TARGET)'
+ $self->{NOECHO}echo 'To remove the intermediate files say'
+ $self->{NOECHO}echo ' make -f $makefilename map_clean'
+$tmp/perlmain\$(OBJ_EXT): $tmp/perlmain.c
+ push @m, "\tcd $tmp && $cccmd -I\$(PERL_INC) perlmain.c\n";
+ push @m, qq{
+$tmp/perlmain.c: $makefilename}, q{
+ }.$self->{NOECHO}.q{echo Writing $@
+ }.$self->{NOECHO}.q{$(PERL) $(MAP_PERLINC) -MExtUtils::Miniperl \\
+ -e "writemain(grep s#.*/auto/##, qw|$(MAP_STATIC)|)" > $@t && $(MV) $@t $@
+ push @m, "\t",$self->{NOECHO}.q{$(PERL) $(INSTALLSCRIPT)/fixpmain
+} if (defined (&Dos::UseLFN) && Dos::UseLFN()==0);
+ push @m, q{
+ }.$self->{NOECHO}.q{echo Appending installation info to $(INSTALLARCHLIB)/perllocal.pod
+ -}.$self->{NOECHO}.q{$(DOC_INSTALL) \
+ "Perl binary" "$(MAP_TARGET)" \
+ MAP_EXTRA "`cat $(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)/extralibs.all`" \
+ >> }.$self->catfile('$(INSTALLARCHLIB)','perllocal.pod').q{
+ push @m, q{
+inst_perl: pure_inst_perl doc_inst_perl
+pure_inst_perl: $(MAP_TARGET)
+ }.$self->{CP}.q{ $(MAP_TARGET) }.$self->catfile('$(INSTALLBIN)','$(MAP_TARGET)').q{
+clean :: map_clean
+map_clean :
+ }.$self->{RM_F}.qq{ $tmp/perlmain\$(OBJ_EXT) $tmp/perlmain.c \$(MAP_TARGET) $makefilename \$(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)/extralibs.all
+ join '', @m;
+=item makefile (o)
+Defines how to rewrite the Makefile.
+sub makefile {
+ my($self) = shift;
+ my @m;
+ # We do not know what target was originally specified so we
+ # must force a manual rerun to be sure. But as it should only
+ # happen very rarely it is not a significant problem.
+ push @m, '
+' if $self->{OBJECT};
+ push @m, q{
+# We take a very conservative approach here, but it\'s worth it.
+# We move Makefile to Makefile.old here to avoid gnu make looping.
+}.$self->{MAKEFILE}.q{ : Makefile.PL $(CONFIGDEP)
+ }.$self->{NOECHO}.q{echo "Makefile out-of-date with respect to $?"
+ }.$self->{NOECHO}.q{echo "Cleaning current config before rebuilding Makefile..."
+ -}.$self->{NOECHO}.q{$(RM_F) }."$self->{MAKEFILE}.old".q{
+ -}.$self->{NOECHO}.q{$(MV) }."$self->{MAKEFILE} $self->{MAKEFILE}.old".q{
+ -$(MAKE) -f }.$self->{MAKEFILE}.q{.old clean $(DEV_NULL) || $(NOOP)
+ $(PERL) "-I$(PERL_ARCHLIB)" "-I$(PERL_LIB)" Makefile.PL }.join(" ",map(qq["$_"],@ARGV)).q{
+ }.$self->{NOECHO}.q{echo "==> Your Makefile has been rebuilt. <=="
+ }.$self->{NOECHO}.q{echo "==> Please rerun the make command. <=="
+ false
+# To change behavior to :: would be nice, but would break Tk b9.02
+# so you find such a warning below the dist target.
+#}.$self->{MAKEFILE}.q{ :: $(VERSION_FROM)
+# }.$self->{NOECHO}.q{echo "Warning: Makefile possibly out of date with $(VERSION_FROM)"
+ join "", @m;
+=item manifypods (o)
+Defines targets and routines to translate the pods into manpages and
+put them into the INST_* directories.
+sub manifypods {
+ my($self, %attribs) = @_;
+ return "\nmanifypods : pure_all\n\t$self->{NOECHO}\$(NOOP)\n" unless
+ %{$self->{MAN3PODS}} or %{$self->{MAN1PODS}};
+ my($dist);
+ my($pod2man_exe);
+ if (defined $self->{PERL_SRC}) {
+ $pod2man_exe = $self->catfile($self->{PERL_SRC},'pod','pod2man');
+ } else {
+ $pod2man_exe = $self->catfile($Config{scriptdirexp},'pod2man');
+ }
+ unless ($self->perl_script($pod2man_exe)) {
+ # No pod2man but some MAN3PODS to be installed
+ print <<END;
+Warning: I could not locate your pod2man program. Please make sure,
+ your pod2man program is in your PATH before you execute 'make'
+ $pod2man_exe = "-S pod2man";
+ }
+ my(@m);
+ push @m,
+qq[POD2MAN_EXE = $pod2man_exe\n],
+qq[POD2MAN = \$(PERL) -we '%m=\@ARGV;for (keys %m){' \\\n],
+q[-e 'next if -e $$m{$$_} && -M $$m{$$_} < -M $$_ && -M $$m{$$_} < -M "],
+ $self->{MAKEFILE}, q[";' \\
+-e 'print "Manifying $$m{$$_}\n";' \\
+-e 'system(qq[$$^X ].q["-I$(PERL_ARCHLIB)" "-I$(PERL_LIB)" $(POD2MAN_EXE) ].qq[$$_>$$m{$$_}])==0 or warn "Couldn\\047t install $$m{$$_}\n";' \\
+-e 'chmod(oct($(PERM_RW))), $$m{$$_} or warn "chmod $(PERM_RW) $$m{$$_}: $$!\n";}'
+ push @m, "\nmanifypods : pure_all ";
+ push @m, join " \\\n\t", keys %{$self->{MAN1PODS}}, keys %{$self->{MAN3PODS}};
+ push(@m,"\n");
+ if (%{$self->{MAN1PODS}} || %{$self->{MAN3PODS}}) {
+ push @m, "\t$self->{NOECHO}\$(POD2MAN) \\\n\t";
+ push @m, join " \\\n\t", %{$self->{MAN1PODS}}, %{$self->{MAN3PODS}};
+ }
+ join('', @m);
+=item maybe_command
+Returns true, if the argument is likely to be a command.
+sub maybe_command {
+ my($self,$file) = @_;
+ return $file if -x $file && ! -d $file;
+ return;
+=item maybe_command_in_dirs
+method under development. Not yet used. Ask Ilya :-)
+sub maybe_command_in_dirs { # $ver is optional argument if looking for perl
+# Ilya's suggestion. Not yet used, want to understand it first, but at least the code is here
+ my($self, $names, $dirs, $trace, $ver) = @_;
+ my($name, $dir);
+ foreach $dir (@$dirs){
+ next unless defined $dir; # $self->{PERL_SRC} may be undefined
+ foreach $name (@$names){
+ my($abs,$tryabs);
+ if ($self->file_name_is_absolute($name)) { # /foo/bar
+ $abs = $name;
+ } elsif ($self->canonpath($name) eq $self->canonpath(basename($name))) { # bar
+ $abs = $self->catfile($dir, $name);
+ } else { # foo/bar
+ $abs = $self->catfile($self->curdir, $name);
+ }
+ print "Checking $abs for $name\n" if ($trace >= 2);
+ next unless $tryabs = $self->maybe_command($abs);
+ print "Substituting $tryabs instead of $abs\n"
+ if ($trace >= 2 and $tryabs ne $abs);
+ $abs = $tryabs;
+ if (defined $ver) {
+ print "Executing $abs\n" if ($trace >= 2);
+ if (`$abs -e 'require $ver; print "VER_OK\n" ' 2>&1` =~ /VER_OK/) {
+ print "Using PERL=$abs\n" if $trace;
+ return $abs;
+ }
+ } else { # Do not look for perl
+ return $abs;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+=item needs_linking (o)
+Does this module need linking? Looks into subdirectory objects (see
+also has_link_code())
+sub needs_linking {
+ my($self) = shift;
+ my($child,$caller);
+ $caller = (caller(0))[3];
+ Carp::confess("Needs_linking called too early") if $caller =~ /^ExtUtils::MakeMaker::/;
+ return $self->{NEEDS_LINKING} if defined $self->{NEEDS_LINKING};
+ if ($self->has_link_code or $self->{MAKEAPERL}){
+ $self->{NEEDS_LINKING} = 1;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ foreach $child (keys %{$self->{CHILDREN}}) {
+ if ($self->{CHILDREN}->{$child}->needs_linking) {
+ $self->{NEEDS_LINKING} = 1;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return $self->{NEEDS_LINKING} = 0;
+=item nicetext
+misnamed method (will have to be changed). The MM_Unix method just
+returns the argument without further processing.
+On VMS used to insure that colons marking targets are preceded by
+space - most Unix Makes don't need this, but it's necessary under VMS
+to distinguish the target delimiter from a colon appearing as part of
+a filespec.
+sub nicetext {
+ my($self,$text) = @_;
+ $text;
+=item parse_version
+parse a file and return what you think is $VERSION in this file set to
+sub parse_version {
+ my($self,$parsefile) = @_;
+ my $result;
+ local *FH;
+ local $/ = "\n";
+ open(FH,$parsefile) or die "Could not open '$parsefile': $!";
+ my $inpod = 0;
+ while (<FH>) {
+ $inpod = /^=(?!cut)/ ? 1 : /^=cut/ ? 0 : $inpod;
+ next if $inpod;
+ chop;
+ # next unless /\$(([\w\:\']*)\bVERSION)\b.*\=/;
+ next unless /([\$*])(([\w\:\']*)\bVERSION)\b.*\=/;
+ my $eval = qq{
+ package ExtUtils::MakeMaker::_version;
+ no strict;
+ local $1$2;
+ \$$2=undef; do {
+ $_
+ }; \$$2
+ };
+ local($^W) = 0;
+ $result = eval($eval);
+ die "Could not eval '$eval' in $parsefile: $@" if $@;
+ $result = "undef" unless defined $result;
+ last;
+ }
+ close FH;
+ return $result;
+=item parse_abstract
+parse a file and return what you think is the ABSTRACT
+sub parse_abstract {
+ my($self,$parsefile) = @_;
+ my $result;
+ local *FH;
+ local $/ = "\n";
+ open(FH,$parsefile) or die "Could not open '$parsefile': $!";
+ my $inpod = 0;
+ my $package = $self->{DISTNAME};
+ $package =~ s/-/::/;
+ while (<FH>) {
+ $inpod = /^=(?!cut)/ ? 1 : /^=cut/ ? 0 : $inpod;
+ next if !$inpod;
+ chop;
+ next unless /^($package\s-\s)(.*)/;
+ $result = $2;
+ last;
+ }
+ close FH;
+ return $result;
+=item pasthru (o)
+Defines the string that is passed to recursive make calls in
+sub pasthru {
+ my($self) = shift;
+ my(@m,$key);
+ my(@pasthru);
+ my($sep) = $Is_VMS ? ',' : '';
+ $sep .= "\\\n\t";
+ push @pasthru, "$key=\"\$($key)\"";
+ }
+ push @m, "\nPASTHRU = ", join ($sep, @pasthru), "\n";
+ join "", @m;
+=item path
+Takes no argument, returns the environment variable PATH as an array.
+sub path {
+ my($self) = @_;
+ my $path_sep = ($Is_OS2 || $Is_Dos) ? ";" : ":";
+ my $path = $ENV{PATH};
+ $path =~ s:\\:/:g if $Is_OS2;
+ my @path = split $path_sep, $path;
+ foreach(@path) { $_ = '.' if $_ eq '' }
+ @path;
+=item perl_script
+Takes one argument, a file name, and returns the file name, if the
+argument is likely to be a perl script. On MM_Unix this is true for
+any ordinary, readable file.
+sub perl_script {
+ my($self,$file) = @_;
+ return $file if -r $file && -f _;
+ return;
+=item perldepend (o)
+Defines the dependency from all *.h files that come with the perl
+sub perldepend {
+ my($self) = shift;
+ my(@m);
+ push @m, q{
+# Check for unpropogated changes. Should never happen.
+# We do NOT just update config.h because that is not sufficient.
+# An out of date config.h is not fatal but complains loudly!
+$(PERL_INC)/config.h: $(PERL_SRC)/
+ -}.$self->{NOECHO}.q{echo "Warning: $(PERL_INC)/config.h out of date with $(PERL_SRC)/"; false
+ }.$self->{NOECHO}.q{echo "Warning: $(PERL_ARCHLIB)/ may be out of date with $(PERL_SRC)/"
+ cd $(PERL_SRC) && $(MAKE) lib/
+} if $self->{PERL_SRC};
+ return join "", @m unless $self->needs_linking;
+ push @m, q{
+$(PERL_INC)/EXTERN.h $(PERL_INC)/gv.h $(PERL_INC)/pp.h \
+$(PERL_INC)/INTERN.h $(PERL_INC)/handy.h $(PERL_INC)/proto.h \
+$(PERL_INC)/XSUB.h $(PERL_INC)/hv.h $(PERL_INC)/regcomp.h \
+$(PERL_INC)/av.h $(PERL_INC)/keywords.h $(PERL_INC)/regexp.h \
+$(PERL_INC)/config.h $(PERL_INC)/mg.h $(PERL_INC)/scope.h \
+$(PERL_INC)/cop.h $(PERL_INC)/op.h $(PERL_INC)/sv.h \
+$(PERL_INC)/cv.h $(PERL_INC)/opcode.h $(PERL_INC)/unixish.h \
+$(PERL_INC)/dosish.h $(PERL_INC)/patchlevel.h $(PERL_INC)/util.h \
+$(PERL_INC)/embed.h $(PERL_INC)/perl.h $(PERL_INC)/iperlsys.h \
+$(PERL_INC)/form.h $(PERL_INC)/perly.h
+} if $self->{OBJECT};
+ push @m, join(" ", values %{$self->{XS}})." : \$(XSUBPPDEPS)\n" if %{$self->{XS}};
+ join "\n", @m;
+=item ppd
+Defines target that creates a PPD (Perl Package Description) file
+for a binary distribution.
+sub ppd {
+ my($self) = @_;
+ my(@m);
+ if ($self->{ABSTRACT_FROM}){
+ $self->{ABSTRACT} = $self->parse_abstract($self->{ABSTRACT_FROM}) or
+ Carp::carp "WARNING: Setting ABSTRACT via file '$self->{ABSTRACT_FROM}' failed\n";
+ }
+ my ($pack_ver) = join ",", (split (/\./, $self->{VERSION}), (0) x 4) [0 .. 3];
+ push(@m, "# Creates a PPD (Perl Package Description) for a binary distribution.\n");
+ push(@m, "ppd:\n");
+ push(@m, "\t\@\$(PERL) -e \"print qq{<SOFTPKG NAME=\\\"$self->{DISTNAME}\\\" VERSION=\\\"$pack_ver\\\">\\n}");
+ push(@m, ". qq{\\t<TITLE>$self->{DISTNAME}</TITLE>\\n}");
+ my $abstract = $self->{ABSTRACT};
+ $abstract =~ s/</&lt;/g;
+ $abstract =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
+ push(@m, ". qq{\\t<ABSTRACT>$abstract</ABSTRACT>\\n}");
+ my ($author) = $self->{AUTHOR};
+ $author =~ s/@/\\@/g;
+ push(@m, ". qq{\\t<AUTHOR>$author</AUTHOR>\\n}");
+ push(@m, ". qq{\\t<IMPLEMENTATION>\\n}");
+ my ($prereq);
+ foreach $prereq (sort keys %{$self->{PREREQ_PM}}) {
+ my $pre_req = $prereq;
+ $pre_req =~ s/::/-/g;
+ push(@m, ". qq{\\t\\t<DEPENDENCY NAME=\\\"$pre_req\\\" />\\n}");
+ }
+ push(@m, ". qq{\\t\\t<OS NAME=\\\"\$(OSNAME)\\\" />\\n}");
+ my ($bin_location) = $self->{BINARY_LOCATION};
+ $bin_location =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
+ if ($self->{PPM_INSTALL_SCRIPT}) {
+ if ($self->{PPM_INSTALL_EXEC}) {
+ push(@m, " . qq{\\t\\t<INSTALL EXEC=\\\"$self->{PPM_INSTALL_EXEC}\\\">$self->{PPM_INSTALL_SCRIPT}</INSTALL>\\n}");
+ }
+ else {
+ push(@m, " . qq{\\t\\t<INSTALL>$self->{PPM_INSTALL_SCRIPT}</INSTALL>\\n}");
+ }
+ }
+ push(@m, ". qq{\\t\\t<CODEBASE HREF=\\\"$bin_location\\\" />\\n}");
+ push(@m, ". qq{\\t</IMPLEMENTATION>\\n}");
+ push(@m, ". qq{</SOFTPKG>\\n}\" > $self->{DISTNAME}.ppd");
+ join("", @m);
+=item perm_rw (o)
+Returns the attribute C<PERM_RW> or the string C<644>.
+Used as the string that is passed
+to the C<chmod> command to set the permissions for read/writeable files.
+MakeMaker chooses C<644> because it has turned out in the past that
+relying on the umask provokes hard-to-track bugreports.
+When the return value is used by the perl function C<chmod>, it is
+interpreted as an octal value.
+sub perm_rw {
+ shift->{PERM_RW} || "644";
+=item perm_rwx (o)
+Returns the attribute C<PERM_RWX> or the string C<755>,
+i.e. the string that is passed
+to the C<chmod> command to set the permissions for executable files.
+See also perl_rw.
+sub perm_rwx {
+ shift->{PERM_RWX} || "755";
+=item pm_to_blib
+Defines target that copies all files in the hash PM to their
+destination and autosplits them. See L<ExtUtils::Install/DESCRIPTION>
+sub pm_to_blib {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my($autodir) = $self->catdir('$(INST_LIB)','auto');
+ return q{
+pm_to_blib: $(TO_INST_PM)
+ }.$self->{NOECHO}.q{$(PERL) "-I$(INST_ARCHLIB)" "-I$(INST_LIB)" \
+ "-I$(PERL_ARCHLIB)" "-I$(PERL_LIB)" -MExtUtils::Install \
+ -e "pm_to_blib({qw{$(PM_TO_BLIB)}},'}.$autodir.q{')"
+ }.$self->{NOECHO}.q{$(TOUCH) $@
+=item post_constants (o)
+Returns an empty string per default. Dedicated to overrides from
+within Makefile.PL after all constants have been defined.
+sub post_constants{
+ my($self) = shift;
+ "";
+=item post_initialize (o)
+Returns an empty string per default. Used in Makefile.PLs to add some
+chunk of text to the Makefile after the object is initialized.
+sub post_initialize {
+ my($self) = shift;
+ "";
+=item postamble (o)
+Returns an empty string. Can be used in Makefile.PLs to write some
+text to the Makefile at the end.
+sub postamble {
+ my($self) = shift;
+ "";
+=item prefixify
+Check a path variable in $self from %Config, if it contains a prefix,
+and replace it with another one.
+Takes as arguments an attribute name, a search prefix and a
+replacement prefix. Changes the attribute in the object.
+sub prefixify {
+ my($self,$var,$sprefix,$rprefix) = @_;
+ $self->{uc $var} ||= $Config{lc $var};
+ $self->{uc $var} = VMS::Filespec::unixpath($self->{uc $var}) if $Is_VMS;
+ $self->{uc $var} =~ s/\Q$sprefix\E/$rprefix/;
+=item processPL (o)
+Defines targets to run *.PL files.
+sub processPL {
+ my($self) = shift;
+ return "" unless $self->{PL_FILES};
+ my(@m, $plfile);
+ foreach $plfile (sort keys %{$self->{PL_FILES}}) {
+ push @m, "
+all :: $self->{PL_FILES}->{$plfile}
+ $self->{NOECHO}\$(NOOP)
+$self->{PL_FILES}->{$plfile} :: $plfile
+ }
+ join "", @m;
+=item realclean (o)
+Defines the realclean target.
+sub realclean {
+ my($self, %attribs) = @_;
+ my(@m);
+ push(@m,'
+# Delete temporary files (via clean) and also delete installed files
+realclean purge :: clean
+ # realclean subdirectories first (already cleaned)
+ my $sub = "\t-cd %s && \$(TEST_F) %s && \$(MAKE) %s realclean\n";
+ foreach(@{$self->{DIR}}){
+ push(@m, sprintf($sub,$_,"$self->{MAKEFILE}.old","-f $self->{MAKEFILE}.old"));
+ push(@m, sprintf($sub,$_,"$self->{MAKEFILE}",''));
+ }
+ push(@m, " $self->{RM_RF} \$(INST_AUTODIR) \$(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)\n");
+ if( $self->has_link_code ){
+ push(@m, " $self->{RM_F} \$(INST_DYNAMIC) \$(INST_BOOT)\n");
+ push(@m, " $self->{RM_F} \$(INST_STATIC)\n");
+ }
+ push(@m, " $self->{RM_F} " . join(" ", values %{$self->{PM}}) . "\n")
+ if keys %{$self->{PM}};
+ my(@otherfiles) = ($self->{MAKEFILE},
+ "$self->{MAKEFILE}.old"); # Makefiles last
+ push(@otherfiles, $attribs{FILES}) if $attribs{FILES};
+ push(@m, " $self->{RM_RF} @otherfiles\n") if @otherfiles;
+ push(@m, " $attribs{POSTOP}\n") if $attribs{POSTOP};
+ join("", @m);
+=item replace_manpage_separator
+Takes the name of a package, which may be a nested package, in the
+form Foo/Bar and replaces the slash with C<::>. Returns the replacement.
+sub replace_manpage_separator {
+ my($self,$man) = @_;
+ $man =~ s,/+,::,g;
+ $man;
+=item static (o)
+Defines the static target.
+sub static {
+# --- Static Loading Sections ---
+ my($self) = shift;
+ '
+## $(INST_PM) has been moved to the all: target.
+## It remains here for awhile to allow for old usage: "make static"
+#static :: '.$self->{MAKEFILE}.' $(INST_STATIC) $(INST_PM)
+static :: '.$self->{MAKEFILE}.' $(INST_STATIC)
+ '.$self->{NOECHO}.'$(NOOP)
+=item static_lib (o)
+Defines how to produce the *.a (or equivalent) files.
+sub static_lib {
+ my($self) = @_;
+# Come to think of it, if there are subdirs with linkcode, we still have no INST_STATIC
+# return '' unless $self->needs_linking(); #might be because of a subdir
+ return '' unless $self->has_link_code;
+ my(@m);
+ push(@m, <<'END');
+ $(RM_RF) $@
+ # If this extension has it's own library (eg SDBM_File)
+ # then copy that to $(INST_STATIC) and add $(OBJECT) into it.
+ push(@m, "\t$self->{CP} \$(MYEXTLIB) \$\@\n") if $self->{MYEXTLIB};
+ push @m,
+q{ $(AR) $(AR_STATIC_ARGS) $@ $(OBJECT) && $(RANLIB) $@
+ $(CHMOD) $(PERM_RWX) $@
+ }.$self->{NOECHO}.q{echo "$(EXTRALIBS)" > $(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)/extralibs.ld
+ # Old mechanism - still available:
+ push @m,
+"\t$self->{NOECHO}".q{echo "$(EXTRALIBS)" >> $(PERL_SRC)/ext.libs
+} if $self->{PERL_SRC} && $self->{EXTRALIBS};
+ push @m, "\n";
+ push @m, $self->dir_target('$(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)');
+ join('', "\n",@m);
+=item staticmake (o)
+Calls makeaperl.
+sub staticmake {
+ my($self, %attribs) = @_;
+ my(@static);
+ my(@searchdirs)=($self->{PERL_ARCHLIB}, $self->{SITEARCHEXP}, $self->{INST_ARCHLIB});
+ # And as it's not yet built, we add the current extension
+ # but only if it has some C code (or XS code, which implies C code)
+ if (@{$self->{C}}) {
+ @static = $self->catfile($self->{INST_ARCHLIB},
+ "auto",
+ $self->{FULLEXT},
+ "$self->{BASEEXT}$self->{LIB_EXT}"
+ );
+ }
+ # Either we determine now, which libraries we will produce in the
+ # subdirectories or we do it at runtime of the make.
+ # We could ask all subdir objects, but I cannot imagine, why it
+ # would be necessary.
+ # Instead we determine all libraries for the new perl at
+ # runtime.
+ my(@perlinc) = ($self->{INST_ARCHLIB}, $self->{INST_LIB}, $self->{PERL_ARCHLIB}, $self->{PERL_LIB});
+ $self->makeaperl(MAKE => $self->{MAKEFILE},
+ DIRS => \@searchdirs,
+ STAT => \@static,
+ INCL => \@perlinc,
+ TARGET => $self->{MAP_TARGET},
+ TMP => "",
+ LIBPERL => $self->{LIBPERL_A}
+ );
+=item subdir_x (o)
+Helper subroutine for subdirs
+sub subdir_x {
+ my($self, $subdir) = @_;
+ my(@m);
+ qq{
+subdirs ::
+ $self->{NOECHO}cd $subdir && \$(MAKE) all \$(PASTHRU)
+=item subdirs (o)
+Defines targets to process subdirectories.
+sub subdirs {
+# --- Sub-directory Sections ---
+ my($self) = shift;
+ my(@m,$dir);
+ # This method provides a mechanism to automatically deal with
+ # subdirectories containing further Makefile.PL scripts.
+ # It calls the subdir_x() method for each subdirectory.
+ foreach $dir (@{$self->{DIR}}){
+ push(@m, $self->subdir_x($dir));
+#### print "Including $dir subdirectory\n";
+ }
+ if (@m){
+ unshift(@m, "
+# The default clean, realclean and test targets in this Makefile
+# have automatically been given entries for each subdir.
+ } else {
+ push(@m, "\n# none")
+ }
+ join('',@m);
+=item test (o)
+Defines the test targets.
+sub test {
+# --- Test and Installation Sections ---
+ my($self, %attribs) = @_;
+ my $tests = $attribs{TESTS};
+ if (!$tests && -d 't') {
+ $tests = $Is_Win32 ? join(' ', <t\\*.t>) : 't/*.t';
+ }
+ # note: '' name is also hardcoded in init_dirscan()
+ my(@m);
+ push(@m,"
+TEST_FILES = $tests
+testdb :: testdb_\$(LINKTYPE)
+test :: \$(TEST_TYPE)
+ push(@m, map("\t$self->{NOECHO}cd $_ && \$(TEST_F) $self->{MAKEFILE} && \$(MAKE) test \$(PASTHRU)\n",
+ @{$self->{DIR}}));
+ push(@m, "\t$self->{NOECHO}echo 'No tests defined for \$(NAME) extension.'\n")
+ unless $tests or -f "" or @{$self->{DIR}};
+ push(@m, "\n");
+ push(@m, "test_dynamic :: pure_all\n");
+ push(@m, $self->test_via_harness('$(FULLPERL)', '$(TEST_FILES)')) if $tests;
+ push(@m, $self->test_via_script('$(FULLPERL)', '$(TEST_FILE)')) if -f "";
+ push(@m, "\n");
+ push(@m, "testdb_dynamic :: pure_all\n");
+ push(@m, $self->test_via_script('$(FULLPERL) $(TESTDB_SW)', '$(TEST_FILE)'));
+ push(@m, "\n");
+ # Occasionally we may face this degenerate target:
+ push @m, "test_ : test_dynamic\n\n";
+ if ($self->needs_linking()) {
+ push(@m, "test_static :: pure_all \$(MAP_TARGET)\n");
+ push(@m, $self->test_via_harness('./$(MAP_TARGET)', '$(TEST_FILES)')) if $tests;
+ push(@m, $self->test_via_script('./$(MAP_TARGET)', '$(TEST_FILE)')) if -f "";
+ push(@m, "\n");
+ push(@m, "testdb_static :: pure_all \$(MAP_TARGET)\n");
+ push(@m, $self->test_via_script('./$(MAP_TARGET) $(TESTDB_SW)', '$(TEST_FILE)'));
+ push(@m, "\n");
+ } else {
+ push @m, "test_static :: test_dynamic\n";
+ push @m, "testdb_static :: testdb_dynamic\n";
+ }
+ join("", @m);
+=item test_via_harness (o)
+Helper method to write the test targets
+sub test_via_harness {
+ my($self, $perl, $tests) = @_;
+ $perl = "PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 $perl" unless $Is_Win32;
+ "\t$perl".q! -I$(INST_ARCHLIB) -I$(INST_LIB) -I$(PERL_ARCHLIB) -I$(PERL_LIB) -e 'use Test::Harness qw(&runtests $$verbose); $$verbose=$(TEST_VERBOSE); runtests @ARGV;' !."$tests\n";
+=item test_via_script (o)
+Other helper method for test.
+sub test_via_script {
+ my($self, $perl, $script) = @_;
+ $perl = "PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 $perl" unless $Is_Win32;
+ qq{\t$perl}.q{ -I$(INST_ARCHLIB) -I$(INST_LIB) -I$(PERL_ARCHLIB) -I$(PERL_LIB) }.qq{$script
+=item tool_autosplit (o)
+Defines a simple perl call that runs autosplit. May be deprecated by
+pm_to_blib soon.
+sub tool_autosplit {
+# --- Tool Sections ---
+ my($self, %attribs) = @_;
+ my($asl) = "";
+ $asl = "\$AutoSplit::Maxlen=$attribs{MAXLEN};" if $attribs{MAXLEN};
+ q{
+# Usage: $(AUTOSPLITFILE) FileToSplit AutoDirToSplitInto
+AUTOSPLITFILE = $(PERL) "-I$(PERL_ARCHLIB)" "-I$(PERL_LIB)" -e 'use AutoSplit;}.$asl.q{autosplit($$ARGV[0], $$ARGV[1], 0, 1, 1) ;'
+=item tools_other (o)
+the Makefile. Also defines the perl programs MKPATH,
+sub tools_other {
+ my($self) = shift;
+ my @m;
+ my $bin_sh = $Config{sh} || '/bin/sh';
+ push @m, qq{
+SHELL = $bin_sh
+ push @m, "$_ = $self->{$_}\n";
+ }
+ push @m, q{
+# The following is a portable way to say mkdir -p
+# To see which directories are created, change the if 0 to if 1
+MKPATH = $(PERL) -I$(PERL_ARCHLIB) -I$(PERL_LIB) -MExtUtils::Command -e mkpath
+# This helps us to minimize the effect of the .exists files A yet
+# better solution would be to have a stable file in the perl
+# distribution with a timestamp of zero. But this solution doesn't
+# need any changes to the core distribution and works with older perls
+EQUALIZE_TIMESTAMP = $(PERL) -I$(PERL_ARCHLIB) -I$(PERL_LIB) -MExtUtils::Command -e eqtime
+ return join "", @m if $self->{PARENT};
+ push @m, q{
+# Here we warn users that an old packlist file was found somewhere,
+# and that they should call some uninstall routine
+WARN_IF_OLD_PACKLIST = $(PERL) -we 'exit unless -f $$ARGV[0];' \\
+-e 'print "WARNING: I have found an old package in\n";' \\
+-e 'print "\t$$ARGV[0].\n";' \\
+-e 'print "Please make sure the two installations are not conflicting\n";'
+MOD_INSTALL = $(PERL) -I$(INST_LIB) -I$(PERL_LIB) -MExtUtils::Install \
+-e "install({@ARGV},'$(VERBINST)',0,'$(UNINST)');"
+DOC_INSTALL = $(PERL) -e '$$\="\n\n";' \
+-e 'print "=head2 ", scalar(localtime), ": C<", shift, ">", " L<", shift, ">";' \
+-e 'print "=over 4";' \
+-e 'while (defined($$key = shift) and defined($$val = shift)){print "=item *";print "C<$$key: $$val>";}' \
+-e 'print "=back";'
+UNINSTALL = $(PERL) -MExtUtils::Install \
+-e 'uninstall($$ARGV[0],1,1); print "\nUninstall is deprecated. Please check the";' \
+-e 'print " packlist above carefully.\n There may be errors. Remove the";' \
+-e 'print " appropriate files manually.\n Sorry for the inconveniences.\n"'
+ return join "", @m;
+=item tool_xsubpp (o)
+Determines typemaps, xsubpp version, prototype behaviour.
+sub tool_xsubpp {
+ my($self) = shift;
+ return "" unless $self->needs_linking;
+ my($xsdir) = $self->catdir($self->{PERL_LIB},"ExtUtils");
+ my(@tmdeps) = $self->catdir('$(XSUBPPDIR)','typemap');
+ if( $self->{TYPEMAPS} ){
+ my $typemap;
+ foreach $typemap (@{$self->{TYPEMAPS}}){
+ if( ! -f $typemap ){
+ warn "Typemap $typemap not found.\n";
+ }
+ else{
+ push(@tmdeps, $typemap);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ push(@tmdeps, "typemap") if -f "typemap";
+ my(@tmargs) = map("-typemap $_", @tmdeps);
+ if( exists $self->{XSOPT} ){
+ unshift( @tmargs, $self->{XSOPT} );
+ }
+ my $xsubpp_version = $self->xsubpp_version($self->catfile($xsdir,"xsubpp"));
+ # What are the correct thresholds for version 1 && 2 Paul?
+ if ( $xsubpp_version > 1.923 ){
+ $self->{XSPROTOARG} = "" unless defined $self->{XSPROTOARG};
+ } else {
+ if (defined $self->{XSPROTOARG} && $self->{XSPROTOARG} =~ /\-prototypes/) {
+ print STDOUT qq{Warning: This extension wants to pass the switch "-prototypes" to xsubpp.
+ Your version of xsubpp is $xsubpp_version and cannot handle this.
+ Please upgrade to a more recent version of xsubpp.
+ } else {
+ $self->{XSPROTOARG} = "";
+ }
+ }
+ $xsubpp = $self->{CAPI} ? "xsubpp -object_capi" : "xsubpp";
+ return qq{
+XSUBPPDIR = $xsdir
+XSUBPP = \$(XSUBPPDIR)/$xsubpp
+XSUBPPDEPS = @tmdeps
+XSUBPPARGS = @tmargs
+sub xsubpp_version
+ my($self,$xsubpp) = @_;
+ return $Xsubpp_Version if defined $Xsubpp_Version; # global variable
+ my ($version) ;
+ # try to figure out the version number of the xsubpp on the system
+ # first try the -v flag, introduced in 1.921 & 2.000a2
+ return "" unless $self->needs_linking;
+ my $command = "$self->{PERL} -I$self->{PERL_LIB} $xsubpp -v 2>&1";
+ print "Running $command\n" if $Verbose >= 2;
+ $version = `$command` ;
+ warn "Running '$command' exits with status " . ($?>>8) if $?;
+ chop $version ;
+ return $Xsubpp_Version = $1 if $version =~ /^xsubpp version (.*)/ ;
+ # nope, then try something else
+ my $counter = '000';
+ my ($file) = 'temp' ;
+ $counter++ while -e "$file$counter"; # don't overwrite anything
+ $file .= $counter;
+ open(F, ">$file") or die "Cannot open file '$file': $!\n" ;
+ print F <<EOM ;
+MODULE = fred PACKAGE = fred
+ int a;
+ close F ;
+ $command = "$self->{PERL} $xsubpp $file 2>&1";
+ print "Running $command\n" if $Verbose >= 2;
+ my $text = `$command` ;
+ warn "Running '$command' exits with status " . ($?>>8) if $?;
+ unlink $file ;
+ # gets 1.2 -> 1.92 and 2.000a1
+ return $Xsubpp_Version = $1 if $text =~ /automatically by xsubpp version ([\S]+)\s*/ ;
+ # it is either 1.0 or 1.1
+ return $Xsubpp_Version = 1.1 if $text =~ /^Warning: ignored semicolon/ ;
+ # none of the above, so 1.0
+ return $Xsubpp_Version = "1.0" ;
+=item top_targets (o)
+Defines the targets all, subdirs, config, and O_FILES
+sub top_targets {
+# --- Target Sections ---
+ my($self) = shift;
+ my(@m);
+ push @m, '
+#all :: config $(INST_PM) subdirs linkext manifypods
+ push @m, '
+all :: pure_all manifypods
+ '.$self->{NOECHO}.'$(NOOP)
+ unless $self->{SKIPHASH}{'all'};
+ push @m, '
+pure_all :: config pm_to_blib subdirs linkext
+ '.$self->{NOECHO}.'$(NOOP)
+subdirs :: $(MYEXTLIB)
+ '.$self->{NOECHO}.'$(NOOP)
+config :: '.$self->{MAKEFILE}.' $(INST_LIBDIR)/.exists
+ '.$self->{NOECHO}.'$(NOOP)
+config :: $(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)/.exists
+ '.$self->{NOECHO}.'$(NOOP)
+config :: $(INST_AUTODIR)/.exists
+ '.$self->{NOECHO}.'$(NOOP)
+ push @m, qq{
+config :: Version_check
+ $self->{NOECHO}\$(NOOP)
+} unless $self->{PARENT} or ($self->{PERL_SRC} && $self->{INSTALLDIRS} eq "perl") or $self->{NO_VC};
+ push @m, $self->dir_target(qw[$(INST_AUTODIR) $(INST_LIBDIR) $(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)]);
+ if (%{$self->{MAN1PODS}}) {
+ push @m, qq[
+config :: \$(INST_MAN1DIR)/.exists
+ $self->{NOECHO}\$(NOOP)
+ push @m, $self->dir_target(qw[$(INST_MAN1DIR)]);
+ }
+ if (%{$self->{MAN3PODS}}) {
+ push @m, qq[
+config :: \$(INST_MAN3DIR)/.exists
+ $self->{NOECHO}\$(NOOP)
+ push @m, $self->dir_target(qw[$(INST_MAN3DIR)]);
+ }
+ push @m, '
+' if @{$self->{O_FILES} || []} && @{$self->{H} || []};
+ push @m, q{
+ perldoc ExtUtils::MakeMaker
+ push @m, q{
+ }.$self->{NOECHO}.q{$(PERL) -I$(PERL_ARCHLIB) -I$(PERL_LIB) \
+ -MExtUtils::MakeMaker=Version_check \
+ -e "Version_check('$(MM_VERSION)')"
+ join('',@m);
+=item writedoc
+Obsolete, depecated method. Not used since Version 5.21.
