path: root/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Format/FormatToken.h
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authordim <>2014-03-21 17:53:59 +0000
committerdim <>2014-03-21 17:53:59 +0000
commit9cedb8bb69b89b0f0c529937247a6a80cabdbaec (patch)
treec978f0e9ec1ab92dc8123783f30b08a7fd1e2a39 /contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Format/FormatToken.h
parent03fdc2934eb61c44c049a02b02aa974cfdd8a0eb (diff)
MFC 261991:
Upgrade our copy of llvm/clang to 3.4 release. This version supports all of the features in the current working draft of the upcoming C++ standard, provisionally named C++1y. The code generator's performance is greatly increased, and the loop auto-vectorizer is now enabled at -Os and -O2 in addition to -O3. The PowerPC backend has made several major improvements to code generation quality and compile time, and the X86, SPARC, ARM32, Aarch64 and SystemZ backends have all seen major feature work. Release notes for llvm and clang can be found here: <> <> MFC 262121 (by emaste): Update lldb for clang/llvm 3.4 import This commit largely restores the lldb source to the upstream r196259 snapshot with the addition of threaded inferior support and a few bug fixes. Specific upstream lldb revisions restored include: SVN git 181387 779e6ac 181703 7bef4e2 182099 b31044e 182650 f2dcf35 182683 0d91b80 183862 15c1774 183929 99447a6 184177 0b2934b 184948 4dc3761 184954 007e7bc 186990 eebd175 Sponsored by: DARPA, AFRL MFC 262186 (by emaste): Fix mismerge in r262121 A break statement was lost in the merge. The error had no functional impact, but restore it to reduce the diff against upstream. MFC 262303: Pull in r197521 from upstream clang trunk (by rdivacky): Use the integrated assembler by default on FreeBSD/ppc and ppc64. Requested by: jhibbits MFC 262611: Pull in r196874 from upstream llvm trunk: Fix a crash that occurs when PWD is invalid. MCJIT needs to be able to run in hostile environments, even when PWD is invalid. There's no need to crash MCJIT in this case. The obvious fix is to simply leave MCContext's CompilationDir empty when PWD can't be determined. This way, MCJIT clients, and other clients that link with LLVM don't need a valid working directory. If we do want to guarantee valid CompilationDir, that should be done only for clients of getCompilationDir(). This is as simple as checking for an empty string. The only current use of getCompilationDir is EmitGenDwarfInfo, which won't conceivably run with an invalid working dir. However, in the purely hypothetically and untestable case that this happens, the AT_comp_dir will be omitted from the compilation_unit DIE. This should help fix assertions occurring with ports-mgmt/tinderbox, when it is using jails, and sometimes invalidates clang's current working directory. Reported by: decke MFC 262809: Pull in r203007 from upstream clang trunk: Don't produce an alias between destructors with different calling conventions. Fixes pr19007. (Please note that is an LLVM PR identifier, not a FreeBSD one.) This should fix Firefox and/or libxul crashes (due to problems with regparm/stdcall calling conventions) on i386. Reported by: multiple users on freebsd-current PR: bin/187103 MFC 263048: Repair recognition of "CC" as an alias for the C++ compiler, since it was silently broken by upstream for a Windows-specific use-case. Apparently some versions of CMake still rely on this archaic feature... Reported by: rakuco MFC 263049: Garbage collect the old way of adding the libstdc++ include directories in clang's InitHeaderSearch.cpp. This has been superseded by David Chisnall's commit in r255321. Moreover, if libc++ is used, the libstdc++ include directories should not be in the search path at all. These directories are now only used if you pass -stdlib=libstdc++.
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Format/FormatToken.h')
1 files changed, 452 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Format/FormatToken.h b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Format/FormatToken.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2145ee2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Format/FormatToken.h
@@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
+//===--- FormatToken.h - Format C++ code ------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+/// \file
+/// \brief This file contains the declaration of the FormatToken, a wrapper
+/// around Token with additional information related to formatting.
