path: root/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Sema/SemaLambda.cpp
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authordim <>2014-11-24 18:11:16 +0000
committerdim <>2014-11-24 18:11:16 +0000
commit6148c19c738a92f344008aa3f88f4e008bada0ee (patch)
treed4426858455f04d0d8c25a2f9eb9ea5582ffe1b6 /contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Sema/SemaLambda.cpp
parent2c8643c6396b0a3db33430cf9380e70bbb9efce0 (diff)
parent173a4f43a911175643bda81ee675e8d9269056ea (diff)
Merge clang 3.5.0 release from ^/vendor/clang/dist, resolve conflicts,
and preserve our customizations, where necessary.
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Sema/SemaLambda.cpp')
1 files changed, 277 insertions, 183 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Sema/SemaLambda.cpp b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Sema/SemaLambda.cpp
index a7d5b65..0cf4ed7 100644
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Sema/SemaLambda.cpp
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Sema/SemaLambda.cpp
@@ -11,125 +11,214 @@
#include "clang/Sema/DeclSpec.h"
+#include "TypeLocBuilder.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTLambda.h"
#include "clang/AST/ExprCXX.h"
#include "clang/Basic/TargetInfo.h"
-#include "clang/Lex/Preprocessor.h"
#include "clang/Sema/Initialization.h"
#include "clang/Sema/Lookup.h"
#include "clang/Sema/Scope.h"
#include "clang/Sema/ScopeInfo.h"
#include "clang/Sema/SemaInternal.h"
#include "clang/Sema/SemaLambda.h"
-#include "TypeLocBuilder.h"
using namespace clang;
using namespace sema;
-// returns -1 if none of the lambdas on the scope stack can capture.
-// A lambda 'L' is capture-ready for a certain variable 'V' if,
-// - its enclosing context is non-dependent
-// - and if the chain of lambdas between L and the lambda in which
-// V is potentially used, call all capture or have captured V.
-static inline int GetScopeIndexOfNearestCaptureReadyLambda(
- ArrayRef<clang::sema::FunctionScopeInfo*> FunctionScopes,
- DeclContext *const CurContext, VarDecl *VD) {
+/// \brief Examines the FunctionScopeInfo stack to determine the nearest
+/// enclosing lambda (to the current lambda) that is 'capture-ready' for
+/// the variable referenced in the current lambda (i.e. \p VarToCapture).
+/// If successful, returns the index into Sema's FunctionScopeInfo stack
+/// of the capture-ready lambda's LambdaScopeInfo.
+/// Climbs down the stack of lambdas (deepest nested lambda - i.e. current
+/// lambda - is on top) to determine the index of the nearest enclosing/outer
+/// lambda that is ready to capture the \p VarToCapture being referenced in
+/// the current lambda.
+/// As we climb down the stack, we want the index of the first such lambda -
+/// that is the lambda with the highest index that is 'capture-ready'.
+/// A lambda 'L' is capture-ready for 'V' (var or this) if:
+/// - its enclosing context is non-dependent
+/// - and if the chain of lambdas between L and the lambda in which
+/// V is potentially used (i.e. the lambda at the top of the scope info
+/// stack), can all capture or have already captured V.
+/// If \p VarToCapture is 'null' then we are trying to capture 'this'.
+/// Note that a lambda that is deemed 'capture-ready' still needs to be checked
+/// for whether it is 'capture-capable' (see
+/// getStackIndexOfNearestEnclosingCaptureCapableLambda), before it can truly
+/// capture.
+/// \param FunctionScopes - Sema's stack of nested FunctionScopeInfo's (which a
+/// LambdaScopeInfo inherits from). The current/deepest/innermost lambda
+/// is at the top of the stack and has the highest index.
+/// \param VarToCapture - the variable to capture. If NULL, capture 'this'.
+/// \returns An Optional<unsigned> Index that if evaluates to 'true' contains
+/// the index (into Sema's FunctionScopeInfo stack) of the innermost lambda
+/// which is capture-ready. If the return value evaluates to 'false' then
+/// no lambda is capture-ready for \p VarToCapture.
+static inline Optional<unsigned>
+ ArrayRef<const clang::sema::FunctionScopeInfo *> FunctionScopes,
+ VarDecl *VarToCapture) {
+ // Label failure to capture.
+ const Optional<unsigned> NoLambdaIsCaptureReady;
+ assert(
+ isa<clang::sema::LambdaScopeInfo>(
+ FunctionScopes[FunctionScopes.size() - 1]) &&
+ "The function on the top of sema's function-info stack must be a lambda");
- DeclContext *EnclosingDC = CurContext;
- // If VD is null, we are attempting to capture 'this'
- const bool IsCapturingThis = !VD;
+ // If VarToCapture is null, we are attempting to capture 'this'.