+sub writedoc {
+# --- perllocal.pod section ---
+ my($self,$what,$name,@attribs)=@_;
+ my $time = localtime;
+ print "=head2 $time: $what C<$name>\n\n=over 4\n\n=item *\n\n";
+ print join "\n\n=item *\n\n", map("C<$_>",@attribs);
+ print "\n\n=back\n\n";
+=item xs_c (o)
+Defines the suffix rules to compile XS files to C.
+sub xs_c {
+ my($self) = shift;
+ return '' unless $self->needs_linking();
+ '
+ $(PERL) -I$(PERL_ARCHLIB) -I$(PERL_LIB) $(XSUBPP) $(XSPROTOARG) $(XSUBPPARGS) $*.xs >$*.tc && $(MV) $*.tc $@
+=item xs_o (o)
+Defines suffix rules to go from XS to object files directly. This is
+only intended for broken make implementations.
+sub xs_o { # many makes are too dumb to use xs_c then c_o
+ my($self) = shift;
+ return '' unless $self->needs_linking();
+ '
+ $(PERL) -I$(PERL_ARCHLIB) -I$(PERL_LIB) $(XSUBPP) $(XSPROTOARG) $(XSUBPPARGS) $*.xs >xstmp.c && $(MV) xstmp.c $*.c
+=item perl_archive
+This is internal method that returns path to libperl.a equivalent
+to be linked to dynamic extensions. UNIX does not have one but OS2
+and Win32 do.
+sub perl_archive
+ return "";
+=item export_list
+This is internal method that returns name of a file that is
+passed to linker to define symbols to be exported.
+UNIX does not have one but OS2 and Win32 do.
+sub export_list
+ return "";
+=head1 SEE ALSO
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/ b/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7e59c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/
@@ -0,0 +1,2391 @@
+# MakeMaker default methods for VMS
+# This package is inserted into @ISA of MakeMaker's MM before the
+# built-in ExtUtils::MM_Unix methods if is run under VMS.
+# Author: Charles Bailey
+package ExtUtils::MM_VMS;
+use Carp qw( &carp );
+use Config;
+require Exporter;
+use VMS::Filespec;
+use File::Basename;
+use vars qw($Revision);
+$Revision = '5.42 (31-Mar-1997)';
+unshift @MM::ISA, 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS';
+Exporter::import('ExtUtils::MakeMaker', '$Verbose', '&neatvalue');
+=head1 NAME
+ExtUtils::MM_VMS - methods to override UN*X behaviour in ExtUtils::MakeMaker
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use ExtUtils::MM_VMS; # Done internally by ExtUtils::MakeMaker if needed
+See ExtUtils::MM_Unix for a documentation of the methods provided
+there. This package overrides the implementation of these methods, not
+the semantics.
+=head2 Methods always loaded
+=item eliminate_macros
+Expands MM[KS]/Make macros in a text string, using the contents of
+identically named elements of C<%$self>, and returns the result
+as a file specification in Unix syntax.
+sub eliminate_macros {
+ my($self,$path) = @_;
+ unless ($path) {
+ print "eliminate_macros('') = ||\n" if $Verbose >= 3;
+ return '';
+ }
+ my($npath) = unixify($path);
+ my($complex) = 0;
+ my($head,$macro,$tail);
+ # perform m##g in scalar context so it acts as an iterator
+ while ($npath =~ m#(.*?)\$\((\S+?)\)(.*)#g) {
+ if ($self->{$2}) {
+ ($head,$macro,$tail) = ($1,$2,$3);
+ if (ref $self->{$macro}) {
+ if (ref $self->{$macro} eq 'ARRAY') {
+ print "Note: expanded array macro \$($macro) in $path\n" if $Verbose;
+ $macro = join ' ', @{$self->{$macro}};
+ }
+ else {
+ print "Note: can't expand macro \$($macro) containing ",ref($self->{$macro}),
+ "\n\t(using MMK-specific deferred substitutuon; MMS will break)\n";
+ $macro = "\cB$macro\cB";
+ $complex = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else { ($macro = unixify($self->{$macro})) =~ s#/$##; }
+ $npath = "$head$macro$tail";
+ }
+ }
+ if ($complex) { $npath =~ s#\cB(.*?)\cB#\${$1}#g; }
+ print "eliminate_macros($path) = |$npath|\n" if $Verbose >= 3;
+ $npath;
+=item fixpath
+Catchall routine to clean up problem MM[SK]/Make macros. Expands macros
+in any directory specification, in order to avoid juxtaposing two
+VMS-syntax directories when MM[SK] is run. Also expands expressions which
+are all macro, so that we can tell how long the expansion is, and avoid
+overrunning DCL's command buffer when MM[KS] is running.
+If optional second argument has a TRUE value, then the return string is
+a VMS-syntax directory specification, if it is FALSE, the return string
+is a VMS-syntax file specification, and if it is not specified, fixpath()
+checks to see whether it matches the name of a directory in the current
+default directory, and returns a directory or file specification accordingly.
+sub fixpath {
+ my($self,$path,$force_path) = @_;
+ unless ($path) {
+ print "eliminate_macros('') = ||\n" if $Verbose >= 3;
+ return '';
+ }
+ my($fixedpath,$prefix,$name);
+ if ($path =~ m#^\$\([^\)]+\)$# || $path =~ m#[/:>\]]#) {
+ if ($force_path or $path =~ /(?:DIR\)|\])$/) {
+ $fixedpath = vmspath($self->eliminate_macros($path));
+ }
+ else {
+ $fixedpath = vmsify($self->eliminate_macros($path));
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ((($prefix,$name) = ($path =~ m#^\$\(([^\)]+)\)(.+)#)) && $self->{$prefix}) {
+ my($vmspre) = $self->eliminate_macros("\$($prefix)");
+ # is it a dir or just a name?
+ $vmspre = ($vmspre =~ m|/| or $prefix =~ /DIR$/) ? vmspath($vmspre) : '';
+ $fixedpath = ($vmspre ? $vmspre : $self->{$prefix}) . $name;
+ $fixedpath = vmspath($fixedpath) if $force_path;
+ }
+ else {
+ $fixedpath = $path;
+ $fixedpath = vmspath($fixedpath) if $force_path;
+ }
+ # No hints, so we try to guess
+ if (!defined($force_path) and $fixedpath !~ /[:>(.\]]/) {
+ $fixedpath = vmspath($fixedpath) if -d $fixedpath;
+ }
+ # Trim off root dirname if it's had other dirs inserted in front of it.
+ $fixedpath =~ s/\.000000([\]>])/$1/;
+ print "fixpath($path) = |$fixedpath|\n" if $Verbose >= 3;
+ $fixedpath;
+=item catdir
+Concatenates a list of file specifications, and returns the result as a
+VMS-syntax directory specification.
+sub catdir {
+ my($self,@dirs) = @_;
+ my($dir) = pop @dirs;
+ @dirs = grep($_,@dirs);
+ my($rslt);
+ if (@dirs) {
+ my($path) = (@dirs == 1 ? $dirs[0] : $self->catdir(@dirs));
+ my($spath,$sdir) = ($path,$dir);
+ $spath =~ s/.dir$//; $sdir =~ s/.dir$//;
+ $sdir = $self->eliminate_macros($sdir) unless $sdir =~ /^[\w\-]+$/;
+ $rslt = $self->fixpath($self->eliminate_macros($spath)."/$sdir",1);
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($dir =~ /^\$\([^\)]+\)$/) { $rslt = $dir; }
+ else { $rslt = vmspath($dir); }
+ }
+ print "catdir(",join(',',@_[1..$#_]),") = |$rslt|\n" if $Verbose >= 3;
+ $rslt;
+=item catfile
+Concatenates a list of file specifications, and returns the result as a
+VMS-syntax directory specification.
+sub catfile {
+ my($self,@files) = @_;
+ my($file) = pop @files;
+ @files = grep($_,@files);
+ my($rslt);
+ if (@files) {
+ my($path) = (@files == 1 ? $files[0] : $self->catdir(@files));
+ my($spath) = $path;
+ $spath =~ s/.dir$//;
+ if ( $spath =~ /^[^\)\]\/:>]+\)$/ && basename($file) eq $file) { $rslt = "$spath$file"; }
+ else {
+ $rslt = $self->eliminate_macros($spath);
+ $rslt = vmsify($rslt.($rslt ? '/' : '').unixify($file));
+ }
+ }
+ else { $rslt = vmsify($file); }
+ print "catfile(",join(',',@_[1..$#_]),") = |$rslt|\n" if $Verbose >= 3;
+ $rslt;
+=item wraplist
+Converts a list into a string wrapped at approximately 80 columns.
+sub wraplist {
+ my($self) = shift;
+ my($line,$hlen) = ('',0);
+ my($word);
+ foreach $word (@_) {
+ # Perl bug -- seems to occasionally insert extra elements when
+ # traversing array (scalar(@array) doesn't show them, but
+ # foreach(@array) does) (5.00307)
+ next unless $word =~ /\w/;
+ $line .= ' ' if length($line);
+ if ($hlen > 80) { $line .= "\\\n\t"; $hlen = 0; }
+ $line .= $word;
+ $hlen += length($word) + 2;
+ }
+ $line;
+=item curdir (override)
+Returns a string representing of the current directory.
+sub curdir {
+ return '[]';
+=item rootdir (override)
+Returns a string representing of the root directory.
+sub rootdir {
+ return '';
+=item updir (override)
+Returns a string representing of the parent directory.
+sub updir {
+ return '[-]';
+package ExtUtils::MM_VMS;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::ext;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::guess_name;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::find_perl;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::path;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::maybe_command;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::maybe_command_in_dirs;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::perl_script;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::file_name_is_absolute;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::replace_manpage_separator;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::init_others;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::constants;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::cflags;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::const_cccmd;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::pm_to_blib;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::tool_autosplit;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::tool_xsubpp;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::xsubpp_version;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::tools_other;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::dist;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::c_o;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::xs_c;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::xs_o;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::top_targets;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::dlsyms;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::dynamic_lib;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::dynamic_bs;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::static_lib;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::manifypods;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::processPL;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::installbin;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::subdir_x;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::clean;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::realclean;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::dist_basics;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::dist_core;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::dist_dir;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::dist_test;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::install;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::perldepend;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::makefile;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::test;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::test_via_harness;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::test_via_script;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::makeaperl;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::ext;
+sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::nicetext;
+#use SelfLoader;
+ my $code;
+ if (defined fileno(DATA)) {
+ my $fh = select DATA;
+ my $o = $/; # For future reads from the file.
+ $/ = "\n__END__\n";
+ $code = <DATA>;
+ $/ = $o;
+ select $fh;
+ close DATA;
+ eval $code;
+ if ($@) {
+ $@ =~ s/ at .*\n//;
+ Carp::croak $@;
+ }
+ } else {
+ warn "AUTOLOAD called unexpectedly for $AUTOLOAD";
+ }
+ defined(&$AUTOLOAD) or die "Myloader inconsistency error";
+ goto &$AUTOLOAD;
+# This isn't really an override. It's just here because ExtUtils::MM_VMS
+# appears in @MM::ISA before ExtUtils::Liblist, so if there isn't an ext()
+# in MM_VMS, then AUTOLOAD is called, and bad things happen. So, we just
+# mimic inheritance here and hand off to ExtUtils::Liblist.
+sub ext {
+ ExtUtils::Liblist::ext(@_);
+=head2 SelfLoaded methods
+Those methods which override default MM_Unix methods are marked
+"(override)", while methods unique to MM_VMS are marked "(specific)".
+For overridden methods, documentation is limited to an explanation
+of why this method overrides the MM_Unix method; see the ExtUtils::MM_Unix
+documentation for more details.
+=item guess_name (override)
+Try to determine name of extension being built. We begin with the name
+of the current directory. Since VMS filenames are case-insensitive,
+however, we look for a F<.pm> file whose name matches that of the current
+directory (presumably the 'main' F<.pm> file for this extension), and try
+to find a C<package> statement from which to obtain the Mixed::Case
+package name.
+sub guess_name {
+ my($self) = @_;
+ my($defname,$defpm,@pm,%xs,$pm);
+ local *PM;
+ $defname = basename(fileify($ENV{'DEFAULT'}));
+ $defname =~ s![\d\-_]*\.dir.*$!!; # Clip off .dir;1 suffix, and package version
+ $defpm = $defname;
+ # Fallback in case for some reason a user has copied the files for an
+ # extension into a working directory whose name doesn't reflect the
+ # extension's name. We'll use the name of a unique .pm file, or the
+ # first .pm file with a matching .xs file.
+ if (not -e "${defpm}.pm") {
+ @pm = map { s/.pm$//; $_ } glob('*.pm');
+ if (@pm == 1) { ($defpm = $pm[0]) =~ s/.pm$//; }
+ elsif (@pm) {
+ %xs = map { s/.xs$//; ($_,1) } glob('*.xs');
+ if (%xs) { foreach $pm (@pm) { $defpm = $pm, last if exists $xs{$pm}; } }
+ }
+ }
+ if (open(PM,"${defpm}.pm")){
+ while (<PM>) {
+ if (/^\s*package\s+([^;]+)/i) {
+ $defname = $1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ print STDOUT "Warning (non-fatal): Couldn't find package name in ${defpm}.pm;\n\t",
+ "defaulting package name to $defname\n"
+ if eof(PM);
+ close PM;
+ }
+ else {
+ print STDOUT "Warning (non-fatal): Couldn't find ${defpm}.pm;\n\t",
+ "defaulting package name to $defname\n";
+ }
+ $defname =~ s#[\d.\-_]+$##;
+ $defname;
+=item find_perl (override)
+Use VMS file specification syntax and CLI commands to find and
+invoke Perl images.
+sub find_perl {
+ my($self, $ver, $names, $dirs, $trace) = @_;
+ my($name,$dir,$vmsfile,@sdirs,@snames,@cand);
+ my($inabs) = 0;
+ # Check in relative directories first, so we pick up the current
+ # version of Perl if we're running MakeMaker as part of the main build.
+ @sdirs = sort { my($absa) = $self->file_name_is_absolute($a);
+ my($absb) = $self->file_name_is_absolute($b);
+ if ($absa && $absb) { return $a cmp $b }
+ else { return $absa ? 1 : ($absb ? -1 : ($a cmp $b)); }
+ } @$dirs;
+ # Check miniperl before perl, and check names likely to contain
+ # version numbers before "generic" names, so we pick up an
+ # executable that's less likely to be from an old installation.
+ @snames = sort { my($ba) = $a =~ m!([^:>\]/]+)$!; # basename
+ my($bb) = $b =~ m!([^:>\]/]+)$!;
+ my($ahasdir) = (length($a) - length($ba) > 0);
+ my($bhasdir) = (length($b) - length($bb) > 0);
+ if ($ahasdir and not $bhasdir) { return 1; }
+ elsif ($bhasdir and not $ahasdir) { return -1; }
+ else { $bb =~ /\d/ <=> $ba =~ /\d/
+ or substr($ba,0,1) cmp substr($bb,0,1)
+ or length($bb) <=> length($ba) } } @$names;
+ # Image names containing Perl version use '_' instead of '.' under VMS
+ foreach $name (@snames) { $name =~ s/\.(\d+)$/_$1/; }
+ if ($trace >= 2){
+ print "Looking for perl $ver by these names:\n";
+ print "\t@snames,\n";
+ print "in these dirs:\n";
+ print "\t@sdirs\n";
+ }
+ foreach $dir (@sdirs){
+ next unless defined $dir; # $self->{PERL_SRC} may be undefined
+ $inabs++ if $self->file_name_is_absolute($dir);
+ if ($inabs == 1) {
+ # We've covered relative dirs; everything else is an absolute
+ # dir (probably an installed location). First, we'll try potential
+ # command names, to see whether we can avoid a long MCR expression.
+ foreach $name (@snames) { push(@cand,$name) if $name =~ /^[\w\-\$]+$/; }
+ $inabs++; # Should happen above in next $dir, but just in case . . .
+ }
+ foreach $name (@snames){
+ if ($name !~ m![/:>\]]!) { push(@cand,$self->catfile($dir,$name)); }
+ else { push(@cand,$self->fixpath($name,0)); }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach $name (@cand) {
+ print "Checking $name\n" if ($trace >= 2);
+ # If it looks like a potential command, try it without the MCR
+ if ($name =~ /^[\w\-\$]+$/ &&
+ `$name -e "require $ver; print ""VER_OK\n"""` =~ /VER_OK/) {
+ print "Using PERL=$name\n" if $trace;
+ return $name;
+ }
+ next unless $vmsfile = $self->maybe_command($name);
+ $vmsfile =~ s/;[\d\-]*$//; # Clip off version number; we can use a newer version as well
+ print "Executing $vmsfile\n" if ($trace >= 2);
+ if (`MCR $vmsfile -e "require $ver; print ""VER_OK\n"""` =~ /VER_OK/) {
+ print "Using PERL=MCR $vmsfile\n" if $trace;
+ return "MCR $vmsfile";
+ }
+ }
+ print STDOUT "Unable to find a perl $ver (by these names: @$names, in these dirs: @$dirs)\n";
+ 0; # false and not empty
+=item path (override)
+Translate logical name DCL$PATH as a searchlist, rather than trying
+to C<split> string value of C<$ENV{'PATH'}>.
+sub path {
+ my(@dirs,$dir,$i);
+ while ($dir = $ENV{'DCL$PATH;' . $i++}) { push(@dirs,$dir); }
+ @dirs;
+=item maybe_command (override)
+Follows VMS naming conventions for executable files.
+If the name passed in doesn't exactly match an executable file,
+appends F<.Exe> (or equivalent) to check for executable image, and F<.Com>
+to check for DCL procedure. If this fails, checks directories in DCL$PATH
+and finally F<Sys$System:> for an executable file having the name specified,
+with or without the F<.Exe>-equivalent suffix.
+sub maybe_command {
+ my($self,$file) = @_;
+ return $file if -x $file && ! -d _;
+ my(@dirs) = ('');
+ my(@exts) = ('',$Config{'exe_ext'},'.exe','.com');
+ my($dir,$ext);
+ if ($file !~ m![/:>\]]!) {
+ for (my $i = 0; defined $ENV{"DCL\$PATH;$i"}; $i++) {
+ $dir = $ENV{"DCL\$PATH;$i"};
+ $dir .= ':' unless $dir =~ m%[\]:]$%;
+ push(@dirs,$dir);
+ }
+ push(@dirs,'Sys$System:');
+ foreach $dir (@dirs) {
+ my $sysfile = "$dir$file";
+ foreach $ext (@exts) {
+ return $file if -x "$sysfile$ext" && ! -d _;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+=item maybe_command_in_dirs (override)
+Uses DCL argument quoting on test command line.
+sub maybe_command_in_dirs { # $ver is optional argument if looking for perl
+ my($self, $names, $dirs, $trace, $ver) = @_;
+ my($name, $dir);
+ foreach $dir (@$dirs){
+ next unless defined $dir; # $self->{PERL_SRC} may be undefined
+ foreach $name (@$names){
+ my($abs,$tryabs);
+ if ($self->file_name_is_absolute($name)) {
+ $abs = $name;
+ } else {
+ $abs = $self->catfile($dir, $name);
+ }
+ print "Checking $abs for $name\n" if ($trace >= 2);
+ next unless $tryabs = $self->maybe_command($abs);
+ print "Substituting $tryabs instead of $abs\n"
+ if ($trace >= 2 and $tryabs ne $abs);
+ $abs = $tryabs;
+ if (defined $ver) {
+ print "Executing $abs\n" if ($trace >= 2);
+ if (`$abs -e 'require $ver; print "VER_OK\n" ' 2>&1` =~ /VER_OK/) {
+ print "Using $abs\n" if $trace;
+ return $abs;
+ }
+ } else { # Do not look for perl
+ return $abs;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+=item perl_script (override)
+If name passed in doesn't specify a readable file, appends F<.com> or
+F<.pl> and tries again, since it's customary to have file types on all files
+under VMS.
+sub perl_script {
+ my($self,$file) = @_;
+ return $file if -r $file && ! -d _;
+ return "$" if -r "$";
+ return "$" if -r "$";
+ return '';
+=item file_name_is_absolute (override)
+Checks for VMS directory spec as well as Unix separators.
+sub file_name_is_absolute {
+ my($self,$file) = @_;
+ # If it's a logical name, expand it.
+ $file = $ENV{$file} while $file =~ /^[\w\$\-]+$/ and $ENV{$file};
+ $file =~ m!^/! or $file =~ m![<\[][^.\-\]>]! or $file =~ /:[^<\[]/;
+=item replace_manpage_separator
+Use as separator a character which is legal in a VMS-syntax file name.
+sub replace_manpage_separator {
+ my($self,$man) = @_;
+ $man = unixify($man);
+ $man =~ s#/+#__#g;
+ $man;
+=item init_others (override)
+Provide VMS-specific forms of various utility commands, then hand
+off to the default MM_Unix method.
+sub init_others {
+ my($self) = @_;
+ $self->{NOOP} = 'Continue';
+ $self->{FIRST_MAKEFILE} ||= 'Descrip.MMS';
+ $self->{MAKE_APERL_FILE} ||= 'Makeaperl.MMS';
+ $self->{MAKEFILE} ||= $self->{FIRST_MAKEFILE};
+ $self->{NOECHO} ||= '@ ';
+ $self->{RM_F} = '$(PERL) -e "foreach (@ARGV) { 1 while ( -d $_ ? rmdir $_ : unlink $_)}"';
+ $self->{RM_RF} = '$(PERL) "-I$(PERL_LIB)" -e "use File::Path; @dirs = map(VMS::Filespec::unixify($_),@ARGV); rmtree(\@dirs,0,0)"';
+ $self->{TOUCH} = '$(PERL) -e "$t=time; foreach (@ARGV) { -e $_ ? utime($t,$t,@ARGV) : (open(F,qq(>$_)),close F)}"';
+ $self->{CHMOD} = '$(PERL) -e "chmod @ARGV"'; # expect Unix syntax from MakeMaker
+ $self->{CP} = 'Copy/NoConfirm';
+ $self->{MV} = 'Rename/NoConfirm';
+ $self->{UMASK_NULL} = '! ';
+ &ExtUtils::MM_Unix::init_others;
+=item constants (override)
+Fixes up numerous file and directory macros to insure VMS syntax
+regardless of input syntax. Also adds a few VMS-specific macros
+and makes lists of files comma-separated.
+sub constants {
+ my($self) = @_;
+ my(@m,$def,$macro);
+ if ($self->{DEFINE} ne '') {
+ my(@defs) = split(/\s+/,$self->{DEFINE});
+ foreach $def (@defs) {
+ next unless $def;
+ if ($def =~ s/^-D//) { # If it was a Unix-style definition
+ $def =~ s/='(.*)'$/=$1/; # then remove shell-protection ''
+ $def =~ s/^'(.*)'$/$1/; # from entire term or argument
+ }
+ if ($def =~ /=/) {
+ $def =~ s/"/""/g; # Protect existing " from DCL
+ $def = qq["$def"]; # and quote to prevent parsing of =
+ }
+ }
+ $self->{DEFINE} = join ',',@defs;
+ }
+ if ($self->{OBJECT} =~ /\s/) {
+ $self->{OBJECT} =~ s/(\\)?\n+\s+/ /g;
+ $self->{OBJECT} = $self->wraplist(map($self->fixpath($_,0),split(/,?\s+/,$self->{OBJECT})));
+ }
+ $self->{LDFROM} = $self->wraplist(map($self->fixpath($_,0),split(/,?\s+/,$self->{LDFROM})));
+ # Fix up directory specs
+ $self->{ROOTEXT} = $self->{ROOTEXT} ? $self->fixpath($self->{ROOTEXT},1)
+ : '[]';
+ foreach $macro ( qw [
+ next unless defined $self->{$macro};
+ $self->{$macro} = $self->fixpath($self->{$macro},1);
+ }
+ $self->{PERL_VMS} = $self->catdir($self->{PERL_SRC},q(VMS))
+ if ($self->{PERL_SRC});
+ # Fix up file specs
+ next unless defined $self->{$macro};
+ $self->{$macro} = $self->fixpath($self->{$macro},0);
+ }
+ foreach $macro (qw/
+ / ) {
+ next unless defined $self->{$macro};
+ push @m, "$macro = $self->{$macro}\n";
+ }
+ push @m, q[
+MAKEMAKER = ],$self->catfile($self->{PERL_LIB},'ExtUtils',''),qq[
+MM_VERSION = $ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION
+MM_REVISION = $ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Revision
+MM_VMS_REVISION = $ExtUtils::MM_VMS::Revision
+# FULLEXT = Pathname for extension directory (eg DBD/Oracle).
+# BASEEXT = Basename part of FULLEXT. May be just equal FULLEXT.
+# PARENT_NAME = NAME without BASEEXT and no trailing :: (eg Foo::Bar)
+# DLBASE = Basename part of dynamic library. May be just equal BASEEXT.
+ for $tmp (qw/
+ / ) {
+ next unless defined $self->{$tmp};
+ push @m, "$tmp = ",$self->fixpath($self->{$tmp},0),"\n";
+ }
+ for $tmp (qw/
+ / ) {
+ next unless defined $self->{$tmp};
+ push @m, "$tmp = $self->{$tmp}\n";
+ }
+ for $tmp (qw/ XS MAN1PODS MAN3PODS PM /) {
+ next unless defined $self->{$tmp};
+ my(%tmp,$key);
+ for $key (keys %{$self->{$tmp}}) {
+ $tmp{$self->fixpath($key,0)} = $self->fixpath($self->{$tmp}{$key},0);
+ }
+ $self->{$tmp} = \%tmp;
+ }
+ for $tmp (qw/ C O_FILES H /) {
+ next unless defined $self->{$tmp};
+ my(@tmp,$val);
+ for $val (@{$self->{$tmp}}) {
+ push(@tmp,$self->fixpath($val,0));
+ }
+ $self->{$tmp} = \@tmp;
+ }
+ push @m,'
+# Handy lists of source code files:
+XS_FILES = ',$self->wraplist(sort keys %{$self->{XS}}),'
+C_FILES = ',$self->wraplist(@{$self->{C}}),'
+O_FILES = ',$self->wraplist(@{$self->{O_FILES}} ),'
+H_FILES = ',$self->wraplist(@{$self->{H}}),'
+MAN1PODS = ',$self->wraplist(sort keys %{$self->{MAN1PODS}}),'
+MAN3PODS = ',$self->wraplist(sort keys %{$self->{MAN3PODS}}),'
+ for $tmp (qw/
+ /) {
+ next unless defined $self->{$tmp};
+ push @m, "$tmp = $self->{$tmp}\n";
+ }
+push @m,"
+.SUFFIXES : \$(OBJ_EXT) .c .cpp .cxx .xs
+# Here is the that we are using/depend on
+# Where to put things:
+ if ($self->has_link_code()) {
+ push @m,'
+ } else {
+ my $shr = $Config{'dbgprefix'} . 'PERLSHR';
+ push @m,'
+PERL_ARCHIVE = ',($ENV{$shr} ? $ENV{$shr} : "Sys\$Share:$shr.$Config{'dlext'}"),'
+ }
+ $self->{TO_INST_PM} = [ sort keys %{$self->{PM}} ];
+ $self->{PM_TO_BLIB} = [ %{$self->{PM}} ];
+ push @m,'
+TO_INST_PM = ',$self->wraplist(@{$self->{TO_INST_PM}}),'
+PM_TO_BLIB = ',$self->wraplist(@{$self->{PM_TO_BLIB}}),'
+ join('',@m);
+=item cflags (override)
+Bypass shell script and produce qualifiers for CC directly (but warn
+user if a shell script for this extension exists). Fold multiple
+/Defines into one, since some C compilers pay attention to only one
+instance of this qualifier on the command line.
+sub cflags {
+ my($self,$libperl) = @_;
+ my($quals) = $self->{CCFLAGS} || $Config{'ccflags'};
+ my($definestr,$undefstr,$flagoptstr) = ('','','');
+ my($incstr) = '/Include=($(PERL_INC)';
+ my($name,$sys,@m);
+ ( $name = $self->{NAME} . "_cflags" ) =~ s/:/_/g ;
+ print STDOUT "Unix shell script ".$Config{"$self->{'BASEEXT'}_cflags"}.
+ " required to modify CC command for $self->{'BASEEXT'}\n"
+ if ($Config{$name});
+ if ($quals =~ / -[DIUOg]/) {
+ while ($quals =~ / -([Og])(\d*)\b/) {
+ my($type,$lvl) = ($1,$2);
+ $quals =~ s/ -$type$lvl\b\s*//;
+ if ($type eq 'g') { $flagoptstr = '/NoOptimize'; }
+ else { $flagoptstr = '/Optimize' . (defined($lvl) ? "=$lvl" : ''); }
+ }
+ while ($quals =~ / -([DIU])(\S+)/) {
+ my($type,$def) = ($1,$2);
+ $quals =~ s/ -$type$def\s*//;
+ $def =~ s/"/""/g;
+ if ($type eq 'D') { $definestr .= qq["$def",]; }
+ elsif ($type eq 'I') { $flagincstr .= ',' . $self->fixpath($def,1); }
+ else { $undefstr .= qq["$def",]; }
+ }
+ }
+ if (length $quals and $quals !~ m!/!) {
+ warn "MM_VMS: Ignoring unrecognized CCFLAGS elements \"$quals\"\n";
+ $quals = '';
+ }
+ if (length $definestr) { chop($definestr); $quals .= "/Define=($definestr)"; }
+ if (length $undefstr) { chop($undefstr); $quals .= "/Undef=($undefstr)"; }
+ # Deal with $self->{DEFINE} here since some C compilers pay attention
+ # to only one /Define clause on command line, so we have to
+ # conflate the ones from $Config{'ccflags'} and $self->{DEFINE}
+ if ($quals =~ m:(.*)/define=\(?([^\(\/\)\s]+)\)?(.*)?:i) {
+ $quals = "$1/Define=($2," . ($self->{DEFINE} ? "$self->{DEFINE}," : '') .
+ }
+ else {
+ $quals .= '/Define=(' . ($self->{DEFINE} ? "$self->{DEFINE}," : '') .
+ }
+ $libperl or $libperl = $self->{LIBPERL_A} || "libperl.olb";
+# This whole section is commented out, since I don't think it's necessary (or applicable)
+# if ($libperl =~ s/^$Config{'dbgprefix'}//) { $libperl =~ s/perl([^Dd]*)\./perld$1./; }
+# if ($libperl =~ /libperl(\w+)\./i) {
+# my($type) = uc $1;
+# my(%map) = ( 'D' => 'DEBUGGING', 'E' => 'EMBED', 'M' => 'MULTIPLICITY',
+# my($add) = join(',', grep { $quals !~ /\b$_\b/ } split(/,/,$map{$type}));
+# $quals =~ s:/define=\(([^\)]+)\):/Define=($1,$add):i if $add;
+# $self->{PERLTYPE} ||= $type;
+# }
+ # Likewise with $self->{INC} and /Include
+ if ($self->{'INC'}) {
+ my(@includes) = split(/\s+/,$self->{INC});
+ foreach (@includes) {
+ s/^-I//;
+ $incstr .= ', '.$self->fixpath($_,1);
+ }
+ }
+ $quals .= "$incstr)";
+ $self->{CCFLAGS} = $quals;
+ $self->{OPTIMIZE} ||= $flagoptstr || $Config{'optimize'};
+ if ($self->{OPTIMIZE} !~ m!/!) {
+ if ($self->{OPTIMIZE} =~ m!\b-g\b!) { $self->{OPTIMIZE} = '/Debug/NoOptimize' }
+ elsif ($self->{OPTIMIZE} =~ /-O(\d*)/) {
+ $self->{OPTIMIZE} = '/Optimize' . (defined($1) ? "=$1" : '');
+ }
+ else {
+ warn "MM_VMS: Can't parse OPTIMIZE \"$self->{OPTIMIZE}\"; using default\n" if length $self->{OPTIMIZE};
+ $self->{OPTIMIZE} = '/Optimize';
+ }
+ }
+ return $self->{CFLAGS} = qq{
+=item const_cccmd (override)
+Adds directives to point C preprocessor to the right place when
+handling #include E<lt>sys/foo.hE<gt> directives. Also constructs CC
+command line a bit differently than MM_Unix method.
+sub const_cccmd {
+ my($self,$libperl) = @_;
+ my(@m);
+ return $self->{CONST_CCCMD} if $self->{CONST_CCCMD};
+ return '' unless $self->needs_linking();
+ if ($Config{'vms_cc_type'} eq 'gcc') {
+ push @m,'
+ ',$self->{NOECHO},'If F$TrnLnm("Sys").eqs."" Then Define/NoLog SYS GNU_CC_Include:[VMS]';
+ }
+ elsif ($Config{'vms_cc_type'} eq 'vaxc') {
+ push @m,'
+ ',$self->{NOECHO},'If F$TrnLnm("Sys").eqs."" .and. F$TrnLnm("VAXC$Include").eqs."" Then Define/NoLog SYS Sys$Library
+ ',$self->{NOECHO},'If F$TrnLnm("Sys").eqs."" .and. F$TrnLnm("VAXC$Include").nes."" Then Define/NoLog SYS VAXC$Include';
+ }
+ else {
+ push @m,'
+ ',$self->{NOECHO},'If F$TrnLnm("Sys").eqs."" .and. F$TrnLnm("DECC$System_Include").eqs."" Then Define/NoLog SYS ',
+ ($Config{'arch'} eq 'VMS_AXP' ? 'Sys$Library' : 'DECC$Library_Include'),'
+ ',$self->{NOECHO},'If F$TrnLnm("Sys").eqs."" .and. F$TrnLnm("DECC$System_Include").nes."" Then Define/NoLog SYS DECC$System_Include';
+ }
+ push(@m, "\n\nCCCMD = $Config{'cc'} \$(CCFLAGS)\$(OPTIMIZE)\n");
+ $self->{CONST_CCCMD} = join('',@m);
+=item pm_to_blib (override)
+DCL I<still> accepts a maximum of 255 characters on a command
+line, so we write the (potentially) long list of file names
+to a temp file, then persuade Perl to read it instead of the
+command line to find args.
+sub pm_to_blib {
+ my($self) = @_;
+ my($line,$from,$to,@m);
+ my($autodir) = $self->catdir('$(INST_LIB)','auto');
+ my(@files) = @{$self->{PM_TO_BLIB}};
+ push @m, q{
+# Dummy target to match Unix target name; we use pm_to_blib.ts as
+# timestamp file to avoid repeated invocations under VMS
+pm_to_blib : pm_to_blib.ts
+# As always, keep under DCL's 255-char limit
+pm_to_blib.ts : $(TO_INST_PM)
+ $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print '},shift(@files),q{ },shift(@files),q{'" >.MM_tmp
+ $line = ''; # avoid uninitialized var warning
+ while ($from = shift(@files),$to = shift(@files)) {
+ $line .= " $from $to";
+ if (length($line) > 128) {
+ push(@m,"\t\$(NOECHO) \$(PERL) -e \"print '$line'\" >>.MM_tmp\n");
+ $line = '';
+ }
+ }
+ push(@m,"\t\$(NOECHO) \$(PERL) -e \"print '$line'\" >>.MM_tmp\n") if $line;
+ push(@m,q[ $(PERL) "-I$(PERL_LIB)" "-MExtUtils::Install" -e "pm_to_blib({split(' ',<STDIN>)},'].$autodir.q[')" <.MM_tmp]);
+ push(@m,qq[
+ \$(NOECHO) Delete/NoLog/NoConfirm .MM_tmp;
+ \$(NOECHO) \$(TOUCH) pm_to_blib.ts
+ join('',@m);
+=item tool_autosplit (override)
+Use VMS-style quoting on command line.
+sub tool_autosplit{
+ my($self, %attribs) = @_;
+ my($asl) = "";
+ $asl = "\$AutoSplit::Maxlen=$attribs{MAXLEN};" if $attribs{MAXLEN};
+ q{
+# Usage: $(AUTOSPLITFILE) FileToSplit AutoDirToSplitInto
+AUTOSPLITFILE = $(PERL) "-I$(PERL_ARCHLIB)" "-I$(PERL_LIB)" -e "use AutoSplit;}.$asl.q{ AutoSplit::autosplit($ARGV[0], $ARGV[1], 0, 1, 1) ;"
+=item tool_sxubpp (override)
+Use VMS-style quoting on xsubpp command line.
+sub tool_xsubpp {
+ my($self) = @_;
+ return '' unless $self->needs_linking;
+ my($xsdir) = $self->catdir($self->{PERL_LIB},'ExtUtils');
+ # drop back to old location if xsubpp is not in new location yet
+ $xsdir = $self->catdir($self->{PERL_SRC},'ext') unless (-f $self->catfile($xsdir,'xsubpp'));
+ my(@tmdeps) = '$(XSUBPPDIR)typemap';
+ if( $self->{TYPEMAPS} ){
+ my $typemap;
+ foreach $typemap (@{$self->{TYPEMAPS}}){
+ if( ! -f $typemap ){
+ warn "Typemap $typemap not found.\n";
+ }
+ else{
+ push(@tmdeps, $self->fixpath($typemap,0));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ push(@tmdeps, "typemap") if -f "typemap";
+ my(@tmargs) = map("-typemap $_", @tmdeps);
+ if( exists $self->{XSOPT} ){
+ unshift( @tmargs, $self->{XSOPT} );
+ }
+ my $xsubpp_version = $self->xsubpp_version($self->catfile($xsdir,'xsubpp'));
+ # What are the correct thresholds for version 1 && 2 Paul?
+ if ( $xsubpp_version > 1.923 ){
+ $self->{XSPROTOARG} = '' unless defined $self->{XSPROTOARG};
+ } else {
+ if (defined $self->{XSPROTOARG} && $self->{XSPROTOARG} =~ /\-prototypes/) {
+ print STDOUT qq{Warning: This extension wants to pass the switch "-prototypes" to xsubpp.
+ Your version of xsubpp is $xsubpp_version and cannot handle this.
+ Please upgrade to a more recent version of xsubpp.