+#include "clang/Basic/OperatorPrecedence.h"
+#include "clang/Format/Format.h"
+#include "clang/Lex/Lexer.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/OwningPtr.h"
+namespace clang {
+namespace format {
+enum TokenType {
+ TT_ArrayInitializerLSquare,
+ TT_ArraySubscriptLSquare,
+ TT_BinaryOperator,
+ TT_BitFieldColon,
+ TT_BlockComment,
+ TT_CastRParen,
+ TT_ConditionalExpr,
+ TT_CtorInitializerColon,
+ TT_CtorInitializerComma,
+ TT_DesignatedInitializerPeriod,
+ TT_DictLiteral,
+ TT_ImplicitStringLiteral,
+ TT_InlineASMColon,
+ TT_InheritanceColon,
+ TT_FunctionTypeLParen,
+ TT_LambdaLSquare,
+ TT_LineComment,
+ TT_ObjCBlockLParen,
+ TT_ObjCDecl,
+ TT_ObjCForIn,
+ TT_ObjCMethodExpr,
+ TT_ObjCMethodSpecifier,
+ TT_ObjCProperty,
+ TT_ObjCSelectorName,
+ TT_OverloadedOperator,
+ TT_OverloadedOperatorLParen,
+ TT_PointerOrReference,
+ TT_PureVirtualSpecifier,
+ TT_RangeBasedForLoopColon,
+ TT_StartOfName,
+ TT_TemplateCloser,
+ TT_TemplateOpener,
+ TT_TrailingReturnArrow,
+ TT_TrailingUnaryOperator,
+ TT_UnaryOperator,
+ TT_Unknown
+// Represents what type of block a set of braces open.
+enum BraceBlockKind {
+ BK_Unknown,
+ BK_Block,
+ BK_BracedInit
+// The packing kind of a function's parameters.
+enum ParameterPackingKind {
+ PPK_BinPacked,
+ PPK_OnePerLine,
+ PPK_Inconclusive
+enum FormatDecision {
+ FD_Unformatted,
+ FD_Continue,
+ FD_Break
+class TokenRole;
+class AnnotatedLine;
+/// \brief A wrapper around a \c Token storing information about the
+/// whitespace characters preceeding it.
+struct FormatToken {
+ FormatToken()
+ : NewlinesBefore(0), HasUnescapedNewline(false), LastNewlineOffset(0),
+ ColumnWidth(0), LastLineColumnWidth(0), IsMultiline(false),
+ IsFirst(false), MustBreakBefore(false), IsUnterminatedLiteral(false),
+ BlockKind(BK_Unknown), Type(TT_Unknown), SpacesRequiredBefore(0),
+ CanBreakBefore(false), ClosesTemplateDeclaration(false),
+ ParameterCount(0), PackingKind(PPK_Inconclusive), TotalLength(0),
+ UnbreakableTailLength(0), BindingStrength(0), SplitPenalty(0),
+ LongestObjCSelectorName(0), FakeRParens(0),
+ StartsBinaryExpression(false), EndsBinaryExpression(false),
+ LastInChainOfCalls(false), PartOfMultiVariableDeclStmt(false),
+ MatchingParen(NULL), Previous(NULL), Next(NULL),
+ Decision(FD_Unformatted), Finalized(false) {}
+ /// \brief The \c Token.
+ Token Tok;
+ /// \brief The number of newlines immediately before the \c Token.
+ ///
+ /// This can be used to determine what the user wrote in the original code
+ /// and thereby e.g. leave an empty line between two function definitions.
+ unsigned NewlinesBefore;
+ /// \brief Whether there is at least one unescaped newline before the \c
+ /// Token.
+ bool HasUnescapedNewline;
+ /// \brief The range of the whitespace immediately preceeding the \c Token.
+ SourceRange WhitespaceRange;
+ /// \brief The offset just past the last '\n' in this token's leading
+ /// whitespace (relative to \c WhiteSpaceStart). 0 if there is no '\n'.