+ const bool IsCapturingThis = !VarToCapture;
const bool IsCapturingVariable = !IsCapturingThis;
- int RetIndex = -1;
+ // Start with the current lambda at the top of the stack (highest index).
unsigned CurScopeIndex = FunctionScopes.size() - 1;
- while (!EnclosingDC->isTranslationUnit() &&
- EnclosingDC->isDependentContext() && isLambdaCallOperator(EnclosingDC)) {
- RetIndex = CurScopeIndex;
- clang::sema::LambdaScopeInfo *LSI =
- cast<sema::LambdaScopeInfo>(FunctionScopes[CurScopeIndex]);
- // We have crawled up to an intervening lambda that contains the
- // variable declaration - so not only does it not need to capture;
- // none of the enclosing lambdas need to capture it, and since all
- // other nested lambdas are dependent (otherwise we wouldn't have
- // arrived here) - we don't yet have a lambda that can capture the
+ DeclContext *EnclosingDC =
+ cast<sema::LambdaScopeInfo>(FunctionScopes[CurScopeIndex])->CallOperator;
+ do {
+ const clang::sema::LambdaScopeInfo *LSI =
+ cast<sema::LambdaScopeInfo>(FunctionScopes[CurScopeIndex]);
+ // IF we have climbed down to an intervening enclosing lambda that contains
+ // the variable declaration - it obviously can/must not capture the
// variable.
- if (IsCapturingVariable && VD->getDeclContext()->Equals(EnclosingDC))
- return -1;
- // All intervening lambda call operators have to be able to capture.
+ // Since its enclosing DC is dependent, all the lambdas between it and the
+ // innermost nested lambda are dependent (otherwise we wouldn't have
+ // arrived here) - so we don't yet have a lambda that can capture the
+ // variable.
+ if (IsCapturingVariable &&
+ VarToCapture->getDeclContext()->Equals(EnclosingDC))
+ return NoLambdaIsCaptureReady;
+ // For an enclosing lambda to be capture ready for an entity, all
+ // intervening lambda's have to be able to capture that entity. If even
+ // one of the intervening lambda's is not capable of capturing the entity
+ // then no enclosing lambda can ever capture that entity.
+ // For e.g.
+ // const int x = 10;
+ // [=](auto a) { #1
+ // [](auto b) { #2 <-- an intervening lambda that can never capture 'x'
+ // [=](auto c) { #3
+ // f(x, c); <-- can not lead to x's speculative capture by #1 or #2
+ // }; }; };
// If they do not have a default implicit capture, check to see
// if the entity has already been explicitly captured.
- // If even a single dependent enclosing lambda lacks the capability
- // to ever capture this variable, there is no further enclosing
+ // If even a single dependent enclosing lambda lacks the capability
+ // to ever capture this variable, there is no further enclosing
// non-dependent lambda that can capture this variable.
if (LSI->ImpCaptureStyle == sema::LambdaScopeInfo::ImpCap_None) {
- if (IsCapturingVariable && !LSI->isCaptured(VD))
- return -1;
+ if (IsCapturingVariable && !LSI->isCaptured(VarToCapture))
+ return NoLambdaIsCaptureReady;
if (IsCapturingThis && !LSI->isCXXThisCaptured())
- return -1;
+ return NoLambdaIsCaptureReady;
EnclosingDC = getLambdaAwareParentOfDeclContext(EnclosingDC);
+ assert(CurScopeIndex);
- }
+ } while (!EnclosingDC->isTranslationUnit() &&
+ EnclosingDC->isDependentContext() &&
+ isLambdaCallOperator(EnclosingDC));
+ assert(CurScopeIndex < (FunctionScopes.size() - 1));
// If the enclosingDC is not dependent, then the immediately nested lambda
- // is capture-ready.
+ // (one index above) is capture-ready.
if (!EnclosingDC->isDependentContext())
- return RetIndex;
- return -1;
+ return CurScopeIndex + 1;
+ return NoLambdaIsCaptureReady;
-// Given a lambda's call operator and a variable (or null for 'this'),
-// compute the nearest enclosing lambda that is capture-ready (i.e
-// the enclosing context is not dependent, and all intervening lambdas can
-// either implicitly or explicitly capture Var)
-// The approach is as follows, for the entity VD ('this' if null):
-// - start with the current lambda
-// - if it is non-dependent and can capture VD, return it.
-// - if it is dependent and has an implicit or explicit capture, check its parent
-// whether the parent is non-depdendent and all its intervening lambdas
-// can capture, if so return the child.
-// [Note: When we hit a generic lambda specialization, do not climb up
-// the scope stack any further since not only do we not need to,
-// the scope stack will often not be synchronized with any lambdas
-// enclosing the specialized generic lambda]
-// Return the CallOperator of the capturable lambda and set function scope
-// index to the correct index within the function scope stack to correspond
-// to the capturable lambda.
-// If VarDecl *VD is null, we check for 'this' capture.