+ } else {
+ $self->{XSPROTOARG} = "";
+ }
+ }
+ "
+XSUBPPDIR = $xsdir
+XSUBPP = \$(PERL) \"-I\$(PERL_ARCHLIB)\" \"-I\$(PERL_LIB)\" \$(XSUBPPDIR)xsubpp
+XSUBPPDEPS = @tmdeps
+XSUBPPARGS = @tmargs
+=item xsubpp_version (override)
+Test xsubpp exit status according to VMS rules ($sts & 1 ==E<gt> good)
+rather than Unix rules ($sts == 0 ==E<gt> good).
+sub xsubpp_version
+ my($self,$xsubpp) = @_;
+ my ($version) ;
+ return '' unless $self->needs_linking;
+ # try to figure out the version number of the xsubpp on the system
+ # first try the -v flag, introduced in 1.921 & 2.000a2
+ my $command = "$self->{PERL} \"-I$self->{PERL_LIB}\" $xsubpp -v";
+ print "Running: $command\n" if $Verbose;
+ $version = `$command` ;
+ if ($?) {
+ use vmsish 'status';
+ warn "Running '$command' exits with status $?";
+ }
+ chop $version ;
+ return $1 if $version =~ /^xsubpp version (.*)/ ;
+ # nope, then try something else
+ my $counter = '000';
+ my ($file) = 'temp' ;
+ $counter++ while -e "$file$counter"; # don't overwrite anything
+ $file .= $counter;
+ local(*F);
+ open(F, ">$file") or die "Cannot open file '$file': $!\n" ;
+ print F <<EOM ;
+MODULE = fred PACKAGE = fred
+ int a;
+ close F ;
+ $command = "$self->{PERL} $xsubpp $file";
+ print "Running: $command\n" if $Verbose;
+ my $text = `$command` ;
+ if ($?) {
+ use vmsish 'status';
+ warn "Running '$command' exits with status $?";
+ }
+ unlink $file ;
+ # gets 1.2 -> 1.92 and 2.000a1
+ return $1 if $text =~ /automatically by xsubpp version ([\S]+)\s*/ ;
+ # it is either 1.0 or 1.1
+ return 1.1 if $text =~ /^Warning: ignored semicolon/ ;
+ # none of the above, so 1.0
+ return "1.0" ;
+=item tools_other (override)
+Adds a few MM[SK] macros, and shortens some the installatin commands,
+in order to stay under DCL's 255-character limit. Also changes
+EQUALIZE_TIMESTAMP to set revision date of target file to one second
+later than source file, since MMK interprets precisely equal revision
+dates for a source and target file as a sign that the target needs
+to be updated.
+sub tools_other {
+ my($self) = @_;
+ qq!
+# Assumes \$(MMS) invokes MMS or MMK
+# (It is assumed in some cases later that the default makefile name
+# (Descrip.MMS for MM[SK]) is used.)
+USEMAKEFILE = /Descrip=
+USEMACROS = /Macro=(
+SHELL = Posix
+TOUCH = $self->{TOUCH}
+CHMOD = $self->{CHMOD}
+CP = $self->{CP}
+MV = $self->{MV}
+RM_F = $self->{RM_F}
+RM_RF = $self->{RM_RF}
+SAY = Write Sys\$Output
+NOOP = $self->{NOOP}
+NOECHO = $self->{NOECHO}
+MKPATH = Create/Directory
+EQUALIZE_TIMESTAMP = \$(PERL) -we "open F,qq{>\$ARGV[1]};close F;utime(0,(stat(\$ARGV[0]))[9]+1,\$ARGV[1])"
+!. ($self->{PARENT} ? '' :
+qq!WARN_IF_OLD_PACKLIST = \$(PERL) -e "if (-f \$ARGV[0]){print qq[WARNING: Old package found (\$ARGV[0]); please check for collisions\\n]}"
+MOD_INSTALL = \$(PERL) "-I\$(PERL_LIB)" "-MExtUtils::Install" -e "install({split(' ',<STDIN>)},1);"
+DOC_INSTALL = \$(PERL) -e "\@ARGV=split(/\\|/,<STDIN>);print '=head2 ',scalar(localtime),': C<',shift,qq[>\\n\\n=over 4\\n\\n];while(\$key=shift && \$val=shift){print qq[=item *\\n\\nC<\$key: \$val>\\n\\n];}print qq[=back\\n\\n]"
+UNINSTALL = \$(PERL) "-I\$(PERL_LIB)" "-MExtUtils::Install" -e "uninstall(\$ARGV[0],1,1);"
+=item dist (override)
+Provide VMSish defaults for some values, then hand off to
+default MM_Unix method.
+sub dist {
+ my($self, %attribs) = @_;
+ $attribs{VERSION} ||= $self->{VERSION_SYM};
+ $attribs{NAME} ||= $self->{DISTNAME};
+ $attribs{ZIPFLAGS} ||= '-Vu';
+ $attribs{COMPRESS} ||= 'gzip';
+ $attribs{SUFFIX} ||= '-gz';
+ $attribs{SHAR} ||= 'vms_share';
+ $attribs{DIST_DEFAULT} ||= 'zipdist';
+ # Sanitize these for use in $(DISTVNAME) filespec
+ $attribs{VERSION} =~ s/[^\w\$]/_/g;
+ $attribs{NAME} =~ s/[^\w\$]/_/g;
+ return ExtUtils::MM_Unix::dist($self,%attribs);
+=item c_o (override)
+Use VMS syntax on command line. In particular, $(DEFINE) and
+$(PERL_INC) have been pulled into $(CCCMD). Also use MM[SK] macros.
+sub c_o {
+ my($self) = @_;
+ return '' unless $self->needs_linking();
+ '
+.c$(OBJ_EXT) :
+.cpp$(OBJ_EXT) :
+.cxx$(OBJ_EXT) :
+=item xs_c (override)
+Use MM[SK] macros.
+sub xs_c {
+ my($self) = @_;
+ return '' unless $self->needs_linking();
+ '
+.xs.c :
+=item xs_o (override)
+Use MM[SK] macros, and VMS command line for C compiler.
+sub xs_o { # many makes are too dumb to use xs_c then c_o
+ my($self) = @_;
+ return '' unless $self->needs_linking();
+ '
+.xs$(OBJ_EXT) :
+=item top_targets (override)
+Use VMS quoting on command line for Version_check.
+sub top_targets {
+ my($self) = shift;
+ my(@m);
+ push @m, '
+all :: pure_all manifypods
+pure_all :: config pm_to_blib subdirs linkext
+subdirs :: $(MYEXTLIB)
+config :: $(MAKEFILE) $(INST_LIBDIR).exists
+config :: $(INST_ARCHAUTODIR).exists
+config :: $(INST_AUTODIR).exists
+ push @m, q{
+config :: Version_check
+} unless $self->{PARENT} or ($self->{PERL_SRC} && $self->{INSTALLDIRS} eq "perl") or $self->{NO_VC};
+ push @m, $self->dir_target(qw[$(INST_AUTODIR) $(INST_LIBDIR) $(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)]);
+ if (%{$self->{MAN1PODS}}) {
+ push @m, q[
+config :: $(INST_MAN1DIR).exists
+ push @m, $self->dir_target(qw[$(INST_MAN1DIR)]);
+ }
+ if (%{$self->{MAN3PODS}}) {
+ push @m, q[
+config :: $(INST_MAN3DIR).exists
+ push @m, $self->dir_target(qw[$(INST_MAN3DIR)]);
+ }
+ push @m, '
+$(O_FILES) : $(H_FILES)
+' if @{$self->{O_FILES} || []} && @{$self->{H} || []};
+ push @m, q{
+help :
+ perldoc ExtUtils::MakeMaker
+ push @m, q{
+Version_check :
+ "-MExtUtils::MakeMaker=Version_check" -e "&Version_check('$(MM_VERSION)')"
+ join('',@m);
+=item dlsyms (override)
+Create VMS linker options files specifying universal symbols for this
+extension's shareable image, and listing other shareable images or
+libraries to which it should be linked.
+sub dlsyms {
+ my($self,%attribs) = @_;
+ return '' unless $self->needs_linking();
+ my($funcs) = $attribs{DL_FUNCS} || $self->{DL_FUNCS} || {};
+ my($vars) = $attribs{DL_VARS} || $self->{DL_VARS} || [];
+ my(@m);
+ unless ($self->{SKIPHASH}{'dynamic'}) {
+ push(@m,'
+dynamic :: $(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)$(BASEEXT).opt
+ }
+ push(@m,'
+static :: $(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)$(BASEEXT).opt
+') unless $self->{SKIPHASH}{'static'};
+ push(@m,'
+$(BASEEXT).opt : Makefile.PL
+ $(PERL) "-I$(PERL_ARCHLIB)" "-I$(PERL_LIB)" -e "use ExtUtils::Mksymlists;" -
+ ',qq[-e "Mksymlists('NAME' => '$self->{NAME}', 'DL_FUNCS' => ],
+ neatvalue($funcs),q[, 'DL_VARS' => ],neatvalue($vars),')"
+ $(PERL) -e "print ""$(INST_STATIC)/Include=$(BASEEXT)\n$(INST_STATIC)/Library\n"";" >>$(MMS$TARGET)
+ if (length $self->{LDLOADLIBS}) {
+ my($lib); my($line) = '';
+ foreach $lib (split ' ', $self->{LDLOADLIBS}) {
+ $lib =~ s%\$%\\\$%g; # Escape '$' in VMS filespecs
+ if (length($line) + length($lib) > 160) {
+ push @m, "\t\$(PERL) -e \"print qq{$line}\" >>\$(MMS\$TARGET)\n";
+ $line = $lib . '\n';
+ }
+ else { $line .= $lib . '\n'; }
+ }
+ push @m, "\t\$(PERL) -e \"print qq{$line}\" >>\$(MMS\$TARGET)\n" if $line;
+ }
+ join('',@m);
+=item dynamic_lib (override)
+Use VMS Link command.
+sub dynamic_lib {
+ my($self, %attribs) = @_;
+ return '' unless $self->needs_linking(); #might be because of a subdir
+ return '' unless $self->has_link_code();
+ my($otherldflags) = $attribs{OTHERLDFLAGS} || "";
+ my($inst_dynamic_dep) = $attribs{INST_DYNAMIC_DEP} || "";
+ my $shr = $Config{'dbgprefix'} . 'PerlShr';
+ my(@m);
+ push @m,"
+OTHERLDFLAGS = $otherldflags
+INST_DYNAMIC_DEP = $inst_dynamic_dep
+ push @m, '
+ $(NOECHO) If F$TrnLNm("',$shr,'").eqs."" Then Define/NoLog/User ',"$shr Sys\$Share:$shr.$Config{'dlext'}",'
+ Link $(LDFLAGS) /Shareable=$(MMS$TARGET)$(OTHERLDFLAGS) $(BASEEXT).opt/Option,$(PERL_INC)perlshr_attr.opt/Option
+ push @m, $self->dir_target('$(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)');
+ join('',@m);
+=item dynamic_bs (override)
+Use VMS-style quoting on Mkbootstrap command line.
+sub dynamic_bs {
+ my($self, %attribs) = @_;
+ return '
+' unless $self->has_link_code();
+ '
+BOOTSTRAP = '."$self->{BASEEXT}.bs".'
+# As MakeMaker mkbootstrap might not write a file (if none is required)
+# we use touch to prevent make continually trying to remake it.
+# The DynaLoader only reads a non-empty file.
+ $(NOECHO) $(SAY) "Running mkbootstrap for $(NAME) ($(BSLOADLIBS))"
+ -e "use ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap; Mkbootstrap(\'$(BASEEXT)\',\'$(BSLOADLIBS)\');"
+=item static_lib (override)
+Use VMS commands to manipulate object library.
+sub static_lib {
+ my($self) = @_;
+ return '' unless $self->needs_linking();
+ return '
+' unless ($self->{OBJECT} or @{$self->{C} || []} or $self->{MYEXTLIB});
+ my(@m);
+ push @m,'
+# Rely on suffix rule for update action
+ # If this extension has it's own library (eg SDBM_File)
+ # then copy that to $(INST_STATIC) and add $(OBJECT) into it.
+ push(@m, "\t",'$(CP) $(MYEXTLIB) $(MMS$TARGET)',"\n") if $self->{MYEXTLIB};
+ push(@m,"\t",'If F$Search("$(MMS$TARGET)").eqs."" Then Library/Object/Create $(MMS$TARGET)',"\n");
+ # if there was a library to copy, then we can't use MMS$SOURCE_LIST,
+ # 'cause it's a library and you can't stick them in other libraries.
+ # In that case, we use $OBJECT instead and hope for the best
+ if ($self->{MYEXTLIB}) {
+ push(@m,"\t",'Library/Object/Replace $(MMS$TARGET) $(OBJECT)',"\n");
+ } else {
+ push(@m,"\t",'Library/Object/Replace $(MMS$TARGET) $(MMS$SOURCE_LIST)',"\n");
+ }
+ push(@m,"\t",'$(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "open F,\'>>$(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)extralibs.ld\';print F qq{$(EXTRALIBS)\n};close F;"',"\n");
+ push @m, $self->dir_target('$(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)');
+ join('',@m);
+=item manifypods (override)
+Use VMS-style quoting on command line, and VMS logical name
+to specify fallback location at build time if we can't find pod2man.
+sub manifypods {
+ my($self, %attribs) = @_;
+ return "\nmanifypods :\n\t\$(NOECHO) \$(NOOP)\n" unless %{$self->{MAN3PODS}} or %{$self->{MAN1PODS}};
+ my($dist);
+ my($pod2man_exe);
+ if (defined $self->{PERL_SRC}) {
+ $pod2man_exe = $self->catfile($self->{PERL_SRC},'pod','pod2man');
+ } else {
+ $pod2man_exe = $self->catfile($Config{scriptdirexp},'pod2man');
+ }
+ if (not ($pod2man_exe = $self->perl_script($pod2man_exe))) {
+ # No pod2man but some MAN3PODS to be installed
+ print <<END;
+Warning: I could not locate your pod2man program. As a last choice,
+ I will look for the file to which the logical name POD2MAN
+ points when MMK is invoked.
+ $pod2man_exe = "pod2man";
+ }
+ my(@m);
+ push @m,
+qq[POD2MAN_EXE = $pod2man_exe\n],
+q[POD2MAN = $(PERL) -we "%m=@ARGV;for (keys %m){" -
+-e "system(""MCR $^X $(POD2MAN_EXE) $_ >$m{$_}"");}"
+ push @m, "\nmanifypods : \$(MAN1PODS) \$(MAN3PODS)\n";
+ if (%{$self->{MAN1PODS}} || %{$self->{MAN3PODS}}) {
+ my($pod);
+ foreach $pod (sort keys %{$self->{MAN1PODS}}) {
+ push @m, qq[\t\@- If F\$Search("\$(POD2MAN_EXE)").nes."" Then \$(POD2MAN) ];
+ push @m, "$pod $self->{MAN1PODS}{$pod}\n";
+ }
+ foreach $pod (sort keys %{$self->{MAN3PODS}}) {
+ push @m, qq[\t\@- If F\$Search("\$(POD2MAN_EXE)").nes."" Then \$(POD2MAN) ];
+ push @m, "$pod $self->{MAN3PODS}{$pod}\n";
+ }
+ }
+ join('', @m);
+=item processPL (override)
+Use VMS-style quoting on command line.
+sub processPL {
+ my($self) = @_;
+ return "" unless $self->{PL_FILES};
+ my(@m, $plfile);
+ foreach $plfile (sort keys %{$self->{PL_FILES}}) {
+ my $vmsplfile = vmsify($plfile);
+ my $vmsfile = vmsify($self->{PL_FILES}->{$plfile});
+ push @m, "
+all :: $vmsfile
+ \$(NOECHO) \$(NOOP)
+$vmsfile :: $vmsplfile
+",' $(PERL) "-I$(INST_ARCHLIB)" "-I$(INST_LIB)" "-I$(PERL_ARCHLIB)" "-I$(PERL_LIB)" '," $vmsplfile
+ }
+ join "", @m;
+=item installbin (override)
+Stay under DCL's 255 character command line limit once again by
+splitting potentially long list of files across multiple lines
+in C<realclean> target.
+sub installbin {
+ my($self) = @_;
+ return '' unless $self->{EXE_FILES} && ref $self->{EXE_FILES} eq "ARRAY";
+ return '' unless @{$self->{EXE_FILES}};
+ my(@m, $from, $to, %fromto, @to, $line);
+ my(@exefiles) = map { vmsify($_) } @{$self->{EXE_FILES}};
+ for $from (@exefiles) {
+ my($path) = '$(INST_SCRIPT)' . basename($from);
+ local($_) = $path; # backward compatibility
+ $to = $self->libscan($path);
+ print "libscan($from) => '$to'\n" if ($Verbose >=2);
+ $fromto{$from} = vmsify($to);
+ }
+ @to = values %fromto;
+ push @m, "
+EXE_FILES = @exefiles
+all :: @to
+ \$(NOECHO) \$(NOOP)
+realclean ::
+ $line = ''; #avoid unitialized var warning
+ foreach $to (@to) {
+ if (length($line) + length($to) > 80) {
+ push @m, "\t\$(RM_F) $line\n";
+ $line = $to;
+ }
+ else { $line .= " $to"; }
+ }
+ push @m, "\t\$(RM_F) $line\n\n" if $line;
+ while (($from,$to) = each %fromto) {
+ last unless defined $from;
+ my $todir;
+ if ($to =~ m#[/>:\]]#) { $todir = dirname($to); }
+ else { ($todir = $to) =~ s/[^\)]+$//; }
+ $todir = $self->fixpath($todir,1);
+ push @m, "
+$to : $from \$(MAKEFILE) ${todir}.exists
+ \$(CP) $from $to
+", $self->dir_target($todir);
+ }
+ join "", @m;
+=item subdir_x (override)
+Use VMS commands to change default directory.
+sub subdir_x {
+ my($self, $subdir) = @_;
+ my(@m,$key);
+ $subdir = $self->fixpath($subdir,1);
+ push @m, '
+subdirs ::
+ olddef = F$Environment("Default")
+ Set Default ',$subdir,'
+ Set Default \'olddef\'
+ join('',@m);
+=item clean (override)
+Split potentially long list of files across multiple commands (in
+order to stay under the magic command line limit). Also use MM[SK]
+commands for handling subdirectories.
+sub clean {
+ my($self, %attribs) = @_;
+ my(@m,$dir);
+ push @m, '
+# Delete temporary files but do not touch installed files. We don\'t delete
+# the Descrip.MMS here so that a later make realclean still has it to use.
+clean ::
+ foreach $dir (@{$self->{DIR}}) { # clean subdirectories first
+ my($vmsdir) = $self->fixpath($dir,1);
+ push( @m, ' If F$Search("'.$vmsdir.'$(MAKEFILE)").nes."" Then \\',"\n\t",
+ '$(PERL) -e "chdir ',"'$vmsdir'",'; print `$(MMS)$(MMSQUALIFIERS) clean`;"',"\n");
+ }
+ push @m, ' $(RM_F) *.Map *.Dmp *.Lis *.cpp *.$(DLEXT) *$(OBJ_EXT) *$(LIB_EXT) *.Opt $(BOOTSTRAP) $(BASEEXT).bso .MM_Tmp
+ my(@otherfiles) = values %{$self->{XS}}; # .c files from *.xs files
+ # Unlink realclean, $attribs{FILES} is a string here; it may contain
+ # a list or a macro that expands to a list.
+ if ($attribs{FILES}) {
+ my($word,$key,@filist);
+ if (ref $attribs{FILES} eq 'ARRAY') { @filist = @{$attribs{FILES}}; }
+ else { @filist = split /\s+/, $attribs{FILES}; }
+ foreach $word (@filist) {
+ if (($key) = $word =~ m#^\$\((.*)\)$# and ref $self->{$key} eq 'ARRAY') {
+ push(@otherfiles, @{$self->{$key}});
+ }
+ else { push(@otherfiles, $word); }
+ }
+ }
+ push(@otherfiles, qw[ blib $(MAKE_APERL_FILE) extralibs.ld perlmain.c pm_to_blib.ts ]);
+ push(@otherfiles,$self->catfile('$(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)','extralibs.all'));
+ my($file,$line);
+ $line = ''; #avoid unitialized var warning
+ # Occasionally files are repeated several times from different sources
+ { my(%of) = map { ($_,1) } @otherfiles; @otherfiles = keys %of; }
+ foreach $file (@otherfiles) {
+ $file = $self->fixpath($file);
+ if (length($line) + length($file) > 80) {
+ push @m, "\t\$(RM_RF) $line\n";
+ $line = "$file";
+ }
+ else { $line .= " $file"; }
+ }
+ push @m, "\t\$(RM_RF) $line\n" if $line;
+ push(@m, " $attribs{POSTOP}\n") if $attribs{POSTOP};
+ join('', @m);
+=item realclean (override)
+Guess what we're working around? Also, use MM[SK] for subdirectories.
+sub realclean {
+ my($self, %attribs) = @_;
+ my(@m);
+ push(@m,'
+# Delete temporary files (via clean) and also delete installed files
+realclean :: clean
+ foreach(@{$self->{DIR}}){
+ my($vmsdir) = $self->fixpath($_,1);
+ push(@m, ' If F$Search("'."$vmsdir".'$(MAKEFILE)").nes."" Then \\',"\n\t",
+ '$(PERL) -e "chdir ',"'$vmsdir'",'; print `$(MMS)$(MMSQUALIFIERS) realclean`;"',"\n");
+ }
+ # We can't expand several of the MMS macros here, since they don't have
+ # corresponding %$self keys (i.e. they're defined in Descrip.MMS as a
+ # combination of macros). In order to stay below DCL's 255 char limit,
+ # we put only 2 on a line.
+ my($file,$line,$fcnt);
+ my(@files) = qw{ $(MAKEFILE) $(MAKEFILE)_old };
+ if ($self->has_link_code) {
+ push(@files,qw{ $(INST_DYNAMIC) $(INST_STATIC) $(INST_BOOT) $(OBJECT) });
+ }
+ push(@files, values %{$self->{PM}});
+ $line = ''; #avoid unitialized var warning
+ # Occasionally files are repeated several times from different sources
+ { my(%f) = map { ($_,1) } @files; @files = keys %f; }
+ foreach $file (@files) {
+ $file = $self->fixpath($file);
+ if (length($line) + length($file) > 80 || ++$fcnt >= 2) {
+ push @m, "\t\$(RM_F) $line\n";
+ $line = "$file";
+ $fcnt = 0;
+ }
+ else { $line .= " $file"; }
+ }
+ push @m, "\t\$(RM_F) $line\n" if $line;
+ if ($attribs{FILES}) {
+ my($word,$key,@filist,@allfiles);
+ if (ref $attribs{FILES} eq 'ARRAY') { @filist = @{$attribs{FILES}}; }
+ else { @filist = split /\s+/, $attribs{FILES}; }
+ foreach $word (@filist) {
+ if (($key) = $word =~ m#^\$\((.*)\)$# and ref $self->{$key} eq 'ARRAY') {
+ push(@allfiles, @{$self->{$key}});
+ }
+ else { push(@allfiles, $word); }
+ }
+ $line = '';
+ # Occasionally files are repeated several times from different sources
+ { my(%af) = map { ($_,1) } @allfiles; @allfiles = keys %af; }
+ foreach $file (@allfiles) {
+ $file = $self->fixpath($file);
+ if (length($line) + length($file) > 80) {
+ push @m, "\t\$(RM_RF) $line\n";
+ $line = "$file";
+ }
+ else { $line .= " $file"; }
+ }
+ push @m, "\t\$(RM_RF) $line\n" if $line;
+ }
+ push(@m, " $attribs{POSTOP}\n") if $attribs{POSTOP};
+ join('', @m);
+=item dist_basics (override)
+Use VMS-style quoting on command line.
+sub dist_basics {
+ my($self) = @_;
+distclean :: realclean distcheck
+distcheck :
+ $(PERL) "-I$(PERL_ARCHLIB)" "-I$(PERL_LIB)" -e "use ExtUtils::Manifest \'&fullcheck\'; fullcheck()"
+skipcheck :
+ $(PERL) "-I$(PERL_ARCHLIB)" "-I$(PERL_LIB)" -e "use ExtUtils::Manifest \'&skipcheck\'; skipcheck()"
+manifest :
+ $(PERL) "-I$(PERL_ARCHLIB)" "-I$(PERL_LIB)" -e "use ExtUtils::Manifest \'&mkmanifest\'; mkmanifest()"
+=item dist_core (override)
+Syntax for invoking F<VMS_Share> differs from that for Unix F<shar>,
+so C<shdist> target actions are VMS-specific.
+sub dist_core {
+ my($self) = @_;
+dist : $(DIST_DEFAULT)
+ $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -le "print 'Warning: $m older than $vf' if -e ($vf = '$(VERSION_FROM)') && -M $vf < -M ($m = '$(MAKEFILE)')"
+zipdist : $(DISTVNAME).zip
+$(DISTVNAME).zip : distdir
+ $(PREOP)
+ $(ZIP) "$(ZIPFLAGS)" $(MMS$TARGET) [.$(DISTVNAME)...]*.*;
+$(DISTVNAME).tar$(SUFFIX) : distdir
+ $(PREOP)
+ $(TO_UNIX)
+shdist : distdir
+ $(PREOP)
+ $(SHAR) [.$(DISTVNAME...]*.*; $(DISTVNAME).share
+=item dist_dir (override)
+Use VMS-style quoting on command line.
+sub dist_dir {
+ my($self) = @_;
+distdir :
+ $(PERL) "-I$(PERL_ARCHLIB)" "-I$(PERL_LIB)" -e "use ExtUtils::Manifest '/mani/';" \\
+ -e "manicopy(maniread(),'$(DISTVNAME)','$(DIST_CP)');"
+=item dist_test (override)
+Use VMS commands to change default directory, and use VMS-style
+quoting on command line.
+sub dist_test {
+ my($self) = @_;
+disttest : distdir
+ startdir = F$Environment("Default")
+ Set Default [.$(DISTVNAME)]
+ $(PERL) "-I$(PERL_ARCHLIB)" "-I$(PERL_LIB)" Makefile.PL
+ Set Default 'startdir'
+# --- Test and Installation Sections ---
+=item install (override)
+Work around DCL's 255 character limit several times,and use
+VMS-style command line quoting in a few cases.
+sub install {
+ my($self, %attribs) = @_;
+ my(@m,@docfiles);
+ if ($self->{EXE_FILES}) {
+ my($line,$file) = ('','');
+ foreach $file (@{$self->{EXE_FILES}}) {
+ $line .= "$file ";
+ if (length($line) > 128) {
+ push(@docfiles,qq[\t\$(PERL) -e "print '$line'" >>.MM_tmp\n]);
+ $line = '';
+ }
+ }
+ push(@docfiles,qq[\t\$(PERL) -e "print '$line'" >>.MM_tmp\n]) if $line;
+ }
+ push @m, q[
+install :: all pure_install doc_install
+install_perl :: all pure_perl_install doc_perl_install
+install_site :: all pure_site_install doc_site_install
+install_ :: install_site
+ $(NOECHO) $(SAY) "INSTALLDIRS not defined, defaulting to INSTALLDIRS=site"
+pure_install :: pure_$(INSTALLDIRS)_install
+doc_install :: doc_$(INSTALLDIRS)_install
+ $(NOECHO) $(SAY) "Appending installation info to $(INSTALLARCHLIB)perllocal.pod"
+pure__install : pure_site_install
+ $(NOECHO) $(SAY) "INSTALLDIRS not defined, defaulting to INSTALLDIRS=site"
+doc__install : doc_site_install
+ $(NOECHO) $(SAY) "INSTALLDIRS not defined, defaulting to INSTALLDIRS=site"
+# This hack brought to you by DCL's 255-character command line limit
+pure_perl_install ::
+ $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print 'read ].$self->catfile('$(PERL_ARCHLIB)','auto','$(FULLEXT)','.packlist').q[ '" >.MM_tmp
+ $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print 'write ].$self->catfile('$(INSTALLARCHLIB)','auto','$(FULLEXT)','.packlist').q[ '" >>.MM_tmp
+ $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print '$(INST_LIB) $(INSTALLPRIVLIB) '" >>.MM_tmp
+ $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print '$(INST_ARCHLIB) $(INSTALLARCHLIB) '" >>.MM_tmp
+ $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print '$(INST_BIN) $(INSTALLBIN) '" >>.MM_tmp
+ $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print '$(INST_SCRIPT) $(INSTALLSCRIPT) '" >>.MM_tmp
+ $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print '$(INST_MAN1DIR) $(INSTALLMAN1DIR) '" >>.MM_tmp
+ $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print '$(INST_MAN3DIR) $(INSTALLMAN3DIR) '" >>.MM_tmp
+ $(MOD_INSTALL) <.MM_tmp
+ $(NOECHO) Delete/NoLog/NoConfirm .MM_tmp;
+ $(NOECHO) $(WARN_IF_OLD_PACKLIST) ].$self->catfile('$(SITEARCHEXP)','auto','$(FULLEXT)','.packlist').q[
+# Likewise
+pure_site_install ::
+ $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print 'read ].$self->catfile('$(SITEARCHEXP)','auto','$(FULLEXT)','.packlist').q[ '" >.MM_tmp
+ $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print 'write ].$self->catfile('$(INSTALLSITEARCH)','auto','$(FULLEXT)','.packlist').q[ '" >>.MM_tmp
+ $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print '$(INST_LIB) $(INSTALLSITELIB) '" >>.MM_tmp
+ $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print '$(INST_ARCHLIB) $(INSTALLSITEARCH) '" >>.MM_tmp
+ $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print '$(INST_BIN) $(INSTALLBIN) '" >>.MM_tmp
+ $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print '$(INST_SCRIPT) $(INSTALLSCRIPT) '" >>.MM_tmp
+ $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print '$(INST_MAN1DIR) $(INSTALLMAN1DIR) '" >>.MM_tmp
+ $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print '$(INST_MAN3DIR) $(INSTALLMAN3DIR) '" >>.MM_tmp
+ $(MOD_INSTALL) <.MM_tmp
+ $(NOECHO) Delete/NoLog/NoConfirm .MM_tmp;
+ $(NOECHO) $(WARN_IF_OLD_PACKLIST) ].$self->catfile('$(PERL_ARCHLIB)','auto','$(FULLEXT)','.packlist').q[
+# Ditto
+doc_perl_install ::
+ $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print 'Module $(NAME)|installed into|$(INSTALLPRIVLIB)|'" >.MM_tmp
+q% $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print q[@ARGV=split(/\\|/,<STDIN>);]" >.MM2_tmp
+ $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print q[print '=head2 ',scalar(localtime),': C<',shift,qq[>\\n\\n=over 4\\n\\n];]" >>.MM2_tmp
+ $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print q[while(($key=shift) && ($val=shift)) ]" >>.MM2_tmp
+ $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print q[{print qq[=item *\\n\\nC<$key: $val>\\n\\n];}print qq[=back\\n\\n];]" >>.MM2_tmp
+ $(NOECHO) $(PERL) .MM2_tmp <.MM_tmp >>%.$self->catfile('$(INSTALLARCHLIB)','perllocal.pod').q[
+ $(NOECHO) Delete/NoLog/NoConfirm .MM_tmp;,.MM2_tmp;
+# And again
+doc_site_install ::
+ $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print 'Module $(NAME)|installed into|$(INSTALLSITELIB)|'" >.MM_tmp
+q% $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print q[@ARGV=split(/\\|/,<STDIN>);]" >.MM2_tmp
+ $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print q[print '=head2 ',scalar(localtime),': C<',shift,qq[>\\n\\n=over 4\\n\\n];]" >>.MM2_tmp
+ $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print q[while(($key=shift) && ($val=shift)) ]" >>.MM2_tmp
+ $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print q[{print qq[=item *\\n\\nC<$key: $val>\\n\\n];}print qq[=back\\n\\n];]" >>.MM2_tmp
+ $(NOECHO) $(PERL) .MM2_tmp <.MM_tmp >>%.$self->catfile('$(INSTALLARCHLIB)','perllocal.pod').q[
+ $(NOECHO) Delete/NoLog/NoConfirm .MM_tmp;,.MM2_tmp;
+ push @m, q[
+uninstall :: uninstall_from_$(INSTALLDIRS)dirs
+uninstall_from_perldirs ::
+ $(NOECHO) $(UNINSTALL) ].$self->catfile('$(PERL_ARCHLIB)','auto','$(FULLEXT)','.packlist').q[
+ $(NOECHO) $(SAY) "Uninstall is now deprecated and makes no actual changes."
+ $(NOECHO) $(SAY) "Please check the list above carefully for errors, and manually remove"
+ $(NOECHO) $(SAY) "the appropriate files. Sorry for the inconvenience."
+uninstall_from_sitedirs ::
+ $(NOECHO) $(UNINSTALL) ],$self->catfile('$(SITEARCHEXP)','auto','$(FULLEXT)','.packlist'),"\n",q[
+ $(NOECHO) $(SAY) "Uninstall is now deprecated and makes no actual changes."
+ $(NOECHO) $(SAY) "Please check the list above carefully for errors, and manually remove"
+ $(NOECHO) $(SAY) "the appropriate files. Sorry for the inconvenience."
+ join('',@m);
+=item perldepend (override)
+Use VMS-style syntax for files; it's cheaper to just do it directly here
+than to have the MM_Unix method call C<catfile> repeatedly. Also, if
+we have to rebuild, use MM[SK] to do it.
+sub perldepend {
+ my($self) = @_;
+ my(@m);
+ push @m, '
+$(OBJECT) : $(PERL_INC)cop.h, $(PERL_INC)cv.h, $(PERL_INC)embed.h, $(PERL_INC)form.h
+$(OBJECT) : $(PERL_INC)gv.h, $(PERL_INC)handy.h, $(PERL_INC)hv.h, $(PERL_INC)keywords.h
+$(OBJECT) : $(PERL_INC)mg.h, $(PERL_INC)op.h, $(PERL_INC)opcode.h, $(PERL_INC)patchlevel.h
+$(OBJECT) : $(PERL_INC)perl.h, $(PERL_INC)perly.h, $(PERL_INC)pp.h, $(PERL_INC)proto.h
+$(OBJECT) : $(PERL_INC)regcomp.h, $(PERL_INC)regexp.h, $(PERL_INC)scope.h, $(PERL_INC)sv.h
+$(OBJECT) : $(PERL_INC)vmsish.h, $(PERL_INC)util.h, $(PERL_INC)config.h
+$(OBJECT) : $(PERL_INC)iperlsys.h
+' if $self->{OBJECT};
+ if ($self->{PERL_SRC}) {
+ my(@macros);
+ my($mmsquals) = '$(USEMAKEFILE)[.vms]$(MAKEFILE)';
+ push(@macros,'__AXP__=1') if $Config{'arch'} eq 'VMS_AXP';
+ push(@macros,'DECC=1') if $Config{'vms_cc_type'} eq 'decc';
+ push(@macros,'GNUC=1') if $Config{'vms_cc_type'} eq 'gcc';
+ push(@macros,'SOCKET=1') if $Config{'d_has_sockets'};
+ push(@macros,qq["CC=$Config{'cc'}"]) if $Config{'cc'} =~ m!/!;
+ $mmsquals .= '$(USEMACROS)' . join(',',@macros) . '$(MACROEND)' if @macros;
+ push(@m,q[
+# Check for unpropagated changes. Should never happen.
+# We do NOT just update config.h because that is not sufficient.
+# An out of date config.h is not fatal but complains loudly!
+$(PERL_INC)config.h : $(PERL_SRC)
+ $(NOECHO) Write Sys$Error "$(PERL_ARCHLIB) may be out of date with config.h or"
+ olddef = F$Environment("Default")
+ Set Default $(PERL_SRC)
+ $(MMS)],$mmsquals,);
+ if ($self->{PERL_ARCHLIB} =~ m|\[-| && $self->{PERL_SRC} =~ m|(\[-+)|) {
+ my($prefix,$target) = ($1,$self->fixpath('$(PERL_ARCHLIB)',0));
+ $target =~ s/\Q$prefix/[/;
+ push(@m," $target");
+ }
+ else { push(@m,' $(MMS$TARGET)'); }
+ push(@m,q[
+ Set Default 'olddef'
+ }
+ push(@m, join(" ", map($self->fixpath($_,0),values %{$self->{XS}}))." : \$(XSUBPPDEPS)\n")
+ if %{$self->{XS}};
+ join('',@m);
+=item makefile (override)
+Use VMS commands and quoting.
+sub makefile {
+ my($self) = @_;
+ my(@m,@cmd);
+ # We do not know what target was originally specified so we
+ # must force a manual rerun to be sure. But as it should only
+ # happen very rarely it is not a significant problem.
+ push @m, q[
+] if $self->{OBJECT};
+ push @m,q[
+# We take a very conservative approach here, but it\'s worth it.
+# We move $(MAKEFILE) to $(MAKEFILE)_old here to avoid gnu make looping.
+ $(NOECHO) $(SAY) "$(MAKEFILE) out-of-date with respect to $(MMS$SOURCE_LIST)"
+ $(NOECHO) $(SAY) "Cleaning current config before rebuilding $(MAKEFILE) ..."
+ - $(MV) $(MAKEFILE) $(MAKEFILE)_old
+ $(PERL) "-I$(PERL_ARCHLIB)" "-I$(PERL_LIB)" Makefile.PL ],join(' ',map(qq["$_"],@ARGV)),q[
+ $(NOECHO) $(SAY) "$(MAKEFILE) has been rebuilt."
+ $(NOECHO) $(SAY) "Please run $(MMS) to build the extension."
+ join('',@m);
+=item test (override)
+Use VMS commands for handling subdirectories.