+ unsigned LastNewlineOffset;
+ /// \brief The width of the non-whitespace parts of the token (or its first
+ /// line for multi-line tokens) in columns.
+ /// We need this to correctly measure number of columns a token spans.
+ unsigned ColumnWidth;
+ /// \brief Contains the width in columns of the last line of a multi-line
+ /// token.
+ unsigned LastLineColumnWidth;
+ /// \brief Whether the token text contains newlines (escaped or not).
+ bool IsMultiline;
+ /// \brief Indicates that this is the first token.
+ bool IsFirst;
+ /// \brief Whether there must be a line break before this token.
+ ///
+ /// This happens for example when a preprocessor directive ended directly
+ /// before the token.
+ bool MustBreakBefore;
+ /// \brief Returns actual token start location without leading escaped
+ /// newlines and whitespace.
+ ///
+ /// This can be different to Tok.getLocation(), which includes leading escaped
+ /// newlines.
+ SourceLocation getStartOfNonWhitespace() const {
+ return WhitespaceRange.getEnd();
+ }
+ /// \brief The raw text of the token.
+ ///
+ /// Contains the raw token text without leading whitespace and without leading
+ /// escaped newlines.
+ StringRef TokenText;
+ /// \brief Set to \c true if this token is an unterminated literal.
+ bool IsUnterminatedLiteral;
+ /// \brief Contains the kind of block if this token is a brace.
+ BraceBlockKind BlockKind;
+ TokenType Type;
+ /// \brief The number of spaces that should be inserted before this token.
+ unsigned SpacesRequiredBefore;
+ /// \brief \c true if it is allowed to break before this token.
+ bool CanBreakBefore;
+ bool ClosesTemplateDeclaration;
+ /// \brief Number of parameters, if this is "(", "[" or "<".
+ ///
+ /// This is initialized to 1 as we don't need to distinguish functions with
+ /// 0 parameters from functions with 1 parameter. Thus, we can simply count
+ /// the number of commas.
+ unsigned ParameterCount;
+ /// \brief A token can have a special role that can carry extra information
+ /// about the token's formatting.
+ llvm::OwningPtr<TokenRole> Role;
+ /// \brief If this is an opening parenthesis, how are the parameters packed?
+ ParameterPackingKind PackingKind;
+ /// \brief The total length of the unwrapped line up to and including this
+ /// token.
+ unsigned TotalLength;
+ /// \brief The original 0-based column of this token, including expanded tabs.
+ /// The configured TabWidth is used as tab width.
+ unsigned OriginalColumn;
+ /// \brief The length of following tokens until the next natural split point,
+ /// or the next token that can be broken.
+ unsigned UnbreakableTailLength;
+ // FIXME: Come up with a 'cleaner' concept.
+ /// \brief The binding strength of a token. This is a combined value of
+ /// operator precedence, parenthesis nesting, etc.
+ unsigned BindingStrength;
+ /// \brief Penalty for inserting a line break before this token.
+ unsigned SplitPenalty;
+ /// \brief If this is the first ObjC selector name in an ObjC method
+ /// definition or call, this contains the length of the longest name.
+ unsigned LongestObjCSelectorName;
+ /// \brief Stores the number of required fake parentheses and the
+ /// corresponding operator precedence.
+ ///
+ /// If multiple fake parentheses start at a token, this vector stores them in
+ /// reverse order, i.e. inner fake parenthesis first.
+ SmallVector<prec::Level, 4> FakeLParens;
+ /// \brief Insert this many fake ) after this token for correct indentation.
+ unsigned FakeRParens;
+ /// \brief \c true if this token starts a binary expression, i.e. has at least
+ /// one fake l_paren with a precedence greater than prec::Unknown.
+ bool StartsBinaryExpression;
+ /// \brief \c true if this token ends a binary expression.
+ bool EndsBinaryExpression;
+ /// \brief Is this the last "." or "->" in a builder-type call?
+ bool LastInChainOfCalls;
+ /// \brief Is this token part of a \c DeclStmt defining multiple variables?
+ ///
+ /// Only set if \c Type == \c TT_StartOfName.