-CXXMethodDecl* clang::GetInnermostEnclosingCapturableLambda(
- ArrayRef<sema::FunctionScopeInfo*> FunctionScopes,
- unsigned &FunctionScopeIndex,
- DeclContext *const CurContext, VarDecl *VD,
- Sema &S) {
- const int IndexOfCaptureReadyLambda =
- GetScopeIndexOfNearestCaptureReadyLambda(FunctionScopes,CurContext, VD);
- if (IndexOfCaptureReadyLambda == -1) return 0;
- assert(IndexOfCaptureReadyLambda >= 0);
- const unsigned IndexOfCaptureReadyLambdaU =
- static_cast<unsigned>(IndexOfCaptureReadyLambda);
- sema::LambdaScopeInfo *const CaptureReadyLambdaLSI =
- cast<sema::LambdaScopeInfo>(FunctionScopes[IndexOfCaptureReadyLambdaU]);
- // If VD is null, we are attempting to capture 'this'
- const bool IsCapturingThis = !VD;
+/// \brief Examines the FunctionScopeInfo stack to determine the nearest
+/// enclosing lambda (to the current lambda) that is 'capture-capable' for
+/// the variable referenced in the current lambda (i.e. \p VarToCapture).
+/// If successful, returns the index into Sema's FunctionScopeInfo stack
+/// of the capture-capable lambda's LambdaScopeInfo.
+/// Given the current stack of lambdas being processed by Sema and
+/// the variable of interest, to identify the nearest enclosing lambda (to the
+/// current lambda at the top of the stack) that can truly capture
+/// a variable, it has to have the following two properties:
+/// a) 'capture-ready' - be the innermost lambda that is 'capture-ready':
+/// - climb down the stack (i.e. starting from the innermost and examining
+/// each outer lambda step by step) checking if each enclosing
+/// lambda can either implicitly or explicitly capture the variable.
+/// Record the first such lambda that is enclosed in a non-dependent
+/// context. If no such lambda currently exists return failure.
+/// b) 'capture-capable' - make sure the 'capture-ready' lambda can truly
+/// capture the variable by checking all its enclosing lambdas:
+/// - check if all outer lambdas enclosing the 'capture-ready' lambda
+/// identified above in 'a' can also capture the variable (this is done
+/// via tryCaptureVariable for variables and CheckCXXThisCapture for
+/// 'this' by passing in the index of the Lambda identified in step 'a')
+/// \param FunctionScopes - Sema's stack of nested FunctionScopeInfo's (which a
+/// LambdaScopeInfo inherits from). The current/deepest/innermost lambda
+/// is at the top of the stack.
+/// \param VarToCapture - the variable to capture. If NULL, capture 'this'.
+/// \returns An Optional<unsigned> Index that if evaluates to 'true' contains
+/// the index (into Sema's FunctionScopeInfo stack) of the innermost lambda
+/// which is capture-capable. If the return value evaluates to 'false' then
+/// no lambda is capture-capable for \p VarToCapture.
+Optional<unsigned> clang::getStackIndexOfNearestEnclosingCaptureCapableLambda(
+ ArrayRef<const sema::FunctionScopeInfo *> FunctionScopes,
+ VarDecl *VarToCapture, Sema &S) {
+ const Optional<unsigned> NoLambdaIsCaptureCapable;
+ const Optional<unsigned> OptionalStackIndex =
+ getStackIndexOfNearestEnclosingCaptureReadyLambda(FunctionScopes,
+ VarToCapture);
+ if (!OptionalStackIndex)
+ return NoLambdaIsCaptureCapable;
+ const unsigned IndexOfCaptureReadyLambda = OptionalStackIndex.getValue();
+ assert(((IndexOfCaptureReadyLambda != (FunctionScopes.size() - 1)) ||
+ S.getCurGenericLambda()) &&
+ "The capture ready lambda for a potential capture can only be the "
+ "current lambda if it is a generic lambda");
+ const sema::LambdaScopeInfo *const CaptureReadyLambdaLSI =
+ cast<sema::LambdaScopeInfo>(FunctionScopes[IndexOfCaptureReadyLambda]);
+ // If VarToCapture is null, we are attempting to capture 'this'
+ const bool IsCapturingThis = !VarToCapture;
const bool IsCapturingVariable = !IsCapturingThis;
if (IsCapturingVariable) {
- // Now check to see if this lambda can truly capture, and also
- // if all enclosing lambdas of this lambda allow this capture.
+ // Check if the capture-ready lambda can truly capture the variable, by
+ // checking whether all enclosing lambdas of the capture-ready lambda allow
+ // the capture - i.e. make sure it is capture-capable.
QualType CaptureType, DeclRefType;
- const bool CanCaptureVariable = !S.tryCaptureVariable(VD,
- /*ExprVarIsUsedInLoc*/SourceLocation(), clang::Sema::TryCapture_Implicit,
- /*EllipsisLoc*/ SourceLocation(),
- /*BuildAndDiagnose*/false, CaptureType, DeclRefType,
- &IndexOfCaptureReadyLambdaU);
- if (!CanCaptureVariable) return 0;
- } else {
- const bool CanCaptureThis = !S.CheckCXXThisCapture(
- CaptureReadyLambdaLSI->PotentialThisCaptureLocation, false, false,
- &IndexOfCaptureReadyLambdaU);
- if (!CanCaptureThis) return 0;
- } // end 'this' capture test
- FunctionScopeIndex = IndexOfCaptureReadyLambdaU;
- return CaptureReadyLambdaLSI->CallOperator;
+ const bool CanCaptureVariable =
+ !S.tryCaptureVariable(VarToCapture,
+ /*ExprVarIsUsedInLoc*/ SourceLocation(),
+ clang::Sema::TryCapture_Implicit,
+ /*EllipsisLoc*/ SourceLocation(),
+ /*BuildAndDiagnose*/ false, CaptureType,
+ DeclRefType, &IndexOfCaptureReadyLambda);
+ if (!CanCaptureVariable)
+ return NoLambdaIsCaptureCapable;
+ } else {
+ // Check if the capture-ready lambda can truly capture 'this' by checking
+ // whether all enclosing lambdas of the capture-ready lambda can capture
+ // 'this'.