+sub test {
+ my($self, %attribs) = @_;
+ my($tests) = $attribs{TESTS} || ( -d 't' ? 't/*.t' : '');
+ my(@m);
+ push @m,"
+test :: \$(TEST_TYPE)
+ \$(NOECHO) \$(NOOP)
+testdb :: testdb_\$(LINKTYPE)
+ \$(NOECHO) \$(NOOP)
+ foreach(@{$self->{DIR}}){
+ my($vmsdir) = $self->fixpath($_,1);
+ push(@m, ' If F$Search("',$vmsdir,'$(MAKEFILE)").nes."" Then $(PERL) -e "chdir ',"'$vmsdir'",
+ '; print `$(MMS)$(MMSQUALIFIERS) $(PASTHRU2) test`'."\n");
+ }
+ push(@m, "\t\$(NOECHO) \$(SAY) \"No tests defined for \$(NAME) extension.\"\n")
+ unless $tests or -f "" or @{$self->{DIR}};
+ push(@m, "\n");
+ push(@m, "test_dynamic :: pure_all\n");
+ push(@m, $self->test_via_harness('$(FULLPERL)', $tests)) if $tests;
+ push(@m, $self->test_via_script('$(FULLPERL)', '')) if -f "";
+ push(@m, "\t\$(NOECHO) \$(NOOP)\n") if (!$tests && ! -f "");
+ push(@m, "\n");
+ push(@m, "testdb_dynamic :: pure_all\n");
+ push(@m, $self->test_via_script('$(FULLPERL) "$(TESTDB_SW)"', '$(TEST_FILE)'));
+ push(@m, "\n");
+ # Occasionally we may face this degenerate target:
+ push @m, "test_ : test_dynamic\n\n";
+ if ($self->needs_linking()) {
+ push(@m, "test_static :: pure_all \$(MAP_TARGET)\n");
+ push(@m, $self->test_via_harness('$(MAP_TARGET)', $tests)) if $tests;
+ push(@m, $self->test_via_script('$(MAP_TARGET)', '')) if -f '';
+ push(@m, "\n");
+ push(@m, "testdb_static :: pure_all \$(MAP_TARGET)\n");
+ push(@m, $self->test_via_script('$(MAP_TARGET) $(TESTDB_SW)', '$(TEST_FILE)'));
+ push(@m, "\n");
+ }
+ else {
+ push @m, "test_static :: test_dynamic\n\t\$(NOECHO) \$(NOOP)\n\n";
+ push @m, "testdb_static :: testdb_dynamic\n\t\$(NOECHO) \$(NOOP)\n";
+ }
+ join('',@m);
+=item test_via_harness (override)
+Use VMS-style quoting on command line.
+sub test_via_harness {
+ my($self,$perl,$tests) = @_;
+ " $perl".' "-I$(INST_ARCHLIB)" "-I$(INST_LIB)" "-I$(PERL_LIB)" "-I$(PERL_ARCHLIB)" \\'."\n\t".
+ '-e "use Test::Harness qw(&runtests $verbose); $verbose=$(TEST_VERBOSE); runtests @ARGV;" \\'."\n\t$tests\n";
+=item test_via_script (override)
+Use VMS-style quoting on command line.
+sub test_via_script {
+ my($self,$perl,$script) = @_;
+ " $perl".' "-I$(INST_ARCHLIB)" "-I$(INST_LIB)" "-I$(PERL_ARCHLIB)" "-I$(PERL_LIB)" '.$script.'
+=item makeaperl (override)
+Undertake to build a new set of Perl images using VMS commands. Since
+VMS does dynamic loading, it's not necessary to statically link each
+extension into the Perl image, so this isn't the normal build path.
+Consequently, it hasn't really been tested, and may well be incomplete.
+sub makeaperl {
+ my($self, %attribs) = @_;
+ my($makefilename, $searchdirs, $static, $extra, $perlinc, $target, $tmp, $libperl) =
+ my(@m);
+ push @m, "
+# --- MakeMaker makeaperl section ---
+MAP_TARGET = $target
+ return join '', @m if $self->{PARENT};
+ my($dir) = join ":", @{$self->{DIR}};
+ unless ($self->{MAKEAPERL}) {
+ push @m, q{
+ $(NOECHO) $(SAY) "Writing ""$(MMS$TARGET)"" for this $(MAP_TARGET)"
+ Makefile.PL DIR=}, $dir, q{ \
+ push @m, map( " \\\n\t\t$_", @ARGV );
+ push @m, "\n";
+ return join '', @m;
+ }
+ my($linkcmd,@staticopts,@staticpkgs,$extralist,$targdir,$libperldir);
+ # The front matter of the linkcommand...
+ $linkcmd = join ' ', $Config{'ld'},
+ grep($_, @Config{qw(large split ldflags ccdlflags)});
+ $linkcmd =~ s/\s+/ /g;
+ # Which *.olb files could we make use of...
+ local(%olbs);
+ $olbs{$self->{INST_ARCHAUTODIR}} = "$self->{BASEEXT}\$(LIB_EXT)";
+ require File::Find;
+ File::Find::find(sub {
+ return unless m/\Q$self->{LIB_EXT}\E$/;
+ return if m/^libperl/;
+ if( exists $self->{INCLUDE_EXT} ){
+ my $found = 0;
+ my $incl;
+ my $xx;
+ ($xx = $File::Find::name) =~ s,.*?/auto/,,;
+ $xx =~ s,/?$_,,;
+ $xx =~ s,/,::,g;
+ # Throw away anything not explicitly marked for inclusion.
+ # DynaLoader is implied.
+ foreach $incl ((@{$self->{INCLUDE_EXT}},'DynaLoader')){
+ if( $xx eq $incl ){
+ $found++;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ return unless $found;
+ }
+ elsif( exists $self->{EXCLUDE_EXT} ){
+ my $excl;
+ my $xx;
+ ($xx = $File::Find::name) =~ s,.*?/auto/,,;
+ $xx =~ s,/?$_,,;
+ $xx =~ s,/,::,g;
+ # Throw away anything explicitly marked for exclusion
+ foreach $excl (@{$self->{EXCLUDE_EXT}}){
+ return if( $xx eq $excl );
+ }
+ }
+ $olbs{$ENV{DEFAULT}} = $_;
+ }, grep( -d $_, @{$searchdirs || []}));
+ # We trust that what has been handed in as argument will be buildable
+ $static = [] unless $static;
+ @olbs{@{$static}} = (1) x @{$static};
+ $extra = [] unless $extra && ref $extra eq 'ARRAY';
+ # Sort the object libraries in inverse order of
+ # filespec length to try to insure that dependent extensions
+ # will appear before their parents, so the linker will
+ # search the parent library to resolve references.
+ # (e.g. Intuit::DWIM will precede Intuit, so unresolved
+ # references from [.intuit.dwim]dwim.obj can be found
+ # in [.intuit]intuit.olb).
+ for (sort keys %olbs) {
+ next unless $olbs{$_} =~ /\Q$self->{LIB_EXT}\E$/;
+ my($dir) = $self->fixpath($_,1);
+ my($extralibs) = $dir . "extralibs.ld";
+ my($extopt) = $dir . $olbs{$_};
+ $extopt =~ s/$self->{LIB_EXT}$/.opt/;
+ if (-f $extralibs ) {
+ open LIST,$extralibs or warn $!,next;
+ push @$extra, <LIST>;
+ close LIST;
+ }
+ if (-f $extopt) {
+ open OPT,$extopt or die $!;
+ while (<OPT>) {
+ next unless /(?:UNIVERSAL|VECTOR)=boot_([\w_]+)/;
+ # ExtUtils::Miniperl expects Unix paths
+ (my($pkg) = "$1_$1$self->{LIB_EXT}") =~ s#_*#/#g;
+ push @staticpkgs,$pkg;
+ }
+ push @staticopts, $extopt;
+ }
+ }
+ $target = "Perl$Config{'exe_ext'}" unless $target;
+ ($shrtarget,$targdir) = fileparse($target);
+ $shrtarget =~ s/^([^.]*)/$1Shr/;
+ $shrtarget = $targdir . $shrtarget;
+ $target = "Perlshr.$Config{'dlext'}" unless $target;
+ $tmp = "[]" unless $tmp;
+ $tmp = $self->fixpath($tmp,1);
+ if (@$extra) {
+ $extralist = join(' ',@$extra);
+ $extralist =~ s/[,\s\n]+/, /g;
+ }
+ else { $extralist = ''; }
+ if ($libperl) {
+ unless (-f $libperl || -f ($libperl = $self->catfile($Config{'installarchlib'},'CORE',$libperl))) {
+ print STDOUT "Warning: $libperl not found\n";
+ undef $libperl;
+ }
+ }
+ unless ($libperl) {
+ if (defined $self->{PERL_SRC}) {
+ $libperl = $self->catfile($self->{PERL_SRC},"libperl$self->{LIB_EXT}");
+ } elsif (-f ($libperl = $self->catfile($Config{'installarchlib'},'CORE',"libperl$self->{LIB_EXT}")) ) {
+ } else {
+ print STDOUT "Warning: $libperl not found
+ If you're going to build a static perl binary, make sure perl is installed
+ otherwise ignore this warning\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $libperldir = $self->fixpath((fileparse($libperl))[1],1);
+ push @m, '
+# Fill in the target you want to produce if it\'s not perl
+MAP_TARGET = ',$self->fixpath($target,0),'
+MAP_SHRTARGET = ',$self->fixpath($shrtarget,0),"
+MAP_LINKCMD = $linkcmd
+MAP_PERLINC = ", $perlinc ? map('"$_" ',@{$perlinc}) : '','
+# We use the linker options files created with each extension, rather than
+#specifying the object files directly on the command line.
+MAP_STATIC = ',@staticopts ? join(' ', @staticopts) : '','
+MAP_OPTS = ',@staticopts ? ','.join(',', map($_.'/Option', @staticopts)) : '',"
+MAP_EXTRA = $extralist
+MAP_LIBPERL = ",$self->fixpath($libperl,0),'
+ push @m,'
+$(MAP_SHRTARGET) : $(MAP_LIBPERL) $(MAP_STATIC) ',"${libperldir}Perlshr_Attr.Opt",'
+ $(MAP_LINKCMD)/Shareable=$(MMS$TARGET) $(MAP_OPTS), $(MAP_EXTRA), $(MAP_LIBPERL) ',"${libperldir}Perlshr_Attr.Opt",'
+$(MAP_TARGET) : $(MAP_SHRTARGET) ',"${tmp}perlmain\$(OBJ_EXT) ${tmp}PerlShr.Opt",'
+ $(MAP_LINKCMD) ',"${tmp}perlmain\$(OBJ_EXT)",', PerlShr.Opt/Option
+ $(NOECHO) $(SAY) "To install the new ""$(MAP_TARGET)"" binary, say"
+ $(NOECHO) $(SAY) "To remove the intermediate files, say
+ push @m,'
+',"${tmp}perlmain.c",' : $(MAKEFILE)
+ $(NOECHO) $(PERL) $(MAP_PERLINC) -e "use ExtUtils::Miniperl; writemain(qw|',@staticpkgs,'|)" >$(MMS$TARGET)
+ push @m, q[
+# More from the 255-char line length limit
+doc_inst_perl :
+ $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print 'Perl binary $(MAP_TARGET)|'" >.MM_tmp
+ $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print 'MAP_STATIC|$(MAP_STATIC)|'" >>.MM_tmp
+ $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -pl040 -e " " ].$self->catfile('$(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)','extralibs.all'),q[ >>.MM_tmp
+ $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -e "print 'MAP_LIBPERL|$(MAP_LIBPERL)|'" >>.MM_tmp
+ $(DOC_INSTALL) <.MM_tmp >>].$self->catfile('$(INSTALLARCHLIB)','perllocal.pod').q[
+ $(NOECHO) Delete/NoLog/NoConfirm .MM_tmp;
+ push @m, "
+inst_perl : pure_inst_perl doc_inst_perl
+ \$(NOECHO) \$(NOOP)
+pure_inst_perl : \$(MAP_TARGET)
+ $self->{CP} \$(MAP_SHRTARGET) ",$self->fixpath($Config{'installbin'},1),"
+ $self->{CP} \$(MAP_TARGET) ",$self->fixpath($Config{'installbin'},1),"
+clean :: map_clean
+ \$(NOECHO) \$(NOOP)
+map_clean :
+ \$(RM_F) ${tmp}perlmain\$(OBJ_EXT) ${tmp}perlmain.c \$(MAKEFILE)
+ \$(RM_F) ${tmp}PerlShr.Opt \$(MAP_TARGET)
+ join '', @m;
+# --- Output postprocessing section ---
+=item nicetext (override)
+Insure that colons marking targets are preceded by space, in order
+to distinguish the target delimiter from a colon appearing as
+part of a filespec.
+sub nicetext {
+ my($self,$text) = @_;
+ $text =~ s/([^\s:])(:+\s)/$1 $2/gs;
+ $text;
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/ b/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1226b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/
@@ -0,0 +1,823 @@
+package ExtUtils::MM_Win32;
+=head1 NAME
+ExtUtils::MM_Win32 - methods to override UN*X behaviour in ExtUtils::MakeMaker
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use ExtUtils::MM_Win32; # Done internally by ExtUtils::MakeMaker if needed
+See ExtUtils::MM_Unix for a documentation of the methods provided
+there. This package overrides the implementation of these methods, not
+the semantics.
+use Config;
+#use Cwd;
+use File::Basename;
+require Exporter;
+ qw( $Verbose &neatvalue));
+$ENV{EMXSHELL} = 'sh'; # to run `commands`
+unshift @MM::ISA, 'ExtUtils::MM_Win32';
+$BORLAND = 1 if $Config{'cc'} =~ /^bcc/i;
+$GCC = 1 if $Config{'cc'} =~ /^gcc/i;
+$DMAKE = 1 if $Config{'make'} =~ /^dmake/i;
+$NMAKE = 1 if $Config{'make'} =~ /^nmake/i;
+$OBJ = 1 if $Config{'ccflags'} =~ /PERL_OBJECT/i;
+sub dlsyms {
+ my($self,%attribs) = @_;
+ my($funcs) = $attribs{DL_FUNCS} || $self->{DL_FUNCS} || {};
+ my($vars) = $attribs{DL_VARS} || $self->{DL_VARS} || [];
+ my($imports) = $attribs{IMPORTS} || $self->{IMPORTS} || {};
+ my(@m);
+ (my $boot = $self->{NAME}) =~ s/:/_/g;
+ if (not $self->{SKIPHASH}{'dynamic'}) {
+ push(@m,"
+$self->{BASEEXT}.def: Makefile.PL
+ q! $(PERL) "-I$(PERL_ARCHLIB)" "-I$(PERL_LIB)" -MExtUtils::Mksymlists \\
+ -e "Mksymlists('NAME' => '!, $self->{NAME},
+ q!', 'DLBASE' => '!,$self->{DLBASE},
+ q!', 'DL_FUNCS' => !,neatvalue($funcs),
+ q!, 'IMPORTS' => !,neatvalue($imports),
+ q!, 'DL_VARS' => !, neatvalue($vars), q!);"
+ }
+ join('',@m);
+sub replace_manpage_separator {
+ my($self,$man) = @_;
+ $man =~ s,/+,.,g;
+ $man;
+sub maybe_command {
+ my($self,$file) = @_;
+ my @e = exists($ENV{'PATHEXT'})
+ ? split(/;/, $ENV{PATHEXT})
+ : qw(.com .exe .bat .cmd);
+ my $e = '';
+ for (@e) { $e .= "\Q$_\E|" }
+ chop $e;
+ # see if file ends in one of the known extensions
+ if ($file =~ /($e)$/i) {
+ return $file if -e $file;
+ }
+ else {
+ for (@e) {
+ return "$file$_" if -e "$file$_";
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+sub file_name_is_absolute {
+ my($self,$file) = @_;
+ $file =~ m{^([a-z]:)?[\\/]}i ;
+sub find_perl {
+ my($self, $ver, $names, $dirs, $trace) = @_;
+ my($name, $dir);
+ if ($trace >= 2){
+ print "Looking for perl $ver by these names:
+in these dirs:
+ }
+ foreach $dir (@$dirs){
+ next unless defined $dir; # $self->{PERL_SRC} may be undefined
+ foreach $name (@$names){
+ my ($abs, $val);
+ if ($self->file_name_is_absolute($name)) { # /foo/bar
+ $abs = $name;
+ } elsif ($self->canonpath($name) eq $self->canonpath(basename($name))) { # foo
+ $abs = $self->catfile($dir, $name);
+ } else { # foo/bar
+ $abs = $self->canonpath($self->catfile($self->curdir, $name));
+ }
+ print "Checking $abs\n" if ($trace >= 2);
+ next unless $self->maybe_command($abs);
+ print "Executing $abs\n" if ($trace >= 2);
+ $val = `$abs -e "require $ver;" 2>&1`;
+ if ($? == 0) {
+ print "Using PERL=$abs\n" if $trace;
+ return $abs;
+ } elsif ($trace >= 2) {
+ print "Result: `$val'\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ print STDOUT "Unable to find a perl $ver (by these names: @$names, in these dirs: @$dirs)\n";
+ 0; # false and not empty
+sub catdir {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @args = @_;
+ for (@args) {
+ # append a slash to each argument unless it has one there
+ $_ .= "\\" if $_ eq '' or substr($_,-1) ne "\\";
+ }
+ my $result = $self->canonpath(join('', @args));
+ $result;
+=item catfile
+Concatenate one or more directory names and a filename to form a
+complete path ending with a filename
+sub catfile {
+ my $self = shift @_;
+ my $file = pop @_;
+ return $file unless @_;
+ my $dir = $self->catdir(@_);
+ $dir =~ s/(\\\.)$//;
+ $dir .= "\\" unless substr($dir,length($dir)-1,1) eq "\\";
+ return $dir.$file;
+sub init_others
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ &ExtUtils::MM_Unix::init_others;
+ $self->{'TOUCH'} = '$(PERL) -I$(PERL_ARCHLIB) -I$(PERL_LIB) -MExtUtils::Command -e touch';
+ $self->{'CHMOD'} = '$(PERL) -I$(PERL_ARCHLIB) -I$(PERL_LIB) -MExtUtils::Command -e chmod';
+ $self->{'CP'} = '$(PERL) -I$(PERL_ARCHLIB) -I$(PERL_LIB) -MExtUtils::Command -e cp';
+ $self->{'RM_F'} = '$(PERL) -I$(PERL_ARCHLIB) -I$(PERL_LIB) -MExtUtils::Command -e rm_f';
+ $self->{'RM_RF'} = '$(PERL) -I$(PERL_ARCHLIB) -I$(PERL_LIB) -MExtUtils::Command -e rm_rf';
+ $self->{'MV'} = '$(PERL) -I$(PERL_ARCHLIB) -I$(PERL_LIB) -MExtUtils::Command -e mv';
+ $self->{'NOOP'} = 'rem';
+ $self->{'TEST_F'} = '$(PERL) -I$(PERL_ARCHLIB) -I$(PERL_LIB) -MExtUtils::Command -e test_f';
+ $self->{'LD'} = $Config{'ld'} || 'link';
+ $self->{'AR'} = $Config{'ar'} || 'lib';
+ $self->{'LDLOADLIBS'} ||= $Config{'libs'};
+ # -Lfoo must come first for Borland, so we put it in LDDLFLAGS
+ if ($BORLAND) {
+ my $libs = $self->{'LDLOADLIBS'};
+ my $libpath = '';
+ while ($libs =~ s/(?:^|\s)(("?)-L.+?\2)(?:\s|$)/ /) {
+ $libpath .= ' ' if length $libpath;
+ $libpath .= $1;
+ }
+ $self->{'LDLOADLIBS'} = $libs;
+ $self->{'LDDLFLAGS'} ||= $Config{'lddlflags'};
+ $self->{'LDDLFLAGS'} .= " $libpath";
+ }
+ $self->{'DEV_NULL'} = '> NUL';
+ # $self->{'NOECHO'} = ''; # till we have it working
+=item constants (o)
+Initializes lots of constants and .SUFFIXES and .PHONY
+sub constants {
+ my($self) = @_;
+ my(@m,$tmp);
+ for $tmp (qw/
+ / ) {
+ next unless defined $self->{$tmp};
+ push @m, "$tmp = $self->{$tmp}\n";
+ }
+ push @m, qq{
+ push @m, qq{
+MAKEMAKER = $INC{'ExtUtils\'}
+MM_VERSION = $ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION
+ push @m, q{
+# FULLEXT = Pathname for extension directory (eg Foo/Bar/Oracle).
+# BASEEXT = Basename part of FULLEXT. May be just equal FULLEXT. (eg Oracle)
+# ROOTEXT = Directory part of FULLEXT with leading slash (eg /DBD) !!! Deprecated from MM 5.32 !!!
+# PARENT_NAME = NAME without BASEEXT and no trailing :: (eg Foo::Bar)
+# DLBASE = Basename part of dynamic library. May be just equal BASEEXT.
+ for $tmp (qw/
+ / ) {
+ next unless defined $self->{$tmp};
+ push @m, "$tmp = $self->{$tmp}\n";
+ }
+ push @m, "
+# Handy lists of source code files:
+XS_FILES= ".join(" \\\n\t", sort keys %{$self->{XS}})."
+C_FILES = ".join(" \\\n\t", @{$self->{C}})."
+O_FILES = ".join(" \\\n\t", @{$self->{O_FILES}})."
+H_FILES = ".join(" \\\n\t", @{$self->{H}})."
+MAN1PODS = ".join(" \\\n\t", sort keys %{$self->{MAN1PODS}})."
+MAN3PODS = ".join(" \\\n\t", sort keys %{$self->{MAN3PODS}})."
+ for $tmp (qw/
+ /) {
+ next unless defined $self->{$tmp};
+ push @m, "$tmp = $self->{$tmp}\n";
+ }
+ push @m, qq{
+} if $DMAKE;
+ push @m, q{
+.NO_CONFIG_REC: Makefile
+ # why not q{} ? -- emacs
+ push @m, qq{
+# work around a famous dec-osf make(1) feature(?):
+makemakerdflt: all
+.SUFFIXES: .xs .c .C .cpp .cxx .cc \$(OBJ_EXT)
+# Nick wanted to get rid of .PRECIOUS. I don't remember why. I seem to recall, that
+# some make implementations will delete the Makefile when we rebuild it. Because
+# we call false(1) when we rebuild it. So make(1) is not completely wrong when it
+# does so. Our milage may vary.
+# .PRECIOUS: Makefile # seems to be not necessary anymore
+.PHONY: all config static dynamic test linkext manifest
+# Where is the Config information that we are using/depend on
+CONFIGDEP = \$(PERL_ARCHLIB)\\ \$(PERL_INC)\\config.h
+ my @parentdir = split(/::/, $self->{PARENT_NAME});
+ push @m, q{
+# Where to put things:
+INST_LIBDIR = }. $self->catdir('$(INST_LIB)',@parentdir) .q{
+INST_ARCHLIBDIR = }. $self->catdir('$(INST_ARCHLIB)',@parentdir) .q{
+INST_AUTODIR = }. $self->catdir('$(INST_LIB)','auto','$(FULLEXT)') .q{
+INST_ARCHAUTODIR = }. $self->catdir('$(INST_ARCHLIB)','auto','$(FULLEXT)') .q{
+ if ($self->has_link_code()) {
+ push @m, '
+ } else {
+ push @m, '
+ }
+ $tmp = $self->export_list;
+ push @m, "
+ $tmp = $self->perl_archive;
+ push @m, "
+# push @m, q{
+#INST_PM = }.join(" \\\n\t", sort values %{$self->{PM}}).q{
+#PM_TO_BLIB = }.join(" \\\n\t", %{$self->{PM}}).q{
+ push @m, q{
+TO_INST_PM = }.join(" \\\n\t", sort keys %{$self->{PM}}).q{
+PM_TO_BLIB = }.join(" \\\n\t", %{$self->{PM}}).q{
+ join('',@m);
+sub path {
+ local $^W = 1;
+ my($self) = @_;
+ my $path = $ENV{'PATH'} || $ENV{'Path'} || $ENV{'path'};
+ my @path = split(';',$path);
+ foreach(@path) { $_ = '.' if $_ eq '' }
+ @path;
+=item static_lib (o)
+Defines how to produce the *.a (or equivalent) files.
+sub static_lib {
+ my($self) = @_;
+# Come to think of it, if there are subdirs with linkcode, we still have no INST_STATIC
+# return '' unless $self->needs_linking(); #might be because of a subdir
+ return '' unless $self->has_link_code;
+ my(@m);
+ push(@m, <<'END');
+ $(RM_RF) $@
+ # If this extension has it's own library (eg SDBM_File)
+ # then copy that to $(INST_STATIC) and add $(OBJECT) into it.
+ push(@m, "\t$self->{CP} \$(MYEXTLIB) \$\@\n") if $self->{MYEXTLIB};
+ push @m,
+q{ $(AR) }.($BORLAND ? '$@ $(OBJECT:^"+")'
+ : ($GCC ? '-ru $@ $(OBJECT)'
+ : '-out:$@ $(OBJECT)')).q{
+ }.$self->{NOECHO}.q{echo "$(EXTRALIBS)" > $(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)\extralibs.ld
+ $(CHMOD) 755 $@
+# Old mechanism - still available:
+ push @m, "\t$self->{NOECHO}".q{echo "$(EXTRALIBS)" >> $(PERL_SRC)\ext.libs}."\n\n"
+ if $self->{PERL_SRC};
+ push @m, $self->dir_target('$(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)');
+ join('', "\n",@m);
+=item dynamic_bs (o)
+Defines targets for bootstrap files.
+sub dynamic_bs {
+ my($self, %attribs) = @_;
+ return '
+' unless $self->has_link_code();
+ return '
+BOOTSTRAP = '."$self->{BASEEXT}.bs".'
+# As Mkbootstrap might not write a file (if none is required)
+# we use touch to prevent make continually trying to remake it.
+# The DynaLoader only reads a non-empty file.
+$(BOOTSTRAP): '."$self->{MAKEFILE} $self->{BOOTDEP}".' $(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)\.exists
+ '.$self->{NOECHO}.'echo "Running Mkbootstrap for $(NAME) ($(BSLOADLIBS))"
+ '.$self->{NOECHO}.'$(PERL) "-I$(PERL_ARCHLIB)" "-I$(PERL_LIB)" \
+ -MExtUtils::Mkbootstrap \
+ -e "Mkbootstrap(\'$(BASEEXT)\',\'$(BSLOADLIBS)\');"
+ '.$self->{NOECHO}.'$(TOUCH) $(BOOTSTRAP)
+ $(CHMOD) 644 $@
+ '."$self->{NOECHO}$self->{RM_RF}".' $(INST_BOOT)
+ -'.$self->{CP}.' $(BOOTSTRAP) $(INST_BOOT)
+ $(CHMOD) 644 $@
+=item dynamic_lib (o)
+Defines how to produce the *.so (or equivalent) files.
+sub dynamic_lib {
+ my($self, %attribs) = @_;
+ return '' unless $self->needs_linking(); #might be because of a subdir
+ return '' unless $self->has_link_code;
+ my($otherldflags) = $attribs{OTHERLDFLAGS} || ($BORLAND ? 'c0d32.obj': '');
+ my($inst_dynamic_dep) = $attribs{INST_DYNAMIC_DEP} || "";
+ my($ldfrom) = '$(LDFROM)';
+ my(@m);
+ push(@m,'
+# This section creates the dynamically loadable $(INST_DYNAMIC)
+# from $(OBJECT) and possibly $(MYEXTLIB).
+OTHERLDFLAGS = '.$otherldflags.'
+INST_DYNAMIC_DEP = '.$inst_dynamic_dep.'
+ if ($GCC) {
+ push(@m,
+ q{ dlltool --def $(EXPORT_LIST) --output-exp dll.exp
+ $(LD) -o $@ -Wl,--base-file -Wl,dll.base $(LDDLFLAGS) }.$ldfrom.q{ $(OTHERLDFLAGS) $(MYEXTLIB) $(PERL_ARCHIVE) $(LDLOADLIBS) dll.exp
+ dlltool --def $(EXPORT_LIST) --base-file dll.base --output-exp dll.exp
+ $(LD) -o $@ $(LDDLFLAGS) }.$ldfrom.q{ $(OTHERLDFLAGS) $(MYEXTLIB) $(PERL_ARCHIVE) $(LDLOADLIBS) dll.exp });
+ } else {
+ push(@m, $BORLAND ?
+ q{ $(LD) $(LDDLFLAGS) $(OTHERLDFLAGS) }.$ldfrom.q{,$@,,$(PERL_ARCHIVE:s,/,\,) $(LDLOADLIBS:s,/,\,) $(MYEXTLIB:s,/,\,),$(EXPORT_LIST:s,/,\,),$(RESFILES)} :
+ );
+ }
+ push @m, '
+ $(CHMOD) 755 $@
+ push @m, $self->dir_target('$(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)');
+ join('',@m);
+sub perl_archive
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ if($OBJ) {
+ if ($self->{CAPI} eq 'TRUE') {
+ return '$(PERL_INC)\perlCAPI$(LIB_EXT)';
+ }
+ }
+ return '$(PERL_INC)\\'.$Config{'libperl'};
+sub export_list
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return "$self->{BASEEXT}.def";
+=item canonpath
+No physical check on the filesystem, but a logical cleanup of a
+path. On UNIX eliminated successive slashes and successive "/.".
+sub canonpath {
+ my($self,$path) = @_;
+ $path =~ s/^([a-z]:)/\u$1/;
+ $path =~ s|/|\\|g;
+ $path =~ s|(.)\\+|$1\\|g ; # xx////xx -> xx/xx
+ $path =~ s|(\\\.)+\\|\\|g ; # xx/././xx -> xx/xx
+ $path =~ s|^(\.\\)+|| unless $path eq ".\\"; # ./xx -> xx
+ $path =~ s|\\$||
+ unless $path =~ m#^([a-z]:)?\\#; # xx/ -> xx
+ $path .= '.' if $path =~ m#\\$#;
+ $path;
+=item perl_script
+Takes one argument, a file name, and returns the file name, if the
+argument is likely to be a perl script. On MM_Unix this is true for
+any ordinary, readable file.
+sub perl_script {
+ my($self,$file) = @_;
+ return "$" if -r "$" && -f _;
+ return;
+=item pm_to_blib
+Defines target that copies all files in the hash PM to their
+destination and autosplits them. See L<ExtUtils::Install/DESCRIPTION>
+sub pm_to_blib {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my($autodir) = $self->catdir('$(INST_LIB)','auto');
+ return q{
+pm_to_blib: $(TO_INST_PM)
+ }.$self->{NOECHO}.q{$(PERL) "-I$(INST_ARCHLIB)" "-I$(INST_LIB)" \
+ "-I$(PERL_ARCHLIB)" "-I$(PERL_LIB)" -MExtUtils::Install \
+ -e "pm_to_blib(qw[ }.
+ ($NMAKE ? '<<pmfiles.dat'
+ : '$(mktmp,pmfiles.dat $(PM_TO_BLIB:s,\\,\\\\,)\n)').
+ q{ ],'}.$autodir.q{')"
+ }. ($NMAKE ? q{
+ } : '') . $self->{NOECHO}.q{$(TOUCH) $@
+=item test_via_harness (o)
+Helper method to write the test targets
+sub test_via_harness {
+ my($self, $perl, $tests) = @_;
+ "\t$perl".q! -Mblib -I$(PERL_ARCHLIB) -I$(PERL_LIB) -e "use Test::Harness qw(&runtests $$verbose); $$verbose=$(TEST_VERBOSE); runtests @ARGV;" !."$tests\n";
+=item tool_autosplit (override)
+Use Win32 quoting on command line.
+sub tool_autosplit{
+ my($self, %attribs) = @_;
+ my($asl) = "";
+ $asl = "\$AutoSplit::Maxlen=$attribs{MAXLEN};" if $attribs{MAXLEN};
+ q{
+# Usage: $(AUTOSPLITFILE) FileToSplit AutoDirToSplitInto
+AUTOSPLITFILE = $(PERL) "-I$(PERL_ARCHLIB)" "-I$(PERL_LIB)" -MAutoSplit }.$asl.q{ -e "autosplit($$ARGV[0], $$ARGV[1], 0, 1, 1);"
+=item tools_other (o)
+Win32 overrides.
+the Makefile. Also defines the perl programs MKPATH,
+sub tools_other {
+ my($self) = shift;
+ my @m;
+ my $bin_sh = $Config{sh} || 'cmd /c';
+ push @m, qq{
+SHELL = $bin_sh
+} unless $DMAKE; # dmake determines its own shell
+ push @m, "$_ = $self->{$_}\n";
+ }
+ push @m, q{
+# The following is a portable way to say mkdir -p
+# To see which directories are created, change the if 0 to if 1
+MKPATH = $(PERL) -I$(PERL_ARCHLIB) -I$(PERL_LIB) -MExtUtils::Command -e mkpath
+# This helps us to minimize the effect of the .exists files A yet
+# better solution would be to have a stable file in the perl
+# distribution with a timestamp of zero. But this solution doesn't
+# need any changes to the core distribution and works with older perls
+EQUALIZE_TIMESTAMP = $(PERL) -I$(PERL_ARCHLIB) -I$(PERL_LIB) -MExtUtils::Command -e eqtime
+ return join "", @m if $self->{PARENT};
+ push @m, q{
+# Here we warn users that an old packlist file was found somewhere,
+# and that they should call some uninstall routine
+WARN_IF_OLD_PACKLIST = $(PERL) -lwe "exit unless -f $$ARGV[0];" \\
+-e "print 'WARNING: I have found an old package in';" \\
+-e "print ' ', $$ARGV[0], '.';" \\
+-e "print 'Please make sure the two installations are not conflicting';"
+MOD_INSTALL = $(PERL) -I$(INST_LIB) -I$(PERL_LIB) -MExtUtils::Install \
+-e "install({ @ARGV },'$(VERBINST)',0,'$(UNINST)');"
+DOC_INSTALL = $(PERL) -e "$$\=\"\n\n\";" \
+-e "print '=head2 ', scalar(localtime), ': C<', shift, '>', ' L<', shift, '>';" \
+-e "print '=over 4';" \
+-e "while (defined($$key = shift) and defined($$val = shift)) { print '=item *';print 'C<', \"$$key: $$val\", '>'; }" \
+-e "print '=back';"
+UNINSTALL = $(PERL) -MExtUtils::Install \
+-e "uninstall($$ARGV[0],1,1); print \"\nUninstall is deprecated. Please check the";" \
+-e "print \" packlist above carefully.\n There may be errors. Remove the\";" \
+-e "print \" appropriate files manually.\n Sorry for the inconveniences.\n\""
+ return join "", @m;
+=item xs_o (o)
+Defines suffix rules to go from XS to object files directly. This is
+only intended for broken make implementations.
+sub xs_o { # many makes are too dumb to use xs_c then c_o
+ my($self) = shift;
+ return ''
+=item top_targets (o)
+Defines the targets all, subdirs, config, and O_FILES
+sub top_targets {
+# --- Target Sections ---
+ my($self) = shift;
+ my(@m);
+ push @m, '
+#all :: config $(INST_PM) subdirs linkext manifypods
+ push @m, '
+all :: pure_all manifypods
+ '.$self->{NOECHO}.'$(NOOP)
+ unless $self->{SKIPHASH}{'all'};
+ push @m, '
+pure_all :: config pm_to_blib subdirs linkext
+ '.$self->{NOECHO}.'$(NOOP)
+subdirs :: $(MYEXTLIB)
+ '.$self->{NOECHO}.'$(NOOP)
+config :: '.$self->{MAKEFILE}.' $(INST_LIBDIR)\.exists
+ '.$self->{NOECHO}.'$(NOOP)
+config :: $(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)\.exists
+ '.$self->{NOECHO}.'$(NOOP)
+config :: $(INST_AUTODIR)\.exists
+ '.$self->{NOECHO}.'$(NOOP)
+ push @m, qq{
+config :: Version_check
+ $self->{NOECHO}\$(NOOP)
+} unless $self->{PARENT} or ($self->{PERL_SRC} && $self->{INSTALLDIRS} eq "perl") or $self->{NO_VC};
+ push @m, $self->dir_target(qw[$(INST_AUTODIR) $(INST_LIBDIR) $(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)]);
+ if (%{$self->{MAN1PODS}}) {
+ push @m, qq[
+config :: \$(INST_MAN1DIR)\\.exists
+ $self->{NOECHO}\$(NOOP)
+ push @m, $self->dir_target(qw[$(INST_MAN1DIR)]);
+ }
+ if (%{$self->{MAN3PODS}}) {
+ push @m, qq[
+config :: \$(INST_MAN3DIR)\\.exists
+ $self->{NOECHO}\$(NOOP)
+ push @m, $self->dir_target(qw[$(INST_MAN3DIR)]);
+ }
+ push @m, '
+' if @{$self->{O_FILES} || []} && @{$self->{H} || []};
+ push @m, q{
+ perldoc ExtUtils::MakeMaker
+ push @m, q{
+ }.$self->{NOECHO}.q{$(PERL) -I$(PERL_ARCHLIB) -I$(PERL_LIB) \
+ -MExtUtils::MakeMaker=Version_check \
+ -e "Version_check('$(MM_VERSION)')"
+ join('',@m);
+=item manifypods (o)
+We don't want manpage process. XXX add pod2html support later.
+sub manifypods {
+ my($self) = shift;
+ return "\nmanifypods :\n\t$self->{NOECHO}\$(NOOP)\n";
+=item dist_ci (o)
+Same as MM_Unix version (changes command-line quoting).
+sub dist_ci {
+ my($self) = shift;
+ my @m;
+ push @m, q{
+ci :
+ $(PERL) -I$(PERL_ARCHLIB) -I$(PERL_LIB) -MExtUtils::Manifest=maniread \\
+ -e "@all = keys %{ maniread() };" \\
+ -e "print(\"Executing $(CI) @all\n\"); system(\"$(CI) @all\");" \\
+ -e "print(\"Executing $(RCS_LABEL) ...\n\"); system(\"$(RCS_LABEL) @all\");"
+ join "", @m;
+=item dist_core (o)
+Same as MM_Unix version (changes command-line quoting).