+ bool PartOfMultiVariableDeclStmt;
+ bool is(tok::TokenKind Kind) const { return; }
+ bool isOneOf(tok::TokenKind K1, tok::TokenKind K2) const {
+ return is(K1) || is(K2);
+ }
+ bool isOneOf(tok::TokenKind K1, tok::TokenKind K2, tok::TokenKind K3) const {
+ return is(K1) || is(K2) || is(K3);
+ }
+ bool isOneOf(tok::TokenKind K1, tok::TokenKind K2, tok::TokenKind K3,
+ tok::TokenKind K4, tok::TokenKind K5 = tok::NUM_TOKENS,
+ tok::TokenKind K6 = tok::NUM_TOKENS,
+ tok::TokenKind K7 = tok::NUM_TOKENS,
+ tok::TokenKind K8 = tok::NUM_TOKENS,
+ tok::TokenKind K9 = tok::NUM_TOKENS,
+ tok::TokenKind K10 = tok::NUM_TOKENS,
+ tok::TokenKind K11 = tok::NUM_TOKENS,
+ tok::TokenKind K12 = tok::NUM_TOKENS) const {
+ return is(K1) || is(K2) || is(K3) || is(K4) || is(K5) || is(K6) || is(K7) ||
+ is(K8) || is(K9) || is(K10) || is(K11) || is(K12);
+ }
+ bool isNot(tok::TokenKind Kind) const { return Tok.isNot(Kind); }
+ bool isObjCAtKeyword(tok::ObjCKeywordKind Kind) const {
+ return Tok.isObjCAtKeyword(Kind);
+ }
+ bool isAccessSpecifier(bool ColonRequired = true) const {
+ return isOneOf(tok::kw_public, tok::kw_protected, tok::kw_private) &&
+ (!ColonRequired || (Next && Next->is(tok::colon)));
+ }
+ bool isObjCAccessSpecifier() const {
+ return is(tok::at) && Next && (Next->isObjCAtKeyword(tok::objc_public) ||
+ Next->isObjCAtKeyword(tok::objc_protected) ||
+ Next->isObjCAtKeyword(tok::objc_package) ||
+ Next->isObjCAtKeyword(tok::objc_private));
+ }
+ /// \brief Returns whether \p Tok is ([{ or a template opening <.
+ bool opensScope() const {
+ return isOneOf(tok::l_paren, tok::l_brace, tok::l_square) ||
+ Type == TT_TemplateOpener;
+ }
+ /// \brief Returns whether \p Tok is )]} or a template closing >.
+ bool closesScope() const {
+ return isOneOf(tok::r_paren, tok::r_brace, tok::r_square) ||
+ Type == TT_TemplateCloser;
+ }
+ /// \brief Returns \c true if this is a "." or "->" accessing a member.
+ bool isMemberAccess() const {
+ return isOneOf(tok::arrow, tok::period) &&
+ Type != TT_DesignatedInitializerPeriod;
+ }
+ bool isUnaryOperator() const {
+ switch (Tok.getKind()) {
+ case tok::plus:
+ case tok::plusplus:
+ case tok::minus:
+ case tok::minusminus:
+ case tok::exclaim:
+ case tok::tilde:
+ case tok::kw_sizeof:
+ case tok::kw_alignof:
+ return true;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ bool isBinaryOperator() const {
+ // Comma is a binary operator, but does not behave as such wrt. formatting.
+ return getPrecedence() > prec::Comma;
+ }
+ bool isTrailingComment() const {
+ return is(tok::comment) && (!Next || Next->NewlinesBefore > 0);
+ }
+ prec::Level getPrecedence() const {
+ return getBinOpPrecedence(Tok.getKind(), true, true);
+ }
+ /// \brief Returns the previous token ignoring comments.
+ FormatToken *getPreviousNonComment() const {
+ FormatToken *Tok = Previous;
+ while (Tok != NULL && Tok->is(tok::comment))
+ Tok = Tok->Previous;
+ return Tok;
+ }
+ /// \brief Returns the next token ignoring comments.