+ const bool CanCaptureThis =
+ !S.CheckCXXThisCapture(
+ CaptureReadyLambdaLSI->PotentialThisCaptureLocation,
+ /*Explicit*/ false, /*BuildAndDiagnose*/ false,
+ &IndexOfCaptureReadyLambda);
+ if (!CanCaptureThis)
+ return NoLambdaIsCaptureCapable;
+ }
+ return IndexOfCaptureReadyLambda;
static inline TemplateParameterList *
@@ -142,17 +231,14 @@ getGenericLambdaTemplateParameterList(LambdaScopeInfo *LSI, Sema &SemaRef) {
SourceLocation LAngleLoc = IntroRange.getBegin();
SourceLocation RAngleLoc = IntroRange.getEnd();
LSI->GLTemplateParameterList = TemplateParameterList::Create(
- SemaRef.Context,
- /*Template kw loc*/SourceLocation(),
- LAngleLoc,
- (NamedDecl**)LSI->,
- LSI->AutoTemplateParams.size(), RAngleLoc);
+ SemaRef.Context,
+ /*Template kw loc*/ SourceLocation(), LAngleLoc,
+ (NamedDecl **)LSI->,
+ LSI->AutoTemplateParams.size(), RAngleLoc);
return LSI->GLTemplateParameterList;
CXXRecordDecl *Sema::createLambdaClosureType(SourceRange IntroducerRange,
TypeSourceInfo *Info,
bool KnownDependent,
@@ -169,7 +255,7 @@ CXXRecordDecl *Sema::createLambdaClosureType(SourceRange IntroducerRange,
return Class;
@@ -230,18 +316,18 @@ Sema::getCurrentMangleNumberContext(const DeclContext *DC,
if ((IsInNonspecializedTemplate &&
!(ManglingContextDecl && isa<ParmVarDecl>(ManglingContextDecl))) ||
isInInlineFunction(CurContext)) {
- ManglingContextDecl = 0;
+ ManglingContextDecl = nullptr;
return &Context.getManglingNumberContext(DC);
- ManglingContextDecl = 0;
- return 0;
+ ManglingContextDecl = nullptr;
+ return nullptr;
case StaticDataMember:
// -- the initializers of nonspecialized static members of template classes
if (!IsInNonspecializedTemplate) {
- ManglingContextDecl = 0;
- return 0;
+ ManglingContextDecl = nullptr;
+ return nullptr;
// Fall through to get the current context.
@@ -277,10 +363,10 @@ CXXMethodDecl *Sema::startLambdaDefinition(CXXRecordDecl *Class,
// dependent type.
if (Class->isDependentContext() || TemplateParams) {
const FunctionProtoType *FPT = MethodType->castAs<FunctionProtoType>();
- QualType Result = FPT->getResultType();
+ QualType Result = FPT->getReturnType();
if (Result->isUndeducedType()) {
Result = SubstAutoType(Result, Context.DependentTy);
- MethodType = Context.getFunctionType(Result, FPT->getArgTypes(),
+ MethodType = Context.getFunctionType(Result, FPT->getParamTypes(),
@@ -317,7 +403,7 @@ CXXMethodDecl *Sema::startLambdaDefinition(CXXRecordDecl *Class,
FunctionTemplateDecl::Create(Context, Class,
Method->getLocation(), MethodName,
- Method) : 0;
+ Method) : nullptr;
if (TemplateMethod) {
@@ -331,10 +417,8 @@ CXXMethodDecl *Sema::startLambdaDefinition(CXXRecordDecl *Class,
const_cast<ParmVarDecl **>(Params.end()),
- for (CXXMethodDecl::param_iterator P = Method->param_begin(),
- PEnd = Method->param_end();
- P != PEnd; ++P)
- (*P)->setOwningFunction(Method);
+ for (auto P : Method->params())
+ P->setOwningFunction(Method);
Decl *ManglingContextDecl;
@@ -369,8 +453,8 @@ void Sema::buildLambdaScope(LambdaScopeInfo *LSI,
LSI->Mutable = Mutable;
if (ExplicitResultType) {
- LSI->ReturnType = CallOperator->getResultType();
+ LSI->ReturnType = CallOperator->getReturnType();
if (!LSI->ReturnType->isDependentType() &&
!LSI->ReturnType->isVoidType()) {
if (RequireCompleteType(CallOperator->getLocStart(), LSI->ReturnType,
@@ -420,7 +504,7 @@ static EnumDecl *findEnumForBlockReturn(Expr *E) {
= dyn_cast<EnumConstantDecl>(DRE->getDecl())) {
return cast<EnumDecl>(D->getDeclContext());
- return 0;
+ return nullptr;
// - it is a comma expression whose RHS is an enumerator-like