+sub dist_core {
+ my($self) = shift;
+ my @m;
+ push @m, q{
+dist : $(DIST_DEFAULT)
+ }.$self->{NOECHO}.q{$(PERL) -le "print \"Warning: Makefile possibly out of date with $$vf\" if " \
+ -e "-e ($$vf=\"$(VERSION_FROM)\") and -M $$vf < -M \"}.$self->{MAKEFILE}.q{\";"
+tardist : $(DISTVNAME).tar$(SUFFIX)
+zipdist : $(DISTVNAME).zip
+$(DISTVNAME).tar$(SUFFIX) : distdir
+ $(PREOP)
+ $(TO_UNIX)
+$(DISTVNAME).zip : distdir
+ $(PREOP)
+uutardist : $(DISTVNAME).tar$(SUFFIX)
+ uuencode $(DISTVNAME).tar$(SUFFIX) \\
+ $(DISTVNAME).tar$(SUFFIX) > \\
+ $(DISTVNAME).tar$(SUFFIX)_uu
+shdist : distdir
+ $(PREOP)
+ join "", @m;
+=item pasthru (o)
+Defines the string that is passed to recursive make calls in
+sub pasthru {
+ my($self) = shift;
+ return "PASTHRU = " . ($NMAKE ? "-nologo" : "");
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/ b/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b7bb0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/
@@ -0,0 +1,1933 @@
+BEGIN {require 5.002;} # MakeMaker 5.17 was the last MakeMaker that was compatible with perl5.001m
+package ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+$Version = $VERSION = "5.4301";
+$Version_OK = "5.17"; # Makefiles older than $Version_OK will die
+ # (Will be checked from MakeMaker version 4.13 onwards)
+($Revision = substr(q$Revision: 1.222 $, 10)) =~ s/\s+$//;
+require Exporter;
+use Config;
+use Carp ();
+#use FileHandle ();
+use vars qw(
+ $ISA_TTY $Is_Mac $Is_OS2 $Is_VMS $Revision $Setup_done
+ $VERSION $Verbose $Version_OK %Config %Keep_after_flush
+ %MM_Sections %Prepend_dot_dot %Recognized_Att_Keys
+ @Get_from_Config @MM_Sections @Overridable @Parent
+ );
+# use strict;
+# &DynaLoader::mod2fname should be available to miniperl, thus
+# should be a pseudo-builtin (cmp. os2.c).
+#eval {require DynaLoader;};
+# Set up the inheritance before we pull in the MM_* packages, because they
+# import variables and functions from here
+@ISA = qw(Exporter);
+@EXPORT = qw(&WriteMakefile &writeMakefile $Verbose &prompt);
+@EXPORT_OK = qw($VERSION &Version_check &neatvalue &mkbootstrap &mksymlists
+ $Version);
+ # $Version in mixed case will go away!
+# Dummy package MM inherits actual methods from OS-specific
+# default packages. We use this intermediate package so
+# MY::XYZ->func() can call MM->func() and get the proper
+# default routine without having to know under what OS
+# it's running.
+@MM::ISA = qw[ExtUtils::MM_Unix ExtUtils::Liblist ExtUtils::MakeMaker];
+# Setup dummy package:
+# MY exists for overriding methods to be defined within
+ package MY;
+ @MY::ISA = qw(MM);
+### sub AUTOLOAD { use Devel::Symdump; print Devel::Symdump->rnew->as_string; Carp::confess "hey why? $AUTOLOAD" }
+ package MM;
+ sub DESTROY {}
+# "predeclare the package: we only load it via AUTOLOAD
+# but we have already mentioned it in @ISA
+package ExtUtils::Liblist;
+package ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+# Now we can pull in the friends
+$Is_VMS = $^O eq 'VMS';
+$Is_OS2 = $^O eq 'os2';
+$Is_Mac = $^O eq 'MacOS';
+$Is_Win32 = $^O eq 'MSWin32';
+# This is for module authors to query, so they can enable 'CAPI' => 'TRUE'
+# in their
+$CAPI_support = 1;
+require ExtUtils::MM_Unix;
+if ($Is_VMS) {
+ require ExtUtils::MM_VMS;
+ require VMS::Filespec; # is a noop as long as we require it within MM_VMS
+if ($Is_OS2) {
+ require ExtUtils::MM_OS2;
+if ($Is_Mac) {
+ require ExtUtils::MM_Mac;
+if ($Is_Win32) {
+ require ExtUtils::MM_Win32;
+# The SelfLoader would bring a lot of overhead for MakeMaker, because
+# we know for sure we will use most of the autoloaded functions once
+# we have to use one of them. So we write our own loader
+ my $code;
+ if (defined fileno(DATA)) {
+ my $fh = select DATA;
+ my $o = $/; # For future reads from the file.
+ $/ = "\n__END__\n";
+ $code = <DATA>;
+ $/ = $o;
+ select $fh;
+ close DATA;
+ eval $code;
+ if ($@) {
+ $@ =~ s/ at .*\n//;
+ Carp::croak $@;
+ }
+ } else {
+ warn "AUTOLOAD called unexpectedly for $AUTOLOAD";
+ }
+ defined(&$AUTOLOAD) or die "Myloader inconsistency error";
+ goto &$AUTOLOAD;
+# The only subroutine we do not SelfLoad is Version_Check because it's
+# called so often. Loading this minimum still requires 1.2 secs on my
+# Indy :-(
+sub Version_check {
+ my($checkversion) = @_;
+ die "Your Makefile was built with ExtUtils::MakeMaker v $checkversion.
+Current Version is $ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION. There have been considerable
+changes in the meantime.
+Please rerun 'perl Makefile.PL' to regenerate the Makefile.\n"
+ if $checkversion < $Version_OK;
+ printf STDOUT "%s %s %s %s.\n", "Makefile built with ExtUtils::MakeMaker v",
+ $checkversion, "Current Version is", $VERSION
+ unless $checkversion == $VERSION;
+sub warnhandler {
+ $_[0] =~ /^Use of uninitialized value/ && return;
+ $_[0] =~ /used only once/ && return;
+ $_[0] =~ /^Subroutine\s+[\w:]+\s+redefined/ && return;
+ warn @_;
+sub ExtUtils::MakeMaker::eval_in_subdirs ;
+sub ExtUtils::MakeMaker::eval_in_x ;
+sub ExtUtils::MakeMaker::full_setup ;
+sub ExtUtils::MakeMaker::writeMakefile ;
+sub ExtUtils::MakeMaker::new ;
+sub ExtUtils::MakeMaker::check_manifest ;
+sub ExtUtils::MakeMaker::parse_args ;
+sub ExtUtils::MakeMaker::check_hints ;
+sub ExtUtils::MakeMaker::mv_all_methods ;
+sub ExtUtils::MakeMaker::skipcheck ;
+sub ExtUtils::MakeMaker::flush ;
+sub ExtUtils::MakeMaker::mkbootstrap ;
+sub ExtUtils::MakeMaker::mksymlists ;
+sub ExtUtils::MakeMaker::neatvalue ;
+sub ExtUtils::MakeMaker::selfdocument ;
+sub ExtUtils::MakeMaker::WriteMakefile ;
+sub ExtUtils::MakeMaker::prompt ($;$) ;
+package ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+sub WriteMakefile {
+ Carp::croak "WriteMakefile: Need even number of args" if @_ % 2;
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = \&warnhandler;
+ unless ($Setup_done++){
+ full_setup();
+ undef &ExtUtils::MakeMaker::full_setup; #safe memory
+ }
+ my %att = @_;
+ MM->new(\%att)->flush;
+sub prompt ($;$) {
+ my($mess,$def)=@_;
+ $ISA_TTY = -t STDIN && (-t STDOUT || !(-f STDOUT || -c STDOUT)) ; # Pipe?
+ Carp::confess("prompt function called without an argument") unless defined $mess;
+ my $dispdef = defined $def ? "[$def] " : " ";
+ $def = defined $def ? $def : "";
+ my $ans;
+ local $|=1;
+ print "$mess $dispdef";
+ if ($ISA_TTY) {
+ chomp($ans = <STDIN>);
+ } else {
+ print "$def\n";
+ }
+ return $ans || $def;
+sub eval_in_subdirs {
+ my($self) = @_;
+ my($dir);
+ use Cwd 'cwd';
+ my $pwd = cwd();
+ foreach $dir (@{$self->{DIR}}){
+ my($abs) = $self->catdir($pwd,$dir);
+ $self->eval_in_x($abs);
+ }
+ chdir $pwd;
+sub eval_in_x {
+ my($self,$dir) = @_;
+ package main;
+ chdir $dir or Carp::carp("Couldn't change to directory $dir: $!");
+# use FileHandle ();
+# my $fh = new FileHandle;
+# $fh->open("Makefile.PL") or Carp::carp("Couldn't open Makefile.PL in $dir");
+ local *FH;
+ open(FH,"Makefile.PL") or Carp::carp("Couldn't open Makefile.PL in $dir");
+# my $eval = join "", <$fh>;
+ my $eval = join "", <FH>;
+# $fh->close;
+ close FH;
+ eval $eval;
+ if ($@) {
+# if ($@ =~ /prerequisites/) {
+# die "MakeMaker WARNING: $@";
+# } else {
+# warn "WARNING from evaluation of $dir/Makefile.PL: $@";
+# }
+ warn "WARNING from evaluation of $dir/Makefile.PL: $@";
+ }
+sub full_setup {
+ $Verbose ||= 0;
+ $^W=1;
+ # package name for the classes into which the first object will be blessed
+ $PACKNAME = "PACK000";
+ @Attrib_help = qw/
+ XS_VERSION clean depend dist dynamic_lib linkext macro realclean
+ installpm
+ /;
+ # IMPORTS is used under OS/2
+ # ^^^ installpm is deprecated, will go about Summer 96
+ # @Overridable is close to @MM_Sections but not identical. The
+ # order is important. Many subroutines declare macros. These
+ # depend on each other. Let's try to collect the macros up front,
+ # then pasthru, then the rules.
+ # MM_Sections are the sections we have to call explicitly
+ # in Overridable we have subroutines that are used indirectly
+ @MM_Sections =
+ qw(
+ post_initialize const_config constants tool_autosplit tool_xsubpp
+ tools_other dist macro depend cflags const_loadlibs const_cccmd
+ post_constants
+ pasthru
+ c_o xs_c xs_o top_targets linkext dlsyms dynamic dynamic_bs
+ dynamic_lib static static_lib manifypods processPL installbin subdirs
+ clean realclean dist_basics dist_core dist_dir dist_test dist_ci
+ install force perldepend makefile staticmake test ppd
+ ); # loses section ordering
+ @Overridable = @MM_Sections;
+ push @Overridable, qw[
+ dir_target libscan makeaperl needs_linking perm_rw perm_rwx
+ subdir_x test_via_harness test_via_script
+ ];
+ push @MM_Sections, qw[
+ pm_to_blib selfdocument
+ ];
+ # Postamble needs to be the last that was always the case
+ push @MM_Sections, "postamble";
+ push @Overridable, "postamble";
+ # All sections are valid keys.
+ @Recognized_Att_Keys{@MM_Sections} = (1) x @MM_Sections;
+ # we will use all these variables in the Makefile
+ @Get_from_Config =
+ qw(
+ ar cc cccdlflags ccdlflags dlext dlsrc ld lddlflags ldflags libc
+ lib_ext obj_ext osname osvers ranlib sitelibexp sitearchexp so exe_ext
+ );
+ my $item;
+ foreach $item (@Attrib_help){
+ $Recognized_Att_Keys{$item} = 1;
+ }
+ foreach $item (@Get_from_Config) {
+ $Recognized_Att_Keys{uc $item} = $Config{$item};
+ print "Attribute '\U$item\E' => '$Config{$item}'\n"
+ if ($Verbose >= 2);
+ }
+ #
+ # When we eval a Makefile.PL in a subdirectory, that one will ask
+ # us (the parent) for the values and will prepend "..", so that
+ # all files to be installed end up below OUR ./blib
+ #
+ %Prepend_dot_dot =
+ qw(
+ );
+ my @keep = qw/
+ /;
+ @Keep_after_flush{@keep} = (1) x @keep;
+sub writeMakefile {
+ die <<END;
+The extension you are trying to build apparently is rather old and
+most probably outdated. We detect that from the fact, that a
+subroutine "writeMakefile" is called, and this subroutine is not
+supported anymore since about October 1994.
+Please contact the author or look into CPAN (details about CPAN can be
+found in the FAQ and at http:/ for a more recent version
+of the extension. If you're really desperate, you can try to change
+the subroutine name from writeMakefile to WriteMakefile and rerun
+'perl Makefile.PL', but you're most probably left alone, when you do
+The MakeMaker team
+sub ExtUtils::MakeMaker::new {
+ my($class,$self) = @_;
+ my($key);
+ print STDOUT "MakeMaker (v$VERSION)\n" if $Verbose;
+ if (-f "MANIFEST" && ! -f "Makefile"){
+ check_manifest();
+ }
+ $self = {} unless (defined $self);
+ check_hints($self);
+ my(%initial_att) = %$self; # record initial attributes
+ my($prereq);
+ foreach $prereq (sort keys %{$self->{PREREQ_PM}}) {
+ my $eval = "use $prereq $self->{PREREQ_PM}->{$prereq}";
+ eval $eval;
+ if ($@){
+ warn "Warning: prerequisite $prereq $self->{PREREQ_PM}->{$prereq} not found";
+# Why is/was this 'delete' here? We need PREREQ_PM later to make PPDs.
+# } else {
+# delete $self->{PREREQ_PM}{$prereq};
+ }
+ }
+# if (@unsatisfied){
+# unless (defined $ExtUtils::MakeMaker::useCPAN) {
+# print qq{MakeMaker WARNING: prerequisites not found (@unsatisfied)
+# Please install these modules first and rerun 'perl Makefile.PL'.\n};
+# if ($ExtUtils::MakeMaker::hasCPAN) {
+# $ExtUtils::MakeMaker::useCPAN = prompt(qq{Should I try to use the CPAN module to fetch them for you?},"yes");
+# } else {
+# print qq{Hint: You may want to install the CPAN module to autofetch the needed modules\n};
+# $ExtUtils::MakeMaker::useCPAN=0;
+# }
+# }
+# if ($ExtUtils::MakeMaker::useCPAN) {
+# require CPAN;
+# CPAN->import(@unsatisfied);
+# } else {
+# die qq{prerequisites not found (@unsatisfied)};
+# }
+# warn qq{WARNING: prerequisites not found (@unsatisfied)};
+# }
+ if (defined $self->{CONFIGURE}) {
+ if (ref $self->{CONFIGURE} eq 'CODE') {
+ $self = { %$self, %{&{$self->{CONFIGURE}}}};
+ } else {
+ Carp::croak "Attribute 'CONFIGURE' to WriteMakefile() not a code reference\n";
+ }
+ }
+ # This is for old Makefiles written pre 5.00, will go away
+ if ( Carp::longmess("") =~ /runsubdirpl/s ){
+ Carp::carp("WARNING: Please rerun 'perl Makefile.PL' to regenerate your Makefiles\n");
+ }
+ my $newclass = ++$PACKNAME;
+ {
+# no strict;
+ print "Blessing Object into class [$newclass]\n" if $Verbose>=2;
+ mv_all_methods("MY",$newclass);
+ bless $self, $newclass;
+ push @Parent, $self;
+ @{"$newclass\:\:ISA"} = 'MM';
+ }
+ if (defined $Parent[-2]){
+ $self->{PARENT} = $Parent[-2];
+ my $key;
+ for $key (keys %Prepend_dot_dot) {
+ next unless defined $self->{PARENT}{$key};
+ $self->{$key} = $self->{PARENT}{$key};
+ # PERL and FULLPERL may be command verbs instead of full
+ # file specifications under VMS. If so, don't turn them
+ # into a filespec.
+ $self->{$key} = $self->catdir("..",$self->{$key})
+ unless $self->file_name_is_absolute($self->{$key})
+ || ($^O eq 'VMS' and ($key =~ /PERL$/ && $self->{$key} =~ /^[\w\-\$]+$/));
+ }
+ $self->{PARENT}->{CHILDREN}->{$newclass} = $self if $self->{PARENT};
+ } else {
+ parse_args($self,@ARGV);
+ }
+ $self->{NAME} ||= $self->guess_name;
+ ($self->{NAME_SYM} = $self->{NAME}) =~ s/\W+/_/g;
+ $self->init_main();
+ if (! $self->{PERL_SRC} ) {
+ my($pthinks) = $self->canonpath($INC{''});
+ my($cthinks) = $self->catfile($Config{'archlibexp'},'');
+ $pthinks = VMS::Filespec::vmsify($pthinks) if $Is_VMS;
+ if ($pthinks ne $cthinks &&
+ !($Is_Win32 and lc($pthinks) eq lc($cthinks))) {
+ print "Have $pthinks expected $cthinks\n";
+ if ($Is_Win32) {
+ $pthinks =~ s![/\\]Config\.pm$!!i; $pthinks =~ s!.*[/\\]!!;
+ }
+ else {
+ $pthinks =~ s!/Config\.pm$!!; $pthinks =~ s!.*/!!;
+ }
+ print STDOUT <<END;
+Your perl and your seem to have different ideas about the architecture
+they are running on.
+Perl thinks: [$pthinks]
+Config says: [$Config{archname}]
+This may or may not cause problems. Please check your installation of perl if you
+have problems building this extension.
+ }
+ }
+ $self->init_dirscan();
+ $self->init_others();
+ push @{$self->{RESULT}}, <<END;
+# This Makefile is for the $self->{NAME} extension to perl.
+# It was generated automatically by MakeMaker version
+# $VERSION (Revision: $Revision) from the contents of
+# Makefile.PL. Don't edit this file, edit Makefile.PL instead.
+# MakeMaker Parameters:
+ foreach $key (sort keys %initial_att){
+ my($v) = neatvalue($initial_att{$key});
+ $v =~ s/(CODE|HASH|ARRAY|SCALAR)\([\dxa-f]+\)/$1\(...\)/;
+ $v =~ tr/\n/ /s;
+ push @{$self->{RESULT}}, "# $key => $v";
+ }
+ # turn the SKIP array into a SKIPHASH hash
+ my (%skip,$skip);
+ for $skip (@{$self->{SKIP} || []}) {
+ $self->{SKIPHASH}{$skip} = 1;
+ }
+ delete $self->{SKIP}; # free memory
+ if ($self->{PARENT}) {
+ for (qw/install dist dist_basics dist_core dist_dir dist_test dist_ci/) {
+ $self->{SKIPHASH}{$_} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ # We run all the subdirectories now. They don't have much to query
+ # from the parent, but the parent has to query them: if they need linking!
+ unless ($self->{NORECURS}) {
+ $self->eval_in_subdirs if @{$self->{DIR}};
+ }
+ my $section;
+ foreach $section ( @MM_Sections ){
+ print "Processing Makefile '$section' section\n" if ($Verbose >= 2);
+ my($skipit) = $self->skipcheck($section);
+ if ($skipit){
+ push @{$self->{RESULT}}, "\n# --- MakeMaker $section section $skipit.";
+ } else {
+ my(%a) = %{$self->{$section} || {}};
+ push @{$self->{RESULT}}, "\n# --- MakeMaker $section section:";
+ push @{$self->{RESULT}}, "# " . join ", ", %a if $Verbose && %a;
+ push @{$self->{RESULT}}, $self->nicetext($self->$section( %a ));
+ }
+ }
+ push @{$self->{RESULT}}, "\n# End.";
+ pop @Parent;
+ $self;
+sub WriteEmptyMakefile {
+ if (-f 'Makefile.old') {
+ chmod 0666, 'Makefile.old';
+ unlink 'Makefile.old' or warn "unlink Makefile.old: $!";
+ }
+ rename 'Makefile', 'Makefile.old' or warn "rename Makefile Makefile.old: $!"
+ if -f 'Makefile';
+ open MF, '> Makefile' or die "open Makefile for write: $!";
+ print MF <<'EOP';
+ close MF or die "close Makefile for write: $!";
+sub check_manifest {
+ print STDOUT "Checking if your kit is complete...\n";
+ require ExtUtils::Manifest;
+ $ExtUtils::Manifest::Quiet=$ExtUtils::Manifest::Quiet=1; #avoid warning
+ my(@missed)=ExtUtils::Manifest::manicheck();
+ if (@missed){
+ print STDOUT "Warning: the following files are missing in your kit:\n";
+ print "\t", join "\n\t", @missed;
+ print STDOUT "\n";
+ print STDOUT "Please inform the author.\n";
+ } else {
+ print STDOUT "Looks good\n";
+ }
+sub parse_args{
+ my($self, @args) = @_;
+ foreach (@args){
+ unless (m/(.*?)=(.*)/){
+ help(),exit 1 if m/^help$/;
+ ++$Verbose if m/^verb/;
+ next;
+ }
+ my($name, $value) = ($1, $2);
+ if ($value =~ m/^~(\w+)?/){ # tilde with optional username
+ $value =~ s [^~(\w*)]
+ [$1 ?
+ ((getpwnam($1))[7] || "~$1") :
+ (getpwuid($>))[7]
+ ]ex;
+ }
+ $self->{uc($name)} = $value;
+ }
+ # catch old-style 'potential_libs' and inform user how to 'upgrade'
+ if (defined $self->{potential_libs}){
+ my($msg)="'potential_libs' => '$self->{potential_libs}' should be";
+ if ($self->{potential_libs}){
+ print STDOUT "$msg changed to:\n\t'LIBS' => ['$self->{potential_libs}']\n";
+ } else {
+ print STDOUT "$msg deleted.\n";
+ }
+ $self->{LIBS} = [$self->{potential_libs}];
+ delete $self->{potential_libs};
+ }
+ # catch old-style 'ARMAYBE' and inform user how to 'upgrade'
+ if (defined $self->{ARMAYBE}){
+ my($armaybe) = $self->{ARMAYBE};
+ print STDOUT "ARMAYBE => '$armaybe' should be changed to:\n",
+ "\t'dynamic_lib' => {ARMAYBE => '$armaybe'}\n";
+ my(%dl) = %{$self->{dynamic_lib} || {}};
+ $self->{dynamic_lib} = { %dl, ARMAYBE => $armaybe};
+ delete $self->{ARMAYBE};
+ }
+ if (defined $self->{LDTARGET}){
+ print STDOUT "LDTARGET should be changed to LDFROM\n";
+ $self->{LDFROM} = $self->{LDTARGET};
+ delete $self->{LDTARGET};
+ }
+ # Turn a DIR argument on the command line into an array
+ if (defined $self->{DIR} && ref \$self->{DIR} eq 'SCALAR') {
+ # So they can choose from the command line, which extensions they want
+ # the grep enables them to have some colons too much in case they
+ # have to build a list with the shell
+ $self->{DIR} = [grep $_, split ":", $self->{DIR}];
+ }
+ # Turn a INCLUDE_EXT argument on the command line into an array
+ if (defined $self->{INCLUDE_EXT} && ref \$self->{INCLUDE_EXT} eq 'SCALAR') {
+ $self->{INCLUDE_EXT} = [grep $_, split '\s+', $self->{INCLUDE_EXT}];
+ }
+ # Turn a EXCLUDE_EXT argument on the command line into an array
+ if (defined $self->{EXCLUDE_EXT} && ref \$self->{EXCLUDE_EXT} eq 'SCALAR') {
+ $self->{EXCLUDE_EXT} = [grep $_, split '\s+', $self->{EXCLUDE_EXT}];
+ }
+ my $mmkey;
+ foreach $mmkey (sort keys %$self){
+ print STDOUT " $mmkey => ", neatvalue($self->{$mmkey}), "\n" if $Verbose;
+ print STDOUT "'$mmkey' is not a known MakeMaker parameter name.\n"
+ unless exists $Recognized_Att_Keys{$mmkey};
+ }
+ $| = 1 if $Verbose;
+sub check_hints {
+ my($self) = @_;
+ # We allow extension-specific hints files.
+ return unless -d "hints";
+ # First we look for the best hintsfile we have
+ my(@goodhints);
+ my($hint)="${^O}_$Config{osvers}";
+ $hint =~ s/\./_/g;
+ $hint =~ s/_$//;
+ return unless $hint;
+ # Also try without trailing minor version numbers.
+ while (1) {
+ last if -f "hints/$"; # found
+ } continue {
+ last unless $hint =~ s/_[^_]*$//; # nothing to cut off
+ }
+ return unless -f "hints/$"; # really there
+ # execute the hintsfile:
+# use FileHandle ();
+# my $fh = new FileHandle;
+# $fh->open("hints/$");
+ local *FH;
+ open(FH,"hints/$");
+# @goodhints = <$fh>;
+ @goodhints = <FH>;
+# $fh->close;
+ close FH;
+ print STDOUT "Processing hints file hints/$\n";
+ eval join('',@goodhints);
+ print STDOUT $@ if $@;
+sub mv_all_methods {
+ my($from,$to) = @_;
+ my($method);
+ my($symtab) = \%{"${from}::"};
+# no strict;
+ # Here you see the *current* list of methods that are overridable
+ # from Makefile.PL via MY:: subroutines. As of VERSION 5.07 I'm
+ # still trying to reduce the list to some reasonable minimum --
+ # because I want to make it easier for the user. A.K.
+ foreach $method (@Overridable) {
+ # We cannot say "next" here. Nick might call MY->makeaperl
+ # which isn't defined right now
+ # Above statement was written at 4.23 time when Tk-b8 was
+ # around. As Tk-b9 only builds with 5.002something and MM 5 is
+ # standard, we try to enable the next line again. It was
+ # commented out until MM 5.23
+ next unless defined &{"${from}::$method"};
+ *{"${to}::$method"} = \&{"${from}::$method"};
+ # delete would do, if we were sure, nobody ever called
+ # MY->makeaperl directly
+ # delete $symtab->{$method};
+ # If we delete a method, then it will be undefined and cannot
+ # be called. But as long as we have Makefile.PLs that rely on
+ # %MY:: being intact, we have to fill the hole with an
+ # inheriting method:
+ eval "package MY; sub $method { shift->SUPER::$method(\@_); }";
+ }
+ # We have to clean out %INC also, because the current directory is
+ # changed frequently and Graham Barr prefers to get his version
+ # out of a file which is "required" so woudn't get
+ # loaded again in another extension requiring a
+ # With perl5.002_01 the deletion of entries in %INC caused Tk-b11
+ # to core dump in the middle of a require statement. The required
+ # file was Tk/ The consequence is, we have to be
+ # extremely careful when we try to give perl a reason to reload a
+ # library with same name. The workaround prefers to drop nothing
+ # from %INC and teach the writers not to use such libraries.
+# my $inc;
+# foreach $inc (keys %INC) {
+# #warn "***$inc*** deleted";
+# delete $INC{$inc};
+# }
+sub skipcheck {
+ my($self) = shift;
+ my($section) = @_;
+ if ($section eq 'dynamic') {
+ print STDOUT "Warning (non-fatal): Target 'dynamic' depends on targets ",
+ "in skipped section 'dynamic_bs'\n"
+ if $self->{SKIPHASH}{dynamic_bs} && $Verbose;
+ print STDOUT "Warning (non-fatal): Target 'dynamic' depends on targets ",
+ "in skipped section 'dynamic_lib'\n"
+ if $self->{SKIPHASH}{dynamic_lib} && $Verbose;
+ }
+ if ($section eq 'dynamic_lib') {
+ print STDOUT "Warning (non-fatal): Target '\$(INST_DYNAMIC)' depends on ",
+ "targets in skipped section 'dynamic_bs'\n"
+ if $self->{SKIPHASH}{dynamic_bs} && $Verbose;
+ }
+ if ($section eq 'static') {
+ print STDOUT "Warning (non-fatal): Target 'static' depends on targets ",
+ "in skipped section 'static_lib'\n"
+ if $self->{SKIPHASH}{static_lib} && $Verbose;
+ }
+ return 'skipped' if $self->{SKIPHASH}{$section};
+ return '';
+sub flush {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my($chunk);
+# use FileHandle ();
+# my $fh = new FileHandle;
+ local *FH;
+ print STDOUT "Writing $self->{MAKEFILE} for $self->{NAME}\n";
+ unlink($self->{MAKEFILE}, "MakeMaker.tmp", $Is_VMS ? 'Descrip.MMS' : '');
+# $fh->open(">MakeMaker.tmp") or die "Unable to open MakeMaker.tmp: $!";
+ open(FH,">MakeMaker.tmp") or die "Unable to open MakeMaker.tmp: $!";
+ for $chunk (@{$self->{RESULT}}) {
+# print $fh "$chunk\n";
+ print FH "$chunk\n";
+ }
+# $fh->close;
+ close FH;
+ my($finalname) = $self->{MAKEFILE};
+ rename("MakeMaker.tmp", $finalname);
+ chmod 0644, $finalname unless $Is_VMS;
+ if ($self->{PARENT}) {
+ foreach (keys %$self) { # safe memory
+ delete $self->{$_} unless $Keep_after_flush{$_};
+ }
+ }
+ system("$Config::Config{eunicefix} $finalname") unless $Config::Config{eunicefix} eq ":";
+# The following mkbootstrap() is only for installations that are calling
+# the pre-4.1 mkbootstrap() from their old Makefiles. This MakeMaker
+# writes Makefiles, that use ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap directly.
+sub mkbootstrap {
+ die <<END;
+!!! Your Makefile has been built such a long time ago, !!!
+!!! that is unlikely to work with current MakeMaker. !!!
+!!! Please rebuild your Makefile !!!
+# Ditto for mksymlists() as of MakeMaker 5.17
+sub mksymlists {
+ die <<END;
+!!! Your Makefile has been built such a long time ago, !!!
+!!! that is unlikely to work with current MakeMaker. !!!
+!!! Please rebuild your Makefile !!!
+sub neatvalue {
+ my($v) = @_;
+ return "undef" unless defined $v;
+ my($t) = ref $v;
+ return "q[$v]" unless $t;
+ if ($t eq 'ARRAY') {
+ my(@m, $elem, @neat);
+ push @m, "[";
+ foreach $elem (@$v) {
+ push @neat, "q[$elem]";
+ }
+ push @m, join ", ", @neat;
+ push @m, "]";
+ return join "", @m;
+ }
+ return "$v" unless $t eq 'HASH';
+ my(@m, $key, $val);
+ while (($key,$val) = each %$v){
+ last unless defined $key; # cautious programming in case (undef,undef) is true
+ push(@m,"$key=>".neatvalue($val)) ;
+ }
+ return "{ ".join(', ',@m)." }";
+sub selfdocument {
+ my($self) = @_;
+ my(@m);
+ if ($Verbose){
+ push @m, "\n# Full list of MakeMaker attribute values:";
+ foreach $key (sort keys %$self){
+ next if $key eq 'RESULT' || $key =~ /^[A-Z][a-z]/;
+ my($v) = neatvalue($self->{$key});
+ $v =~ s/(CODE|HASH|ARRAY|SCALAR)\([\dxa-f]+\)/$1\(...\)/;
+ $v =~ tr/\n/ /s;
+ push @m, "# $key => $v";
+ }
+ }
+ join "\n", @m;
+package ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+=head1 NAME
+ExtUtils::MakeMaker - create an extension Makefile
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+C<use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;>
+C<WriteMakefile( ATTRIBUTE =E<gt> VALUE [, ...] );>
+which is really
+This utility is designed to write a Makefile for an extension module
+from a Makefile.PL. It is based on the Makefile.SH model provided by
+Andy Dougherty and the perl5-porters.
+It splits the task of generating the Makefile into several subroutines
+that can be individually overridden. Each subroutine returns the text
+it wishes to have written to the Makefile.
+MakeMaker is object oriented. Each directory below the current
+directory that contains a Makefile.PL. Is treated as a separate
+object. This makes it possible to write an unlimited number of
+Makefiles with a single invocation of WriteMakefile().
+=head2 How To Write A Makefile.PL
+The short answer is: Don't.
+ Always begin with h2xs.
+ Always begin with h2xs!
+even if you're not building around a header file, and even if you
+don't have an XS component.
+Run h2xs(1) before you start thinking about writing a module. For so
+called pm-only modules that consist of C<*.pm> files only, h2xs has
+the C<-X> switch. This will generate dummy files of all kinds that are
+useful for the module developer.
+The medium answer is:
+ use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+ WriteMakefile( NAME => "Foo::Bar" );
+The long answer is the rest of the manpage :-)
+=head2 Default Makefile Behaviour
+The generated Makefile enables the user of the extension to invoke
+ perl Makefile.PL # optionally "perl Makefile.PL verbose"
+ make
+ make test # optionally set TEST_VERBOSE=1
+ make install # See below
+The Makefile to be produced may be altered by adding arguments of the
+form C<KEY=VALUE>. E.g.
+ perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/tmp/myperl5
+Other interesting targets in the generated Makefile are
+ make config # to check if the Makefile is up-to-date
+ make clean # delete local temp files (Makefile gets renamed)
+ make realclean # delete derived files (including ./blib)
+ make ci # check in all the files in the MANIFEST file
+ make dist # see below the Distribution Support section
+=head2 make test
+MakeMaker checks for the existence of a file named F<> in the
+current directory and if it exists it adds commands to the test target
+of the generated Makefile that will execute the script with the proper
+set of perl C<-I> options.
+MakeMaker also checks for any files matching glob("t/*.t"). It will
+add commands to the test target of the generated Makefile that execute
+all matching files via the L<Test::Harness> module with the C<-I>
+switches set correctly.
+=head2 make testdb
+A useful variation of the above is the target C<testdb>. It runs the
+test under the Perl debugger (see L<perldebug>). If the file
+F<> exists in the current directory, it is used for the test.
+If you want to debug some other testfile, set C<TEST_FILE> variable
+ make testdb TEST_FILE=t/mytest.t
+By default the debugger is called using C<-d> option to perl. If you
+want to specify some other option, set C<TESTDB_SW> variable:
+ make testdb TESTDB_SW=-Dx
+=head2 make install
+make alone puts all relevant files into directories that are named by
+INST_MAN3DIR. All these default to something below ./blib if you are
+I<not> building below the perl source directory. If you I<are>
+building below the perl source, INST_LIB and INST_ARCHLIB default to
+ ../../lib, and INST_SCRIPT is not defined.
+The I<install> target of the generated Makefile copies the files found
+below each of the INST_* directories to their INSTALL*
+counterparts. Which counterparts are chosen depends on the setting of
+INSTALLDIRS according to the following table:
+ perl site
+The INSTALL... macros in turn default to their %Config
+($Config{installprivlib}, $Config{installarchlib}, etc.) counterparts.
+You can check the values of these variables on your system with
+ perl '-V:install.*'
+And to check the sequence in which the library directories are
+searched by perl, run
+ perl -le 'print join $/, @INC'
+=head2 PREFIX and LIB attribute
+PREFIX and LIB can be used to set several INSTALL* attributes in one
+go. The quickest way to install a module in a non-standard place might
+ perl Makefile.PL LIB=~/lib
+This will install the module's architecture-independent files into
+~/lib, the architecture-dependent files into ~/lib/$archname/auto.
+Another way to specify many INSTALL directories with a single
+parameter is PREFIX.
+ perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=~
+This will replace the string specified by $Config{prefix} in all
+$Config{install*} values.
+Note, that in both cases the tilde expansion is done by MakeMaker, not
+by perl by default, nor by make. Conflicts between parmeters LIB,
+PREFIX and the various INSTALL* arguments are resolved so that
+If the user has superuser privileges, and is not working on AFS
+(Andrew File System) or relatives, then the defaults for
+and this incantation will be the best:
+ perl Makefile.PL; make; make test
+ make install
+make install per default writes some documentation of what has been
+done into the file C<$(INSTALLARCHLIB)/perllocal.pod>. This feature
+can be bypassed by calling make pure_install.
+=head2 AFS users
+will have to specify the installation directories as these most
+probably have changed since perl itself has been installed. They will
+have to do this by calling
+ perl Makefile.PL INSTALLSITELIB=/afs/here/today \
+ INSTALLSCRIPT=/afs/there/now INSTALLMAN3DIR=/afs/for/manpages
+ make
+Be careful to repeat this procedure every time you recompile an
+extension, unless you are sure the AFS installation directories are
+still valid.
+=head2 Static Linking of a new Perl Binary
+An extension that is built with the above steps is ready to use on
+systems supporting dynamic loading. On systems that do not support
+dynamic loading, any newly created extension has to be linked together
+with the available resources. MakeMaker supports the linking process
+by creating appropriate targets in the Makefile whenever an extension
+is built. You can invoke the corresponding section of the makefile with
+ make perl
+That produces a new perl binary in the current directory with all
+extensions linked in that can be found in INST_ARCHLIB , SITELIBEXP,
+and PERL_ARCHLIB. To do that, MakeMaker writes a new Makefile, on
+UNIX, this is called Makefile.aperl (may be system dependent). If you
+want to force the creation of a new perl, it is recommended, that you
+delete this Makefile.aperl, so the directories are searched-through
+for linkable libraries again.
+The binary can be installed into the directory where perl normally
+resides on your machine with
+ make inst_perl
+To produce a perl binary with a different name than C<perl>, either say
+ perl Makefile.PL MAP_TARGET=myperl
+ make myperl
+ make inst_perl
+or say
+ perl Makefile.PL
+ make myperl MAP_TARGET=myperl
+ make inst_perl MAP_TARGET=myperl
+In any case you will be prompted with the correct invocation of the
+C<inst_perl> target that installs the new binary into INSTALLBIN.
+make inst_perl per default writes some documentation of what has been
+done into the file C<$(INSTALLARCHLIB)/perllocal.pod>. This
+can be bypassed by calling make pure_inst_perl.
+Warning: the inst_perl: target will most probably overwrite your
+existing perl binary. Use with care!
+Sometimes you might want to build a statically linked perl although
+your system supports dynamic loading. In this case you may explicitly
+set the linktype with the invocation of the Makefile.PL or make:
+ perl Makefile.PL LINKTYPE=static # recommended
+ make LINKTYPE=static # works on most systems
+=head2 Determination of Perl Library and Installation Locations
+MakeMaker needs to know, or to guess, where certain things are
+located. Especially INST_LIB and INST_ARCHLIB (where to put the files
+during the make(1) run), PERL_LIB and PERL_ARCHLIB (where to read
+existing modules from), and PERL_INC (header files and C<libperl*.*>).