+ const FormatToken *getNextNonComment() const {
+ const FormatToken *Tok = Next;
+ while (Tok != NULL && Tok->is(tok::comment))
+ Tok = Tok->Next;
+ return Tok;
+ }
+ /// \brief Returns \c true if this tokens starts a block-type list, i.e. a
+ /// list that should be indented with a block indent.
+ bool opensBlockTypeList(const FormatStyle &Style) const {
+ return Type == TT_ArrayInitializerLSquare ||
+ (is(tok::l_brace) &&
+ (BlockKind == BK_Block || Type == TT_DictLiteral ||
+ !Style.Cpp11BracedListStyle));
+ }
+ /// \brief Same as opensBlockTypeList, but for the closing token.
+ bool closesBlockTypeList(const FormatStyle &Style) const {
+ return MatchingParen && MatchingParen->opensBlockTypeList(Style);
+ }
+ FormatToken *MatchingParen;
+ FormatToken *Previous;
+ FormatToken *Next;
+ SmallVector<AnnotatedLine *, 1> Children;
+ /// \brief Stores the formatting decision for the token once it was made.
+ FormatDecision Decision;
+ /// \brief If \c true, this token has been fully formatted (indented and
+ /// potentially re-formatted inside), and we do not allow further formatting
+ /// changes.
+ bool Finalized;
+ // Disallow copying.
+ FormatToken(const FormatToken &) LLVM_DELETED_FUNCTION;
+ void operator=(const FormatToken &) LLVM_DELETED_FUNCTION;
+class ContinuationIndenter;
+struct LineState;
+class TokenRole {
+ TokenRole(const FormatStyle &Style) : Style(Style) {}
+ virtual ~TokenRole();
+ /// \brief After the \c TokenAnnotator has finished annotating all the tokens,
+ /// this function precomputes required information for formatting.
+ virtual void precomputeFormattingInfos(const FormatToken *Token);
+ /// \brief Apply the special formatting that the given role demands.
+ ///
+ /// Continues formatting from \p State leaving indentation to \p Indenter and
+ /// returns the total penalty that this formatting incurs.
+ virtual unsigned format(LineState &State, ContinuationIndenter *Indenter,
+ bool DryRun) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /// \brief Notifies the \c Role that a comma was found.
+ virtual void CommaFound(const FormatToken *Token) {}
+ const FormatStyle &Style;
+class CommaSeparatedList : public TokenRole {
+ CommaSeparatedList(const FormatStyle &Style) : TokenRole(Style) {}
+ virtual void precomputeFormattingInfos(const FormatToken *Token);
+ virtual unsigned format(LineState &State, ContinuationIndenter *Indenter,
+ bool DryRun);
+ /// \brief Adds \p Token as the next comma to the \c CommaSeparated list.
+ virtual void CommaFound(const FormatToken *Token) { Commas.push_back(Token); }
+ /// \brief A struct that holds information on how to format a given list with
+ /// a specific number of columns.
+ struct ColumnFormat {
+ /// \brief The number of columns to use.
+ unsigned Columns;
+ /// \brief The total width in characters.
+ unsigned TotalWidth;
+ /// \brief The number of lines required for this format.
+ unsigned LineCount;
+ /// \brief The size of each column in characters.
+ SmallVector<unsigned, 8> ColumnSizes;
+ };
+ /// \brief Calculate which \c ColumnFormat fits best into
+ /// \p RemainingCharacters.
+ const ColumnFormat *getColumnFormat(unsigned RemainingCharacters) const;
+ /// \brief The ordered \c FormatTokens making up the commas of this list.
+ SmallVector<const FormatToken *, 8> Commas;
+ /// \brief The length of each of the list's items in characters including the
+ /// trailing comma.
+ SmallVector<unsigned, 8> ItemLengths;
+ /// \brief Precomputed formats that can be used for this list.
+ SmallVector<ColumnFormat, 4> Formats;
+} // namespace format
+} // namespace clang
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