@@ -428,7 +512,7 @@ static EnumDecl *findEnumForBlockReturn(Expr *E) {
if (BinaryOperator *BO = dyn_cast<BinaryOperator>(E)) {
if (BO->getOpcode() == BO_Comma)
return findEnumForBlockReturn(BO->getRHS());
- return 0;
+ return nullptr;
// - it is a statement-expression whose value expression is an
@@ -436,7 +520,7 @@ static EnumDecl *findEnumForBlockReturn(Expr *E) {
if (StmtExpr *SE = dyn_cast<StmtExpr>(E)) {
if (Expr *last = dyn_cast_or_null<Expr>(SE->getSubStmt()->body_back()))
return findEnumForBlockReturn(last);
- return 0;
+ return nullptr;
// - it is a ternary conditional operator (not the GNU ?:
@@ -446,7 +530,7 @@ static EnumDecl *findEnumForBlockReturn(Expr *E) {
if (EnumDecl *ED = findEnumForBlockReturn(CO->getTrueExpr()))
if (ED == findEnumForBlockReturn(CO->getFalseExpr()))
return ED;
- return 0;
+ return nullptr;
// (implicitly:)
@@ -467,7 +551,7 @@ static EnumDecl *findEnumForBlockReturn(Expr *E) {
// Otherwise, nope.
- return 0;
+ return nullptr;
/// Attempt to find a type T for which the returned expression of the
@@ -475,7 +559,7 @@ static EnumDecl *findEnumForBlockReturn(Expr *E) {
static EnumDecl *findEnumForBlockReturn(ReturnStmt *ret) {
if (Expr *retValue = ret->getRetValue())
return findEnumForBlockReturn(retValue);
- return 0;
+ return nullptr;
/// Attempt to find a common type T for which all of the returned
@@ -486,16 +570,16 @@ static EnumDecl *findCommonEnumForBlockReturns(ArrayRef<ReturnStmt*> returns) {
// Try to find one for the first return.
EnumDecl *ED = findEnumForBlockReturn(*i);
- if (!ED) return 0;
+ if (!ED) return nullptr;
// Check that the rest of the returns have the same enum.
for (++i; i != e; ++i) {
if (findEnumForBlockReturn(*i) != ED)
- return 0;
+ return nullptr;
// Never infer an anonymous enum type.
- if (!ED->hasNameForLinkage()) return 0;
+ if (!ED->hasNameForLinkage()) return nullptr;
return ED;
@@ -519,7 +603,7 @@ static void adjustBlockReturnsToEnum(Sema &S, ArrayRef<ReturnStmt*> returns,
Expr *E = (cleanups ? cleanups->getSubExpr() : retValue);
E = ImplicitCastExpr::Create(S.Context, returnType, CK_IntegralCast,
- E, /*base path*/ 0, VK_RValue);
+ E, /*base path*/ nullptr, VK_RValue);
if (cleanups) {
} else {
@@ -651,6 +735,9 @@ QualType Sema::performLambdaInitCaptureInitialization(SourceLocation Loc,
return QualType();
} else {
DeduceInit = CXXDirectInit->getExpr(0);
+ if (isa<InitListExpr>(DeduceInit))
+ Diag(CXXDirectInit->getLocStart(), diag::err_init_capture_paren_braces)
+ << DeclarationName(Id) << Loc;
@@ -695,7 +782,7 @@ QualType Sema::performLambdaInitCaptureInitialization(SourceLocation Loc,
if (Result.isInvalid())
return QualType();
- Init = Result.takeAs<Expr>();
+ Init = Result.getAs<Expr>();
// The init-capture initialization is a full-expression that must be
// processed as one before we enter the declcontext of the lambda's
@@ -706,7 +793,7 @@ QualType Sema::performLambdaInitCaptureInitialization(SourceLocation Loc,
if (Result.isInvalid())
return QualType();
- Init = Result.takeAs<Expr>();
+ Init = Result.getAs<Expr>();
return DeducedType;
@@ -732,7 +819,8 @@ VarDecl *Sema::createLambdaInitCaptureVarDecl(SourceLocation Loc,
FieldDecl *Sema::buildInitCaptureField(LambdaScopeInfo *LSI, VarDecl *Var) {
FieldDecl *Field = FieldDecl::Create(
Context, LSI->Lambda, Var->getLocation(), Var->getLocation(),
- 0, Var->getType(), Var->getTypeSourceInfo(), 0, false, ICIS_NoInit);
+ nullptr, Var->getType(), Var->getTypeSourceInfo(), nullptr, false,
+ ICIS_NoInit);
@@ -758,7 +846,7 @@ void Sema::ActOnStartOfLambdaDefinition(LambdaIntroducer &Intro,
// has template params, only then are we in a dependent scope.