+Extensions may be built either using the contents of the perl source
+directory tree or from the installed perl library. The recommended way
+is to build extensions after you have run 'make install' on perl
+itself. You can do that in any directory on your hard disk that is not
+below the perl source tree. The support for extensions below the ext
+directory of the perl distribution is only good for the standard
+extensions that come with perl.
+If an extension is being built below the C<ext/> directory of the perl
+source then MakeMaker will set PERL_SRC automatically (e.g.,
+C<../..>). If PERL_SRC is defined and the extension is recognized as
+a standard extension, then other variables default to the following:
+If an extension is being built away from the perl source then MakeMaker
+will leave PERL_SRC undefined and default to using the installed copy
+of the perl library. The other variables default to the following:
+ PERL_INC = $archlibexp/CORE
+ PERL_LIB = $privlibexp
+ PERL_ARCHLIB = $archlibexp
+ INST_LIB = ./blib/lib
+ INST_ARCHLIB = ./blib/arch
+If perl has not yet been installed then PERL_SRC can be defined on the
+command line as shown in the previous section.
+=head2 Which architecture dependent directory?
+If you don't want to keep the defaults for the INSTALL* macros,
+MakeMaker helps you to minimize the typing needed: the usual
+relationship between INSTALLPRIVLIB and INSTALLARCHLIB is determined
+by Configure at perl compilation time. MakeMaker supports the user who
+then MakeMaker defaults the latter to be the same subdirectory of
+INSTALLPRIVLIB as Configure decided for the counterparts in %Config ,
+otherwise it defaults to INSTALLPRIVLIB. The same relationship holds
+MakeMaker gives you much more freedom than needed to configure
+internal variables and get different results. It is worth to mention,
+that make(1) also lets you configure most of the variables that are
+used in the Makefile. But in the majority of situations this will not
+be necessary, and should only be done, if the author of a package
+recommends it (or you know what you're doing).
+=head2 Using Attributes and Parameters
+The following attributes can be specified as arguments to WriteMakefile()
+or as NAME=VALUE pairs on the command line:
+# The following "=item C" is used by the attrib_help routine
+# likewise the "=back" below. So be careful when changing it!
+=over 2
+=item C
+Ref to array of *.c file names. Initialised from a directory scan
+and the values portion of the XS attribute hash. This is not
+currently used by MakeMaker but may be handy in Makefile.PLs.
+=item CCFLAGS
+String that will be included in the compiler call command line between
+the arguments INC and OPTIMIZE.
+=item CONFIG
+Arrayref. E.g. [qw(archname manext)] defines ARCHNAME & MANEXT from MakeMaker will add to CONFIG the following values anyway:
+CODE reference. The subroutine should return a hash reference. The
+hash may contain further attributes, e.g. {LIBS =E<gt> ...}, that have to
+be determined by some evaluation method.
+=item DEFINE
+Something like C<"-DHAVE_UNISTD_H">
+=item DIR
+Ref to array of subdirectories containing Makefile.PLs e.g. [ 'sdbm'
+] in ext/SDBM_File
+Your name for distributing the package (by tar file). This defaults to
+NAME above.
+=item DL_FUNCS
+Hashref of symbol names for routines to be made available as
+universal symbols. Each key/value pair consists of the package name
+and an array of routine names in that package. Used only under AIX
+(export lists) and VMS (linker options) at present. The routine
+names supplied will be expanded in the same way as XSUB names are
+expanded by the XS() macro. Defaults to
+ {"$(NAME)" => ["boot_$(NAME)" ] }
+ {"RPC" => [qw( boot_rpcb rpcb_gettime getnetconfigent )],
+ "NetconfigPtr" => [ 'DESTROY'] }
+=item DL_VARS
+Array of symbol names for variables to be made available as
+universal symbols. Used only under AIX (export lists) and VMS
+(linker options) at present. Defaults to []. (e.g. [ qw(
+Foo_version Foo_numstreams Foo_tree ) ])
+Array of extension names to exclude when doing a static build. This
+is ignored if INCLUDE_EXT is present. Consult INCLUDE_EXT for more
+details. (e.g. [ qw( Socket POSIX ) ] )
+This attribute may be most useful when specified as a string on the
+commandline: perl Makefile.PL EXCLUDE_EXT='Socket Safe'
+=item EXE_FILES
+Ref to array of executable files. The files will be copied to the
+INST_SCRIPT directory. Make realclean will delete them from there
+=item NO_VC
+In general any generated Makefile checks for the current version of
+MakeMaker and the version the Makefile was built under. If NO_VC is
+set, the version check is neglected. Do not write this into your
+Makefile.PL, use it interactively instead.
+The name of the Makefile to be produced. Defaults to the contents of
+MAKEFILE, but can be overridden. This is used for the second Makefile
+that will be produced for the MAP_TARGET.
+Perl binary able to run this extension.
+=item H
+Ref to array of *.h file names. Similar to C.
+=item IMPORTS
+IMPORTS is only used on OS/2.
+=item INC
+Include file dirs eg: C<"-I/usr/5include -I/path/to/inc">
+Array of extension names to be included when doing a static build.
+MakeMaker will normally build with all of the installed extensions when
+doing a static build, and that is usually the desired behavior. If
+INCLUDE_EXT is present then MakeMaker will build only with those extensions
+which are explicitly mentioned. (e.g. [ qw( Socket POSIX ) ])
+It is not necessary to mention DynaLoader or the current extension when
+filling in INCLUDE_EXT. If the INCLUDE_EXT is mentioned but is empty then
+only DynaLoader and the current extension will be included in the build.
+This attribute may be most useful when specified as a string on the
+commandline: perl Makefile.PL INCLUDE_EXT='POSIX Socket Devel::Peek'
+Used by 'make install', which copies files from INST_ARCHLIB to this
+directory if INSTALLDIRS is set to perl.
+Directory to install binary files (e.g. tkperl) into.
+Determines which of the two sets of installation directories to
+choose: installprivlib and installarchlib versus installsitelib and
+installsitearch. The first pair is chosen with INSTALLDIRS=perl, the
+second with INSTALLDIRS=site. Default is site.
+This directory gets the man pages at 'make install' time. Defaults to
+This directory gets the man pages at 'make install' time. Defaults to
+Used by 'make install', which copies files from INST_LIB to this
+directory if INSTALLDIRS is set to perl.
+Used by 'make install' which copies files from INST_SCRIPT to this
+Used by 'make install', which copies files from INST_LIB to this
+directory if INSTALLDIRS is set to site (default).
+Used by 'make install', which copies files from INST_ARCHLIB to this
+directory if INSTALLDIRS is set to site (default).
+Same as INST_LIB for architecture dependent files.
+=item INST_BIN
+Directory to put real binary files during 'make'. These will be copied
+to INSTALLBIN during 'make install'
+=item INST_EXE
+Old name for INST_SCRIPT. Deprecated. Please use INST_SCRIPT if you
+need to use it.
+=item INST_LIB
+Directory where we put library files of this extension while building
+Directory to hold the man pages at 'make' time
+Directory to hold the man pages at 'make' time
+Directory, where executable files should be installed during
+'make'. Defaults to "./blib/bin", just to have a dummy location during
+testing. make install will copy the files in INST_SCRIPT to
+=item LDFROM
+defaults to "$(OBJECT)" and is used in the ld command to specify
+what files to link/load from (also see dynamic_lib below for how to
+specify ld flags)
+=item LIBPERL_A
+The filename of the perllibrary that will be used together with this
+extension. Defaults to libperl.a.
+=item LIB
+LIB can only be set at C<perl Makefile.PL> time. It has the effect of
+setting both INSTALLPRIVLIB and INSTALLSITELIB to that value regardless any
+=item LIBS
+An anonymous array of alternative library
+specifications to be searched for (in order) until
+at least one library is found. E.g.
+ 'LIBS' => ["-lgdbm", "-ldbm -lfoo", "-L/path -ldbm.nfs"]
+Mind, that any element of the array
+contains a complete set of arguments for the ld
+command. So do not specify
+ 'LIBS' => ["-ltcl", "-ltk", "-lX11"]
+See ODBM_File/Makefile.PL for an example, where an array is needed. If
+you specify a scalar as in
+ 'LIBS' => "-ltcl -ltk -lX11"
+MakeMaker will turn it into an array with one element.
+'static' or 'dynamic' (default unless usedl=undef in Should only be used to force static linking (also see
+linkext below).
+Boolean which tells MakeMaker, that it should include the rules to
+make a perl. This is handled automatically as a switch by
+MakeMaker. The user normally does not need it.
+The name of the Makefile to be produced.
+=item MAN1PODS
+Hashref of pod-containing files. MakeMaker will default this to all
+EXE_FILES files that include POD directives. The files listed
+here will be converted to man pages and installed as was requested
+at Configure time.
+=item MAN3PODS
+Hashref of .pm and .pod files. MakeMaker will default this to all
+ .pod and any .pm files that include POD directives. The files listed
+here will be converted to man pages and installed as was requested
+at Configure time.
+If it is intended, that a new perl binary be produced, this variable
+may hold a name for that binary. Defaults to perl
+If the extension links to a library that it builds set this to the
+name of the library (see SDBM_File)
+=item NAME
+Perl module name for this extension (DBD::Oracle). This will default
+to the directory name but should be explicitly defined in the
+MakeMaker will figure out, if an extension contains linkable code
+anywhere down the directory tree, and will set this variable
+accordingly, but you can speed it up a very little bit, if you define
+this boolean variable yourself.
+=item NOECHO
+Defaults to C<@>. By setting it to an empty string you can generate a
+Makefile that echos all commands. Mainly used in debugging MakeMaker
+Boolean. Attribute to inhibit descending into subdirectories.
+=item OBJECT
+List of object files, defaults to '$(BASEEXT)$(OBJ_EXT)', but can be a long
+string containing all object files, e.g. "tkpBind.o
+tkpButton.o tkpCanvas.o"
+Defaults to C<-O>. Set it to C<-g> to turn debugging on. The flag is
+passed to subdirectory makes.
+=item PERL
+Perl binary for tasks that can be done by miniperl
+The call to the program that is able to compile perlmain.c. Defaults
+to $(CC).
+Same as above for architecture dependent files
+=item PERL_LIB
+Directory containing the Perl library to use.
+=item PERL_SRC
+Directory containing the Perl source code (use of this should be
+avoided, it may be undefined)
+=item PERM_RW
+Desired Permission for read/writable files. Defaults to C<644>.
+See also L<MM_Unix/perm_rw>.
+=item PERM_RWX
+Desired permission for executable files. Defaults to C<755>.
+See also L<MM_Unix/perm_rwx>.
+=item PL_FILES
+Ref to hash of files to be processed as perl programs. MakeMaker
+will default to any found *.PL file (except Makefile.PL) being keys
+and the basename of the file being the value. E.g.
+ {'foobar.PL' => 'foobar'}
+The *.PL files are expected to produce output to the target files
+=item PM
+Hashref of .pm files and *.pl files to be installed. e.g.
+ {'' => '$(INST_LIBDIR)/'}
+By default this will include *.pm and *.pl and the files found in
+the PMLIBDIRS directories. Defining PM in the
+Makefile.PL will override PMLIBDIRS.
+Ref to array of subdirectories containing library files. Defaults to
+[ 'lib', $(BASEEXT) ]. The directories will be scanned and I<any> files
+they contain will be installed in the corresponding location in the
+library. A libscan() method can be used to alter the behaviour.
+Defining PM in the Makefile.PL will override PMLIBDIRS.
+=item PREFIX
+Can be used to set the three INSTALL* attributes in one go (except for
+probably INSTALLMAN1DIR, if it is not below PREFIX according to
+%Config). They will have PREFIX as a common directory node and will
+branch from that node into lib/, lib/ARCHNAME or whatever Configure
+decided at the build time of your perl (unless you override one of
+them, of course).
+=item PREREQ_PM
+Hashref: Names of modules that need to be available to run this
+extension (e.g. Fcntl for SDBM_File) are the keys of the hash and the
+desired version is the value. If the required version number is 0, we
+only check if any version is installed already.
+=item SKIP
+Arryref. E.g. [qw(name1 name2)] skip (do not write) sections of the
+Makefile. Caution! Do not use the SKIP attribute for the neglectible
+speedup. It may seriously damage the resulting Makefile. Only use it,
+if you really need it.
+Ref to array of typemap file names. Use this when the typemaps are
+in some directory other than the current directory or when they are
+not named B<typemap>. The last typemap in the list takes
+precedence. A typemap in the current directory has highest
+precedence, even if it isn't listed in TYPEMAPS. The default system
+typemap has lowest precedence.
+=item VERSION
+Your version number for distributing the package. This defaults to
+Instead of specifying the VERSION in the Makefile.PL you can let
+MakeMaker parse a file to determine the version number. The parsing
+routine requires that the file named by VERSION_FROM contains one
+single line to compute the version number. The first line in the file
+that contains the regular expression
+ /([\$*])(([\w\:\']*)\bVERSION)\b.*\=/
+will be evaluated with eval() and the value of the named variable
+B<after> the eval() will be assigned to the VERSION attribute of the
+MakeMaker object. The following lines will be parsed o.k.:
+ $VERSION = '1.00';
+ *VERSION = \'1.01';
+ ( $VERSION ) = '$Revision: 1.222 $ ' =~ /\$Revision:\s+([^\s]+)/;
+ $FOO::VERSION = '1.10';
+ *FOO::VERSION = \'1.11';
+but these will fail:
+ my $VERSION = '1.01';
+ local $VERSION = '1.02';
+ local $FOO::VERSION = '1.30';
+The file named in VERSION_FROM is not added as a dependency to
+Makefile. This is not really correct, but it would be a major pain
+during development to have to rewrite the Makefile for any smallish
+change in that file. If you want to make sure that the Makefile
+contains the correct VERSION macro after any change of the file, you
+would have to do something like
+ depend => { Makefile => '$(VERSION_FROM)' }
+See attribute C<depend> below.
+=item XS
+Hashref of .xs files. MakeMaker will default this. e.g.
+ {'name_of_file.xs' => 'name_of_file.c'}
+The .c files will automatically be included in the list of files
+deleted by a make clean.
+=item XSOPT
+String of options to pass to xsubpp. This might include C<-C++> or
+C<-extern>. Do not include typemaps here; the TYPEMAP parameter exists for
+that purpose.
+May be set to an empty string, which is identical to C<-prototypes>, or
+C<-noprototypes>. See the xsubpp documentation for details. MakeMaker
+defaults to the empty string.
+Your version number for the .xs file of this package. This defaults
+to the value of the VERSION attribute.
+=head2 Additional lowercase attributes
+can be used to pass parameters to the methods which implement that
+part of the Makefile.
+=over 2
+=item clean
+ {FILES => "*.xyz foo"}
+=item depend
+=item dist
+ {TARFLAGS => 'cvfF', COMPRESS => 'gzip', SUFFIX => '.gz',
+ SHAR => 'shar -m', DIST_CP => 'ln', ZIP => '/bin/zip',
+ ZIPFLAGS => '-rl', DIST_DEFAULT => 'private tardist' }
+If you specify COMPRESS, then SUFFIX should also be altered, as it is
+needed to tell make the target file of the compression. Setting
+DIST_CP to ln can be useful, if you need to preserve the timestamps on
+your files. DIST_CP can take the values 'cp', which copies the file,
+'ln', which links the file, and 'best' which copies symbolic links and
+links the rest. Default is 'best'.
+=item dynamic_lib
+ {ARMAYBE => 'ar', OTHERLDFLAGS => '...', INST_DYNAMIC_DEP => '...'}
+=item installpm
+Deprecated as of MakeMaker 5.23. See L<ExtUtils::MM_Unix/pm_to_blib>.
+=item linkext
+ {LINKTYPE => 'static', 'dynamic' or ''}
+NB: Extensions that have nothing but *.pm files had to say
+ {LINKTYPE => ''}
+with Pre-5.0 MakeMakers. Since version 5.00 of MakeMaker such a line
+can be deleted safely. MakeMaker recognizes, when there's nothing to
+be linked.
+=item macro
+=item realclean
+ {FILES => '$(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)/*.xyz'}
+=item tool_autosplit
+ {MAXLEN =E<gt> 8}
+# bug in pod2html, so leave the =back
+# Don't delete this cut, MM depends on it!
+=head2 Overriding MakeMaker Methods
+If you cannot achieve the desired Makefile behaviour by specifying
+attributes you may define private subroutines in the Makefile.PL.
+Each subroutines returns the text it wishes to have written to
+the Makefile. To override a section of the Makefile you can
+either say:
+ sub MY::c_o { "new literal text" }
+or you can edit the default by saying something like:
+ sub MY::c_o {
+ package MY; # so that "SUPER" works right
+ my $inherited = shift->SUPER::c_o(@_);
+ $inherited =~ s/old text/new text/;
+ $inherited;
+ }
+If you are running experiments with embedding perl as a library into
+other applications, you might find MakeMaker is not sufficient. You'd
+better have a look at ExtUtils::Embed which is a collection of utilities
+for embedding.
+If you still need a different solution, try to develop another
+subroutine that fits your needs and submit the diffs to
+F<> or F<comp.lang.perl.moderated> as appropriate.
+For a complete description of all MakeMaker methods see L<ExtUtils::MM_Unix>.
+Here is a simple example of how to add a new target to the generated
+ sub MY::postamble {
+ '
+ $(MYEXTLIB): sdbm/Makefile
+ cd sdbm && $(MAKE) all
+ ';
+ }
+=head2 Hintsfile support
+ uses the architecture specific information from In addition it evaluates architecture specific hints files
+in a C<hints/> directory. The hints files are expected to be named
+like their counterparts in C<PERL_SRC/hints>, but with an C<.pl> file
+name extension (eg. C<>). They are simply C<eval>ed by
+MakeMaker within the WriteMakefile() subroutine, and can be used to
+execute commands as well as to include special variables. The rules
+which hintsfile is chosen are the same as in Configure.
+The hintsfile is eval()ed immediately after the arguments given to
+WriteMakefile are stuffed into a hash reference $self but before this
+reference becomes blessed. So if you want to do the equivalent to
+override or create an attribute you would say something like
+ $self->{LIBS} = ['-ldbm -lucb -lc'];
+=head2 Distribution Support
+For authors of extensions MakeMaker provides several Makefile
+targets. Most of the support comes from the ExtUtils::Manifest module,
+where additional documentation can be found.
+=over 4
+=item make distcheck
+reports which files are below the build directory but not in the
+MANIFEST file and vice versa. (See ExtUtils::Manifest::fullcheck() for
+=item make skipcheck
+reports which files are skipped due to the entries in the
+C<MANIFEST.SKIP> file (See ExtUtils::Manifest::skipcheck() for
+=item make distclean
+does a realclean first and then the distcheck. Note that this is not
+needed to build a new distribution as long as you are sure, that the
+MANIFEST file is ok.
+=item make manifest
+rewrites the MANIFEST file, adding all remaining files found (See
+ExtUtils::Manifest::mkmanifest() for details)
+=item make distdir
+Copies all the files that are in the MANIFEST file to a newly created
+directory with the name C<$(DISTNAME)-$(VERSION)>. If that directory
+exists, it will be removed first.
+=item make disttest
+Makes a distdir first, and runs a C<perl Makefile.PL>, a make, and
+a make test in that directory.
+=item make tardist
+First does a distdir. Then a command $(PREOP) which defaults to a null
+command, followed by $(TOUNIX), which defaults to a null command under
+UNIX, and will convert files in distribution directory to UNIX format
+otherwise. Next it runs C<tar> on that directory into a tarfile and
+deletes the directory. Finishes with a command $(POSTOP) which
+defaults to a null command.
+=item make dist
+Defaults to $(DIST_DEFAULT) which in turn defaults to tardist.
+=item make uutardist
+Runs a tardist first and uuencodes the tarfile.
+=item make shdist
+First does a distdir. Then a command $(PREOP) which defaults to a null
+command. Next it runs C<shar> on that directory into a sharfile and
+deletes the intermediate directory again. Finishes with a command
+$(POSTOP) which defaults to a null command. Note: For shdist to work
+properly a C<shar> program that can handle directories is mandatory.
+=item make zipdist
+First does a distdir. Then a command $(PREOP) which defaults to a null
+command. Runs C<$(ZIP) $(ZIPFLAGS)> on that directory into a
+zipfile. Then deletes that directory. Finishes with a command
+$(POSTOP) which defaults to a null command.
+=item make ci
+Does a $(CI) and a $(RCS_LABEL) on all files in the MANIFEST file.
+Customization of the dist targets can be done by specifying a hash
+reference to the dist attribute of the WriteMakefile call. The
+following parameters are recognized:
+ CI ('ci -u')
+ COMPRESS ('gzip --best')
+ POSTOP ('@ :')
+ PREOP ('@ :')
+ TO_UNIX (depends on the system)
+ RCS_LABEL ('rcs -q -Nv$(VERSION_SYM):')
+ SHAR ('shar')
+ SUFFIX ('.gz')
+ TAR ('tar')
+ TARFLAGS ('cvf')
+ ZIP ('zip')
+ ZIPFLAGS ('-r')
+An example:
+ WriteMakefile( 'dist' => { COMPRESS=>"bzip2", SUFFIX=>".bz2" })
+=head2 Disabling an extension
+If some events detected in F<Makefile.PL> imply that there is no way
+to create the Module, but this is a normal state of things, then you
+can create a F<Makefile> which does nothing, but succeeds on all the
+"usual" build targets. To do so, use
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker::WriteEmptyMakefile();
+instead of WriteMakefile().
+This may be useful if other modules expect this module to be I<built>
+OK, as opposed to I<work> OK (say, this system-dependent module builds
+in a subdirectory of some other distribution, or is listed as a
+dependency in a CPAN::Bundle, but the functionality is supported by
+different means on the current architecture).
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+ExtUtils::MM_Unix, ExtUtils::Manifest, ExtUtils::testlib,
+ExtUtils::Install, ExtUtils::Embed
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Andy Dougherty <F<>>, Andreas KE<ouml>nig
+<F<A.Koenig@franz.ww.TU-Berlin.DE>>, Tim Bunce <F<>>.
+VMS support by Charles Bailey <F<>>. OS/2
+support by Ilya Zakharevich <F<>>. Contact the
+makemaker mailing list C<>, if
+you have any questions.
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/ b/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5557089
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+package ExtUtils::Manifest;
+require Exporter;
+use Config;
+use File::Find;
+use File::Copy 'copy';
+use Carp;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT_OK
+ $Is_VMS $Debug $Verbose $Quiet $MANIFEST $found);
+$VERSION = substr(q$Revision: 1.33 $, 10);
+@EXPORT_OK = ('mkmanifest', 'manicheck', 'fullcheck', 'filecheck',
+ 'skipcheck', 'maniread', 'manicopy');
+$Is_VMS = $^O eq 'VMS';
+if ($Is_VMS) { require File::Basename }
+$Debug = 0;
+$Verbose = 1;
+$Quiet = 0;
+# Really cool fix from Ilya :)
+unless (defined $Config{d_link}) {
+ *ln = \&cp;
+sub mkmanifest {
+ my $manimiss = 0;
+ my $read = maniread() or $manimiss++;
+ $read = {} if $manimiss;
+ local *M;
+ rename $MANIFEST, "$MANIFEST.bak" unless $manimiss;
+ open M, ">$MANIFEST" or die "Could not open $MANIFEST: $!";
+ my $matches = _maniskip();
+ my $found = manifind();
+ my($key,$val,$file,%all);
+ %all = (%$found, %$read);
+ $all{$MANIFEST} = ($Is_VMS ? "$MANIFEST\t\t" : '') . 'This list of files'
+ if $manimiss; # add new MANIFEST to known file list
+ foreach $file (sort keys %all) {
+ next if &$matches($file);
+ if ($Verbose){
+ warn "Added to $MANIFEST: $file\n" unless exists $read->{$file};
+ }
+ my $text = $all{$file};
+ ($file,$text) = split(/\s+/,$text,2) if $Is_VMS && $text;
+ my $tabs = (5 - (length($file)+1)/8);
+ $tabs = 1 if $tabs < 1;
+ $tabs = 0 unless $text;
+ print M $file, "\t" x $tabs, $text, "\n";
+ }
+ close M;
+sub manifind {
+ local $found = {};
+ find(sub {return if -d $_;
+ (my $name = $File::Find::name) =~ s|./||;
+ warn "Debug: diskfile $name\n" if $Debug;
+ $name =~ s#(.*)\.$#\L$1# if $Is_VMS;
+ $found->{$name} = "";}, ".");
+ $found;
+sub fullcheck {
+ _manicheck(3);
+sub manicheck {
+ return @{(_manicheck(1))[0]};
+sub filecheck {
+ return @{(_manicheck(2))[1]};
+sub skipcheck {
+ _manicheck(6);
+sub _manicheck {
+ my($arg) = @_;
+ my $read = maniread();
+ my $found = manifind();
+ my $file;
+ my $dosnames=(defined(&Dos::UseLFN) && Dos::UseLFN()==0);
+ my(@missfile,@missentry);
+ if ($arg & 1){
+ foreach $file (sort keys %$read){
+ warn "Debug: manicheck checking from $MANIFEST $file\n" if $Debug;
+ if ($dosnames){
+ $file = lc $file;
+ $file =~ s=(\.(\w|-)+)=substr ($1,0,4)=ge;
+ $file =~ s=((\w|-)+)=substr ($1,0,8)=ge;
+ }
+ unless ( exists $found->{$file} ) {
+ warn "No such file: $file\n" unless $Quiet;
+ push @missfile, $file;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($arg & 2){
+ $read ||= {};
+ my $matches = _maniskip();
+ my $skipwarn = $arg & 4;
+ foreach $file (sort keys %$found){
+ if (&$matches($file)){
+ warn "Skipping $file\n" if $skipwarn;
+ next;
+ }
+ warn "Debug: manicheck checking from disk $file\n" if $Debug;
+ unless ( exists $read->{$file} ) {
+ warn "Not in $MANIFEST: $file\n" unless $Quiet;
+ push @missentry, $file;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ (\@missfile,\@missentry);
+sub maniread {
+ my ($mfile) = @_;
+ $mfile ||= $MANIFEST;
+ my $read = {};
+ local *M;
+ unless (open M, $mfile){
+ warn "$mfile: $!";
+ return $read;
+ }
+ while (<M>){
+ chomp;
+ next if /^#/;
+ if ($Is_VMS) {
+ my($file)= /^(\S+)/;
+ next unless $file;
+ my($base,$dir) = File::Basename::fileparse($file);
+ # Resolve illegal file specifications in the same way as tar
+ $dir =~ tr/./_/;
+ my(@pieces) = split(/\./,$base);
+ if (@pieces > 2) { $base = shift(@pieces) . '.' . join('_',@pieces); }
+ my $okfile = "$dir$base";
+ warn "Debug: Illegal name $file changed to $okfile\n" if $Debug;
+ $read->{"\L$okfile"}=$_;
+ }
+ else { /^(\S+)\s*(.*)/ and $read->{$1}=$2; }
+ }
+ close M;
+ $read;
+# returns an anonymous sub that decides if an argument matches
+sub _maniskip {
+ my ($mfile) = @_;
+ my $matches = sub {0};
+ my @skip ;
+ $mfile ||= "$MANIFEST.SKIP";
+ local *M;
+ return $matches unless -f $mfile;
+ open M, $mfile or return $matches;
+ while (<M>){
+ chomp;
+ next if /^#/;
+ next if /^\s*$/;
+ push @skip, $_;
+ }
+ close M;
+ my $opts = $Is_VMS ? 'oi ' : 'o ';
+ my $sub = "\$matches = "
+ . "sub { my(\$arg)=\@_; return 1 if "
+ . join (" || ", (map {s!/!\\/!g; "\$arg =~ m/$_/$opts"} @skip), 0)
+ . " }";
+ eval $sub;
+ print "Debug: $sub\n" if $Debug;
+ $matches;
+sub manicopy {
+ my($read,$target,$how)=@_;
+ croak "manicopy() called without target argument" unless defined $target;
+ $how ||= 'cp';
+ require File::Path;
+ require File::Basename;
+ my(%dirs,$file);
+ $target = VMS::Filespec::unixify($target) if $Is_VMS;
+ umask 0 unless $Is_VMS;
+ File::Path::mkpath([ $target ],1,$Is_VMS ? undef : 0755);
+ foreach $file (keys %$read){
+ $file = VMS::Filespec::unixify($file) if $Is_VMS;
+ if ($file =~ m!/!) { # Ilya, that hurts, I fear, or maybe not?
+ my $dir = File::Basename::dirname($file);
+ $dir = VMS::Filespec::unixify($dir) if $Is_VMS;
+ File::Path::mkpath(["$target/$dir"],1,$Is_VMS ? undef : 0755);
+ }
+ cp_if_diff($file, "$target/$file", $how);
+ }
+sub cp_if_diff {
+ my($from, $to, $how)=@_;
+ -f $from or carp "$0: $from not found";
+ my($diff) = 0;
+ local(*F,*T);
+ open(F,$from) or croak "Can't read $from: $!\n";
+ if (open(T,$to)) {
+ while (<F>) { $diff++,last if $_ ne <T>; }
+ $diff++ unless eof(T);
+ close T;
+ }
+ else { $diff++; }
+ close F;
+ if ($diff) {
+ if (-e $to) {
+ unlink($to) or confess "unlink $to: $!";
+ }
+ best($from,$to), last STRICT_SWITCH if $how eq 'best';
+ cp($from,$to), last STRICT_SWITCH if $how eq 'cp';
+ ln($from,$to), last STRICT_SWITCH if $how eq 'ln';
+ croak("ExtUtils::Manifest::cp_if_diff " .
+ "called with illegal how argument [$how]. " .
+ "Legal values are 'best', 'cp', and 'ln'.");
+ }
+ }
+sub cp {
+ my ($srcFile, $dstFile) = @_;
+ my ($perm,$access,$mod) = (stat $srcFile)[2,8,9];
+ copy($srcFile,$dstFile);
+ utime $access, $mod + ($Is_VMS ? 1 : 0), $dstFile;
+ # chmod a+rX-w,go-w
+ chmod( 0444 | ( $perm & 0111 ? 0111 : 0 ), $dstFile );
+sub ln {
+ my ($srcFile, $dstFile) = @_;
+ return &cp if $Is_VMS;
+ link($srcFile, $dstFile);
+ local($_) = $dstFile; # chmod a+r,go-w+X (except "X" only applies to u=x)
+ my $mode= 0444 | (stat)[2] & 0700;
+ if (! chmod( $mode | ( $mode & 0100 ? 0111 : 0 ), $_ )) {
+ unlink $dstFile;
+ return;
+ }
+ 1;
+sub best {
+ my ($srcFile, $dstFile) = @_;
+ if (-l $srcFile) {
+ cp($srcFile, $dstFile);
+ } else {
+ ln($srcFile, $dstFile) or cp($srcFile, $dstFile);
+ }
+=head1 NAME
+ExtUtils::Manifest - utilities to write and check a MANIFEST file
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+C<require ExtUtils::Manifest;>
+Mkmanifest() writes all files in and below the current directory to a
+file named in the global variable $ExtUtils::Manifest::MANIFEST (which
+defaults to C<MANIFEST>) in the current directory. It works similar to
+ find . -print
+but in doing so checks each line in an existing C<MANIFEST> file and
+includes any comments that are found in the existing C<MANIFEST> file
+in the new one. Anything between white space and an end of line within
+a C<MANIFEST> file is considered to be a comment. Filenames and
+comments are seperated by one or more TAB characters in the
+output. All files that match any regular expression in a file
+C<MANIFEST.SKIP> (if such a file exists) are ignored.
+Manicheck() checks if all the files within a C<MANIFEST> in the
+current directory really do exist. It only reports discrepancies and
+exits silently if MANIFEST and the tree below the current directory
+are in sync.
+Filecheck() finds files below the current directory that are not
+mentioned in the C<MANIFEST> file. An optional file C<MANIFEST.SKIP>
+will be consulted. Any file matching a regular expression in such a
+file will not be reported as missing in the C<MANIFEST> file.
+Fullcheck() does both a manicheck() and a filecheck().
+Skipcheck() lists all the files that are skipped due to your
+Manifind() retruns a hash reference. The keys of the hash are the
+files found below the current directory.
+Maniread($file) reads a named C<MANIFEST> file (defaults to
+C<MANIFEST> in the current directory) and returns a HASH reference
+with files being the keys and comments being the values of the HASH.
+Blank lines and lines which start with C<#> in the C<MANIFEST> file
+are discarded.
+I<Manicopy($read,$target,$how)> copies the files that are the keys in
+the HASH I<%$read> to the named target directory. The HASH reference
+I<$read> is typically returned by the maniread() function. This
+function is useful for producing a directory tree identical to the
+intended distribution tree. The third parameter $how can be used to
+specify a different methods of "copying". Valid values are C<cp>,
+which actually copies the files, C<ln> which creates hard links, and
+C<best> which mostly links the files but copies any symbolic link to
+make a tree without any symbolic link. Best is the default.
+The file MANIFEST.SKIP may contain regular expressions of files that
+should be ignored by mkmanifest() and filecheck(). The regular
+expressions should appear one on each line. Blank lines and lines
+which start with C<#> are skipped. Use C<\#> if you need a regular
+expression to start with a sharp character. A typical example:
+ \bRCS\b
+ ^Makefile$
+ ~$
+ \.html$
+ \.old$
+ ^blib/
+ ^MakeMaker-\d
+=head1 EXPORT_OK
+C<&mkmanifest>, C<&manicheck>, C<&filecheck>, C<&fullcheck>,
+C<&maniread>, and C<&manicopy> are exportable.
+C<$ExtUtils::Manifest::MANIFEST> defaults to C<MANIFEST>. Changing it
+results in both a different C<MANIFEST> and a different
+C<MANIFEST.SKIP> file. This is useful if you want to maintain
+different distributions for different audiences (say a user version
+and a developer version including RCS).
+C<$ExtUtils::Manifest::Quiet> defaults to 0. If set to a true value,
+all functions act silently.
+All diagnostic output is sent to C<STDERR>.
+=item C<Not in MANIFEST:> I<file>
+is reported if a file is found, that is missing in the C<MANIFEST>
+file which is excluded by a regular expression in the file
+=item C<No such file:> I<file>
+is reported if a file mentioned in a C<MANIFEST> file does not
+=item C<MANIFEST:> I<$!>
+is reported if C<MANIFEST> could not be opened.
+=item C<Added to MANIFEST:> I<file>
+is reported by mkmanifest() if $Verbose is set and a file is added
+to MANIFEST. $Verbose is set to 1 by default.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<ExtUtils::MakeMaker> which has handy targets for most of the functionality.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Andreas Koenig <F<koenig@franz.ww.TU-Berlin.DE>>
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/ b/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35d5236
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+package ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap;
+$VERSION = substr q$Revision: 1.13 $, 10;
+# $Date: 1996/09/03 17:04:43 $
+use Config;
+use Exporter;
+sub Mkbootstrap {
+ my($baseext, @bsloadlibs)=@_;
+ @bsloadlibs = grep($_, @bsloadlibs); # strip empty libs
+ print STDOUT " bsloadlibs=@bsloadlibs\n" if $Verbose;
+ # We need DynaLoader here because we and/or the *_BS file may
+ # call dl_findfile(). We don't say `use' here because when
+ # first building perl extensions the DynaLoader will not have
+ # been built when MakeMaker gets first used.
+ require DynaLoader;
+ rename "$", "$baseext.bso"
+ if -s "$";
+ if (-f "${baseext}_BS"){
+ $_ = "${baseext}_BS";
+ package DynaLoader; # execute code as if in DynaLoader
+ local($osname, $dlsrc) = (); # avoid warnings
+ ($osname, $dlsrc) = @Config::Config{qw(osname dlsrc)};
+ $bscode = "";
+ unshift @INC, ".";
+ require $_;
+ shift @INC;
+ }
+ if ($Config{'dlsrc'} =~ /^dl_dld/){
+ package DynaLoader;
+ push(@dl_resolve_using, dl_findfile('-lc'));
+ }
+ my(@all) = (@bsloadlibs, @DynaLoader::dl_resolve_using);
+ my($method) = '';
+ if (@all){
+ open BS, ">$"
+ or die "Unable to open $ $!";
+ print STDOUT "Writing $\n";
+ print STDOUT " containing: @all" if $Verbose;
+ print BS "# $baseext DynaLoader bootstrap file for $^O architecture.\n";
+ print BS "# Do not edit this file, changes will be lost.\n";
+ print BS "# This file was automatically generated by the\n";
+ print BS "# Mkbootstrap routine in ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap (v$Version).\n";
+ print BS "\@DynaLoader::dl_resolve_using = ";
+ # If @all contains names in the form -lxxx or -Lxxx then it's asking for
+ # runtime library location so we automatically add a call to dl_findfile()
+ if (" @all" =~ m/ -[lLR]/){
+ print BS " dl_findfile(qw(\n @all\n ));\n";
+ }else{
+ print BS " qw(@all);\n";
+ }
+ # write extra code if *_BS says so
+ print BS $DynaLoader::bscode if $DynaLoader::bscode;
+ print BS "\n1;\n";
+ close BS;
+ }
+=head1 NAME
+ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap - make a bootstrap file for use by DynaLoader
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+Mkbootstrap typically gets called from an extension Makefile.
+There is no C<*.bs> file supplied with the extension. Instead a
+C<*_BS> file which has code for the special cases, like posix for
+berkeley db on the NeXT.
+This file will get parsed, and produce a maybe empty
+C<@DynaLoader::dl_resolve_using> array for the current architecture.
+That will be extended by $BSLOADLIBS, which was computed by
+ExtUtils::Liblist::ext(). If this array still is empty, we do nothing,
+else we write a .bs file with an C<@DynaLoader::dl_resolve_using>
+The C<*_BS> file can put some code into the generated C<*.bs> file by
+placing it in C<$bscode>. This is a handy 'escape' mechanism that may
+prove useful in complex situations.
+If @DynaLoader::dl_resolve_using contains C<-L*> or C<-l*> entries then
+Mkbootstrap will automatically add a dl_findfile() call to the
+generated C<*.bs> file.
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/ b/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b92ca0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+package ExtUtils::Mksymlists;
+use strict qw[ subs refs ];
+# no strict 'vars'; # until filehandles are exempted
+use Carp;
+use Exporter;
+use vars qw( @ISA @EXPORT $VERSION );
+@ISA = 'Exporter';
+@EXPORT = '&Mksymlists';
+$VERSION = substr q$Revision: 1.17 $, 10;
+sub Mksymlists {
+ my(%spec) = @_;
+ my($osname) = $^O;
+ croak("Insufficient information specified to Mksymlists")
+ unless ( $spec{NAME} or
+ ($spec{FILE} and ($spec{DL_FUNCS} or $spec{FUNCLIST})) );
+ $spec{DL_VARS} = [] unless $spec{DL_VARS};
+ ($spec{FILE} = $spec{NAME}) =~ s/.*::// unless $spec{FILE};
+ $spec{DL_FUNCS} = { $spec{NAME} => [] }
+ unless ( ($spec{DL_FUNCS} and keys %{$spec{DL_FUNCS}}) or
+ $spec{FUNCLIST});
+ $spec{FUNCLIST} = [] unless $spec{FUNCLIST};
+ if (defined $spec{DL_FUNCS}) {
+ my($package);
+ foreach $package (keys %{$spec{DL_FUNCS}}) {
+ my($packprefix,$sym,$bootseen);
+ ($packprefix = $package) =~ s/\W/_/g;
+ foreach $sym (@{$spec{DL_FUNCS}->{$package}}) {
+ if ($sym =~ /^boot_/) {
+ push(@{$spec{FUNCLIST}},$sym);
+ $bootseen++;
+ }
+ else { push(@{$spec{FUNCLIST}},"XS_${packprefix}_$sym"); }
+ }
+ push(@{$spec{FUNCLIST}},"boot_$packprefix") unless $bootseen;
+ }
+ }
+# We'll need this if we ever add any OS which uses mod2fname
+# not as pseudo-builtin.
+# require DynaLoader;
+ if (defined &DynaLoader::mod2fname and not $spec{DLBASE}) {
+ $spec{DLBASE} = DynaLoader::mod2fname([ split(/::/,$spec{NAME}) ]);
+ }
+ if ($osname eq 'aix') { _write_aix(\%spec); }
+ elsif ($osname eq 'VMS') { _write_vms(\%spec) }
+ elsif ($osname eq 'os2') { _write_os2(\%spec) }
+ elsif ($osname eq 'MSWin32') { _write_win32(\%spec) }
+ else { croak("Don't know how to create linker option file for $osname\n"); }
+sub _write_aix {
+ my($data) = @_;
+ rename "$data->{FILE}.exp", "$data->{FILE}.exp_old";
+ open(EXP,">$data->{FILE}.exp")
+ or croak("Can't create $data->{FILE}.exp: $!\n");
+ print EXP join("\n",@{$data->{DL_VARS}}, "\n") if @{$data->{DL_VARS}};
+ print EXP join("\n",@{$data->{FUNCLIST}}, "\n") if @{$data->{FUNCLIST}};
+ close EXP;
+sub _write_os2 {
+ my($data) = @_;
+ require Config;
+ my $threaded = ($Config::Config{archname} =~ /-thread/ ? " threaded" : "");
+ if (not $data->{DLBASE}) {
+ ($data->{DLBASE} = $data->{NAME}) =~ s/.*:://;
+ $data->{DLBASE} = substr($data->{DLBASE},0,7) . '_';
+ }
+ rename "$data->{FILE}.def", "$data->{FILE}_def.old";
+ open(DEF,">$data->{FILE}.def")
+ or croak("Can't create $data->{FILE}.def: $!\n");
+ print DEF "DESCRIPTION 'Perl (v$]$threaded) module $data->{NAME} v$data->{VERSION}'\n";
+ print DEF "EXPORTS\n ";
+ print DEF join("\n ",@{$data->{DL_VARS}}, "\n") if @{$data->{DL_VARS}};
+ print DEF join("\n ",@{$data->{FUNCLIST}}, "\n") if @{$data->{FUNCLIST}};
+ if (%{$data->{IMPORTS}}) {
+ print DEF "IMPORTS\n";
+my ($name, $exp);
+while (($name, $exp)= each %{$data->{IMPORTS}}) {
+ print DEF " $name=$exp\n";
+ }
+ close DEF;
+sub _write_win32 {
+ my($data) = @_;
+ require Config;
+ if (not $data->{DLBASE}) {
+ ($data->{DLBASE} = $data->{NAME}) =~ s/.*:://;
+ $data->{DLBASE} = substr($data->{DLBASE},0,7) . '_';
+ }
+ rename "$data->{FILE}.def", "$data->{FILE}_def.old";
+ open(DEF,">$data->{FILE}.def")
+ or croak("Can't create $data->{FILE}.def: $!\n");
+ # put library name in quotes (it could be a keyword, like 'Alias')
+ if ($Config::Config{'cc'} !~ /^gcc/i) {
+ print DEF "LIBRARY \"$data->{DLBASE}\"\n";
+ }
+ print DEF "EXPORTS\n ";
+ my @syms;
+ # Export public symbols both with and without underscores to
+ # ensure compatibility between DLLs from different compilers
+ # NOTE: DynaLoader itself only uses the names without underscores,
+ # so this is only to cover the case when the extension DLL may be
+ # linked to directly from C. GSAR 97-07-10
+ if ($Config::Config{'cc'} =~ /^bcc/i) {
+ for (@{$data->{DL_VARS}}, @{$data->{FUNCLIST}}) {
+ push @syms, "_$_", "$_ = _$_";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ for (@{$data->{DL_VARS}}, @{$data->{FUNCLIST}}) {
+ push @syms, "$_", "_$_ = $_";
+ }
+ }
+ print DEF join("\n ",@syms, "\n") if @syms;
+ if (%{$data->{IMPORTS}}) {
+ print DEF "IMPORTS\n";
+ my ($name, $exp);
+ while (($name, $exp)= each %{$data->{IMPORTS}}) {
+ print DEF " $name=$exp\n";
+ }
+ }
+ close DEF;
+sub _write_vms {
+ my($data) = @_;
+ require Config; # a reminder for once we do $^O
+ require ExtUtils::XSSymSet;
+ my($isvax) = $Config::Config{'arch'} =~ /VAX/i;
+ my($set) = new ExtUtils::XSSymSet;
+ my($sym);
+ rename "$data->{FILE}.opt", "$data->{FILE}.opt_old";
+ open(OPT,">$data->{FILE}.opt")
+ or croak("Can't create $data->{FILE}.opt: $!\n");
+ # Options file declaring universal symbols
+ # Used when linking shareable image for dynamic extension,
+ # or when linking PerlShr into which we've added this package
+ # as a static extension
+ # We don't do anything to preserve order, so we won't relax
+ # the GSMATCH criteria for a dynamic extension
+ foreach $sym (@{$data->{FUNCLIST}}) {
+ my $safe = $set->addsym($sym);
+ if ($isvax) { print OPT "UNIVERSAL=$safe\n" }
+ else { print OPT "SYMBOL_VECTOR=($safe=PROCEDURE)\n"; }
+ }
+ foreach $sym (@{$data->{DL_VARS}}) {
+ my $safe = $set->addsym($sym);
+ if ($isvax) { print OPT "UNIVERSAL=$safe\n" }
+ else { print OPT "SYMBOL_VECTOR=($safe=DATA)\n"; }
+ }
+ close OPT;
+=head1 NAME
+ExtUtils::Mksymlists - write linker options files for dynamic extension
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use ExtUtils::Mksymlists;
+ Mksymlists({ NAME => $name ,
+ DL_VARS => [ $var1, $var2, $var3 ],
+ DL_FUNCS => { $pkg1 => [ $func1, $func2 ],
+ $pkg2 => [ $func3 ] });
+C<ExtUtils::Mksymlists> produces files used by the linker under some OSs
+during the creation of shared libraries for dynamic extensions. It is
+normally called from a MakeMaker-generated Makefile when the extension
+is built. The linker option file is generated by calling the function
+C<Mksymlists>, which is exported by default from C<ExtUtils::Mksymlists>.
+It takes one argument, a list of key-value pairs, in which the following
+keys are recognized:
+=item NAME
+This gives the name of the extension (I<e.g.> Tk::Canvas) for which
+the linker option file will be produced.
+=item DL_FUNCS
+This is identical to the DL_FUNCS attribute available via MakeMaker,
+from which it is usually taken. Its value is a reference to an
+associative array, in which each key is the name of a package, and
+each value is an a reference to an array of function names which
+should be exported by the extension. For instance, one might say
+C<DL_FUNCS =E<gt> { Homer::Iliad =E<gt> [ qw(trojans greeks) ],
+Homer::Odyssey =E<gt> [ qw(travellers family suitors) ] }>. The
+function names should be identical to those in the XSUB code;
+C<Mksymlists> will alter the names written to the linker option
+file to match the changes made by F<xsubpp>. In addition, if
+none of the functions in a list begin with the string B<boot_>,
+C<Mksymlists> will add a bootstrap function for that package,
+just as xsubpp does. (If a B<boot_E<lt>pkgE<gt>> function is
+present in the list, it is passed through unchanged.) If
+DL_FUNCS is not specified, it defaults to the bootstrap
+function for the extension specified in NAME.
+=item DL_VARS
+This is identical to the DL_VARS attribute available via MakeMaker,
+and, like DL_FUNCS, it is usually specified via MakeMaker. Its
+value is a reference to an array of variable names which should
+be exported by the extension.
+=item FILE
+This key can be used to specify the name of the linker option file
+(minus the OS-specific extension), if for some reason you do not
+want to use the default value, which is the last word of the NAME
+attribute (I<e.g.> for Tk::Canvas, FILE defaults to 'Canvas').
+This provides an alternate means to specify function names to be
+exported from the extension. Its value is a reference to an
+array of function names to be exported by the extension. These
+names are passed through unaltered to the linker options file.
+=item DLBASE
+This item specifies the name by which the linker knows the
+extension, which may be different from the name of the
+extension itself (for instance, some linkers add an '_' to the
+name of the extension). If it is not specified, it is derived
+from the NAME attribute. It is presently used only by OS2.
+When calling C<Mksymlists>, one should always specify the NAME
+attribute. In most cases, this is all that's necessary. In
+the case of unusual extensions, however, the other attributes
+can be used to provide additional information to the linker.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Charles Bailey I<E<lt>bailey@genetics.upenn.eduE<gt>>
+=head1 REVISION
+Last revised 14-Feb-1996, for Perl 5.002.
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/ b/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eeb0a5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+package ExtUtils::Packlist;
+use strict;
+use Carp qw();
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+$VERSION = '0.03';
+# Used for generating filehandle globs. IO::File might not be available!
+my $fhname = "FH1";
+sub mkfh()
+no strict;
+my $fh = \*{$fhname++};
+use strict;
+sub new($$)
+my ($class, $packfile) = @_;
+$class = ref($class) || $class;
+my %self;
+tie(%self, $class, $packfile);
+return(bless(\%self, $class));
+my ($class, $packfile) = @_;
+my $self = { packfile => $packfile };
+bless($self, $class);
+$self->read($packfile) if (defined($packfile) && -f $packfile);
+sub STORE
+$_[0]->{data}->{$_[1]} = $_[2];
+sub FETCH
+my $reset = scalar(keys(%{$_[0]->{data}}));
+sub CLEAR
+%{$_[0]->{data}} = ();
+sub read($;$)
+my ($self, $packfile) = @_;
+$self = tied(%$self) || $self;
+if (defined($packfile)) { $self->{packfile} = $packfile; }
+else { $packfile = $self->{packfile}; }
+Carp::croak("No packlist filename specified") if (! defined($packfile));
+my $fh = mkfh();
+open($fh, "<$packfile") || Carp::croak("Can't open file $packfile: $!");
+$self->{data} = {};
+my ($line);
+while (defined($line = <$fh>))
+ {
+ chomp $line;
+ my ($key, @kvs) = split(' ', $line);
+ $key =~ s!/\./!/!g; # Some .packlists have spurious '/./' bits in the paths
+ if (! @kvs)
+ {
+ $self->{data}->{$key} = undef;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ my ($data) = {};
+ foreach my $kv (@kvs)
+ {
+ my ($k, $v) = split('=', $kv);
+ $data->{$k} = $v;
+ }
+ $self->{data}->{$key} = $data;
+ }
+ }
+sub write($;$)
+my ($self, $packfile) = @_;
+$self = tied(%$self) || $self;
+if (defined($packfile)) { $self->{packfile} = $packfile; }
+else { $packfile = $self->{packfile}; }
+Carp::croak("No packlist filename specified") if (! defined($packfile));
+my $fh = mkfh();
+open($fh, ">$packfile") || Carp::croak("Can't open file $packfile: $!");
+foreach my $key (sort(keys(%{$self->{data}})))
+ {
+ print $fh ("$key");
+ if (ref($self->{data}->{$key}))
+ {
+ my $data = $self->{data}->{$key};
+ foreach my $k (sort(keys(%$data)))
+ {
+ print $fh (" $k=$data->{$k}");
+ }
+ }
+ print $fh ("\n");
+ }
+sub validate($;$)
+my ($self, $remove) = @_;
+$self = tied(%$self) || $self;
+my @missing;
+foreach my $key (sort(keys(%{$self->{data}})))
+ {
+ if (! -e $key)
+ {
+ push(@missing, $key);
+ delete($self->{data}{$key}) if ($remove);
+ }
+ }
+sub packlist_file($)
+my ($self) = @_;
+$self = tied(%$self) || $self;
+=head1 NAME
+ExtUtils::Packlist - manage .packlist files
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use ExtUtils::Packlist;
+ my ($pl) = ExtUtils::Packlist->new('.packlist');
+ $pl->read('/an/old/.packlist');
+ my @missing_files = $pl->validate();
+ $pl->write('/a/new/.packlist');
+ $pl->{'/some/file/name'}++;
+ or
+ $pl->{'/some/other/file/name'} = { type => 'file',
+ from => '/some/file' };
+ExtUtils::Packlist provides a standard way to manage .packlist files.
+Functions are provided to read and write .packlist files. The original
+.packlist format is a simple list of absolute pathnames, one per line. In
+addition, this package supports an extended format, where as well as a filename
+each line may contain a list of attributes in the form of a space separated
+list of key=value pairs. This is used by the installperl script to
+differentiate between files and links, for example.
+=head1 USAGE
+The hash reference returned by the new() function can be used to examine and
+modify the contents of the .packlist. Items may be added/deleted from the
+.packlist by modifying the hash. If the value associated with a hash key is a
+scalar, the entry written to the .packlist by any subsequent write() will be a
+simple filename. If the value is a hash, the entry written will be the
+filename followed by the key=value pairs from the hash. Reading back the
+.packlist will recreate the original entries.
+=item new()
+This takes an optional parameter, the name of a .packlist. If the file exists,
+it will be opened and the contents of the file will be read. The new() method
+returns a reference to a hash. This hash holds an entry for each line in the
+.packlist. In the case of old-style .packlists, the value associated with each
+key is undef. In the case of new-style .packlists, the value associated with
+each key is a hash containing the key=value pairs following the filename in the
+=item read()
+This takes an optional parameter, the name of the .packlist to be read. If
+no file is specified, the .packlist specified to new() will be read. If the
+.packlist does not exist, Carp::croak will be called.
+=item write()
+This takes an optional parameter, the name of the .packlist to be written. If
+no file is specified, the .packlist specified to new() will be overwritten.
+=item validate()
+This checks that every file listed in the .packlist actually exists. If an
+argument which evaluates to true is given, any missing files will be removed
+from the internal hash. The return value is a list of the missing files, which
+will be empty if they all exist.
+=item packlist_file()
+This returns the name of the associated .packlist file
+=head1 EXAMPLE
+Here's C<modrm>, a little utility to cleanly remove an installed module.
+ #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
+ use strict;
+ use IO::Dir;
+ use ExtUtils::Packlist;
+ use ExtUtils::Installed;
+ sub emptydir($) {
+ my ($dir) = @_;
+ my $dh = IO::Dir->new($dir) || return(0);
+ my @count = $dh->read();
+ $dh->close();
+ return(@count == 2 ? 1 : 0);
+ }
+ # Find all the installed packages
+ print("Finding all installed modules...\n");
+ my $installed = ExtUtils::Installed->new();
+ foreach my $module (grep(!/^Perl$/, $installed->modules())) {
+ my $version = $installed->version($module) || "???";
+ print("Found module $module Version $version\n");
+ print("Do you want to delete $module? [n] ");
+ my $r = <STDIN>; chomp($r);
+ if ($r && $r =~ /^y/i) {
+ # Remove all the files
+ foreach my $file (sort($installed->files($module))) {
+ print("rm $file\n");
+ unlink($file);
+ }
+ my $pf = $installed->packlist($module)->packlist_file();
+ print("rm $pf\n");
+ unlink($pf);
+ foreach my $dir (sort($installed->directory_tree($module))) {
+ if (emptydir($dir)) {
+ print("rmdir $dir\n");
+ rmdir($dir);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Alan Burlison <>
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/inst b/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/inst
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cbf2d01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/inst
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use IO::File;
+use ExtUtils::Packlist;
+use ExtUtils::Installed;
+use vars qw($Inst @Modules);
+sub do_module($)
+my ($module) = @_;
+my $help = <<EOF;
+Available commands are:
+ f [all|prog|doc] - List installed files of a given type
+ d [all|prog|doc] - List the directories used by a module
+ v - Validate the .packlist - check for missing files
+ t <tarfile> - Create a tar archive of the module
+ q - Quit the module
+while (1)
+ {
+ print("$module cmd? ");
+ my $reply = <STDIN>; chomp($reply);
+ {
+ $reply =~ /^f\s*/ and do
+ {
+ my $class = (split(' ', $reply))[1];
+ $class = 'all' if (! $class);
+ my @files;
+ if (eval { @files = $Inst->files($module, $class); })
+ {
+ print("$class files in $module are:\n ",
+ join("\n ", @files), "\n");
+ last CASE;
+ }
+ else
+ { print($@); }
+ };
+ $reply =~ /^d\s*/ and do
+ {
+ my $class = (split(' ', $reply))[1];
+ $class = 'all' if (! $class);
+ my @dirs;
+ if (eval { @dirs = $Inst->directories($module, $class); })
+ {
+ print("$class directories in $module are:\n ",
+ join("\n ", @dirs), "\n");
+ last CASE;
+ }
+ else
+ { print($@); }
+ };
+ $reply =~ /^t\s*/ and do
+ {
+ my $file = (split(' ', $reply))[1];
+ my $tmp = "/tmp/inst.$$";
+ if (my $fh = IO::File->new($tmp, "w"))
+ {
+ $fh->print(join("\n", $Inst->files($module)));
+ $fh->close();
+ system("tar cvf $file -I $tmp");
+ unlink($tmp);
+ last CASE;
+ }
+ else { print("Can't open $file: $!\n"); }
+ last CASE;
+ };
+ $reply eq 'v' and do
+ {
+ if (my @missing = $Inst->validate($module))
+ {
+ print("Files missing from $module are:\n ",
+ join("\n ", @missing), "\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print("$module has no missing files\n");
+ }
+ last CASE;
+ };
+ $reply eq 'q' and do
+ {
+ return;
+ };
+ # Default
+ print($help);
+ }
+ }
+sub toplevel()
+my $help = <<EOF;
+Available commands are:
+ l - List all installed modules
+ m <module> - Select a module
+ q - Quit the program
+while (1)
+ {
+ print("cmd? ");
+ my $reply = <STDIN>; chomp($reply);
+ {
+ $reply eq 'l' and do
+ {
+ print("Installed modules are:\n ", join("\n ", @Modules), "\n");
+ last CASE;
+ };
+ $reply =~ /^m\s+/ and do
+ {
+ do_module((split(' ', $reply))[1]);
+ last CASE;
+ };
+ $reply eq 'q' and do
+ {
+ exit(0);
+ };
+ # Default
+ print($help);
+ }
+ }
+$Inst = ExtUtils::Installed->new();
+@Modules = $Inst->modules();
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/ b/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d80f2a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+package ExtUtils::testlib;
+$VERSION = substr q$Revision: 1.11 $, 10;
+# $Id:,v 1.11 1996/05/31 08:27:07 k Exp $
+use lib qw(blib/arch blib/lib);
+=head1 NAME
+ExtUtils::testlib - add blib/* directories to @INC
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+C<use ExtUtils::testlib;>
+After an extension has been built and before it is installed it may be
+desirable to test it bypassing C<make test>. By adding
+ use ExtUtils::testlib;
+to a test program the intermediate directories used by C<make> are
+added to @INC.
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/typemap b/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/typemap
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28fd99c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/typemap
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+# $Header$
+# basic C types
+int T_IV
+unsigned T_IV
+unsigned int T_IV
+long T_IV
+unsigned long T_IV
+short T_IV
+unsigned short T_IV
+char T_CHAR
+unsigned char T_U_CHAR
+char * T_PV
+unsigned char * T_PV
+caddr_t T_PV
+wchar_t * T_PV
+wchar_t T_IV
+bool_t T_IV
+size_t T_IV
+ssize_t T_IV
+time_t T_NV
+unsigned long * T_OPAQUEPTR
+char ** T_PACKED
+void * T_PTR
+Time_t * T_PV
+SV * T_SV
+I32 T_IV
+I16 T_IV
+I8 T_IV
+U8 T_IV
+Result T_U_CHAR
+Boolean T_IV
+double T_DOUBLE
+SysRetLong T_SYSRET
+FileHandle T_PTROBJ
+InputStream T_IN
+InOutStream T_INOUT
+OutputStream T_OUT
+bool T_BOOL
+ $var = $arg
+ if (sv_isa($arg, \"${ntype}\"))
+ $var = (SV*)SvRV($arg);
+ else
+ croak(\"$var is not of type ${ntype}\")
+ if (sv_isa($arg, \"${ntype}\"))
+ $var = (AV*)SvRV($arg);
+ else
+ croak(\"$var is not of type ${ntype}\")
+ if (sv_isa($arg, \"${ntype}\"))
+ $var = (HV*)SvRV($arg);
+ else
+ croak(\"$var is not of type ${ntype}\")
+ if (sv_isa($arg, \"${ntype}\"))
+ $var = (CV*)SvRV($arg);
+ else
+ croak(\"$var is not of type ${ntype}\")
+ $var = ($type)SvIV($arg)
+ $var = (int)SvIV($arg)
+ $var = ($type)SvIV($arg)
+ $var = (int)SvIV($arg)
+ $var = (unsigned int)SvIV($arg)
+ $var = (short)SvIV($arg)
+ $var = (unsigned short)SvIV($arg)
+ $var = (long)SvIV($arg)
+ $var = (unsigned long)SvIV($arg)
+ $var = (char)*SvPV($arg,PL_na)
+ $var = (unsigned char)SvIV($arg)
+ $var = (float)SvNV($arg)
+ $var = ($type)SvNV($arg)
+ $var = (double)SvNV($arg)
+ $var = ($type)SvPV($arg,PL_na)
+ $var = ($type)SvIV($arg)
+ if (SvROK($arg)) {
+ IV tmp = SvIV((SV*)SvRV($arg));
+ $var = ($type) tmp;
+ }
+ else
+ croak(\"$var is not a reference\")
+ if (sv_isa($arg, \"${type}\")) {
+ IV tmp = SvIV((SV*)SvRV($arg));
+ $var = *($type *) tmp;
+ }
+ else
+ croak(\"$var is not of type ${ntype}\")
+ if (sv_isa($arg, \"${type}\")) {
+ IV tmp = SvIV((SV*)SvRV($arg));
+ $var = ($type) tmp;
+ }
+ else
+ croak(\"$var is not of type ${ntype}\")
+ if (sv_derived_from($arg, \"${ntype}\")) {
+ IV tmp = SvIV((SV*)SvRV($arg));
+ $var = ($type) tmp;
+ }
+ else
+ croak(\"$var is not of type ${ntype}\")
+ if (sv_isa($arg, \"${ntype}\")) {
+ IV tmp = SvIV((SV*)SvRV($arg));
+ ${type}_desc = (\U${type}_DESC\E*) tmp;
+ $var = ${type}_desc->ptr;
+ }
+ else
+ croak(\"$var is not of type ${ntype}\")
+ if (SvROK($arg)) {
+ IV tmp = SvIV((SV*)SvRV($arg));
+ $var = *($type) tmp;
+ }
+ else
+ croak(\"$var is not a reference\")
+ if (sv_isa($arg, \"${ntype}\")) {
+ IV tmp = SvIV((SV*)SvRV($arg));
+ $var = *($type) tmp;
+ }
+ else
+ croak(\"$var is not of type ${ntype}\")
+ $var = ($type)SvPV($arg,PL_na)
+ $var = XS_unpack_$ntype($arg)
+ $var = XS_unpack_$ntype($arg)
+ $var = make_perl_cb_$type($arg)
+ $var = $ntype(items -= $argoff);
+ U32 ix_$var = $argoff;
+ while (items--) {
+ }
+ $var = IoIFP(sv_2io($arg))
+ $var = IoIFP(sv_2io($arg))
+ $var = IoOFP(sv_2io($arg))
+ $arg = $var;
+ $arg = newRV((SV*)$var);
+ $arg = newRV((SV*)$var);
+ $arg = newRV((SV*)$var);
+ $arg = newRV((SV*)$var);
+ sv_setiv($arg, (IV)$var);
+ sv_setiv($arg, (IV)$var);
+ if ($var != -1) {
+ if ($var == 0)
+ sv_setpvn($arg, "0 but true", 10);
+ else
+ sv_setiv($arg, (IV)$var);
+ }
+ sv_setiv($arg, (IV)$var);
+ $arg = boolSV($var);
+ sv_setiv($arg, (IV)$var);
+ sv_setiv($arg, (IV)$var);
+ sv_setiv($arg, (IV)$var);
+ sv_setiv($arg, (IV)$var);
+ sv_setiv($arg, (IV)$var);
+ sv_setpvn($arg, (char *)&$var, 1);
+ sv_setiv($arg, (IV)$var);
+ sv_setnv($arg, (double)$var);
+ sv_setnv($arg, (double)$var);
+ sv_setnv($arg, (double)$var);
+ sv_setpv((SV*)$arg, $var);
+ sv_setiv($arg, (IV)$var);
+ sv_setref_pv($arg, Nullch, (void*)$var);
+ sv_setref_pv($arg, \"${ntype}\", (void*)new $ntype($var));
+ sv_setref_pv($arg, \"${ntype}\", (void*)$var);
+ sv_setref_pv($arg, \"${ntype}\", (void*)$var);
+ sv_setref_pv($arg, \"${ntype}\", (void*)new\U${type}_DESC\E($var));
+ sv_setrefref($arg, \"${ntype}\", XS_service_$ntype,
+ ($var ? (void*)new $ntype($var) : 0));
+ sv_setpvn($arg, (char *)&$var, sizeof($var));
+ sv_setpvn($arg, (char *)$var, sizeof(*$var)), XFree((char *)$var);
+ XS_pack_$ntype($arg, $var);
+ XS_pack_$ntype($arg, $var, count_$ntype);
+ sv_setpvn($arg, $var.chp(), $var.size());
+ sv_setpvn($arg, $var.context.value().chp(),
+ $var.context.value().size());
+ ST_EXTEND($var.size);
+ for (U32 ix_$var = 0; ix_$var < $var.size; ix_$var++) {
+ ST(ix_$var) = sv_newmortal();
+ }
+ SP += $var.size - 1;
+ {
+ GV *gv = newGVgen("$Package");
+ if ( do_open(gv, "<&", 2, FALSE, 0, 0, $var) )
+ sv_setsv($arg, sv_bless(newRV((SV*)gv), gv_stashpv("$Package",1)));
+ else
+ $arg = &PL_sv_undef;
+ }
+ {
+ GV *gv = newGVgen("$Package");
+ if ( do_open(gv, "+<&", 3, FALSE, 0, 0, $var) )
+ sv_setsv($arg, sv_bless(newRV((SV*)gv), gv_stashpv("$Package",1)));
+ else
+ $arg = &PL_sv_undef;
+ }
+ {
+ GV *gv = newGVgen("$Package");
+ if ( do_open(gv, "+>&", 3, FALSE, 0, 0, $var) )
+ sv_setsv($arg, sv_bless(newRV((SV*)gv), gv_stashpv("$Package",1)));
+ else
+ $arg = &PL_sv_undef;
+ }
diff --git a/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/xsubpp b/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/xsubpp
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..523dabc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/perl5/lib/ExtUtils/xsubpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1512 @@
+=head1 NAME
+xsubpp - compiler to convert Perl XS code into C code
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<xsubpp> [B<-v>] [B<-C++>] [B<-except>] [B<-s pattern>] [B<-prototypes>] [B<-noversioncheck>] [B<-nolinenumbers>] [B<-typemap typemap>] [B<-object_capi>]... file.xs
+I<xsubpp> will compile XS code into C code by embedding the constructs
+necessary to let C functions manipulate Perl values and creates the glue
+necessary to let Perl access those functions. The compiler uses typemaps to
+determine how to map C function parameters and variables to Perl values.
+The compiler will search for typemap files called I<typemap>. It will use
+the following search path to find default typemaps, with the rightmost
+typemap taking precedence.
+ ../../../typemap:../../typemap:../typemap:typemap
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 5
+=item B<-C++>
+Adds ``extern "C"'' to the C code.
+=item B<-except>
+Adds exception handling stubs to the C code.
+=item B<-typemap typemap>
+Indicates that a user-supplied typemap should take precedence over the
+default typemaps. This option may be used multiple times, with the last
+typemap having the highest precedence.
+=item B<-v>
+Prints the I<xsubpp> version number to standard output, then exits.
+=item B<-prototypes>
+By default I<xsubpp> will not automatically generate prototype code for
+all xsubs. This flag will enable prototypes.
+=item B<-noversioncheck>
+Disables the run time test that determines if the object file (derived
+from the C<.xs> file) and the C<.pm> files have the same version
+=item B<-nolinenumbers>
+Prevents the inclusion of `#line' directives in the output.
+=item B<-object_capi>
+Compile code as C in a PERL_OBJECT environment.
+No environment variables are used.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Larry Wall
+See the file F<changes.pod>.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+perl(1), perlxs(1), perlxstut(1)
+require 5.002;
+use Cwd;
+use vars '$cplusplus';
+use vars '%v';
+use Config;
+sub Q ;
+# Global Constants
+$XSUBPP_version = "1.9507";
+my ($Is_VMS, $SymSet);
+if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
+ $Is_VMS = 1;
+ # Establish set of global symbols with max length 28, since xsubpp
+ # will later add the 'XS_' prefix.
+ require ExtUtils::XSSymSet;
+ $SymSet = new ExtUtils::XSSymSet 28;
+$FH = 'File0000' ;
+$usage = "Usage: xsubpp [-v] [-C++] [-except] [-prototypes] [-noversioncheck] [-nolinenumbers] [-s pattern] [-typemap typemap]... file.xs\n";
+$proto_re = "[" . quotemeta('\$%&*@;') . "]" ;
+# mjn
+$OBJ = 1 if $Config{'ccflags'} =~ /PERL_OBJECT/i;
+$except = "";
+$WantPrototypes = -1 ;
+$WantVersionChk = 1 ;
+$ProtoUsed = 0 ;
+$WantLineNumbers = 1 ;
+SWITCH: while (@ARGV and $ARGV[0] =~ /^-./) {
+ $flag = shift @ARGV;
+ $flag =~ s/^-// ;
+ $spat = quotemeta shift, next SWITCH if $flag eq 's';
+ $cplusplus = 1, next SWITCH if $flag eq 'C++';
+ $WantPrototypes = 0, next SWITCH if $flag eq 'noprototypes';
+ $WantPrototypes = 1, next SWITCH if $flag eq 'prototypes';
+ $WantVersionChk = 0, next SWITCH if $flag eq 'noversioncheck';
+ $WantVersionChk = 1, next SWITCH if $flag eq 'versioncheck';
+ $WantCAPI = 1, next SWITCH if $flag eq 'object_capi';
+ $except = " TRY", next SWITCH if $flag eq 'except';
+ push(@tm,shift), next SWITCH if $flag eq 'typemap';
+ $WantLineNumbers = 0, next SWITCH if $flag eq 'nolinenumbers';
+ $WantLineNumbers = 1, next SWITCH if $flag eq 'linenumbers';
+ (print "xsubpp version $XSUBPP_version\n"), exit
+ if $flag eq 'v';
+ die $usage;
+if ($WantPrototypes == -1)
+ { $WantPrototypes = 0}
+ { $ProtoUsed = 1 }
+@ARGV == 1 or die $usage;
+($dir, $filename) = $ARGV[0] =~ m#(.*)/(.*)#
+ or ($dir, $filename) = $ARGV[0] =~ m#(.*)\\(.*)#
+ or ($dir, $filename) = $ARGV[0] =~ m#(.*[>\]])(.*)#
+ or ($dir, $filename) = ('.', $ARGV[0]);
+$pwd = cwd();
+++ $IncludedFiles{$ARGV[0]} ;
+my(@XSStack) = ({type => 'none'}); # Stack of conditionals and INCLUDEs
+my($XSS_work_idx, $cpp_next_tmp) = (0, "XSubPPtmpAAAA");
+sub TrimWhitespace
+ $_[0] =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//go ;
+sub TidyType
+ local ($_) = @_ ;
+ # rationalise any '*' by joining them into bunches and removing whitespace
+ s#\s*(\*+)\s*#$1#g;
+ s#(\*+)# $1 #g ;
+ # change multiple whitespace into a single space
+ s/\s+/ /g ;
+ # trim leading & trailing whitespace
+ TrimWhitespace($_) ;
+ $_ ;
+$typemap = shift @ARGV;
+foreach $typemap (@tm) {
+ die "Can't find $typemap in $pwd\n" unless -r $typemap;
+unshift @tm, qw(../../../../lib/ExtUtils/typemap ../../../lib/ExtUtils/typemap
+ ../../lib/ExtUtils/typemap ../../../typemap ../../typemap
+ ../typemap typemap);
+foreach $typemap (@tm) {
+ next unless -e $typemap ;
+ # skip directories, binary files etc.
+ warn("Warning: ignoring non-text typemap file '$typemap'\n"), next
+ unless -T $typemap ;
+ open(TYPEMAP, $typemap)
+ or warn ("Warning: could not open typemap file '$typemap': $!\n"), next;
+ $mode = 'Typemap';
+ $junk = "" ;
+ $current = \$junk;
+ while (<TYPEMAP>) {
+ next if /^\s*#/;
+ my $line_no = $. + 1;
+ if (/^INPUT\s*$/) { $mode = 'Input'; $current = \$junk; next; }
+ if (/^OUTPUT\s*$/) { $mode = 'Output'; $current = \$junk; next; }
+ if (/^TYPEMAP\s*$/) { $mode = 'Typemap'; $current = \$junk; next; }
+ if ($mode eq 'Typemap') {
+ chomp;
+ my $line = $_ ;
+ TrimWhitespace($_) ;
+ # skip blank lines and comment lines
+ next if /^$/ or /^#/ ;
+ my($type,$kind, $proto) = /^\s*(.*?\S)\s+(\S+)\s*($proto_re*)\s*$/ or
+ warn("Warning: File '$typemap' Line $. '$line' TYPEMAP entry needs 2 or 3 columns\n"), next;
+ $type = TidyType($type) ;
+ $type_kind{$type} = $kind ;
+ # prototype defaults to '$'
+ $proto = "\$" unless $proto ;
+ warn("Warning: File '$typemap' Line $. '$line' Invalid prototype '$proto'\n")
+ unless ValidProtoString($proto) ;
+ $proto_letter{$type} = C_string($proto) ;
+ }
+ elsif (/^\s/) {
+ $$current .= $_;
+ }
+ elsif ($mode eq 'Input') {
+ s/\s+$//;
+ $input_expr{$_} = '';
+ $current = \$input_expr{$_};
+ }
+ else {
+ s/\s+$//;
+ $output_expr{$_} = '';
+ $current = \$output_expr{$_};
+ }
+ }
+ close(TYPEMAP);
+foreach $key (keys %input_expr) {
+ $input_expr{$key} =~ s/\n+$//;
+$END = "!End!\n\n"; # "impossible" keyword (multiple newline)
+# Match an XS keyword
+$BLOCK_re= '\s*(' . join('|', qw(
+ )) . "|$END)\\s*:";
+# Input: ($_, @line) == unparsed input.
+# Output: ($_, @line) == (rest of line, following lines).