if (TemplateParams) {
TmplScope = TmplScope->getParent();
- TmplScope = TmplScope ? TmplScope->getTemplateParamParent() : 0;
+ TmplScope = TmplScope ? TmplScope->getTemplateParamParent() : nullptr;
if (TmplScope && !TmplScope->decl_empty())
KnownDependent = true;
@@ -811,14 +899,10 @@ void Sema::ActOnStartOfLambdaDefinition(LambdaIntroducer &Intro,
ExplicitResultType = FTI.hasTrailingReturnType();
- if (FTI.NumArgs == 1 && !FTI.isVariadic && FTI.ArgInfo[0].Ident == 0 &&
- cast<ParmVarDecl>(FTI.ArgInfo[0].Param)->getType()->isVoidType()) {
- // Empty arg list, don't push any params.
- checkVoidParamDecl(cast<ParmVarDecl>(FTI.ArgInfo[0].Param));
- } else {
- Params.reserve(FTI.NumArgs);
- for (unsigned i = 0, e = FTI.NumArgs; i != e; ++i)
- Params.push_back(cast<ParmVarDecl>(FTI.ArgInfo[i].Param));
+ if (FTIHasNonVoidParameters(FTI)) {
+ Params.reserve(FTI.NumParams);
+ for (unsigned i = 0, e = FTI.NumParams; i != e; ++i)
+ Params.push_back(cast<ParmVarDecl>(FTI.Params[i].Param));
// Check for unexpanded parameter packs in the method type.
@@ -848,27 +932,40 @@ void Sema::ActOnStartOfLambdaDefinition(LambdaIntroducer &Intro,
+ // C++11 [expr.prim.lambda]p9:
+ // A lambda-expression whose smallest enclosing scope is a block scope is a
+ // local lambda expression; any other lambda expression shall not have a
+ // capture-default or simple-capture in its lambda-introducer.
+ //
+ // For simple-captures, this is covered by the check below that any named
+ // entity is a variable that can be captured.
+ //
+ // For DR1632, we also allow a capture-default in any context where we can
+ // odr-use 'this' (in particular, in a default initializer for a non-static
+ // data member).
+ if (Intro.Default != LCD_None && !Class->getParent()->isFunctionOrMethod() &&
+ (getCurrentThisType().isNull() ||
+ CheckCXXThisCapture(SourceLocation(), /*Explicit*/true,
+ /*BuildAndDiagnose*/false)))
+ Diag(Intro.DefaultLoc, diag::err_capture_default_non_local);
// Distinct capture names, for diagnostics.
llvm::SmallSet<IdentifierInfo*, 8> CaptureNames;
// Handle explicit captures.
SourceLocation PrevCaptureLoc
= Intro.Default == LCD_None? Intro.Range.getBegin() : Intro.DefaultLoc;
- for (SmallVectorImpl<LambdaCapture>::const_iterator
- C = Intro.Captures.begin(),
- E = Intro.Captures.end();
- C != E;
+ for (auto C = Intro.Captures.begin(), E = Intro.Captures.end(); C != E;
PrevCaptureLoc = C->Loc, ++C) {
if (C->Kind == LCK_This) {
// C++11 [expr.prim.lambda]p8:
// An identifier or this shall not appear more than once in a
// lambda-capture.
if (LSI->isCXXThisCaptured()) {
- Diag(C->Loc, diag::err_capture_more_than_once)
- << "'this'"
- << SourceRange(LSI->getCXXThisCapture().getLocation())
- << FixItHint::CreateRemoval(
- SourceRange(PP.getLocForEndOfToken(PrevCaptureLoc), C->Loc));
+ Diag(C->Loc, diag::err_capture_more_than_once)
+ << "'this'" << SourceRange(LSI->getCXXThisCapture().getLocation())
+ << FixItHint::CreateRemoval(
+ SourceRange(getLocForEndOfToken(PrevCaptureLoc), C->Loc));
@@ -877,8 +974,8 @@ void Sema::ActOnStartOfLambdaDefinition(LambdaIntroducer &Intro,
// lambda-capture shall not contain this [...].
if (Intro.Default == LCD_ByCopy) {
Diag(C->Loc, diag::err_this_capture_with_copy_default)
- << FixItHint::CreateRemoval(
- SourceRange(PP.getLocForEndOfToken(PrevCaptureLoc), C->Loc));
+ << FixItHint::CreateRemoval(
+ SourceRange(getLocForEndOfToken(PrevCaptureLoc), C->Loc));
@@ -900,7 +997,7 @@ void Sema::ActOnStartOfLambdaDefinition(LambdaIntroducer &Intro,
if (C->Init.isInvalid())
- VarDecl *Var = 0;
+ VarDecl *Var = nullptr;
if (C->Init.isUsable()) {
Diag(C->Loc, getLangOpts().CPlusPlus1y
? diag::warn_cxx11_compat_init_capture
@@ -916,7 +1013,7 @@ void Sema::ActOnStartOfLambdaDefinition(LambdaIntroducer &Intro,
if (C->InitCaptureType.get().isNull())
Var = createLambdaInitCaptureVarDecl(C->Loc, C->InitCaptureType.get(),
- C->Id, C->Init.take());
+ C->Id, C->Init.get());
// C++1y [expr.prim.lambda]p11:
// An init-capture behaves as if it declares and explicitly
// captures a variable [...] whose declarative region is the
@@ -931,13 +1028,13 @@ void Sema::ActOnStartOfLambdaDefinition(LambdaIntroducer &Intro,
// each identifier it contains shall be preceded by &.
if (C->Kind == LCK_ByRef && Intro.Default == LCD_ByRef) {
Diag(C->Loc, diag::err_reference_capture_with_reference_default)
- << FixItHint::CreateRemoval(
- SourceRange(PP.getLocForEndOfToken(PrevCaptureLoc), C->Loc));
+ << FixItHint::CreateRemoval(
+ SourceRange(getLocForEndOfToken(PrevCaptureLoc), C->Loc));
} else if (C->Kind == LCK_ByCopy && Intro.Default == LCD_ByCopy) {
Diag(C->Loc, diag::err_copy_capture_with_copy_default)
- << FixItHint::CreateRemoval(
- SourceRange(PP.getLocForEndOfToken(PrevCaptureLoc), C->Loc));
+ << FixItHint::CreateRemoval(
+ SourceRange(getLocForEndOfToken(PrevCaptureLoc), C->Loc));
@@ -958,6 +1055,8 @@ void Sema::ActOnStartOfLambdaDefinition(LambdaIntroducer &Intro,
Var = R.getAsSingle<VarDecl>();
+ if (Var && DiagnoseUseOfDecl(Var, C->Loc))
+ continue;
// C++11 [expr.prim.lambda]p8:
@@ -966,9 +1065,9 @@ void Sema::ActOnStartOfLambdaDefinition(LambdaIntroducer &Intro,
if (!CaptureNames.insert(C->Id)) {
if (Var && LSI->isCaptured(Var)) {
Diag(C->Loc, diag::err_capture_more_than_once)
- << C->Id << SourceRange(LSI->getCapture(Var).getLocation())
- << FixItHint::CreateRemoval(
- SourceRange(PP.getLocForEndOfToken(PrevCaptureLoc), C->Loc));
+ << C->Id << SourceRange(LSI->getCapture(Var).getLocation())
+ << FixItHint::CreateRemoval(
+ SourceRange(getLocForEndOfToken(PrevCaptureLoc), C->Loc));
} else
// Previous capture captured something different (one or both was
// an init-cpature): no fixit.
@@ -1033,6 +1132,8 @@ void Sema::ActOnStartOfLambdaDefinition(LambdaIntroducer &Intro,
void Sema::ActOnLambdaError(SourceLocation StartLoc, Scope *CurScope,
bool IsInstantiation) {
+ LambdaScopeInfo *LSI = getCurLambda();
// Leave the expression-evaluation context.
@@ -1042,15 +1143,11 @@ void Sema::ActOnLambdaError(SourceLocation StartLoc, Scope *CurScope,
// Finalize the lambda.
- LambdaScopeInfo *LSI = getCurLambda();
CXXRecordDecl *Class = LSI->Lambda;
- SmallVector<Decl*, 4> Fields;
- for (RecordDecl::field_iterator i = Class->field_begin(),
- e = Class->field_end(); i != e; ++i)
- Fields.push_back(*i);
- ActOnFields(0, Class->getLocation(), Class, Fields,
- SourceLocation(), SourceLocation(), 0);
+ SmallVector<Decl*, 4> Fields(Class->fields());
+ ActOnFields(nullptr, Class->getLocation(), Class, Fields, SourceLocation(),
+ SourceLocation(), nullptr);
@@ -1077,8 +1174,9 @@ static void addFunctionPointerConversion(Sema &S,
InvokerExtInfo.TypeQuals = 0;
assert(InvokerExtInfo.RefQualifier == RQ_None &&
"Lambda's call operator should not have a reference qualifier");
- InvokerFunctionTy = S.Context.getFunctionType(CallOpProto->getResultType(),
- CallOpProto->getArgTypes(), InvokerExtInfo);
+ InvokerFunctionTy =
+ S.Context.getFunctionType(CallOpProto->getReturnType(),
+ CallOpProto->getParamTypes(), InvokerExtInfo);
PtrToFunctionTy = S.Context.getPointerType(InvokerFunctionTy);
@@ -1122,7 +1220,7 @@ static void addFunctionPointerConversion(Sema &S,
// Get the result of the conversion function which is a pointer-to-function.
PointerTypeLoc PtrToFunctionTL =
- ConvTL.getResultLoc().getAs<PointerTypeLoc>();
+ ConvTL.getReturnLoc().getAs<PointerTypeLoc>();
// Do the same for the TypeSourceInfo that is used to name the conversion
// operator.
PointerTypeLoc ConvNamePtrToFunctionTL =
@@ -1156,9 +1254,9 @@ static void addFunctionPointerConversion(Sema &S,
- /*DefaultArg=*/0));
- CallOpConvTL.setArg(I, From);
- CallOpConvNameTL.setArg(I, From);
+ /*DefaultArg=*/nullptr));
+ CallOpConvTL.setParam(I, From);
+ CallOpConvNameTL.setParam(I, From);
CXXConversionDecl *Conversion
@@ -1244,7 +1342,7 @@ static void addBlockPointerConversion(Sema &S,
FunctionProtoType::ExtProtoInfo ExtInfo = Proto->getExtProtoInfo();
ExtInfo.TypeQuals = 0;
QualType FunctionTy = S.Context.getFunctionType(
- Proto->getResultType(), Proto->getArgTypes(), ExtInfo);
+ Proto->getReturnType(), Proto->getParamTypes(), ExtInfo);
BlockPtrTy = S.Context.getBlockPointerType(FunctionTy);
@@ -1276,7 +1374,7 @@ ExprResult Sema::ActOnLambdaExpr(SourceLocation StartLoc, Stmt *Body,
Scope *CurScope,
bool IsInstantiation) {
// Collect information from the lambda scope.
- SmallVector<LambdaExpr::Capture, 4> Captures;
+ SmallVector<LambdaCapture, 4> Captures;
SmallVector<Expr *, 4> CaptureInits;
LambdaCaptureDefault CaptureDefault;
SourceLocation CaptureDefaultLoc;
@@ -1309,9 +1407,8 @@ ExprResult Sema::ActOnLambdaExpr(SourceLocation StartLoc, Stmt *Body,
// Handle 'this' capture.
if (From.isThisCapture()) {
- Captures.push_back(LambdaExpr::Capture(From.getLocation(),
- IsImplicit,
- LCK_This));
+ Captures.push_back(
+ LambdaCapture(From.getLocation(), IsImplicit, LCK_This));
CaptureInits.push_back(new (Context) CXXThisExpr(From.getLocation(),
@@ -1320,8 +1417,8 @@ ExprResult Sema::ActOnLambdaExpr(SourceLocation StartLoc, Stmt *Body,
VarDecl *Var = From.getVariable();
LambdaCaptureKind Kind = From.isCopyCapture()? LCK_ByCopy : LCK_ByRef;
- Captures.push_back(LambdaExpr::Capture(From.getLocation(), IsImplicit,
- Kind, Var, From.getEllipsisLoc()));
+ Captures.push_back(LambdaCapture(From.getLocation(), IsImplicit, Kind,
+ Var, From.getEllipsisLoc()));
@@ -1369,7 +1466,7 @@ ExprResult Sema::ActOnLambdaExpr(SourceLocation StartLoc, Stmt *Body,
const FunctionProtoType *Proto
= CallOperator->getType()->getAs<FunctionProtoType>();
QualType FunctionTy = Context.getFunctionType(
- LSI->ReturnType, Proto->getArgTypes(), Proto->getExtProtoInfo());
+ LSI->ReturnType, Proto->getParamTypes(), Proto->getExtProtoInfo());
// C++ [expr.prim.lambda]p7:
@@ -1407,12 +1504,9 @@ ExprResult Sema::ActOnLambdaExpr(SourceLocation StartLoc, Stmt *Body,
addBlockPointerConversion(*this, IntroducerRange, Class, CallOperator);
// Finalize the lambda class.
- SmallVector<Decl*, 4> Fields;
- for (RecordDecl::field_iterator i = Class->field_begin(),
- e = Class->field_end(); i != e; ++i)
- Fields.push_back(*i);
- ActOnFields(0, Class->getLocation(), Class, Fields,
- SourceLocation(), SourceLocation(), 0);
+ SmallVector<Decl*, 4> Fields(Class->fields());
+ ActOnFields(nullptr, Class->getLocation(), Class, Fields, SourceLocation(),
+ SourceLocation(), nullptr);
@@ -1478,7 +1572,7 @@ ExprResult Sema::BuildBlockForLambdaConversion(SourceLocation CurrentLocation,
CurrentLocation, Src);
if (!Init.isInvalid())
- Init = ActOnFinishFullExpr(Init.take());
+ Init = ActOnFinishFullExpr(Init.get());
if (Init.isInvalid())
return ExprError();
@@ -1502,7 +1596,7 @@ ExprResult Sema::BuildBlockForLambdaConversion(SourceLocation CurrentLocation,
- /*DefaultArg=*/0));
+ /*DefaultArg=*/nullptr));
@@ -1514,11 +1608,11 @@ ExprResult Sema::BuildBlockForLambdaConversion(SourceLocation CurrentLocation,
TypeSourceInfo *CapVarTSI =
VarDecl *CapVar = VarDecl::Create(Context, Block, ConvLocation,
- ConvLocation, 0,
+ ConvLocation, nullptr,
Src->getType(), CapVarTSI,
BlockDecl::Capture Capture(/*Variable=*/CapVar, /*ByRef=*/false,
- /*Nested=*/false, /*Copy=*/Init.take());
+ /*Nested=*/false, /*Copy=*/Init.get());
Block->setCaptures(Context, &Capture, &Capture + 1,
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