+# Return: the matched keyword if found, otherwise 0
+sub check_keyword {
+ $_ = shift(@line) while !/\S/ && @line;
+ s/^(\s*)($_[0])\s*:\s*(?:#.*)?/$1/s && $2;
+if ($WantLineNumbers) {
+ {
+ package xsubpp::counter;
+ my ($class, $cfile) = @_;
+ my $buf = "";
+ $SECTION_END_MARKER = "#line --- \"$cfile\"";
+ $line_no = 1;
+ bless \$buf;
+ }
+ sub PRINT {
+ my $self = shift;
+ for (@_) {
+ $$self .= $_;
+ while ($$self =~ s/^([^\n]*\n)//) {
+ my $line = $1;
+ ++ $line_no;
+ $line =~ s|^\#line\s+---(?=\s)|#line $line_no|;
+ print STDOUT $line;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ sub PRINTF {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $fmt = shift;
+ $self->PRINT(sprintf($fmt, @_));
+ }
+ sub DESTROY {
+ # Not necessary if we're careful to end with a "\n"
+ my $self = shift;
+ print STDOUT $$self;
+ }
+ }
+ my $cfile = $filename;
+ $cfile =~ s/\.xs$/.c/i or $cfile .= ".c";
+ tie(*PSEUDO_STDOUT, 'xsubpp::counter', $cfile);
+sub print_section {
+ # the "do" is required for right semantics
+ do { $_ = shift(@line) } while !/\S/ && @line;
+ print("#line ", $line_no[@line_no - @line -1], " \"$filename\"\n")
+ if $WantLineNumbers && !/^\s*#\s*line\b/ && !/^#if XSubPPtmp/;
+ for (; defined($_) && !/^$BLOCK_re/o; $_ = shift(@line)) {
+ print "$_\n";
+ }
+ print "$xsubpp::counter::SECTION_END_MARKER\n" if $WantLineNumbers;
+sub merge_section {
+ my $in = '';
+ while (!/\S/ && @line) {
+ $_ = shift(@line);
+ }
+ for (; defined($_) && !/^$BLOCK_re/o; $_ = shift(@line)) {
+ $in .= "$_\n";
+ }
+ chomp $in;
+ return $in;
+sub process_keyword($)
+ my($pattern) = @_ ;
+ my $kwd ;
+ &{"${kwd}_handler"}()
+ while $kwd = check_keyword($pattern) ;
+sub CASE_handler {
+ blurt ("Error: `CASE:' after unconditional `CASE:'")
+ if $condnum && $cond eq '';
+ $cond = $_;
+ TrimWhitespace($cond);
+ print " ", ($condnum++ ? " else" : ""), ($cond ? " if ($cond)\n" : "\n");
+ $_ = '' ;
+sub INPUT_handler {
+ for (; !/^$BLOCK_re/o; $_ = shift(@line)) {
+ last if /^\s*NOT_IMPLEMENTED_YET/;
+ next unless /\S/; # skip blank lines
+ TrimWhitespace($_) ;
+ my $line = $_ ;
+ # remove trailing semicolon if no initialisation
+ s/\s*;$//g unless /[=;+].*\S/ ;
+ # check for optional initialisation code
+ my $var_init = '' ;
+ $var_init = $1 if s/\s*([=;+].*)$//s ;
+ $var_init =~ s/"/\\"/g;
+ s/\s+/ /g;
+ my ($var_type, $var_addr, $var_name) = /^(.*?[^& ]) *(\&?) *\b(\w+)$/s
+ or blurt("Error: invalid argument declaration '$line'"), next;
+ # Check for duplicate definitions
+ blurt ("Error: duplicate definition of argument '$var_name' ignored"), next
+ if $arg_list{$var_name} ++ ;
+ $thisdone |= $var_name eq "THIS";
+ $retvaldone |= $var_name eq "RETVAL";
+ $var_types{$var_name} = $var_type;
+ print "\t" . &map_type($var_type);
+ $var_num = $args_match{$var_name};
+ $proto_arg[$var_num] = ProtoString($var_type)
+ if $var_num ;
+ if ($var_addr) {
+ $var_addr{$var_name} = 1;
+ $func_args =~ s/\b($var_name)\b/&$1/;
+ }
+ if ($var_init =~ /^[=;]\s*NO_INIT\s*;?\s*$/) {
+ print "\t$var_name;\n";
+ } elsif ($var_init =~ /\S/) {
+ &output_init($var_type, $var_num, $var_name, $var_init);
+ } elsif ($var_num) {
+ # generate initialization code
+ &generate_init($var_type, $var_num, $var_name);
+ } else {
+ print ";\n";
+ }
+ }
+sub OUTPUT_handler {
+ for (; !/^$BLOCK_re/o; $_ = shift(@line)) {
+ next unless /\S/;
+ if (/^\s*SETMAGIC\s*:\s*(ENABLE|DISABLE)\s*/) {
+ $DoSetMagic = ($1 eq "ENABLE" ? 1 : 0);
+ next;
+ }
+ my ($outarg, $outcode) = /^\s*(\S+)\s*(.*?)\s*$/s ;
+ blurt ("Error: duplicate OUTPUT argument '$outarg' ignored"), next
+ if $outargs{$outarg} ++ ;
+ if (!$gotRETVAL and $outarg eq 'RETVAL') {
+ # deal with RETVAL last
+ $RETVAL_code = $outcode ;
+ $gotRETVAL = 1 ;
+ next ;
+ }
+ blurt ("Error: OUTPUT $outarg not an argument"), next
+ unless defined($args_match{$outarg});
+ blurt("Error: No input definition for OUTPUT argument '$outarg' - ignored"), next
+ unless defined $var_types{$outarg} ;
+ $var_num = $args_match{$outarg};
+ if ($outcode) {
+ print "\t$outcode\n";
+ print "\tSvSETMAGIC(ST(" , $var_num-1 , "));\n" if $DoSetMagic;
+ } else {
+ &generate_output($var_types{$outarg}, $var_num, $outarg, $DoSetMagic);
+ }
+ }
+sub C_ARGS_handler() {
+ my $in = merge_section();
+ TrimWhitespace($in);
+ $func_args = $in;
+sub INTERFACE_MACRO_handler() {
+ my $in = merge_section();
+ TrimWhitespace($in);
+ if ($in =~ /\s/) { # two
+ ($interface_macro, $interface_macro_set) = split ' ', $in;
+ } else {
+ $interface_macro = $in;
+ $interface_macro_set = 'UNKNOWN_CVT'; # catch later
+ }
+ $interface = 1; # local
+ $Interfaces = 1; # global
+sub INTERFACE_handler() {
+ my $in = merge_section();
+ TrimWhitespace($in);
+ foreach (split /[\s,]+/, $in) {
+ $Interfaces{$_} = $_;
+ }
+ print Q<<"EOF";
+# XSFUNCTION = $interface_macro($ret_type,cv,XSANY.any_dptr);
+ $interface = 1; # local
+ $Interfaces = 1; # global
+sub CLEANUP_handler() { print_section() }
+sub PREINIT_handler() { print_section() }
+sub INIT_handler() { print_section() }
+sub GetAliases
+ my ($line) = @_ ;
+ my ($orig) = $line ;
+ my ($alias) ;
+ my ($value) ;
+ # Parse alias definitions
+ # format is
+ # alias = value alias = value ...
+ while ($line =~ s/^\s*([\w:]+)\s*=\s*(\w+)\s*//) {
+ $alias = $1 ;
+ $orig_alias = $alias ;
+ $value = $2 ;
+ # check for optional package definition in the alias
+ $alias = $Packprefix . $alias if $alias !~ /::/ ;
+ # check for duplicate alias name & duplicate value
+ Warn("Warning: Ignoring duplicate alias '$orig_alias'")
+ if defined $XsubAliases{$alias} ;
+ Warn("Warning: Aliases '$orig_alias' and '$XsubAliasValues{$value}' have identical values")
+ if $XsubAliasValues{$value} ;
+ $XsubAliases = 1;
+ $XsubAliases{$alias} = $value ;
+ $XsubAliasValues{$value} = $orig_alias ;
+ }
+ blurt("Error: Cannot parse ALIAS definitions from '$orig'")
+ if $line ;
+sub ALIAS_handler ()
+ for (; !/^$BLOCK_re/o; $_ = shift(@line)) {
+ next unless /\S/;
+ TrimWhitespace($_) ;
+ GetAliases($_) if $_ ;
+ }
+sub REQUIRE_handler ()
+ # the rest of the current line should contain a version number
+ my ($Ver) = $_ ;
+ TrimWhitespace($Ver) ;
+ death ("Error: REQUIRE expects a version number")
+ unless $Ver ;
+ # check that the version number is of the form n.n
+ death ("Error: REQUIRE: expected a number, got '$Ver'")
+ unless $Ver =~ /^\d+(\.\d*)?/ ;
+ death ("Error: xsubpp $Ver (or better) required--this is only $XSUBPP_version.")
+ unless $XSUBPP_version >= $Ver ;
+sub VERSIONCHECK_handler ()
+ # the rest of the current line should contain either ENABLE or
+ TrimWhitespace($_) ;
+ # check for ENABLE/DISABLE
+ unless /^(ENABLE|DISABLE)/i ;
+ $WantVersionChk = 1 if $1 eq 'ENABLE' ;
+ $WantVersionChk = 0 if $1 eq 'DISABLE' ;
+sub PROTOTYPE_handler ()
+ my $specified ;
+ death("Error: Only 1 PROTOTYPE definition allowed per xsub")
+ if $proto_in_this_xsub ++ ;
+ for (; !/^$BLOCK_re/o; $_ = shift(@line)) {
+ next unless /\S/;
+ $specified = 1 ;
+ TrimWhitespace($_) ;
+ if ($_ eq 'DISABLE') {
+ $ProtoThisXSUB = 0
+ }
+ elsif ($_ eq 'ENABLE') {
+ $ProtoThisXSUB = 1
+ }
+ else {
+ # remove any whitespace
+ s/\s+//g ;
+ death("Error: Invalid prototype '$_'")
+ unless ValidProtoString($_) ;
+ $ProtoThisXSUB = C_string($_) ;
+ }
+ }
+ # If no prototype specified, then assume empty prototype ""
+ $ProtoThisXSUB = 2 unless $specified ;
+ $ProtoUsed = 1 ;
+sub SCOPE_handler ()
+ death("Error: Only 1 SCOPE declaration allowed per xsub")
+ if $scope_in_this_xsub ++ ;
+ for (; !/^$BLOCK_re/o; $_ = shift(@line)) {
+ next unless /\S/;
+ TrimWhitespace($_) ;
+ if ($_ =~ /^DISABLE/i) {
+ $ScopeThisXSUB = 0
+ }
+ elsif ($_ =~ /^ENABLE/i) {
+ $ScopeThisXSUB = 1
+ }
+ }
+sub PROTOTYPES_handler ()
+ # the rest of the current line should contain either ENABLE or
+ TrimWhitespace($_) ;
+ # check for ENABLE/DISABLE
+ unless /^(ENABLE|DISABLE)/i ;
+ $WantPrototypes = 1 if $1 eq 'ENABLE' ;
+ $WantPrototypes = 0 if $1 eq 'DISABLE' ;
+ $ProtoUsed = 1 ;
+sub INCLUDE_handler ()
+ # the rest of the current line should contain a valid filename
+ TrimWhitespace($_) ;
+ death("INCLUDE: filename missing")
+ unless $_ ;
+ death("INCLUDE: output pipe is illegal")
+ if /^\s*\|/ ;
+ # simple minded recursion detector
+ death("INCLUDE loop detected")
+ if $IncludedFiles{$_} ;
+ ++ $IncludedFiles{$_} unless /\|\s*$/ ;
+ # Save the current file context.
+ push(@XSStack, {
+ type => 'file',
+ LastLine => $lastline,
+ LastLineNo => $lastline_no,
+ Line => \@line,
+ LineNo => \@line_no,
+ Filename => $filename,
+ Handle => $FH,
+ }) ;
+ ++ $FH ;
+ # open the new file
+ open ($FH, "$_") or death("Cannot open '$_': $!") ;
+ print Q<<"EOF" ;
+#/* INCLUDE: Including '$_' from '$filename' */
+ $filename = $_ ;
+ # Prime the pump by reading the first
+ # non-blank line
+ # skip leading blank lines
+ while (<$FH>) {
+ last unless /^\s*$/ ;
+ }
+ $lastline = $_ ;
+ $lastline_no = $. ;
+sub PopFile()
+ return 0 unless $XSStack[-1]{type} eq 'file' ;
+ my $data = pop @XSStack ;
+ my $ThisFile = $filename ;
+ my $isPipe = ($filename =~ /\|\s*$/) ;
+ -- $IncludedFiles{$filename}
+ unless $isPipe ;
+ close $FH ;
+ $FH = $data->{Handle} ;
+ $filename = $data->{Filename} ;
+ $lastline = $data->{LastLine} ;
+ $lastline_no = $data->{LastLineNo} ;
+ @line = @{ $data->{Line} } ;
+ @line_no = @{ $data->{LineNo} } ;
+ if ($isPipe and $? ) {
+ -- $lastline_no ;
+ print STDERR "Error reading from pipe '$ThisFile': $! in $filename, line $lastline_no\n" ;
+ exit 1 ;
+ }
+ print Q<<"EOF" ;
+#/* INCLUDE: Returning to '$filename' from '$ThisFile' */
+ return 1 ;
+sub ValidProtoString ($)
+ my($string) = @_ ;
+ if ( $string =~ /^$proto_re+$/ ) {
+ return $string ;
+ }
+ return 0 ;
+sub C_string ($)
+ my($string) = @_ ;
+ $string =~ s[\\][\\\\]g ;
+ $string ;
+sub ProtoString ($)
+ my ($type) = @_ ;
+ $proto_letter{$type} or "\$" ;
+sub check_cpp {
+ my @cpp = grep(/^\#\s*(?:if|e\w+)/, @line);
+ if (@cpp) {
+ my ($cpp, $cpplevel);
+ for $cpp (@cpp) {
+ if ($cpp =~ /^\#\s*if/) {
+ $cpplevel++;
+ } elsif (!$cpplevel) {
+ Warn("Warning: #else/elif/endif without #if in this function");
+ print STDERR " (precede it with a blank line if the matching #if is outside the function)\n"
+ if $XSStack[-1]{type} eq 'if';
+ return;
+ } elsif ($cpp =~ /^\#\s*endif/) {
+ $cpplevel--;
+ }
+ }
+ Warn("Warning: #if without #endif in this function") if $cpplevel;
+ }
+sub Q {
+ my($text) = @_;
+ $text =~ s/^#//gm;
+ $text =~ s/\[\[/{/g;
+ $text =~ s/\]\]/}/g;
+ $text;
+open($FH, $filename) or die "cannot open $filename: $!\n";
+# Identify the version of xsubpp used
+print <<EOM ;
+ * This file was generated automatically by xsubpp version $XSUBPP_version from the
+ * contents of $filename. Do not edit this file, edit $filename instead.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+print("#line 1 \"$filename\"\n")
+ if $WantLineNumbers;
+while (<$FH>) {
+ last if ($Module, $Package, $Prefix) =
+ /^MODULE\s*=\s*([\w:]+)(?:\s+PACKAGE\s*=\s*([\w:]+))?(?:\s+PREFIX\s*=\s*(\S+))?\s*$/;
+ if ($OBJ) {
+ s/#if(?:def|\s+defined)\s+(\(__cplusplus\)|__cplusplus)/#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(PERL_OBJECT)/;
+ }
+ print $_;
+&Exit unless defined $_;
+print "$xsubpp::counter::SECTION_END_MARKER\n" if $WantLineNumbers;
+$lastline = $_;
+$lastline_no = $.;
+# Read next xsub into @line from ($lastline, <$FH>).
+sub fetch_para {
+ # parse paragraph
+ death ("Error: Unterminated `#if/#ifdef/#ifndef'")
+ if !defined $lastline && $XSStack[-1]{type} eq 'if';
+ @line = ();
+ @line_no = () ;
+ return PopFile() if !defined $lastline;
+ if ($lastline =~
+ /^MODULE\s*=\s*([\w:]+)(?:\s+PACKAGE\s*=\s*([\w:]+))?(?:\s+PREFIX\s*=\s*(\S+))?\s*$/) {
+ $Module = $1;
+ $Package = defined($2) ? $2 : ''; # keep -w happy
+ $Prefix = defined($3) ? $3 : ''; # keep -w happy
+ $Prefix = quotemeta $Prefix ;
+ ($Module_cname = $Module) =~ s/\W/_/g;
+ ($Packid = $Package) =~ tr/:/_/;
+ $Packprefix = $Package;
+ $Packprefix .= "::" if $Packprefix ne "";
+ $lastline = "";
+ }
+ for(;;) {
+ if ($lastline !~ /^\s*#/ ||
+ # CPP directives:
+ # ANSI: if ifdef ifndef elif else endif define undef
+ # line error pragma
+ # gcc: warning include_next
+ # obj-c: import
+ # others: ident (gcc notes that some cpps have this one)
+ $lastline =~ /^#[ \t]*(?:(?:if|ifn?def|elif|else|endif|define|undef|pragma|error|warning|line\s+\d+|ident)\b|(?:include(?:_next)?|import)\s*["<].*[>"])/) {
+ last if $lastline =~ /^\S/ && @line && $line[-1] eq "";
+ push(@line, $lastline);
+ push(@line_no, $lastline_no) ;
+ }
+ # Read next line and continuation lines
+ last unless defined($lastline = <$FH>);
+ $lastline_no = $.;
+ my $tmp_line;
+ $lastline .= $tmp_line
+ while ($lastline =~ /\\$/ && defined($tmp_line = <$FH>));
+ chomp $lastline;
+ $lastline =~ s/^\s+$//;
+ }
+ pop(@line), pop(@line_no) while @line && $line[-1] eq "";
+ 1;
+while (fetch_para()) {
+ # Print initial preprocessor statements and blank lines
+ while (@line && $line[0] !~ /^[^\#]/) {
+ my $line = shift(@line);
+ print $line, "\n";
+ next unless $line =~ /^\#\s*((if)(?:n?def)?|elsif|else|endif)\b/;
+ my $statement = $+;
+ if ($statement eq 'if') {
+ $XSS_work_idx = @XSStack;
+ push(@XSStack, {type => 'if'});
+ } else {
+ death ("Error: `$statement' with no matching `if'")
+ if $XSStack[-1]{type} ne 'if';
+ if ($XSStack[-1]{varname}) {
+ push(@InitFileCode, "#endif\n");
+ push(@BootCode, "#endif");
+ }
+ my(@fns) = keys %{$XSStack[-1]{functions}};
+ if ($statement ne 'endif') {
+ # Hide the functions defined in other #if branches, and reset.
+ @{$XSStack[-1]{other_functions}}{@fns} = (1) x @fns;
+ @{$XSStack[-1]}{qw(varname functions)} = ('', {});
+ } else {
+ my($tmp) = pop(@XSStack);
+ 0 while (--$XSS_work_idx
+ && $XSStack[$XSS_work_idx]{type} ne 'if');
+ # Keep all new defined functions
+ push(@fns, keys %{$tmp->{other_functions}});
+ @{$XSStack[$XSS_work_idx]{functions}}{@fns} = (1) x @fns;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ next PARAGRAPH unless @line;
+ if ($XSS_work_idx && !$XSStack[$XSS_work_idx]{varname}) {
+ # We are inside an #if, but have not yet #defined its xsubpp variable.
+ print "#define $cpp_next_tmp 1\n\n";
+ push(@InitFileCode, "#if $cpp_next_tmp\n");
+ push(@BootCode, "#if $cpp_next_tmp");
+ $XSStack[$XSS_work_idx]{varname} = $cpp_next_tmp++;
+ }
+ death ("Code is not inside a function"
+ ." (maybe last function was ended by a blank line "
+ ." followed by a a statement on column one?)")
+ if $line[0] =~ /^\s/;
+ # initialize info arrays
+ undef(%args_match);
+ undef(%var_types);
+ undef(%var_addr);
+ undef(%defaults);
+ undef($class);
+ undef($static);
+ undef($elipsis);
+ undef($wantRETVAL) ;
+ undef(%arg_list) ;
+ undef(@proto_arg) ;
+ undef($proto_in_this_xsub) ;
+ undef($scope_in_this_xsub) ;
+ undef($interface);
+ $interface_macro = 'XSINTERFACE_FUNC' ;
+ $interface_macro_set = 'XSINTERFACE_FUNC_SET' ;
+ $ProtoThisXSUB = $WantPrototypes ;
+ $ScopeThisXSUB = 0;
+ $_ = shift(@line);
+ while ($kwd = check_keyword("REQUIRE|PROTOTYPES|VERSIONCHECK|INCLUDE")) {
+ &{"${kwd}_handler"}() ;
+ next PARAGRAPH unless @line ;
+ $_ = shift(@line);
+ }
+ if (check_keyword("BOOT")) {
+ &check_cpp;
+ push (@BootCode, "#line $line_no[@line_no - @line] \"$filename\"")
+ if $WantLineNumbers && $line[0] !~ /^\s*#\s*line\b/;
+ push (@BootCode, @line, "") ;
+ next PARAGRAPH ;
+ }
+ # extract return type, function name and arguments
+ ($ret_type) = TidyType($_);
+ # a function definition needs at least 2 lines
+ blurt ("Error: Function definition too short '$ret_type'"), next PARAGRAPH
+ unless @line ;
+ $static = 1 if $ret_type =~ s/^static\s+//;
+ $func_header = shift(@line);
+ blurt ("Error: Cannot parse function definition from '$func_header'"), next PARAGRAPH
+ unless $func_header =~ /^(?:([\w:]*)::)?(\w+)\s*\(\s*(.*?)\s*\)\s*(const)?\s*$/s;
+ ($class, $func_name, $orig_args) = ($1, $2, $3) ;
+ $class = "$4 $class" if $4;
+ ($pname = $func_name) =~ s/^($Prefix)?/$Packprefix/;
+ ($clean_func_name = $func_name) =~ s/^$Prefix//;
+ $Full_func_name = "${Packid}_$clean_func_name";
+ if ($Is_VMS) { $Full_func_name = $SymSet->addsym($Full_func_name); }
+ # Check for duplicate function definition
+ for $tmp (@XSStack) {
+ next unless defined $tmp->{functions}{$Full_func_name};
+ Warn("Warning: duplicate function definition '$clean_func_name' detected");
+ last;
+ }
+ $XSStack[$XSS_work_idx]{functions}{$Full_func_name} ++ ;
+ %XsubAliases = %XsubAliasValues = %Interfaces = ();
+ $DoSetMagic = 1;
+ @args = split(/\s*,\s*/, $orig_args);
+ if (defined($class)) {
+ my $arg0 = ((defined($static) or $func_name eq 'new')
+ ? "CLASS" : "THIS");
+ unshift(@args, $arg0);
+ ($orig_args = "$arg0, $orig_args") =~ s/^$arg0, $/$arg0/;
+ }
+ $orig_args =~ s/"/\\"/g;
+ $min_args = $num_args = @args;
+ foreach $i (0..$num_args-1) {
+ if ($args[$i] =~ s/\.\.\.//) {
+ $elipsis = 1;
+ $min_args--;
+ if ($args[$i] eq '' && $i == $num_args - 1) {
+ pop(@args);
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($args[$i] =~ /^([^=]*[^\s=])\s*=\s*(.*)/s) {
+ $min_args--;
+ $args[$i] = $1;
+ $defaults{$args[$i]} = $2;
+ $defaults{$args[$i]} =~ s/"/\\"/g;
+ }
+ $proto_arg[$i+1] = "\$" ;
+ }
+ if (defined($class)) {
+ $func_args = join(", ", @args[1..$#args]);
+ } else {
+ $func_args = join(", ", @args);
+ }
+ @args_match{@args} = 1..@args;
+ $PPCODE = grep(/^\s*PPCODE\s*:/, @line);
+ $CODE = grep(/^\s*CODE\s*:/, @line);
+ # Detect CODE: blocks which use ST(n)= or XST_m*(n,v)
+ # to set explicit return values.
+ ("@line" =~ /(\bST\s*\([^;]*=) | (\bXST_m\w+\s*\()/x ));
+ $ALIAS = grep(/^\s*ALIAS\s*:/, @line);
+ $INTERFACE = grep(/^\s*INTERFACE\s*:/, @line);
+ # print function header
+ print Q<<"EOF";
+ print Q<<"EOF" if $ALIAS ;
+# dXSI32;
+ print Q<<"EOF" if $INTERFACE ;
+# dXSFUNCTION($ret_type);
+ if ($elipsis) {
+ $cond = ($min_args ? qq(items < $min_args) : 0);
+ }
+ elsif ($min_args == $num_args) {
+ $cond = qq(items != $min_args);
+ }
+ else {
+ $cond = qq(items < $min_args || items > $num_args);
+ }
+ print Q<<"EOF" if $except;
+# char errbuf[1024];
+# *errbuf = '\0';
+ if ($ALIAS)
+ { print Q<<"EOF" if $cond }
+# if ($cond)
+# croak("Usage: %s($orig_args)", GvNAME(CvGV(cv)));
+ else
+ { print Q<<"EOF" if $cond }
+# if ($cond)
+# croak("Usage: $pname($orig_args)");
+ print Q<<"EOF" if $PPCODE;
+# SP -= items;
+ # Now do a block of some sort.
+ $condnum = 0;
+ $cond = ''; # last CASE: condidional
+ push(@line, "$END:");
+ push(@line_no, $line_no[-1]);
+ $_ = '';
+ &check_cpp;
+ while (@line) {
+ &CASE_handler if check_keyword("CASE");
+ print Q<<"EOF";
+# $except [[
+ # do initialization of input variables
+ $thisdone = 0;
+ $retvaldone = 0;
+ $deferred = "";
+ %arg_list = () ;
+ $gotRETVAL = 0;
+ INPUT_handler() ;
+ print Q<<"EOF" if $ScopeThisXSUB;
+# [[
+ if (!$thisdone && defined($class)) {
+ if (defined($static) or $func_name eq 'new') {
+ print "\tchar *";
+ $var_types{"CLASS"} = "char *";
+ &generate_init("char *", 1, "CLASS");
+ }
+ else {
+ print "\t$class *";
+ $var_types{"THIS"} = "$class *";
+ &generate_init("$class *", 1, "THIS");
+ }
+ }
+ # do code
+ if (/^\s*NOT_IMPLEMENTED_YET/) {
+ print "\n\tcroak(\"$pname: not implemented yet\");\n";
+ $_ = '' ;
+ } else {
+ if ($ret_type ne "void") {
+ print "\t" . &map_type($ret_type) . "\tRETVAL;\n"
+ if !$retvaldone;
+ $args_match{"RETVAL"} = 0;
+ $var_types{"RETVAL"} = $ret_type;
+ }
+ print $deferred;
+ if (check_keyword("PPCODE")) {
+ print_section();
+ death ("PPCODE must be last thing") if @line;
+ print "\tLEAVE;\n" if $ScopeThisXSUB;
+ print "\tPUTBACK;\n\treturn;\n";
+ } elsif (check_keyword("CODE")) {
+ print_section() ;
+ } elsif (defined($class) and $func_name eq "DESTROY") {
+ print "\n\t";
+ print "delete THIS;\n";
+ } else {
+ print "\n\t";
+ if ($ret_type ne "void") {
+ print "RETVAL = ";
+ $wantRETVAL = 1;
+ }
+ if (defined($static)) {
+ if ($func_name eq 'new') {
+ $func_name = "$class";
+ } else {
+ print "${class}::";
+ }
+ } elsif (defined($class)) {
+ if ($func_name eq 'new') {
+ $func_name .= " $class";
+ } else {
+ print "THIS->";
+ }
+ }
+ $func_name =~ s/^($spat)//
+ if defined($spat);
+ $func_name = 'XSFUNCTION' if $interface;
+ print "$func_name($func_args);\n";
+ }
+ }
+ # do output variables
+ $gotRETVAL = 0;
+ undef $RETVAL_code ;
+ undef %outargs ;
+ process_keyword("OUTPUT|ALIAS|PROTOTYPE");
+ # all OUTPUT done, so now push the return value on the stack
+ if ($gotRETVAL && $RETVAL_code) {
+ print "\t$RETVAL_code\n";
+ } elsif ($gotRETVAL || $wantRETVAL) {
+ # RETVAL almost never needs SvSETMAGIC()
+ &generate_output($ret_type, 0, 'RETVAL', 0);
+ }
+ # do cleanup
+ process_keyword("CLEANUP|ALIAS|PROTOTYPE") ;
+ print Q<<"EOF" if $ScopeThisXSUB;
+# ]]
+ print Q<<"EOF" if $ScopeThisXSUB and not $PPCODE;
+ # print function trailer
+ print Q<<EOF;
+# ]]
+ print Q<<EOF if $except;
+# sprintf(errbuf, "%s: %s\\tpropagated", Xname, Xreason);
+ if (check_keyword("CASE")) {
+ blurt ("Error: No `CASE:' at top of function")
+ unless $condnum;
+ $_ = "CASE: $_"; # Restore CASE: label
+ next;
+ }
+ last if $_ eq "$END:";
+ death(/^$BLOCK_re/o ? "Misplaced `$1:'" : "Junk at end of function");
+ }
+ print Q<<EOF if $except;
+# if (errbuf[0])
+# croak(errbuf);
+ if ($ret_type ne "void" or $EXPLICIT_RETURN) {
+ print Q<<EOF unless $PPCODE;
+ } else {
+ print Q<<EOF unless $PPCODE;
+ }
+ print Q<<EOF;
+ my $newXS = "newXS" ;
+ my $proto = "" ;
+ # Build the prototype string for the xsub
+ if ($ProtoThisXSUB) {
+ $newXS = "newXSproto";
+ if ($ProtoThisXSUB eq 2) {
+ # User has specified empty prototype
+ $proto = ', ""' ;
+ }
+ elsif ($ProtoThisXSUB ne 1) {
+ # User has specified a prototype
+ $proto = ', "' . $ProtoThisXSUB . '"';
+ }
+ else {
+ my $s = ';';
+ if ($min_args < $num_args) {
+ $s = '';
+ $proto_arg[$min_args] .= ";" ;
+ }
+ push @proto_arg, "$s\@"
+ if $elipsis ;
+ $proto = ', "' . join ("", @proto_arg) . '"';
+ }
+ }
+ if (%XsubAliases) {
+ $XsubAliases{$pname} = 0
+ unless defined $XsubAliases{$pname} ;
+ while ( ($name, $value) = each %XsubAliases) {
+ push(@InitFileCode, Q<<"EOF");
+# cv = newXS(\"$name\", XS_$Full_func_name, file);
+# XSANY.any_i32 = $value ;
+ push(@InitFileCode, Q<<"EOF") if $proto;
+# sv_setpv((SV*)cv$proto) ;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($interface) {
+ while ( ($name, $value) = each %Interfaces) {
+ $name = "$Package\::$name" unless $name =~ /::/;
+ push(@InitFileCode, Q<<"EOF");
+# cv = newXS(\"$name\", XS_$Full_func_name, file);
+# $interface_macro_set(cv,$value) ;
+ push(@InitFileCode, Q<<"EOF") if $proto;
+# sv_setpv((SV*)cv$proto) ;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ push(@InitFileCode,
+ " ${newXS}(\"$pname\", XS_$Full_func_name, file$proto);\n");
+ }
+# print initialization routine
+if ($WantCAPI) {
+print Q<<"EOF";
+##ifdef __cplusplus
+#extern "C"
+# char* file = __FILE__;
+} else {
+print Q<<"EOF";
+##ifdef __cplusplus
+#extern "C"
+# char* file = __FILE__;
+print Q<<"EOF" if $WantVersionChk ;
+print Q<<"EOF" if defined $XsubAliases or defined $Interfaces ;
+# {
+# CV * cv ;
+print @InitFileCode;
+print Q<<"EOF" if defined $XsubAliases or defined $Interfaces ;
+# }
+if (@BootCode)
+ print "\n /* Initialisation Section */\n\n" ;
+ @line = @BootCode;
+ print_section();
+ print "\n /* End of Initialisation Section */\n\n" ;
+print Q<<"EOF";;
+if ($WantCAPI) {
+print Q<<"EOF";
+##define XSCAPI(name) void name(CV* cv, void* pPerl)
+##ifdef __cplusplus
+#extern "C"
+# SetCPerlObj(pPerl);
+# boot__CAPI_entry(cv);
+warn("Please specify prototyping behavior for $filename (see perlxs manual)\n")
+ unless $ProtoUsed ;
+sub output_init {
+ local($type, $num, $var, $init) = @_;
+ local($arg) = "ST(" . ($num - 1) . ")";
+ if( $init =~ /^=/ ) {
+ eval qq/print "\\t$var $init\\n"/;
+ warn $@ if $@;
+ } else {
+ if( $init =~ s/^\+// && $num ) {
+ &generate_init($type, $num, $var);
+ } else {
+ eval qq/print "\\t$var;\\n"/;
+ warn $@ if $@;
+ $init =~ s/^;//;
+ }
+ $deferred .= eval qq/"\\n\\t$init\\n"/;
+ warn $@ if $@;
+ }
+sub Warn
+ # work out the line number
+ my $line_no = $line_no[@line_no - @line -1] ;
+ print STDERR "@_ in $filename, line $line_no\n" ;
+sub blurt
+ Warn @_ ;
+ $errors ++
+sub death
+ Warn @_ ;
+ exit 1 ;
+sub generate_init {
+ local($type, $num, $var) = @_;
+ local($arg) = "ST(" . ($num - 1) . ")";
+ local($argoff) = $num - 1;
+ local($ntype);
+ local($tk);
+ $type = TidyType($type) ;
+ blurt("Error: '$type' not in typemap"), return
+ unless defined($type_kind{$type});
+ ($ntype = $type) =~ s/\s*\*/Ptr/g;
+ ($subtype = $ntype) =~ s/(?:Array)?(?:Ptr)?$//;
+ $tk = $type_kind{$type};
+ $tk =~ s/OBJ$/REF/ if $func_name =~ /DESTROY$/;
+ $type =~ tr/:/_/;
+ blurt("Error: No INPUT definition for type '$type' found"), return
+ unless defined $input_expr{$tk} ;
+ $expr = $input_expr{$tk};
+ if ($expr =~ /DO_ARRAY_ELEM/) {
+ blurt("Error: '$subtype' not in typemap"), return
+ unless defined($type_kind{$subtype});
+ blurt("Error: No INPUT definition for type '$subtype' found"), return
+ unless defined $input_expr{$type_kind{$subtype}} ;
+ $subexpr = $input_expr{$type_kind{$subtype}};
+ $subexpr =~ s/ntype/subtype/g;
+ $subexpr =~ s/\$arg/ST(ix_$var)/g;
+ $subexpr =~ s/\n\t/\n\t\t/g;
+ $subexpr =~ s/is not of (.*\")/[arg %d] is not of $1, ix_$var + 1/g;
+ $subexpr =~ s/\$var/${var}[ix_$var - $argoff]/;
+ $expr =~ s/DO_ARRAY_ELEM/$subexpr/;
+ }
+ if ($expr =~ m#/\*.*scope.*\*/#i) { # "scope" in C comments
+ $ScopeThisXSUB = 1;
+ }
+ if (defined($defaults{$var})) {
+ $expr =~ s/(\t+)/$1 /g;
+ $expr =~ s/ /\t/g;
+ eval qq/print "\\t$var;\\n"/;
+ warn $@ if $@;
+ $deferred .= eval qq/"\\n\\tif (items < $num)\\n\\t $var = $defaults{$var};\\n\\telse {\\n$expr;\\n\\t}\\n"/;
+ warn $@ if $@;
+ } elsif ($ScopeThisXSUB or $expr !~ /^\t\$var =/) {
+ eval qq/print "\\t$var;\\n"/;
+ warn $@ if $@;
+ $deferred .= eval qq/"\\n$expr;\\n"/;
+ warn $@ if $@;
+ } else {
+ eval qq/print "$expr;\\n"/;
+ warn $@ if $@;
+ }
+sub generate_output {
+ local($type, $num, $var, $do_setmagic) = @_;
+ local($arg) = "ST(" . ($num - ($num != 0)) . ")";
+ local($argoff) = $num - 1;
+ local($ntype);
+ $type = TidyType($type) ;
+ if ($type =~ /^array\(([^,]*),(.*)\)/) {
+ print "\tsv_setpvn($arg, (char *)$var, $2 * sizeof($1)), XFree((char *)$var);\n";
+ print "\tSvSETMAGIC($arg);\n" if $do_setmagic;
+ } else {
+ blurt("Error: '$type' not in typemap"), return
+ unless defined($type_kind{$type});
+ blurt("Error: No OUTPUT definition for type '$type' found"), return
+ unless defined $output_expr{$type_kind{$type}} ;
+ ($ntype = $type) =~ s/\s*\*/Ptr/g;
+ $ntype =~ s/\(\)//g;
+ ($subtype = $ntype) =~ s/(?:Array)?(?:Ptr)?$//;
+ $expr = $output_expr{$type_kind{$type}};
+ if ($expr =~ /DO_ARRAY_ELEM/) {
+ blurt("Error: '$subtype' not in typemap"), return
+ unless defined($type_kind{$subtype});
+ blurt("Error: No OUTPUT definition for type '$subtype' found"), return
+ unless defined $output_expr{$type_kind{$subtype}} ;
+ $subexpr = $output_expr{$type_kind{$subtype}};
+ $subexpr =~ s/ntype/subtype/g;
+ $subexpr =~ s/\$arg/ST(ix_$var)/g;
+ $subexpr =~ s/\$var/${var}[ix_$var]/g;
+ $subexpr =~ s/\n\t/\n\t\t/g;
+ $expr =~ s/DO_ARRAY_ELEM\n/$subexpr/;
+ eval "print qq\a$expr\a";
+ warn $@ if $@;
+ print "\t\tSvSETMAGIC(ST(ix_$var));\n" if $do_setmagic;
+ }
+ elsif ($var eq 'RETVAL') {
+ if ($expr =~ /^\t\$arg = new/) {
+ # We expect that $arg has refcnt 1, so we need to
+ # mortalize it.
+ eval "print qq\a$expr\a";
+ warn $@ if $@;
+ print "\tsv_2mortal(ST(0));\n";
+ print "\tSvSETMAGIC(ST(0));\n" if $do_setmagic;
+ }
+ elsif ($expr =~ /^\s*\$arg\s*=/) {
+ # We expect that $arg has refcnt >=1, so we need
+ # to mortalize it!
+ eval "print qq\a$expr\a";
+ warn $@ if $@;
+ print "\tsv_2mortal(ST(0));\n";
+ print "\tSvSETMAGIC(ST(0));\n" if $do_setmagic;
+ }
+ else {
+ # Just hope that the entry would safely write it
+ # over an already mortalized value. By
+ # coincidence, something like $arg = &sv_undef
+ # works too.
+ print "\tST(0) = sv_newmortal();\n";
+ eval "print qq\a$expr\a";
+ warn $@ if $@;
+ # new mortals don't have set magic
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($arg =~ /^ST\(\d+\)$/) {
+ eval "print qq\a$expr\a";
+ warn $@ if $@;
+ print "\tSvSETMAGIC($arg);\n" if $do_setmagic;
+ }
+ }
+sub map_type {
+ my($type) = @_;
+ $type =~ tr/:/_/;
+ $type =~ s/^array\(([^,]*),(.*)\).*/$1 */s;
+ $type;
+sub Exit {
+# If this is VMS, the exit status has meaning to the shell, so we
+# use a predictable value (SS$_Normal or SS$_Abort) rather than an
+# arbitrary number.
+# exit ($Is_VMS ? ($errors ? 44 : 1) : $errors) ;
+ exit ($errors ? 1 : 0);
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud